Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday Morning, July 29,1863 j^-John Mowias at Coldmbls.?John Morgan received a very handsome recep tion at Columbus on Monday evening, as far as numbers were concerned. The de sire to see one who hag given the citizens of Ohio so much trouble as this rebel baB could hardly have been greater if President Lincoln or sciine of our own Generals had been there. The Journal says it wan amusing to hear the various guesses as to which one was the man they were all anxious to ate?one pointed out a very dignified Colonel, dress ed in full t'nited States uniform, and adorn ed with tbe eagle-straps, as the "fellow soother suggested a rebel surgeon, because hi- was ornamented with a green scarf, and 10 on it went until one of the goard point ed out the right man, and then there was another rush to see bim. The crowd be ing successful this time, feasted their eyes and made way tor others who nlso had their curiosity excited on learning that .Morgan was at the depot?a report which spread throughout the city with remarka ble rapidity. The Governor, Ueneral Mason and por tions nf their stall's were introduced to John, and shook hands with him, after which they paid their respects to Ueneral Shackleford, who was in the depot telegraph office. About 4 o'clock the ?'?<u left for Oinciu uati, though at firs'i we believe, it was the intention that Morgan and bis men should stop at Colamb"* ttn<l up quarters with ('apt. Mori"1 until the Richmond authori ties rc'-"ae'l Col. Streigbt and bis officers, g,,. Morgan claims that he surrendered to japt. Kurbeck or Burbridge of Columbi ana County Militia, and that one condi tion of tbe surrender was that be and bis command should be paroled. This has raised tbe question as to the authority of the Captain in'the matter, which will be decided by Gen. Hnrnside. The surrender to the Captain was only n trick of Mor gan's, who taking advantage of bis inex perience in military affairs thought be I wou'd make a better bargain with him t than with General Shackleford, who was I then within a short distance with bis whole i turce. However, we understand that a dis- I patch from Major Kue has been received by General Hurnside which distinctly says that Morgan surrendered to him personal ly. If this is correct it will throw all doubt 'relative to tbe matter aside, and hence it is not altogether improbable but that John may yet become a resident of Columbus. -? ?- ? HaJT.SKRiocs Railroad Accident.?On j .Saturday afternoon last, Mr. Barzilia Mar riott met with a most serious accident, which it was feared wonld cost him bis life. He had taken passage in the early afternoon train for Washington city from llaltiinore, and upon nearhig Laurel sta tion requested the conductor, Mr. A. J. Phelps, to stop the trnin and allow him to | g't off This Capt. Phelps at tirst refused to do, as the train was tbe express, and it was a positive rule of the company not to ] I op their express trains except at the spe cially designated stations. Mr. Marriott insisted, and pleading that his case was one of life and death to him, Capt. Phelps at length consented to stop the train for him. He then pulled the bell strap, order ing the engineer to stop, but before the trnin had entirely halted, Mr. Marriott at tempted to jump off tbe platform, al though admonished not to do so, both by the baggage master and the conductor.? Kor many years past be has been cripplad in bis left leg, and was exceedingly lame. In jumping be alighted on bis lame leg. anil was thrown to tbe ground, his left toot swinging round and going under tbe car wheels. The foot and ankle were so mashed that after Captain Phelps, assisted bv seretal others, conveyed the unfortu jfnatemati to tho government hospital at Laurel, tbe surgeon at once decided to am putate the leg just above the ankle. This was done on Saturday evaning. -? , ftSTt'TKAMKE Boston Bur.nko.?Captain l" Washington Honsball's elegant side-wheel steamer Bosiou, plying between Cincinnati and Big Sandy, was burned to the water's edge on Saturday evening, and sunk. The boat and cargo is a total loss. The Boston was bound up, and thronged with passen gers and full of freight, including a small amount of Government stores. Tbe fire originated in the bold. The accident oc carod at Franklin Furnace Landing, four tsen miles above Portsmouth. She lies sank on the Kentucky shore opposite that point. All the passengsrs, including many ladies, escaped. So lives were lost. The White Itose and Monsoon came along while the Boston was burning, but could render her no assistance, except in providing for the passengers. The passengers lost nearly all baggage. The books and papers of the p. boat were also )08t. The Boston was built m Cincinnati in 1856, and had capacity 'or five hundred tuns. She belonged to the Cincinnati and Big Sandy Packet Com P"Djr' "Pr owners, we understand, were ? am' refused $45,000 for the Boston, several months since. Sho was insured in / Cincinnati for $18,000. Hay*!? LAB Pkiskntation.?The ladies of Wheeling, tog?thei>Uh the citizens generally, presented a beautiful flag to Shanley s cavalry last evening. On behalf 'he ladies A. W. Campbell made the presentation^speecb, and Auditor Crane ro > eived the flag and replied on behalf of the I company. > ?3J^Thkatrr ?There waa fiaothr r good audience at the theatre last evening and mU wero pleased wilh the. perform ance. We understand that Manager Keller has iT* * *rranB?menu by which good order ia *r er to be maintained during the per ioral a ace. USrWouNDED Raiders.?-Yesterday af. ternooo eight of Morgtia', meu, wouaded io the late fight near Salineville, were brought down to the city and confined in the Atheoeum. Their Domes and residences are : Wtn. H. Young, Harrison county, Ky., ?S. R. Shaw, Richmoad, Ky.; Wm. Meyers, Jassamiae county, Ky., James Cardwell, Shelby county, Ky.; J. C. Slaughter, Nel son county, Ky.; Cbas. C. Johnson, Wm. Borot, Martin Dethridge, Warren county, and J. Ij. Walton, Obine county, Tenn. Some of the men are very badly wound ed. Besides these, there are some fifteen more of Morgan's men in the prison.? They complain that the room io which their wounded friends are confined is hot and filthy. We learn that the wounded will be re moved to Hospital as soon as possible. fSJTKsCAPED FROM TtlK ATHEOEUM.?O* Monday night Cbas. Rogers and a man uamed McYicker, charged \ lb deiortion, cut a hole in the floor of the room io which they were confined io the Xtheneum, let themselves down to the basement story, opened the frout door and quietly walked off. .Tbey have not been heard from sioee. It is said that McVielcer has deserted hiB command seven or eight times. Rogers is the man who was arrested for rob bing of Maj. Doddridge, but upon toeing discharged was immediately re-arrested up jn the charge of desertion. He stayed in the prison only about three honrs. jj?"Y*8TEBI)AT some ten or twelve de serters from the rebel army took the oath of allegiance before Capt. Thorpe and were discharged. The came within our lines and voluntarily gave themselves up. Tbey were badly clothed and said they wanted jo go to the free States obtain work. The most of them were Jermaos. Onb of Morgan's Wounded?Yesterday one of Morgan's wounded meu was brought to this city and confined in the Atheoeum. The man has a severe wound io the thigh, from which he appears to suffer intensely He was wounded at SecUinville. ffairCAPT. Milhods requests us to state hat he had nothing to do with capturing :he rebel follower ot Morgan uear Mt. Pleasant on Friday. Mr. R. A. King, a -espectable citizen of Mt. Pleasant, made ihe arrest. Jt^TtiNK hundred dollars has been de positee^ in the M. & M. Bank for Mrs. Mary I Crow, sent from the 7tb Va. regiment by ' Mr. Geo. Crow, which she can have by asking for. ? niEU. On Tuesday evcuiog, July 28th, IIabdim, infant #od of Capt. T.J. and Julia DeCamps, aged eight months and six days. The funeral will take place from the residence of bis parent*, and proceed to Wellsburg, W. Va., on the noth inst. Th? friends of the family are invited to attend. Pianos, Pianos, Pianos, 'JlHE subscriber haa J oat received front WM. EKASE & CO., Baltimore, i fine stock of superb ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, with richly car rod solid Rosewood mould! ngs, car ved legs, pedal and music stand, improved grand aotior overstrung Bass, agraffe Treble. These instruments contain many valuable im provemeot* and are unquestionably the finest Pianos I ever brought to the city. Kvory instrument sold at manufacturers* prices I and warranted for five years. I JESSE B. MELLOR, my38 180 Main St.. Wheeling. OESTERLING, HENDERSON & CO. Manufacturers of Flint Glass, | Cor. German and First St??? WHEELING, W. V. RESPECTFULLY Inform the Glacs Merchants that they manufacture Blp vn and Pressed Glassware of all descriptions, at lowest market prices. Particular attention is called to their as sortmeut of Jars, Lamps and Chimneys. Jull6 lin NOTICE. Bounty, back-pay and pensions, also Quartermaster and Commissary claims, col- I lected on the shortest notice by TAYLOR, KOLLYSONft CO., jull8 No. 60 Main street. N. B.?None ueed apply for Bounty egcept those discharged on account or wounds received, or those who have served two years. T. R. ft CO. New Style Hoop Skirls. rpiIK latest novelty. Call and see them at 1 jy23 W. B. 8KN8ENBY*R. TAKE A NAP AFTER dinner, if the files will permit. Use the I LIGHTNING FLY PAPER and yon will soon be able to make "your own terms." Sold by T. II. LOO AN ft 00? Jul* and LOGAN, L18T ft CO. USE THE BEST. THE lightest and beet Bread and Cakes are made I by using the EXCELSIOR BAKING POWDER. Sold in boxes and by the pound by T. H. LCGAN ft CO. julO end LOGAN, LIST ft OO. CAN AND BOTTLE CEMENT. PUT up In mugs, in which It can be heated and poured fr?m. It is also for sale in bulk, mt wholesale and retail, by T. H. LOGAN ft OO. Jal9 end LOGAN, LIST ft OO. STERLING'S AMBROSIA, lAlrd's Bloom of Youth, Burnett's Toilet Articles. For sale by T. II. LOGAN ft OO. Jul* end LOGAN, LIST ft 00. ONE PJL? AGUE OF EGYPT, WAS FLIES ! Egypt had no LIGHTNING FLY KILLER, the best article for the purpose in use and sold by T. U. LOGAN ft 00., Jul9 and LOGAN, LIST ft CO. Fiva CK.NTfl w.rth will kill * b 1 of rLIM IT von on the LIGHTNING FLY PAPKB??t the Odd Fallow Hall Drag Storo. jfil X. BOOKING, Aft. OCKIXG'S CKR1VALLBD BAK ING POWDJSR seed* only a trial to con.toe. e?er? that It ia joat what It la rapre aenUU to bo. BOCltlKO'S AROMATIC BLACK. BKKKY CORDIAL atlll contlooea to euro 8am mer Complaint., Dyaenterj mad all othar Bowel Cotaplalota. JjSl JUST WALL ra?ik JUST RBC1IIVKD, a GLAZED FAflM old prtcoa b J njll WKST VIKGlNIAt OHIO CIH.CUIT COURT. WKST VIRGINIA*?At Rnles held In tii? Clerk's office of the Circuit Contt ol Ohio County for the month o! July, 1868. Henry K. Llit, John Wet, j Robert Morrison ?nil Ben jamin Davonport, partners j- Attachment in .lent as List Moriaon A Co. i TS. John McQowan. J The object ol this snit is to recover of tho rtelend ant the snm of ?183 89 with interest anil costs ol ?llit. The defendant not having entered his appearance, | and it appearing from an affidavit filed in the cause that he Is not a resident of this Bute, on motion of j the plaintiff* by their attorney It ia ordered that the said defendant do appear here within one month at- j ter the dua publication of this order and do what i may be necessary to protect his interest in this suit, and that a copy of this be published once a week for four successive weeks in some newspaper printed in the city of Wheeling, and that a copy of the same be posted at the front door of the Court llouse of A Copy?Teste: JACOB BURKLK, Clerk. J. O. Chandlkr, plttfs att'y. Jul8 The United States of America, \ In Hem. vg# f In a cause of For Four hogsheads of Tobacco, the f feitu re and Con property of John P. Jennings. J fiscation. CXTHKRBA8, on the 30th day of June, A. D. 1863, VV an information was filed in the District Court of tbe United States for the Western District of Vir ginia on behalf olthe United states, by the Attoroey thereof for said District, against four hogsheads of Tobacco, the property of John P. Jennings, described In said information?in which information it is lu substance alleged that the owuer thereof is engaged in the existing rebellion against the United States, that at the time of hla becoming so eugagod be was the owner of the property aforesaid, that he is hold ing office under the so-called Confederate States of America or under the rebellious government of the State of Virginia sitting at Richmond, and praying that said property may be confl?tat<d and sold as forfeited t? the United States. Whereas an order of sale for the abovo named property was made at the Spring term A. D. 1S63, of tbe DUtriot Court of the United States for We?tern Distriot of Virginia ?t Wheeling. Now therefore, iti pursuance of the monition tinder l tbe seal of the said Court, to mo directed and deliv ered. I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming any interest in said property, or the pro 1 ceeds thereof, to appetr before the Judge of the Dis trict Cour'. of tbe United States for the Western District of Virginia at Wheeling, on the 6th day of September, A. D lOfiS, if the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, if not on tbe neat day of jurisdiction thereafter, tiion aud there to interp ise their claim, and make their allegations in that behalf. KDWARD M. NORTON, U. S. Marshal W. D. of Va. Baiw. H. Smith, U. 8. Attorney. Jul8 14t. Assignee's Sale. By virtue ol a deed of assignment to me made by David Jenkins on tho 3d day of March, 1BJ7, recorded in Deed Book No. 8 p?g? 21.22 ?nd 23 of Hancock County, Virginia, I hereby offer at private sale all the following property, to wit: A certain parcel of land and premises situated adjoining tht town ol New Cumberland, Hancock County, West Va , on tho Ohio rivor, containing two acres, two rods and thirty-eight perches, more or le?a, on which Is erected a first claim steam saw mill In good run ning order, doing a large business. Any person io siriug a safe and paying investment will bo sa' 'f>"^ by making it in this property. I also offer at private sale by virtue of said assignment a One two story frame house and lot situated In said town of New Cumberland, but a few yards from the saw mill. This house is very comniodiously and pleasantly ! situated, out buildings excellent. The foregoing property will be offered at private sale until the 1st day of Sept mber next, on which day, if not sold prior thereto, will then be offered at public sale on the promises, comm ncing at the hour of 10 o'clock, A.M. Any person desirous of purcha sing either or both of the properties above de.cilbod will please call on or address the underjlsnod al Freeman's Landing, Hancock County. West Va., who will give any information desired. Terms of t7u?"m?"W'TH0MAa ANDKR80N, Assigns AUCTION 8ALB Valuable Real Estate. XWILL SELL on Monday, June 22d, 1883, at 10 I o'clock, A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Ohio county. Lot No. 220, situated on the j north west corner of Koff and Third Wheeling, on which is erectfd a two-story Brick I Buinding? two tenements?oach cantalning seven rooms, kitchen and cellar. Persons wishing to pur chase are invited to call and see the . Terms ol sale-?l,000 in cash on day or sale and the balance on a credit of six and V"1? "2K& with interest from day of sale, the purchaser giving Jo'LV"1" gO0d GKO. STwiCKU AM, AilcUoneer. MT"The abovo sale I, postponed till Wednesday, July- iMh^at 10 o'clock, A. M. Juli td? | FOB SALE. My RRHIDKNCE In Bridgeport, Belmont County, Ohio. There is about ?cres ol ground, part of It planted iu fruit, some of it bearing now: a iood well of water and necessary out buildings on the place. Terms low, and payments easy. If not disposed of before the 1st of August, I will lay it out out In lots aud sell them iu that way. Any per son wanting a good home, cr a good investment, | would do well to secure ^JX&LBKRMON. Wheeling, June 22,18C3-tau1 Seinl-Auuuai Statement or Peoples Bank, July 1? 1863, A88KTT8. Personal Property. * Bills and Noles DiscountedI S2.4J1 28 Due by Continental Batik, N. V.... ~ " Bank North America. Phlla 6,761* 83 ? Merchants Bank, Balto 720 .3 *? R. Patrick, A Co. Pittsburg 2,760 01 ? M. A M. Bank, of Wheellug 7,415 14 u Other Banks aud Bankers.. Expense account ? ! Cash on hand 18'3"> 87 $138,749 11 I UAKlUTtU. Capital Stock paid In .. ^i'bU ^ Surplus Fund...... ???>' ?5 Due to other Banks 2,8.4 uu j Special Deposit. ? Si Transient Deposit Interest account ^,uu? n (133,749 11 I J. R. DICKKY, Cash. DIVIDEND. Pxoplhs' Bank, I Wheeling, West Va., July 1.1B6S. ( fllUH Hires tors of this Bank have this day declared 1 a Dividend of/six, 6 percent, on tbeOapital Stock, out of the profile of the last six mouths, pay able to the Stockholders on demand, free ol federal j "iuUUtP tnX"' J- R- DICKRYxOash. ~ gavingi Bank ?f Wheeling, ST AT KM KNT. luulitu*. Capital Stock ? |P^^U=3==;;;; 7^8 97 * - ?i Due to other Banks $17 7,932 07 AagZTTtt. Bills Discounted - - * Real Kstate ^ i office furniture ?? ? JS Due from other Banks <*.<*? ~ Protest account.? T31 Expense account 07 Cash on hand _ $177.#3*- t?7 Whkklikg, W. V., July 2,1868. TUB Board of Directors of this Bank have this dav declared a divideod of ten (10) percent, ont or the profits fur the teat ?!**Srabl0 .tocUtolden. on demand^ fr^ from ^ ^ TO LADIES. Numerous applications hav. from tims t., time been made to me by ladles for lustrnc Ion lu writing aud other subject, of study in'he Wheeling Business School, but each h" i wait till others should begin.* I pespectrolly inform all Interested that a class of Ladles has now com- j -ss&r11 'wlb*g^torr?.Hm!Hb0cK. ToWool Growers. N*w Yomk,Majl6,1863. GCNTLKMKN: We are prepared to recejra, bin die, and sell Wool In large and small lots, on the following conditions: Aft?the ^1 Ulaiddown at our door, we will store, insure, grade, sell, deliver, collect, and remit, for one cent per pound. Our term, of sales are for cash, ornett ding interest for time. 1" no oasaedo we ake ables us to negotiate for advances en the moat frvor a*All*remUtaneea will be promptly forwarded with ^We'shaH be pleased to receive jonr Wool, and wUl ^wjsssreasasf--" Wool Brokers, 70 Broed Htrsst New York. my20 8tnd* ' NOTICE.: Ait. those wishing to buy or Mil Real Eitate fen. Certified Accounts collected, or Pension and Bounty procured, on the shortest not ice, will eonp St UslroVnfntere* by calling immediately at S^eo Main stmt. tavlo^ R0LLVSON A DO. I'm Ukad or Hu?.?Re*. J, ll.Oomell, N. Y. City, aaya In a letter: ?'! procured Mrs. 8. A. Allan's World'" U?lr Rwforer end Zylobaleamum for a relatives I am hupPT to nay It prevented the t-tlling off of the hair, and rssto.ed It, from befog gray, to Its natural glossy and beautiful black." Sold by Dtngfiists everywhere. Depot, IKS Greeu wlch street. Now York. JullS SPECIAL NOTICES. T11E GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Sift JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Fills. Prepared from t? prttcription ofSir J. Clarke, .If. V., Phyrician Jilxtraordmaiy to the Queen. Thin Invaluable medlcluce li unfailing In the eurs of all those palaful and dangerous diseases to which tha female constitution Is subject. It moderates all excess and removes aU obstructions, and a.paady cure may be relied on. TO HJUIR1KO LADIES It la peculiarly raited. It will, in a abort line, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Etch bottle, price One Dollar, bean the Sorem ment Stamp of Great Britain to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. Th at Pills should not be taken by lemalea during the FIKflT THKKK MONTHS of Pregnancy, aa Ibay are aura to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time lliey are aafe. In all caeea of nerroua and Spinal Affections, Paine In the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on (light exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hyateriea and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed: and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel antimony, or anything I hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around ee-i pack age, which aliould bo carefully preserved. Sole agent for the Uulted States and Canadaa, JOB MOSKB, 27 Cortlandt gt, N. V. N. B.?(1-00 and six pKtage (tamps, enclosed to any authorised agent will Insure a bottle containing j fifty Pilla by return mail. For sale by LAUGHUN8 * BU8HFIELD, Jyi# and T. H. IOUAK * CO. Laughlin's Old Home Bitters. TUB PRIDK OB" VIRGIBflA. A necessary article thla warm weather. Wiat's I what's the matter. You want a bottle. Don't go about complaining of being ao weak and feetlDg ao exhausted by the weather. You can be j relieved very easily by nalng Laughlin's Old Home Bitters, THE PRIDE OF VIRGINIA* No use going to the Springs and spending ao many of those "greenbacks." Yon will eat better and of course teel better, and aa a natural conaeqnence look | better, by uelng Laughlin's Old Home Bitters, TIIK PRIDK OF VIRGINIA. 5 These Bittera are agreeablo to the taste, In mild operation, the most delicate using them with Impu nity. Speedy tn action and penetrating the aeat of disease, thoy impart new health and vigor to tha system. The exquialte flavor, the delicate aroma and pleasant taate of thla preparation rendera it pe culiarly acceptable, even to the fevered and languid | patient. Prepared only by LAUGHLINB A BUSHFIKLD. ju12 Wholesale Druggists, Wheeling. nkvkr KNOWN TO FAIL.!] DIXON'S ABOMATIO Blackberry Carminative.! THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR Dysentery, Diarrhea. Flux, 9'*,?'?''* | Morbus *11(1 Summer Camplslnt. The lmmenae Bales testify to the merits of this remedy. The numerous daily repot ts of astonishing cures attest Its value. It has advantages over any other remedy, at once curing the disease, and Imparting tone and strength j to the system. _ la safe and harmless to the iulant, and powerful in the adnlt case. ..... 1 To the soldier, especially. It la invaluable, being appropriately termed by them, In many certlflcatea, "THE SOLDIER'S FR1KSD," I Mothers find it auperlor to any toothing syrup for children teething: freed from the injurious effects of Narcotics, gives reat to the sufferer by removing j the disease. Sold by respectable Dealers every where. Price. 25 Osrrs k Bomi Prepared only by Jun?7 0m WM. F.DAVIDSON, Cincinnati, O. | For Raits, Mtee, Roaches, Ants. B.d, Bugs, Moths In Furs, Woollens, Ate. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals,*? Put up In 25c. 60c. and *1 00 Boxes, Bottles, and Flaski. $3 and 16 sixes tbr Hotitls, Prrsuo Iarrrro ' "Only Infallible remedies tnown." ? Free from Poisons." dangerous to the Human Family. tt gats come out of their holes to die. ? rr gold Wholesale In all large cities. ?0r- gold by all Dattaaisrs and Rstailpbs every rtT I IIBlWAurill" of all worthless Imitations. . rar* See that "Costas'b" name Is on each Box, Bottle and Flask, before you buy. I vr Address HENRY R. CO STAR, pr psixcirai Dspot 448 jar-Boldby? E. BOOKING, A.C. GOOD, Wholesale and Retail Agents, mar4#m ? Wheeling, Vs. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. A"icsr.s1eKsaa~!!s!S; by the asvernl Aaatatant Aaaeaecrs, under th. Excise liw of the United Stated, for the First Collection . District of Wert Virginia, will be open for the apace of -fifteen day. from this data at the offices of the esid Assistant Aaaeasors. I will attend at the time aud place, hereafter oieotii ned, for the purpose of hearing any ap,eala that may be made from the Lists, Valuations, and Enumerations, made ! and taken by said Assistant Awrtsors: Ang. 1st, lSfifl, at Monndavlllfc MarshaU county, w " at the office of R. Pratt, Wheeling. I ? 4th u at the Monroe House, ?? 5th - at Wellaburg, Brooke Co. . j Ith "at New Cumberland, Hancock Co. " 10th J at Fairmont. Marion Co. - " 12th " at Morgattown. MoooogaMa Co. " 14th " at Klngwood, Preston Co. ? 15th ? at Fstterman, Taylor Co. ? ISth " at New Martinsville. Wetael Co. " 10th " at Blatersvllle, Taylor Oo. ?? aoth ?" at St. Mary*a. Htaa.nta Oo. ^ . All appeals must be In writing, and "j ths particular canse. matter or ,tMoS r**F*c"?S whicha decision l. required, ami ground or principle of Inequality or error com plained of. johs pARKIIig0? A wfw t 1st I>ist. Wert Va. Cameron, July 16th, IStt. "" " (Wellaburg Herald, Fairmont Natlo^andVlr ginia Piaindealer please copy snd send bill to As ?1 Wheeling Battery. C10MMANDANT3 Of POSTS and / shale *T9 repeated to send ? to Battery 44 D," 1st Va. light Artillery, rvSKM?^'Ac. i "?^,&?Sod. you-g. ! are wanted to BU up this Battery. and Wlll be takea .on application to either of ths commlssloeed oBcsrs be lonl ng to It. ^ J0HN OAKM. | juli Bi'"rr "? " W ""gotSSS^ , . I iJU*LJLL _ - J. ,'i.U JPg Iflcgraph. Results of the Fight at Front Royal. Nkw York, July 38?A dispatch from Harper's Ferry to (be Philadelphia Inquir er says: The results of the engagement of Thursday last at Front Royal, aa reported, are highly encouraging. The intention was to cot Lee's army in two and it suc ceeded to the extant that Swell's corps is reported to be entirety cut off from coinmuuicatioo with Lee's, and its captnre or dispersion is almost certain. The rail road between this point and Martinsburg Is uninjured except a small bridge over the Opeqnan creek which was destroyed by the rebels west of Martinsburg, the road is reported to be badly injured the rails torn ? p for a considerable distance, bridges burned, &o. The rebels having evacuated Martinsburg. The road will soon be in running order to that point. It is reported that Winchester is now occapied by only a small farce of White's rebel cavalry. The town will doubtless be in our possession again in a few days. Citizens have come in to-day from the | vicinity of Hartinsbnrg, who report no armed rebels in their neighborhood, except a few straggling bushwackers. The Post says it is stated upon good au thority that the draft will not recommence this week, but the probability is that it will be deterred only a short time. That it will be prevented by the action of the state authorities which some of the sympathisers with the rioters hope, is altogether unlike* iy- _ More Fighting m Kentucky?Mar tial Law Declared in Lexington. Cincinnati, July 28.?A special to the Commercial from Lexington, Ky., says the rebels this morning attacked our forces at Richmond, consisting ot a small detach ment under Col. Sanders. After an hour's severe fighting our troops were compelled to full back to Kentucky river badly out up. The rebel force is estimated at 2,500 and six guns. They are supposed to be the advance of Bragg's army. At latest advices our troops bad fallen back to Lexington, the enemy closely fol lowing. Martial-law was proolaimed in Lexington to day, and all able-bodied cit izens between the ages of 18 and 45 are ordered to report for duty. It is thought the city can be held against the rebels. Rebel oitizens reports a rebel force of over 15,000 moving in a northerly di rection via Crab Orchard. The Gazette's Lexington dispatch says the excitement bus subsided. The rebels came to Kentucky river at Clay's Ferry. Saunders' command are nearly all in. Troops from Hickman's bridge insure tbe safety of Lexington. Gens. Carter's and Gilbert's commands are in the rear of tbe rebels. A Portion of Lees's Army at Col pepper. Wasbinuton, July 28.?Information re ceived to-day that Lee's army under Long street, Hill and Ewell, passed through Chester Gap on Thursday and Friday,and are now at Culpepper. Buford's cavalry opposed them, but had to fall back, but hung on their rear captur ing prisoners and cattle. It is generally thought that Lee was making all possible speed to Ricbmond, but Bufort thinks tbe rebels intend making a stand on the south sido of tbe Rapidan. Rebel prisoners say our cavalry- has done more to defeat Lee's plans than any other plan; also that a great deal of de- 1 spondency prevails in the South and in tbe army in consequence of recent defeats and tbe failure of Lee's plans, while tbe defeat of Joe. Jobnstou and bis refusal to obey orders will necessitate Jeff Davis to recon struct the army of tbe southwest. Train Fired into by Guerrillas Nbw York, July 28.?Tbe Herald's Washington special says, yesterday a train from Warranton to Alexandria, conveying about 300 troops, was fired into by gueril las, when within two miles of Manassas.? No damage done. The troops scoured the woods in the vicinity, but were unable to find tbe a-sailants. Proceeding a short distance further, tbe train was again fired ioto without injury and the soldiers again unable to discover tbe perpetrators, and tbe train proceeded without any further in'?rrnnt|nn. It waa report .'d here to-day that some 40 of MosOy sgueralllas were captured latt nigbt, but on inquiry tbe story proved to be unfounded. One scouting party cap tured six and another a single guerrilla, which appears to be all that has been dona in that line for the past 46 hours. Enternal Revenue Decision Nsw York, July 28.?The Times' special says : Tbe Commissioners of internal rev enue have decided that a certificate of ex emption for those who have been dratti d and have furnished a substitute under the conscription act, being expressly required ! by law, to be issued by a board of enroll-1 meet, is exempt from stamp duty. Any certificate wbicb may be issued by .a Magistrate in connection witb|tbe proceed ings under the conscription act is subject lo a stamp doty of five cents. VOLUSTHB SUROBO.N COBPS. Surgeon General Hammond is making arrangements to seenre tbe aid of a corps of volunteer surgeons to meet exigencies on the battle field. General A. Merdeits has been ordered to Portress Monroe to relieve Lieutenant Colonel Liedeo, present agent for tbe ex change of prisoners. Colonel Lieden has been ordered to report to Adjutant General Thomas. The Position of the Rebel Army Mew Yob*, July 28?The Times has the following: Hxadqcabtkbs Abut or tbs Potomac, July 26, 6 P. M.?The positioos of tbo rebel army are as follows: On Friday morning at six o'clock the advance of Hill's and Longstreet's corps reached Col pepper C. H. They were well closed up and their entire corps must be concen trated there by this time. Of tbis retro grade movement tbere can be no ques tion. Swell's corps, it is understood here, still occupy the Shenandoah valley, where it is gu arding fords on tbe Shenandoah and rear it is believed. This fact is sup posed to explain tbe recent alarm, Indica ting that Lee was not retreating and was preparing to return to M tryl and. A Rebel Gunboat Captured, Niw York, July 28?Noon.?The steam er Merrimac bnilt by the British for tbe rebels last year, arrived here, captured by the gnnboat Iroquions while running the blockade at Wilmington. She is 500 tons, iron vessel, laden with cotton. Tbe schooner Mason from Port Royal reports she passed off Charleston the 26th and beard heavy firing. Our forces are ?till battering Fort Wagner. Arrival of Morgan in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Jaly 28.?John Morgan, Col. Clarke and about 30 other rebel officers, arrived here last night and were taken to the city prison. Arrival of Prisoners. Washington, Joly 28-?One hundred and forty four rebel prisoner*, captured in Virginia, arrived to-day. Among them are eight officers, of whom a Captain cap. tured at Vicksburg nnd paroled bat who had violated his word and wms again found in the service armed and equipped. Some of the prisoners are anxious to take the oath of allegiance, and others to be exchanged. Two large military prisons are to be im mediately constructed, one at Point Look out, Md., and the other at Bock Island, Illinois. Pint Steamboat Arrival from Hew | Orleans St. Louis, July 28.?The Steamer Im- I perial, the first boat from New Orleans, arrived this morning. A large crowd of | merchants and other citizens greeted ber I arrival, and a national salute was fired in honor of the opening of the Mississippi. The steamer Albert Pearee sailed this evening for New Orleans with a large load of private freight, and a long passenger list. The Continental left yesterday for I the same port heavily laden with Govern- I ment stores. Nkw York, ialy 28.?Tbe steamer Star I of South araived this evening from Charles ton bar On tbe evening of the 25th she towed tbe iron clad Passaic to tbe bar, [ which went iu to report to Admiral Dabl green. When tbe Star of the South left, heavy cannonading was beard and shells I were plainly seen bursting over Ft. Wag- [ Hew Tork Money Market. New Yore, July 28.?Gold unsettled and little lower, opening at 27?. advancing 27J, declining to 27 and closing steady at 37f. Cincinnati, July 28.?Brutus J. Clay, of Bourbon county, Ky., was nominated on JI tbe 5th ballot to-day for Congress in tbe I' Ashland Kentucky District, to fill tbe va- [ cancy occasioned by tbe death of Mr. Crittenden. GROCERIES. inn BBLS PKl** !?? 0. MOLASSES. IW 60 bbls. Brace A Son's Golden Syrup. 60 bbla. Extra Beehive Syrup. 00 hhda. N. O. and P. K. 8onr>. 100 bbU. assorted Retired Sugar. Just received, and fur sale by PAXTON, DONLON * OGLCBAT. aayg 500 BBLS. OULKBAY'S FAMILY AND PAS- I _ TRY FLO US. 1 200 bbla. Salt. 76 bags Priwoe Rio Coffee. 60 boxea Pearl Starch. 60 dor. Waahboard*. 76 do*. Backets, Tub*, Ac. Ob hand asd for sale by ' PAXTON, DONLON A OGLKBAl. aaytt 100 OKOSS K8-SEN.C1K or WKK 30 boxes Dandelion and Ground Coffee. 60 boxes and bbls. Garrett's Scotch Snuff 60 hlf chests Gunpowder and koung Hyson I 100 hlf bbls. Bi. Oar. Soda Ground Cinnamon, Cream Tartar, Indiqp, Indigo Blue, Pepptfr, and Spices of all kinds. Madder, Alum, Soap, Candles, Starch, Nails, Ac., 4c. On hand, and for sale by PAXTON, DONLON A OGLKBAY. may26 7r BOXKS 6'a 10's and LBS. LUMP TOfSAOOOS. I / ?> 30 cases Wlb Lump Tobacco. 20 keg* 0 Twist Tobacco. 100,000 Common Cigars On hand, and for sale by PAXTON, DONLON A OGLKBA may26 1 BBLS. No. 8 MACKEREL. 1UVJ 100 half bbla. No. 3 Mackerel. 76 half bbls. No, 9 da. 25 bbls New Potomac Herring. 26 half bbls. Lake White Fish. For sale by PAXTON, DONLON A OGLKBAY. may26 NOTICE. To Whom It may Concern. I ON and after tbe 1st of July, 1803, we intend to { sell our goods for CASH ONLY, excepting per sons having regular places of business in the city, I who shall be entitled to the usual credit. I All accounts dne snd not paid to date will be dis- I posed of for collection. _jun2W J AS. Q- ORR * no. Hydraulic Cement. WE have Just received ? ear load or frMb C? , meat, "-Lynns" brand, warranted superior, which we are tolling low. Beiag the only agent* for thU Cement here, we can furnUh It la quanti ties, on short notice. MKTCALF * BURT, _ JullO M Mala itrm. FIRE PROOF SAFES A FULL stock oT Bnrke k Barnes' Celebrated I Safes on bend, which we sell at manufacturers' prices, the parchaser sarins freight from Pittsburg. MKTCALP A BURT, JnllS 66 Main street. Pittsburgh Iron. WB keep a toll stock ot all sisee bar, band, shsat , and hoop Iron of Pittsburgh make. Also, Norway American Nail Rod, which we will sell at tbe lowest prices. MKTCALF ? BURT, J?'"> KS Main -treat. S: DA ASH. TT78 have received an agency from the Memrs. " Fowl*, of Nsw Tork, for the sale of thslr I Importations ot Soda Ash. and will aell at their prices, adding freight and exchange. We are joet In receipt of a Urge lot of Kurtt bread, lor Oreen Glass and Soap manufacturers. Also a lot of refined of two qualities, tor Flint Glass manufacturers. We invite the attention of consumer*. M aTCALF A BURT, Jul to M Main aw. WANTED. A FARM of some 200 or 300 acres, located la this I or some of the adjoining counties, worth $4,0w0 I I or $0,000. Payments cash. Also a large tract of an- I improved land; also two ot three small tracts of I land, for which a foir price in cash will be paid by I TAYLOR, BOLLYSON A CO, No. 00 Main Street. Mill Feed! Mill Peed! I A SHKsMlT5' U1EL mDlm* I PRTOR k FR08T, myS gland - JUST RECEIVED?Another lot of Perfumery fur I tbe haadkerafatrf. The best and ksrgest assort. I ment can be fcaad at the Odd Fellow Hall Drag I Store. Gall and examine tor yourself. 1 Janll k. BOCKINO, Agent. ATTENTION, MILITIA OPPICERI. I JtJBT RECEIVED?10 copies, three Tola, each, o' Caesy's Infantry Tactics. Tbe above ie the only I work authorised by the War Department for the In- j struct Ion of tha Infantry ofths armies of the U. 8 ,1 , ? JOS. ORATES * 00, Jnn? Me. 10 M?past. POCKKT BOOK1 AJID PVSL?KB~ AWIMM stock of Turkey Mmmm PORT HON-1 NATO, Currency Holders, Ac , warranted the beet In the market, fat sale by MM. ORATES * OO. rl8~*f Mow 30 Msawe stl set. aoo ouai, IN Battery, will do terrible work. If wsll handled. I treat noise; bat the LlQHTAIJfO ??.? EI I.I.Eg handles itself pretty macb, works aOaotly, and counts the slain by tans of thousands. ^ T. H. LOO AN A OO, Jn? and LOO AN. L1BT A OO. 1 100 MOKE Or THOSE CHEAP WHITE QPILTA Ju opened. Call snsa, if yea wish to gat one, at Jun4 W. B. SEHSENET'R. IIBIO* FLAOI. STORK Dwelling House, Oompasy aad ] tal Colors delivered aa the shortest i manufacturer's prices, by JOS. ORATES A OO, fall* Ha.?? Monroe SL, Wheeling, Vast Ta. BBOW1 PARASOLS, Received bt express? * dosan Brown Bilk rarasola. 4 do Silk Flalshad Oattow do. JnnM J. i. RH0DI A SLABS ot Oold Sparkling Mbiaral Watw, from fountain, at the Jaal BKiDGg CORNER DRUG 8TORB READ SETS' lO po*-*** 8*TUM*TMIBLE HAIR m. IV^Janlo J. A RHODES, " LEVI STEIN,?';/! Fashionable Merchant Tail t r AND Wholesale a Be tail Dealer READY MADE CLOTHIM, So. 13 MOIROE STREET, WHEELING, VA. OFFERS to the citiaeae of Wheeling aad vtciaitj, and to the pub tic In general, a large aad well ae Ucted stock of CLOTHS, DOKSK11V CA88IM1 VESTIHOS, FURHlSUiaO GOODS AID &EADY MADS CLOTHING, Which having boca purchased for NBTT CASH, he is enabled to allw more rsaaoniMe term* than auy other similar eetablkhmeat In thia part of the country. Among the stock will bo foand BLACK CLOTHS of the Tory beat makss. DOESKINS of Kngifch and ftwli nauftetua FANCY CA88IMERE8 of all atjlee and qualities, ?4se entirely new, eniCable for making suits. SILK, CASHMERE A MSBSAILLEfl VESTING S FURNISHING GOODS, WOOLEN AND WHITS OVEESHIRTfl, UN9K 8H1RT8 AND DRAWERS, SILK AND LINEN HANDKBRNHIEFS, NECK-TIES, HOSIERY, OLOVK8, SUS PENDERS, to the ( a continuance of the i LEVI STEIB. N. B_?All work warranted aa repreeeated. WHOLESALE PHY GOODS. Simpson & Wilson. Wl call attention of Merchanta to.our largo and attractlre stock of Fancy & Staple DRY GOODS, At greatly reduced price^. Ha ring our etock In store previous to the lata great tdvancee, we are folly prepared to ant the present Iodine. We offer a full lino of PRINTS, DSC LAIHBSi OIBOHAMS, MUSLIMS. CHECKS, ETC., ETC. COTTON A DBS, JEANS TWEED, DENIMS SUM HUH BR COATINGS, ETC., ETC. Aa wellaaa Full Line of. Notions. Simpson & Wilson, 10 M05B0S STBEET, WHEELTNG, - - VA. ?pr* l. M. A9A1U. A. J. 1MU. W. M. MKUI A. M. Adams & Co. IT AVE Just received one of the finest and beet so ? b lscted atocka of SNUN6 A SUMMER GOODS ever brought to the city CLOTHS of every grade and color. CAS81MER.KS, French and Domestic, of all ityleeand kind*. VEST1NOS in great variety, _ Velvet and Mareaillee of all kind*, which we will make to order on the shortest notice and la the beet ftyle of workmanship. We have also on hand a floe selected stock of Bead-Made Clothing, COATS, PANTS aad VESTS of all kiade md qualities. SHIRTS aad DRAWERS, One, Marino, Lam be1 Wool aad Cotton. We hare a fine assortment of DOLLARS, WHITE SHIRTS, (OCRS, GLOVES* KECK TIES, SUSPENDERS, Etc., Etc. We will be able to salt all who may favor us with their patronage, WHOLESALE RETAIL. A. M. ADA MS <SC CO We have also n fine asKKtment of T7. 8. A. MILITARY GOODS. OFFICERS* UNIFORM 8UIT8 made to order on the ehorteet notice. Always oa hand a fine assortment of REVOLVERS, SWORDS. BELTS, BUGLES, SHOULOERIANDS, BULLION AND METAL LIC fl AT EAGLES AND CORDS, Ae , Ac. A. M. ADAMS & CO., 36 Wafer St., WHEELING, WEST VA. LAUGHLIN'S Old Borne Bitters, THE PRIDE O, V1ROISIA. AN ELEGANT AND PLEASANT TONIC. tADOU. OLD BOMB BITTSRS, Tb. Prtd. of Virginia. ? Djiifi.1. tad Lirer OocnpLil.t. LADOUUN'H OLD BOMS BETflXS, Tb. Prid.of Virginia, Ami nmlan and Indication. LACOBLnf'S OLD BOMJC BITTBS&, Toe Pride of Virginia, OomOwani Debility and Watw LICUBUN't OLD BOMB BITTUUt, Tb? Prid. of Virginia, Con. Headacb. and Btartbarm. LAOOHL1B-8 OLD BOMB BITTBBS, Tbo Prid. of Virginia, Curat Acidity or tb. Btomarb. LACQUUM'S OLD BOMB UTTBBS, Tbo Prida of Virginia, Cirta and praaaata h?f and Aim. LADOHLII?*S OLD BOMB BITTERS, Tbo Prid. at Virginia. Dim Sallow Coaapiaxiou aad Voatid Silt * LACOHLIN'g OLD HOMB BITTBkS, Tb. Prida of Virginia, Cnraa Jfarromm AfMtfeaa. LAUOBLIM'B OLD BOMB BITTJUS, The Prid. of Virginia, Should ba uacd by all TrATelan. UCOBUO OLD BOMB BITTBBS, Tb. Pi of Virginia, Should ba oaad by avacy oaa. Delicate fwtla, la ' ~ of Sadentary Bablu, Soldian iv LADOHLIKB A BCSHPHUkL. Jul* Wholaaala Druggiata. Whealing. Wat *a_ Music Received To-Daj. WILUB bagona to tba War.. Kingdom Coadi Battla Cry of Prndna ? will car* far Motbcr ? I*a looking for bla b Do tboy tb-ak of mo at 1 Wa do tbink of tbcaat b Got tag. by tha mm Dar author Ml oaa. b Motbar la tbaBattlao Jock.y Hat aad laat Vacant Chair.. Prayar B And Bthaaa, at tba Variaty Stor. af D. HIOOLL A BHtt, Jan* MlUaitm*.