giulu gtttcllig ?V LirftOBt Circulation of any Paper in Welter* Virginia.-?? Tuesday Morning, Oct 15,1881. notice to iuul Bvtbacrtfeera. We wish our friends who are lending an subscriptions by mail, for less than a year to cnt out and bear in mind Ibis tariff of rates, and to avoid misunderstandings. Weekly 6 months 60c. " 3 " 35c. Daily 6 months -$2.75 ?? 3 " - 1.50 "1 " 50c. Tri-Weekly 6 months $1,75 " 3 " 1,00 " 1 " 35c. lylnvariablr in advance. fgpWBIT TBI "RKLUBLI GlSTLtXAK" sits.?The "reliable gentleman" has been spending some time In Western Virginia, and has juit returned from tbe Kanawha Valley. He says the entire coantry of tbe Kanawha Valley is devastated, >nl that farmers are leaving as rapidly as trans portation ean be fonnd .to bring them North. Forage is out of the question, and provisions connot be procured. The condition of the roads and country is such that an army of 2,000 men could not Winter there, the impossibill ty of transpor tation being so great, and tbe risk, of reaching the army with supplies, Ac., so hazardous. Tbe campaign il Western Virginia is vir tually ended, and preparations are on foot to withdraw a portion of our forces there, and send them into Kentucky, leaving only a*suflicient force to prevent tbe rebels ap proaching north of Gauley River or west of Cheat Mountain. The probabilities are, however, that the secesbers have no desire to eome tbrougb a country they already had laid waste and le(t bnrreo. The "R. G." would not be sorprised to bear, within ten days, of Rosecrans being in Kentucky. 0^MATimoxfAL.?AmoD^ the passen gers on the steamer Woodsitle, who came up from the vicinity of New Martinsville od Saturday night, wu a soldier, who, we believe, bad enlisted in Copt. RadclifTs company. Among the passenger! by the Sallie List, on Suadsjr, was is yonog wo Bin from the same vicinity, to whom this soldier bad been paying bis addresses. The object of the visit of the yonng lady was to compel the soldier to marry her be fore he buckled on his armor for the war, the previous intimacy or the parties ren dering such a step absolutely necessary. Whether the soldier entered the bonds of matrimony willingly or not, we aro not adrised, bnt on Sunday evening, at n tav. ern in'Centee Wheeling, the ceremooy was performed by the excellent pnstor of the Second Presbyterian Church, after which the new wife bade ber new husband God ?peed on hit way tn do battle for his coun try. t^tVusjr we allude to the Prut news psper ud its curioui sayiogs, we do it joit for the fun of the thing, but the writer for that papermalces such a monstrous assof himself in replying that we frequently feel lorry for having been the innocent eause ?f hi* climbing so high up the pole, and ex bibiting himself in snob a ridiculous man ner. Our sorrow is like that which might have been experienced by the boys who tied long gross across a foot path for the purpose of uptrlpping a companion, bnt whilst lying in wait to see the fun, a man e fouad, baring left the old macho to tie rats which infest it. fcf" Aaacr thi IxTiLLieKxcsn.?The distinguished Presides! ef "the Polytech nic College of the State of Pennsylvania," ?uuated Philadelphia, in writing to us J'lterday, incloses us the amouat of an nJ'crtising bill against the College, with ?hue remarks: 1 Oar advertisement was sent you as a If, "'"knee of our appreciatioa of your ?m of the holy cause of Lib :*V ??d Onion, and I have great pleasure ? complimenting jrou upon your position "ore (be country, and in sending the au>o?nt of the enclosed bill." ?^-CiacBti Collar.?Lawrence Cady, s fourteen years of age, charged with c 'mbiag jown , icJit^Boey aod breaking ?Pcn a safe, was trie? je?ier$aj i? the Cir ^0urt- He wu found goiltjr, a*d?en> cd to four month*1 imprisonment in the e0anl7jail. ' #?-A writer for the Pretty as a means Df furthering an improvement, which he humorously affects to observe in this de partment, advises us to "step out now and then and take a little of that two-horse beer." We are obliged to the Preu for these suggestion, and shall probably adopt it; and as we desire to vie with the writer In all his manifestations of courtesy and good will, we here suggest, in return, that % basin of Adam's ale and a bar of Rosin Boap, or such a quantity of either as may be deemed sufficient, might be very advan tageously applied to a complaint with which be is habitually afflicted, and at which we vaguely hinted the other day, through a colloquy found in David Copper field. I Belibyb it Saved my Lire.?Jacob Wooster, of Bush Creek, New Sewickley township, says: " For two years I suffered the Vertigo, Nausea and Headache, attending Dyspep-* lia, sometimes so severely as to incapaci tate me for any effort?at others, to confine me to my bed. My bowels were so consti pated as to oblige me to use the most pow erful purgatives to relieve myself. Indeed, I at last found it necessary to use some thing of the kind constantly. Last fall I commenced taking Beer have's Holland Bit ters, and found it just what ray case re quired. 'I cannot recommend it too highly, Tor I believe it saved my life. oct4 It u a com mow observation that there ire more sufferers from debility, among Americans, than can be found among any other civilised nation. The reason Is ob rious. We take too little exercise, and forget the wants of the body in the absorb ing pursuits of business. In all such saseB, ordinary medicines can do little good. What is required is just snch a tonic and invigorutor as Dr. J. Hostetter bas given to the world, in his celebrated "Bitters." The weak and nervous deni len of the counting house, the exhausted toiler upon the shop-board, and the pros trated student of the midnight lamp, have roand a wonderful regenerator in the 'Bitters," and prefer it to more pretentious, >ut less efficacious medicines. But it ihould not be forgotten that the agent irbich is so magical in its influence upon i frame which is merely debilitated, is ?qnally powerful in assisting nature to ex >el the most terrible forms of disease iVho would not give it a trial ? Sold by druggists and dealers every where. See advertisement in another colnmn. oct4 NATIONAL LOAN. "PURSUANT to instructions from the Secretary of I the Treasury,a book will be opened un the ninth day of October, 1861, at the bauklng house of the North Western Bank of Virginia, in Wheeling, for subscriptions under my superintendence for Treasu ry Note*, to be Issued under the act of July 17,1861. These note* will be toned in sum* of fifty dollar*, one hundred dollari, fire hundred dollar*, one thous and dollar*, and five thousand dollar* each, dated 10th August, 1861, payable three years after date to the order of the subscriber or as directed, and bear ing Interest at the rate of 7 S-10 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually; such interest being at tbe rate of two cents for each day on every hundred dollar*. For the convenience of the holder, each note Will haTe coupons attached expressing the sev eral anion uta of semi-annual Interest, which coupon* may be detached and presented for payment separ ately from the notes. Subscription* for such Treasury Note* will be re ceived during fifteen day* from the day of opening the book a* aforesaid. No subscription for less than fifty dollars nor for any fraction of that sum can be received. Subscriptions of fifty dollars or one hun dred dollars must be paid in lawful coin of the United 8tate* at the time of subscribing. Subscriptions of more than one hundred dollars may be uaid at once; or, If preferred, ono-tsntb at the time of subscribing and one-third of the whole amount on every twenti eth day thereafter until the whole shall be pahl. No payment of less than fifty dollars can be accepted, that being the smallest sum for which Treasury notea can be issued. Certificates will be granted in duplicate to sub scriber* for the amounts so paid, the original of which tha subscriber will transmit by mail to tbe Secretary of the Treasury, when Treasury Notes, as aforesaid, will be issued thereon to such subscriber or his order, carrying Interest as expressed In such certificate; but In cases where only a'part of the amount subscribed is paid at tbe time of subscribing. Treasury Notes will be Issued only for the payments made subsequently to the first, which will remain nntil the whole amount subscribed by such person shall be paid, when Treasury Notes will be isaued for such first payment also. On payment ot each de ferred instalment, the subscriber will pay, In addition thereto, a sum equal to the interest accrued thereon from the 10th of August to the date of payment, and on final payment like interest on the whole amount paid on subscription, whieh payments ef interest will be reimbursed to the subscriber in the payment of the first coupon. The Treasury Notes Issued upon such certificates by the Treasury will be sent to the subscriber by malt, or such other mode as may be indicated by them when they transmit their original certificate. The duplicate certificates may be retained by them for their own security. oct0-2w DANIEL LAMB. Now is tbe Time for Bargains! WALL PAPER, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, lower than elsewhere In the city, FOR CASH. I will sell anything In the above line at such unpre cedentedly low prices that It will be to the interest of all who desire to buy to give me a call before pur chasing at any other establishment. I am deter mined to reduce my stock as low as possible by the 1st of September. Rags taken in exchange at the higheet rates. JyU JOSEPH L. WILDE. XV \ Bacon shoulders.?10 hhds prim. Shoulders in store and fbr sale by Jyl8 M. RIF.LLY ~\T O. MOLASSES.?1 SO barrels choice N. O* . O. Molasses, In oak cooperage, on baud and fbr sale by PHOTOGRAPHS Taken Daily, septift At PARTRIDGE'S GALLERY. SHEET IRON Galvanized sheet iron, oexao, for making Evaporating P*ns for Chinese 8ugar Cane. Juuuu. Charcoal and Common Sheet Iron, from No, 14 to 28, for sale low for cash. its p. a hildrkth a brq. Wanted Immediately, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKERS. App!/ to AUGUST SCIIWIRTFBOER, Va. 110 Main Strict. cctSSt ? few door, ?boT. tbe M.tM. lUnk. New Boat Store. anderson~A MAIER, HA VINO purchased the Boat Store ol Mr. 8. a Baker, will keep on hands all things In their line, and farnish steamers at all boon day or night. octl-lm HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters: The proprietor* And manufacturers of H08TET- ! nCHV CBLKBRATKI> STOMACH BITTKBS ato fcppm! with perfect confidence to physicians and dti? ? lens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a reputation heretofore on known. A few facta npnn thia point will apeak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazon Ing puffery. The consumption of Uostetters Stom sch Bitters tor the Isst year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase In times past, it is evident that during the coming rear the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold bnt for the rare medicinal properties con tained in the preparation, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the oountry where the article it best known, wbc cu>t only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but ire ready at ail times to give testimonials to its effi cacy In all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. TlUs is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way ot trumpeting the quality of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an Invaluable medicine, which Is destined to be as en during as time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other billions complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" area certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, Is to the proprietors a source - fun UJoyed pleasure. It rem ore* nil morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and it rts re newed vitality to the nervous system, giving it thai tone and energy indispensable for the restoru ion ot health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and ?oon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a Uimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining fears, as it is plsasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evidence of thousands of iged men and women who have experienced the ben Bfltof using this preparation while Buffering from rtomach derangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned *11 deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits ot Lhls article. A few words to the gentler sex. There ire certain periods when their cares are so haraaaing chat many of them sink under the trial. The rela tion of mother and child is 00 absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive dur ing the summer season, the wear of body and mind m generally aggravated. IJere, then, is a necessity (or a stimulant to recuperate the energies of the lystem, and enable the mother to bear up under her sxbausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing nothers generally prefer the Bitten to all other In rigorators that receive the endorsement ofphysi ?>?n*. because it is agreeable to the taste as well as jertain to give a permanent increase of bodily itrengtb. All those persons, to whom we have particularly referred obove, to wit: sufferer! from fever and ague, :auaed by malaria, diarrhiea, dysentery, indigestion, oes of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of he stomach, superannuated invalids, perwons of tedentary occupation, and nnrsing mothers, will ?nsult their own physical welfare by giving to lloe etter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters s trial. CAUTION*?We cantion the public against ising any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but isk for ilorrrrxx's Cklxb&atxd Stomach Bitters,and tee that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and 'tamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and tbserve that our autograph signature is on the label 4E9~ Prepared and sold by HOSTKTTER k 8M1T1I, Pittsburgh, Pa^ and sold by all druggists, grocers ind dealers generally throughout the United Btates, lonth America and Germany. novS-dawly For sale by LAUUHUNS * BUSUFIKLD, Agents, Wheeling, Va. Holland Bitters fob DYSPEPSIA, Jver Complaint, Fever and Ague,&o. Thx mceesafnl introduction and use of this cele irated Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood if compound* called "Bitters," offered in rorioun ijrms, from a quart bottlo to a fire-gallon keg, until his word "Bitter*" is but another name for "grog," >r somo rillanous whiskey mixture. Bat the really great relief derived from the minute lose, one tcaspoonful, of our medicine, BCEKHAVFS HOLLAND BITTER8, > rwZ the entire absence of after prostration, has esta ilUhctl lor it a reputation Which the host of imitations tnd counterfoils hare foiled to undermine. It is posi irely a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient rare spirits to preserre it. But one size of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottles,) irice Ox* Dollax. It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for Purifying he ISood, so essential for tbn foundation of good lenlth and for correcting disorders of tho stomach tnd towels. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its *1 alary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its trenjeth, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and Sidneys will soon take place, and renewed health bo lie quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try Boerhave's Holland Bitters. For HEABTBUEN, Try Barhave's Holland Bitters. For AODJITZ, Try Bcerliave's Holland Bitters. For WATEEBBASE, Try ? Boerhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try O Barhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OP APPETITE, Try Bcerliave's Holland Bitters. For COSTIVE NESS, Try Bcerliave's Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try Bcerliave's Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec ions, it haa in numerous instances proved highly jeneficisl, and in others effected a decided euro. Head CarefVilly! The genuine, highly-concentrated Bacaaav^s Hofc LUTO DITTOS is put up in half-pint bottlea only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand br this truly celebrated medicine has induced many Imitations, which the publio should guard against purchasing. Ttewart of impottHant thai our name is em the abri qf mery bottle you buy. ^ Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. 'or sale by T. H. LOGIN 1 CO*General Agents, nor20-dAw-ly Wheeling, Va THOS.W.XK8SIYT. KOBKKT XBSSXTT NESBITT & BHO., X AXDFACTCXXXa OF Copper,Tin & Sheet Iron Ware HO. 46 MAXH STREET, Centre Wheeling, Va. WE WILL KKEP constantly ON HAND all kinds of the above wares, besides every thing appertaining to our tine of business. We par ticularly invite cash buyers to give us a call before purcbsfting elsewhere. autfft-tt NESBITT k BRO. A. M. ADAMS, WHOIXSALX AXB XXTAIL CLOTHING STORE, \\T I1KRK ilnn mar t? found superior CLO ' VV THING; aiso makes to order, at the shortest notice. All Garments belonging to Gentlemen No. 36, Warn Stxxkt. Wheeling, Va, tW Agents for W. Bingham's Shirts an J" Stocks of erery description. Also, for A. B. Howe's Excel rior Sewing Machine. aug96 *61-ly CALL AND SEE W Y K E S' Photographic Gallery! WinCH IS now THE Largeit and Host Complete Establlik ment In Western Virginia. Having recently enlarged a refitted our Gallery, we hare snared no expense in ma king It complete (br erery branch of the Art and the comfoit of visitors. Our new addition contains a LARGE SKY LIGHT mi the bank of the river, giving every advantage Sesired. ? Prices as low as at any Gallery in the city. Entrance 130 Main si? opposite union, mhia Top of the Hill. Prom Missouri. (Special to Ue St. Lonl. R^bUnm.) Srn*CL*s?, Mon Oct. U._General Cam eron, accompanied by Adjutant-General Thomas, .pent Saturday night at Jefferson City, and armed in Tipton at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. It is understood that General Cameron came here at the request of the President, to examine the condition of affair* in tbb department, and be pro fesses himself highly gratified with the condition or Frei&ont's army. Col. Merrill's cavalry have gone down the Osage on s searching expedition. Gen. ilcKinstry and staff are to remain, and not go East, as was reported Within a few days parties of rebels have been foraging- sixty miles south of Se dalia. I have very late intelligence from Price's army. My infonnant, a citicen of this county, deserted, and is here to claim the amnesty offered to rebels who lay down their arms. He left Price on Wedndsday, a short distance South of Johnstown, in Bates county, marching Southward. He represents thnt grfit dissatisfaction exists In Price's annyy 'Desertions are occur ring every day, as ; if assurances could be conveyed to them Uat they would not be haishly dealt will Jbe thinks the greater part of the Stat?.. ?uard would lay down their arms and re irn to their homes. They are tire ing important orders during the last two days has excited encomiums from (promi nent military officersand strengthened their confidence in them for any conflict in which they may be called to participate. Gen. Vanvleitof the Quartermaster's de partment is assiduously engaged In fur bishing overcoats and blankets for our troops. As these articles are from time to receiventhey are rapidly distributed by Capt. Thomas, of the Clothing Department. From Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroh, Oct. 13, via Balti more.?Twelve members of the 11th New York Zouaves were taken prisoners by the rebels yesterdvy a short distance above Newport News. Lieut. Zeller, who was in command of the expedition, in qnest of fuel, is under arrest for cowardly behavior. Louisvillk, Oct. 14.?The iron bridge over Green River, at Munfordsville, was blown up by the rebels yesterday mor ning. There is no Southern news of any impor tance. N*w York, Oct 13.?The steamer Rich mond was at fort Jefferson on the 30tb ult* all well. She bad been on a coral reef, but^gotoflf undamaged. *Nsw York, Oct. 14.?Gov. Andrew of Mass, and Col. Frank F. Home, the Massa chusetts agent in New Xork, will leave to night for Washington. Lkavxjtwortb, Oct. 11.?Gibson's Bat tery, which recently came ia from Utah, consisting of two twelve pound howitzers and four six pounders, has been attached to General Lane's Brigade, by order of the War Department. St. Louis, Oct. 14.?Secretary Cameron and Adjutant-Gen. Thomas arrived from the West late last night. The Secretary received the 8th Wisconsin regiment, Col. Murphy, which just arrived by steamboat, before Barnum's Hotel this morning. From Cairo Caibo, Oct. 14.?Tbe steamer Grampus, with a flag of truce from the enemy's camp, Columbus, asking an exchange of prison ers, arrived here to-day. Gen. Grant re plied that of his own accord he could make no exchange, as he did not recog nize the Southern Confederacy. He would communicate with higher authority for their views on tbe subject. Capt. Noleman's Cavalry, 25 in number, bad a skirmish with rebel Cavalry, 100 strong, atBeckwith's farm, Missouri. Tbe Federals repulsed ; Ions one killed and five wounded. A. rebel Captain was killed. A detachment of the 29th Illinois seized i large quantity of corn, a number of hor ses, mules, cattle, and took two prisoners yesterday at Thompson's farm, Missouri. St. Louis, Oct. 14.?Secretary Cameron ind Adjutant-General Thomas left this af ternoon for Washington by a special train ria Indianapolis. ? ??> ? [From the Cincinnati Commercial of last night.] Latest from tbe Kanawha and Gen. Roaeerana' Division. Mr. Frank Pierce arrived here last night, 3n the steamer Leonora, direct from Gen. Etosecrans' headquarters. When he left Qauley, 12 M., Saturday last, Gen. Roae jrans was encamped six miles distant from Lhat point, having fallen back from the lummit of Sewell mountain. It appears Lhat neither army bad transportation to get the necessary supplies, and both had fallen back during tbe same night, for com fort and better protection. The enemy were encamped twenty-six miles from Etosecrans. Lee is reported in command Df the enemy. Our informant did not learn their strength. When Mr. Pierce :ome down, be met eight hundred wagons on tbe road between Gauley and Charles Ion with supplies. Our sick were being sent to Charleston, Virginia, and Gallipo lis, Ohio, as speedily as possible. The Leonora left twenty invalid soldiers at these points. The Twelfth Ohio and First Kentucky Regiments, aro at Gauley. Piatt's Zou aves, on Saturday, moved from Camp Piatt to Charleston. Two companies of the Sev enth Ohio also moved from Camp Gauley to Charleston, tbe same day. The guerrilla parties recently infesting the Kanawha at Red House Shoals, who Bred into the steamer Izetta, on Friday last, had been dispersed by an armed force Bent after the rebel hounds by Col. Guth rie, of the First Kentucky Regiment. The Leonora left the steamers S. C. Baker and Victor No. 2 at Gauley Landing. Passed Ohio No. 2 above Charleston. Met the Fitzhugh and Izetta, lashed together, as cendiugthe Kanawha, below Red House,? the point where the latter was recently at tacked. Mr. Pierce says all is quiet along the Kanawha. The river was falling, with ten feet in the channel. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad [Washington Correspondence of the N. Y. Post.] The Baltimore and Ohio Railway compn. py are busy in constructing the material for iron bridges in the place of the structures iestroyed by the rebels between Sandy Hook to Cumberland. There seems to be a mistaken idea afloat, to wit: that the gov srnment expects to furnish material for the repair of the road. This is entirely a mis take. The government merely intimates ; that in a few days it will be in a condition Lo give thut military protection necessury to the constrution of the line. The com pany does the work and foots the bills, and will manage it as they now do the Wash ington branch. The directors and presi dent, it is said, effectually cured of their secession proclivities, inasmuch as the ro bullion haa already cost them millions. Mrs. Gen. MeClellau as well as could be expected. [From the Cincinnati Commercial of hut night.J If Gen. McClellan had been given the opportunity of winning a great battle on Saturday, as seemed probable for a time on that day, it happens that a very young lady ot this city, might have men lioned in after times that she was born on the day of her father's great victory, rhis very young lady and her mother are said to be doing as well as could be ex pected. Nsw York, Oct. 14.?Flour quiet; sales at $5,25? 5,35 for State, $5,7505,85 for Ohio and *5,P5@fl,10 for Southern. Wheat active; sales at $1,1&@1,17 for Chicago Spring, $lt1801,2i> for Milwaukle Club. E1,28<&1,30 for red western, 1.37(3)1.40 for white and |1,38@1,46 for white Kentucky. Corn advanced lc; tales at 54@50c. Pork firm. Lard firm. Whisky lull; sales at 20>^@20^c. I'hiladxlfaia, Oct. 14.?Flour market dull, best prices are steady at $5.37U@5,50 for Buperflne?5,G2J^ ^5,75 for extra and $S,Ou@0,25 for extra family.? Itye fiou/ sold at $3,75 and corn meal $2,75. Wheat ictive; sales at $1,24@I,25 for Penna. and Western, uid $1,30 for Soothrrn; White ranges from $1,30 to Bl,40. Kye wanted at 65c. Corn In aemand and has igain advanced; Yellow sold at 64c. Oats also active; tales at 35c for Delaware and 35@3Cc for Pcnn. Pro risioos firm; small sales mess pork at $15.00@15,&0. FIRE PROOFSALAMANDER Fire Proof Salamander Safes J. A. METCALF, Wo. 5 0 Jlnln St., AGENT FOR THK SALE OF BURKE A BARNES CELEBRATED FIRE k BUROLAIl PROOF SAFES. TMIESE SAFE8 ARE KNOWN TO BE SUPEBIOR to any offered for sale in the Western Country. They are warranted to be entirely free from damp, have never failed to preserve thelrcontent*. and are secured by the best patent Powder and Thief Proof Locks. -1 A FULL ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND AT MANUFACTURERS* PRICES. To parties wishing to purchase a first rate article of Safe, I would beg leave to refer to the following firms, who have them In use, and can testify to their reliability! Menrs. Bally,Woodward A Co. ** Norton, Achesnn. k Co. " List, Morrison k Co. " McClallens k Knox, " Sam'I Ott k Son, M lleiskell k Sweatingen, ? Laughlins k Bushfield. No. 5G Paxtoa's Row, mb21 Main Street. THE PEOPLE'S BANK OP WHEELING. Office No. 59 Main screet, first door South of Bank o Wheeling. Discount days, Wednesdays, 10 A* M. Transient andspecial deposits thank ftally received. Interest paid on Special Deposits. Exchange on the Hut bought mod ?old Collections, at home or from abroad, will receive prompt attention. msxctoxs. J. C. Harbour, John Voekler, J. T. Scott, Christian Hesr, Richard Carter. Lorenso D. Wait, J. C. HARBOUR, Pru't^ pro tern, J. R. DICkey, Oath., Jy81 Photographs, Ambrotypes, &c< PARTRIDGE, No. 118K WAIN STREET, Having purchased a lot of cases and FRAMES at PANIC PRICE*, proposes to fill them with pictures at prices to astonish the mil LIONS. Come in, Ladles and Gentlemen, while the assort ment is complete and avail yourselves of the GREAT EST bargains ever offered in Wheeling. Photographs and Pictures of every style, as usnaL made lb the beet manner. A variety of Lockets and Pins at a discount. Also, a large and beautiftal as sortment of Gilt Frames, cheap. Jan 3 A LARGE ASSOHTMENTOF POM A. ADES, Ilair Oil, Perfumery, at reduced prices. E. ROCKING, Agent, mh4 Odd allows* Hall Drug 8tore. SPECIAL NOTICES. Motller., read thl*. Therollowlngle aneAlract ram aletlerwrtttea by the Pastor of ? BaplletChurch to the "Joseraaland Messenger,"Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks Tohrnee in favor of that world-renowaed medlcUo-MM.WMS lo w'bSoothiko 8v*uf fob Oimui Teethisq: "We lee ?n advertisement In your columns of Mr* Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Now we never Mid. wordlofavorof apawntmedlclnebeforelnoorllls but we feel compiled to ?j thllle nohombng?WE_?ATETOlEDtr,A*DEl?OwrrrO bz ut x* claims. It Is, probably, on? of the most successful medlanee of the the beet. And thoee of your readers who have be blescan't dobetter than to lay In a supply. octHV-ly-dJkw Bead the Following- It i? True PariimjdrOj April 10. T. H. LOO4.5, Efl<^ Dtar Sir: I wrote to you some time sinoe for a Bottle ot Brentllngert Fluid Extract of -anaparfllaand Dan delion, and must say that it has acted upon me like a charm. I have been afflicted for near two years with Dyspepsia; two-thirds of the time I vomited from one to three tlmee a day. I had given "P JJJ? i j ?# .... m?nnB w.ii mill itutiwd mv friends baa Added to tuts, l sunerea wua o?oiu? ? ??.? much. 8lnce last September one side of my nee* was one entire sore, composed of some seven runnlnr sores The use of one Bottle has much improved m^My stomach is relieved and my nsck has!Un KT^^^Tffi'bV!h.p?^.oIr two bottles more I shall be relieved entirely. You wit! pleete send mo two bottlee by ER The^e'SStoe feprepared by f. A.BRBNT STARLING MEDICAL COLLEGE, COLUMfiUS, OHIO. rpiIK REGULAR OOUR8R OFLMmMI In this 1 Institution will commence on ? WOATrsU" 24th of OCTOBKR, and continue unUl the 1st of March, 1862. FJLC|iLTTl B. M. SMITH, M. D, Prof, of Theory and Practice, and Dean. . FRANCIS CARTER, M. D., Pror. of Obstetrics and D Iseases of Women A Children JOHN DAWSON, M. D-, Prof, of Anatomy and Physiology. J. W. HAMILTON, M. D-, Prof, of Surgery. 8. LOVING) M. E., Prof. Math^ Med^Therap. and Med. Jurisprudence. TilKO. O. WORMLEY, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. K.N.BARR, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. TERMS! Ticket* ror all the Profe-ora-. -*? OB Matriculation Ticket (only paid once) ? Jgj Graduation Fees.... Jo BoSSSntcla'to $3 per wee? founding light *"d. The clinical and Hospital advantages consist In the Urge and diversified Collese clinic *nd the ol the Franklin County In?rIM7-hh?HSlSwUlbe the two Military Camps In the neighborhood will be accessible to Medical Students. . All letters of Inquiry will be promptly answered, I lf muSS"1"0 8. M SMITH, Dean. NEW MUSIC JUST BECEIV ED CARELKSS ELKOANOB POLKA, Imitations of Banjo, (rolka) Prayer Granted, (answer to Maiden s Prayer,) I.'Ango Pes Souvenirs (Variations.) Un Keve De Flours. " Coming Thro the Rye, " Wallace, Logle O'Ruchan, Invitation a la Redowa, Musical Stories, by Oesten, War March. Zouave Battlo March, Union Medley, A morion n"""''"' M^b-Ulh^phoraen^fcolt McClollan's Grand March, do Gen IMcOleiian Rock Reside the 8ea, Ever-1?? Thee, (new and beautiful edition,) Juanlta. Oay and Happy, Our Flag Is There, E Plurlbus Unum?Kvery 8tar, 84, Rise for your Country, Ac., Ac., *o Order, by rn.ll Promptly e^ndeji to , 189 Main street. CARBON OIL! T I1AVR BSTABL1S1IED AN OH. lo^i'he^i StfSSjMSM" aL^artlcSTSm fl"d^^".irr"U.?t"TglT. me * Si&Sy pnrcl'""'g JOHN OOOK. riURSD NATURE'S SWEBT RESTORER, BALMY I SLKKl'I?a foeuian meets, in the rampant Bed ?00 whoee nightly raid, eperee nellher ag. nor eel. DUTCHES'? Dead Suot Is the VKnt UeJhuK,)^r and preventive Inm Thej wil "yoVitlo","6 "I! M?LOOAN * Ir8 and LOGAN. LIST k CO. Grand Army of the United State#. Head Qoartees Cokkiwiet Dbpaetmbmt, I WAEUtiroTO*, D. U., August 7,1801. > ?TufoniiaUon having been lodged with jKSy"ot meut, to the effect that the soldiers In the Army ol the United State, are suffering, both In stomach, from the evil effect, of eatlog he*vy brejul. baked without yea.t or rmng ot any sort, giving rise to Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, "ThSwfSef notice Is hereby given to ^lQu?rt" masters and their aislstents. Sutlers, Army Cook" and all othere whom It may ? ' ^ utmost Importance, a. re.pects both economy ana litalUu that they should furnish themselves with the celebrated "EXCELSIOR YEAST POWDER." For tho solo of which, Uesm. T. IL LOO ANA CO. and LOGAN, LIST k CO., IfruggxlU, of the city ol Wheeling, are hereby appointed <*??"?' From evidence In the p?weseioH or this Depart ment, they are fully salUfled that ths^artlde~ln ouestlon Is tho "bsst articlx or tub ?!">"""? By order. COL. GOOD WHEAT BREAD, y Commissary GeneraL Major "Snest-Iao* Ckacxzms," aURg Acting Ass t Commissary. A NIGHT ATTACK. TSfrequemly made at this season, upon nnwary 1 sleeper*, and daylight dawns upon a scene ot 4lood!Tndc.rmige.'' They who g"? from BED HUGS, neodonly louse DUTCI1EB8 DEAD SHOT. It exterminates thet enemy and haunts the battle ground afterwards. For sale by . m 015 T. H. LOO AN k 00, ami LOO AH, L18TA00 New Fall Goods! FOR CASH. COOPER & SENSENEY HAVE received and will continue to receive dar ing the present week, their entire stock of New Good* for Vail and Winter, to which we resprctfully invite the attention of buyer*, being much the lar gest stock of Staple and Domestic Goods that we Have ever offered to the public. And hav ing to bay them for CASH and on veij short time, we are compelled to sell them for CASH AND CASH ONLY. sept!2 COOPER A SENBBNEY. Of\ BAG 8 8lfted Pepper; 30 boxes Ground Pepper; -oJ 20 boxes O round Ginger, received and for sale by (Je29) LIST, MORRISON A 00. " West Liberty Academy. THE WEST LIBERTY ACADEMY will be re opened for the reception or students on the first Monday of October next, under the supervision ot Pro! A. P. Roes, assisted by competent teachers. A share of public patronage is reepectAUly solicited, eepg-lm MEN *> BOYS' CAPS?Cloth caps for Men and Boys, of the latest patterns, always on hand. [septal J HARPER A BRO. MEN A BOYS' WOOL HA.TS.?Wo have a very Urge assortment of all kinds of and Boys' wool Ilats, from the lowest to the highest grade. [septal] HARPER A BRO. COMPULSORY NOTICE; OWING to the difficulty of getting Goods East and the general adoption of selling Tor cash, by tba Wholesale Merchants, we are compelled to adopt . a similar oouree. We hope, therefore, oar customers will come prepared with the cash as that is necessary to enable us to keep our stock up to its usual stand ard of variety. D. NI COLL A BRO, septao 100 Main Street. PHOTOGRAPHS FINISHED IN OIL sept25 At PARTRIDGE**. riLOAKi, CLOAKS, CLOAKS ?216 new Vj Cloaks of the latest styles, jnst received at , septao - ALKX. HEYMAITS. Union Among the Bed Bugs. ' TT8X 00STAK'B beB BOO KXTKRMIN1TOB. U It Is the only article that has and will gire sat U&ctlon. E. BOOKING, Agt? Odd Fellow.' Hall 1 Drug Store. ap26 New Grey Goods. T> ECEIYPD THIS MORNING, some very deetra XV ble Grey Goods lor Traveling Dresses. Also, ao ps. Bleached Mnalins, and other Domestic Goods Jyfi ' J. 8. RHODES. ?They go right to the Spot." INSTANT RELIEFt 48TOP TOUR OOUOF' PURITY YOUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YODR VOICE! SPALDING'S Throat Confections, ai GOOD FOB CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR -LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, {GOOD FOR CONSUMPflVES, *aSXTLKMRH CABBY SPALDING'S THROAT C0NFECTI0N8. LAD I KB ABB DSLIOHTBO WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS CHILDREN CRY TOR SPALDING'S THROAT CFNFEOTION l'hey relieve a Cough instantly. I hey clear the. Throat. riiey giro strength and to lame to the roic rhey Impart a delicious aroma to the breath. rhey are delightful to the teste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm anyone. I advise every one who has a Congh or a Husky Yolee or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty or the Throat to get a package of my Throat Confections; they will relieve yon instantly, and yon will agree with me that "they go right to the spot." Yon will And them very useful and pleasant while traveling or attending public meetings, for stilling your Cough or ?1 laying your think. If you try one package I am nie in saying that yon will BTer afterwards consider them indispensable. You will find them at the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My signature is on each package. All others are counterfeit. A Package will be sent by mall, prepaid on receipt of Thirty Cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. ?8 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. rQ%&&eacft CURE NervousHeadache xf?> CURE Jp ^ JdndS ?V Headache. Bytho use or these Pill. the periodic >lt?ck. o Mrvoue or Met Headache may be prevented; and t "Men ?t the commencement of an attack Immedlai, tof from pain and .Ickneea will be obtained. Tbey eeldom fall In removing the Haute Beadaehe to which female, are ao enbject. lOTaM*1' g*n"7 np011 tb* bcweu.?femorlnf Co To, Ltterar, Men, Student,, Delicti female., and all mm. of xtoUar* *aW?, th.j are valuable a? '?pr, assy* "?k? JHwatteAdwertteer.Pnotdmct X The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably <1. bSa'fo^Th^ for "d one of the very bo"'* ?f SPALDIWQ'g PRWPawwv. OLUE will save ten time, its coat annually^* SPALDING'S PREPARED QLUJC1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUKI SPALDING'S PREPARED GLU^) EOOKOlrrt 8AV* ThTpuCMI SJJjS"" fcrr^Wn* Toy^d SPALDING'S PREPARED 0LU* p?n'niaHBMr" ** *'*" *? meow all rodi emergende#, and no hftM SSS V**" "USEFUL Uf ETXHT H0U8E." Br^SSSSP^ ?*ch,ottU U oactioh f^^P^ona^atUmptlaato my PREPARED OLUltliSJd to ?aml?. bWore *t-SPALDIKQ'B PREPARED OLUE,