Newspaper Page Text
. FAU. CLOTHING? High ClassThat's the Story of th Line of Fall Clothing for As good as tailor made, bett custom suits. A Wealth of stylish Suits for Men. Somei in Scotch Cheviots and Fancy I and double breasted, plain or a every sense of the word. A unsurpassed line of Chi to $8.00. An unequaled line of Yot to $15.00. Anything you want her Goods. Time to think about a Fi here at pleasing prices. M. GUTM. Retail Department NEW GOODS?JOH New Goo< Reception Lamps, Fancy Salads, Ch Glassware, and Just Received a New Line of WALL PAPER. JOHN FRIEI 1 I 1110 ivtaisjST0VB3 AND RANOB3. Think of Fvery Gnod point a perfect cooking appll- ^ ance Mhould have?then oxamtne tho Cinderella Ranges. Makes kitchen work a pleasure. GOOD BAKERS-PERFECT ROASTERS Sold with that understanding. We have them in several styles. Call and ace them. 4 NESBIT'x & BRO., 1312 Market St. BgAI, B8TA.TB. J?J*J*FOR SALE.J,J?J? 2622 Market street, 6-room brick house, cneap. 29 N. Broadway, fine brick house. cheap. W2-934 Market street, double house, at a bargain. 32 Erie street, 4-room frame. 41 New Jersey street, G-room frame. 742 Main street at a bargain. 72 Indiana street, cheap. Millinery stock and lease on Main street Building lot* on the Island*and at Park View, Pleasant Valley, McMechen. Fifteenth street. Sixteenth street, Fourteenth atreet Theo. W. Fink & Co., Telephone 687. 1510 Mljjct St For Sale and For ReflL FOR SALE?A cheap home, two-ftOry brlek dwelllnor. 4 rooms and kitchen, on East McColloch street. Lot 20 by 120. Only 11,700. Terms easy. A very fine building: lot on north side of Fourteenth street. Two desirable building lots on Wood street, Eighth ward?on very easy terms. A two-itory frame dwelling. 5 rooms, with stable on lot. Lot && 100. South Chapline street. Eighth wfcflfl. Only 11.660; eauy terms. - - FOR RENT?An elegant tnodern resldenoe. 10 rooms and bath, hot and cold water, both ga?es, west side of Chapline, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets. Possession given October 1. A county residence with grounds. Inquire at once. C.A.SCBAEFERSCO.WS^ Telephone 617. FOB RENT, Now 462 National Road..?9 00 No. 12 Indiana street 15 00 No. 2i?6 North York street 10 00 No. 1610 Market street 20 00 *?o. zMI Allfjr ts 7 uu No. 20 Sixteenth street, bottling eelJar 12 00 No. 34 Sixteenth street, first floor.... 17 00 No. ITS Seventeenth street, 2 rooms.. 5 00 No. 2fi02 Main street, 3 rooms G 00 No. 3S27 Chapllne street, 2 rooms.... 4 00 3 rooms Second street, Martin's Far- ' ry, Ohio, natural gas fixtures for heat and light 7 00 FOR SALE. Desirable Market strcot property. JAMES A. HENRY, Ural Estate Agent, Collector, Notary Public and Pension Attorney, No. 1G12 . Main street. soH The Intelligencer.. Job Printing Office The largest and most eomploto Job Printing K?tabll?hment In the city and ono of tho most rxtcniilvo In tho Ohio Valloy. ** PoMwwes every facility for tho prompt execution of all kinds of work, from a Nrat Card or tri n Monster Po?tor, In any H* * Iv of color*, at tho shortest lie ,1 - a ml on tho mont reasonable t? rinn. Country merchants, farm rr? and others roqulrlng Htoro Ifllln. Public 8al? Ullle. etc., will find It to their n<1vuntHgo to cull at or athlrosn Tho lotulllgcnccr Job Prlntl&g OfHce. M. OUTMAK A 00. Low Price e Great Success of Our Men, Boys and Children. er in fact than many of the New Cloths and Patterns in irery striking and' nobby effects Worsted Suits, in both single itin faced suits that are fine in * Jdren's Vestee Suits from $1.75 jng Men's Clothing from $5.00 e in Clothing or Furnishing ill Overcoat Big line of them ' AN & CO., Main and Twelfth Sts. N FRIBDBL & CO. is. Hanging Lamps, Cake Plates, op Dishes, Celery Trays, Cut variety of Ornaments. DEL & CO., 8TRS-RT. dHeJntelUgenrer Offlaii No*. 95 and 27 lToarte?nth StriMU R'rw Adrrrtlirmcuts. For 8ale-Q. O. Smith. For 8aie?Howard Hazlett October?Opul Month?Dillon, Wheat & Hanchor Co.?Eighth Page. Wanted?A Middle Aged Woman. Real Ertato Title Insurance. Tenth Annual Pittsburgh Exposition. Let. Us Talk Underwear?McFadden's? Second Pnge. A Handkerchief Opportunity To-day? Stono & Thomas?Eighth Page. Shorthand?Typewriting. New McConvlllo Hotel. Whole Wheat Pancake Flour?H. F. Behrcns Co. For This Week?Geo. W. Johnson's Sons. tqik ADOui?ijiyi s urug store. We Have the Four Most Fashlonablo Colors?E. S. Dinger Co. 20,000. We have fitted more than twenty thou, unil pair* of Spectacles, kItIuk us a rtoord and experience unequalled by any other optician In West V try tula. 8a tie Caution guarnu1 ewd, JACOB VT. GRUDD, Optician, No. 1300 HsrKBt 8trtof. C. Hess & Sons' Fall Opening. FINE TAILORING?POPULAR PRICES. Regardless of advance In woolens, we are prepared to make to order tfulta, Overcoats and Tronters at last rear's reit need and populnr prices, old itO.OO up. Overcoat* flM.OO up. Pauts SO.00 up. The arttstlo out and atyiish appearance of oar carmeuts recommend themselves. Inviting inspection. C. HKH8 * SONS, Fashionable Tailors and Fine Furnishers. 1321 and 1323 Market Street. Received 000 Copies. State Commissioner of Labor Barton yesterday received GOO copie? of his an ouai report from the state printer, at Charleston; and will distribute them among local- labor bodies next week. Persons desiring a copy may get It free of charge at the Labor Bureau, 143, Sixteenth' stTeet. A Hlrthtl >jr Parly. Last evening, at the home of lier parents, Mr. and Mrs; Jt. O. Schenerleln, South Roff street, their winsome daughter, Carrie, celebrated her ninth birthday by giving a party to a number of her frieiklsi The evening was spent by the Httte folk* in games, and a tempting spread was served in the later hours. 'oC flnrlal Permit.. CityHeaflth Officer Jepson Issued the following burlat permits: Kathrine J. Wise, white; wMow, aged fifty-eight years; heart disease; 05 Twentieth street \fr?. W4mm. whlt#? widow? Thouannd* or Tongnn. The praise of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy is on every tonguo. This is not to bo wondered at. . Never before In the history of medi cine hns existed a remedy that so effectually fulfills its mission. Blood and * nerve disorders, as well as the many ills that are caused by such derangements, , yield ns if by maple to this great specific; the discovery of a great speclallnt ?-l>r. Greene, who 1ms effected more wonderful cures than any other living physician. The best of it all is, that Dr. Oreene. unlike other specialists, is accessible to rich and poor alike, for anyono who mny wish to consult him can do so free oC charge, by writing 3ilm or calling t upon him at his ofllce, 35 "West Fourteenth Street, New York City. Exesuion Tlekets to Pittsburg Bxponl. Hon. The Pennsylvania lines will sell excursion tickets to Pittsburgh Thursday r>f each week until October 20. Tickets " Kood returning three days, Irciudlnc ' late of sale. Rate. 92.25, including admission to exposition. tu&w Dr. IIIIm'JRt In F/l/saroRuarartcod ton ton 1\e.adachv :-?> n Isutcj. coi.t a cJoso." aged fifty years; chronic crystltls; 1165 Market street. In Clerk RoberUutii'g Oilier. Yesterday, In Clerk Robertson's office, a marriage license was lamed to William Smith, aged tn-enty-rti years, and Jennie Ooldsboraugb, aged twenty-four years, of WheoHnff. James R. Burge qualified as administrator of the estate of W. D. Burge; bond 1500, with \V. W. McCornicll as surety. The wlHs of Jhcob Rauch and Ida B. Fonner wer admitted' to probate. Tile V. M. C. A. Coar> * Thi Young Men's Christian Association's annual course of lectures and entertainments will open on Monday evening with Alexander Black's picture play "Mine Jerry." Seats will be reserved this morning at the Y. M. C. A. building. "Miss Jerry" Is a. bright, witty, entertaining story, with a series of the most remarkable pictures ever put before an audience. The entire courso of entertainments Is blgh class and will surely plesse. Iron Anil fftnnl Trail*. The Ohio Valley Manufacturer, In Its Usuo yesterday, says: Trade Is moving along smoothly; whllo there Is not enough of new business to Interlerc with the fulfillment of old contracts, there Is sufficient to take up the surplus and prevent accumulations of VtOCKU. rrice? ao noi vary ui310 40 notch for Bessemer pig metal anA 516 for billet*. No change of feature In any respect in to be noted, present conditions arc satisfactory, the outlook Is promising and confidence controls. DONATION DAY at Rescue Home. Low Itatrs to Omaha anil'Kansas City * Tin It. A <>. Ootrtber 17 th?* Baltimore & Ohio will BoII excursion tlckft* to Oinaha and re- , turrv at rate of $27 25, and to Kansns City for $2". i:>. good twen<y-ono days from date of wile. For information apply to aacnla or T. C. Burke, P. & T. A. WHEELING IN A WALK The Local Knights of Pythias Captured the Grand Lodge. THE ONLY OTHER ASPIRANT WAS MORGANTOWN. A TOWN THAT'S ALL RIGHT, BUT WASN'T IN IT FOB A MINUTE WITH W HE E LIN G ? RAVEN'SWOOD CAPTURED THE FIRST PRIZE IN THE COMPETITIVE DRILL. BERNARD BHANLEY COMPANY DID NOT COMPETE Wheeling won out by an overwhelming majority at Blatenville yesterday morning?the grand lodge of West Virginia oJ the Knights of Pythias decided by a majority that nearly approached unanimity, that the 1899 meeting would be htld In Wheeling. This city's only opponent was Morgantown, and the j Monongalia metropolis wasn't In It for I a minute with this old town, -rue Pythlans of the state will not regret having taken thla action; Wheeling Pythlans and her people generally will see to It that thejr are entertained here In a manner that will make next rear's grand lodge meeting one to be remembered. Before the afternoon session of the grand lodge at SlstersrUle, the members and the Uniform Rank companies marched to the Ohio River passenger station <o receive Supreme Chancellor Commander Thomas E. Sample, of Allegheny. The line was then reformed and proceeded to the high school building, where the sessions of the grand lodge were held. During the afternoon Commander Sampie addressed the body, and In the course of his talk complimented West Virginia's grand lodge upon the excellent showing that had been made during the past year. Al me Ulgui eeaaiuu iuc eiwtiuu vi officers took place. The only cohtest woe for grand outer guard, and tbe successful candidate was Oscar C. Wilkes, of Aurora, Preston county. Tbe other officers were each promoted, and tbe result was as follows: Grand chancellor?S. A. Posten. Grand vice chancellor?S. V. Bennedum. Grand prelate?Maner Jenkins. Grand keeper of records and seals?M. H. Smith. Grand master of exchequer?C. H. Wolfes. Grand master-at-arms?B. F. Sayre. Grand Inner guard?W. L. Mansfield, Grand outer guard?Oscar C. Wilkes. The competitive drill was held in the afternoon. Ravenswood company took flrst prise and Sisteraville second. Bernard Shanley company, of Wheeling, did not contest, not having the requisite number of men on hand. The Wheeling company, it Is believed, would have won bad It contested. The exhibition HHIl In th? fivpnlner WOK Etonned On aC (count of the rain which began at 7 o'clock and continued steadily. After the transaction of routing business, the grand lodge adjourned last night, and most of the visiting knights left Slslersville on the night trains. . THE NEW id: COMPANY Stockholders Blet Laat Slight and Kloctcd Directors, who will Mwt to Orgnnixr on Mondnr?a ?lto for the Plant to 1m.1*. lectcd Soon. Last evening, at the city bull ding:, In the chamber of the first branchi of council, & meeting of the stockholders of tne newiy rormea.- jfeopie s ice ? oiurasu Company was held for the purpose of electing directors and transacting oth- , er business. The folrtowing board of directors was chosen: Charfes B. Lenimon, E. 13. Carney, Charles R. Goetze, H. Wr. Thurber, Jacob Korn, Jacob Deboldv WUIUutt Carenbauer, Frank Heat!^v A. Hottmann, The directors meet next Monday evening, at the mayor's office, to organize. At the same meeting the directors will take steps toward selecting a site for the new ice- ' making plant, and abx> ask for bids for the machinery, etc. Several sites i have been looked at, and one will probably be settled on Monday. ! The stockholders l<a#t night paid in their first instalment on their stock, and other instalments will be paid at frequent interval as the money is need eo. j.*ne company prwiiuow iv mum, u.a production to the amount of ice wanted by its stockholders, and according to < present vlnns no ice will be made for outside consumption; The following' are the stockholders of i the company: Hess, Lenunon & Co., ' Theodore Wentze!, V. Bteifus, Dlgie Meyers, Jacob Korn- & Son, Bader & Maurer, A. H&ttman; Netl Qui on, H; W. Thurber, Charles R. Goetze, Herman I Z wicker, Edward Schreiner, Ixniis Zleg- i ler, Charles Seltter, Boadwing & i Schneider, J. D. WHkle, I?\ J. Healy, Wllkie & Tyson, Charles Bauer, Hoff- ? man Brothers, W. H. Sherry, Stolze i Bros. & Co., Joseph Korn, Gundllng & 1 Carenbauer, B. Gardner, Jacob Debohl, I Joseph Buch, Mlohael Agnic, Henry ' Braunstrop, C. Oberman* Josephi Weis gerber, Harry Bearley, W. R. Stoop, ' E. B. Carrvey, H. F. Nolte, Frank Hen- f nfcs, Ix Trusch, Philip KocherU John Rehm, C. F. Otto, John Hock, Burkle Bros., Nick Dusch. Poter Felsheim, I WflMam Brlcekwd', Pau^ Riedc!, AugustSchad; Ia F. Gorgelln\ D. Nolan; F. H. Getho, Thomas HaJpln, C. EX Van Keu- ] ren, Lester West, Rcdicker Bros., Otto Tyson, Wtoterharlter Bros., William Nickdson, Andrew McGinley, Galla Mitchell. DON'T. Don't talk politic! to lull" or dry' eoods to gentlemen! Good ante will endorao neither. Don't think fcccauie you b?v# aoeccedetl In one ttalnt #rou can auceeca In all! Few people succeed even In one thing. Don't think yourself physically omnipotent! The weakest persons and the shortest lived frequently feel the best Don't delay when you feel weslc, languid or debilitated! Take something to stimulate your energies at once. Don't think that any stimulant will do! Doctors, scientists and the best authorities aeree th&4 pure whiskey la the but stimulant. Don't be deceived Into using an Inferior whiskey! Remember that the moat popular, the pureat, the moat powerful and the moit valuable whiskey ta Duffy's Pure Malt, and that It has been so admitted for yeara. Don't let rour dealer deceive you or Impose upon you by saying he haa "something Just as good," or "something he can recommend." He haa ln? terested motives. LOCAL BBOTrim Mallcnaf Minor MoimU In tiul About (ha ciir. Grand thla evening?Wilson Theatre Company.. The new Ice company elected! directors last night. Wheeling gets the 1899 grand'lodre of the West Virginia Knights of Pythias. "Open house" at the county Infirmary yesterday attracted !? cltltens during the afternoom The wifo of Rev.'Mr. Smith, of Weston, was taken to McMaster's hospital lost night, la the city ambulance. Pythian. Ca?He_to-night?Meeting of WeDffter district Kepuuncauit, w uu ??dressed by Senator Whltaker and Mr. P. W. Neebitt. This afternoon at 2 o'clock, before Squire Roger*, Charles Powell will get a hearing on the charge of defacing and Injuring Benjamin Heston'* wagon. Powell Is one of a crowd of Caldwell's run boys charged with the offense, but the cases sgalnst the other* were compromised. David Llewellyn, of Martin'* Ferry, who ha* resigned his position a* night manager at the Aetna-Standard, will go to Cambridge to superintend a sheet mill at that place. The vacancy at the Aetna-Standard will be filled byCharles Potts, who Is capablo and worthy fit the position. A few people braved the cold weather and lateness of the Beason and left on the Mackinac excursion yesterday via the Cleveland, Lorain ft Wheeling railway. Of those who left -were H. Ersklne and .wife, John Parks and family, Samuel Long aad a party of six fishermen, Doc McConnahey and John C. De vine. Till: RAILROADS. It is reported that several of the largest railroad companies In the United States are planning to move for a reduction in sleeping car rates. It Is proposed to have all the roads In the country using Pullman cars unite in an' appeal to this company to make a reasonable reduction in the rates charged for upper and lower berths in sleepingcars, and In the rates for seats in the chair-cars. The first move in the campaign for lower sleeping and chair-car rates will be made, it Is said, at the coming convention of the American Association of General Passenger and Ticket Agents, which convenes at Detroit, Mich., next Tuesday. A resolu tlon will probably be Introduced by the general passenger agents of the biggest eastern roads favoring & reduction In present berth rates, particularly in the price of upper berths. THE SOUTH'S PROGRESS. The wonderful progress which the south has been making in ali lines of industrial, commercial and intellectual development has been most fittingly set j forth in a magnificent volume, which, after months of careful preparation, ha9 just been issued by the Southern railway. This book, the title of which, "The ' Empire of the South," conveys an idea of Its character, is beyond question one of the most comprehensive and at the 1 same time artistic publications ever Issued from the press. It contains nearly 200 octavo pages, over 400 exquisitely pnnicu uusirauuiis, suu niuncs it presentation of Southern Interest* in all lines of human activity, which for thor- j ouhgness of treatment has never been I approached. The opening chapter of the book, under the caption of "The South, Yesterday, To-day and To-morrow," discusses in a broad and forcible manner the present and future of the southern states, treating at considerable length the various Interests, such as agriculture, cotton, tobacco. Iron, coal, resorts, climate, etc. Following this are chapters devoted to each of the states south of th9 Ohio and Potomac, and east of the Mississippi rivers. These give a brief, Interesting sketch of the early history of each state, and then touch upon ell Its Important ac- i tlvltles, showing the progress being J made not only by tho state itself, but by the leading cities. Million* Olton A war* It Is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern In the land who are not afraid to he generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medldclne; and have the satisfaction of knowing that it .has abso- ! lutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. /Ysthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by It. Call on Logan Drug Co., and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and Si. Everv bottlo ( guaranteed, or price refunded, 3 DIED. | RATI/?On Wednesday, Octobor 12, 3898, at 12:30 p. m., ELIZABETH, wife of O. W. Rayl, aged 80 years, 2 months and 11 days. Funeral from the residence of her hu?- , band, No. 735 Market street, on Friday . afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of tho ' family Invited to attend. Interment at Greenwood cemetery. Pleaso omit flowers. * UNDERTAKING. T PUIS BERTSCHY^ } funeral Director and Arterial Embalmor. till M?ln mrw, 8M?. Calls by Telephone Answered Day or Night. Storo Telephono CSa Residence, 608. Assistant's Tela phono, 60S. hi? ALEXANDER FREW. I, Funeral Director and Embaimer, J 1208 MAIN ST. Under Competent Management. i THcphnne,?more. 220: Iteslilrneo, TJO. 3liUEMMER&HILDEBR ANdT C fllNLRAL UlRtCIORS AND IMOALMIRS, , (enter Market end lit Street! j Telephone 207. Oiiun Vixy and Mitht. mm <m?flxwa-i For Style and Fi1 See Hundreds Who Wear Kraus Bros'. Qol Every line, every curve correct, as you will admit "Kraus Bros'. Clothing Wheeling?a bold statement, b Invra; jvhereni we sneak. All prove it to you. Our goods are made foi in the country, and none but r come into our store. Our magnificent FALL complete, and we are offering a your trade byt deserving it. \ KRAUS WHEELING'S FORE! a n_? otricuy une rnte. , MEN'S OLOTHPTQ-I Fall and Winter Suit Time. Nothing to ga Fall and Wint well see the s choice of it all. in a suit that and pocketbook you came in. I ways, don't bi mind, come bac get every cent $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 for I Young Men's Tall and Winf D. Gundli 34 AND 36 TW LA-DIES' BUIT8-QEC Geo. R. Taylc I! yon are contemplating a ffcPf trip and desire a ?- L"*LI oili/ac' Toilftf MUI1M J UilUi Hade Suits. In this deportment will also be found the latest novelties of the season In the wrap line. Cloaks. Velvet Coats in the "Louis Phllllpe" stylta. Golf Capes In many new plain and plaid designs, with the new circular flounce. English Frock Coats In tan, gray, blue and black, very becoming to tall, slender figures. Stylish Short Jackets in box-front, half-fitting and tlght-flttlng, with covered darts and hip seam. All of these garments In the best qualities and make, and at prices that will be satisfactory to the purchaser. Fnrs. We are showing an endless variety of Fur Garments In Coats, Capes and Collarettes, Seal, Blue Fox, Persian Lamb and Sable vie with each other for preference this season. ? Geo. R. Tayl< WNANOTAL. J. LAMB. Proa. JOS. 8EYBOLD. Cashier. J. A- JEFFERSON, Au't Cashier. BANK OF~WHEELING. CAPITAL 200.000, PAID IN. .WHEELING, W. .VA. DIRECTOR& Allen Brock, Joseph F. Paull, I James Cummins, Henry Bleberson, A. Rcymann, Joseph Seybold. Gibson Lamb. Interest paid on special deposits. Issues drafts on lOnsland. Ireland and Jcotlond. JOSEPH SEYBOLD, , my 11 Cashier. J^XCHANGE BANK. CAPITAL.....? 9300,000. r. N. VANCE President OHN FREW Vies President * E. SANDS Cashier VM. B. IRVINE Ass't. Cashier DIRECTORS. r. N. Vane?, George E. Stlfel, f. M. Brown, William Elllngham, folio Prow, John I* Dickey* folin WaterhouRO^ ' Drafts Ismicd on England, Ireland* ScoN and and all polnts_In Europa. gANK OF. THE OHIO .VALLEY. CAITTAL. .-... 175,000. VILT.TAM A. T8ETT.... ETw!1ftnS I tORTIMER POLLOCK.... Vlca Prealdant Draftn on England, Ireland. Franca and j Icrmnny. DIRECTORS. : .ViIliatia A. lBQtt. Mvi'timer Pollock, . A. Millar, Robert Hlinpaon, 2. M. Atkinson. C. M. Frlascll, Jitllun Pollock. . v Jail J. A. MILLER. Cathlor. J DULUS BROS. thes. v| , every detail of our stilts are I " is the best for the money fa J nit it's absolutely correct We I we ask is an opportunity to I us by the best manufacturers!] eliable goods. No shoddy can jl AND WINTER STOCK is now j stonishing values. We expect J ~BROS? MOST CLOTHIERS, 1319 Market Street. ' ? '1 ). QUNDLING & CO. ; in by putting off buying er Clothes; you may as j tock when full and have J When you see yourself ! fits you?body and mind .J too, you'll be glad that | f we don't fit you all three J ly. If you change your J :k for your money?you'll | Men's and jer Suits. nsr & Go., ' I ELFTH STREET. >. R. TAYLOR 00. 9 >r Company. ' f> r> that wl!l be saltible to wtarior i >> any occasion you will fled It 1 among our - . Dress Goods. Never before has there been a greater. M variety of now and beautiful fabrics \ vn shown than we are displaying tibia sea- c j son. For street wear you will find the . -->! IMM* Dimwiwi tSB Cybellne, Camel's Hair, Cheviot, English Suitings, Clay Diagonals. Venetian tfgfl and Broad Cloths. For the bouse and V .jX evening toilettes there are Chemlle, Figured Nets, ChenUle Corded Pope- 1 A line. Embroidered Moussellne. Brussels ,~3 Nets In black, pink, scarlet, bluet, yetlow and white. Pompadour effects in ?g Taffeta, and plain and fancy BUks'of all 3 the newest weaves and designs. Lingerie. r>nr iin* of fjirnhrio icd MuaSn * Co* derwear Is ENTIRELY NEW, sad an Inspection of the many new and dainty . M garments shown will moro than repay M you lor the trouble. Pretty Frcich -'j Flounce Bklrta, with Valenciennes and g Thread Lace trimmings for evening ,?j wear: also new designs In French Cor- .>& set Covers, Bodices, Gowns and Chemise. - .rig Knit Underwear In all weights for all seasons, for Isdlss and children, and at all prices, ranging from 124c to $6.00 a garment. We -j. are also sole agents for the world renown^ DR. JAEGER'S HEAI/TH UNDERWEAR. We have added the W. B. Corset to oar corset department. Dr Corrmanv. I 1 ! PLUMBING, STO. . WM. F. C. SCflNEUE || "sTtiSftnfSt" | Dealer in all goods pertaining to the trad* 2012 Main Street. Telephone 37. Wheeling, W. Ya, VJ JJOBERT W. KYLE, Practical Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter. No. 1156 Market street Gas and JClectrlo Chandeliers, Filters, ind Taylor Gas Burners a specialty, mrl ^y-lLLlAM HARJa A SON, Practical Plumbers, Gas and Steam ntte,'* No. a Twelfth Stmt Work don# promptly At reaeonahl# prlcafc TRIMBLE & LITZ COMPANY. SUPPLY HOUSE ? . | PLUMBING AND OAS FITTING, ' ITKAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. I full lln? of tho eelibnted BN'OW STKAM 1M;MP3 T"LITKTNDS OP PI,AIM AND FANCT /V Priming. An entire now lino of sum- -i of Pall ProKrammou. Ticket* ami InIttttlona nt nil prices at tho lnicUigeucar ob Printing Omco. a