Newspaper Page Text
?? ' * BTOHrz Cc, THOMA& Weather PorooAHt for To-4av?Fair. STONE & THOMAS. Getting Ready *JTo throw open the doors of the largest and most completo business institution In this section o? t\x? country. | EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE NAME. . Our large force of employes are kept busy these days re I ceiving the immense shipments of new goods^an ^ g | > . UU. Camrmtprw nr4 -I-** jjiuiuwwj, vicwuiuiuuoy muchlnists, etc., etc., are working hard that the opportunity may he given you to participate in the GBAND OPENING OP WEST VIBOINIA'S OEEATEST STOEE, at the earliest possible moment. FROM THE BASEMENT TO THE FIFTH FLOOR New and down-to-the-moment merchandise will be displayed in QUaZ?titiM RilfflrlAnf fn inniirA +h? o^Anf?cf nno ' sibla choice. Every Department Enlarged And New Departments Added. Through all this work, all this preparation, -we are busy selling seasonable merchandise at prices only possible as a result of cash buying in great quantities, OUR NEW CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Is now ready on the third floor, where a complete line of Boyb* and Children's Clothing la ready ior your Inspection. OUR MILLINERY OPENING " "Will toko placo next week. J STONE & THOMAS. I Until Farther! \- We will give O ri <fa j <i? a discount or Pi on all good purchased here! A * ff few illustrations, showing just how If" this cut works?the difference is your gain. 85c Taffeta Silks 63|c yd. r" $1.25 Novelty Silks 93|c yd. to tl \" 50c Dress Goods 37fc yd, , y $150 Dress Goods $1.12+ yd. ^ 48c Table Linens Sk yd. tem 75c Table Lincas 56+c yd. >- C? Dn'nlr 24.* -A IiJV 11 O^W JU, $5.00 Curtains 53.75 pr. 8c Silkatincs 6c yd. $3.93 Blankets ?2.98 pr. $290.00 Alaska Sealskins 5217^9 ea. $6.99 Jackets $5.17 ca. $25.00 Jackets 518.75 ca. $22.50 Suits $16.88 ea. ?jn $6.90 Far Scarls $5.17 ea. nU 1 9Sc Kid Gloves 74c pr. gppl $1.50 Corsets... JI.12* pr. ijc Hose or Socks 11-Jc pr. 25c Underwear. 18fc ea. $1.00 Underwear 75c ea. 25c Ribbons. I8}cyd. $11.90 Dinner Sets $8.92 ea. $98.00 llariland Sets $73.50 ea. E WANTED: 25 Additional Salespeople of Expcri NAT BROTHERS?SHOES. i WHAT { | WE 1SEf^VE IN THE I "ROYAL" $3.50 Shoe | FOR MEN. Box Calf, Yici Kid, Enamel Calf, Velours Calf, TanRnssiaCalf, Patent Leather, | In 13 Different Styles. I; NAY'S, 1317 Market. 9AM B. McKEE CO. I No. 1. MACKEREL, 13 Extra flne, fat, whito and juicy. J \\ Tho late catch?If you relish a Rood 5 H Slackorol, you'll ?ay they arc olmti ply dollcloua. 'Twill over- iiiO,c -J W ugo about a pound aplccc, B|Jfw ? L] and tho price, each H CREAM CHEESE. Now York Btato Crrnin-mlld, roel- ; low and rich?about 35% butter lat ; ?npeclally line for tvcloh I Cn Rarebit?at tho pound I Uu ; MABON QUART JARS, A On complete, the dozen AtOu * $AM B. McKEE CO., | OROCERS. .'Phone. 675. 2227-31 Market St. * ?ke5ntel%ewr OHlcn: 25 and 27 Fourteenth Street. New .aaverusDmenis, Opera House?Hamlet?Fifth Page. German Day?Third Page. Peaches?Albert Stolze Co. For Bale?Howard Hazlett & Son. 50c Saved on Each Dun lap Stylo Hat? McFadden's?Second Page. Red Fire?R. H. List. "Winter Cruise?H. F. Bchrenn Co. Seasonable?Geo. W. Johnson's Sons. Stock* for Sale?Norton & Co. "When Greek Meets Greek"?White Swan Laundry. Stylo Outride?South Side Shoe Store. Special Bargains In Property?L. A. Rolf. Stocks for Sale?Simpson & Tatum. *,'0.000. ' Wo have fitted more thnn twenty thousand pair* of Spoctnolos, giving us ii record and experience unequalled by any other optician hi "Wost Virginia. Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOli W. GltUJlli, Optician, >'o. loOd Market Streor. FALL OPENING?FINE TAILORING. We-liave now on display our large and handsome line of foreign and domestic Woolens. The fashionable cut arid superior finish of our garments recommends itself to all fashionable dressers. Prices reasonable. C. HESS & SONS, j Fashionable Tailors and Fine Furi nishers, 1321-1323 Market St. i per. 1 ? cent J Ow;ing i lie extraordinary cliar= "J r of this sale, our only J is are ^ ' r?et, i: snoods will be sent on -<1 oval, none will be re= j ed, none exchanged. J jj encc* -^j ' I Wee 4 INDIANA IS SAFELY REPUBLICAN. C. A. McConnoll, of Indianapolis, Will Back His Reputation oa 18,000 Majority. THE OLD COPPERHEAD ELEMENT Is No Longer in Evidence?The Qas Belt Vote Adds Strength to the Republican Party. It has been the general Impression among Republicans that the State of Indiana would return to its old love at the approaching November election and i cast Its electoral vote for the "Prophet of Disaster." That belief has arisen . from various sources, but the most po- i tent argument bearing out the BUggCg- < tlon is, that at heart Indiana baa. been a Democratic state. In contravention of this false convlc- i tlon, an Intelligencer reporter had a talk last evening with Mr. C. A. Mc- ' Connell, general agent of the Mosier Safe Company, who has been a resident of Indianapolis for the larger part of ' his life. Mr. McConnell was born "at ' Bridgeport, Ohio, and Is here combining business with a visit. When asked about the condition of politics In Indiana, Mr. McConnell said: "I will bank my reputation an a political prognostlcator upon the statement that the Iloosler State will give MeKlnley and Roosevelt from 18,000 to 25,000 majority and the state ticket will go through by a majority equally as good. It may sound to those who are unacquainted with the condition of affairs in Indiana, that I am talking at ran com, UUt my UUSlitcao ima I.UIICU i..s uu" every county of the state and I believe that I am conversant with the drift of sentiment. "Let me give you a few reasons why Indiana has changed from a Democratic to ?a Republican state, and why it will remain in the Republican column. The old 'copperhead' element that controlled Indiana for so many years has completely died out, and the descendants of those sympathizers of secession are, for the most part, supporters of the Republican faith. The son of the late W. E. English, and who by the way, is one of the leading business men In Indianapolis, Is making speeches for tho ' Republican candidates, and in addition, I might name others who nave come from the well known names of Brig- , ham, Mllllgan, Horsey, Bowles and Dodge. "The gas belt has "been the means of Introducing numerous and varied manufactories, and with the hundreds of /.nini-nhiono ? vnot nrm? nf ' iloating voters who, at first, "were favorably Impressed with Democratic , doctrines, but who. since 1S9G, have de- ; veloped Into Republicans. The Gold 1 Democrats are also In line and will cast their ballots against the apostle of freo , silver. Seventy-five per cent of the < German vote will also be for the Re- | publican ticket. That means many thousands of hnllots for our party, for ; the German vote Is by no means a small factor. I "And then there is Debs, who will draw from the Bryan vote to the tune of 10,000 to 15.000. He Is conducting a personal canvass, and is scheduled for a large number of speeches where he has friends and followers. He is sawing wood strictly on his own woodpile and Is having absolutely nothing to do with Bryan. No one can impugn his personal or political honesty or question the integrity of his motives. The worst that can be said of him by those who are put out by his candidacy is that he Is fanatical and dangerous, and the same can be said of Bryan. "Taking all these factors into consld- . oration, I am led to believe that the ma- Jorlty for McKlnley and Roosevelt will ? ue wnat x nave aircuuy inaica?-'U." Deatli of Miss Leonhart. Sunday night at 11:30 o'clocK, the end ot this life came to Miss Lizzie Leonhart, at the City hospital, after an illness of a few months. Miss Leonhart had spent her entire life In this community, and through her devotion to friends and family had endeared herself to all who had the fortune of her acquaintance. Endowed with a gentle nature, and a thoughtfulnesS for the wants of others, her presence brought sunshine Into the paths of those with whom she came In contact, and her too s?hort life was an example of true womanhood and genuine Christian character. Many have been the deeds of kindness performed in a modest Way by Miss Leon hart, and they will be cherished by her associates as a priceless heritage and a sweet memory In the Jays that are to come. The funeral of the deceased will be e conducted at her late home, corner of Jacob and Twelfth streets, on "WednesJay morning, October 3, at 10 o'clock. OPENING Wednesday, Thursday ^ and Friday. MISS S. A. KNOKE, 3921 Jacob St. OPENING to-dfty, CARL'S. "Why?" is tho Question. 1 If Gregg Shorthand Is such a poor, . worthless system of rapid writing as some would hnvc you think, why arc 1 schools adopting It all over the coun- C try? Why arc court reporters changing \ to It? M It bUd been a worthless system 1 It would not have lived during the last i fourteen years. If It was worthless, authors of other systems would pay no attention to It; but they nil realize that It possesses merits which their own system does not. And every attempt on 1 their pnrt to keep persons from learning 1 It. only makes Gregg's Shorthand more \ popular. No other school In the state , enn teach It without purchasing their books from the ELLIOTT SCHOOL, < 131S Market street. j Opening to-day, SWABACKER'S. 1 Opening. 1 Fine Millinery Tuesday, October 2. . You are Invited. ' L. U. SONNE BORN, "No Cards." 1108 Main street. i EAT Good Sausage made by Hofmann i Bros., 2344 Chapllne street, and at stalls , In both markets. SEE our display of Heady-to-Wcar Hats, at our Opening Tuesday. October 2. L. U. SONNKKOHM. , INO uuruB. 1108 Main gt. Opening to-day, SWAB ACKER'S. j BTBINWAY Square Piano, K"ud con dltlon, only $125. I F. W. HAUMEli CO. SKK our dtnplay nt Uoa<ljMo.-\Vcnr Hat?, at our Opening Tticaday. October ~.,x, r. , ? r- sonnkuohn. "No Cards. 110S Mala St. THE HUB CLOTI Our Men'j At $10 an We haven't seen anything $12.50 or $15 00, or even $16. suits we're showing at $15 and ! tailor's at double. Children's Perf Stylish CI cost so little in this store. Ha All Wool Double Breasted Sui $3.50, or our fine Astrakan Reef If not it'll pay you to stop in a at the largest stock of clothes shown by any other half dozen Greatest line of Children' you've ever seen?every style Step in?we'll gladly sho want to look at?buy whenevei A money back guarantee THE b Fourteenth and Market streets. SAER'S CLOTHING Qual is the true test of cheapness, cheap clothing do not lose sigh true test of value is. "qualit} clothing you will find super bottom prices. Men's handsome Worsted, Vic Thibet Suits, "Equal to Best Cnst Stylish Worsted, Melton am Suits Serviceable Suits made of t! Cheek and Striped Worsted; al and Blue Cheviot Suits. Good Business Suits, made of Brown and Grey Cheviots and LEE B/ Twelfth Street ClotI LOCKE SHOE ( Great Shoe Men's Vici Kid and Calf Shi Men's Vici Kid and Box Calf Men's Shoes. All ncnpnHaiii We want your trade on Mer will guarantee you better sho than any other house in Wh< I Locke Shoe ( COUNTY COMMISSIONERS | ^ " Messr ileet in Regular Monthly Session and McCo! Transact Koxitine Business ? The ed. Williams Damage Case Compro- Con mised?The Lock Bill Up Again. tllc c0 Tho county board of commissioners damn} net iti regular monthly session yester- ^IstrU lay morning, President McGregor in :l ho chair, and Clerk Moffat at the desk. tn ^ Bills, were ordered paid as follows: c? ;ourt house and Jail s mi xi Archil iminuc M2 42 and d ?oor house and furin b7S tiS *rr- a ^ontlngont poor fund;.' niG 42 touds and bridges 1,117 TO oncd Total TUBE Captain A. A. Franzhclm, representitlve of the Pittsburgh, ConneUsvlUc &; ?PC Wheeling railroad, appeared before the joard. and Inquired as to the status of ONI the application of his company for right ^tebtl >f way through the county lnllrnmry farm, and It developed thai the nmttev had been referred to County Engineer Robert Huzlett for report on the curves jn foot proposed. ;?l Sheriff Klchartls reported county orflers returned to the amount or 516.S40,,W, and reported, In addition, returns aggregating *8,Ofi9 11. The superintendent of the county In- f * Urinary reported ns follows for the vfcjW month of September: Inmates, S5; reMilptH for the month. $5 4f?. Road Supervisor 11. J. lUdgoley, or Richland, tendered his resignation. Con- ' ffldoratlon was deferred. iv mm rwponcii mat William Will- whci Ian if, (colored) had agreed to compro- th\n6 mine his unit for $5,050 damans, for in- benefit juries received from riding over an unprotected stone bridge on the national p^nt t pike, for $200 and costs. \VF0?nr An ordinance was passed, approprlat- a care Ing 510,000 as a payment on the county 1?"' Tho S< To fill vacancies on the county school bptlol ITERS. ~~ ? Suits d $12. elsewhere better for 50. Have you? The 518 are like the custom ect Fitting, j lothes .ve you seen our Boys ts at $2.50, ?2.15 and er at $2.50 and $3.00? nd have a look around \ ; for the youngsters | houses. s Novelty Headwear | you can think of. w you whatever you 1 1 yuu rc reauy. with every purchase. uJB, ; Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. HOUSE. ? ity j In your search for t of the fact that the r." In our make of ior quality, yoked to ?',?'$ 15.00 $12.50 ie latest $10.00 All Wool ftrj P|) Cassinieres (pf ,uU | \ER, I Jf [ling House. ? - I u ?? i,im ? mm i m*~ri j Values. oes $2.00 : Shoes ...$2.50 e Leathers $3.00 i's Shoes, and we es for your money ;eling. Company. -c oolc board, caused by the resign11" of Mrs. Emory and Prof. Dleh!, j s. A. S. Bell, of Liberty, and A. ; lloch, of Richland, were appoltitimissloner McCurdy's motion thai unty pay Richard Moxley J1G0 tor ;o to hlo property, in Trludelphia it, caused by the construction of Ige, was referred to the committee , ids and bridges. u Muscovltch, of the Wheeling Lectural Wire Company. appeared emanded payment of his bill for. ar work at the Jail. He threat-( suit unless there is speedy payaiag to-day, SWABACKER'S. 3 Capon Piano, Mahogany case, y shomvorn. n? liss ni K \V. BAU11ER CO.'S. ' Good Sausage made by Hofmann ~.H4 Chuptine street, and at stalls n markets. n you foci that you have tried every and everyone, coneult us. A dally ence is the surprise shown by (ha ed patlcnta at our onice. 'ou have hradachef Do your eye< Do they smart or hum? Doea tin un together when rending? my trouble of your eyre coneult 05. ike Klansea at popular prices. Maka ful examination free or oharge. PROF. H. SHEFF, rianUQo Cor. Mali> nail attoronttiSt*.