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I THE INTELLIGENCER.] MM* fear. (u?rt Mm *r The totelligeocer PuMishlag Co., 35 mo ? rounuxn smn Hf: Term ftr l?r, t>r Mil, la Mnw, P?U|> rnpmU. <>' Daily (mi Dtp in om wmk> i T?r.ftl.W p Dally, SU ? 2.60 ['. Dally, Thm KottUuH,mwlMHNJHMM, 1.30 ; Dally (Ibm Days la tha Vak)..^ 3.00 fcfe;' Dally (Two Day* tu tka Wak)HMMM 8.00 Dally (Om Moatl*).... ? (1 / Weakly (Om Yaar in AdvaaM).,.^ 1*00 f- Weakly (?* 00 THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER 1* deliv| ered by carriers In Wheeling and adjacent towns at 10 centa per week. Persons within* to subscribe to THE $ DAILY INTELLIGENCER can do so by sending in their orders to the Intelligencer office on postal cards or otherwise. They will bo punctually fl served by carriers. Tributes of Respect and Obituary Notices 60 cents per inch. f;; Correspondence containing important news sollcltod from every part of the surrounding country. IilCJCVtcu uviuutuuivauwHa ntu uvt w? turned unleaa accompanied by aufflclent t>o*ag?. [The INTELLIGENCER, embracing 1U over*! edltlona, It entered in the Fo?tofflce at Wheeling, .w. >*.. at second-claas matter.] Txunon xuxazu editorial Reoeu 823 I CoaaUe* leeat -8M THE INTELLIGENCER. VHUUKO, DECEMBER ?, MM. Abate v?. Honest CHUdasu The Register, In its able editorials denouncing the United Stateaf term* of Deace as brutal to poor down-trodden ftnnin. for which It hau an abiding eym P*thy, accuse* the Intelligencer of K "blackguarding:" it for Its display of enmity toward our own country by comparing it to the feudal despot* of ancient days. The Intelligencer la wlll& lng to leave to the sober Judgment of its ? readers whether it i ever engages In r:: < "blackguardism" or not. It will compare notes with the Register on tbat (point any day. Our neighbor also takes occasion to. , suggest that this paper should denounce the venerable Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, for opposing the policy of the I administration regarmg tne ?*niJippinets. ^ The Intelligencer is not engaged in the j I business of condemning leading men of the country for J [' their sincere differences of opinIon, nor for their honest opposition to t governmental policies. Senator Hoar Is ? not the only distinguished Republican t who has expressed himself as opposed to ? the Philippine policy; nor is he, In doing | so. any lees loyal a Republican. There 1 are leading Democrats heartily in line ^ with the President on this question, but { they are none the less faithful Demo- G crats. l I The matter is no more a party issue g I than was the question of Cuban Inter- j l|" ference. Xo fair-minded person will r & fall to concede to any citizen the right f to differ on this important question involving the dlsposoJ of the Philippines. | Senator Hoar, Mr. Carnegie and other j h. men of prominence who are opposing t the policy, are doing eo from their own J |: stand-point of reason and- logic; their d arguments are dignified and based upon I their conception of the right or wrong e i. of the matter, or their belief In the un- a wisdom of the expansion Idea. They 1: draw the line, however, at sickly senti- t 5 ment in1 Spain's behalf. They are not 1 engaged, as Is the Register and a few c ? malicious, narrow-minded partisans, in ? expressing sympathy for Spain, nor are t they denouncing their government as 1 > pursuing a BRUTAL course toward a f country whose centuries of history is r written In the blood of Innocent victims t of despotic rule and barbaric warfare, e any more tban they are charging: false ! motives and Influences against the ad![ ministration. They are not denouncing President McKlnley as a tool of "Wall treet." or as lacking In sincerity, honesty. Integrity and patriotism. These men are not Inclttilg the people against the honor of their country, nor are they appealing to base prejudices. They are-not chronic, cynical, unreasoning, malicious partisans, nor have they ever reflected in any way on the sincerity, the honest intentions and purposes, the Integrity of the men at the head of af. *fairs. It will not do for the Register, which denounces as "hypocritical" the President, and the men of high character who compose the peace commission, to put Itself in the same category with highminded men who, loyal Americans that they are, endorse the splendid conduct of the war, but simply differ as to one point in the policy with reference #. ? what nro hAvA acnulred as a result of that war. t There is a vast difference between vile s partisan netv**paper abuse, which seeks to breed discontent and prejudice among the people against their own government, and honest crlticlwrv "by men of high character and sincere motives. Parkmburg Upholds the Law It is to the credit of the city of Parkersburg and Wood county, as well as to their law-abiding citizens, that a threatened double-lynching did not come off on schedule time Wednesday night. It was largely due to the prompt action of the authorities, including the judge of the criminal court, who addressed the crowd, that a mob of several hundred masked men did not go any farther than to asj^mbto wlrh the evident intention of attacking;" the Jail where was confined two men charged with flendlah crimes. It la hntwd that the Wood county jail 1? strong enough to hold -thestf criminal# l until they can l>e prosecuted ns the law dictates; certainly there Is no doubt that JujHice will ho carried out to ttie letter, i An excitable mob can only bring re- < prosch on x community. The powerful I hHnd of Justice, faithfully us<*d, can j vindicate that community. The cltliens i who found it wifier to disperse than to i carry out their alleged lawless Intentions r dwrve M?mo cr -dlt for th?-lr rober see- \ ond thought. It Ahould never go to the world that one of eh? chief and beat cltie? in Wcit Virginia permitted mob ' law. Wc may trunt to the ?>od citizen * of Parkersburg to prevent this. 1 ? t The Storm irnjr?dW*? on the New Eng- i land connt inercimc In their awful featurcs as the UcUUla come In. The list of i "1 loaiwa of Ufa and propaLy and veaael? pom each day, The full extent of the havoc wrought by the elements will never, perhaps, be known. Here, la the Interior of the country, we can scarcely realize It ail. Dcpcwan Improvement Hon. Chauncay JI. Depew In the senate from New fork will be a credit to that Mate. It will be a departure on the part of The empire state from lu habit lo recent years of sending professional politicians rather than men of merit. Silica Mr, Everts retired to private life New York has not been sending statesmen and men of great intellectual ablll ty. Mr. Depew will prove a credit to the rtate, and command a position' among lia leaders. If he la choeen, u now terns probable, and hie high character, eplenlld mental endowments, eloquence and general high qualities will go tar toward redeeming New. York In the estimation >f the country. Mr. PUtt is showing rare goo? Judgment and an Indication to cater to the beat element In politics by casting his ofluencein behalf of Mr. De$ew. Even the New York World, which Is a bitter >pponent of Piatt and his alleged polltlsal methods, feels moved to commend lim, In this connection, as "growing wiser as he grows older," and admits: "To harmonise the party by recognising the value of Its most Independent and otelleotual elements Is a leadership of a llgher quality than our "bosses' In either party have displayed. Such a new Piatt would be far more dangerous to the Democrats than the old one ever was." The World Isn't usually fair In Its pollical comments, but In this case It has (tumbled upon a magnificent truth. If Quote Accepts. It seems to be & settled fact that the President lias offered the appointment >? ambassador to England to Hon. Joseph H. Choate, oC New York. If Mr. :hoate accepts this high honor the Presdent will -have honored himself and the country in the appointment. This govirnment has never sent abroad a rep retentative better titled for a responsible >osiilon?especially one so Important md delicate as the ambassadorship to he court of St. James. In view of our >resent relationship with Great Britain, ind the need of a representative of great ilplomatlo ability, of strong character, >fculturev of splendid Intellect, and dis- . Ingulehed learning in internallonal aws, no better selection could be made. Mr. Choate's fame In these respects is lot confined to America, His reputa;lon is well known in Europe. It has teen a rule with all our administrations o select from among our best statesmen he representatives to the English court, U1U X i COiUCIll ,11l.i\iutc; , 111 ma Dc?uions, has not departed from the rule. Hr. Hay quickly won the hearts of the British people and the respect and eseem of the foreign diplomats at the ourt. In sending Mr. Choate to take his >lace the President will maintain to a narked degrea his splendid Judgment jeretofore shown In his choice of our epresentatives on the eastern contltent. i The Register inquires why the Intelll- ] renoer did not publish the statement rom Col. Roosevelt, which was in the Issociated Pretw dispatches laat Saturlay. The Register well knows that the 1 ntelligencer does not publish a Sunday 1 dition, and that it to a physical lmpos- 1 IblUty to publish two day* dispatches a one edition; nor is It always expected hat news matters shall appear In full n a Monday paper that were entirely 1 overed twenty-four hours earlier by the 1 lunday press. The readers, of the Inelllgencer, as well aa the Register, (now that the Intelligencer has faith- ' ully published the testimony of wit leases before the board of investigation, J ind the views of officers both against . ind In favor of the war department administration. So do they know that the 'otelUgenoer might call attention to nany Incidents wherein the Register las refrained from usdng testimony favirable to that administration* CoL Roosevelt, In an article In the forth American Review, makes a plea or the reorganization of the per*onn*l ?f the navy, and in behalf of a bill for hat purpose already in Congress. The :oIoneI, whose experience a.*? assistant ecretary of the navy gave him the adrantage to note needed reforms, polnttr mt some changes made necessary by changed conditions. He Is right when je says that 1t is as important to make he personnel which is to handle perfect Ightlng machines as it la to make the nachlnee. He admits that we have a plendld navy but thinks we should not elax our efforts to make it better still, nils opinion coincides with those of our >est naval experts. In view of all tbe "bombastic talk ibout the Democrats being able to elect i United States senator from thle 6tate, n the face of the probability that they vill not, why is it that we do not see Senator Faulkner's name mentioned* by my of the organs? Is the senator ihelved? (Has Colonel McGraw's boom warnped the senator's ambition to suc*ed himself, or is the senator honest nough to admit that a Republican legisature was legally elected and does not teslro to be a party to the count out prolamine? It is announced on high authority that hedissolutlon of the United States of Central America, composed of the re)ublics of that Important portion of the lontinent, has occurred after an exist;nce of but one month. The news will mrprlse nobody. It Is utterly lnjpo*?l?le for these republics to live together is one harmonious whole. There is too nucta Spanish blood In them. Ex-Minister Hnnnln Taylor has some rery extreme views on the "injustice" >f our demands on Spain. Mr. Taylor s nn ex-minister to Spain. It l? fortu late ror tne country mat no wa? not : nlnlatfr during our ante-war trouble vith Spain. HI? Spanish sympathy nlght have embarrassed matters somewhat. ^ The dispatch from Madrid to the *f'ect that a montage received there from danlla smy? that the Insurgents will re>el against the United Stat?* nsMimlng vmtrol of the Philippine*: that It tvlll rqulro an army of 70,000 Amerlcnim to luppress fh??m. and that the Filipinos will press the Spanish prisoners t'h^y w hive Into service to fight the Unitec SuM, is In all probability a Bpanlst fake. It recalls the new* of Spanlsi victories that were dally given oat In Madrid during the late war, lncludlnj the news that Dewey had been defeated aftxr he bad wiped the Spanish floul from existence. Something snore thai Spanish reports la required to convince anyone of the autbemlclty of alarmlnj new* from the Philippines. STATE PRESS OLEASIHGS. The whole pi ess of this state Is back' lng Editor P. W. Morris for Hon. R. H Fleer's judicial robe. Morris Is evident' ly equal to the demands of that or ant other good job and Governor Atklnsoc will recognise the public services of t very deserving man by appointing him to this vacaner.?Weston Independent The thing the people want to know la, "who marked those ten blank ballou found at the original count In Webstei county?" Those ten blank ballots or the original count were witnessed by the Democratic officers of election at well aa by the Republican official. Or the recount those blank ballots had disappeared, and In the place thereof,wert toaad TE.V BALLOTS MARKED FOI THE DEMOCRATIC candidate. Who marked those ballot* after the original count? Is there no way of finding out' It would be worth an Immense Bum tc West Virginia, her rood name, hoi peace, and her prosperity, to And out, Who has been the eainer by thli change In these ten ballots? THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE.?Char, leston Mall. The citizens of,Parkers burg- should muxtle that syndicate liar it It has t? be done with, a shot gun. To read hit dispatches we would surmise that th< ladle* who compose the cream of thai city's moral society ore carrying bouquets to the fiend Grant, who is in Jail there. We know better than that. It la an insult to every lady In Parkeraburg. Why not be honest and say those "flowers" come from women of the Bame moral strata as the brute who should be hinged? Any other insinuation Is to flaunt a lie in the face of every true woman in the state.?Ravenswood News. The citizens of the south side, who have beieo much alarmed over the perimnnnrniu'o nf finmn kind Of 11 monster animal, can now rest in peace, ind the family rifle may again be placed in its dusty resting place above the door. The animal has been killed. It Is said to be unlike anything ever before seen In this county. It Is rather a cross between, a. unicorn, and porcupine, its most unique feature being that ol its ears, as they are said to have been as lurge as saddle skirts. Dr. Henry Sexton says this Is the same animal that he saw not long ago, a description of which was published in the Herald at Che time.?Huntington Herald. Durlyg the past summer and this fall fifteen gas wells have been put down in Monongalia, Marion and Wetzel counties with the purpose in view of supplying Pittsburgh with uutural gas for fuel. A thirty-six inch pipe has been laid from the gas flelds to the Smoky - -'!? ? mltoe nnrl <f L!l>i U uiaiuuvc Is thought the supply now available will last the city many years.?-Morgantown New Dominion. West Virginia adds another feather to her cap when the Baltimore Sun acknowledges the superiority of her turkey crop. In advising Its readers as to picking the choicest fowls, the Sun Bays: "The finest turkeys come from West Virginia. They are the corofed turkeys, and never stray into the tooacco fields like the Virginia turkeys, or let scraps like the Tennessee turkeys." The Clarksburg Telegram gives an account of 153 grand old mtfn, citizens of Harrison county, who have seen the mows of Beventy-flve winters, ranging from eeventy-five to ninety-five years of age. Womankind. When women who don't particularly ike each other met they give a peck like i chicken going alter a grain of corn. After a man marries he begins to find JifHculty in getting girls to laugh at Ills Jokes, though they formerly laughed uproariously. Every woman who has nursed a croas tiutfband through a sickness wonders how any nurse can rail in love with the man l^.her care and marry him. An Atchison woman, complains that when any of the neighbors' children get sick they send for her to suggest a remedy, but that when they give a party they forget all about her, and invite women who don't know whether a poultice is made of mustard or horse-radish. Ten years of domestic trouble and quarreling In an Atchison family have all been due to the fact that the wife, upon returning from a three months' visit out of town found a hairpin in her husband's room. His conduct had beea faultless before the discovery, but that didn't explain away the hairpin, ind the man has been on the witnessstand every minute of the ten years intervening. In order to give his pretty daughters in opportunity to select the best a man should move oftener from town to town. 1 new girl In town, If che Iff pretty, can have what she wants, while girls as !>retty, who were born In the town, and have lived there all their lives, must take what they can catch by persistent fishing, and give thanks that there Is something at last on the hook. Bvery year a numfber of girls finish ichooi in Atchison, and the next two or :hree years they devote to shorthand or the pluno or elocution. In the meanLime their mothers go on paying fancy [ rices to have the family sewing done, ?nd so few women are learning to sew :he price gets more fancy every year. Here is a "domestic problem" for literiry TOcletles to struggle over. A good iressmaker makes* more In a week than i stenographer In a month, or a pianoplayer In six months, or an elocutionist i a nuiiuruu jcttiB,?nu uiruu uivuc, CniifMiioii of a Mllllotialrr. A millionaire confessed til? secret of ils succemi in two words?hard work. II<? said hi* put in the best part of hlM Ife In fminlnjc dollar* and lowing health, itul now he iv.'ts putting In the oth<>r mlf In spending dollar* to Ret back icalth. Nothing equals HostetMr'tf itomnrh Blttera for restoring health to he overtired body and brain. It get* it fhr> p.lnrMntr rutin! ? tho rtomnrh?i.nrl iverronv'H mrvouvi^y-. Kloepleaan*'**, lyppfpyjR ar.d tmUgfUtton. ^ *|*he Easy Food AjCT.fryl Easy to Buy, f? J \fc\ Easy to Cook, ^ i Av7 Easv tn M$?iasyto Dis?t. WT/Ouaker ?ats y M At all grocers J* ^in 2-lb.pkgs.onlj . -Ti *5 I lmUOAN, WILKIN * CO. > Three Things [ That Go On Forever. Taxes, Toaysaa's Brook ul Repairs oa Cheap Pianos? THE . Stultz & Bauer nnnn ? _ eliminates tk latter. Nothing bat the very best material eaters into their' constrnction. The resnlt is easily seen in the great durability and power to retain the original sweetness of tone. Call and see them aad yon will boy no other. Milligan, Wilkin & Co. 1138,1140 and 1142 Market St FOISTED PA&AOBAPHS. Alt the world'? a stare, but some folks prefer bicycles. "By their works ye mall know them," said the watchmaker. At life's banquet the scum Is often mistaken for the cream. The majority of mankind follows the . golden rule?at a distance. The longer some people live the lew 1 popular they are with themselves. Charity covereth a multitude of poor ; people with eecond-hand garments. The small boy Is more apt to be tann' ed by the father than, by the aun. Some people seek pleasure abroad and And it waiting for them on their return J home. Half a loafs better than no bread, but half the truth is often worse than a whole lie. About the time an elevator boy gets a little way up in the world some one is sure to call him down. When a woman's dress is dscribed as a perfect dream i.t is apt to prove a nightmare to her husband. An exchange says there are 60,000 actors in the United States. It's a wonder some of them don't go on the stage.. ?Chicago Daily News. fSptgrnut* from a Current Novel. The worst of women is that they are always wanting to see what will happen, if they do certain things. I have succeeded In teaching her that there is no one in the world, but her, but I have not yet taught her that there is no one in the world but me. I believe if she met the man in the moon she would find out that he and she had a lot of mutual acquaintances. wVlting is like flirting. If you can't do it nobody can teach you how to do it, and if you can do it nobody can Jceep you from doing- it. I have often noticed that the people who aro ready to die for you never think it necessary to pass the salt. It always seems a pity with regard to love-making that when people are old enough to have learned the game properly they are generally too old to want to play at it.?From Mrs. Fowler'* "Concerning Isabel Carnaby." Whnta the Um to Gramble I - Some folks Is all time grumblln* When de clouds am hangln' low* En de thundah am a-rumblin' En de stormy winds dey blow. Evah klckin' fo' de sunshine. Can't stan' a little gloom; Want de milyun off de vine 'Foh de flower am in bloom. Worl* am full o' tribulation. Whole lots o* joy In it, too. En dur ain' no real occasion Fo' alius beln' blue. Got to hab some wlntah weathah Well as summtJi, spring and fall. Can't hab em altosrethah; 'At wouldn't do 't all. Jls' has got to hab de cryln' To make de Joys atronffah still* En a smile goes wid de sighln' An de great creatah's will. Den what's de use to grumble When da Lawd knows what am bes'? Gwino to take my mls'rles humble Trus' my Mastali fo' de res'. _ ?W. U Anderson. 100 Reward 9100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly Upon IQ6 Diooa ana mucous Bunuceu ot the system, thereby- destroying: the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by buJldJng up the constitution and assisting nature In doIn Its work. The proprietor!* have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHJ3NEF & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, ?5c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. FLOfilDA. BAVAIfA NASSAU. Double Dully Trains from Cincinnati, LoniiTlll?f SI. T.outa niul Kauiai City rlwtltr Honlhrrii Itnllroari. The Southern railway and connections have arranged, for the accommodation of travel to the south this winter, the best service ever offered. Beginning December 4th, additional through Sleeping Car service will be established from Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis and Kansas City to Jacksonville, with through connections, without layover, from each of these points for trains leaving both morning and evening. Time, Cincinnati and Louisville to Jacksonville, 25 hours; Havana 55 hours. All ticket agents sell one-way and round-trip ticket* to southern resorti via Southern Railway. Arte your nearest ticket agent for rates and other Information, or write C. i A. BAIHD, Trav. Paw. Agent, Louisvine. Ky,; J. O, VRAM, Jr., X. W. Pass. Agt.. 80 AUain? St.. Chicago. III.; WM. If. TAYLOR, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky. t ir lite unity ? wiiug irent. He sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children'teething. It soothes 1 the child, soften* the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is the best remedy tor diarrhoea. Twenty-flva J cents a bottle. ra-wAf 1 How <o Cure All NUlii IliiPMri," simply apply 'WAYNE'S 01 NT- ; MlSNT." No internul medicine requlr- ] ed. Cures tetter, eczema, Itch, all erup- : tiona on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving tho skin clear, white and healthy. I In great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for 8WAYNC8 OINTMENT. Avoid substitutes. tths&w OABTOniA. Bwuitk. ^ Ihi KhUbo Hm Banghl # rl~- ?i JgWELBY-JOHK BBCPBR drCO. )&*39UBmM WHEN YOl WANT 10 MAKE A PRESENT You win find the most sails factory place to purchase It is at this Jewelry Store. No matter how much money or how little money you want to spend, you will find ft suitable present here. John Becker & Co., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. 333? Jacob Ktre?L J. a. BHODB3 & CD. SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' JACKETS, 25 Biack Jackets, under price, made to sell at VIM. (h (1 A A O^r price while * k?Y they last - - - - ^|^|EACH New stock of better (MA <D>J0 grades jast opened at v*", and upwards. | S. Rhodes & Go. HYGIENIC UNDERWEAR. mn IDoctor 1 ft 8AYS THAT A WET 8KIN fa fa C0E3 BEFORE COLDS-gC fa Jarob Hycienic Under- ?& aft wear absorbs moist- fin fa ure, prevents chillinc & fa ? can't ' shrink -non- & fa irritating - stout or & gl thin-tall or short-s fa man, woman, or child ah-all can be properly sk fa fitted ? at moderate rs fa cost, .too. For Sale by C. HESS & SONS, Agents for West Virginia. FASHIONABLE TAILORS AH0 GUIS' f URMSHERS 1321 ?nd 1323 Market St, W. V?. AMUSEMENTS. American Dance Carnival. CITY HOSPITAL BENEFIT. ?OPERR HOUSE# THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. DECEMBER I, 2 AND 3. + + + + Prices 75c: admission to balcony COc; reserved seats 11.00. Soata can bo reserved at C. A. House's Music Store on Tuesday morning, November 29. noa *OPERH HOUSE# One Night Only?'Monday. Dec 5. O'NEILL In an elaborate production of MONTE CRISTO. Boon to Celebrate the 4.000th Porfortnance or thin play. So need for further talk! Wm. F. Connor. Manager. Seats on sale at C. A. House'* Music Store on Friday, December 2. Prices? W._7&c_ancl GOo. n0a QUAND OPERA: HOUSE. One Solid Week. commencing Monday nljjht, Nov. L*. Matinee* Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. The handsoino and srlftcd emotional actress, MISS AGNES HERNDON, ind her excellent company In a repertoire of "fandnrd play? < hange of piny i;iofi performance. Night prlrow?K?, 20 and 30c-. Mat I nre price*?in and 20c. ( r HAND OPERA HOUSE IT Monday, Tuesday and Wwlnroday night*. D?h\ 0 and 7. ?.Ja:?neo Wednesday, i.m?o!rt J. Carter's t) trilling and romantic war play CHATTANOOGA. Plcturesqueand true tr?llfo In Its rendition. Night price*?1R, LTi, 35 and 80c. Matlnco (>rlfc??1,'?, 25 and 35c. DENTISTRY. ~eTe. worthen^ DENTIST. Peabody Builitng, Room No. 33t. 1126 Market Street... . Wheeling, W. Va TAKK KIXVATOR.? Jf2l NBWJLDVBBTI8BMBNTa. ; T7 XPERIENCBD WINDOW JCj BATOR and atL writer, coran?t?* take charge.' Of furnishing or n? nartment, desires position. AddrSaoTV W.> ore Inteliigenccr office. t will be" received until \n 0vuwv in., Decembers, 1KB, for furn!?hln?,wJh uud<*UkSn* J*r tfct dUXrkla 01 fiff* , and Richland, and a separate bid for "I? i district of Tmdelphia and th<- count*?? flrmary, for one year from the 1st o/ iv cember, 1W8. The board reserves th* hSu 1 to reject any or .ail bid*. T. C. SIOFPat del Clerk Board of Commiwjog, TRY ACME; FLOUR! "} Is made of Wheat? Selected Wheat. It has no corn flour in It. I It, Is distinctly a-family flour-on# food cook can handle. " ^ h Cafl0Ur t0 mak<> y?" ctL'Lnau ALBERT STOLZE 4 Ca | PH.E3B! At Ooetst'a Drug Store. Brine a bottwand w# will giro you free tnouch Cnrvif Balm to last one person two weiiuL S prove to ypa that It is the bo,t on the markot for all kinds or chan ~ COETZE'S DRUG STORE, . r Opposite McLurr Good everyday this week cireul Samfflfj NORTON & COMPANY; 16 Exchange Bank Building, STOCKS. Crystal Glaus Works. Exchange Bank. Wheeling Electrical Co. Wheeling Steel and Iron Co. Wheeling & Belmont Bridge (V ' BONDS. Ohio Rive** General Mortgage, 5 d?t c< rt City of Wheeling. 6 per cent. FOR RBWT! , Rooms In Odd Fellows* Halt OfSri lwulB ?? pwvuu uutn Ui "UlKiinp. I'o?. ikmoi at once. Tho attention of loip, and aodetlM contemplatlnR chawn* ot b. oattona la called to tho au|u-rlor uwn. modatlona fit our Indite Room, on thirl and fourth^notfra. Open ntshts on room floor?first and third Monday, nam w fourth Thur?4?f. First and third W?Jm. .day evening; of each mnnth uiiomium. tUirht, hoatj-elcvator. Janitor frw. For further Information apply to Janitor, u hall, or to tol BLUXOHA* GEO. HA THEWS, de3-m&a 6. M. DARKAII, HOT BOUILLON of fine flavor made from the "CROWN" EXTRACT OF BEEF. 1 Si Our Prescription Department Is gim particular attention. Night colli promptly answered. R. H. LIST, Druggist, Hit Maid St EXEBQSa For Men, VTomm /rS-l\. and Children U th? Ys*Ca boat machine ?w ?. -?--Sv\i VV"1Vj invented for indoor P , See dcmonstrUflt [if/\\l u In our window FrJ. ,\i\? day and Saturday, ^ \ \ \ \ this week. jf% JAS0N c 1? G& O Opp. Posloffict. POR SAZjE. WhI taker Iron & Stool Co. 6 per wot Bonds. The Ravenswood. Spencer & Glenviil*Giranuuecd Gold Bonds, 6 per cunt Bondi First-Class Manufacturers' 6 per ceal Bonds. Corporation Gold Bonds, 5 per cent. Now 115 Fourteenth St., brick dwelling No. 023 Main street, brick dwelling No. 22 Virginia street, a barKaln. No. 8 Vermont street. frum?* dwelling No. 150 N. Front street, brick dwelling No. 7 Maryland street, tramo dwrU% In Pleasant Valley, frame dwelline. For Rent?No. 31 Fifteenth street, brick dwelling. SIMPSON & TATUM, Room 4, City Bank Building. 'Phone gt Shorthand. Expert Instruction. Select Pupils Only. Day and Evening Serial Wheeling Shorthand School Crangle Block. 1318 Market Street, Wheeling, W. Va. Louis E. Schrader, Walter Bouli Official Stenographer, Certificated Teach* I Proprietor. Prtnclpil ,.jM Fountain Pen I 1? no longer a luxury, but a nw^ I Blty. Neither le It any more an oxpertinent, but It now a perfect tool We have MABIE, TODD ft BARD'S I SWAN PENS, titan which there li I no better. We can also fell with I our guarantee a good Fountain Pro I with 14k gold pen for J1.W. Serd I for rlmtlnr /?r enmn In I Stanton's Old Citv Bool SUwtthanIkgWino. Grace your Thanksgiving Table with a new set of Plated Knives and Forks... GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS, 121GMain5t STOCKS. Aetna-Standard Iron & Steel Co. ferred. Wheeling Steel Iron Co, Riverside Iron Works. Crystal Glass Co. Central Glass Co. West VlnrintA Glass Co. Kostorla Glass Co. Warwick China Co. I'.loch Tiros. Tobacco Co. Wheeling RrldKe Co. , Wheeling & Uelmont Hrldse CO Hank of the Ohio Valley ... National Hank of West Virginia Kank of Wheeling BONDS. Whltukcr Iron Co. Whirling- Bridge Co. . i.-rf). rarkorsluim Kallwuv Co. (Cons' I City oi Wheeling. 5 per rrs>t. llrkWnvH Vl/iailOtt' STOCKS. BONDS AND INV>UW* H Kxchiii k(* Hunk Winter I P!osh Caps. Boys' Pnlo TuriidoiHi anu ErijMH at 35c and 50c. Men's Fine Plash Brighton n'H Windsor. All kinds of Cloih Winter Caps it I E. S. DINGER C0,'S| 3S Twelfth Street. I