OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, October 02, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026844/1900-10-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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I Sporting, j
Clubs. Won. Lost. Per.
Brooklyn 77 C2 ?6M
rutsburtfh 74 67 .605
Philadelphia 70 60 ,633
Boston . 65 W
Chicago ? W .471
Ht. Louis . 53 <0 .457
Cincinnati 58 72 .440
New York 55 75 .422
Boston 4, 'Brooklyn 3.
Brooklyn- 5,'-,Boaton 0.,
PhUjxdclphlp..5, .Now, York 2.
. . 1 - . . Chicago'. 4, St; iipuls,^
They Split Even.
BROOKLYN, Oct. 1.?The flrst gaino
lasted eleven lnnjnga, Boston winning
through 11 fumble by McGlntilty. It was
a pitchers' battle, Nichols winning out because
of faultless support. A muffed lly
by Kccler in the sixth proved costly.
Kennedy had tlio Bostons ut his mercy
in the second, which wus stooped In tho
r.eventh Inning because of darkness. Willi*
was batted freely. The hitting of
Keeler and Sheckard In the two games
was a feature. Scores:
First game. RHE
Boston ,.,...0 0 0 1 0 20 00 0 1?1 5 0
Brooklyn 0 00200001 p 0-3 8 4
Batteries, Nichols and Clarke: McGlnnlty
and Farrell, Earned runs, Iloston 1;
Brooklyn L Tlmo, 2:20. Umpire, Hurst.
Second game. RHE
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?0 2/ 0
Brooklyn 2 0 0 0 2 1 *-5 9 1
Batteries, Willis and Connor; Kennedy
and Farrell. Attendance, 2,200. Time,
1:49. Umpire, liurst.
Carrick Lost His Bearings.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1.?Carrick was the
causo of New York's defeat nt tho hands
of the Phlladelphias to-day. lie lost his
bearings In the third und before he got
pettlcd again the visitors had three runs,
more than enough to win. Score:
Phlladelp'a ...0 1.4000000-6 11 2
New York ....0 0 0 20000 0-^2 102
Batteries. Donahue and McFarland;
Carrlck and Grady. Earned runs, New
York 1: Philadelphia 2. Time. 1:?. Attendance,
Lost on Miserable Fielding.
CHICAGO, Oct, J.?St. Louis' miserable/
fielding allowed the locals to win easily
to-day. Chicago's latest And pitched a
creditable game for a starter, and, ulthough
batted rather freely, kept the hits
well scattered. Attendance, 1,100. Score:
Chicago 1 0010002 ?172
St. Louis 0 1000001 0-2 35
Batteries, Eason and Donahue: Jones
and Crlger. Earned run*, St. Louis 1.
Time, 1:51. Umpire, O'Day.
Wheeling League.
Teams. Won. Lost. Per.
K- K 2 1 .607
Rough Riders 1 2 .333
Tlin WVioolinf- Pnwllnc r.nnonn n-lnlAf
I season was opened auspiciously last
night, in the presence of 400 enthusiasts,
K. K. K. defeating Rough Riders two
OTout of three games. Before the vontests
on the alleys there was a magnlrtf'
cent demonstration over the principal
streets of the city, the ten teams of the
league appearing in carriages, with
Mayor Sweeney and Manager Fette and
Summers' band in the lead. There was
great enthusiasm all along the route,
and many people were under the impression
that a big political parade was
in evidence. It was a most creditable
showing nnd-reflects credit upon Col.
Fette and the bowlers in general.
K. K. K. 1st. 2d. 2d. Total
Hadcr 15U 158 140 403
Sonnefelt 157 134 419
Vogler 130 1 90 IK 46:!
S. Falck 170 170 123 4S7
lHckmeyer 127 170 1W .453
Blind 117 140 117 404
Totals *>72 WS R1S 26S8
ROUGH RIDERS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total
Hennlng 134 152 137 43
Delbruggo 215 137 13'*. 4S>i
W. Falck 126 148 120 403
Wflhelra 12A 152 1X7 475
Junkens 127 140 154 421
Reed 125 160 1C7 452
Totals SG3 8S9 910 2G62
Beorers?Wain and Hannnn.
To-night?Osceolas vs. All Allkes.
Carroll Club Junior League.
The Carroll Club Junior bowling l*nguo
opened yesterday afternoon with the
Crickets taking three games from their
old-tlmo rivals, the Loyalists, Score:
CRICKETS. 1st. Sd. 3d. Total
Black 101 101 133 335
McFadden 151 13S 137 42?;
Duflch 118 107 113 338
McCann 145 145
Jepson 126 165 J2G 417
I Blind 117 110 ... 227
Totals G13 621 C5I 1SS8
LOYALISTS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total
Foose 106 77 125 m
Oundllng 101 10C 97 30|
Dunn 132 120 101 25n
fcehafer 115 13 *5 32a
Campbell 110 10S ... 218
Ullnd 130 13-J
Handicap 4 4 I 12
Totals 563 Si 515 1CS7
That clever comedienne and favorite
singer of "coon" songs, Jolly Flo Jnvln,
opened a two nights' engagement at th?;
Opera Houao last night In the tltlo role
of Glen McDonough's brilliant musical
farce comedy, "Miss Kidder."
S Miss Irwin's charm of prrjuenco ana
f.'i V, V.I ...... II... 1
2 U115UL, 41-IU PIIIIIK i'wi?uuaiu> nave
Sj never been seen to ao good advantage
as In this role of a clever, brilliant
young photographer, who look.s on the
bright sldo of thlnga. Tho plcce la the
moat clever ever written by McDonouch
and the enthusiastic reception accorded
it Is a convincing argurnont that
farce comedy properly etnged und produced
la a popular form of theatrical
The plav Is bright with pretty scenery
and costumes and la graced by dosena
of beautiful girl*. The Jokes do
not aavor of antiquity, and tho muslo la
bright and sparkling.
The piece contrws around the trtbulalntjona
of a young man of aoclal prestige
whose family arc blind worshippers
of ancestors and tltlod pedigree. They
xprrt that their only aon und holr will
marry a woman who will add luatre to
the family name by coming of a long
,11 nr. of blue?blQodod ancoatora. He la
lonaldcrably dlaturbed In mind by tho
fonvlctlon that ho Is In love with a
J'Ming photographer who has beauty
"Ul wit enough to make a desirable
'liuijhtor-ln-Ia>v for any family, but
'"ho, unfortunately, comes of a moat
Mohoian atock, and haan't In fact even a
?fi.Kinw of an lluatrloua anceator to shod
' jii m?<?n hur name.
( engagement cloaos with to?
*'b performance,,
"Becauae fiho Loved Him Bo."
".1UK0 She Loved Him Ho." with
a.une cast that presented tho come
Just as the sun goes down.
Ayer's Pills,
J. C. Ayer. Cpmpanv,
Practical ChetnuO, lowell,
Ajrer't SirwparilU Ay?r'i H*r Vigor
Ayer'i Pi ill Ayer's Cherry Pcctora/'
Ajrcr'? Ague Cure Aycr'? Comatonc
uy mat ec-uson, win-oe tne attraction at
the.'Opera; House jiext -Friday-.evening, ,
October 5. The story Is said tor lie a1
pleasing mixture of fun and sentiment
founded upon the quarrels of a fussy
young couple and the effort, of the parents
to cause them to ct-aso quarreling.
In oTder to demonstrate the folly, of it,'
the old people pretend to quarrel In the
presonce of the children." Howevdr, ,tho
pretense of quarreling Is carried a little
too far, and it comes near to resulting
seriously to the loving old couple. "Because
She Loved Him So" Is an adap:
tatlon from the French by WlUiam .Gillette,
author of "Secret Service,". "Too
Much Johnson" and other .well known
plays, and while of French origin .-Js
without the lightest trace ot Impropriety.
'1 V ,
"Watch on tho Bblne."
Pure, innocent fun. Interspersed with
many scenes of intense dramatic lntert
est Is promised by Messrs. Chaa. H.
Yale and Sidney K. Ellis when they
present Mr. Al. H. Wilson, a new star
In tho theatrical Armament, In their
beautiful comedy-drama, "The "Watch
on the Ithlne," at the Opera House Saturday
matinee and night, October 6.
The piece is said to be a drama full of
many ludicrous situations and thrillingclimaxes,
and Its comedy is so richly
blended with pathos that laughter will
chase away the tears and leave none
but the pleasantest memories In the
minds of theatre-goers Jong after.both
stnr and nlav hnvn honn /rtrpnHnn TV*..
the adequate presentation of this play.
Messrs. Vale and Ellis have surrounded
It with an Investiture of acenlc equipment
that Is Bald to be unsurpassed on
the stage.
"At the White Horse Tavern."
The management of the Opera House
will ofTer a play for Wednesday evening
laid In a Held which has never before
been touched so prominently on the j
English-speaking stage. The drama
bears the queer title of "At the White
Horse Tavern," the name being derlvod
from a famous and popular Inn situated
In the most picturesque spot of the |
Austrian Tyrol, In which the plot Is
laid. "The White Horse Tavern" is famous
for Its hospitality, and its buxom,
livable hostess, and thither the peoplo
flock as regular patrons and transients
from the world over. The authors have '
caused them to mingle In a plot containing
the most delicate love touches,
scenes that are Instant transitions front
the sweetest sentiment to the most exhilarating:
laughter and Is consistently
told by the oddest of characters and
the loveliest of women; King & Norcross
have engaged a company of nearly
twenty people. . Minerva Dorr and
Frank M. Not-cross head the cast.
A Fijst Class Production.
That tho lluntley-jacksoa Stock
Company Is a high class dramatic organization,
was attested last evening
by the generous applause throughout
the production of "For Liberty and
Love," and particularly at the climaxes;
and also by the general commendatory
remarks of the audience
upon leaving the theatre. The opening
bill was .a thrilling war drama, into
which Is woven a more than ordinarily
fascinating-love story. The'specialties
were excellent, and the "Two Pucks"
scored a distinctive hit. This afternoon
"The Defaulter" will be presented, and I
to-night the company will give Lincoln !
J. Carter's sc?nlc masterpiece, "The
Creston Clarke Coming.
The attraction which Manager Fein- |
ler has booked at the Opera House on I
Monday evening, October 8, Is one
which will bring out the better clas3 of
theatre-goers, and la really the opening
of tho season for the high class [
productions at this house. The occa- I
slon is tho appearance of Creston
Clarke and Miss Adelaide Prince there I
and when it became known that there
favorite stars would return to the
Opera House on next Monday evening. :
In tho standard drama, everybody was I
very greatly pleased. Mr. Clarlco Is !
well remembered for his work In this
nllv. nnd hnu nlivnvil n? Imn-nndlnn
that Is both lasting and extremely
pleasant. "Hamlet" tn the. bill which,
has been chosen aa there la a general
dealre to see Mr. Clarke In this rnle
which brought his uncle, Edwin Booth. |
bo much famo and in which he has
made a profound Impression hlm?Blf.'
The sale of scats Is now In progress.
Doings of People in tlio Brooke County
Some recent Democratic attempts to
Injure the candidacy of Mr. S. George
for state senate afford considerable
amusement to people acoualnted with
the? situation. Here In Brooke county,
where Mr. George has passed nearly the
whole of his seventy years of life, he
will recelvo an overwhelming majority
la November, end his friends have no
four of the result In the other-counties
>of the district.
Rev. J- P. Hose, of Johnstown, Fa.,
will he the new pastor of the Methodist
Kplscopnl church, having been stationed
bere by. the Pittsburgh conference
In session at McKccsport, Pa,, yesterday.
Mr. .lose Oiled the pulpit hero
very acceptably for two months last
spring during the absence of the pastor,
I)r. H. T. Miller, The hitter noes to
Ford City, pa.
TJi?ro Was considerable business before
the county court at Its session yesterday.
Including a number of appllcallons
for correction of alleged erroneous
assessments. That of the Trlstate
and Royal Ons companies was set
for hearing on "Wednesday.
At the meeting of the county court
yesterday, the application of Messrs.
Arben/. and others for an electric railway
franchise from the Ohio county
line to Wollsburg wan presented. Consideration
of the matter was postponed
to "Wednesday,
Resin II, Marsh, a prominent former
flltlu-.i nf i???m ?
" v, i'r?? ?.icvn winuim, UKi-'l
forty-Avrc year*. <llud on Suturduy, n?
tho ichiiH of jnJurloH rorolvpil by be|n?;
thrown from u. wukoii whllo ut work on
Ills farm.
Going and Coming of Wheeling People
Mid Visitors.
C. 0. Kidwell, of Sistersvlllo, Is at the
E. E. Smitlvcf Farkersburg. is at the
Jatnt.9 iJcCoach is q Sistersvllle caller
in the city;
George Kosher is a Mannlngton visitor
,in town.
C. F, Ilo*ford,,of Sistcrsville, (s at
the Windsor.
Pv Dowas, of Mannlngton, is in the
city fin .business.
S. J. Delaney, of Mannlngton, is at
the Ornnfl fnniml
'I. A. Anderson, of Blstersville, 13 a
business culler Jn the city.
J.* W. 'Altha and wife, of Amos, are
visiting friends in tbe city.
- Mre. Jj, Merrill, of New Martinsville,
Is the guest of friends here.
J. L. Thompson and sister, Mies
Mary, of Slster/ivllle, are calling on
friends in the city.
'Mr. Stroebel and wife, of Pittsburgh,
are the guests of Mrs. Stroebel's mother,
Mrs. Joseph Seybold.
James Handlun, the South Chapllne
street druggist, leaves this morning for
Potonaao, where he will Join a Ashing
par{y. .
, Miss Marie Fletcher, of Ehvood, Pa.,
who has been the guest of Miss Grey
MlUer, of Market street, during the
past few -weeks, has returned homo.
W. T. Geoge, of Phlllppl; B. L. Mackall
and wife, of Saletn; M. S. Bush, of
Auburn, and R. E. Klncnld, of Cameron,
arc state arrivals at the Windsor.
County Clerk Richard Robertson,
Water Works Superintendent Charles
Oliver, er-Sherlff Lewis Steenrod and J.
E. Schellhase have returned from the
South Branch country. They met with
fair success piscatorlally.
Among the state arrivals at the
Stamm yesterday were Walter M. Dolbey,
of Weston: Mrs. J. H. Plerpont,
and Miss Zelma Pierpont, of Next;
George Parshali and W. P. Kaiser. of
Slstersvllle; H. A. Lake, of Flemington,
and A. H. Conaway, of Fairmont.
Among the West Virginians registering
at the Park hotel yesterday, were
I. O. Hendershot and wife, of Pine
Grove:. John H. Nuzum. of New Mar
tlnavjlle; W. S. Haught, of Hundred;
Charles McKeever, of Mannlngton; R.
D. Brown, of Ravenswood; S. A. Drummond,
of Huntington, and J. \V. Dawkins,
of Ripley.
Decrease In National Debt
WASHINGTON*, D. C., Oct. l.-The
monthly statement of the public debt
shows that at the close of business September
29, 1900, the debt, Ieaa cash In
the treasury, amounted to $1,106,156,671,
which Is a decrease for tne month of
$6,122,436. This decrease la accounted
for by the Increase In the cash on hand
ahd the redemption of 2 per cent bonds.
Race Hiot Averted.
COLUMBIA. S. C., Oct. 1.?A threatened
race riot at Georgetown hns been
averted without the aid of the military.
The trouble grew out of the arrest of a
negro for killing a white man. Mayor
Morgan cleared the streets and stopped
the sale of liquor.
Events of a Day in the Town at the
End of the Bridge.
The township trustees will meet In
this city this afternoon at 1 o'clock, to
go over the road with the county commissioners
between this city and West
"Wheeling. The regular monthly meeting
will be held at the clerk's otflce In
Martin's Ferry, at 3 o'elock.
Preparatory services will be held
Friday evening at the Presbyterian
church. The services will be conducted
by, Rev. Potter, of Brilliant. Communion
'services will be held Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. John Baltimore returned
yesterday, to their homo at Pittsburgh,
aft_*r a visit of several days with
the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Nuby, in
Klrkwood. *
Mrs. Caroline Crow, who has been the
guest of her brothrr. E. T. Russell, in
the West End, for the past week, returned
yesterday, to her homp In Powhatan.
The Knights Templar received cards
yesterday, to attend the regular conclave
of Hope Commandery at St.
Clalrsvllle, Friday evening.
Mrs. J. K. and Mrs. William Moury
are preparing to move to Chicago,
where their husbands have been employed
for several months.
nensnei uerry returned 10 worn at
at Aetna-Standard mill yesterday, after
an Idleness of alx weeks, on account of
The Belmont Telephone Company
commenced moving their supplies Into 1
their room In the Helnlein block yesterday.
G. B. O'Kelley and Harry Clifford
leave this morning for Oakland, Md., to
spend a couple of weeks hunting.
Walter Good returned to McDonald,
Pa., yesterday, after n visit of two days
with his parents in lvlrkwood.
A meeting: of the Germans of this
place will be held to-morrow evening:, at
Oswald Schick's barber shop.
A regular meeting of the barbers was '
held lust evening at the shop of Willlam
Wines," on Pike street. 1
Itev/ Cooke Glffen, of Alliance, arrived
here yesterday, and Is the guest of
his parents In Kirk wood; 1
Jack Haugh left yesterday morning
for Marlon. Jnd.. to spend a week with
friends and relatives.
Thomas Anderson, of Pittsburgh. Is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. N. V. F.
Wilson, In Klrkwood. 1
Thomas L. Lewis left yesterday for
Oil City, Pa., on a business trip of several
William Bywater, of SlBteravIlle, was :
calling on friends In the city yesterday.
W. A. linker leaves this mornluK for
Burgettstown, Pa., to attend the fair.
A regular meeting of the Ore department
will be held to-morrow evening.
Charles Mallnn, of Lorain, was calling
on friends In the city yesterday.
Harry Lukons is moving his fnmllv
from Now Philadelphia to this city.
T. A. Barcus, of Adenii, was a business
caller In the city yesterday.
J. S. Allen, of Smlthtleld, was calling
on friends In tb*? city yesterday.
MIhh Lorry Davis Ik quite 111 at her j
home In the Wuat End.
Ilarry Sells was In IJarncBVllle on
business yesterday.
Tne Real Leierjf ivieaicine. ;
Cure* CoiihU pullon,
Nervous Disorders, <
Kidney Dlnciuaif
Indigestion, nnd nil utomncli, Ilvor and
| bowel dlaoaxu* 11 li u Celery tonic. 5
d by the Germans
ct.' 8, F900,.
of the Landing of tlio
iy in America, Octo
To Be Celebrate
of Wheeling and
Monday, 0
In Commemoration
First German Coloi
bcr C, 1663.
starting from the court hi
Seventh St. and south
There will be five divisi
many decorated floats ar
A ?l? .. it ? J - ' - ?
/Mier uje paraue \ne roil
. carried out' at a stand
corner of the city hall:
1. Overture.
Presentation of Hon. Proa. Dr. Ulrlch.
8. Address o? Welcome?Hon. A. T. Sweeney.
4. Mass Chortjs?Star Spangled Banner.
6. German Addrenn?C. W. Uente.
, Social festivities in the
headquarters: Turner, E
zart halls. Admission to
are earnestly requested to particip
posing the Fifth Division, with d
senting the business and mauufac
us show our visitors what strides
industrial lines. Let us make the
imposing. It will be well worth tl
AUUXVJ.1J.I M 4-iliVAVi AJ V* kJ.
Tho Daily Chroniclo of . Wheeling's
Progressive Neighbor.
The Vigilant Hose Company will give
their picnic at McSword's orchard Saturday
of this week, Instead of the following
Saturday. The . change was
made on account of the Wheellhg field
day. The Fulton racing team and the
Independents, which were to have raced
at the St. Mary's picnic on the fair
grounds, at Wheeling, last Saturday,
will come together on this dnte and this
feature alone will attract a large crowd.
An effort is also being made to get a
race between the service teams of the
Bridgeport Are department and the Liberty
team, of this city, and this will be,
ir their efforts succeed, also a good
drawing card.
An informal reception will be held at
the residence of Mrs. Charles Morris
this evening, by the members of the
Young Woman's Forelp^. Missionary
Society, of the First Methodist Episcopal
church, in honor of Rev. J. T. Morton
and wife, who leave in a few days
for their new home at Cleveland.
Gideon McCord leaves the last of the
week for Pueblo, Col., to take a position
as assistant foreman op the Welcome
silver mines, in which Spence and
Booth oC this vicinity, are Interested.
Thomas Green leaves this morning
for New Cumberland, W. Va., to Inspect
the brick to be purchased from the
Mnck brick company, which will be
used for the paving of First street. <>
uaio. i. xi. luutiuu, ?uu hub ueun me
guest of the family of M. Bartholomew,
on Walnut street, for the past week,
left yesterday for her home at Dravosburg,
The Woman's Club will hold their
llrKt regular meeting of the season at
the home of Mrs. R. R. Kerr, on "The
Heights," Thursday afternoon of this
The Metropolitan Stars Is the attraction
at the Star theatre to-morrow evening.
It is a high class vaudeville
company and comes well recommended,
i Rev. William Lewis leaves Thursday
for Parlsvllle, Ohio, where he will attend
a semi-annual meeting of the
Welsh churches of this state.
Emmett Forester returned to his
homo at Uhrlchsvllle, yesterday, aftira
few days' visit with the family of Fred
Jones, on Walnut street.
A business meeting of the Mark
Hanna marching club was held last
evening and the meeting was largely attended.
A meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be
held this evening at the residence of
Mrs. William Rector, on North Fifth
A regular meeting of the Knights of
Tythlas will be held this evening ar.d
five candidates will be Initiated.
Miss Bessie Snodgrass returned yesterday,
from a visit of several wuuks
with relatives at Mingo.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hlpldns are expected
homo to-morrow, from a trip of
a month on the lakes.
The J. J. Gill Club will meet this afternoon
at 2 o'clock, at tho Pnh??t hull
on Hanover street.
A regular meeting of the township
truster** will he held at the clerk's otlk-e
this nfternoon.
Mrs. Clem Spehlel, ot Wellsvllle, Is
the guest of friends and relatives In the
W. T. Dixon, of St. Clalrsvllle, was In
the city on business yesterday.
A regular session of council will be
held this evening.
Opening- to-day, SWABACKER'S.
"IT was almost a miracle. Burdock
Blood Dlttcrs cured me of a terrible
breaking out nil over the body. I am
very grateful." Miss Julia Fllbrldge,
West CormveH, Conn.?I.
Opening to-day, SWAB ACKER'S.
The marks at (I p. m., Monday, showed
} Inches and stationary.
River TelograniB.
OIL CITY?Itlver one Inch below 7.ero
md stationary. Weather, clear and,
OUICRNSBOItO?itlver C feet 6 Inches
ind stationary. Weather, fair and
MOKGANTOW'N?Klver 6 feet nntl
stationary. Wtuthcr, clear and warm.
imOWNSVILLlC?niver 4 feet 5
riches and stationary.
PITT8WJROJ1?Klver 1.2 feet and
falling. Weather, clear and warm.
ijAiUvKKHLiUlUi?Klvcf'J Inches and
stationary. Weathor fair and hot. Little
Kanawha stationary. Locals on
MONARCH over pain. Burns, cuts,
ipralns. stings. Instant relief. Dr.
1'homa.V Eclectrle Oil. At any druf?
?torc.?2. _
STEIN WAY Square IMano, good eonlltlon,
Bwitho /> lla.Wnd Yoa Haw Mmp Baogtit
ADE AT 2 P. M.,
Duse. going north as far as
as far as Thirty-ninth St.
ons and five "bands and
id wagons in the parade,
owing programme will be
erected at the northwest
G. Mass Chorus?"DIo Wncht am RJicln."
7. Festival Oration?Ucv. Win, Uliert.
S. Gorman Mush Chorus.
y. Knullfh AddrosH?Hov. Mfctzcnthln.
10. Miuh ChoruH?"ily Country, "l'la of
evening at the following
eethoven, Arion and Moali
the halls, 25c.
ate in the Industrial parade, comeeorated
wagons, adequately reprt:
lUIlUg UllClCOia Ul III 1?> vuiicy. L.CI I
we have made on mercantile and
display both comprehensive and |
le effort.
is fitting TruHSOM, Braces, Abdominal
Belts, etc. Wo mako It a .study, and always
try to give you tho best goods for
your money. No goods leave our hou*e '
that tho purchaser does not know exactly
what hu Is buying, and our guarantee Is
back of them. We Mt both the expensive
and cheaper kind without extra charge.
You get tho beat goods at the lowest "
prices from us.
Tenth and Main St3. i
?V girl; reference required. Apply at
No. 61 Fourteenth strept. selT
YV one with some knowledge of bookkeeping:
preferred. Address P. O. Box .'HI,
City. soir.''
canvasser. If you are not worth $15
per week, do not answer. Adresa Box
care Intelligencer olllce. selS__
ERuETIC salesmen to sell the well known
Dleterlchs Yalve-Clcum Lubricating
Oils to the consuming trade on
eomnilaslon. Apply to DIETERICHB VALVE-OLEUM
OIL CO.. CM Garileld ,
Building, Cleveland. Ohio. jaSJ
Ol iT) S t It A I gTFt ItONA ri DE .
iDIa weekly salary paid direct from *
olllce; expenses extra commissions. Ca-'
pable men and women to represent us 1
appointing agents; rapid promotion and \
Increase salary. New brilliant lines.. 1
butler & alger, New Haven, Conn.
ocl 1
i l
XlvwlY JL O W AJV XXiXf.
WANTED-By Jewelry manufacturers;
salary and expense guaranteed;
write for particulars at once, or
send money order for 57 75 for sample of .
Elgin or Waltham. full jewel, 14-k filled r
watch, retailing at S25 (with privilege of \
returning): guarantee for 15 years In n
every watch. NEW ENGLAND WATCIi ,
CO.. Milwaukee. Win. Je30 ,
Incumbrance, nice home, income
$1,000 yearly, property $32,0o0, wants wife
who will appreciate kindness, bunk refer- t
onces. MR. WILL, Box BOS, Chicago, 111. .
ocP j
V TltlC L1G11T I.OAN. I
The holders of the above named bonds
are hereby notified that the following
numbers have been called, namely: 51, -L',
75. 4S and SR. of one hundred dollars each: ?
Nos. is3, no, i:?r?. loc, i.w, inn. 177. lsu. no.
155, 123,- 164, 1S2, of live hundred dollars )
euch; No. 1*08. of one thousand dollars, and c
are payable October 1. 1DO), at which date
they will cease to bear In!crest. Bunds c
and coupons will bo paid at tho Bank of :i
the Ohio Valley. V
T~~~ . . ? .. . - H
jty vlrtauv of a deed of trust made by
.lohn P, O'Mnlley to me, as trustee, bearing
date the Nth day or February. A. DJI
1MW, and recorded In ihe olllcti of the cleric
of the county court of Ohio county. West Virginia,
In Deed of Turst Book No. ?9,
page (WO, 1 will, on
DISH, A. D. 1900,
commencing: nt 10 o'clock n. m? proceed >.
to .sell at public auction, at the north ?
front door of the court house of said ooun- >
ty, In said city of Wheeling, the followInff
described part or parcel of the lot *
No. IKi In Chupllno and liofpfnaddition to }
.said city, to-\vlt: ReglnnlnK nt the northeast
corner of sold lot No. ."St. running j.
thence westward on the line of Twentythird
street i)I feet; thence southward and
parallel with Main street il foot: thcnco }
eastward and parallel with said Twenty- 1
third nt roe t 01 feet to Main street, and,
thence northward and parallol with Main J
Ktrret 21 feet, more or less, to the begin- C
TERMS OK HALE?One-third or mi f,
much more nz the purchaser may elect; >
to pay, cash In hand on the day of sale, n
the balance In two oqunl Installments,
payable In one and two years, respect-', S
ivcly, with Interest. The purchaser to k!vo
his promissory notcn for the deferred
payments, with security satisfactory to >
the trustee.
1.01HS R RTIFEL, Trustee. I
.T. C. HERVEY, Auctioneer. se'JO 1 >
?** >
S. U. CALDWULL, Mnnater.
No. 1036 Mnlu St.. Corner Steel Bridge. j
Onld Crown and I?BrMR8
^$Spt WAWvVWiVi 1,
Open NIrIiIs ^
and Sundays.
WZISSUXtO. w, Va.. Sept: 2C,?tfo?;
Offlcu of Clcrk of Hoard of Education,
No. 46 Fourteenth Strict.
EJdH w!!l br/ruceUvd ,nt tho oJllcn of the
rU-rk of tho hriird n? education until
Wcdnardfry;AOetobcpifc. ?t*\t ms? f??r
utehtns c'.cr.n nhd ildck for tho .
public; ochtioiH-or the city of Wheeling lor
tht- ensuJtu pchool year.
Bhln v.*lU br- trcelvsd for furnishing coal
for nil .thyfiChooR as well a.s to etich *ub?
(Jlyttlct eopur.-iteiy.. The contract will be
iwurdedvlo th-> lovi'OMi. fPM'onalbl^ bidder
tmploylni: union labor. The board re- '...
eerves Die rbjht to reJcet any or all bids.
S Clerk.
77*hif saltChandsome ray house.
v.-- I.^ht o.bnut 1.^*0. utje 7, .suitable* for
fin ! ;.. } . r .s or puu'm'r ? wjiku". hoi
ruraid. of cars. Euquirc at 11AHPER &
BUG,'h, U1C .Vain htm't. ocl*
p \ u m" if on 'sale.
I'artri of K1 ncrt>?, l mllo from Elm Grove;
20 acres of winiu bottom land; with houso
n' .0 rooms*. hard r.ood finish; variety of
choice fruit;'cheap, on tatty payment*.
One of the finest furpiH in the county.
Telephone 013. 1735 Market St
"SprlngfloM," one of the fluent farms in
tho Shenandoah Valley, 3 miles from Uerryvlllc,
Clarke county, Virginia (2i>0 acres).
City Bank Building. Market Street*''
: ' ' Wheeling, W. Va. '
To persons wishing to make the
safest possiblo investment I can. offer
special opportunity in Niagara Tails
Real Estate and Loau Agent, 1005
Main Street.
EJ CI> INJ jO ?3 i 33 orJDQ!
Flrst-cfass'Coupon Ponds are better for
investment than Ileal Estate Mortgages.
They aro wife, convenient anil pay good
interest. 1 offer at the present tnne Mackth-Evans
Glass Company C % Bonds,
frl-Statr Gas Company C % Bonds, National
Glass Company'G % Bonds and
Cleveland Water Company. ii % Bonds at
prices ii' ttlnir the Inventor from 5 % to G
Write for particulars. ROBERT C.
HALL. Member Pittsburgh Stock Exchange.
No. ST1 Fourth Ave.. Pittsburgh,
['a. Long distance telephone. No. 3,613.
We offer for sale at pnr and accrued
Interest a limited number of
First Mortgage 20 Venr
5 Per Cent Gold Bonds.
These bonds court the strictest Investigation.
are amply protected and highly
recommended by best authorities.
For further details and full particulars
write or call on
I?. Hxchnnge Bank Building.
Telephone ... No. 82.
We offer for sale some flvo per
cent first mortgage l>onds. Wo
have examined the security behind
these bonds and we can recommend
them with conlldcnco
to investors.
Particulars upon application.
The City Bank
of Wheeling.
FOR SALE..." ~
A tn'o-slnry frame of G rooms. TiatTl
oohi and laundry, both Rases, lot 30 teet
ront. ut a .special bargain for a short
A two-story frame of eight rooms, bath
mil laundry; lot is 41 feet front. Will
all you this property for loss than It cost
ft build the hon.se. nnd tohIso you a preset
of the lot. which is worth nearly two
housand dollars.
A two-story irame of 30 rooms, bath
oom, laundry, river front lot. at a bar'
:ain. Will pay you 10% as tin Investment.
rHEO. W. FINK & CO.,
No. 11C3 Market Street.
....FOR SALE....
Thn property tit No. G North Huron
itrofct. consists of two dwelling houses
['he large house one of the best built
louses In the city, full of conveniences.
Che property will pay well as an investment.
A location that is always In do?and.
?1.CW for building lot on Fifteenth street.
>V1!1 lend you the money at 6 per cent
o build a house. It's cheaper than payng
Surety Bonds furnished.
3. O.
1 fine oillco room, most desirable and
heap, in Masonic Temple, including light,
lent and Janitor service.
I store room. 2001 Main street.
St.000 for the two-story brick dwelling 743
ilain street. 7 rooms: lot 3*16x117 feet.
$2,500 for two-story brick No. I'll Market
treet, frame cottage of 4 rooms In rear
-r lot.
52,800 for frame dwelling, S rooms, good
oilur: 44 acre of ground; small fruits of
II kinds: near Elm Grove; 5 minutes'
I'alk from motor line.
The Kenney a 1?? brewery property, with
Iwelllng house and stables, is offered for
ale for one week.
1 building lot. Park View, 50x150. $500.
A rrnri-rv hnclnrwa nnuinill/u. - - ->
eal estate. National road and railroad
tatlon; a fine chance for pomeono.
1 building loi on Llnd street, 5350.
TcJiphonc 617.
Wheeling W. Va.
....FOR RENT....
so. CO North Front stroet 513 00
s'o. 21 Maryland street 10 CO
s'o. 1123 Charles street, 3 rooms 8 00
so. i'dS Main street, 3 tooium S ft)
Co. Main street 9 00
s'o. !S12 Main street, 2 rooms 5 00
s'o. 32 Sixteenth street, cellar 10 00
so. Market street, for business
and dwelling -10 00
s'o. I Crescent Place 7 00
Co. 112T. Charles street.
.ot In llelvodere addition;- $ 125
Jo. 21 Maryland street 1,000
s'o. 2.i Klfth street 2,000
Iround 00 feet square on Eighteenth
street 12,500
roomed house on Main street 1,500
*o. 32 Sixteenth stroet. store room.
J rooms and cellar will bu'sold cheap
If sold in tlu- next 30 days.
it ore room and ilvo rooms, brick
building, a good location, with an
old established trado, for ..J2,8to
Co. 2T.20 Main si reel, n full lot. corner
Twenty-alxth and Main streets. 2,500
,ot on South Front street 1,700
'o. 02 Main Ptreot 2.600
lo. 4t2 Main utreot H.COO
!orner iot on Fifteenth street,
Jo. 00 North Front streot 3.800
Co. C*\ Seventeenth street
s'o. 32 Sixteenth utreot, store room
and 10 rooms.
teal F.stat o Agent, Collector, Notary
Public and Pension Agent, No. 1612
Main street.
patents'and trade-mabksT
Proper protection secured in all coun.
:k<8. Reliable acrvlco at madorato rntes.
ilvlco free. Oorrenpondtmeo Hollcltcd.
I. H. l>UNLAl\ Patent Attorney,
Kcllly ltulldlnir, Whocllny;, \V. Va.

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