I ^ Win-l'LiyG. W. Y^THURSDAT, SEPTEMBER G. 1900. ^ ^PRICE TW(I CE' ODELL NAMED FOR GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK. "Tim" Woodruff Again Selected for Second Place by the Republicans oI the Empire State. PARTY HAS NO BREACHES. | Ex-Governor Black and His Paction in Line?-Depew Makes a Great Address. ? SARATOGA. N. Y., Sept. 5.?The state Republican convention in session here to-day, nominated the following' ticket: For Governor?B. B. Odell. Jr., of Orangev/:??^ For Lieutenant Governor?Timothy L. "WoodrufT, of Kings. For Secretary of State-^John T. McDonough, of Albany. For Comptroller?"William J.Morgan, of Erie. * For State Treasurer?John P. Jaeckel, ot Cayuga. For Attorn-iy General?John C. Davies. of Oneida. For State Engineer?Edward A. Bond, of Jefferson. Perhaps the most Interesting feature of the conventlon:was the.fact that the speech nominating Benjamin. B. Odell for governor was made by Former (governor Frank S. Black, who had been outside the organlzatiim breastworks since Theodore Roosevelt defeated him two years ugo,' when, he desired a renomlnatlon. For a long time Mr. Black and his close friends;. Abraham Gruber j and Former District Attorney W. M. IC \ Olcott. of New. York, were .very bitter and at the party primaries a week or so ago, Mr. Grub?r was obliged to fight to maintain his leadership or the twenty-, first assembly district, New York City, against an opponent who was believed to have Senator Piatt's sympathy. Mr. Gruber Won. Mr. Gruber won, and since that time efforts have been made by friends of both sides to bring about a reconciliation between the former governor and his friends and Senator Piatt, with the result that Mr. Black to-day made the principal nominating Bpaech. Mr. Black ; Bald the Issues now before the American people were discussed and settled R- four years ago. "There is not a new jfil- one here," he continued. "The ghost of . anti-Imperialism which stalks to- and fro between Lincoln and Bloomlngton, W with occasional manifestations in BosK. >?ton, is.oflt.and cannot Tju madc.an Issue. This country Is ami has-been committed to the policy of growth and It cannot be swerved from that policy by new scare-crows erected along the wny. Same as in 1896. "The Issues notv are afl the}" were In 1896. They were then met and understood, and, as completely as the Spanish fleet ut Santiago, they were i sunk or run ashore. TThe Democratic party since then has been engaged In prying some of them off the rocks and trying to mak? them float. That will never bp done. Those Issues will never be seaworthy again, and If they are the American people will not embark on thf-xn while they have fluttering at their mastheads flags with the Democratic inscriptions of disorder, disappointment and despair. "That party, seems never to understand the temper or Intelligence of the people. It has endeavored In every campaign for forty years to make the discarded heresies of the preceding campaign presentable, Joining live hereay to the old dead ones. Causes and Representatives. "It Is not by principles alone that the success, the power of the Republican party lias been achieved. The best of cnuscs may fall if they have not also thr? bnst nf I'nnrixnntnHvoq 'Pho ?1IP cessful advocate of a cause Is so faithful that he would die for It, but so strong that he does not have to, and the rare and almost unbroken fortune of the Republican party has been that whenever the emergency has arisen no matter how tempestuous the course, there was always a pilot who could steer It and bring the ship to port without throwing the cargo overboard. "We have already selected tht. 6.?The condition of Gtneral McClernnnd In utatod to bo worse to-day, Hu In unable. to retain any nourishment, and Is growing weaker. . ALL EYES ARE NOW CAST UPON1 GERMAN EMPIRE. Arrival of Count Waldersee May Change Military and Political Complexion in. the Orient. POWERS MUST ACT IN UNISON. Compromise, or Middle Courso, Ernected?Russia's Proposal Like ly to be Spurned. . WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 5.? Within- the last twenty-four hours the United States government has received from Its representatives at foreign capitals, much material Information In regard to the attitude o( the powers on' the Russian proposal to evacuate Pekln. These give the general nature of the responses made to Russia by certain of the powers. It Is stated authoritatively that If there was at any time, a prospect of a serious. International clash, this has been very largely, if not entirely, removed by the harmonious character of the communications the several governments are making. The exact nature of the response Is not macie puonc ay me aiaie aeparimem, for thWeareyet sojnc replies-to be transmitted and until all of them are made, the negotiations are .considered In such an incomplete form that they will not bp made public. It Is said, however, that the answers go much beyond the tentative character .of those heretofore referred to, and are of.a conclusive nature, so far as showing the purposes of the governments, although they may not be regarded as conclusive In accepting or rejecting the particular proposition advanced by Russia. The Responses Long. -The responses are understood to be rather long and somewhat argumentative, similar In this respect to the, American response. This very fact Is a cause for congratulation among , ofll date, as they point out that ,there Is no disposition to treat the proposal with terseness or In any manner to give offense, but rather to bring the powers together on a common basis. On the whole the general tendency of the responses Is such as to give entire satisfaction here as to the course of .the negotiations. The satisfactory progress of the negotiations along these lines has hail the effect of directing attention to the personality of the envoys who probably . Will represent .the powers and .China in the Anal settlement. 'The Impression prevails here that.Mr. Conger is eminently fitted for such a task on the part of the United States, supposing that each of the powers Interested In the Chinese problem Is to have a separate and Individual representative. Rockhill an Alternate. Mr. Rockhlll's name is mentioned as as alternate, In case Mr. Conger does not care to remain in Pekln, or to participate In the settlement. These suggestions.. however, are all speculative, for up to this time the state d<<)artment lias not conferred the necessary special powers upon any person to represent the government In the final negotiations. If the present state of affairs In China Is protracted until the arrival there of Field Marshal Count Waldersee, which should occur In about ten flays, or a fortnight, It is not to be doubted that the government of Germany will endeavor to have all the negotiations with tne tninese government conducted through that official as a representative not of Germany alone, but of all the powers. It is gathered that strong arguments will be advanced to support the advisability of combined action through one agency In this manner as the best means of securing a speedy and generally satisfactory termination Of the Chinese trouble. In fact It will be urged that these Is little hope for an early adjustment of the difficulties between the powers and China If each of the powers Is to lay down an Independent proposition, the culminatlvc effect by which, particularly In the case of money or territorial Indemnities, might be absolutely crushing to the Chinese empire. Military Situation Unchanged. If there is any cHange in the military situation since General Chaffee's dls patch supposed to be of the 30th ultimo, no word of it has reached "Washington. It Is understood that disturbances and outrages upon missionaries continue In some of the districts outside of Pekln. It Is believed here, possibly because of these reports, thnt the foreign ministers in Pekln probably will enter an earnest objection to any withdrawal of troops, Jf their respective governments flelay action upon tho Russian proposition, until they have had a chance to express their views. The German foreign ofllco appears to be active In furthering tho negotiations lind quite a number of messages have passed between Washington and Berlin. Those persons most likely to have a correct understanding of Germany's attitude look for tho suggestion of a compromise, or middle course, which will be neither nn acceptance nor n rejection of the Russian proposals, but will bo such a Bfttlsfactory mlddlo ground that nil the powers, including ttUBsIn, can. agree to. It. Limit bo Fixed. For Instance, It Is suggested that Germany with propriety might suggest Ihut a certain limit be fixed on tho extent of the military detachments to bo left at Pekln, with an understanding that each mnull detachment confine Itself to quarters so long as peaco and lulet prevails in Pekln, but bo ready to ' i.{:: act; In ease of further Chinese depredations Diplomatic officials say that some such compromise Is about the only "way of avpldlng an impasse, and that the best resources of diplomacy are now being used to secure ^Ws middip ground on which all the powers can reconcile their several policies. In another diplomatic quarter, the strong belief Is expressed- that the requisite Compromise %vtll be found by China's re-establishing a government and naming peace commissioners. Official intimations have reached /Washington that steps are now being taken towards the appointment of such aj peace commission, Including LI Hung Chang, the viceroys of Nankin and Wu Chlng, and Prince ChlnK. thouKh renorts havo also named Yung ku' and Hsl' Tung In place of the two Pacific viceroys. But whole there is doubt aa to the personnel of the commission, It Is quite generally accepted among officials ' that some such move on the part of China has matured and, will take form In Washington yery'ioon. Status Would bo-Changed. In that event,-it Is beltovefl by diplomatic officials that the entire status of the negotiations between; the : powers niJght bo changed and that Kussli}. no longer would feel Impelled to Insist upon the withdrawal of her minister and troops from Pcltln, as all these ministers would bo subject for the commission itself; to deal with. It Is. pointed out also, that In the six days sjnee the Russlan-Amerlenn notes >>.ere given to the world, the sentiment has been growing steadily In favor of continuing the presence of troops at Pekln. In view of the declarations made In the American reply to Russia, seme question has arisen as to the course open to this country in case ofja compromise or change of the present diplomatic status. It Is said that the attitude of the United States is particularly favorabh for adapting Itself to any change in conditions., Only In the one contingency of Russia's withdrawing her minister and troops has this government given the positive declaration that American troops alpo will be withdrawn. But on the many other conditions which may arise! either through counter propositions .from the . powers or by a modification of Russia's original purpose, the United States has left Its course open for future determination. BRITISH TROOPS To be Sent to China?Japan Will Act With This Country?Russia Preparing for a Winter Campaign. LONDON, Sept. 6.-4 a. m.?Sir Alfred. Gaselee's dispatch, which shows that the situation In Pekln was unchanged on August 29, is the only Chinese news this morning. The cancellation of the order holding' back the Fourth' Indian brigade' Is regardud - as important. It show* thai whatever the outcome of the Rusifon policy, the British government is determined to have sufficient troops on the spot adequately to protect British interests. Considerable significance Is attached to the statement by the Journal Do St. Petersburg as possibly Indicating a modification of the Russian policy. This paper 1h the organ of the Russlun foreign ofilce; its editor, being a councillor of state. It is noted that, while the Journal De St. Petersburg anndunccs Russia's determination to maintain the solidity of the powers, It only mentions the withdrawal of the ministers, and not of the troops to Tien Tain. It Is believed that the powers might agree to such a modification of the original Russian proposition. The Vienna correspondent of the times, discussing inc siiuuuon, uociares that Japan 1ms a strong disposition to act In harmony with the United States in the Chinese question. The Dally Graphic's Moscow correspondent says: "The Russian war office has made immense purchases of furs to be sent to the army clothing department, which Is hurriedly preparing to provide the army in Manchuria with' winter kits, showing an extensive winter campaign Is expected." According to a Ilong JCoris dispatch, dated yesterday, Canton js> more disturbed. Native shops dealing In foreign goods have been looted, and sinister rumors prevail. The German cruiser Schwalbo has gone to Amoy. PLEASANTS BEPtTBLICANS Nominate a Winning Tickct?Much Enthusiasm Manifested. Special Dispatch to the .Intelllgcnccr. ST. MARYS, "W. Va., Sept. 5.?At thi convention of HepubJlcanH of Pleaeanrs county, ta-day, the greatest enthusiasm was manifested, and the various nominations were tilled with men of recognized ability and fitness for the positions. Following Is the ticket which will be elected in November: For member of legislature, L. J. Murphy; for sheriff, B. F. Rlggs; for t rosectitlng attorney, J. A. Oldfleld; for assessor, -J. T. Sullivan; for county commissioner, D. II. Dunn; for surveyor, F. M. Trlplett. CORDER NOMINATED Eor Senator by tho Republicans of the Tenth District. Special Dispatch to tho intelligencer. ELKINS, "W. Va., Sept. BJ?The Be- , publicans of tho Tenth senatorial dls- ; trlct held an enthusiastic convention here thlB afternoon. W. B. Corder, of 1 Barbour county, was nominated on the 1 sixth ballot, over F. T. Young, Upshur, and Loo Mace, of Webster. Tho last ' ballot stood: Corder, 39 7-15; Young, 35 7-15, and Mace, 4. The convention endorsed President McIClnley and Sena- ' tor Elklns. Hon. A. B. White was present and spoke to-night. Boors Lost tho! Stores. 1 MASERU, Basutoland, Sept. o.-The : Boers left Ladybrand last ovenlng. Thoy looted tho storeH and took all the 1 horses, Including the cavalry mounts. The British casualties were live Wounded. , . ^! No New Cases of Plapuo. , (ILASdOW, Sept. R.?No now cases of bubonic plaguo have .been officially reported to-day, and the health officials ' think tho disease has spent Itself hero. > BRYAN STILL TALKING IN THIS STATE. Holds a Meeting at Keyser in the Afternoon and Enjoys Mountain Breezes During the Nicht. JOLLIED BY GEN. ST. CLAIR. Still Ranting About tlie "Plain Peopled?Thinks He 3?ay be a Help to the Young Mien. DEER PARK, Md'., Sept. G.-Mr. Bryan doubled upon Ills traces to-day, and to-night finds him again enjoying the refreshing breezes of the summit of the Alleghenlos. He began the day In Jefferson county, the easternmost county of West Virginia, and since leaving the trl-slnte gathering at Morgan's Grove, In that county, lie has been working constantly westward. He made only .'two speeches during the day, the first at Morgan's Grove, near Shepherdstown, and the second at Keyser. At both places the crowds greeted the national candidate with enthusiasm, and both speeches were vigorously applauded as point after point was made.! There were large audiences at both meetings, but that of the Grove was exceptional in size. He reached here late in the afternoon but no meeting was held here. 'Mr. Bryan Is the guest of Colonel McQraw, andtheunderstandlng before his coming was that he should have entire quiet and rest while here. To-day has been tryingly hot, and not only Mr. Bryan, but all those accom-, panylng him are enjoying the mountain air. The Keyser meeting was held at 3 o'clock, on a vacant plot of ground, un-. protected by shade trees. The speakers occupied a- covered stand, but the crowd stood in open sunshine. . Hot and disagreeable as it was, all stood patiently through the meeting, applauding vigorously from time to time. ' Introduced by St. Clair. General St. Clair introduced Mr. Bryan. As a text for the ilrst part of his speech, which was delivered to American citizens of whatever station in life. "I am afraid," he began, "that I cannot prove to you that I am as great a man as General St. Clair thinks I am, but whatever I am, I owe to the support which I have received from the great mass of the people' who hear without reproach the name of the common people." Continuing in the same line, he said: "They have given to me whatever prom lnence I have in public life, and 1 am indebted to them for uil that I hope for in politics. But if I can do nothing else, I can show you how in a free country the people can selectfrom among themfielves, one who represents their ideas: I can. show. you. how in a country-like' thi&," a' rnah- may become conspicuous with nothing behind him but an earnest desire to see enacted into law fundamental Democratic principles. . i "To that extent I may be a help to the young men of thls art; the candidates: For T^esldent?Donaldson Gaff