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Stone ?' Choma*. 1 Stone & Mew Glove* For Easter, 75c a pair, $5.00 twecn those prices. Below is here for you in the Glove THE MIRAMIR" 7Zr " Kid Glove ut Our regular S9c Glove, and quality J? that Is hardly eoualed In most stores .! at $1.00, in black or all the new colors. ;; t High Clans Novelty Kid Gloves with fan Just the proper glove for you fur Ea? Olhev well-known makes, such as "L: many more, but all at lower prices than eh AN EXPERT GLOVE FITTER HERE counter, thus insuring better satisfaction, The Daintiest of Ladies' Neckwear An extensive showing of all that is nev Fixings. Liberty Silk and Chiffons, beautifully four-in-hand cfYects, all colors, 50c to J Ladles' Tics, two yards long, *3c on ur New Ribbons for Neckwear, in all the latest novclti sian effects; Shirred Ribbons, etc.; ail th< prices. New Veilings For Easter wear, in all the newest M< cial values in New Fancy Black Veiling I9c and 25 New Wash Veils, in all the new effect! 29c anc Hosiery. Hundreds of dozen3 of Xew Spring H< plain colors, stripes, plaids, dots. Any nev for ladies, children or men at the lowest Stone & ?eo. 5)t- Snook ? Co | Snook The Bigges t , 7~" T" are assert Lively Easter sell- Crepon co ing bound to con* bination; ... . , Taffeta for tinne with iresh ar= Crepons a rivals of RIBBONS the foreigi t VJ 0n 0Ur C01 by the solid cartons, passion ti KID GLOVES in un< 'oSS . , . . more freqi broken packages and DOns a io FANCY NECKWEAR, ^ Th? BELTSondBUCKLES "a fva of every desirable tOCsM-C , ... t styles hen sort. We will not ^ ^ ^ disappoint yon! ^ ^ ^ Hosiery With Iff to darn will almost be a thing < past if you come here and bu famous "BLACK CAT" triple Leather Stockings for Children, maker claims DOUBLE wearing bilities forthis brand because, fir yarn is SUPERIOR in quality second, for the more important': that the acids and other "burnin substances which are present aniline dyes have been chemica moved, a process which addsim urably to the wear. Mothers, if bovs or 2irls are hard on stockin a pair of "Black Cat" at 25c. Men, Women, Children an< from the hundreds of different in stock. Try us for things Mercerized Siik Lisle Hose for fancy tops. Black Hose with eil soles?regular and out sizes. I silk heels and toes, in black, vvl pair. Kid Shoes to match, i Socks as low as 8c pair. $J3r*Spring and Summer body now here. Slor.e if- Chcrr.aa Thomas? -V > I i a pair or something bearc.a few hints as to what line for Easter wear. THK DUTCHESS' CI AH Kid Glove at vl-ul' i one of the many good kinds that have elped to m.ik'f thin department so poplar. See them. See if you can match hern anywhere at jt <iuarter more. cy stitching, no two palra alike, CI 7S iter, all colors, per pair I TftllM " "Pnwnl " ' ? <0 where. ?Fits all gloves to your hand at the ? 0 rest and prettiest In Ladies' Neck fashioned into stocks, jabots and il.i9. 1 to the Finest Real Lace* es, draw-string, Dresden and Per} newest colors at lowest possible ?shes and Doited effects. Two spe3 for to-day, c yard. I up. jslery here for your selection. In i* and late Idea In the Hosiery line possible prices. 9co. Si. Snccfi & Co. .a. f* ; >i uruwus ibled around the Silk and unters. It's a dressy comCrepon for the skirt" fancy ' the waist: American-made nd Silks are just as pretty as i?hard to distinguish them inters. Do not get the imlat Colored Dress Goods are y us, just because we make jent allusions to black creok will quickly dispel that sse scarce Grey and Tan ne effects for "tailor-made riety. )WER prices and BETTER 3 make GREATER selling! ?????? ^ ^ A quick, complete | and satisfactory EASTER OUTFIT j'lWj is assured by our j( the new Ready Made iy the Department. Ladies with critical tastes capa- w'" P'ease note ^at i st, the we are hard to \ and p|ease ourselves? reason , ,., . r,out" don t buy every tiling 'in all that comes along, i "yre~ This means much i measyour t0 you. gs,try .1 Infants can all be suited Hnciprv numbers we carrv I other stores do not keep. Women, Black Hose with :her bleached or Maco split nfants' Cashmere Hose with nite, pink, blue and tan, 25c Men's fast black Seamless UNDERWEAR for everyM S CO. Sood Shoe*. I Our A Window if shows a variety of shapes 11 arid colors in the newest shoes at $3.50 w (The Wheeling Line) I that we feel will stand comparing O I with any five dollar line shown in | the city?try it. Alexander. i ' COOD SHOES. 1049 Main St. I 1 ? | Dieu) Spring jtootioear. ? Brlnp vision? of new Spring outfits to tho ladles who would be well dressed, und th among them Is thoughts of w NEW SPRING FOOtWEAR. ? Our stock presents such a variety of , beautiful and exquisite styles to choose ll' from In Black and Colors that all you will co have to consider Is price?which is lowest ca for reliable shoes. a* NAY BROTHERS. S Reliable Shoes. 1317 Market St., Wheeling. n< ?hc3nftl%ei>rer s nc Ofllce: 25 and 27 I'ourteenthStreet. ; P< Cl Now Advertisement*. Havo You Seen our New Wagon?G. ^ Mendel & Co.?Second pas*- ri List of Unclaimed Letters. Pittsburgh & Cincinnati Packet JJne. gi Business Opportunity?To buy Klneto- pi scope. oi Agents Wanted for a magnificent seller. Agents Wanted by an Old Established House. ?' Manufacturers and Packers of Grocery ?v Articles. w New Eastor Gloves?Stone & Thomas? ??r Eighth page. ai Last Day Hints?Geo. E. Stlfel &. Co.? H Fifth pact*. ft Fancy Silks for Waists?J. S. Rhodes & ir Co. w Let Us See?House & Herrmann?Fifth fe page. j; Day Dreams?Nay Brothers?Eighth page. All Whiskies?Max Klein. ? Is Your Hoy to l>e Confirmed?D. Gundling & Co.?Fifth page. S< Careful Dresners?Lee Baer?Eighth re page. ' All Fool'> Day?Mutual Savings Bank? p Second pace. Easter llats?McFadden?Second nn.p<? Cr Do You Wan: an Insurance?J. S." 311111- te gan?Third pace. j Decorated Easter Eggs?Goetze'* Drug * Store. w Carpet Scap?R. H. List. lh In Case of a Fire?Alfred Paull. An Easter Olft?Frank Stanton's Old In City Book Store. t Bicycles?Geo. \Y. Johnson's Sons. sj C. BESS & SONS'" SPRING OPENING. -I VTo liave now on exhibit 0110 of the a; largest and bent selected stocks of lino tailoring at ponular prices In the clt.v, We have added to our cutting departJ. Ed. Dorner. ono of the most fashion* able cutters east. ? The artistic cut, stylish appearance and excellency In inakc-up oiont* garments will speak for themselves. < Always the newest In tine furnishIngs. iiess it sons. re FashloiiabloTailors and Fine Furnish- f,. crs, 1IW1 aud 13U.'J Market Street. pC 20,000. s< We havo fitted more than twenty 11 thousand pairs of Spectacles, glvlairu's a record and experience une(|tialled by H any other Optician In West Virginia. Satisfaction gunranteed. ' JACOB W. GRl?BB. Optician. Pi No. 1300 Market Street. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. ro Subscribers to the Dally Intelligencer changing their residences on cli April 1st will please give notice at this w ortleo. No. 27 Fourteenth street, so m, that carriers may be notified and that there may I?e no Interruption In the , delivery of the papers. st Another Crossing. bf Through Friday night and this morning the Wheeling Railway Com- 'rn pany is working a large force of men at sh the corner of Fourteenth and Market P* streets, putting in the new curves and crossing." mude necessary by the occu- dc pancy of F urteenth street by the tl( Wheeling & Kim Grove. u" tli Their Monthly Meeting. The hoard of directors of the pv "Wheeling Railway Company held a te meeting at t!.} Wheeling office yeiter- tli day morning nnd transacted routine .pc business. It h supposed the men's re- 1)0 quest for higher wages was discussed, but tlie outcome could not be learned. President T. IT. Conderman, of Philadelphia, was !.i attendance. J," A Handsome Donation. ^ A Wheeling man whose philanthropy p, has had fre<ju- nt exemplifications, last ce night Informed the board of managers nc of the City Hospital that he would th make a large contribution to the hospital as the start of an endowment fund. g? The gentleman desires his name and the amount eu ^pressed, but It can be Pr stated that the (.mount In dollars cannot wj be expressed In less than four figures. Takni to Spencer. "r Young Dr. S. K. Hlnom, who win re- t'n cently declared Insane, was taken to j ti, the Spencer asylum (or the Insane ye.?- | en terday morning by Guard S.iyre. The j h-j youtiK man's fa-her. J.* H. Hlssom, was , be present when li s non left the Jail, and ye It Is said he broke down completely and : In cried. The son . xhlbltcd no bitterness . ?r and shook his father's hand. lo ECZEMA. scald head, hives, Itchiness mi of the skin of nny sort. Instantly re- nil lleved, permanently cured. Donn'sOInt- to tnent. At any drug store. 4 . TO AUCTION SALE. er oO of tlio lii'Mt TurpotK, IlM'ludlllW : parlor (iiwl reception room enroot*, will be Cor Halo tu-dny at- tlio MeLuro th Ilou-e unci ion, come early If yon J th want a bargain. \y ho OASTORIA. sti B?? th, Kiad YM Han ?*ran Eo-tM 1 lllRDER. CHARi gninstElla McCurdyfor th it is Alleged she had I THE DEATH OF MRS. B01 lie is Committed to Jail i fault of SI.000 Bond ar ILL BE HELD UNTIL VEI f the Coroner's Jury Settl Cause of! ho Death of the Gil Denies Having Done any Un Act; Says Mi's. Dowers was cd by Sickness "While Calling 1 Touse?'The Post Mortem D< that the Girl has Been in a D Condition for Firo Monthsner's Jury "Will View the Be day. The death of Miss Maggie B( ore properly speaking, Mrs. Dwers (for it develops that s arried to Bowers on Tuesday < this week, by Rev. R. R. Bigg' ;r suspicious circumstances ere told exclusively in the Int r yesterday morning, was dl: . South Side people yesterda ere is one opinion that overs 1 others?that no effort shot tglected to show the true cause iung woman's death, and the rson or persons should be glv mlshment provided for by the The event of the day was tl or:em examination of the rema e Bero home, on the South Sid as completed late yesterday afi id resulted In the discover** th ceased had been in u delicate >n for live months. The pnj iuld not say that the death ha any unlawful act, bu Q indications pointing In this )n. It was therefore decided t le stomach examined by a c hlch may develop whether or ilawful act was attempted?ev on UVICUII'LCU, UL course li JS >\v Lhat it was unsuccessful, kroner Schultz* will empanel h'.ch will view the body, and t jer's inquest will then be pos itll the result of the chemist's ition is known. Early yesterday morning, Ci jlice Clemar.s learned oC the- sus rcumstances surrounding: Mrs s' death, tnrough iniunnatio id been furnished the depa irough the Intelligencer, and ice proceded to the South S1l acvd Mrs. Ella McCurdy under rather she was taken to polio jarters and detained, pending >ments. E. J. Clark, the ma tards at the McCurdy place, ai ent for the physician when Mrs s' condition became alarming so detained at police header, oth remained at the pollc* iroughout the day, and last hen the authorities learned of atur-its of the post mortem, tli tcideil to take more decisive ac He decided to charge -Mrs. M tin tne murder of Mrs. Bowers ? did on the advice of < ihultze, with whom he consult* suit was the taking of Mrs. M id E. J. Clark before Justice 1 ogers. Mrs. MeCurdy was ft larged with murder and was c d :o Jail In default of $1,000 bo Clark was held under $r/K> bo: itness. Neither was able to e required surety. Mrs. McCurdy denies any wrc g. She says she met Mrs. Bov vventy-seventh street, saw sh ck and took her to her home, le f;-ll down in a faint and lortly after. Approaching developments v vaited with great Interest. . TIIE POST MORTEM xaminatiou Held Ycstcrd; Several Prominent I'hysicir The post mortem was held at t; sirlence, 3313 Jacob street, and om 2:30 to 5 o'clock. The phj irlicipating were: Drs. Arm ihwinn, W. R. Taylor, Ford, ildreth, Andrew Wilson, Plan anlng. The county was reprt Coroner Schultze and As rosscuting Attorney F. "NV. :> tiile Chief of Police. C'.emans v presentative of the city author! The result of their examinatli Dsed no evidences of violenc 2s the cause of death apparei ere was a belief that an anal ie stomach might show that ups had been used, therefoi omach was preserved to eatls lief. The analysis will be m: Q. Rawllng, the chemist, and iding really hangs all future d> ents. An expert examinatioi ow the presence of the medicin cted. The physicians discovered thi !cea3ed had been in n delicate >n for Ave months, and she wai Ith child. Thle fact removed t lat the criminal operation hai rrJed to ihe extent supposed, I course, the consequences were en If criminal practice had b< mpted. But the outcome hln? rely on the result of the cheml: <rt, by which the coroner's ju largely governed. A ray of sunlight In the dej dness was the confirmation atement that the deceased glr arrled to Harry Bowers. Tin ige licenKe was issued on Tues is week by County Clerk Rob id Rev. R. R. Digger, of the esbyterlan church, performc remony. The marriage retui >i yci u"?-m out Mr. ue e papers. In th<* immediate vicinity of th rl's* home. and in fact all ovc iuth Side, genera! sympathy w eased for the family. is a br'Rhr girl and well liked ho knew her. Regret was exj ' his friends of Harry Bowers ifortunatc position In which need, and his friends are con lid re events will remove the y at If placed oh his name for tin t. Little sympathy was exp nvever, for Mrs. McCurdy. Hi en separated from her husbar ars. and Clark, who has been K with her. I? nlso married, ai own up children. Ills wife live? wer part of the Eighth war :es out an existence as a wn in. At the McCurdy hou??e ther <o a young man, Samuel Youn b" a otep-son of Mrs. McCurdj rht r?' Is' considerable darkn<-? undfng the clrcptiwtancesofMn ft' death and naturally there r rts at variance, and only t**si those directly concerned will o. true details. It l? known, ho ?t her d*ath occurred /about :! ednesday afternoon. In the M< nine, In the rear of 261M CI reet. Mrs. Bowers left her hom? 10 ??r 2 o'clock, or a little Intel ilked to Mrs. McCurdy ockrt tuvay. It Is-salM sin- I only after entering the Jioub r>tpT\ was then assisted. to a bed, on ivh |MI ehe died. UJuU Then Clark or -Toung hurried to ! II. T. Ford's office. on South Ja< street, but It was very likely Clark, c Part Ford was not In his office, being i on a call, yet Clark remained th until 6 o'clock, at which hour Dr. F? returned. Clark's lengthy wait view of the grave necessity or a phj irrnQ clan's assistance as soon as possli iYlKoi has been criticized. When Dr. Ft visited the McCurdy house, he saw mortal aid was needed. The bc-dy v _ ^ removed to the home of her paror n DC* The suddenness of her death demani an investigation, and Coroner Schul lost little time In taking steps to t end, and by communicating with Pr ecu tin? Attorney Meyer, and Dr. E. PDIf T -^rmbrecht. the county physician, IV post mortem was dotormlned on. To-day a Jury will be Impanelled Coroner Schultze, and after the rema cs the are viewed the jury will be udjourn nwaltini? the chemical analysis. 1 rl?Slip arrangements for the funeral were lawful Perfected last night, but it will Ilk occur on Sunday. Lttnck- The funeral of Mrs. Bowers Mil t; at her on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clo from the home of her parents, Mr. r ;velops Mrs. Joseph Hero, 3315 Jacob street,w elicate lnterment at Mount Zlon. -Coro- THE SEWER PIPE COMBI> il> To- ^*ameM tj,c Companies Inclti Many in this Section. The combination of sewer pipe mai ro or facturers, which has been in process ' , ? formation for the past three inont was 'ias reac^otl a successful end, as det: ed in yesterday's Intelligencer. H ivoning naine 0f the new company is the F er), un- eral Sewer Pipe Company, and will which capitalized at ?25,000',000, half of wh | as to do 7 pc-r cent prererreu ntock .1 u h ' half common mock. There will be Si scussed 750,000 of each class of stock Issued y, and the present time. hadows- The companies comprising jhe F? . eral Sewer Pipe Company are the Stt ilcl be (jar(j Sewer Pipe Co.. Buffalo Sev : of the Pipe Co.. J. V. Rose. Patton Clay ( guilty Pennsylvania Sewer Pipe Co., Buckt th Sewer Pipe Co., Harry Thomps en uu Crown Fire CIay Co Uhrlcsvllle F law. Clay Co., Diamond Fire Clay Co.. C?r le post Western Fire Clay Co.. Ohio Valley F lins at Clay Co- p- Connor, Freeman Fire C . , Co.. J. Lyth &Sons, Knowles, Tayloi * Anderson Co., Myers, Hartford Co,. ' ternoon ronto Fire Clay Manufacturing Co., 3 at the Elfresh Clay Co.. Bennet Sewer P condl- Co., Grand Ledge Sewer Pipe C sicians Rochester Sewer Pipe Co.. Pittsbui d been Clay Manufacturing Co.. Sharon. C! : there Manufacturing Co.. Lock Haven C! "dlrec- Works. Akron Sewer Pipe Co.. Natlo; o have Sewer Pipe Co.. J. J. Mazurle, Buck* hemlst, Eire Clay Co.. Columbia Sewer Pipe C not an J?hn Francys, Sons & Co.. the Kenne? en If It Eling Co., Calumet Fire Clay Co., E known plre Eire Clay Co., N. U. Walker C To-day Manufacturing Co., Ohio Vitrified P a jury Co., Cincinnati Sewer Pipe Co., St; he cor- Line Sewer Pipe Co., MeMahon. Por >tponed ^ Co.. (laugher. McAddo & Co.. Jacks exami- Eire Clay Co. and Summit Sewer P Co. ilef of ipicious THINK THIS OVER. . Bow :i that A National Remedy i'or a Xatioi irtment Trouble. he -To say that hemorrhoids or thed le anu eaj,e commonly known as piles is a i arrest, tionul disease may be slightly ov e head- drawn, but it is Quito certain that devel- lenst one in every four persQns is a who afflicted. id who Because it is common and not i ?. Bow- mediately futai many suffer for ye; was without si vine: the trouble anv mwll carters. attention. i ofllce Moreover, the rather general impn night sion that a surgical operation is t certain only cure has much to do with delay] e chief attention until the disease becomes dt tlon. seated and chronic. cCurdy Sufferers from piles should kn i. This that the Pyramid Pile Cure is bet Coroner than a surgical operation: it cures wii .'d. The out pain, it causes no detention fn cCurdy business and the cost is trilling. kV. W. druggists selling it at 50 cents per pac >rmally a&?omtnlt astringent effects of the acids nd E tllc Pyramid Pile Cure speedily cr id as a tracts and restore to their natural cc furnish ^ltion the blood vessels of the affect 1 " parts, and as it quickly dissolves In ; rectum the remedy soothes and he; i*ers ->n the Irritated surfaces, and these t / things are the only necessary requi , f ments for a cure. rnt i principal danger from piles expired the ua|,jjitjes to chronic ulceration . the rectal tissue, and nervous exhat iMl be tjon from joss 0r sleep and attends pain and irritation. All these sym toms the Pyramid quickly relieves a the fact that it is the most popular a widely sold of any pile cure is qu av liv conclusive evidence of thorough moi ' " If you suffer from bleeding, itching ' protruding piles try a fifty-cent pac le Bero aR0 t0.night. Ask your druggist ! lasted Pyramid Pile Cure. THE RIVER. Baird, YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES te and Pittsburgh...QUEEN CITY. 10 a. m. ?sented Parkersburg.BEN HUR. 11 a. in. Slstersvillc...RUTH. 2:30 p. m. isistanc Clarlngton....LEROY. 3:30 p. m. resbltt, Stcubenvlllc..T. M. Bavno, 2:30 p. m. :as the BOATS LEAVING TO-DAY. Charleston...GREENWOOD. 6:30 a. m ues;, J*arkersburg.H. K. U ED FORD, 11 a. n in dls- SKtersvllle...RUTH. 3:30 p. m. e. nor Clarineton LEROY. 3:30 p. m. it. but Steul)envilk\.T. M. Bayne, 2:30 p. m. ye I s of BOATS LEAVING TO-MORROW*, potent Pittsburgh...BEN HUR. 4 n. m. re the Pittsburgh...KANAWHA, 5 a. m. fv this Pittsburgh...KEYSTONE STATE, 6 a. . Zan* svllh*.... I.ORENA, 2 a. m. lUe i)f Cincinnati....QUEEN CITY. S a. in. I on Its ? evelop * tnaj Alone the Landing, t" The George Shiras passed up w at the empties yesterday morning at 9 o'clot condl- The markc at 6 p. m. showed 24 fee s found inches and falling. Weather, cloudy a Ife foar warmer. d been The Enterprise, with a tow of co hough, passed tlite part yesterday afternoon tragic 2 o'clock. en" Thc' ^ueen c,t>" was latc ln ,f away for above yesterday on account ry will th< ?? , The Queen City Is to-morrow's pacl ith of Cincinnati and all western a of the southern points. 1 was Captain Thomas, of the Leroy, a ; mar- nounces that his boat will resume Su day of day excursions between Wheeling a ertson. Slstersville, commencing Sunday, Ap Third f?, departing from this port at *7 a. d the Last season the Leroy excursions wn n hai kept at a high standard and the pub ro has appreciated the service by extending liberal patronage. A repetition of t e dead same patronage and hifrh standnrrl u r the be hail this fear. 1181 ex" Information reached this city yesU 5 \or? day afternoon that the biff City by all Pittsburgh has tied u;> above the I'oi pressed picasant bridge on account of the hi for the Water. She Is on her way to New C he is leans with a big excursion. She had : erU fu" cabin passengers when she cleared tl ihudow jiort and probably has cuuny more no 2 Pres~ This boat 13 certainly having more b resaeu, juc^ on j,er jajuui trip than any otli ie has steamer in the recollection of steui id f>ir boatmen of the Ohio Valley. board fn the River THfgrnam. d and WARREN?River 4 feet. Cloudy a sh-wo- mild. c lived GREENSRORO?River 11 feet g, said Inches and falling. Cloudy and three enlng. a sur- MO RC5ANTOWN?River 11 feet f.Row- Inche# and falling*. Cloudy and colder ire re- BROWNSVILLE?River 12 feet tlinony inches and falling. give PITTSBURGH- River 13 feet ai wever, falling. Clear and cool. o'clock STEIWENVILLE?River 21 foot :Ctirdy inches and fnlling. Cloudy ?nd cold, in pi I no POINT PL DA HA NT?River 39.5 fc 'about and falling. Cloudy. r. Hhr CINCINNATI?River 50 feet and rl inn. Cloudy. Tainted "CAIRO?River 40.3 feet and statlo e, und ary. Clear and colder, ich ANOTHER BIG COMBINE Dr. The Ilcpubllc Steel & Iron Coin] *ob fo be Incorporated To-day. ^r* Articles of incorporation will be ere ir. Trenton and Jersey City to-day ard der the New Jersey laws, for a _ in company to be called the Republic i and Iron Company, with home ofTh 3rd New York, with a capital of $55,00* no which may possibly be increaaet JIOO.COO.OOO, divided Into common J"- preferred stock. This company *^d combine in several iron Interests ar {** a connection link between the Fe< h,s Steel Company and the tin-plate i: ?*" ests, with the former predominate is said that there will be twenty the concerns in Pennsylvania, Ohio West Virginia in the combination, subscription lists for the stuck of ins ne\V company will be opened at National City bank at New York the company will be financed foyGc n?\ R. Sheldon & Co., of that city. eJ*' West Virginia company in the com ^ Is said to be the Wheeling Steel & uuinpany, dui no connrmauon coui ck. ?ecured last night, ind lth IN THE CHURCHES. r Missionary Day at the North S M. E. church, Sunday?Easter ] tile at c ft- m-: Baptismal am ception services at 10 a. m.; preac at 10:30, by the pastor. Rev. C. B. ham, theme, "The Risen Christ"; ! of day School at p. m., and the Sui hs School Missionary Anniversary at ' p. m. A good programme for the "l* and fine music, "Welcome to all. 'he ed- First Christian church. Rev. C, be Oliphant, pastor: Special Easter lch vices will be held. Splendid appro? ind music will be rendered by the c 10,- The church is beautifully decoratec at the day. Sunday School at 9:30 a. morning: sermon at 11 o'clock, on ' 2d- mortality"; Mission Sunday Schoc *n- Thirty-third street, at 2:20 p. m.; Jt rer Christian Endeavor. 1 p. m.; Y( 'o., people's Society of Christian Endea *>'e G:30 p. m., led by Miss Mary Bar on. subject, "Birthday of Hope," I 'ire ^at At 7:30 p. m. the service will be '5re honor of the Sir Knights Templar lay Wheeling and Cyrene Commando : & who will attend the service in a body r?- led by their prelates, take part in Ic" services. The pastor, Sir Knight *Pe phant. will preach a sermon on "Kn 'o-* Ttmplarism." All visiting Sir Kni jn the city are courteously Invited join with the Wheeling Knights in t la-' Sunday evening Easter services. rial ;ye At St. Luke's P. E. church there -o- be elaborate Eaeter services <o-mor ly" including Holy Communion at 7 a. .m" service, sermon by Rev. Jacob 1 tlngham and Holy Communion at 'Pe a. m.; Sunday School festival at 2: ^te m.. followed by the baptism of infa evening- prayer ana sermon vy me j?n tor. at 7:30 o'clock, ipe Sunday's services at the Vance }I orial church will be as follows: 9:* m.t Sabbath School Easter exercise: a. m.. Easter service, with special ?ic: 7:30 p. m.. service of song, with dress. Special services will be heli j3. Tuesday, Wednesday ar.d Friday e ja. Ings of next week, preparatory to er. communion. April 9. at po First Baptist church, Rev. Martir Buck, pastor: Preaching- at 10:30 a. m- subject, "A Great Fact and a G irs Doctrine"; preaching at 7:30 p. m., r?al Ject. "The Abuse of on Excuse." 5 day School at 9:13 a. rn. At the m es- ing service there will be special ir .he by the Sunday school and also b** ng choir. After the sermon the ordin: rep of baptism will be administered. Ai close of the evening service the < ow nance of the Lord's Supper will ter commemorated. Lh At the Flrit Presbyterian church i?11 pastor. Rev. D. A. Cunningham, D, :k" will preach at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 t Morning subject, "What is Impliei ln the Denial of the Resurrection." E )n" ing. praise service, subject. "Won ful Words of Life." The choir and 1 gregatlon will sing appropriate a nth alj! and resurrection hym.ns. pp" At Wesley M. E. church?Sen Sunday, as follows: 10:30 a. m., pre, js ing by pastor, missionary sermon; 0f p. m.. Easter service of songs and i 1S1 tatlons. Sunday School at 2 p. m. S int Crummett, pastor. 'nd Rev. William J. Harkness. Ph. D. nd preach Sunday nt the Chapline St ite M. E. church. Morning theme, " :it. Resurrection." In the evening a spi or sermon for the young, illustrated :k- means of the blackboard. The Sabl [or school of Chapline Street M. E. chi will hold a special Easter service Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Harkness will give "a bottle sern for the school Special singing, friends and strangers are Invited, The Easter services of the Ger: M. E.?church. Rev. L Allinger, pai will begin with a" sunrise prayer m Ing at 6 a. m.. conducted by the Epw League. At 9:15 a. rn.. the Sur school will celebrate an Easter miss ?. ary festival by song, speeches, re< Hons and offerings. At 10:30 the pa will have for his theme, "The Re rection of Christ with Practical Les: Therefrom." At 7 p. m., th& League have a special Easter jubilee ser ln and at 7:30 a. m. Easter service of cred song and music will take place of the usual sermon. A rare slcal treat is in store for those who tend. The Uoral decorations of church will be a special feature of 1th day. P The preparatory services held nt * , Second Presbyterian church this w have been unusually well attended, pastor, Rev. Joseph Speers, deliver* a*? series of sermons on the closing set Ir. the life of Christ appropriate to season, and preparatory to ihe com ns nlon to be held to-morrow morn of There will be appropriate services 1 morning and evening-. In the eve: :et the subject of the sermon will be, " Resurrection." At Wesley M. E. church to-mor n~ morning, there will be a programm n" special music for Easter. In the m< Ing Rev. S. P. Crummett will preac '* sermon on "Missions," after which .] benevolent collection will be taken. J.~ i Easier service entitled. "Easter G' 1 1 ness." will br? given In the even , 8 worda bv E. E. Ilewltt and music ft I W. J. Klrkpatrlck. I Services will be conducted at 7. Street M. E. church to-morrow by or | patsor. Rev. E. D. llanna. The u: nt- service will be held In the aftcrn? Kh and at night the pastor will preach (r- llrst of a series of sermons on " !50 Wondrous Story of the Runa1 Boy." illustrated by Scriptural pa w I a<i ' ..Second Sight When you fool that you have'trled ov Iui thlun and everyone, consult uh. A d occurrence Is the surprise shown by bonetltcd patients at our olllce. r? ua you have headache? Do your it- water? Do they smart or burn? Does print run together when reading? I?'e< if scutn before the eyes? Do things ap| double or mixed up? Have a doslre to the eyes? Twitching? Dors the light l 3 them? For any trouble of your eyes i suit up. During this month wo de' ad much time to children's eyes. We m glasses at popular nrlces (ono reason - our popularlty)~maM' a careful exam 0 tlon free of charge. The best proof of buccchs Is tho number of recommondat ot from our old patients. : PROF. H. ml ife Cor. Main and Eleventh Streets. Cle 5(ub Clothiers. | Sj/ia Stab CloliUrt. I've Been Looking All Over Town ^3^ 'un" And here I am apiln !o get ne;v that Suit. It Is a very common matter for us to hear this from Steel customers almost dally, but it is only natural because these nobby out. -e Ia flts wo are now offering for both men and boys are of that clasa of goods that 0.000. please both the eye and pocketbook. Every one we are showing this spring 1 t? are far ahead of anything we have heretofore shown, both in style, flt and fab. and rlcs, and at prices, well they have been clipped and pared till there's but a dbe trlfle above the cost materlal? antl i3 absolutely natural attractloa leral wWch brings people to our store again and again. iter- This is Children's week in our 13oya* and children's department*. Hundreds g. It of new novelties offered last week now ready for the boys, -two of course, your money back if you say so, |an !day SRBK ra M any ofyonr famHj or ? il ill wbrm W'"1* \ illP M . ! ||l|wini#w *#r stecima^#' we |ra|| J \ k| j|| fog. We are also showuoi aBHg !;g | ?> |f|f tog a fine selection of im; |||j% klfcfj fliese,'fesiM "PniK* lvor. Children's Departmenls. ber; ~ **" I THF HI IR gg; M a M M M W <j) shJiJ FOURTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS. hese ... . a SZaer's Clothing Jt'ousc. | Slacr's Clothing sioute. Clothing For 10:50 isTCarefu! Bresserso em. These are exhibition days in our store. Hand ;; 11 3U1I1C L^ctl UlClllb til C 11CI U 111 cl prUlUblOn 01 stylish fabrics. Suits are here that will match in conJen" struction and finish the careful work of custom tailors. :h" THERE IS NO ROOM FOR CHEAPLY TAILORED CLOTHING IK j THIS STORE. We particularly point to the hand-made r - collars, hand-made button-holes and square shoulders, rjb- all of which cost more in the construction, but pay in sun- ' .* J or"- the confidence that our clothincr wins for us with the , ..,i tt. T ^ ? I hiuisncu wearers, nanusome ivien s ^uits, t^UAL 1U CUSTOM MADE, are here at >rdi$*09 SI2 and $15. , the We shall gladly help you in the seeing?we leave it to the suits to win your further favor. dercon . ? .ems wm Twelfth Street. Clothing House. reet : 1 yi ',^1 Seo. SI. Cay lor Co. I Sco. Si. Cantor Co. IGEO.R. TAYLOR COMPANY. KDI1 ? f man ^ _ . I baster Styles ion ita slor ,.,v _ , _ sur- I ]Vj sons ^ will tt Tailor=Made Suits, Dress Skirts and jackets. Our department complete with New and Exclusive shapes and Materials. The gratifying: success attained by our lines is the best assurance that no buyer, however critical, will bo disappointed by a visit to the department. NOVELTIES IN* BLACK CREPONS, .GRENADINES, SILKS. RIBBONS, LACE SCARFS. TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, Etc., .Etc. CENTEMERI KID GLOVES?Easter shades opened this week. In addition, we offer a SPECIAL BARGAIN in a genuine LAMB SKIN GLOVE (white only), for $1.00 a pair. Owing to the success of the "La Vida" Corbet demonstration, Miss White, the expert titter, will remain with us until March 31. Ladles are invited to call and be An ? fitted, whether they wish to purchase or noL lading _ by ? " s GEO. ft TAYLOR COMPANY. t!?e ? ?pclic Shoe Company. | JOoche Shoo Company. " ^er ^0eS> Iho \ K H fl ladies' Easter toilet will be complete | EMj \without a new pair of shoes. We submit our line thl! I u . I; of Ladies'fine Cincinnati made Shoes for you: >1 ?u I /5-y^\ 111 // . ... . .. .... .1.. u.,.;nihc ;>ear / V| U j /? inspection, ocucvtng inaixney arc uic u?t win ^\. \ city. \X'c have them in corrcct shades of Ten, i-?"? ^ an^ a^so leather, or with silk vesting lukn wjjgQs tops. Special attention is called to the new (for DIAMOND las); it is a beaut)-. our V>L ' tvV. ? ^ . Ions ^ Grades ( $2.00, \ $2.50, > 3 Prlcca ( $3.00. "c Locke Shoe Co. v , r .