OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, November 05, 1898, Image 4

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* - V. ...
fkMiM Mtf, fxttfl 8m4a?? kr
x Ike JnteHigeocer PutoUsfciag Co.,
Tmwm Fur Tear, by Mail, in Advanu, 1
PmUc* Prepaid. <
Mir (MS Dkfi tn Uu> W*k) 1 Tmt.|OJO
Dally, Six Month*? 2.60 1
Dally, Thra Xtattai 1.30 J
Dally (ThrM Day* la lh? 3.00 j
Daily (Two Oay? * ?* Wf?h).. ? 51.00 j
Dally (Oh 43
W?kljr (Om Year la Advaaca) 1.00
lVftklr (9U Month* CO i
red by carriers in Wheeling and ad* 1
Jacent towns at 10 cents pe> week. f
Persons jvlablng to subscribe to THE
by send log in their orders to the In* 1
telligenccr office on postal cards or <
otherwise. They will be punctually ]
served by carriers.
Tributes of Respect and Obituary Notices j
60 cents per. Inch.
Correspondence containing Important 1
sews solicited from every part ot tfao 1
surrounding country. <
Rejected communications will not be re- i
turned unless accompanied by sufficient ,
Postage. j
(The INTELLIGENCER, embracing Its j
several editions, Js entered In the Postoffice
at Wheeling, W. Va., at second*class
matter.] 1
fMortal Reeos 823 | Comtte* Koma.......822 '
First District.
of Ohio County. ?
Second District 1
of Barbour County.
of Kanawha County. *
Fourth District. *
of Ritchie County.
For State Senator,
of Ohio County.
?f nnlAtratM.
h. f. behrens,
b. w. connellV.
harry w. mclure.
County Superintendent of Free School!,
The following appointments-will be filled
by Representative b. b. Dovener on the
dates mentioned:
At Wheeling, Saturday, November 6, at <
7:30 p. m.
At West Liberty, Saturday. November 5, 1
At 1;J0 p. m.
^ At New Cumberland, Friday, November
1| ; f. w y. >M.
A Grand Success.
The great ovations tendered Postmaeter\peneral
Charles Emory. Smith and.
Congressman Dayton last fright at the
Opera House, the unrestrained! enthusiasm
which prevailed throughout, and
the magnificent trfbutes that were paid
the President of the United States, the
, unequivocal and enthusiastic endorsements
of the policies which are the outgrowth
of the war, the <meers for Republicanism,
and what it has'accomplished
for the country, oil contributed i
to one of the best and most significant
political meetings ever held in Wheeling.
# _ '
It was a splendid success, the house
beta* crowded, and tne powerrui ana
eloquent speech delivered by Mr. Smith
was received in a manner that left no
mfataJce as to the temper of the citizens ,
who crowded the building. The advanced
views expressed by the speaker
In relation to the expansion policy of the
government, were received with tremendous
applause showing an unanimity of
sentiment In line with the President's
policy, and his eloquent appeal* to stand
by the President In the great emergency
through which the country Is parsing,
by the election of a ^ Republican con
j ?? ? ? ~??"i?K ?Kn mnirf
grcsBJDHZJ, was btccicu WIMI MC
enthusiastic applause of the evening.
Kever In the history of the city has a
more enthusiastic political meeting been
held. The significance of U wjs that the
Republicans of the city realize uhe importance
of the election. They are thoroughly
aroused, and. to use the words
of Chairman Hubbard, the "frost will
be repeated to-night," when Captain
Dovener, gallant old Captain Dravo
ami Hon. John A. Campbell trill address
the voters at the same place.
There Is no mistaking the Interest the
' intelligence of this city is talcing in the
election. It was proven last night that
the Issues are thoroughly understood.
It was a good night's work. Let tonight
score another success of a similar
nature. And I^t Tuesday Rive even
more substantial voice to the enthusiasm
for Republicanism and for the national
policies, new and old, which was
so evident last night.
KendelTt Report and its Critics.
One would think that the paramount
Issue of the campaign was the typographical
feature of the biennial report
of Treasurer Kendall, Judging from
some comments in the Democratic
papers. We have quoted liberally from
*r. Kendall^s. report, which makes such
. magnificent showing for the manageu.ent
of the state finances by this administration.
Cornered at every effort
to juggle the figures and hide the Democratic
deficiencies and shortages that are
shown up by Mr. Kendall's report, and
driven to the p*?lnt of doing something
desperate to divert attention from the
' * I' / .ntolrui 111.. Tiprnr>
eloquent- llftUIVO II kVHNMn,, ...
cratic paper* are now adopting the
clinching argument that the style of the
"get-up" of the volume, a departure
from the ntd Mtyle, i# a subject for criticism.
The logic of (hi* situation In that
because Mr. Kendalf save# a big printing
bill to the state by a tier/ method of
?. preparing the volume. th Democratic
party ought to win at the coming election,
regardl**- of the nature of the report
tod what It shows, which is pleasant
for tax-payers to read.
Ia pfWlnff his report Mr. K-r.-lail
departed trym the old custom, as he
' ?ajr% of atavplj printing the blotter and
f day-4wolB of (bo. dlfEsrcnt month#/'
wfeJdb cuitw If followed tlda year, owt
Inc to the Increase la business of the
! office, would hmv required at least 1.000
| pa^e?, ??<t would have cunt th" state
several thousand dollars Hr, Kendall J
ynikf UxjxAut tfcftt tM rcjwrt^r*pared |
' I i"'
In the old way "would have Iain and ?
rotted lo the vault* of (be.state house, t
lust aa lt? predecessor* have done." The c
work was tabulated and prepared for s
the convenience of the reader, putting 6
the fresh matter on the first pages and i
living much -Information which a report a
>f this kind never contained before. 1
A Democratic criticism-is that the f
.reasurer has not compiled whh the law. e
tie declares that.' ?s,a matter of fact the 1
printing done by the treasurer's office
n previous years has been done without
irarrant of law. Mr. Kendall has com- *
jlled with the law literally, and the publication
will cost but ten per cent of 1
irhat its predecessors coat and answers '
:he purpose Just as well. Mr. Kendall '
?*w fnrrh?r thnt the illustrations were c
nserted (or the purpose of ihowinr the 1
:ltl?ens what their public building* look '
like, and for the further purpose of '
'saving the book from <he waste bas- 0
tel." Concerning the bank statements
ttntalned In the book, which are the j
lubject of criticism, tbojr are statements a
>f the state depositories which hold the t
state's money?the more than a million 4
dollar* that Is in the treasury as the j.
result of good management, and the ,,
people are entitled to kpow the condition ,
they are In. They ore not advertise- ^
nents. n
The fact that the Democralc papers, a
In the absence of potent truth* upon r
vhlch they can build a successful attack
)n the showing made In the report, have
made an attack on the manner of It* ^
preparation, as an Issue. Is the cause for P
this explanation, which Is due to tho ?
.reasurer. In the meantime, the citizens 0
will pursue the even tenor of their ways, I)
and vote according to tne enomiiK tuuuo )t
superior business methods prevailing s
now-a?days at the West Virginia state e
house. a
Denying the Truth. f
The Register denies the truth of the*
showing of the conditions which prevail
In this Industrial community, made by n
the Intelligencer or> Thursday, and the *
comparisons made with the conditions
during Democratic days. It declares the c
whole matter to "be a "fake." The Intelligencer
quoted in ^hat article reputa- *
ble citizens of the community engaged A
In manufacturing, ami business men and 8
merchants of all classes. It showed a *
most remarkable improvement in our industrial
condition, the greater number ,
of men, the cases where mills are over- (
run with orders, the fact that Idle men
are rare/ the increafed volume of business,
the enwr enterprises, and the fact v
that mill hands, glass workers and the
employes of ail Iiaesof manufacture, instead
of working part time, have all the
work they can do, in contrast to the t
three yeare proceeding. For authority i
we have the men themselves, the state- J
ments of the operators, and other evi- I
dences that every one In Wheeling and t
thte section of the Ohio valley are famil- t
iar with. In the face oi what every one s
knows to be true, the Kegister declares 1
it is all a fake. J
What do the people of Wheeling think |
of this^ with the evidences of better I
times all about them? Why doesn't the 1
Register investigate these conditions? \
Let it go to the industri.il establish- a
ments of Wheeling and fairly report the 1
conditions that prevail, comparing them *
with the conditions bf two years ago, a
which it can obtain from the same e
sources. Let It ascertain that there are j
hundreds more men steadily employed F
than there were then and be honest r
enough (o puoitsn me u?o.
Mr. Vflsoa Then and Now.
Mr. William L. Wilson haa been heard
from for the first time since he retired
from politics to assume the presidency r
of the Washington and Lee University *
In Virginia. In an address before-.the \
legislature of Georgia he ridiculed the c
idea of manifest destiny 1n connection 1
with national expansion as the "excuse 3
of the thief."
This isn't the first time Mr. Wilson
has been against the popular idea of j
things and extension of our great commercial
and Industrial Influence. Not- I ^
"** - "? 1? ?aiu.-?.? olnnupnilv I ,
wiinsianuinK uc i-uvw
ot "the markets of the world," which he
hoped to gain through his free trade c
policy, he has lived to see those markets J
gained since a return to the policy j
which he sought to overthrow, and the J
widening: of our commercial conquests, J
which he declared never could he pained ,
save through the application of his ]
Mr. Wilson then fond of calling
the argument of the protectionist by a (
somewhat similar name to that which I
he applies to those who wouJd now <
broaden the American field? of endeavor. \
His theories were tried fairly, only to he j
repudiated by the victims, and the man- <
uments to them tvhich he buildfcd, In the
shape of smokeless factory chimneys J
and cold furnaces. have b*en transformed
Into .monuments from which the
smoke of furnace flre5 ascend to pro- j
claim the triumph of protection theories. t
The Var's Expense.
The United States treasurer's report^ j
-hrtttn that the lata war cost, during"' K]
hostilities, tlGt.r?32.^2S. but this will not I
be the total coat by any m^an?. Peace 1
is not yet declared and may not be. It j
may be even necessary to make more i
hostile movements At any rate, the 1
exp*ns* of establishing order and gov- ]
ernment 1n the inlands !n popspsslon of ,
thf? United States, making armies of oc- i
cupation necessary for a time, will have
(o bit met.
A wise plan ?'f the treasury department
was adopted when, afier It became '
ottftous that the demand.-; upon the
treasury would not reach the magnitude ,
for which provision had been made, ow- i
ing to the sudden cessation of hostilities, '
a large share of the proceeds of the pop- j
ular loan was deposited In the national <
banks in all parts of the country. This I
kept the money In the channels of trade. *'
although it was at any tlm<- available
for the government In ca.i* of an emergency.
This wan a much better and a
more popular move than to have kept ,
th?* money noarueu in urn urunui*. Vi?
thl* account there in mill a balance of
$68,000,000 from thin loan.
The Democratic organ Iji 'thin elty,
which in # '? free with It* Indignation
over reference# mad - to Democratic
leader* In Republican paper-* bold
enough to crltlclne them, publlahed y.*tarda
y *omc allege*! poetry concerning
i'cctmaater General Charles Emory
. i ' r
Imfth's -vitft to this city, which would
lave been discreditable tn point of lalecency,
to (be yellowest of yellow
beets. 5fr. SmKh'? hlrt character as a
llplomat, u a Journalist of national rent?,
as an accomplished gentleman,
md bis position as a member at the cabnet
of the President of the United
Itates, do not Buffer at the bands of
tturrllous writers who conceive their
ilees of partisan politics In tbe slums.
The Spanish commission csnnot five j
ip the, Philippines because they are |
'pawned" and the honor ot Spats to
sake good her pledges Is at stake;
'pain bss been talking about her honor
iver since "before the war," and wjll
ontlnue to talk about H a long while "!
rlthout convincing the Intelligence at
be nrorll that ehe baa any tumor. A
blng which 1a so much boosted about
ugbt to tie placed In evidence.
If there are massacres reported from :
forth Carolina on election day a. large
.mount <>f 'the responsibility for the 1
looJshed can properly be laid at the i
oor of Senator Tillman, of South Carona.
Hla suggeatlon that "one way for
lie Democratic party to carry the north
tate would be to do it with shot-guns" '
ia? taken hold throughout that state,
nd hla words are being quoted there to <
ugment the feeling which bids fair to
esult In more than one tragedy.
In the death of John Bailie, one of
Vheellng's moat respected dtlxena has
ussed away. No man In 'Wheeling
tood higher In the estimation of every
ne. Poasejelng a character above reiroach,
his quiet Christian life was an
xample for all men to follow, and hla
terllng Integrity apd scrupulously honst
business methoda marked hla career
a one for all to emulate. Hie death will
>e sincerely mourned by hosts of
It will be dollar* In your pocket to vote
he Democratic ticket Tuesday. If the
icw school building Is ordered your taxes
vill be increased 10 per cent.?Register.
What's this? Our progressive Demoratlc
organ making a political issue of
ncre&sed facilities ?in our educational,
leportraent? The logic of the above is,
ote the Democratic ticket and let the
chools get along without needed faclliles.
Each day we are assured by the Regster's
Grafton dispatches that "McSraw
is elected without doubt" We
elieve it was Colonel McGraw who first
nade the discovery that "Mr. Dayton
vas no Joke." i
Onr Concr??Kloiial Delegation.
Cold Short In the Ohio Valley Manuacturer:
Two of the congressional canlidates
in this state, Mr. Dovener and
*lr. Dayton, have been tried in this calaclty
and proved efficient?thl other
wo have bem tried and proved In reiponsible
positions and are full? up to
he mark, -^hen high character and
ibllity are the requirements. In charccter
the four candidates are unasssalltble
and In capacity'their rank is ex. eptlonally
high4 What they stand for
n principles is not evaded or denied,
mt exactly known and freely declared,
rhcy are for the national Republican
)latform, and every syllable of It. They
ire for a dollar as good as gold under
II circumstances, for the expansion and
list protection Ot American iiiuubuj,wi
he trade thAt follows the flag:, for seurlng
the rightful results of the war,
ind for backing up,-with all possible
nergy and earnestness, the efforts of
Resident McKInley to continue the naion
oCn its prosperous course, united In
.atriotlBm and conscious of the greatless
of its mission. vSTATE
A vote for a Democrat for the leglsature
is a vote for a Democrat to repesent
"West Virginia for six years In
he senate of the United States. Such a
enator will go to Washington claiming
hat the West Virginia miners want free
oal and that Weat Virginia, farmers
rant free wool. Don't vote It. You do
jot want It. Tou cannot afford it?
iloundsville Herald.
"We have them on the run!"?Wheeltegister.
Right you are, old iorrel-top; but it
? n-nrat nH.run the Democratic
jarty will ever witness In this stale.
Alien the ballot !s counted next Tuesfay,
you will And that the Republican
jart*- has run so fast and furious that
yen the Register's capacity for falsifyng
will be left jnlles behind, Jhd the
Register's candidates will be so far
back on tly? trackless desert that a
jattle-shlp search-light couldn't determine
their whereabouts.?Preston Relubllcan.
A certain Democrat from Dry Fork
said the other day that he never knew
the farmers of his section to be better
iff than during the last year He be:am<!
very enthusiastic and oxciaimcd:
"Who ever heard of yearlings worth
(28?" Ho need not have said he Intcnd?<J
10 vote the Republican ticket, as fie
s a lot al American and his expressions
.vould Indicate his course.?Davis Republican.
The Shepherdstown Register has the
lardihood to question the statement
*bout the increased price of cattle and
bides made in Mr. PownalPs speech.
Mr. P^says that he can prove that cows
sold In Mineral county, during Cleveland's
administration, for six dollars,
ind he ran sho.v receipts for payment
?VI?U krniivht nvpr
tor aingir* niwif wm%iu
seven dollars during (he present^idmlnIstration.
It In not unusual for a hide
to weigh one hundred pounds nnd upwards.
they are now bringing
per pound as soon n? offered. The fact
that some cows sold at the prices
named, oven under the Wilson 1)111,
1(h*s not prove false the statement of
Mr. POwnolI.?Mountain Echo.
If Jfr. Mc^Jraw l? fo rich a* his news>aper
organs are continually holding up
to the public, why has he not done
*omethlnir for the welfare of his home
town. Mr. MeGrnw never darted an
Industry or aider! one here thai was of
iny benefit to the town In his life. Let's
< 11d Dayton to CTorigrei'S. who Is a poor
man himself and who has never cast a
vote that wa* not in tlie Interest of the
poor man In his public career.?Grafton
Democratlc speakera two yearn ago
lold you that money wok too dear unJer
the? gold standard, but with the
Dlngley bill In operation, McKlnley, to
arry on the war, borrowed two hunJrcd
million!) of dollara nt 3 per cent,
ind he waa offered nix tlm"s thai
jmount nt th* *am" rate. Back In the
rreo ilfver tlm??i? before '78 money wis .
loaned nt from h to lj per cent In thin
'Uriiry and ,1 dollni then would not
rrurchute J>"if ?f rnneh ?u?nr or other
rommodltfl^ us It dues to-day.
The nrlcje of wool I* no low under the
Republican tariff (hat ftcpublican
stump bpjnkcra are refusing to apeak
i . .
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum faaUsg powdcn art the greatest
taaacm to health of the present day.
In the country where sheep ore ralse^
rhe price 1?n't anything near what the#
You have Kail without end. There hna
not been a apeech made by a Republican
In this county but what ha* mentioned
the price of wool. The Republican
promised the farmer* twenty-tlve
cents per pound for their wool and the
drat year after the bill went Into effect
they received twenty-four centa per
pound. The farmers of this county well
remember the promises made by the
Record al a boost for John O. Pendleton.
Why, they aald. If you elect the
Democrats to Congress we will secure
the farmera forty cents per pound for
their wool. They got it?got It In the
neck. What did they get? The farmera
say eleven centa. The same they will
<U > I
The Work Which the Oldest Son of Hli
Porto Rico will have a man as well as j
a, name when Genera! Frederick Grant,
cakes military charge of Porto Rico, |
which includes the famous and impor- |
tant old city of Ban Juan.
A great deal of speculation was caused j
by the appointment for several reasons, '
the foremost of which was the high social
standing of Colonel Frederick Grant j
and the giving up of hi? political hopes
in the United States.
Colonel Frederick Grnnt married Miss
Honore, of Chicago, a sister of Mrs. Potter
Palmer, and a great society woman.
His daughter, Julia Dent Grant, is one
of the belles of Newport in summer and
New York in winter; she is also aWash_
if can hardly t>e im
ingtnn mvuiiiv, ?? ..
got If they cJcct J. V. Blair find some
other Democrats to Congress.?West I
Union Herald.
Love has a lot less conscience than Jt
lias good looks.
"Dear" and "dare" are spelled with
the same letters. ?
The average man Is a lot surer when
he Isn't In love than he Is when he Is.
A man can manage to be comfortable
in most any circumstances so long as
lils feet aren't cold.
Men don't put on airs when they're
together, like the women do, because
they know that no matter how much
they may fool each other the** hav<i to
go home to their wives afterward.?New
York Press.
In (he Full Afternoon,
There's a burnish of flno scarlct on the
pear that drops to-day,
Now tho frlory of the ripe and rich
Autumnal noons mm comu,
Tho poach l? over-mellow, and tho applo
bends the spray,
And there's honey, yon. there's honoy In
tho purple of tho plum!
With dust upon the drooping of his gold
and assure wing*
The butterfly cling* loosely where tho
last flowers flame and shine;
Down tho dunk of lonely garden aisles the
yellow leaf mill clings.
And the ?rapa upon the trellis Is blasting
with Its wine.
There's bloom upon tho mountain, and
there's mist upon the stream,
There's a Ught burn* low in heaven that
never shone before;
Wo sin* softly with low voices In a slow
and waking dream.
While far off the breaker feathers In dull
tnuslc up tho shore.
But by fit fill flow and falling there blows
a hodIng breath.
A wind that steals from spaces of unknown
and namelcKH chill.
' - '''"nmlne a dark
Ami It wrnpH huuul i,... _
i-r dream of ?1? ill*.
And taken the flinging from the Up and
make* the music still.'
?Jlnrrl?*t Prescott Bpoflford, In llnrpcr's
DON'T bo without ft bottle of Cook's
Imperial Champagne In your house.
There la nothing better to entertain
Kaltrf In Nix Ifottra. |
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dlsMfir
relieved in six hotirn by "Now Great
South American Kidney Cure." It h ;i
great surprise on account of its exceeding
promptness In relieving pain In bladder,
kldneyu and baclf, in male or fn.
male. Rtlteve* retention of water oiinost
Immediately If you want quirk
relief and curs this la Die remedy. Sold
by K. II. List, drugglvt, Wheeling. \V.
.Vs. tr&?
J '
1 " V - 1 f.
The lofereaW Soodaj Sfiwl Lcm
rr*v?mb?rO, ieei.?Clir*alal?XXX,l.U.
UtMkiKb't flmt PaMotar.
The Chronicler tail* of Israel's neglect
of the temple In graphic phrase.
They showed their tacks to It, Instead
of their taces. They shut the doors, pot
out the lamps, and ceased from Incense
and offerings. Neglect of a public edifice
Is a species of vandalism, slower
but ultimately as effective as the hammer
of the Iconoclast. When sweeper
and artisan left off their dally work,
filth accumulated, and the holy and
magnificent house was on the verge ot
The noble spirit of Hexeklah. one ot
the three perfect kings of Judah, could
111 brook the sight. One ot his first acts
was tn rwnM cleans,*, and mend the
Lord's house, and get Its furniture
ready for use. It required sixteen days
of continuous labor before the last load
of debris and tilth front the Innermost
part was dumped Into KJdron. The ritual
of Moses and the orchestra of David
were hastily revised, and .king,princes
and people praised with gladness and
worshiped. Hexekmh naturally
.wished to crown this revival by observing
the Jong-omitted festival of the
Passover, and to make it the occasion
of a national reunion o| the long dismembered
empire. This he could do
without having sinister motives ascribed
to him, for the northern kingdom was
I already extinct. The king's carefully:
worded appeal was carried by flying
(postmen from Dan to Beersheba. It
was treated just as the urgent gospel
| message of to-day le. Some mocked;
j home humbled themselves. The latter
! were numerous enough to make a great
i assembly. The simple, beautiful, significant
rite of the Passover was observed
again under happy auspices. ....
A crusade against the false rite naturally
followed the revival of the true.
Altars and idols went down Into that
* JajBflinSrfn VmB LHrM&B&Elll
BF^thorJExpccta to Acoompllah In the
i agtaed that society will permit these
' leaders to withdraw to the remote island
I of Porto Rico.
The m>rk which General Grant will
undertake there is that of establishing a
military rule. This means tho layihg
out of sanitary divisions, the building of
schools, the organization of & postal system,
and all told, the exact work which
General Wood and his aides are now doing
In Cuba.
General Grant, as the eldest son of his
famous father, is capable of doing- all
these things, and when he returns, as it
is hoped and' expected that It will be In
the spring, It Is probable that he shall
have laid out a system of living for th?
island which will prove beneficial
throughout its entire history.
natural receptacle of tho offscourlng,
the chasm of Kidron.
mosaic From Commentaries.
Pleased the king: Hezeklah longed to
see the festival revived. The expression
of his wishes received ahearty response
from the chief men. Tno prcpanuor*
mors were taken for a renewed celebration.?J.
F. B Proclamation:
This messago of Hezeklah was God a
last call of mercy before Judgment fell.
Whittle posts: Light of
root nnd confidential.?Clarke. . . . .
JJc not stiff-necked: In the carnal mind
la a itUTnMn?an unaptness to comply
with God. This must be overcome.?
ltertr}. Your children shall
(Ind compassion: Could there he a better
cause, or could It be better pleaded?
[bill Divers humbled: In
tli- worst of times God has a remnant.
Thft T??chrr? Q?lv*r.
(1). Jews' periodic neglect or their
I . - .1.1 n?r cnrnrlRP II* nVflf
ICfiipie tsiu'um ? "*
much, or seem incredible, Something
not unlike it has occurred In Christian
times. Mllmnn tells us how. In the
reign of Quern Hess, laden mules were
led through the aisle# of St. Paul, bargains
struck, burglaries planned, and
servants hired there. (2). The state of
n religious edifice Is sometimes a faithful
Index to the state of religion itself.
(3). Hcxeklah is one of the ever-living
heroes, n light shining In a dark age.
(4). Jesus may hava had this incident
and Scripture in mind when he spoke
his parable. He uses the very term,
"mocked." (5). Hexakiah summoned
<he people t<> Jerusalem. There was no
compromise. The festival was to be
kopt at the divinely-appointed place and
way. .
WHAT'S the secret of happy, vigorous
health? Simply keeping the bowels,
the stomach, the liver and kidneys
?> M,1 nrllvp. ISlirdook ffldOt] Bit
ter? docs It. 1
Trmt those wlif hMvii iricd.
T suffered from entnrrh of the worst
kind and never hoped for cure, but
Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even
thttt.?Oacnr Onlrom, 45 Warren Ave,,
Chicago, III.
I Buffered from e.itarrh; It cot so bad
I could not work; I used Ely's Cream
n.ilm and urn entirely well.?A. C.
Clarke, 3-11 Khnwtmit Ave., Boston,
Max.*. ?
A 10c. trial size or the &0i\ xlz?? of
Ely's Cream Halm will he mailed. Kept
l>\ druggists. Ely ltrot Iters, GC Warren
| St., X. Y. _ _
B.tntb. /) 'I" Kind you Haw Atar; Bought
muxioaw, wmcra * oo.
Our Policy
?..?? Honest Prices
^ Finest Pianos.
The artistic standard of the world.
Tbe marvel of musical svccese.
(vary styl* a gam of perfection.
Noted for quality and beauty.
Call and see them and get our prices
and terms.
Milligan, Wilkin & Co.
It takes a dentist to drill a raw recruit.
Some people believe too much and
others not enough.
All men are good?good for sofnethlng
or good for nothing.
Adam had one cause for rejoicing;
Eve made her own dresses.
There Is no show for the small boy
who can't get into the cirrus.
Jn trying to extend her Influence a
woman very often destroys It.
Wit may move the world, but the
truckman gets the credit for doing It.
Only a strong-minded woman can
write a letter and omit the postscript.
..The man who is superior to his clothing
usually wears mighty poor clothes.
A physician says a woman is never
really ill as long as she is able to complain.?Chicago
Dally Nefoa.
Ships (lint Pius lu the Daytime.
"Why, how do you do?"
Smilingly, the man In the brlndle suit
and brown derby hat held out his hand
to the little woman in the gray traveling
"Well, this is a surprise," returned
the little woman, shaking him tjy the
hand, and Baying to herself: "I ought
to know this man. Where have I met
him before?"
"It haa been about a year since I taw
you, I think," he said.
T tutllwo. If >!#? " *h? fln>
swered. "By tho way?er?where are you
living* now?"
"Same old place," he replied, waving
his hand.
She hadn't made any progress. She
tried again.
"What are you doing these days?"
"Oh, Just the same old business." he
said, airily as before.' "Wasn't it too
bad, the way they treated, you?"
"You mean?that?that time " /
"Yes, that time, you know. It was a
shame, wasn't It?"
"Oh, yes," she rejoined. "It wca too
bad. It?it was a shame."
"It was, indeed. Well, I am very glad
to have met you. Good day/*
"Thank you. Good day."
"I don't think I could hare been mistaken,"
he muttered, as he walked
along, "and yet "
"I wonder now," mused the little* woman
in tho gray traveling suit, as she
hurried down the street, "if I ever did
mert that man before, and I'd give
worlds to know who the people were
who treated me so badly, and when
and where they did it."?Chicago IWbune.
How's This T
"We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CflENE* & CO., Props.,
Toledo, Ohio.
We the uwierslBned have known P.
1. Cheney tor the past last fifteen years,
and believe him perfectly honorable In
all business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax. Whotesole Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
W aiding. Kinnan & Sfturln, Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, "tamper bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Every ^
House ^
should lure a pre stimulant,
especially at this season of the year. Wo
offer to the public our whiskies, which
havo stood the test of over a quarter of
a century.
Silver Age $1.50
Bear Creek $1.00
These whiskies aso unsurpassed for aye,
purity and general excellence. . Guaranteed
to be perfectly freo from fusil oil
or other deleterious substances. Ask your
doaler for thom, and If they do not h&va
them on hand send direct to
82 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa.
CataloRuo mailed frca on application.
fOur Nation 2
In War.*ae^e I
The Intelligencer In Issuing Jn A
weekly parts an Invaluuble illun- Y
1 rated history of the SpanlMh-Amcr- J
Iran war on Hoa and land, thn pic- Q
turoM being reproduced from photo- A
graphx and original drawing cx- A
pressly for this work. The iiories. X
which In * continuation of Unci*
Fnm's Navy Portfolio, also in- O
eludes photographic reproductions 4
of plctuses owned by the icovurn- A
inont and states, showing the hero- X
inm of the nation during the pu?t X
O ccntury. O
X They are Issued In 15 weekly parfs W
X of lfl pages each, and are sold at A
? the nominal prlco of 10 eonts each X
v unci ono *" "?"? ??'* "??: <s
O ijirncrr. Tnry ran bo purchased V
X til thr InlflllBtnorr oftlc? on and
A aft?r Monday, August 1. or will Ih? q
O M.?t l>v mull; add 2 rent* oacli for X
A postauc. -N,lS- I tu l?? now roady. X
jj cut mis oil o
' 1 " '
Tou will And the moat aatlafactory pla<
to purchase It la at this Jewelry Stor
No matter how much money or how lltt
money you want to spend, you will And
suitable present here.
John Becker & Co.
3537 Jaeote 8tr??C.
J. 8. RHODH3 A C3.
Bargain Sale
for This Week.
600 Children* f)l)
Orey Union Suits, /.V
worth 35c, for ilU
1200 pair* Ladles Fast Black 1 A
(Fleece-lined) Seamless Hose, 111
worth 15c., for 11/
600 pairs A P
children's All Wool Hose, / nI
All Sizes, for U\J'
S00 Ladles- - , ? . OP.
Jersey Vests and Pants, '/Ql
25c. ffrade, ror uv<
Coming in Daily*
The Latest Styles
aire us a call ana you win nna our pnci
the loweet.
J. S. Rhodes & Go
' n?jlik*TTTAM> 1
I Jams HmiG mum- I
1 wtiMs (oi itftaw, f
?gtr part tf arsptem" |
I ?K rasiilnes us Sesl |
pailiits oi wool atf |
cotton roii|iiaiii|, ton- g
pit, am Mmni.y ||
For Sale by
Agents for West Virginia.
rASIflOttABLE nitons AND GtNTS* lUKMStltlt
1321 ?d 1323 Mffcet St, Wiping, W. V*.
rro*cntR Iho irreat Romantic Drama b
Anthony Hone, Esq.. author of "Rupert
of Hentrnu, etc.. entitled
With HOWARD GOULD in his
original role
A strong company, Including R. F. M(
Clannln. Albert Perry, Benjamin Mot
teith, Robert Conners, Helen Strlcklam
Amy Rlcard and Miss Margaret Fuller, n
Princess Flavin. Magnlticcnt Costume!
Special Scenery.
Prices?Jl.C", 75c and 50c. Seats on *al
at C. A. House's Music Store Friday, Xc
vember 4. nol
Richards 5 Fringle's Big Miostre
Rnsco & Holland's Festival.
Everything New From Start to Finish
Price*?$1.00, 7fce and fiOc. Seats on t?nl
nt C. A. House's Music Store Saturday
November S. no:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night
u nrl Ufi t tif?lo t? Mullnro Vm- 1 J
"A play that In rood for the North an
South. Bast and Went." See the dcrtruc
tlon of the Maine. The great naval l?att!
of Manila. Nfght priee*-lfi, rs, 23 and AH
Matinee prlce??15, 25 and foe. oc31
One Solid Work, comm^nelnc Mondaj
Nov. 7. l>ally 10 and 20c Matinees,
CommenrlnK Tuesday.
Supported by the lloefflir Stoek r'ompans
rhnnpe of Play and S|M*riiil||r* ever
night. NlRht prieon?10, 20 and Sue. M&ti
neo prices?10 and ?0e.
Hammock*. Croquet. Wnr Maps nni
Novelties. riKHburxh DUpntch. Comnier
clnl (Jasette, l'o?t. Tlmoa. Cincinnati Kii
qulrer. Commercial Tribune. New Yorl
iiiill other loading daiUca. Mapnclms, Sin
tlojiory, Oowpd Hymn*.
f 1411 Market Siroot.
- . -
~ -\roncR-i do not sbloko to ant
i> religious-denomination. H. O. UNE,
S6 Fourteenth street. _
To-day & yalve will be placed in the ttinch
*>lcr cutting doers the ripply
of inter. Consumers are requested to
use w?r aft sparingly as possible today.
New lot of HOUAW HERRING, and
Armour & Ca's EXTRACT OF BEEF.
Tbe Mildest cared HAMS eed BACON la the dty,
et estreeMhr tm ar ices, et
' 6l$H.M?WCK'S,
Cofeef Seveeteeath aed Merfcet Streets.
r Its central, location, excellent appoint
ments. make# It the most desirable in the
^ city for B&lp, Lectures and Ent^ruUn}
Rents readable. Apply to
Real Estato Apent, corner Market snd
Fourteenth Streets. no3
Small Sffted Pm?.
H. F. Bshrens Co.
- 7217 Mjrlat stfmt. ' - .
V W. A. HUton to Kathryn. Notice la
hereby glr?n, that the Honorable Commissioner
,of Navigation, undor date of
October 25, lftts. authorized the chanse of
name of Steamer W. A. Hilton, of Wheellnir.
W. V*.. to Kathryn. Net tonnage
67.M. Official NO. S1.X8. Owned by bTB.
pope. C. IL SBX3J2NEY,
Surveyor of Customs, Port of Wheeling.
; noS-s
A Il'ritOCKDY i 8 >e#r* oH at
I' (1BAPE (
Mgfcl M< Twlftk Str?ls.
Friday, November II.
G Hiss Mary French Field,
B Daughter of the Late Eugene
Field, in Readings from Her
Father's Poems, -f + +
Aflroissloh 7Sc. Reserved Beat* SI.MX
Gallery 60c. Scats on sale at C. A. House's
Music Store "Wednesday, November 9.
5 Thursday, November 10.
, The Bright English Farcical Comsd;,
Prices?11.00, 75e and fiOc. Seats on
palo at C. A. House's Music Store
Tuesday, November 8. noS
j??FOR RENT.?j?
32 Erie street, 4 rooms.
49 and 61 South York street, 7 rooms and
bath each.
CI South Broadway, store room, dwelling t
and bakery. , . . f
44 South Broadway, 7 rooms and bath
room. L
158 South Broadway, 3 rooms, bath and
S7 South Front street, 7 rooms and bath
Theo. f. Fink & Co.,
telephone 687. 1520 Market St.
Literary Magazines
Fashion Journals
now on sale at
Stanton's book store.
Shorthand. t
Export Instruction. H
Select Pupils Only.
Day and Evening Sessions.
Wheeling Shorthand School.
Cranglo Block,
1318 Market Street,
9 Wheeling, W. Va.
Louis B. Schrader, Walter Bould,
. Official Stenographer, Certificated Teacher*
Proprietor. Principal.
= For This Week.
~ You will be surprised to
see the Gas Heating Stoves
we are offering for SI.25
y this week. Come and see
them. + + + + +
j* 1210 Main Street
i SILK ^
? u A TC I f?r Wedding Parties. \
- ft Alb I
Also have the best style Silk Hats i
for OaorA And Parties. Suitable
for stylish young men's waar.
' 4
: ....E. S. DINGER CO....
a 38 Twelfth Street. i
J tho nostofllco lit Whoollnc. Ohio comIt
ly. U'. Va.. 8?turd?y. Nov?l?rl Tn
> obtalu mil of the following the nrPllr?ns
a muHt a?k for advertised Icttcrl, SUtnff
date of list:
iteomcr, m\*m cHtrnn
Donley. Mr*. Ellaa- Kena
both MeFnrland, Mlsft
r* Even*, Min> Muinio Stella \2)
Elder. l.i-Ia Paxtnn, Mr*, u. r.
HeaJIy, Mis# Ruth Sutherland. Ml?s
Jlcnderson, Mr*. Clmutlla. . ,
Fanny Bchllby, Mlaa Annlo
' llunkcy, Mrs. Tvflfle
Albert. flitupjk <5ro*s, Frank
: ChnppoU* Frank Mallory.W. H.
Dopier. Thomas Moore, ! ..
Elhnore. Dr. NefT. I ft or
- Plnhar. Emmctt Konenmerkel. Qeo.
Hall. F. <3. Ktiwcll, Jainj* n.
lUrtong. D. R. Rogers, J. Edgar
, Huffman, ClaumMI* Shafor, A. 1*.
tl* Mut Sinnll.01 , ?
i. Illrkey, Jamea Stowcll. John M.
, Hoffman. A. ^
riny ftro*.
GEO HUE WISE, Poalxnaater.
. ... :-i.- . >. . - -...: L& . . i

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