Newspaper Page Text
FOB 8 ALB. A FOR SALE. STSAM FLOURING MILL, WITH j-%, three run of French Hurra, in good run ning order, situated on Caldwell's Ran, near the cltv of Wheeling, will be sold cheap For further particulars apply to L. G. HUGHES, ICeal Estate Agent. Office on Chapline Street, betwecu First and Second Streets. sepS I'OK SALE. k SHARKS STOCK IN THE M. A M. Zu Bauk aud do do Franklin Insurance Compaiy. I. IRWIN. auf?4> TRUSTEE'S SALE. By VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST, DA ted 13th day ol Way, 1307, made by James U. Morris to me and recorded in the office of the Surveyor of the port of Wheeling, iu volume 3 at page 1?5, 1 will sell at public auction on the Mb day of October, liKU. at tbu public landing, in the city of Whevliug, Ohio county, West Vir ginia, to the bixhest bidder, for cash, the andi Tidsd two thirds (|) of the steamboat Leslie Combs, her tackle, apparel, furniture, and all ?tb*r uiwe?ariea to?r?to appertaining aud De longing. Selling as trustee, 1 will convey only such title and interest, at is vvnted in me by said deed of trust . GEORGE O. DAVENPORT. sept 3-d td Trustee. BANES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WHEELING. Designated Depository U. S. Capital - - - 3400,000. Surplus - - - -15,000. MONEV RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT. Exchange bought aud sold. Collections made and proceeds promptly re mitted. Interest paid on special deposits at the rate #f /.'ti r per tent, per itnuuui where the deposit remains six months, and Jie? pec cent, if lor one rear. Amounts ol' Merchant*. Manufacturers, Dank oj. and others solicited. Ksvsnue Stamps for s*!? iu sums to suit. A constant supply of new Fractional Curren cy and I. * 1 ana i cent coin kept fsr the ac ?oDiimxlatiou of depositors and the public. GBORGK ADAMS, Cashier. GEORGE K. WHEAT, President. marl3-ly 1) C. I.IST. KOHKKT MOKKlflON HK^ttT X LIS T, <illltK)S LAMB. JlisKI'll skinOLI). BANK OF WHEELING, WUEBUXS. W. V A., I vKALS IN BII.LS OF EXCHANGB.GOV. I ' KR.VMRNT BONDS, Stocks, Gold, Com- 1 w?rrial Pai*r aud all uegsliahle securities. S|?ecial attention g;r?u t > collections. Interest allowrd on spe. ial deposits; four per I i-?hi per annum if left six months and ive per f?nt if left one >ear. D. IX LIST, President. GIBSON LAMB. Cashier. JOSEPH SET ISOLD, A ss't Cashier. uiat3 I J NATIONAL BANK OF WEST VIRGINIA. Capital, - - Money received on deposit, in trrest jmiil uii Special Deposit*. Note* and tills discouu ted Kxilisn^o Bought ami Sold, Calle, tians made uii all points anil proceeds l?ro*i|>tlv ieiuitte.1. DIRECTORS: Crispin Oglebjy, Thomas Hughes, Michael Keilly, Dr. A. S. Todd, Arthnr Little, J.R.Hubbard, Jw McClt'uey. M. Pollock. James Maxwell. CRISPIN OGLE HAY, President. to/IN VVAliNKK <\?shier. Merchants' National Bank| OF WEST VIRGINIA. Capital Paid In, - $300. OOO. 'PUIS HANK SUCCEEDS TO THE BUSl I nevs i.f the "Mmhnti' and Mechanics Rank of Wheeling." It i* a Deaimted lupus iw>rr a ud Kitiatirul Agent of the United States | an t in prep.ued to do a legitimate banking bus llru Pkk?ii>*nt? J. NELSON VANCE. l?l!tK'"low?? I homas Sweeney, L. S. Del.iplain, j Jan C. Aeln-.nm. John Donlou Win. II. Simpson, A. A licit Hotel), k Craii'le. James IJalzell. janl? ly S. BRADY, Cashier. THE PEOPLE'S BANK, Office No. Main street, WHEELING, W. VA. MONK i LICEIVED ON DEPOSIT, IN tries! paid on Special Deposit, Notes aud Kills Uncounted. Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections at bouie or from abioad pi.wptly attended to. DIRECTORS John Kenl, Ileus, John liat.dlan. John Vo?kler, Samuel J. Itoyd, Richard Carter. Andrew Wilson. JOHN RE1D. President. JOSIAII F. CPDEGRAFF Cashier. jul Incorporated W heeling Savings Institution. Ollice No. *.?> Monroe street. Money received on deposit, in terrst paid ou Special Deposits, Notes and ! Bills Discounted. Exchange Rougbt and S<dd, Collections made on all points. In order to meet a want that bas long Iieeti felt in this communi ty. this InMitntiou will receire on Wednesday and Saturday alteruoous, bet ween the hours of two and four o'clock, deposits of any sum of ?uinvy trom one dollar and upwards, on which into: est w ill lie paid. GEO. MENDEL, President. DIRECTORS: Al?x. Laugblin, A. J. Panncll, John McI.ure. Jr., Alex. Rogers, Moigau L. Ott, James Paull, Alex. J. Cecil, James Reed. ?cti; It A. C. QUARR1ER. Treasurer. HOTELS. SWANN HOUSE, PARKXRSBUKG, W. VA., 'rill: om.v ( o.nnouioiM 1 fiist-class Hotel in the city. aovJO-ly J. WM. DEN"!, Proprietor. If A LTBY HOUSE. 4. It. MILLER, Proprietor, PRATT STREET. BALTIMORE tev'jLV tf CVCKETT HOUSE. > ?! th * Me *f ItiUa Park, v V. 'I'lIIS IIOr.SE IS KEPT ON THE EC 1 repeati plan, it is within three minutea nde (by horse ears) of the New Ilaven Kail read Depot, convenient to all the princlp plae?* of amusement, and for Summer trarelle will ke found the ceelest Hetsl in the K'ury reon is provided with running water. | Oxtoby & Dof field, it Jwelrj, Spectacles, SILVER WARE, Fancy Goods, 103 Main Street. I"? Special attention jWen to the repair of Watches, Clacks, Jewelry, Ac. Sale A rout* for Grower A Bnker'a Family Sewing Machines. ?pr3U ELECTION, 1868. Campaign Badges & Medals MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY the doten, hundred ar thousand at PARTRIDGE'S GALLERY 1 17 Mais Stkkrt, Jon* WHIIL1NO. Clarified Champagne aad Pure Crab Cider. BARRELS PRIME QUALITY. t)UU warranted to keep good In warm weather, in (tore and for sale Vy aprtSJBS CTr OS* *. REILLT. IHMittt) Register. Fri 4rnr H*raU|i ItrplrnWr !I3. E X T R A.. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Millinery Goods, Dross Trimmings, Alex, and Empress Kid Gloves. Embroideries, etc. D. A. ADLER & CO., 141 MaINStRKLT, Whkkuso. fy Orders promptly utteudod to. D. A. Awlrk and J. W. Campbell, Wheeling ; Kohn, Adlzk ? Koii.v Philadelphia. ap rtu LOCAL MATTERS. Siager'a N?iitlr?i Mrwing .llachiar. Prices and terms to suit all. Straw Sc. Mor ton, 151 Main street POSTPONED* ? The picnic that was to come off 011 the Fair Ground yesterday, by the First German Lutlieral School, was postponed on account of the ex treme inclemency of tho weather. When it will como off we are not ad vised. Plkchaskd.? We understand that C. W. Brockunier, Esq., of this city, pur chased, a few days ago, fur $9000, the beautiful resideucu of Mr. George Kee line, situated in Kirk wood, Ohio. Mr. Ii. intends residing there after the first of April next. Rain, Rainy, Mokk Rainy.? It seems as though the windows of Heaven were opened and that we are to have u throe weeks rain. It has rained some two weeks and the prospects look pretty fair for another week of the same kind of weather. If it continues much long er peoplo will be obliged to construct mud-boats to get aloug our streets. U? We see that Mrs. J. R. Moore, for merly of this city, but more recently Principal of the Woodburu Female Semiuary, at Morgantown in this State, has taken charge of the East Liberty Female Seminary, near Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. M. is a model instructor aud we cau congratulate our Pennsylvania friends upou their success in iuiluciug her to locate in their midst. OMINOUS. ? Froui the description of General Washburne's speech, at tbe Washington llall on Wednesday night, as given by our friend ot the InttUiytn ctr, we had to conclude that the cflort was abortive. As be has a tine faculty of manufacturing mountains out of mole hills, we are certain that, if there hail been a half a chance, he would have made it tbe greatest speech of the cainpaigu. What a Polk!? For the pant weuk tbe Radicals of tbe First Ward have been laboriug iu tbe vain effort of pole raising, and yet the job is not completed. The dilapidated timbers are spliced and nailed, and nailed and spliced, and a dozen ropes aro required to keep the thing from topling. A whole week s work has accomplished this. 1 he ap pearance of tbe polo reminds us very much of the condition ol tbe country, after the fi.rcoof four years reconstruc tion. Oh ! what a pole ! Tiik Grecian 1$kni>. ? Ibis is an atti tude peculiar to the softer st-x. It is tbe latest invention of the truly "fash ionable." It is also latitudinoua in its regime of application and will conform to almost any position the fa.ihion-fol lowing female may wish to assume. \s Charity is said to cover a multitude uf faults, so the Grecian Bend is adapt able to all movements, whether grace ful or otherwise, known to female gen tility or vulgar coarseness. 1' rom its peculiar adaptability to the various ca prices of female etiquette, we speak for it a great rush whenever its appearance shall be introduced into our own fash ionable city life. KivkR Nkws. ? The river was rising slowly, last night, with fifteen feet water by the marks. Yesterday was a bad day for bu^int ss on the levee. It rained almost iucess antly the entire day. The Rebocca left for Farkersburg at 11 A. M.; the James Rees for Sunfish at :$ F. M., and the Forest City for Steu ben villa at 2 J P. M. Hoats leaving to day? Tho Express for Farkersburg at 11 A. M.; the James Rees for Sunlish at 3 F. M., and the t or est City for Steubenville at 2$ o'clock P. M. The well-known steamer Wm. liutler, will leave for Cincinnati at 3 F. M. An Son.? The following account of an unfeeling son we clip from the Pittsburgh Evening of Wednesday: "Joseph Robinson was arrested in Allegheny, on Tuesday even iug, charged with aggravated assault and battery committed ou bis mother. It is alleged that Joe had imbibed an excessive quantity of tbe 'ardent, and his mother, as in dnty bound, repri manded him for his debauch. This aroused his baser passions, and seizing a poker, be struck his mother a severe blow on tbe bead. Mrs. Robiuson was so severely hurt that she could not ap pear at the Mayor's Conrt to testity iu the premises, and tbe unuatural son was committed to jail to await the re sult of bis mother's injuries, Police Court.? The busiuess in this Court for several consecutive mornings has been growing "small by degrees and beautifully less," till on yesterday morn ing it was non est. We waded through the mud and through the rain to reach the ball in time to witness the recital of misdeeds committed nnder the sable curtains of night, aud which are geuer ally brought to light by the sleepless vigilance of our police; but all in vain. There were no accused ner accusers. Quiet bad reigned supreme io Wheeling. The cells of the lock-up were tenautless. Nothing was to be beard in the spacious ball, so generally filled with eager spec tators, save the leeble echoes of our own murmurs at the disappointment of an item. We felt chagrined, for our friend of the Intelligencer had been more wise than surself ? be had not lost a voyage over the sea of mud to wituess a desert ed hall. I A cbaDge bad evidently come over the spirit of midnight orgies. The crimin ation aud re-crimination of tbe jealous I proprietors of neighboring brothels had ! ceased for once. Slanderer's poisonous I tongue had been lulled into peaceable silence. The subsideucy of these tnmul I tnous causes had had a salutary effect on tbe morals of tbe city and checked the proceedings in the Police Court. W e left in search of other items, and onr ?nc cess will be ascertained by a perusal of onr sketches of busy life* Peninsula Road.? We have defer red sometime in speaking of the condi tion of this road. There has been some discussion in the City Council abont the bad condition of the lower end of Zane street, next to the bridge, and during that discussion it was asserted that the repairing of said street would be of no consequence, so long as tbe road on the other side, known as the Peninsula road, was left unrepaired. Within the last ten dajB there have been actual demonstrations that this road is utterly impassable for vehicles of any kind. There have been two fu nerals which attempted to pass up tbe road, but it proved impracticable. It strikes us that this road should be attended to and put in a condition for the pas sage of vehicles, or else declared useless and shut up entirely. This latter al ternative, however, would be acting in bad faith to citizens living on that road, as well as towards those who are inter ested iu the two burying grounds situ ated on this road. Funerals frequently happen when the friends of the deceased are compelled to reach one or the other of these cemeteries. We call upon the Supervisors of the County to do some thing in this matter. It is imperious that some actieu should take place. Two or three inhabitants have as good a claim on the County for a protection of their rights as larger communities. Dut aside from all such claims, the fre quent use of this road for the purpose of bur} iug deceased friends, should be sufficient to warrant prompt action. Salaries ok Postmasters in West Virginia. ? We give below the salaries of the Postmasters in this State where the snm amounts to $50, and upwards, as recently readjusted by the Potoffice Department : Adamsville i 130 Barrackaville fid I it'll wood ><9 Benton's Ferry ... 64 Berkeley Springs. 290 Mason $ 130 Middlebourne Hi Middle Way 110 Mill Creek 76 Milo 42 Bethany. . . ... 450 j Moorlield 32-J Beverly 110 | Morg&ntown 780 Beothsville 91 Uraxtun 5d Bridgeport 160 Bruceton Mills... 63 Buckhanuon 32i) Burton 90 Cabell 130 Cairo 170 Cameron 2G0 Canneltou PO Canton 59 Capon Bridge 56 Central Station.. MO Cherry Camp.... 33d Clarksbnrg II 00 Coalburgta 53 Coalmouth Ill) Cologue f I Cornwallis 1110 Dallas 59 Dunnwro 12d Dutlield 150 Ellen borough .... ltd Kim Grove 71 Evansville 71 Kairmwut 230 Kairview 140 !?' 'arming ion 110 Fayetteville !>0 Flemiugton 65 Frankfort 53 Freeman's Land'); 50 Ganley's Bridge.. 60 German Settleiu't .V.t Gerrardstown 63 Gleu Easton 150 Gleiiville I4d (i nils 51 Grafton 6' Grant C. H 52 Greenwood lij Guvandotte 21" llailtowu 100 Harper's Ferry... 72d Hartford City fi7 Hollid.u's Cove., f'l I Iluntersville 12 1 1 Indian Creek 55 Jackson C. II 1510 | Javelen el Kaldetuwii r-7 I Kanawha C. II... 1400 Kanawha Saline. 1? ? | Kerneynville 13" Kingwood 2*i | Laurel Junction, li-o Lee Town 59 | Letart S" Lewisburg 4H11 | Lnbeck 00 j Limey's Creek ... MS j Mumiingto* 1H> | Wirt O. It.... Martinsbui'C 150" I Mouiidsville 02d Newark 70 Newbnrg.. 190 New Creek 430 New Martinsville 100 Nuw Salem 50 North Mountain. 72 Nuzttm U) Oceana 12 J l'alatine 110 Pan Handle 51 ParkerMlmrg 8200 Peansboro 60 Peterstown 63 PhillUpi no Piedmont 4?' Point Pleasant. . . 3^0 Portland Prnntytown no Porgitsville 59 Raccooon 16*> llathbone 420 Ravenswood 170 lied House Shoals 7d Red Sulphur Sp's. C7 Ripley's fiO Kippon 150 Ritchie C. II ISO Rogers 190 Roinney 330 Rowleslmrg 220 St. Maiy's el Shepherd* town .. 650 Sir John's Run.. 68 Simpson's Creek. 57 SistcrsviUe 100 Smithton ltd Spencer 160 Springfield > Summit Point. ... 170 Sweet Springs ... 1?0 Thornton .">4 Triadelphia 120 Tunntlton 110 Union 150 Valley Grove. Volcano 24" Webster 2"0 Wellsburg 4H 1 Walker 14" Wardersvi He 59 Weston 610 West Columbia., el West Liberty.... 110 West Union 'JWi Wheeling 360# White Sulp. Sp's. liOtl Williamstown. ... Willow Island.... 54 WiNonburg Si Win Held 9<J 15" Coal Boat Rise.. ? Notwithstanding that during the late iisc in the river many tow-boats passed down from Pittsburgh with their allotted number of coal-barges laden with coal, yet this rise will send a much larger num ber out. We give below the names of | boats, together with their, destination aud amount of coal : KOK CINCINNATI. Steamers. Boats. Barges. Bushels. I Coal City f 80,0W| Whale.. 9 Lion ? 9",0"0| Coal Valley f 80,000 Collier I 10 130,000 Total 510,00i I 51 FOR LOriaVlLLF.. Steamer. Boats. Barges. Bushels. I Hawk 4 ? 80,060. rOK NEW ORLEANS. Steamers. Bonis. Barges. Bushels. Boaz !> 1 195,000 Mary Alice 10 ? Q0S.000 Grand Lake 6 ? I2", Alps a I6ii,u00 Total 32 3 (?rand Total 37 54 675,000 1,265,000 Li^Great bargains iu Pi.tuos, new and second-hand, offering at Shieb's Music Store. Piano ani> Melodbox Covkus. ? i A large assortment of Embroidered, Gum, Printed, Woolen and Embossed Covers, iu new aud handsome styles, 1 just received and offering at lowest prices, at Shieb's Music Store. Caution.? We deem it a duty to cau tion persons whoso eye-sight is iu any j way impaired. Bo cateful to obtain a' good glass, and tho visual orgaus will not be injured. The most complete stock of superior spectacles, eyo glasses, goggles, &c., in gold, silver, and steel frames, cau be found at Oxtaby & Duf field's Jewelry Store, 103 Main Street. Full stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, gold pens, &o., can be found at "103." (?rnvel Roof*. Mr. George Crumbacker, of this city, is fully prepared to put on gravel roofs [ in the most improved method, and war rants his wotk to give satisfaction, either in resisting fire or turning water. Tho tar used is put through a process that frees it from oil and benzole, aud no matterjhow great the heat, it will not run. It is equal ly efficient in roofs ?f every con- 1 ceivable pitch, Mr. Crnmbacker keeps J on hand roofing cement and cement for ! tanks aud sidewalks of the best quality, and for sale at the lowest rates This has stood a test of tifteeu years iu Pitts burgh, and is*the cheapest in nse. Call at the Factory, head of Lindsley street, East Wheeling, or address him throngh the Wheeling Post Office. NEW DRUG STORE. rpHK SUBSCRIBERS HAVING BOUGHT X out the Drug Store on tho Corner opposite the Post * Office, are prepared to furnish their friend*, and all who mav give them a call, with the BEST arti cle* in their line. Everything usually kept iu a FIRST-CLASS Retail Drug Store will be fonnd here. And if a desire to pleaae onr patrons is a guarantee i( ?ncc<*e we will secure it. We make a speciality of patting up Physi cians' Prescriptions, which will be aone ntwtlv, accurately rna at all hours. At LOW PRICES, to suit the times. mar25-lT SILVEY 4 LIST. AUCTION BAT/Rfl. AUCTION. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AMD SHOES, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Furniture, Stoves, Clothing, Ac., Ac., AT Auction Prices, AT HUBBARD & BRO.'S Auction & Commission House, i*?9. 86 and 88 Market St., (Near the corner of Quincy.) tVHEELING, TV. VA., ryi'roiiipt attention given to all business entrusted to them. Auction Sales .Tlade on Lib eral Terms. aep8 PIANOS. MUSIC. VILLUS fl. SflEIB 109 IflAIIKET STItEET. SOLE AGENT FOR Steiuway's Pianos! recognized aa the most i-kkhrct piano made in the world, receiving the FIICST GOLD IflEDAL! At the Pars Fair over more than 400 other Pianos. Full assortment at leu than Factory Price*. I'rice Lints free. KNABE'SPIANOS. Long tried by the M nsical Profession anil given place in tlin musical world Htemul to ri one. for Power, ISnUianey, Durability and Tune. All pianos have Patent Agkaffk Arraxokmkvt. Send for reduced Price List. Emerson's Pianos The CHEAPEST AND BEST PIANOS made in the United States. Prices from $300 to SSOO. All pianos warranted 5 years. 1WAS02V X HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. Acknowledged superior to any other Organs by over 200 o! the first musicians of America, and over 50 of the best musicians of Europe. Receiving at Paris Thr First Phizk Mkiul. They are recognized in Europe as in America I he lie*t of their claxs. Prices $75 toffiiHI. ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, A nnsurpMsod for Qiiieknuit 0/ Articulation Roundnent, uu'l 1'urity />} Tone. Tho only organ containing iu*? vu* iiuMAM? tuuuoi.?. fur Price Li?U of Organs. Pianos and Organs sold by payment ol Month ly Installment*. Special attention given to order* for SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS. SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL GOODS AND STRINGS. Send for circulars, free by mail. jan'il STEAM CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT, VirillCII TE.> YEA KM' T Kill, X f in New York and other Eastern cities has proved a complete suecess. ITS ADVANTAGES. 1st. Fading and shrinkage are completely avoided. 2d. No ripping apart necessary. 3d. Wlieu freed from dirt, moths, or their larvae, the carpet looks nearly as good as new, save the natural fading of colors from wear. 4th. When perfectly clean, a carpet will wear as Ion ?? again ? a desirable matter as a mere point of economy, to say nothing of look*. All orders left at the ollice, 1*0 Liberty street, or addressed to I'. O. Box 47:1, will receive prompt attention. GEO. L. Mi-CLINTOCK, niy4-3m Proprietor. THEODORE FINK, WHOLESALE DEALER IX PRODUCE, Qoiucy St,, bet. Market and Main, Ham jiHT KKCCireu a>i> for sale 10 Tierces Geo. F. Davis It Co. StiirS. C. Hams. 5 do do do Dried Beef. S llogheads Shoulders. 5 do Clear Sides. 5ll Barrels Pollock's Floor, Yinceunes, Ind. 25 do Atlantic Flour, Vincennes, lad. 50 do Gebhart's Best Flour, Dayton, Ohio. 50 do Dew Drop Flour, Marietta, Ohio. 50 do Pearl Mills Flour, Cincinnati. 5 Tons Chop- Feed. 10 do Bran. 100*1 Bushels Corn. 2-"> Barrels Pure Cider Vinegar, warranted. WHEELING, June ltftb, l(J6f. junld caRBOtaTE of ume: r|'lIE ONLY RELIABLE DISINFECTANT L and Deodorizer to prevent Cholera, Summer Complaint, Fevers, etc. For sale by EDMUND BOCKING, No. I Odd Fellows' Uall, and BOCKING Si MILLER, yll Cor. First and Chapline streets. CHANGED HANDS! The Well Known Drug Store, Cor. Haiii and Webster Sts., CENTRE WHEELING. THOMAS J. FINNEY, PH AB.TI ACE t TINT. RESPECTFULLT INFORMS TnE PUB lictbat he has ourchased the well known Drug Store of Geo. K. Glessner, formerly C. H Odlx-rt's, and hopes by strict attention to busi ness to merit a share of pnblic patronage. I guarantee that all Drugs sold shsll l>e pare; and all preparations perfectly reliable, and made strictly in conformance with the U. S. Pbarmacopa'ia. My personal attention will be circa to the com manding of Physicians' prescriptions and family receipes. augU For Sale Cheap. 'I'lIE EXCELLENT BUSINESS STAND 1, on Main street, north of Union, at present occupied by Mr. Ziakan, Merchant Tailor. Also that first class building lot. corner of Fifth sad Clay streets. Kast Wheeling. The forego iag will be said low to elose the affairs of an estate. THOS. O'BRIEN, sep 14 Real Estate Agent. Baeon. SrflAR ri'RED AND flCGAR Pis k led Hams, Shoulders and Clear Sidei on hand and for sale by aus?l M. REILLY. BOBACK'S REMEDIES. GOOD HEALTH Is paramount to wealth. If the sysUo* u in bad order purge oat the Tile humors and dis tempers with Roback a Blood Pills, and get the Internal organ* performing their regular func tion*, and once in order, keep them so by the daily nee of Bo back* Stomach Bitters. 8old by all druggists everywhere. DYSPEPSIA. There is, probably, no one disease with which mankind is afflicted which is ths source of so many ailments as Dytptytia, and ihere is no more certain rare than Boback's Stemacb Bit ters. Sold by all druggists everywhere. A REMARKABLE FACT That not a single instance has come to the knowledge of the proprietors, of the failure of Boback's Medicines to give entire satisfaction in the hundreds of thousands of cases in which they have been used; this is worthy of remark and undeniable evidence of their intrinsic merits. Sold by all druggists everywhere. LOUD Is the praise in the msuths of everybody in favor of Boback's Stomach Bitters, Blood Piilft and Bloed Purifier. Sold by all druggists everywhere. IS IT RIGHT That you should bid defiance to all natural laws and the science of medical men, and suffer with Dyspepsia or Indigestion, when Boback's Stom ach Bitters can be procured at any drug store Sold by all druggist.* everywhere. THEY WILL CURE YOU Of Scrofula, Erysipelas, Sick or Nervous lie ni acin', Biliousness. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Consumption, l'ain in the Back er Loins, Gout, Pleurisy, Leucorrliiraor Whites, Eruptions and *11 diseases arising from a disor dered state of the stomach, Bu buck's Blowl Pills, Stomach Bitters and Blood Purifier. ?Sold by all druggists everywhere. AS A PREVENTIVE Against Malaria, Fever and Ague, and all dis eases arising from a torpid state of the liver, there Is no medicine so highly recommended as Roback's Stomach Bitters, Sold by all druggists everywhere. GRATIFYING To knew that a reliable remedy is within the reach of everybody for the radical cure of Dys pepsia or Indigestion. Such a remedy is Bo back's Stomach Bitters. Sold by all druggists everywhere. EVERYBODY Should keep constantly within their reach, those invaluable remedies to successfully combat disease, Roback's Blood Pills, Raback's Stomach Bitters, and Roback's Blood Purifier; they are infallible in the diseases for which they are it-commended. Sold by all druggists everywhere. NOBODY Can afford to be without such valuable medi cines as Robeck's Blood Pills, Stomach Bitters and Bioed Purifier. Sold by all druggists everywhere. TEMPERANCE. There is, perhaps, no one thing that ha* dose . so much to promote the cause of temperance as ' that gentle stimulating tonic, Boback's Stomach | Bitters; they strengthen and invigorate without producing the ill effects of alcoholic stimulant*. i Sold by all druggists everywhere. | RENOVATE. During the Spring months it is one of the regular household duties to renovate, and. in the multiplicity of other duties one's own self is. in a girat measure, overlooked: thousands of valuable Uvea might be prolonged, and many daubtleas saved from premature grave* by thor oughly renovating the system with Dr. Roback's Blood Pilla, Stomach Bit tars and Blood Purifier. Sold by all drngfiate everywhere-! s*p!4 taeod LAW REGISTER. MARCH, 186 8. A ow ready, the following tcorlc, containing 1038 closely printed, large octar* pages, tcell bound in law sheep. Price, *10. Tie Lav Register COMPRISING ALL THE LAWYERS IN THE UNITED STATES: THE STATE 8EC0BD; CONTAINING THI Sstate mil County Officers, the Organization, Jurisdiction, and Terms of the Courts for Every SUM and Territory : THE OFFICIAL DIRECTORY FOR THK UNITED STATES; CONTAINING THK Officer! gf the Federal Government, the Duties of the Several Department*, Sketch*# of all the Member* of Congress, the Officers and Term* of the Federal Court* : The Collectors Assistant GIVING THK Laws tor Collecting Debt*. Executing Deeds, Verifying Claims, and Taking Testimony, with Forms for every State : WITH MUCH OTHER USEFUL INFOR-1 MATION; The whole constituting an official and BUSINESS MANUAL.! PREPARED FROM OFFICIAL RETURNS BT JOHN LIVINGSTON, Of the New. York Bar, Secretary of the Merchants' Union Law Co. SEW YORK: PUBLISHED BT THF MERCHANTS' UNION LAW COMPANY, No. 12f Broadway, Third Floor, | In the American Exchange National Bank Building.] Eg* The Book will be sent, prepaid, to anv address in the United States on reocipt cf TEN DOLLARS; or, it will be forwarded by Express, with bill, to be paid on delivery. Washington, D. 0., Feb. 24. law. John Livingston, Esq., Secretary Merchant!' Union Lava Company, New York: I Dear Sir:? Your new Law Register and Offi cial Directory, just issued, appears to have been very carefully prepared, and we think may be of great service in the transaction of the busi ness of this Department, The work will doubt less prove valuable to every otla ial, banker, merchant and business man. ALEX. W. RANBALL, P. M. Genera . ST. JOHN B. L. SKINNER, First Ass't. I'. M. General. JOSEPH H. BLACKFAN. Chief Clerk P. O. Dep't. Washington, D. C., Feb. 24, lt?8. John Livington, Etq., Secretary Merchants' Union I Laui Company: 1 Dear Sir:? The new Law Register and Offi cial Directory, Just issued, appears to have been very carefully prepared, and we tind it of great service in the transaction of the business of this Department. We thmk the work would prove a valuable acquisition to. and should be on the desk of, every prominent official, banker, mer- ' chant, and business nun. F. E. SPINNER, Treasurer of the United States. Washington, D.C., Feb. 21, IrfW. John Livingston, Esq., Secrttary Merchants' Union I Laic Company: 1 Df.ak Sib The new Law Register and Offi cial Directory, just issued, appears to have been very carefully prepared, and we tind it of great service in the tiansaction of the business ot this Department. We think the work would prove a valuable acquisition to, and should l>e on the desk of, every prominent official, banker, mer chant. and business man Very respectfully, A. N. ZEVELY, Third Ass t. 1*. M. General. REGISTER'S OFFICE, ) Treasury Department, > Washington, d. c., Feb. 24, i 808. ) John Liriivjuton, Esq. , Secretary Merchant S' Unio Sir:? The new Law Register and Offi cial Directory, just issued, atqwarsto Lave been very carefully prepared, and we tind it of great service in the transaction of tho buniuess of this Department. We think the work would prove a valuable acquisition to, and should lie on the desk of, every prominent official, banker, mer chant, and business man. Respectfully, N. L. JEFFRIES, Register. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR,) Pension office, s Washington, D. C., Feb. 35, liW. ) John Livingston, Esq.: Sir :? The new Law Register and Official Di rectory, a copy of which you were *? kind as to forward to my address, will be of material ser vice in the transaction of the business of this office. The work has apparently been prepared with care and great lalior, and it would we of particular value, beyond doubt, to every promi nent official, banker, merchant and business man. Very respectfully, yours, JOSEPH H BARRETT. Commissioner of Pensions. Washington, D. C., Feb. 25, John l.icintjiti n, Etq., Secretary of the Merchant*' Union Lata Company, Xeic } urk City: Si*:? The new Law Register and Otiicial Di rectory. just issued, appear* to have been care fully ami Judiciously prepared, with a view to furnish important information to Mm Imslnos* world. I tind it useltil oh a book of reference in the transaction of otiicial business. and it will doubtless prove a valuable acquisition to the desk of the banker, merchant and business man. Respectfully. JOSEPH S. WILSON, Commissioner of the Oeneral Land Otlice. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, t 0FF1CK OK COMITUOU-Kll OF TUB Ct'BRF-NCT, > Wabhixgtox. Feb. 25, 1860. ) Df.ak Sir I have received yonr letter of the 'JSil t lint. . with a copy of the "J .aw Kegiiiter and Official Directory" for IMS I have not been able to give the work more than a cursory ex amination: I think, however, that it contain* a (Treat deal of nseful information in a compact form, and that it might be of great service to bankers and holiness men whose transactions are liable to be extended through various sec tions of the country. With thanks for yonr eonrtosy, I remain Very respectfully, yours. n 11 HULBTTRD, Comptroller. John Licingiton, Etq.. Secretary Merchant*' Union Late Company, )?> Ilroadveay, .V. Y.: Wasiu.Vgtoh, D. C., FeL. 27, 18CH. Df.ak Sie ? Your favor of the 39d inst., is received. Accept my thanks for the ropy of the "Law Register ana Official Directory" which yon have been kind enough to forward to me. It is a work which cannot fail to be valuable to bank ers, merchants and business men generally. Very truly, yours, If. MeCFLLOCn, Secretary of the Treasury. John Linnjiton, Eta., Merchant*' Union Late Company, Sett For*. mar!) RETAIL HOUSE, No. 199 IVain, Corner Inloi Street. ?VFM PACIFIC RATLBOAD. ? ? DESIRABLE STEADY INVESTMENT. Principal & Interest in Gold Coin. The atlentioo*of Inventor*. TV?Veea, Execu tors, and other* deairin* an umu aally aafe, re liable and profitable form of peraanent lar??t ment. ia called to the nlvanUjree and aa*uraneea of the Ceutral Pacific Railroad First Mortgage Bonds. It is commonly known thai the General Gov ernment, for wise purpooes, ha* given it* aid And encouragement to the construction of one HA 15 THROUGH UX1 OK RAILROAD frum the Pa cific Ocean across the Territories 10 connect with the various Eastern branshe* of the l'a cilic RAilruad system. and which will form the GRAND TRUNK ROUTE to the Par Wei, upon which the mighty tram-continental trathc will concentrate. The CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY? who ar# carrying it forward with greater energy and persistence than wai ever shown ia anv si?\ilar work in ancient or modcru time* ? will nulla, equip, own and coutrnl the Wee tern Half of thia 1'bruugh Line, the most productive, favored, and valuable portion of the whole, and may lustly be regarded ait possessing the richest franchise ever granted on this conti nent The Act of Congress confers upon the Corpo rations, besides the right of way across the Ter ritories. a gift of 14,t*>u acres of the public lauds per mile, contiguous to this line, and an appro priation from tho National credit of Siity mil lions In 6 r*B cent. ?im?, delivered as the work progress**), or half the estimated cost ol the Through Line and Branches. These Sub sidy bonds the company may canoel in a course of years by the Transportation services of the Roads, anil a small per c?ntage of their net earn ings; they, therefore, constitute an element of great strength to the corporations. The Act further authorizes them to issue an equal amount of their own Kirst Mortgage liuotis of corresponding denominations, vhuh thaU be the flnt da im Mf<M the tchuit raUrocui ptWf erty, and to which the lien of the Government ihall be mbordinate, as a means of more readily secnr iug the remaining half of the capital for the con struction; the equipments. Ac., being provided out of the capital stock subscriptions and other sources. The great Central Pacific Raileoai< is there fore, in an important sense a Semi-National Work, aided aud commended by tbe people, the Legislative power, and the Executive otlicers, though its management is admininterett uith all the care ami forethought of the mott eminent ynrate corpvratwiu. lieing under the constant sii|>er vimonof the Government? who, being the prin cipal creditor, accents a subordinate aud eontin gent lien? with so large an amount of addition al capital also invested in the property pledged it ia bolieved that no securities now ottered in the market possess the san.e claims to cotifi dence and market vrlue, except those of the Government. Under these favoring auspices very gratifying progress has been made in extending the railioad track from lx>th directions. Neatly l<*?i miles of tbe Main Line and canvergiug llranrhrs l? tween the Missouri River and the 1>sm< of ths Rscky Mountains have been built within three years. The Central Pacific Railroad has also stcadiijr and successfully carried I lie Maiu Stem Line from the steamboat navigation of the Pacific to the summit of the Sierra ??* ada, and into the Groat Salt Lake llasin east of the Cali lurnia line. Having overcome by far the moat difficult and HBtBlin POTtiOU of the whole line, the probabilities of the through connection with the Eastern lines being etlectod In l?' amount almost to certainty. Tlie prominent feature in the progress of the Central Pa inr RAILROAD is the MHitiUj large and profitable Local liiiHinens which is de veloped upon the completed |>ortlon, more than justifying the estimates of ;ti piojecters ? thai the immense traffic between the |M>rts of Call foniia and tho mining region* of the int. ? or would sustain a first-class railroail line, even il the overland connections were not built. The net Draft non operating the link of lesstiisn' one hundred miles, thus tar, reaches nearly t*o millions In gold; and thia ratio will be doubled daring the coating season, when the entire! mountain transit is made by the locomotive. With every extension of the track, the business I and protits of the completed pvt are increased. 1 so that when the overland through tratlic shall be centered upon the Central Road, the gen eral prosperity of the company will be without parallel, aud its securities appreciated corres i>ondingly. The CENTRAL Pacific IUii.hmad COMPANr offer for sale their F I h.ST MORTGAGE j THIRTY YEAR SIX PER CENT. HOLM 11 <) N I) S , and submit to Investor* the following, among other obvious considera tions; and invite tlie comparison with the merits and excellencies of any class ol Corporate se surities: I. These lionds are based upen the most vital and valuable part of the Grand National Pacific Railroad, soon to become the main chaimwl of communication on the continent. II. Tbe local settlement and businsss there from is remarkably large and profitable, and must constantly incrcaas. III. The hardest part of tho road Is now built, and tbe remainder will be rapidly carried forward over the Salt Lake i'laius. IV. The greatest part of the means necessary to build tbe road is providod by tbe U. K. Gov ernment upon a subordinate lien. V. The State and chief cities of California have contriWulrwl upward of tl.HUU.UJO to tb? enterprise without lien. VI. Tbe grant of land is destined at an early day to prove of far greater market value than the total of tbe first mortgage bonda issued upon the road aud equipments. VII. This road l'es altogether among the gold and silver producing regions, and its revenues are received in coin. VIII. The management of this company has been in tbe higbent degree prudent and frugal, I and the whole surplus after payment ol expense and interest, ia devoted to construction parp* ses. IX. Tbe Interest liabilities of the sompany are even now less than a third the net earnings upon the road pledged. X. Roth I'rineiyol and Interett are yaylAe in Ovid, under special provisions of both National and State enactment. Tbe bonda are in soma of 1 1 'WO each, with semi -an nual gold coupons attached, and are of fered for sale at 93 per cent, of their par value, aad accrued interest from Jan I, added, In cur rency. Tbe back Interest ia charged at six per cent in currency, though repaid in full la gM. A this time they yield nearly jflXE PER CEST. VPOS THE IS TEST ME ST. These honds bid fair to attain the most yrrnu incnt position among tbe noa-susxalative In vestments of the country, and will be actively dealt in at the meory -centres ia Earope. Ho! dun ol Government securities have an op portunity ol exchanging them for Central Pa rifle Honda bearing at equal rate of interest, with tbe principal well secured, and of iLE A LIZ I HQ A PROFIT OF TBS TO FIE TEES PER CEST. IS A DDITIOS Order* sent with tbe fuada through respoo si lie Banks or **Pr**2n2!?LTIii -J?"!. DTottDt attention Bonda s?nt by return Ex SEE lo say addre- ? bailed Steua. at Surcost laforxration. Iieecriptivs pamphlet* U,-. ie . faraifih-d eu appHcatkia at tb* oC.< e of the Railroad Compaay, Mo. 54 Wiliiaa street, aad of FISK & HATCH, Bankers aad Dealers ia GoveraMBt iarnrttisa and Financial Agents ?ftkC.P EK. Co. j?24 No 5 Naaasu street, New York. WHOLESALE GBOCEB8 HANDLAN, JOED AN & CO. PORK PACKERS! AM) OLLLttfl Flour, Oils, Cheese, Grain, &c PORK HOUSE : |COJL JOB-N ASD FOLKTU STRUTS. OFFICE IT MAIN ST U EC . Kn finn lbs. sitgarcubed hams. 0U,UUU *1.000 lb*. Plain Aw.iXW lb*. Shoulder*. 100,000 lb*. Clear and Clear Bib Sid?A. 100 Tierc?a Prime LanL 90 Eeg* " 50 Barrel* Extra Lard (Ml. 900 Barrel* Juno Family Hoar. *W ? Star ?? " ino " Swan " ?? *?0 Half Barrels Lake Fish. 50 Karrvl* Vinegar. 50 Boxes Factory Cbeeaa. 50 " Concentrated Lye. For *ale bv caarUly HAND LAN, JORDAN Jt CO. 1868. REMOVAL. 1868. LIST, JIOKKISON ft CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, XXV I' CALK LA H Flour, Baron, Lurd, Oils, &cM Corner Main and Quincy Straeta, ii i i: i i >?.. H Kir v i. \\'K DESIRE TO INFORM OUR FRIENDS Tf and the trade, that we have removed to onr aew and rommodioa* ware room*, c?rner Main and ljuincy (treeta. w here we have tncreaa e?l farilitie* for the tnuiaaction of oar buainea*. We have in (tore an unuaually large and varied ?to* k in our line, which we are offering on lanua a* favorable as any jobbing bouse Kant or W e.t. We axk your attcntiou to the liat of article*, kept constantly on .ale. l'l ic* List* furniahed on application" A waiting the tiiea*ure of yoor order*. Wo are. Very Beopeotfnlly, felrtMt L.ST MORRISON & CO. MAXWELL & TINGLE. WHOLESALE GROCERS. AXl> I'K Al KKii IN FLOUR, BACON, LARD, &c. 5e MAIN STREET, WIILLLIXO, W. V A. In addition to our *tock on hand, w. are ra cei* lug a l.AKOK STOCK of guo>W bought low forcaan. which we are determined ahallfo out to the trade at clo*? proliu. We especially invite cm and coorrkY dealer* to rxauiiii* oiu ?lock and g?t our price* In-fore purcliamng clao where. MAXWELL A TlMrLK. I^LOITR.? ?Jim linU Oriental Spring Wheat, choica It*' " Hamilton Family Wiuter. Io0 '? I^'gal Tender " '? loo ?? Pollack 'a I ml. " White W. Fornale by MAXWELL 4 TINULE CiorriR J loo bag* .trictly choice Bio,' 50 " prime' " " 5o " good " for aala. MAXWELL A T.NGLE \c w Orleans SH|(ur. lj?> lltMSSUEADS FlILLV FAIR, I'lUMK Ow aud choice, i? hm<I by mart MAXWELL A TINULE. KfcfnKU M| <;?K. - it"> bbla Standard Or., pow'd and graa'd. 15 do. A. A R t'odee Ktigaia. *5 do. Ex. C. C. A C. Yellow, at MAXWELL It i INGLE'S I*i'W Orleans .llolasM's. .ton II A KLKI.S PRIME ANW t'HOIO tdfcil' rvoalved b\ ma>5 MAXWELL A TINGLE OlIHP. O <lti bbla. Itrnne'M lM>Ht t fuldi it Si rup, l'i do Mouuiuimtal do. 15 hlf bbU. goMeii ?!<>. ki'g. do. do. 10 bbia. N? u York do. For aali' by MAXWELL k 11MJLK TKA. 1 10 hll ch. choice li 1'. Tea. Ill do. do. Y. II. do. I.'> do. medium grade* U. P. and Y II 10 do. Oolong* lot *ale. MAXWELL a 1 IMi I l 1) HO \ I Ml o > * - Karon. Ham*, hhoulder* and Siilea, ltu 1 k Meat*. l)lt-**ed llog*. I'ritne loaf l-aul, Ac. MAXWELL A TINULE rrOIIIKO. WKMTKHN. J. an buiea Niagara l"?, b.aeh ?;> caddlea do. t"? and Navy |> t> boxes It tiMiw'll * l<>*. black. 1 ? IxtxeM KUi g -in lii'. Ion, black. lb caddie* 1 1*, v"! " Highland t'lileltaii) J* black, it> " Mcruiuid Nayt Ji 'in " Pine Apple Navy |* " Ol.l) VIHUIKIA. In boxea Sweet R<iee bright ll>*, 5 " Aliibtiuiia " Hie, lo " ('uruMilv " !!??, lo " lain I- 1 Dorado, *oft pte*aed 5 " llngbt T? i?t. lo " Milier'a Fine Twist, III " Dladcin fcoft I'icwmmI |< SMOKING TOUACOO. 15 bid*. F. 0. cut and dry, 10 liain>bl* F. <?. cut *nd dry, in k>'g? M< K'-an '* f> t? i?t for *ale. MAXWELL A TINULE. CUKOI.I.HA KICK I '?> tierce* prinm new ('arolina Rica MAXWELL * TINOLE Fifth. onn HALVES So. I MACKEREL. ZUU ??*?" <?'? -i -to 150 <lo .1 ni?<l. <t? .Vi do .1 lai t? <io :wni KilU No. t ilKkon). ?AVI do 'i <to IjO ilo :t familr <lo Mm Uutu'M IjiWb il'-rring. loo Ux Wlilf- Flail. MAXWELL A TIXOLK. Naili. .V*i k<>?? K.w>rt4?l ?if> nail*, txat liranfla, at M A X WKI.I. 4 TINGLE*. Cioslirik A llamtiurK < hwie. I A A IW?XKS VERY FIXE. I UU For nail- l>y MAXWELL * TINGLE. \i: h AI.MO IUVK l ?\MTANTI.V TT In aloif, KuiktU, Tulia, Waah Itoarda llroom* Kaaciir* Coffre. KiUjm t Logwood, Mad der, I n <i i jr<?. (luppt-raa. 151 tin Vitriol Alnm, I'ap jmt, All*pl<?, Cinnamon. Xntina^* Horn lliu latd, Ginger, lllrarb. M?, Hal. N?la, Jiakljtt'e Soap, Colgate'* German Noope, Faiuilr Hoapa. Caudlna, Mould and St?r C<>m*utratn<! Lye. Window <>la?a f,<ad, Shot, GnnCapa, Pow der. Cotton Varn, Cotton and Flai Iwlnee. Caudle Wick, Hatting, Wrapping I'ap*r. kfi. MAXWELL A TINGLE. niCHAEL ItEIELV. WHOLESALE GROCER, A tn> UEAlJ.k IX Foreign and Oouttlir. WINES AND LIQUORS, Nan. f? and v. Main St , WbooUag. H North Carolina Blcr. IO Tlrnm prima uuaJUy In eWe, and or eale by M KEILLY. d?w* Porto Itlro Hugnr. IO liogal>?a<ia cltutao, J a at rw?lrnd and far aJej.y M. KKILLY. Clipper "Mil* Flour. inn BARREL* FRESH GR0TND JVM iUU received and for ?h by ?ttt> M. UEILLY. Extra Family Flour IOO Fanrla ('Upper Mill*, I'" 5>tar of U>? Weet, ?<? " CfcrjeUl Mill*, lUi Wrigfct'a Mar Mltla, all J art reccirrd ud for aaie by <W, Jf. REILLT. A NEW HOUSE. C. Welty A Bro.t inPOItTCKK. ITilOUUU A*Li WTAJL MALUM 01 Foreign & Domestic Wines, Lrqi'OB, II ft A IV DIEM, Gins, Cordials, Whiskies, Etc. NO. 120 Tlain Street, WHEELING W. VA. apr H? WOOLKjfMILL8 b. untDur a aon. Cor. K:xil< and LuUlmj aUacta truiELino, ?r. va Having recently made iztix BITE addition* to oar MU), w? are now prepared to manufacture all kiade o 0 Jean*, Flannel*, Varus, Ae^ to whiet va invite I be trade. ?arl&42wAw3m E. BRADLEY A. BOX. BAtKetmLITTIM BLARSS LEI TEH HJ aod promptly by