OCR Interpretation

The Abbeville press and banner. [volume] (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, December 04, 1907, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026853/1907-12-04/ed-1/seq-5/

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^ ?? ? 1 '
ihe Press rnd Banner
Published every Wednesday at two dollars
a year In advance.
Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1907.
Lasl Thursday was thanksgiving day, an
many of our people had great big dinner
"* with turkey and trimmings. Others bad lei
?AiAnitnnD .tiiinum onil >nm? neraln be
pl'ilu every day dlnuers.
la the forenoon a few of onr citizens atteni
ed divine servic*.
In the alternoon Home men worried U
rabbats, and others shot ony birds that cou
be found roaming abont, looking for banter
The stores were closed and all business w<
The day was *o quiet that some of us felt i
If we had two Sundays last week'
Of Course
Lewis Burton, negro, confessed to burnln
a barn In Newberry County and implicate
two other nigroep. The "o! her negroes" we
sent to the peuileutiory, and the confessor i
crime, and the Impllcator of others, was set
tenced to he hanged. The nun to he bange
was defended by a lawyer apio:nted by th
In view of the fact that few or no offendef
r are ever cleare I b> liwyers appointed by th
Court, the Press and Banner would suggei
that the good feoilo of Newberry ask tfa
good Governor to commute the sentence i
him wto la sentenced to die, unless the cat
Is more aggravated than appears on i
Thiink8k'hing Dluut-r.
Congressman Wyatt Aiken had some friend
and kindred to dine with him on Thank
**- J * ** A (Iron on/1 M
giving. Mr. HOU :UI?. n. 1U. masu ?
John Dunnovai.l, of Chester; Mr. and Mrs. .
8. Alktn.of Greewocd; Mr. Rice, of Beltoi
Mr. Aiken makes a most delightful bos
wblleiMts. Aiken presided over ber end <
the table with a womanly grace and pleasln
Many Changes.
Gaftne?, Drc. 2?(Special )?The appolot
tnents for the eoHUlbg ypar w-re read out tc
night this helne the )?-t act of the annus
Besslon of the Methodist Conference. The ap
, polntments fol ow In lull:
W. M. Duncan, PresldlDg Elder.
Buncombe Street. W. A Massabe&u,
Mt. Paul's J- .L Hurley,
Hampton avenue, A E Drlegors,
. Greenville Mill*, W. B Justus,
CUnton. W. H. Ho?lgen.
North Pickens, S. P. McCarthy,
Travelers R?st, J. R. Waker,
Greenville Circuit, J P. Attaway,
Laurens station. J. D. Crout,
Gray Coort, P. M Dubose,
Piedmont, 8. T. B'acfeman.
Monagban and Wnodslde. T. A. Gross,
Easley Circuit, C. B. Burns,
South Easley. D. D. Jones,
Fountain Inn, G. H. Wnddell.
LaurensClrcntt, A. A. Merrltt,
South Greer, J. G. Huggln,
Greer, J. A. Cook,
Presiding Elder, A. J. Cautben,
Anderson. St. Johns, P. B. Wells,.
Orrvllle. R. C. Morris,
West End, J M. Lawr.on,
Antrevlile. Wro. Roof,
detrain. J. P. Graves,
Donald", S. W. H??nry,
Lowndesvllle, O M. Abney,
McCormlck, J. M FHdav,
Mt~ ChudpI, J. W. Bailey,
Pelzer. E P Green.
Pendleton. J. F Anderson,
Starr, G. T. Harmon, Jr.
Townvllle, C. L. McCain,
Walballa and Seoera, J C Yonng,
Walballa Mission. J. L. Singleton,
Westminster, B. R Boyies.
Wllllamston elrouit R. C Bonlware,
Wllllamston and Belton, R. L. Holroy,
J Charleston district.
* Presiding Elder, W. L. Herbert,
Allendale Station, B. Brown,
Appleton, J. T. Peeler,
Beaufort and Port Royal, A.B. Watson,
Bethel Circuit, C. W Burgess,
Black Swamp, J E Reard,
Charleston, Bet be!, M. W. Hook,
Trinity, Peter Stokes,
Spring Station, Q. P. Watson,
Cumberland, 8. T. Creeob,
Mt Pleasant to be supplied,
Ebrbardt, T. B. Belvln,
Hampton, J. W. Elklns.
Hendersonvllle, J. W. Collins,,
Rldgeiand, J. R. Coj eland,
Rounds, S. B. Vaugban,
Smoak*, J. R. 8cjoamer,
South Hampton, W. D. Patrick,
Walterboro, J. L. Daniel,
Youngs Island, B C. Vaugn.
cokfsbcby DISTBICr.
Presiding Elder, J. C. Roper,
Abbeville, J W. Arlal,
Butler, W. P. Way,
Coke?-bury. S. E. Dibble,
Greenwood, Main street, M. B Kelly,
Greenwood aud Abbeville Mills, G. H
Klnards, D P B >yd,
Newberry Central, J. W. Walling,
Ooeal stiert and Mol ohon. J. T. Miller,
Newberry circuit, A. H. Bent,
Ninety Six, E T Hodges,
Parksvllle. E. S Scogglns,
Pooenlx, J.E. Strickland,
Prosperity, H. W. Wbltaker,
Princeton, J. L. Ray,
Haluda, D. E. Camack.
Verdery, W E. Wiggins,
Wbitrulre. O. L. Duranl.
Lander College, John O. Wilson, president
Presiding Elder, J. W. Daniel,
Aiken, W. J. Snyder,
Bateaburg. J. S. Beasley,
Bath, W.S. Myeis,
Columbia. Washington Street, H. W. Bayt
Main Street, A. N. Brunsou,
Green street, B. R. Turolpseed,
Urnhhv. I,. L. BedeubHQiib.
Brookiaud.J K. McCalu, ,
Eagewood, C. E. Peele,
Edgev lie, L L?. Gillespie,
Falrfle d. J. I Spiuks,
Gilbert, O.N. R>untree.
Granite viile, J. N, Wright,
Jobus'.o', 11 Ij. Guesp,
Lnngle.>,E a. Wayne,
Leesville, M. M. Brabbaro,
Lexington, A. s. Leslie,
Lexington Foife, supplied by J. C. Holly,
North Augusta, J L Stokes,
Kldgeway, J K Inablnet,
WagDer, I) R Roof, Columbia
College, W W Deolel, presldenl
Epwortb O pbatiaee, W B Wbarton.Supt
Paine College, G W Walker, Pres.,
Assistant 8 S Editor, L P Bealy,
florence district.
Presiding Elder, P F Kllgo,
BennettBvllle, R E Tnrnlpaeed,
BennettsvUle and Berea' supplied by We!
ton Twlck,
Bennettsvllle circuit, W P Mead ore,
Brlgbtavllle, T B Ingrain.
Carters vllle, H EEiberldge,
Cneraw, B G Murphy,
Cberaw circuit, F S Hook, supplied,
Chesterfield. J J Stephenson,
Clyde, I O WeldoD,
Darlington, Trinity. M L Banks,
Darllrgton circuit, J RT Mujor,
Florence, R H Jones,
HartoviUe, a T Dunlap,
Jeffeison. W H Perry,
Lamar, J L Tyler,
Liberty. D H Everett,
Marlboro, R A Rouse,
McCoil Station, E C LeoDard,
Bomb Florence, supplied by W 8 Gleatot
Tlmmonsvllle, E W Mason,
orangeburg district.
Presiding E'der, C B Smltb,
Bamberg Station and Mills, T G Herbert,
rnrnwell. r a vnntio
Brancb ville, E H Heck ham,
Cameron, A C Waiker.
Edlsto, L E. Wiggins.
Elloree, J. W. Neely.
Fort Motte, supplied by J. H Manly.
Norway, J. A. Gruhsm.
Oiwngeburg. St. Paul's, L P. McGeP.
Oraugeburg Mills, N F Jackson, supply.
Orangeburg circuit. G. W. Davis.
Orangeburg, M. F Dukes.
Providence, E A. Wilkes.
Springfield, G. W. Duke*; M. M. Fergusor
St. Matthews. J. H. Thacker.
Swansea, G. K. Shatter.
1 Denmark, J. H. Tray wick.
Kowesvllle, A. K. Phillips.
; urea iei
; Monday, D
rt ,, , , | ,,
: 6-Daysar
S L? ??
f, Of Gayety, Parad(
: 10 - MIQ ?
I?? ?
- 3--Sensationa]
* The World's Champion High I
from a toweriug illuminated lac
into a tank containing less tt
It is truly a dare devil deed dt
hearts cease to throb and the
20 Solo
Prof. Seelesi's Famou
consisting* of 2(
Fun, Frolii
Don't Forg
Abbeville, S. C., Dece
Ro k Hill District, Presiding Elder K. E
Slack house.
Rlackstock H. L. Singleton.
Otrenter, D M MoL?rd.
Chester circuit. A. E. Holler.
KhsI Chester, S, M. Joops, supply.
Rast Lancaster. E M. McKisslck.
K .rt Mill, W. M. Owens
H Ickory Grove, S. D. Bafley,
Lancaster, W. A. Fairy,
Lancaster Circuit, W. C. Winn.
Lancaster and (Chester Mi'ls, U. F, Hodges,
North Rook Hill. W. A. Beckblll,
St. John's. T. C Odell.
West MhIo Street, J. M. Rodgers,
Manchester to be supplied,
Rock Hill circuit. W. H. Ariel,
Van Wyck, C. P. Carter.
Wlnnsboro, Henry Stokes,
Yorkvllle, H. J. Cauthen,
York Circuit, H. B. Hardy,
Presiding Elder, M. L. Carlisle,
Belmont, W. W. Williams,
Blacksburg, D. C, Derrick.
Buffalo aDd Bethel, B M. Robertson,
Clifton and Cowpeus, R. W. Humphries,
Campabello, E. Z. James,
Cherokee. J. T. MaoFarlane,
Enoree, J. C. Chandler,
Oaffney. Buff >rd street, S. B. Harper,
Limentonp street. I N. Stone,
Ghffuey Circuit. T. B. Offtu,
Jonasvllle, E. P. Taylor,
Kelton, J. A, White.
Pabolet, T. J. White,
Reldsvllle. J. H. Moore,
Santuo, W.L. GaulL
Spartanburg, Central, R. S. Truesdale,
Belhel, Marlon Pargan,
Glendiilc, W. H P?ik,
Duncan and S?xon,J.T. Fowler,
City Mlsnlon. J W. Shell,
Union,Grace, D. W.Keller,
/Ii-oon Qlrcot ,T Q ITurr.
' Inninu, H. i> Powell,
WVtTird College,H A.Cblld,Financial Agent
8ouiherQ Christian Advocate, S. A. Net
Lies, Editor.
P/eslillng Elder, J. E. Carlisle,
Cadeo, R. F. Fry?nt,
C>rde8vlile. W. P. Bedenbaugb,
Cvpiet.8, supplied by J. E. Carter,
St. George circuit T. J. Clyde,
Georgetown, Duncan. T. E. Morris,
West Eod, <V. H. Murray,
Greelj vll:e, L. E Peeler,
Grover, R. W. Barber,
Hurley vllle. J. P. Inabiaet,
Harper. W. H. Thrower,
JobDSOQUtlle, J. L. Mulilnax,
Klng?treeStation, J. E. MHb?ffey,
Luke City Station, 8. J. Betbea,
McClellauvllle, E K. Moore,
' Pinopoll8, supplied by J. P. Wlanlngham
Kidgevtlie, H. C. Mouzon,
Rome, W. 8. Goodwin,
Saltern, W. T. Patrick,
Samplt, J.O Orroway, supply,
St. George, J. M. Sreadman.
Ccranton, W. 8. Henry,
Summervllle, M. Auld.
1'resldlng Elder, E O Watson,
Blenheim, J E Rusbton,
h.iiton, Neck, A A Brock, supph
Brownsville, C M Peeler.
Bucksvllle, G P Penny,
Centenary. J O Counts,
Conway, J E Edwards,
I. Con way circuit, J L Davis,
., Clio, F H Lhuler,
Dillon, W CKIrkland,
Gallivants, W C Kelley,
Latta, H R Mills,
Latta circuit, W B Baker,
Little Rock and Dillon Mills, W C Owens,
Leorls, J F Gibson,
Marlon, J W Kllgo,
Marlou circuit. J H Montgomery,
Mullln8. W L Wait,
Mullins circuit, D Tiler,
Nortb Mullins,A McFarland,
Waccamaw, G W Godbold
Student In Vanderblit University, J H
Conference Secretary education, W C
Missionary Evangelist, J W Speake,
Presiding Elder. W T Duncan,
Bethany, T W Mnnerlyn,
Bishop vl He, I'A Murray,
CamdeD, C C Herbert,
Heath Springs, R E Sharp,
JordRD, S H Booth,
' Kershaw, O A Jeffeoat,
Lynchburg, S O Canty, *
Mauolng, D - Philips,
New Zlon, E P. Hutson.
Oswego, D. Hucks.
Pine Wood, J. H. Noland.
Providence, W B.Gibson.
Richland, C. 8. Felder.
St. Johns and Kemberi, L. L. Inablnet.
Sumter, First Church, W. B. Duncan.
Magnolia Street, J. B. Wilson.
Surnmerton and St. Paul, E. S. Jones.
Wateree W. R. Barnes.
W. A. Ret?s to Loulsana Conf-renc*.
W. M. Hardin to Little Rook Conference.
J. "Skat" is the best hand soaj
made. Makes grease fly
Dargan's 5 and 10c Store.
ty OU/\TTT?
: ouuws
LLE, S. C.,
id Nights-6
is, Mirth and Music.
IH?WS -10
*1 A ^
. j; ree acxs?j
)iver. A daring death-defying dive
ider more than 90 feet in mi l-air
lan fonr feet of water?twice daily.
:ftly done, and a moment when all
minds of all visitors are unsettled.
is Royal Italian Band
) Solo Musicians.
b, Frivolity.
et the Dates
mber 9th to 14th, 1907
Opera, House,
Wednesday, Dec. 4th.
20 Years of Success
Musical, Comedy, Vaudeville, Minstrelsy,
Grand Fir*-t Part of Big
Musical Singing Numbers.
6-Great End Men-6
Singers, Jokers, Dancers.
Twelve Good Looking Girls that Sing
Beautiful Olio of Strong
Vaudeville Stunts.
Band and Orchestra.
Prices 50c and 75c.
Phone 47
Apples, Bananas,
I viaugCD) VVVVIlll U LO|
Raisins, Candy,
Shreded Cocoanut,
Gelatine, Maccaroni,
Cheese, etc.,
And a variety of Canned
Goods. Try a can of Strawberries
at 10c. They are fine.
The beat Syrups and Molasses.
Half bushel market basket for
6 cents.
. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes,
Cob and Clay Pipes.
Henty and Alger booksLittle
Prudy and Louise Alcott
books. Dargan's 5 and
1 1Hn of A%?A
jivv/ otvi
) .
Sabta Claue headquarters for all kinds of
' toys, dolla, <*o.
Come Id and look at tbe great bargains In
store for all. J. W. MoKee, Jr.
S >1 id Gold.Brooch
Diamond Sat - $5.00
Solid Gold
Brooches - $1.25
Solid gold wish
bone crescent,
Heart and Roman "il *1
knot Brooch pins mi /nam ai
in Bright and Ro- J II 11 All . A1
man gold finish II \ IIII Ml
r$ib25260'cbolce * lllluUll, llvl
Solid Gold ,
Y Dry Gooi
We take pleasure in presentin,
first time, an assortment of
of high merit and unexcelled 1
store, like all others of its kin
; i i? t
ttiij' iiiiiig in me jeweiry line lj
U* Goods that were no doubt goo
not good enough for the peopl
Solid Gold
Hat Pin - $2.50 To meet the urgent dema
we have gone a step further an
fwe have combined a well selet
ARTICLES that are in comm
Link Cuff Buttons, Brooches
Hat Pins, Hair Barretts, Bear
4 you have Philson, Henry & Cc
as represented. Many of the
diamonds and all appeal to thi
around this ad. are exact rej
items to be found here. The
ply startling in their smallness.
Philson, Henry & Co. do not c
profits for their bread and b
they did. The same ratio of ]
tions, linens or anything else, i
Solid Gold
Hat Pin - $1.60 The prejudice in the larg
to buying high grade jewelry a
9 entirely and effectively blotte
stores have excellent jewelry
cream of patronage. It's com
usual Philson, Henry & Co. ar
your Christmas wants to-morr<
QnlM finlrl
Pin - - $1.25 Solid Gold Barrett
49c worth $1.00
Solid Gold Hair Barrett $1
Solid Gold Waist
Pina 60c pair
Yob Could Eat """"^
The McCormick ]
n j n week published the 1
arflUllfl rtl To my friends Wh(
1 UUUU VI . getting up petitions <
vote out the dispense
r*i i a j* that owing to the 1
, Steeres Candies ri"
attention necessary
our fight against the <
and not clog your taste. J u uwous'leg^tech!
They have a flavor about u" S^toXT'tbe
them that defies competi- but will hold on to tl
and continue to gc
tion at twice their price, ready for the campa
the legislature at the
but their fine flavor isn't Bion does not pass a
law, which it will b
all the good things we can
say about them. ' * * *
Hot Rejo
We know you are par- Elsewhere m tbi. pap
titular about what you eat
?these candies are more ?eir opMtbeaeir-oonstii
Southern farmer, and hi
carefully and cleanly made ?erved rebuke at the bi
we believe than any candy
to be had anywhere. Charleston and Wes
i,t 11 -i. i. i Schedule In effeot
We sell it at only Db1
Lv Augusta 9.50<
n e Ar McCormlck- ll?86i
75 Cents a Pound.
Ar Anderson
Lv McCormtck 11.3&
Ar Greenwood J2.89|
The McMurray | Ar Laurens ..."1*^1*...
Drug Company Lv Lauren.. 2.16,
? *- / Ar fountain Inn... S.67f
Ar Greenville- 3.40t
Lv Laurens..... 2.00c
Ar Woodruff S.57I
A r Spartanburg..... 3.85;
Lr Spartanburg..... 3.40j
Ar Henderson vllle 6.S5j
. .... ArAshevllle 7.80i
- k " *a vrioo' ^?- ==
.kMML rvnrnir.,0. LV Asbevllle 7.10l
EXPERIENCE Lv Henderson vllle 8.10c
*] Lv Spartanburg 12.011
^ Lv Woodruff 12 49f
I I I 1 ' 1 Ar Laurep>............ 1.83;
tH /il I J1 H Lv Greenville- 12.10c
1 I H I K w J Lv Fountain Inn... 12.6C|
Ar Laurens 1.86|
Lv Lauren* 8.02j
Trade Marks ?22j
^WB^^_n.D"'QTN* r AfSmSJK iiS
rf"^ _ 9?*V',I^,T!,"C* Ar Cbarleetonl 9.20(
Anyone lending a sketch and description may r _ , jr-^
(Tulokly ascertain our opinion free whether an Lv Laurens 2 OOj
Invention Is probsblypatenUblsL Commnnlea. Lv Greenwood- 2^6{
tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents r _ Anrinrann
sent free. Oldest eeency for securing patent*. f * ^ ;
Patents taken through Munn & Co. reoelvt Lv Calhoun Falls...
tpecial notle*, wlthont ciarge, la the Ar McCormlck 3 55|
Scientific American. %
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest elf. Note-Tbe above arrlvi
eolation of any scientific Journal. Terms, |3 a well as connections With
rear: four months, ?L Sold by all newsdealers, given a* Information, s
MIINM ft Pn asiBraaihsav. Nauf VnrE l ??
muiiii a uur* ~ "n?n iuin ^rnw wuiuoi, u. r,
Bran oil OOo*. ffi# F Bt, WMblncton. D. C. . | R. A. Brand, Traffic Mi
Gold Brooch
Diamond Set - $5.50
Pearl Set - - - 3.25 Solid Gold
ip? 4 Co.'s ^,
V Solid Gold
Signet Ring $1.25
Jewelry at
is Prices
g to the buying public for the ud Qold
beauty. Some years ago this
id, did not pretend to handle
iut the cheaper plated goods.
id enough for the money, but
nds of an appreciative public
id with the last named grades oniid Gold Men's
:ted line of SOLID GOLD cKonflw
on and general use, such as
Signet Kings, Stick Fins,
ity Pins, etc., all of which? itOtk
>.'s word for it?are exactly Jt
. , if ?
se new comers are set with
e finer tastes. The pictures jroductions
of a number of
prices ? Well they are sim- Solid Gold Link
, Of course, you understand Batton8 t2 P*lr
lepend entirely upon jewelry N
utter. They'd go hungry if profit
that is marked on no- IK
is also applied to jewelry. m#
er cities that once attached fit
t dry goods stores has been tn Vt
:d out. All of the better jW
departments and enjoy the
ing to that in Abbeville?as
e in the lead. Look after >
Solid Gold
Hair Barrett $1.60
Solid Gold MHHV
Baby Rings 26c
^ ?1Solid
Gold Cuff
.60 Solid Gold Child's Pin? set with
with Pearl. Tar- ^ta,0?T?'jS
quoise Garnets SOo ^iorth (3 to(6
worth $1.00
tr.? .
Messenger of last ' '
ollowlng notice: OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FBOM
Jver'the^lo^lS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15th
,ry. i wish to ?y UNTIL THDBSDAY, DEweeks'Vt
baa'beeD OEMBEB 31st, 1907.
) the interest and ' v
to the success of
^oS^lTwM The Rate of State, County, School
tinnueB^Md on- ^ Speoial Tax, Inoluding One
etition this year; Dollar Poll Tax. One Dollar
ie names we have _ , ,. m
>t others, and be Commutation Tax.
ign next year, if _n accordance with an act to
approaching ses- x r*l?? anppltea for the flacal year oommeocState
prohibition Inf January 1,19U7. notice Is hereby given
I nroaa?H fa An that- *he cflloa of County Treasurer for AbbertFAa.
2 ' tills County will be open for the collection ol
W. U. oturkey. taxee for uld fUcal year from Tuesday, October
15th. until Tbaraday.Deoember Slat, Wltb
out'penalty. Tbtn vlll M tddtd?
lnder. A penalty of on* per oent. on all taxea not
... w - . . paid on January 1st, 1908.
>r will be found a let- a penalty of two per oent. on all taxea not
lken to the Saturday paid on February let. 1908.
uted guardian of the Rates per cent, of taxation are as follows:
b baa met a well de- aut# ^ mills.
mds of our Congress- County Tax '
Special County 1 u
Court House 1 M
Constitutional School 8 "
tern Carolina Ey Total iT"
June 0, 1907. In addition to tbe above, a special tax will
ly Dally Dally bo sollsotsd for school purposes aa follows:
im 6.10pm 1atypr Abbeville Special School S mills
km 7.00pm 8.13am Abbeville Special K. R. Bonds 1% "
818tm Donalds - 3 "
9 20am Doe Wesl 8
11 00am Kedwee 8 "
??7(v>M? Lebanon 4 M
iS ?mnm ' Sharon 4 "
>m 800pm Bethel 3 "
Lowndesvllle -..4 "
!5? Mt. Carmel 3 M
Ex.8ao. wiiiingtoD 8 "
>m 8.10am MoCormick S "
>m 9.2Sam Buffalo 2 "
>m 10.90am Fondville 3 ?
Warrenton - ...... 3 M
>m A poll tax Of One Dollar per capita on all
>m mala cltlaens between tbe age of 91 and 60
>m (8o. Rylj ?noh a* are exempt by law, will
"'! A commutation road tax of One Dollar will
? be oolleeted tbe ume tima as other taxes
im (So. By.) from all male citizens between tbe ages or 18
im and 50 years, axoept such as are exempted by
,m m * mt n r?\ law. Unless said tax is paid by first of Marob,
* W. u Ky/ j908i eight days work upon tbe pnbllo high.
)m, ways Will be required under an overBeer, if ao
? ??? mocbbensoessary.
>m v^pm Kx,Snn' Taxes are payable only In gold and silver
>m 5'~Pm ooin, United Slates currency. National Bank
>m 6JJQpm Notes and Coupons of State Bonds which be>m
(C. N. A L.) eome payable dnrlng tbe year 1807. A tax of
?m 50 oenta will be collected on each dog.
>m As so few avail themselves of the opportu>m
nlty of paying taxes at the times and places
>m heretofore designated. I will discontinue the
? o a w r?\ appolntmenta over the County, and oolleot
2; J?-:' ' all taxes at theTreasarer's office.
Pxrtlea desiring Information by mall In re4.16pm
sard lo'their taxea will please write berore
5.50pm December 16th, atatlog tbe location of their
>m 7.47?m 6.56pm property, and Incinde postage for reply, and
jm 7.47am 7.00pm those paying taxea by cheok mast Include 1
?m 9.30am 8.40pm the charge lor oolleotlon. 1
ind are not goaranTreasurer,
^gt^AngnsU, Qa. sept. 28,1907.
- clll
i>? ?*? ???? ?
Now and Then.
All of us c?mmlt mistakes, -iv
* Now and then;
Some of us make serious breaks,
Now and then;
, We are apt to set the pace
In the hustling worldly race
With more recklessness than grace, ,TNow
and then.
W* an fnnrt of hraolrlnv nnt
Now and then,
ml we go too far, no doubt.
Now and then;
Tea, indeed, 'tis nothing new
To be aorry. through and through,
For the foolish things we do
Now and then.
Well, we only really llv?.
Now and then;
Others' faults we can forgive,
Now and then;
At our own, then, let us wink;
Of life's sea we'd tire, I think.
If we didn't sort of sink
Now and then.
?Milwaukee Sentinel
Any 8oul to Any Body.
lo we must part, my body, you and X,
Who've spent so many pleasant yean
Tls sorry work to lose your company,
Who clove to me so close, whate*er the
From winter unto winter, wet or dry.
But you have reached the limit of your
And I must journey on my Way alone
And leave you quietly beneath a stone.
. *" ' m
They say that you are altogether badi
(Forgive me; 'tis not my experience)
And think me very wicked to be sad
At leaving you. a clod, a orison, whence
To get quite fire* I should be very glad.
Perhaps Z may be so some few days
Bat now, methlnks, 'twere graceless not
to spend
A tear or two on my departing friend.
* V , , v *
Now oar long partnership Is near com*
pleted, y
And 1 look back upon Its history,
t greatly fear I have not always treated
You with tke honesty yon showed ta
And I must own that yon have oft oe*
Unworthy sefeemee by your sincerity
And by a blush or stammering tongue
have tried
To make me think again before I lied.
Tls true you'xe not so handsome as you
wer* ...
' But that's^ not your fault, and Is partly
mine. '
Tou might have lasted longer with more
care' t
And still looked something like your /
first design. ,
And even now, with all your wear and
tear, - v
*Tls pitiful to think I must resign .
Tou, to the friendless grave, the patient
Of all the hungry Regions of decay.
Buf you must stay, dear body, and I go,
And I was once so very proud of youl
Tou made my mother's eyes to overflow
When first she saw you, wonderful and
" new.
And now, with all your fault* 'twere
hard to find
A slave more willing or a friend more
Ay* even they who say the worst-about
Oka scarcely tell what Z shall do without
?Cosmo 'Monkhouse.
the Reaoh of All. j
TH? rift of bftaiifv Ilea within the r?ach
Of all who seek It You who scan la
Tour candid mirrors, showing but bow
Are the reflected features, I beseech
To listen to the lesson I would teach.
The best cosmetics In the heart and
Their beauty bringing qualities obtain;
Laboratories wonderful are each.
A noble Impulse In the cause of right, -- ,
With finer fairness, dowers the humblest
Pure thoughts and self forgetting lore
will light
The homeliest features with.a heavenly
Landing a loveliness not age's night
Mor even Death himself shall quite s6>
face. .
?Edward A. Church.
Plaint of the Plutoorat.
X have bought everything I can buy;
1 have tried everything I can try;
X have eaten each eatable, '%
Beaten each beatable;
2 have eyed everything I caaeya
X have sold everything I can sell J ?
X have told everything I can tell;
I have seized all the sellable,
Squeezed all the squee^able^
Till they have shelled everything they
can shell.
X have ridden each thing I. can ride;
X have hidden each thing I can hide;
X have Joked all the jokabla !
Soaked all the soakabla
X have slid everything I could slide*
T Vawa wallrA^ avarvfhlnar T OAliM VftHl*
X have talked everything I could talk;
I have kissed all the kUs&bla
Hissed alt the hlssable;
I have balked everything I can balk.
I have crushed every one I could crush j
X have hushed every onq I could hush;
X have drunk everything drinkable^
Thought every thinkable;
X have rushed everywhere I could rush.
X have been everything I could be,
And the scheme of things will not agree}
X have spent all that's spendable;
Still it's not endable,
4nd I mean Its a bother to ma
?Chicago Tribun*
li,?- ? i
A little cry of fear through'which
Tour heart is won; i'
Two eyes with sudden wonder filled.
And life's begun.
The tears of childhood and the play |
That soon Is past; 5
The triumph at the altar when
The bond is fast. s,
r 1
Tha striving a/ter things whereby *
Hen measure woHh;
The wrinkles and the thinning hair, g
The growing girth. 9
The rounded shoulders and the hope* .
That one by one \
Dto off until the last goes out, f
And life Is done.
Dlsooverios. little
drops of knowledge i
Little grains of senses r
Solve the mighty problem
Of the home expena*. ? B
Bad the little leakaga n- 5
Earlier been checked, I
Then the mighty vessel "
Never had been wrecked.
Thus the golden trifle*
Make the sum of llf^
Making home an Eden
Or aa endless strife.
-Good Housekeeping
10 cents goes a long way at
Dargan's store. Glassware,
crockery, tinware, etc.
Tinware and enameled ware have advanced
at the factorlei, bat at Dargan's 3 and 10a
store you will atlll be sold at the old cheap
prices, and If you have clearing bouae certificates
use them at this store for anything we
Bell and Save 00 on the dollar.
Buggy paint and household paint, varnish ?
es and stains in any quantity at Aiuiorae
drag store.
Enterprise stoves and National
ranges, Dargan's.

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