OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, October 02, 1900, Image 6

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026844/1900-10-02/ed-1/seq-6/

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# | 1154 to 1!6(
& I Main St.
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As a Master Mason Celebrated Last
Evening by the Members op
Ohio Lodge.
Interesting Address by Brother A.
H. Forgey?A Golden Testimonial
Last night, at the Masonic Temple,
the fifty-first anniversary of Grand
Tyler Timothy W. Bliss, as a Mason,
was observeu by nit> bromer Masons,
under the auspices of Ohio lodge No. 1.
Several hundred Masons Were In attendance,
and the aged and distinguished
guest of honor was freely congratulated
by his fellow craftsmen. Mr.
C. P. Flick acted as master of ceremonies.
and there were addresses by
Sir. George Jtatch, A. H. Forgey, past
master, on "Masonic History/' and by
Messrs, Flick, Bliss and others. The
lodge presented a gold offering of
to Mr. Bliss, being one dollar for each
year of membership in the order. Tim
presentation address was by Mr. Geo.
Hatch, and was a masterly effort.
Rev. C. M. Oliphant responded on liehalf
of Mr. Biles. Those present were
then invited to a powerful repast of
oysters and coffee in the baggage room,
followed by cigars for those who desired
to smoke.
Then came short talk? by Dr. H. B.
Baguley, Jlr. George* M. Ford, Mr. J.-ib.
McCahon, Prof. Charles Brllles, Prof.
C. ?. Carrlgan. Mr. Joseph Hall. Kalph
Whitehead and others, all congratulatory
to the venerable tyler, and wishing
him many pleasant n*turns of the
auspicious occasion.
Mr. Forgey'H remarks were a recital
of .Mr. Bliss's first cntranre Into Mason
ry, beginning with hla initiation January
13, 1849; his receiving the second
degree Augunt 8, and hla being made
n Mooter Mnaon October l, 1849. air.
Forney .said:
brother Bliss:-?I am delegated by the
memborH of Ohio Lodge No. 1, A. p. &.
A. Ma?ons, to Invite you to a scat In
the lodge. It la over thirty-five yearn
alnce you were first appointed tyler of
thla. lodge, and In all these yenra few
were It deemed necessary, an so very
few have sat In lodge with you.
N'o doubt .Brother Bliss, from the position
you occupy, and the Jewel you
havb worn for so many years, you Hatter
yourself that few persons know
more of the secrets or Masonry than
you do. I grant you thin in true, but
there Is one secret your brethren have
endeaVotcd for a nhort time to keep
hidden from you, but which ft our glnd
privilege to reveal to you this evening.
First, let me remind you that In this
year of grace, 1900, occurs the flfty-flrst
anniversary of your entrance Into Masonry",
The chronological history of
Ohio lodge Informs ?s that you wore
lulnted Into Masonry on the l-'Uh day
of June, 1849; on th?? 8th (Jay of AugUht
you were passed to the degree of p. C..
'toil on Monday evenlhK, October l, 1846,
i III!
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As has been oi
we had decide
urgent request
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offer our entin
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ill and winter stocks v
what your purchase an
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and so on.
_ I ========
. ^-s^.-^. ^k.
you wore raised to the sublime degree c
of M. M. In the lodge room located on (
Main street, in the building now* occupied
by licoth W. Graham as a furnlture
store. 1
The ofllcers of the lodge at this time a
were George M. Sights. W. M.; Jacob (
M. Warden. S. W.; R. B. Morse. J. W.; (
W. H. Houston, treasurer; Elijah Day, i
secretary; John McGaUgh'iy, S. I).: An- (
thony Dunlevy, J. D.; Rev, William 1
Armstrong, chaplain; William Hall, ty- t
ler. c
Referring to the minutes of the meet- r
ing of the lodge on Monday. October 1. a
1819, I learn there were present at the
opening of the ledge, Worthy Brother
George Sights, W, M.; R. W. Harding.
S. W., pro tem; Rolwrt Morrow, J. W..
pro tem; John M, Gaughey. S. D.; E.
D. Clark. J. P.. pro tem; E. Day. secre- ,J
lary; W. H. Hoston, treasurer; William 8
Hall, tyler; also Brothers William t
Clark. D. M. Olnness. J. Wilson. W. G. a
Scott. O. T. Kaeh. John List. Jr.. J. M. t
Hamilton, J. W. Ney, George W. Nor- v
ton, James Luke and William Barley, c
members, and Brother Crcasey. a P. M. <j
of Lodge No. 9. Philadelphia, Pa.; Geo. 0
Rogers, E. S. Lodge No. ISC, Phlladel- l(
phia. Pa.; John Goshorn and G. L. j|
Thompson, of Wheeling lodge No. 128, _
A M. M. lodge was opened in due t
form, minutes read and approved. Bro. j
J. M. Warden. S. W., and A. Dunlevy, t
S. D., now entered and took their re- e
spectlve stations. j
I am thus particular In copying the .
minutes of the meeting that our present
omccrs may Jearn now faithfully their I
predecessors attended the meetings of ,(
the lodge. Twenty-one ollicers and
members, out of a membership of probably
lcs3 than one hundred, were present.
Of those oncers and member# of No.
101 present fifty-one years ago, all save fl
one are believed to bo dead. James /
Luke, of Missouri, a brother of the late
Mr. Kobert Luke, was In the city last .
fall attending the funeral of his
brother. I tnet him then, and I pre- n
suine he is still living. ft
A few of us can remember Brothers
Sights, Day, Houston, Norton and Bal- .
ley, of No. 101, and John Goshorn, .of .
Wheeling Lodge No. 128. The others
you alone of all the present lodge mem- .
b?-rs can have a distinct recollection.
Fifty-one years ago the telegraph was ?
a mystery and a wonder. Invented
thirteen years before. The Mexican '
war of 1S17-48 had made a hero of General
Zach Taylor, and he wns elected
President of the United States, and In- ,
augurated March 4. IS 10, seven months .
before ho wis made a M. M. The city ,
of Chicago wa? mere tmdlng post or a
half-dozen huts. Had an angel told P
President Taylor that In lens than llfty *
years the President of the United States .
could sit In his room In Washington "
and converse with frlr-nds In Chicago,
old "Rough and Iteady" would have .
made It hot for the angel. Wheeling I
was without a railroad for three years
after; the first train on the Baltimore &
Ohio came Into Wheeling In ISM.
Hut this Is not a secret to you. Our 11
necret Is that your brethren of Ohio ;
Lodge having passed by so many recur- u
ring anniversaries and birth days of our u
loved tylcr, without recognition, when v
they discovered that the date. Monday,
October 1. 1900. was the exact anniversary
or your bring made a M. M., con- r
eluded It as good time as any for a date ii
of kindly recognition, hence they have
Invitediyou Inside the lodge this evening
that the brethren tnay Ret acquainted
with you and be able to vouch
for you as a M. M. In case you were to t
visit with them In some oHmr JurlHdlc- K
tlon. a
There are others present who have a
something to say, hence I conclude,
wishing you many pleriKant returns of
anniversaries and birthdays.
Mr. ltllflfi' Masonic record Is as follows:
Masonic History of Urother Timothy
W. [Illss?Initiated June 13. 1H19. Passed
August 8, liaised October 1, 1S41>,
All In Ohio Lodge No. 1. Exalted In H
Wheeling Union Chapter. June 20,' 1851.
Knighted In Wheeling C.'ommandery
May iM, lHf-4. Scottish Ulte?Degrees
Lodge and Chapter 1878 Degrees?Pre
jr custom to celebra
d not to have anoth
of so many of ou
m, we have decide
3 stock, nothing rese
"fSmfltiSrarr All ^5
UllUlIlg fill T
i/ere purchased in it
nounts to, large or si
3's best and buy no1
$ 1.00. |
$29.18. |
; 4!
,/\^>N/v/vyvy\ ^ . . *>V
Come any day-this
fr* ^ 1
o H
1S> ^C> ^G!> ;j?3> ^S3> ^S> =??>
icptory and Consistory, 1893. Degree?
)rdt*r of the Mystic Shrine, 1S97.
Masonic Services of Brother Timothj
?V. Bliss?Tyler of Ohio and Wheeling
odges continuously since 1S64: Nelsor
ind Bates lodges, 186G; Wheeling Union
chapters, 18C4. Sentinel of Wheeling
-oinmandery. Tyler Scottish Rite Lodgind
Chapter, 1S7S; Preceptory, 1
Consistory, 1803. Outer guard of Osiris
remple, 1SS7; Tyler grand lodge. 1865;
yler Grand Chapter, lSSIi. Sentlne
if Grand Commandery, 1S78. A gooti
nan and true, eighty-seven years ol
ise, now active In service.
At the RiversideThe
management of the Riverside
late mill made another endeavor to
tart the mill yesterday morning, but
he result was the same as before. They
re unable to secure enough men and
hose secured are Inexperienced and
inahle to do the work required. They
ndeavored to run one furnace yestcray,
but the attempt was unsuccessful.
u operate the plant. The old men retorate
and reaffirm their former stand
-recognition and wages demanded by
he scale. The company, however, is
u.st as determined and will continue
rying to run the mill. They claim that
nough men will be secured in a few
'Other Children Have, Why Not
The above comments occur in a letter
eferring to proper selection of food,
roni E. J. Wilson, 212 Hemlock Street,
illegheny. Pa. "When our flrat baby
oy reached seven months, he began to
jse strength and grow pale. lie could
ot digest any of the ordinary baby
Dods or prepared milk.
"Acting on the advice of a slster-lni\V
who was bringing the roses to the
heck ft of her two children, by their diet
f Grape-Nuts food, my wife purchasd
a package and began feeding It
radually- to our baby, preparing It
,1th a little hot water until It was tho
onNlsteiicy of a thick gruel. She not
nly fed It to the baby, but herself be
"The transformation was wonderful.
Vlthln a month the baby was free
com nil stomach trouble nnd my
,'lfe'n strength wns completely renew(1.
that feeling of fatigue having enIrely
disappeared. Do not over-feed
hen giving Grape-Nuts food to the
nby. Other children have red cheeks,
.hy not yours?"
This food Jfl concentrated and requires
jus In volume than any food known,
ts delicious taste wins friends and the
emarkable effects win the reason of
ny thoughtful person. It was orlglally
prepared for brain workers, but
lie effect upon the nerve centres und
rain Ih so valuable that It can bo
sed with even nursing babes, to their
cry great ad van age.
EAT Good Sausage made by tlofmnnn
Iros., 2341 Chapllhe street, nnd at stalls
n both markets.
Oscar Gardner Opening.
Gardner & Lawrence desire to notify
heir friends and patrons thnt tholr
rand opening will occur this evening
t 1531 Market street, at 8- o'clock. All
re cordially Invited.
OPENING October 3, 4 nnd 5.
MISS S. A. 3CN0KE, 3021 Jacob St.
Opening to-day, SWABACXER'S.
ON 10 Capen I'lano, Mahogany case,
lightly shopworn, at J1S.". at
R W. HA I'M Hit CO/8.
Opening to-day, SWABACKER'S.
X - jiv
A~~ '
te with special attraci
er discount sale, but a
r patrons, and rather
:d to have one more,
rved, at a
Veek-'It's to be
iuch larger quantities ai
nail, or at what depart
: only for present but fu
I $ 3.90 does the
! Si 1.70 does the
I $39,011 does the
week, or every day il
; Preparations for Next Monday's
1 Event nro Going on Apaco ? The
I Celebration Has no Politics in.it.
Citizens Asked to Decorate.
: Preparations for the "German Day"
' celebration next Monday are going on
j apace. Last night at Arion hall there
I was a joint renearsai oc tne cnoruses
of the several German singing societies*.
under Prof. Schockey.
The executive committee will meet
Thursday evening at Beethoven hall;
the marshals will meet at the same
place Wednesday evening; the finance
1 commltttee meets Friday evening at
Arlon hall.
The speaking stand Is to be erected
at the northwest corner of the citycounty
building, and next Saturday it is
to be used for the White-Holt Joint debate,
by,permission of the German Day
The street arches will be decorated
with greens this week, and will be illuminated
Sunday and Monday nights.
The different halls where entertainments
are to be given Monday night, |
will also be decorated.
Chairman Beu, of the executive committee,
says there has been an lntlma- j
tlon In certain quarters that German
Day Is In some way connected with
politics. Speaking of this, Mr. Deu says:
"German Day has nothing to do with
politics or parties. More than anything
else German Day is a patriotic
affair, and more commemorative of
what happened in America than In Germany.
We are proud that the Gorman
settlers landed on American soil on October
6, 1GS3. and had the dash and
courage to open up an untrodden wllilfirnoRx
In rlvillinllnn hrlnrlnf u'llh
them Industries, teachings and feelings
that this is our country by adoption.
All parties ought to help us in making
our German Day celebration the great
success it deserves to be."
Severely Burned.
While at work at the Riverside mill at
ilenwood, early yesterday morniiw. Jeremiah
Mitchell sustained painful burns
about the body. Ills son-in-law, Pat
Raskin?, was using a torch, when In
some manner It expldoed, producing
burns on Mr. Mitchell's body that will
cause him to lay off work for awhile.
In Clerk Robertson's Office.
Yesterday in Clerk Robertson's olllce
the following were recorded:
Deed, made September 29, 1900; by
Annie Beit2 and others to Fcrd. Papport
and others; consideration $4,550;
transfers a three-eighth undivided interest
in lots 2,.3, 10 and 1L In square 2S
In the Lamb and Russell addition.
Deed, made September 25, l'JOO; by J.
P. Rogers, commissioner, to Mrs. Rrldget
Cahlll;?couslderation $900; transfers
southeast quarter of lot -16 la East
w nui-MiUKDeed,
made August IS. 1500; by Florence
ICwlng to Sarah Heed; consideration
55; transfers part If a lot In the
old Porter farm, east of the city.
Deed, made September 15, 1900; by
Mary Loomls and himlmnd to .1. J, Welsliar;
consideration MOO; transfers lot
1". In Belvedere addition.
Deed, made September 20, 1900; by
Ford. Pappert and others to Leonora
Nolle; consideration $1,500; transfers lot
lit In square 5 or the Sprigs & Ritchie
Marriage licenses wore Issued as follows:
August Martin and Mamie Mlnkomeyer,
of Wheeling,
Richard Morgan Craft, 21, of Pitta
lions, *1?
i if;
1. tlo
the Event o
nd much lower than
ment, you have an o
ture use at the follow!
work of
work of
work of
: you can.
l LU. j11
burgh, and Margaret F. Remaley, 21, of
Springdale, Pa.
Henry Ros3, 31, of Clarlngton, Ohio,
and Lulu Veit, 23, of Wheeling.
Children's Home Gift.
The managers of tho Children's
Home, of Wheeling, W. Va., wish to express
their appreciation and thanks for
the annual gift of $220 from George E.
Stlfel &. Co.
EAT Good Sausage made by Hofmann
Bros., 2344 Chapllne street, and at stalls
in both markets.
STEINWAY Square Piano, good condition,
only $125.
THE Gregg System of Shorthand has
fewer word signs than any other system.
All statements to the contrary are
untrue. Vowels are inserted In their
natural order. In position-writing systems
vowels are omitted. A word without
the vowels inserted Is like a prln- I
1318 Market street. |
SEE our display of Ready-to-\Year
Hats, at our Opening Tuesday. October
"So Cards." 110$ Main St.
ONE Capen Piano. Mahogany case,
slightly shopworn, at $185. at
Opening to-day, SWAB ACKER'S.
WHITAKER-At the family residence.
. Leatherwood. NELSON PltlCE WWTAKER,
Jr., infant pon of .Mr. anil Mrs.
Nclfion P. Whltaker.
Funeral Tuesday at 3 p. m. Interment
private at Greenwood cemctery.
LEONHART?At City Hospital, on Sunday.
September CO. lflno. at 11:55,-LIZETTA
U. LEONHART. daughter cf
Eliza and the late Adam Leonhart. [
i-.uuutui iiuiu v 1.13 iimuij resilience, us
Twelfth street. on "Wednesday nt 10 n.
in. Interment at Peninsular cemetery.
MULDOON?On Sunday. September SO,
1900. nt 4:C0 p. m.. ROBERT E. Ml'LDOON,
In his 32tl year.
Funeral from the residence of his brother- |
In-law, Dr. D. 11. Taylor, No. 29 Twentieth
.street, on Wednesday morning
nt 8:30 o'clock. Requiem muss at St.
Joseph's Cathedral at 9 o'clock.
Friends of the family respectfully Invited
to attend. Interment at Mt. Calvnry
Louis Bertschy,
1117 Mnln St.?"Wo.it SUlo.
Calls by Telephone Answered Day or
Night. Stort Telephone 635. Roaldonc*
[>0f>- Assistant's Telephone. C95. |
r?nimm??r?r* * - -
Funeral Dlrtclors anil Embalmers.
Open Dny nnd Night.
r-orncr Tlilrly.jlxlh nnd Jacob street,. :
Telephones: sture, HIT: Rcildcnco, IBS.
f the Year. f
ordinary. >|f
pportunity W
*"? rr r? o t j\ t~\ re
ii- saving. ^
<< >< *$>< ><
$ 5.00. I 1
$15.00. 1 Z
$50.00. I ?
f v)/
154 to 1160 | $
Main St. | J
5> -<CTi> ~g^> Sn;.
3 The Grand Prize <
?j OF THE <
1 Paris Exposition ;
H was awarded to <
jj Laird, Schober & Co. ;
>| on Ladies' and <
H Children's fine shoes. *
>J This means they are <
W the finest in the world. <
2 We carry the line ^
G complete from Babe <
?j to Grandma. j*
j *
1 iMKK]^K?k'KKK^^LAkk.k^ |
^ High Grade Fresh Roasted
J; Coffee I2c per pound, worth 15c.
^ Good Lanndry Soap 2c a &
"v bar. *T
f ^
i* Diamond Finish Lanndry
T* Starch reduced to 5c a pound. 4*
* *
Fresh Oyster Crackers 5c 4"
& a pound, 4It
Fancy Sweet and Sour
ju Pickles, bottles of 2 -dozen,
each 7c.
? llnndsome presents given free
T* with cash purchases.
Tj 2261 Market Street. ?
TELEPHONE ... No. 210. ^
>i 4* ??* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4> 4* 4* 4* *f4 W
A J.JL UVIJl^L.1 I 4
I'rlccs?25c, 60c, 75c nnd 51.00. Reserved
m'iu ni)I?' opons Snmnlay morning. oc2
VJU111E at 2303 Cbapllno atrcct. bc25%

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