Newspaper Page Text
, CHHtDBgN'8 WOOL DBF Stone & A Friday Sale o Children's Wool I j* Including P > Plaids, all m I 85c Regular 11.75 and SLW Grades, Friday Each.. Regular C.5S and S2. Friday Each * Regular i l JTrida MAKTE LAMBSEpB. third FI#or Friday far Tkese. Oriental Mantel Lambrequins, Full il. $ 8!*?\ FVinced All Rround. to be sold Friday at tJ7V ""?-< t mMii<a or Hish Ce K (' *ArT" Dcnim?r* Oriental- Designs, Fringed AH Round, Friday each.. mm mm. A Friday Sale of White and Green Boainetcd Picture Frames, with Fancy OHt Corners and Bevel Edge Mats. For 1 Picture Friday 25c For 2 Pictures Friday 55c For 8 Pictures Friday 5?C For 4 Pictures Friday 85c Also Frames toe 5, 6, 7 and S Pictures at special prices. LANES' AND CHILDREN'S WOOL MITTENS. MiKS "* 'J * " Ulaolr Mlttum at EI2c, 15c ami 19c pair Ladle*' All Wool Mittens at 19c sod 25c pair Children's Fur Top Lined Kid Mittens nt 39c and 49c pair LadleC Lined Kid Mitts 75c and 98c pair Ladles' All Wool Cashmere Gloves at 16c and 25c pail ! Investigation will show the above quail' ; ties at the prlees named are very much Hi' below what they regularly sell (or. CONFECTIONERY DEPT. \ Ribbon Mixed Candy. Sold every- Ql,, where at 15c. To-day per pound.. 'W* Admiral Mixed Candy. Something f Qtnew and flue. To-day per pound., Wiw ?'f Pine Taffy. Assorted flavors. To- Qlr day per pound OtfC Stone & \ I _ gl/jgg?OBO? % Snook 3 DAYS or BIG Wednesday, Thu There are sales and sales. / what you DON'T want. M which one can secure JUST i values are not a matter of g jjpr: U1WV yt *VVW? 69c Yard. About 60 pieces dark, medium and evening shades Silks, embracing plains, plaids, stripes and other novelties; which always sold from 90c to $1 50 yard, choice of any of these for 3 days only at 69c yard. I 98c Yard. About 50 pieces of newest high class Novelty Silks, V worth from $1.50 to $2.25 yard. 3 days only at 98c yard, 49c Yard. Lustrous bleck Taffeta Silk J value 75c yard. 3 days ably f at 49c yard. I 75c Yard. *. 23-inch wide black Taffet; Silk, beautiful lustre, regulai $1.00 value. 3 days only a 75c yard. Supply your Christ ma; I- wants now, as we have Silk; for any and every purpose. We Anticipate the liveliest Holiday trade of different merchandise constan diate sale. Holiday lines he front seat. Come 'early for kind Holiday Goods stored firn m s IT JL1 VI < : I88ES?8TOWB A THOMAfl. Thomas. ' f C uresses, i bin AQ Wool, also Cheeks and satly trimmed. ... $K35 B Grade*. $J.75 fttOand <W Grades. $2.75 $3.98 | FUR NECK SCARFS. Some Attractive rriday Values. Imitation Stone and Brown Mar- f a /f i ten Scarfs, 2 heads and 8 tails. JM.QJ) - j Just received ana on snio to-any, 1 100 Tab Effect Blsetrle Seal Collarettes, Astrochan Yokes, Satin fcr aa SPACHTEL f OIK at extra special Friday prices* Spachtel Scarfs, ^0_ Slxe 18x51, each ^'C Spachtel Stand Covers. noS3 Inches square, each.. wt 6-lnch Ofipachtel Mats ; OC . UNCOVERED CUSHIONS. : Well titled r earner Cushions Uncovered. ltf-lnch Square. 9?r Bach 18-Inch Square, JQr Each ^7C 20-Inch Square, AA~ Each 22-lnch Square, AQr Each **7C 25 dozen Tapestry Cushion Covers, |j?. all colore. Renaissance Designs, 1ST Friday each.....* MVv ^ 25 dozen Satin Finished Cushion *p i Covers, swlth Double Ruffle, Pretty /J)T W Colors and Designs, Friday LINEN DEPARTMENT. i 1,000 -Bleached Terry Wash Cloths, at each % 600 pieces Bleached Twilled Toilet 3Toweling, at yard ^ 25 pieces All Linen Barred Towel- /r Ing, the regular 81-Sc kind, at yard. Ot , 10 pieces W-lnch wide Bleached Table jrLinen, at yard 50 ddten 42x3G Bleached Hemstitched f ftPillow Cas6s, Friday each >vC , 50 dozen 72x90 Heavy Unbleaohed noSheets, Friday each .; *7C ====== C Thomas. ; I. SHOOK1 O CO.. : & Co.; % SILK SELLING, Q J rsday and Friday. O I U some sales you generally get _ fow here's a SILK SALE at WHAT IS WANTED, and f uess work either, as witness I 39c Yard. About 15 pieces, embracing all J the light delicate tints of pure I India Silk, at 39c yard. Great = I value, and very desirable for = ; fancy holiday work. For the same purpose we ofier delicate p, shades of Brocaded Satin at 59c yard, wortlr 89c yard. ? ; 39c Yard. " ) , About 10 pieces plain brown, myrtle, mode, grey and other shades of Surah Silk, which are good value at 75c yard. S | 3 days only at 39c yard. 98c Yard. * 28-inch wide black Taffeta? * 1 width and weight just right * J for skirts, value $1.25. 3 days ; only at 98c yard. A black Satin Duchesse of a ? 5 equal width and value at same * price. I A ============== i: o ii 1 u I) our existence. Tons of new, tly arriving and going on imme- ? je which must be accorded a " up-to-date merchandise of any 'J free until wanted. r H NOOK & CO.: ... JX .:K; 8H038-ALKXANDKB. )OLLAR SHOES. We put on sole to-day, three ' thousand pairs of shoes for Men, Women, Boys and Girls, that cost the maker* on an average of SI.59 to produce, at the ualform price of )ne Dollar Per Pair. Most oayone can be fitted la them, end they ere nearly all lete shapes. The reason for this sale? Well, we'll let that go?never mind the reason, bit see the shoes. U aay member of the family needs shoes this is an opportunity to save some money for Christmas. esse I ] Alexander, hoe Sailer. 1049 Mala. J WBDDma BTATIOKBSY. ' Wedding J Stationery. We furnUh^lOO ^handsomely en- ; KTBV6U TV CUUUIB UITIHUIUWX WM> , pie to, from the finest material, for $10.00. IS.GO for each succeeding hundred. 100 engraved Visiting Cards and Engraved Plates IL50. All of best quality. DILLON, WHEAT & jt?HANCHER CO.. 1323 Market Street 8HOB8-NAY BROTHERS. Thursday At % A. M. f3.00 for $1.98. Vt will put on ule odd tlzct of wet weather boots for ladle* extra high top. all kid. heavy tote, jut the thing to keep your feet dry ana warm* Price $1.98?was $3.00 and a good thing; at that > x Nay Brothers, lac Price Shoes. >317 Market OVAL FRAMES. )val Frames or Portraits. ' ****** We are showing a beautiful assort ment of Oval Frames. The newest mm finishes, most artistic designs, low* ** est prices are here. Come and see mmm them. QUALITY HIGH-PRICES LOW JICOLL'S ARTSTORE, 1231 Market Street nol-mw&f )0nft THANKSGIVING )elay. almost here We have made ample preparations for the occasion. j ancy Queen Cluster Table Raisins. Sul- ^ tana Seedless Kalslns (for cakes). : ?mm Seeded Raisins, < COMVRVT HUTS. Cleaned Currants, J ^MonNUPPUS. Citron, Lomonand < CAMMED CNIRtKS. ??! CANOED APWC01S. Dates and Nuts, J Anoxia. Jordan shelled Al- 1 mJ monds. Ptura Pnddiag la I, 2 end 3 lb. Tina. lLBERT STOLZE & CO. 1 1 I Ikr SntcUiflenrer ; , 1 Jftlcet No*, as nod ?7 Konrteanth Street. !*ew Art vert iMmeut*. Wraps and Furs?Geo. E. Stifel & Co.? hlrd pace. A Friday Sale?Stone & Thomas?Eighth ifte. v_ Linen Collars ? McFadden's ? Eighth iw. Cincinnati Packet W. J. Cummins-Sevith pa?o. Reliable Fire Insurance?Alfred PaulL Sealed Proposals. nnual Statement of the Clerk of the oard of Education?Fifth page. Seasonable Goods-Nenbltt and Bro. Fresh?H. F. liehrens Co. Winter Plush Caps?E. S. Dinger Co. Don't?R H. List. Cut This Out?Goctzo's Drug Store. Save Money?Frank Stanton. *0,000. We have fitted more than twenty tliouind pair* or Kuectacjee, fflvliiR tin a recrrt and experience uncquntlod tijr any ther optician In West Virginia* Saiiifao on guaranteed. JACOB W. onuni), Optician, Mo. 130(1 market Street. TTENTION BUTCHERS* AND BREWERS* EMPLOYES. Jly buying our well known All Wool < kiilt Jackets yon trill combine comfort < nd durability. They are the best made. I 'tier |'4,00 mid np. < Agents for the celebrated Jaro? Ily. lenle Underwear, the beat healtli under, rear known. C. IIKHS ft MU2VH, Faih>OBMbl*T?llnri and Furnishers, 1U81 and IStS Market street. m I a IIlnli..t.i< Allr.rllnn 1 Next Tuesday evening Mr. and Mr*, j 'rands Labadle will present their ] nlque entertainment, which they well 1 all "An Original Idea." at the T. M. C. ! v. hall. Tlielr programme la excellent- t f selected ond embraces a wide variety f thought, literary character and dralatlc expression. Mr. and Mm. Labale arc both experienced entertainers .ltd finished elocutionists. Seats will o reserved at the Y. M-. C. A. building at unlay morning. ^ A HHAUMULLER piano In fancy ,'alnut case?Westell Nlchol and Gross I cllon?finest Pohlmnnn steel wire? est German Imported Hummer Feitjt? ully guaranteed?a sample piano?new. peclal price, $283?wdrth $460, al any etall store. Kxamlne it nt our special ale, No. 10(15 Main street. . H P. W. HAUMKH CO. tWr WATCHM IS THH WOULD. Vwrhnrnn, Cnnatnnllii anil II. Ilrylmi Valrhvs nm bring ?nwl nt our filiation mI?. . IHLLOW, W UK AT * II ANUIIKIl CO. >r. Miles' Pain Pllla can Neuralgia. . , i NO FREE TOLLS | Du the Brldgca for Ialand Pupil* or City-aide Schools. ^ ADVERSE OPINION TO PROJECT SUBMITTED BY JUDGE CRANMER TO BOARD OF EDUCATION LAST NIGHT - THE BOARD HASN'T THE LEGAL RIGHT TO DISCRIMINATE IN FAVOR OF ONE SECTION OF- THE CITY?THE FULTON SCHOOL BOARD CONTROVERSY CONSIDERED. The board or education held a'regu * ? l*V . fatf ol. r meeunr uui wjmh ?iu ?endance of mambera, President J. A. lefferson In tfte chair. The usual committee reports were received, and the cBoiutlon Introduced several months igo. calllog (or the payment of the iridfe tolls of Island children attend- St ng city-aide schools, received a death * ilow In the opinion submitted by Judge J , -ranmer. The session was an Interest- wl ag and busy one. th; The finance committee submitted ?? rudge Cranmer's opinion relative to lig he legality of paying bridge tolls for ** eland children attending the High and ^ j Lincoln achooli.' Judge Cranmer held an o the opinion that the board of educaIon had no authority In paying the ?? >rldge tolls, and he cited maov court ullngs of West Virginia and other itates In support of his opinion. The ward could not exercise any jurisdiction other tlisn that granted to It; It ras a creation of the law and not a aw-maker. And In paying these tolls, rgued Judge Cranmer. the board would _ >e discriminating Id favor of one sec Ion of the city. In brief, the legislature didn't grant the board the authorty to pay the Island children's tolls. The reading of this opinion led to a = liscuMlon as to the legality of the ward's paring for the tuition of clill- _ Iron attending a school?Fulton?outride of the Independent/ school district f >f Wheeling. The board has been pay- I ng a certain sum annually for years, V or children living near the Terminal unnel, Quite a distance from Washlngon school. None of the board sought .0 uphold Its legality, other than It wan lone In all fairness and that the precelent had been established. The Fulton board asked for more mo- *ley this year, and ita claim was presented to the board by the finance 0 x>mmittee, Which recommended the payment of 9210, of which sum part had seen paid. After the defeat of several imendments and motions, the Fulton sontroveray was referred to the com-1 nlttee on teacners ana hchoow. -me lommittee will Investigate the distances leparatlng the children from Clay an- J3J lex and "Washington school. ? Then Mr. Maxwell moved to get a J2C econslderatlon of his Island bridge toll *}J resolution, but his motion was laid on J1} [he table by a vote of 6 to 3. On motion of Mr. Hubbard the sum * 1 >f 5300 was appropriated for the repair >f furnaces at Lincoln school. r. Miss Bertha M. Pette was confirmed fj is teacher in Ritchie school, and promotions of teachers In Cloy district vere confirmed. A resolution Introduced by Mr. No>Ie giving1 control of Lincoln school to jonvmlttee on teachers and schols, was referred to the committee on rules and n egulatlonH. Before the redisricting, K] Lincoln school was in Madison district, x md controlled by the Madison commisiJonera. Superintendent Anderson's monthly JL, eport showed the following statistic? w 'or the past month: ve *15 !- !*o I | f*T" )? P S . 5 r2 jf bis1* z ( SCHOOIA | gd v U ssigf S,? Ss = iifePHk 12 limp i" -fifth School 2841 ?711 971*01 39j* 695 -Vanhlngton 659 472 Ml 31 821 6S6 kladlwon 661 69S 96 1 6d R34 :iay 688! fittf 93 0 64 779 Jnlon 6121 451 94 J 32 ttj >niro 438 38fi 93 3 17 664 Vcbster 674 682 94 (M 69 811 litchle 923 R00 93 1 74 9S1 Jncoln 1S41 IBBJ 95) 0 24 413 Total WS| 96j f| 411 [| 6418 The superintendent's report showed hat in the German department the month's enrollment was 571; pupils of 3erman parentage, 284; not of German )arentage, 287. Miss A. B. Wilson, librarian, submitted the report of the public library. srhich showed an average dally circulation of 225 books and periodicals, a total circulation of 5.844; amount reoeived from fines, $10. In September the board appointed ft committee to suggest changes to the ichool law governing Wheeling, and this committee reported in favor pf cliang- * Ing the time for taking the school enu- ss meration from July to May. Other changes proposed were: That the funds collected" for school pupils be placed In i depository -to be named b*- the board thus taking the funds out of the cus- I tody of tha city collector: that a com- B pensatlon shall be fixed for the coiioc tor not tr> exceed 3 per cent of the imount collected; that the time for fix- m Ing salaries from July to June. The :hnnpes were approved of. Several bills were audited and ordered I Mid. DR' BULL'S Cough Syrup has been imitated. Be sure you Ret the genuine Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price !5 cents. _ AUCTION 1 11 le true oar gooiU ?ro going nt flfly Joutt oil tlio (lnllitr, bat w? h?Tt mtidi up i?ur minds to iUiiiI the Iom, In or?l?r to linjr off whnt we owe anil rcorfMtu our sualnms. 0ILL02T, WHEAT* HAXCHEK CO. TliMtksglvlns Kntci. The Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling railway will make special round trip pates for all trains November 23d and !4th, good returning until November 25. nclusive. For particulars apply at C., L. & W. passenger office, McLure house >lock. WE WILL TELL YOU [f your headaches comes from weak eye*; ^ iIho K |!las*en will relieve them. Do yon nave headaclieaf Do your pyM water, ninart or liurn? Dock Him print run together when fading? ?3o things appMr lo'utdo or mixed up? Have a deiilre to rub Lite eyes? Twitching? For any troublo >f your eye?, consult tie. We make jilussea it popular prices. Mak<? a careful examination free of charge and rely on our iklll and not on the patient's Judgment or itnswcrs. Consultation and examination 'ree. PROF. SHEFF, spcoolsr, Car. Mala a>< Uaveatb Sit., Wboelisg, W. Va. F L \ SPITS AND OVM&OC We Have Worked ^ Such a boom as our busln our stock. In each depar reason f'oi*lt 'Twasn't ou our superior qualities?no but the grand, glorious un and we seal satisfaction guarantee. Wehaveseari whole creation, gathering that were growing In the can show you 'a stock ol that'll be the envy or thi house is full of flowers strewing them among i Suits, -flight its a thread through the eye of C needle wo have entered Into every c ase of Suit fashion. When you make v changc with us thUi (all or winter |t n II be for the better. We have shaved ? prices until only a tlaaue of profit 11 v*n the coat. Our line of cbeapneaa li a been drawn at SS. worth wclchs ? fat below that price, up to 128. Quality b sws with every dollar. There Is the (best perfection. Judge ua aa you And * , . Single and double-breasted sacks o d four-button cutaways. A. variety .. it no three houses combined can ual. Do not fear for the fit?that Is * rfect beyond Improvement. ci Our aim has been to ? money's worth you have i succeeded. Success pile: Boys' Department brimfu rHE^HU HUB CORNER, FOURTEENTH LACS OUBTAIN8, BTO.-? Si ?? mmmm ? 3eo. H. l ay 10 ace Curtains [ nd Portieres ? This Week 'jgO/J at?mr*5/0 * LESS THAN REGULAR PRICE. _ i.OO Curtains. 122.60 1 LOO Curtains..... $18.75 1.00 Curtains $15.00 i.OO Curtains, $11.25 ? 1.00 Curtains $ 7.50 u ;.00 Curtains $ 3.75 h 1.00 Curtains. $ L50 lr ni [oaks and Suits ?> e being received dally, and we are splaying only the newest and latest rlea In these garments. ng Capes e one ot the most desirable garments u can possess for general utility and ugh wear. We have Just received me new ones In plain and plaid rersed cloths. 3eo. R. Taylc J. H. LOOKB 8H0 THE MAN WHO WEN To look around for a B we offered to him came 1 jtjijijtjij YES, SIR, when yon go ont huntlr than our Hen's Genuine J Leather Lined Shoe for $ hard job to find it?In fact tie mora money to it ; would not lie easy. Loci FURNITURE- ALE3LA Reliable urniture. _.>* A feature of the our autumn shov jt never lose sight o jt insist upon the bi jt right. We wish jt advantage for prii je the excellent assoi and you'll agree inducement here fecial Bargains in Fine ai ediuni Priced Bed Room Suil ALEXANDE irniture, Carpets, Etc. .A. , 'AT6?'"HB BUB. Vondersll "ess had this fall. Study I tment you will find a ^ r low prices alone-nor I r our exclusive styles- I ion of all these virtues with our responsible shed up1 and. down the : the choicest novelties garden of genius. We f Suits and Overcoats s to-order shoos. Our of fashion and we're in aDpiauding public. Overcoats. Inly the rich can afford to hive in vercoat made to order, and they dost eed to. Ours have won a place amoai' le beat efforts of cnatom tailors. Price i their only resemblance to the ready. lade (rarmenta ahown you by tnj. ody else. The more you aee others Uw tronger will bo your appreciation ol urs. It Isn't stranso we want yon to >ok around. No alyle or alu or tun re have forgotten. Every alyle, tvety ilor, every one made to lit and to wear, five you the biggest aver had, and we have 3 upon success. The 1 of new things' r Clothiers, Hatters f I 1 j and furnishers, AND MARKET STREETS. 3EO. R. TAYLOR CO. j r Company, adies' Waists jr winter wear In Velvet, Silk, Stlln, ashmere and Luatre, rangini la price om 12.60 to 18.00. impress Skirts. These skirts are the most dealrebli ndergarmcnt a lady can near, Mi proved their desirableness by aell15 quickly... We have Just reeelvsd 1 ew supply in all (he newest shadtf In ilk, and are ready to fill orders for io?e not fortunate enough to item lem before. DR. JAEGER'S HEALTH CNDERWEAL MDNSWfi PLATED UNDERWEAR. ARNOLD'S KNIT GOODS P. CENTEMERI S CO. HD CLOVES ir Company. >B COMPANY. r out ETTER SHOE than jack tired out. > ijtj* ig a BETTER. SHOE Sox Calf, Three Sole 3.00 you will bare a you could put a litnnd then the job te Shoe Company. .NDBB PRBW. _ : (?) # I many handsome styles in I .ring is their reliability. I f that important point. We I sst, but the price must & I our patrons to have every I -p ani4 nualifv AAA to thlS I tment, the superior designs with us that there's every to careful furniture buyer* - I S. ? . ... R FREW. No. 1208 Main Stre<* ifl J