Newspaper Page Text
WHEELING REGISTER. sfjrj ? MONDAY MORNING, - - - - AUGUST 21. flM Baiicah bb4 H?th Cir*li>>> In their anxiety to keep up the milita ry government of the Southern States, and to keep their hands a little longer iu the pnblio parse, the radicals are resort ing to all sorts of misrepresentation and falsehood concerning the sentiments and disposition of the Southern people. The dispatch published last Saturday, pur porting to be the result of General Kil atrick'8 observations iu North Caroli na, is a specimen of the means employed to still keep alive sectional animosity and bate and Justify the continuance of military rule. The great trouble with the radicals seems to be that neither the people of the South nor the provisional Governors whom President Johnson has appointed, are full-fledged abolitionists. They may be loyal to the Constitution and the laws, devotedly attached to the Union, resolved to remain faithful to their allegiance and disposed to pursue qnietly the peaceful avocations of life, but if they are not ranting and brawling fanatics upon the negro question they aro represented as highly disloyal and waiting only for the withdrawal of the army to re-enslave the blacks and en gage in rebellion again This is the sub stance of the whole trouble. The South ern people have forsaken the rebelliou without forsaking their common sense, and while they are giving every day un mistakable evidences of their loyalty to the government, they do not become ad vi)cates df uwgro suffrage, negro equality ami all the other chimerical fancies of the abolitionists. The New York Tribune has two or three correspondents in North Carolina wli^he especial duty it seems to be to "write np" the disloyalty of the inhabi tants of the " Old North State " In ;i recent letter, one of these scribblers pic tures the following shocking condition of affairs: "There is not a uiau who advocates the confiscation of rebel property; there is not a man who dares to advocate tbo ex teusiou of suffrage to the loyal blacks, though on? man, formerly holding office ouder Gov. Vance, is said to be in favor ?f it. Mr. Penaiugtou, editor of The Progrets, who la stumping the counts as a candi date for the Convention^ denounces as a "scoundrel" any one who says he is in favor of Negro suffrage Here is Governor Holden'a own "land marks" for Union men, cut from The Standard of July 31. Among other things, one of which is "the prompt insertion in the State Constitution by the approach ing Convention of the ordinance of forever abolishing slavery or involuntary servitude iu the State." The right of States to determine the questions of suffrage for themselves 6 Unqualified opposition to what it called negro suffrage. This Ts Gov. Holdeu's owu prog i amine written, I am informed, by himself The alleged statement of William A 0mbam that lie will oppose the return of Jfottih Carolina to the Union on a basis Mnf negro solfrafco scarcely need* to he tonttadieied as that seemsto he the po litical owed of Gov. Holden and all the \?^iie men of North Carolina. He has hot been pardoned. He <Grahaui) is i ha racteristically cautious and ret icent Of course such a condition of things a? altogethei dreadful and calls loudly foi a continuance ot military rule llow terribly "disloyal" these North Caroli nians must be because they object to the confiscation of their property for the benefit of their kind friends, the aboli ionists. How sadly ungrateful they must be for all the benefits they have re ceived, if tney are still obstinately op po?*d to giving the negroes the pi ivitege ot voting' Failing iu these tkiugs, their Unionism counts for nothing It ot no avail that Governor Houxfx * Union uiau throughout the entire struggle and was persecuted as such; it is of no avail that a large portion ot t he people of North Carolina, were never secessionists aud that it was deemed ue cessary to quarter adivisiou of the Con federate army in that State for the pur pose of preventing insurrection against the rebel authorities; their traditional uniooism and hearty concurrence in the results of the war and earnest 6delity to the United States are not sufficient to establish their character for loyalty in the estimation of General Kilpvtrtck and th6 Tribune people or free them from the constant oppression and annoyance of military rule A similar onslaught has hccn made upon Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, aud every other Southern State and the radi cal journals have stndionslv and zeal ' ously endeavored to create the impres sion that the South had not yet had euough of war hut that the great rebel lion would burst out afresh if the strong grasp of the military power were one moment relaxed It is not true: it is merely a subterfuge in which bad men are trying to cloak their designs upon the liberty aud property of the people. The people of the South are honest in their submission to constitutional au thority and havo suffered too much dnr ing the past four years to Wauxious to reuew their struggle for independence. There is uo necessity for any longer maintaiuance of the military occupation ? of the Southern States, and every day it in continued a million of dollar* is unnecessarily added to the national debt and a fresh wrong is done to the . liberties of the people The Philadelphia city and county Con veutions of the Democratic party met on Tuesday, and nominated the following officers s For Maypr, Daniel M. Fox; city -'treasurer, John Jofceaou , city com mi s aioner, David P. Weaver ; city solicitor, T. Bfchlle ; city comptroller. Jesse T Vog dea; and district attorney. I Newton Brown. In the Second Senatorial Dis trtct, Samuel H. Davis, Jr., was nominat ed, and George W. H. Smith in the Fourth District Candidates for Representatives end the various city (minor) offices were ateopboedin nomination. Hkadq. Sub-District of Wheeling, ) District of West Virginia , > Wheeling, W. Va , Aug. 19, 1865. j , EDITORS WHEELING REGISTER . Your article this morning reflecting on Col. A. Q. Axtell, Commanding sub-Dis trict of Wheeling, is so far incorrect as relates to bis removal. He has not been removed from command by ouler of Bre vet Major-Oeneral Emory, but was or dered to Clarksburg to answer some re taliatory charges preferred by General Egan, in Jnne. Yours Respectfully, S. H. Bogardner, jr., Captain and A. A. A. G. Colonel Axtell alse closed the liquor stores by orders from General En^ry.. H* wJefrrMU Darii ii Looked I'pon im Hit Old H?iar. (From th? Cincinnati Commercial.J A few days ago an editorial article ap peared in this paper relating to the ap parent total desertion ot Jeff. Davis by his old friends of the South. We observe it is used as a text by the Vicksburg Dai ly Herald, of August 5 ; and as the public vrill be interested to know what the old neighbors of DAVIS have to say of him, we reprocuce from the Herald the follow ing paragraphs : (From the Vicksburg Daily Herald Ang. 5, "Warreu County was once the home of Jefferson Davis. He was in retirement here, on his plantation at Brierfield, when the Southern seceded .States called him to their leadership. Whatev er may have been Jefferson Davis' faults, he was not the leader of the rebellion un til after the masses, who were then on the 'high horse' of separation, made hira their leader. The manner in which he fulfilled the trust confided to him, when the passions of the excited hour have cooled down, must certainlv elicit the admiration of those who admire fidelity in public servahts. That the people who placed him in high position, promising the 'last drop ofblood and the last dol lar,' 'became weary' and 'fainted by the way,' is most true*; but Jefferson Davis never betrayed Ihem Tli^y refused, by their representatives in Congress, to re lieve him of the responsibility they had thrown upon him. but preferred to save themselves, while they left the vic tim of their acts as well as his own. "We are no apologist of Jefferson Da vis. We never knew him except as a citizen of this country. A determined Opposition to the doctrines taught by his pa.ty in this State, continuing dowu long after the audience of secession ; an .un changed belief, (while acquiescing |iu the decision of the people of the State in 1861,)that there could never be the same happiness and prosperity for our people under a new government as we enjoyed* in the United States ? certainly places the writer beyond any suspiciciou of sr ceftsiouism Yet, when we are taunted with ingratitude for not speaking, we can not be expected to withhold an im pression now. Manifest reasons of pro priety should suggest themselves to ev ery one, why there has been no voice from the South iu behalf of the late lead er ot the Southern people We can say this however: We know that nothing would give greater satisfaction to tho people of Mississippi, of all shades of opinion, than that the Government should deem it consistent with the inter ests and welfare of the nation to release Mr. Davis, at least on parole The idea of his being executed for treason, has never seriously entered the miud of any one in this tectum Should such a fate befall him, it would send a thrill ot hoi' ror through the South such as has never been known in Christendom " AMUSEMENT; 1 WASHINGTON HALL. THE WORLD RENOW TID Blind Negro Boy Pianiat, T O M , WILL GIVE FOUR CONCERTS COMMENCING MONDAY EVE., AUG. 21. ADMISSION ...50c. RESERVED SEATS lie. Tbe Kuabu Gr ind Piano, used for th??o< casion, is kindly furnished by J. B. Mellor, No 198 Main Street, where tickets may also be pro cured for the Concerts. angl7-lw S. C. J. THAYER, Agent. PUBLIC SALE. NOTICE. WHEKEA9, THE STOt HHOLD. ERSof The Belmont Iron Work* Comua ny, of Wheeling, West Virginia, at a meeting held at the office of said corporation iu tbe city of Wheeling, on the iWth July. 1865. passed the following resolution, to wit : Whereas, tbe icsolution requiring the rwm uient and payment of three hundred and til t v dolburs per snare, to make good tbe loss of capi tal resulting on ithe operations of the corpora tion ainoe Jan. 4th, 1863, not having an nnani mous vote, and therefore not being adopted, it is hereby Rtioivtd, That this corporation shall discon tinue its business and go into immediate liqui dation, in accordance with the 4uth action ot the Act of the Legislature of West Virginia, paased October 26th, 1863, regarding corpora tions; and the board of directors ot said corpo ration is hereby authorized and directed to pro ceed forthwith to close and settle up its business as soon as practicable, in accordance with said section of said act ; and that the real estate and appurtenaney and chattel property shall be sold on or before the 1st- day of September next. We, the undersigned appointed by said board of directors a committee to carrv out said reso ntion, , WILL SELL AT AUCTION. At the front door of the Court House, in tbe citr of Wheeling, on Tuesday, .the ?2d day of A ugust, 1865, sale tocommence at 10 o'clock a. m , alfthat valuable real estate and appurtenances in the 6th Ward of tbe city of Wheeling, known as The Belmont Iron Works and Nail Factory, Bounded aft follows : west by the <3jiio river, nortfl by Division street, east by Main street and south by tbe property oi Messrs. Caldwell & Lancaster. ALSO, the Coal Mint) in said Ward, now worked by said corporation, and tbe railw.iy oonnecting said mine and the rolling mill. ALSO, the real estate aud coal property l? longing to said corporation la ana adjoining South Wheeling, including that recently pur phased of Dr. J. C. Campbell, and the cboscs iu action connected therewith ; and 21 town lots iu South Wheeling, lately and heretofore purchased of the M. tt M. Bank and others, and Lot No. 1 in Caldwell's addition to tbe city of Wheeling, southeast corner of Main and Division streets with five tenements thereon It being understood, that the parohasar or pur chasers of Mid real estate and appurtenances shall also purchase a'J tbe stuck, materials, tools Md chattel property of every description in and about said Belmont Iron Works, at tns * iluatiun or three disinterested persons. TUMS? One-third cash, one-third in two BSMtk*! oae-third in four months, with Interest from day of sals, deferred payments to be satis factorUy secured. - . HENRY, MOORE, J.P.GILCHRIST. J. D. DUBOIS, i For Directors of Belmont Iron Works Com NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Housekeeper Wanted. A SUITABLE HOU8BKEEKER can obtain a situation ai liberal wagea by applying immediately at my honae on Market Street, between Union and Monroe. aug21-3t M. C. LEECH. Municipal Court of Wheeling. EXTRACT. THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF A Wheeling so far aa iu police jurisdiction ia concerned, will be held at tbo baaemen t of the Court Hooae, in room adjoining the Lock-up, from 9 o'clock a. m/of each day (Sundays' except e8) until the business of that aay ia closed, and af ter said days' bnsineaa ia closed, arrests made will be heard on the next day after service of process or arrest on view, unless good cause be shown for continuing the case to another day, and the officers of said Court, on making arrests according to law, will keep such person or per aona in said Lock-up until the next session of the said Conrt as above indicated. M C. GOOD, Jud^eof the Municipal Court of Wheeling. August 18, 1365. The Clerk of the Court will be found at hia office in the city buildings during business hours except during the sessions or the Municipal Court, when he will be found at the Court Room, ang21 FOE SALE. The very desirable prop er tt on Fourth street, known aa the resi dence of A. P. Woods, deceased, with stabling, Ac., Sic., complete; also the property at the head of Monroe street connor of Monroe and Seventh above the Episcopal Chnrch, and the late residence of Geo. T. Tingle. For informa tion relative thereto inquire of GEO. T. TINGLE, aug1P2wd Gas Company's Offico. ~~A GOOD SAUCE. THE WORCESTERSHIRE JOCK EY CLT7B SAUCE, for meats, soups, sal ads, Stc., is pronounced by good judges, the beat in the market. It is used by the St. Nicholas and 5th Avenue Hotels, New York, by the Packer House, Boston, the McLure House, Wheeling, and tho leading Hotels and Saloons everywhere, For sale wholesale and retail by T. H. LOCrAN Sc Co., LOGAN, LIST & Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Wheeling. augl9 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havinobeen appointed ab MINISTRATOR of the estate of Ira Bea ver, deceased, notice Is hereby given to parties knowing themselves indebted to the same, that they are expected to make immediate payment. Those having claims against the said estate must present them dnly authenticated for set tlement. I can be found any time at the Eagle Plain ing Mi Is of J. A. Holliday & Co., corner of Fifth and Lindsley streots, Wheeling, W. Va R H. GILLESPY augl9-lm Administrator. 1 * f lOSFlilOTIT 3 OF THE WheelingFemale Academy! AT MOUNT DtCHANTAl, In Chnrue of (he 8i*!rr? of the Vinisa tiou, B. V. M r PIIE iJI'ILDINGS, WHICH AliF JL FINE anil very spacious, are located at tho distance of onoor two miles from the city, on a commanding site, surrounded on all aides with the lov.liest natural scenery, and embracing au area of one hundred acres. Abundance ol fresh iir aud ev ry facility for exercise aro thus se cured to eaeh inmate of the enclosure, while all resident# in the vicinity bear testimony to the unrivaled healthiness of the situation. The course of Instruction embraces all the usual requisites and accomplishments of female education, fitting the pupil for the highest social circle, or for tlio office of teacher, but may be moditied to suit the wishes of parents aod tho circumstances of the scholars. French will bo taught, not merely in class but practically, by conversation, several oi the ladies connected witn the academy being Tamil iar wiili tho language. The pupils who are s uf flcientlv advanced, will be required to converse a portion of their time in French. lho department of music, both vocal aud lu atrumcutal, will be superintended in the most ablo manner, presenting advantages of a snpe rior grade unsurpassed by any in the country No pupil will be allowed to pursue at once 40 iiittuv studies M will ovirbortltu the mind, oi by requiring too great application uu deiuuue the constitution. ?wwrdod to the most deserving in the Senior, and a Crown sad Srtres Msdal to the first in the Junior circle. . Boarders are allowed to .visit their parents residing in town but once a month ; when their residence i9 more remote, even this liberty is restricted as experience shows it to be pre.ju dicial to the progress of pnpils Parents, un less tbev come from a distance, can only see their children at the hours designated by the rules. The scholastic year commences on the 1st Monday of September, aud closes about the last of June. Popils are required to pay tbe cur rent charges semi-annually, aud always in ad vance. No deduction will lie made for absence. If a pupil is removed before the close of the half session tor which she has been entered, full payment for the whole will be required. Pupils re entering after the summer vacation, will bo charged from the re-opening of sehool, aud none commencing after the 1st Monday of Septembei will be entitled t? Crown or Msdal. Boarders are required to bring with them tlie ordinary table furniture, eomiistiag of two Luives "and forks (silver forks are preferred, > two silver spoons, a silver cr glass goblet, anil lour table napkins. They must also be pro vided with six changes of underclothing, one dozen pocket handkerchiefs, 9ix or eight pairs of stockings, a wrapper, six towels, two large ones for bathing, two yards of swiss muslin, and one of green barege for veils, two or three pairs of strong boots or shoes, and one pair of gum over shoes. For the summer ono white swi-s and four gingham or chinti dresses, a straw hat or sua bounet will be required: and for tho winter four dresses ol merino or some other woolen material, three black alpaca aprons aud one hood. All to be marked with the name ut tbe owuer. No uniform is required, excepting one dress ol mazarine blue merino for special oc casions during the winter, and one of pink gingham for summer; a thick balmoral skirt lor winter and a thin one for summer TERnH, (When Paul in Advance.) Board, including lights and fuel, for the scholastio year ? ?? <5 oo Use of bed and bedding 5 00 Washing, mending, Ac 15 00 Doctor's charges 5 00 Half Boarding per quarter 12 00 Tuition. 1st olass per half Tear. 80 <0 2d " ?? 18 10 3d " " I6W 4th " " 14 1X1 " 5th " ?' 12 00 " 6th 4. *th " " -? 10 00 EXTBA CHARGES < Per Quarter, when Paid in Advance.) Music (Piano,) 20 lessens fl 5 oo " Harp, " 25 oo " 15 oo Private Vocal, " 25 00 Vocal Music In class, 20 lesson* 10 00 Harmony and Thorough bass 10 00 French, German Latin. Italian orSpanish 6 00 Oil Painting. 3 00 Drawing per quarter - 4 00 Painting m water colors, per quarter 4 00 Embtoiaery, " 2 00 Use of Philosophical app. 100 " Chemical ' " 1 00 " Piano " ...... 3 00 " Harp " * 00 " Library " 30 Stationary " 1 00 Dancing at the master's charge. We request the public to notice that the above are tbe charges when paid punctually in advance, when not so paid, tenner cent, will in variably be added, as forming the regnlar prices of the academy. Pnpils remaining at the Acadcmy daring tbe vacation, will be charged at the rate oi $4 00 per week. A sum of money must be deposited with the Directress sufficient to meet the expanses for clothing Ac., should the charge of providing these devolve on the Institution- . . ? f , L Parents are requested to furnish their chil dren with postage stamps _ ? Letters to be addrdssod 'DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY OF THE VISITATION" Mount de Chantai near wheeling W. Va. DAT SCHOLARS. Arrangement* are being made for t' e con veyance of day sebolar* to Mount de Chantai. by such mode* as will leave them directly at the door, for the trifling charge of two or three cents a trip. In this way the smallest children can be sant.with safety, while health will be greatly promoted by a pleasant drive, and tbe daily ex chsnge of a confined and smoky atmosphere for the pure, f?sh country air. Farther particu lars will oe given later. augi9 FOUNDRY IRON. 1 AA TOWS HAMPDEN FURNACE 1 UU OB consignment, lost received by LIST, MORRISON ? CO. aofl NEW AiTV^&rlSEMEffTS. Office of the Citv Clebk, J Wheeling, W. Va? Aug. 17, 1*5. j Take notice that the Board of Appeals will meet at this office on Friday, the 1st of September next, at 3 o'clock P. hi., to hear and determine all applications for the redaction of the valuation of any real prop erty, the rental value of ordinaries' or the val uation of any stock of goods, wares or merchan dize. fr. F. FBKKT, aug!8-3t City Clerk. Piano, Melodeon, and Guitar Instruction BY HB8. H. Iff. BECK.? A FEW I'npils can be accommodated with practice by applying immediately at No. ICS Main street, or at Mr. JV B Mellor's Music Store. . augH'-Cm ' WILLIAM F. RICHSTEIN, 1 7Q w bai titiorf street, L I O Baltimore, Md., wholesale and retail dealer in Books, Stationery and Fancy Articles, Photographic Albums and Cards. Orders by mail promptly attended te. Send for our wholesale price circular. augT Piano, Melodeon, and Violin i iVSTRUOTION, Private I.eMons in French tirriuan. Drawing, Ac. HEBMA1V1V KBYTES, ORGAN 1ST of Ger. Ev. Luth. St. Jamos Chureh, en Fourth Street), respectfully informs the puh lic that he is prepared to receive Scholars in any cf the above oianches. For terms and informa tion apply to Mr. JESSE B. MELLOR augl2 : ? ? Ration si IVlnciiciiio. DH. THOMAS J. KISNER, WILL, IN ADDITION TO Till treatment of all Acute Diseases, devote a portion of his timo to the treatment of all vai ie ties of Chronic Diseases, upon the Ratioual or Eclectic System. Such as Diseases ol' Eyu an<i Ear, Iihoumatic and Nervous Diseases, Spina! Affections, Epilepsy, Diseases of the Livor Stomach, Bladder aiid Kidneys. AiJ Scrofulous Skin and Syphilitic Diseases, Club Feet or Dis torted Limus, and all Diseases, bota Acute and Chronic, to which Females are subject. From his long experience in such cases, ho feels couli dent ofgiving entire satisfaction toany who may call. No charges for examinat ion and opiuion ot cases. Medicines safe, prompt anil reliable. A1 communications strictly confidential and prmr.D* ly attended to. Office hours 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office and Residence on 3d Stieei, ue.n Re & Craft's Drug Store, Centre Wheeling W V jv2d*wly GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS. The undebsvoneo would respectfully call tho attention of the ~port ing public to his large assortment of DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL GUNS, for Duck, Doer and Bird shooting. RIFLES of all sizes, calibre- weight and length. PISTOLS ot all kinds? Single and Repeating ?from one to eight shots. Fino POWDER FLASKS Shot Pouches and Belts, GAME BAGS. ELEY'S Double Water-Proof and E. B. CAPS, Walker's, Cox's, and G. D. d?. POWDER, ShOT, CARIHIDGES, and all kinds o Sportinz Ammunition constantly on hand. Guns made to order, and ill repairing done iu the best manner, and warranted. A call is respectfully solicited. NO. SI SOUTH CALVERT STREET, BALI I MORE ALEXANDER McCOMAS, Gunmakor augtil-3m KSTABI-UHHi, 181-1. C. A. WTNGERTER, DEIVTHT OFFICE ATVD RESIDENCE. No. 51. Market Street nearly opposite Custom House Wheeling. W Va augl4-lm dentalIjotice. HAVVIVr. HOI.D OI T TIV PK.IC tico in Dentistry to Drs Surgison and Mr Cormsck. I would cheerfully recommend thetu to m.v many patrons as sale and reliable opera tors in all the various departments of Deutistry. Thoy agree to fultil my contract? aud persons in wnnf of^npcrior wirk will find it their inter oat to call upon them augiMtt E. G WINCHELL J M NURTONOM, D. D 9 3.U. M'COKMICK. D I>. ? SURGISON & M'CORMICK, SlJCCESSORfl TO DR E. O. WIW CHELL Dentists, No 14' Market Street Whealim? West Va aug'J ill ? WEU.3CtHSu I tLOXZO liKHIlMA.NN Wells Chase &. Gehrmann, NO. 0 SOUTH HOWARD ST., Baltimore, Commission Merchants ami deal ers in Warps, Wool, Cotton and Woolleu Ma chinery and CARDS, ENGINE LATHES Iron TLaNERS, DRILLS, CHUCKS, BOLT CUT TER3. Rubber and Leather BELTING, PACK ING, Sperm and Lard OIL, and other supplier Cotton and Woollen YARN'S BATS WICKS T WINKS, dec. ang7-ly Bridge Stock tor Saie. 1WIM, OFFEK FOR HALF AT AUCTION on Tuesday forenoon. 22<l in*t at the Court House one hundred and fifty shares of Stock in the Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Citrupan y. Terras cash. J. F. UPDEGRAFF. Trustee augl5td ^STEAMBOATS. For Cincinnati. C In place of the Potomac. ) THE FINE PASSEX; F R PACKET PINE GROVE Captain Lon Bryson, will leivo as above, Tuesday the 22d inst . at 5 o'clock p. in. For freight or passage applv on board or to BOOTH BATTELLE A CO., aug21-0t Agents. Regular Passenger Packet For Pittsburg, Wheeling and Parker sb it r<t .. TOE NEW AND EI.E "Passengei sto.imer FORK.ST CITY iCapt. John Gordon, a R. Bunttxo, Clerk, leaves Pittsburg for Park t rsbnrg eveiy Wednesday and Saturday at 18 M.; leaves Wheeling for Parkersburi" every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 P. M . leaves Parkersburg for Pittsburg every Monday and Thursday at 2 P. M.. leaves Wheeling for Pittsburg every Tuesday and Friday at . A. M. Freight received for Pittsburg every Monday and Thursday attho Wharf Boat until 5 P. M", by BOOTH, BATTELI.E <fc CO., auglS-tf Steamboat Agent -t Regular Passenger Steamer Fo" Sun Fish, Sisterville, Bull Creek Mari etta and Parkersburg The new and fast side wheel pas . Ut?- senptr steamer BAYARD, G. D. Momke, Master Daniel Moorf Clerk. Leaves Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday nd Sato i day morning at liH o'clock. Returning, leases Parkersburg every Mon day, We lueeday and Friday morning st 41 o'clock. For freight or passage having unsurpassed accommodations applv on board or to W J. C. ANDERSON je28ti" Agent. Regular Packets. Wheeling and I'arkersburq U.S. Mail Boats. THE NB W AND LIGHT DRAUGHT Side wheel Steam era EAGLE and EXPRESS. These boats run regularly be tween Wheeling and Parkereburj; daily, Sun days excepted, leaving Wheeling at 11 o'clock A. M.and Bellair at Fl:3? A. M. on arrival of j trains from Pittsburg Returning, leaves Fark- rsbnrg at 5 o'clock A. M., arriving at Bell^ir in time to connect with the eastern oound train. ^"Through tickets can ba procured on these Iwats for Pittsburg and eastern cities. BOOTH, BATTELLE Si CO.. Agents. Wheeling. W. Va HALL A CO., Agents. Marietta, Ohio. NEAL A Mc KIN LEY, my 163m Agents, Parkersburg, W. Va RIO, BROWNED BIO, AND FINE Ojd Government J ara Coffees, for sale cbeap by BOOTH, BAKTELLS A CO j*lL_ ? ^ ? MA1.PHLOC tLm BERT FAX a ILY FLBtTR. for sale ? delivered in any part of tb? city ^^2 BATTELLE A 00. BOOTS AND SHOES. WHOLES 4LE BTCLELLAN & KNOX, 63 MAIN ST.. WHEFLlNG. Weharejast received oar Spring and Sum mer stock of Boots and Shoes, WTii?h will be sold LOWER than the SAMK QUALITIES can be boubght in Philadelphia or Baltimore. .K'CLELLAN A- KNOX. mar27 ly A RARE CHANCE FOR CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THE BAY STATE BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT ? OF? JOHN KNOX, V?. 3 MAIN ST., CENTRE ll WHEELING.? Having purchased my pres ent carefully selected stock oMfen's and'Boys', Ladies' and Misses' Boots and Shoes, from the very best establishments East, I am now pre pared, and will 8<>ll everything in my line at panic prices for Cash. Come one, come all, and see for yourselves. JOHN KNOX mylo NEW STOKE. NEW STOCK. CHEAPER THAN EVER. JOHN H. ROBINSON ?JOHK BISH.Ui', I*iU. i?b aiAin mnfiui, tweon Union and Madison, and opened the finest sto k of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS ever oflVied in this city, selected by himself and bought at a great sacrifice since the great de cline. NO WIS THE TIME TO BtTT Save your money by buying at IM MAIN STREET up 15 Wheeling, W. Va ' JOHN ANDERSON, ~ Manufacturer and deal ER IN BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATH ER No 196 Main Streot, Wheeling Va sep90 R. PORTER & SONS, llfllO LEAAI/E AND RETAIL W DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. No 135 Main Stroet, WMiri, W. V*. Our stock it large, aad we are enabled to ctfer great inducements. Merchants are requested to call and s?m far *>wilui, Mm purchasing their goods sep20 Boot and j5hoe Store. LOUIS FRANZHEIM, Dealer in roots and shoes, No. 149 Main St., Wheeling, W. Va., [two doors above J. C. Harbour's Carpet Store, 1 would respectfully announco to the citizens of Wheel ing, that he ban opened a Boot and Shoe Store, at the above stand, where he will bo glad to have his friends give him a call. His stock is entirely now. and of the latest style and best quality. Prices as cheap as the cheapest. sep2o ~~ HATS AND CAPS. HATS AND CAPS Wholesale and Retail. HARPER & BRO. 159 Ac 77 Main street* Wheeling. have iust received .our entire |SPRIN AND SUMMER STOCK of HATS AND CAPS, Which we will sell at the lowest possible prices. HARPER BRO. ap WATCHES AND CLOCKS. J. T. SCOTT, W. H. HEKXEOZX, J. A. LASH J. T. SCOTT & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Watches, Clocks & Jewelry, WATCH AND CLOCK HATE RI ALS, Tool* and Glaaaea, Silver anff Silver Platod Ware, Fancy Good*. *c., No. 137 Main Street, Wheeling, W. Va. Whilsjult Hount, No. 31 Fs/lh St-, Pittsburgh Pa J. T. SCOTT. ? W. TL SCOTT & HBDTNEGEN, Importers and Whofoaal* Jobbers in '? Watches^ Clocks & Jewelry Watch ami Cloek Motet TooUund GU<nu FA.HV onjyj Si. ifO, 199 MATS' STREET,- WHEE LEffGv W. Y \ W1 iT 1 1 <faod Retail Order* sildfe? ed to u at Wheeling or Pitta barfh wifl receive our prompt and careful atten tim. eevio sewiwg machines. I NO HOME IS COMPLETE without a SEWING MACHINE. WHEELER & WILSON'S Are universally acknowledged to be the Cheapest, Simplest and Beat, for Family use. Our interest not being second to that uf the purchasers we spare neither pains nor expense until the Machines are thoroughly understood and used successfully. For faithfulness in thia respcct, reference is made to hundr#>H? now pa ing then in Wheeling and vicinity, and for thia reason the "W. & W. Machine always gives en tire satisfaction. WM. SUMNER A CO., , IV*. 09 Itlain at.. Wheeling, W. V. Tiro door* above comer Monroe street SIIVGKR'S MANF actttring SEWING MACHINES, The Best au.d only Beliaole Mnchiirs FOR Tailoring, Bool and Shoe making, Hat and ?ap Making, Harness Making Carriage Triniuiiii^, And nil Manufacturing Purptif*. FREDERICK J MOHSK, No 99 iff ain |9trert, M ho ling, W Va. Tuo doors nbore corner Monroe Street, jyia AGRICULTURAL. FOR SAJUUJ, AT JOHN UAI IICK'tl New A'.rricnltuial Warehouse and Seed Store all kinds of the very best Pattern Ploughs jnd Castings, and every other Kind of Farm Imple ments, as wel: as all kinds of Oar den and Field Seeds, Fertilizers, Ac , at the low est market price Casting of all kinds done to order. JOHN MA V HE It, Agent No. Hi \Ve?t Pratt street, Baltimore. Md. augld tin R. SINCLAIR & CO., MAKI.'FACTt'REKA Of Agricultural Implements ! AND MACHINERY, Growers land Importers of Garden and Field SteJ#, Tress, Plants, Jc , alto Dealers in Fertiliser *, 4 c., 4 c , NO 53, Ui aNDM LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE. MD , AKK NOW nAiVUFACTURIND our celebrated Patent Screw Propeller, Hay and Straw Cutters, Acknowledged ly tho many thousands of farmers who hare used them, to be the simpleet. strongest, and most efficient Straw Cutter made in tnis country. We make five sizes of them. For sixe and pn< e send for a Circular. We are also manufacturing our Patent Screw Propeller and Masticator, with FOUR KNIVES. We make four sizes. The two smaller sizes are used by band or power, and the two large sites by horse power. This Cutter exceeds all others tor cutting and crashing corn stalks, and is equally as good a straw cutter. These Cutters are generally preferred in the Western Stat*--. Scully's Cider and Wine Mill The subscribers reepectfolly invite the atteii tion of all interested In the manufacture nt i.i der. to the superior merit* of the above men tioned machine. For aimpllcity, com j>act ue?? strength economy of power, and ttaaUtjj of work performed, challenges comparison. We make two size*, one aize for band power and one for hand or horse power. Send lor a Circu lar. SINCLAIR * CO S IMPROVED J,IME SPREADER, the beat in use Milt ASHERS AND JLEANEBS, THRASIiEKS AND STRAW CARRIFRS, PLAItf THRASH ERS, PETON HORSE POWERS. SINCLAIR'S SPUR GEAR POWERS, thrc* iIm?, 13, 10, and 8 horse rail way nowers. VHLE \1 AND GUANO DRILLS, PLAIN DRILLS ? >tb grass seeder at tacked. GRIST MILLS b< in French Burr and Cologne stones; Iron PUet .urn Mills. Corn and Cob Crashers, Corn Shelters J or hana and now er; Wheat Fan*, Cider and Wius Mills and Pres sen, Field Rollers, alii iron, Iron Clad Crashing Hollers. Left Hand Plowa with, botii cast and wrought Iron shares; Right Hand Plows of all varieties and sixes, Harrows, Cultivator* Plow and Machine Castings for sale wholesale and re tail, and at the lowest market rates. R. SINCLAIR * CO . No. 62 Light street, BJtirnor*. Md aoglO-dijm coognro stoves. JOHN HAMILTON 6 CO., WHOLES ALB PEALC8S IK COAL. & WOOD COOKING STOVES 1 1 Alto, aii of PARLOR ARB HIATIHQ STOVES, Adapted fat either Weci or Coal. 0W WARS. PLOUGH POINTS, GRATES, ARCHES and every description of CASTINGS, Rolling 'Mill, Flouring Mill ASP Saw Mill Castings. QUIRCr FOtfHORY* MACNINrSNOP Wfcfirtlm, W. Va. ' rriB JAIil RWMTl jl job nunure omci kinds ef Printing, it on ? Qnd to a neaMy, cheaply and on sbort notice. Offlca on HOLLOW mmi FOB BAuB AND RUNT. >fi1 . "? Sale of Valuable Lots IN JACOB'S ADD. TO SOUTH WEHUKu IWILL SELL LOT NO. IS, |% square No. 9(^ situate in South Wheeling formerly called Ritchietown, and my lota in j.' cob's addition to South Wheeling, namolv Int. 73 and 74, on Plank Road street, and 13 lots od th e South side of Beech street. Beech street i. the street East of Plank Road street, and is sit uate between the town of La Grange, and whit in called Jacob's addition to South Wheeling a plot of this addition can bo seen by referenda ?<> Deed Book No. 42, p. 393. to If not sold at private sale, the lots will be 0i fered fer public sale at the Court House in Wheeling, on the 29th day of August, 1865 on the terms of one-half of the purchase tamer cash, or at sixty days by note, with approved security, and the residne at twelve months with interest. Persens wishing to buy are refern?d ta Z. Jacob, Esq. augl6-ta ISAAC W. MITCHELL. Real Estate For Sale. O7 ACRES, KNOWN AS TUB O I Buchanan Farm, on Big Wheeling Creek 4u acres- of bottom, with a hewed log house It' not sold at private sale, will be offered at sue tion at the Court House door, on the 13th ..1 September. 1965. Also the double house on Jchn Street occn pied by Messrs. Caldwell and Ellingham G. W. THOMPSON, GEO. W. STEENRqd auglt'-d&wts MRS. E. B. CARTER ' FOB SALE! THE SUBSTANTIAL THREE J. story Brick Building east of the Zaae Street Bridge, 40 feet long andfc feet wide, with Mod stone basement, and well adapte d for manufac turing purposes, will be sold positively at pab lie auotion at the Court House, Tuesday la? 23d, 1 865, at 10 o'clock. J H THOMAS O'BRIEN *ugl5 1 w Real Estate Agent Lots for Sale. IN SOUTH WHEELING OR RITCHIE TOWN IWILL OFFER AT PUBLIC SALE, on the premises, on Mondav Aji? Initio o'clock. A k, the follow/ngv^ uablo building JotS: Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 13 *4 r, atd 16, IN SQUARE NO. SO The above lots are in the square below Mr samnel Ott s ? Uo in a block surrounded by streets and alleys. Four of them front on tls rt .'er. Also, lots Nos. 6 and 16, In square 38; Nos. 7 and 8. in square 39; " 15 and 16. in square 44; 3, 4 and 14, in square 43, "11 and 13. in square 36, No. 7. in square 45, Nos. 9 and 10, in square 46, No. 3, and part of 4, in square 4tf. Terms ot Sale.? The purchaser may at lilt od tion pay the whole purchase money in cash 01 one-third in baud, and the balance in sit ant twelve months -with interest on lien. Apply to THOMAS O'BRIEN ,, - R?al Estate Agent, auglSlfr^ * FOB flAT/n TH,E 8TBSCBIBBBSWILL SEI | JL at public auction on Thursday, the 24th d?t of August, 1865, at 10 o'clock A. M. at th. Court House, in the city of Wheeling, the val uable property known as the "Union House 1>? ing Lot numbered one (I), in square No. 7. on tU corner of Main and Quincy streeta, in said city This is regarded as the most desirable lot now in market, in the business part of the city Tl ? purchaser will be entitled to the rent from lstot October next Lease expires on April 1st l?i< Tornncasb AmES D.GIBSON J G. GIBSON, JOHN T. GIBSON Valuable Real EslateTor Sale T WILL OFFEB AT PBIVATR A sale until TUESDAY, AVO. IS, 1805, thesouth fourth (I) part of lot No 126 with tL . THREE STORY STORE ROOM on the sai. situated on t he east side of Market Square iotU Second Ward, also the south half oflot NV P| ?n t'le 0IMt s'('a ?* Fourth street So, ond Ward, together with the dwelling thsreoi. containing seron rooms and a kitchen In ca? the property above named is not sold at orlvat* sale colore the 15tb davof August. 116,* Iwili on that day at 10 o'clock" offer tbe^Ttpubl, sale at the front door of the Court House - Ohio countv ?i'3 td N RICHARDSON The above sale is postponed until Tu?, day August 22, at 1 1 o'olock AM PUBLIC SALE Of Lota in the City of Wheeling and .W, Wheeling IWILL SEI. I. AT PUBLIC Alt TION, on Thursday, the 1st day ol Septew ber next at the front door ot th_< Court tlo"u of Ohio county commencing said sale at m o clock A M, Lou numbered ltttol Lot lit Lots IM and 166, all on Zano street aU'i Luu i i and 12, 1B Ritchie's addition 2d Ward . ALSO The following luM iu South Wheeling Lots I, V 3 4,11 ami 12, square 30 Not 10, II, square I i II, 12, square V 5 15, square 3? 1, 2, square 47 14, 15, II, square 21. 9 10, square I' 'J, square 37. '2, II, 12, square 4i 5, 6, square 44 2, square 49 Terms of sale the pun'hasei way at bi??c tloti pay the whole purchase money In </' one tnir?i in baud. and the lialancn In <ii sa4 twelve months, with interest on ll?n F. R ARMSTRONG Ageut iuguitt I, letiS Ul. Valuable Residence for Sale OK THE 934 DAY OF At'OI'Nl. 166''. I will offer for public sale, at the Com < House, in the city of Whuelinx, the valoabl* residence of the late John O. Eoff, on the Sontk east comer ol Market street and Mill A lb y ? tu tre Wheeling . TERMS? One tllird cash , Imlauce hi !?? equal payments at sis and twelve Month* witt interest, secured by deed of trust, at tbs ?j pi*nseof the purchaser, or all cash at hi* optiss ju29 td WM C EOVK Valuable Lots for Saie, OW TUESDAY, AVOl'HT !I9, IM) AT THEC9IBT BOIIIJIKTHl CirrOF WHEELING, at tbe hour Of i o'clock A. M , the undersU as Executor ?>' John Eoff. having subdivided Square Mo. *? ?> the corner of Market and John street* into L*'? suitable for building purposes, WILL HELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Four Lots fronting 22 feet each on John and extending iuo feet in depth to an s)ls> ?? the rear of said Lot*. Also three Lots fronting on Market street <? folio ITS No 6 fronting 93 feet on Market street ?>*o 7 fronting 23 feet on Market street S. 6 fronting 44 feet on Market street A Plat of tbe Subdivision can be seen l?t U lobby of tbe Post Oflce, or by application to U? andersigned. ? TERMS? Onebalf in cash, and tbe residui ?* lour equal paymenta at six, twelve, eighteen *>?* twenty four months, with interact secured kj deed of trust on tbe property sold, at tbeexp?i* of tbe purchaser or all in caab at hi* optirni. )u29 td B mTe Of*. FARM FOR SALE. IOFFEB AT PBfYATE MM ?V farm, containing about 070 ACIIU Of Land, situated in Ooieraia townsLv mont county, O. A large proportion of this trsfi of land is improved anain.agoo d eendition <?? cultivation -, tbe root la cevaMa Tith line hb" which baa been carefully protected and is valuable baa all nf csseary improvement! oonvpirieecee. A good MOM, bow barn *y orchard of well selected fruit, ia well *st?~ and baa inexhaustible mines of coal, ds :-W* vein*. ?a?ily accessible. It ia loeat ed in a de*tt able- and intelligent neighborhood? six miles fr?* WbetHitnL and OM-half mile from the Cadiz s?? Brtdf opovt Flask Road, and aaa bo easily J proacbed at all timae at the year on good roa? Parties desiring a good grata and stock ui*' are directed to tins aaa m? tarsstment The terms of sale will bo r^llbenl I* information - SC. Clatrsnue Ob* notice. Tmm MBBB?I0RIB DCMBIJ^ TO deTota his oadi Tided attention to matters, offer* at private sale, his itock? Draga Painta, Medicinse OQs, Ac tog*Jf with the furniture, fixture*, ate for particulars arid terns p Uatil further jfore.