Newspaper Page Text
WHEELING REGISTER. DAILY, TBI- WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. 8 * " j JK W M 9 Mm A ffi. K JK ? Subscription Prices.l DAILY, by mail, one year 17 50 11 " r tlx months 4 00 " ?' : three months 2 25 " " ; one month 75 " by cancer |per week 15c TBI- WEEKLY, one year 5 00 " : six months 2 50 11 'three months 50 WEEKLY, one year ? 00 " six months 1 00 " thr^e months ? * 50 Advertising Price*. ne square, one-time, 00 m it aach additional time, ^0 ? ?? one week, 3 00 '? " two weeks 5 00 ? " one month 8 00 Business or Professional Cards not changeable iu the tint or fourth pages, 990 per year; (12 for 4i x months. Mmlage, Death and Religious No tices, 75 cents. ? early Advertising. i eoiumn per year 150 00 t ?? "* 90 00 ? " 150 00 All yearly advertisements payable quarterly; ?? I other advertisements payable in advance. ONLY TOR ONE WEEK, [continued.] ?Dear Miss Fortescue:? I feel very grateful to yoa for allowing me to make a full explanation of what must appear to you to nave been my extraordinary behavior to you on the night of the ball, aud if, after the perusal of this letter, you will consent to give me your assist ance, my gratitude will be boundless; for indeed you will help me out ot a great difficulty, one through which my happi ness might be shipwrecked, unless I can manage to evade it. I must tell yon all, from the begining, before I can expect you to judge of the case When I was about fiitden years old, my father, who ?vas then my only surviving parent, died, leaving me to the care and guardianship of his half-brother, who was twelve years Lii junior, then just twenty-eight years of age My father's marriage nad been an unhappy one, and his dying request ro my uncle was, then he would use his utmost endeavours to prevent uie from t ontracting an early marriage, in order that my judgment and taste should be $o fir matured as to render an impru dout choice least probable True to Jthe promises thus exacted my uncle, as I grew older, used every meaus in his pow er to exclude me from female society, keeping as vigileut watch over me as .ras consistent with the exercise of the duties which his professisn involved. Hisregiineut was ordered to India, when I had completed my twenty-first year. Before his departure, he made arrange ments with a friend of his who was on the point of sailing in a yacht for the Atlantic, that I should accompany him This plan pleased me, as offering an oppertunity of gratifying my long cher ished wish* to see the world and some thing of life, for I had till tlnsii a limited experience, my University career having been a short and studious oue, my uncle having prohibited travel in the vaca tions, which I usually had spent with him in some quiet place. It was with delight that I heard we were bound for America, and that we should probably visit Cauada, where the gentleman whom I was to accompany had a bache lor brother residing In his last inter view with me, before starting, my untie talked to me long and seriously as to my future, and upon the importance of my exercising the greatest discretion in the t-boice of a wife, should I at any time l?e matrimonially disposed. He reminded me that my fortune had been placed by my father at his disposal for me, until I should reach my twenty-fifth year. Af ter that time he should ceas to exercise his right to influence my actious, but that until then he would in no case con sent to my marriage, or, indeed, to any engagement of the Kind, unless he should himself be porfectly satisfied with the lady? who mnst posess t:o that three requirements ot his own making ? namely: That she should hi* tall, that her uame should bo Coie-tanee, aud that she should possess, at least oue thousand pounds. To these ho annexed a condition which bound me to wait to engage myself until he should see her, una be euabled thus to form his own judgment. I had not yet dreamed of marrying at all, aud troubled myself w, v little* abont the promises which I readily made to what I considered my unrln's eccentric exactions. Nor did I think then that he seriously iuteuded to stand to them, bat fancied lie was jesting in a grave kind of way as he often did iu con versation with me. After a delightful voyage we reached the new world, and soon arrived at Toronto, our destination. I was most kindly welcomed by my friend's brother, who, though a "single man, was of a very sociable disposition, aud bad a large acquaintance. The brothers were not so vigilant, over mo as my uncle might have wished, in their kind-hearted zeal to interest aud amuse me, aud I hid plenty of opportunities of becoming acquainted wita the fair sex Amongst the mauy charming girls whom I mot In society, Miis Fortescue attract ed me the most, aud after rcpeatod meet ing*, I felt that I was falliugiulove with her. She did not discourage me, and we were uot loug iu establishing a mutual understanding. I did not meutiou to Mary, for tiat was my lady love's name, auy thing about my uncle's strange con ditions, but simply told her that I must gain his consent to our engagement, and that I should not be free to marry her until I had attained my twenty-fifth yean but Secretly I began to think of my promise with some degree of anxiety I discovered that Mary's second name was Coustance, to my surprise and in tense relief. She was more than com monly tall, certaiuly; but the third re quirement, the oue thousand pounds, was wantiug 1 It was such a piece of good lock about her name and her height, but particularly the former, that the import ance of the money difficulty did#not weigh with me much As for that some godmother, and a number of contingen cies might happen to help usin this par ticular, so I wrote to mv nncle to tell biSl that I had chosen a dear, fascinat iug prl, whom he could not fail to approve that she possessed the requirements which he deeme<f necessary, and I felt certain of his conseut to my engaging myselfc as soon as he should be able to make her acquaintance. Mv Constance, I told him, wss all be could desire. I never said a word abont the foitune. In sepiy, my nncle told me that he was sur prised at my having so soon found a young lady who answered so completely to his pattern, for he had imagined it wonld be more difficult for me to meet Ma requisitions in these particulars, ?illij b? wonld not withhold fel? oooseot to my engagement, if he Mad that she fhmuM his condi tion fat every sense, and if she should pltata him, en hie becoming prrmwllT f ghnlii with her; wfrtoSlm aild ft . . . . trusted to have the'opportunity of being in three moats time, when he should be home in England on leave ; but that|I should incur his serious displeasure if I committed myself to anv sort of engage ment before he should have seen and passed bis verdict on the object of my choice. He had heard from me that I shonld return to EDgland in the yacht early in the next month, and that Con stance would follow me almost immedi ately with some friends, having accept ted an invitation to visit some relations in the north of Devon. The people with whom Coustauce (for I now always call her by her second name) was to travel were obliged to postpone their going to England, much to my vexation, and I was a little anxious at leaving her, sur rounded as she was by admirers, whom her beauty and love uf admiration and attention attracted. I comforted myself, however, with thinking, that though I must now without bciug able to biud her by promise to me, yet it wonld not be for long. She would probably be with me in a couple ot months time again, and when once my uncle had seeu her, I was certain he would allow us to be engaged,) for I felt that he would no more be able to resist her pow ers of charming than myself, and in spite of her having no money, for was not my own fortune, which was considerable, enough? He was a rich man himself, aud would |no doubt help ns, for he had always been most kind and generous to me. I arrived in England a fortnight ago, and remained in London till within the last few days I came to look up a college friend in this neighborhood, and was in duced by him to accept Lady L.'s invita tion to the ball. Just before leaving my friend's house with him that evening, a letter was put into my hands. On open ing it I found it was from ray uncle, and dated from Paris. He told me that his return bad been hurried by circumstances which took him to France His business would be settled in a few days, and on leaving the Continent he should make some visits amongst his friends in Eng land, and should afterwards present him self at my lodgings in town, when he ex pected me to conduct him to the place where Constance was staying, and that he should have just one week iu which to make her acquaintance before lie must leave Europe again for a lengthened pe riod. He promised, however, to write and inform me of the exact time when I might expect him, mentioning three weeks as probably the outside time be fore we should meet Here was a fix ior me to be in What should t do ? It I wrote to beg Constance to hurry her de parture, even if she would undertake the voyage alone, there would be no time foi her to make her preparations and to sail, so as to reach England before my uncle should have left it. I was in a sad di lemma, and wanted to rush back to Lon don bv the next train, to consult a friend in wliom I had confided iu my affairs, and whose advice I valued ; but Monek ton, my college friend, persuaded me to accompany him still to the ball^ \ou can think the matter over, old fellow,' said he, 'as well there as anywhere else, and there is not time for you to catch the London train now.' I chanced to see you when the night was half over, and being struck with your re semblance to Constance, begged to be introduced to you by the gentleman with whom you were speaking, of whom Monckton knew something. I did so al so partly to acquiesce in bis wish that I should (lance, as he said my not doing so looked so remarkable, and Lady L had asked him "if his friend never danc ed." On learning your name, it all at ouce occurred tome that Constance bad once told me that she bad an unci, and aunt living iu the north of England. It struck me, too, chat it was just possible that you might bea cousin others - hence my second question to you whilst <1. dic ing the quadrille together ? my ideas were in such a desperate state ot confus ion, at the time that I hardly compre hended how excessively impertinent you must have thought me, when I asked you the other questions Your replies put. the idea into my head which induc ed me to beg yon to let me write and explain myself, and how I come to the disclosure'of the design by which I hope, with your assistance, to obviate the dif ficulty of my position. Knowing ray uncle's resolute purpose when lie has made up his mind to anything. I felt sure that he wonld keep his word, and that unless he could see Constance and be able to judge of her himself, there would l?e no hope -of his consent to an engagement, and if we waited until be should ngain have au opportunity of so doing, we should have to remain as we were until lam twenty-five I would keep con stant to the end ot time itself, but I do uot feel quite so sure about ray love, sur rounded as she is by admirers, as I said before. Ah' if she should forget n:e' No, it is better to secure her at all risks. ? Let me implore you to help me -you can if you will ? you have the same names, are her cousin, I am almost sure. It' you would consider my petition, oh! how hap py you would make me; you would re lieve me from a tremendous load of anx iety. If you are her cousin, you caunot fail to know her near relatives, who live in Devonshire. Cannot you pay t hem a visit iu about taree weeks' tiiue, and confer the immense favor upon iue ? of consenting to personate my Mary Con staucefor the week which my uncle pro poses to pass in her compauy? I will let you know, in case you afford me this hap piness, the exact day when I shall have to conduct ray uuele to visit the Fortes cues for this purpose. 1 shall await your decision auxiously, and shall tear the worst until I hear.' [CONCLUSION I>- OCR NEXT.] COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. [By Telegraph.) New Yokk, August 19. COTTON? Very firm; 44 for middling. FI.OUR? 10215c better; #7 10tf7 90 for ex tra State; 18 6828 86 tor extra R. II. O.: 90 a 10 60 for trade brands, market closing quiet and scarcely so firm, WHISKY? Finn; Weatora at ti 1922 20. WHEAT? Alight 3upply in market, 223c better in good an choice oualitie#. part to ar rive, 11 4831 50 for good Chicago spring: #150 for Mllwankie club; $1 5021 51 for amber Mil waukle; fl 53 was refused for a ch.'ire lot do.: $1 9032 f>8 for wiuter red Western: #3 14 lor new amber. RYE? Quiet BARLEY AND BARLEY MALI? Dull. CORN? More steady for unsound: J-t ai>i for sound mixed Western. OATS? Dull: 122c lo^ei at 63204; lor West ern. COFFEE? Dull; Rio i?c SUGAR? Active; Cuba Muscovado ana Clari fied do. at full previous prirej MOLASSES? Dull. PBTROLEUM-Q uiot at previous quotations. PORK? Dull and lover at fcU e7* for new mese, closing at til 75 for cash; Ji*1 o 30 00 for 18C3-4 do.; 124 for prime, aud |C6 652*7 for prime mesa. BEEF? Quiet at $S 50212 50r for plain rae?3. and 110914 50 for extra mess. BEEF HAMS ? Dull CUT MEATS ? Steady at 14*216* SHOULDERS? 19223 r.ud varie* BACON? Dull. LARD? Firmer at 19*224*. BUTTER? In demand at 21 229 for Ohio and 30236 for State. New York fllmsey flarkrt. [By Telegraph.] New York, August 13. MONEY? Steady at 7 percent. STERLING? Quiet at fl A ME RICA N GOLD? Firmer ; opening at WW, advancing to fl 4?|, and otasing at?l 43* ?1 W? Total exports of spede t?4\v. tJJl. GOVERNMENT STOCKS? Firm. BUSINESS CARDS, JAMES 8. WHEAT. HANKTHAL F0RBE8. WHEAT & FORBES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WHEEL* INO, WEST VA. Office on MaId stmt, two doors north of *M. Sl M. Bank. myl-3m JAMES P. BOGEBS, Attorney at law. will PRACTICE ill the Courts of Ohio county and adjoining counties. Collections promptly attended to. Office -On Fourth street, directly opposite the Court House, Wheeling, W, Va. janl8 K. KICDAHU80.N. J. ELBERT M'KHNNAN. Richardson & M'Kennan, Attokiveihat law. officii, No. Monroe Street, above 4th, Wheel; ing, Va. f#b!5-tf SAMUEL P. WHEELER, ATTOIMIt, ?OI.I.K<T?K OP PENSIONS, Soldiers' Claims, and Certified Accounts. All Officers, Soldiers, or Seamen dis abled in the service of the United States, are en titled to Pensions for lifft, and in case of their death, the widow, orphan children, mother or sister of any such officer, soldier or seaman, is entitled to a pension, and also the bounty of one hundred dollars, and all back pay due. My fee in each case is FIVE DOLLARS, if the claim for pension is collected, and NO CHARGE in case of failure. Certified accounts collected on the most reas onable terms. Office, No. 150 Fourth Street, near the Court House, Wheeling, Va. sep20 ABR. ROBERTSON. M. D. T. LU59F0RD. A. M. Robertson & Lunsford, SUROEON DENTISTS, 143 ''HR MARKET STREET, Wheoling, West Va- scp!7 M. F. HULLEHEN, nnniELim, va., dentist, *551? OFFICE, cornfcr of Market and Quincy Streets, one square above the Cnstora House sep20 f. j. bothackebT UBEVBl, ItlALSTER AND HOP JD DEALER Market Street Brewery Wheel ing, W. Va. Keeps constantly on band a full 3upplj oi eve rything in his line. sep20-ly H. W. PHILLIPS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER, STEAM ENGINE BUILDER, and General Machinist, North Wheoling, Va. SWEENEYS & CO., ^ TEAM ENGINES, ROlIiERS, O SHAFTING, MILL WORK kc of all kinds Wheeling,' Va. ap20 SWANN HOUSE, hIRKERSRIRG, VA., CIIAJYtt I. ED HANDS. On Thursday. October 8th I6?>3, J. W. Dent late of the Richmond House took possession of the Swann House for a term of years. He hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance oi tho very lib #ral patronage conferred upon him when propri etor of tho Richmond. Every department is in rhe charge oi the most efficient assistants J WM. DENT sep20 "JOSEPH TOLIVAR;? Retail dealeb in iiatb and CAPS No. 5 Washington Hall, Whoeling. Va. Keeps constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of everything in his line, which will bo sold off at tho lowest market rates iep'20 J. & qTbayka~ Bread, cracker and cahe BAKERY, Market Street, opposite the Washington Hall, a few doors above Monroe Street, keep constantly on hand a full assort ment of the above articles. I ^Thcir wagon runs constantly to all parts I or the city with Bread, Crackers Knsks Cakes I etc 8ep20 CHARLES SIEBKE, SUCCESSOR TO II. OIE!TIEl., O FANCY DYER AND SCOURER. South Street, near the B. &. 0. R. R. Depot Wheeling, W. Va. All kinds of Shawls, Ribbons, and eve ry description of Silka and Woolen Goods, exe ruled on short notice and on reasonable terms. This is the first and best Steam Dying Estab iishment in the Western States. sop2<) JACOB GROSSCLOS, (Successor to Frobe & Grossolos,) Manufacturer of ruooies, CARRIAGES, ROCKAWAYS. <fcc., 4c, No. 79 Market Street, keeps constantly on hand and manufactures to order, all kinds of work in his line of business. Particular attention giv?a to repairing. ttgr* Second hand Carriages and Buggies ior saleT^ sep-Jii S> P. E. ZINN, I^KUITERER A CONFECTION JC ER, Bridge Corner, Wheeling, W. Va., wholesale and retail dealer in Foreign Fruits. Nuts and Cigars, and manufacturer of Refined Candy. Wedding and other parties furnished on short notice and accommodating terms. sep'20 "simoiTkeim, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN 1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, Brandies, Whiskios, ic, 210 Market Street^ Wheeling, Va. I would invite the special attention ol citv and country dealers, and the publio gcperally, to call anil examine my stock bofwro purchasing elsewhere. sep2>> s. fTfaris, Marbi e worker a N(iir TOR, No. 122 Main Street, Wheeling. Va. C^*Monumeutal Work of ali kinds made to order on short notice. Particular attention paid to Portrait Sculpture anu Designing. sepZI WILLIAM HARE, 1)RACTICAL PLVnBER AND GAS FITTER. No. 3 Momoe St., Wheel ing, W. Va. Orders froni the country attended to at Short notice. sep2<i WILLIAM KRYTER, MANUFACTURER of SHEAR*, Knives. Scissors. Cutlery, Sheep Shears, Sic., and dealer in Hardware and Guns, No. 103, Market Street, Wheeling, W. Va. septfi !Vf w C' u r r 1 a k e Jlauulnriory. JOHN PFARR, Manufacturer of all KINDS OF CARRIAGES. Market Stiwt, a few doors above the 2nd Ward Market House, Wheeling, Va. egr Repairing done on the shortest notice. DR. WAGNER OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL services as Physician and Surg<*m, with the remark that he has been particularly successf ul In the treatment of the diseases of chi.dren. Office No. 166 Main street. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. M., and 2 to 4 P. K. jel4-3m WM. LAUCHLIN, Manufacturer and deal er in all kinds of TOBACCO. SNUFF CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail, No. 8 Monroe street, Wheeling, Ya. jel4-3m MRS. G. ZIMMER, Manufactures all kinds OF CRACKERS. CAKES BREAD, &c. No. 102 Market streeUjEaat side, (a few doors south of the Market House,) Wheeling, w Va. fanl0-6m JOHN L. HARGREAVES, Dealer in ready kixed PAINTS, GLASS, SASH, and PUTTr. Gilt and Rosewood Picture Frames, and Vcni tian Blind Manulactorer. No. 83 Main Street, Wheeling, W. Va. sep&> R. H. LEE, M. D. Medical and surcical of fice AND RESIDENCE, corner ot Alley and Main street Centre Wheeling. W. Ta Dr. Lee operates for the radical core of Hernia. Stone in the Bladder, Strabismus (or Cross Eve', and all the different forms of Club Foot. Office hours from 10 to 12 A M and 2 to 4 P M. * myl2 MIOHAELJ. ROHAN" MARRLE WORKER, ON MAR KET STREET, between the Custom Hons* sad the Little Suspension Bridge. Mon umental work of all kinds made to order. City aad country orders will be mst with BUSINESS CASDS. J. DIGGETT. Teacher of noLinr and vio LINCELLO, Concertina and Singing. xHRfl. J. DIGGETT, Teacher of Piano Forte, Organ, Harmonium and Singing. Hampden street, jyl-6m Wheeling. JOHN LTTMPP, YfANl'FACTl'BKR OF SADDLES, ItX HARNESS, Bridles, Trunks, Valises, 6tc.. &.C., 218 Market street, Wheeling, would inform his old friends and the public generally, that he has refitted his establishment, and is now pre pared to fill all orders entrusted to bis care, with promptness and in the best stvle of tbe art JeaO-ly . JOHN ITNELL & CO., nBALEB81NiHIIVA,r.f.AMAlVD i f OUEENSWARE. lamps, oii.s and Lamp Fixtures. No. 46 Main Street. nov-J9 DANIEL LAMtl. JAMES PAITL. LAMB <fc PAULL, ATTOB1VE VJf AT LAW, WBEEL' ING, WEST VA.. will practice in tbe courts ot Ohio County and adjoining Counties. Office on east side of Fourth Street, near' the Court House. octlO Pi W. BOSLEY, ANCFACTCRER OF C'OJIJION AND FANCY CANDIES, and dealer iu Foreign Fruits. Nuts, etc.. No 136 Market St, Wheeling, Va. Also Parties and Weddings fnrnishod with Ice Cream and Cake at the shortest notice. Mj HOOP SKIRTS. HOOP SKIRT AND CORSET FACTORY. s S at . . 3 ?*? '* - ,s -r: 9 ? ,-?? ?35 ?2 f * - - v?_ Z&as i *?* ; . ?% * STfifflSsS 4 - ,-:>?SS3Sgs5S B* / ^soki SS ft > 1 - ; s ? * M. MENDELSON WOULD BESPEt'TFl'LL 1" IN FORM the Ladies of Wheeling and the public generally, that be his opened i Hoop Skirtand Dorset Factory At tbe above named stasd whore be will keep constantly on hand a full k of SKELETONS embracing all the latest and most approved styles He will keep alwiys on hand skirts oi extra size and length, and Ladies who always have trouble to find a skirt long oi large enough will find them here Dealers in surrounding towns will consult their interest by calling before going or sending their orders East The attention of Wholesale and Retail Buyers is particularly called to my stock. Orders by man promptly attended to. rfrin poiut of Style Quality and Cheapness I defy all competition Old Skills repaired, and made as good as new . M MENl>?LSON. Jec*5-ljr WHEH r NG . HOOP SKIRT FACTORY, Cohen, Sempliner &Oo., a v o JO H m JO iSi o -n French & American Cornets, UfOI'liB BKHPETTFI M, V ? > f T VITE tho attention of tho ladies of this city ami vicinity to the fart that they havo open ed a store at N >. HI Main street, with a large and well assorted stock of Skirts, Corsets and Skirt Supporters oi tho latest and most up proved sty 1 Having b-*n ongaf?d lot a long time iu an ex clusively wliolesale business. we have acquired extensive facilities for procuring goods in out line on the most reasonable terms and oiler them to the public at the lowest eastern prices. Couutrv merchants are par ticularlv invited to come and see onr stock before purchasing else where. Skirts purchased at our store will be repaired free of charge. We i?lso make any si'e of Hoop Skirts to or del Our ret-iil department is iu <-lrii?ge ot roinpe tent ladies COilKN Sli MPf.IXER i t'o 161 Main street, one door below 1*. Kennedy s Dry Goods Store Wheeling W Va myl?5-ly CLOTHES WHINGER THE I'VIVKKtll. CLOTHES WRINGER ! ! ITil C3G ? > ! THE ?'Great Family Fcimtmiiher." >rms .ii ttmivf ham %i,>! X acquired a "world-wide" reputation as being the most popular and complete of all household t.oensils. No expense is withheld to make it perfect. The frame is of hard wood, thoroughly seasoned. The iron is malleable, of the best quality, and galvanized. The rolls, which are supplied with cogs, ar? large, of solid rubber, and very elastic; and being cast in moulds, are smooth, "uuiforui and very durable. The "Univrrsal Clothes Wringer" ?will work lour times us fa.?t as can be done by hand, with one-fourth the labor, and much drier, and wrings anything, from a silk glove to a t)utch blanket; is siinn'e, strong and durable and will not get out of repair. Any servant will use it with safety t<> the machine and with great saving ot wear to the clothes It is readily and tiriuly secured to the tubs ByfMetaMM and can b* instantly detached d set aside. Sold by D. 8. MtDOML, 107 if a in Street, Wheeling, ? one door bcloiv Xicholl's Variety^ Store) where Cloak Making Stamping. Braiding and Embroidering is neatly executea by accomplished lady artists. tnvl5-<5m PHOTOGEAPHICr JOHN BROWN. SUCCESSOR TO "W ' i?ti^-BEOW , j,.W Main street, IT hw ling, (f Ta. PDf)TOORAPn!i OF ALL SIZE* AN'DSTTLK. India Ink Oil anl Water Color* *ui?h?-J in the latest stvles A large ai? irtmentof gilt ancfrose wood frames Also a rat to*J <>t Fane and Cheap Cases Old Qcjan- i t pied to cards or life-size pyCaH and t .inuce p21 1841. ? P. .EL Q. ? 1865' Photograph**. AMBROTYPES ? Cards, ? GEMS And ail kinds ot Likenesses, from the cheapeet to the best life size Oil Painting, and the place to get them, PARTRIDGE'S 117 Ulaii Slrrf I? Firsl Floor,) If job want the best and cheapest work in the coast!?. ? ? Partridge will hereafter give his personal at' tention to the operating department, and see that all his patrons have the very best picture# that ecn be i ALBUMS At retail at wholesale prices. The largest stock and beat assortment is the western country DRY GOODS. PANIC PRICES! PANIC PRICES!! IN COmSEQl'ENClE OF THE GREAT decline in Gold, I ha? J?*1 Pnr chased a large stork of Spring and Su^msr .Goo Is, Which I ama^e v,i * *JU -wit cheap er thai <nV Viw "wvtv AU"7?j: -aatoa i Caltrop? cants p^r vara Fal yard wide Semper Idem. Bleached Muslin 35 ccnt* per tit i Do Laino 31 cent per ya* J. BrotniT ?b.? Liaon.thc be3t quality. |1 So p yd B 1 jioral Sklrta. $3 30. Poolins, Valencias, PoildeChevre, Turin Cloth, ALPACAS, BLACK SILKS BROWN 8EED SILKS SILK MANTILLAS CRAPE SHAWLS. IRISH LINENS. NAPKINS, TOWELS A Large Stock of Carpets Will he sold very cheap. All who are iu aoarch of cheap bargains wil liloase call imrnediatelv as I can insure then satisfaction. M. HEYMAN, I 1 7 Wain Sirt ii f Wheeling, W. Va., March 27, I36f>. GREAT BARGAINS ! GREAT MftMStt! 1A.1I OFFERING FOB SALE AT reduced prices, notwithstanding tbo ad vance, tnv entire stock of DRY GOODS! in order to make improvements on my Store. I am selling DRESS GOODS at from 12 1-2 to 75 cents per yard. Delaines from 25 to 33 cent* and other Goods in propor tion. Call and see for yourselves, without de lay. P. KENNEDY, jell No. 16.1 Main street INSURANCE. M F T ? A I. Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. 4 asli Assets,"" - $13,000,000. THE BUSINESS OF THIS COH X PANY is conducted on the Mutual princi f lo in the strictest sense of the term, the entire ?urplu8, deducting necessary expenses alono, bfing Equitably Divided among the Assured. Forty-five Cents a Week will insure #1.000 on the life of a man aged 30. Applications received and Policies issued at the ?Ok* of W. F. PETERSON. Jb., ,july20-ly Agent Fire, Marine and Inland In surance pAN BE OBTAINED UPON THE \j MOST reasonable terms In any of the fol lowing Companies, representing in the agpre gate CASH CAPITAL AND ASSETS (OVER/ *9,300,000 HOME INSSURANCE CO. OF NEW TORK Cash Capital all paid in 12,000,000 00 " Assets 1st January. 1865 1,687.601 90 13,637,601 A'ct assets oxcoeeding those of any other Com pany doibg fire business la the United States. UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, NEW YORK. The Germania Fire Ins. Co I r?. r ., . The Hanover t C* ^?1/ The Niagara ....f ??? - The Republic ....J ?3'0Un'"0a One Policy of Inruranu U issued by the foui Companies. SECURITY INS. CO. OF NEW YORK. Cash capital all paid in 1 1. 000, 000 00 " assets 1st February 1865 540,35 <> 23 II .'AH 350 2 Three-foortha of the net profits declared to policy holders annually CONTINENTAL INS CO OF NEW YORK. Cash capital all paid in $500,000 (JO " assets January i. 1865 863 953 60 f 1.363.. 653 89 Seventy five per corn of the net profits de clare? to policy holders annually, Without in curring any risk Policies will be issued m any of the above re liable companies on application to |W. F. PETERSON Agent 0?ce Main street next door to M. ? M B?it mart*. CUTLERY. OTTO HELMOLD Manufacturer and Dealer is UUTLERY, rr BUSSES, SUFPOBTEBS, SUB 1 GICAL AND DENTAL INSTUMENTS Apparatuses for Deformed Limb? 96 Smithfield street, Pttlatwugh, Pa. QP?JobMag ana other repairing promptly ?? runted tasil 4-1 j I HE 01|LY BBQISTBB BOOK BINDERY tarns oat all kinds of Black* and Hank Books, for individuals, firms. ***ni boats, railroads sad imusttss AB kinds at binding dosr. T'KHTOBsT % a. p. w Ml c. L. TJlS%. IN and 0. I* ZANB&CO., g^c^01dB^Sl& WU.M-. ?op30 ? SMITH'S BOTTLE B.Y. Wheeling, Jan? 8, 1065. In connection with the above. I b?g to to iness heretofore camel on by him will be con ??5d u X. old .und <??r *? ?.m. ?d fern of JOHN THONBB * CO. TtoAtes and Porter trill be elLl.u^'ol> w^h^ones Smith's manufacture and the ^j>acriber hopt.s from his lone expenence in Bottling, ana oy SM. ST all ordera, to nrntandro ceive a share of pnblio ""TSEk THONER ftWHEF.Liso JonwU TeAC J*15 HEXBT 9CHMULBACH. GEOBOE FEUIB H. SCHMULBAOH & CO., Wo. 6 m?ir?e ?tre?s, Wkceli"*. jnPORTBBA AIVD DBALBBS IN Brandies, Wines, oln' Monougtibela, Bonrbon, and ttye Whisky. Keep constantly on hand a toll sipply ot tb* best brands of everything >ntheir line Cp*We manufacture the best ol Cider Vin fgar and Domc?t ic VI incs* H. SCHJICLBACH & CO., No 6 Monroe at in room formerly occupied by S. I Block mr?-ly__ O W. FRANZHEIM, No. 15" ifarket atreot. Wheeling, \ a., IMPORTER ANT) DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, &C. Keeps constantly on hand the Oldest and best article ?i B.T? niid Bonrbon Whiskies* And the Choicest Brands of IMPORTED BRANDIES AND WINES. I particularly invite the attention of the pub uc to the anperior article of CATAWBA AND ISABELLA WINES, Raised in the vicinity ol Wheeling which 1 offer to the public at a low figure. Roctifvine conducted on a large seal# ana low pricey -P?' tfE>TRY ROSENTHAL. A A LIVISON H. ROSENTHAL & CO., Importer# and wholesale Dealers is BRANDIES, WINKS GIN, ALCOHOL, BOURBON, RYE, MONONUAHELA WHISKEY, CATAWBA WINES, A C manufacturers of 4'i?tf r Vinegar nod Dsmwlif WInm, Xo. 23 Main Street, (In room formerly occnpied by Pryor & Frost WHEELING, W. VA. L^UViHAOEDBV THE MBEh JlJ AL PATRONAGE heretofore extended to ho house, we have secured one ol the largest ami beat located warorooms in the city, where we will have excellent facilities tor receiving and shipping our goods W e have fitted up the house in the latest and most approved mannor for the manr acture ol the celebrat<?d Roa>> Whiskey end superior Cider Vinegar. Tho best brands of everything usually kept in a flrst-claM liquor storv, constantly on hand and for aale at the lowest prints A full assortment of choico ??rar??l? ot fine Cigars constantly on baud. leb-1 BOOKS.' JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF COTT.t rA.KII.1', EARLY DAW N , Diary of Kilty fravelyan CRIPPLE OF ANT10CH MARTYRS OF SIHIV, TALES OF CHRISTIAN LIFE, TWO VOCATIONS. A LI. OF TUB ABOVE U'OKHt ARK from the pen of the (rifted author of the Schonborg Cotu Family which work hat met with such extensive sale l>oth in this ronn try and in Europe A largo aud splendid assortment of Kai and Small Bibles, from finest to cheapest ?' A beautiful assortment of Prayer and H i Books of -all denominations, all styles and |> i ? Theological and Religious Books in gT. .t rietv. Wo wnuM ask espccial attention to nm :-.i day School Library Books, which embrace ail the latest publications. A liberal donation to all Sunday S- hooU pur chasing Libraries. A liberal discount to Minister} vi I Theologi cal Students. AUTHORIZED AO EST FOR ' Presbyterian," published bjr Alfred Martin Sunday School Papers of Am u Tract Society. ,'Honrsst Some"?* nsvr mmiU magazine pub lished by Chas Scribner. ?>i Sr. <* York myV WEO. W.8T05KB MILLINERY. The Original Philadelphia Bonnet Depot. MBS- n. COLTIG (TBI oM-1 surr.ving partner of the firm of E A M MAKSDEN*. proprietors of the original Phila delphia Bonnet Depot.) has removed from her former stand to No. 183 Main street a few doors below the eld stand, whero she will carry on the Millinery traalneaa in all ite branches She will keep constantly on band a full asaort ment of BOSrSTETS RATS, LADIES DRESS CAPS ks., of the latest Paris stviea. Also Ladies Riding Hats Ruches Ribbon? ar.d French Flowtre. HP* All kinds of Custom Work, Bleaching. aaaPresaing done at shortest notice my30-lr IBON WORKS WHEELING IRON WORKS .jmCE AST) WAREHOUSE NO 15 MAIN STREET ACHESON, BELL & CO., Manofactuiws of and dealers in Merchant Bar, Armor Plates Dandy and Heavy Tire Sheet Iron. Roonda and Squares Tank Iron, Orala. Hall Oral* Plow Wlnga Half Roonda Nafle wire kc A superior quality of "HOBftE SHOE BAB" j of ocr own aanafactnre, now oa hand Prwaat ? -?i to ali orders. ape DRUGGISTS' GOODS. TO INVALIDS. BABON LEIBIG'S NUTRITIVE root, Apleamnt AND NUTKITIoi . Soup or gruel can b? prepared In ten ?L ut?8. For children deprived of the moth* Bilk. Nothing more nourishing can be them. Sod by x. H. LOGAN Jc CO laJ ?. LOGAN, LIST ICO. lOSf^ Night Blooming Cereusi FOkC THE HANDKVRCBiib A delightful and l^jj^. ^ LOGAN, LIST 4 CO. 481 SOZODOXT! SOZODO!^ Fob cleansing and PBt SERVING the Teeth. Sold by ** T.H. LOGAN 4 cr ^ LOGAN, LIST A CO MINERAL WATER! MINERAL Wm FOB FIVE CENT* A GLASS. FOR FIVE CENTS A GLASS. Sold by T. H. LOGAN * CO it, LOGAN, LIST & CO 3 FRUIT JARS I FRUIT JAlsT gEALING WAX, SEALING Corks! Corks I! Corks! i> For sale by T. H. LOGAN A CO n LOGAN, LIST A 00 U' SE THE EXCELSIOB BAKtT POWDER. It nerer tails to mak* bread. ? * USE THE EXCELSIOR BAKDiG P0 Wjjj) It is praised by all who us* It. USE THE EXCELSIOR BAKING PO It is always pt epared of pure material' USE THE KXCELS1UK BA.K.LNU POVr^j; It is the cheapest article you can bay Sold in bores and by the pound, by T.H. LOGAN A CO *-? LOGAN, LIST A C() aug< and storekeepeepors gantry LAl'GHLIN'K OLD HOME BITTEBS ? or? PRIDE OF VIRGINIA To Cure Dyspepsia To Cure Dyspepsia To Cure Dyspepsia To Cure Dyspepsia Use the Old Home Bitter t Use the Old Home Bitters Use the Old Home Bitten Use the Old Home Bitters For Heartburn and Flatulenc# For Heartburn and Flatulouoe For Heartburn and Flatuleaoe For Heartburn and Flatulent Use the Old Home Bitten Use the Old Home Bitters Use the Old Home Hltten. Use the Old Home Blttsn. Loss of Appetite Loss of Appetite Loss of Appetite Loss of Appetite Restored by Old Home Bitten Restored by Old Home Bitter* Restored by Old Home Bitter* Restored by Old Home Bitten The Weak made Strong 1 1 1 The Sick made Welln i The Old made Yoang 1 1 1 1 ho Depressed are Brightened 1 1 The paio cheek glows with He* . By using Old Home Bitten By using Old Home Bitten By using Old Homo Bitter* Bv using Old Home Bitter , It always gives satisfaction It does what we claim It sells rapidly. It is the only curofur'Drspopsu It is a good Touic tor Fe'vert It Is a good Appetizer. It is'good for acidity of Stomach It is a healthy stimulant. it is chemioauy compoanded It is an elegant Preparation Sold by Merchants and Drnjrgitn geutri > Manufu'tnred only by LAUGHLINS Sl BUSH1ILLD fiiia Wheeling v> ?. A. o qood & 00 , Wholesale Druggist: SO n MONROE STHEEl Opposite First National Bank,) WHCL'MU Have in Hon- a hill *u>1 coDiplwte iwii . fv On***, Pnlncii, oils |l?? cSluiU, HerlmiKT) , Ufk* Ororers' Window Olii m, (JIahm ?'btcb they oler I ? the trad* ai t"* prlcca. Country merchant* and other* * it to their advantage to call and ? i r fc'" purchasing elsewhere Particular attention paid to ord>-i* ? 5 which, we guarantee iatu/a<tton both >? t a ad quality The blgbent market price pud foi OiW" Beeewax, Flawed, 4c. "tl CARPETS C A RPET' -4KD W A LL _PAPtH H. C. HARBOUR would Biapictrii. i-i i' TT FO&M bia many paUvoa tbat b? i* returned from the Saat with a ?p|?ndi<i SPRING 8TOCI' ? or? Wall Papers, 0 Cloths, Carpets, Mattings, and Ru? Ait < aatofewere bought at ifco ? t srici and mil bow be sold at t . h Greatly Reduced Price* Call therefore at tba <M ?tan J 143 IAIIV ITBICT.f ai.d tbUu jour good* la Ibe apt-M-Ok" j a nick art'iTli or o' Ji' WOOL CARPET, rotable for VicipLj* rf ?S and OAcee rerj to* H C. E JLB&X' U apll 143 Mala Bin flcmwMi, wriijj Young Hyson, Black and Japw iea wle cheap at r/T< jeW BOOTH, BA.TTELLE * L*