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THE INTELLIGENCER. Published Dolly, Except Sunday, by Intclligcnccr Publishing Co., 25 nnd*27 Fourteenth Street. JOHN FREW, Pres. and Bus. Manager. Terms: Per Year, by Mail, In Advance, PoftUiffo Prepaid, Dally (n Day* Por Week) 1*JO Dally, Six Months-- 2.00 Dally, Three Montlm 1 ..*10 Dally, Three Days Per Week a.00 Dally, Two Days Per Week ~... 2.00 Dally, Ono -Month l.*> "Weekly, Ono Year, In Advance...- 1.00 "Weekly, Six Montlin - .00 'HE DAILY INTELLIGENCER la delivered by carrier# In Wheeling and adjacent towns at 10 cents per week. Persons wishing to subscribe to THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER can do so by sending in their orders to the IntclHgencor office on postal cards or otherwise. They will bo punctually served by carriers. Tributes of Respect and Obituary Notices CO fonts ner Inch. Correspondence containing important news solicited from every part o? tho surrounding country. Rejected communications will not be returned unless accompanied bysutllclcnt postage. (Tho INTELLIGENCER, embracing Its ncveral editions, Is entered In tho Postoffice, at Wheeling, W. Va., as secondclass matter.) mtPHOSI NUMBERS: Fditortal Rooms 823 | Counting Room SJ2 THE INTELLIGENCER. WHEELING, APItIL 1, 18W). Eastor Giving. To-morrow will be Easter Day, the annual festival which is observed throughout the Christain world in commemoration of the resurrection of Christ. Wherever Christians are gathered toeether this sacred occasion will be celebrated as a day of rejoicing, in the places of public worship, in the homes, in the humane institutions, everywhere. In connection with the celebration of Easter in memory of the central fact of the Christian religion, the occasion has of late years broadened In its meaning and has become a time of giving for benevolent purposes. Easter offerings are coupled with the anthems, and prayers, all cheering the hearts of men and women, who believe in all that the day signifies. The true significance of the day has developed during the centuries; it is not now a day of solemn ceremony but a day of joy and hope. In connoctlnn with the thought that Easter, the day of the resurrection, has become a day of giving, the Intelligencer this morning elsewhere announces an Easter gift, received from a good citizen, by one of "Wheeling's humane institutions, which will prove of great ber.etlt to it, and serve as a beautiful example to others who have the moans to give, and who appreciate the spirit of the festival. This splendid gift came to the board of directors of the Wheeling Hospital in the shape of a very large sum of money which will be used as a basis for the creation of ar. endowment fund. The name of the liberal donor he prefers shall not be published, and the Intelligencer is not able to give the amount, but knows it is a generous gift. The giver, true to one of the great principles of charity, prefers rather the satisfaction of knowing the good his act will accomplish. This Is the first large gift the hospital has received, and It may , inspire other Easter govers to do likewise. Filipinos and Their Leader. Elsewhere will be found an interest- ' ing letter from Lieutenant Braunnersreuther, of the navy, so well known to .Wheeling people, addressed to Mr. Augustus Pollack. The letter Is interesting, because it comes from Manila, where the lieutenant is now acting as Captain of the Port, a very responsible position, and was written on February 19, a little more than a month since. ( Accompanying the letter are some interesting statistics of the shipping data for the month of January, Indicating the important commercial Interests of that city even before the treaty of peace was ratified and while the troubles with the insurgents were in progress?in other words while a state of war still existed. A significant feature of this letter is found In what Lieutenant Braunners- , reuther says regarding the native Filipino character and how easily the natives can be managed when they are released from the influence of Aguinaldo. Wrhat he say3 confirms what others have written and the statement so often made that the people of the Philippines never wouia nave oeen in re Demon nut for the evil influence of this conscienceless leader who is now being pursued to his inevitable fate. This is the view the Intelligencer has taken all along? the contention that the Filipinos themselves are not to blame for the situation, but their leaders. "The native himself," says the writer of the letter, "left to his own Intentions, will never prove troublesome. They are not hard to handle at all." A great deal has occurred in Luzon plnce the letter was mailed which confirms the statements contained therein to the effect that, while Agulnaldo had re-organized his forces and equipped them with Mauser rides, they would not be found any more formidable. This has been shown in recent fighting. lieutenant uraunnersreuther illustrates, with one or two Incidents, how the wounds from the insurgent Mauser rifles are not fo dangerous as those from the Hmlthflclds and Remingtons on the American nlde, which accounts for the fact that so few of our wounded die. MIhw Appeal. The Intelligencer U in receipt of a circular Itwued by Mins Clara Barton, the president of the American National lied Crow, announcing the return of the Red Cro?n to Cuba to assist In completing the work begun during the war. It In published In compliance with the wlahe* of the President and the war department. Jn connection with the revival of the work the Red Crow KUiff will be strengthened in the hospitals in t the Philippines. The circular Ik adit dressed to the American people, and ||, ulso xe'iuests the co-operation of all the auxiliary societies that did such splen- jj? did work during the war In Cuba anil B Puerto Rico. The proposition Is to establish a hospital service In Cuba mainly for citizens of this country who arc there, though others needing aid will not be barred. The most Important part of the work will be In the Philippines until the troubles we are having there are over and where the greatest need Is. To the splendid work of the Tied Cross Be was due the fact that many lives were rsr"saved and an enormous amount of suf- nim ferlng was relieved In the campaigns fere during the war with Spnln, the national JJj'1 organization having for Its principal f.Vf> sources of supplies the auxiliary socle- Till ties organized In hundreds of communities throughout the country. Wheeling ^ Joined In this work, and contributed to ,arr'' the volume of aid that wei.t from the |he homes of the people to the Red Cross rrtl headquarters at the seat of war. y There Is something yet to be done among the destitute in Cuba, partlcu- am larly among women and children, and cou attention Is directed to this fact by Miss whl Barton. Doubtless her appeal will be j1', effective among the organizations that ?h;i responded to the call during the war.. the ? wh< Tammany in Danger. heli And now Tammany Is to be Investl- was gated. The New York legislature has decided to send a committee to the F metropolis to Inquire Into how* the Tam- tlu many administration of the police force Me, and other afTairs of government are beIng run. It Is to bo the Lexow business ooo over again, and it is no more than the. natural, since the last investigation of a Tammany administration in New York resulted in a cleaning out of the ^ wicked things and the institution of reare forms, that there is a reasonable suspl- . t clon that Tammany, having returned to power, is up to its old tricks. ^ It is strongly evident that Tammany ^ hasn't reformed during its retirement; its inducements are much greater now than they were before. By the "expan- 'pj1( slon" of the city into a greater New out York, the field for Tammany's operatlons has been widened considerably and sources from -which the organization ^ can draw its revenues. vler The purpose of the state assembly, which is composed largely of represen- ^,c tatives of the state at large, is to And cln out whether Tammany has improved much, or is as had as ever. As a certain t Mr. Roosevelt is in the executive chair, scu which insures the bill appointing the , committee will become a law, we may nor uvjiii 1UI juiut mit-icaiuih uc ? it ii and Our good friend, the Moundsvllle Her- der aid. Is kindly informed that It is at perfeet liberty to think what it .desires eiI , about the loyalty of the Intelligencer to the: the Republican party. Having been the present at the birth of that organization, and consistently fought for its principles and its candidates from the ^ time of its birth down to the present date. It will not permit itself to be dis turbed by the Herald's objections to its " comments on the Pennsylvania senator- PJ0 ial situation, and the many scandals ^or connected with It. If It will be any relief, however, to the mind of the Her- J)lcj aid, which doesn't seem to be able to to discriminate between a fair and just hea criticism and party disloyalty, the Intelligencer will state that it doesn't be- ***' lieve in bolting party caucuses where a they are honorably conducted; in the the Pennsylvania case there are unusual features developing which make it ex. , pos ceptional. Wo, Occasionally Col. Henry TVatterson takes pleasure in calling the attention Woi of his Democratic brethren of the silver jt side to the failure of the prophecies his made in the days of *36. He notes, with manifest pleasure, that the wages of a half million workingmen have been ad- in? vanced and that now comes another tes- y0*ii timonial to the growing wealth of the 'nit American farmer. Reference is made ^0I to the estimate by the statistical bureau of the agricultural department that the Increase In the value of farm animals D since January 1, 1S9S, is ?10S,353,482, mnHnr? thn nrncrtut vnlnn within thrnn 0; ? * ~ v ~ you millions of being two billions, or $1,997.- L,if, 300,000. Colonel Waterson remarks that \\ "the calamity howler finds his occupa- hav Lion gone. Indeed." * m her A "Washington special this morning :*K* gives some Information which will be of value to West Virginians who propose Qf to apply for positions when the time tell! comes for the organization of the force run for the census work. Aside from the enumerators In the state, it appears ?0jt; that West Virginia's quota of ap- b .r polntees in the bureau at Washington you will amount to thirty-five. The manner tlo;] of the distribution of the appointments pln Is equitable, and those who are contemplating making application will find the che desired Information In the dispatch re- st0( ferred to. the | exc It will bo a thoughtful and cautious person who escapes the April fool Joker niei to-day. The latter will be very numer- ffra oils, and he is no respector of persons. E you Let us hope that Easter morning will dawn with a clear sky and good yj7n weather. Sunshine is in accordance hav with the spirit of Easter. f"1 _ intc STATE PltESS GLIi.l.Vl.VfiS. |JSC Of Lewis county now has but one Demo- for cratlc paper. a p Clarksburg will have two manufacturing Ice plant*. * T Fin Ti Jerome Howard and Walter Freeman, tin young fellows in Cabell county, paint- ^ ed Rev. John Roller's horse because the ' o minister criticized their conduct In ,. church. The horse died and the young % men were arrested.?Glenvllte Path- to finder. A Th? T The story going the rounds of the Tin ;?re.-w about a suit against the state of 1 W<?at Virginia on the Virginia d?.*ht > '? question, need disturb no one's ?viui- ryf,, ? f T "^"Iphe Easy Food 2 Easy to Euy> A Mf\lA Easy to Cook, v jVfe Easy to Eat> femSBff Easy t0 Digest. '4", fji^)naker Oats \J W^Atallgroccrs C ^in 2-ib. pkgs. only urn mi mmmmmmmmmmmmm Makes the food more deli SKaacsaaainHBmmKiEnBa^BaicraaB iltf". It is a matter-ot perfect indlf'tice.'whether suit lu brought or not, the probabilities are very areat that a single living West Virginian will i r see the suit.?Charleston Mall- ; bune, peculiar disease has broken out 1 ong the horses at CSrantsvllle, and disease h?M been transmitted to the ' iic ra.?Weston World. or several months the authorities of nongalia county have been trying'to 1 est Arza Tennant, who owed <the nty over a hundred dollars In fines, J Ich he would not pay. The other day came to the Jailer ;n Morgantown I asked to see his brother, who Is real with murder. He was granted ; privilege and walked into the ceii. ?reupon the Jailer locked the cell and < 1 him until he paid his lines, which i ' u\me umiu a torrent of profanity. i aimers who have walnut trees on ir lands may have a biff fortune if y will hold on to these trees awhile. < y n few days ago one man gold fifty nut trees for which he received $10.In cash. This was In Michigan, but re arc just as good walnut trees in st Virginia.?Morgantown New Do- ' lionlarge number of horses and cattle dying in Gilmer county from black lie town of Spencer, Roane county, 1 a great fight Inst week in an elec1 over the -matter of bonding the u !. -? pioviue a water works system. 3se favoring the Improvement won by a nice major!tf and the little iad ton-ii win soon be putting- on city > with water works, a lite company t other things. nr? to have a kiln of brick burned c- the coming summer. They will be first natural gas brick ever munutured in "West Virglnia.^Calhoun onicle. he bright electric lights have been a rcc of much confusion <o the flocks villi geese which have been passing tli the past two weeks. Friday night irge flock ot* geese struck the town ! the attraction of the lights bewiled them so that they came so near ground as to be in easy gun shot. E. Jhilds killed one and wounded anothivith his rifle. In the early morning re were still many of them circling town, they having entirely lost their f.?Preston County Journal. oy Wei ton reports an ear of corn Ii 1,-10 grains,?Grunt County Press. "Inter Is over b'gosh, and our spring wing must begin. We ore rampant work in the fertile corn fields. We it to turn back the very subsoil and 'e the black birds track after us and c up the mullygrubs. Yes, we want do lots, but we won't impair our 1th.?Braxton Central. '.FLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR , woman hates to spread scandal way a cat doesn't hate to drink k. ! men would admit who did the proing most of the time, the novels lid be different. [aybe so many husbands arc brutes ause if they weren't their wives lid be something worse. . takes will power for a man to buy wife ;t birthday present at jl stockcounter and look the shop girl are In the eye. | 'hen you hear a woman always tear- < other women's husbands to pieces , can be sure there Is something , jhty wrong with her own.?New ; k Press. J PASSING PLEASANTRIES. estroyers.?Jones?You needn't be lid to place that book in the hands ! ;our children. Smith?H'm! I guess l don't know my children.?Brooklyn Mint She Meant.?"The idea of her 1 InT the nerve to claim she first saw liirlit in 1S7S." "I would not judge | too harshly. Perhaps she meant : arc light."?Indianapolis Journal. \ rediction Verified.?"I see there is : of a Plough Trust with a capital ] SGO.COO.OOO." "Well, haven't I been < [ng you right along that they would ( this trust business into the < and ?"?Chicago News. lencing Him.?George?Jim Blnffom [ me that his wife makes all her own in<"-ts. Maud?Well. George, would i like to have a wife who was such a :dy she was never known to get seat !n a crowded car?"?Cleveland in Dealer. That's a curious car-load," said Monster to Birmingham, as the two 3d on th- platform and looked down aisle. "What's curious about it, cpt that all the passengers are woi?" "Well, where will you And -n / nrlnvl t V tV,r.n in ?i ,1 i?" ? Pittsburgh Chronicle-Teleph. nthuslhstle Young MI?8?To think of r'belng a real literary man! I do so g to know how you write things, l't you explain it? Venerable 1 zli?It Is the simplest thing. You 'e a mind suitably prepared. You an idea. The Idea being introduced ) the mind causes fermentation, durwhich a scum rises to the top and ( :arcfully removed, leaving a residue clear thought. This you bottle up your own use. The scum you sell to ubll?her.?Lire. The Way* of Men. no p'-ople do not llk?* this world, hoy Mlgh. they are unhappy, and <1 things, with* few ' xcoptlonn. hero u have been ml.nerably planned: ? wi'athor nevr ?ultr< them, they ro always racked with -orrow, 1 for things of yonterday, r dread things of to-morrow. no people J)nd this world of ours place of pure, serene delight; them the weeds nr?" fragrant dowers nd unto them nil days are bright; y wonder at the Klfts that God 0 men Is ever fjlvlru;: y Hcetn to live to spread nbroad ho Joyousnefa of living. v. they are not the rich who smile, or are they always poor who slKh; servant oft Ih happier than lio master who In state Koen by; rre's always cheer In plenty hero or those who en re to lake It; 1 the world 1* glad i>r bright or sad s each one tries to make it. , - S. E. Klaer. rfl the little coltln that grow Into cold:;; the big colds that ?lnd In istimptlon and death. Watch the le colds. Dr. Wood'H Norway Pine up. :: CASTOHIA. m tin a ilia Kind Vti'i llavn A tar. B015.V. T* F$WPiH 2i URE con icious and wholesome BJ n co.t ??w von*. T "' Oil G HIGH LIGHTS. win April-fools arc the luckiest kind: they ja / ?et recognized and exposed only once a T k*e:lr- bra When a man courts Rolltudc his court- plXh Inff in some other locality has probably been snubbed. tQc A man always thinks his Krlefs are wa) deeper than a woman's bccause he Is Loo hardened to weep. When a woman sees the doctor's bus cjy next door she ia one part sympathy * and three parts curiosity. A The woman who Is gifted in pnrllft- wrc mentary law generally lays on the table everything a man Hays. A The man who can stand It to have his faults exposed has so few that they are " not worth mentioning. The optimist remembers that Fummcr tjia :omes after winter; the pessimist re- tjor members that winter comes after eumner.?Chicago Dally Record. STRA Y PACTS. N Cot I Brazil produces about 7,000,000 bags of rep -oflfee a year. the No vice president has been re-nomluated for fifty years. ' Marriages average 3,000 a day on this mundane sphere. nn The paper production of the world In v ,p i fr-enr weighs 3,000,000,000 pounds. er4 One-fourth of the coal used in the, thjf world Is mined by American industry. bor Prussia began absorbing railroads in dis'i 1S7G. In eight years she owned S.000 plu ft / Wwifi^ \f/f ?/ / An h'astcr Veil r Tho Easter veil is a very large mesh wh becoming to tho face. In this cut you set leghorn hat which is prentifully trimmed w miles. Now nearly lfi.OOO miles .ire un- the ler control of the state. the: Thursday Island, in the Torres sl,?; Straits, exports annually mother of / pearl worth ?300,000. . stai The population of the earth is estlma- c 0, ted to be about 1,000,000,000. In 1S9S it rp-a^ tvas 1,4S5,763,000. w*u Stars on the coins of the United <Te; States ore six-pointed. Those on. the Veiling have live points. den Lions are left-handed, says an ani- the mal tamer. Thoy always use the left Ing [jaw for a vigorous blow. rec A princess, a countess, a duchess and ;va' be daughter of a reigning prince were nnong the 4,000 persons arrested for [Tj :heft In Paris last year. A physician was acquitted recently in "J England for riding a bicycle on a side.valk because of an old law that gives a Joctor the rlRht to take the shortest "l: :ut when on his way to tin urgent case. An Muster Bonnet. Whore lilies hid the Latin text. Xh And smllax wreathed tho altar( And every head was gravely bent O'er sacred psaJm and psalter, And all the font was pink and white ~ With roses strewn upon it, 1 He saw a little maid In gray, 6ti Who won; an Easter bonnet. arif lie walked behind her from the church. And viewed her pirllsh Kracr-s, nei And breathed the vercee. delicious scent the of dainty bows and laces. eta A nrayer-book was m her nand? wi hh?? lcept her glances on it. n^, 'Till came a gust of frolic wind And whisked away her bonnet. Hor eyes were full of April tears, ^lr Her scarlet lips were smiling; Tie. The sunny curls al>out l??*r brow for Were nuulo for man'H beguiling. . Her face was like a dewy rose? " Ho paused to gaze upon It, w*e And round that he had lost his heart, hai As she had lost her bonnet. the Hut now a spray of orange flowers Is wreathed about tho Latin; ^ ' Th^ little maid Is all in white? ? A dream of lace and satin. ly And, as he takes her slender hand, Iclr And slips the ring upon it, no) He murmurs softly In her ear? "A blessing on the lionnet!" "d, ?Minna Irving, In Frank Leslie's Popular ? Monthly for April. old -?r bpc DonfiiMs Cannot, bo Cured Jus Ry local applications, as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, cor rind that Is by constitutional remedies. mo Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con- ^ ditlon (if the mucous linlnir of the Rns- hul tachian Tube. When tills* tube gets in- sell llamed you have a rumbling sound or am Imperfect hearing, and when It Is en- loris 11 rely closed deafness in the result, and pul unless the Inilnminatlon can he* taken enr out and thlH tul?e restored to Its normal nn< condition, hearing will be destroyed for- (loi ever; nine cases out of ten .ire caused let by catarrh, which Is nothing but an In- Mo (lamed condition of the mucous surfaces. j\ We will give One Hundred Dollars for nu any case ?>f Deafness (caused by ca- ne\ tarrh) that cannot he cured by Hall's (?jitnrrh (!ure. Henri for circular;*. free. F. J. C1IBNEY k CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DrtiKKlfltH, 75c. | JIuII'h Family 1'llln are the boat. FAMILY WASniN'O. Tlotifrh Ilry Washed. Stnrchod and 111 Dyori !i rents |n?r pound. Flat Work, Washed and Ironed, 5 canfn per pound. All hum! work Mulshed 10 oentH per ai jioiuii]. At IATTZ Ulios*. umAy . llomo tituain Laundry. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. fope is the dream a man has when f ike. ."hat is sauce for one may make a so of another. r heatrical angels rush in where wise I i fear to tread. 1 'hen a man reaches the end of his aterai he is pawn-broke. he average burlesque actress is ply what the name would indicate, he antiquarian stores his mind with kinds of forgotten things. nly those on the lower part of the $ el are in favor of revolutions. 's better to be slow to anger than It * o be hand** with a seven-shooter. .. he man who boosts of his superior ins, is seldom able to furnish the \ of. : always makes a KentuckJan mad f all him a epong?. A sponge will take ter. C 's a signal triumph for the weather /n when his prediction happens to . le true. lways look at your Joys with a mlRCope, and at your sorrows with the ?ng end of an opera gluss. n enterprising St. Louis man ex- . fs In m.nlfn n fnrttino In .PhIm rnl?- f umbrellas during the rainy season. 1 he man who succeeds In perfecting mokeless cigarette will benellt more n all the cigarette smokers In ereai.?Chicago Dally News. The Railroad's Wonder Siory. ew York World: The Inter-state lmerce commission has gratifying ^ orts of earnings, expenses, etc., for year ended June 30, 1S9S, from 720 ls, operating 181,333 miles of railroad, he gross earnings were 51.23S.523.3S0, increase of 9163.161.5S3 over the pre- v us year. 11 he net income, after deducting op- q ting expenses, was $4G6,790,110. Of 0 ? sum $3.~S,1S0,202 went to interest on ids, taxes, etc.. and $63,095,915 was iributed in dividends, leaving n sur- 0 s of $42,604,99!) In the treasuries of p . . " ........... 1 a I 0 s i ri SKSiil ! ? & '7 f< : ' Yisi?M i , ??2?T5S?S ~t-'"> c I 1: IssJI] i , 5 Hi 111 ! 3K*WT 1 i ; ? t: y/ , i j '! / "/ i ; / / j . ; ! : ! ii v =ii r r ind Hat. ilch Is not. it must be confessed,very s i It draped upon the brim of a large 1 ith slllc and aigrettes. Q| a roads. During the preceding year re was a small deficit instead of this I plus. hese figures tell the same tale of re- t ing prosperity that has been told In r tlstics of exports, manufactures, 1 r> production, and everything else, o y suggest a rapid growth in the s ntry's wealth, arid a very great in- 1; used employment of men. For in or- = tf> earn less than $110,000,000 of dlvids and surplus for the stockholders _ roads paid out SS11.241.45S In most of It going dltly or indirectly to workmen as . c indrcds . Tell of the Change Which They Have Felt. E e Time Coracs for Wheeling People ^ to Tell What ho* Been Done < Cor Them. here is nothing so convincing as the tements of peoplo whom we know 1 respect. If your neighbor tells you nething you know It is true; no Nfrbor will deceive another, so that Is way, it Is with Kld-ne-olds. Tho tements of people living right here in :eellng are published that e.-ou may : these people and find out the great wl. Tfld.n?.nMq lira rl.-iinti ilmost everyone !n Wheeling knows . George Stein, of 2304 Main street, ad his statement: "I was troubled several years with heavy aching ns across the nmall of my back; they re so severe at times that I could rdly get about. I would be worse In ? morning when I would flrst get and would feci more tired then when tig to bed at night. !y constitution seemed to be general- Q run down: I took several different 1 ida of medicine, but it seemed that :h*lng would do me nny nood and I s gradually worse. Vhrji I read about Morrow's K1d-ne- " s nnd what great benefit they had >n to others who had been troubled t as I was, ttfid us they were tniarteed to cure, I obtained some from iirles U. Goetzc, nnd took them acdlng to the directions and they gave 1 relief In a very short time." Xotrow's KId-ne-olda are not pills, t Yellow Tablets, which Is the ntlflc way of compounding medicine n 1 euro backache, nervousness, sleep- v uness nnd general debility. They are t up In wooden boxes which contain >ugh for about two weeks' treatment 1 ni-11 at no cents u box nt Charles R. otze's drtig store. A descriptive book will bo stalled uron request ti>* John rrow Ca. ChfinlstH, Sprlntrlleld, O. ? LAZY liver makes a lazy man. rdook Blood Hlttera l.s tin* natural, rer-fulllng remedy for a lazy liver. 1 CASTOR IA , For Infants and Children. 10 Kind You Have Always Bought mnuuroof {, Sianos. Pianos! Pianos!! Pianos!!! Having a large number of square Pianos, which we revived in exchange for Upights, we will offer them for he next ten days at such )rices that if you can use one if them it will pay you to :all and see them. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. flilligan, Wilkin & Co., 1138, IMP and 1142 Market St FACTS ABOUT ANIMALS, LlllrdTIiat Lived Fifty-Two Years Without Tastinjf Wafer?Snakes Never Closed Their Eyes?Effects of Blindfolding a Chameleon. The oldest living creature in the /orld belongs to Walter Rothschild. It 3 a giant tortoise, weighing over a uarter of a ton, and It has a known life f 150 years. One of the longest-lived birds on rec- : rd died recently In London. It was a uarrot named Ducky, the property of he prince of Wales, and was a century nd a quarter old. Up to eighty years f age elephants are useful members of ociety. Some animals can live many years without water. A paroquet lived fiftywo years In the London zoo without listing a drop of water. A number of eptiles live and prosper In places where here is no water. That sleeping or waking, snakes never lose their eyes is a curious fact. When a chameleon is blindfolded It jses all power of changing its color, nd its entire body remains of a unlarm tint. The lantern fly of Surinam, South onerlca, has two sets of eyes so as to atch the light from all directions. It 5 mucn more uruuuni inuu uui uiuuj. Ants have brains larger in proportion 0 the size of their bodies than any ther living creature. There are several varieties of flsh hat cannot swim. In every Instance hey are deep sea dwellers, and crawl bout the rocks, using- their tails and ns as legs. There are three varieties of the dog hat never bark?the Australian dog, . he Egyptian shepherd dog and "lion- I eaded" dog of Thibet. The elephant has 40,000 muscles In his runk alone, while a man has only 577 1 his entire body. In China carrier pigeons are protected rom birds of prey by an Ingenious lit le apparatus consisting of thin bamboo : iibes fastened to the birds'' bodies with hread passed beneath the wings. As he pigeon llies the action of the air asslng through the tubes produces a 1 hrill whistling sound which keeps birds f prey at a distance. i The land crabs of Cuba run with reat speed, even outstripping a horse. . It takes a snail exactly fourteen days nd Jive hours to travel a mile. The California woodpecker will carry n npfirn thirtv milfs to store. , The heron seldom flaps its wings at a ate of less than 1-0 to 150 times a minite. This is counting only the dowijfard strokes, no that the bird's winga eally make from 240 to 200 distinct novements in a minute. The dragon fly can fly backward and idelong, and can alter its course on he instant without turning. It is estimated that there are 62,050,00 horses in the world, 195,150,000 cattle nd 134,500,000 sheep. There are over 3,000 animals in the .ondon zoological garden. Tho antipathy of animals for certain hings is unexplainable, but the fact emains, for example, that rattlesnakes lave a decided dislike for the leaves if the white ash. Experiments have liown that they would rather run over \vo en;i)s than touch white ash leaves. Iliquorz. "alTwhTskies ,re good, but some arc better than others. We Sell the Best. iilver Age Rye, j 51.50 per quart. $6.00 per gallon, lear Creek Rye, $1.00 per quart, $4.00 per gallon. Cabinet Rye, 75c per quart, $3.00 per gallon. Wo guaranteo these \\ hlskles to be ; pure and old. and on every order of one gallon or over, We pay all charges, and ."hip by express or freight, depending on the distance. No charge for packing, or shipping, cither. Try a Bjimplo gallon?we know we can pleoso you. MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. iptvl fnr foinplcti- ratalncup. mailed frriv ANNOUNCEMENT: We have succccdcd the DONALDSON CARRIAGE CO. ,nd arc now in the market i-ith the finest line of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES "JLd WAGONS of all descriptions in the state, at the lowest prices, workmanship and quality considered. )0NALDS0N,MORGAN SCO., ; Successors to DONALDSON CARRIAGE CO., )ur Specialty: |t| 2II0-2II4 EEPA1RING. Itl Main Street. Wk&3 1 Dicta jtdoerihement.1. Fancy Silks for Waists,. Our assortment for last week was thought to be beautiful ?so they were?but they will not compare with the new ones opened this week. Over one hundred patterns to select from. All new and Stylish. New Black Silk and Wool Crepons In the very scorcc stylesscarce bccausc they are good. Fine 72-inch Bleached Table Linen. Came in too late for our Linen Sale. Will sell at $1.75. Regular $2.25 grade. Napkins to Match. J. S. RHODES & CO. 9a* Stoves. Are You Interested In Gas Stoves? If so, call and examine the I PURITAN! | Gas Ranges... f HANDSOME in design and finish. ECONONICAL in use of fuel. CONVENIENT in every appointment. EFFICIENT in operation. For Baking the Puritan is Unequalled. NESBITT & BRQ., Mo^'t2 *t. Plumbing, Stc. MIL F. C. SCHNELE. [ Dealer in all goods pertaining to the trade. 2012 Main Street, Telephone 37. Wheeling. W. Va. pjGBERY V,\ KYLE. Practical Plumber, Gas and Steam Rttcr No. 1155 Market street. tins ana tiecirjc unanaouers, rmers, and Taylor Ga3 Burners a specialty. mr2 ^yiLLIAM HARE ? SON, Practical Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters No. S3 Twelfth Street. Work done promptly at reasonable prices. TRIMBLE & LUTZ COMPANY. d SUPPLY HOUSE 0 PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. A full lln* of th<? col^hratrd SNOW STEAM PUMPS f\tntinnnrn f7\nnk? iZtn. IJIIFE PITTSBURGH DISPATCH, Commercial-Gazette, Times, Cincinnati Enquirer and Eastern and Western Dallies delivered. Weekly Papers, Literary and Fashion Magazines. Cheap Books, Stationery and Gospel Hymns. C. H. QUIMBY, U14 Market Stvrct. financial. G. LAMB. Pres. JOS. SEYBOLD, Cashier. J. A. JEFFERSON, Ass't Cashier. BANK OF WHEELING. CAPITAL ?~00,000, PAID IX. WHEELING, W. VA. DIBECTORS. Allen Brock, Joseph F. Paul], Chas. Schmidt. Hetay Blebcrson, Howard Simpson. Joseph Seyhold, Gibson Lamb. Interest paid on special deposits. Issues drafts on England, Ireland and Scotland. JOSEPH SEYIIOLD, myll Cashier. gA.NK OF THE OHIO VALLEY. CAPITAL??1 7o,000. WILLTAM A. I SETT... President MOBTIMEB POLLOCK....Vice President Drafts on England, Ireland, Franco and Germany. DIRECTORS. William A. Isctt, Mortimer Pollock, J. A. Miller, Bobert Simpson, E. M. Atkinson. C. M. Frissell, Jullun Pollock. JalS J A. MILLER. Cashier. jlmunemcnts. Q^BAND OPERA HOUSE! Monday. Tuesday and Wednesdny and Wednesday Matlneo, April .1, 4, 5. rbe Flaming Meteors of tho Comply Skr, World. Garrella and "Mack. In I heir* roilned and up-to-dato creation, TOWN TOPICS. You must laugh, you cannot help It. Night prices-15.^25. X> and S) cents. Sto ra(j p. j iVhccling Warehouse & Storage Co.,' ami'. urjiojuuo lur lloilnrliold Good* and General Merchandise. Uncx celled Railroad Facilities. Transfer Wagons Will Cull. Phone 310. IGIG-IG20 Chopllnc St. View Jldvcrthement*. AX ANUFACTUI^rS AND H Standard Grocery Articles. Do you want your goods introduced t0 tho Now York trade? If no, write A. W, ' HUNT, 713 E. JSSth street, that city. Api? Decorated p Easter Eggs? !| l The finest in I the city at... GOETZE'S DRUG STORE, Opp. McLurc House. K n IDl/'C ItlGII CL.\SS EXCURSIONS j:. LLAKlV 3 TO EUROPE, 1833. V I For particulars regarding | any tour apply to 11 J. BEHRENS CO.'S, | I Carpet Soap. Restores Faded Colors, j$ | Making carpets almost as good I as new. Sold only by R. li. LIST, Druggist, 1010 Slain Streit. j STANDARD MALE QUARTETTE^ |; OF WHEELING. W. V\. upon 10 sing at Concerts, Receptions, Musicals, etc. For terms apply to t!j PROr. r. ILtWtlYN WILLIAMS, fcl 1310 Market Street. In Case of a Fire your policies aro equivalent |-! a check on n bank. Hotter look them over fa and satisfy yourself that the FORMS are cornectly drawn, and that you aro IN- J? SUHED. If you need assistance call up R No. ALFRED PAULL, STATE AGENT. Merchants' Ins. Co.?Assets Jl.61D.Mi) fe Orient lnj?. Co.?Assets 52,600,000 H Williamsburg City?Assets J1.SQ0.0M Phoenix Assurance Co.?Assets...J3.W5,000 pj And many others of equal standing. 1120 Market Street. All Easter Gift. f Maybe only an EASTER CARD, or a VOLUME OF PROSE or POETRY. Perhaps a SET OF PRAYER and HYMNAL. Any or all of these at FRANK STANTON'S j BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Wheeling. W. Ya. ? Bicycles. < Our line of TRIBUNE BICYCLES is now open for your inspection. GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS, uiu muni ocrcct. Have Direct Connection with Chicago Stock Exchange for the purchase and sale ol National Steel and American Tin Plate Stocks. Market quotations received by J wire. Howard llazlett, ^2^ Exchange Bank Building. Mont de Chantal Academy, l\DER Ti!L DIRECTION OF HIE SISTERS OF THE VISITATION. Ffrst-cfnss tuitfon In all branches. Ex* | ccllent accommodations; homo comforts; good table; large and healthy rooms; ex- ^ tensive grounds; pure air. For terms and other Inforir.2 tion, address Directress of Mont de Clmntal Academy (| Wheeling. W. Va. I 1ST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN* ft J the postofllce at Wheeling, Ohio fc; county. W. Va.. Saturday, April 1. To obtain any of the following the applicant must ask for advertised letter*, giving i date of list: LADIES* LIST. Estop, Mrs. Keziah Howl, Lizzie* Froy, Emma Smith, Miss Daisle Groen, Nora Shnpf, Mrs. Nellie i Howard, Jonnotte Weaver, Hattio Hamilton, itrs. Bcs- Young, Miss Bess sle. . 7. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Broohman, Mr. ?fc Rise. Georca Mrs. Rln.\ T. M. Gushing, William Smith, Jesse F. Evans, J. H. Sllvey, N. Farzyn. Jop XV. Sands, Achilla*'. Dr. Given, Moses Thomas, James HufTord, O. C. Willis*. E. L. Harden, Lafayette Weibel, Louis (2) Kelley, Wm. GEORGE WISE, P. M. _ palatial ^ era of tho P.itsu ^ burch & Clni'ln* U ft u iintl racket Lin?. ??< .5 ^'harrboat. foot of Twelfth street, as follows; Steamer QTjEEN' CITY?Rol>ert It- Asnew. Master. Daniel M. I.acey, Purser. hvory Hunihiv :>? s a. m. bteanier KEYSTONE STATE-Charfes Knox, Master: Will D. Kimble. Purser. ' -very Tue-dnv ?? s a. m otearner VIRGIN1A-T. J. Calhoon. Mas. ?Vri " II. Kerr, Purser. i:v.-ry Thursday at18 a. m. For Freight or Passace Telephone 030. CROCKARD & BOOTH. Agents. T> EDM AN oc CO.. Xt HEX Kit A L .HACIIIMSrS AND MANUFACTURED OF MARINB AND STATIONARY EXCISES. _JUl~ WhwhilH. ?' vn* rpHE MONONGAIi ROL'TL IS THE X Short Lino between Fairmont and Clarksburg. Quick Tlmt -I *.: TralnsSuro Connections. When tr.noI!ni; to or from Clarksburg or West Virginia 1I)J Pittsburgh railroad point:-, so* that your tickets rend via the MonoKal:n;i 11 |N'; Hallroad. close Connection? -it l-alrment with B. O. trains, and at Clarksburg with It. & O. and W.. V. ,?t I'. trains Tu frets via this route on sale at all B- * and W., V. & !>. }{. K. ntntlona- , . , HUGH G. HOWLES. <.|on I ijUDt-_ All rinds of plain asd fasc* Printing. An entire u?w line or &"?* < nlen of Hall Programme*. Tickets ami in- , vltatlons at all prices at the Intcl.lfiOHcor Job Print Ins Olllce.