Newspaper Page Text
BRYAN BLUFF VcrsuB McKinley Prosperity in Thia Country During Past Four Years. HIS FALSE PREDICTIONS. Condition of Business Shown by Exports, Savings Banks and Bank Exchanges at Various Clearing Houses?Marvelous Growth in All?Confidence of People Exhibited in Retention of Outstanding Greenbacks. special ^orresponuence hi jiuuiuguiivi-r. WASHINGTON. D. C., Oct. 1.?During his unparalleled efforts In 1806 to reach the white house, Bryan traveled over 13.000 miles; he visited about 360 towns and he delivered, all told, nearly 500 speeches. Ills "paramount issue" at that time was the free coinage of sliver at 1G to 1. The greater part of hlo speeches were devoted to this subject. He could not say enough against the gold standard, under which system a dollar of our money was-(and Is still, and If the Republicans remain in power will continue to be) worth 100 cents anywhere in the civilized world." ' In nearly every one of his speeches Bryan then predicted dire results if McKinley was elected,- and the gold standard continued. To Illustrate,-in one of his addresses he said: Wages Will Be Decreased. "If McKinley and the Republican party are successful and put In power for the next four years, wages will be decreased, hard times will come upon us, and over the land the price of wheat will go down, and the price of gold will go up; mortgages on our homes will bo foreclosed by the money lenders; shops and factories will close. We will export no goods and wo will Import trr\itr> Innrlj oil fhtt i'nnrlu WA iioa* thus ruin, want and misery will be with us." . . - . ft very intelligent man in the. country knows that each and every one of these wild predictions has proved absolutely false. Exactly the reverse has taken place, and neither Bryan nor any of hl3 followers can truthfully deny it. Again, this great calamity howler an-1 apostle- of free silver says in his own book, "The First BaUle," published after his. defeat in 1896: Means Dearer Money. "The gold standard means dearer money;' dearer money mean3 cheaper property; cheaper property means harder times; harder times means more people out of work; more people out of work means more people destitute; more people destitute means more people desperate, and more people desperntn moono mnrn r?rlmiv" The gold standard is here yet, however, and with it the greatest and most general prosperity the country has ever experienced. Let us consider a few "signs of the times": Nothing shows more plainly whether or not the country is prosperous than our exports, our deposits in savings banks and the bank exchanges at.the various clearing houses. Thesu institutions are about as sensitive to the condition of the country as a barometer is to the atmosphere. Excess of Exports Over Imports. According to the official records, the excess of exports over Imports, or the balance of trade In our favor, during the three years from March 1, 1S97, to March 1, 1900, .was J1.4S3.049, or nearly four times as much as the balance of trade during the nine years from 1820 to March 1. 1900?which was only J3S3,028,497. This marvelous growth of our export trade, be it remembered, has developed under a high protective tariff and the gold standard. Only a fewyears since, when Grover Cleveland was running on a free trade platform, It was loudly proclaimed that a large export trade could not exist under a protec live tariff. The clearing house returns of the United States for the last fiscal year were 5S8,909,661,776, while for ilie last year of Cleveland's administration they were 551,935,651,733. The returns for 1S03, as above, were practically double those of the year 1894, the year in which the Wilson low tariff law went into operation. Deposits in Savings Banks. The deposits in the savings banks of the country, according to the ofHelal reports of the comptroller of the currency, have Increased from 51.907,150,277, In 1896, to 12,230,366,954 In 1899, an increase of over one hundred millions per year. Bryan predicted again and again In 1896 that money would grow scarcer under a continuance of the gold standard. Has It though? The amount of money, including gold, paper and silver, In circulation July 1, 1900, was $2,062,425,49ft. or 526 50 per capita, more money per man than the country has had since the Pilgrims landed, in 1896 the amount In circulation was only $1,506,431,966. Four years ago the gold money In the United States was only 5597,000,000; today It Is over one thousand millions. During hard times the gold is hoarded, as it was in 1896; when prosperity and confidence return, however, thoso who have money invest It in various enterprises. Confidence of the People. From 1887 to 1893 the confidence of the p<?opI& in the stability of the government was so great that only 516,vt/0,0Ufl of the 5346,000,(W0 of greenback currency outstanding was prsKonitt'd at the treas ury of the United Statin for redemption and the gold withdrawn?only 546,000,000 in fourteen years. But during the last three and a half years of Cleveland's administration the confidence of tho people was bo shaken that more than two hundred millions of greenbacks were presented for redemption and the gold withdrawn from the treasury and circulation. Tho greenbacks, be it Understood, could depreciate in valuo but tho gold could not, therefore tho eagerness of the people to secure tho latter. Kegnrdlng failures, Bryan suys In hln book: "It ia only necessary to note tho Increased number of failures In order to know that a gold standard 1? ruinous to merchants and manufacturers." Number of milures, Tho number of failures during the . y<?ar In which tho above statement was madu (IMC) was 15,088, according to ? Dun's. Review, with liabilities of ii26?? 030,834; evet^Iiic^^ -7. been decreaslg, until In 1899 there word only 9,337 nil fold, with liabilities of $90.879i889. 4 Ond more Illustration of prosperity ** under McKInley and the gold standard, and we shall close the present article. It Is the purpose of the writer,' however, to follow this with others on so-called ^ ;^*lii)perlallBm,M .(the;pre.sent: chief'scarecrow of Bryan-and'hls followers), militarism, the lurking danger,of free all- [ ver, etc. The cotton Industry has advanced marvelously within the last two or three years. Commenting upon this and < the general prosperity of the south, the 1 Atlanta Constitution, (Dcm.), of Sep- j tember 1C, says: "Two years ago, notwithstanding the price of cotton at that time, our peoplo pulled through and lived. Last year, with a shorter crop, they still lived, and have an extra 981,000,000 Jingling in their pockets. Prosperity in tlie South. Pi "This year they are living again, and 7* with almost two million dollars extra A money they are the best rewarded ngrir culturlsts In the world, and have money with which to go Into cotton-mill Ne building and the bettering of home sur- pit roundlngs. From these ilgures," says ] the editor, "we may Judge of the Immense impetus given to enterprises of ? all kinds In the south/' The cotton industry, as with all oth- di ers, has been, fostered by a protective D( tariff, by the gold.standard, and by ex- ei panslon.'or "imperialism." G( Was there ever such a false prophet h, aa Bryan In 189G? And yet, in spite of the utter failure of all?each and every i0 one?of his forecasts, he Is again ask- ^ ing the people to vote for him, and pre- ( dieting the overthrow o( the republic in Lt case he is not elected. Mi Is It possible that Bryan can fool Mi enough voters this year with his trumped-up issues to enable him to c reach' the goal.he has been hustling for Ml since his last defeat? To say '"yes" would be an insult to the intelligence ^ of the people. CHARLES H. COE. At Will Form New Cabinet. i YOKOHAMA, Sept. 30.?The Mikado has summoned Marquis Ito to form a Ai cabinet on the resignation of the Yamagata ministry. When entrusting the t task to the ndw premier, his majesty Ar said that as affairs in China were en- .J terlng upon the diplomatic stage, the j presence of Marquis Ito at the head of "Ai the government was necessary. , c ? ? ? . Ai FINANCE AND TRADE. 'A{ Hi The Features of the Money and Stock ,Cc Markets, j;; ; c' NEW YORK. Ocl. 1? Close: Money FJ on call firmer at 2@2^ per cent. Prime Gt mercantile paper Per cent. GJ Sterling exchange weak, with actual in business in ^bankers' bills at 54 S5'.?(g) jjj 4 85% for demand and at 54 8lVi?4 Sl% for sixty days; posted rates 54 S2% and 1 54 86%(Q!4 87. Commercial bills 54 81Vi?P 4 Sl%. Silver certificates G3MiT?G5c. Bar .p. silver 63%c. Mexican dollars 4$%c. pi Government bonds steady.. Cc statu ounus lr.acuve. ^Dt Railroad bon'Js Irregular. Gc The stock market rellected the opor- Hi atlons of professional dealers on a lar- j*' ger scale to-day than for a long time *lr past, as a result of the arrival in New York from summer outings of the majority of the^more influential element among the professionals. The market ^ advanced with a considerable show of animation and strength. The move- r ment was clearly apart from any am forced demand from the short Interest vci such as played a large part In the spas- clo modic upward movements of last week, vis This was made clear by the compara- pr< tivc heaviness all day, of stocks which ^ have shown the most pronounced weakness lately and In which a distressed on short interest would naturally make it- bui self most evident. Notwithstanding the strength shown by the bull contingent, R0C they were unable to maintain prices to wo the close and the tone was therefore heavy at the end and prices were con- No sJdernbly off (ion} the best. Because an of the brokers who were employed In "u the buying, the rumor circulated on the ro1 exchange that it represented operations for the account of a well known steel bw magnate, who hus already electrified vei Wall street on one occasion this year slr and who Is known to command an Inlluentlal following. The pleasure of the *w room traders in this hypothesis was not altered by the quietness of AmerJcan b0i P. t 1 .i- . tve uio.. lv it itc, n iiivu lurtcu me umiers to the explanation adopted by the Jeal- ret oua husband In the play that "the ab- C01 sence of all signals must In Itself be a signal." The movement centered In ?01 Union Pacllle,. which was absorbed In a a very confident manner and in v?ry ca' heavy blocks all day. An extreme rise 1 of 2*4 resulted. The southwestern rail- slr roads moved somewhnt In sympathy, nK but not so widely. New York Central and the Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicago , & St. Louis stocks were strong, intluenced apparently by the rumors that Kc the latter is to be absorbed by the for- ca mer as other subsidiary roads have al- a" ready been absorbed. The leading In- *7' dustrlals. the local tractions and some of the steel stocks rose from 1 to 2,? points and Pressed Steel Car rose an f,u extreme 2>4. A raid in the late dealinps on Tennessee Coal, which carried more stock iy,c under Saturday unset- V* tied the market. The conl strike seem- lfni ed to be ignored and the coalers aa a IUJ whole moved contrary to the market. , The professional bulls expressed great- 8t ly Increased confidence over the money , outlook, notwithstanding an advance In ?"' the call rate on the exchange to 2,,jj per LHJ : cent. The continued marked weakness } of sterling exchange, which was quoted %c to the pound under the Friday rate *? for demand sterling, gave further i-i ground for the expectation that gold f may come in from Europe. Discount "P rates were slightly eanler in London, VI and there was a relaxation also in Her- * lln, where the jellef there is great at { the successful termination of the stock * exchange settlement. The easing of .the ?c( money rate at these centres in spite of f the suggestive decline of exchange ? rates at New York leads to some claims that the dilllcUltleR hr>forr> the fnrnli'n money markets have been exaggerated, and that gold can be spared for New " York without precipitating a crisis. It cannot be said that this view moots with much favor outside the specula- c tlve element which wa? engaged in putting up prices to-day. The bond market continued irregular n and the dealings on a smnll Hcale. To- u tal Rales par value. $820,000. United States refunding 2s when Issued ndvanced Vi per cent In the bid a price, and new 4s declined % per cent. U. S. Bonds. U. 8. Refunding II. 8. new 4n rcg.134% L 2a when iH.Vd, U. 8. new 4h couXPC, 1 registered .....JOi II. S. old 4n retf..II Pi do coupon.... 101 *11. 8. old 4k con.11-1 vt U. 8. 3a rPK....!"1.' U. 8. S:i reg ll.T/t U. 8. 3a coupon.10ft*4 II. 8. fin coupon.. 113*4 Stocks. Atchison ~pA Mobilei & Ohio... 33 do preferred.. K,7A Mo., Kan. & T,. Hal. & Ohio cs% do pre for rod... 1*7 Can. Pacific S6 N. J. Central....1-13% Con. Southern.. 4'J\t N. Y. Central...12SV4 7 Chen, & Ohio... '&%. Norfolk A W.... 33 H Chicago O. W-. l-Hj do preferred... 7Wj Chi.. Hur. & Q.124 Northern Pnc.... Chi. 1"?>- <lrt Preferred... |js\ do preferred.. UYj Ont. & Western. JOVfc Chi. A/ ! :. 111... * Ore. Ity.Jk N... ? Chi & N. W.... 1* do preferred... ? Chi!. H. I. A P.l?% Pennsylvania C. C. C. & 81. L. C2 ItcndlnK Col. Boutliern... do I si pre M'.i do 2d1 pro!!!!!; 14 IUo O. fvciVoYn. Wtt | BROXEES. ' BBAHCII OFFICE, LFREDL BEYER CO. BROKERS. TOCKS?BONDS?GRAIN. No. 30 Twelfth St., Wheeling. ^DIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. lainess transacted for local brokers. Stocks bought and sold for cash or carried on margin. Particular attention given STEEL 3tocks. SMALL MARGINS. QUICK SERVICE. NO INTEREST CHARGES, BANK REFERENCE. Telephone 1028. io preferred.. ES do preferred... bO n. Malting-.... 4 National Lead...,37% lo preferred.. 21 do preferred... DO n. S. & Refg. 3G% National Steel.. 24% lo preferred.. S7% do preferred... N2 n. Spirits 1% N. Y. Air Brake.120 lo preferred.. 17 N. American 14% n. Steel Hoop. JSV4 Pnclflc Coast.... 53 . lo preferred.. 65 do 1st pre fcO n. Steel & W. 31 do I'd pre 03 lo preferred.. 72% Paeltlc Mall 30% n. Tin Plato.. 20% People's Gas 86% lo preferred.. 80 Pressed Steel C. 30% n. Tobacco... 89 do preferred... 72 lo preferred.. 128 Pull. Pal. Car...182 taconda Mine. 41% Stand. R. & T.. I"; ooklyn It. T. 51% Sugar 117% tl. F. & Iron.. 31% preferred...115 nt. Tobacco.. 24% Tenn. Coal & I.. 63% lo preferred.. 75% ,U. S. Leather... 10% deral Steel...'31% do preferred... G8% lo preferred.. C3 U. S. Rubber.... LI'% n. Electric...136 do preferred... 52% ucosq Sugar.. 49% [Western Union.. 78 lo preferred.. f'S% Republic I. S. 11% ter. Paper.... IS do preferred... 52% lo preferred.. 01% P. C. C. & St. L. 47;4 icledo Gas.... SS% Kx-lnterest. 'otal sales of stocks 334.100 shares. New York Mining Stocks. lolor 3 19'iOntarlo 5 C 00 own Point... 10 jOphlr 55 m. Cal. & Va. 1 lfl..Plymouth 12 adwood 45|?Quicksilver .... 1 50 mid & Curry. 321 do preferred.. G 50 lie & Nor? 25 Sierra Nevada.. 20 jmestake .... 55 00} Standard 4 on :>n Silver Union Con 10 L'xlcan 391 Yellow Jacket.. 29 Brendstuffs and Provisions. CHICAGO?"Wheat started easy, but lied on bad weather, outside strength 1 a small Increase In the visible, Norther closing %{r%c higher. Corn sed %e, and oats %(<i'%c better. ProIons at the close were 7%@12%c Im>ved. trhnn* 1LO lower at 7GV?c to 76%c. Deliveries October contracts early were 2,500,000 shels, world's shipments were 8,350,and cables were easier. The market >n steadied, however, because there s rain In the northwest with snow d rain predicted for to-morrow, rthwestern markets turned strong as additional help. These two inences sent the price on the upward id and when it was announced that ? visible Increase was only 41G.000 shels, a further advance resulted. Noniber rallied to 77%((D"7->ic and closed ong at that figure, over the se Saturday. The seaboard reported enty-one loads taken for export, but ; cash business here was light. Sealrd clearances in wheat and Hour re equal to G27.000 bushels. Primary reipts aggregated 1.568,000 bushels, npared with 1,571,000 bushels last ir. Minneapolis and Duluth reported cars, ngalnst 850 last week, and 1,354 year ago. Local receipts were 350 rs, ten of contract grade. 7orn was firm and higher, notwlthindlng heavy local receipts and >dorato export clearances since Satilay. Wet weather west. Inimical to i movement of the new crop, was the iln stay In the strength of the mart. Local receipts were 1.1S4 cars, 2G0 rs over the estimate. Export clearces were 388.000 bushels. November Id between 36V?c and 37*4c, and closed over Saturday at 37&c. Dats were very llrm, but trade was lot. November sold between 22}(,c d 22%ffj22%c, and closed hlghat 22-}?@22%c: receipts 443 cats. The dble decrease of 234,000 bushels and i strength of wheat and corn were the :tors. Provisions were tlrm on the small icks nml 11ftif il,'llvorl..? <111 nclnlmr I ntrnctH. The opening was a trltlo sler on the heavy run of hogs, but 2 depression was only momentary, ic demand was mostly from shorts, t rnn through the whole lint. Januy pork sold between }11 60 and Sit TTMj d closed 12Vic over Saturday at I 72V&: January lard between $fi 77Vj d IS 85(J?6 R7^s closing 7,/?c higher at 85@G S7:,2 and January ribs between 20 and $f? 30, with the close 7%c bet* at JC 27Hi. Estimated receipts for to-morrow: Wheat, 375 enrH: corn, 700 cars; oats, > cars; hogs, 20,0n0 head. L'hc leading futures ranged an follows: Articles. Open. High. Ix>w. | Close, heat, No. 2. j ?ct. 75V, 7G7J, 75% 70% ?ov 7fi% 77 S 70% 77% >ec 77 7.V% 77 7.V% rn, No. 2. ? ?ct rwtt wu Wj son rov :u;?s 37 u 37% )ec 31V 3 35 34% 34 % ta, No. 2. let 21*4 22?i 2 Hi 22?{, rov 12?u 22$ 22% 22% )ec 22% 22-41 Sftl 22% %9K Pork. I ) let 12 17'A 12 ? 12 17% 12 57". ov I 11 45 | II r-? I 11 15 | 11 45 Ian | 11 60 | ll,77fc| 11 CO | 11 72% rd. I I 1 I J ?ct 7 07% 7 174 7 07% 7 17% ov. I 7 '*? J 7 J7">) 7 i 7 17% nn | G77%| G.S7%! 0 77%| G S7% ort UIIjs. Ill ?ct 7 S7% 8 O'JV f 7 S7^[ s nn <tov I 7 25 | 7 35 I 7 25 I 7 115 an 1 C 20 | 0 ao | 0 at | G :;7% -n?h quotations were iuj follows: Flour steady. Wheat?No. 3, 71<CT78c; No. 2 red 77([i> -orn?No. 2, 50%(ft40c; No. 2 yellow 4?40%c. Dritn-No. 2, 2CVi<tf22%c: No. 2 white fj;209ic: No. .1 wlilto 23%@26Vic. flyt? No. 2, 61 Vic. Rarley?Oood feeditiK 47%c. Mulling?Fair to choice COfSpHCc.' Flaxseed?No. 1, U 47%; No. 1 northintern $1 !!'. riuiothyoccd?Prime 14 25t$4 20. . ttaburg Office, 323 Fourth Avenue. DAMS & CO~ ir.U) Miirkot Street, OppoHlto PoHtofflco. w Vork nnd STOCK'S Oraln italiurgli.... Morkets. Standard Investments Seen H Mo-.. TELEPHONE 10J17. >1. & Hudson. 110*4 do preferred... 00 si., L. & W...175H St. L. & San F.. 0% mver & R. G. 18% do 1st pre Gr% lo preferred.. GG% do 2d pre 32% lo 11 SL Louie. S. W. 11 lo 1st pre 32'Zj do preferred... 27 North, pre...l49& St. Paul 113% )cklng Cpal... 12*4 do preferred...173 jcklnp Valley. 22 SL P. & Omalui.UO Inols Central.1151^ Southern Pac... 2L'7i wn Central... 17Mi Southern Ry.... ll\i* lo preferred.. 37% do preferred... 52Vi ke Erlo & W. 27 Texas & Pac.... 14"; lo preferred.. 91% Union'Paclllc... 68% ike Shore 205 do preferred... 73*4 iu. & Nash... 71% Wabash C% mhattan L... 87% do preferred... 17?/i st. St. Ry....14S /Wheel. & L. E.'. Mi ex. Central... liy, do 2d pre 22% Inn. & St. L.. 61% Wis. Central.... 10 lo preferred.. ?! i Third Avenue....103 D. Paclflc 48%| Express Companies. lams 123 I United States.... 45 nerlcan 150 | Wells Fargo 123 Miscellaneous. Meps Pork?P*r- barrel 512 60{?12 63. Lard?Par 100 tts., 47 10f?7 20. Short Rlbs-Sld's (loos?) S7P5082O. Dry salted shoulders (boxed) 6 C=ic. V Short'clear sldefe (boxed) $3 3008 40. Whisky?Basin of high wines, tt 27. Sugars unchanged. , Butter?Dull; creameries 16@21c; dairies 13018c. Cheese? Steady at 10%?ll?ic. Eggs?Firm; fresh 16c. NEW YORK?Flour, receipts 42.577 barrels; exports 19,654 barrels: sales, 7,560 packages; market.was well held and fairly active for choice brands. Wheat, receipts 148,000 bushels; exports 226,113 bushels; sales, 3,100,000 bushels of futures, and. 1G0.-000 bushels of spot; spot market firmer; No. 2 red 82*4c f. o. b. afloat, and 81V;C elevator; options at first were weak, but subsequently acquired strength and a full recovery. Closed firm at Yi'GKc net advance; close: March, 80%c; May, 85%c; October, 80%c; December,' 83V4c. Corn, receipts 250,775 bushels; exports 103,034 bushels; sales, 165,000 bushels of futures, and 240,000 bushels of spot; spot market firmer: options closed firm and %^%c net higher; close: May, 41%c; October, 45^c; December, 42%c. Oats, receipts 168,000 bushels; exports 70,232 bushels; spot market firmer; No. ' 2, 25tfc: No. 3, 25c; No. 2 white 27?f$ | 27%c; No. 3 white 26%@27.%c; track | mixed western 25@26&c; track white western and state 26'/^(S)26%c; options dull but steady. Hay and hops quiet, Hides firm. Leather steady. Beef dull. Cutmeats steady. Lard tlrmer; western steamed $7 67%; October closcd at $7 67Mi nominal; refined firm; continent ?7 85; compound ?6 25@6 37*?. Pork llrm; mess, 13?14c. Tallow, rosin and molasses steady. Cottonseed oil dull; prime yellow 37c. Turpentine llrm at 40!&@41c. Rice firm. Coffee, spot Rio dull; No. 7 Invoice 8!?c; mild quiet; Cordova 9%?14c; futures opened steady nt unchanged I prices to five points decline and ruled Inactive, with a weak undertone; closed steady with prices net unchanged; sales 8,500 bags. Including October $6 95; December, $7 10. Sugar, raw firm; fair refining 4%c; I Centrifugal, 96 test, 5c; molasses sugar, 4c; refined steady. NEW YORK?The statement of the j visible supply of grain, in store and afloat, on Saturday, September 29, as complied by the New York Produce I exchange Is as follows: Wheat. 55,409,000 bushels; Increase, 41G.OOO bushels. 1 Corn, 7,492,000 bushels; Increase, 170,000 | bushels. Oats, 11,426,000 bushels; decrease, 233,000 bushels. Rye, 929,000 bushels: Increase, 60,000 bushels. Bar- | ley, 1,464,000 bushels; increase, 6S0.600 bushels. ,, BALTIMORE?Flour dull; western super $2 50@2 60. Wheat firm; spot and the month 75!tf(<x75V?c; receipts 55,082 ! bushels; exports 90,000 bushels. Corn I firmer; mixed spot 4G^c; receipts 97,834 bushels; exports 120.500 bushols. Outs I steady; No. 2 white 27^s?2Sc; receipts 36.8S5 bushels; exports COO bushels. Hay I firm; "No. 1 timothy $16 CO bfd. Cheese firm; large ll%(@12!4'c. Butter firm. Eggs firm; fresh lS@18%c. TOLEDO?Wheat active and higher; spot and October 79c; November S0%c; December S2c. Corn active and higher; No. 2 cash llVjc: October 40c; December 35%c. Oats dull and unchanged; No. 2 cash and October 23c; December 24c. Rye dull and unchanged; No. 2 cash 54c. Cloverseed active and unchanged; October $7 20; December, $7 00; No. 2, $5 95? C 22?. CINCINNATI?Flour quiet; fancy $3 3503 70; family. $2 901T3 20. Wheat firm; No. 2 red 78c. Corn quiet; No. 2 mixed 43c. Oats firmer; No. 2 mixed 24c. Rye steady; No. 2, CCHrC. Lard firm at $7 10. Bulkmeats firm at $8 20. Bacon firm at $9 12%-. Whiskey steady at $1 27. Sugar firm. Live Stock.'. CHICAGO?Cattle. receipts 25,000 1 head, including 6,000 head of westerns ! and 1,000 of Tcxans; natives, best on j sale to-day, two carloads at $5 85; good to prime steers $5 45@5 85; poor to medium $4 50(fl>5 40; selected feeders weak | S3 80@4 CO; mixed stockers slow at 10c ! lower at $2 50Si13 65; cows, J2 7504 25; heifers, 52 SSft.5 00; canners, $2 00@2 65; bulls, $2 75(ji,4 50: calves. S4 9.v I Hogs, receipts to-day, 40,000 head; tomorrow, 20,000 head; left over, G.0QQ head; market fairly active, mostly 5c lower; top, $5 50; mixed and butchers 55 00@5 50; good to choice heavy $5 00? 5 47V2-; rough heavy $4 Si>@4 95, light, $5 lOrffu 50; bulk of sales 45 15@5 .15. Sheep, receipts 22,000 head; sheep steady to strong; choice lambs steady; others weak to 10c lower; good to choice wethers $3 9l'(5'4 25; fair to choice mixed 53 50@3 90; western sheep 54 00@4 20; native lambs $4 2a@5 40; western lambs 54 50@5 no. UNION STOCK YARDS. "Wheeling, Oct. 1. Following were tlni quotations that ruled to-day: Cattle-Extra. 1,000 to 1,200, 54 501T4 75; good. !W)0 to 1,000, $f00@4 40; good. S00 to 900, 53 50@3 75; good. 7C0 to 800, 53 00? 3 50; hull?. 52 C0?3 50; cows, 52 00<f?3 25. Hogs?Extra, S5 40@5 50; good, 55 25& 5 40; common, 54 50(5 5 00. Sheep?Extra, 53 00(?3 50; good, 52 00? 3 00. Lambs, 54 00^5 25. Calves, 54 OOfrifi 50. Fresh ?cows, 520^38 per head. EAST LIBERTY?Cattle steady; extra, 55 CO@5 S5; common 53 50(54 00. Hops dull and lower; best Yorkers 55 55@5 GO; roughs, 53 50@4 90. Sheep dull and lower; choice wethers 54 10^ 4 20; choice iambs 54 75@5 00. Veal calves 5t? 00(^6 50. CINCINNATI?Ilogs dull and steady at 54 75(055 25. Metals. NEW YORK?The market for metals exhibited very little strength or activity to-day. Tin was a little firmer In sympathy with favorable advices from abroad and closed tlrm at $2S 900 29 12It. The rest of the list showed no material change. Lake copper ruled dull at. $1G fiOftl" 00. with the exports for September 10,302, against 13,819 pounds during August. Pig iron warrants were very dull at $9 50^10 00: lead and spelter wore dull at $4 37%*g) 1 10f/4 In, respectively. The brokers' price for lead was $4 00 and for copper SIC S7H. Dry Goods. N1?!\V YORK?The week opens with the demand showing little change from the cloning days of last week. Most buyers are attending the current requirements only and the few desirous of placing orders for forward deliveries of staph* cottons And the market a dlfllcult one to operate In. All fltaple cottons are very firm, with tendency against buyers. Print cloths have been linn, but Inactive throughout the day. Prints firm In all staple linos. Staple ginghams scarce. India linens and other white goods well sold and firm. ' Petroleum. OIL CITY?Credit balances $115; cor IMcatcs. no bids; shipments 283,979 barrels; average, 95,910 burrelH; runs, 277,314 barrels; average, 92,180 barrels. N1CW YORIC?Standard oil stock $533 f?535. TOLEDO?Oil unchanged. WooT NEW YORK?Wool dull. CASTOR 1A ror Infanta and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought PLUMBING, ETC. WM. F. C. SCIINELLE, Plumbing, Gas and Steam litling. Dealer !n all goods pertaining to the trade. 2012 Main Street, Telephone 37. Wheeling, W. Vs. SANITARY PLUMBING. Steam and Hot Water Hentlng. High Grade Plumbing Fixtures. Call and *co tho "Llnke" Filters In operations. Plans, spccincatlonH und estimates for any work In our line furnished on application. Prices moderate, consistent with drat-class work, and satisfaction guaranteed. ROBERT W. KYLE, No. 1 IBB Market St.. WlioclUm, W. Vn. WM. HARE & S0N7 Practical Plumbers,++f Gas and Steam Fitters. No. 33 Twelfth Street Work done promptly at rea?onable price* MEDICAL. I MEN! 1 "A WARNING VOICE" f Is tho title of an interesting llttlo i> ,4> book that shows how <y i SEXUAL STRENGTH t ? . Is LOST, and how It may bo ^ ? REGAINED. $ 2 It 13 sent securely sealed In plain X Y envelope Froe, on rccclpt of 2c T A stamp for postage. 4> We are the lending specialists in x a, curing all cases of Kidney mid X <i> Bladder trouble, 8oxual Weakness X <i> and Impotcncy. Syphilis. Gonor- & rhaea, Night Losses, Gleet and X A Stricture quickly and permanently. h> Wo havo cured thousands at their & own homes. All letters kept strict< > ly prlvato and answurud in plain sealed envelops. Consultation by A & mall free. Write to-day. Address. $ g DR. W. H. SAUNDERS & CO., $ g Chicago, HI. | d&XV gEAirry, i? conqueror bella vita Beauty Tablets and Pills. A per* jfccOy safo aad guaranteed treatment for all skin disorders. Restores the bloom of youth to faded faces. 1? days* treatment lac; 80 days' 31.00, by mall. Send for circular. Address, NBKVtTA MEDICAL CO., Clinton 4 Jsckwft S(?.. Cikafo. Bold bv ChM. R. Goetre, Drujrtlst, Market and Ttfolflh streets, Whkellnc. W. Va. Te24-tf&w | DRUNKENNESS CAN&ERED. | ? IS YOUR HUSBAND. BROTH- <t $> ER. FATHER, or any of your tela- < > iv liven afflicted with tho Disease ol & T Drunkenness? We have a sure ? iv euro which can be Klven with or R> without tho knowledge of the pn- & T {lent. Send for particulars. enclos* <;> # lng 5c stamp for reply. Address, <?> x Dr. W. H. Saunders <5k Co., Chi- <v Jx capo. 111. S*-* diw machinists. . REDMAN & CO., Machinists. Repairing of all kln^n of machinery ' promptly and quickly executed. oc2S best hotels in the state. mountain state hotel^ Salem, W. Va. Newly furnished. Baths In connection. the grant house, Leading Hotel of the County. West Union Weat Va. hotel bartlett. None Better. Mar.nlngton, . - W. Va hotel commercial. House Heated by Steam. Opp. B. Si O. Station. Rowleaburg, W. Va. hosford's hotel. Centrally Located. Rates J2.00 Per Day. Slatergvlllc. W. Va. mound city hotel, Under New Management. Opposlte Court House. Moundavllle, W. Va. eakin house. New Martinsville, W. Va. Ho me fo r^o in mercfal and Oil Men. hotel morey, ~ Mlddlebourne, W. Va. Flrst-Clasa Livery Attached. skinnerts"tavern, At Depot, Fairmont, W. Va. ^mple Roonjs Opposite. New Court Houaa. watson hotel, Harrisvllie, W. Va. Ciooil Ai-comrr,od.itlon.". Livery. railroads. E^Tn'tr? Pennsylvania Stntlonn. [lifennsylvania Lines.! Tralna Run by Central Tio>? A3 FOLLOWS | ' Daily. tDallv, except Sunday. "Sunday only. Ticket Offlce.s at Pennsylvania Station on Water street, foot of Eleventh street Wheeling, and at the Pennsylvania Station, Hrldjjeport. i SOUTHWEST SYSTEM?"PAX II \N- I DLE ROUTE." ? .. Leavc.'Acrlvo hrom ^herllnK to a.m. a.m. Wheeling and Steubenvllle. f C::3 t 0:07 I p. in. ' McDonald and Pittsburgh.. t 6:25 1 X:15 Steubenvllle and Columbus, t 6:2S | 5:1^ Columbus and Cincinnati... i G:2T?1 15:15 Wellsburff and Pittsburgh.. tio.oo t 5:15 Pittsburgh and New York.. *10:35 [ p.m. p.m." | Philadelphia and New York. {12:30 f 2:17 J Steubcnvllle and Pittsburgh tl2:80- { 2:17 r Columbus and Chicago {12:30 t 2:17 . Philadelphia and New York 2:55 *10:35 Baltimore and Washington, .16:30 *10:35 Steubenvlllo and Pittsburgh 2:55 t 8:53 McDonald and Dennlson.... t 2:55 |S:53 p. m. Pittsburgh and New York., t C:30 t 8:15 a.m. Indianapolis and St. Louis, {8:30 {6:07 Dayton and Cincinnati . { 8:30. t 6:Q7 Steubenvlllo and Columbus, t 3:30 { 6:07 p. m. Pittsburgh and East { 8:30 t S:15" NOItT 11W EST SYST E M -CLE V ELAN D & PITTSBURGH DtVlSlON. Lenve. Arrive From Bridgeport to a. in. p. m. Fort Wayne and Chicago... {4:48 t 8:13 Canton and Toledo { 4:4S { 8:13 n. m. Alliance and Cleveland { 4MS t S:ll Steubenvlllo and Pittsburgh f 4:4S t 9:25 . p. m. Steubcnvllle and WcllsvHlo. t 0:09 fJ2:IO Steubenvlllo and Pittsburgh { 9.09 112:40 i>. m. Fort Wayne and Chicago... t l:15 | S:33 Canton and Crestline j 1:15 " -i 12:40 Alliance and Cleveland t 1:15 t 8:33 Bteubenvllle hnd Wellsvllle. t 1:15 t 5:25 Philadelphia and New York f 1:15 {6:25 a. m. wpiiHViiieami rittunurRh... nr. mow Toronto nml PlttwbnrRh.... t 1:15 fl'x SteuhcnvUla and WellsvlHo. f C:03 8:11 Baltimore nn<l WnnhlnKton. t 1:15 Now York and WnnlTlnKton. 1 4:.\t k'^s 8tcubcnv1llo nml lMttwbnrph I 4 :&s 5J03 rarlor Car MM* to 'nttabureh cn ..65 |). m mid 6:Jd p. m. train. Central time') "lower than Wheeling .1. n. TOMUNHON, Panantcr and Ttckct Axrut Agent lor all Steamship Llnca. : RAILWAY TIME CARD. Arrival and departure of trains on and alter Auk. li*x). Explanation of Reference Mark*: "Dally. tDMly, except Sunday. : Daily, except Saturday. IDally, except Monday. {Sundays only. *8atur- N uaya only. Eastern Standard Tim?. Deport. Ili&O.?Main Lino East. Arrive, am Wash., Bal., Phil.. N.Y. 8:10 am ! pm Wash.. Bal.. Phil, N.Y. t 6:60 am ..Cumberland Accom.. t 5:50 pm C:W nm Orafton Accom....i 5:50 pm ".?$> Pm Orafton Accom....i *10:53 am 10:60 am ..Washington City Ex.. fl0:30 pto . Depart.' B.&O.-C.O. Dlv.." Wcst.T Arrive. v *<7? am Columbus and Chicago 1:10 am 5 0: 5 am ..Columbus and Clncln.. 6:17 pm J 11:40 pm Col., Cln. and St. Louis 5:10 am - i;va pm ....wnicago express.;;. *12:20 pm >{ t!0:15 am ..St. Clalravllle Accom.. tttS? pm t 4:05 pm ..St. Clalrsvllle Accdm.. f5:I7 pm *10:16 am Sandusky Mall 5:17 pm 'Ocnart. B. & O.-W.. P. B. Dlv. "Arrive. 5:15 am Pittsburgh* *^'4? am 7:20 am Pittsburgh 6:85 pm 5:20 pm ..Pittsburgh and East.. *11:30 pm 5:15 pm ..PlttaburRh und East.. '10:00 am S 6:00 pm ....... Pittsburgh ? . Depart." P., C., C. St." L"Tiy. Arrive. 1 East. t 7:25 am PlttaburRh t ftm 11:00 am PittnburRh t C:15 pm 11:30 pm Pitta., Phlln. end N. Y. t 3:17 pm 3:55 pm Pitts., Phlla. and N." Y. t 9:15 Pm t 7:30 pm Pitta., Ual., \\"ah.( N.Y. *11:35 am t 9:30 pm Pitta., Dal.. W'sh., N.Y. "1:35 am West. t 7:25 amLSteub. .and Dennlson.. t 9:53 am t 7:23 amLSteub./ Col. and* Gin.. t ":07 to? t 1:30 pm ..Steub., Col. and Chi., t 3:17 pm t 3:55 pm ..Steuk and Dennlson.. 19:15 pm \ 9:30 pm|Steub.,_Col.,.Cln.. St. L. t <*:t5 pm Depart. ! "'Ohio Hlver*R. It" Arrive. R:00 iimlPnrk. and Yv'nv Points *10:50 am 110:00 amJCharleston and Clncln. 3:45 pm 11:45 amj.CIncln. and Lexington, t 7:25 pm 511:45 am ....Kenova Express.... S 7:25 pm 3:45 pm Park, and- Way Points t 6:50 pm t 7:00. pm Park, und Way Points!! 9:15 am Depart." C.r&~fr?Brldgeport. | Arrive, t 5:4s am Ft. Wayne and Chicago f 9:13 pm ( i 5:48 am ...Canton nnd Toledo... t 9:13 pm i t 5:43 am Alliance nnd Cleveland t 9:11 am T10:09 am Steubenvllle and Pitts. ? 9:33 pm t 5:48 am Ft. Wayne and Chicago tl0:25 am t 2:15 pin ..Canton nnd Toledo., t 9:33 pm t 2:15 pm Alliance and Cleveland i 1:40 pm 2:15 pm ..Steub. and WellsvlUe.. tl0:2S am 5:53 pm ..Steub. and WellsvUie.. *11:58 am t 5:53 pm Philadelphia and__N. Y. f 6:25 pm unu wnsn.. T u:za pm t 5:53 pm Sfeubonvllle and Pitts, t 6:25 pm t 7:09 pm ..Stcub. and Wcllavllle.. t 9:13 P? Depart. C.. L. & W.?Bridgeport Arrive." t 7:45 am Cleve., Toledo and Chi. t 2:05 pm 11:20 pm Cleve., Toledo and Chi. t 8:05 pm t 5:30 pm ....Masslllon Accom.... 110:40 am t S:1S pm ..St. Clairsvlllc Accom.. t 9:41 am 110:13 am ..St. Clalrsvllia Accom St. ClalrHvlllo Accom.. t 5:07 pm t 5:00 pm ..St. Clalravlile Accom.. t 7:25 pra 112:22. pm Local Freight |tl3:30 pm Depart. ! W. & L. 12. I Arrive. 7:15 amlClevc., Tol. & Chi. Ex. 1*10:35 pm til:45 am|Tolcdo and Detroit Spo.lf 0:25 pm tll:45 amlCIcve. and Canton Ex. t '1:25 pm J 5:00 pm .. ..Cleveland Special.... *12:50 pm j * 7:15 am Steub. and Brlf. Accom. *12:50 pm 1 fll:45 amlStcub. and Brll. Accom. t 6:25 pm i * 5:00 pm|Stcub. undj.}rii. Accom.1*10:35 pm . i "Depart. B., Z. & C. R. R. i Arrive. . j Bellalre. ) Bellalro. 11:05 am Mall, Express and Pas. 9:40 am ] 4:55 pm Express and Passenger 3:50 pm 2:35 pm Mixed Freight and Pas.| 1:15 pm BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. Departure and arrival of trains at Wheeling. EastSchedule to^efteot corner^ot Water Street*. Leave. Arrive From Wheeling to a. m. a. m. Grafton and Cumberland... *12:20 8:10 Washington and Baltimore. *12:20 8:10 Philadelphia and New York *12:20 8:10 p. m. Pittsburgh and Cumberland 5:15 *11:30 Washington and Baltimore. * 5:15 *11:30 Philadelphia and New York * 5:15 *11:30 Grafton and Cumberland... t 6:50 t 5:50 Fairmont and Grafton * C:50 * 5:50 Washington (Pa.) and Pitta. 7:20 6:35 a. m. ZanesvlJlo and Newark..... 7:25 * 1;1D Columbus und Chicago 7:25 1:10 p. m. Zaneavllle and Columbus.... *10:15 * 5:17 Cincinnati and St. Louis.... *10:15 *5:17 Grafton and Cumberland... *10:50 *10;S0 Washington and Baltimore. *10:50 *30:30 p. m. Zanesville and Newark *4:05 *12:20 Columbus and Chicago * 4:05 *12:20 a. m. Washington (Pa.) and Pitts*. 2:15 *10:00 Philadelphia and New York 3:15 *10:13 Grafton and Cumberland... * 5:00 *10:30 Washington and Baltimore. * 5:00 Pittsburgh and Cumberland * 5:20 *10:13 Washington and Baltlmoro. 5:20 *10:15 . Philadelphia and New York 6:20 *10:13 Zanesville and Columbus.... *11:40 * 6:30 Cincinnati and St. Louis.... *11:40 *6:20 Pitts, and Washington (Pa.) _1 6:00 Dally. (Except Sunday. {Sundays only. Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cara on all through tralnB. T. C. BURKE. City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Wheel* Inc. Anent for all St*emsnln Llnea. F. DT UN&ERWOOD, D. 13. MARTIN. General Manager. Mgr. Paso. Traffic. Baltimore. OHIO RIVER RAILROAD CO. Time Table In effect May 27, 1W0. \ ACCOMMODATION. 8:00 a. m.?Dally?For Parkeraburg and Intermediate points. OHIO VALLEY EXPRESS. 10:00 a. m.?Daily except Sunday?For Moundsville, New Martinsville, Slstersvllle, St. Marys, Marietta. Parker?burg, Ravensw )od, Millwood, Pomeroy, Pt. Pleasant, Charle?ton, Galllpolls, Huntington, Kenova, Ironton. Portsmouth. Uillaboro, Cincinnati, and all points South and West. Runs solid to Cincinnati. Parlor Car, KENOVA EXPRESS. 11:45 u. m.?Dally?For Slstersvllle, Marietta. ParkersburR, Pomeroy, Point Pleasant. Charleston, Galllpolls. Huntington, Kenova. and principal Intermediate points. Parlor Car. ACCOMMODATION. S'45 n. m.~D.illv?Pnr PnrV?r?tMirp on.* Intermediate points. EXPRESS. 7:00 p. m.?Daily except Sunday?For Sis* tersville, St. Marys, Waverly, Marletta, Parkersburg, and intermedlato Points north of Ststersvllle. L. E. CIIALENOR. Gen. Pass. Agent THE CIFVEUHO ICSaiH & WEUN6'BMirC?i 1MB U"** m ?? ikohit, uim niKumoxt, : Iil3?=.'==;c=. *?.cu?. ./.la Wheeling & Elm Grove Electric Railway. Cars will run as follows, city time: WHEELING TO ELM GROVE. Leavo Wheeling. Lcavo Elm Grovo. n. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. 5:30 2:30 6:45 2:41 0:00 3:00 0:15 8:13 0:30 3:3?"> 6:45 3:45 7:00 4:00 7,:15 4:15 7:30 4:30 7:45 4:45 S:00 5:00 8:15 5:15 s:30 5:30 8:40 B:45 si:00 0:00 H:l5 6:15 11:30 6:30 9:45 6:45 10:00 7:00 10:15 7:15 10:30 7:S0 10:45 7:45 11:00 8:00 lljlS . S:1R 11:30 8:30 11:45 1:43 p. m. ' 12:00 9:00 ' 12:15 9:15 p. in. 12:30 3:30 12:45 9:45 l:ou 10:W 1:15 10-is 1:30 10:30 1:45 10:45 2:00 11:00 2:15 U:00 Extras from Whcollng to Park ami Rn. turn: LEAVE WHEELING, a. m. p. m. p, m. p. m. 6:45 2:55 4:55 R-;? 7:43 4:15 4:15