Newspaper Page Text
Geo. E. i Decorated appropriately f? Christmas Dress Goods. That is, dress goods put up make a more striking gift. Jusi pattern, ot 61-2 or 7 yards, at pattern. Never were we in a position both black and colored goods. MEN, buy your wife a dress | don't suit, we will exchange it. The patterns we offer at froi rare values. ^ r?i upcu l| Evenings. ViJ o^OwOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOO i 8 SPORT. ! SoooooooooooooooooooooB BOWLING. Manager W. J. Josephy, of the Columbus All-Stan*, baa waived the shortage in the depth of the pin- pita at Fette's alleys, *o now everything la settled in reference to Che approaching inter-city match between Wheeling and Columbus. The articles of agreement, which have been signed- by each manager, are a* follows^ We, the undersigned. William .Fette acting for the All-Wheeling Bowling Club, and William Josephy, acting for the Columbus Ai)-9tars Bowling1 Club, hereby enter into an agreement for an j inter-city series between the All-Wheel- ^ ing and Columbus All-Stars clubs, the c series to consist Of twelve games, of li which six games shall be bowled on the ^ Harvest alleys,'in Wheeling, and six J on the Collins alleys, in Columbus. ^ ?m.,K In. PnliimhiiCi ahfltl hft mil- T> c<i on the afternoon and evening: of De- t cember 1898, and the games In t Wheeling on the afternoon and t evening of January 10, 1899. the hours r for beginning- the games to be flxed by c the- home club in each city. In the event that the series ends In each team winning an equal number of games the.winner shall be determined { by the larger aggregate number of i pins made in the entire twelve games, i Otherwise the winner shall be the team c winning the larger number of the twelve c games. A The series shall be for $150 a fide, of ? which sum $50 shall be posted with the l! stakeholder, R. M. Archer. Imme- * diately after the signing of these articles of agreement, and the balance, $100 a for each side, shall be posted with the v stakeholder at any time before the * first games of the series are played. I The American game of ten-pins is to be played. The games are to be rolled J on two Alleys selected in each city by C the captain or manager of the home club. The alley* shall be oil finish. I The teams shall change alleys at the conclusion of each frame, xne omciais * shall be: Two umpire*, (one for each S alley), two pin judges, (one for each alley). two scorcrs.j(one for each board.) I The officials, with the exception of the I scorers, shall be named as follows^ At Wheeling: by the stakeholder and at Columbus by the sporting editor of the 8tate Journal. In each city the cap- J tain, of the Columbus club shall name { th<? scorer for the Wheeling- board, ? and the scorer for the Columbus board f fhall be named by the captain of the g Wheeling club. ] At the conclusion of each afternoon's C and evening's1 games the scorers shall certify the score to the stakeholder. 3 Any player rolling out of turn shall < Io*e his score In that frame, and the player who did not roll shall then roll. j All points not covered by these artl- 1 dfs shall be decided by the umpires, who are to be governed by the rules of the American Bowling Congress. Each club shall consist of not mora than ten players, and Ave men consti- r tute the team. The players eligible to play In this :i? 'nlimvc an/1 nn nthnn I are eligible: Wheeling?TO. C. Ilandlan, Jr.. William Petto, George Brown, W11I R. Stevenson, A. O. Weltrel, A. E. >larachner, II. L. Campbell, William Knoke, Henry Schmulbaeh and Charles Rader. ro!umPua?Herman CoHln, W. J. JoTHE SHOT THAT TELLS. yr\ Do you know wkRt Happens iKi wlien onc of our IT blfc Uiirtecn-inch ' shells strikes a [ wWQ*.A'U^\ fortification? It &Aj&*CjrS\XA| is fairly lifted off its foundations. . This is the niodvUvJ A\JD | / /em way of doing I / things: concentrate every ounce HX iy/7 ? vv ?of power and en IT* ?, "* . ?. . Aj crjfy into ouc uc- , *?> * ? mendons irre?i?iti-1 **' ^ bie blow thai *imv * ^ ply annihilates 'OC V ^ , ?tr oppoaition. This lathe method that ' ^"j*L mean* aucceas. ^ **1|<|y^^Jr/' name in the warWf 1 \*+j C Ztt fare nfainut di*- < 3JE\*J ^ VJEft"*- wk all , 'V7;JJ4iL tt aorta of half1 cine# Jo the handaofonly t* partially experieneed doctor* make a feeble, "small- I calibre" nort of reniatance to the enemy, 1* fierce'* magnificent "Golden Medical 1 l)i?covcry," with ita splendid blood-purify 1 in*, liver-toning. ntrencth creating power, ' hurl* the fortreM of dlaea?c from Ita very foundations, and aearchea and drivea out i the lurking symptom* of weakneas and debility from every aecret hiding place in the , entire physical iiyitem of mankind. j The work of tola grand "Diacovenr,? la ' thorough: it give* the health that in all ?*-- mnUA oml .nh. Atnntiai and lasting: not flabby fat; not falne < atimtilua; but genuine, complete, .renewed vitality nnd life-force. / * I had been a auffcrer for fifteenyear* nearly i all thf time." My? Mra. Sarah E. Taylor, or , Karelia. Greenwood Co., Kan*., to a friendly Mter to I)r. Pierce. " In AuguM. 1896. wna taken with evere eratnpitjfr pain in iny ntomach. The doctor b?re Mi'! it wan due to gnll-atonea. He relieved me for a abort time, and then there waa a j hard lump about the alte of a fooae egg formed in my riaht aide. It became ?o ??ore I could 1 careely walk about the house, and I had no appetite I consulted the be?t doctor* in town and ?*rv Mid medicine would do ine no good. I J gave up all hope of ever getting well again. you advtaed ine to take your 'Golden Medical l>ivovery' nnd ' I'leaMiit I'etleta.' which I did j ? cording to direction*. I began to feel b-ttcr, *ti'l ray appetite came back. Now it ia n little 1 "ver a year nince I began to do my own work. I | am ?tlonger (ban I have been for Ave yeara." ] Stifel There's No ] >r the seaaon-every del neatly for. you, so as to t think of it! A whole dress from $1.50 to $30.00 a to furnish such value, iri" pattern, ana it color or style T) $3.50 to $15*00 3F6 Eft E. STI1 ephy. Peter Hartunr, Harry Saacbe lack Reed, Bod Lee, Bert Thorns", Ber Bruce, Herman Braun and Albert Sel lach. The players of the clubs shall be bom Ide residents of Wheeling or Columbus "he stakeholder will satisfy himself o he carrying out of this and all othei irovlslons of these articles, and Sn tbi ivent of violation, the stakeholder I: mpowered by the parties to this agree nent to declare tit series lost by thi lub violating, and to pay over the en Ire stake, 1300. to the other club. Each club st>all pay Its own expense! n each city the home club will take al he gate receipts. In each city the visiting club shal lave free admission to the alleys fo en persons,' and the alley* shall hi pen for free practice by the visiting earn three hours before the starting o "O uiLCillVUii httllico, miu WHS ??H| uv ore the starting of the night games. GOING TO TOLEDO. Armed wMi articles of agreement lanager W-ilHam Fette, of the All Vheellng bowler*, accompanied by Wil Handlan, a member of the team, wil save to-morrow for Toledo, via th< Vheellng & Lake Erie, for the purpoat f arranging, If possible, for an inter Hy match for 1600 a side betweei Vheellng and Toledo. The Toledoani fccently intimated that thoy would liki o do battle with the Wheelings, and I hey ore still of that opinion they wil te accommodated. If the series is ar anged. garner will be played In bail lties, in January. wheeling"league. ' Won. Lost. Pm A\ Alike . 20 4 M Vheellng- 23 6 .SJ towlera 23 7 .78 'urltnns 17 10 .62 Solden Rods .....10 14 .61 Id Cronies 12 15 .41 ,ber Nit 7 20 .23 A Belle 7 3> 2.C turn Dums "? 22 .IB 'rog Horns 3 24 .11 Although Golden Hods rolled a largei ggregate number of plnfl, All Allk< k-ere lucky enough to have two clofci finning scores to one for Golden Rod* Joth teams rolled line ten-pins, score Int. 2nd. 3d. Tot kll Allkrs 91fi K39 m 2K olden Rods SSO 927 S88 270 CARROLL CLUB LEAGUE. In the Carroll Club League, Rough Rid rs won three straight from Pacific* Icore: 1st. 2nd. 3d. Tol tough Rider* *13 763 US 2.M ?aclflcs <r # 743 S20 2,91 MUSEE~LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Pei ack Tar* '..... 13 1 .% fowlers 18 9 .fid i. 15. L Sc A. A IT 1? .? a Belle 13 11 .64 Crescents 10 14 .41 lhanley 9 15 .37 dairies 7 20 .81 )ff Again D 22 .18 Bowlers won two out of three fron Daisies In the Musee league last night Score: Int. 2nd. 3d. Tol Jowlers 924 8t? N7X 2,86 daisies 778 962 763 2.M TIIE RUNNING RACES. Hie competition among -the book nakera at the running meeting, contin jed yesterday, resulted In better odd )eing market! up against all the horses ind threatens to drive two of the books vho are fol!owlng a very coiwervatfvi :our?e, nut of the business. The tracl *as in line .rhape, notwithstanding th mow on the ground* and the time mad vas tbe fastest of the winter meeting Phe crowd was somewhat smaller. Th acing was good, and a continuation o he quality of sport furnished this wee! vill insure the permanency of the meet Ing, and satisfactory financial return tor Its promoters. Favorites were winners In three of th five events on the card for the after loon, but all were marked by close ant ixrltlng finishes, demonstrating the fac hat the horses were out to win. In th ihlrd race the books marked up 7 to 1 igainst Corn Cob, but he wa? beaten b; i length in a close finish, by Lulu 1\ Ph? betting was-heavy on the eecond si: furlong race with Susie Ilowze a stroni first choice but the favorite failed t' ?how. Bessie Abbott, fi to 1, and Blu Ribbon, 6 to 1, ran almost neck ant neck for the distance, and the forme won out by a nice bursi of speed on th !iome stretch. Summaries: Wheeling Jockey Club, winter meeting jleventh day: . , First race, 44? furlong*: Republic, 113. (Minder). 3 to 5 Ensign, 113. (Norrin). C to 1. Harry C., 115. 4 to 1 Time. Also ran-Llssie C,. Ed. Murphy. Jamc Monroe, Borderer and St. Actress. Second race. 4tti furlongs: Francis M.j lli,. (W tssjm mons), 1 to 2 i-AlCPtt?, IIS, (nynm, n iu Baritone II, 111, (Lynch*, 6 to 1 Time, :5#\i. Also ran?Vengeance, Trlma, Worr tfot and Viola Albert*. Third rar<\ 4% furlong*: 'jiiIii B., 112. (I (vie), I to 1... ^orn Cob. 120, (Feeney), 7 to 10 Tutor. Jl.V (Donnelly), # to 1 Time. W& AIho ran?Tim Hurnt. Helen H., Fabl< >cor (inrdner and Gallatin. Fourth rare. fl furlong*: frank Hough, 1 (Flt**lmmon*), oven money EVTilppany, 120, (Lynch), even money Irian, iro. (Iturkci, 10 to I Time, l:lMk AI*o ran-Oraele, J. B. and Mooyer, Fifth raco, 6 furlong*: 1i>**le Ahhott, 1l<>, (Bender), 5 to 1 Blue Ribbon, 112, (Flnnemore), fl to 1 ilrown Fon*e, 110, (Klmore), 8 to 1 Time, I :&%. AIho ran? Flnwater, n<?d Illrd, Jr., Susl ilowxc, llBneit and Arundel. To-day'* curd I* a* follow*: --- - - ?? XI 111 l.'IrKL r.i'''1, 1Vs rurionn* <tryr' ..... " h-nilKH IIS: niinl.o.K. Hi: Poiiocr*!. 1: Klwte.nO: J"hn Hlmmoni., (forraerl )? CODOl. lli: X'cld. "IScconif roco, 41??]?n**rVCTir.',nGi2 [ 'rank iloumi, 11*. l.iiccttf, lWi Qrtl & Co. i Dividing line Now-Our >artmentisa veritable Chr the three i thing t ' 3\L ? order. ' v*? you m " Pwxi^HBv Mfm wraf ' I far and JHH^^pr a lovi I M&ti&R KUt for !^naStfS|ls3|v. Scarce 11 --wiseQisgfSJS? C0Jt f0 FEL & CO., . Bear. 11*; Flr*t Light, 110; Ardar, 110; t Sampson, 107. Third race, 4% furlongs?Runaway. 118; Imposition. 116; J. M. H.. (formerly . Prompt), 114; Tim Hurst. 112; Dutch BIus1 ter. 110; Bessie Abbott, 110; Scuttle D.. 110. Fourth race, \Vs furlongs?Wanda P.. 115; f Fullapecd, 115: Ballsarlus, 115; Tomoko.115; p "LarisKi, 115; Wistful, 115; Fox Chase, 110. % Flflh race, C furlong#?Gov. GrlggH. ?5; I Jonah White, 118: Back Back. 114: Judgo B Warren. 110: Blue Ribbon. 108; Taunton, 105; Red Star, ICO; J. B., 100^ LtLLli^U. BALTIMORE, Md? Dec. 12.-Chalr1 man Mott, of the L. A. W. racing board, 1 to-day issued a bulletin, showing ull the r professional' rccords acceptcd by the ' * racing board up to the present time. I 'The competition standing start profes sionai record for one-third mile is held by P. E. Schefski, who did the.distance In forty-five, seconds. Fred Sims holds the half mll? with 56 3-5 seconds; C. R. . Coulter, the two-thirds with 3:21 1-5, I while Jimmy Michael did the mile In 1 1:49 and holds the record for everything 2 from that up to twelve miles, when Tom J Linton takes it mp and holds the banner j from that up to the twenty-four miles, s which he did In 40:58 4-5. The twenty* - five mile record Is held by H. D. Elkes j at 42:42; the nfty miles by Frank Wht. ler, with 2:11:09 3-5, and the hundred i miles by T. A. Barnaby, ivho made It in 4.33:52; the record for the mile against time, flying start, unpaced, is 1:55*4-5, by W. W. Hamilton, who also holds the records in this class from six to twenty's Ave miles. Fred. J. Titus holds the 7 three, four and five mile rccords. tha 9 latter having been mode in 11:05 1-5. j} John Lawson Is the holder of fifty mile i record with 2:16:03 and Charles W. Mii?M i i4 fe?n<4r?<l with [J JIM I1UO , 11 !" WIIV II "..v.. 5 4:50:27 4-5. In the same class svith pac1 ers Major Taylor holds the one-mile r with 1:31 4-5 and everything else up to j ten miles., when Michael takes it up. j having done the distance In 18:33 1-5. . He also holds all records up to twenty: five miles. The latter is held by Luclen Leona, who did It In 49:08 2-5. Harry i Elites hoi da all records in this class 4 from twenty-sire to thirty-five miles, and Frank Waller from that up to qne h"?'ired. having done the latter Jn 4:52:14. ' The time records hre as follows: One hour, flying Jrtart. paced, thirty-four :. miles. 1.220 yards. H. D. Elkes*. stamlj Ing start, thirty-one mile?, 1,450 yards. 3 James, Michael: flying start, unpaced, twenty-five miles. 600 yards, by W. W. Hamilton: twenty-four hours, 323 miles, Schreyer G. Melskel. ? Among the amateur records an* the 0 following: Standing start, competition, 1 one mile, W. Q. Robertson, 1:59: five 1 ] miles, Harry A. Gibson,9:43 1-5; ten and J twenty miles, Forest H. Wilson, '21:47 4-5 i - and 43:37; twenty-flve miles, Fred Bur- I eaugard. 50:04 4-5; fifty miles, A. A. i _ Ha lien, 2:06 :30 1-5. HUXIIMi. 3 Next Monday evening-, the Moundsvllle A. C. -will pull off a 20-round conteat between George Church, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Eddie Bowers, of Columbus. These bantam* will put tip a great battle, and the club will further provide interesting preliminaries. Hugh Clancy j and "Buza" Auber. of this city, will spar 1n one of the preliminary events. The j entertainment will take place In the ' Moundsvllle opera house. Fairmont has the boxing fiver, and the club there has secured Leslie Pearce and George Wanko, to. do battle at catch weights, December 22. The articles were forwarded to Frank Bradley, of Philadelphia, yesterday, for e his mat^h here with Oscar Gardner, De : cemner zt. 1 m * Two Pointed Onr?tton* Atiiwrrrd. J What Is the use of making a bettor v article than your competitor If you j can not get n hotter prlre for it? ' Ans.?As thorn Is no difference In'the .. price the publlr will buy only the bet- ] * ter, so that While our profits may bo | mnaller on a single snle they will be j 1 much greater In the aggrotraie. r H6w can you get thu publle to know I e your make is the best? If both articles are brought proml- j neatly before the public, both aro . rertnin to .be tried, and the public will I very qulcKIy pass* judgment on them, and uhe only the better one. 1 This explains are htrjfe Rale on Cham- j 5 herlaln's Cough Remedy. Tho pooplo | have been usins: It for y.-ars. and have, s found that it can always he depended upon. Tliry may occasionally take tip I with some foshlonuble novelty put j 1 forth with exaggerated claims, but aro I - certain to return to the one remedy I J that they know to li? reliable, and for .. coughs, colds anil croup there Is nothing equal' to Ch&mtoerlaln's Cougb Remedy, j For Bale by druggists. X GOLD Pen, with pearl holder. 75 cents, i 3 W. J. LUKENH, One Price Jeweler. ; BIDBIIOAKDS, C!ilra> ClMrt*. C.tmblnation Desks. Chiffoniers nt BRUEMM ICR ft 111LDEJB Ft AN D'fl,corner Twcn J ty-second and Market streets. 3 If. K. llllliiniii ?V Co. will ofrtir l>nrgalim In .I??\v??lry From now on. I I FREE TO LADIES! ? I will Rladly send froo to every woman HtndlnK me hor aildresH. full imrtleuImih conn-ruing ? wonderful dlwovery of a simple HOMK THRATMKXT which cured me of "fcmnlc troubles" I :: nfter nil oilier remedies foiled. Address I MVS. WM. McMUUEN, Molehill, W. Va. II no2G-mws&wy j Geo. E Whole Store's One Hoi istmas booth, beginning a biif floors. ?pit on. JpCv i: the kind of \ ip wares to buy, fill 1 (I 11 iingthat'smade II I i /\)l O a model tb?t /4l|jj (hi O iteuflt, some- yiUQ*// o hafs made as YSm&S^CU o :remadetoyour ISA r. 0 We will lave jk 1 El\\|yj ,. oney on either W \ \ wi 'S or SUITS, VI \ WW, " I though there's gk\ \ \ \kjh '1 :ring of price, 1H \ \ WlA < > i no jobbery or KB \ I YtJi < . A handsome \ \ vrf i at less than M \ l W ,, in elegant Suit 1 I \? ,, ss than $10. U \ m \ ly more than 1 'i 1154 to 1160 MARTIN'S FERRY NEWS. ' The Daily Chronicle of Wheeling's I Progressive Neighbor. George Hamilton, of Belialre, ft brake1 man who is employed on the Cleveland ! & Pittsburgh shifting engine, had a I narrow escape from being run over . while his engine was shifting cars at . ' the Laughlln mill yesterday morning, by . I falling from a car on which he was . standing In the fall he struck a tele! graph pole with such force as to throw j , him back against th* rails, and had It J not been for his quickness in recovering j himself both legs would probably have I been taken off. He is lucky to have cs- , caped with nothing more serious than a , | broken wrist and several bruises. \ I Great preparations are being made by j the congregation of St. Mary's church : 1 for their bazaar, to be held In the school room of the church next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday even- ; i ings, which promises to be one of the most 8ucces??ful ever given by this j -I-.,?U A? ??allan? Allltn^r U'ill be DOUIVII. AM MWVMVH. served each evening: and there will be 3 no soliciting during the bazaar. : I The hearing of the motion for a new trial In the case of the Bridgeport ElecI trie Light and Power Company vs. Oity of Martin's Ferry, will likely come up i before Judge Hollingsworth Saturday. ! L. J. C. Drennen and T. W. Shreve [ will leave for Columbus to-morrow. | wher they will act as attorneys in a case I which cornea up before the supreme | court Friday. I The funeral of Mrs. William Moffatt, I who died Monday night, will take place 1 from St. Mary'a church this morning at I 9 o'clock. Interment at Mt. Calvary. The Knights of Golden Eagle will hold a convention in the city hall Friday evening. Representatives from sister lodges will4-be present. J Martin's Ferry has one candidate for ( I the interim in the sheriff's office, in the 1 , person of M. C. Mitchell. T. H. Stanton invites the public to call < and Inspect his line of queenware before I purchasing elsewhere. J , Mrs. J. R. McClean. of Claysvllle, Pa., I Is the guests of her daughter. Mrs. W. . L. Noble. 1 Hon. Charles Brown, of Ravenssvood, ' \V. Va? was in the city yesterday on { I business. _ 11 I BENWOODNEWS: t Local Happening* of Importance In a Busy Town. : Miss Catherine Garrison, of Wadestown, has returned home after being the gu^st of Mrs. G. W. Bent, at the M. E. parsonage. Miss Garrison was favorably heard as an elocutionist In an entertainment here. I The pupils of the Junior and prepare- j lory classes of the Ben wood Central i school, will render an excellent enter- I tainment to their parent* and friends of J the schools, Friday afternoon, beginning . at 1 o'clock. j The board of education is receiving 1 the thanks cf the school children for f granting the week's holidays between 3 ! Christmas and New Year's, I Toilet set3, rings, etc., at Barker's,4 Nice lino of Xmas presents. "Half theN price Wheeling r, tores charge. Seamon Bowers, roller at the lower plate mill, was marrlea yesteraay nc West Alexander, to a young lady resi- j dent of that town. Rev. Father McMenamln will attend . the ordination of hi* nephew, Philip Held, as a priest, 1n Pennsylvania, tomorrow. Holiday novelties ?vt Barger'a jewelry store. Xo 'trouble to vhow goods. j Dolan's hall buldlnjr. on Waiter street will *be sold at trustee's sale, December 24. Walt for the holiday display at Gates' drug More. MOUNPSVILLE BUDGET. Vcstonlny's Nowr From Marshall County'* Cliiel' City. Mr. Edwin A. Newman and Miss ] rle Gallaher, of Glendale, wero married " at Oakland, Md.. some tlm?* nR??. but I succeeded In keeping the fart a secret ' | III. I" UUUU.IJ, UHCM I..V.. IIISC?? I , j ul of t'ho marriage. They will com- 1 j UK'ncp houiM keeping thli week ut , tflendale. < John Parkiiuon and family, of Palo j Alio, California, will arrive In a few il I days to vUlt relatives and friends In the city. 1 | Deputy Rb^rlft and two n*sistants, of Greenbrier county, brought j ! two convict* to the penitentiary yesterj day. | Tlu' Thimble lloi- Boeloty, of the M, E. " church, pave a basuar and supper at the i \V. C. T. U. -hall l:i.-"*. nigh'.. * I The Atlantic Oil KoHiiing: Company Is I placing a large iron storage tank at the | seventh street crotslng. | Teh ladles of the Episcopal i-hurch will i have a bazaar ut the Pariah Mouse Frl- j I day evening. < j V. A. Weaver Is In Boston and wl0 J visit other cities In ittie cast before he to- i ,, ; turn?. ? ii YOUII wife will bo tired after prepar! Inn: for the holiday?, got her a romforta- . I?l" rocker to rest In, lit BRITEMMER & -i III LD HI* HAND'S. corner Twenty-nec- J ond and Market ?tret.-?. Special Holiday Unlet*. J, The Cloviand. Lorain & Wheeling ? Hallway will make special rale* for the ? l1.1lM.-1y4 to all points on lto own line and *, connection# In Central Patwen.ser Aato- ? ..I ? !?.? .?? Tlnlml . ..n uil.< III.- . ifmber L'Sd, 2Itii. 25th. 26th. 80th and I1 mat and January lit, Rood until January ] I'd Incluidvtv For tlck??t? and full particular* apply <^lty Ticket Office, wrn??r Twelfth and Market street* L Stife iday Bazaar t tne main entrance ai Blankets and Quilts, " Here's gifts that are beinj and the present tendency t< hurry selections. COMFORTS?89c, 98< covers, best cotton. EIDERDOWN QUILT $5.98, 58.98, $10.00 to $2( BLANKETS?all wool514.00 a pair. Main Strei 0 * WORE j? All solid advertisements under ?? the following headings: : : t ? WANTED. PERSONALS, LOST AND FOUND, FOR RENT. FOR SALE, will bo Inserted at tho rata of?? ONEIICENTfEA=WORD' i Canaries. fS AN ARIES?COO IIARTZ MOUNTAI2 L' Rollers. Males 12.00, Females 60c. a iffcNRY HKLMURIGHT'S. corner Mar tet and Sixth streets. ?e6 Co jCoan. * .CONEY TO LOAN ON REAL 15S LVX TATE Six per cent lnterost and on >er cent premium, total seven per cenl Ipplv to THE BUCKEYE SAVINOS i ..PAN CO.. gd St.. Bellalre. Ohio. oc7 ' Wanted. fTTANTED?TWO MACHINISTS A* YV Mean's Foundry ?fc Machine Co Steubenvllle. Ohio. Regular wages pale Heady employment. deli PROFITABLE HOME WORK-W1 want a few men and women In ever own to make novelties for tin at thei tomes: day or evening: $?I to $15 weekly to canvassing or experience needed neady employment; plain instruction ind work sei.t to your home on appllcn ion. BRAZILIAN MANUFACTURING OMPANV. New York City. tier* business Opportunities. \ror CAX MAKE MQKBT QUI CI with small risk in wheat, stocks an rotton. We have never lost a cent for ustomer. nor called for additional mat rln. Profits paid on demand. Onon a iccount with us now. and double you noney In a week. Write for free advic< E. MACKEY & CO.. 9 Wall strcci >?ew York. de3 Stockholders' SKeetings. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING? ^The annual meeting of the stockholder ?f tlio Natlonul Hank of Went Virginia it Wheeling, will be held at tho Rankin loune on Tuesday. January IP. lsan. l>? ween the hours of one (1) and three (J t'clock i?. m., for the election of director! JOHN WAGNER. Cashier. Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. ISPS. do7 Steal Stlare. tobbeITT' A Monti Co. 1513 Market street 170 { Co. 127 Fourteenth street 25 c Co. 1130 Charles street ? < Co. 352? Chapllne street, 2 rooms.... 4i Co. 12 Indiana street 36 I Co. 30 Sixteenth street, bottling cellar 32 < Co. 32 Sixteenth street, office room.. 10 Co. 34 Sixteenth street, first floor.... 17 C blacksmith shop. Market and Twenty-fourth streets 10 ( ?tal)le 1516 Alley H..- 5( rooms Second street, Martin's Ferry. Ohio, natural gas fixtures for heat and light 7 C FOR SALE. Deslrablo Market street property. ff A l\/t C C A UCMDV jniviL.o n. i i l- ix hi, *ral Estate Agent, Collector, Notar Public and Pension Attorney, No. 161 Main street. de$ HOTEL FOR RENT. HOTEL ON WATER STREET, with Si rooms, Urge dining room, offic and bar room. Rent reasonable Will lease for a term of 5 or H years. 1HE0. W. FINK & CO., clcplionr 087. 1320 Market St FOR SALE ?> No. 33 80FTJ1 FRONT ST.-S-roome hvHIlnjr, with nil modern conveniences 2.7SO.OQ. No. 15R NORTH FRONT ST.-S-roomo Iwolllnit, with nil modern convenience! vlll .soil cheaii on a quick deal. No. "TLH KOFF ST.-7-roemed brie. Iwolllnu. No. IK TWELFTH ST.-:.-rqomcd dwoll ?K, lot 23x110, price 92,100.00. G. O. SMITH, IEAL ESTATE. FIRE INSURANCE KxrlmnKQ Rank lliillJInt?. 9cncral Dlotfees. rlfB ATMOSPHERIC MOTOR COM I*ANV, R(?OM T "' NEAL UUILDINC HAI/MMORE. Nov. 22. 1W. Notice l? hereby Riven I hat a merlin .f ih.* stockholders ??f the Atmoapheri ,1otor Company of the United Stater ?' tmtrlea will bp held at th?* office of th oinpany, lioom No. 30.*i Neal liuildliu;. I tall I more. Md.. on Tuesday. the 27th da: .f December, 1S9% ?t ^ a'clock p. m.. t iii.v j resolution* authorising the Incrca* if the capital stock of the company b; D.OC'J sharrn of the par value of $ll>.CO ouch LOUIS II. MAY Kit, do 1-1 h _ Secret a ry. i\iTTSiirnon. wihcblinc * ken I TPCKY IlAlLHOAD COMPANY. PITTBIU'ROH. V*.. Nov. 19, !>$?. The undentUtncd, trustees under t!i ^Irst Consolidated MortRa??e of the Pitts urgh. Wlirellng * Kentucky Rallrom ompany, dated January l. 1S81. herob; >lve nutlet that they have on ham 1,318.01' applicable to the purchase of Mr* onnolldated mortffftf? bond* secured b; aid mOrtKap.. ror urn purpim . ui ill tnkltm fund i>rovlrt<*U t>ipreundcr. Vrn u.-nlr wlH lM? rw.i?lvod until U.-.-omhor jf v!*s for tin- nolo to thorn of $4,c00.00 o ucl. bond.. B ? L!0OKXT HENJU' K. UST. nolt'-f Trustee*. i & cm nd continuing throughout j nd we might add ounging Robes I looked for more every day, j. wards zero weather will help | $1.69, 52.50, ?3.00?fancy S?the best odorless?$4.98, ).00. -$2.48, $3.48, $4.98, $5.48 to | af Open Evenings. I Clairvoyant. 3 ) ...PROF. TRUE... CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST, 1005 Main Street. Tee 30c and $1.00 for One Week, After Which Charges Will Be Higher. It should bo comforting to know that yoa have the opportunity of cbn.ultlng thon a who can point out the danK?ra ahead. 50 f vnii max, uvnlrl thnm. Yoil flftftV Ilk. J: - "How shall we know who Is tho true and : who is tho imposter?" "Hy their work ye shall know them." Professor True con_ vlnceti Ills callers by telling tbtlr every c trouble, hope, fear, wish and ambition In \ complete detail, giving namea, dates, loca, tiona utul actuul facts conccrnlng your life and actual circumstances which you .J . know to bo absolutely true. < Through the sources of hia scienUflo ? work ho will toll you whom and when you will marry; if your friends are true or | - false: where to go and what to do to gain I* wealth and happiness. Ho gives informs- j e tion and reliable. advice upon buslneas, , positions, travels, sales, changes, domestio ;i fc and lovo affairs, and all tho perplexing problems of life. , 'i 1 Offlco hours, ? a. m. to 9 p. m? daily and. Sunday. 1008 Main street. . de7 $ f Salllteal. i; REPUBLICAN SUGGESTION MEETINGS 5 y Suggestion meetings will be held by the r Republicans of the city of Wheeling on Saturday, December 17, 1MB, at 8 o'clock ' ' p. m., at the following places: J ; First Ward?At Vigilant Rngino House. Second Ward?At Maricei liounc nan, 2 Third Ward?At First Branch of Council Chamber. J. Fourth Ward?At Poiico Court Room. Fifth Ward?At Hook and Ladder 1!om House. Sixth Ward?At Pythian Castle, v Seventh Ward?At Island Hose House, d Eighth Ward?At Knoke's Hall, No. 3G13 a Jneob street. The meetings will he for the purpose of ' n suffffestinjr persons to bo voted for at the r primary elections to l>o held on Saturday, ?. December 31, liltf, between the hours of 1 U o'clock p. m. and 7 o'clock p. m., for the following offices: - For mombcrs of tho First Branch of Council. For members of the Second Branch of - Council. For members of the City Executive Committee. * JOHN W. KINDELBERQER, i. Chairman, p WM. H. HORNI8H, Secretary. del2 5 ===== ^ ' 5or Stent. _ TTTlOR RENT-SEVERAL GOOD ROOMS - X; in thn City Bank Building. Inquire at the City Bank of Wheeling. mrlO ; - T^OR RENT-FINE OFFICE ROOM&. JC be*t location in city. Possession at once. -HCOLL'S ART STORE, 1231 Market street ocJO ?. *1710 R RE NT-THE DE8IRABLB ^ Jj three-story brick building. suitable for X) a manufacturing ortabllshmcnt, 'ocated at >0 nouthraM corner of Eighteenth and Chap* 10 line street*. More ground If needed. Ter- . w ? mlnal switch beside the property. Apply S| to JOHN BECKETT. noil 2g '0 . 5or Sale. 5 TTlOn RALE?GOOD PAYING DU8t. 1 i( NESS at a harraln. AdJrMi J. M? caro lntclllgcncer office. au3l___ 10 T710R 8ALE-A CASE OFFIVE THOUI: SAND 6c Cigars. good quality; mutf bo sold at once. Give address. A. B. C? care Intelligencer office. no!6 T7IOR RAI.B-ON EASY TERMS-LOT lj on Jacob street, below street car bam) y JBo. Terms. II'* cash, balance in five ante nual payments of J&i eitc-h. UEO. J. MATHISON, 1308 Market wtreet. ?0I6 Mania s rnry uwcuiog ror aue. A enrol dwelling, t'ontalnlnur nix rpomti, ??n 1'nrk Ktroqt, In Mnrtln'n o FViry. Ohio, cnn 1><? limt For much low* tliun the oo?t oftlin building. Applj* to e JAMKSL. UAWLKV, Itanl l&tntc nnd 1?oi?h AgoDoy< p Mulii Street, Wheeling, W. V>, 0 J^OR SALE A FEW CHOICE LOTS AT BDSIIuTOl CUBA I' AND OX KASY T<tlk 1 W. V. HOGE, City Hank UtiiMlit?. 1!>UD Market 91* >. FOR SALE. i ? STOCKS. ,vf k Dank of lh-5 Ohio Valley. National Hank of West Virginia. Hank of Wheeling. l'lrst National Hank of Dcllalro. Dollar ^nvlnH:; Hunk of Belial ro. ' Wcllaburs National Bunk of Wtilsburf. - HOWARD HAZLETT, " STOCKS. 110NDS AND INVESTMENTS. " i:\cViixrRO Dank Building. s RECEIVERS* SALE.... (' if 0( tho Whefflinq Drug Company at No. 1409 Main St., Wheeling, W.V*. V* ..111 ?.11 1 ,, The rCvCivrrn ?r,.. ... |H?IUO ?*? ", 0 and on reasonable term*. the entire utock, . Mil* receivable. pond will nnd loa*e on the building of the Wheellm: pro* Company. Tin- house hn? n larK? trado and the bunl? nrvi in 1? Artit-claM condition In every re Xpert, it I* a rare opportunity for anyone iiVslrlnsr to engage In the vnolenn drug bu*lnes*. Until sale I* made tho receiver* will continue to conduct the l>u*lne?s a? e heretofore, and nro ready to mipply the trade u llh everything In the line of whole* J ulo OrilK?. It T nEVmKg 1 FRANK OHU8K, 'S t nolo Itroeivrm. y i- *SKedlcal. 1 ? ADIKs: Chlchcjtcf't Engliih Pewyroynl Pift? - 'A-ri-L-u^rfc