OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, November 07, 1898, Image 5

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026844/1898-11-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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Comforts, -igpp
2S dorm fall size
wen filled Comfort*,
covered with dark WBlBbllWH
chintz, Moadoy eacfc
69c. 1 .
?$? ^H^rnr^$1.48
too value, Monday Wry
100 Full giro Comfort*. HIM with
b..t wilt. Cotton. cover*I with { AO
ronges v,""",wt/w
bought to Mil *t $2.43, Monday a
On? out White Olm
Shaker Flannel, t/2V
Monday per yard . .1...
Two cases Ladle*' Choice g
Bleached Muslin, !)C
at per yard
Ail beet make# Prints. American
Blues and Simpson's Mourning
Prints Included, Monday por Air,
yard W.
200 pieces Flannelette Wrapper /f
Goods, the regular 10c kind, 0*0
Monday, per yard.. *
One case White All Wool Flsn- 1 Q?
nels, rejrular 25c grade, Monday IOC
per yard
Not worth
these. Here If 11
are a few V /'v/ 1 U'nftllll
price hints w y*
hov reason- /(
able you can
Bleached Hemmed Pillow Cases, k0
size 45x38 inches, at each 3C
Bleached Hemmed Bolster Cases, inr
size 42x72 Inches, each '"t
Heavy Unbleached Hemmed Sheets, OQr
size 81x90, each
Bleached Hemmed Sheets, made of AtZg*,
Androscoggin Muslin, at each
Commencing Monday morning onr
varans will deliver foods daily to
"nj ?
Martin's Ferry, Aetuville, Bridgeport
and Bellaire until further notice.
j? FURS.
jg&jggbfr These handsome
Purs represent the
55^ top notch of good'
vSpK ncss In their various
fHlMAt ] ijjlvy 8orts and grades.
VyW!?!,1 jBi : va8t buying
mTL* power of this house
' tvrWT accounts for the un *'
usual easy prices.
Fur Collarettes, IV to 14 Inches deep,
$2:98. $3.98. $4.95 and np
-HI. Tn? Toll, of
? UI VUiiaiUllL'Dl "iiu MVUB *? "?? ? ?
$5.90, $7.90, $9.95 op to $75.00
Fur Scarfs, $198,
$3.18, $495 and ap
Electric Seal Jackets,
$2150, $25, $35, on up to $57.50
We Invite you to come expecting to see
great assortments and lower prices, and
you'll not be disappointed.
The Lessons to be Learned from
them Brought out in
Last evening, at the First Christian
church, the pastor, Rev. C. M. Oliphant,
delivered an Interesting discourse to a
large congregation from his theme,
"Lessons From Secret Societies." The
speaker emphasized the good points and
principles of secret societies". but said
that the church must be supreme In
that Its mission could not be supplemented
by the lodge. The church first,
the lodge fecond.
In substance, Kev. Mr. Oliphant spoke
as follows:
"Ehe ffplrlt shown by the Good Samaritan
I? the spirit of true Christianity.
It Is the spirit of true helpfulness. Secret
orders do some good, thin?* In the
line of helpfulness, but they should
t never take the place of the church.
The church Is to be preferred. Its
foundation is Divine. Church first, then
JodtfK. church rounded oy unnsi. r>cM
orders, although many of their
prlnpfplcrt ure Divine, are rounded by
men. All good principle* of the secret
orders come from the church Christ
"The spirit shown by the Good Samnrtlon.
When a man says that the lodge
Is church enough for him he reveals Ignorance
as to the purpose of the lodge,
and does his lodge Injustice. Secret ordftr*
do not claim to possess the saving
.Many of the best church men ire
lodge men. With them the church has
tho pre-eminence, yet they are true to
their lodges.
Let us consider some valuable lessons
from secret orders.
All the members are on on?* common
level. No one. Ir superior to his fellows
?ir io prlvllegei. Manhood in the condition
of b!e?nln?. Thoro In jio true
nrlRtocracy but that of character Nobility
J* the Inheritance of all who will.
Thlff Is a Bible principle. Mod "hath <
mftde of one blood all nations to dwell .
>n the face of the earth." The church
*houJ4 rtbuke the spirit (hat respects
person and not character, lier mcnfbdr* 1
should be on one common luvcl. When i
A Linen store fY ?
here that of- f$rs
tloiial advan-.u V||s<
a hint or two^S^ Trf
of ti^e pri?s:V?j|M |
silver Bleached Table Damask, full jn.
60 Inches wide, in a nice assort- JWC
ment of designs, at per jraid
Pure XJnen Cream Table, Damask. rn_
full 70 inches wide, and a good, "Wr
durable quality, at per yard
Full Bleached Pure Linen Table I
uaraasKH, is incnci wme, un bcv- ncn
SSi "c ^
Snow White Double Damask Table
Linens, in half a- dosen patterns
to choose from, and oy great odds an.
the best $1.25 Damask we know of, Vru! t.
at per yard 7UV H
Handsome Bleached Damask Sets, with !
Hemmed, Hemstitched and Open Work ]
Borders, at prices ranging from $3.00 to ]
<25.00 Set.
Underskirts. |
tWe started out this
season to do the
underskirt business
of this section, and
we think we have
succeeded. Skirts
that we have sold
at <5.00 people have
found hard to
match at anything
near that price.
But we've a special
lot that go on sale '
hero to-day that C
eclipse any offer
we have made.
These are from one ?
of the country's
chief makers, and
come to us by our
buyer's readiness
to take large lots.
Underskirts made of Fine Quality
uooifv Taffeta. Silk, black and 1
changeable, extra wide unmbrel-? J /p i
la style, deep corded ruffles, atAAIK)
each j
Department F
72 Bohemian Glass Water Sets
(thrown on the' Importers by a
western retailer) arrived too late;
came In just right for us. You'll Ng
I think so when you see the price. *
'. /> ...
I Set composed of One Jug and SI* A
| Tumblers, all In Dark Green ||IIM
Bohemian Glass, with Com- llUfl v?
blnatton of G41d and Enameled Mfi| 5
Flower decorations. Sets ordl- |II II. ?
narlly sell at'$L?5 and 12.00. UUU
Monday whilo they last
Sale ?
Stronger than sliver and has the
appearance of silver plated ware. Ng
I ^
6 Tea Spoons I
3 Table Spoons fv RJJ
for 51C ) O
a church exists to cultivate caste she the
loses sight of the true mission of \va/
Christ's church. The caste spirit may bet
be the spirit or society, ouc 11 is noi ?.-v?u
the spirit of the Christ. S
Secret orders avoid, as far as possible, St.
all hangers-on. A parasite ire a lodge is of t
of no value. He is a detriment. Indo- Jjes
lent men are not regarded as good lodge toll
men. People in the church who are J<
too Indolent to earn a livelihood when 0
able are a disgrace to the cause of Him E
who was a worker. Men who contribute E
nothing of energy and talent to the H
welfare of their lodge get no benefit 2il
from Its fellowship. The reason why C
many professed Christians get nothing H
out of their church life lies in the fact A
that they have been living for them- 8
selves, and not for others and Christ. S
Obedience is a good lodge lesson. Su- C
periors in office are obeyed. Sufbordin- ^
ate lodges are subject to the supreme lon
lodge. Aa a result of this srpirit of obe- ^
dience the sick are visited, the dead are
buried, and all higher interests of the &
order are well enhanced. &
Obedience is the great watchword of L
the church. The commands are not J"
grievolis. The motive to obedience is ["h,
God's glory. Members of the church but
should be submissive to their superiors JJn
in rank according to the will of Christ. *,c'
The blessings of obedience are many. |?n
Why not render this obedience, and se- J"?
cure the reward of faithfulness?
The lodge teaches the principle of vvai
brotherhood. Lodge men generally care Jn(
one for another. The brother In trouble ^
Is helped, when- worthy. Vet the lodge *nc
does not encourage a man to enter Its 3fa!
sacred precincts simply to bo helped, ^w
Many men, possrbly, enter the lodge *
for this purpose. Hence the lodge has Mft
Its unworthy members as well as the 00x1
church. The fraternity of the lodge Is
a power, and freaucntly a power for
pood among men. The fraternal spirit T
that leads one member to warn another mci
of approaching danger and to assist t
him In ail noble undertakings 1* conmendable.
But the church has a higher knc
brotherhood ? that of the Christ and wil
HI? people. Her brotherhood is reveal- old
ing its power. It will some day All the
earth. JtJ
"God hath made of mankind *1
Ono mighty brotherhood; h''
Himself their Master "ir
And the world His Lodge."
At St. Matthew's Church~Ment!on
Made of Departed Communicants.
Rov. Js\ S. Thomaf, redtor of St. Mat- ttio
thcw'a P. E. church yesterday morning
delivered a sermon appropriate to the ^
festival of All Saints' day, during which cer
be mentioned the members of the par- by
l?h who had pnssed away durlnq the G
year, which ended with AH Saints. Hah
The communion of saint*, said Rev. ?trt
Mr. Thomas, was one of the beautiful
loctrlties of the Episcopalian creed. Be- m{r.
Lweon tlio living: and the dead, ho said, Ho?
ihore wns an Internal communion. In afU
Kpeaklng of the departed the speaker
juld (hut their virtues are enshrined In | ]go
f Ladies'^
. There is a cl
Ladies' Suits
Stylishness, 1
of a high ordi
and making
best tailors
styles not to 1
where are hi
for equal goo
nearly approa
enmivstivc tilr
idles' Tailored Suits of All Wool
Venetian and Broadcloth, fly
'ront jackets, silk lined,
ind the new d?A at
flounced Skirts, \U US
Monday A?.. V7*7tJ
Finer grades Ladles' Suits at 114.85,
mported Materials, lined throughout with
so this great assortment.
Every Jacket need
met In this store.
A,.?, most servlceably c
i 1 sonably priced, th
N H0 th,s Wrap De
\ InOtsS/V famous far and nei
A I of * few special 11
ft /jf -y t t Indies' All Wool
Jackets, Half Sll
I Velvet Collars; ali
71??T k' each?
Tl IA ^ $4,
\J? ol ^51 Fine All Wool Kers<
?'Vl it^jgl throughout with Hi
on' F'y or B?* *
ttt eac^~
ne Imported Kersey, Melton and Covert C
ihades of Red, Blue, Brown, Tan and C
3ox and the New Cutaway Fronts, bettc
it J1R.00, choice each
Finer grades Ladles' Jackets at $12.85. J
57.50, to which we cordially Invito an 1m
ale of
tandard Rubber Foot Balls. Oft P.
nth key L*j\l ,
'ta^ndard Rubber Foot Balls, QOO
rlth key jyil
tandard Rubber Foot Balls, Jflp
nth key T XJ\) ,
tandard Rubber Foot Balls, C()p f
rIth key jyU
tandard Rubber Foot Balls, n()P 1
nth key Uyii
inndard Rubber Foot Balls, 7()P
.ith key , |
igby Regulation Fbot Ball?, 3
kith rig Skin Covers, UVfl
memory of those left behind; there
9 a blessed communion of mernorf
wren the holy living and the rights
ince November 1,1897, the register of
Matthew's parish records the names (
eighteen persons who died during the
ir. They, with their ages, were as
ows: <
oseph Washington Nichols, 47. j
'dell Squire Long. 61. ,
tfwln Henry Wilde, 40.
Imeie Boyd, 66.
lachel (Williams) Porter, 58. (
fary Charlotte Prager, 4. <
harles Edward Houston, 28. <
:obert Doman, 72. t
lice (Hooker) Clarke. 32.
tephen McCullough, 71. '
usan MoMechen Hfldreth, Infant. 1
atherlne Foster Woods. 101. 1
[ary Ann Pommeroy (Chapline) Nor- 1
, 49. *
ames Dnllas Ewing. 67.
label Spring Singleton, 3.
usan Lam den Hlldreth, 74.
arah (Paull) Howell. 70. 1
ee Mu rfin Rogers, 17. I
ive were communicants of the par- <
, and Rev. Mr. Thomas gave brief t
wucnuiH BKcncui-n ui eacn. ure mm
*municant who died was Stephen I
Cullough, born In the north of Ire- 1
d. Catherine (Foster) Woods, was <
oldest person. 101 years, ever the
of Rev. Mr. Thomas to record. She f
s also born In the north of Ireland, a
1 cam? to "Wheeling with her husid.
Rev. Mr. Thomas paid touching
I deserved tributes to the memorr of
ry (ChapHne) Norton, James Dallas r
lng, and Susan L. Hlldreth. c
esterday morning's services at St. a
tthew's were attended by a larg*
lie Players are out In an announce- f
tit of plans for the season of 1898-59,
which It Is given out that this well
>wn organization of local Thespians
I give three dramatic productions, plays
of great popularity. The permances
will be Riven In November, luary
and March. The seat sale will i
n this morning at House's. SubMcrl- i
s for the season at $4. get two tickfor
each performance.
The tifil IMnnter.
piece of flannel dampened with
imberdaln's Pain Baifm and bound on
the affected parts 1? superior to any
ster. When troubled' with a pain In
chest or side, or a lamo back, irive
b trial. You are certain to bo more ,n
pleased with tho prompt relief ,
Ich It affords. Pain Halm Is also a
tain cure for rheumatism; For sale r
druRglsts. _ 1
RAND ripr Lunch at John TIack'i
ion, corner Eighteenth and Jacob
jots, thin momlnn and evening.
OLLS will open on Tuesday at 2?> .
lutes to 7 o'clock In tho morning and
10 at 12 minutes to 5 o'clock In the
Miloa'Jtof m iHUtt ;iro guaranteed to sfs/?
adaehel-?}c&utoi. *H?:o cent a doao."
ored Suits, m
laracter in the V-v
here, namely: ihe
fabrics are TlA
it, the cutting jUl?JjjSy
is done by the a&
we know of, ZTJ ft\
x seen every- j fU \
:re, and prices _/ 11 V
i^noee nof Su II 1
Ml V "Wk f
iched. A few
Lad If r' Tailored Suit* of Imported Covert
Cloth In the pretty mingles, made with
box or fly front, jacket nicely
corded and full allk lined, ?f | or
flounced skirt with strap All fl!)
seams. Monday at V*A.UV
{16.50,19.00, and Ladles' Suits of High Class
heavy Taffeta Silk, at 125.00. Come and
for Lady or Miss Is
Every garment Is the
onstructed, most rea- ?oroughly
stylish, knd
partment has grown
ar. Below some bints sf5*ln
Btack Keutjr Cloth
k Lined, with Inlaid s&l(f3QLL_
io Covert Cloth Jack- .
mt with Satin, choice J J I'
sy Cloth Jackets, lined I O vC"""^
le Satin, Black or Col- / (I CXk
'ronts, French aeams, h-?
loth Jackets, Including the new
astor, Full Silk or 8at!n Lined, ?A af
r are not sold in ordinary stores
(1185, 516.60, jis.50, on up to finest Velvet at
BTrs"sr Bis,
Sale of?
An immense purchase from the Rome
Mfgr. Co., Rome, N. T. There's a story
behind this, but -we won't go Into deails.
These prices speak volumes:
_ ? No. 7 Nlckcl Plated Copper
Tea Kettles,
iHtg Ko. 8 Nickel Plated Oopper
Tea Kettles, each,
%"wr 68c^ ^
5-Plnt 28c <
Coffee Pots ^ot
l-Plnt QO r
Coffee Pots - J7C
J-Pint 4ftr
Coffee Pots ^oc
( nnt clM
Coffee Pots......;....... ?>'C
[ Pint
Tea Pot? .. 07C
i-PInt jo
Tea. Pots 4oC
No. 8 12-ounco Copper
Wash Boilers, regu- f
jil lar price 11.75, Hontfo.
ft 14-ounee Copper Wash ?f /Q
poller, regular price fl.DS, Mon- ^
It the Bellnlr* liieei Work*?A Night's
Onlpnt wai 4T0 Tons*
All former records were broken at
:he Bollalre steel works last Friday ,
light, when one turn made 470 tons per
lay. This plant was not expected to
field over 750 when at Its best, but the
iplendld business conditions that now
irevail have put vim and vigor Into the
employes, as well as business Into the
"" " * * mnra
)mce. Tnis piarn. hm
his year than In any two years since
832, and each day adds to the proflslency
of the men In handling the new
nachlnen*. The present output was
lever equalled. Greater improvements
ind additions to the plant are contem)lated.
Rncklen't Arnica Halve.
The be?t salve in the world for Cuts,
3ruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
?hlllblalns, Corns, and all Skin Eruplons,
and positively cures Piles, or no
>a;* required. It is guaranteed to glva
jcrfect satisfaction or money refunded.
3rice 25 cents per box. For sale by Lo- 1
cart Drug Co.
The great nut Auction Hal *ver attempt*
<1 lit hJamrv ofonr eltr will begin at oar
tore to-iley at *4i30 )' M,
D1..LOK, n ilUAT 4 IIANC11KR CO.
POLLS will open on Tuesday at 20
tilnutes to 7 o'clock In the morning and
lose nt 12 minutes to 6 o'clock in the 1
JAIME?On Friday, November 4, 1898,
at S o'clock p. m., JOHN BAILIE.
'uncial services will bo held at the Fourth
street Methodist Episcopal church, this
(Monday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
Friends are respectfully Invited to attend.
Interment private, at Greenwood
cemetery. ,
funeral Director an J
Arterial Embalms.-.
111? Main Stract, Went Mils.
Calls by Tolephone Answered Da? '
or Night. Store Telephone GS&
Residence, 606. Assistant's Tele
phone, 696. an it
uneral Director and Embaimer,
1208 MAIN ST,
Under Competent Management.
Telephones?8tore, 228: Residence. 750.
lornff Market and 22d Streets
Telephone 207. Opon Day and Nlph^
From the great auctic
sales held in New York tl
past week. Prices in most L
stances 35 PER CENT LES
than regular prices. Monda
and aO Week if they last tte
long. If there isn't the livi
liest Silk selling when tt
people see the quality and pric
it will be very plain that pec
pie do not want Silks.
10 piece* Rich Black Satin pa
Ducheser. 75c quality, !MI
on sale at vv
10 piece* full TT Inchon wide Black <yn
Satin Duchesse, $1.00 quality, on / W
ale at 1 7
60 pieces superb Black Silks, embraclni
Ottomans, Satin Luxor and Gros Grain
at per yard
75 pieces Novelty Dress Goods. 88
Inches wide, checks, plaids, stripes,
all wool, silk and wool and other af
novelties, 89c and 60c values, at per /!!
yard v
15 pieces Camel's Hair and Boucle ja
Novelties, 45 Inches wide, would AW
be good values at 75c, at per yard.,
20 pieces 40-inch Changeable Granite fa
Cloth Suitings,, strictly all wool, at *W|
per yard
25 pieces 62-inch Broadcloths, in all
the leading shades for Tailored aa
Gowns, regular 11.25 grade, at per Ufli
ySL Special.
f \ 1,000 10-quart Tin Watei
paiis?with biack ana-m
cled handles, Monday
M0 M while they last, each,
Marvel JMMMBa
Iron Frame
Wringer, ^
Monday, gm
98c. ^
:olby Wringer, sold by agents&f) AC
from home to house at I7.5B. >Zyf
Our prico v
Double Sheet
Iron Boasting
Medium sue,
renders, nicely Japanned Mi
Natural uaa ncauuK diuycb,
11.25 on up to $4.9
Rubber Tubing, per foot 81
19c [I LAI
1UV Night Lamp. |j|
[h n OA for a handsome 12-piece
H " V II W fa i p_j it M iA
Hi I flM toilet xi, wonn *T.W.
i|iUiua 0nrprice m
mm m ji Regular $1.25 Si
/ ZlLf hogany finish,
* i! week only .
Herman Frank, Franl
1 2247 AND 2249
CSS pieces rich wf _ MB
Brocaded Satin Daman, /SC I
*1.00 quality, on sale at. ,vv '
_ 45 pieces Changeable Taffetas. In CJ- mm
Q aU Jthe new coloring*, 75o quality, ^
r Peau de Sole, Arraures, Bengallne, ap? -i
?, 91.^0, 9i.%i ana 91.50 qualities, on saiay^j "TO
* * v |?j5|
Dress Goods. I
With our delivery wagons and almost a
score of special package boys constantly ::M
carylng goods awsy from hers, thaw ui
always room to take In s?eelal lots that
through stress of clrcumstanoes ore ??H
pressed to sale. Our buyers during their r#fmi
recent trip to the eastern markets mads
nome of the most fortunate Dress Goods ???
deals in this store's history, whloh ao* SM
counts for these Incredible prices hen to* '-cti
day, and which beforo would have bean - "v;,j
30 pleoes Figured Black Mohairs, 39 fjHEj
and 40 Inches wlda ;also 10 pieces
All Wool Fancy Novelties, value JJg .J3M
JJ fiOc, at per yard
ik niVnvAltv niack Goods, iT? JskI
C "strictly"all wool* 38 and 40 Inches Air
wide, Monday per yard ? T J&j#
25 piece* Priestley's Black Dress Q*
( Goods, 45 Inches wide, their retfu- fkm: -VHS
? lar 91.00 line, at per yard '
10 pieces Priestley's Black Cre_
pone, 44 inches wide, permanent ?f iA
r ilnish, quality that has sold all J| IV
" season at per yard ^ ' ^S??
Incandescent ^ \&8&t
p sWH Gas Lamps, ..'j '"^IP
s hp/a1 a^Urne^ ^
^ Mica Chimneys; ^
pan a^'ewcan
> Stag Handle n
Carvlwr Knife and Pork. '/ >111 is?
3 Best Quality Steel, per act ? | fl\J '
Parlor Rocker, oak or ft J Qf7 4:
in r finish, cobbler seat, |S1 a/
$3, this week V|/11U I. ;||;
mo III Deeorated f7fln I
IfN Lamp, globe and /Ml!
||| shade complete.-* u ,y|
land, oak or ma- l|| am + ^
size 20x29. This jj ? T"C
i E. Foster, Receivers.
| Many Men Have
mi Many Minds,
I but when the subject is our fine laundry
i work, they are all linked in one. and that "3!
I is that tho laundry work done by our up- .-<!
to-date and perfoct methods srlves mor? s>l
genuine satisfaction, for Its* beauty of ,'3
color and exquisite finish In shirt, collar -3
or cuff, .than you can obtain anywhere m
I i.t Whitollnir.
MFMDFI Prarl laundry, CarDonii'
I*" Wort*? 11
>i>UKU9 and Storago Rooms.
Main offlci> 1S1J nnil ISIS Koft atrMt.
Itrnnrll oHIco ISIS Market ll?l.
Sr_ I

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