Newspaper Page Text
J SPORT. -ro-yiGHrs battle *o'k ??* ? ??rk.r lo.b.H - ?"'? m" "* ? ? ?? ticiaryr- ?i?* ?iw.iiur |U. |?? Ol?dl?lomir " ?' SqMtfrt Ctn vkw YORK, Nov. 21.?T O itourke. who ? Sharkey'. tack manager and trainer. W* that T ?ill .urprlae (hoae who have doobU hi, ability. "Sharkey haa Improi ,v.nJcrfolly." ?W O'Rourke- to^d ..4nd t, In line fettle. He hA> trill ,,II .,nd carefully, doing everyth ? ?? asked of him without a m I-:;; rbett only boxed ? couple of roui , . afternoon to limber up,;and ,r.?n?r. Charles White, waa more th ?l ??Pci with !>i? raaa. Tho'latter sa .1 in hss gone throygn nis -course tralnln* splendidly- and tu^Ka* he h ntticr than when lie met1 Filial it Carton City. There he lost: llcht when he had It won, but to-m i nicht will tell a different stc i' licit Is Just as faat as ever he w Hit Ire work could not be better D Ire hi* preparation for this, boot, J has lesrned to fight a little slower t! iiireto/ore and this la an a^wtfagc a will .-ruble him to bit hardtrtt am e flJent that he will win, and-the fl| should not last more itoan flft< round?." *7 ' . WHEELING MEN'S VIEWS. Wheeling men who follow rlpg eve ripren tar the benefit of lotelllgen rudera their views on thc:0)Utcome to-nlslit's battle between Corbett e Sharkey. INa;e Flel?I am confident the sal Kill win. Corbctt will not be able to him hard enough for1 a knock-out. the other hand, Sharkey carTendure I or punishment and ought to wear J down and win out when he Is too i tousled for his aclence to avail him ai thins. ... Ned Kims?lis a c?ie nl-poxer E fighter, and the lighter will win. Ph hrv is too strong for the ex-charoplon handle after the opening rounds. p j. Murphy?Corbett will win point?, but Sharkey la too tough a pn osltlon for him to knock out, Winnie Winder?Sharkey will win; has endurance and one of hl? blows \ lie worth several of Corbett'a. piiiilp Maureiv-It the contest is the square, Corbett ahould win points, as according to the articles c clean break. Sharkey will get no cbai to rough It. The rules of the cont favor Corbett'a style, and not Shi iey's. J. Toogcr Ryan?Sharkey will be i new champion?an Ideal champion, < who will light four battler a rear wl out hesitancy. He will defeat Corb sure. William Welagerber?Corbett m set the decision on points, but he ca nut Sharkey out. Painmy Nichols?Corbett Is a si ?.nner, and will knock Sharker out. Kllllan Bader?Sharkey will win o' Corbett, I (Irmly believe. Jack Arthurs?I think jrctt;of Shi key, but if he fails to put Corbett < tri,l they go the limit. Corbett. who a fancy boxer, will win on points. Kllly" Sherry?Corbett will w Yes. !ie will knock Sharkey out. William "Ppntp" Dixon?Sharker ii sure winner. The pportlrwr element of this cli which is being nugmented hourly new arrivals. Is In a ferment for t 'coming meeting between James J. Cc bett and Thomas Sharkey, the heav weight pugilist*. The fight., which to take place to-morrow night befc the Lenox athletic dub. will certair go on without any Interruption by t l>o)ice authorities. Both pugilists b In the best possible shape for the e counter and while each seems'conflde of victory, Corbett Is still the facvor among the majority of sporting m* Both indulged In light work to-day Jt laklng enough exercise to keep th? muscles and wind in good order, a u VUllkiaitL each will rest from this afternoon un h* is culled upon to go llfib the rl about 10 o'clock to-morrow night. TO SEE TWO FIGHTS. ? Yesterday afternoon a party Wheeling men departed for New Yo over the Baltimore A Ohio, where th will wltncf* two pugillvtic encounte To-night they win aee "Jim" Corb? ?r.d "Sailor" Sharkey In a great conti or the heavyweights, and will stay o^ In the metropolis for the contest bet we Dixon and Gardner next week. Th are Gardner men from start to flnli The personnel of the party I? as follov Edward Seabrigbt, Klillan Bader. Ji Mf.Cautland, Will Wtrwler and Wall Stewart, the latter from Baroesviyie. THE LOCAL OEVDS. Some betting on the outcome of t '' >rbett-Sharkey flght was being- do la*t r.lght at the local poo'j rooms, a ?ho odds were: Corbctt r?0, Sharkey To-night, McLaughlin- & Co. will I celve the fight by rounds at their p< looms on Water street. RED UOT PRACTICE Tli? Order of llifi dnjr Amon( l?oeal Fo ( nil 1'lnycrt YeMerdny?Preparing <l?n PltUbursli Coll?|{?Giiine-Tlie Lit J* - r*Ji?!tx iinll Own* I'wlny, The Island ball park yesterday aft< noon presented an animated scene, every corner of the lot. footballs wc *>e!ng kicked through space, with he :>r.:l there a crowd of long-haired at biff and little, In football toi lining up. tackling and maneuvering a cording to the tslgnala. There wc Js " ? . , , tr~ HptS I flm SHARKEY TN FIO. >y- Sharkey has a great deal to win If h< md wh,ch 19 about to come off; Corbett, on t &r. fails to knock out Shorkey.Botti will figi to noted for grace In the ring, nor la he cal hand he has trained closely, an in the pa; 0p" that he now finds no difficulty In gettin he probably one hundred, players out and irlll the beat practice of the season resulted. The work was of especial benefit to W. on A. C. players, who were drilled through on two hours of the hardest kind of pracifa tlce. ice The famous "guards back" formation, est used with such signal success by U. of ar- P. was Illustrated to Captain Edwards' men for the first time, and this play will the be used In the Thanksgiving: game >ne against Pittsburgh College, but it is th- likely the coltegiahs have also the ett "guards back" In their repertoire. An old Pennsylvania player rendered the lay boys considerable assistance by his n't coaching in. the "guards back" and other trick plays, as well as giving good jre advice along the lines of straight foot ball. The members of the team out .'er were the three Edwards boys, Barrett, SmJth, Mathls, Curtis. Handlan and ar- K4ncheloe. Some of the team haven't )Ut got the signals down to the finest posIs sibte finish, but by Wednesday it- Js expected the backs will get ofT like clock in. work, with the interference moving like a shot. The team will go into Thursi a day's game in the best shape a locai team has ever been in. ty. Pittsburgh college has a great team, by Its stars are big Comerford, last year he with Georgetown University and for)r merly with Harvard; Van Cleve, of P. y- A. C.; Cannon and Farrar, of Youngsis town, Burns and Mullenv who are top trO . nntohpM nJ full nn>1 niinrtor lun. ily ly; and the others are away up. Nalen, he who plays center, used to play with ire Steubenvllle. The college will send in- dowm a big- delegation of rooters, and int Pittsburgh money promises to be In Ite sight, but all of It will be covered, within. out fear. ist ? fir Rev. Father McDermott. representing nd 1 the Pittsburgh college team, came down GOING AROUND THE EXP. itll from the Smoky City last night, to ng make arrangements for the team an<! rooters during their may here. Father McDermott In enthusiastic over the team's work, and likewise confident of f victory over W. A. C. It Is probable, _j. ?ald Father McDermott, that the coly lege brass band will accompany the -J team. The Carroll Club will entertain clj the boy*, and Father McDermott, who returns to Pittsburgh this morning,was rer the club's guest last night. The Lin sly boys have sold n big .. bunch of tickets for their game this afternoon, at the Island ball park, with ^' Trinity hall, of Washington, Pa. The [_. game will be called at 3:30 p. m., and as the visitors will return on the Baltimore & Ohio 5:20 train, the halves necessarily will !) ? about twenty minutes each. The i Trlnltv Hall will llkelv. avmio at leas! i ten poundn more than Llnsly. but the ltu* | locals Intend to be there at all stages. I A big crowd of Llnsfy rooters will be on deck to cheer their boys along. ?' j HOWLING. WHEELING LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Per. . All Alikft 1? 2 .889 ol* Wheeling 1* 3 .887 for How lorn 15 3 .883 it>. Puritan* 13 8 .819 Golden Rods 10 S .656 Old Cronies 8 in M4 >r- Aber Nit B J3 .m T_ Hum Duma 5 13 ln U Bollo ? 15 .1(17 ?re Frog Horn* 0 18 .OOJ ir0 Wheeling won three straight from the Purltana last evonng on one-sded score*. ;im follow*: PURITANS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Totiil IC- Wlhelm 149 147 143 429 re Jonea 130 IK 1)9 385 THBin'l2r?8 ON THE HU.VNEJL ow sharpy I HTINO ATTITUDE, b knocks out Cort>ett In the bis match he other hand* loses everything if he ht desperately to win. Sharkey is not lied "Gentletnan Itom," tout on the other Bt year he ha*?devclcped himself so well g backers for the famous coming fight. Miller 157 140 117 414 Baker 105 145 152 408 Falcke 175 137 135 447 Blind 136 151 158 445 , Total* 842 847 W4 2533 WHEELING. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Brown 173 187 145 606 Wettset 183 146 126 455 Handlan 113 153 123 389 Wagner 150 189 151 490 Campbell 168 166 It* 6W Stevenson 142 178 159 479 Totals 929 1019 900 2848 Scorers?Kohms and Plankey. Umpire? 1 ArmbniBter. To-night?Old Cronies and Frog Horns. / CARROLL CLUB LEAGUE The Marquettes won two of three games in the Carroll Club league. Score: MARQUETTE8. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Carroll 123 119 147 389 Oiesey 128 143 148 419 Halllsy 141 140 124 405 Balxer 145 140 171 356 Cochran 135 112 177 424 Blind 101 142 123 369 Totals 776 796 890 2362 ] nuoDATTya l?, OH 8/1 Tntal I Ray 110 144 104 358 : Brady 155 125 16G 346 Zierowlck 104 111 126 341 Gordon 164 137 133 426 Scally 145 W 116 SCO Kaiser 125 109 113 347 Totals ... 7M 723 760 2278 Scorers?Hoffman and Roth. Umpire? Gundllng. In the same league Rough Riders won two In three from Imperials. Score: ROUGH RIDERS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Blatt 114 ISO 113 391 Roth 124 150 174 448 Gundllng K5 160 1* 344 Btevens 115 148 127 3S0 Weltsel 132 121 174 427 Blind 129 1S8 117 424 Totals 6!?9 876 853 2414 IMPERIALS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Sonnefeldt 173 144 191 506 Hoffman 145 133 02 370 McMahon 149 139 U1 3W i McDonnell 130 127 10* 359 Voider 116 152 149 417 Kane 153 118 142 415 ] Totals 4.. 8M 813 773 24M < Scorer*?Klrchner and Moore. Umpire? ' Cochran. 1 MUSEE LBAQUa Won. Ix>?t. Por. , Jack Tor* 14 1 .933 Bowler* 13 u .722 N. E. L. & A. A 11 4 .731 1* Relic 7 K .107 Dalalen r. 10 .113 Pr/ivonnt* R 111 t'M I Bhanley Co. No. i\ ? 12 .833 Off Again 2 13 .133 . Lad evening's contests In tho Musee league resulted in 8hanleys taking one out of throe froin the Bowlers. I BOWLERS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Rader 161 127 200 430 Henry 12X 119 1*9 4*5 Mack 171 112 133 41ti . Radtr, J 122 IIS 132 4<M Alexander 123 132 113 3W Krablem 188 158 133 477 , Totals W3 797 901 2581 . SHAN LEYS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Fisher K> 145 173 4?? Butts 127 PI 117 335 . Worls 137 1<57 164 468 8hanley 165 178 1 23 463 Ennls 137 140 153 4.T0 , blind I4K 147 l i 457 ? Totals 803 865 8*1 2^9 " Scorers?Handy and Fugate. Umpire? Clator. : BUILDS tip <he system; puts pure, ! rich blood In the veins; makes men and women strong nnd healthy. Burdock Blood Hitt'TH. At any drugatore. 1 j m ' i i a i No matter what r you pay for it j Ayer's ji iflemj ptuurai) j is the cheapest medi- ' i cine in the world for e i that cough of yours. , s i' i !' - J \ BELLA1BF. ^ All 3?itaor Lentl M??rs auH GoMlp Prom Hie ttlkii Cltr. Sixteen oar loads of 10-Inch gas pipe passed through here last week for Pipe ? Creek, billed to Che East Ohio Natural I Gas Company, and Saturday and Sunday fourteen cars more of the same kind of pipe reached here billed to -the same company at Bethel. This Indicates live- tl ly operation In the southern part of this b county. It Is also known that oil operators have arranged to sink a well just west of this city, and that thousands of acres have been quietly leased, reaching almost to the corporation limits of this ? city. fi The Bellalre Steel Company made the largest two weeks run ev.;r made ending last Saturday, and they have so much e business on hands now that they need J more men. In fact It Is stated that the watchmen at the gates have orders to ? send every able-bodied man who applies I for work to the office. There seems to be no doubt there is employment for all the men willing to work these days. There are fewer idle men here than for 0 a long time past. Ir J. M. DuBois who Is supplying quite a lot of lumber to Woodsfleld and neighboring parties, tad fifteen car loads to ship as quickly as possible and wired Receiver Geddes for special rates on ii such a lot as that. Presently the an- p awer came back: "No special rates; have - ? ? j*?- " nu.. all the Business we can aaiiuir. mc B., Z. & C. for a month or more has been employing all the motor power they have and cannot keep pace with the business u offered. The reception tendered Rev. R. S. Coffey and wife at the First Presbyterian church yesterday evening, was a very enjoyable and pleasant gathering, e The congregation and other friends v made the pastor and his wife feel that their lines were cast In a pleasant place, fi James Kinney, Jr., has completed the wells that are to supply Benwood with water and the pumps "have been going for several days. The contractor much encouraged and feels there Is no b doubt of an ample supply. it The Mayhew brothers, who every once ei In a while get on the rampage, made things lively for Louis Long Saturday night, and came near using him up very badly. As it is he Is the worst of the fettle. .The wife of Thomas J. Malone died at / tneir home here yesterday forenoon. The I husband and five children survive. Can- ^ cer of the stomach was the trouble. The * ' ?A.HoV. _ B?wi:rui wnvo _ Mayor Freeze had eight case* before him yesterday, five of them being plain drunks, the other three "being disorder- ^ lies and included two females who were } loaded with bad liquor. p The new Shadyelde school house Is to 2.' be dedicated on Thanksgiving day. Col. C. L. Poorman will deliver the address, di Dr. J. S. McClellan, who has been In ?i New York for a month past, will be home this week. Ex-Mayor John DuBois is afflloted -i with a number of bolls on his neck and " irms e? A "Gospel Ark" is doing business on 2 McMahon's creek at this point. Perry'i bic I'lrn Lou PERRY, Iowa, Nov. Si.?This town lutaincd a Are loss last night agregat- p Ing a quarter of a million dollars. A arge portion of the business part of the d 1 "***" ?n??i inHR. The heaviest to loser Is AHen Breed, the owner of several mercantile properties and the opera di House. The Are started in the livery 10 itable of Charles Mitchell and was soon m 3ut of control.' The De* MkJlnes Are Jr-partment, with hose and wagons, and r>elgbboring towns were put on special trains, which had been ca-lled for by .he Perry authorities. R A Sure Sign of Croup. _ Hoarseness In a child that is subject p. Jo croup Is a sure indication of the ap ;>roach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as tho ' :hild becomes hoarse, or even after the 1U< rroupy cough has appeared. It will pre- J rent the atiack. Many mothers who In have croupy ch..dren always keep this remedy at hand, una find that It saves n, them much trouble and worry. It can ja always be depended upon, and is picasint to take. For sale by druggists. be OABTORIA. ONE CENTRE ? WORD kj N N< All solid advertisements under B1 ? the following headings: : t : ? gl' WANTED. PERSONALS, 3 LOST AND FOUND, ? j FOR RENT, FOR SALE, will be Inscrud at tho rats of ^ DNE^CENTsASWORD 1 ? . R< FOR RBNT. J FOR RENT-BE VKItAL, GOOD ROOMS F( In th? City Bank Building. Inquire at he City Hank of Wheeling. mrtQ For rent?fine office rooms, rj b??t location in city. PoMWslon nt lJ\ mce. NICOLL'B ART STORE, 1231 Mar(ft street. oc2Q FOR RENT-OFFICE AND LODGING le] rooms at 1D0C Market street. Water and >oth Kane* In each room. Rent very rea- 4 i unable. AfplV to 1&04 Market wtreet. mi deJ0-mAtu_ c?a 170 R RENT ? THE DE81RABLE 0t ij three-utory brick bulldlnjr, unliable for 1 mumifurturlnit ?>*tab)lrthm<>nt. located nt R{( outh?-*ttMt corner of Eighteenth and Chap* t Ine etreetn. Moro icround If needed. Trr- w? nlnal nwltch benlde the property. Apply <;f 0 JOHN DECKETT. noil rA FOR K/B2STT- J; Tim Urgt Store Itooin he No. 1065 Main Street QUJ *oMeailon April l?t,poMlhlyiinon<*r. Alee 1 Hare Hoomt at Teutto and Main itreiti, >m JAMES I.. 1IAWMSY, f, leal Ketate, 3d Floor, No. 1005 Main Hi. ______ LILIPUTIAN ooopa-o: Liliputian Gc L *VWV%f^jvrw* VM a The wants of "Baby" a specially in the fall and wii >f supplying many more < uch as FURS, COATS, KNIT I ONG OR SHORT COATS, BOf iND DRESSES. Also many d; holders, Silver Rattles and oo early to be looking afte lor Third Floor. 1 is vetting in Its special holiday atre, both of the useful and ornamental, j. ut only a few Illustration* roust suf- t ce here. ^ o One hundred 8-inch Coxy Cushion?, n overed with art denim, and havlngr a ve-inch ruffle, for j 48c. iomethinc-New J - o v a Screens. Is a single Serpen. 26xol inches, a ak or Mahogany frame, filled wltii ri nltatlon hand-painted tapestry? $3.98. . Also a three-fold Screen, full size, 67 iches wide, 68 Inches high, filled with ioman Tapestry, for r $11.48 and $12.48. J s Three-fold Screens, filling of which ; of Sllkallne, from $1.89 up. J One hundred or more Cushions of beat own, covered with Silk, Satin and 0 laaras or rancy ucjuuis, ihivvb om 48c up. J Tabourettes, Jardinieres and Flower Lands that your home should possess l< :ore than one of, are now here In Orlatal and modern designs, at 98c to $4.75.f a OeOo E. St MALE HELP. ilTANTED?MEN TO LEARN BAR- / KV BER trade. Eight weeks completes. | osltlons positively guaranteed. Placed n vo to-day at $60.00 monthly. Places for k 0 more, new field. Applications from r >untry receive prompt attention. Adress MOLER BARBER SCHOOL, Clnnnatl. no!9 WANTED. jj TTANTED ? POSITION BY BOOK- * IV KEEPER of soveral yearn' cxperl- ? ice. Will be at liberty about January 1, ? sooner If necessary. Address BOOKKEEPER, care of Intelligencer office. nolO-tth&s ^ M REAL ESTATE. ' ? OR SALE.- - J 27 South Huron street, now 6-roomed .veiling, with bath and both eases, easy f rm;??J2M50.00. J 79 South Front street, S-roomed frame veiling, with all modern conveniences/ n t fiOxlfd 3* 3729 Kolt street, 7-room brick dwelling? ~ ,000.00. 1 123 Fourteenth street, S-room residence. * Money to Loan on City Real Estate. u G. O. SMITH, i EAL ESTATE. FIRE INSURANCE. J Exchange Hank Building. OR RENT' ^ A 19 and SI South Broadway street, 7 rooms id bath each. J2 Krle street, 4-room house. 51 South Broadway, store room, dwellg and bakery. 14 South Broadway, 7 rooms and bath om. loS South Broadway, 3 rooms, bath and nnrtrv. 128 South Pcnn street, S rooms, bath, ?th gases. MONEY TO LOAN. 1HE0. W. FINK & CO., itcphone 687. 1520 MarKet St FOR RB1TT. o. 129 Fourteenth street $30 CO o. 134 Nineteenth street 9 00 ? o. 30 Sixteenth streot, bottling eelar 12 00 o. 32 Sixteenth struct, olllco room.. 10 CO d d. 34 Sixteenth street, llrst floor.... 17 00 acksmlth shop. Market ond Twenty-fourth streets 10 00 able 1K16 Alley D 5 00 room* Second street, Martin's Ferry, Ohio, natural gas fixtures for Heat and light 7 00 nr FOR SALE. bl Desirable Market street property. JAMES A. HENRY, | ^al Estate Agent, Collector, Notary Public and Pension Attorney, No. 1612 Main street. tr 9r Sale, Rent and Exchange. FOR BALI3?Building Rite, 115 by 240. ? ist McColloch street. Dirt cheap. Small farm, improved. 41 acres. Three Hps from city and river road. \ tine country residence, Pleasant ValV cheap homo. two-story brick dwelling, rooms and kltchon. on Bast McColloch reel. Lot 20 by 120. Only $1,700. Terms cj k very nne building lot on north side Fourteenth street. ri Two dcslniblo building lots on Wood Ll reet. Kl?:btb wnrd?on very easy terms. Bl \ two-atory frame dwelling, 5 room*, th stable on lot. Lot 2.1 by 100. Bouth inpllne street. Eighth ward. Only 91,630; sy terms. FOR RKNT?An elegant modern reslnee. 10 rooms and bath, hot and cold iter, both gases, west side of Chapllne, a'J twron Twenty-second and Twenty-third reoti. Possession Kiven now. \ county residence with grounds. In- ? Ire at onre. ?or exchange for city property, a well proved farm nt Hlstersvllle. CO acros. ^ A.SCHAEFERSM./r;rH.Wu ? Telephone 617. * V ' go. j. mnij* oj. , " . tods z J?WO* ?<r re varied and many, and- J titer are the opportunities . af the little necessities-*? BOOTIES, LEATHER SHOES, <NETS, CAPS, BIBS, SUPS ainty trinkets?Gold Bib Teething Rings. It's not r Babies' Holiday Gifts. :"rc i g* In (very kind there's a dlffermo* it quality and a difference In worth. )an you Judge from a few quotations '{ ha value offered. Ha appearance, etc.? V'a think not. Tet wo will quote a few f our offers anil ask you to pu* Julf lent when you see them. fealette la a fair imitation of Seal, and rhen placed In a collarette and worn :1th a Jacket makes a pood appearance. A V* sell a 12-lnch Sealette Collarette lor $3.98. Combination' Collarette of Bealatt* nd Gray Aatracham very showy and Ich In appearance, $4.98. ilectric Seal? Aj most perfect imitation of the eal Seal, and very hard for tha Inxperienced to discern the dUUrsnofc ' f 2-inch Collarette lined with Black OtllL $5.48. | itone Marten Scarf? Has animal bead and five tails n each end" $3.98. link Stoles With one or two heads and 6 to ) tails, $8.50 upwards. Jackets or Real Seal EHecMo Beftl, istrachan and Velont all price*. ===== i ifel <& Co. ' ?i?? canaries. CANARIES-BOO HARTZ MOUNTAIN % i Rollers, Males 12.00, Females 50c. at $ IENRY HELMBRIGHT'S, corner Marct and 8lxth streets. . sel jHH to loan. k/fONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES- | VJL TATE. Six per cent Interest and one is er cent premium, total seven per oent h ?nply to THE BUCKEYE 8AVING8 * M CAN CO.. Cd St., Bellalre. Ohio. 007 -?M fob balh. HIOR SALE-GOOD PAYING BUST- 'i J NE8B at a bargain. Address J. M* are Intelligencer office. aull SJaa [^OR SALE?A CA8E OF FIVE THOUD SAND 6c Cigars, good quality; must , a c sold at once. Give address. A. B. C., 1 ire Intclllgencer office. noli jlOR SALE?ON EASY TERMS-LOT I] J on Jacob street, below street car barn, 160. Terms, 1100 cash, balance In Ave an- J ual payments of ISO each. GEO. J. J [ATHIBO.v. law fiiarkfic street. now j? TlOR SALE?ONE AND ONE-HALF J lot In Oretnwood cemetery: flno loo*- ] on; cornor lot; adjoining boat Improve* ient? in cemetery. Addreoo CEMBTERX 'Ma OT. care Intclllgencer office. apl> pOR SALE FBV CHOICB LOTS AT EDGIRuTOl CHEAP -t.VD OS EASr TEBX& W. V. HOGE, CUT Ilnnk Uulldlnc, liuO aiark.t St. j FOR 8ALB. Riverside Iron & Steel Co. Stock. Aetna-Standard Mill Stock, Preferred. Aetna-Standard Mill Stock, Common. Wheeling Steel & Iron Co. Stock. Wheeling Electrical Co. Stock. Wheeling Pottery Co. Stock. West Virginia Glass Co. 8tock. West Va. State Fair Association 8tOCk. . 43 Bloch Bros. Tobacco Co. Stock. Rank of Wheeling Stock. Exchange Bank Stock. 't-Sj Fostorla Glass Co. Stock. 8 per cent Gold Bonds. 6 per cent Currency Bonds, 5 per cent Gold Bonds. SIMPSON & TATUM, oom <. City Bank Bljg. Tel. tU. SfiJS ECEIVERS' SALE Of the Wheeling Drug Compear at ; No. 1409 Main St, Wheeling, W. Va. The receiver* will eell at print* aala, iJ on romonnblo term*. the on lire stock. u'l lla receivable, Rood will and lean on the j j JIIUIIIK Ul mo ti VIUB uvill|laiu, ,1|J lie hou*o has a largo trade and the bu?1- ill ?sa Is In flrat-claa? condition in every reiect. It la a rare opportunity for anyone ?7t9 siring to engage In the wholesale drujr ftf-l mine**. Until sale la made the receivers <*]/ ill continue to conduct the bunlneaa aa ( I ?retofore. and are ready to iupply the vfj ade with everything In the line of whole,1c drugs. Tt. T. DEVRIE8. FRANK GRUBE. nolo Reoelvert. ^13 BONDS. I First Mortgago, S percent Prirt- If pal and interest payable in gold. Harkersburg Consolidated Gas, ectrtc Lignt ana direei naiiway Howard Hazlett, XJCKfl, nONDS AND INVESTMENT* Exchange Hank n?Udlny. MEDICAL. !