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THE INTELLIGENCER. Published Dally, Except Sunday, by Intelligencer Publishing Co., 26 and 27 Fourteenth Street* JOHN FKEW, Pres. and Bus. Monaster. Terms; For Yenr, by Ma|l, Jn Advatioo, i \>.r. PoHtnuu Propalil. Daily,(O DayflPorWeok) I Ycnr...?B.20 ! ' Dallv.Stx Months? 2.00 Daily* Tliroo Month* ? i 11/, Tl)rpoD?.v? 1'or ?J.00 , 'Dally. Two Duy? Per Wools 2.00 1 Dully* Ono Month ...................i 15 Weekly, Ono Year, la Advance.... 1.00 ( Weekly. Six MonthH.....^. .00 THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER Is delivered by "carriers In-Wheeling and adjacent towns at 10 cents per week. Persons wishing to subscrlbo to THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER can do so by . sending In their orders to the Intoillgencer' ofllco on postal cards or otherwlso. They will bo punctually served by carriers. Tributes, of Itospect and -Obituary Notlccs 50-cents p*r Inch. Correspondence containing Important news solicited from every part of the Burroundlng country. Rejected communications will not bo returned unless accompanied by sufficient posture. ' . (The INTELLIGENCER, embrnclnR Its "several editions, Is entered In the Postoffice n't Wheeling, W. Va., ns secondalass matter.) TELEPHONE NUMBERS* Edlitrlal Rooms -.823 j Counting Room. 822 THE INTELLIGENCER] WJTEKLING. OCTOBER !J, 11)00. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. For President. William Mckinley. Of Ohio. For Vice President, THEODORE ROOSEVELT Of New York. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. At Large. BENSON B. McMECIIEN, Of Marshall County. J. B. LEWIS, Of Kanawha County. DISTRICT ELECTORS First District, O. W. O. HARDMAN, of Tyler Co. Second District, N. G. KEIM, of Randolph Co Third District, J. L. BEURY, of Fayette Co. Fourth District. T. B. McCLURE, of Wayno Co. FOR CONGRESS. First District, 13. B. DOVENER, or Ohio Co. Second District ALSTON G. DAYTON, of Barbour Co. Third District, JOSEPH H. GAINKS. of Kanawha Co. Fourth District, JAMES A. HUGHES, of Cabell Co. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALBERT B. WHITE, of Wood Co. For Auditor, ARNOLD C. SCIIERR. of Mineral Co. For Treasurer, PETER SILMAN, of Kanawha Co. For Supt. of Schools. T. C. MILLER, of Marlon Co. For Attorney General, ROMEO H. FREER, of Ritchie Co. Judge* Supreme Court. HENRY BRANNON. of Lewis Co. GEO. POFFENBARGER. of Mason Co. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. State Senate. SAMUEL GEORGE. Sr.. Of Brooke County. House of Delegates, ABRAM McCOLLOCII, HENRY STECK. S. G. SMITH. GEORGE A. LACGHLIN. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Sheriff-D. II. TAYLOR. Prosecuting Att'y?FRANK W. NESRITT. Assessor (Clty)-ADDISON ISRAEL. Assessor (Country)?LESTER SMITH. County Surveyor?ROBERT HAZLETT. Sound Money Democrats. The formation of the Lawyers' Sound Money Club of New York, with ex-Seerotary of the Treasury John G. Carlisle aa 113 Ijrvaiuvui, v?.u 14. sivui towards convincing the optimistic following of Bryan that the Gold DemocratB are not flocking to the Nebraskan's standard as they have been deluded' Into believing. Among the members of the club are many influential Democrats who cannot stomach the financial heresies of the candidate of 1896, and who Is now, more than then, hopelessly committed to them. Alongside the of the name cf Mr. Carlisle wc find that of Francis L. Stetson, a former law partner of .Mr. Cleveland's. These men have been and are closer to the ex-President than Mr. Olney, whose advocacy of Bryan's election was supposed to foreshadow the recant* atlon of Cleveland. If we are to draw Inferences In the absence of any public Utterances on Mr. Cleveland's part, we think it Is much safer to be guided by tho action of Carlisle and Stetson than the attitude of Mr. omcy. utner prominent Democrats have conncctcil themselves with this sound money ciub to oppose Bryan's election, such as exGovernor Hoadly, former governor of Ohio; Wheeler H. Peckham, George I. Rives and Franklin Bartlctt, all men of distinction and of national reputation. The principles and purposes of the club, :is expressed In resolutions adopt, ed at the meeting, are "allegiance to the principle of the gold standard," and condemnation of the "revolutionary doctrines" reafllrmed In *ie nomination of Bryan Accordingly, these dlfltln- i gulahed lawyers announce unreservedly "that In our opinion, the defeat of Messrs. Bryan and Stevenson Is essential to thtf permanent and elllclent maintenance of the gold standard of value In this country." In commenting on the formation of the club, the New York Sun says: Mr, Carlisle, then of Kentucky, ns secrotury of the treasury In the cabinet .of Mr. Clcvclund long ugo declared the allcgl mico to which ho now remains faithful, isvi expounded sound currency doctrines with tt power and lucidity of statement unexcelled. Ho now refuses to follow the examDl? of Mr. Richard Olney, thy only other man In that cabinet- standing on an Intellectual level with him, In a sacrflcd af his consistency and his reputation ns a statesman to short-sighted Ideas of political expediency. Mr. Carlisle, too, Is ft man of southern birth, a life-long Democrat of grout distinction In his party. As a correspondent from Georgia says in a letter published elsowhero In this papur, It 1h "a ere at severance" tor such a man to put himself. In an attitude of seeming hostility to the Democratic party: and when It Is made It Is Indicative of the profoundest and flncerest conviction. But neither In the case of Mr. Curllsle nor in tha>; of anv other Koutbcrner or any other of the distinguished Democratic lawyers of Now York associated with him In the organization and direction of this club, can it now be ?ettarded in nny quarter as an abandonment >f Democratic dpctrlne and principle. They turn from Uryan and the Chicago and Kansas City platforms because they repullato them as false to Democracy and fatal to It. They associate themselves with Ilcpubllcniis distinguished at the bar simply for the patriotic purpose of contributing their ability nnd fnlluenco to defeat un assault on our social stability und national security and honor, and Incidentally to relieve the Democratic party from an odious Incubus put upon it. Presidential Forecast. The New York Herald has made a poll of the states, which foreshadows an overwhelming victory for President McKinley. The probable volte in thp electoral college that will be cast for McKinley is 258; as against 1G8 for Bryan. West Virginia is very properly placed In the McKinley column. The doubtful states, according to the Herald's estimate, are Idaho, with three votes, Indiana fifteen, Montana three, a total of 21. In 1806 the vote for McKlnlcy wus 271; Bryan, 176. In analyzing this forecast the Herald says: There nro only thrco states about which the correspondent will not hazxurd an opinion. These aro Indiana, Idaho and Montana, with a total of 21 electoral votes. McKlnley's strength comes irom the New England nnd Middle states. Including: Delaware; from the Middle Western states, Including West Virginia and excluding: Indiana; from the far western Rtate of Kansas; from the northwest, Including the Dakotas and Wyoming, and from the unbroken Pacific coast. Bryan's strength Is mado up of the almost solid south, excepting West VlrKlnla, and of Nebraska. Colorado and Utah. Even should Bryan carry all the doubtful states, Including Indiana and odd Illinois, West Virginia and Delaware to the list, he would have only 222 electoral votes, or live less than a majority of the electoral college. This Indicates that to be elected Bryan must carry New York. Investigation of conditions In this state have been made, and there aro no signs on the surfnee to Indicate that New York Is doubtful. Nothing short of a political revolution can give the election to Bryan. McKlnley will hold all the states he carried In 1896, excepting Maryland and Kentucky. which show an Inclination to ro for Bryan, and Indiana, which Is doubtful. and Is the scene of a desperate political conflict. Bryan, on the other hand, will hold the states ho had In 1S9G, with the exception * of Kansas, South Dakota, Wyoming and Washington, which are now reported, rea- ' sonably certain to cast their electoral vote? for McKlnley, and Idaho and Montana, which are conceded to be doubtful. ^ I Bryan and the Farmers. 1 In his speech accepting: the nomina- 1 tlon for the Presidency by the Populist 1 convention, which met at Sioux Falls, ( at Topeka, Kansas, August 22, Mr. Bry- ' an solemnly assorted that "the pros- 1 perlty argument which the Republicans 1 bring forward will not deceive the for- 1 mer." Later Mr. Bryan, while in West I Virginia, oracularly exclaimed tha.t he 1 did not see "how a farmer could be a 1 Republican." 1 Now, let us see how the "prosperity argument" comes home to the fanner. If the crops increase In value because * the Republican party restored the pro- i tectlve tariff policy that started, up the 1 mills, reopened the factories and put i millions of Idle men to work, thereby ^ Increasing the sale of the farmer's crops ? then it has brought prosperity to the farmer, and no idle and false assertions ? to the contrary can obscure this great fact. From the ofTlcIal records in the department of agriculture It is pointed out that the leading farm crops, Including the value of horsus, mules, cows, other cattle and sheep, show an Increase in 19G0 in total value, compared with 189G? one year?of $S3G,640,209. Included In this total value the Items consist of farm animals to a value of 5501,444,474! corn, 5138,20:1,143; cotton. $71,221,163; oats, 56'),G62.1M2: hav. *23.780,573: potatoes. 517.- . 146.4S2; \vh?at, JS.942.7C0; barley, $7,103,- 1 015; ryt, 12,253,349. Add to the above figures the greater j value procured by the farmers for their tobacco, broom-corn and other crops, and the year's Increase will reach fully j a billion dollars. Farmers know that their condition to-day Is batter than j when they were selling 10c corn and 12c { oats during the last Democratic admin- { istratlon. They know that open factories are better than "imperial" soup houses. They know that active con- t sumption is better than under consump- ( tion. They know that active consump- , tion can exist only when the mills are j open and the people are earning wagon ^ and have money to spend. Bryan's Calamity Howl won't deceive the American farmers. I ( A Common Sense View. j "The Wall Street Point of View" is j the title of a new book by Henry Clews, c the prominent banker and financier, ar.d withal a most conservative observer. It is a state of cause and effect t from the financial standpoint. The J American Economist, referring to the , work, says: "There are thos? who will dispute some of his conclusion*; because i he Is a banker and a financier, and be- ( cause these conclusions do not lit In with their political views. Advocates of free fliver and free trade will not s like Mr. Clews' book. Adherents of * the Cobdenlte school will not relish the manner In which the author reviews the effect on the business Interests of the ' two Cleveland administrations as contrasted with those of President Harrison and President McKlnley. For ex- J] ample, the American free trader Is quite ( certain to have an uncomfortable mo- e ment when he encounters the following passage, In which Mr. Clovya shaitters the theory that the price or an article Hold is increased by the duty on thai article." / Mr. Cleveland could have hnd thin iirgu itmmll llllRW'rifu |ihiwiii;hiij uim n-nimi uj r the singlo oporatlon of purchasing a vnrd i>r ruileo ?t contH und then looking hi thu IIhI (if turlF prices ami finding that tho tarlfT upon a yard of calico was # renin. Of course Mr. Cleveland would .say he iniiht pay 11 cents for It. "Oil. no," ilio dry goods man would answpr, "we don't charge two prices. This Ih a one-prico house." Tho dr>' goods nan might tnrih'-r reply: "It Ih a condition that confronts ui*?not a theory. Your theory |? 11 rents, our price In 6." Tho name rulo i?ppllc? Iti the majority of ensen. In the matter of tho practical workings of a protective tariff in relation to prices of commodities, "Thu Wall Street ^ point of View" Ih ulso the common g sense point of view. Witness tho fol- C lowing riicital by Mr. CJowb of tlusdls- . Lstrous changes wrought by the election )f A Democratic free trade admlniHtralion .eight years ago: .The lout year of the Harrison admlnlsration, l?"-', was ono of the most prosperous in the history of the country, and f General Harrison had been re-elected, here is every reason to believe that the tame conditions would have continued. :t would have been a continuous chain vithout a break: but when Harrison left he white house the scene was changed. General Harrison had not long taken his leparture when the ominous forebodings >f tho Wilson' bill took hold or the minds >f tho people. What wus the result? }ur manufacturing industries were mralyzed, we had another panic on our lands, and the struggle against the ma* iKii influences of free trudo went on un11 MoKinley was elected. When Mr. Cleveland took possession of ho white house March 4. ISlfl, the counry was prosperous. When ho went out of jfllce, March 4. 1897, the country was alno?t on the verge of bankruptcy, and tho vorst prolonged depression that tho naIon has ever experienced prevailed during: ho greater part of the time. Had it not >een for the agitation regarding free rndo theories, together with certain other Jtoplan schemes of reform, the good times vhlch the country enjoyed during tho last fear of General-Harrison's administration ffould in nil probability have been conJnued Indefinitely. "What the triumph of the free trade Democracy cost the people of this :ountry," adds the Economist, "will never be known. To say that tho cost In money and values was five times the :ost of the war of tho rebellion is to state the case conservatively. Shrinklge in values,In farm products alorco luring "That Terrible Eclipse" is estimated at fully 55,000,000,000. Add to this the loss In earnings in all occupations and the shrinkage in all values ind the sum total of loss reaches a tlgjre too vast for comprehension. The raters of tho country will within the lext six weeks decide whether we shall niter unon another such nnrlod of ruin md loss, or whether wo shall Insure a jontinuatlon of good times. Strange that there should be any difference of jplnlon on such a question!" Mr. T. R. Carskadon's complaint lgainst the Intelligencer is not well founded. If he consults the Intelll;encer of the date of September 28, he ivlll see the reference this paper made :o his communication. Among other things tho Intelligencer said that the luestions the Prohibition candidate ivould like to discuss were abstract ones, and bearing no relevancy whatever to the more momentous poJUca! issues nt stake. Such a debate vould only bo a distraction, without iny tangible results. Mr. Carskadon cr.ows this himself. The Intelligencer rave the gist of Mr. Carskadon's chalenge to Senator Elkins and Hon. A. tt. White. If those gentlemen have no: ?een lit to notice It, we do not see how this paper is to blame. In spite of Mr. Bryan's dismal walls luuut U1B UL'lJIUrUUJ? CUUU1UUU UL U1U vorklngmen they appear to be getting llong very well. In a recent Issue of i publication devoted to the Interests >f workingmen, we note that the memaers of the Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers In New York, to the number of 1,200, have hud their wages Increased 'rom $3 50 to $3 75 per day. The same publication claims that the Moulders' nternatfonal Union has secured an average Increase of 15 per cent in wages luring the past year. "What I denounce is a protective ;ariff. It is false economy, and the nost vicious political principle that las ever cursed this country."?Will- 1 am Jennings Bryan, in a speech in :lie house of representatives, 1894, idvocating the passage of the Wil;on-Gorman free trade tariff law. The Democrats of Colorado take a re'reshlng view of the assaults made on jovernor Itoosevelt. They denounce he action of the toughs, but blame thi mtbreak on the Republicans?saying hey ought not to have brought the gov;rnor of New York into the state. That s about as shifty as Bryan In regard o dodging responsibilities. In spite of Mr. Andrew Carnegie's otter announcing he would support President McKinley, although he did jot ugree with him In his Philippine Jolicy, the Boston cayx 1 claim him as one of them. Wouldn't it bo better for Mr. Slxto Lrfjpez, Agulnaldo's former secretary, tu , Jrevall on Ills former chief to lay down . lis arms before he presumes to tell i :his country what kind of a government ! ,ho Filipinos desire? John G.-Carlisle, secretary of -the : reasury under President Cleveland, has 1 :ome out openly for McKlnley. This ,\1ll not please the Bryanltes. for they lad high hopes some days ago that hey could drag him to their assistance. 1 Mr. Bryan may deny it as much as j le likes, but It is a dead certainty that i broker will dispense the patronage in * Sew York and dictate a cabinet ap- \ iolntment If the disaster of Bryan's flection should happen. -o- , Boss Croker thinks Roosevelt Is roai nean In associating his name with the Sew York Ice Trust. J Russia Is following the United States ! n withdrawing her troops from , -hlna. i The political thermometer will show j summer neat in mis ncignoornoou tins , veek. 1 Our Bridgeport Republican friends lave courtmartfaled General Apathy. 1 Catarrh Cannct be Cured 1 >lth I-OCAL APPLICATIONS, as they \ unnot reach the seat of the disease. , 'Mtarrh Is a blood or constitutional dls- A nse. and In order to euro It you must ^ ake Internal wnedtes. Hall's Catarrh , :ure Is taken Internally, nnd acts dl- { cctly "ii the blood nnd mu- , our surfaces. Hall's Catarrh cure ] i not a quack medicine. It ^ . as 'prescribed by one of the est physicians In this country for cars, and Is a regular prescription, ft * composed' of the boBt tonics known, Omblned with the bent blood purifiers, ' eting directly on the mucous surfaces. < 'he perfect combination S>f the two In- ' rcdlents In what produces such won- ( erful results in curing Catarrh. Send ' or testimonials free. I F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., ? Toledo, O. 1 Sold by drugging. Price 7f?e. t Hall's Family Pills are the best. 1 Ocoan Steamship Tickets 'o and from Europe, via all lines, can l e purchased from T. C. Burke, Passener and Ticket Agent of the Baltimore & c ihlo railroad, who Is also agent for tho est of all tours?Raymond & Whltcomb r -to tho Parte exposition, * ? WITH BRAINS SIR I" was oncc asked *,e ^tj' " Hifi replywas: A pie who an: all the time asking what ^ Dr. Pierce's medicines arc mixed with to produce such marvelous cures. These medicines are the result of Dr. Pierce's thorough professional education; his deep study of the principles of materia tnedica and of tne human physiology in health and disease; and abore all his unparalleled practical experience. "I thank GM for giving you wisdom and knowledge, and guiding yon tn making these medicines." says Mrs. If. A. Alsbrook. of Austin, Lonoke Co., Ark., in an earnest letter to Dr. Pierce. " After five months of great suffering I write this for the benefit of other sufferera from the same afflictions. I doctored with our family pnyiician wjuioui any pooa rcsuus, so my nusband urged me to try Dr. Pierce's medicines? which I did, with wonderful results. I am comfletelr cured. I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce's avonte Prescription, four of his Golden Medical Discovery' and two vials of his 'Pleasant Pellets."' There is no medicine in the world that lias helped and cured so many weak and ailing women, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It was devised solely for that purpose by one of America's most eminent specialists in this particular field of medical practice. Any woman may write to Dr. Pierce for advice which will be sent confidentially and absolutely free of charge. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page Common Sense Mcdical Adviser will be sent for the mere cost of mailing; paperbo'ind for 21 one-cent stamps, or clotbbouud for 31 stamps. It is a jjrand and useful book. Adaress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Main Street. Buffalo. N. Y. NEW PUBLICATIONS. "The Adventures of a Boy Reporter," by Harry Steele Morrison, Is an attractive recital of the episodes in a youth's life who leaves the farm for the purpose of seeking his fortune in the city. He becomes a reporter and follows the American arniy to the Philippines, where the events are thrilling enough to charm any reader.?L. C. Page & Co., Boston; Frank Stanton, Wheeling. "Punchinello," by Florence Stuart, Is a love story of intense power and pa thos. The hero Is a hunchback (Punchinello), who wins the love of a beautiful young girl. He suspects that she Is unfaithful to him. Her sudden death, due Indirectly to his Jealousy, and the discovery that she had never faltered In her love for him, combine to unbalance his mind. The poetic style relieves the sadness of the story, and the reader Is Impreseed with the power and brilliancy of Its conception, as well as with the beauty and grace of the execution. ?L. C. Page & Co., Boston; Frank Stanton, Wheeling. "Breaking the Shackles" is a novel of excitement and adventure by the brilliant author of "A Set of Rogues." The scene is laid in England and'tho Interes; centres in the efforts of the heroine to obtain the freedom of her husband, who, although innocent, has been convicted of murder nnd sentenced to Imprisonment for life. The plot Is Btrong and moves quickly and consistently to the climax.?L. C. Page & Co., Boston; Frank Stanton, Wheeling. "Ada Verhan, Actress," by the author of "Fllvalltles"?Richard Marsh? deals with the Inside life of the London atage. The character of the heroln'e Is. wonderfully drawn, and the story of her struggles and successes Is of absorbing Interest. Mr. Marsh is to be congratulated upon a book which will be widely discussed and which will serve to increase the popularity of this able writer.?L. C. Page & Co., Boston; KVnnlr Whonllnt* "Philip Winwood," by Robert Neilson, Is a story of the American Revolution, nnd Is one ot the most stirring and remarkable romances that has been published In a long while, and its episodes, Incidents, and actions are as interesting" and agreeable as they are vivid and dramatic. The print, illustrations, binding, etc., are worthy of the tale, and the author and "his publishers are to be congratulated on a literary work of Action which is as wholesome as it Is winsome, as fresh and artistic as It Is Interesting and entertaining from first to last paragraph." ?L. C. Page & Co., Boston; Frank Stanton, Wheeling. "The Wallet of Kal Lung," by Ernest Branch, Is the first book of a new writer, and is exceedingly well done. It leals with the fortunes of a Chinese professional story-teller, who meets with many surprising adventures. The style suggests somewhat the rich oriental coloring of the Arabian Nights.? L. C. Page & Co., Boston; Frank Stanton, Wheeling. "Breaking the Shackles," by Frank Barrett, Is a theme well told. The story opens well and maintains its excellence throughout. The author's triumph is the greater In the unquestionable Interest and novelty which he ichleves. The pictures of prison life ire most vivid, and the story of the escape most thrilling.?L. C. Page & Co., Boston; Frank Stanton, Wheeling. "The Glory and Sorrow of Norwich," by M. M. Blake. Is a story of mediaeval England. The hero of this romance. Sir John de Reppes, Is an actual personage, ind throughout the characters and incidents arc instinct with the spirit of the nge. as related In the chronicles of Trolssart. Its main claim for attention, however, Ih In the graphic representation of fin* niri? nf ...uini. t gives. forming a series of brilliant mil foscinutlng pictures of medlncvnl England, Its habits of thought nnd winner of llfs.?L. C. Page & Co., IJoson; Frank Stanton. Wheeling. ."A Georgian Actress," by Paul Rrad'ord Mackie, If- a historical novel, loallng with the Ufa of the early sutlers In the Mohawk Valley, Just before he Revolution. The heroine Is a daughcr of Sir William Johnson, superlntcnlent of Indian affairs In.the Mohawk ,'alley. From her strange life In the vlhlerness the ambitious girl Is transplanted to the Bay life of the court of leorge II., nnd becomes famous an an ictresH In Garrlck's company.?L. C. ''age <!fc Co., Boston; Frank Stanton, Wheeling. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved In six hours by "New '?rcat South American Kidney Cure." It s a great surprise on account of Kb ex-! seeding promptness In relieving pain In i Madder, kidneys and back, In male or female. Relieves retention of water 1 ilmost Immediately. If you want quick i ellef and cute this is the remedy. Sold >y R. II. List. drugRlst, Wheeling. W. /a. ^ tth&a FAMILY WASHING. Rough Dry Washed. Starched and Dried 5 cents por pouud. Flat Work, Washed and Ironed, 5 ents per pound. All liana work llnished 10 centa >cr pound. At LUTZ BROS'. Home Steam Laundry. J. S. RHODES & CO. J. S. RHODES & CO. Going Out of Business. 40,000 dollars' worth of desirable Dry Goods most be sold within the next 60 days. Bargains To Cash Buyers. i c DHftnnc ? fft Op J. UHUVbJ tt. VV. AMUSEMENTS. ttOPERFHOUSEft Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 1 and 2. ; The Charming Comedienne, I JOLLY FLO IRWIN and her distinguished company of twenty-six players, presenting Glen McDonough'fl latest and greatest musical farce comedy, "MISS KIDDER.** Opulent in musical numbers. Brilliant In witty dialogue. Laughable In situations and climax. Prices?2?>c, ' 50c and 715c. Deserved seat sale opens Saturday mornIng at the Opera House box office. se27 ?0PE'RH HOUSE* Wednesday Evening, Oct. 3. A society event?something really good.. By'frrrangement with Daniel nnd Charles Frohman, KING & NORCROSS present the three-act comedy, "AT THE WHITE HORSE TAVERN." A distinct and brilliant success. Headed by the comedians, MINERVA DORR and FRANK M. NORCROSS. The entire production replete with new and magnificent scenery. on sale Tuesday morning at the Opera House box office. ne27 ?GPERH HOUSE# Friday, October 5. WILLIAM dlLLETTE'S Great Comedy Success, ' BECAUSE SHE LOVED HIM SO, Will be presented by THE SAME STRONG COMPANY AS LAST SEASON. Prices?25a, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Reserved seat sale opens Thursday mornlng. se20_ aOPERK HOUSE* Saturday Matinee and Night, Oct. 6. Chan. H. Yale'and Sidney R. Ellis present the celebrated German Dialect Comedian, AL. H. WILSON, In a new Romnntlc German Dlalcct Comedy, THE WATCH ON THE RHINE. A most sumptuous production. Every icene carried complete. An unexcelled company. Night prices, ?5c. EOc, 75c and $1.00. Matinee prlccs, 2ac and 50c. Reserved scat sale opens Friday, morning. ocl Q.RAND OPERA ROUSE. One week, commencing Monday night, October 1. HUNTLEY-JACKSON STOCK CO. In repertoire. Change of play nightly. Daily matinees, commencing Tuesday afternoon. Night prices, 10c,. 20c and 30c. Matinee prices. 10c and 20c. se27 PURITAN GAS RANGES. PU^tlANGAS RANGES. Gas ranges are supplanting coal In moat up-to-date kitchens. At the strlko of a match you can boll or broil, bako or fry, roast or tonst, heat water for tho entire house with a PURITAN GAS RANGE. It will do all that any coal range fan do, and do It quicker.and cheaper. No dirt. Occupies small epneo. Cloned oven?no fumes from burning pas. Bakes perfectly. Call and examine them. NESB1TT & BRO., 1312 Market St. STATIONERY, BOOKS, ETC. A Bonn to Novel Readers. Wo liavo secured 500 Appleton's "TOWN AND COUNTRY LIBRARY," paper novels, publisher's retail price 50c. This lot is shelf worn, but clean and com- i plete. WILL I ft SELL AT IUC. STANTON'S Wheeling, Old City W. yd..... Book Store. SCHOOL BOOKS, ! Plates, Pencils, Pads, Rlnnk Hooks. Cheap Hooks, } . MagarlneH, l)am? Ball Goods, 1'oot Dalls, Croquet, I Campaign Goods. C. H. QUIMBY, 1414 Marlet St. j epgjjfiiag CDCfllHE'"VVKISKY I rUUBvB i ni telmont X mr? ft iMflUUr. i'ookoa Tr??ttn?nt ont HIKE. . U. M. WOOLLEY, M. D., Atlanta, Cn. Jy24-tu&w new"adv^htxsememtb! Ill peachest" Fancy Clings and Freestone Peaches ?1 To-day ALBERT STOLZE & J RED FIRET^I RED FIRE! || Free from sulphur, burns brilliantly mi til does not emit any unpleaaant oiov.'p^lB pared by il R. H. LIST, 1010 Main SK |l FOR SALE i BONDS. Manufacturers' Light & "Heat Co. m Bteubcnvllle, Mingo &.Ohlo Valley Trae, e$8 tlon Co. 1 MoundBvlllc, Benwood & Wheeling fcuj, I I way Co. ? ? ? ? . ' ?? Wheeling Steel & Iron Co. | Whltaker Iron Company. | 1 Aetna-Standurd Iron & flteel Co. Fostorla Gluss Co. . |j| . Industrial Stocks bought and cold dlridPl on the New York Stock Exchange. HOWARD HAZLETT&S0W.1 Special Bargains in Property p No. 30 South Ponn street, 5-roomnflg house, with gas and water, chcap. Kg No. 43 North Huron street, 5-rooat4Ij? house, lot 20x120, gas and watnr, cheap, KjS No. 119 South Huron street, 7-room?JHi house, lot 2Sxl20, very chcnp. WW No. 121 North York stn-ot, 0 rooms aajgS! bath, river front, very cheap. Bffl No. 9 South York street, 7 rooms at* t bath, large lot, cheap. ? .money 10 loan on real estate security it H 6 per cent. Fire insurance a specialty I best companies atY lowest. rates. L-. 7X. ROLF, | Successor to Rolf & Zanc. Office Tele. $1 phono 5tiG. Residence Telephone C3, Elm |?5 Grove. ocl | STOCKS FOR SALETp I Fostorla Glass Company. i Wheeling & Belmont Bridge Company, 1 Riverside Pottery Company. | McCoy Shoo Company. Wheeling PottoTy Company. I Wheeling Steel & Iron Company. Wheeling Bridge Company. fe BONDS. 20-year 5 per cent gold bonds. Industrial stocks bought and sold direct on New York Stock Exchango. I|S SIMPSON & TATUM, Room 4 City Bank Building, "Wheeling. WINTER IIIIICRIJ IS Ellii 1 of the Hamburg-American lies ' < to the West Indies and the |? Spanish Main, by the Twin Screw Cruising Yacht Princess- -5; in Victoria Louise, leaving -;J ???TJpw "Vnrlr -To^non </v\, HB .UUUWJI A-V, J.OUI. p.Tjl For particulars call at ! H. F. BEHRENS CO.'S, 2217 Market Street. Vj Seasonable. : - -' Gas Ranges. rtt Gas Heating Stoves, 1 Rubber Gas Tubing. X Coal Ranges. t Coal Cook Stoves. 'if Coal Heating Stoves, GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS, 1210 Main Street. STOCKS FOR SALE. 'Wheeling' Steel & Iron Co. Wheeling & Belmont Bridge Co. Wheeling Bridge Co. Wheeling Pottery Co. Biverside Pottery Co. BONDS. A few choice 5 per cent first mort?! gage bonds. NORTON & COMPANY, ; 16 Nat. Exchange Bank Bldg. "When Greek Meets Greek" ! trouble begins, but "it h when a man meets a | shirt, collar or cult tts /^c\ wSQ done up at .the Wlilu i (wj".- VyX Swan Laundry h? t 'ffAXtr?^-jAn,y^T knows that all of his troubles In finding 3$ fche rlRht ?pot to fflj have his Hncn deni 5? UP hnve ceased, tor :? Vy?u can't match thi ,v, . work dono here In this town. Laundry work Is our business, and wo make It i.^| our business to do work such as 110 other r'; ! laundry can compete with. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY, Telephone 560. 30-32 TenthSL F. R. SCROGQINS. Prop. Style Outside and V 8 Conifort Inside OUR FALL-SHOES Made in all best leathers, Box Calf, Vici Kid, Genuine Kangaroo and Velour Calf at SOUTH SIDE SHOE SIORE August P. Cnrl. 3742 Jacob St. _ yj PROCLAMATION AND WRIT OF ELECTION. | ST ATM 01- WEST VIRGINIA. | KXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. L, To tho commissioners of election of the various voting precincts of the countlei g? of Hancock, Hrooke, Ohio and Marshall. ISconstituting: the First Judicial Circuit ol L.:-.* the atato of "West Virginia. GREETING: WHEREAS. There existed a vacancy li the oillce of Judge of the circuit court of Paid circuit by the death of the lion. J. K. l'aull, the duly elected Judge thereof, such vacancy having been lllled by ;ii?[ ointment until the next general election therein, as provided by law. NOW. THEREFORE, I. O. W. Atkinson. Rovernor of the state of West Vlr* Klnla. In pursuonce of sections 7 and 13 uf article s of the Constitution and section I of chapter 4 of the Code of West Virginia, and of the power anil authority thereby vested In me as the governor nioresald. do order and direct that th<>r? bo had. held, conducted nnd certified recording to law, an election by the *juiill' lied voters thereof, at all tho oleetlon prvrlncts within the counties of Hancock, Hrooke, Ohio and Marshall. composing I'lrst Judicial Circuit of the stato of West Virginia, on the Tuesday next after tin llrst Monday in November, la tho year rme thousand and nine hundred, that If Iuk the day of the next general election In this state, for the purpose of elrcllnj x JudK? of tho circuit court therein. It Is further orUvred that this writ ar.d proclamation bo published In full !;? a racwrepancr In each of the said countlei :omposlnK the nald circuit, at least unc? In each week for tho period of four sue.'ohhIvo wewks prior to said election. In testimony whereof \ have hereunt) tot my hand and caused to bo nfllxed th* leal of vtuto at the city of Charlestonm the 15th day of September, one tliou* u land nine hundred, and of the state lh? fl hlrty-elchth. I SKA 1,1 C. \\\ ATKINSON. Jiy the Governor: WM, M. f). DAWSON, Secretary of stato. aclS-tu I