The Press and Banner ABBEVILLE, 8.C. lyPubliRhed every Wednesday at S2 a year In advance. Wednesday, Feb. 28,1900. The Llternry Club. The Abbeville Literary Club met at the home of Judge Lyon last Friday, where the members were entertalued by "The Homeless." Tne essay was by Prof. Hradley, who gave us a very plea?aut paper about Father Iiyau and his poetry. Id the discussion which followed it didn't appear that this soldier, patriot, divine and poet had written much with which the gentlemen were familiar. A listener would infer that the reputation of the poet, was largely founded upon the "Conquered Banner." The dinner was a Ruperb affair, far in excess of the fare prescribed t>y the rules of the club, but the youDg gentlemen were excused for non-observance of the rule, and many pleasant things were said to them about their entertainment. ? Home Aicnin. Mr. Aug. W. Smith returned from New York a day or two ago, where he has been to buy a charming stock of goods, while looking out for the interests of the new cotton mill at Woodruff, of which he is to be president. Mr. Smltb is in the best of spirits both as to his business In Abbeville and the outlook for the factory. He Is a public spirited citizen, having money and energy to push ahead any enterprise to success. While Abbeville regrets to lose so good a citizen, yet we are al I glad to know of his good fortune. If Woodruff stands to him the town will have a good cotton mill, and a good cotton mill is about the best thing on earth. SacccMSful t'oioreu .nnii. Anthony P. Crawford, owos 30-5 acres of land on Penney's Creek. LaRt year, with mada 31 bales of cotton. He paid for 175 acres, 8700. out of last year's crop. Except about SiO paid for labor, be and bis family did all the work in making and gathering the crop. His prosperity should be an example lor others. Daughters or the Confederacy. The regular monthly meeting of the Daughters of the Conlederacy will be held on Tuesday, March 6th, at 12 o'clock, at Mrs. F. E. Harrison's. A full attendance is requested. Lucia W. Parker, Pres. Annual Celebration. Tbe Press and Banner acknowledges, with thanks, the receipt of tbe following Invitation. Tbe Amellan Literay Society of Due West Female College will welcome yoaat It* Annual Celebration, Friday evening, March 2d, J 1900, at 7 o'clock. , '.v. Due West. S. C. y'.if" j Cabbage Plants. Prepare your ground at once for cabbage plants, as I will be receiving them now weekly. Succession .and Wakefield are t!ie varieties. Very Respect folly. < C. P. Hammond. Tfe? Alliance. The Abb Wanted?Local or traveling salesmen, Bali ary or commission, to handle onr Oils, Greenei>, Petrolatum .PalntB and White Lead. Good*' > guaranteed. Prices low. Good freight rate* and prompt delivery. Penn Petrolatum 0o.t . Coraopolls, Pa. Plow stockB, hames, back bends, ao., oldF price at Glenn's. I I have a full stock of combs, brhibes and ? toilet articles of every description at Mil- ? ford's Drug Store. Pbons 107. ' ' v: j I make my owu Sarsaparllla and knotrtbecontents to be absolutely pore, 36 cento < cheaper than any blood medlolne on tbe^ i market at MUford's Drug Store. PbondlQ7. i if > t Brace's Retttaarant. *( Go to Bruce's Restaurant for meals at all . hours. . i Bruce's Restaurant Is open for the Fall and Winter trade. . J uiuv;o n ivooioutciuv 10 vpvu uiv, * *?? m?pw* knock and the door shall t}e opened onto yon 1 All goods delivered free when bongbfatTbe Speed Drue Co. Persons bavlng business with Dr. Harrison^ otn find htm at bis office, phone'97, or The Bpeed Drug Co. Phone 18. Good seed oats at Glenn's. READ! MADE MONET. The Diflerence Between Mining Gold i and Picking Dp Greenbacks. ! Chief Biley, yesterday dlsoovered a suspl- J clous looking package on the street. He gave ; It a kick, and afterward oonoluded to exa- , mine It. In It be found a tax receipt. Bad , upon still further searcn be found 925 wrapped/ , In a rag. Chief alley Imparted the Informs- . ttoo as to bis find,.and went about bis busi? mbs. During tbe day Perrln Nance, a very , respectable colored man?respectable if the , testimony of $25 Is worth anything, came to him In great distress. He described tbe pock- ( etbook and its contents, and tbe sight of tbe lost treasure did tbe negroe's heart good lroin ' afar back. In the gold fields tbe precious "metal is bid away In the mountains, bnt : right bere in Abbeville greenback money may. 1 > be,found on tbe sidewalk, ready for commercial uses. - i i . 1 J ttxtt n i nnn momnT ' 1 uniiUAVAii rioiuu " i . ' . u i Ehklae Blake's Companion Fools | With a Pntol and (he Ballet Plow* a Hole la HI* Tblffb. Master Ersklne Blake, tbe twelve-Tear old on of oar fellow-townsman, Mr. John B. Blake, Jr., and some of his companions went ont yesterday toaaeoladed place to tool with an unloaded pistol. In a little while tbe unloaded pistol performed the accustomed act, and now Ersklne Blake baa an unloaded leg. The ball went betweeirtbe thighbone and tbe artery, passing tnrougb asection of the flesh best adapted for experimental purposes. The wound Is uot considered quite as dangerous , as the scare. If Ersklne and bis associates survive tbe scare they will be all right. Tbe wound Is less serious than Ibeaoare. , ' Just arrived at Smith's Dry Q and Mi'llinorn + V? o now VI VVUW MUU AUkliiXUVA J UUV UV WW shapes in Ladies Collars. v * City Registration. CMTY REGISTRATION BOOKS WILL BE S opened for registration March 13tb, 14tb and 15th. James Chalmers, Jones F. Miller, Clerk. Mayor.!; Feb. 28.1900. 2t I.Ice on Poultry. The advertised "lice killer" used for destroying lice on poultry are made principally with napthaline as the main substance. Dissolve as much naDtbalinein a gallon of kerosene as it will take up, then add a gill of crude carbolic acid, two gills of gas tar, and a quart of crude" petroleum. When wanted for use, painted it on the roots or wherever lice may appear. The napthaline evaporates and "penetrates the featbersof the fowls while they are on the roost, destroyed the large body lice as well as the small mites. The cost is but a small sum. Of all the frightful things in this world none is more frightful thau a disorganized and clamorous household. See where a road ends before you take it, and to what anaction leads be fore you begin it Constancy is the complement of all other human virtues. CONTRIBUTED LOCALS. Wlmt .".1" So1* iuuI llfiirs on Hi* KouutlM About the City. KRIsNDS COMING AND GOING. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Morrow, of Coronaca, afier spending several days of last week with their brother, Mr. F. L. Morrow, returned borne lant Monday. Capt.J.B. Lyles returned from Columbia last week. Mrs. J. C. Spence and son alter a pleasant visit to ber sisters, the Misses Matthews, returned lust Monday to their home In Birmingham. Alabama. Mrs. M. B. Syfan had a very pleasant visit last week to friends in Greenwood. Mr. Will Syfan was in the city last Thursday on persooal business. Mr. P. B. Speed has just returned frotn a visit to frieods and relatives in Lowudesvllle. *ui. aiiuur o^iitu, wi vyiuiuuitt, bjjoui ? un^ i in the city last week. Mr. A. W. Smith returned from Northern Markets last Sunday nlgnt. Mr. McGee is expected home thin week. Mr. Sml'h has bought a large and varied stock of goods, and will show the ladles all the newest und latest fads In millinery, dress goods, uotions, etc. Mr. Lewis Blount, Sr., has just returned trom a trip to friends and relatives in North Carolina, and says "there's no place like old Abbeville" where he expectB to make his borne. This is complimentary to our city aud her people, coming from a gentleman like Mr. Blount who baa seen much of the world. We are glad to number Mr. Blount and family as citizensof onr progressive city. Mr. aud Mrs. R. M. Haddon are expected home this week from the North, where they have been to purchase their Spring stockj This old reliable firm Is too well known to our readers to need any oommeut from us. suffice it to say that R. M, Haddon &Co. will present to the ladles of Abbeville counly this season an unusually large and attractive siock of up-to-date goods.' * ? .* Mr. M. V.Lomax after spending last week In Greenville, Is expeoled home today. } X*? , NEW LODGE ,07 K.'OB" PS. A delegation from the K. of P. Lolge of I hill j city went to Mccormick yesterday to organ- , lze a Lodge there. 'This Is a ldrge and/grow- | ing order, and Abbeville hasasplendidLodge with an Increasing membership. , Our readers will be glad to know that Mr. Morgan Daniels, the father of the flvd little , children bitten sometime ago by * Tabid dog, , succeeded In sendlbg'tbem to-Baltimore lor. treatment. They left last Batarday.r A calf i bitten by the same dbg, and at the same tlfloef , is now showing symptoms of hydrophobia ( and Is kept close lor farther development* , This is Indeed g Md' case and manjjpfrlena* hitno Iho lltllA nKMilran nrlll flAha<,S8hlrn 1 O i ' w ^ I it the home (OfiBW goiv hod. ueoree wj c Prlnoe of Andenton on February tb? 20th, ia his 74th year* ' : A3WotJEi.KP ^KE DTE. ' 1 The Court ed last Saturday theMBrd, the last week being taken np^tbolfffbuslness. ?^ - . t BEgglS 100ft1 MONEY. \ Honey jjiokluv for Lawful Heir*, j if^v^JSooHton, Texas, Feb. 9,1900. < Editor PreMMftBanner: 1 Dear Sir?J&gpo looking for the heirs of t lames G.MQpMDd Braddock Nyle, who are ' MuppOfl^&yjMMfc lived In your State about ] 1840. AnJ^lmormatlon will be received with < thanks by-:.-.. Yours truly. i Box 523. Henry Malragren. I ?-? . Ilieifclmed Letters. Letters i^>poslWBce for week ending Feb- j B?Edltft Bero^gLevy Brown, Jos. Brown, j H?H, Mies Rose Hill. Robt. j J.~John bod, Clary Jenklnp. 1 Paten, W. C. Parker, Miss \ Bailie PoweSjpjit B?Thos. EUonard60D, A. D. Richie, Robt. Romans. 1 8?Re i meroas pistol shots and oriee or Are. As ub j ml the life cojmpany were on "quiek time" a engine nouse at the I Ke belt and rasnlng ! up and down hill for I lagration. They were. . red when about half olored woman at tbe- i . E. W. Williams who : the building. The fire fiends neai at band. < extent of tbe lojurl^j :j Ullle tsrowniee, Jimmie wiuemau, riuiumer Blnckwell, Luther Marlln. Souk?American Eras?1. The discovery. 2. The Revolution. :5. The civil war and final union, bv Misses Mary Pressly and Helen Grler and a chorus of children. Recitations? Duties and responsibilities of Amerlcau citizen, by Robert N'^kelp, Paul McCain, Lowry Pressly, Mason Young, Roddy Devlin and Young Todd. Chorus and Recitation?Young American, by Young Todd, Walter Bonner. Lawrence Brownlfee. Earl Cllnkscales, Conde Tribble, Ersklne McDavld. B. Loner. Luther Martin, Calvin Grler, Paul Martin, Lane Bonner and Marcus ClinkHeales. Recitation?The Union and the Flag as Its Byrobol?Henry Young, Frank McGee, Fnrman McGee and Crawford Cllnkscales. Scene and Song?Our adopted citizens, by Pre68ly Grler, Conde Tribble, Plummer Blackwell, Walter Bonner, Young Todd, Otlle Brownlee, Mark Ellis, Crawford Cllnkscales, Jlmmle Wldeman, Lowry Pressly, Furman McGee. Recitation by Jessie Boyce. Bong?America, by the school. ERTBBTAINMENT. The entertainment by the children last rbaraday commemorative of Washington's Birthday was Interesting and greatly enjoyed. The audlenee onmbered about two hundred and tweDty-flve. The children entered Into the spirit of the opcaaloc a nd performed their parts With credit to themselves and the school. Everybody went awav pleased with the performance, and boplngr that other entertainments will follow. Bach exercises are lesigned ana do fosier a splrli of national prld^and patriotism in the children, and the superintendent of Education of Abbeville County should encourage the teachers of every public school to hold some suoh exercises svery year. > Tbq public school building shows up welt in Its new coat of (taint. Tbe trim mi ngB bar* Wa mIav Af tho KnUillnff n Friday eveulng of this week at 7 1-2 o'clock, tiles Lois Moffat will preside. Miss Sue ilackwell is the Sophmore essayist. Misses Sllen Sherard, Edith Little and Lizzie Nich>ls are the elocutionists. Tbe debaters are Hisses Rebecca Wldeman, Lillle Cbisholm, iosu Brownlee and LunaTrlbble. >ln the Eupbemlam Hall last Saturday Saturday morning there was a contest in ora ory for the Oaten medal wLlch Is offered 10 behest orator Id Erskine College by Mrs. R. kf.Oates of Russell ville, Arkansas. Tbe medil* wnicb is a gold one, will be delivered on Jpmmenceinent Day. Tbe following young ttntlemen were contestants : J L. Hempblli, I^C. Knox, C. S. McClain. P. H. Moore, C. Y. iove, W. J. Nichols, J. B. Pressly, P. A. Pressy,R. E. Ranson.C. M. Boyd, T. W. Hunler, 5?1(.Kerr, E. E. McClain and W. A. MofTatt. Cbere^nre some good speakers In the numoer, iat many of them need tbe training of a good lUxqaUTonlst. Contest not decided as yet. pP BEAR STORY. ? ' f?r-v . ? Exciting Scenes In tbe Cbase?Men from Town Go Gunninir for tbe ^trange Animal. Last Monday Mr. F. M. Crowther, living In heOordon neighbor, CAme to town and reported that a black bear bad crossed tbe road , front tof bis team, near Cochran's branch kboTfcilAog Canis church on tbe Due West oad. Ia. order to have some sport. Dr. L. T. 3111, Messrs. J. L. McMillan and J. H.McDlll vent snipe bunting. Tbey didn't bring home be game. Tbe bear was gone as evidenced jy the tracks. These gentlemen had a point;r dog with them, but the dog couldn't point :be bear. The tracks or the bear were plainly leen until the animal reached the creek where It seems the animal must have dlsappeered in the water. After giving up the ibase of the bear, they, like Mark Twain's nan, got "something else" in the shape of airds ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Last Monday morning Mr. Frank Robertson round a big dog loafing about his premises, ind concluded to give the strange animal a quietus with his shot gun. When his fusee uad discharged its load in the direction of the animal th? flying shot came so near to the dot: that be was greatly scared, and immediately began to 'ran for dear life. In retting away from the place belonging to Mr. Etobertajpn, the dog in crossing LhQ road paid no partiOQtar attention to the mule and wag3n, nelthar'did Us regard thd pretence of ulr. JrowthBr. Thtfttfl? folng at the speed of tb& Wind; as be passiqJnftonvof the'mulelm> parted to the lon^eared HBlartal something sf his v ' -- ' . ' - '.'-k^v? < ; _ . ? IF YOU WANT ANY' OF GROCERIES, FRC ? 3< Can of PoUod Ham t ' W a'fcWwsduShot Gnn, a H (L or ^aple JDry Uoo< rolesy telephone Jabtltre In aDsweilng yonr bell, or Me^Swbdlten ao not answer It at all, bat In ^i ll mmAt mail H# 410ontt knock It through the wall. This Invariably makes It talk better. When through talking, drop the receiver or throw It down. This allows the batteries to run oat and breaks the strands In the receiver cord. Talk out of the door or window, anywhere bat in the telephone, better tarn your back to the phone, all your voice so apt to get to the transmitter. Ring In "Central" ear every time yon call, bo pleasant you know. . Open tbe generator box with tn knife or an ax and take a look at tblngs.t Xjf tbe Interior does not look right, pull out a few wires and leave tbe door open, this Improves the service wonderfully. Throw metal Inkstands, etc.,:on top of telephone which will short clrcalt your Instrument and then go to Bleep, nb one can call you up. Never ring oft when through Ulklng as that would uotlfly "Central" you bad finished. Let her guess at It. Never speak kindly to tbe operator, Bbe sa more used to being called names. ' Paste this on your telephone for future reference. ??? Arrived today at Smith's Dry Goods and Millinery a bfg lot of 15c Embroidery that they will sell at 10c per yard. No less by the 100 yards. ABBEVILLE S "GARLAND'S," S T T O "IRON KING'S," o V "SUPERB'S," ^ S ?riICHIGAN." S Each one of them carries a goaraptee. STOVE WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GRATES, MANTELS, TILES. HARDWARE \if/\/-vrvn\rnr a t?tt? mTVWiiDT? HD A V YY YY AIVD, X XXI TT 0.1VU, Uimi ENAMEL WARE, OIL GAS STOVES, STEAM COOKERS. COMPANY. "Everything in House Furnishings.", PROPER HEADWEAR ? '* ijt * ' .fetor tbe ladies cad. always be found at our establishment. Wabave H All Litest Fall Styles. h . ' i < ' We have gathered them from the centers Of ash Ion, and they form a I GLORIOUS GALAXY : .. __* Offood things. Ladles, you can save money. r'',dSftltenoej'lflme, by, buying your Mnilfc 'aecyof as. For your owd satisfaotloD, pay us a vlsltMrs. Mary TaggaiC . The Anest jlueof cigars you ever flaw?Cu loo, Figaro, Washington'ir*ine, Bolg and Portnen do?5 oenU. A spatial line of 10 oehta, 121.2 cents and 10 cents cigars. The Speed Drag Co. ; ^ Prescriptions are fllled.'aoonratelj, quickly and AtJ'be Speeajjrag ^ Those or our frl^iM.Whg QW%the ^ojd flrmfe or Harrison & Game and P. B. Speed, can |U tain a receipt for ihe same at the .Speed Drugl Co. Call early nud uvold the rush. i TTLE POWDERS/ PBING TONIC. Ve Guarantee this Powder To be better than any 25 Cents Powder on ' the market. We make it ourselves and Kdow i there Is nothing but the very best medicine 1 in It. You can furnish your own brand. | Yours to pleAse, < C. A. MILFORD, ; TJit; UKUuuiai'. 'RICE 15 Cts. Phone 107. \ *den Seeds, SORTS OF GARDEN SEEDS. WFLAKE FOR THE BEST CORN. w. ERLESS, GOLDRICH, ETC. : SEED?2 for 5 ota. 25 cts. per dozen. T ONCE. *arksdale. ' . ; ? ^ JMm P s ' rHING ENT THE WAY M A....? /' *. i o a Barrel of the Finest Floor, ash Pot, Backets, Tabs, Ac., Is, Clotliiug Hats or Caps, i . MORSE The itate of South Carolina, COUNTY OP ABBEVILLE. Probate Court.?Citation for Letters of Ad- c mlnlbtratlon. ByR. E. Hill, Esq., Judoe of Pbobate. "TTC7HEREAS, Joel W. Fisher has made salt to me, to grant blm Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of rn?%rrn mnrr WD l??A A kKonl 1 1a f jeinnlci ivfiuucitv, joio ui auvvva^io v, County, deceased. ? These are therefore, to cite and admonish a all and singular the kindred and credltora oI the said Jennie - Keller, deceased, that g /they be And appear before me. In the Coort * of Probate, to be held at Abbeville C. H., , on Saturday, the 8rd day of March, 1900, J 'after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock Id a the forenoon, to show cause If any they have, r why the said Administration should not be V grunted. tl Given under my hand and seal of the Court, r tblB 16th day of Feb., In the year of f [L. 8.] our Lord one thousand nine hundred tJ and in the 124 year of American In< C dependence. > Published on the 21st day of February, IS"), In the Press and Banner and on the Court House aoor for the time required by law. 1 R. E. HILL, Feb. 19,1900, tf Judge of Probate, @ Hit; . D a Look Over These Prices of Watch [J and Clock Repairing, Consid- r< er we do only First-Class * Work, and You Will Find tl It Will Pay You to Let Us ^ Do Your Repairing. & ; . ! 'CI Clean or Main Spring, One day rnPfc n, mantel clocks.. ^uv^is. n D Clean or Main Spring, eight day , nr-Pfc n mantel clocks /OVxip. P v Clean or Main Spring, eight day 4, T v cabinet clocks * land up 1J ' D Clean or Main Spring, Watches, ftc h low grade .....75v-/, b u Clean or Main Spring, medlam a t n grade ......r1 * KJW. " 0p: **iSSF%S? 25 and 5?Cts. 2 " vxusax, l'.fs cts. t? #i! P'? to "c , ^ IoCtS. o a All Work Guaranteed a , a To be first-clan a. Oar1 cleaning la g Dot merely tbe "brusblng-oot" process bet a chemical cleaning tbat . u. makes tbe watobea clean and look d like new. R. C. 13email,? TJIE JEWELER y ! 1 h T ; D Abbeville ? P CHATTANOOGA, t L SYRACUSE, lH O AVERY, b W WATT, J S * a hames, collars, traces, bridles, j{ backbands, plow points, ' plow steels. ? Hardware l black8mith8' tools, bellows, an- , vils, hammers, tong8. osborne disc harrows, ? ' - avery's garden plows. c common sense pectooth harrows. ^ rhmnflnv 1 "Reliable Farm Implements." J a l o A good Towel at 15c each is ? something the trade has al- I ways wanted. Smith's Dry v Goods and Millinery are ] showing an extra good one * at 15 cents, v.;- t . ^. . ' ;; J ' Calls for Dr. Neaffer,^r. Harrison, Dr. Hill 1 or Dr. Gambrell canbe left at the Speed 6 DrogOo. , - j Dr. Mltehlner will be glsd to Me bis Irlends and acquaintances?especially tbe young a Jadles at tbe Speed Drag Co. Mr. George Clark can always be found at e 11 mill It was decided to raise tbe stock from I< .welve to sixteen thousand dollars. From .his It seems that it has been a paying invest- P neat. . < tl The sabjeot of bnllding a cotton mill in this tl jlace is being talked anout, and the tndica.ions are good that before very long in the fa- * .are we will have one of these very import- t! tnt industries in fall blast In our midst. ]j Some more very cold weather Jast now. Daring the past week or two the cold spells lave very materially Injured the small grain 8 :rops, particularly the oat crops, which in g nany places are about all killed, and some ire sowing again, where the condition of the and permits. b To date there has been a very small amount o >f farm work done. A little cleaning up, bpt io plowing. It will be remembered that a short time ago ai lve o( Mr. J. M. Daniel's seven children were h iltten by what waa supposed to be a mad-dog. . < Hr. Daniel made tbe matter known to Dr. 0. . 2. Gambrell at Abbeville, who Bent tbe brain it >f tbe dog, which had in the mean time been cllled, to tbe hospital authorities of Baltlnore. Upon examination tbe brain was bond to be affected with rabies, and Mr. Dan- tl el was advised to carry his children on at g{ mce for treatment. A few days ago a sub- ' lorlptlon was started to aid him In tbe mat- " er, and at last accounts near $200 had been C. :lven. More will be donated and sent him, as he above mentioned sum will not settle the ? Ill for treatment alone. Mr. Daniel and bis u hlldren left for Baltimore the day before yes- 84 erday, and It in to be ^arneptly hoped that be trip and the eflotf to save bis children rom an awful death, will be a successful u me. Troupe, ai tc ;fg fil Prohibitionists. p The Prohibition conference held in iq Columbia on the 152th of January, 1900, te dopted the following : D Resolved, That Joei E. Brunson, J. cl 1. AlofTatt, E. D. Smith, J. A. Hoyt, al i\ H. Hyatt, W. C. Thomson and w eremiah Smith be and hereby are a ppointed to prepare an address to tbe ?i eople of Booth Carolina, setting forth ci be work and issues before us, and to ti lan for and perfect an organization of be Prohibitionists for the coming ei ampaign.v _ g< In'accordance with the above, we ic ubmit the following address : tt 'o the PeoDle of South Carolina : pi The Prohibitionists of the State are ai couraged to make another appeal to 01 lie voters for , a supreme effort along yj ie line'for the abolition of the manu- 01 icture and sale of liquor in South Carlina. For many years the men aud romen of our State have toiled arnestly to effect legal prohibition of ae liquor traffic, aud gratifying rogress was being made not only in anishing the licensed saloon from 11 territory without incoporated >wns and cities, but there was much eing accomplished in the way of educing the number of saloons here ud there, and also in securing control . f the smaller munloipal ties through ie ballot box or restrictive legislation. " bis progress in temperance retorin in- X uced an application to the regularly ~ instituted authorities of the Demo- R' ratic party in control of the election ^ lachinery of the State for a separate . ox in which to vote for or against ?' rohibition, aud this privilege was I? ranted In the primary election of u 892, resulting in an overwhelming *!8 lajority for the legal prohibition of Ia tie liquor traffic, and along with tbis rL esult there was obtained a clear P lajority of members in the lower louse, who passed a strict prohibitory ^ leaeure in accordance with the verdict 11 f the people. This measure was de- w sated, however, and in its stead was ubstituted the dispensary law for the * egulation and control of the traffic, . n importation that was recognized as I} ontrary to the wishes of the people jV nd in direct conflict with their 1 scertained verdict. Thus thedispenary began its career as a supplanter, n nd it has made seven years of uncail- . iy~ record, marked by bloody aud 91 iairranofn I atonu fpnm f ha liairinniiiup " lOgAWVWAWI II VU4 bUV VVgliJUlUgl I The present condition of the liquor ? mslness can hardly be said to be satis- " actory to a single intelligent person in u he State. When the dispensary law fas first adopted, thousands of our a louest people hoped for, and expected ouch from it. They were told that be restrictive features of the law ^ could be enforced by sober Slate fficals, who, not having any financial merest at stake, would labor to reduce he consumption of liquor and make J?; he dispensary system a stepping ?; tone to prohibition. The dispensary tad been in operation but a short D( true before the greed of gold began to aanifest itself among high offlcals, ,nd pressure was brougbt to bear ipon dispensers to increase sales. ?be annual salary paid a common ounty dispenser would buy thirty a ales of cotton, and he was given to e.' inderstand that his dispensary must 8* le profitable to the State or it would ?e closed and himself dismissed from 11 he service. The sales increased at nice and have increased month by rj oonth ever since ; so that to-dav the r; State is selling nearly as much liquor " ,s ever did the old bar-rooms in their ^ >almiest days. ' And how could it be otherwise ? ["he appetite for drink is the same 1 md every hindrance to the sale of P iquor has been swept away. The . loor of the dispensary stands wide a pen to serve every one that will buy. 0 sTo knowledge of the purchaser necesary, no inquiry as to the purpose for vhich the liquor is wanted, and no 01 ignature to any request; simply pay Cl rour money and take your liquor, as nuch as you can carry, if you like. Jo indifferent and demoralized have tecome our 8tat? and county offlcals, n' bat although tfitee ^violations of law c' ire known to all of them, thev have 01 leither the manliness nor moral cour- f ige to try to brffig the offenders to 11 ustice. Tourist hotel privileges and beer hops have been,(and are still, conductd under the very nose of the (Joveruir of the State without a shadow of ir aw, and no effort made to prevent it. b( dispenser after dispenser has stolen or h: Dst the money of the State and not n ue has ever been punished or even yi owns in Ir^Hffi^^^^^HBHflB^HOH upport rach bv the^BHHnH| he State, Mil.far be money received v. We state it modestTv^i^^^^I^^Bfl be present system of liquor obbing the people of the State y dollars for every dollar [> the State Treasurer for ednca^^^H ional purposes. The State Board of Jontrol is sending out of our State ** ueh year at least one million dollars ' nd in exchange for it bringing into J.% be State and distributing to our peole five times the amount in poverty, , wretchedness, disease and death. We appeal to every newspaper in the Itate that has a sense of honesty and ilrness to lose sight of the few dollars bat may come to it through those who >ve liquor; to forego the imaginary leasure of holding up the hands of boee who cry "personal liberty,"when * i bat personal liberty Is violative of the sfk ierhts of others, and to ioin with ua in >-n be effort to remove the -accursed ' quor traffic from our State. * , vm We appeal to the good women of the tate, and when have the women of . outh Carolina ever failed in a good & ause? You cannot vote, it is true, ut you can give expression to your pposition to the l.quor traffic by 'earing the badge ana by a thousand cts of your life, and it may be your ? and that shall drive the "tent nail" . brougb the head of the monster that ? i now actually eating your offspring. We appeal to the Christian ministers f the State. Shall those who preach vv 1 ae eoapel enter the field and 9peak galoot liquor selling? See the Master rith c. scourge driving out the money /' bangt rs from the temple, overthrowigthe tables and pouring out their loney; and hear him cry, "Woe unto j jrioes ana mansees, nypocmea yo ;rpents, ye generation of vipers, bow / in ye escape the damnation of hell ?" ( ad you will see that He di' harlotte said to Oliver on4 morning.-' When Oliver came down to. the reakfast table his father said ': "finw 'l - - ' - mm this, Oliver ? You are late again." liver bung bis head, and Charlotte iid : "I woke him in ' good time,. .iher; but he went to sleep again the linute I left the room, though he romised to be up in five minutes." , 2: "Come here, my boy, and let me feel our pulse/' said bis father. "I beeve you are suffering from a disease hich is very common at this time." Oliver gave his hand to his father, bo, after feeling his pulse, said; Yes, it is as I thought: poor Oliver as Slack's disease. Take him up to ed agaiu ; keep bis breakfast warm by le fire, and when he feels strong uough be may eat it. Ht> may stay at ome from school to-day." Tbe little boy weut upstairs with his ster, and was put to bed. He could ot sleep, however. He heard chilren playing out of doors; he heard onto barking, and Tommy, tbe ca?5 * -- ? 11 rt/J ll id uiofni* ary, singing, ne caucu mo , nd said ; "Charlotte, what is Slack's ? Ih it dangerous ?" "I rather think not," said Charlotte. "You dear little simpleton, don't ou know what father meant? He leanr. you were troubled with laziness, sad complaint." Oliver saw that a trick had been layed on him. He jumped out of bed, ressed, ate his breakfast, and ran off school. Since that day Oliver has een the first oue up in the house. Avoitl Temptation. A misstep may destroy life. One sin lay ruin your character. Did you ver reflect on the consequences of a in tTi'na 9 Tho Kooh UgiU IUUU ^CUV/O iU ? IV/W AUV WWW fmen have falleu through tbesuggeson of another. How careful should ou be, while in the freshness of your ays, lest a blight fall ou your cbaracsr and ruin you forever! Abstain om the appearance of evil. If iuited to places of resort, when it is itieult to decide, take the safe course -etayi away and save your reputation, his ie a jewel of inestimable value, too recloua to be put In jeopardy. No man ever regrets that he kept [oof from temptation, and to the close Hife he expresses his joy that he was ived from the path of shame by givig a decided negative when the voice f pleasure beckoned him on. Be ?ieded! and you will be saved. Yield, nd you may be lost. Watch with iligence and guard every avenue irough which sin may reach you. In o other way will you be sure to over>me the evil of the world. In no :her way will you shield your cbaracir frnm a hlamiah If if fa boa nn WftTSe ijury, aDd build your life on a found;ion which will stand every shock. When you are in tbe humor for doig a given piece of tfork, tbut is the ?st time for doing it; but when you ave a given piece of work to do it is ?t wise to wait till the huuior seizes ou. ?m?|Q