Newspaper Page Text
-T. , .av LADIB8' WHAPS-STC Stone & A Saturday Sale of LADIES' WRAP* New arrivals to this great departmc and see this stock now. You have a tlian you will later on, ami as for prit than anywhere in the city. Ladies' Fine AH-Wool Kersey Jackets, Fly or Box Front, all sizes, Vclv Look around and see if you can ii to match them at this price Ladies' Fine Kersey Cloth Jackcts throughout with fine Satin. You w where less than $10.00. Our prfc Ladies' Fine Imported Kersey and '\ Black and Colors. Strap Seams, Collars. A magnificent assortment SMALL FURS. Ladies' io-inch Elcctric Seal Collare Fancy Linings- See these to-day. Ladies' Electric Seal Collarettes, with with Eight Large Marten Tails, A; a regular $9.00 value. .To-day at. Finer grades Collarettes; also Fin ing on up to $150 each. Your inspect* HOSIERY. Five cases Ladies' and Children's All Narrow or Wide Ribbed. Would To-day per pair Two cases' Ladies' All-Wool Cashme Silk Fleeced Hose, with Elastic value ever offered by this store. 1 The Suit Department, The Underwea All have special values for ; here prevents enumerating. . Stone & 8ILK8 ANB DBBSB GOODS-4 Snook iEXACTINC quality or pri it, expecting t tion. We a: very careful opposed to thoroughly s< the sources c known merit Know h cannot help ? E you-b only becausi ? the unexcelle resources of Geo. M. Snook & Our J898-9 fall and winter centaee of "live selling" styles tl here for every requirement of ba people. SPECIAL goods for w? narHr vjrAAincr. street, travelinor I '/ r ?r ? '?ft "Automobile," j the latest Parisian color-craze, \ is here, so are all the other '* leading popular colors. "Venetian," Ja the newest and swellest of hair : t thread twill cloths, is also here, : s and with it all the other lead- *! in? weaves, both plain and j ( fancy. | s OUR TALE would only 1 mention our wonderfully comp and LININGS. ^Special c The Beady-Made Section, The Small Goods Section, The Cbinaware Section, The Domestic Section, The Men's hraisbiag Section, The flonse Famisbing Section, ; GFO. M. SN M Hf?"? THQliAfl. Thomas, j > tit daily. Want you to come . better variety to sclect from ^ :es you will "find them lower I Faced and Half Lined, ct Collars. See them. nd anything in the city $4.98 U , Box Fronts, Lined " . 'ill not match them else- P7 IK e <PliTl? rcnetian Goth Jackets, with or without Velvet fl>Q Qfi t at this price, each..,, (pUii/ll 1 ttes, Astraehan Yokes, <PQ AO J At each ipa.uO 11 22-inch Tabs, trimmed i strachan Yokes. Here's $6.90 e Fur Capes at prices rang- 1 on solicited. : * i ?? | -Wool Cashmere Hosej j be the best value at 25c. 19c. re or Superior Quality Ribbed Tops, the best ^ o-aay per pair ======= 1 i < ir Department, The Glove Department, t'ou to-day, which spacc 1 i Thomas. ; ?. I 3E0. M. SNOOK & CO. &Co. Ifou a Silk or 1 i Goods Want, , } as to color, weave, design, J ice? Game to this store with 1 he fullest measure of satisfac- ? e hard to please ourselves? U> WW** BViWfcUUIW WWWWbWi 7 paying "long" prices. We , :arch the markets?ferret out t if supply?buy only goods of ( and approved style. c iow to buy right; therefore \ jelling right. s uy away from Wheeling, it's : you DO NOT KNOW of :d and constantly improving ' Co. jf- j? jt \ line contains a larger per- < >an any previous one. Goods t be, child, miss or grown-up ! lists?for separate skirts?for ' or home dresses. \t I9c Yard ! ve are showing a special col- i n iu ' &UUVU ux uuuu^i wuruu | ip to 50c yard. J \t 39c Yard ' Iso another special line, worth ip to 65c yard. But all the pecial values are not confined 1 o these two lines?you'll find hem at every Silk and Dress Joods couhter in our Main treet room. be half tcld if we failed to lete lines of TRIMMINGS oncessions to Dress Makers. Eack and all are alive with ine world s cnoiccst proaaci. OOK&CO. k BHOIS?AMXAWPKB. The *? 3est Shoe S? rot w MTU "The Wheeling g? &5>. Shoe." let because we say so, MAKE US ?t because we ore able PROVE o prove it. IT. 21 ?tyte??aay kind of iMtlw jroa w?et>*.*?. ALEXANDER, MAA ^aimr Mam ikJWNJI Wll OPAL MONTH. October ?= OPAL ' MONTH AND OPALS ARE IN FAVOR. There is that of beauty about tho opal rhlch endear* it to thousands who canlot claim It as a blrthstone, and probably he sem was never In greater favor than low. "* We have a grand line of Opal and Diamond Jewelry. Richest styles ever shown, lings $2.50 and upwards. Dillon, Wheat & Hancfaer Co. JftaJnteUijenrer Office: >o?. S5 and *7 Fourteenth Street. N?w AdvrrtlermettU. Opera House?lime. Fannlo Bloomfleld Every House?Max Klein. Day and Night School?Ohio Valley Buslie*s and English Academy. Small Sifted Peas? H. F. Behrens Co. Notice?H. O. Zanc. List of Letters. For Kent?Geo. J. Mathlson. Lost?Ladles' Pocketbook. General Agent Wanted. If You Aro Seeking an Investment. Stockholders' Meeting?Wheeling Bulldng Association. Mutual Savings Bank?Second Page. 7&c Flannelette Night Shirts for 49c?Mcfadden's?Second Pago. Have You a Silk or Dress Goods Want?? 3eo. M. Snook & Co.?Eighth Page. A Saturday Sale of Ladles' Wrap*? Jtone & Thomas?Eighth Page. Fickle Autumn Days?Sixth Page. Doing Great Work?Second Page. Never Give Up?Second Page. Found?A Gentleman's Dressing Case. Goetxe's Reliable Cough Cure?Goetze's 3rug-Store. Tho Early Use of Violet Cream?R. H. Jst. 120,000 to Loan on Improved City Real Sstate?Howard Haxlott. For This Week?Geo. .W. Johnson's Sons. Silk Hats?B. 8. Dinger Co. Cinderella Ranges-Nesbltt & Bro. 20.000. Wt h?v? fitted more than twenty then* land pairs of Spectacles, n* a r?e?rd and xparfenc* nneqtialled by >thcr optician In West Virginia. Satljfao ion n?raii'?<*4, JACOB W. UKI7BB, Optician, No. 1300 Market Street. C. Hess & Sons' Tall Opening. FINE TAILORING?POPULAR PRICES. Regardless of advance In wooleus, we ire prepared to make to order Salt*, Overcoats and Troneers at last year's r?luced and populnr price*. *ults 20.00 ip. Overcoat* 018.00 up. Pants r>.00 ip. The artistic cat and stylish appearnice of our garments recommend themwives. luvttlug inspection. O. H KSS * SO.fB, Fashionable Tailors and Flue Furnisher:, 1381 and 1833 .Market Street City Tni Notice. But a few days more remain in vMeh to pay city taxes and save the liscount. Interest at the rate of 10 per rent per annum wlrt be addedi after November 10. The city collector's office Vfll be open continuously from 8 o'clock L m. to o O'CIOCK p. "fc aumiK i*u? weeiu JAMES K. HALL, _ City Collector. Iti Clerk Kctbrriioii'i Office. Yesterday, In Clerk Robertson's office, :wo deeds of trust and the following ransfer of real estate were recorded: Deed made October 27, 1898, by P. J. Jllllgan nnd wife to Alonzo A. Rust; . onslderatlon, $100 and a judgment on n leed of trust for $2,600; transfers lot 19 is laid out by Hoge & White In E. A. Jane's addition. Wm Artlnv Strmiffcly* William A. Hess, a Sixth ward man, v&s arrested yesterday by Officer Bero, >n a lunacy warrant. The unfortunate nan has been acting strangely of late, ind on one occasion he threatened to lake his life. As It is thought his aflietlon Is but temporary, he will under:o treatment at Hasklns* hospital, and Squire Oreer has postponed his hearing ndeflnitely. _ A Lrclnre on i'abn. A small audience was attracted- to the FJb*n<?zer Baptist church laat night, to tear a talk on Cufca, by a native of that Htanu. UT. JVt'IIVp CIUU|1? IV uu u. luunm >f General Mtasso. His remark* on Cu?a. wore read for the most part from newspaper clipping?. The majority of his hearers left the church before he Inlshed. Doubt was expressed that lie irat a native of Cuba. He travels from place to place, lecturing to colored j>eople. A .lloBntxlti Cllmbor. One of the most delightful lectures thin season will be that of Miss Annie 3. Peck, A. M., the celebrated mountain climber. Her th?*mo will be "To the Summit of the Matterhorn," and It will be moat beautifully Illustrated. The lecttire will be given tit the music hall uf Minigaii & Wilkin, next Tuesday evening, November 1, und there is no doubt but what a large uudiencc will greet the accomplished lecturer. The Boston uer.uu pays mis muuie 10 int? fulr mountain climber: Tor various mountain climbing there i? certainly nothing better than Miss Annie S. Peck's story of her climb to the summit of the Matterhorn. She save the trip in o simple narrative form, that hnd the vivid touch of personal experience, and her talk was capitally illustrated on the screen. Miss Peck's experience Was under favorable conditions anil each step In the ascent was brought home to the audience with life-like precision In the combined effort of the narrator and the photographer. The hall was filled and the spectators paid the lecturer th" tribute of the closest at? tentlon throughout. DOLLAR Foster Patent Kid Gloves 69 cents at THE BON TON. OABTOIIIA. Bon tbo KM Y00 Haw Al??s BmijM COL. NEVIN SPOKE la JUrUn'n Ferry Last Night Be- t fore a Large Audience. HIE ADMINISTRATION'S RECORD WAS GIVEN- A HIGH TRIBUTE) BY TUB ELOQUENT DAYTONIAN, WHO IS ONE OP THE BEST SPEAKERS IN THE BUCKETS STATE ? GENERAL ROLLINGS- "" WORTH'S APT STATEMENT Z THAT THE BUST SHULS ABE WTO vurtCT Afl&UI&RlN*P IN. THIS I K~, CAMPAIGN'. ra 1 ma The campaign was formally opened vet In Martin's Ferry- last night with a ft rousing meeting at the opera house, 113 Which was well filled wltte citizens of that place and vicinity who had assem- sia bled: to hear CoK Robert Kevin, of ha< Dayton, and General D. A. Hollingsworth, of Cadiz, speak from a Repubii- q^( can standpoint. Col, Nevln is an orator of no ordi- on nary merit, who has a commanding Influence over his audience, and who is ^ thoroughly acquainted with'the prtucl- Th pies of his party, and 1* gifted with the Ki. knack of expounding them in a pleas- ' Ing, forcible and convincing manner. tjc] The audience was a highly appreciative one, which was evidenced by the at ten- . 1 tion paid the speaker. Mr. West wood introduced as chairman of the meeting MUyor Shlpman, Jr* who presided in a graceful manner, Sr and introduced the Hon. DD. A. Hollingsworth, who epoke briefly of the Re publican administration in war and 1.", peace. He said that he had no particuJar arguments to make, but that the ? mills and factories throughout the ?, width and) breadth of the land were witnesses of prosperity under Republican government, and* that the results of the Dlngley bill, as well as the results of every message and order of President McKlnley were sufficient proof of their " wisdom. General Hollingaworth closed D., his address by stating that the crowd xej had assembled to hear Col. Nevin, who was one oI Vhe greatest men in eloquence, as well as in Republicanism and the avoirdupois in the state. The general's is speech was well received, and he took ge: his seat amidst a round- of applause and demonstrations of approval. Col. Nevin, u>pott being introduced by tro the chairman, stepped to the foot-Mghts mz and asked If anyone present could sug- gor gesb a single argument used by the Democrats why the present admlnistra- 9ni tion should not be endorsed by the vo- era ters at the polls on the eighth day of cl? November. las He said that Spain would be gratified of to have the Democratic ticket elected, lod as it would show that the people of this great'country did not endorse the* acts 1 of the present administration, and that 113 he would venture the cold-blooded as- to" ertlon that it Spaniards were allowed ?ra to vote here this fal) tney would vote brs unanimously for the Democratio candidates. ^ <wv1nn<tl rrnlro In flLVOT ftf the Wll United States retaining- all the territory |*v over which the stars and- stripes now Sai Act, in opposition to any foreign government on- the "Western hemisphere, ^ except reptfbMcs, and in: favor of the str Nicaragua canal. ?nt The speaker said trtien war was dedared against Spain, the United States army had not more than 2C.000 soldiers. 0 while Spain had 200,000 well armed and 8ln well equipped regular soldiers in Cufoa. with entrenchments and fortifications, ' besides the vohinteer Spaniards in Cuba; when President McKtnley called J"? for 200,OOu volunteers a million stalwart ?"j citizens from every vocation offered their services: That Genera* Shafter, with 18,000 volunteers and regulars. *{V fought the battle of El Caney, . and forced the Spanish general behind' his fortifications to sue for peace and sur- -A render 28,000 soldiers, together with Eastern Cuba and the gateways of the the island. He said that the war began with a telegram from President Mk> J" v^1?" *? fummrtdrtN* nptl'pv to CO and hOI take tho Philippines, and hold, them, which he promptly did. The President A ordered all these thing? done at the instance of the people of the United States; now will the people refuse to !*>' Kirpport the administration by voting Wo the Democratic ticket? Meister's concert band furnished the -A music on the streets before the meeting. ^ ; and in the opera house between the ad- *n*a dresses. Considering the fact thait nearly nil of i the men in Martin's Ferry are at work, ors the meeting was well attended, and a sloj decided success. A number of ladies nt were In tho audience. tioi ? bo I. O. 0. F. GENERAL COMMITTEE Thl of Meets and Arranges for the Approaching Grand Lodge Meeting. pnf Last night the general committee of rhu the local lodges I. O. O. F. met and per- at 1 fected arrangements for the entertainment of the grand lodge which meets In 8in Wheeling. November 16. The general committee Is made up as follows: A Franklin lodge?William Johnson, F. wll D. Thomas, J. A. Taylor. nln Excelsior lodge? D. W. Martin, William H. Hornish, Eugene Letters. CO' William Tell lodge?Adam Ellg, Charles iy.ttfller, Julius Lohse. 1M Vlrglnlus lodge?C. T. Reed, Joseph Lawsun. George Matthews. S Wheeling lodge?S. M. Uarrah, A. L. Kelly, Charles S. Penrose. Tw Eureka lodge?W. S. In body, Conrad Utcermohlen, Charles Springer. E Abraham encampment?P. Hamilton, cen A. J. Tolbert, J. W. McConnell. Wheeling encampment?Jacob Morris, L. J. Davit*. John Howell. , Wylle lodge, Degree of Rebekah?Mrs. ^y., R. M. Sandy, Mrs. J. C. Conner, Mrs. xul M. O Springer. The following Is the reception commit- 'phi tee?D. W. Martin, Samuel Darrah. William Johnson, Jacob Morris. L, J. Davis, To W. S. Inbody. Percy Hamilton. F. D. Thomas, W. H. Hornish, C. T. Reed. E. Th? H. Deiters; from D. of R.-Mw. M. O. vy?. Springer, Mrs. It. M. Sandy, Mrs. J. C. ^ Conner and Miss Nettle Britt. An, The week'* programme Include a re- 7^ ceptlon Tuesday evening:, November 16; Tlv and on Wednesday evening the dele- p0. gates will by tendered tickets to an at- \yj IIUCIIU.I ill ilit UIUIIII ' linum, p Thursday evening the Degree of Kebekah nil! exemplify Ito work, followed by a social entertainment. ^ liice 4'urfalti Cnni(lil Fire. 9?" The fire department had a run Inst night about 8 o'clock to 4he residence of Col. Morris Horkhetmcr, on Fourteenth street, where n lace curtain, which caught on lire, threatened serious A consftQUoneag. The bliuw w?? extln guhhert. however,without the assistance gB of the firemen, and the damage was Inconsequential. If ; SPECIAL Bale of Kubber Plants. Si OC. ul? nl7.?\ f(?r r.? cents, at L. A. Sinlth'N CO hai Twelfth street. jj"J Vlncklett'* Arnica Ml?r, (hi The best *alve In tho world for Cuts, nf P.rulse?, Sores, nicer*, Salt Ithcuni, :AL Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, fhlllblalns, Co-ns, and all Skin l?rup? nn tlons, and positively cures Piles, or no ?re pg.? required, it is fuirtntcfd to give n perfect satisfaction or money refunded. M Price 26 cents per box. X^or sale by Logan Druz C'Ok C fbe Easy Food Easy to Buy, 1 Easy to Cook, Easy to Eat, Easy to Digest \ Nuaker Oats % At all grocers 2-lb.pkgs.onIy ( LCCAL BREVITIES. tttrior llllMr Uomini In and Aboat ? Um Cttr. ovener-Atkinson meeting at Ben- * od to-night. 'he iron work for the 6chmulbach * wery'K new storage house la being >hed up. ' 'he local lodges of Odd Fellows are 1 king Arrangement* for & ball. No- s nber 11. at their hall. * 1 . In. Susan Dunn iu (truck by Pan- ' ndle train No. ]0 at the FrankHn av- , le crossing In Steubenville. yesterday 1 ernoon. and Instantly killed.' She rtcd across after the Wheeling train < 1 just passed and did not see the ?piach or the east-bound train until too ! e. She was about eighty years of I . fine display of Mexican drawn work allk and cotton Is exhibited at Ir- i i*a pharmacy, South Cbapllne atreet. consists of doylies, etc., and repre- i its all that Is artistic and tedious, e display Is made In behalf of the i ng's Daughters of the Second Presterlan church, who will sell the ar- | tea later. 'he Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling . i made complete arrangements for a B excursion to Canal Dover to-mor- . v, for the new Catholic church dedl- < ion. The special train will leave Iligeport at 8 o'clock n. m? Wheeling ic, and special street cars for Brldgc t will leave Forty-eighth atreet at ) and 7:30 a. m. Full particulars and ' kets can be had at Cleveland, Lorain Wheeling passenger office, McLure use block. IN THE CHURCHES. 'he Rt. Rev. Francis Kejr Brooke, D. bishop of Oklahoma and Indian 1 rritory, will preach next Sunday , rnJng at St Matthew's church and In t evening at St. Luke's. The blsltop . returning from attendance upon the leral convention, and has kindly conited to stop over. He needs no Induction to Wheeling, however, as he ide many friends on his visit here ne years ago, by his genial manner 3 eloquent fervor. As the next genii convention will meet in San Franco three years hence, this may be the I t opportunity that many will have hearing him for a still longer pertev. Dr. J. L. Sooy, pastor,will preach usual at Fourth Street M. B. church, morrow. Morning subject. "The Avge Man;" evening, "The Fireind." wt Vance Memorial church, services 1 be held at 11:20 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ening subject, "The Golden Calf of naria." 'here will be preaching at Chapline j eet M. E. church Sunday, morning I evening, by the pastor.Rev. William ] Harkness, Ph. D. Morning subject, ir Love for Church;" evening, "True 1 ly to Find God." All friends and ingers cordially Invited. 'he thirty-first of October being Jther Day," the pastor of the Gern M. E. church will have for his >Ject Sunday evening, "The period ore the Reformation of the Six- ! - ? ?- ? ntn uoniury. in wiuwvuvu ?? ?? 3 service the choir will render spe- < I selections of sacred song. ^ .'t St. Luke's P. E. Church the pulpit I bo filled at the morning- service byRev. Luther W. Doggett, and at evening service by the Right Rev. mcio Kev- Brooka bishop of Oklana. t the First Presbyterian church T>r. inlngham's sermons' on the Sabbath 1 be, morning, ut 10:30, "A. Great nr Opened;" evening", at 7:30, "ifen rking ajid God Working." t t'he First Christian church. Rev. M. OH pliant, pastor, Sunday's pro,mme is as follows: lorning-: "How to Get the Mtot Out ,i Paster; evening. "Religious Coast- l Sunday school at 0:20 n, m. Mis- J l.tuiwu) miiuu., . .... ! 2:30 p. nu Y. P. S. C. E. consecra- I > meeting at 6:20 p. m. There wiH an oyster strpper at the church next rsday over.inp. under the auspices the Y. P. S. C. E. tev. William J. Harkness, the new ;torof the ChapHne Street M. E. irch, will ad'Imw the meiVs meeting the Young Men's Christian- Astioriaa building, Sunday afternoon, at 4 ock. There wiU be pood, vl/rorous ping, with orchestra accompaniment. n interesting young men's meeting 1 be hold ait the Y. M. C. A. this oveg, at 8 o'clock. ^ OK'S EXTRA CHAMPAGNE PERIAL. DRY. PECIAL Sale of Rubber Plants. $1 00 < , for 50 cents, at L. A. Smith's 66 elfth street. >OLLAR Poster Patent Kid Gloves 59 is ttt THE HON TON. STOVES. ( teas hat while It lasted. 1 ls the war with Spain: t Hotter the Has Stoves are wiling again. J s prices and goods Invite your Inspection. keep people warm is our only ambition-. ?n why win your perish ?ou Stoves are-so ehrap? iy not go to Caldwell's il get one to heat. pn no more fighting a Spaniards of old. p our duty this winter 11 be fighting the col it. 'ail at J3. P. Caldwell A Co.'s Store, | ) see how to do it. >OLLAR Poster Patent Kid Gloves 59 its at THE BON TON. E WILL TELL YOD WW* four headache* comps from weak eye*; o If fclttHM** will rellu\e them. Do you ,e lu-MtlnrhvK? Do your eyes wo tor, art or burnT Docs (ha print run io? U<*r when reading? Do thing* appear iblo or mixed up? Have a desire to rub . eysa? Twitching? For any trouble your eye?, coi.milt u*. We make g I mute* popular prlcen. Mako a oareful exum,ilou free of chargo and rely on our II nnd not on the patient's Judgment or nwera. Consultation and examination ROF. SHEFF, SPttUUSf, or. Me(? **4 llertaU Sts.? W besllsj, W? Vs. 1 aurra Ikp ovaBOOATt We Are Well Aware hat there are thousands of / Single and Double Breasted suits offered at $10 in this :ity and elsewhere, but no suits as good as these are offered in any other store for le$s than $12 to $15- It was in exceptional opportunity that placed these suits at our :ommand. Their goodness is see them it will not take much af our salesmen to make you a ire plain blue and black mixtu :hedcs, rough faced cheviots an meres, fashionably tailored and Ordinary and extraordinary si eciual facility, and the purchase A ? ? Eire dissatisfied. | THE HIBCL Fourteenth and Marl rhe Seme Price to Everybody end Marked in MBN'B SPITS?LEI 4;hlTEVEfW TIME" in style, pattern, trimming and finish, sest for the money. Everything fn lot an old relic or back number in tl Oar Prices Range From Our New Overcoats are very xiade to order?"MADE TO OU1 ind plainly show their up-to-date hem elsewhere in style, goodness c LEE BAE FURNITURE- ALEX AN! Reliable Furniture. A feature of the m our autumn showin jt never lose sight ol t j* insist upon the best j* right. We wish ou advantage for price jt the excellent assortn $ >* and you'll agree wi \ & inducement here to 1 special Bargains in Fine and Medium Priced Bed Room Suits. ALEXANDER Furniture, Carpets, Etc. J. H. LOOKS 8HOB < /> .. * uentiemen, If the Shoe Fits, Put It on; if the price Dleases pay the price, 88.00, and v istaction that you have the Kid Shoe, extra heavy extens lined throughout, that anym buy for the price. Locke $?THJLfHUB. II 'I* rnrnm0nmm?10 >\i< II so apparent that if you argument on the part l purchaser. The cloths ires, small plaids and d smooth faced cassiveiy serviceably lined, laped men fitted with money refunded if you OTHIERS, ket Streets. Plain figures on Every Garment. i babb. Equal to Custom Made lits at $15.00 [en's Ready Tailored Suits 15 otthis fall's production enmaorhat finer than 've ever been before. You notice the improvement material, workmanship, We are giving you the esh, new and handsome lie entire store. $7,511 to {15.011. handsome They were * SPECIAL ORDER"? ness. You can't match ir price. (l-S TWELFTH f"< STREET CLOTHIER. EE gnaw. ? '@?@ ? lany handsome styles in g is their reliability. We hat important point. We , but the price must be r patrons to have every and quality. Add to this lent, the superior designs, ith us that there's every careful furniture buyers. t FREW, No. 1208 Main Street. :ompant. you put on its mate; yalk out with the satbest Box Calf or Vici lion, solo and leather ian: in Wheeling can . ci ~ r