Newspaper Page Text
[ ELECTION 3NTOTIOK TUo following persons have boon n pointed Man?ors of Klcclion, lor lliu l'i cincts limned liolow : The Flection l-einpj held fo? two Uepr poiitntivcB ro the (Jeneal Assembly on il J7ih inst. Tlio l'recincls of Mosley's and I'd i M'l.rttf HI'- UinWMIIIHHUI, I IMMU nt MosloyV, will volo >>t IJiadlcy's Mill: and llioso who liavo registered at I ?cj deanx, will volo at Calhoun's Mills. Jlbbevil/c I* red net? Kohcit .lone Illicit Wilson ami S.iimtcl Johnson, (col orod.) , rSraillcij a Mills ? Aleclc McOadin, A 1*. Connor and Tlioma* Jones, (cold ) ? Wiii Mrnri", I*. \\ Col noi and Mul. Wilson, (col d ) Calhoun's M His ?Win. II. TitfL'ni .lack I'Vrtiuaoii and Allied Titus, (cul.d.) C'/iiics' X A'ofuls?.lolin Chilis, l>ciijami < 'liilos and Kverige (Jain, (oolM.) Ccthtr Sprint;*?Samnol Juurdnn, J; coh Miller nnil James W harlot:, (col'd.) DtntvoUlsville?A. I Wilson, Williai Maddox anil Tlii'inas M. Williaiuso (cold.) J)tte HY.s/-- A. (' Hawthorn, (Joint Scott, (col d ) and Allied Cli.tjun: (eol'.d) (ircci'H'ooiJ -.lames 1.'. Moiinco. Sr., 1'' Hiuler and I 'aid ?K Hereon, (coltd ) Ihnii/Zuss Mills - (It.-iii?;? Xidiols, A. I Calvert. and lion Hollies, (col'd ) tXincI// Si.r - - Thomas Tollwrl, .lull Tluirp and Hanicl Stowaid ( .ol d.) I'u inn 1'red ml?lVnnct McAdaui Wesley I Unci?, Ks"i , and Jc-n v Youtu (col,!.) While Hull ?T..I. Llinrst, i.a kin KV\ noldsand Ivim'mui Woooth'tllc?S. i Jmok li To boil mill Loudon Ii:ll (cilM ) I.oiuax, .liiuic Clark ami Henry Tints, (Void.) fiulrcrilh'?-I'lioihrio ?i. Hill, .1 .-lines j| Poll. Henry Thompson, (col'd.) IWtrrciitmi C. H. (iulliji, 1). li. lYn noy and Perry Watt, (col'd.) Man agora who linvo neglected to com foiward with their liegistra!ion Hooks, ar icqiioslcJ to do so immediately. Managers of Klcciion will lie s(ii<Ml governed by See. '2, Ait. y.Cou.Stat. S.,C as follows: Kvery male citizen of the linitod Sialic of ibo age of iwcnly-oiio years and tip wards, not laboring under the disahilitie named in the Constitution, wUiiont. ?littinelioii of race, color oi foinwr condition who shall be a re:-idcu'. of ihis Stale, at 111. liino of llut adoption of thi.i Constitution oi who shall thereafter reMde in this Stai< one }'ear, aud in llio County in which in ( tiers to vole f-ixly days noxi, nrececdin any election, bo entitled to votefo :iil c|]i.:ors arc now 01 hereafter mm bo elected by the people, and upon ssl questions submitted lo tho elector:; at ain ul etions. Managers willpfrictly in mind, Ilia where they fail to lind tho nanio of a voter registered, they iwill allow sucli votei lo poll his voto on being July <pia'iilied bi such Manager*. MHUagors will keep a poll list of all voters in their several l'roo.incts, who volo 01 the day of election, and return thu same it tile Commissioners thereof. Malingers are requested lo meet at mi otllce, at Abbeville C. II., on Kriday, th< *2"2d inst., to receive lluoks of Uogisliatioi and other instructions. l?y order of 15o:ird of Cointunsioner: ou Election. L. L. GTJFFm, I. Uivil'illilil. Oct 8 24?3t THE ABBEVILLE MMIME SHOP, SEAL, SIGN & ROBERTSON lTtOI^RITCTOIiS. TIII'j subscribers would respectfully in foini tho public that they arc pre pared with skillful workmen, and all th necessary materia!:: for the nianuf;?oturin< ?>f CAIlllIAtiKS,liUGGlKS, and WACJ ONS, and all other work pcitainiug t< their business. All now woik warranted for twtdv months, and sold at tho lowest ligurc possible, for CASH, which we make fo the purchaser's interest. PAINTING & TRIMMING J) EPA KT M KNT. j arucmur iiiuMiiioi) win uo civun 10 in Pointing ami Trimming of Carriages :itn Duggiea, and nil contracts faithfully car ried out. SMITH DEPARTMENT. Wc have in our employ an t-flicienl work man in hII the branches of this business wy havo a Patent Tirc-Slirinkcr with which wo can shrink tires with per foci accuracy without cutting, making tli wedkest places stronger than before, arn without damaging tho wheel in the leasi Persona who have ties that need shiiukinj would do well to remember that one->hal the wheels we ruined or materially injured by cutting and shrinking in tho usu:i way. Satisfaction is guaranteed iu ever job whero this machine is used. <D?HSMOTiLY (DM iHAlf X) NEW BUGGIES of the best materia! Also, Mctalio Cases, Imitation Rosewood Walnut and JJrop 13 lack Uollins. Th liearse will attend funorala punctually n the appointed lime, and pojsooal aUentioi given when desired. Oct. 8, 1869, 24?If HARDWARE. ENGLISH HARDWARE of direct impnr tat ion ; American llardwnro of all kind Wholesale and Hctail. f - Agencies. THE subscriber is the Agent for tbo sale i Walter A. Wood's MOWING on< REAPING Machines. / . Gullelt'a Pataut Steel Brush COTTOl GINS. Brinley's Patent Kentucky TLOUXiHS. i A FULL SUPPLY of Aeriooltural Ira pie peseta always on hand, for aula IpW, & GRAVELEY, * jM ft B?y, South of the Old Post Offifl ' ' CHARLESTON. 9. CV^najig ailepairiiij. / b*HE JJadenlgntd would inform bis custom ' JL ? and the public, that lie has remove* A 'ft?? Hodge* Depot to Abbeville 0. II. II will fee fonpd at ?>r. Parker's Drue Store, nn earnestly iQlieita tlie patronage- of the public Batisfaetka is guaranteed in every instance. ? ' ' HENRY IN MAN. l?;cit t, 1669, . % ... .i * * " / ' . < t v *** " - 1 , i Wilson's Mil a Succcss 1 - ? - " Those who wish Fine Family Flour SHOULD TAKE THEIR GRAIN TO j i UTTII ITT HffT T T :MW MILL. l_ B T has roeon'iiy liorn fiI(?*<! up v.illi p mow Smut lor, itow Soptiralnr, new k Uoltiii;; Cloth ami now Maohin* ry <>( : In) host Kiiul ii??w in uho in 1110 I'lii <otl i satos. IH'Cii WILSON, i Sopt. ir>, lit- tr " NOTICE TO PATRONS. ifK\poH lo l?o al'soiil. from <In* hisirict until llto oloot ion, 27th " iViulior. Vv.M. (\ \VA !!!>!.A W, I*- I). D. S. " Sop I. 21-r.t ' Wffl. ffl. LAWTQN, ( % > {. Ion IV.-iclor ,, AND . COMMISSION MERCHANT, t- CHAXWcHSTOH, S. C. l-i'iorai j'.ilvam'os oo.ulo <>n con j* i^niunits, ami i?n produrc to! I j i /iVfl'j'Ool, Sir. ! 21, 1 sr?!>. 22?:im. TROWBRIDGE & GO., i Will make l/ilu-ml (.'sisli A<lvaiice:. j<>u uoiioi^iiuu'iilii ul Collon Lo ? I Messrs. Maguirc, Cothran &; Co., N. Y. ^ i ' Messrs. Hougb. Cicndcnmg & Co., Baltimore, Md. " Messrs. Frost & Adger. Cliarleston, S. C. I. Soj.l. 21. 21 - Lf 8. 0, SHARP & CO., ; COTTOH '? ACTORS, i- j A N !) 'I | General Commission Icrctals, ' IJ HOW'S WHARF, r Charleston, S. C. 17, 21?Hm 1 J11 ST IiKC HIVED 11Y WHITE BROTHERS, >';3 Bales Borneo Bagging. t? J (Vory wiile und heavy,) 13,000 Lbs. Arrow Ties, !l Tierce Carolina Hicc. I LV.. i In 1 t>i*ik a r* >31*111. 1 I -i", I L Bagging and Arrow Tics, In store and for sale l>y TROWBRIDGE & CO, , Sopi. :i, ism, in, tf i ,\i:\v chop j:ic r: Just I'ceoivctl and for j?alo I>y McDOXALD, KO.UWOOI) & CO.! I t: i r A llgtlSl 2*J, 1 8(1'.), tf : WANTED ! , "V1TI11CAT, for wliicli tlio liijjlicsl mtir\ t kcl [irice wml in CASH OR BARTUK. j TliOWBRIDGE & CO. June IS, 1 SC.), 8?If J A full assortment of ] B> RAN OIKS. WIN liS, WHISKIES - 1) MALT LTQUOUS. Always on hand and for pal* l?y J. KNOX & Co., To Mill Owners. 31 ILL STOMKS, BOLTING I CLOTJr, S.MIJT MAC 11 INKS, all p kinds of Mill Findings, for sale at the i lowest cash price by L W.M . liltKNls Kit, VM Broad Street. Augusta, Ga. , lj April 2, 18b'.)? 1 JUST REOESVEO : r J^OOTII r.ltlTSlIES, 1 2 X Hair nrtuthcp, | Combs, , i mm and r nncy isonpo, ' Handkerchief HxtructB, I e Lily White and ?lh?r toilet arliclcs, it White Load and other i'uiuts, l) lli>sletter's Ilitturs, limitation IViltcrj, And a huge a-aurlinetit of fresh Drugs nnd Mhdicincs, at Parker & Thomson's Sept 17, 18119, 21? tf KB 8 State of South Carolina,1 ABEVILLE COUNTY. ! D IN THE PROBATE COURT.! j Samuel T. Porter vs. John Y. Porter, J Kliz. K. Porter and othnra. * Petition for Partition of Real Relate of 1 Eliz. K. Porter, decoascd. j T i XT appearing tliat John Y. Porter and Jncper N. Porter, defendants in tie above cam reside beyond the limits of tlii? 1 9 State t. I ^ On motion by McGowan & Parker, Sol. for PetV- ordered?that p^id defendant" apjtear and plead answer of demur to Baid - Bill within forty day 8 from the publication ^ hereof, or aROQe will be taken Pro. Copfgsso ^ 4 against thorn. , WILLIAM HILL, - ' Jt TKO., A. C. Sept. 10f 1869, 20?Gt Orders ivcrive?l lor GIN BAND J r>y TUOWr.llIIXiE & CO. Sept. 180!>, 1!>, If T. i . i:i:oimk. n. i:. nt i??:ins. ii. r. itt*m:tNH. BRGBIE & 00., Facta ami Commission Mcrcliaul North Aliunde M'/mrJ] Charleston, S. C. Liberal Advances on Consigi men is in Hand . ? - ?*? o ? UKI'KKHNt'KS.?Aii'lri'W Siiimiiiln, I\:< | l*iv: i?!?vni Firsl, N:ilion:il lt.-isih. C'IiuHcj-'Ioii, C. ; Mi'msih. t'aiiu on. Hurley & (..'o, t'lir.i'e- t< S. : II, T. IVitkc, Kmj. (Jcittrnl Stiji.Tinlc til. S. t\ 11. IJ ("liarlesion, S. O. ; Mcsr1 iliiwcr, t'"v, Mart;Icy ?fc Co., (ircciiville, S. t I (on. .lallM"* Kmrow, S|t:il l:iiil>t:rtr, *. < lion. I>. l1'. t.'csij l??ii. Ainlcrti.ti, S. C. | Mt jdemlMM- lsr.!), HI?(im 1,000 lbs Washed Wool rglllK lii^l.-csl maikct piko in liaJo w 1. lie fur llic aliow. WHITE imOTHERS. July 0, 11 ?If SOW W ftFO&i A N I > FOR SALE HOCK ISLAND JEANS, CASSIMEREJ Gr.imtcvlilc 7-3 SKIRTING, RICHMOND OSNABURGS. Quark's, iVrrin & Co. Sept. 10, I SCO, 20?If uKisrri srn IY ? ? + o > WM. C. WARDLAW, I. D., D.D.! (Mlii-o o??;r l>r. 1\ii1ut\s l>iu j Store. Abbeville C. H., S. C. lYinuiiiy nc. it, tr ^TrJUlAZEALir rr.A i Loit, AUl'.KVILLB O. II., S. C., WOlil.D respectfully inform tlio pnlili tlint Ik* m nijfnt. for llic aiilft ?>f tl KMl'llli: SKWINC M.ICIIINK, wliivli is ? ..] Itiii-tril on ii n?'w principli', *>nj'sessiinj 111:111 i;i'\v 11 tl vnliiiililc iiupKiVviiiuiils. IL 811 v licavii-r ami lliii lu r i:ihh!.<, than imy olit< murium: tis well u:; llic Mo?!? delicate, liti iiinl Koft. fnlirii's. Zffi" f'<,r fuitlif-r informalio:i cull nt li Tailuriiig culublialiinclit, ill Joliu While's U Store. Kept. 1(>, 20?n.11. WARQLAW & GABEW AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Corner JJrooil ami Stale Slrci'l.*, CIIAHLKSTOX, S. O. Hrll Cotton, IJicc, :uul ollior l'roduci AV. A. WAUIM.AW. .7NO. EI>\V. CAUEW. So]?t.3, 1809, in, 7t call "and mm A Lli persons indebted to mo, t Proprietor of tlio Abbevil] liiiitner, for Adverli.siu;r, Subscrip lion riiul ii" m x'inj ? j ' ia/ mil/ iii? October, IttOl), must call and sell] without d.'-lay. All such aeeounl remaining unpaid by the loth No vembcr next, will l>e placed in tli hands of an Attorney, for eolleetioi W. W. FAIM10W. September 20, 1800. 7t bWrTporter&co Grocers and Dealers in Prote. NO ^(>7 iiHOAO strict, AlJCi IJS'J'A, OA. rpnn OLD rs'al.lihlii-d Houho of RAKER 1 U<?WLALI), luring ilimtlveil, the mult ligiioil hnvo ns.?oeinle?l IheHiPe!Ves together in oi'i'tliu iiiunc fliii) nlylu of 1IAKLU, I'OUTK it CO. fur tl?o 1 .rniisnclion of a flKNKRA [JliOCHRY nn<l COMMISSION BU SIN 1*3 nt their Store So. 2:>7 Lroiul Street, where w illul 1 tnke givnt pleasure in feoint? our man l>.itroiiH niul frieipls.anil oll'ering tlit iii n *olr< mni iruiu uur inige smcK ol lirowirifi, Hoggin Ufipc, Ties, Salt, LJacon ami Provisions. Ami permit us t<> nfauro litem llittl our fo inpr reputation for having tb?> finest qrulily ? goods, we shall ever endeavor to maintain CJIAULES RAKER, JOHN C. PORTER, LEWIS F. GOODRICH, Augusta, On.. Se[>t. 17 18G0, 21?2m. nl>. C1EO. W. CARPENTER'S Compound Fluid Extract of Saraaparilla. GEO. W. CARPENTER'8 Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu. THESE Celcbruiad Preparation!!, originnll introduced by Geo. W. Carpcutcr, uud< llie patronage of the medical faculty; hnv been so long extensively used l>y physician md others lliut thoy nre generally known ft .heir intrinsic value, and can bo relied on c jeing most valuable remedies in all cases wlier Saraaparilla or lluohu arc applicable, and can iol be too hichlv reeoinmpiulp<> * .- -- ? , ~..:j oil) I'I ' mred in a highly concentrated form, eo as t render the <lo&e small and convenient. Order i>y naii or otherwise will receive prompt nttei: ion. Geo. W. Carpenter, Ifennzoy &. Co., "Wholesale Cheinscal Warehouse, No. *78*7 Market street, Philadelphia. For ealo by Parker <fc Thomson, and W. T tVnney, Abbeville. Dowi? A Mo'we, Wholesal Agents, Charleston, S. C. [Oct* 15, 1860, 95-1, CLOVER SEED. ?\F^r\ LBS. BEST RED CLO ^OU VER SEED for by WHITE BROTHERSOo.tjl f, 18fi3, 26?tf mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i in ???whim i kit i %i*mnwm , CONGAREE 5 IE! WORKS Oolnmliift, 9. O. "JOHN MJMlli, !- Proprietor. -O- O -W Solo Manufacturer of tlio s. GTvEAT SOUTHERN CAST ::|lRONf SELF SKIMMING | EVAPQIiATOKS ibr South Car' ; olina. j Olio complot'.i VvA or Evaporators, $S0 Two L'i;ni;i--as, jili Iron, (ieiiwlctp, $!U) Swin^iii*;- Pij-.os, &i: 15 to $175. 1 mnKc j-npiMii-r I'AN'i'i MII.IiS :unl :?1 Macliiiici v mi'ii; ilu tor uiaKin;' Sii!*nr mul , ?v?P. >it , 13}: I rnf;j rr; i i n I ,f ! jRollers 11 indies diameler *S() " i J " " &7l> ?f " 11) " " x?:i) J '< 11 " " *<*.<) j > II 1 > ?< II X I r j j ?' lo " " i \|U)Y K picomplete willi frauio., \\ itlioul frame *10 less <>ti ea<-h mill. Also, SU'iim Ivij^tiuv, Huilers, Mill (tearing of nil Icitik, (Jrist and Saw Mill.", Snnilters, & \ Agenla, iV;c., f.jr L. & 1'. K. IVdericu's Hay :;ml Coltoii I'ressus, which 1 also manufacture. All s.siscs of (tin Cleariai', constantly on hand. A ;?u I Stationary Strain Kn^ine and ] toiler, on X hand, fur r.alvf cheap, for CASH. AM uuik waiivnUd. Terms?(.'ash on deliver). JOHN &N&IGKT, Ag't, Abbeville C. H. July IG, UU.O, 1.2?If CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK O F ? SOUTH CAROLINA. IV i-r " Oflice Hank Ilnil<;!??; :, Abbeville (J. 11. is ul Deposits of $1.00 and upwards Ivcceivcd. 3 fuli > < t alhiircd at the rule of Sir J'w (. '< a!. /'?')' ClhU'lH, I'dHiJHflUutft I t/'i / j/ hi')! >. |3U IN CI PAL ami Interest, or any part X thereof, may l>o withdrawn at any! tiuio?tliu l'aiik reserving llic right (though: it will li? rarely exercised) lo demand four1*m ii days' notice if tlie amount is under Si,000 ; twenty Jays if over 81,000 ami utuler ?.">,000, or Lhiity daya if over $5,000. oi^ir\TCKr*s 1 WM HO HAMPTON, ]?ru?Mciit. , JOHN li. I'M,MICK, Vice-President. " THOMAS ! :. ?;Cathier. 1>. L. \VAJiDLA \V, Assistant Cashier. |? X>J RECTOl 'S. 0 W AI > 13 HAMPTON', Columbia. "WILLIAM M AliTIN', Columbia. :L V. \V. M?-M ASTKU, Columbia. c A. O, HA^KKLL. Columbia. .s 1\ THOMAS, 'Columbia. K. H. IIKINITSH, Columbia. 1 / \ I I M 1> in r MI.Ml /-II ? i; m'li.i J'. J :> n.'l r<lv, L/til II 111 I >1:1, i THOMAS K. (iKK(j!U, Columbia. J. EM G1U:C.G, Marion. CS. T. SCOTT, Newberry. ? W. (?. M AY i'iS, Newberry. Ji. II. KUTLKIXJE, Charleston. t DAN! EL I LAV EN EL, .11 Clu-.rleston Mechanics, Laborers, (Merles, Widnws, Orjtlians and others may here deposit their saving!} and draw a liberal rate of interest thereon. Planters, Professional Men ami Trustees wishing to draw interest on their funds until lhey require them for business or other purposes. Parents desiring to '* ' set npartsmail sums for (heir children, and Marriud Women and Minors (whoso dull posits can only be withdrawn by theinI' selves, or, in case of death, by their legal s> representatives,) wishing to lay aside funds '' for future use, are here afforded an opportunily of depositing their means where g they will rapidly accumulate, and at the same lime, be subject to withdrawal when r", needed. i>! _ Si'l>t. 10, 1SC9, 20?ly _____ Charlotte & Soutli Carolina and Columbia & Augusta R. R. Co. 8UPEA1N f EXDENT'S OFFICE, Colufxu. April 10, 1869. ooixo NOUTU. Leave Oraniteville, S. C., ot 9.45 a m " Columbia, S. C , at 2.00 p ni Arrive at Charlotte, N. C.,....? 8.15 pin * COMING HOUTII. I Leave Charlotte. N. C, 5.45 a m |S " Columbia, S. C., 12.10 a m /lrrivc at Orntiileville, 8. C., 4.10 p in | ig Through Tickets ou pole for iho principal 1 points Noith niul Sonth. lJajjrgagc clieokecll . through. Clcxe continuous ewHieciioua mode North and South. Pnsionper* reach Augusta * 4.45 p. m. CALEB BOUKNJGI1T. s june i, jBtj'J. 0?ll Supermteudcnt. 1 FOR SALE. .MM1 CLOVER WD, y .. AT Parker & Thomson's ^ Sept 17, 18GD, 21?tf : :i ; i U SCYTHES AND CRADLES REAP JIOOKS &< ., A SUPERIOR lot juat received by' 3. KNOX k CV. May 1, 1309 2,-U I i mm m Cotton Ties. BEA1J1? PATKNT LOCK TIFA iinvttrl?y nny Tic yrl ina>iufit-Uir< .1. t'or ni'iilin'iis,^Mi riii<1 durut?ilily tliis Tic litis no c<|li:il. Having Hold llicm l?>r tlio jvist [ tli i*04> yen fit we feci Mint wc can cordially re iniiiu'inl tliein to nil Planters ns tlio article tli y wmit. For sale by Geo. W. Williams & Co, Factors, A lit;. *20, 180'.', IV, "111. (.'liaiK :ilon, S. PHONOGRAPHY. I JF.RSONf! wishing to lieoomo adopts in i. tin? useful art of rliort hand wriliii". I>\ ftirliMintr (cii flit .lollars to tlio iiinli-t?ij;ii?li will n'ceivc, by til. "'in' I-ihoii, willi full in^truciions, every week f<?r 111ii i y (" ") siieee*fivo weoUa.?Two (2) lioni-H pra.-tie.; or.eli day will Hlillit'o to master v:;cli Itwiiti, Money stfiit l>v tmiil must lu: ivj',isieri:?l. KKKKIIBNCKS : ('apt. I>ro\vn 11 I.nk? Oily, Kin., IMitors Al.l.evill.s /'nss, N. Oatoeii. Suni|'U>r iVu".*, 1". IS. Itd'oiilnue, Clim talon* A'Ml'eS'S Will. J[* \Vil;v?n, Wel.orn, I'la., l'.<litor.< wishing the a'.ove, will. tioliee, (o ill...amount of t?'ia <l..llar:?, aiitl a copy ??l |>:i;i'i' leal, nie, will u-Ciivv in.ttr'jet ioiis ui;ov< l:|e|it:oll>'(|. Will. II. WILSON. (VI.. 1, lRf.??, 2ii?Sf PETER BRENNER, I>I A NO MAK K R, \jN 1? Aycul lor l.lio salo of The CVlohialml I'iatios Manufacturi'd !>\ Oliickninj; it Suns , (loo. Suh Ic ?fc (Jo., Win. Knaho Si Co., ami others. Also I'.-trior and I'lniroh Origin.", ami dealer ii all of Musical I.i.shUMioiits, Ktiin<r? &i\ .'J'.".! Uroa.l Street, opposite l'lanloia Hotel, Al'C l 'STA, (.! A. May "S, 1 S(i!), ?if FilEE TICKET To The Show S \IJ, persons iii.lcljJod |o tlic subscrilioi will "do wt'li" 1?? ? .:?! 1 :nnl solilu, <>i ilicy will rccuiva a fn?o tick* :, to l lie show v.lnch will l?o opened by the 'K ? Sijuirc' of llio village. J. J. CUNNINGHAM. April :;o, lS.'.O, 1, if FISH." B Tlf.I.S Maefccrul, 12 nils I'.'uo Kisls ]) \--2 " ?* 12 " AVlii:o " I I " e' 1-2 " I'iiUiiv! iL'rriug. Kits, u 1 Mixes smoked * " Co.!, <l ilailibul, On lianJ ami fot snlo l?y .1. KNOX & Co., May V, 18fi0, 2 ? If Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Collars and Saddle Bags. I7?0lt 8alo by ; J. KNOX k Co. ftiav v, I'2? tr Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Lard, Cheese Pepper, Spice, Indigo. t^OR sale by 1 J. KNOX & Co., May 1, l^CO, 2?tf M.l'EAi BACON anil FLOOR 850 bn?liels prime while corn. 50 l>iialn?ls planting peas. 5000 lbs priino clean rib bacon si.lcs. 10 barrels extra Family and sup. Flour. Fre.-di meal ami grits ree'd every week, ust received and for sale bv AlcDONAXD NOUW'OOJ) & CO. Juno 25 1SG9 9?if eno ckj:k r, a l a s s ir.ii;/. liAliDWAllK and I'OOKET CUTLEliY* 170 R sale by ^ J. KNOX it Co., May 7, 1809, 2?If bacon. CI It. SIDES, SHOULDERS, CANj YASSED 1IAMS, V ENISON, &c., Just received l>y J. KNOX & Co., May 7, 18G9, 2?If LEATHER." Hemlock upper, OAK TAN FKENCII CALI< SKINS. IIAHNEs- S LINING SKINS, &c., J usl re :eivcd l>y .J KNOX &Co., May 7; 8 G?tf,l 'JG NOTICE ! CERTAIN NoIcb nnd Arconnls. Iiplonpine to t.lio Rotate of Dr. E. E. IVesslv. tlecM, are in t!i? liniulR of ll?o umlurFifrnrri for roloclion. Panics concerned would do well tu heed this notice. THOMSON ?fc FAIR. Nov 20, 1SCS, 80?tf SOUTH CAROLINA LID MPffl! The south Carolina land COMPANY lias been organized for tbo purchase and salo of Real Estate. All persons having lands for salo or wishing to purchase, will find it to their interest to apply at the offico of this Com nan v in CJreenwnod. S. C. All communications should bo uddrcsBcd to Capt. J. T. PARKS, President. W. K. BLAKE, Sec'y, " Greenwood, 8. C., Aug. 27, 18?tf. ? : ; - BARLEY I BARLEY !I 100 BUSHELft FOR SALE BY i , ! Miller ft'Mertm. A4ig. 27, 1SU9, 18?tf , ( NOTICE. c i) n u a a i s t . | COKESETJRY, S. C., inform liis fri??nil3 nn<l llio public T llinl lie Ii.-ih jusl received a full ussorli iiiciil of tlu> very bei-l ' SBUfiS, PAINTS, OILS, Varafe, Eye Ms, Soaps, Extracts, Ferfumries, FAPFH, ENVELOPES, i HAiP. DIES AMD P.E3T0PAT!VES OF * Tin-; I;K>T kIUAI.ITY*.? \ti.l all iivtin'rs t?<ti!?ily by Drupe'i^ts5. V I M'l'ifai Sii' ?-lV | on tile l:ln-i'? iva?"U.iMi- Ic| Ills', lii' \\ 1uili? fl?i*i; I#.?;?i ? <! Iiy IMl. \V. isolation, ill ati-l YorU. In r.?Mii: !; to !ii; v?*iy complelo slo?-li <?! 1 >ril;ts ui'.l ("!i-.-n.u-:i!t. Iio j. . [!? cti!i:;l:tltlSy i? supj-ly of the very bent iiiluiilied of * i ft v, 'T 'vrb, re* 1 ,| JSJCliJtJM U X , J ijWIl AND WHISKEY, F?r Mtc ninl family hfo, lioing roooin- (_ iMi'iiiti'il :?inl Iiy ilif physicians ijoner. nllv. I'liyciriniis* prew'r:pli?n? ai:<l all or j?U*rs lilU-.l wiili <-x:irimss, an>l i?ny nrlielu f"r : ? ? en li ni't promptly onlt-rod. j TlmiUfis! t!i< very Mural patrotiujj*' l>o- J* -Unvi-.l iip<Ii'iii >1 mint; (lie pas), year hi-j ' lii'pc- Iiy t !io most slric*. alU-nlim!, to uitii'il a; j CotttiimaiK'O of lli?? b:iiiii?, pt'omUiit? t<? ke?-|i; ^ I ! < < ly a Mipply of all articles needed l'\ j' ( : tl:?? |iui'h<; u< iictally. '1 K. .*p. cll.illy, K fc"3 ? ? J, I-. IUWNSLNU. I F. I> IFf.O, -4-2?If j g hoticeT" \TiL persons l?r\vin<* clrninntls isgnin&i lite la(c I. Wilson ricccawil, ^ \/i:! pii-sciit c pics of ihoir (h-man>ls pio-ja ( oily piol>at<'<] lo the nudci'signcd, as soon j j :to couvuuiuiit. l 11. K. r.nWflO, L L. (J. WILSON, AdininisUalors. (] May 7, 1SCS, 2?tf " SMiAOB AND WAGON I 1 * SHOP. , *9 t O CHARLES COX RESI'KOTR.!],1,Y informs llio llinl Ins i.s i>r<i|>nri!?l to IniiM to ortltsr, t!li:s an.l Lit; I IT KOt'K A \V A VS. niul lo it.. I nil kin.!# of oAlMtlACK iind W/YCON WORK ' at. rlmi'L notie?-; mill on re:iM>niilile t<-rins. All iic-a* work Wi?i-ruiit.<'?l f">r twelve mouth.*. Kvlimr.iy 1 sr.'i, 11, if 1QHN A. "TAtMAflGE, y MAGISTRATE. 2 il !_> I >.11, V JL L?i U. i ?. 01" KICK formerly occupied l?y TIioiti q son & ] '.?.r, next to W. A. Lee &(]. April 2fM 1SG0, 52?if TC. NOLAND, AGT7 1 ' 1 ii SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, hi Ii SADDLES, <>i t! Harness ai Trito RejaM. " ALSO, jT^UIJNITUIJK repaired ami rocov- ol . covered. Cane Seats put in Chairs S All worlc dono neatly, and on reason- li b o tonus. [Juno 4, ISO!), (i, If. 11 li Shoes, Hats, Calico's, Pant Stuff, Osnaburgs, Shirtings P and Factory Yarn. ; FOR sale by b' J. KNOX & Co., pi May 7, 1 SCO, 2?If c< WOOL I WOOL!! WOOL! I m sii Tho Highost Markot Prices t|, A PAID FOR |? WOOL, : ' lb IN EXCHANGE FOil GOODS ?* cli TDF wool mnit bo free from burs and foreign matter. Will be taken either washed or th unwashed' f0 MILLER & ROBERTSON. ? June 5, 1868, G, tf M CANS, OYSTERS, TOMATOES and CORN, SARDINES, PICK- ' LESt PEPPER-SA TJCE and MUSTARD. ' g FOR sale by A. J. KNOX Si Co.' May ?7, 1800,2 -if \ m mmwnmmammLrtnmmmmmm^wrrnm wiwi ?rawrv m mtra GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Hi T H O 8. ~ Is now receiving supplies of lite following Sugar, Co.Too and Molasses. 15aoon, Sides, Shoulders and Hams, Lard, l>e?t kettle, 1 lakers, Spiders, Ovens and Pots', A largo lot of extra Covers, l>room?,-l>uckcl9 and Tul>?, Cast and Plow Steel, llorse and Mnlo Shoes, llurso Shoe Nails, Iron, all si/.ci?, 100 sacks Liverpool Salt. !2~> bl>ls. Klour, IQ-FQK& QV i l?est selection, from the lo Collins' Axe--, Long IIaudio Shovels, For hot (?nns, Lcatln r a'.id Shoo Findings, Cc ilh many other articles nsclcs to mention, f;*}" iVrsons in.'ivlitcd are nnnired to pay ?sl^ >houM t>o added to their accounts, tl t'lLL ho resorted to, it* s-ettlcmciil is not i Pel) 11), 18(J0, <13?I l.i. t i i I_ r? _u_? [lawnins w ill 9 .a. ns iENERAL COM MIS! 105 WEST LOMBARD ? B-.o'- Messrs. J). I?. Solid leu. it. Co. nlliori/A-d agents ami will make Cash . l?Kn:i!k.ntks : Col. J5. I>. TDWXSK: I ill. S. (J, Major \\r. li. CILIOK, On Col. WM. .lONIISToX. 1*reside en. \V A 1 > ! : 11 A M 1'TuN, ('oliiiuliia. S JOHN KH HAVE JUST.RECEIVI T1 A KlirTTT IT d riiiiiiLi I PIONSlSTINfi of KVEU V FiMST CLASS Groot >ccn selected with cure and I We will not be; undersold v foods arc taken into consider ,pr, IS >9, J>0?If ENRI&HT lEPAIRERS OF COTTON GIN; HOUSE CAHPENTE] S^IIK RHl???rril>ers wouM inform tln ir friei fl wM. 1*1 u.ub wi/i i\;iii;ii ill talon Gins, Tbrunliurs ami Fans, nnd il rum their long cxpeti-.Micc in tlio various l?i I tln'ir ability lo <;ivo s:iti->u. ami Iras t\v r? ci:ivin<r a supply ol (!IN MATKII1A1 iat. lino. Work will by dono on ibc most iilY. They will nlwavskccp on hand a good su AK COFFINS. rOHN ENBIGHT. V'l^as t 11), 18U'J, it Tlie State of South Carolina. o the M,niof/crs ( / Elections for the County ?J Abbeville: WHEREAS, GEORGE DUSENEllRY who at I lie General Elecon held in April, 18G9, was chosen a icmbcr 01' the Ilouso of Representatives >r llio Election 1 )i^liict of Al>l>evil!e, to :?va for l\vo years, hns since said election I A ..? -? " - i-.tcusuu, yvuu, wiicreas, 1110 constitution f llio .Suilo of South Carolina directs lat in such a case a Writ of Election tall bo issued by llio Speaker of the lousrt of Representatives, lor the purpose f filling tho vacancy thus occasioned, for ic remainder of the term f.>r which the (ember so deceased was elected to serve: Now, therefore, you and caoh of you arc crohy required, after due advertisement, r.d with fctriet. regard to all the provisions [ ihe Constitution and Laws of the said late, touching your duty in such case, to old an election for a Member of the [ouso of Representatives, for tho Elecon District aforesaid, to servo for tho rclaindor of the term for which tho said eorgo Pusenberrv iva9 elected : the oils to be opened At tho various places of ilection in said District, on WEDNES?AY the twenty-seventh day of October, y tbe various sets of Managers tot those Incea respectively; said Managers to >unt tho voteB publicly immediately after ie final closing of tho polls at the Pre- ' nets where the votes have been taken; ake out a certificate of tho result, to he ! gned by the Managers, or a majority of ; ein, and taken to the Court House of 1 bheville County, or placo now fixed by ( w for counting the votei, on THURS- ' AY the twenty-eighth day of said ' onth, by 0110 or moro of tho said Mana- 1 >rs; and tho Managers, or a majority of 1 em, who may assemble, shall proceed to 1 amine the aforesaid statement, aud de? 1 .t 1. # .1 - T?l . i uro vuo result 01 uie meciion. " This Writ, together with your return of e Electioft to be held under it, have here House of Representatives at its next eeting after the Election. WITNESS, the Honorable FRANKLIN JMOSES, Jr.y Esquire, Speaker of the House of Representatively at Columbia, this eleventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine. FRANKLIN J. MOSESfja., icnker of tho Jlouse of Representatives. J O. Jones, ' j Clerk of the lloueo of Roprcsontativc?. Sept 17, 1600?21?td ? * ' 'n* 1 ; VRDWARE, AND CUTLERY E A KIN articles, which are offered at low pricos: 20 bid-*. nting Potatoes. Tablo'nnd I'ockel Cutlery, Hook and But Ilmgca, Hand Saws, Drawing KLives, Screws, of ull sizes, Siltere, Brass Kettles ?fcc., Fine Smoking and Clio wing Tobacco, Tuncnliuo and Toilet Sonos. Starch, Soda, l'owder. Lead and eliot, Canned Goods of all kinds, Cheese and Mac:raroni, Mackerel, in kits, 1-1 and 1-2 bbls. Mih EJMBS. west to tho highest jniro. ks and Spade*, Wash I5oards and Scrube, ?il, Trace, IJreast and 1 Chains, ?fec.f all ol* which will be sold low for Cash, np. Indulgence will not bo granted. Its toy can only blame themselves. The law nade immediately. iamson & Co., Factors r D SI ON MERCHANTS, 5TREET, BALTIMORE. . Abbovillo C. II., S. C., arc our duly Advances on all consignments to us. S'l>, President C. & S. 31. 1*., Society >hier I'irst National Bank, Columbia, lit C. C. & A. II. It-, Charlotte, N. C., . C. Sept. 10, 1809, 20?3m nv ifTn ua a u u. 2D A FULL STOCK 0? SUPPLIES, YTIIING usually kept in a ;ry Store, all of which have jought for CAS H. then the QUALITY of our ation. Gtvc us a call. SOS & r SMITH, S, THRESHERS ANT) pawc XS AND BUILDERS. * mid ami tlio public generally that Ihov nro !i<l an abundance of material, lo RKL'Alli 0 all woilc in tha line of CarpentHritii;. atiehes of their business, llicy feel Confident 1 lo merit tho public patronage* They nto mul are prepared to cxwiilo all work in reasonable terms?CASH ON DEL1Vpply of READY MADE WALNUT ami D. B. SMITH. Tlio Slaie of M Carolina. ... *m r ( r Toihe Managers of Elections /or the Coin a/y o/* Abbeville: WHEREAS, RICHARD M. VALENTINE, Esq., who at tlio General Election held in April, 1OCJ), was chcsen a member of the House of Representatives for the Election District of Abbeville, to servo for two years, has sinco Baid election resigned, And, whereas, the Constitution of the State of South Carolinn directs that in such a case a Writ of Election' shall be issued by the Speaker of tlio House of Representatives, for the purpose of filling the vacancy thus occasioned, for ?tlio remainder of the term for which tho Member to resigned was elected to serve: Now, therefore, you unci each of you aro hereby required, after duo advertise mcnt, and with a strict regard to all tho provisions of the Constitution and Laws of the said State, touching your duty in s?cb. case, to hold nn election for a Member of the Iluuse of Representatives, for tho Election aforesaid, to serve for tbe remainder oi the term i'or which the 'said Richard M. Valentino was elected: tb^PolIef"(<# 3>4? opened at the various placet of ElefitioqrW > the said District, on WEDNESDAY tho twenty-seventh ."day of October, 1809, by the various sets of Managers to count tho votes publicly immediately after the final closing of the polls at the Precincts whero j the votes havo been taken; 'make out a r?pi,Ktfli>?*!n r\f tlia rAonU Ia Ka . ?. KIMVIIIV V? kliv IV9UM| *vr I/VJ O'gUViU uy IUO ; Managers, or a majority of them, and taken to the Court House of Abbeville' County, or placo now fixed by law for lounting tho voles, on THURSDAY the twenty-eight day of said'.montb, by one or more of tbe said Managers; and tbe Managers, or a majority of them, who may assemble, shall proceed to examino the aforesaid statement, and declare tbe result of the Election. This Writ, together with your return'of tho Election to be) held under it, bavjb before the lIou6e of Representatives nt ita next meeting after tbe Election. WISNESS, the Honorable FliANLi LIN J. MOSES, Jr.vfJsq., Speaker * ^ of the Home of JReprcsentalivesy at Columbia, this eleventh day of September, in the year of our Lord one thaut* and eight hundred and sicty-nine. FRANKLIN J. MOSES, Jr., Speaker of tbe House of Representatives. \. O. J ONES, Clerk of the House of Representatives. Sept 17, 1800?21?td