Newspaper Page Text
THAT REIGN I OF TERROR IN PEKlN. Mrs. John H. Inglls, of Cla?irjlllei - Pa., Graphically DMcrll>es 'lie Siege of tUa BRITISH LEGATION |N PEKlN. A Tale of Horror That HapP^y Elided In the Belief of tb? fiesieged by Allied , Among the American ftiteslonarlC3 pooppd up In .the British legation jn pekin during that reign 0f jtcrror tfjat happily ended with the relief of the besieged by the tailed forces. vv*n? Pr? ?uad Mrs. John M. inglld, 0f G,ay8vlJIc? pa., who are well known m Wheeling, especially among Presbyterl*1153Inglls, In a letter to her father anrt piother, graphically describe^ ijie 8lege. The letter, svhlch wft8 PUbiial?*# i/i the Claysville Recorder, is given be' low; PEKING, China* August 14, igoO' Dearest Mother and Father wo months yesterday since our honie **aa burned and eight weeks to*morrow el nee we came to the Brltl"*1 legatl?n? but our relief troops Q-ro thls ftiorniPS pounding away on the south city wall. We have been under Are five do.ya ij0V?\ two days both cannon and rltles. the last two nights we have the h3*dest .attacks we have experlencfcd. L^at flight they began before ?uh?et a*11^ ceased with dawn. But between their valleys we heard the roll ?* distant cannon and the rapid "dick," "cltek" of a machine gun planted t?' ?Ur rd!?' force at the Jung 'fieri Mcn? the fiI1" trance to the south city. They vlll have a double gate to Pasg through to pet-here, but they Will eo^r right the legations. None of us s^Pt, evpfVone was excited. I saw ifidY McDfi.n* aid, dart across tho court,- the bull*!-* whizzing about her like ho*1, *Uid i*1'0 the main hall for the news. Many, many limes there have bec-n rumors of foreign artillery, until it grew to be a standing joke, but 10at night we all heard it roll nnrin iv?n volio.. VOltey. anil this morning- plaluer than ever. Last night the firlflff was so dreadful that I thought perhaps C?oU took the baby to save her a ??orre death, and I thought of her l'1 her t|U??t little grave, the awful gups noyndlaff. nothing disturbing her. Put whefl I heard the artillery so n^nr? hoard hysterical laughter and taUcin# *U around I could only creep back, to t?cr bed ami weep for the little ono> for, oh( how we had planned to celebrate Ms day. Bom in ChinaMrs. Lowrle'a husband Was horn In China, and he Is coming with tjie United States troop3 as Interpreter. Mr*Ixjwrle has not geen him sixteen weeks,, and she is wild with delight. In all these eight weeks we have been able to get but four mcssepsera to '-T'ei1 Tsln and return. Think ot it! Our refugees are almost starving. We are. nearly at the end of our ll0^se meat, having now killed elghty*f?u*'. Every man who had a horse- or muU> gave It up. The heat and dampness* fop three days past has been moat enervating. Our clothes are saturated moat 0f the time. I have been ill for lho past two days, but I will get up to-day to *>ee the'troops come in. Word-canui on Friday last to expect them pn lhe 13th or J4th. as they were simply driving the Chlnesu before them. JJfe here has been very Unpleasant for some time past. Fieo* Hnd mosqultos are dreadful, and the sand fil^s worse. Many are sick with diarrhoea and a low fever. Dysentery haft attacknd the Russian soldier8- The second Russian victim was eXpeetetf t? die last flight. Chinese babies are dying by the score, but .they arc in a separate compound. Only Forty-Five EscapC(j# Of the nearly 300 membership of our Presbyterian churches jn Poking only forty-five escaped here as refugees- We have good reason to bcllcve that the Others have been slain. t)n .iuly 2 the empresfl issued an edict Paring them to recant or be Killed. govot-a| times Cont&ggS?M& Bipod There is no poison so highly Contagious, eo deceptive and so destructive. Don't be too sure you are cured bccfl?lSC all external signs of the disease have disappeared, and the doctor says you are well* Mnny persons have been dosed with Mercury and Potash for months or years,1 QQd pronounced cured ?to realise when too late that the disease tf?s only covered up? Utro Begot* ?*o. *Jg"2g*J out ngain, and to their sorrow and mortification find those nearest ond dcarcSt'to 'them have been infcctcd hy this loath, some disease, for no other poison is .so surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, au old sore or ulcer developing {n middle life, can be traccd to blood poison conin "arty Tho Sin of tho Paront. life, for it remains smoldering in ilje system forever, unless properly treated and driven out in the beginning* S. S. S. is tho otily antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy kaowu ^t can overor?rnn it nml driuf K rtf tilt* hloO'Jt Ond I it docs this to thorou^ty ami effectually that there is never n retort of the disease to ctnburrass or humiliate y?u afterwards. S/Z&, >$??? curea Contagions Blood SjT^ Poison *n any and nil xSk ?ta.j?c^ I contains no m*nerfll't? break down n$25y yonrcuu^titntioti I it is purely vegetable ai>d the oaly blood purifier known Jthnt cican?^ tho blood and at the name/ time builds BP the general health, ( Our lUtle book on contnJ?iouf? blood poison Is-tbe most complete and Instructive cver'iqiucd; it not only fellH nil about tbfcodiseaflCf but ol?? botr to cure yaurselfat ^hotue. free and nhonld be in the liiudfi of cvcf7?ae seeking a cure. Send for it. .me swifj snccinc ca. at&anta. c*. the Tsung Li Yamcn demanded our refugees, but the ministers refused. Those* who escaped the Boxers 1 am surp must have been killed under edict. It tfl said the empress has fled to SJiaii SI, the ancient capital of China. It hus been two months and more since we have had any news of the ouiaide world, except Consul Ragdale's note of McKlnley's nomination. Peking, rtself, Is a sealed book to us. What tales, wh3t tragedies we have yet to JuarnJ And what of th?J poor Inland missionaries? How could they escape? We are almoat afraid to ask of Pao Ting Fu. August 27, 1000. I thought I had lout the letter commenced August H but found it In my Journal to-day, so I will finish, even If disconnected. It was Interrupted by the cry of "The troops have come." I Jumped up, dressed hurriedly and ran out Into Lady McDonald's frorft hall lii time to greet the British officers. The court outside was filled with magnificent Sikhs, all turbancd and Jolly looking as could be. Oh, what cheering, huzzas aiid tearg! Old General Gazalee and the officers, bronzed and sweating, all had trembling voices as well as tearful eyes. Crept Through "Water Gate. With them 450 Indian Sikhs entered the southern city, after sending a few shells through the gate and then Instead of shelling their way Into the North city they crept man after man through the water gate, or where the city canal runs through the city wall. This canal la now dry. The British were llrst In the North city. The United States troops lost their way In the South city and wandered about for two hours, but the United States flag was floating from the wall of the Chlen Man gate, from which point we suffered our worst attacks. As the cheering In the compound Increased so did the flre from the Chinese barricades, for not having seen the entrance of our troops, -they thought to silence a most unusual nosle. One Indian soldier was badly<-wounded .and a French woman was struck In the leg by a fragment of a shell. A shell exploded In Sir Claude McDonald'* bed room. A bullet came Into our room, so the Sikhs said, "We hadn't any fun to-day,' 'and they picked up their guns and went out and droye the imperial soldiers from their barricades without losing a man. Eighteen or twenty British and United States reporters came along, also young Mr. Lowrle, who broke down and wept when he met his wife and friends, whom he had mourned as -dead. .It was a surprise to us to hear the rumors of our massacre in dctajl. Prison and hanging are too good for some jouonalIsts. Sick at IJpqrt. . Our danger was Rreat, but God's omnipotent hand saved us. The stories we hear of missionary friends, their sufferings, In many cases of their murder, make us sick at heart. We cannot speak of Pao Ting Fu friends to each other. Their massacre has been proven beyond a doubt. A trusted servant came from there and relates that their \ homos were burned, then all were led . In a company to a Boxer's yard, by the river, and beheaded, except Mr. Pitkin, who was executed in his own yard. One small woman was so overcome she had to be carried, l^r. Taylor's head wac presented to the yamen authorities as an offering. Fifty-one missionaries were murdered in the yamen belonging to the governor of Shan Si, whither the empress had tied with hor court. As I think of all these murders and outrages I almost lose my self-control. Our trip from Peking to Tien Tsln was most uncomfortable. We were deserted by the major in charge of the ! conwy, on a sandbar for ten hours, and had a disagreeable time generally. The river banks were strewn with the dead bodies of Chinese. The river banks were lined with corn, t'-nd the soldiers fired at every rustlp among the loaves, for they Intend to keep the way clear. We left Peking ?I> the of August. The ejty has been looted and a great portion burned, Foreigners to be Ordered Out. A big English convoy came down today and reported nil foreigners noon to be ordered out. Our church expects to remove me reiuKces 10 ine vjne x-oo uistrlct where there has been no uprising as yet. Consul Corles Invited us to Tlflln the day we arrived at Tien Tsln and we enjoyed It ho much?n tablecloth and napkins, real beefsteak, etc., think of it! Kir Walter Hllller was there, also Captain Bailey, military governor of Tien Tain. There Is no American transport here; no steamers running, flo we all expect to leave here on Wednesday, August 29, on a Urltlah transport that curries us for $3 (Mexican money) a day. clear to Calcutta. This Is less than by steamer to Shanghai. We'pnlfur to-return via Europe when we can do so without extra expense and onl.V a week or two difference in time. The thing that recommends it most to me Is that we can visit the doctor's parents tlrst; then on home where I can stay a good long time. I know that when I Ret home I will wish to stay. This homegoing is so different from what we planned. God only knows how hard It was to tear ourselves from our little darling's grave In Peking. AH Plans Gone. All our plnns arc gone. We come to you empty handed as we went out, but we know we love you better and know that you praise Clod for our deliverance ?a deliverance that grows more and more marvelous an we gain new knowledge wvory day of the empress' deep laid plans. Her fuso was lighted Just a little too soon or we would no* now be alive to tell the tale. Love to each one. THEODORA. P. 8.?Miss Newton, Mrs. McKllllknn, Dr. .Leonard, Revs. Wherry and Mackcy remained In Poking to look after aur remaining fifty church members. Mr. Walter Cowrie, of Pao Tin/? Fu, who wok In T!en Tsln when the war broke out, had o. place ready' for us to stop when we arrived here. Mr. Miller, of Pao Ting Fu, also Is here. He apd his family escaped to Korea from Pel Tal Ho. Last night V>'0 met for praise service In the Hrltlsh park?the church of England service, band music and an address by Mr. Lowrlo. The Peking refugees and the soldiers of all nations were present to take part In the grand services. How my heart turns homoward. Both the doctor and mynelf need to get away from Tien Tsln. The Fenns are here. Mrs. Carr, a lovely Engllwh lady, lost her beautiful baby the day we l*ft Peking, Oh! how my heart erles for niy baby, day and night, but Mrs. Slmcox's wns brutally murdered. Bo In this way T am led to thank God for His mercy. Will write again. THEODORA. ONLY one remedy In, the world that will at once stop Itchiness of the skin In any part of the body. Doan'n Ointment. At any'drug store, CO cents.?3. STATE PBESS GLEANINGS. Kentucky Justice seems to be a pliable affair. A few days ago It was confidently stated thut Howard, now on trial for the murder of Goebel, had been positively proven guilty; and a {lay or two later It waa Just as positively stated that Howard was talking to a barber a block or two away at the time the fatal shot was fired, the barber himself testifying to it. Jt may, some time, ba ascertained to a dot who killed Goebel, but It docs not look as though It will over be done by duo process of Kentucky law.?Wellsburg Herald. The barbecue at this place this week promises to be the largest and best political meeting ever hold In the county. Groat preparations are being made and no one can afford to miss it.?Tyler County Star. The Second congresHlonal district Is only entitled to one congressman, but should Colonel Tom be elected there will have to be several go down to Washington and tell him how to vote on the different questions.?Davis Republican. Hon. Wharton Barker Is one of the most modest of the presidential candidates; he only claims two states, Texas and Ge'orgla.T-Martlnsburg Herald. Mr. Bryan alludes to tbo soldiers as an "Idle set" and to the money paid pensioners as a "needless waste." But as Bryan Is not eligible to a pension It makes no difference.?Preston Republican. Democrats who love good government cannot ufford to return to power the Chilton, MacCorkle and Chilton political trust. Can any Republican afford to do It??Charles Mall-Trlbune. Hobson's Intimation that the Spaniards sank their own ships at Manila bay does not take on the significance It might have assumed if Dewey had consented to run for the presidency before it was too late.?Blueiield Telegraph. xvouacveit'H letter of acceptance Is a modest manuscript, but It dJssaets the Kansas City platform and the false Issue of Imperialism so thoroughly i thAl> "the wayfaring man, tho' a fool need not err therein."?Putnam Itepub- i Mean. That old political humbug, Nat Ward ] Fitzgerald, occupies over two columns of the Morgantown Daily Dominion to , show that Bryan will be elected. It Is well understood that Colonel Nat Is somewhat of an adept with figures. It I was a top free use of his versatile pen | that debarred him from practice before I the United States pension commissioner at Washington, and from which he went into the "bloomer girl" restaurant business In New York. A man who has been in all the political organizations known to the country is not a safe prognostlcator as to coming events any way.?Grafton Sentinel. Postal Orders. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 1.?The following changes have bean ordered In the star service on routes In West Virginia: Route 16.397. White Sulphur Springs to Columbia Sulphur Springs: hereafter supply White Sulphur Springs at site heretofore authorized. Route 1G.437, Clear Creek tn Maedon- I aid; from Octobcr 1, 1900, omit Maedonaldand end at Maedonald railroad stotion.vwlthout change In distance. Route 16,411, Clrtavllle to Mount Hope; from Octobcr 1, 1900, end at Macdonald railroad station, omitting Mount Hope, (discontinued), increasing three-fourths of a mile. Jtoute 10,442, Berkley to Mount Hope; from October 1. 1900, end at Prosperity, omitting Mount Hope, decreasing five miles. Route 16,314, Helvetia to Newlonton; hereafter leave Helvetia daily except Sunday at 2:45 p. m., ami returning, k'nv> Newlonton on receipt of mail from south-bound mall train, but not later .than G p. m, Killed at a Saw Mill. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. FAIRMONT, W. Vn.. Oct. 1.?Edwin DeVault was accidentally killed at Rogers &. Jacobs' saw mill at Smlthto'.vn, Friday. , The unfortunate man has a son who works at the mill and he had gone there to take his placo while the latter was absent for a short time, lie was at work only a few minutes when In lifting a log he slipped and fell backward against the belt and wns hurled upward. His head struck the roof of the shed and his skull was crushed. He lingered only a few hourn after the accident, He was aged about forty years. A widow and three children survive him. Postmasters Appointed. Special Dispatch to the intelligencer. WASHINGTON, p. C., Oct. 1.?Clifford E, McDonald hap been appointed postmaster at lllo, W. Va. A new pos*ottloH has been established at Wade, "Wetzel county, W, Va., and GeorRo T. Wood has been appointed postmaster. The postotlleo at Cokeleys, Hltchle county, W. Va., has been discontinued. Mall hereafter will be be Bent to Ilarrlsvlllc, and supplied to Cokuleys by rural free delivery. An All-Day Picnic. Special Dispatch to the Intelllfjonccr. MARTJNSBUKG, W. Va? Oct. 1,-An all-day plcnlo and Republican rally will be held at .Tones' Spring, this county, October 13. Governor Atkinson and Hon, Charles Caldwell will speak during the day. The people will take bnsketn and remain ?u the meeting all day. Hoth of the speakers will make redresses In this city on the night of the same day. WlmtP ?! >-11111 n;? IIIIIJ, lliu proprietor of the Exchange' saloon In Marietta, la moHt nu familiar In Pi\rkersbunj oh It la In Marlottn. Moat t;very Parkersburrrer who vlwlts In Marietta makes MqCurdy's pluce headquarters.-?Parkerabun? Journal. Stop that Head Cold in 10 minutes ?or It will develop Into Chronic Catarrh. Dr. Apiunv's Catarrhal Powdor atopa cold In the head In ten minutes, and rellevew piost uouto and doep. seated Catarrh after one application. Cui-ch qulokly and permanently, "I have uned Dr. Afrnew'a Caturrlml Powder with best results. It in a great remedy, and I never cease recommending It."?John E. Dell, Puuldlng, O. Hold by Charlea It. Goetzo, Twelfth and Market atreeta. -12. Hay Fovor. We con cite you a number of CURES wo havo mado in cases of 1IAY FEVER, but NOT ONE FAILURE. TUT-STATE OSTEOPATHIC 'INSTITUTE, Tenth and Main StrootH. Burs tfao X?lk' K'cl1 1,111 HIM M?n Eo'-'^l BENWOOD. News Notes From tho Busy Marsha County Town. Work was begun yesterday tyy' 11 Wheeling Railway Company on: 11 connecting line on Kentucky Hejfcht that will connect the Moundsvllle an Wheeling lines. The citizens some tin ago got out an Injunction ajfalnpt 0 company, which will prevent them Xroi running cars straight through froi Wheeling to Moundsyille. and It likely thoy will transfer at sonpoint. The company owns the proj crty along the heights and the city car not prevent the wprk o? connecting tli two lines. For the benefit of the Bor wood population, a car will run dow through that city at Intervals. While at work at the Riverside earl yesterday afternoon. Theodore Cavt naugh had his left foot mashed by bi ing run over by a truck. Part of th great toe had to be amputated and th nails from all the other tocB >vere rc moved. The To tins Glen's SocJjil Club has sc cured quarters in the PabBt buildin and are having them elegantly furnish cd. When completed they will rnak the model cjub rooms of the city. The mules that are used in the mine at the Wheeling steel works have bee sent for by tire company. This is take as an indication that the mill wljl rc sumo shortly. Harry Leeds, of McMechen, address ed the citizens at the Democratic clu rooms last night. Leeds Is a Soclalis and he has a number of followers I this city. The Empire Athletic Club entertalne In honor of Joseph Gocke, one of thai members, who recently become a'bene diet, ut their club rooms Sunday after noon. The Republican drum corps gave i well attended ni)d highly successfi dance at the Blue Ribbon hall lapt ev enlng Prof. Long furnished the music The Epworth League will hold cabi net, devotional and business meeting at the Methodist Episcopal night. .Tames Hitchcock and wife, of Ne\ Martinsville, have returned home, af ter a pleasant stay with relatives here Mrs. A. Pelley returned from Ming yesterday, where phe was the guest o her son during the past few days. A young son of Charles Curran ran i nail Into his foot while playing in th school yard yesterday afternoon. MIkb Kmmu Price returned from Par lccrsburg, where she took part In the W C. T. U, goldmedal contest. Harry Schwartz, of Pittsburgh, ha returner] home, after a few days' vlsl with friends In this city. Miss Anna Crannen and Mary Mc Cormlck spent Sunday with friends a Moundsvlllo, Pete Joyce has returned from i pleasant stay with friends at Pitts burgh. John Elchleay, of Pittsburgh, has re turned home, after a brief business sta: here. Oscar Schad has resigned his posltioi with George M. Snook & Co., of AVheel ing. The Croatian Republican club Will re ceive their uniforms this week. Mrs. William Rude is the guest o friends at New Martinsville, John "Winning, of Brilliant, was call lng on friends here Sunday. Arthur Geraghty, of Mingo, spen Sunday with relatives here. wjiunm fjerip ana wire arc visiting friends at Park View. BELLAIRE HAPPENINGS. Matters of Interest in tha Hetropolii of Belmont County. The Germans of this city are taking r great. Interest in the celebration to bi held at Wheeling. October 8. At ar enthusiastic meeting at which Dr. U1 rich, Dr. Zlmmer and others, of Wheel Ing, wore present, It was resolved to engage Heatherlngton's band to head th( Bellalre delegation on that occasion Carl L. Dorer will be marshal of th< Bellalre division, and Messrs. Loub Busche, Carl Jahnke. and J. P. Glnssei will be assistants. J. U. Walehll, William Sehlndewolf and Frank SastudI! will look after the banners and decorations, and John Steger, Louis Buscht and C*. L. Dorer are the finance committee. Fred. Rodewlg, sr., Wllllarr Sehlndewolf, sr., Louis Long, sr., August Kompart sr., and George Kern, art vice presidents. C. W. Bente will mak< the opening address In German. Cnpt. J. T. Lune went to Barnesvlllt yesterday, where they are trying to arrange for a spcclal train to leave thai town for this city about G o'clock or, October 12. the data or Rnnatnr Fnm. Iter's meeting* there. Ho speaks here that evening and Barnesville wants tc hold him during all of their afternoon demonstration, which can only be done by having a spcclal train. The Republican committee ban the the bills out for the Brosslus meeting Friday night, nnd met last night to select the gentleman to preside. Tho uniformed clubs will both be out and the Mechanic's band will furnish the music, The outlook la for a big meeting. Mosos Duga and Miss Albertlna Stahl were married at the bride's home Sunday evening*1 and a splendid company of friends enjoyed the festivities that followed the ceremony. The funeral of Prank Norris yesterday afternoon, wua attended by a largi' crowd of friends. His sudden taking ofl caused universal sadness In a wide circle. Miss Bessie Iloge, formerly of thlf city, but for eight years a missionary In India, wrjtex an Interesting letter tc her friends through the Independent. Miss Alma Snedeker, stenographer In State Food Commissioner Blackburn'? oflleo nt Columbus, la the guest of hot mother here, for a few days, Charles J. Clements returned yesterday from Detroit, where he attended school for the past three months, tuklnfi a course in language, Mrs. Coffey, wife of Rev. R. S. Coffey, of the First Presbyterian church, will leave this week for a visit to her old home in England. Quite n crowd of Knights Templai will go to St. Clalrsvllle Thursday evening to attend the drill meeting. Train returns at 9 o'clock. The Shakespeare Literary and Soda Pint* will moot this ?? 1 * ?* me nunu of Miss hlxa Luzuro to reorganize for this winter. The collection In 8t. John's church foi the benefit of Galveston sufferer; amounted to $io?; 04, n neat sum for ont collection. John Davis left yonterday morning for St. Mary's, where ho will look after the construction of a water plant let to II T. Day. The Young Men's Club held nn Interesting rally meeting In their rooms In tin* hank building lust night. .Tames T. Kelly, of the First Nntlonal hank, has been laid up for a day or t\Vo with a heavy cold. Mrs O. E. Fmilkc, ot Grccnnclil. Ohio, in visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M v. imucr. A social will be held nt the First Presbyterian church Thursday evening. The mayor's court was not a blank yesterday, but It didn't pay anything. CHAMPAGNE ns a restorer has nc c(|ual. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Chnmpn??nc Is pure, dellcioip and sparkling. FAMILY WASHING. Rough Dry Washed, Starched and Dried 6 cents per pound. Flat Work, Washed and Ironed, 5 cents per pound. All hand work finished 10 cents per pound. At LUTZ BROS'. Homo Steam Laundry, u ?" # lo Tlio Kind You Have Alwaj I* in use for over 30 year.i ^ All Counterfeits, Imitatioi le periments that trttlo irit Infants and Children?Ej ? What Is i ;e Castoria is a substitute foi a and Soothing- Syrups. It n contains neillior Opium, i. substance. Its ago is its and allays Fcvcrlshnoss. ? Colic. It relieves Tcotliin t and Flatulency. It assim n Stomach and Bowels, givi The Oliildren's l'anacea? I CENUIME CAS a yri Bears th i-AaSyy; I The Kind You H In Use For 1 THE CCWTOJH COMf?W?, TT . Cure Jjuppteccy. flight Emissions, Loss eases, all effects of self-abuse A oerve tonic and blood glow to pale cheeks and restc mail 50c. per box, 6 boxes fo kfcCJ able guarantee to cure or Send lor circular and copy of c NERV1T& TOBLI (YELLOW LADLL) Positively guaranteed cure for Los3 of P Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, N< Paralyais and the Results of Excessive U in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $$.i cure In 30 days or refund money pai NERVITA MEC Clinton and Jackson Strcot3 Sold by Cbns. R. Goetze, Druggist 5 ing. W. Va. "DIRT IN THE HOU WAY TO BEGGARY.' ?WHEN IN E STRONG Q . vijcr to the whole fceinc. AUdrsl are properly cured, their condition Mailed scaled. Price ti per box; 6 t money, Send tor free book. Sold by Chris. R. Goetze, Druggist, c PERFECTION GAS RANGE. Perfection Gas Ranges, Four and Six Holo-Cafeo (irlddlo? Viktor Hentor?Worminp Ovou.,., TRIMBLE & LUTZ CO., Wrifr tor Catal&tua. J5D0-1532 Mirfcct 3fre?t EDUCATIONAL. 1 MOUNT I" DECHANTAL Wheeling, ACADEMY, WVoIN THE CHARGE OF THE Sisters of the Visitation, B. V. M. Firty-Tbird Year. ID00-1D0I, Opens Wc^nculay, Sept 12. Cllmnto dcitlrnblo lbr dollcmto plrlH. Ton nureH bountifully luld out. (iolf, \ 'XcnnU, Croijiitit uud othor uthlotk names. Exurtllew; euro; reasonable rates. Address 1 Tl,#. nip#.rlr?? Mount dc Chantal Acndcmy. ^onr, "Whoollntr, W, Vn. | PUBLICATIONS. daughter" OF THE ELM, i A TALE OF WEST VIRGINIA A book thnt has excited almost r furor lu tbo locality where tin story Ib sot. By Mull, Postpaid, $1.00. Address A. C. Hall Glcncoc, ill i :ni'J7-d,tw 1 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. Mrs. W. S. Hutchlns will rIvo Instruction on the rinno ti a limited number of i>\ip!1n at hoi rosldence, No. MO Main street, corn monclnK the llrnt work In September Arrangement)! can bo made by cull Iuk or through the nuill beulnnlni Monday, September 3. s, Bought, and ivlilcli has heen i, lias homo tho signature of has hccn mado under his per. il supervision since Its Infancy.' W no ono to dccclve you In this, is and Substitutes arc hut Ex. Ii and endanger the liculth of ;perlcnco against Experiment, 2AST0RIA Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops is Harmless and Pleasant. It Morphine nor otljcr Nareo<lo guarantee. It destroys Worms It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind g Troubles, cures Constipation ilates the Food, regulates tiio ing healthy and natural sleep, rho Mother's Friend. TORI A 'ALWAYS e Signature of m Always Bought Over 30 Years. MUIIM* TA((T, NIWVOUI CITY. Pill (P "eSt0[e Vitalil* 11 i \ Lost Vigor 1 lis la H and Wood.,. [ of Memory, all wasting disor excess and indiscretion. builder. Brings the pink PJLLS ires tlio fire of youth. By - _ \ r $2.50, with our bankrefund the money paid. CTS iui" bankable guarantee bond. ;tg extra strength Immediate Results ower, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken jrvous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, se of Tobacco. Opium or Liquor. By mall )o with our bankable guarantee bond to Id. Address >ical company CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Market and Twelfth streets, 'Wheel- ? tths&w ISE BUILDS THE HIGH' RR \}J\<ZF IN TIMF AMI"! I TCP OLIO IOUBT, TRY Ther hare stood the test oryeaii. _ _ . ana have cured thousands of J f -A //rtait? of Nervous Diseases, inch yMTlpS Debililv, DixzineiJ.Slcepleii^^^'ib^^J^^rneis and * They dear the brain, ttrenjthea ' the circulation, make dic?*tioa perfect, and impart a healthy at and losses ire checked ftrmantnily, Unless patitstt r, often worries them into Insanity, Consumption cr Death. i >oxes, with iron<lsd legal guarantee to cure orxefundtha Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cletjland, 0. or. Market and Twelfth streets. ap!4 FINANCIAL. : XHE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF WHEELING. Capital $200,000 Surplus and Profits GO-OOO DIRECTORS. J. N. Vance. John Frew, John Wnternouse. John L. Dlekejr, W. E. Stone, Geo. B. Stlfel, W. II. Frank. J. M. Brown, Wm. Elllnghatn. OFFICERS, J. N. VANCE, . . . President. JOHN FRBW, . Vice President. LAWRENCE E. SANDS, Cashier. WM. B. IRVINE, Ass't. Cashier. Business entrusted to our care will r?* cclvc prompt ond careful attention. BANK OP THE OHIO VALLEV. CAl'lTAT.-Sl 7,1,000. WILLIAM A. 1RKTT : Proildrnt MOKTIMKK rOLLOCK....VIco President J. A. MILLER Cm,hie. J. H. MCDONALD Ask't. Ca??ler Drafts on England, Ireland, Frinco an"1 Germany. 1 . DIRECTORS. William A. Isctt, Mortimer Pollock, i: A. Millar. Robert Simpson, L. M. Atkinson. C. M. FrUMll, , Julius Pollock. ;v HANNIBAL FORCES President J. A. JEFFERSON Cashier. C1IAS. I. A MB Assistant Caahlsr BANK OF~WHEELING. CAPITAL, 9200.00a. PAID IN. WHEELING. W. VA DIRECTORS, Allen llrock. Joneph F. Paull, Ci'uh, Schmidt. Ilt-nry Woborson. Howard Simpson, Hannibal Forbes, A. J. ClarKe. Interest ;uld on special deposits. Issues drafts on EngUnd. Ireland &n& . Scotland. J. A. JEFFERSON. ) myU ' CashUr. INSURANCE. Real Estate Title Insurance. ?.sCc^ If you purchase or make n lou.t on resl estate huvo tho title Insured by the Wheeling Title & Trust Co, No. 1305 Market Street. II. M. lHtS8EI,L l>rp?ldfr,t 1* P. STIFUI B?cr.l?ry ; C. J. ItAWUNO Vice I'rmlJTl ivV,' TKAPY An.'I. S.cntiry a. 11. E. GlLCHIUST..El?mlnir ! Till"