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Kwr. Be-vi" %: i I ROOSEVELT TOOK" I MOTTO OFF CMS President Makes Public a Letter Explaining His Action. "IRREVERENCE," HE DEULAKtS "In God We Trust" Cheapened?Used as "Incitement to Sneering Ridicule"?If Congress Orders Him to He Will Put It Back. 'Washington, D. C.?In answer to one of the numerous protests which have been received at the White House against the new gold coins which have been coined without the words "In God We Trust," President Roosevelt has written a letter which 1 he made public. The letter follows: 1 "When the question of the new 1 coinage came up we looked into the ( law and found there was no warrant j therein <\-?r nnttiner 'In God We Trust* ! on the coins. As the custom, al- ' though without legal warrant, had J grown up, however, I might have felt at liberty to keep the inscription had 1 I approved of its being on the coin- 1 age. But as I did not approve of it, I did not direct that it should again be put on. Of course, the matter of 1 the law is absolutly in the hands of Congress, and any direction of Con- 1 gress in the matter will be immediately obeyed. At present, as I have ' said, there is no warrant in law for the inscription. "My own feeling in the matter is due to my very firm conviction that 1 to put such a motto on coins, or to I use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good but does positive harm, and is in effect irreverence, which comes dangerously close to sacrilege. A beautiful and solemn sen- 1 At- - i- I tence sucn as xae one iu quesnuu should be treated and uttered only with that fine reverence which uecessarily implies a certain exaltation of spirit. ' Any use which tends to cheapen it, and, above all, any use which tends to secure its being treated in a spirit of levity, is from every standpoint profoundly to be regretted. It Is a motto which it is indeed well to have j ( inscribed on our great national monuments, in our temples of justice, in our legislative halls, and in buildings such as those at West Point and An- , napolis?in short, wherever it wiX tend to arouse and inspire a lofty emotion in those who look thereon. | But It seems to me eminently un- , wise to cheapen such a motto by use . on coins, just as it would be to ; cheapen it by use on postage stamps or in advertisements. J "As regards its use on the coinage, | we have actual experience by which to go. In all my life I have never heard anv human being speak rever- , ently of this motto on the coins or ! show any signs of its having appealed j to any high emotion in him, but I ( have literally, hundreds of timc3, , heard it used as an occasion of and incitement to the sneering ridicule which is above all things undesirable that so beautiful and exalted a phrase should excite. "For example, throughout the long 1 contest extending over several decades on the free coinage question, the existence of this motto on the ( coins was a constant source of jest | and ridicule; and this was unavoida- ( ble. Every one must remember the , innumerable cartoons and articlea j based on phrases like 'In God we j trust for the eight cents,' 'In God we ! ( trust for the short weight,' 'In God I ( we trust for the thirty-seven cents we , do not pay,' and so forth and so on. , "Surely I am well within bounds when I say that a use of the phrase which invites constant levity of this t type is most undesirable. If Congress ( alters the law and directs me to re- ( place on the cc;ns the sentence in question the direction will be Immediately put into effect; but I verj ( earnestly trust that the religious sen- < timent of the country, tne spirit oi reverence in the country, will prevent any such action being taken." , | HE TRUSTS HIS BANK NOW. Pennsylvania Man Withdraws $30C and Robbers Almost Got It. Connellsville, Pa. ? After looting ' the New Haven postoffiie three rob' 1 bers crossed the river into Connells- 1 ville and stole a 700-pound sate from 1 the store of A. Gigliotti. They hauled 1 it away on a wheelbarrow, but deserted it when hard pressed by offi ' cers. 1 The safe contained $300 which ' Gigliotti had drawi out of a local ' bank, fearing it was unsafe. Gigliotti redeposited the money in the bank. New Law Closes Delaware Hotels. Fear of creditors that the local option law passed at the last election in Kent and Sussex counties. Delaware, 1 will prevent hotels from being operated cause the closing of hotels in j Smyrna and Dover by the Sheriff of i1 Kent County. It is said that forty- j1 one hotels and saloons and twelve distilleries in Kent and Sussex coun- J ties will be closed by the new law and license fees amounting to $7000 re- ' funded. King Entertains Empero -. King Edward and Queen Alexandra entertained the German Emperor and Empress at a state dinner at Windsor Castle, London. Railway Traffic Falling Off. Traffic officials of the roads centring in Chicago repeat a decided easing up of traffic since the stringency in the money market has extended to the West. There still is a large movement of export grain, but domestic shipments have fallen off considerably. Shah of Persia's Oath. The Shah of Persia visited the National Assembly and took the oath oi alleeiance. swearing to uphold the constitution. The World of Sport. Mai. W. Eason was reinstated and A. J. Lewis suspended by the National Board of Professional Baseball ! Leagues. I. Richard Croker's Rhodora, a half ( sister to his colt Orby. the Derby winner, won the Dewhurst Plate at Newmarket, defeating King Edward's Pcrrier. Ned Hanlon, the manager of the Cincinnati team, says that he will not have charge of th? Reds next year, as he intends to devote all his attention to the Baltimore club, of which he is the owner. GOLD SHOWERJROM MINI Government Working Overtime ti Turn Out Double Eagles. More Thau Fifty-two Millions in Coil Will Be Added to the Currency At Once. 3 Tho TTnif<?H Srnhp Mint in this city delivered $1,000,00! in gold doable eagles to the Sub Treasury in this city. It is said tha within the nert three months thi mint will coin $52,000,000 in doubli eagles. This enormous amount o gold will be distributed among th< Sub-Treasuries to relieve the mone: stringency. The distribution of s< much gold is but one of the severa important moves that Secretary Cor telyou is making to provide currenc: to meet the enormous needs of thi country. The local mint is well equipped t< contribute its share of the shower o; gold that has begun to fall upon ever? part of the Unitetf States. Many o its employes are working overtime tiowever, it being a nightly occurrenci for coin counters, weighers, adjuster and others to work as late as 1( o'clock, the usual hour for quitting work being 4 o'clock. New machinery has recently beei Installed in the mint and its efficienc] was demonstrated in the operation o the "split collar," a device for put ting stars on the edge of the newl: lesigned double eagles. There ar< forty-six stars on the edge of eact piece because of the approaching ad vent of the new State of Oklakom? to the Union. The machinery at the mint is capa ble of grinding out 4000 of thes< pieces in an hour. There is now a the mint enough bullion for the man ufacture of $20,000,000 in doubli eagles, but more bullion from variou! sources is now being diverted to th< institution. PASSING ALABAMA R. R. BILLS Legislature Shows Itself Ready t< Adopt Governor's Measures. Montgomery, Ala. ? The Housi passed four of the Governor's meas ures looking toward the regulatioi of the railroads, but not until the en tire day had been taken up in argu ments. The Seiif'e had the same bills up but adjour. jd while the House argu ments were going on. The maximum rate bill which hai been enjoined by the Federal Cour tvas repealed. The bill fixing the pen alties for not putting into effect th< railroad laws was passed, as was th< one relieving the Attorney-Genera and Railroad Commissioners fron bringing suit, the idea being that thi; prevents them from being sued. There are eight bills fixing th< rates on 110 commodities which an yet to come up. The objects of th< measures are to compel the railroad; to put the rates in effect without i 3uit, the penalties being heavy fo: violations. WAGE RAISING TIME PAST. Railroads More Likely to Make Som< Cuts and Keduce forces. Chicago.?In the face of an an aouncement that the railroads art more disposed to reduce forces thai :o raise wages, a committee representing 25,000 organized switchmei ind switch tenders from Buffalo tc :he Pacific Coast entered into a conierence with railway managers in ar jffort to force the companies to raise ivages six cents an hour and grant ar iight-hour day. "There is not the slightest possibility that railroads will raise wages at ;his time." said Slason Thompson foi ;he roads. "There is more chance ;hat they cut wages or curtail expenditures by reducing forces." All railroads, it is said, have agreed )n a policy that promises no prospect ;or better things for workingmen. A PANIC IN ITALY. Exchange at Rome Forced to CloseAppeal For Government Aid. Rome, Italy.?The financial diffi ?ulties in the United States are mak ing their influence felt on the Italiar market, and the Stock Exchange here, unable to resist the downwarc tendency, decided to close. Befor< iolng so, however, a resolution wai passed urging the Government to hell the credit of the country by assisting in the formation of a syndicate o banks, to be under Government con trol, and by placing at the disposal ol this syndicate the sum of $14,000, 000. PEANUTS HIS DIET?DEAD. \ Nebraskan Insane After Living 01 Goobers and Water. Fremont, Neb.?Because he under stood that scientists had reporter that peanuts contained all the ele ments necessary to sustain life Ar chie Venuto, a Frenchman, attempted to live by eating nothing but peanuts with the result that he died of ex tiaustion after a week's goober diet. At the end of four days Venuto be came insane and was placed in a hos pital. He absolutely refused to ea anything but peanuts thereafter, ant would drink nothing but water. Anna Gould's Denial. Anna Gould authorized a denial o reports that she was engaged to bi married to Prince Helie of Sagan. Plant Atlantic Lobsters in Pacific. By order of the United States Fisl Comihisslon4 a- carload of lobster fr: from the Government hatchery a Boothbay, Me., will be shipped to th< Pacific Coast this week for the firs experiment in breeding the Main* lobster in the Pacific Ocean Terrorized by Kidnapers. Mrs. Angelina Momolita confessei to the New York police that she wa forced to aid a band of child stealer in concealing a boy they had kid uaped. The Field of Labor. The Yonkers, N. Y., trolley strok was settled. The cornerstone of the new iabo temple has been laid in Kansas Cltj Mo. The cigar makers o? Minneapoli will try the plan of organizing i banking system. The printing trade in Canada em ploys almost 10,000 people at an ac nual wage list of $5,540,885. Ladies' Tailors and Dressmaker; Union of Boston is to have a weekl Dswer Id Yiddish for its members. f IT DOESN'T BOTHEF 1 X''- V<HAT4 / MADE VOU \ f JUMP ?*> 'P J *0O COUi-ON'T J 1 ^ I f 5 ?Week's cleverest carto ; DAY OF CHEAP j According to Statistics, a Large Part of the I" People Eat Less and Less?Only j . . 1840?Many Causes Con '[ ''Washington, D. C.?That a time 5 i of the population of this country mu the poor do in other countries, is the supply and surplus, which has recent! retary Wilson, and which was writte: division of foreign markets of the De] > _ Mr. Holmes does not assert that 1 must go hungry for meat. The facts traded much notice among high offlci } They admit that his statistics tend t< * higher meat prices. Nothing is more common iu thes " that every one is eating more meat. * Holmes. He has made a searching ar on meat supply, surplus and the like ' in the country diminishing relative t( * per capita declining. Instead of considering cattle, sh< ' mals, separately, Mr. Holmes, for c t them as merged into a composite ani " of a composite meat animal per capi i declined to .860 of a composite anim ? .900 in 1890, but fell more decidedly dividual of population In 1900. In ( | there was in the country about .7 o 3 nearly 50 per cent, more than that in But the consumption per capita I It is shown that exports of meat an< I have increased enormously. With a I country per capita than formerly am s tendency is for the consumption of i J Taking 1840 for comparison and of meat animals to population then a' followed by a rise to 79.4 in 1890, an other words, compared with 1840, eac average, eating about three-fifths as r From 1890 to 1900 the domestl > declined almost exactly one-fourth p At the Department of Agricultu study of Mr. Holmes' report, with e bear on the present high prices 'the department, who has been-lookic said that the inevitable conclusion ws of low meat prices; that the tenden prices to rise even hlgier than they per capita in the country would keep creased, and consequently that prices and more the family of small mean3 1 It much more seldom than at present. This official also pointed out thi was constantly growing, but that th< stantly enlarging. This means a lesi more people to make a demand on I prices aoroaa are arawiug au iuucmi away from the country.. [ WOMAN POSED AS Once Lived as a Husband, and Only Revea and Bank Clerk?Coming to At She Could Get Work Trindad, Col. ? Charles Vaubs woman who for sixty, years passed as3 - and sheep herder, died at San Rafaef i ' She was born in France eighty-t > When eighteen years of age, relying I living.. She found that she was grei i After wandering around the country f J male garb and applied for a man's pi ? Joplin, Mo., and worked there as a be ? All this time she kept her secret f man. She possessed an excellent edi - she was offered a position in a St. ,T< f cepted this, going to St. Joseph befon A few months later a young woi man who had promised to marry her. posed marriage and was accepted. ' her sex on a Bible pledge that she wo After their marriage they came i A year or two afterward the "wife" d he had been deserted and refused tc Vosbaugh received more or less sympi " soon forgotten. Tiring of city life and always fe; * I Mine Vnahanch fnrfv vears aeo SOU! | ranch, near Trincbera. She asked f 1 was given to her. Later, when she k ered except by the greatest of accideu She remained at the Sam Brown was brought to San Rafael Hospital here she protected her secret, refusing * by the sisters at the hospital that sb( ' attendants. * Some time later she contracted velop into pneumonia. Dr. T. J. Fo: "Mr. Vosbaugh" to partially remove h Fearing she would die, Misa Voi t and then, with tears welling in her e ? cheeks, she called for the sister in cl the second time in sixty years. Viceroy Lord Minto Says It is Imi possible to Ignore India's Unrest, j. Simla, India.?The Legislative a Council adopted a bill designed to t prevent seditious gatherings. It em? powers the provincial authorities to prohibit public meetings. Lord Minto, the Viceroy, in a j j speech in support of the bill, said it I ? was impossible to ignore the warn- I s ings of recent months?the riots; the I insults to Europeans, and the attempts to inflame racial feeling. I Far Eastern Notes. Fine tobacco is being raised in Ine dia on Irrigated lands. Barbers at Windsor, Ont., have rer celved an increase in wages. r> Manitoba flour is1 seriously cutting into Australian flour in the markets 3 of China. a Shantung Province, China, may yet be one of the great fruit gardens of t* the world. l* In the first five months of 1907 Calcutta exported 390,000 calf and ?' sheep Bklns, 6,500,000 goat skins, y 4,500,000 cowhides, a total of 11,390.000. I PREMIUM BRINGS OUT HOARDED CURRENCY Money Brokers' Bids Draw Millions Out of Strong Boxes. I YOUR UNCLE SAM.I on by Brewerton, in the Atlanta Journal. ' MEAT IS OVER i Population Will Have to Do Without It-59.3 as Much Per Capita as in tribute to This Condition. is rapidly coming when a large part st go without meat, just as many of > fact pointed to in a report on meat !y been published by direction of Secn by George K. Holmes, chief of the partment of Agriculture. :lie day is near when many Americans i he has set forth, however, have atals of the Department of Agriculture. ) show a growing meat scarcity with e days of prosperity than the remark This is not the case, according to Mr. lalysis of the census and other figures , and finds the stock of meat animals ) the population and the consumption sep and swine the principal food aniomparative purposes, has considered [mal. He finds that there was 1.043 ta of population in 1840. The ratio tal in 1860, to .838 in 1880, rose to to .709 of a composite animal per in)ther words, by the late enumeration f a composite animal per capita and 1840. is much below the stock per capita. - ' ? * - 1 O O A a us proaucis, especially suite ioou, lower supply of meat animals in the i with exports of meat growing, the meat at home to grow less and less. placing the ratio of the consumption t 100, the ratio falls to 72.4 in 1880, d by a great fall, to 59.3 in 1900. In :h individual in the country is, on the nuch meat. c consumption stock of meat animals er capita of the population. re there is going on a good deal of i view to ascertaining how his facts eat. One of the foremost officials of ig into the meat situation with care, is that this country had seen the last cy of the future would be for meat were now; that the amount of meat growing lower as the population inj would tend upward, and that more would have to go without meat, using it the difficulty of getting farm help ) population of the country was con- j 3 number of live stock relatively and the supply. In addition, high meat ng export of meat and meat products MAN FOR 60 YEARS led Secret Just Before Death--Ranchman nerica From France, She Found Best in Male AUire. lugh, alias Katherine Vosbaugh, a a married man, and was a bank clerk Hospital from old age. hree years ago, and came to America upon her own energies to make her itly handicapped because of her sex.. Or two years as a woman she adopted' asition. She obtained employment in >okkeeper for several years. , and no one doubted that she was a jcation, and while she was in Joplin jseph (Mo.) banking house. She ace she was thirty years of age. nan of that town was deserted by the Miss fosbaugh sought her out, proTo this girl Miss Vosbaugh divulged uld never reveal the secret. to Trinidad and opened a restaurant, iisappeared. The "husband" declared i make any effort to And her. Miss ithy at the time, but the incident was axing her secret would be discovered, ght employment at the Sam Brown or work as a sheep herder, and this new that her sex could not be discov-* ts. she accepted woric as a camp tUUft. | ranch until two years ago, when she here to spend her last days. Even j to take a bath until she was assured ; could do so without the presence of a severe cold that threatened to derliam said it would be necessary for is clothing for an examination. 3bsiugh at last reluctantly consented, jyes and coursing down her wrinkled harge and parted with her secret for Insane Soldiers From Philippines Will Be Brought to Washington. San Francisco.?Seventeen insane patients, belonging to the United States Army, who were brought from the Philippine Islands to the Presidio General Hospital, will be taken to the Army Hospital for the Insane at Washington. Colonel Geo. H. Torney, Deputy Surgeon-General, will have charge of them. A car has been especially arranged for the convenience or tne patients. Prominent People. | Senator Gore, who comes from tb 3 new State of Oklahoma, is blind. | Lord Avebury, of England, sayj the United States needs a central I bank. : The three living "war Governors" of the United States are Frederick Holbrook, of Vermont; Samuel J. Crawford, of Kansas, and William Sprague, of Rhode Island. Professors "William H. Schofield, of Harvard University, and Arthur T. Hadley, of Tale University, have begun their lectures at the University j I of Berlin. CROP MOVEMENT DELAYED Railroads Ask Government to Let Them Give Grain Right of Way ?Hastening Shipments to Get Gold From Europe. New York City.?While the local banking situation continues to clear rapidly, the general shortage of currency is causing trouble ( In other parts of the country. Money is needed for the movement of crops, and bankers and railroad men are making every effort to get grain to New York and cotton to Southern ports, that they may draw on Europe for more gold. A committee of railroad men, representing the big grain roads, returned from a mission to Washington. They appealed to the Interstate Commerce Commission for authority to give grain shipments the right of way over other freight. The Commission refused to authorize this violation of the law, but the railroad men are said to have received the inumauon somewaere in wasmngion that they might hurry the grain along without fear of serious objection from the Government. Railroad men declare there is enough grain at Buffalo to save the situation if it can only be forwarded to New York and loaded on steamers. Europe is anxious to buy, and, once the grain is loaded, the bankers can draw against it. It is understood here that Southern railroads will rush cotton shipments to Mobile, Savannah, New Orleans and Galveston on their own responsibility. Cotton eiport.s to date are more than 400,000 bales short of last year. At $50 a bale, this is a matter of $20,000,000, which would be a great help in the present stringency. One reason for the cotton shortage is a pool of Texas farmers, who are said here to be holding two million bales for a price of fifteen cents a pound. The current price is eleven cents. # There was something of a flurry when the National City Bank, where the city has millions on deposit, refused to cash the checks drawn by Comptroller Metz for last month's salary of policemen and school teachers. Those who presented checks were told that they must cash them elsewhere, as the National CityJBank would only pay them when they had passed through the Clearing House. Some 20,000 checks have been issued to date, and there are 45,000 pet to come. The policemen and school teachers hold the city's checks for $2,000,000 and there was much scurrying among small tradesmen and friends with bank accounts. ThA Wall St.rept mnnflv hrnkers who have been buying and selling currency during the present flurry, estimated that they had succeeded, by the offer of premiums, in drawing out of strong boxes from $5,000,000 to $8,000,000 of hoarded money. One firm placed the amount at $10,000,000. The release of this amount ?? currency, it is believed, cannot but have n beneficial effect on the money market. The demand came largely from manufacture and large commercial houses who have to meet heavy payrolls, and who could not obtain the full amount of cash at their banks. One concern, a large smelting works In New Jersey, bought $100,000, paying three and one-quarter per cent, premium. The firm's bank supplied $80,000 of another $100,000 needed, and $20,000 will be paid to employes in checks. The premium ranged during the day from two to three and three-quarter per cent, and closed around three per cent. "This was one of the heaviest day a we have had since the present situation developed," said a representative of the firm of Bolognesl, Hartfield & Co. "The premium is very attractive to those persons with ready cash, and we are getting many offerf of both large and small sums. The demand comes from all classes of individuals and firms all over the country, but mostly in this city and vicinity. The premium may go higher, or it may go lower; it will depend altogether on conditions." At the office of Mann, Bill & Ware it was*stated that the premium had been above three per cent. One man came in during the day who eaid he had $40,000 in cash to sell. The offer was at first regarded as a bluff, but a representative of the firm accompanied the lucky individual to a nearby safety deposit vault company, and the man took out the $40,000 in cash from his box. The money was in packages bound with slips just as it had been received from the .bank when the depositor had drawn it out. The $40,000 was sold in a lump to Mann, Bill & Ware, the seller receiving a certified check payable through the Clearing House in Clearing House funds. SENATOR ItEYBURN COMPLAINS. Says the Treasury is Not Handling Money Relief Measures Properly. Washington, D. C.?Senator Heyburn, of Idaho, contends that the Treasury Department is not handling the monetary relief measures in a proper manner, and that New York Island Swept Away. Elmores Island, between Hinsdale, N. H., and Vernon. Vt., in the Connecticut River, has been washed away by the freshet following the heavy rains. The island was one of the landmarks of the river. It was sev*? i- At r r\ rt V?no vll V erai acres in exiem, auu >?u u? wooded. Will Evangelize Oregon. The Rev. Robert L. Paddock. o? New York, accepted a call to do evangelistic work among the cattlemen and Indians of Oregon. Stub Ends of News. The Treasury surplus for October. 1907, amounted to only about $450,000. General William Booth, of the Saltation Army, arrived in New York City. French financial writers are pleased with the financial conditions or tne Republic. Banks and trust companies in New Vork City distributed $75,000,000 in stock dividends and interest. A mayor's proclamation orders all theatres and other places of amusemeat in Omaha closed on Sunday*... is being favored at the expense of the West. He called on the President and asked him to direct the Treasury Department to deposit no more money with New York banks until those institutions shall have paid "in currency" the reserves which they bold for the Western banks. The President asked Senator Heyburn to put his request In writing and the Senator did so. RECEIVERS FOR FOUR CONCERNS Liability $10,000,000, Assets Twico That?To Safeguard Property. North Adams, Mass.?The placing of the Arnold Print Works, of this city, and various subsidiary companies, the Williamstown Manufacturing Company, of Williamstown, 1 r 11.. DATnnnl Ulnnnfon. XVIiibb. f tilt? 11U1 Lil I urYUtti luauuiav/* turing Company, of North Pownal, Vt.p and the firm of Gallap & Houghton, of North Adams, in the hands of a receiver, is regarded by business men as the best method of safeguarding the great interests Involved and the continuation of the properties, which give employment to about 6000 people. The control of the Arnold Print Works and, through that concern, of the various other companies, is in A. C. Houghton and William Arthur Gallup, his son-in-law. The aggregate liabilities are estimated at nearly $10,000,000, but the assets are said to be twice that sum. ALABAMA LEGISLATURE MEETS. Begins the Regulation of Railroads ?May Pass Prohibition Bill. Montgomery, Ala.?The extra session of the Legislature called by Governor Comer to take up the question of further regulating the railroads convened and the Governor's message was read. The Governor says it is only a quesLtion whether the State shall control I the railroads or the railroads control the State. "The Influence of the railroads on politics and policies in Alabama in the past," says the Governor, "we-all know has been great and debauching, and the railroads have not hesitated as to the methods used in carrying out their policies. "This influence has brought us face to face with the conditions as they exist in our State to-day, which makes it your duty to fashion the laws in such a manner as to change these conditions and remedy the evils resulting therefrom." The bills which the Governor wants passed are drawn by the State's attorneys. Many prohibition bills were introduced and the indications are that Alabama will be voted dry. SANTA FE FINED $330,000. Medium Penalty For Rebating Imposed by Judge Wellbonrn. Los Angeles, Cal.?Judge Olin Wellbourn, in the United States District Court, fined the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad $330,000 for rebating under the Elkins law. The fine was what the Court denominated "an intermediate penalty," the maximum which might have been assessed being $1,320,000 and the minimum $66,000. The Court in a written opinion, stated that there were sufficient doubtful and extenuating circumstances to preclude a maximum sentence and yet sufficient intention of wrongdoing shown to make improper a minimum penalty. The Santa Fe was convicted on October 11 last by a Jury in the Federal Court of granting rebates to the Grand Canyon Lime and Cement ComA virrr\n a Tf TtT Q Q fnilTirl pauj , \JL Xll l^vua. A V IT WM -w guilty on all the sixty-six counts, after only an hour's deliberation. ALL NIGHT FRANCHISE FIGHT. Chicago Aldermen Vote 'Phone Company What It Wants. Chicago.?After a continuous session of seventeen hours the Aldermen passed a measure at 2 a. m., girI ing the Chicago Telephone Company I a franchise for twenty years. The ordinance was put through practically as approved by the telephone company. The company must pay to the city semi-annually three per cent, of the gross receipts of all its telephone business. After thirty months the City Council may'change any of the rates. If the company contests and is not sustained by the courts, it shall refund all excessive charges to subscribers, together with five per cent, interest. 3400 LOST AT KARTAGH. Latest Figures Relating to Turkestan Earthquake Disaster. St. Petersburg, Russia.?A dispatch received here from Samarkand by the Official Telegraph Agency, says that a special representative of a local paper, who was sent to Karatagh, in the Hissar District of Bokhara, which was destroyed by a landslide following the earthquake of October 21, reports that 3400 persons were killed there as a result of the disaster, and that only seventy escaped. THREE COUPLES DROWNED. 1 High Officials of Holland and Thnir Wives Fell Into a Canal. Amsterdam.?Jonkeer van Pan- | buys, a Minister of State, his son, the Mayor of De Leek, and their wives were all drowned while driving, their carriage falling into the canal at Hoogkery during a dense fog. Jtfnkeer van Panyhus was seventy years old. Big Falling Off in Vote. Comparisons of the registrations and votes of 1906 aud 1907 in New York City show that 150,000 voters who registered in 1906 failed to exercise the right of suffrage this year. Dominion Park, Montreal, Burns. Dominion Park, which is to Montreal, Canada, what Coney Island is to New York, was entirely destroyed by fire, the damage being about $200,0 00, covered by insurance. About Noted People. The Pope is again suffering from gout. He walks with difficulty, but continues his audiences. John F. Stevens, late of the Panama Canal, was engaged to make a valuation of President Mellen's railroad systems. In his ninety-third year Judge Charles Fields sits regularly in the , First District Court, of Northern Worcester, Mass. James Allan, of the Allan Steamship Line, a millionaire, is a Socialist candidate in the municipal election at Glasgow, Scotland. ' : v".r-- . .. ft DIED TO SMEJHE TOWN Garcia Rushed Burning Powder Train Through NacozarL Heroic Mexican Engineer Piloted ? w- t-tx uangerous rTeigiu rasi oiauuu, But Perished in Explosion. El Paso, Texas.?The entire city Is praising the heroism of James Garcia, engineer on the Pilares Mine ; narrow-guage railroad across tnc Rio Grande in Mexico, who, until he sacrificed his life to avert the destruction of a town, was just a plain railroad man in overalls and jumper. But the telegraph wires stretching through the plains of mesquite and' over the mountains are now humming with the story of how Garcia saved Nacozari and Its inhabitants. James Garcia is being read about and talked about in San Francisco and in New York and men will be the better for the reading. When Garcia started his train out 3 on the main line of the Pilares Mine Railroad, behind his locomotive there trailed six cars filled with machinery, and provisions and two loaded with blasting powder. He was bound to the mines and over the rough roadbed the train jolted and creaked safely as far as Nacozari in the mountains. There it made a stop. The brakeman made the discovery that the roof of a car was afire and called 4 to the engineer. Garcia took one look at the crowded station platform and the people in the streets. Then he decided to put on all speed and rusbf the heavy train + Virt fAmn A + fho ftlltflUffa. where an explosion could do no damage, he would slow it down sufficiently to jump, but not until he had cleared the town. He communicated his decision to the fireman and brakemen and they offered to go with him, but he ordered them from the train, telling them that one life was enough to lose. "Jump for your lives!" he cried in . Spanish. The crew leaped and ran among the villagers crying out to them to scatter if they wished to save themselves. Then, alone in the caboose, with the r crackle of the flames in his ears, Garcia threw wide the throttle. The train rushed onward and the powder cars drew abreast of a section house in which a dozen Mexicans in their flannel shirts and steeplecrowned hats were sitting eating their lunch. Then there was a terrific roar and the section house was wiped out and the train disappeared as if caught in the grip of a Kansas twister. The bodies of the Mexicans were scattered to the four winds, and of Garcla's there remains only his torn cap and a few pieces of his coat To the list of dead was added John Chisholm, an American boy who Btole a ride on the rear car thinking it would be fine fun to ride on a burning train. The body of one section hand was found 200 yards from the section house. A farmhouse a quarter of a mile distant from the scene was wrecked and every window in the town was smashed, but Garcia had , saved it from death and destruction. BERLIN'S "RIPPER" FOUND. An Epileptic in Asylum Confesses Murders of Girls. Berlin, Germany.?The series of local crimes, resembling the "Jack r> OTI ?? wrl rtra T^nHnn LUC muiuwio *** 1888-1889, only here the victims were little girls instead of women, has been cleared up through the confession of a printer's apprentice, named Paul Minow, an epileptic, twenty-two years of age, who was recently confined in an asylum for the insane at Herzberge. The authorities of the institution were informed that Minow had been talking in a rambling manner of the murders, suspected him of having committed the crimes, and encouraged him to talk, with the result t?at he freely related how he had been taunted by his mother and sister with laziness, had gone out into the streets in a rage, and had vented his feelings by stabbing without reflection four little girls one after the other. He then rambled about the city for a while, and eventually returned home. It does not appear whether the mother and sister were aware of what Minow had done, but Minow'ff < mind became so disordered that they sent him to the asylum ? week later. BREAKS NECK AT FOOTBALL. Eighteen-Year-Old Boy Killed and Mayor Forbids Further Games. Columbus, Ind. ? Earl Ruddell, aged eighteen years, a member of the senior class of the Columbus High School, is dead of a broken neck< which he received in a football game played here. One of the visiting players attempted to make an eud run and Ruddell tackled him. The two came together with so much force that Ruddell'a neck was broken. Mayor Cochran will issue an order that no more football will be permitted in Columbus. The school authorities will also taboo the game. Exchange Seat Sold. A seat on the New York Stock Eichange was sold for $60,000. This is a decline of $30,000 from the high price of a year ago and of $5000 from the previous sale, which was made ~ u ~Tvoolra o <rn UUU U t trru wv ?0-GREAT FIRE AT IQUIQUE. Losses Over 91,000,000?Two Thoasand Persons Homeless. Iquique, Chile.?This port has been visited by a fire, the biggest since 1882, which has entailed losses of over $1,000,000. Seven and a half blocks* were burned over before it was under control. The property destroyed was mostly dwellings of the poor, and 2000 persons are homeless. The fire was about one mile from the * commercial quarter of the city. The nitrate stores are safe. Army Officers' Poor Pay. Major-General Greely, in an interview at Seattle, said the army was no place for the poor, as the pay of officers was too small to allow them to support their families without runv ning into debt. Independent Candidate's Vote. *\ E. Gerry Brown, the Independence League candidate for LieutenantGovernor of Massachusetts, received more votes than the Democratic nom-? inee. .J