CITY AND STATE NEWS. The and Olkrr Market*, and r|i*i'tUer? -2 PRIVATE bounty money Sub-Diainct No 6 to 21 men i200 each Sab- District No. 7 to 40 men #200 each 8,000 Sub-Diitrict No. 8 15,613 3ab-Diitrict No 9 16,696 SubDiatrict No lo 36 men i>Jo eaoh 7,2C0 Total privato bounty . i52 709 RECAPITULATION Total oounty bountv ?79,800 Total recruitinz sold era 2,350 Total private oounty 52, T09 Total imess Circus.? Gardner, Hemmiugs & Co. 'a ! Circus gave two exhibitions here on Sat" urday last to large audiences and so far as we understand, gave general satisfac tion. The circuit is quite an institution with some people The boys horde their dimes weeks beforehand, deuying themselves their usual quota of sweetmeats, nick uacks, toy#, etc , for the purpose of being "dush" when the "show'' conies The highly-colored handbills are eagerly pe rused and discussed Ttun Wonders whether they can do so many wonderful things, or whether these feats exist only on paper Jack assuies him they have been done before, to his certain knowl edge, aud proceeds to give the date, lo cality andtlie particular hero who per formed these marvels. Each one resolves to be ou hand when the canvas is struck, and to see all that is to be seeu. They couut the days, ? then the hours to elapse before the "grand procession" comes oft", and when it does come into town ? with its band-wagon, drawn by front ten to thirty animals, with its speckled liorsm, trained mules, and "dear little" ponies, with its music, (good probably, but cer tainly old enough),? every one is on the look-out; windows open, shutters are thrown up, aud all, large and small, throng about the doors. Afterwards, comes thegraud entertain ment. A great many go from the city, but more still from the country. Fainted women, with short dresses, and bedaubed men, with fierce beards, ride fiery steeds, nimble men and diminutive boys turn somersaults, little girls jump through hoops covered with paper, and the clown repeats some new jokes, aud winds up by knocking down the ringmaster. The weather is warm, and the crowd does not make it any cooler ; but every one knows what is coming, and therefore improves the opportunity to make a clatter The boys yell, the women giggle, the men smoke and chatter, and every one is sup posed to be experiencing the highest possible amount of enjoyment Ginger bread, "ice-cold lemonade," candies, oranges, etc., are in demand, audnotwith atanding every at tide is of an iuferior quality and commands two or three pri ces, still everything goes off with a rush. Then the side-shows opeu out in full blast ? monkies of all varieties, wonder ful snakes, dogs with more legs than the law allows, fat men, small women, etc ? The din of loud talking by the manager and his patrons, the screeching of crack ed melodians, and the wailing of broken dulcimers? what a babel they create Yon come away fully convinced that the circas and its accompaniments has not lost its hold ou the masses, in spite of its antiquity and sameness. Municipal Court ?In this Court on Saturday John M'Gorrell was fined ten dollars aud costs, for forestalling the market, and Anthony Dusch was fined twenty dollars and costs for selling liq nor o soldiers. HHP Cool.- About one or two o'clock yes terday morning, as a citizen of East Wheeling was returning to bis bome from tbe First Ward, be was met at the Market House corner by two soldiers, one of whom halted him and enquired whether he had met two men running up Main street The citizen replied that he had not, when he was informed that two men had escaped from the military prison, aud as their orders were to arrest all suspicious-looking persons, he was a prisoner. The soldiers took hold of the citizen, and by the time they had iden tified him as not one of the alleged es caped men they had relieved him of a" the "loese change" in his vest pockets. The citizen] was then permitted to pro ceed on his way home. R,vkr.? The river is now at about ,1"' proper stage for the low water packet s, there being less than four feet water m.j the channel. . The steamer Bayard has laid up, am the New State will take her place in the Parkersburg trade. The steamer Nashville Capt. Bea y, left for Cincinnati, with a fair trip. The Lenora No. 2 did not leave for Cincinnati, as advertised. It is said she will enter the Parkersburg trade Robbery ?On Friday last a discharg ed soldier named Weakley, from Be - mont county. Ohio, was robbed of three hundred and forty-five dollars. He came to the city, on Thursday, as he says, to enjoy a spree, and while under the in fluence of liquor he was relieved of his pocket-book and contents As yet the thief has uot beeu ferreted out. Charles Armstrong, the man who was shot in Martinsville on Friday even ing in a scuffle' in a drinking saloon, died from the effects of his wound, on | Saturdav. The remains were mterred yesterday, and as lie had beeu a member of the First W. Va. Cavalry, he was bur ied with military honors. A mak confined in the city lockup on Friday night broke the lock from the cell door, kicked a hole through the door m the hall leading from the cells, and burst open a side-door leading ?uto t he Municipal Court room In this room the prisoner was overtaken by the keeper of | prison, and forced back into a cell Recovered? Mr Luke M Guire, ot Brooke county, who a week or two sinco had a horse- stoleu from his stable, has recovered the animal. The thief returned the horse, secured the reward, and made > his escape from the county before it was kuown he bad played such i daring game ^ ^ New advertisements ?Mr * M (' Leech wishes to employ a housekeeper. The sessions of the Municipal Lomt will hereafter beheld in the basement of the Court House The steamer Pine Grove will leave tor Cincinnati to-morrow everting CLOTHING. . 1865. 1805. B PR> NGt & aa vt vfc! ; THUS K BKANS. H QUUHKNfl Kl M Kit SECOND STOCK JUST RECEIVED -At' STEIN BROTHERS'. French, English & Amtsiican CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESNNGS. OBNT8* FVRKI?I>II!V? Ux, Men and Boys' Clothing, &c. THE STOCK FOR * SPRING AND SUMMER IS ALL NEW The Fiar?i iu Fabric nn?t Kir (ant ia Sirlr. WHOLESALE BUYERS Will Hud our stock of Piece Goods aud Clothing M large, varied and cheap as any similar Hcftiv> In the East. They have determined to follow the price ot gold in the tale of their goods and thus o<$t great advantage in the price to all buyers 9TEIN BROTHER*. x S8JS "V.'V ? Cor Main and Monroe streets mjlO-lm WHEELIN& W. VA. CITY ITEMS. The attention of our Ritchietown friends and the public generally is call ed to the sale of valuable building lota, which takes place to-day. Sale positive, on the premises. Blind Tom.? Our readers, of course, will bear in mind the fact that Tom, (be bliud negro pianist, gives his first con cert at Washington Hall this evening.? The entcrtaiumont is well worth three times the price of admission. Go ami see the greatest wonder of the age. "Dsubt thon the stars are lire; Doubt tliatthe huh doth move;" But doubt uot that Dr. 1). II. Seolye's Liquid Catarrh Remedy will cure that disease speedily and permanently. Obtain a circular of yonr druggist showing symptoms. ( Ot OA CKKAiTI FOR THE II UK Cocoa Cream for the flair. Cocoa Cream for the Hair. Away with your Grey Hair. Away with your Grey Hair. No more rancid Pomades ! ? No more rancid Pomades' 1 If you want something elegant, If you admire delicious Perfume, If you desire soft aud 9ilky Hail, If you want your Hair preserved, If you want your Hair to grow, If you want to prevent premature Baldm**s If vou want to be rid ot Dandrult Use the Cocoa Cream Use the Cocoa Cream. Use the Cocoa Cream. Use the Cocoa Cream Use tbe Cocoa Cream. Fresh ca.v.N'KD peaches, strawberries, piue apples, covo oysters lobsters, sardines, catsups of all kinds, together with a fun supply oi line groceries, constantly on baud ami for sale bv ? BOOTH BATTELLE Si Co., Steamboat Agents. 1 corner Monroe aud Water streets. THE BEST PREPARATION in the world lor aCoug r, Cold is Dr. Tanner's Cough Mixture Try it. V >r sale by Chas. Graham, Main street Cantie*V ideliug, aud druggists generally WHY NOT USE THE BEST/- Over twenty years' increasing demand has established the fact that Matukws' Venetian Haih Dve is the best iu the world. It is the cheapest, the most reliable and most convenient. Complete iu ouc bottle. Does uot require any previous pi epara tion of the hair. No trouble. No crock or stain Docs not rub oft or make the bail appear dust\ aud dead, but imparts to it new life and lustre Produces a beautiful black or brown, as pre terred. A child can apply it. Always gives satisfaction Only 75 cents per bottle Sold everywhere A. I. MATHEWS Manufacturer, N Y. DEMASBARXES 4 CO., New York, Wholesale Agents |iuy9eudl> PARTIES INTENDING TO l?t K CHASE Bradbury's Pianos tiom J. De Ricqles of the firm of Philip Phillips A Co Cin cinnati, will please ca.l upon Mr .1 ft Mehor who is now the authorized agent for the above named celebrated instruments, and is prepared to furbish any style of Pianos at the regular New York rates auglljOw J. DE RICQLES. Pricc 35 cents a bottle. NOTICES. NOTICE. TAX NOTICE. 'I'HB TAX-PAYERS OF OHIO X County will take notice, that I shall be pro tared to receive the State, County and School axes for the year 1365, in the several Town ships, at the times and places hereinafter men tionad and that a deduction of 2} per cent, on the State Tax will be allowed to those who shall pay all their taxes on or before the 1st day ofO tober, 1965, at the Sheriff's office or at the times and places specified, viz Washington Tp ?At the First Ward Uoso House, September 13, 19 &nd20 Madison Tp.? At the Hope Hose Elou S.p tember 21, 22 and 23. Clay Tp.? At the Sheriffs Orti? e, September 13, 19 and 20. Union Tp ? At the Rough ami Ready Ho-ie House, September 21, 22 ana 23. Centre Tp.? At the Fifth Ward School Hous' September 25, 26 and 27. Webster Tp.? At Isaac Freeze s Store Koom (Henrv Echols' old stand,) September 21, 29 au.i 30. * Ritchie Tp. ? At the South Wheeling School House, September 19 and 20, and at AdnuV School House, September 92. Triadelphia Tp.? At F. Hier's, (the plat I voting,) September 11, li. and 13. Richland Tp.? At Clintou 1*. (.)., September 18; at A. A. Allison's Smith Shop, September !'.? uud at Atkinson's School House, September 2<>. Liberty Tp.? At Valley Grove P. O. Septum ber 14 aud 15, and at Samuel Bell's Store, West Liberty", September lt>. " ? JOSKFH SEVBoLl), augltMill octl Sheriff ol Ohio (.'<> REMOVAL. u trK REJioren to the T T largo buildings recently occupied by L C. Frost A Co., Kos. 15, 17 a ml I Main Street, whero we will always liefomid with a large as sort inr ut of Groceries. Previsions, Grain, Seeds A'c., to which we invite the attention of our friends aud customers and the community yeu ??rally. auglri tin PRYOR, HANDLAN T 151 Main Street, next door to Rishop* Jewelry Store. R. T. FRIEND & SON, MAITFFArmtER OK A'll Styles of 'Furniture ? SUCH AS - - OOFAH.RI REAUM. REDMTK 4D8, 0 CHAIRS: and everything usually kept in a Furniture Store. All kinds of work nisde to order, with ne*t ness and dispatch. UNDERTAKING. We will furnish Metallic, as well as other kiuds of Coffins, made of the best materials and n J be latest and most approved styles, on short inoti c Having had an experience of years in the un dertaking business, we hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage It la our intention to accommodate our ciisio A SON. NO MORE BALD HEADS. Use Hall's Sicilian Hair Keaewer. Use Hall's Sicilian Hair Restorer. It restores Grey Hair to its original color. It restores Grey Hair to its original color IT PRODUCES AlflW GROWTH OF HAIR where it has fallen out. In large bottles at ft, 00 each. Sold by T.H. LOGAN * CO and LOG A2T, LIST A CO. b ! DRY GK>ODS. NEWFALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. FOR 18?r?. ?FUST OPENED BV JL GEORGE R. TAYLOR. Stock unusually large a ni> at tractive, km bracing all the LATEST NOVEL TIES OF FOREIGN, AS WELL AS OF DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE, ALL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. URKNS ?;OOD*4. Real Irish Poplins in Green, Blue, Brown Lavender, aud Moon on the Like " French Poplins, Colored and Black Alpaccas All Wool De Laiufts, Crepe Eugenia, " Paris Repps, Plain Silks all Colors, Rich and Black Silk ?, PI liu aud White Silk? Gingham* Chintz, Menuuacl. Print*, Ac KIOI'ME 14 E E PIIV4i ?OOI)" Long sud Square ?1 i k Thibet Shawls Lupins Korabazine, Double AVidth Black Dn L tine Black Cnuiiso El kV Qneens Cloth Flack English l'repe> Crepo Veils and Collars. Black Prints in I Chintres ? Iti^t received by QEOB G R R. TAYLOR. E HBKOI ItLRIE* Laces, (ainbtic ilan lLeu hii i ? Lateeu duly or ganized under and according to tin* requir v meats of the act ot'.ess entitled An act to provide it National Currency seemed l>\ a pledge of United StaUn Bonds, anil to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," ap proved June 3d lsr>4, and has complied with all I he provisions ol said ai l required t<> he com plied uilli l>. >fore commencing (lie business ol hanking under said act, Now, therefore, I, Freeman ('lark, Comptroller of the Curron.-v, do hereby certil'v that THE NATIONAL BANK OF WEST VIRGINIA AT WHEELING, in tho city of Wheeling, in the county of Ohio and State of West Virginii is authorized to commence the bu dnesti of baui. ing under the act aforesaid. . In testimony whereof, witness niy J I.S 'hind :md seal ol ???li< ?? this 1 1 III day of ? v*vw 'Julv, 1385. FREEMAN CI. U:K, julf r>0d Comptroller of iJum ncy. The People's Bank. / \i Pire, \o. <(<> ii ?n\ itkkkt, I / WHEELING, W. \ \ Money received on deposit. lutorest paid on pet ial deposits. Notes aud hills discounted ' Exchange bought and sold Collections at home t>r from abroad promptly attended to. TMRKCTOK8. John Keid, (Christian Hess <1. T. Scott, John Vockksr, Sam 1 J. Bind Richard Carter. Andrew Wilson JonN REI1), Pros' t JOSIA U F. UPDEGRAFF Cash i Jnl7 Treasury Department, Okfb b oftiikComptkollerofthcCi RRKNt 1, < W AsHiSi.TuN, J une aitith, 1885. J lirilKKi: %*. RV &ATIBF ACTO TT RV EVIDENCE presented to the under signed it has been made to appear that "THE MERCHANTS' National Bank of West Va. AT WHEELING," In the city ol Wheeling, in the county of Ohio aud State of West Virginia, has been duly or ganized under and according to the reqiilre ments of the act of Congress entitled ? An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of Tnited States Bonds, and to provide tor the circulation and redemption thereof," ap proved June 3d, IS*>I. and has complied with the provisions of said act required to bo complied with before commencing t lie business of bank ing under said act, Now. therefore, 1, Freeman Clark, Comptroller of tbe'Currcncy, do hereby certify that the MERC HANTS NATIONAL BA NK OF WEST VIRGINIA AT WHEELING, in the city of Wheeling, in the county of Ohio and State ot West Virginia is authorized to commence the business of banking under the set aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and *eal of office, this iCtb day of June. Id 65. FREEMAN CLARK, Jul" 6< VARIETY, No. 10,1 Main Mreel, above .llonror, (iionr Itrin'i nothing IIo\i?r. l:. a. webl^k, TEAI IIER OF MUSIC, AND OH 1 GANIST' extensively known in this nit \ and vicinity, beg t leave to announce that To-.Morrow, Viirmlii), ihr Hlli insl., ho will open his now Music ami Variety Stores, u here he will keep on hand an assortment ol Pianos (anions them Steinway's, Hazleton'a, ol New York,) Mclodeous, Sheet Music, including thrt best Instruct ion Books and latest Sheet I'ub licatioua, V iolins, Guitars, Flutes, Accordeons and Banjos of the hest Foreign and Ameriran make, 'ieruian and ltaliau Strings ac, Ate. Also iationcrj, Photographic goods and no tion lie will promptly attend to any orders I'm Music left at the Store. He will, aa heretofore, giro Instruction on the Piano, MelodcMtn, Or/an, and in thorough base, either at scholars' houses or at hla Mimic Room (103 Main Street), where a tine Piano ia furnish ed for practice. Choirs, Glee Chilis and Vocal Classes atteude to. Arrangements are also beiug made for renting out Pianos. Keeping oulj the best ot goods on hand - hat ing adopted tbo mottoof " Quick s..les and amall profits "?being always close up to times- ho re spectfully bespeaks tne patronage of the public. jeofail E A. WEBER. FANCY GOODS. FANCY GOODS. B C4JI.Il AND I.A? K rKlfl.HKI) P A R A SOLS, Ornaments forMtuU t and Dress Trimming, Lace Trimmed Cambric iiankerchiefs, French Embroider? t do Monroing do Plain Liueii do Thirty different styles Belt Buckle*. Beltings, all Widths; Lace Operatlcs. Infant Embroidered Waists; Edgings and Lice Organdie. Maltese, Clerical, Crape, Fluted Swiss and Plain Linuu < ollars Corsets, from ll/ii to |6 per pair Plain and Plaid Ribbons Silk Cable Cords. Girdles and Tassels; Silk Oil Cloths, Fine Fans; Fancy Tuck Combs. Hosiery and Gloves; Black Lace, Colored Borders* Masked an Stock of Children's Carriage*. D NICOLL A BRO.. uiy 15 | Main street N l'RMEKl cloth, Nursery Bv>kets Nursery Pins, Puff Boxes. A c Received at D. NICOLL A BRO S W T OOD BBACKETI, Bronze Statuettes Parian Vases. Wool Mats Ac.. i ?? augto D. NICOLL A BROS LOOKING GLASSES. J. LYONS, Agent, Manufacturer of all kinds ef Looking Glasses, EOBTBAIT P1CTUKK AFT* H?P TOGRAPHFEAJtEA Vo. HO Wood St wr im Pitubnrgk Jaal4-lT WHOLESALE GROCERS. MICHAEL REILLY, M Wholesale Grocer, | An J Dealar In FORKII!* AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. N caddies do. fresh importation*; Just receiml and for sale by ^ KKILI Y SUGARS. 1 AA BAKRG1.N "TANDABi#, 1UU CRUSHED roird*red and Graim* la tod; 400 barrels Yellow Retiucil; 35 hhds. prime Porto Rico; In store and for sale by ^ R?ILLY 10 RICE. Of* HAU? PHIJIL Z 0 JUST KECEI VED and for sale bv M. REILLY. baconTdried beef. TIER4EH DAVIS* M'fltB CURED HAMS; ill tierces Davis' Plain Sugar Cured Ham* 'n canvass; It) bhds. Shoulders; 5 tierces Sugar Cured Dried Beef; Just receded and for sale by M. REILLT. FLOUR. FLOUR. ?)AA BARKEU WAHIIIKflTON iUU MILLS, 100 barrels Eureka Mills ?200 " Grant's 0. K.. 900 " Beaumont's XXX XV Pins Ultra I, xi Pbusuix Mills Extra Fainilv; I'W " Baker's Double Ext 1 a Family All fresh ground just received and for aalo bv M. REILLY. PRY0R, HANDLAfT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AMD BKAI.EKI IN PKOVIHIOXS, Not. 41* Ail Tin in Ml.. IVhrtliMtf. VI R. HMI.C. HANOI. AN IIAVIN4J ITl PURCHASED tbe interest of Mr W VV Miller in the dim of Pi or Miller A Co the business w ill he .-ontinueJ under thi* arm ol PRYOrf HAXDLAX A CO juljll FLOCK. A n/ | BBIA. f4E.fl!> E II IOC II "?UU WHITE WHEAT 000 bbls Eclipse White Wlie*t ?300 " Pearl mills do For sale by PRYOR, HAXDLAN' A CO. Of TIERCEN iniAR ilREO LO HAMS 35 Tierces Sugar Cured Dii.ul fleet' Just received bv PRYOK HAXDLAN A CO RA4*M CHOICE RIO COFFEE, jrST RECEIVED by PRYOR HANDLAN A CO 50 Salt. QAAA BRI M OHIO RIVER 100 bbls Table Just received by .. PRYOR, HANDLAX & CO, jo-je Agents for Manufactnrers. Wood's Prize Mower, With all the late im provements. For s-tle by PRYOR, HAXDLAN A CO. Fish. NOM. 'J AND :t HACKER KL, IN bbls, ball bbla., quarter bbls and kitt# White Fltih and Lake J?rring Smoked Hniriug. J list received and for salo b?*v by PRYOR HANDLAN A CO I1KNRY h I.I S r ROBKRT morki^on. JOHN f.lST. it I ? 4VKNPOR1 Barrel* Miami XX, For sale l?v LIST, MOKKISON A CO |e?n. Bacon &c. IQ C'AMK MIIOI'I.DCKH. 10 Tierces PLain Haius, Id l'lerc.ea CauvaMsed Hants 100 Parka#*'* f.'lear Hide* 93 VerMt'lioiM Lard, 10 Keg* Choice Lard Juat received by jo? LIST, MORRISON A CO. Cheese. BUkEII PKIRK W. K. *K. I for nale l> LIST, M< Nails. f I V t" KK?? AMORTCD ?I'/R? For sale by |e.'*J LIST. MORRISON A CO. 50 LECTED, Jnat received and for sale by je.T0 LIST, MORRISON A CO. F Sundries. 2Q NO. I I.ARD Oil,, 50 Boxes Starch. I 'JO Kegs B 0. Soda, & Keg* Rifle Fowder, .'>0 Keif* Mining Powder. Jfllt received by je-H) LIST, MORRISON A CO. QUEENSWARE. NEW FIRM. X E W STORE WINSHIP, WOODS & .CO., IMPORTER!! AND r>KtL?B? IS China, Glass & Queensware Xo f Main Str$ft (nMr Bait- Ohio R U Drp*i, Wbeeliagi W. Va? WO CI>D IBIIPIi'TFVLLT IN. FORM tbeir friends and patron* that they have od band and are constantly receiving a large and well selected stock of China OlaM and Queensware, Stem boat and HoneeParnUhingUoods, LMf*, (. i.icnntvs OQ Ac , Ac I bey aiao intend to keep cob itaoUy on band * Urge stock of Common Stone and Teilow War* aad Window tila*?. ?T Particular at taction paid to orders from- 1 retml dealers. 1 WISBHXP, woods * . mji KniX* WHOLESALE QSOCBBS. lk||; fagMMiialiili Ml I I W31XVI v*SiitpD?fI Wholesale G-rooara* f W MalnStre*, w Aelino, w va decl 7 W. IUl MkLTMMtol. FUII Uo HALF BBLSt L. KEEKING, loo ?* 1 9m) '? ?a* i ?? ?< ?? g 130 - ? Ltm) 50 ?? ? No I 900 Kitu Na I " 9oo ?? Na 9 ino " VM \f " 100 Barrels lfaifl 100 Na *? 100 timS 9) " N? I Rtrring. la atora MAXWELL. CAMPBELL* TINGLE, marl? 58 Main street 1)EABI. BJlRLIT-?l HALF BBLS. 1 Pearl Barley iu store for sale. MAXWELL. CAMPBELL A TINGLE, marl i? 58 Main stree t BACON? 95,000 LU. Ba<\ai Shoaldece. 90,000 " " Hams 30,000 ?? ?? Side* In atore aud for sale. _ MAXWELL CAMPBECL A TINGLE marts 36 Main street. orflAR ri'BED HAM? O LHerces Davit' Su^r Cured Hum 10 ** " Best. ForsalD. MAXWELL. CAMPBECi ArriNGLE, m*rl8 $0 Main street CLOTHIMTO. ? ? sjt= x=r Removal. JOHN T. I. AKIN * CO. HAVK removed to Xo. 95 Mojroe street, aex? door to the M. 4 VI Bauk. fit are |ost opea ing an entire NEW STOCK OF 0000S i for Men's wear. We tollolt 9\ examination of our New fa** tin ere*. Coat I ii ga. 9fiir?eille? 4n try Shim made to or.W in any ?tvl? (siat* ru? ton-i-rs Uiir st? the city Don't forget the place. No 93. NsarH ?l., rtist door aliove Main. JOHN T. 1. 4 KIN * CO. B|ii a i adams wv m nrrnn A. M. ADAM3 $c 00 FA9HIONABIR MERCHANT TAILORS AND DEALER* IN QENTUME N'S FURNISHING MOOS .VO. 16 WaTRR htmbet. Wheeling, W. I n 11 TV. II .4% K JilT MICBIVK TT and AKE RECEIVING one of th? daw* ??he ipest and tie -it Ktlofted ol Spring and Summer Good* Ever brought to tlilt market, itUOLU FrtK.kj (?elected eipresslyfor CUSTOM WOKK, Couslstiug ol French, Germa* and Doiaesti ? Cloth*. ol till grades and color*. Preach, EnglitL and Amerlritu (.'nuiiuere*. 411k. Caahmoru *u 1 Muiseille* Vestiugs, While, Fancy, Llueu fielding aud FUnnel SUlrU, Under Shirt* at, J Drawer* Scarf*. Tie*, ttaapeaders, Haudkwi chiefs, Socks, Gluvue, Gauntlet* aad Collars Traveling Ban* and Vali*e*, Ac., to Our ds partuinnt oi FUKX1NIIING CIOOUN la rkiily aborted. Beiug ? clutively in ttM Clothing Business, we can lurbish (he above t ; better advantage to dealers and on better term* tli iu ran be had elsewhere. We have the most complete Meek aad large*: attoi tmeut of goods ol any bouse in oar flue in the - ity. We aie selling goods lower than anv othui honti: in the city, a* we boagkg oar good* wben gold a a* at the lowest. We have a large stock of Roady-Made Clothing, A ud we are solliug these goad* as low a* anv oth< r house iu tbe trade, without aay eseeotlu ? Our connection* aith the Kaet are suro Ut* wo arc able to offer HL'PiOUOR INDUCE ME NTH to parties in need of goods ia oar line We shall spare no pains to win tain our repu Lit ion fur keeping the largeet, fluent aad rbeap est stock of good* in our use la tbe city. t? wl?i?h we invite the attention of CL06K mfJY KKS We bny exclusively for Caab. LjT^pnt-'ial attention given to tbe fllliag at orders. INirORM SUITS Made to order on short notiee. mytt flm A.M. ADAM* * CIO. STARTLING NEWS ? FROM? SHERMAN. Gold Declining lapidly. Bu Tii riitu mw mw PHOTO CLOTHISO baas darlinad awi rapidly at H. St H. RONEWIEirM so. an Minr ariBMT, Where an immense stock of fprtaf Cietbiag ha* jast been racairad, eabraeiM ovary tffle ol Ciotbing and Gentlemen'* Tw^lilig Goed* Call aad examine a* we taka pleanni * la low ing oar goode. auric H. A 1. lOUtfEKIM. CLOTHING. ? ^ ^ ittSf si| a i amm rroat or enrfiAin son Clothing it Fumishb!" Goods, 4 oat reeaivadaadlariala by A. STBUfPTHLD A 00. XaM lUalMt, cotiIh fNMk Qw