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Like an Open Book. Startling statements about catarrhal troubles. ? Dr. Hart man's successful treatment. "IfjrNOW THYSELF" eg //?&/ is an old proverb. Tho diseases thai f attack us are shrouded in mystery n?\y many of im know that eatarrl ^W/\$r\ nia.r exist iii any organ of the body' isS!i v$w\ Tlint u thousand unpronouneeabh >?7 ua,ntH ar0 t?^vcn diseases tha Dr. Hartman has dono much t< throw)ight. on this subjcct. Hi: methods are open; his remedici ' thorough nml ficicntiilc. Pc-ru-na i: r his great prescription lor every phast ag^*;#E&^ Vof catarrh. It has become the Nationa vh^&lsP c^tarrli remedy. Write to the Pe-ru-ni Jjffl ftjijfu m, ^2- ft Medicine Co., Columbns, 0., for Dr Cp- a Hartnmn's book on. chronic catarrh: it i \ \\iw ---I ,lo*in Hnas? Sch'cca Falls, N. Y., says v ' / ' ': " Pe-ru-na cured me of chronic catarrh o the stomach with which I suffered for a long- time. 1 took many medicines bu none helped me until I began to take Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin. I am now abl to do all my work. Pe-ru-na has wonderfull}' improved my general health, am 1 shall recommend it to all my friends." Mrs. J..N. Avery, Brown Valley, Minn., writes: "This is to certifv that suffered for years with nasal catarrh, timl by the use of,six bottles of Pc-ru-m am entirely cured. 1 would not be without it in the house." H right's disease is catarrh of the kidtcys. Like most catarrhal diseases it i: called incurable. Pc-ru-na curqs it by driving out the inflammation. Gilbert Ilofer, Grays. Kentucky, savs; " I have used four bottles of Pe-ru-na it cured my catarrh and my Bright's disease; 1 had been troubled for two years 1 weigh twenty pounds more than 1 did before I was taken sick." Thomas McKenzie, "Warrior, Ala., says: "I have been troubled with seven catarrh of the lungs, and found nothing to complete a cure until I commencec to take Fc-ru-na. Four bottles have made a new man of inc." A book of letters from those who have been cured cf catarrhal troubles b; Po-ru-na will bo mailed on request. Pe-ru-na makes the membranes health} and expels catarrh. It works in harmony with nature, and has a forty yeara record of success. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na. Do Yom Want Ai Insurance freo from the ambiguities ami chance of contestablllty or forfeiture; a piece of property which will r.ot only protect the future of yourself ami family, but will he a merchantable asset without lluctuation in value or danger of loss through your misfortune or Jtegllgence? The National Life Insurance Company, of MONTPELIER, VERMONT, with Us experience of nearly fifty years of unbroken prosperity and leputlon for fair and equitable dealing, furnishes such an Insurance In Us ENDOWMENT BOND A CONTRACT OF SPECIFIC GUARANTEES, which pledges payment If the Insured keeps It In force by payment of the ?pcclfied premiums, of- tho /ace valuo at maturity or period of death, and guarantees, If premium payments are discontinued, three methods of t^ttlement which are endorsed In a Bond issued at nun of ?r. fnr st c<v\ miums fJC.73. QR 0V~APPtlC\?,ON W HIIVTHRIE j WITHOUT ACIKW Of INSURID. . MONIUS. At tr.d eft Term Insurance Icr |Ca*H Payable \ Las'* aid Leon On a Pai i-up. CI f\ lilHl at end of; I P<r cipalinq YeJr. | vDI|UUU^ j lerro I value. Oonl 2'"".. for 17 years, 329 days i ? 1 of J 85 561 for $ li 4 for 1G .'0 of 132 ">CI tor 2> for 15 1101 of 171 0'.j for 2." r, for 11 ISfij of 210 5S| for 3 7 for 13 25Sj Of 251 4;*.; for & 5 for 12 32? Of 21'I 21! for 41 : for 11 " " " 2!*u of IBS S71 for 4! Ill for 10 ' 'ir.L'l of 8*5 82 for H !! for 0 : r.llI of 424 SSI for 5! 12 for s ! as - of"" 4*r, 2"! for ~GI 1?. Ifor 7 022; of 510 13 for fi' 1 4 jfor C " " " <".73*. of 556 Gt| for 71 1 5 for 5 729j of luT. 901. for 71 It? Ifor 4 " " " 785 of 71S 09] for U 1? ifor S * S41' of 7S3 40 Tor fi IS ,for 2 " " " $94 of >"i2 (>': for 1m 19 Ifor I i WH| of 924 ll! for 9i IK) jfor 0 " " " ) I.OCOI of 1.000 CO) for firiTl IM MI\m 17 C fi that the Company guarantees to grant ycu LOAN ;? AK ]fl|[\ll ALjI! 5n cash at any time up to the amount of the avail* u^nw tn Ji-aI'm cash valuo and participation in sui PLUS at the time selected by yo u. THT \T ITIAW iT nct of more -lmn 51 "',000,000.00, Is purely a polio I llr. vilX I II11A I,, holders' company managed In their Interest, and everv nrlv AiiAy nniiwi nn(j nt]vanjage j3 granted that Is consistent with consen atlvo business management. CHARLES DEWEY, J. S. MILLIGAN, President. General Agent, nn-ta City Bank Building, Wheeling, W. Vt (John Uric del Co. | Sohn 5-ricdcl tC- Co. s WALL PAPER, s | Make Your Y'Mf.-i' ': Home Livable. ?S$ '? You don't know how it'l jlp'V M-yj$ )1 I brighten your rooms up t< 4 cover their walls with sonn % of the designs in wall pape \ ) which we have. Every de^ i sign is artistic, and amonj \ ) 1 t'iem are Just the combina?|a I tions you want, to harmonizi J-'lk *' jI w'th your furniture. Price: -\r? '\. I are exceedingly moderate. JOHN FRIEDEL & CO., CALL and <iet a map Ob 1 1 to Miin the Philippine islands. . * iviain otrcct Seneral Den/icon. I 5or Sale. MHTiTP T7'"1 BALK?DILLIARD AND POO l i'ol.tim , jj tables, inquire ut Grand Opera How Tho parents and KiiardlanB of students Millard ltoom. ___ inrT* ! ?-loiiRiiiK t<? Ohio Vall.-y l!li;-in.' s and : , -*oit SALE ? I'!NIC MIU^K DWKl.I KnplMi Academy arp hereby notified that [V ,N0 on Fourteenth *t.; I offer in all monev for tuition nnrthook* m i?tr.-Hldcnce. No. 115 Fourteenth at. for sab ,c !r.(ul. ? ,nt' JiiMnii, ' possession and terms to suit purchase; I ? Mnil fl; hi .ISJJc . mpfl 1 n Inquire of T I!. Mel.AlN. Dental an fc n^SSS^U^SSrn^ H.TKl^l ".pot, fly Hank ImllUlnit. mr: J. M. FP.ASIIKH. President; jT^OH SALE. Parents and guardian* of students of " . ,, , , , Ohio Valley riusmess and English Acad- A Few Lliolcc Lois etay are hereby notllled that all students .,1 Piidlndtnn will lie 'MimpP'ted In their courts ol study ni ?-?R?nRl?n ?t eontrart price without r;;Kurd to tlm?r CHEAP AND ON EASY TEHM9. required, and that there will he no extra charfjo for books and blanks. \V. V. 110(113, J. M. FRASIIKIl. c||y nun.n,,;;. U'O .Mnr)irt_ Sim The |,uKli- H li.-ri-iiy notin.-.l Mint nil eTn?,.c c . i r'"urse:-. 'it insuruetlon lire being given In, oiOCKo run oALbi the triont practical up-to-date plans known I T.iHjni-nH worm, ami wo most ro- J Wheeling IIrldKO. !' ?fii'ily rvqucnt u oontlnuoni.o of your I WIwoIIok Iron Stool Co. I'-itron.ifje. I Wo;?t V?. Statu Knlr Aaaoclntlor.. OHIO VALLEY BUSINESS jgift aw" ami"Worlrlc uBl,t. AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. National Si.-1 Company, i \r I'Diotii'i) ii.. i.,n Amrrlran Tin Plato Company. I'HASIIhH. I'rcaUlonl. Jii?_ jjatlonnl lllwlill Ooli.pi.ny. . i?irect trU-Kraim* from Chicago atoc o-,,f . market r'rcolvwl dally. - ^ J""-"' : SIMPSON & TATUM. MYOniA DAIRY. num.. mi. Ho.m. I. oily Hunk Hiiii.liin "IkIi r>clf>ntlflr ami inr-dlcnl authority* ; ? r'"<mm?nd AKKATKT) Mll.K for if miter {" 'iiv. improved ilavor and Ineroimcd ! Canaries. "tSP'Wf <|UflUt!e*. I .?. ? In and prnctlro A!" RAT I ON. j A N* AIM I ;s?"/ 0 MAIt'lY, MOUNTAIN sivi'siim t sNriwrrp ! V Hollor*. Malow live). I'Vmnlofi We, it MM! SUN A SNLUi'kl.K* IIKNIIY 11 KL.M UlllUUT'B, cornnr Mm I'hoitu 'jj7, 1C10 Market St. Icet and Sixth streets. | BASEBALL. ;| BOWLING. 1 Sporting. k %k4&4 '->- teiMQ ; ! BOXING. :: CYCLING. J Ii -;4 t SETTLED AT LAST. 9 3 Wheeling Base Ball Club Closei s Contract Willi the Wheeling ?& ! 2 Grove Company i'or a Park IOast 1 I lie Cily?Sunday Ball to bo Trict * Last night, after a tlnal confere * between Mr. Paul O. Hermann, of a Wheeling & Kim Grove Railroad Cc pany, .and President Howell, of ; Wheeling Pase Pall Club, articles * agreement were nlgned'by the interes B partly." whereby the ball cluh aw*. the railroad company oji tnc ' ground, just beyond Fulton, on the ri I road company's electric line. x This means that the ball club i make the attempt to play Sunt gam en, and President Power, of the s ter-state league, has been notllled place Wheeling in the schedule with many Sunday dates as can be h ; President" Power has beer, quite iirg ; during the week, writing and wlr the Wheeling club several limes t no further delay here could be tolc 1 ted?that the schedule must be prom 1 gated at once. It Is said the ball club lias recel1 . l^sal advice that the anti-Sunday b f>nli legislation in thit? state would 1 stand if a tfst were to be made In ' courts. Four lawyers of the high standing In this city were said to lis given this as their opinion. The plans for the lull park bulldi' have been completed by Franzhe Glesey Farls, the contract will be to-day and work will begin on M day. It Is believed the park will ready for ball playing before the d set for the season's opening, Mond May 1, but If the weather is bad April the time- is none too long. ' plans call for a park with a seating pacity of 4,000 persons. The capacitj the grand stand will be 1.G00, and \ uieacuuia %vm cacn ZIOiU J.iUU. large seating capacity Is provided in anticipation of remarkably la crowds on Sundays. Manager Lytic last night sent letl to the players of the Wheeling club, structing them to report here for pr tice on Wednesday, April 12. ' practice will be had at the new park JTOWLING. The Bowlers took two out of tli from the All A likes in the Wheel league last night. Very unusual i the fact that both teams rolled fourure scores in the third game. Score 1st 2d 3d T? Bowlers ....1057 9G9 1000 : All Alike 891 S99 1002 ! Hough Riders' Hoad Itaec. The Rough Riders' Cycle Club nounces its road race to be given Monday, May 29, at 5 p. m., to the se mile post and return, a fifteen r course. This was decided at a meet V held last evening in the Hornbr block. The rond race committee is .0 follows: Charles Adams, Thomas 0 ^ den. Ralph Howe, Harry Smith. Mil At Kline and Ed Salade. The club has Y) present forty-five members. The si V) and finish will be on (Fifteenth str K> above Eoff. V) $ M ARTIVS FI-RRY NEWS. r,ti The Daily Chronicle of Wheeliii ? Progressive Neighbor. )i) The question of issuing bonds for Improvement of the water works s ? tern, to be voted upon at the election I- Monday, Is one that should Intel every citizen, as all are dependent al upon this source for a supply of wa I- There has been very little inconvenle experienced so far on account of a 1; of water, but the pumps have been i beyond their capacity and It has b necessary to run them both day : night, in order to maintain the sup: The trustees of the water works rea that in order to Insure a continuous tun* supply of water It is necessary replace the Gordon it Maxwell 1,000 Z gallon pump with a new one o* 4,000 ~ or fi,000,000 gallons daily capacity j increase the size of the force main ft _ the pumping station to tin' resen and also tiio boiler capacity at pumping st.Uion. and for this purp > they have asked council to have them f ter of issuing bonds to tin* sum ?>f $35 submitted to a vote of the citizens the April election. The water bo and council have now gone as far they can In the matter and It now r< with the voters to say whether tho provement shall be made or not, j It Is hoped that every citizen will enough interest In tin* matter to glvi ] a consideration and vote either for against the issue of water works bo D when they cast their ballot on Mond Aricr this is done, if the voters* dec - against the Issue of bonds and th r should be a shortage of water, the ti tees will feel that they are not alone' - sponsible. In ease of any serious bre T nge to the Hughes pump (which is ll b ly to occur at any time) the cltlz ? would experience n water famine, : not-only that but the manufactures 3 pending upon the city water would ~ compelled to shut down until the nec ** sury repairs could bo made and then throw men temporarily out of empl ment. SI nee the trustees have assumed interest on the water works bonds it I not eost the taxpayers a cent (exo their water rents) tomalntaln the ws works system, and It is estimated t the receipts from water rents will # sutllcient to pay all expense Includ the interest on the proposed new Iss = ;;i> that IIII oil" IIIM-'I lV:ir that til'* i--; s ps?iir5ra' I lifrelig ?rai? 'j 4 Just remember that jjrav hair will t J novor becomo darker without help, j Q will bring linck to your hair tho color ( fof youth. It never fail?. v It rloanpofl tho nrr.lp also, and { Iijii?ujiu( uiu lormauon oi uanuruir. It foods and nourishes the lmlbs of Uw hair, making thorn prodnco i\ luxuriant growth. It ntojw tho lair from falling out, and gives it a fine, aofk fini.'b. 51.00 nbcttlo. At RininiKRis!*. If jrtiti i1f> not obtain all thn benefit* ynu orport.Mi fn.m l!i?? nan ?f tlm Vigor, v; j Wflt? tlie doctor uhotit It. Many men and women are nlrnos < > williin the deadly grasp of consumption ? Although its fatal hand is unseen, its .$>'? presence is nf\ . ^ ? to made known by 4> unmistakable <;> tarrh often ?~7T* ""*-*>. JW^psISc v leads t?con- /^W/V^/ X a sumptiou. /^5$h ; j A^stubboni^ cough, sore throat, pains in the chest bronchitis, bleeding at the lungs, loss o, flesh and general weakness arc warnings that this relentless disease is about tc gather in a victim. * !l A remedy for all the diseases which, ,Im if neglected or badly treated, lead Uf <>f to consumption, is found in L Dr. Pierces m- GoIdenMedical Discovery. tpd jt builds up the weak places and fortifies i ' me system against tue onsiaugnts oi hy disease. It helps the .appetite, assist* digestion, is an aid to the proper assitniII"" lattoti of food, and cleanses the blood ... of all its impurities. It is a strictly } ' temperance medicine, containing not an ln_ atom of whisky or alcohol in any form, t() " Your medicine is the best I have ever tahen." writes Mrs. Jennie Dinjpnan. of Vnnburen. Kal, Unska Co.. Mich. "J.ost spring 1 had a bad au. cough; cot so bad I had to be in bed all the time, ent My husband thought I had consumption. He Ing wanted me to get n doctor, but I told him if j! un? was consumption they could not help ine. W? thought we would try Dr. Piercc'n Golden Medl ' *" cal Discover}' and before I had taken one bottle itll- the cough stopped and I have since had no signs of its returning." red For the most obstinate forms of conase stipation and biliousness, use Dr. Pierce'j not Pleasant Pellets. Their action is prompt the yet comfortable; their effect is pcrma e8t nent Insist that the druggist does nol 1Vc* give you something else. riRs ' ?ni. Ing of the bonds will in any way in let crease taxes. ??- Another matter to be considered is th< be fire protection. While Martin's Ferr; ate has been fortunate in always having ai a>*. ample supply of water during fires, It ii In possible that a lire might break ou The when the only pump capable of furnish ea- ing water Is out of repair and the dam >' age at such a time might be equal to thi two amount asked for by the trustees fo Hie putting In a new pump, for XVliSS JSUWI'JXS KUSIUISS. The board of education has recelve< j'rs a letter from Miss Anna Bo wen, teache ln~ in the High School, who was called ti .^c" Philadelphia the fore part of the weel the by the Illness of her sister, stating tha she would be unable to return for somi time and asking that her resignation b< accepted, which the board has alread; done. The matter of appointing a sue iree cessor has been left with Superlnten ,lng dent Stewart, but it "is .quite likely tha ivas no appointment will be made until th next school year. NO ANSWER GTVEN. Jtal No answer has yet been made by tin '026 management of the Spence, Baggs ?S 2792 Company's Stove Works, In regard t< the ten per cent increase in wages ask ed by the employes, which deijiand wa: an- noted In yesterday's Intelligencer. It 1; on hoped that an amicable settlement wll ven be reached..h^tw?en the employes am nile employer to-day, according to the de ing mnnd made, an answer will be expectei i>ok before Monday. as ar- MOVES TO MARTIN'S FERRY. t?n flie grocery store on Broadway whicl 1 al has for many years been successful!: Frt conducted by J. B. Montgomery.. ha: set, been sold, his son Bert Montgomery be ing the purchaser. The new owner.wlv for some time past has been residing "oi the Island and, drumming for a whole sale house in Wheeling, will move t 'K's this place and will takt? charge of tin extensive business of this store the firs the of the week. ys" MARTIN'S FERRY BRIEFS. 011 Miss Retta Wright. Ada and Emm; "est joy, Ethel Murdock, Mrs. Bion Wll like liatns and daughter. Lena, and Howar< ter will form a party who will go ti Pittsburgh to-morrow morning to at ,lco tend Easter services in the varlou. nek churches and visit friends. run George Simpklns, who for the pas een year has been the accommodating ant ind efficient prescription cl^rk at Hoge'i ;>ly. drugstore, has resigned his position anc llze will return to Ills home at Kennottai fu- next week. ' to Mrs. Won B. Williams, of Nortl .000 Broadway, Martin's Ferry, gave a ver: .000 enjoyable "at home" to the member: uid of her Sunday school class between th< om hours of 2 and f? o'clock yesterday af *oir ternoon. ",0 Robert IC. Wilson, who has been em ployed in Pittsburgh for the past year 'ftrin v.'HI return to-morrow and re-engage li ? the laundry business with his brother ard Prof. Arthur Reynolds, of the Higl as School, went to Ills home near Clarlng ?sts ton' 'asl n'Bht. where he will spend tin lm_ week's vacation. xnd The auction sale of the househoU feel goods of Dr. William E. Ilervey. wm it postponed yesterday until 2 o'clock thh or afternoon. nds Frederick Koelirsen Is slowly recover !aJ'- inj? from a several months illness o; :ide grip. j: Miss Emma Buchanan has returnee r'0[ from a trip to Keyser, W. Va. ult. Miss Ella Inglebright has returnee k,.. from a visit at Steubenville. ens ""1 M'MITM EN NOTES. tie be Daily Items of Interest About Peoplr and Invents. 0'. Luther Steele has been called to Moriruntown on account of the serious ill the nc?s of *lls mnl',crhas Rev. Spencer Kins:, of Wheeling, wa? opt the Sliest of the Itev. Mr. Carroll yesiter terday. hut s. W. Stewart has opened a tlsli marbo icot, corner of Gravel and Railroad ing streets. V1' Mrs. J. Martin, of Monndsville, 1? iiL visiting her daughter, Mrs. X. 0. Chad? dock. iH, S. Hibbs has been drawn on Hit United States court Jury, at Wheeling, J. II. Shafer and family are visiting Mrs. Simfer's parents in Wheeling. Lafayette Davis, of Wheeling is the guest of friends hero. F. T. Cartwright hns moved his family to Glendale. Charles Sturm Is on the sick list. Bridgeport Brief;. Miss Lucy Bnggs very pleasantly en\ lertalned about thirty guests at her y in West Brldtrenort vesterdav nf afternoon luncheon, The uftornoon was ?n ?st pleasantly spent In various amusements. \ The Bridgeport Whist Club was entertained by \V. Kennedy, at the residence of bin father, Mr. S. R. Kennedy, in Kirk wood, la,Ht evening. ) The MlBnoV Allen and Nellie CJrahnm, I of Brldpepprt, will Join their parents, Mr. and .Mrs. \V. T. Graham, at Chicago, next Monday. Miss Margurettc Howell, of Bridgeport, entertained a few of her friends yesterday, In honor of Mrs. Shartle, of Chicago. Park Alexander Is homo from Washington-Jefferson college, visiting his father, William Alexander. Jlcv. C. J. Hunter, of Uhrlchsville, O.. in the guest of his son. Dr. J. K. Ilunter. Mrs, J. C. Dent, iif Bridgeport, Is visiting friends at Mannlngton, W. Va. t BELLAIUE IIAPPENINC.S. j Slattern of Interest in tlio Metropolis of Belmont County. Mrs. Ilattle Leazure jnd Miss Eva Llehtenberger entertained a party of friends last evening at the latter's home on Tallman avenue. A v?jry pleasant time was had by all present. A fine luncheon was served at a sea- I sonable hour. Mies Grace Haney was agreeably surprised Wednesday evening by a party of her young friends calling upon her, In honor (if her sixteenth birthday. The evening was spent In playing Barnes and a very enjoyable time was had. The Young Men's Club has Riven up [ the Idea of moving Into the Manchester { property. They will probably have their new quarters In the Muhleman property, on Belmont street. Mrs. D. H. Darrah very pleasantly ' entertained a number of young folks at her home on Union street, Wednesday evening, In honor of Miss Gertrude Darrah, of St. Clalrsvllle. The ladles of the second division of the Working Society, or the First Presbyterian church, gave a spelling match which was followed by a social In the church last evening. Alvin Kirkpatrlck and wife, who have ? been living in Pittsburgh for several " months, contemplates moving back ? here, and Alvln will-engage In .the . plumbing business. i The Elks and Ifeatherington'fl band are making arrannenients for a fair [ and festival In Armory hall. The young ladles will have charge of the I booths. The dance to be given by Hackelt's 1 band and the Liberty Hose Company ; next Monday evening, in Turner hall, promises to be a very enjoyable-affair. ; nil of yesterday afternoon and evening i hearing the case against Samuel Scott and Ellas Barnes on a charge of arson. The Misses Steger entertained a ? party of the young lady friends Monday : afternoon and at C o'clock the guests . sat down to an elegant dinner. The City orchestra will give a very select dance in Armory hall Easter Mon day night. No person without an invitation will be admitted. Miss Bertha Schindewolf, who has been 111 with the grip for several weeks, ^ Is improving, but It will be some time y' before she Is out. lj A four-year-old child of Grant Jacobs \ died Thursday and was burled yester. day afternoon In the Rose Hill ceme. tery. e M1ss Elizabeth Gallaher returned r homo yesterday from Columbus, where she has been attending a training school. The Misses Clements entertained a 1 number of their friends last evening. In r honor of Miss Mary Hays, of Indiana. 1 Mrs. J. M. Du Hols will entertain a J party of lady friends next Monday a?* ternoon at a euchre party. q Miss Alice Barker, of New Martlnsy ville, is the guest of friends and rela. tlves in the Third ward. The G. A. R. end W. R. C. are mak t inpr arrangements for a fulr and festle val in May. The public schools closed yesterday afternoon for the regulur week's spring vacation. ? Miss Kate Kane, of Caldwell, Is the 11 guest of friends in the Second, ward. 1 Miss Maude Glass, of Allegheny, Is the R guest of friends in the Fourth word, s James Sanders la able to be out, after I an attack of the grip. 1 The men at the blast furnace were j paid yesterday. ^ MOUZs'DSVlLLi: BUDGET. Yesterday's News From Marshall 1 County's Chief City. Mrs. Isabel, Wing Lake, of Chicago, I one of the national superintendents of " -the "Woman's Christian Temperance ,x Union, will lecture a: the "\Y. C. T. U. hall next Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lake 0 is a good speaker. e Squire W. C. Mann and family will t leave to-morrow for Zanesvllle, where they will make their future home. They have made many friends while in this city, who wish for them a happy home t at Zanesvllle. W. S. Grandstaff returned to his 1 home at Dallas yesterday, after spendd Ing several days In the city. He will re turn next week to take a place on the s editorial s'taff of the Moundsvllie Jlerald. t The Waldo Quartette, of "Wheeling, 1 assisted by J. P. Morgan, the render, s will give an entertainment at the opera 1 house next "Wednesday evening, under i the auspices of the Knights of Pythias. Mrs. A. L. Francis and son returned 1 to their home In Cameron yesterday, af/ ter spending a short time with Mrs. f Francis* father. Peter Crow,who is very 5 sick with pneumonia. Oscar Ilonar, a student at the Mountain State Business College, at Parkers burg, came home yesterday to spend a few davs with relatives and friends In 1 the city. The Gospel Trumpet Publishing Corn1 pany has purchased the Prohibition As sembly hall and the grounds from - James \V. Bodley, of Stanton, Va. A. S. Potter, business manager of the 1 Gospel Trumpet Publishing Company, 3 Is at Omaha, Neb., attending the funer? al of his father. John Hcndershot, a conductor on the Moundsvllle railroad, has returned to f his duties after spending a few days at his home here. 1 X. B. Griffith passed through the city yesterday on his way to his farm at 1 "Wood Hill, which he purchased of Isaac Rodgers. Lieutenant C. W. Connor is able to be on the streets again, after being confined to his home for several weeks. 1 Miss Madge Mathews returned yesterday evening from Pittsburgh, where . she has been the guest of friends. The King Daughter's will give a "button party" at the home of Miss i Daisy Catlett, on Monday evening. Miss Carrie Zane, of Wheeling, is the guest of her sister. Miss Birdie, of the . Fostorla Glass Company. I M<hs Lottie Fitton, of Wheeling, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Ali ex a ruler. Mrs. S. C. Gaue entertained a number of her friends at G o'clock luncheon last : evening, C. A. Weaver has sold the wharf boat ; to ltiggs Brothers, of New Matamoras, Ohio. Miss Lillian Byrnes returned yesterday from visiting friends nt Cameron.Thomas Richmond, of Fork Ridge,was in the cltv yesterday on business. Miss Annft Corcoran, of Cameron, is vial tint? Miss Fannie Heedy. Mrs. A. It. Crow, of tho Third ward, lt> very sick with the grip. Miss Jo Logan Is home from visiting friends In "Wheeling. Miss Nannie Morrow, of Fifth street, Js seriously 111. T. K. Ilood, of New Cumberland, Is in the city. BUY It and try It If you want a delicious wine with a beautiful bouquetCook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne. It will SurprUn yoii-lry It. it is mo mcuicino auove nil others for catarrh, and is worth Its weight in jyold. JOJy'H Cream Jinlm does all th.ii la claimed for It.?II. \V. Sperry, Hartford, Conn. My yon was afflicted with catarrh, lie used Ely's Crenm Halm, and the dlsaKrccablo catarrh all left him.?J. C. OlniHtead, Areola, 111. A 10c, trial also or the f.Oc ?lr.e of Kly'n Crenm Halm will he mailed. Kept l?y druggists, lily Brothers, 05 Warron . St., N. Y. 1 Nerves I ? The ills peculiar to women act on the nerves ^ j (j? like a firebrand. V ($ Many women become nervous through (? 1 menstrual suflcring. x The advice and help of Mrs. Pinkliam have ^ ft? ?- relieved the tension in x ^ 'Kit countless households \ \ '~i > and ?reat numbers of $ ^ ^ i' \ women owe. their ^ T* 1 ( | present health and /) </> V comfort to her, ^ EmUle Schneider, ^ cave oeen taxing your vegeia- J\ b'e ^omPount'' Blood Purifier X and Liver Pills and feel wonder- & '' ' '. "V'."? fully strengthened. Before M Jj\l".' i.*. '! . using your remedies I was in a JS EMKv&u terrible state; felt like fainting every littlo while. ^ I 0 ^u" now' thanks to your X a " \W! --"2? remedies, those feelings Q _ \V\\11HI . are all pone." MBBM ' AT n : * Hll f ^ ? ^rs* Anna E. Hall, of \ tll.lI A^sil* 0 ? eel Hilldale, Conn., was all ? o " W'-tju^ mn down in health and 0 ? H $llf<?' had completely lost con- ^ /?,.yj)i'lljMtSljsjl o oK |yy trol of her nerves. She WilfS^i^Wo ? rar*'?^ wrote to Mrs. Pinkbam at P ^ |j | ^3rn?' MaS3." *or ?dvice. 0 Iff H' for vhat your VesctaW? \ HI \ \/f Mi1! jf f Compound has dono for mmmx ~W/Z iiW/ ?e- jt has heiPcd me $ (I$ \ //7\\ SfS'f/ more than anything else. \ MM I \//^^~\ ??%' Before I wrote to you I (3!??/ m p \ 1/ /y/a^^lj ' su^ere<^ ^or a l?nS time q) ffiw ?j| t rJjL f /ipr^sl with nervousness, pains in ^ P^j j|v ' ^aclc an<* 'im^s nnl^ falling Ml f ! fifSP of the womb; also had 6" Ej I | neuralgia in my head and ^ fl ' 1 could not sleep. I told H '* J Kaifc^ my husband that some- ^ jf J? for I was nearly frantic ^ V ren^ ?' *'le wonderful ^ \ cures Lvdia E. Pink- ? ham's Vegetable Com- ^ pound had performed, I de- \ |1| tormined to try it. I have ^ affliMW$ r' taken it and am happy @ ((( &%r t0 I say am cured. I rec- ^ M?frar^i^^S\ onuended it to all my \ \ friends and never tire of &* V^\^V\ telling the benefit I have ^ Hf'^vM \ derived from its use. I have ^ filpjyon alone to thank for my \ ) "ow "iirSs Weaver A Was Helped. \ V' Ij " Dear Mrs. Piskham?I had X inflammation of the womb and v painful menstruation, and by ^ youradvice Ibegan taking Lydia ^ E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com- \ i ^"?*" .. pound. Have taken four bottles (k , > : and used one package of Sana- ^ A ^tive Wash, and feel like a new A \f woman. I thank you so much & for what your medicine has done for me."?Mrs. Sasie J. & (p Weaver, 1821 Callowhifl Si., Philadelphia, Pa. Q) $? is Iowa Woman's Story. x "It is with pleasure that I write and tell you what your nT &* medicine has done for me. I had been doctoring for two & <2) years and no medicine ever did me so much good as yours. I /ja a tried three doctors, and the last one said nothing but ail opera- ]x tion would help me. My trouble was profuse flowing; some- X* & times I would think I would flow to death. I wis so weak that 0 the least work would tire me. Reading of go many being ^ cured by your medicine, I made up my mind to write to you \jr for advice, and I am so glad that I did. I took Lydia E. Pink- (r fc? hams vegetable Lompound, and followed your directions, (Jy and am now well and strong. I shall recommend your Js jL medicine to all, for it saved my life."?Hiss A. P., Box ai, X ^ Abbott, Iowa. & *3) The invitation is open to-day as it has been for ^ ^5 a quarter of a century, write to Mrs. Pinkham, ^ at Lynn, Mass., and receive her counsel free, lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- $ .*n . 1 A 111 ? r> I _ \ & pouna?a woman s icerrieoy <? \ for Woman's ills. <| SPub/ic Sate. Co jOonn. PUBL5C SATE Tj m, oarv,n-. mo loan?j7.000 at five and oneOf -10 Carriages. Phaetons, Piano Box '" ""m.'-r" Buggies, Wagons; also a lot of ma- .*\)f*oney to loan on real es. chincrv and carriage makers' material, at i'i- tate. six rcr cent interest and ono IKT CCIH :>rciuiuill, muii .-v.. , , c Apply ?o TIIK WlJCKl-nh SAVINGS & No. J 1(0 M.'im LOAN CO.. 3"d St.. Hollatro. Ohta. oc< Wheeling, W. Vn.% t : ShedieaL Saturday, April !. 1899, at 10 a. in. sadibsi chkteSTiwM r?inyro?j p,m D | MMMtrcJ DriftJ*. njo tJlO OCBt. " w T>V' no Nhrr. Nil V., ?' t*. ' * l "Kf'i-f Terms Reasonable. <GEORGE HOOK, Receiver 7~==Z nnn)IH..n r?. ' milR INTELLIGENCER rUlNTlNCJ Donaldson L^arriage Co, x Kntat))luhmon'.-Ncat.accurate.promi>i. (qne gent^h word ?? All solid advertisements under ? tlio following headlngfi : ? i ?? ? WANTEV. PERSONALS, . ?? LOST AND FOUND, FOR RENT. FOR BALE. ??? will bo Inserted at tho rato of - ? . onhl:cent;:.:a;. iword i Strip TOanted. ~WJANTED?A~ MAN OR LAD? TO y\ travel and appoint qrciuh. Salary 575 por mouth and expenses. CENTURY, ?WI. Market at., l'hlla., Pa. mr25-a 5}utinetn Opportunltirfi. INVESTMENT Or^li". 1N COIN SLOT Klneioseopes will earn $40 to l.v? per week; Investor owns and controls nmfhlnes; write for plan. AM. K1NETO1 BCOl'E CO., Wash, \). C. apl* I Agents TOanted. A MAGNIFICENT SELLER; SELLS to tho retail grocery trad<? and from house to house canvass; "something new," i new plans for soiling; one salesman sold 11 grots to tho trade In ten days; u line side line; exclusive territory given. FORE8T 1 MFG. CO., Youngstown. O. apt OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE EXTENDING Its ng^ncy force, wants; 1?> men and worn on to travel and appoint agents. Salary 575 a month and expenses. Sorno for local work. Good vmjwi tunny ior ambitious Ap?ply with reference. DUTLER & ALGER, New Haven, Conn. apl* lOantcd. WANTED-GIRL FOR GKN15UAL housework. Apply at 39 Twenty-, third street. mr24 WANTED?CURL FOR HOUSEWORK, No. 11 North Penn ntreet, Island, i Small family. mrll WAX TED-GIRL FOR QHNERAL' , housework: references rcquirod. A$>ply at 32T? Coal street. mrtft ' WANTED?A GOOD GIRD. MUST BD a good cook. Apply with references i to MRS. o. T. RHODES, 915 Main etreoU mr31 WANTED?DADY AGENTS TO CANVASS. Finest effects of Photoura-' I phy and entirely new and up-to-date. Callr jit Kirk's Gallery, 1003 Matn ut!?oct, Moi>-) day, April 3. mr31 ' Make your money earn money.', ?The money-making; chances In Stocks, Wheat, Cotton and Bonds are bet*, tcr und safer now than ever before. Thero' are no looses under our plan, and a stipulated Income on your capital la puaran, teed. Every facility for successful Investment Is offered our clients. Write for freo advlco and literature, showing how you 1 muy Increase your Income without rink. C. is. MACKEY Si CO., 21) Broadway. New York. ftM-s Dor Stent. OR RENT?SEVERAL GOOD ROOMS in the City Bank Building. Inquire at the City Bank of Wheellng._ mr20 _ I710R RENT?FJNEOFFICF. ROOMS, j best location In city. Possession at once. NICOLL'S ART STORE, 1231 Market street. oc2Q ITT OR RENT-DWELLING NO. 2332 j Chaplino street; six rooms, hall, bath and attic; both gflsos. Enquire of B. Kl?lEVES. 2315 Chapllne street. mr25 171DR RENT-OFFICE AND LODGING : rooms at 1D06 Market street. Water and both eases In each room. Rent very reasonable. Apply to IDO-i Market street. 1 de20-m&tu I FOR RENT. Five dwelling rooms ?t 1007 Main ' street, !$V!0. Largo store room numbered 1005 Main street: also storo ) rooms on Tenth nnd Main streets. Prices lor store rooms J'rom $>35 to , S100 nor month. 1 .JAMKS I.. HA1VI.KY, Ileal Estate and Loan Airent, I IQ0.> Muln .street. FOR RENT. Lorlnff Homestead, Elm Grove, 7 acres , with barn. FOR SALE OR RENT. Frame rcfildt-ncV-, Ed^ln^ton, 7 rooms, cistern and well, natural >,*as, acres. FOR SALE. Brick residence, F'lcafant Valley, 9 rooms, 4 ncres, stable. Low llpuro on a quick deal. NORTON & COMPANY, i in n..iMin? Steal 8fifate. FOR SALE. S-room house on Fourteenth street. 9-room house on Fifteenth street. Double house on Sixteenth street U-rooin frame house and 3 acres of ground ut Edglngton's La no. l)-room framo house, with a flno lawn, at Pleasant Valley. FOR RENT. 12C South Penn street, 3 rooms and bath J10 00 2!? North Broadway, 8 rooms 2T? 00 10,1". Main street, - rooms and bath.. ?? S-room house at Echo Point 23 00 Store room In tho Egerter Building, MONEY IX) LOAN. THEO. W. FINK & CO., Phone 687. 1320 Market St. TO LET ?w BUSINESS PROPERTY. Store room ami dwelling 1145 Main, > Storo room 1223 Main. Storo room 15a) Main. DWELLINGS. 3 rooms IS South York St., 2d floor. S-roomed modern 33 South Front. 7-roomed modern 91 South Front. 8-roomed modern 23 South York. G-roomed modern 14fi South Broadway. S-roomwl and stable 22 South Penn. 3 rooms Wabash, near Virginia. 2d floor, with bath. 95 South Front. Oflteo Exchango Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN. G.Q.SMITH{ EX(UuVLDFNctN1{ FOR RENT AND FOR SALE Arlon Hall store room, No. 2002 Main street. Residence, 10 rooms and bath. May 1, corner Fifteenth and Jacob streets. 3 rooms, lirxt lloor, and cellar, McColloch street, April 1. FOR SALE. $7.v? cash?Brick cottage. 3 rooms and lot. East McColloch street. 51,700?Two-story brick. 4 rooms and kitchen; one-holf cash; balance on easy trrmn. Cheap. Building sites, from one to five acres. In Pleasant Valley, on rlectrle lino. Perfect I drainage; lino oicvation. xjesiraoie. | C. A. SCHAEFER & CO. Corner Fourteenth and Market Sts. Telephone 517. FOBZE^IBIDTT, No. 2217 Market street, storo room and ton rooms; will rent as a wholo or will rent 10 rooms or more separate. No. 232'Market street 5M M No. 12l> Fourteenth street 22 t'O No. 37 Seventeenth street 22 00 No. 77 South York street 20 00 No. 1315 Market street. 2d lloor 21 00 No. 00 North Front street 13 00 No. ICS Virginia street S CO No. 110 Virginia street 10 0) No. 23CS Jacob street, first floor S 00 No. 30 Sixteenth street, bottling cellar 12 M No. 32 Sixteenth street, store room.. 10 00 No. 34 Sixteenth street, storo room and 10 rooms 4<> M No. 171 Alley 14 7 W No. 17f> Seventeenth street, 2 rooma.. "> tv> No. 2140 Alley A. 2 rooms f. 00 No. 2020 Alley 1?. 2 rooms ."?<X) I No. 2?JtS Alley F S M No. 7S and No, w t;im v/mwiniu suwut, Washington. Pa.. for Hotel or Restnurant; will rent It furnished or unfurnished. PCXR SALE. M.iln street residence. Chapllno street residence. EolT street residence. Market street business propertj*. JAMES A. HENRY. Real Kstato Aprent, Collector, Notnnr l'ubllc nnd Pension Agent, No. 1012 Main street. mar2l