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ifiiHf 'iirmi I ii h?H YOLTO'EXlYl^^gi87,; WTO W.Y^, WEDNESDAY MARCH 29. 1899 , !W0 Cl^l mm, THE REBEL CAPITAL 1 C f Is Now the Objective Point of c .American Forces. c AFTER THREE DAYS FIGHTING, c c Scrambling in tlic Brush and I Fording Rivers GEN. MAC ARTHUR'S COMMAND ty nit ml VocfoPilnv PpnnnimtnKv tn n I Forward Movement on Malolos at Daylight This Morning, "Where Aguinaldo "Will Mako his Final Stand?Filipino Prisoners say That the Insurgent Chieftain "Will Give up if his Forces are Defeated by our Troops. NEW YORK, March 29.?A dispatch to the Journal dated Manila, Wednesday, say a: Bocave has been taken by our troops. The railroad bridge Is uninjured. Gen. MacArthur is now within eight miles of Malolos. MANILA, March 28, 9 p. m.?General MacArthur and his army are resting on the plain beyond Marllao after three days' scrambling la the brush, fording rivers and charging trenches In the blazing sun. The men are tired, but are in splendid spirits. The engineers aro repairing bridges, the rebels having failed <o destroy the Iron work and the railroad Is kept busy hurrying supplies to the front. c The country to Maloloe is level with t occasional streams and patches of \ wood, but there are no more Jungles. ^ The American troops will advance at daylight, taking four days' rations -j with them and having two hundred f rounds of ammunition In their belts, i The*' expect to take Bocave, on the c railroad to the east of Bulacan, to- c morrow. It is a dillicult position, protected by streams. ? The American line is about 1,200 yards from that of the rebels. Desultory shots were exchanged to-day. Monday's Casualties. The American reports show that twenty men were killed and sixty-one wounded on our side yesterday. The Dakota regiment lost ten men killed and had thirty-seven wounded. According to prisoners in the hands J of the Americans, Agulnaldo's generals, vjarcia, ioitto ana ir'aeneco, wore wliii "v the Filipino urmy yesterday and drove their followers into the first aggressive demonstration. The rebels attempted to charge across the plain east of the 1 railroad, but the Americans charged to meet them and the Filipinos bolted ;?ftor a few shots, leaving several killed r on the field. J The Filipino prisoners further declare t that the rebels have lost all taste for j lighting and that their otficers have to . keep them in line by beating them with swords. 1 One of the most brilliant and costly ( achievements of the campaign was the i charge of Major Howard's battalion t across the river. Advancing at the ^ double quick, they found the river be- j neath them and splashed across with a t yell, swimming and wading, the bullets : spattering in the water, and rushed ( upon the rebel trenchcs. Ten men were j killed and eleven were wounded in the \ o? 1 Bravery of Our Troops. < At the capture of Marlloa there were J several incidents showing the bravery l of our troops. Some Filipinos were en Trenched on an island in a bend of the ' river. The Americans approached in n t triangular formation with the third ar- f tlllerf in the apex and the Kansas and i Pennsylvania regiments forming the sides. Colonel Funston called for volunteers to swim the river. Two men crossed under lire and secured materials with which a crossing was eventually effected. Major IJell, of General MaeArthur's staff, with Company I, of the Pennsylvania regiment, and Lieutenant Abertuthy and ten men engaged in similar exploits. After the Filipinos had raised the white llag many of them attempted to run, and several were shot for so doing. In the church yard of Mariloa the Americans found thirty newly made graves of Filipinos and a dozen bodies were seen drifting down the river with grewsome wounds. The> are digging their former comrade's graves. Many huts are smoking ruins, having been burned by their inhabitants. The Americans ore not burning any buildings. Our troops captured four Spaniards who were fighting with the insurgents. General MucArthur was under a heavy lire yesterday. The prisoners say Aguinaldo has declared 1hat if the Americans can take the Filipino capital he will surrender. ON TO MALOLOS, ; "Where Aguinaldo Will Make His Iutst Stand?American Forces on Their Way to f lie llebel Capital. ( WASHINGTON, D. C., March 2S.? , The Innurgent capltol of Mulolos Ja now i the point to which attention in oil ofll- * clal quartern Is directed. Major Simp- 1 Hon. assistant adjutant general, chief ( of the military Information bureau, to- ( lay adavneed the American front five . miles on the map. based on the latest advices from General Otis. These were , rather meagre flince yesterday, and the t dispatch received to-day related to yes- . t-rday's fighting without stating wheth morning. It was suJJlclent, however, to , show that Mac-Arthur's division was J now beyond Mariluo and well on its i way to Malolofl, The disposition of the , forces, as shown by the latest dispatches, plnces tlv brigade of General , Harrison G, Otis, advancing on the left , of the railroad and the brigade of Gen- , pral Hale on the- right." Whenton'u brlgnde la further bael;, maintaining hid communication with the advance forces. ; Ahead of the American forces, <he most furious natural obstacle is the Bulacan river, which Ik in reality an arm of Manila bay about a mile wide and very ?b*< p and reaching atraight across tiie path of the advancing American forces. Hut t.? offset tills General Otis' dispatch of this morning conveys the cheering laformation that our small gunboats are In the Hulacan river, where great execution tv.'tii done yesterday and where 1hep will relieve the pressure on MacArthur's front. This, in the judgment ,Jf military authorities, is a strategic move of great-advantage, as the Hulacan river and the big city of TJulncan 'nay be the key to opening easy acccnu o the Insurgent capltol iylriff Just be ond. Bulacan la a city of Importtnce second only to Manila and la the 'apltal of the province, It 1b much larrer und stronger than the Insurgent apltol, Malolofl, and with.Its broad and leep river la a sort of gateway to the apltal; The Obstacles. Only two small towns, or pueblos, Bo:ave and Taal, lie between our troops md the river. There Is no doubt the )rldge over the Bulacan is destroyed md this Is probably the bridge to which Jeneral Otis refers. It Is felt that some lelay may be occasioned In overcoming io Important a natural obstacle as thla leep, wide river. Once across It, the :lty of Bulacan lies to. the left. The railroad skirts around it, so that >ur forces may leave It and press forvard to the insurgent capitol or may see It to reduce this Important city. Eerond Bulacan the road to Malolo.s Is iractlcally clear. It oprmita n itralght march due west or else a clr:uitous move along Rood roads northvard to St. /Isabel, then striking Maloos In the rear. But the belief here Is hat General MacArthur will press tralghi; ahead along the railway, preerrlng a direct Issue with the Insurant forces, rather than another stratglc move to entrap <them. 'General Otis' report that the supply rains are up to Marlloa is a source of special satisfaction among officials, as t shows that the stores are well up vlth the fighting line. Another .reasiurlng: feature of General Otis report Is hat the troops are "In excellent conlitlon and spirits." After u three days ight such high spirits in the troops :ounts for quite as much as adequate naterials and stores. Reason for the Lull. The silence of the reports as "to the novements to-day caused no apprelension. It was construed to mean hat the operations of yesterday were jroceedlngr to-day without material change. Major Simpson was Inclined to relieve that after three days' steady ighting there would be a lull while our v?v.maicu. i>ui us veuiH uenem uuin ildes, giving: the enemy an opportunity o repair and fortify, the 'more general mpression Is that MacArthur's advance vill not be delayed many hours. General Greely received a dispatch 'rom Manila this morning and the act that it did not mention any change n the military situation was accepted is showing that no material change had iccurred. About the war and navy departments iff airs proceeded quietly to-day, with io evidence of agitation or alarm. A'ord was received that the Third inantry had been sent forward to relieve he Twenty-third In Hale's brigade. Phe latter regiment has been lighting ilmost continuously since the trouble n the Philippines begun. It fought igainst the Spaniards and more recenty, has been in the front of most of the mgageruents. The regiment having >een on provost duty, is especially fanillar with the city of Manila, where It vill resume duty. Till- SITUATION Fu the Philippines as Viewed From a Washington Standpoint. WASHINGTON, D. C., March 2S.? There was a lull to-day in the reports rem the scene- of action north of Mallla, which for a time was rather mysifying to the Avar department authorites. Only one dispatch from General )tls was received during the day, dealng with the situation at the front and his related to yesterday afternoon. It vus not unui me Associated Fress aisjatch came late In the day, telling that he American forces were resting beyontl tlarilao that General Otis' silence on tulay's movements was explained. After he arduous work of a three days' light under a Here? tropical sun, through Ice swamps and Jungles It was expect?d by the authorities here that MacArthur would conserve -the energies of its men by a halt long enough to rest md lake supplies before the finnl blow igalnst Malolos, the Insurgent cnpitol. rhe supply trains are well up with the roops according to Otis' report to-day. 10 that the rest permits full supplies of immunltlon and l'ood to be distributed. American Advance Line. The American advance line is now beyond Mariloa and almost up to the large own of Bulacan. The exact distance to Malolos Is uncertain; owing to the luck )f Information us to just where they ire resting, but al most the distance cannot, be more than ten or twelve niles on a direct lino along the railway. Vt the rate of progress made in the last two days, the next twenty-four hours should bring the American force well jp to the Insurgent capltol, If Indeed the issault on that place is not bogun by illow more time, however, considering the natural obstacles of unfordable rivers* and burned bridges, together ivith tlie successive lines of rebel Intrenchments, And, moreover, as at Santiago It Is not doubted that the entrenchments will become formidable as Ihe city Itself Is approached. Leading var department olllcials referred to-day lo the desperation with which the insurgents were lighting. It was taken is an indication that they had staked everything on the outcome of this fight ;md losing It, that they would submit rather than prolong a hopeless struggle. In this view the fierceness of the rebel lighting was taken as an evidence Lhat "once whipped they will stay whipped." Spanish Ship Captured. The navy department received nothing from Admiral Dewey during the Jay and up to <he close of olRcc hours nothing had been received con:erning the achievement of the Yorklown In capturing a Spanish merchantman In the gulf of Llngayen. While the llspatch la silent as to the cause for the ^.pturc, It Is surmised that it waa duo to her carrying a contraband of war. This is apparently borne out btr the fact that the gulf loads to the terminus of the rulhvay, which In turn, leads to the Insurgent capital of Malolos. It Is further borne out by the fact of the capture Itself which would hardly be utteniptod against a neutral merchunt s*hlp unless for serious reasons. Spain Is now practically In the position of a neutral, so that her merchant ships have immunity -from capture unless there Ih (rood foundation for tir-llnf ?!??? nld and comfort In being? given to the LMiemy. The last Information from Dewey n* to the Yorktown come yesterday wlien he fltated th.nt the gunbout was cruising off Luzon. JjoweiiHtcIn wan Cautioned. WASHINGTON, D. C., Murch 28.? The following cablegram ban been received from General Otl?, dated at Manila: "Prince Loewenntcln, with Wheaton'n command on the morning of the L'fith, took refreshments to officers of the? Second Oregon on (he llrltig line; He wan cautioned an to the danger, but advanced with the line when It charged the limurffenL IntrenchmentH. He wan killed by the enemy, and a friend with him was wounded. HIh remalnn were dcllvevcd to his frlcnda In this city," BRIBERY INQUIRY In Connection With Scnntorii Contest in Pennsylvania, PROBERS MAKE RICH STRIKE In Yesterday's Examination of tl Members or the House of Kcpresc tatlvcs ?Four Gentlemen Test! That Thoy "Were Approached 1 Quay men who Offered a "Conside at ion" for Their Votes?Represent live Brown's Sensational Evhlenc He Gives Names. HAnniSmiRO. Pn Mnrnh 93?T1 Investigation Into the charges oC alleg< bribery in connpo.t.lon with the consli eratlon of the McCarrell jury bill at senatorship in the house was resume this afternoon in one of the house con mittee rooms. Representative Kenda of Somerset, testified that a person n 'a.member of the legislature had ai proached him and said he would 111 to have his vote for Mr. Quay for sen; tor, and that if he could see his wi clear to vote that way he believed 1 would receive a sum equal to $5,000. M Kendall declined to give the name < the party, but said ho was a resident Bedford county, and wanted it unde stood that it was not Frank Willir Leach, as has been alleged. The wi ness answered the formal questions the negative. Several others we: called and all answered the questloi In the negatives. Mr. Keator, of Philadelphia, testlfn that a member admitted to him that 1 was approached on the senatorshl The witness preferred not to give tl name, as he has not yet been called b fore the committee. Messrs. Ford, Haa Hosack, Hosklna, MeCandless, Harol Henderson, Hersch, Harrlrs, Ilalde baugh, "Woodrufr, Moyer, ICelper, Kea; ler. Keyser, Klumpp, Kramllch, Laze ere, Leard, Lewis, Savage, Scott ar Keagan were called In the order namt and answered the formal questions ! the negative. The committee took a r cess at 3 o'clock until 7 o'clock th evening. Laubacli'3 Testimony. The bribery committee heard mo: testimony this evening. Mr. Laubac of Philadelphia, testified that the Tue day following the Republican senator! caucus he was approached by Frai Jones, of Philadelphia, and asked vote for Senator Quay. Mr. Laubat replied that he was Instructed by tl convention which nominated hiin Vote against Mr. Quay and that 1 would not violate his Instruction. Jonthen asked Laubach If he knew wh< his (Laubach) brother would be In Ha rlsburg. Jones and Laubach's broth' live neighbors, and when the latt came to Harrlsburg Jones Is alleged have told him that if he could persuai Representative Laubach to vote for M Qnuy he (Jones) could get a good, pos tion for the legislator and a salaryT live year/. Laubach's brother refus< and then Jones Is alleged -to-*have aj proaehed the representative. "He calh at my room at the Hotel Arnold." M Laubach said, "and not llndlng n there lie left his card with Mrs. Lai bach and went away. Later I met M Jones at the hotel and he Informed n that If I voted for Mr. Quay I cou have the chief clerkship of the mint i of the custom house. 1-Ie offered to s cure 1,000 signers in my district to a p tltion endorsing my action, and I to him I could not support Mr. Quay und any circumstances." Sensational Evidence. Representative Brown, of Unio swore that on the evening of Januai 17, the day before the first Joint ball for senator was taken, a gentlemu met him at the Commonwealth hot and Invited him to call on Mr. Qua Mr. Brown declined, and then the gei tleman persuaded him to take a wal They walked to a dark street and the the gentleman asked .Mr. Brown if I could not go away und not be prese: the next day in the Joint conventh ll'lmn th? lint T.-oa "I refused," said Mr. Brown, "ar then he offered nit* $200 if I would { to Philadelphia and miss the train, again refused and lie raised the pri> to $300. and said if 1 would so into tl convention and vote for Mr. Quay tl price would he altogether different. I asked me If 1 could get any other men ber to do this, and requested me to me him later. 1 refused and went to it room and did not see him again th; night." "What is the gentleman's name' asked Chairman Fow. "I prefer not to give it because he a friend of mine. 1 made a dear pror lse that I would not tell," Mr. Brov replied. Drown Names Names. "The next meeting of tins commltt will be held to-morrow," Mr. Fow sal "Unless you reveal the name of the pe son you will be given Into the custot of the sergeant-at-arms to be taken the Dauphin county jail for contempt Mr. Brown then nnld the person wi ex-Congressman Monroe 11. Kulp, Shamokln. The witness testified furth that Representative Miller, of Nort! ampton, showed him a niemorandu book some time ago, which showed th: Miller and his colleagues, Represent: tlves Johnson and I-Iell, had been o fered "so much" for the three vot from Northampton county on the M Carrell bill. Mr. Brown explained th the price was not uniform, and one i the members did not seem to be pn tl ground floor. He said Representatl' Borsch, of Montgomery, had told hi tuat ii member had :?:ild to hi (Ilerscli) that there would he $50 In if he would vote for the McCarrell hi The commlttco will meet at y o'cloi to-morrow morning. ANTI-QUAY REPUBLICANS Cast Their Solid Vote lor Represent tlve Dulzell, but Quay Does Not Lo Any. HARRISBURG, Pa., March 28.?Co pressman John Dalzcll received t solid vote of the nnll-Quay Repub! canB at to-day's joint ballot for Unit' States senator. This was the first tin thoy voted uh a unit for one caudlda slneo the- balloting began. Heretofo they scattered their voles unions dozen "favorite Hons," including Co gressmun Dulzell and Congressnu Stone, Colonel JIui'f and Colonel Jrvl The followers of Senator Quay ma! talned a solid front and polled tin full vote. The Democrats were unit* for George A. Junto*. Representative Peoples, of Lancastr created much enthusiasm among tl QuaylteH by voting for Mr. Quay i "Lancaster county's favorite." Repr I eenialiYo McFarlanc, ot Alleghon voted for "Matt" S. Quay, and Representative Keyser, of Philadelphia, for "Comrade" Quay. Representative Woodruff, of Philadelphia, voted with the anti-Quay Republicans for Mr. Dalzell. "While he has always voted itgafnst Mr. Quay, he has never co-operate'd with the anti-Quay Republican organization. and his vote was greeted with applause from that side. The ballot Swan the sixtieth of the Joint session. The vote was: Quay. 87; Jenks, 69; Dalzell, 51. Totals 207; necessary to choice 104; absent and not voting, 4G. ie ? - SOUND MONEY LEAGUE. fs- , jy Meeting:of tlio Central Council?Decr. larutlonofthe Leaguo to be Issued Soon. NEW YORK, March JS.-Tlic annual e- meeting of the Central council of the National Sound Money League convened In this city to-day. J. Sterling Morton, of Nebraska, presided. Elgh10 teen vice presidents of the league, who In part constitute the central council, 1" wr*m nroaont v I(* General Secretary E. V. Smalley subid mltted his report. v The report by A. B. Hepburn, of New jj York, was read. Mr. Hepburn mated ' that the receipts of the league during ot last year had been $12,300 and the exP penses 14.300. The expenditures had {e been for the dissemination of literature. This distribution would be continued, he said, when It was warranted by the Ly political situation. ie M. E. Ingalls, of Cincinnati, said he r. believed that the league ouijht to make 0f Its attitude understood throughout the f United States. "With a view to this he offered a resolution pledging the league r- to favoring the Immediate adoption ol ig legislation fixing 2S 8-10 grains of gold as the standard dollar, the establlsh, ment of a separ.'i. * bureau of issue and m redemption in the treasury department, In which should be held not subject to is use for currenl expenses of the government a sufficient of amount of gold to ?d cover the redemption on demand of all le obligations of the government, the p. making of all government paper In deie nominations of ten dollars and multiples e- of ten and that all smaller note.s should FT. be required to redeem their notes In gold at their counters. Thin resolution aroused considerable B~ discussion. Congressman Fowler, ol New Jersey, proxy for John ICean, ol New Jersey, advocated the nppoint?tl ment by the chair of a committee tc prepare n short, succinct declaration for I* the league and report thereon later. s This was carried and a committee ol three, composed of Edward Atkinson, ol Boston; E. H. Wells, North Daktota; re A. B. Hepburn, of New York, was appointed to report later. s" SIRS. GEORGE'S TRIAI; Ul : lK For the Murder of Saxton?Mrs. Altliousc Is Wanted. le CANTON, O., March 23.?Sheriff Zalto se:* has received a number of sumie mones to be served upon witnesses in ?n the Mrs. George murder trial. Among r- these is one for Mrs. Eva Althouse, er near whose home Sexton was murdered. ^ Mrs. Althouse is said to be a very Imje portant witness for the state. Deputy r# Sheriff Harvey Zalser says he spent l.' the entire day Monday looking: for heri -frtrt'Trlthout'sUceess. .?. 1_,_ Mrs. George'c attorneys to-day made p. application for additional depositions. The new witnesses named are Abraham "r> L. Goldberg and Jacob E. Goldberg, ,J merchants of Detroit, who occupied busMrs. George had apartments there. The r evidence expected from them is suggestcd by the questions is in regard to 1,1 the relationship between Mrs. George ar and Saxton. Mrs. George was In court L,_ when the motion was argued. The motion was allowed and a Detroit notary U will be appointed commissioner. er " Sherman Arrives at Norfolk. NORFOLK, Va? March 28.?The Unin, ted States cruiser Chicago, having on :y board ex-Secretary John Sherman, arot rived in Hampton Roads at 12:10 m o'clock. Mr. Sherman stood the trip well and is much better to-day than he y \ > Iwnn rU.?. k" began. At 1:30 o'clock Mr. Sherman was pluced on a atcam launch and brought le ashore where many people were awaitlag his arrival. The crowd cheered as m the gallant statesman was being conveyed to the Chamberlain hotel, where his daughter has been stopping since ?o yesterday. Mr. Sherman wns accom11 panied bfr his secretary, Dr. McGlll, re and a nurse, and was given every aide tentlon on the voyage. He ? le Cuban Assembly Commissioners. WASHINGTON, March 2S.?Senors ,v Jos- It. Vlllalon and A. Hevla, who at were appointed by the Cuban assembly to present to the Washington authorities the resolutions of that body, have Is arrived in tills city. Their mission. In a- addition to the presentation of the reso1 n lutions, is to explain in detail the situation with reference to the Insurgent army. While the assembly did not repo Ject the $3,000,000 which General Gomez , arrranged with Mr. Kooert 1*. Porter to receive and pay off the Cuban troops, r_ they believed It to be entirely inadely qunte to meet the situation. They doto sire at least $10,000,000. and as much ." mot if as can be obtained. is ? ? of The Chilian Award. [jr SANTIAGO DE CUBA, March 2S.m The verdict of Mr. William Buchanan, at United States minister to Argentina, and arbitrator in the Punta de Atacama dl " vision question of Clilll and Argentina, which was announced on March 21, linn ^7 been received here with indifference. The opposition press attacks the govlL, ernment severely. The award gives k.e Chill &Q0 leagues, which represents m about one-fourth of the whole territory ,n of Punta de Atacama, IK I'd!lor MimI ill's Will. * CHICAGO, March 28.?The will of the late Joseph Mediil, editor of the Tribune, waH admitted to probate to-day. His stock In the Tribune Is left to Robert \V. Patterson,,. Robert McCormlck, ft* (his sons-in-law),-tind William G; Beale, so as trustees for his two daughters, and Is to be- voted as a whole. The value of the estate Is not stated, as It will take two or -three weeks to prepare the in,ie ventory. ,'(j Hell Telephouo KnrningN. ,10 liOSTON, March 2S.-Tho annual meeilllK ?? I'll? UUII t?rn iniiniuim ri; Company wns licld here to-day. No a chnnce was madi* in the list of dlmeu* torn. The annual report of the troasur?n ,.r hJiovvh the earnings for 1SHS to have ? boon 35,548,701, us against $5,130,814 for 'J- 1S97. fir ? ' ? ij Our Losses In Philippines. "WASHINGTON, March 28. ? A list li?. proparcd In tho ofllce of the adjutant us general shows tho casualties In Manila e- since February 4 to be 157 killed and y, Ml wounded* ; REMARKABLE GANG' Of Kansns Criminals who Outdo the Forty Thieves IN THEIR VARIED EXPLOITS. They Have Lived for Years by Means of Kobbery ami Murder ? Stole Horses, Buggies and Cattle, and Made Counterfeit Money ?Many Murders Charged up Against I T!iem?Also Kept a "Private Grave> yard"?Many Hold-ups Credited to j the Dalton Gang Wcro Exccutcclbjr I Them. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. March 2S.-The Star to-day prints a three column story j regarding the arrest of a remarkable gang of Kansas criminals who have for years lived by means of robbery and 1 murder. One of the gang is believed to . be the murderer of Joseph New, who was killed In Greenwood county, Kas., two years ago, for which crime Now's wife and George II. Dobbs are now serving life sentences. So lirmly does Warden Landis, of the Kansas peniten: tiary, believe in the innocenc-j of Mrs. New and Dobbs that he will Immedl1 ately urge Governor Stanley to pardon iiiciii. x'taim .mguuu anegeu to oe me real murderer, is in jail nt Iola, Kas., under a charge of forgery. Alvin Ballnrd, serving an eight-year sentence In the Kansas penitentiary for horse stealing, has confessed that he, Altgood, and "Bill" Turner, were the murderers of New and that Mrs. New and Dobbs are absolutely innoceju. Turner has not been found. Tried to Convict tlie "Widow. It stems that the very men who murdered New and robbed his dead body conspired afterward to convict the widow and Dobbs. The supposed murderer, Altgood, according to Ballard, even went so far as to try to get on the jury, which convicted them. Ballard goes on to say that he, Altgcod and Turner were members of an ! organized gang of thieves ond murderers that operated in southeastern Kansas. As a result of his confession, eighteen stolen horses, a bag of counterfeit silver dollars and a . counterfeiting outfit have been recover* ed. Besides Altgood, B. L. Mathes, Mary Mathes, Herbert Simpson, are under arrest. Fifty other horses stolen by the gang have been located. The officers ure on the trail of other members of the gang. Ballard ulso alleges that Altgood murdered W. Coulter near EuI reka in ISStf. Officers who have been working- on the case have corroborated many of Ballard's statements. Ballard confessed to the prison officials several days ago and the arrests noted were the outcome. Ballard said: "We had runs from Texas and the territory nil through No Man's Land, the sand hills south of Hutchinson, Kansas. - -Their Caches. "We stole horses, buggies and cattle." There are caves and underground houses all over the northern part of the , territory and Kansas that were dug or found by the gang. Up in the sand hills they have lots of plate machinery where we turned out money. Mathes* ranch, near Hutchinson, is the headquarters of the gang. Mathes has a corral on the ranch into which stolen cattle and horses are driven from the territory and then shipped. There are tools hidden all around the ranch house , and a few graves, -too." Ballard described these graves, smiling as he said that no one knew who were their occupants. "A few etragi glers," he said. , Mrs. Mathes, Ballard said, kept a diary of the gang's doings and was thus enabled to aid in procuring alibis. 'This gang," continued Ballard, "did ; lots of things that the Dalton boys ivere credited with. The older ones in the gang have robbed trains for twenty 1 years and ure guilty of crimes others are suffering for. Three of the men : who were In the Missouri train robber' ies have been robbing trains and i stages in Texas and the southwest for | twenty years. A band of eight men, J every one of whom 1 know, did a hold- ! up at Albuquerque two years ago. Another robbery was of a train near Ardmore. There was a run. too, to Missouri and Nebraskn. Altgood nnd Jim Kennedy made several hold-ups near the Blue Out together. Altgood has done a turn in some eastern penitentiary." Kennedy Is believed to be the notorious Jack Kennedy now in the SpringHeld, I\lo., jail, awaiting trial for robbery. PROMISED SENSATION* Attending the Murder of Thomas Pincknoy, of Charleston. ATLANTA, Ga., March 28.?A special from Charleston, S. C., pays that the grand jury, which is trying to solve the mystery surrounding the death of Thomas Plnckey, who was , killed several weeks ago, supposedly bf footpads, will bring in a presentment tills week, calculated to cause the biggest sensation known in -that city In years. The latest sensation has been caused by the efforts of the grand Jury to learn further facts ubout the time Benjamin C. Bate well, of Pittsburgh, who it is alleged, is engaged to Miss Elizabeth Bnrdln, the young lady on whom Plnckey was calling the night lie was shot, arrived at Charleston. The shooting was at midnight, and Batewoll said lie reached Charleston next morning. Shot at Long ltnugc. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 28.?The trouble at Dolomite, where negroes resented the arrest of one of their number night before last, and besides shooting one of their number, attempted to I resist arrest, was resumed early to-day. I Muck Chambers and another white innn wore shot at long1 range and wounded. Sheriff O'Brien linn made thirty-live arrests. The ring-leaders are discharged members of the Third Alabama colored regiment who have advised the negro miners not to submit to arrest. Work has been resumed at the mine*! with a strong force of deputies on guard. Heavy Snow in Southwest. KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 2S.-A snow storm, In many places the most severe of the year, was general throughout the southwest lost night, and at some points fully six Inches of snow covers the ground. At Webb City, Mo., four store fronts were collapsed from this heavy weight of snow covering the V awnings. At Pittsburgh, Ku?., street cars wore stopped and at Independence drifts were piled high. In Oklahoma tho storm assumed the proportions of a blizzard, sleet and snow falling. It Is believed that the snow will benefit growing wheat In Kansas, while In tho territories, It Is feared fruit has suffered. HON. W. H. TRAVERS DEAD. A Prominent Democrat, and One of the Ablest- Lawyers in the State. Special Dispatch to tho Intolllgcncer. CHARLES TOWN, W. Va., March 26. ?Hon. William II. Travers, of this city, a prominent member of the Jefferson county bar, died suddenly to-day at Radford, Va., where he was in attendance upon court as counsel for the | Norfolk & Western railroad. The cause of his death is not known. Mr. Travers was aged about seventy years, and was born in Maryland, having practiced law in Baltimore previous to his removal to Charles Town in the early sixties, practicing here ever since. He was a delegate to the constitutional convention in 1872. He was a staunch Democrat, and served In the house of delegates while a resident of Maryland, being speaker of that bodK- His name has been prominently mentioned in connection with the next governorship of West Virginia, but his retiring disposition lias always led him to refuse nil offers of political preferment, devoting- himself entirely to his profession, of which he was regarded as one of the most talented In tlic* state. Ills remains will be brought to Charles Town for Interment. Ho is survived by Mrs. Travers, Miss Bessie and . Mrs. Coe, nil of this city. Commissions Issued. Special Dispatch to tho Intelligencer., CHARLESTON, W. Va., March 38.? Commissions were issued to-day to Clement R. Jones, of Mcrgantown, to be captain, and Justin M. Kunkle, of Morgantown, to be first lieutenant of Company L? and to Cuthbert Osborne, or Clarksburg, to be first' lieutenant qZ company K, First Regiment, Wwjt Virginia National Guard. Bled to Uenth. Special Dispatch to^tho Inrelllgenccr. PARSONS. W. Va.,- March 28.?A young man by the name of Thomas McKann, o* Korton, was standing by a saw log on a hillside. It started to slide and. catching McKann's leg, crushed it - . off above the knee. He bled to death. OLXEY'S BOOM For the Democratic Nomination fo* President?His Platform. MILWAUKEE, Wis., March 28.?The Journal to-day says: "That a movement Is under wav to make ex-Secretary of State Richard Olr.ey the Democratic candidate for president next year, Is revealed In a letter from Boston to the Journal. "General Olney's campaign Is based on the theory that he Is In favor of imperialism while opposed to annexation. "The writer of the letter referred to la very prominent in Democratic politico and ne says the movement in Mr. Olney's favor is well under way. It la urged in his behalf that he, though a pold^ Democrat in 1SS6, did not.mako hlms'elf obnoxious to the free' silver elemtnt. and that on the expansion question he would be Jin available candidate, being opposed to the annexation of distant Islands to the territory of the United States. Mr. Olney's views on the acquisition of. foreign territory are ver$r pronounced. He believes in the United States striving with the other nations of the world for commercial greatness, but not for political extension." Keai' Admirals Pass. WASHINGTON, March 2S.-Th6 naval board of promotion,.consisting of Rear Admirals McNalr, Howell and Howlson, completed Its work to-day and submitted its report. The board was convened to determine the qualifications of those officers recently advanced to the rank of rear admiral, under the terms of the naval personnel bill. The report passes favorably on all the officers appointed, so tnat all question of their advancement is removed. The list Is as follows: Rear Admirals George C. Remey, Norman H. Farquhar, John C. Watson, nenry 13. Robeson. Winfleld S. Schley, Silas Casey, William T. Sampson, Uartlett J. Cromwell, John W. Philip. Francis J. Hlgglnson, Henry F. Pickering, Forederick Rodgere, Louis Kempff and George W. Summer. The Spanish Iiiars. VALENCIA, Spain, March 2S.?Passengers who have arrived here on board the Spanish steamer Montevideo, from Havana on March 12, which reached Cadis yesterday, asstrt that at the moI ment of their departure from Havana a number of American soldiers killed a I negro child who stole a loaf of bread, and that the populace thereupon attacked the soldiers, who, the passengers added, had to be reinforced. No such occurrence ao the one reported in the foregoing: dispatch hna been announced in the dispatches received from Havana. Fifteen Hundred Strike. CHICAGO, March 2S.?Fifteen hundred employes of the Norton I3ros.' tin can factory in May hood, struck to-day. A year ago the company reduced tha wage scale 10 per cent and the strike is for the resumption of the old scale. A' majority of -the strikers are women and girls employed in the stamping and Japanning departments. The Crematory Problem. The council committee on health held an Important meeting last night previous to the meeting of council, in relation to the proposition for the disposal of the city's garbage submitted by the United States Fertilizer Company. A hitch arose about the question of supplying free gas for the concern in the event of the city entering into a contract with the company, and President Heard, of the West Vlrglnlnla Natural Gas Company, last night stated his,company would give 10,000 feet of gas dally free, but would charge for more. The committee adjourned to meet again thla evening for further consideration of the scheme. Weather Forecast for To-day. . V. .. V.UIV > < tll'lllIUK In tho early mornlni?; Wednesday fair; colder In southern portion; brink to high westerly winds. For West Virginia and Ohio, clearing In the early morning:; Wednesday fair; brisk westerly winds. t Local Temperature. Tho tomporaturo day, as observed by O. Schnepf, druff&isi. corner Market mul Fourteenth streets, was ua follows: " a. in -JO I a p. 62 9a. in. M 7 p. tu 45 12 in C2 I Weather?Rain,