Newspaper Page Text
WHEELING REGISTER. WEDNESDAY MORNING, ? ? AUGUST S3. What the M4icn Say. It is a well known feet that the sol diers, those who have been in the Sonth and seen the plantation Degro at home; are among the most determined oppo nents of negro suffrage The privates are unanimous in their opposition to the scheme and all the officers except tho *e who, from motives of personal interest, ? at?*r to the prejudices of the radical par* i\ deiMMiuce the proposition with equal vigor General Cox,' of Ohio, was right when he said that their "pride of race" to . oids the soldiers from associating with negroes at the polls or conferring upon them the privilege of voting. In Iowa the Republican conveutian placed itself squarely upon the issue whioh the party in other States has sought te dodge, and rouomiuated Governor Stone upon a plain and emphatic negro suffrage plat form The returned soldiers have ac cordingly called a convention to meet at Des Moines on the 23d of An gust "to pre sent a white man's ticket for the support of t .e soldiersaud other loyal citizens and < !>] o. ed to negro suffrage and) Governor Stone." A committee of prominent offi cers has issued an address to the people nf the State in which they say: The convention which nomi Dated Stone was emphatically a negro suffirage conven tion, and the ticket ia a negro suffirage ticket; and yet with all these facts sta ling them in the face, soldiers and loyal oitizens opposed to negro suffrage are un Mushingly asked to support Governor Stone ! "Don't be deluded, soldiers and loyal c itizens, by the assertion that the ques t iou is not now before you, to be decided \irtually by the defeat or election of Stone. It has been forced upon the peo ple ; it can't be postponed, but must be settled by the result of the October elec tion. "The friends of negro suffrage, and Governor Stone, may squirm as they please, and desigoate themselves by what patriotic names they please; may heap epithets of opprobrium upon their op ponents as they please, but they can't < scape from the odium which the fourth plank in their platform has indelibly rbed upon them. They must face that They can't deceive old soldiers. Their caudidate is the negro suffrage -audidate, and they must abide that is sue Governor Stone means negro suf frage. aud negro suffrage meant Govern* ? >r Stone, and, for this campaign, they are jojued together, and no man can put tbem Asuoder. "Soldiers, we know you are all opposed to negro suffrage. With you it were a *<?ate of words and an insult to argue fills question further You are all op I > sed to uegro equality, in all itsnbapes, a;:dheartilv indorse the words of your invincible commauder, old Tecumseh feheruian, that "tie negroes are not fit r< d for the exercise of theeleotive frau-, ??liise. I want them to get a fair price for their labor, but I do not think they are tit to take a part in the legislation of fhe country.' " It appears that some of the Ohio sol diers also are not altogether satisfied with General Cox's Oberliu letter, and aro calling upou him to say more distinct ly whether he would be in favor of amending the constitution of Ohio so as to permit negroes to vote iu that State. This was one of the questions of the Oberlin committee which the General evaded, and we have already seen sever al letter* signed by numbers of returned soldiers calling upon him to define bis position in this* regard. They will be satisfied with nothing but an emphatic an ?*na*caiug Southern E?tni*?. l'lie resolution of the Repnbllean Con . .-nt ion in Pennsylvania milium fix the . onfiscation ot all southern ostatea ex* ? ?-ediug ten thousand dollars in value la t reating a great deal of comment which i> somewhat to the detriment of the Pennsylvania ??patriots." The conven tion was under the leadership ot Simon CaMkiion and seems to have heen inspir ed by the avarice aud greed which con stitute the ruling passions of the crafty old man. It is reported that Cam f.ron and a few 'intensely loyal" associates have already invested largely in confis cated plantations, for two or three cents per acre, and they now propose that hereafter no person shall be accounted loyal in Pennsylvania who is not in fa vor of exposing other southern property to sale npon the same terms They pro pose to counscate and buy in, or in other words to steal, the property of every man in the South worth more than teu thous and dollars, and will hurl the anathema .->f '?copperbcadism" at every citizen of Pennsylvania who refuse to sanction the robbery. The plea that t Vse estates are to be confiscated to pay the uatioual debt and pay pensions to the soldiers and provide homes for the widows and orphans of the fallen and do all sorts of charitable things, is simply humbug. Very little money arising from the sale of confiscated es tates ever finds its way into the poblic treabuiy. They are usually sold to fa voted purebn-ers for a mere trifie l?ara ly sufficient to pay the government taxes and the of the officials who eoudnct the sale Many of th? stories we hear couCgfning tbd coutiuned hostility of the South and tbe outiages upon life and property perpetrated there, are invented and circulated by interested parties to prevent competition at these sales, and every effort is being made by the Bepnb i?cuu managers to hold the South under military coutrol until its discouraged aud disheartened inhabitants are will* ?og impart with their lands for a mora pittance and go to seek tbeir fortunes in some distant State No person will believe that frnfny Cameron and bis fellow shoddy Ites of Pennsylvania dejire the oonfleeatkm of Sauftfceru " plantations simply ,k> sifter that the natimal debt may be paid or rsliefafforded to the wounded soldiers. The whole history of the maa and of bis LEI'S SUBBENDER. The Terms Given Htm by Seiertl Great? A War OMct Tiew el Ike Great aad Lee Treaty* (Chicago Republican, Ang. 15. Edited by C. A. Dana, late Assistant Secretary of War.) GENERAL LEE. So long as General Lee remains in this country, and it allowed not only to go about without punishment, but to pro claim disloyal and obnoxious opinions, suoh as he bought for against the United States, there will always be a feeling of dissatisfaction among loyal citizens? There is something intensely galling in the fact that the articles of convention between him and Grant were so loosely worded as to afford a loophole for the es cape of such a traitor from the clutches of the law. Nothing could have been more nnfortnnate than this clerical lapsus It tarnishes what would otherwise have been the spotless glory of the surrender on the part of our great General. A lit tle lawyer cunning, a less magnanimity and generonsity toward a cruel and un scrupulous foe whom he had already van quished, whose armies were at his mercy, outgeneraled and beaten at every point, would have left the rebel chief, who was the intellect and the heart of the fero cions war waged against us, to be dealt with accoxding to tne forms and usages of law. As the case now stands. Gen. Grant, whose presence in the field is inspiration, and whose battles are conquests, suffered himself to be drawn into an amnesty.? The resalt is, that our Government, al ways humane and merciful, even at ex pense?on memorable occasions? of ius tice and self preservation, jealous of its honor and its spoken word, even though long experienoe had proved the rebels themselves to be utterly devoid of all faith, the result, we say, is, the Govern ment decides to accept the literal read ing of the "convention, and to permit that arch traitor to the Union to go at large, without arrest or trouble. Davis, of sourse, is to be tried by a court. Les seems to be protected by the fotms of his surrender from such trial and from the just punishment it might result in; but from trial and condemna tion in the tribunal of public opinion, he is not and cannot be protected. ??well Cobb aad Ex-Gov. Brown, of Georgia, aa the Sltaatiea. The Augusta Chronicle of August 1st. notices the presence of Geu. Howell Cobb, in that city, and says: In a conversation with the General, lie expressed a great desire to huve all mat ters now in agitation settled at once; aud wished most heartily to see Georgia once more resume her former position in the Union. The issues which huve lately convulsed this country he cousiders for ever disposed of. Slavery, he says, can never be resuscituted in any shape; He thinks it be6t that all submit promptly and willingly to the United States au thorities; that matters which have pas sed should be numbered among the things that were, and should not be dragged into the present, thereby creat ing discord and trammeling the move ments of those who are doing all they can to settle affairs. The same paper speaks of the ai rival in town of Ex-Gov Brown, aud says: Gov. Brown speaks hopefully of the future, and thiuks it would be well for the couvention to declare slavery at an end iu Georgia, without excitemout or discussion. He also says that the people of Northern Georgia are anxious for an opportunity to take the oath of amnesty, and will return conservative men to the convention. He regards the question of secsssiou as settled l>y the result of the war, and that any further agitation on that and kindred topics should be studi ously avoided. The Crop* and ihtiLaie Bain*. The late raius, says the Chicago JVi bunt), have undoubtedly indicted more serious injury upon the crop* than thoso which prevailed two weeks ago, and *vhich occasioned such serious alarm throaghoot the country. According to dispatches from Illinois, there can I* no doubt iu the minds of any who will ex amine them carefully that the wheat crop bait been damaged very considera bly ? probably fully oue-fourth being ru ined. In almost. every place if isinjtued more or less, only one or two dispatches reporting the crop large ami good. Tim crop of oate is large, but it would appear is injured by the raius and storms about one fourth. The barley crop is also iu jured very materially. The orop of rye is reported "fair" iu many places, but badly damaged in others. The coru crop 'troro all accounts, looks iiiioly, und the rains have improved it rather than oth erwise, except iu low grounds. Thus far, the prospect is that Illinois will have the largest erop of corn ever known. The Tennessee Delegation.? The following persons have been elected to Congress in Tennessee: Upper East Tennessee? N J Taylor, (Uniou), Kuox ville District? Horace Maynard, (Uuiou); Chattanooga District? Asa Faulkner, (Opposition); Nashville District? W. B Campbell/ Opposition); Clarksvslle Di? trict? D. B Thomas, (Opposition); West Tennessee? Colonel Hawkins, (Union); Memphis, Dr. Leftwich, (Union); Shelby ville District ? Edward Cooper (Union); The Nashville Press exprewe* the opin that " the chance of admission of our delegates is not very flattering." ? ' AMUSEMENT. WASHINGTON HALL. THE WORLD RENOWNED Blind Negro Boy Pianist, TOM, WILL OITE FOTTR CONCERTS, COMMEKCES'O MONDAY EVE., AtJGK'ftl. ADHXBSZOy- .....Ma. RESERVED SEATS \v?% f9c X3T Tbs Kaftb* Grwd Pi*tw, nod for lae oc CMioa.jl kindly fanithtd by J. B. Mellor, Ne 139 %Ct& Street, wbera tickets may ?l*o ba pro eurad far tta ?cmc?m. 4 - ?afiMw 1 C. J. THAYER, AgtmU rum brjuvdy mom AirD frit BOOTH. BATTELLE Jt CO. M*j. rtufCEi beit ruT ? ttT FL#UR, for Mto? fetirertd ta ht NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOB SALE. The very demisable cot. tage-House now oocnpied by Mrs. E. J. Zaae, on the National Pike, three milee Eaat of Wheeling. Possession given on the 1st of No vember. For farther particulars inquire of D. C. List, Bank of Wheeling, or on the premises, ang 23-lwd<fcltw [Intelligencer copy.) N A T I ONALTB A N K OF WHEELING. Designated DtpMllary 17. I. C AIT AX PAID CAPITAL AUTHORIZED 500,000 Money deceived on depos XT, Interest paid on Special Deposits ? Collections made, and proceeds promptly remit ted. Exchange bought and sold. DIREC rORS George K. Wheat, Jacob Hornbrook John K. Botsford Joseph Bell, Jacob S. Rhodes, Chester D En ox Geo. W. Franzheim George Edwards John F. McDermot. GEORGE K- WHEAT, President GEORGE ADAMS, Cashier. ang 23- wen Valuable Real Estate For Sale. I WILL OEFEB AT PRIVATE sale until TUESDAY, AUG. 15, 1865, the south fourth (J) part of lot No. 126, with the THREE STORY STORE ROOM on the same, ?itoated on the east side of Market Square in the 9econd Ward; also the south ha'f oflot No. 138, situated on the east side of Fourth street, Sec ond Ward, together with the dwelling thereon, containing seven rooms and a kitchen. In case the property above named is not sold at private sale Wore the 15th day of August, 1865, 1 will on that day at 10 o'clock offer theaame at public sale at the front door of the Court House of Ohio county. aug3 td. N. RICHARDSON. The above sale is postponed until Tnes day, Aagutt S3, at 1 1 o'clock A. M. The above sale is again postponed until Thursday, August 24th, at 11 o'clock A. M 25 PURE CIDER VINEGAR. BAB BEL S WARRANTED pure and old, just received and for sale by M. REILLY. CHEESE. KA BOXES WEITBBW FE8EBVE OU 25 do Hamburgh very rich, Just received and for sale by ? aug2? M. REILLY. A Housekeeper Wanted. SUITABLE HOUflEKEEKE H can obtain a situation at liberal wages by applying immediately at my hon^e on Market Street, between Union and Monroe. aug21-3t M. C. LEECH. Municipal Court of Wheeling. EXTRACT. TIIE MUNICIPAL COURT OF X Wheeling *o far as its police jurisdiction is concerned, will be held at the basement ol the Court House, in room adjoining the Lock-up, from 9 o'clock a. m f?f each day (Sundays' except ed) until the business of that day is closed and af ter said days' business is closed, arrests made vill bo heard on the next dav after service of proctt-s or arrest on view, unless good cause be shown lor continuing the case to another day, aud the officers of said Court, on making arrests according to law, will keep such person or per sons in said Lock up until the next session ol the said Court as above indicated. M. C. GOOD, J udge of the Municipal Court of Wheeling. August 18, 1865. The Clerk of the Court will be found at his office in the city buildings during business hours except during tho sessions ot the Municipal Court, when he will be found at (he Court Room augfil A GOOD SAUCE. rrilB WORCESTERSHIRE JOCK JL EY CLUB SAUCE, for meats, soups, sal ads. 4: p., is pronounced bvgooijudgos, tiio boat In the market It is used W the St. Nicholas uud 5th Avenue Hotels, New York, by the Packer House, Boston, the McLure House, Wheeling, and tbe leading Hotels and Saloons everywhere. For sale wholesale and retail by T. H. LOOAN A Co., LOO AN, LIST St Co. Wholesale snd Retail Druggists. Wheeling augI9 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having been appointed \m MINISTRATOR of ?he estate of Ira Bea ver, decaMod, notice is hereby given to parties knowing themselves Indebted to the same, that they are expected to make immediate payment. Those Laving claim* against the *a'd estate must present them dulv authenticated for set tlement. I oan be fouud any time at the Eaglo Plain ing Ml Is of J. A. Holliday A Co , oorner of Filth and Ltndslev street*, Whoi-ling, W. Va. K H. OILLESPY, augl'JIiu Administrator. FOUNDRY IRON. 1 CiC\ TONS HA1IPDEN FURNACE X UU ou consignment, fast received by LIST, MORRISON & CO. ?Ug3. Piano, Melodeon, and Guitar Instruction BY MRS. II IVI. RECK.? A FEW Pupilscan be accommodated with practice by applying Immediately at No. 162 Main street or at Mr. J7 B. Mellor's Music Store. auglO-flm WILLIAM F. RICHSTEIN, 1 7fi w BALTIMORE STREET, L I O Baltimore, Md., wholesale and retail dealer la Books, Stationery and Fancy Articles, Photographic Albums aad Card* Order* by mail promptly attended to. Solid for our wholesale price circular ang7 Piano, Melodeon, and Violin 1N8TRUOTION. Private LfMeae la Preach, Gerasaa, Drawing, dtc. Hermann kbytes, organ ist of Oer. Ev. Luth. St*. Jsroo* Cbureh. en Fourth Street), reepectfullv informs the puh Uc thai b? is prepared to receive Scholars in any cf the above branches. For terms and informa tion a^ly to Mr. JESSE B. MELLOR. c. A. WINGERTER, Oi DBIVTIIT, OVFIOl AND RESIDENCE. No. 83 Market StiMt nearly opposite Custom House. Wheeling. W. To. auglf-lm DENTAL NOTICE. HAmOMLS OCT MV PBAC tice la Dentistry to Dn. Sarglson and Mc Cormiok, I would cheerfully recommend then to m ? many patrons u ufe and reliable opera tort In all thoTariomdepartmenteof Denttntry. They agree ts fulfil my contracts, and persons in want at superior work will lad it their iuter <Mt to call upou them. . aug9-dtf B. Q. WlNCHELL. J. M. 817*01*05, D. P. %. S. B. M'CORJCC*. 0. P. a. SUBGIS0N & W00BHI0K, SCCCEMOBSTO BB. B. G. Win. CHSLL, Doatlrts, No. 145 Market Streit Wheeling, Wert va. aug9-dly WELLS CHAM. J. Aboxao OKBSMA >X Walls ThflCA A fifthrmann PLAJuCSS, DRILLS, CHUCfB, BOLT CUT- 1 TERS, Kabber and Leather bIlTINO, PACK I XKOi Sperm sad Lord OIL. sad ether ranplieo. Cottonaad Woollea YAEK* BATS, WICKS, TWIWB8. 4c. aagriy j ^ A' REMOVAL. I tffl BLifB KBimB TtTli ? ofQrecortea. Grata, fail to., to whieh we InTtte the attenttoa ef max friends aad customers sad the eommuaify gea- 1 SSiim STEAMBOATS. Notice to Shippers & Travelers For New Martinsrille,SitterttilU, 9t. Mary's, Mariettta and Parkersburg. (Ii place ef the Express ) MUMkTHl NEW AND CLE / gant light draught Steamer "New State" Captain John McLore Jr., will run a a a REGULAR PACK ET between WHEELING and PARKEES BURG, leaving "Wheeling every Ttrasday, Thursday and Saturday at 11 o'dloes a. m. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply on Board or to M, BOOTH, BATl'ELLE A CO., A mo* aug . ?i Bywn, uiiuLA ? w., Jf Agents For Cincinnati. ( In place of the Potomac. J THE FINE PASSENGER ~ * ???-??'?< nrvr .1-orkTTTI Puntain 1 r-mnrm. P ACKET.'pINe" JROYE, Captain <rv iScai Lon Bryson will leave as above, Wednesday, the 23d lnst at 5 o'clock p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to BOOTH BATTELLE St CO., augtt-lt Agents. For Parkersburg. , in place of Steamer Bayard ) THE ITEAflEB LEONO RA No. 2, Captain DAVIS, will leave as above every Tuesday, Tharsdav and Saturday mornings. For freight or passage apply on board or to rj. C ANDERSON, aug22-lw Agent. For Cincinnati. rr?s, THE FINE STEA.1IEB iJ^trfSLINNIE DROWN Captain J. W. J? BLACK Malor RICE, Clerk, will leave as above oo Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board or to BOOTH. BATtELLE St QO., aug22 Agents Regular Passenger Packet For Pittsburg, Wheeling and Parkersburg THE NEW AND ELE. Passenger steamer FOREST CITY, AaBSflbCapt. John* Goroo.v, A. E. Buntwo, Clerk, leaves Pittsburg for Parkerabnrg every Wednesday and Saturday at 13 M.: leaves Wheeling fer Parkersburg every Wednesday and Satnrday at 12 P. M , leaves Parkersburg fot Pittsburg every Monday and Thursday at 2 P. M; leaves Wheeling for Pittsburg every Tuesday and Friday at 7 A. M. Freight received for Pittsburg every Monday and Thursday at the Wharf Boat until 5 P M., by BOOTH, BATTELLE St CO., auglS tf Steamboat Agents. Regular Packets. Wheeling and Parkersburg U. S. Mail Boats. . THE N* WAND LIGHT _ .ft DRAUGHT Side-wheel Steam ^ ers EAGLE and EXPRESS. AKtBBSaHl These boats run regularly be tween Wheeling and Parkersburg daily, Sun days excepted, leaving Wheeling at 11 o'clock A. M. ana Bellalr at 1 1 -3<? A if on arrival of trains from Pittsburg. Returning, leaves Parkersburg at 5 o'clock A. M.. arriving at Bellair in time to connect with the eastern oound train. Hp"Through tickets can b* procured on theso boats for Pittsburg and eastern cities. BOOTH, BATTELLE St CCL Agents, Wheeling. W. Ta. HALL St CO., Agents, Marietta, Ohio. neal Si Mckinley, tnylG3m Agents, Parkersburg, W. Va. LIQUORS. C. L. ZANK. 8. I*. MD.LKB. C. L. ZANE & CO., IMPORTER* AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES and Liuuors, Manufacturers of l'ure Catawba Wined, Ouiiicv Street, between Main and Market Sta., wheeling, Va., keep constantly on band Brandies. Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Jamaica Unms and Cordials, choice Old live .mil Bourbou Whiskies. sep'JO SMITH'S BOTTLERY. ON THE 1ST OF JUNE INST. I Hold out to my late manager, JOHN THONER, all my stock and Interest in my Bot tling establishment, and ran with confidence as sure my friends and customers that they may rely ou tho business ImiIujj managed as hereto fore. <}. W. SMITH WllKKLlMl, Juue 8, 1865. In connection w th the above, I bug to to In form my friends, and the friends and customers of Georg* W. Smith, Esu., that the Bottling but inexx heretofore carried on by him will be con tinued at the old stand under the name and flirn ..I lolTN THONER & CO. Tho Ales and Pottei will bo exclusively of Oeorge W. Smith's m^uufacture, and the subscriber nopes from his Ion# experience in Bottling; and by strict atteutiun to all orders to merit and re> ceive a share of publio patronage. JOHN THONER. QWiiF.Rt.rNn '* *"* jet* HKXKY SCHML'I.BACII. UEOROE FEIXRIt H SCHMULBACH <& CO., No. 0 illsnref iirrri, IVIiecling, j^KCPORTERM l\l? OKAI.ER* IN Brandies, Wines, Gin, Monongaliela, Itoiirhon. an?i Uye IV ii i-U y. Keep constantly ou livid a full s ippiy ?t the best bramls of everything in their line lyWu manufacture th* best of Cider Vio egnr aid Domestic Wh m, II. SCnniLBAVII A CO., No 6 Monroe st. in room formerly occupied by S. I. Block. my29 ly G. W.FKANZHEIM, No 1&7 Market street Wheeling, Va., IXTOBTEE AND DEALER IK BRANDIES, WINES, AO. Keeps const antlj ?n hand the Oldest and foeM arti<*it*oi Ku* and Bonrbou t%tii*kies, And the Choicest Brands of IMPORTED BRANDIES ANO WINES. I particularly invito th- attention of the pub lie to the superior article of CATAWBA AND ISABELLA VFIN1S. Raised in the vicinity of Wheeling which I offer to the pnblio at a low figure Rectifying conducted on a largo scale and low prices ?ep2i< HEMtT EOSETTHAL- A. A. tEVTsOV H. ROSENTHAL & CO., Importers and wholesale Dealers in BRANDIES, WINES OK. ALCOnOL. BOURBON, KYK MONONOAHELA WHISKEY. CATAWBA WINES. AC manufacturers of Oite Tiaeiar and Deaestir Wiar*. No. 23 Main Street, (Is room formerly occupied by Pryor & Frost WOTBI.INC3, W. TA. SNCOURAGED B1 THE LIBBk A 1. PATRONAGE heretofore extended to hsuse, we hare aeenred one of the largest and best looated warerooms in the city, where w? will have excelieat facilitiea for receiving aad shipping our goods. We have fitted up the house In the latert and most approved manner for the manufacture of the celebrated Rose Whiskey vnd superior Cider Vinegar. The best bran as of everything usually kept is atiH claw Bwar store, constantly on hand and for sale at thelowsat prices. A fell assortment of choice frauds of fine Oigaww tsaByonh+ad. T?B?T #F1?F? W DC ^ IMF IUAL JD IwaiBjsoe, BL*ek sad Japan Taaa, for mU ihtflft At )?M BOftrH,*Att?mAOO* P'ft M?, AW? Wtni ansa&mr' BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. I WHOLESALE BTCLELLAN & KNOX, 60 MA 8f.. WHEtltNO We have Just received oar Spring and Sum m?T stock of Boots and Shoes, Whi?h will be sold LOWER than the SAME QUALITIES can be boubght In Philadelphia or Baltimore n'CLBLLAN & KNOX. marS7 ly A BABE CHANCE FOB CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THE BAY STATE BOOT AND SHOE OEPOT ? OF? JOim KNOX< NO. 5 HAIIf ST., CBNTBE WHEELING. ? Having purchased mypro* eat carefully selected stock of Men's and Boys', Ladles' and Misses' Boots and Shoes, from the very best establishment* East, I am now pre pared, and will sell everything in my line at panic prices for Cash. Come one, come all, and see for yourselves. JOHN KNOX mylO NEW STORE. NEW STOCK. CHEAPER THAN EVER. JOHN H. ROBINSON Has fitted vp the fine LARGE ROOM formerly occupied by JOHN BISHOP, NO. 158 MAIN STREET be tween Union and Madiaen, and opened the finest stook of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS ever offered In this city, selected by himself and taught at a great sacrifice since the great de cline. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. Save yoar money by buying at . 156 MAIN STREET, apl5 Wheeling, W. Va JOHN ANDERSON, Manufacturer and deal er IK BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATH ER, No. 196 Main Street, Wheeling, V*. sep90 B. PORTER & SONS, lETHO LE8ALE AND RETAIL, TT DEALERS fir BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 135 Mala Street, Wheeling, W. V*. Oar stock is Urge, and we an enabled to offer great Inducements. Merchants are requested to call and see for themselves, before purchasing their goods. sep&) Boot and Shoe Store. LOUIS FRANZHEIM, I \BALEB f IV BOOTS ANDIHOEM, JJ No. 149 Main St.. Wheeling, W. Va., (two doors above J. C. Harbour's Carpet Store, lwonld respectfully announce to the eltisens of Wheel ing, that he has opened a Boot and Shoe Store, at the above stand, where he will be glad to have his friends give him a call His stock Is entirely new. and of the latest style and best quality. Prices as cheap as the cheapest. sepSo HATS AND CAPS. HATS AND CAPS Wholesale and Retail. HARPER ?fc BRO. Ii8 <k 77 Main street. Wheeling. We hare Tust received .our entire |SPR IK AND STOOGE* STOCK of H ATS AMD CAPS, Which we will ?eli at the lowest possible prices. HARPER & RRO. WATCHES AND CLOCKS. J. T. SCOTT, w. a. J. T. SCOTT A CO., Wholesale aad Retail Dealers la Watohea, Clocks & Jewelry, 1X7ATCH AND CLOCK 91 ATE R I - JT ALS, Tools aad Glaerea, Silver aad SUrer Parted War*, Fancy Qseda, No. 177 Mala Street, Wheeling. W. Va. WkoUmlt Ho%m, Ho. SI Fiftk 8L, Pitttbvryk Pa i. T. SCOTT. W. m. BSOOOEK. SCOTT 6 HENNEOEN, Importers aad Wholssals Jobbers ia Watches, Clocks & Jewelry fsHssI fl?sl Ifgf IMtamd OUutet, sassgarayaa ?> WtllllBi 9* Pitts ?gr SEWING MACHINES. NO HOME IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A SEWING MAC HIM-;. WHEELER Sl WILSON'S Are universally acknowledged to be tho Cheapest, Simplest and Rest, for Family nso Our interest aot being second to tlut of the purchasers we spare neither paius nor expense until the Machines are thoronghlv understood and used successfully. For faithfulness in this respect, reference is made to hundreds now us ing them in Wheeling and vicinity, and for thi? re?9onthe W. &. W. Machine always gives en tire satisfaction. W!H. SrW\ER A CO.. JVo. 09' Tin in at., M iirrlin;'. W. V. l\co doors abort cortur ]fnnroe *trctt SINGER'S MANFACTURING SEW IN It iUCIIlXKS, The Best and only Rehao'.c Mac hi>'< s FOR Tailoring, Boot anil Slioo M:?l. Hat aiul Cap Making. Harness tfnhin^. Carriage Trimming. And all illaaufiirtiii'iMU B'lirpaa*-*. FREDERICK J MORSE, No 0(1 tlniii J^lrrrl, tVliriliii;, W Vii Two doors ahore corner Wmiror Sh eet, Jy? AGRICULTURAL. ~ FOR SALE, A T .1 O 91 .> H A V IlLR 'N New Agric?iltmal Warehouse and Seed Store. ,iil kinds of the very b??st Pattern Piouslwand Casting*, ami every other Kind of J'.irui I mule - ractit*. h? uvl: ni all kind* ofuar* den and Field Seeds, Fertilizers, Ac , at tin- low est marl: t price. Casting of all kinds done to order IOM.N MA VilLK A... i No. MS West I'r.itt street, Biltinj'ipn, Md. any In Ira R. SINCLAIR &C0., MAXCPACTt'REItH OF Agricultural Implements ! AND 'lUHIMHV, Grower a 'an,{ ImjtorUr* of fiarrfrn m d Fi' M Seed*, Tries, Plant*, <Jfv .also Dealers in Fertilizer* <fc., <fc, NO 58, 60 AND 69 LIGHT STREET. BALTIMORE. Ml), A RE .\OW tlAXIFACriKIMJ J\. our celebrated Patvut Scr<-w Propeller, Hay and Straw Cutters. acknowledged by tho many tboi'sand* of formers who L ive n-.-cl then), to be the simplest, st.-ounewt, and most ttticlenf Straw Cutter made in this country. Wo m.*k? Ave sizes ot them For sire am! pi'ji ? send for a Circular. We are also manufacturing oui Patent Screw Propeller and Masticator. witiiFOUK KNIVES. We make four sizes Tho two Mueller sum art used by hand or power, and the two largo sir. *? by hor?e power. This Cutter exceed i all oth? r? tor cattiug and crushing OOTB ntalks tod equa'ly as good a straw cutter lhm- Cuf are generally preferred in the Western Si Scully's Cider and Wine frl ii The subscribers respectfully invit* t ?>? ? . ,i tion of ail interested in the mannlVt' t ..m ? der, to tho superior merits of tl'* n' .? .... n tioned machine. For simplicity, compacts *?, strength, economy of power, an I ot work performed challenges conipm-^n vv? make two size*, one size lor hau l >m t and one for hind or horse pow-ir S* ti t ? ? c,k ii lar. SINCLAIR ir CO S lUi' LlilK SPREADER, th?, best in u .iii j'.A3U?KS AND -LEANERS, THu ^/JFRS AND STRAW CARRIERS PL.\I\' THRASH ERS PBTON HORbE POWhlir- ilNCLAIBS SPUR OEAR POWERS *es, IS, 10, and ? horse railway powers \ '1'E > I AND GUANO DRILLS, PLAIN DR1T.) i'a grass seeder at tached GRIST HILLS French Burr and Cologne stones Iron Plant <t.ou ALUs. Corn and Cob Crushers, Corn Sballers. lor hand and dot er; Wheat Fans, Cider and Wine Mills and Pr? ws Field Rollero, all Iron; Iron Clod Crashing Rollers. Left Hand Plows with both cast ana wrottgLt Iron ihares; Right Hand Plow* of all ?arieties and sizea. Harrows, Cultivstors Flow and Machine Castings for sal's wh<de*a' t.d re tail, and .it the lowest market r*t< s. R. sinclaii: 4. CO No. ?? Light street B ^titnore, Md. aajl'-iJm COOKING STOVES. JOHN HAMILTON & CO., WUOUWALE DRALF.Cj 15 COAL & WOOiJ COOKING STOVES I ! Also, ail kinds of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES, Adapted for either Wood or Coal. HOLLOW WARS, PLOUGH POINTS, GRATES ARCHF.3 and eTery description of p jX ?nrTTvr^? Rolling 'Mill, Eouring Mill ASD Saw Mill Castings. QUINCY FOUNDRY ft MACHINeSHOP Wkeellnf, W. Va. v. frwn ? Card to a Porter' FOR SAjlE AND RENT. " FOR SALR rpilE VEBY DENIRABLE PROP X EKTY on Fourth street, known aa the reai deuce of A. P. Woods, deceased, with stabling, &c., ic., complete; also the property at the head of Monroe street, connor of Monroe ami Seventh above the Episcopal Church, and th,? lata residence of Geo. T. Tingle. For inform? tion relative thereto inquire of GEO. T. TINGLE. angl? 2wd Gas Company's Oflco Sale of Valuable Lots IN JACOB S ADD. TO SOUTH WHEELING 1WILL SELL LOT NO. 13, IN square No. 26. situate In South Wheeling formerlv called Ritchietown, and my lota in Jj cob's addition to South Wheeling, namely lot* 73 and 74, on Plank Road street, and 12 lots oo tli e South aide o< Beech street. Beech atr? ; u ihe street East of Plank Road street, an: ? nate between the town of La Grange, and what is called Jacob's addition to South Wheelin? a plot of this addition can be seen by referecc* t-. Peed Book No. 43, p. 393. If not sold at private sale, the lots will be ol fered fer public sale at the Court House ia Wheeling on the 29th day of August, leo' ob the terms of one -half of the purchase money cash or at sixty days by note, with approve^ security, and tne reeidne at twelve months with interest. Perscns wishing to buy are referral ta Z Jacob Esq an gl6-ts ISAAC W. MI TCHELL FOB SALE! I' HE SCBICMUUmU (EM at public auction on Thuraday, the 24th d?> of August. 1565. at 10 o'clock A. M at iki Court House, in the city of Wheeliiyr the vai uable property known as the ' ' Cnion Sous* it ing Lot numbered one (1), in square No. 7. on tb* corner of Main and Quincy streets, In said city This is regarded as tne most desirable lot now in market, in the business part of the city. TLs Surchaser will be entit'ed to the rent from lu o; ctobernext Lease expires on April 1st 1ft Terms cash JAMES D.GIBSON*, J. G GIBSON, JOHN T. GIBSON, Executors of James Gibsuu " By Lamb A PaCLL. aug? t* PUBLIC SALE Of Loti in the City of Wheeling and South iVheeling | WILL SELL AT Pl'BLlC All 1 TION. ou Thursday, tho 1st day of Septsm ber next, at the front aoor of the Court Hou* oi Ohio county commencing said sale at tec. 0 clock A. M , 'Lots numbered 126 t ot Lot 14* Lots 15- and ltit). nil on Zane street alsoLot->ii and 12 in Ritchie's addition '2d Ward. ALSO The following tots in South Wheellug Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 11 and 12. squars 20 Nos 10, II, square 13. 11, 12, square 30. 5. 15, square 33 1, 2, square 47. 14, 15, II, square 21 9 10, square 3T> i square 37. 2, II, 12, square 4* 5, 6, aquare 44 2, square 49. Terms of sale: the purchaser uia> at bi?o|> tioii pay the whole purchase money iucaab, ui one-third in hand, and the balance In six sua twelve months with interest on Hen F R ARMSTRONG. Agent August I, I td. FARM FOE SALE. 1 OFFER AT PRIVATE HALE 111 L farm, containing about 270 ACni-8 Of Laud, situated in Colerain township, iiel mont county, O A large proportion of this irat l of land is improved and in a good condition lot cultivation ; the lest is covered with fine timbet which Jias been carefully protected aud is verv callable, has all necessary improvement* au.l conveniences. A good house, new barti, Unu orchard of well selected fruit, is well watered and has inexhaustible mines of coal, six fool veins, easily accessible. It Is located In a denii able and intelligent neighborhood? six miles fn*m Wheeling, atul one hall mile from the Cadiz and Bridgeport Plank Road, aud can be easily up pinachcd at all times of the year ou good roads Parties desiring a good grain aud stock farm , are directed to this >is a rare Investment. The terms of sale will be very liberal MAHY H MILLER For information npplv personally or by usll t e ABNLK J. MII.LEK St. Clalrsvllle, Ohio Notice. TIIK i >IM I(NI<;,M;U DKMIKIM. X TOde\ote his undivided attention to otliet matters, otters at private sale his stock el Drugs Taints, Modicinna, Oils A-c., together witli tho furniture, fixtures, cte For particulars and terms enquire ol A C OOOD, Wheeling, W. Virginia Until inrlh'H noti( e the business will l?e n ti tinned as heretofore. sn< FARM FOR SALE, Ci O .> T A I I M 170 ACRKR. I Hi i SEKVK tne River Jiill, which is wl?out acrcs Tlits larm Is situated ou Scotch Kldge it miles altove Wheeling, and twenty rod* frotu I Ik Ohio River aud Railroad, where we have i Switch so that produce can be shipped to anv pii i- It is well improved ; agooilbtlck boii? c<> ut lining eight rooms with cellar uoder tie front; also thejargeat barn lu the townsl f with si ihliug under it for harsot and cadle I is well watered bv a never-tailing spring at tin door, and a large litick spring home nud all ot! er buildings neo ssary. There are seven sri--? ol appleorchard of thecholcest fruit, theyoiin, est trees just commencing to bear also a vatir ty of ot her fruits, sucii as quluces, crape* and p?ia< lies. It is wc-U timbered, not leas that, a tiiousaud locusts from two to three leet ovn The gn-at. i pirt ol the larm 1* well adapted ? viueyards. The soil cauuot l>e surpassed lo: raising all kinds of grain, the most ot it having been in grass for lour or fire years The build ituisare ad substantial, for I put tin m up ?<' ? er lnteodiag to sell Any oue wishing to pui chase will p.'ia?e rail on me ou tho premises u, Pease township, Belmont county. Ohio ( will make payments suitable and easy. I will also sell the River Hill with the ( mI under all the I tnil ia'2SMm<Uw WILLIAM RA INK V Real Estate For Sale. U7 H'BEI, K\OW> AD Tilt Ol Buchanan Farm, on Big Wheeling <Jr ? *?? . / risol bottom with a hewed log house I' not sold st private sale, will be offered aimi' tiou at the Court House door, on tbo |3tb ol September, 1865. Also tbe doubl* boose on J< hn Street oecu pie i by M< vrs. Caldwell and Kllmnbam O W THOMPSON, GEO W. 8TEENROD su^lC lAwts MBS E. B CARTER FURNITURE. FI KMT1RF RfTAHf.MNIIKIV T IM Watn Street next door to Rl*bif> a Jewel ry Stnre R. T. FBEBND & SON, MA"^VFArTt'lUr> Of All Styles of 'Furniture ? wen a?? COP.?? U|'REAlTMf RBDHTE/Hi1* ij OuAJJ'J*, and "*"erjtbing uinally Irept ?r 4 y aruitare Store. Ail kiort* of work made to order witu n< new and dispatch KJITDEBTlSnc:. We will tarnish Metallic m well u otberkio- ? of Coffin*, made of tbe beet material* and o i > Ute?t ana mo?t approved stylee, on abort loot. ? flaring bad an experience of jean in the at drrtakinz busin?5ee, we hope, by atteatb ? to bnnin-an, to merit a share of pabticpatrooar It i? o-ir intention to accommodate oar c??H -?* * tp 4 he utmost of o*r ability. B.x.wainfp*8oy IRON WORKS. " WHEELING IRON WORKS office ax? vTAxmovn SO. 15 MAIN STREET. ACHE SON, BELL * 00., Manufacturers of ui ijealtra in Merchant Bar Armor Plate* Dandy and Heavy Tire, Sheet Iron. Konnda awl gqoare* Task Ira* Ovale. Hall Oral* Plow Wine* Half Rounds, Villa Wire A superior quality ef "HORSE SHOE BAB" ef ? t own manafcOma, mm m b? *