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?bW a?i nmm iti 11 yX htt, i?r tM wvtfdf v>^ / ?aj K*t? i> wmy U JlT'SSn (M4 Kwo?* </Eayra ? ?f 1w?k> a u* ?PH ?, 7**: Q^rtM m?: W- ; * ?tk> K-^t uC H# ?4TT B4CJ d :m 7rw=ry m? ** 1 rtta ?^rcr7?t TV kh ?< aa2is?* araea I ? <?? I sp4 mOf '? ??>< **-ra. *? *? ???* m ? ?wry tc 4? ???!? ?<%t U j*r tM ?itii 'Tinri <*l^d ?&.?* ?l (i* LbX?4 >-"?* ?? I if'TliaM , I K I | fur tw %~m v?ar ?^?sxg Jtu toart-cs. ??*&?** VKrJ'W *=-i ?*?.'<?? Jfi'il lfcO (*r*ac? Jtv. X; AY ACT S?tW t>ywiyi f?r Ut <rA+a.xjm %,: teVuM .? ?xf>ru al fcf oWyu>>? It * Vf o<? r ??< <?4 L?? rf e?5?v IW -1 4 Uw CidW Hum / b u* rrnt ? a#iii 1. Tkac ?? ?>-?'* it JwlgwU 'i O* hwir.i, ?f ' i?( jm^N .* v? tw -?? *7 U- vr*?mrj memtm. Nib ur*m?rj w*j, ?* ?y r*X0t nil'/ *m mm, u.g .?*La .. * ' . ""7 'r? M eeid Kft? vf Vjury AtU U **Uk *-i u-? f*n? a*a ai?4 Ut aat*eet ?/. aH 0* K*~.&et~rA? <J tr4>ttwi a* porta %? <a*rf: m4 tfc? b*rxvi*r% -A tt* tr^marj. vik tfe* if lb* Pft^VM. appaia* ltd cuum >.< ?fc?vn. mt??. ifcc-??r? i> hj^owrrt. Md 4rft? w wj W lAxmmmj, St M? ;e4x?*at br tu ?x-.--VA U U< I UH par** ^ 4->?-r7 ^-?i3 fix irbitnr m* v.ww?U4 ftfU m?7 m U.: UU |>irMiin '/1*? w?? U ?T ar^rU- u4 ?x?*t*MK. U km< M fr> Ut Ml* U <s.:i7 ? tMf(/lC.4>i ^ IU ?C4 JUAW 1 *? d*7 *> !/.?i'.rt4 ?f rtJfy m?!ijiin4 tj tit i??? m rt tortfc-r ?M TM C f.<-t. tfc* -MM n*XL?s~*>Z ?? :b* i/rc^Ut* -fc U* 'i tl? ?mZ?4 rt^? mm.t &?? <it^? a* i?{*uu ?*.'.?*"? t* r3~4a*f?7 <a*>rtt?f at aaj /i ?tffj m a/ ?4h m?? 4i0Uutu ta tfc?cr^ MT7 ??y urf ?// tv 'jrHtmry a^w. ?r by lit o?iM f*vrH*4 ii Us* Sr.T*#/?; acctfc*. tin. la tlx* eaar. It w; Cr*t ttat d* t.T 'JM (Ht/y/t ?UtJeUi xa M.J ncattf4v* ?;:bJ* ?*--i { 0-r'sL *? tJU-r 4* {**6 or t? Ua?4 a^j iMari ia 4r?ir*l or at m bet; tt* ;mif; aaf )ti nrii obt tUil rta^x *C af k ^tr?, ?/? '^i aa fl* '.V* asaj ba, tLcra <>? U a all ? ?? > ?*?4 fjuf/** arrtrtbz ?rtfcio or ?^ i< mJ4 dart/art, aatxi tb? datiaa lax***-! V7 , U? va aa?i ?w*^# ajwS tb*?r W^t* *** V**A ?? ?**? : +ttnM*U dkrt V ilt ?*imt* turn.*.-** of tk*cut , ?? V?/4 uy lead aa or ILa : ?Kf(iA?lf?MLrfall4Mb* UKttra i m'.7 m a?5'/Vf iMnct Is (Lt CbM ."(att* ?tarrc 4 b/ -vt UaUactVi?i b< IU <i?t?U'/t '/ !b* U?? tx |K tb? auaafr ?????? i/?aj U i-itl*4 ??!>> tW; * tu Iwti&Oi* af 0b? ????? uxl carc* ia l?< aa#'-??j ?i^*ac? tftw atilitvr 6imf Mas B wr ~ -*m1"pr .0*>4 itt&irsn *> : ?.?f Aa FactMjltj vf ti^ A ad feftVr, thcf Aa factmurj vf Il>* Trp- Oi .bah an<W tw- a^v^*aOK.?.t it* #*ra?? ?itaijaCa f?rrTa?^y?a 1/r tW 'A mr. jgwt+mm <* ??> i*FuUt |SiS' y?laS?fc^??fy a?Jr?r*Lt*ii!w* Scf ?- Am u jt ^vtWraMWi TH?i ft *Lail b? tsU?W t// uk? >af ?H?i /yf '*nr< -lirii>H *? '/ftwi l (rv?tbt?aial;'/f tltpr^r -.fttcer* o/ * ?*-t rna. baImh Li a I M c?-t aftbw Lf |t'/xa uf wart W tL? #Mf?l|^aa4? ' haUvG. ((Hainll'i"w (o U ?t?? by t;.* <.flr4H vi Uf missta*. it ?&*U u/1 au; u lavf .: f -r tlte rmfm>.>r j--raua or ?U ?V-' I <fA*? far tter^^a*. t/> a?? i<Ut pit# v?; at ?a?y <ar ?.f Uj? Uftitcri - <H?r ?rl| fcr?ic^aK^ t'/inktmi M aaa/ U> <? - aaed f? '.waary f>f tl? .-f lax r?ar*.?a! ?>f avtkfiaaH or rary.. ntf |vmart >py**?y^?a?rf?? <aa^aMlft rvaa/^K.?cwt/^ ' ? ?>?Mit fvmi-rTL*f Tf to ib. ja4<a*at u U*? i*r?iil??.t. fix? lU?>i awrati'. 1*1 Ut to* 4r#r ./f lUi'T*., ti^s-iutx cj* o iibjorr<> fa aay ^th?, 4t??rirtcaa?c4 ?^taaUy^ii^t ad b; Utu ttatf? aw< it< h tWcHiwiy wrj. > r fa Iba tw*l* aad an?r.nrr prwidad is U* Jur^ar ?artV/O* artli!? arC."th*a a/*i io flat c?* fte Pxr^ ?*?? *? rmifrmwr*4 t/> (v?r tit f#rft or ?awy ?a au4 4*?ncs, aal la ?<ac*i ?m> imrtMkf b? itf jr.iAmiiuo; a&rt U,?wjvs *11 r.^t of Ua^/rtatV.a. ?a/aA6Wfa/. aod OtL?r j^frfWr, J&rl dMt V? fT?rt? ?4 ratry ?b?II <?*?* aa) be ?**?<?. rr.Ur. wJ *? wb |*.rt *, cV>M*l. oatil ?pn>?<l Wyaadar oi Ibt Pr-a*d?ot oo lb* cmafb/O <4 aorb U*ftmti<^a; aad Id abTI* aaid a/* ao ctua^d, at/ ab^ cr w? aaf #<mb fcay'Wf ?t>aO*K?4MaCaa.ur kavtoxoa fcr?rrl a*| artidM nbiacl l? 4?ltaa, lUii crilar ?r att?rn; t to anbrr aa/ mcb p>rft, ilia aaiar. o-crtb?r aitb it* tarkl*. faraltara. aad tball ba forlmu attolka Dolt#*) Hbataa. . TlUt Wfc??rf tha is burtuw* of Uw {.rmw^iM of the HO?d ?wti'/O of the irt M.titln] fciB Kt to provide oaJViar ferft* the toUHta f? execute tk? ? t?MI, tMBWiCM. *1*1 r?T*l Ulv tm, tad to rw?J tt? met uum in force Lt |U( pur February 2S, IT>5, shall tjHf nlM militia to raj.f>rrt??omMr>ntt-/f}? ^In'ttl - U??f tl.e MM Willi)?< to '4BMt?.tla??tol.> duly ? *? ttKavl I be tawjr^t<iU*k*l| btt? failed to dlspor*- by lie tlm? 'JlmW by the CtH4?d(. Ut<l whan *?J4 ln?or*eut? claim to ?T under the ?otfn.r Ity tfmmf rtate ?*? DUtM. an4 ?acfc data it M 41* cl?u??l -?r r^ndiil*! k) tU persona ct?rciui>s the fandiuM of s?i?rniiMi?l in ?och' State or *?r la the |?rt or p*rU tberw.f In whirl! wM fimbio* Mm nkU. MriMh iMirrrcttni ?ppr~??l by *ait 8UU or fUlM. Ibm an*! In t?cii om? it u; ?r. l ?hall be lawful (<r the Prniilffil, br prwUnjatlou, to declare that the inhabitant* of ?orh lion or part there.* where *nch in?uru.iioo a* 1st*, are in ? ?UU of iu*qnr<lliD ?(ilint the United |UtH; and thereupon all ifflTnerdnl fhrerroora* by an I between the wut arid the ritiien- thereof and tha (NlMM of the mt, f the L'ailwf ftatae ?hall (MM wrxl be unlawful *o long aa ?ikH condition ul buetility ?h?li ?mtlnue; and all r??l? and rhattlee. ?mm ??) BvmhMitiA a^tiM fr*w aaid State ??r ?action Into ?*ther part* "MS# Ur*e?* 8UIm. and all pvwcwlM* 10 sark ?at# ?remftb o. by Un lor water, shall, bother with the tmH or vehicle cuotty hi* tha ?ame, or conveying p+rtnt.? to or from ?urh lanu ar KrUrm, ha forWted to tt.a Unile-l State*: Pr-iti.HMmr,Tli?t tha i're?idcnt may. In hu discretion. IWrm m<I permit commercial (n twarw with any mth part or*?ld Mate or section, tha Inhabitant* of which are aodorian*) in a *tat? ? l ln?urr*rtioti. In *ncb article*. and for turh time- arid byantk peraan*,aehe,lnbN diarretinn, may think mort omduclve to tha pablic btanat; and wch In terc?mr*e, ao far a* by Mm licensed, aliall be conduct - ad and carried on >mly In pvraunn ml ntle* and r?c ilattMM uraecribed by tha Secratary of tha Treasury. And tha Wury?/tha Trvaaury may appoint such 00cm at plarea whera officer* of lUcutuna ar* ?>t authorised by law m may be needed to carry effect *ucb licensee, rule*.and regulations; and of the rnatnm* and other officer* vhatl lerdto ami regulation*, wh feea and amprwuiw aa i now allowed for similar ?erricr* under other prorl*. Ian* of law. Sao. 0. And be It furthar enacted. That from and after fifteen day* after the lining ?f ti,? aaid procla mation. aa prurided la the last t.rep>in? section of this act, any abip or raa-el belonging in whola or in part to any cttnu-u or inhabitant of aaid Stale or part of a State whoae Inhabitant* are *?> declared la a state of Insurrection, fband at am. or In any port of tha re*t of the United Stataa, shall ba forfeited to the United Ifatsa. Sec. 7. And be It further enacted, That in the ese cntfon of the prorMnnaof thu act, and of the other law* of tha United Stat pa providing for the collection of dutfae oft Imports and tonnage. It mar ami ?hall ba lawful for tha PreaJdent. In addition to the r?re nue cutter* In service, to employ In aid thereof nrh other euitabteve*aeti aa may, In hit Judgment, be re quired. Sw.ii And be It ftarftker enacttd, That tha for Iturea and penaltlaa Incurred by rlrtne of thie act mm,J b* mulled, ee remitted, la pursuance of the authority evaded fn tha Secretary of the Treaaury by tha act entitled ** An act providing for mitigating or remitting the ferfoitur*a penaMaa, and SmHHtiee accruing In certain aaaaa therein mentioned," ai? prorftd March tMni., aaeeateea hnadred aad nlnety aerea, or In eaaaa whare ?pedal circumatancea may pinwlla ItitMler U. CnluJ Slum Umnr ?uawirth<w4unirat>u<i*ia Ikat4 , A??T?d, u, xai. [rmjo?5o.4. Air ACT to pnrUt 6* Um at Ami* KwMWlh KWl U4 Qo?m of lm, ? V*tM SUM of la &o ?UUItNifllHlIilM SUM of America a ??? r%M Ik. m.l.o(uUtoal P?J. r la IhUT (rflh, Dn/Ud Stw., b. mtlf lattM?r of ?W Vnffi nun bo ul km. *7 * ^ aad aftar III Ma. ry, not iMNHe i*nwer? % ?/.. ? - tert Ifcf ?r* a* :,Ha6?T* % .???? wtfUit pcervjm *-? , w-a. a^e~'ti wii a?al w?i^- ** '%tL-.i kto wi fcacea&'y rn?*"-^ ^ ^ * 'w~ 'A^gSg; 4 t+* bmMSMXJ 4i ZW L?M M U **7 trn rtet.Uikinctrtjttn ^ i*? ?' -* '. Mao; a?nr 5** j?r? ~ sri sn* ; sacrtri Ok /?> ?/ aiaeseje ir ?t2is{ aritrw. Six U* t? I?? jt?.n iftt ItU txaaaiaM. ?axis \r.s**r-i 1 to *??"<'? ~.~V"J J ?^C- *. ja^i Wat t-itiher e-aarved. Tfc*2 frva. ai?i .ft-* tL* )n*f> l/ ?? *g ?45e*e r */ u? I*w< tx tJj* ?TT rt*S Iff r-.: tir?? tv yer < fcrm iw ?ccm* | ^ T|[?V> g?T?-1 \ ?* JL?*r*I*u 12 ?i-^? as *e* ar '* lm.i icv ? Cxm. te s* !i? PKttr c--(* ?/ CU tsjled ft** ? tb? ? mtm Mr~r f* wd ?/ amfc* *c Klas aj V J -x^tA /??? la I?11> to u'^i *4?-* W-* ^y?*o? ?r airtanaiir j ij n>?r U7 }???? }rtTi-jr^3ts ti* ,?.f |?TM??r *r Mlfitf ypiif? aa ?ftar ???1 tkn* iwrri? JnXu-.< U*erw**f <**:: be ; teTi. X?i W a fsrtUf ? ? pa^rtat"-*!* to U tacMiCMt ? ti* <u>? of f J II m j aex* ?u* be ii-?** Vy nfs^r ^mhcm fro ii? I i*C vtf fftpMm ??.<. jiuur.h.rkf??Kf<.n?:?i4i?ix. rviaitfrr -s).ao* ' '^* awrs &-*-&? ?< ??<?< w? ; VT? li-v: U rt^uced to tU Wtl^f / MttoSj-lflt , H?>i%hih Xt+tvmA.JmSj IT, 1*1 i.] AS ACT to at-J-wi** a Jticri-tU I/m *>? fce ' J> it ?j*c*jmL Vy tx* mt>'i UsaHt *4 2*?re-} ?ntfiT* U tM tested ft?iw A^rrm :> C?o- I MMjOM, Siai tie ?.f ti* 7 '. u? u; *>? .? UMj i-jV.r'x^ U.?v*,?i ti* r '*?< i 'jf fU IkX w.'Jot ?ir^r? . IrWB IV J<MM|? Vf ait Kt, * CU *?x CS'^ADT , :?. h|?M ibtf try mfUrmt -i iMhw r io luxi ? :t-rwi *- i? ?.*? bmosm&tv J 'f iU pvtlc ?*r- I ??'*. i/r ?t*i. I* ? mvUvfrrrr* v> im s i v.vif. ve to^L M Trwwfy irA**.;a ?oei j jiaof letiiaai ?( cad w L? to*/ 6ttC rwaiie; tb? | to U?r &vc exct-^Leg ?r?e?i per c?.t. ' :?r.-;ijH''?.ja< after ft.** j?/*J r?feeceat4eat !i? 1 rrwyt vf the L t_V?i fcuus; LyJ !M Tf*M?fy : >x^ JfaUcf ?ii 6x*4 by :i? &ea? Uiy *f tU lf??>?ry, vx icN ll<u, 1ft y 6t^ar? t* ^>;uu sAj-t ?t?ft a?er oate. ?itb r^ttrwt *; :btr?u 4im?i *wJ !ix-*-:^tiL? j-rr oatac >-r ?a i. ?, pifUifr OMKntfau!; Atrd :t? ?*c?*tMTj ? < Ik? 1 ??K?y mr tt?9 !?* ia for fit ?i*! MfMrtc/tWtk/vt (?&. or aay J*J M?kv? 1 tr ?(i?rf 4m? (mi Um PIK??. Tr-wnjrj saw i-,f ? m?is-.-t b?arxx?r :?urM,Va; jAjitU t-s Vj u* a TrewKirc^ uf <b? L'?ir?4 ^c?C?? ?* N?r? i J-.rt ?r vr Trwrr ?<? Um?; a.UT^y* u Ih? nu f tfcr? m.4 hwlt*Atkt prr 1 "T.uil |*y fci-> im omj ?w fr>ji d?U. u?j fiHfetigr- ' *//* ?: uj tui- TT*z*?ry m(m I" ?lty (Mlt ? <bl =i*>rt ffc- *ctl?.*ity - f '.?/?? 4/t. ?.M U^nct; u Pu?V ?4*4. TliU vo txr L^.^i ?.'. coeh v4?r Is wry In* ?n./3U 'v *?-- At d^lLX* ?uil U SUkir as m./ ?m (kw: AsA ^ /r-CK^ turbfr, 1L?: a. 7 rcu .r > !?//? *kui be ? < a **-?? Orfjvs.rr^it,-; tlaa Um sad lut ti?? w^^Ui txu.u*.'. <A anUm, (/.< b/ ihWr?:. so>r tb? ?8tljwltj '.f act, l??ii l?a tU?J tft/ IUijM> >f 'i -ii vr? S?. 2. A?] it fsr:Ur?b?ct^. TUt ti^c I.-w ? ?if/ t, u* ftb'l V>i?. ?*?>?! ui>^i lL* ptcrtu^jut rf tL -.? Ml iMii > fcXWJ t/| U-? k tr<. i.'c<(iu?iCv?^ trbiir^w Tr*Mi]r. tui MBtcf' ? rert by KKi ',fL?fufik?T wf (bt Ifw? tn ?? tis* ?**-.r~ixrj <-f tL- Ittmanrj tutj ?Uxtgm*z? *wi ail rark -w. rftL* 4e?oarfmtiee U City mj-J tial! U iwni*' :L< of lU 7rrajruij Dry*rimruz. 7U r?-;..:tieJ b? irni'Wkt^ ' a :L* ko^C4 of ti?K TlMwSrT <^J| ?l^?i?e*y 'zf tJ?- cerl:fcc-iX^ *'/ liMr &xj{./n *r?-i 7/?M?jy w.<? ?luJ Lt tr?:..& rxL> (itiirnj. Ibe ibtUMt cru^otj* im; t? i^bnj ty fficij ptfv/i 'rf- j,?. ? r exe. -ut?<i iu f?ii m may b* by !Ih Ntr'Urj */f U>? 7/ta?Btj, ?!?; ?iui! Ix th* ?? for tLe niu. r-*- 2- At4 u it tuu:?L TUt ti?* Secre tary of tU 'fifcM?ry ?III: UU?t l//;il iO \sr i^rj^ t.r Mlwhptitm to iU 7tu*sry Mofor fifty i. ; :?r? m4 ?*r-i?, ?t pl?r ~n **L- u.-?y -V it> tb?. L u'*4 r?itr?. *jyj bb^r rccb ral? atd r?-ro ?'?'?fot* ? knwy ^(MTiU. b> be rt^riua-jOoJ by Ilx t? Ai|t f< tbt Ukitnirurn at tl^ir rr?;-ntji? f'e*t!i?*t %z,t *t ciW jby rucL de }Mb?k*f |Mtiui;>n. *cJotber j*r??;w aa be awj r^uttric lbrr??/f Um^ <iw io at i??rt t?? 4atf y pa^?r> 'yf 1M? ritj. acd <u om "t nor* ymbl?c ???{?M?U4 is tU Ktml where Rb^Xf/ii b>/Aaedf baofeoM; a?4 wU?ri{<loni I* #oe?. t?4?a may be meitt-i 1mo all perwui wuo I aay ?#?r* to iob*ril??. aay law v. tb?o -ntrary r/1 ? t?r,.:ior: ml if* Ufcruy^wit ?U!lbe aob ; ?riU4 la ti? tlaB?? retired ?t oo* time, ' rh* K*ci*t*Tj i.f !be Tr?ocry M anlbvr?z?l to r~ teirt tb? m?', !." d?*-fa it a^rxntajf^oin '.-p ' Ihepnbtie !atirr>^t; ?a?i If not. be ?ha!l arc*^t tLe ?Ui -unt re*j?jire?l by E tilt preferrnc* t*> tb?r ?n!Vr n?; aoT the ."terefary of tbe 7r*mmrj rhall fix tbe tmpjUB-aiViwof * pcb:?c nfVrr* or other* I'jr recelTfOf; ?aW *al/ ?rrij/t l?.a?t Pxv*We?lf Tlut. lor prfjrmln? tbUor aoy ?ytber doty la CTunexioti with thi? act. no c*?? IfriMti A* Ut mr%\ce? reirl*-r?*i ?!jll l?e alluwed or paH to any pnbllc oflktr *V*a miary La e*tab!la)ml by law; a?4 lf?? e^crrtary c* ? hm Tr*-*?ory iu^j ( ;>k? aueh other rule* *r* eealatW>t.? u may ?Item espediebt toochiDK tbv tn?talaar&t to be pud <m any ?at?*crif>?iof? ?t tb? tlm? of PubtcrlbiBg. and ItftLrr paynaenta t?y ia?taJai?nU or otlierwlae. an?j l^oalltea t>r w>n-payxn?nt of any io-talment. and j ? ato/ concerning th#- rcreijil, deposit, and mim krrj injj '.f money r*e?iaed from ?nrh aobacriptuma, nntii : Ibvbina can t?e placed in the |Na*rM?n of official <Ir|o?i?orl? of the Trea-nry, any law or law? to tbe i contrary notwitbatandtas. And lU perretary of ?tbr Tna-ury la aU> anthorlzeO, if lie ?balt deem it : -apwlient. before opening book* of anb^-riptioo am ? abova protfcW, to ezdiaa? for co4n ?.r pay Ut public dnea or for Trraatuy note* of tbe I???? of twenty-third of D^tmlier, ?-igbte?-n bandred aod 611 j?*?***.+md tailing <ln? on the thirtieth of June, e jente^h bandred and aixty-or.#-. or for Trea?nry ; nirtee lau J aod taken In exchange f.?r eoch note-. aay aia-ai?-t of aaid Tieaaary noUe for flfty dollars ( or upward* not exceeding ?me bumlrcd miIIkm< of dollar*. Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted. That, before D?4I dir?* any pi/Ttioo of the Imn io U?d<U aether wed by thb act. tba ?faturycf the Irwuory. if he ; il?tM it adftabia to !?*?? pn^ufai* f?,r the nm<* in the Luited ^UIm, (ball civ* not lew than fifteen , >Uy*' pablic notice in two or more of the public in the di? of Waiiiln^oa. and in racli , ?>ther ttie P nit HI n?tr*w he may d*-etn ' ?l*l?aMf. designating the amount <>f inch loan, the rlare and the time wp to which aeelrd propria* will ? be raeefeed for the mbm, the periodaforthe payment I and' the amount of each instalment in which It la ? to be paid. and the j?n?lfy f-T the nonpayment of [any am h iutfeHnmt*. and a hen and wLrrt aocli pro . *iMill be opened in the ptearnre of tudi per ?'flf u he may civ* t? attend; and the Secretary I ??f IheTrwuniyJeauthorifd to eocrpttfce mo?t U i *<>rab!e pMpg?]> ulTrrol by responsible bidder*: 1 Provided, That 0 ?otfer ahall m acr?pt?J at ln? than j tarjr of the TrcMin may, if ha deem it alrlatbla, , MRuUlU nay portion Of aald loan, im? exceeding I one hoadred milheoe of dollar*. in any forvign won | t ry, aad payable at aay designated place, either in | the lulled State* or in Rurope. ami may lane rt;ci? . t-rad or WOMQ bonds for tbe amount thaa ? trd -n|f*e?*l>iy to the pvweiafcme of thfcr act. l"ar%>j: | Interest payabl* arorf-aaneally. either lb the Lnitnl ; ^c*Ueor at any designated place In R a rope; sod he ; i? further atlthofized to appoint each agent or areata i?e he may deem necessary for negotiate* each Imn under hi* Inetrncriona, and for paying the interest on the aaroa, and to fix tha cianpenaation of rach agent or agenta, and ahalt prescribe to them alt the rule*, regulation*. and modea under which anch Imn ?ball be nogollatcd, and ahall have rower to fix the rateef exrhaaxe at which the princffml ahail be re teWed fr>>m the contractors for the loan, aad tha ax change for the par meat of the principal and Inter tat In Enrol* ahall be at the aamo rate. 5oc. 0. And be It fhrtber enacted. That whenever aiiT Treasury note*, of a denomination less than fifty dfJlara, authorized to be faaaed by thi* act ah.iU have been redeemed, tha Secretary of the Treasury may reiaane the tarn*. er may cancel Ihrm aid hen* new notea to en eqaal amount: Provided, That the ag gregate amount of booda and Trta?ury notes tamal nnder Uw foregoing pn7rtooos of this act ahall never ewaad the foil amowat authorial bv Mo tion oCthie act; and the power to issue or Ttiaane wucb not ./ahall ceaaeand determine after the thirty 1 fitat of Deraauber. eighteen hundred and aixry-twu. See. T. And be it farther enacted. That the Secre tary of the Tmnry U hereby authorised, whenever he ahall deem It expedient, to laane In exchaar* for ante, ar in payment for public dnes, Treasury u. .tea of any of tha demenlnatloua hereinbefore specified, bearing iatareat no? exceeding ?ix per ceetnm per ami am, and payable at any thnm not exceeding taralra mouths from date, ftiiriilH that the amount of noire tolmaed car paid ahall at no time exceed taraety millions of dollars. * " it (farther enacted. The* the 8ecre ory Aall report to Concrete, inirae commencement of the next aeaeioo. the arnanm he heeborroared nnder the prodfotaof rbla art, of whom, aad on what tenna. with an ah* tfttact af all tha aropoeala, deaignating thoee that ham been accepted aad thoee that hate been reject ed, and tbe aaxmnt of bcuda or Trveaury notea that lata been fined tar the eame. Bee. t. And be it ffarther enacted, That the fifth "< the United State* (a hereby aolemnly pledged for tM payment of tha iatareat aad redemption of tha principal of theV*n aothorlsed by thja act. Sec. 14, And'bait fiiriin enacted, That all pro viaiooa of the act eotitied "An act to aothoriae the Mw ef Treoeaij notaa," ayipead the XU day of s^SSSs.] * tacite cf r?- f a?fl*3?aci* cbrr . ?rf faaj-fwruOT- : ?? iriasn. ^ ?*eC? Irf w ?/ Jm tittn ^ **? ?**?rt< u4 >? **7 ?* the w?f tj-fcw-^" -? *?r? i ..-.a.M ?j* t?r ks?i:?c ud Uairtd?? - Star ? twesLij ? ?M?i 4t?ant. T^X=.-+~TlL.t? tvgcjsr t **? ??! Sfty t. . .t iWi^UiwfcCwi wn --1 ^ ^ a* *. pwl,l*,t I fadtc Ot (Am ?fc ? ??=. ?oc.> , SSESK^FSS*?! * "? ?"<**?? >?. ^ ?** tL* uay? is M4 - ^ rf ?ntr>. .**, **i .nl ?-? : ~L*ra r^Mtr v* (dotty JbCCM* If JLlC jii j,. .. ^?Miulu a! n^nn, IxMe; UMv^c aoola* t-Uik jVu^ii^Lr ry!'.1'!'' '" : ?rtfB<?t?forii?3u?F^ ^ rt V -~ *f?* e,: 1=m-na^ , Forifc^ivr^attkl ftp aa ?ft^ow^raMUrv 4^*rUa?i.L f mh ?i*fn ^ </ . >, ? fntfeO Wfaftil test Ij ~2,:rr? ^ >*- ., . I"."' ? . --? -? _i_? ta ?rt*.aB?rU*l wf r^ru ;-= tfcr wrrrire: ?t n?? ?< WJ^cfry. | 3!H3^s?sSvsJsn=r tbe vf bvrA'i?. f>?yr|g|ptopiiL 5^%s^?sfi!^S ??*?*??? ?tn&rSZn iount! r,* ?iC1*Pf.t* CXf?SM?? ,4 jW i '-'T~^- > ?* 7*V1 '? ?^n, ?-* vx*? 4fe wbrc -hTT seSSESHS&ISS? ' 7 tlj. ?? ?r 1; i, -.3;,;. "^;;; tter rxpvsM jntvi^ut u, tbeir xxar,?nt; ?q4 fc_ rtl_ 2S??f '-^2?01 ^^saSssSrSS? F?? ? lb. r ? - . tr**''t:o^ -:, dctr ?,:!. lnjoto? ,??rt- ?*? -ipHI-.. ?rr li.utnd " - . | ltoB^'"' *.., u ,,? .rvlax ?6l*i li'.r^"- ,to* ""'mniiKii.riM,!,, 7 ': "7 " tli!nr. amp aul orru t l,^= <L. J??, K i,!. u, U?^^!rs? ?d .rnr, ^^ u?? d^y*,,. o~J*2 ia tbc ?<-.4; Atmi wM^tnjc* Tmui 1 v r'.,... r? ^ ?L?^MI frm tb, , U,? ,'f Tt"Trr ^,.r i ri, , 'Wjmie tbrta to b? ?est; ? f orJjunfe. ord Mdenry <^P???; fn*,t,?. ?bMap. io?. iuV: I tl* i?tL?>? ?ta hire "f Lcr-rr main. *Y-~ i-WK", a&d Um t/Uftha>* ai,a rTrjd> ^ ? caf!'.ap4 ?W" "Xi f'?- nmi PD1V~?: tota.m.M c^rt**e ?t ?h^ V~\>, hire of ? teM.l?.ttUM,of f.n?i. to, a,,., .^ STab; ,L^"^:,",.?ro"r"" S]2r~Jfc L?^IKL A^T T*noo> ri?er#, *1^ Onl: of M?*i gggattsS2SaSE "* red Slid firt7-t>cr deUaze. ?*??nitt?baa ^|orj.?b?..<mU, rix?,?, million UUe ox qcirttn for troop*; of ivxr^e* for tbf ??ftknri<!n/tof BiiJUry ?u.??;oI grono^i for ?umiwr canioi.ii.enu and ft* IcaportO liou, en* million five bond red tboa*ai?d For clothing, camp and pnk? Hjnipate, thir teen million f' or hundred i&d six teen thousand C. or hundred and thirty iet?o dollars aod two rent*. Forcoatlngencie* of LLe arzuy, two hundred thou sand dolte<r. For the medial and hospital department*, nr." million two handred and sevetit j-ooe t be CM ad el^bt ha-tlreri aod forty-one dollar*. For armament of fortiflcatldh#; fber hfrndred and fi ft >-seven thousand fix hujkdred dollar". For the carrant expe naea of the ordnanee ser trice, two hundred and tix I h on rand two hunndred and ntaety-two dollar*. For ocdnaoca. crJbau/itore*. and mpplie*. In cluding horw equipment* for all mounted trroja. two million three hundred rod six t j thousand dol lar*. For the manufacture of arm*, two million fire hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and ten dollar*. Fur torreaiioi tbe manafacturiM; nparltj of the* national anw-ry, four hundred an4 i ??nd{fite hundred dollar*. For the puretia*e of fanpovdrr and lead, four hundred and fifty-one tbvnaaad kwb hundred and eight J d'dlarf. For the pnrchass of artillery bono*, two hundred and KTfntj-flTe thousand dollar*. For addition* to and extension* of the ?bop-room, machinery,tool*, and Allure* at the different arsen al*. one hundred aod twenty-Ws tbowead MX hun dred and ninety dollar*. For the following fortification*: Fort Montgomery, Lake Champlain, New York, twenty tbooaaad dollars. Fort Knox, Penobscot river, Maine, twenty thou sand dollars. Fort on Hof Island Ledge, Portland harbor, Maine, fifteen thousand dollar*. Kurt A'!aai?. Newport harbor, Rhode Island, fire thonnnd dollars. Fort Richmond. Stat en Island,- New York, ten thousand dollara.. Fort on site of Fort Tompkins, Staten Island, Kew York, fifty thousand dollars. Fart at Willet'i Point, opposite Fert Schuyler. !few York, one hundred thousand dollars. Fort Carroll, Baltimore harbor, "Maryland, twen ty-At* thousaad dollars. v. Fort Calhoun. Hampton Roads, Ylrginte, twenty - five thousand dollars. * Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida, one hundred. thousand dMlan. Fort Jefferson, Garden Key, Florida,one hundred thousand dollars. Fort at Fort Point. San Francisco bay, California, fifty thousand dollars. Fort at Alcatrax Island. San FmiCfarohay, Cali fornia. taranty-five fhnusand dollars. Fort al Sandy Hook, New York barber, one bus-? dred thousand dollar*. For repair* and alterations of barrack gnartan at forts not permanently occupied by troape, ten thou sand dollars. For contingencies of fortifications, thirty thou ?and dollars. For surreys Car military defences. fifty tbxaand dollars. For amount required to refund to tbe States ex pense* incurred on aocownt of volunteers called lnt< the field, t*n mflHoe ddDnri. Sec. 2. And be it farther etmeted. That tbe fol lowing snma be andtkey ars hereby appropriated, to bo paid oat of nay money la the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for arrearages for the yea> ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred sad six ty-one. For subsistance tn kind for three months* volun ? tears, one million two hundred and eighty-one thou sand dollars. For subsistence in kind far two nod three years* ?olunteers, four hundred and twenty thousaad dol - ten. Ft* the reenter suppBee of the quartermaster's department, five hundred and sixty-firs thoosaad two hundred and forty-elx dollars and sixty-three o s 9Mffiria irrrtc* t?* BALTIMORE Commercial College! T1 focrzo, 1 iSS Ciunux HU LOCATED, Cor. Baltimore and Cli*rlefc-Sts? BALTIMORE, HD. MII5 IXETXTmON 1= NOW I> THE 2JOFX pw^mci sod o??^jxl T*k* da riutbciM kM it itrrS ttt<M4V7 to oMaie Urpcr t>r *eoan?*I*:j -f: **i Uw ia c:tw?sr %-f iruU-, n^Taradss oc*rlj *T'r> iatWl! ska. It ??w ca* *4 tto ra-^-t ?,??]4rw?i *wJ ir?^sUf ia Ifct C tj. Tfce rv>=.? rr* *^.*>^?c??iy irrup;^, iwl e>ga*tly Tb? i^oaUCH t?4 to yyonr BMn irtiiitj t.? ,uL(; jrcn?flj fw tbe <'.t.'.LK9 <A tbr U/untJtu; or w <*Uain a 7V?rouj* It*zxi**n MmraXia* c^r^raJIj. vrt !j : ?:rpMi?4. ;? any jart."thr. by any ?ailw ?ttb lithnK :: in tbe I'ru*-~i FACULTYs K.K. itfniau Priadp*!?Lwtem ?the -rieocc of Aoc??su,Cmb serce. 5;c?**? CsiUffil. ftC. J. M. PHILLIPS Prof' ?or of :l? Tb*?>ry ?rvt!ffoni?;k-K?pb? ami O/p hkt. ?) Ctknbti.i* II. IL DA VIES. Asaociate Prv?t*orcf X. C. JOHNSON. Prt^WMr of '/mmKital ?ensaahip. S. T. WILLIAM?. i^C Lectcrer cm Merectib Lav. Rrr. E. YEATE? REESE, D. D., I/<tsr?r <? (Vrtrstrkl Etbfo*. TRUSTEES?: IIo*. Jrv?. P. K*-ca?y5T, Hot J?bn? VwiaBt, Hoc. lis--* Svmo, Wja.IL Kdffcitr, Jar- b Tns<. R-|> WlB.*. *>!-, Tb?04W?w pr-TiW vtlk a Omjew-hl Library of Standard Weeks, exfrwaly fcr tbc u?e of the Stu dtcl*. E*rh FtcdeM lai a desk to bi=i?elf. and is ??ja rately instructed. There bt:?in vacation daring; tbe jtar, ? a'lent* cu criter at any time. The time imrillr r e^uired toeorcj-letethe fall courts, from * to 12 weeks. A IrzruntA it awarded to all Graduates. A larj^ and Beaatitolly tlraament^d Circular, cco taiaier upward* of six v,rut rrrr, representing the H*t?rlor *n-5 Intrrior Virw of the College. nricci ttorwt*rutlepfnauuiAip. tuu. Mtit by mail frm ?/ cKarg*^ Accompanied *ilh c*sab*cn*civins fell particulars. AWrw E. K. I/jSIEP. IteUiwurrt Jfi. SAWTELLS & SHANK OK, No. 9 Monroe St. HATE JUST RECEIVED THEIR SPJLIXG STOCK Cloths, Casslmeres and Testings. AIM. t complete WnnofW of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. fflOiV ?l JOHN T. LAKIN, [8?tw?r to "Wheeler A Lakh.] WILL RECEIVE AND HAVE OPENED FOR inject* >a on Thureiay, March 'JSnh, a new aod well (elected assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings! Al*o a complete assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FUR NT- Ili.<G <;ood?. The patron# ot the oM firm, and the public in gen eral, are nvptctlnUy intitfd to call and examine my ?t.x:k befurt: awaking their purchase* u I iatetxl veil- j Inrat?nr?T1 pmflw to ca*h and prompt purchaser*.' Tbaokfa! far thepatrooape bestowed upon the old : firm. I solicit a continuance of the aame for the mt ; MtablWimeot. JOHN T. LAKIN. Merchant Tailor, mh9M?d No. 102 Main St., Wheeling, Va. 6X0. V. J011S503. W. D. JOBXSOX. C. W. JOHXSOX & SON, Hanafaetnrer* of Copper, Tin and j Sbeet Iron Ware. Having availed ourselves of all the I improved facilities. *"? are tetter prepared now than ever lo fill all orders for any article or work in the above line of bodneas. Tallies and Conductors made to order. Steamboat w ?rk done fa a *cb?tan-> tial and workmanlike manner. We art now paring particular attention to this branch of the trade,"and can ruarantee satisfaction In every particular. To Wholesale "Dealers we can offrr inducements that cannot be fbnnd elsewhere. Onr etock of Ware is complete, and the amorlmentbfbll at all times. We keeti a ?toek of the latest and mo*t approved pattern# of Coal and Wood Stores on hand at all times. G. W. JOHNSON k SON, No. 179 Market Square, j?S-d*wir Wheeling. ??. Bridal Presents. SOLID SILVER WARE. JDST RKCKIYKD PEP. ADAMS EXPRESS. A ? superior stock of Silver Ware, coniiatiac of Pie. Cake, IceCream, Jelly, Toast aod Fish Koiven Sn garSpoom and lifters. Sliver Salt Cellars and Spoons Insets, Fish Kntve* *nd F?ii insets. Individual Salts. Napkin Ringa, Pickle Knives aod Forks, Silver Card Catee and Port Monnaiea, Spoons. Caps, Gob lttM.Axu.Ac. fjenl^J J. T. SCOTT A 00. NEW YORK EXPRESS,' 13 ft 15 PARK ROW. THE "DAILY EXPRESS," fMorninc or Evening Edition, at the selection of [ the ftubseriber.) is *enTljy man at SIX DOLLARS per mota*. %hmy? payable In adrtBtt. ?? THE 'SEMI-WEEKLY EXPRESS.' Has been reduced to THREE DOLLARS teraaaam, | Two Copies $5 00 per aaoam Five Copies 11 35 THE " WEEKLY EXPRESS," per annum. Thre^Ccyiee & 00 Five Copies % 00 _ Ten CepEes _J2 00 tt Copies Twenty Copies, to one addrees. $30 00. end mm ex tra copy to the getter np or the club. Twenty Co-, pies or over, to the address of each subscriber, f 1 20. Specimens sent free, upon application, to any ad drexs. and as many as may be wanted. To Clergymen, the Weekly win be sent for One Dollar per annum. J. ft E. BROOKS. NKW TORK. . t9 Subscribers are in all cases requested to send ( their money to tbe oOce direct. We here no Agents, and none sh<mM be waited tor to call mhg 1 TBAI?SPt>RTATIOK. Cleveland, jPittsburg and Wheel ing BtilHcid. o 3C UC Aim KOSTilY. Jt=* Wi. ??apr Trwiu* 'ra !?*? 11^0 A.*.S?:iaJa.ru5sw6#: iriflnjiii&ti. srrr*** as ai ? F.2L,?>e RttfiJaJ *: f=5* P- X. tS P. 3C. D.:-- : ? T?s_ si all ?y ?U ?ccn- *rr5r?9 *2 p3S*i?rxii felt P. JL fcW ?. JL Exy??? feexrBe, T<2WtOwt.Wi^riS>iAj26 cb**'*r {? lirf Xiwr Irraws ui at v? M??a "Us**, amrccaS fax* VeriL ?: !L3 P M, tii u Crrci^ ,: 15391.JL RETURNING TRAINS. Lex** Oe*t;ac.-i uWJi. M. *aS &*P.M..?r Lsr? PfeU^cr^i ml Ii? 1. JL W6A. *-U.i p. JLKTfre &X Biiteyrt?:aT A- ?, I?S? JL V_ ux! P. M. CoHDtctioBs arc made u F?Uow?= AX PiU4?rri vitk r?r^H*>4? R_ L far Barrif ?*XK. Bates**. Tatasm Ftiik M^ix,5rv I?t aad KoAto. AX Ckmaad OmiiDd A T<4rt E- fc- 1? 5*r ct*iy. TcMck lnwwt Ctosmr* a?l aii f .e ti a tb* V'.-xrH * eft. Win. I^cai oismti J-T iKrwLJadfct Ctooaedtie X?m*m. Wfc* Ormal A Ir* LLfcr Em, Dtt fart- B*?ai ? ani >acwi Falla. Wjslt Grwaai. CotestaiiCuoasati 5? Cha^M. Mtcve. Ccitat-ci aa< At Bs^xa vitaxieCZ. 1CLAL j? Ceraboc* I*n*. Ikros. M?JtrO?0 aaiYon i*r. Ax ATlwnrr wsxi P. Ft- K. i C. LAfsrOKtcs. M?rTlnr W?oatCT. SmittM, E?c?. O. AxSnktrffi* vitk P. C A C- Li** aal it ltnm? wjta C.CL O.AAfccTtw?rf!>. N?* ark. C<!nrt:S4. Xnia. luyt t. !adi sx. l?f>a. M. Jo^rfc aid aB p?LU VUJ <al 5c?tk w?t SuanMBTkkditaFitubartjiaad rttaraUT! Far* aivaj* a< bv, ar?f rm?? and qxkkn ii.x* MTcOar^tc. Thruccs Tiritti to all pouts ia XA? Wft ?fsc.L and Eaff CBS U p:otgiB< ar tbeofte?y?. ST Water FrtvkX(r.<B:rect? a!bv?tn^? t? as j pot uownk Jrf tiii# nwi a?i it? oxMctxi f. Mlin Ea?e..VonL u>d at < ?r~r No. ST Water RncL?r?itb Fr*t'rfiX Ann! as BrWrt part Statfce. E_ HAMILTON. Aptt. WLnJa*. Ta. JOHN CHAPMAN. ApaL Bri4rrwrt.O. J. JT- *?CULtOrGH. Pre*5?t. F. R. HTKfcj.Gra t TVAt: Art. J*1 Baltimore & Ohio Rail Boad ? lZ*b April. 1^51 - j?v v after tw liti <* April. 1M. tb. J?o C JrJTlISS ^OJ w ?? ?-Mfew*.?: HfcKSSfBli l?t? Wb**b*r d?ay ?<n* -J^TiTlOA. X- at itrZ* A. M=-YT\T" at AM A- M- eron?ctmr ^?5. gSkT lU tnn OJ<? '? '?? I**"!"* '""" J ? ?? r- *- "2 2^btk*!5tfc**?? Kxrr^ 4>r %?1 J?rt? ?*Tt* wSSSS?" ?* SSw?. Th^ train -*f* ?&??&%r i'hi? W?t itl .Wthw-t. T>-.~* tl^.rin d*Hr *xrrir.^r^T*.h9rtricV&itB*Vl*t*:Vr*~yi SSSL?Ji? - a.-.?u L. MOn-'?i1T**>t Ar-t*. 186?Tin3 CENTRAL PEXXSYLYA.MA rail ROAI) tm MJLT3 UMJBLE TRACK. Th-Ol?rft?of Ihh K/twi i- or* ?J=?1 toanjMo the ' ? o*ronr Three Through Pa senger Trains, betwek* Pittsburgh a Philadelphia. ji;?t in the Uni-= D^t-*I,PiVUl'S?.i SS^SSSrfi Train* fru? ?il W?t?mOu?f ;t Phi^ jscfc*a? ?&??? Ocilitlt. f-t the t?j?p r SS?2 - ??-???% n??I?d,l?r?J?J*?d com ?= "?.?#? t. Pbsudrfphi. without cLansi-of C*r? or Cwudoctor*. _ ,_?-, xrer IMiU Tr*i**??Dect direct for rs2^^tn>^r??4 rVn f""*" ** B>1 **?? _. . ? Twiir fra(ei fctOfwn S** York too of the ?bore Trmine,?4 tr*?.?fer? throcrfi Kr? Tort *^1 it TTrirrr5 to !>?*<"> irf p*^"* }<^ frpJ"o?SS^S.U.?. ?.w"^ &rraCKT? ?y l* on?ioe< ?t ??r V lh# taport*n? r?d?r Une ofrte?n=er? ?? ,k' Mt-I-.1['W or Uhio mlw.y. ?? ?nd ,,me " aalelc >? toy ??r OtUer Route. ask fob tickets by Pittsburgh. The completion of the W^era OTmecticn. ot th. - - S^^Orlgrre^ted bs UuPt.r. ot flight. uJ "r^TreiAt fe?isr?orShlppInc DirertioM, W>r ,o ^ISr?V?.h^of.^ SK-ine AS.?. .1 the Ooa>r*?7r D A.STETVAET, PitHl/MSb; , n S Picmct k CO.. ZauMtille, 04 J. J-J0HHTOX. ^rfaSB. MdS?.?, KI4 "Xii r. J^g'J't^ Te^ II icr.f>?i\rr ft Cu CbiG*ct>. ITL; W. B.H. Koosrx. ??' <?? AS?t? if K<?i* " ?J Li". SU1*A AndGoo'oAa?jMCm?TUH?-?ith o?o?l jrtvil^M "^^?,rJ t<T2d (^mu.vV^t.?.he R.I1 Ho?d? i Vra-rh _ i:u ^(?Azubo*ts. by -which Goods wi b? for TaSSSt&SS,ir^f^d ^jr^jt^ggs?ssthe t.^?r tlon of their Prdjht to lhl. CompinT, c*n relj ?M "ralBATKOPraEloOTti.nd&omMJ^tatln l /awJTBWrf as are cnary** ?y ""ui Rj, particular to isark p?cV?gt* VII LEECH A CO,So. 2. A.tor Hoo?e, ?*TT* Co- Ko. 77 State Stre?t, Boston H. H- HOUSTON, Gtn'l fdclpnia. ifcu.uvvW-Ca'int' " * TH08. A-gQ0Tf?' hempfielF railroad L. I- HOUPT. Cfli-I ndtrt Jj-M'hlUdelrfda yanr, eatl Xft. Atuxm?n. J?V?? CHANGE OF TIME! Yjfn *P_ i mmi ... TU A. M. LaareWa -- -a Lenre WheeUnjt ? ? M Arrived it Washington ?????- ? ? All freUtit to h? forwarded fhjmlfheelin* nm?t be delivered at the 4epot IxfuTC o'clock P. M. to iMure w.d.BCTfTOK.tep't ,LD RYE WHISKY OF 1856, Lsr* f?r "I* *W-A- KDWARDS A BRO. 0!t FT VE A880RTMB5T OP W'? . BIOR CLOCKS *re C. B. BBOWN, 11B Melt ?t. FALL AND WINTER TRADE. FOE i860. Great Preparations for a Large Trade! TEEMEKDOFS STOCK, AT TH35 GOLDEJT TTgR HIVK STOKB lT-t MAIN' ST., WHEELING, VA. StOSE k *?* arj t--f fx ura ?.?A J F?3 ?H C*T a ntfj mulvm W.ii. Oi rcn>o. -ml ct</rHi ?=* s-.?r?>>ss. t>' u.w ;? a. m *???*?? ., UTt r?? IruKiitotiecg. sitim ?i nii tin xl** vCkmaiid* ?*4Wj*?r?4xJLCj**- cm* fr-sa auafw-?m*?B6 lsf?i?i.aapTt ums.. *?b*r? ^ta^e?rr5? j^?rt*i^*fcr*4rrr*-X^riN^ TEAM- *2?<S crrit?tW ?rt?itk? ^ De*J-r? tc uwrt ^s ^ uj wi zv-4? p v . cost tfc? firir?t Our Tl**e. TslonntCkd^:; M^a t?d h to tl-rr iil?w:umr??. 1 c* a, iirt. C?o?wttdTwtiftf-. rtz^iza^a. J^xJjwt -*rrtrrixr-rr^- ?, *flj *?? ik: v ? ? . hmK cati of Dllie 3115. rf ?t?r rtrirfr. WTT f IM3.7 *1L?:. 1U.;LlZ.u.^71.*.* I>Cr FJULXCJI XEJUXOES. of .flatci. TEEVCH PEJSTED CA55im?S,**4 Km isd Pnitt-l W?4Jn W**f. PteB Gaafe. rstai> Lr iw. a**h?i '/ ?t?t mW. Oul* aad Ku:.^* - ilftfdty. Op ft?t *f fK? t> l?ry< ?i ?t JW f t fEr*i-'**i>4 c*?r- Pvnco? Mki*? ,i tWat*?ml fexmfi *: Ut? ?airag i!wr ; ~rci uw. m: t? or p*rf *?f iL? drr f^. A hrp a*>? tf ctsC*=aaJj CVrta. bMk Cntaia m fcaefctfc. a# v?S v ite l rsr. r^r nit -a rx-e??n. Ow =.??? it. ?=*n jr.Sn ^s.rl a>?. F-rr^til.-lie ?r* ? * yho^Il? MRS. VVINSLOW, ; lae2f?h??iNarM*air?ttk njvdu.yrnria ? to tie tnacxa cf s?K*l<r*-fcfT SOOTH INS SYRUP FOR CHILDREN" TEETHIXG, | wlirb xreafiy fariiimXe* the jrroee? of ly 1 U.* tm*- rt/orfBf all *rt>7 ga6ni?will 1 i abd rpa*s>?dif artMiuaadss Sort to Kt^aUte lite Bowtlt* I Dr;cXidc:*iJ it, bvtixrwa *iiipremtti j- 'Hmn&it* ? } Miri relief *r*d health to yonr infant*. *t tmt f-*n ?f' ?s4 kH 1L? artst'*- tr t-vcr set J i jan.^<saKy.?eM^(itt^?* **ngU> cf it. what I*eUt*Jrrefcte5?Ueu?j*t?- h?ia?Jksai5 S'trn si* rr Ft:in. zx a cku t>,.i?aio oracj : t CVRt *b>3 Tnr^H* r?*A >ti? thd *r lw? ?c imtaoc* of d^nbdtr!k? by u? vm *fc- o?*^ it. i ! ite tie coRtflBTf ail vi den???t*d *ill ia ejto-; ' tioi-fw rjeafc in t?a? of cvoae^k'O cf ft? er*-c*? T?>d V* i- , i tlii? "ntTrr ?WHAT WE DO EfW.f *J1? t?s ? y?sa.--" txjtnnot mdyieiyt ?rr Jm rv i j A^Haav*^ Is tlx-tt ?w?J I fc^asf? *fc?r* tLe :;fu: t* frets ;<iia sad ? ?x>u?r: !i- rsliel will be ficszad .a J52-*? or j itrtj' i? adtik-upJ. TJ.:? nlu!4? urjantxil* of cae of iS-is^t EXPERIENCED aad SKIIltL 3TUES- ' F-* icXer Earfaad. ax.1 Lai U*b u*i *isl? aoer fa&x~9 ttfrK&u ia THOUSANDS OF CASES. I: z>?* coljirittTM \i?* rL'Jd bt3 l-*i? buti?.vicor?; -J.* ?: MMft uad bd> 'i'-f-.TKl? aridity .aad pi ?? , ton* *u4 et>T?7 Jo wL\ > tr?t?a. ! Gripinc In the Botv?I?, d. Wind Colic ' * w*-"**!' w w3ToHi*?.*wr^?.tl ir-trptt?3ilj-r?-tr*- ? end >a We u?ie*e it :i-iz.-' srxxs? . ;? jrni ia tae Vlcxu. i? all CUii of DT??TK?:T ' I <V? DIAKRIHEA I* CHILDREN. ahe&bcr it ari-?* ; j frrc? te-*Hnc. '-T irons other ran#*. We wsfdM? to . J every viy. am# * <hul Hrifrritg fn-s: anj ?< j ; th? p f apU5tu- douotletjrour pre- , judlce*. nor the prejudice* of other*. ' ! ?:as<! >et?ttfc j*m *c?<ra.#:cl.nd. aad tit j { reHef tL*.t Will l-e *Ui:E?y?- ABSOLUTELY SURF, f ?to Mpv the tf r lti* ry<!icii?t. If tiorCy o?I. I j Fall 4{r(dkw wfl! aco zjABj earh l^:k. Nwx j ; c^ntsis* ?'.? tie of CCF.TI? ? PER ; UN?. Sew York.!? '? the .<ct#??2e wrapper. Principal Office. 13 Cedar St., S. T. PRICK ONLY IS CENTS PER ?mi 1 octl?-l r-4iw j A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, pYSWj^o ihvicorMn& cordial Pure Holland Gin, FOE MEblClXAL AND PRIVATE USE. What Shall We Drink 1 UDOLPHO WULFE S PURE COGNIACj BRANDY," I a ported aad WtW by kiawK vamattd pare j and the be? quality. with LI* certificates on the bot ! tie. and bis seal on tbe cork. UDOLrnO WOLFE S PURE PORT | WINE. Imported aod bottle*! by hfias^If. put op Lr icedici- j nan tae. With hit ceniScair ua the bottle; warranted I pert aad of tr.? beat %a*Iity. UDOLPHO WOLFE'S PURE SHERRY | WIXE, Impo rted aad bottled by kimitll tbe same as Port ] Wine. 1 UDOLPHO WOLFE'S PURE MADEIRA | WINE. Imported and bottled by himself for private aad me I dkiaal u?*. the best Wine ?t? offtnd to the trade iu bottle*. This Wine la warranted perfectly pore. UDOLPHO WOLFE'S PURE JAMAICA] RUM. ST. CROIX RUM/SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKEY All the atnre iapirtel aoi bottled bj LhatelL | warranted pare and of tbe beat qoalit j. TO THE PUBLIC. { I will rtafee my repetition aa a man, ray standing i *.? a merchant of thirty Tear*' residence in the city j of New York, that what I pledjee and testify to with ? n?y my label, and my certificate, is correct, and oat be refied hpo? by eretj pnrchaart. Pbyfioaae wfar? u?e Wtaes aad Liquors In.their ! practice, vhonld pre the preference to these article*. For sale by all respectable Druggist* and Apotbe UDOLPHO "WOLFE, > Sole Mauufitctnrer and Importer of tbe Schiedam Aromatic 3chaapp?. 15,20 and 22 Beaver street, New York. A. C. GOOD k CO. will luppiy the trade. | - ' dec4-?ra SEYESJTEARS! rrmis skuss ieauov ux rivalled success A attending tbe "Cosmopolitan Art Association," ^ have made it a household word throughout every i quarter of the Country. Under the auepl -ss of this popoUr Institution. 1 over thr+e hundred therajnnd MmNet "ha^e learned to Subscription* are now being received In a ratio unpaialteled with that ?f any preVkms year, j TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Any person can become a member by subscribing ! OrrtM. dot'art, for which sum they will raoeive IsL?The large and saperb steel engraving, 30 x3S I Indies, entitled. I 'Talstaff MusteringMB Becruits." j 2d.?One copy, one year, or that elegantly jUostra , ted magazine, I "THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURN AL." 3<L?Four adoitffclit daring the sees in. to ?'TheCallery of Paintings, 548 Broad way, SttrTork." In addition to tbe above benefits, there wDl begiv-l en to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art | Comprising valuable paioting*. marbles, parians,out lines, Ac., forming a truly national benefit. A i irea^ C. L. DERBYf Actuary C. A. A., 54C Broadway, New Yoar. N. B.?Subscriptions received and forwarded by A. D.'BEDILLIOX, Agent for Wheeling and vicinity. I Specimen Engravings and Art Journal can be seen at the Port Office. decll RICK.?10 tfercea prime Rice Just recetod and for aale by f JylSJ M. RKfT-LY * AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS Am TOC SIOLtlDU UDCDinilOl' G Ar, ??* Q?I ^ !>ai; v- et>:x roe u./ ,? .-v ?_?, jr.t-rt, 2ME?k?SS1^?^: Ay?~* Pill*.aad ruTTfr i*ian fli L,] vW., . tii^ ?? J?y ist^ iltiiiilM fcrcmrr. j-trrfr xi* sy*?a fria ?^-?.'wt*:? ?**i t?it ^y, , A cr.Z4 Httftf f otnLfrt it :i? b.?dv. ax^i ,.S??srart* 2-* * ?? upce, tl>m*eir?? tad the t?rT-v?x^ixx <truK *r? *?rr?vati<*_ rt^rtrc. ?a*? <L~V~ JJTu-e it u.j? oaiitK*. ^?m?i by u* iwtt. ! 1 A J*r ? pau. VL-f fcrf L.-? d^KJir -1^.* SlTuL?^J^* *??<**- Vnb 2 ^ "?J** Se*iiS? wf ief%.:t. are.T. "W^s ia =tt=? ?? Is. thil texial '&c.2k? c? i2,"^ ^ we* ?jpto ???c* 1 ?*npw?Ucf the sAScnl fuarti.e^ ?rf th* ixxh .^4T trf n,*i3y. tii tammy ? 5 :h-?? rae*y. t~~~i u 1 e^^*L_5CS,< 'J* *im?* i"f J +TSTKM. * Frtu ? Fvncerdiag Ji~~)cx: cf St- L-r*iw F-b. -!, lfcSS. T' -r,2!!"r '-* J"5**"* ?# ?fl ?a: to co.aB?j-a. ES C **"t .5K5 Ur s^? "?'? >?? "?? = J""1 r?^.l?Wr_?* J~?. H.r C1L.T ta. . ?? Bmoadf <atwl ?a? lbb!? uj ;j?. ;J~ ... Wakia ??1 in btrUir. AfX?i osr TT ,!i* *3"s tr*"i Jt-C- Pill tai IV. btt A?A A. ? F* ami If - ??* ?"? t-?** 0< lt-r5? !?-.** aacrt ' ^f??il?iKx ?? i.r?pe?- TV* Jf* ?"??-b?? izil hmth i^JtL^StA""* "t"'!' ***" ">*?> unlnu. t_ 11* in (bf daily tr? jits.?r ? <?f Headache, SIclc Ileadaehe, Foal s?o math. Fnm Dr. BS^rd Bcp dt Bmitimort. ?]!S?i^i''':J-"'"' aa?*?r ro? Wk,1 = LAl.h*" c*"rf ,r-,b riJ1? ituirtuit. I 1 r" . P?rar*r.. p*.. Marl.lSSJ. ? /-' t1 ^T* Uta ccrrd I fT t&fr *X>r?? A+ed^cXe ?3t1.4t caE V,,, >,T _ , I tvooT j-jc: hilf. 1: Kto* t,> ah<? ftui a fctj | O^r*. ?Lk2) Ibej %s ot^r. | T.?r. with gnal rfp*?. EH W. PKAELK Oeck cf suae*I Clan**. | Billions Difordcr>*LlTer Complalut.. ! vJtTT ?Zi Tk"^r~ ?/ .v-? jw;. I *M?lj ???? J?r l >n.rtataM,^tw. I -?t? sjot It- Lii?r Trr? sarltH ii.iW.1. Tb?T 1 nT, * ? ."?? mr-rr U,V tart- of liHurni c?pia.n, th?n i>, , j |jaam.I,,?^ I rtacmir r^*e ih? t??,i ? I'"rrr*:i** ?Mlkf *h* c?aUcot* ~'. I rrjfuiiitu an J ttr pMplt. ^ara?nitami;t - , I> C_ Ttl. F.b_ 1*0>. f . , 1 i*" c*^ J""" Hu? '? ?T PBO<t?l u,J (.<? prart^* erer fi?ct jroc mail* iSrtn. *r) j , bfitu?u,m, IVil rrCTU-icic arti ,n uo Ik* irrtr U ooicl InJeiewjt-BllytbeT art an rfariil ', rre-1, ror d?x*c.?ta?riit* cf rii*x orcui. Ix>de?4. I L*t? thai ii dij a. < raadUj rield to tbem. Frali-raUj- roorj. iLOXZO BALL. M. D P*Trtriaa uf thr Mirfot Ilotpftal Dfuntiry, Dlarrhva, Relax, Worm* I COM Ibrzn Is Wt??a ?? vn? cf the > inanmi. t ?f?' .'t~. tte ., ? ea?i U(IUD ID* i ? 1^?.??tbeP ^"r*Utct preo is f;,r djwsfrry ?atf diirrAcr-. "Si tL"7n rery ?w9t,k,< ev,nTea?ot for tfc? cf woa? ud cbH^res. Djr?p?psiat Impurity of the Blood. fro* Jfrr. /. I". i/taw!, /'<wf?,r of AdttKl Cf*vrch, Boston. Lk*r'?"i^?" Piu? *"!? exixaoril .,ntwss to or f?tihr tAd mtoottr tW? I ? r-, rallrd *a Tisit la <li5tr?>ts. " To rrgsUie (be urraut ol riSS'^lS^ PVifrtbtUcrO. tb?rar> th- TnTl--t ,UM^J I ?i? taoaa, ul I can cnfidtntlT w. coamcad Ibcm lo my frirad^ ermM.ntlj rt Tonra. J. v. IffMEF. xrf\mb^Co, X. T_ Or I. a, ISiS. rriSSL fi,"?0" Tt>0r C"1""" "lb h. ay ,1"n ?? ??r?ll*iil I nrjaliT, ta daajM ? rf??u Md MM, Or./Wato,,, ,C u? , x*- JOHN G. MEACiULM, II. D. CJ|ron'Ki011' CyUrcaeM, Snpprf*. DA-i rJ*mV *? C??t, Sfar?Jjjl?, Dropiy, ParaljriU, Flt?, ?u. From Dr J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Can*J-:. r.rT2?? J* "M of your Pills for tb* err. tL^f?<h%r*l0'oUr fr*t*r*Uy h*Tr Ut-! U^Te- ,h*r ?bfn;d7 xee in ^ W iFL??B,,Uiat- ^Llch. AiOtcork 1*4 In ftfelt x* the pro^nitcr or others that are worse, i brh*T? owh??ai to orifrinate in th? lirer. y?nr pnis affect that oxxao an?I cure the iIL~a~ . Jfr?. Z. Stuart. Phyrician ami Midlife, &*<.% thl of JOTir ***** At ~zr Z~~rJ-rZ 10 Cir*n+t IU? x<c?Mdk and <x fll TT; ?** ?o much th? l*vt rhjMC *? nare that I recofemeod uo other to xar pv*ti?-Bt?. /Vom the Rev Dr. IImtck<*, of the Method,tt Episcopal CAturh. Pruin Hocu. SarutMLGa. Jan.O. iMd. 1 !>e iibgratefnl tor the relief yonr *kUl haa hrooKbt km if I did not report me mm to you. A cold aettled in my Umta aud Uuccht oo ?xcrnoatjnj neuralgic paint. wMrts eod?1 fBcAnw^ V^TJtin*\ >?t*itl?tahdiD|r I lw! the b+*t <4 i hjrriciM*. the diae^e jcrew woraeatMi nm. ontil X *. idTIS* ? J??5 eicrUent ajreut in FUltitaore. ?r> M*k?w'e, I tried your Pi!Is. Their riT?if ?fr' a.ow, hut sure. By ttt-rseTerisf in the u?e of :l?eE. I aoi now entirely well. S?a? Cbimeb, Baton R on re. "L*^ "Dee. E. IMi. ij^L 1 l?w been entirely cured, by jeer ii,' a WWpWi' <???*?a punf?t di???.(e that hi J afflicted me for year*. VINCENT ?LIPELL. tdr .Hqjt of the Pill* in market coctaln Mercaty. which, altbyaph a TaluaMe r?nedy in afciUfal kxai? l? daagerDM In a public pill, from the dre*dfel ft*e quencea that frequently follow iu iucautioua w ? These contain no mercury or mineral tv^ui.ct whaterer. Price 25 cta? per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1 ? Lowell. Ma.?s. For sale by A. C. GOOD A OO- aed br all Drr^ ae'rll-lT^a LIST, MORRISON & Co., i W^UgALI GROCERS AND PROBICK IiKA ?J LKRS, Xoa. 78 and SO lUIn *tre<x, offer ' tale at kwm ratra, 'SO bhda. ?Ur lo choice N. 0. Surar. 400 bbbr. prime Vobum, (oak coopet+g*.) 100 half b*rrei.? do do 150 bain Rio Coffee. 25 do Java do | 100 bbls.Baltimore and Philadelphia Syrup* HOOP 8K1R POR LADIES A5U CH1LDKKN. Variety Store of myl D. XICQLL A BEO^ 1U? Maia Street. ALCOHOL ?25 barrela 9S per ceat. A)f>iA Old Dominion brand, la ft rax rmte coopers?* ln?t received and for sale by dec29 - OBO. ADAMS. 50 Vtil It. Hair oils, soaps. coj.ogsk?, and Parfuam at radtfcW prioa. r., rajrlS MMIni' Hall Pret !W SWKF.T POTATOPHHTS. TOMA TO AND CABBAUK PLANTS. dail/ from the hot beds, and for n?Ie by the tboc?*td, hundred and doaao, at the loweat prirca. by JOHNSON A FROST, mylft No. *1, Main Street