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Seo. S. Sum & Co. 1154 to 1160 Not able to get in /f3 yesterday, or did S not see the ad. in fl time? Well, then, Hi in IT our WH Sal Don't You will get ji Miss who bought yc the same . II L? Some Dress and Skirt B Lengths at About.... *' (Special Art Disp From the Noted Overly A Tuesc \T-' Art Needlework, Stamp Miss Overly has just ret most excellent and full ass goods, and will display an room, on third floor. LESSONS IN ART P Geo* E. S j Good Fum <? FOR 'less money the who buy goods just think, "We ; Surety of quality gets?surety of ?i> 21 Oar Store Is a Safe Refuge For Economical F ' ? Here's one man?the boi this store, whose duty it is tc X and scheme with manufactui 4 . fight for lowest prices?so tl can make it worth your wh buy here?he's never idle. Tl another man whose duty it take this supply of bargain* % tell you about them in the p: and show them in the windc X, as tempting a style as trutl honesty can suggest?he's idle. These two men hav % their heads together to mak % Easter week the best bargain ' > ever known in Wheeling. IT I DON'T FOf < > 1 DON'T FOI % % %T& T?m)rnntrrai ii4=rff?MJSi 'y)-\ J. HASTENER I StQ. S. Siiltl & Co. Main Street. pi i . A is continued to?aay 15 for your benefit \ . ist as choice styles as thosf :sterday, and you will ge w Prices! IALF PRICE. >!ay .JL Fh n Kooms, lay, Wednesday and Thursda; Of This Week. iog, Hand=Painted China. urncd from the east with ; ;orted line of the above ar d sell the same in our ar IEEDLEWORK FREE. tifel & Co, iture Simply C; in we ask. It's getting to be here, We couldn't have dom can take our own time in whi ' and surety of lowest price: service thrown in. ?J- For Instanc Three Dollar Steel Twenty-five Dollai Finest Axminster ( oik. High Pile Velvet C: is-in Wool Filled Ingrair Milan Handsome, Good I iat he Seventy-five Cent ,'leJc Dollar Twenty-live is to Dollar Fifty Rocker ; and Three Dollar Rocki Twenty Dollar Fok i and Thirty-five Dollar 1 ncv" Fourteen Dollar Fo c put e this week Onr First Season's Wall P 5c, 8c, X Oc {J 15c to $2{ I )f?CT That we make, Iii ^UCfl of Charge! ^ . .i J)frT That we want to ^\J1C a It'll be the beginr S O _ ^^l^HOUSE I INCORPORATED Is the Riverside Pottery Companj Which is to Operate THE NORTH WHEELING POTTERS In the Near Future ? The Capita Stock Is now Practically all Sub scribed?The Plant Will be in Opcr atson at the Earliest Possible Date The Wheeling Steel Works Scah Settled Yesterday. A charter was Issued yesterday to thi Riverside Pottery Company, of Wheel' in&, which has for its object the manu facture of pottery ware. The Incorpor ,?| a tors ure Messrs. Charles W. Fran ' zhelm, William A. Isett, Jere A. Miller . "William A. Wilson and William F. Stl fel, all of Wheeling. This is the company which will ac quire and operate the North Wheellnf plant of the late Ohio Valley Chin: Company. Practically all of the $100,00i capital stock has been subscribed am the enterprise is accounted a sure ga * The American Potteries Company?thi combine?holds an option on the OhI< i Valley's plant, which does not explr< until next Saturday, but it is know: with, practical certainty that the com bine will fall both to acquire the Wheel ing Pottery Company (through change* in the combine's plan of organization I which did not satisfy the local com f pany), and to take up the option 01 the North Wheeling plant before iti ) expiration this week. The pottery business Is just now en joying a, substantial boom and the Rlv eralde company will make every eftor to put its product in the field at ai early date. The Warwick Pottery, of this city, I is stated, enjoyed the largest quarter'i business in its history In the months o January, February and March of thli year. ?-* The Wheeling company, too, is hav lng a fine run and so soon as the Rlv crslde plant is put in operation a con siderable part of one of the Wheeling ' plants on the South Side now devoted ti 'tho manufacture of sanitary ware wll be used In adding to -the company's ca pacity on the finer goods of china fo: which it is now famous from the Atlan tic to the Pacific. The Scale Settled. The wage controversy at the Wheel ing steel works was satisfactorily ad justed to all concerned yesterday morn ^ ing, and the new scale will go into effec next week. The scale is conslderei very favorably by the employes, for I provides for substantial increases anc while the men didn't get the 1897 scale they came pretty close to it and an consequently happy, especially from thi ^ fact that the company was disposed t< grant the advance from the start ant t there was no bickering in arriving a the result.. t The wage committee conferred witl President Hubbard yesterday mornin? and -the new scale, including greate advances than- proposed by Mr. Hub . bard Saturday was adopted in compar atlvely brief time. The advance aver ages about 10 per cent, and it wouI< seem that it must average higher ac cording to statements made by the men for in no case reported was the increase below S per cent, while in many in .< stances it was as high as 16 and 20 pe r* cent. One man who got ?1 10 per toi will get $1 2?>, and better conslderatloi . was received by. others. The laborer inside the mill were raised from SI 55 ti _ $1 70. The Inside laborers are not man; an't Be Sold j : a common saying by folk ;;; e so well elsewhere," and ;;; ch to pay for what we buy." | ; are what every customer e, We're Offering: j Beds for $ 1.98 ? Bedroom Suits for...$16.75 ;;; Carpets for $ 1.25 t irpets for 98c | i Carpets for 48c ? lowered Carpets for.. 25c % Dining Chairs for 48c | : Chairs for 75c $ s for 90c t ^rsfor $ 1.98 | ling Beds for $13.98 | Folding Beds for $23.85 t Iding Beds for ,.:.$10.65 | <* < ? <J> aper at Factory Prices. -or Very Mtractive Papers. For Gilt and t High Art Designs. $ ie and lay all Carpets Free % ^ & J jt | f Open an Account with You. | ling of a happy home. ;holp happiness. \ ; In number, however, and they "work twelve hours a day. Nothing but satisfaction "was expressed In Ben wood yesterday over the settlement and the increase in wages. Not ? the least pleasing feature to the employes and community at large is the fact that the mill is making the steadiest year in its history. Strike not Probable. The exclusive publication in yesterday's Intelligencer of the details of th( meeting of the operators and conductors of the Wheeling Railway ComI pany's lines, and the statement that the . Wheeling & _Elm Grove Company hat already declined the request of theli men for increased wages was a matter of general Interest yesterday. The * fear was expressed that there would b( > another and even more extensive strike than that of several years ago, but the fear is not well founded, as the International Street Car Workers is a mosi conservative organization, which wll i exhaust every resource before going t( extremities, and may not in any event order a strike. It is said the men or " both lines would probably accept i - smaller Increase than the four cents ai . hour which they have asked. IJRIEF MENTIONINGS, Events in nnd About, tlie City Given it a Nutshell. City council meets this evening. 1 , The rehearsal of the Woman's Muslca Club will be held at 7:30 o'clock thl! 3 evening, at MUUgan, Wilkin & Co.'s mu 1 sic rooms, Market street. r The funeral of the late Mrs. Alberi j Mager will occur on Wednesday after" .noon, at 2 o'clock, from the famllj home. No. 8 Kentucky street. Island - with interment at Greenwood. i Auctioneer Greer yesterday continued . until this morning the sale of the Kraf blocks, with shop property, on Sixteenth street. The highest bid received was 3 53,400, which is considered a good Ug* ure. " The King's Daughters of St. Mat thew's P. E. church will sell the Eastei s Herald to-day at the stores of Dillon Wheat & Hancher, George R. Tayloi Company and Joseph Graves* Sons ' where they will be pleased to see theh * friends. Arrests by the police last night int eluded Sam McNamara, drunk, by Offl5 cer Allen; Ada Crltzer, loitering in t ? house of prositution, by Michaels, ant j Dave Farrell, drunk and loitering In thf vestibule at John S. Welty'a residence on Twelfth street, by Knabe. The New York Life Insurance Com. pany has opened offices at the Ex; change Bank building, rooms 18 and 19 3 with Mr. Joel Wltmer as agency dirr^ 1 tor and Mr. William Mackey as cash. ler, where all business connected wltl r the state will be transacted. Yesterday occurred the death of Mr Charles O'Connor, of No. 71 Eighteenth stret. East End, In the sixty-seventh year of his age, after an illness of typhoid fever. He Is survived by his wife. Mr. O'Connor came to Wheelinf * several years ago from Washington - Pa., and has conducted a grocery stort t on Eighteenth street. \ The barratry cases yet to be heard t nave Deen reset as rollows oy Justice Greer: State vs. J. E. W. McCulley 1 April state vs. John G. Haberfleld , April 6; state vs. John Anderson ant k George Walt, April 7. The cases were to have been heard yesterday, and art - postponed owing to the absence of cerJ tain witnesses. i The county commissioners' committe< t on court house and Jail met yesterday and discussed estimates for the curren year's expenditures. The jail was in * spected and needed improvements con ' sidered. The committee will report t( r the board next Monday. The committer on poor house and farm meets to-daj to discuss estimates. 1 Robert Downing and his company ap . peared in a triple bill of tragedy, ro mance and comedy at the Opera Housi ? last night. The bill included a con I densed version of "The Glndiator," th< r flower scene from "Ingomar." and th< i one-act comedy, "Paris. 1703." Mr i Downing made the hit of the evening s in the comedy as Monsieur Sangfroid. i PERSONAL NOTES. Going and Coming of "Wheeling \ People and Visitors. D. Dewar, Mannington, was a Howel autograph yesterday. W. E. Scott, of Waynesburg, Is t guest of the Stamm. Frank St. Clair has returned to Mor gantown. after a visit of several days to \v neeitng mentis. C. Thistle and wife, Robert L. Hervej and C. M. Stewart were Slstersvllle arrivals at the Windsor yesterday. Chief Clemans was In Pittsburgh yesterday, placing a wayward Wheeling girl in the House of the Good Shepherd. State Senator Oliver S. Marshall, ol New Cumberland, was in the city yesterday, Incidentally feeling the loca ^ulse for his gubernatorial boom. Dr. Hull's Couch Syrup Is the standard remedy for throat and lung troubles. It is a specitlc for grippe and bronchitis. MILLINERY Opening: Tuesday nnd Wednesday. AHACIvl-.R'S. DR. WOOD'S Norway Pine Syrup seems especially adapted to the needs of the?ichildren. Pleasant to take; soothing in" Its Influence. It Is the remedy of all remedies for every form of throat and lung disease. 3 MILLINERY Open Ins: Tuendny and Wednesday. SWAB ACKER'S* OPENING to-dav and to-morrow at Carl's* 3001 Jacob street. ATTEND the Opening of the SampleLlngaman Co., this afternoon and evenlng. MILLINERY Opening Tuesday nnd Wednesday. _ ABACKhR'S* DIED. DEFIBAUGH?On Saturday, March 11 JRSO. at 7 o'clock p. m.. GEORGE W DEFIBAUGII. In tho Slst year of hh hkc. Funeral from his late residence. No. 91 Coal street, on Tuesday afternoon at o'clock. Friends of the family respectfully Invited to attend. Interment al Mt. Wood cemetery. (Bedford, Fxu, papers plcaso copy.) MAGER?On Sunday, March 2fi. 1SS9, nt 6:45 o'clock p. m., MARY, wlfo of Albert Mnper. Funeral from tho residence of her husband, No. S Kentucky street, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends ol tho family respectfully Invited to attend. Interment at Greenwood cemetery. O'CONNOR-On Monday. March 27. ISM. at 6: ?:> o'clock p. in., CHARLES O'CONNOR, In his GOth year.Funeral notice hereafter. /Wnuhlnirton. PiL. minora nlease cnr\r.\ Undertaking. Louis Bertschy, FUNERAL DIRECTOR and ARTERIAL EMBALMER. 1117 MnIn St.?West Shlo. , Calls b>* Tolrphono Answered Day 01 Night. Store Telophono 633. Residence, EQC. Assistant'* Telephone. G'Jj. Alexander Frew, 1208 FUNERAL DIRECTOR MAIN ST. AND EMBALMER * J Under Competent Management. Telephones?Store, Residence, "GO. BRUEMSltR f Funeral Directors - ] and Embnlmcrs, . ^ "\ Cor. Market and 22d Sts. ) lilLDEDRAND Uea'JMa'W. FINANCIER!! FOI i I ' What the New Dis Science | l I 11 ^ I ^jjj^ YOIIR HEALTH DEPENDS : To Test the Merits of Swan ; Remedy, Every Reader c Have a Sample B( i lutely Free )H you wish to be rich in health, you s , good financier is of his cash capital. Your kidneys are your capital. t Your health depends principally on the ? If you can keep THEM well, you may p< Now, by this is not meant that good f [ the other organs and merely look after the k Your other organs may need caredo most. , If you are sick, begin with your kidney ? they will help all the other organs to health. t The Immediate symptoms and first r 1 proofs of weak kidneys are pain or dull * ' ache in the back, rheumatism, dizzin ness, headaches, nervousness, heart p - trouble, pain In the limbs, bloating, sal- t< * low complexion, puffy or dark circles s 2 under the eyes, bladder irritation, sup- a 2 a pression of urine, obliged to pass water , n ' often day and night, worn-out, tired f; feeling, lack of ambition. t If your water, when allowed to remain c \ undisturbed in a glass or bottle for a twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or . 1 " settling, or has a cloudy appearance, it a i is evidence that your kidneys and blad- a der need immediate attention. a Swamp-Root is the great medical tri- u 3 umph of the nineteenth century; dis- r . covered after years of untiring effort t . and research by the eminent kidney and li bladder specialist, Dr. Kilmer. ti It is pleasant to take, and can be pur chased at most drug stores or medicine o dealers in fifty-cent or one-dollar bot- b j ties. ii Afnlrn a of thp nn_mo. SWAMP- v I ROOT, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and | li 2). bundling <C* Co. | ; From Tunis a full size packas 1 best Chewing Gum will be g Our Spring Styles Children's, Young I Slits and 0 were never better. Come ' will not ask you to buy, ' matter with you. STAR CLOTHIERS. %Jht Dlatlonnl Sxchango J. Ni VANCE. President. CIA J JOHN FREW* Vlco 1'resUlont. The National E} Sioo^ooo^ Of VVhe< directo ?T. N. Vnneo, John Wntcrli< Tohn Fro\r? "William Ellli G. E. Stllbl, J. M. Ilrown, Business entrusted to our care will rcc 1 f HEALTH. / * covery in Medica) Proves. ^ ^ i ON YOUR KIDNEYS. ip.Root, the Great Kidney if the Intelligencer May . ii( _ c i. i I iiiie oeiit. ttuauby Mail. ihould be as carcful of your Kidneys as a m. )ssess your health in safety. inanciering for health is to overlook all idneys. -but your kidneys most, because they s, because as soon as they ere >vell? emembcr it is prepared only by Dr. Illmer & Co., Einghamton, X. Y. Swamp-Root has been tested in so lany ways, in hospital work, in private ractice, among the helpless, too poor o purchase relief, and has proven so uecessful in every case that a special rrangement has been made by which .11 readers of the Intelligencer, who ave not already tried It, may have a ree sample bottle of Swamp-Root and hus test for themselves its wonderful urative properties. If you will send your name and full ddress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamon, X. Y., a sample bottle will bo sent, bsolutely frco by mall, post-paid, also book telling more about Swamp-Root nd containing some of the thousands ipon thousands of testimonial letters ecelved from men and women whoowo. heir good health, in fact, their very ves, to the wonderful curative proper- / [ea of Swainp-Root. If you take advantage of this generus offer and write for a free sample ottle, be sure and mention the "WTieelig Daily Intellgencer when sending our address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingamton, X. Y. 2). bundling & Co. IV Oil V je of America's finest and ^ven with every purchase. ?in Men's and Men's vercoats..... in and .see them. We for we will leave that s? II. C?o5 34 and 36 Twelfth SL Sftanf; of 'Wheeling, 3i. K. SANDS? W- IRVINE ?Asa't. Cu*liicr? ^change Bank -ling. >RS. onso, Dr. John L. Dlckoy? lgharn, AV. 13. stono, ? NV. II. Frank. clvc prompt nnd cnrcful attention#