OCR Interpretation

The Abbeville press and banner. [volume] (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, April 07, 1909, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026853/1909-04-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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iWhen ma busy cannin' things about
this imio f<' year
'And leaves tut w.th the baby ier to wfctnii
the lit lie dear,
Pirst thing you know it falls some ".ray and
getn an aw tut bump
'An' jna rom?s tr;u:n up the stairs, r.bont
8ix at a jump.
-She sends me down *? watch the stuff
lliat'u boihn' in the pot.
'And oh. the sm?!l th<vt from here is
good. 1 KlI \ou what!
But pretty *oen, njmehnw, it get? to bubblm'
from the top
And ma fc.mev {ailing' over chairs and
things to make it stop.
Shf gei* the ran* all set in row?. and when
it's boiled enough
Ir splasher n her hands and burns while
sh?' pours in the stuff.
And just because I'm lookin' on there's
something slip* somehow
And down the fan kocs on the floor, and
gee! but there's a row.
When ma get* busy cannin' things I wish
that I eoultl go
Far. far awav Jrom home?about a thousand
milts <.? so?
And then eonm l>a?-k along about the time
the table's set
Ana ma's got out a can or two of good
stuff to be rt.
? Chicago Raeord-IIerald.
Herbert Vinton passed his hand
oaressingly over his rather grayish,
though still luxurious. locks, and
studied the picture before him. It
was the photograph of a girl, or
rather cf one who had been a girl the
day before.
Around him were many evidences
of wealth. In spite of his bachelorhood
he had all the cares and comforts
of a splendid and well ordered
house. He was not a clubman; he
had little waste for society; he had
traveled all he cared to; he had
grown weary of plays, and at fifty,
atill as vigorous as he had been at
thirty, he preferred to spend his leisure
moments in his library.
"Yes,'' be said to himself, still
lonkinir at thr nieture. '"if her mother
I could be as she was twenty-five years
ago they might pass for twins."
He drew a Jong sigh. Twenty-five
years ago her mother had said no to
him and mavried a man who was
"1 was poor then," Vinton mused,
"and he was liob. Now I'm rich and
he?well. I forgive him. He's dead.
And they are poor, and she is still
ready to give?not her soul this time,
but her daughter, 'for money.' "
The letter that lay on the desk
was from her. It was the first she
had written to him since their parting.
She had at least been loyal to
the man sho had chosen. Why, he
asked himself, had she sent him the
picture of her daughter, if not for the
purpose that had first suggested itself
to him? Why had she not sent her
own? Her letter, coming so soon
after the beginning of her widowhood
'and the loss of her fortune, meant
but one iliing.
When he entered his library the
I next morning his eyes at once sought
the picture of the fair-faced girl.
"I'll go." he said to himself, after
taking up the portrait again and gviog
at it for a long time. "Why
shouldn't 1? There will be no unfairness
about it?not, at least, on my
part. 'hey?both of them?owe it
to me. I've waited twenty-five years.
Y/hy shouldn't 1 be rewarded now?
It will only be a case of turn about.
He took her in the glory and freshness
of her youth, when she rightfully
belonged to me. But here"?
lie looked earnestly at the picture
again?"she has returned just as she
was when they robbed me of her. 1
will have her. She is my own. Fate
has given her back to me."'
He found them in plain little quarters,
and Eleanor?they had given
her her mother's name?placed her
hands in his and looked up with a
look that awoke a thousand memories
in him. If wrt the look that he had
so often, waking and dreaming, seen
I* ueiorc. ij*ri lingers seemeu to give j
1 the old. glad, thrilling touch. Her j
voice war? ilie voice that had been
calling him through all the lonely
j years, lie had found his love again
?fair, undefiled, just as she was
when ho had lost her.
Tlii other looked upon them and
was silent. Youth was no longer
hers. Gladness >-as not in her eyes.
. Her smile was not the eager smile of
hope. Much of her beauty she retained.
but it was not the beauty that
iaspiies love. It was such beauty as
rnighi be chiseled out of marble.
: In the days that came and went
Vinton's joy was boundless. There
had been dark years, in which he had
been juhc that ho would never taste
| the sweets of love again lie laughed
I at himscll for having harbored such
; dolehil thought?. And always he
kept assuring his conscience that he
was preparing to claim only what was
"She is mine; she has been returned
to nit b> them that did me
wrong,be declared. "I hava won
k iier by waiting. I will have my
Eleanor did not dread his coming.
Often she sat at the window looking
eagerly for him. She had learned
from ho- mother why he had been living
ii< loneliness. She had heard from
her inothe? of the wrong that he had
Buffered. She had learned that it
was their duty to make reparation.
One. in a moment of depression, she
had asked:
"If ho we 10 still poor, would you
think I ought tu give myself to liim
to right the uM wrong?"
Her mothci had turned from her
and foiled to answer.
'*hey returned to something akin
to luxuiy. The doubts conccrning
the manner in which they were to get
along had been cleared away. In the
mother's tycsj there was a look that
was now and strange. Xot a look of
joy, not a look of content. Perhaps
the look ol tho lioness that has eaten
her wh?:!|; to satisfy her own hunger.
Eat Kicat- jr discovered in good j
time tri:it ijiir wa? ;ic?t to be r.acrificcd.
f?j. Vis.ton had found its
vay inio breast She did not
weei- for sbana1 vi the .iiing siie was
to do. She forgot that through her a
debt was to be paid, and that through
her they were to be insured against
poverty. She forgot all save that
Vinton was estimable and kind, and
that it made her glad to know that
he was happy.
One day when shp was away buy- I
ing things for the wedding, her
mother and Vinton sat alone to- {
gether. {
' You are soins to be very happy j
?after all," she said.
"Yes,'' he answered?''after all. !
My glad old dream is to come true? j
after all. You are good to let it i
happen so; bu;, I shall have only what |
is mine?after all, you know. The I
years I have lost can never be given ;
hack; they are gone forever. Still, f i
gladly give them for the joy that is j
returned to me. Only those who have j
been robbed as I have been robbed t
^^M-rtn f-Vmir- (poactirps !
illlU Wiiu liavc nvu iu\.u v? ,
back cau know the gladness that i
comes with the returning of what is J
my own. Only they who have been j
loved and lost can know how deep ;
ant', how dark is the valley which love 1
has come to call me out of. Forgive \
me for saying these things to you. I i
know you cannot understand them, j
It is my present joy that makes me j
look back with pity for the hopeless
thing I was down there in the darkness
where it was so lonely and so
cold. I have waited so long, I have
denied s> long, that I am intoxicated
by the sweet aroma even before the
cup touches my lips. You have
With a pitiful cry she put h-2r
hands to her face, and for a moment,
while she sobbed, he stood looking at
her. Then h. lifted her up, saying:
"God help me! " I had forgotten
that all I havo been denied you also j
have been denied, and that if I return |
to claim my love where it was taken j
from me you must go on through the
darkness alone.''
Eleanor drew back from the half- I
opened door r.r.? went away softly. I
leaving her mother in his arms.?S.
E. Kiser, in Chicago Record-Herald.
Professor Leduc Says He Has Discov- :
ercd a Pcrfect Anaesthesia. j
Stephane Leaue, the eminent professor
of the School of Medicine at
Nantes, France, has discovered a
method of causing electric sleep,
which, it is declared, will replaco
chloroform and other anaesthetics in
all surgical operations. The discovery
proceeded from study of the effects
of intermittent currents and
from the knowledge that the skull i
and brain offer but little resistance
to the current.
Vnr n human hpine' a. current of
thirty-five volts is applied intermittently
in its full strength for minute
fractions of a second. Two electrodes
aro applied to the skull in a special
manner, thi points of application being
first carefully shaved.
Professor Leduc made scores of
experim .nts on dogs and on himself.
All wcr; successful. The application
of the current on the head is not
dangerous, and no ill effects follow,
even when the experiment lasts for
The advantages of the electric sleep
are said to be numerous. Anaesthesia
by chloroform, morphine or ether is
disagreeable, always dangerous, and
has often proved fatal, while the
awakening is painful. During the
electric sleep the patient is perfectly
quiet and the awakening occurs i.s
soon as the electrodes are withdrawn.
The sensations after the operation
arc quite agreeable. The mind appears
to work more clearly and more
rapid, and there is a sense of increased
physical vigor*
This last circumstance led Professor
Leduc to use his brain elec- !
trJooHnn fnr ricM nf nopvnna ovhniu- I
tion, and even ordinary fatigue and j
moral depression, with wonderful re- |
Incidentally the scientist assert'; [
that the application in a certain man- |
ner of his special current will electro- j
cute a subject in an absolutely painless
mr.nner, gentle sleep being followed
by gradual but certain death.
?New York Times.
Wireless Money Lending.
One of the most interesting type- (
on the American track is the profes- j
sional money lender. Money lending j
is absolutely forbidden, and so the I
entire transaction must be conducted j
sub rosa, but if a person who is "on ' '
goes broke, and he has some article !
of jewelry of value with him, it is !
easy for him to realize money on it. J
The lender is an irreproachably f
dressed person who sits in the grand- j
stand with the rest of the crowd, and j
is known in his true colors only to !
the habitues of the trac*. A man j
who wants some capital makes an un- j
obtrusive sign to him, and twirls a j
ring he may be wearing at the time.
Shortly afterward both will proceed
to a restaurant, where, for the benefit t
of onlookers, they will greet each 1
other as ordinary acquaintances. The |
exchange is then made over the drink j
they order; the loan broker has the
ring and the better his capital. If
the latter cashes in on the next race,
he will return the money and the
agreed upon premium, and will receive
back hi3 ring.?From "The People
and the Ponies," by C. F. Peters,
in The Bohemian.
When the Sea Smokes.
Explorers tell of the peculiarity ot I
the Arctic regions. When it is very
cold a steam as if from a boiling kettle
arises from the water. At forty
degrees below zero snow and humau
bodies emit this vapor. It appears
that the colder the temperature the
more numerous are the deceptive
signs of heat. When the tempera
ture is lower than forty degrees the
trees burst open with a loud report,
and there is a cloud of vapor as if the
thing had been done with powder.
When it is still colder the earth
cracks open with loud noise?, vocks
break and streams o? smoking water
pour from the cracks in the earth
Fire on the end a cigar will go
out, but the cigar will omit smoke
from the whole mivface as if it were
burning uuU'"' tee wrapper.?Philadelphia
1*0r Pinthot advises* people vj
usie the I)jave the ..<-05tU,
A Prehistor
Pie Cutter.
A California man thinks that the
common method of dissecting pics by i
the aid of the ordinary knife is too
slow and also too inaccurate for these i
dajs of hustle and bustle. He came i
to the conclusion that a specially de- <
signed pie cutter was necessary for
Ihe purpose, and consequently con- ]
nna thp rpsillf of {
tiUUt'U IVJ UCVIOC VUV, v.?v -
Ws work being shown in the illus- 1
tration. This pie cutter comprises a
base adapted to support a pie of the f
common size and shape.. Hinged 1
[7/ ;
v =^'. ;
to the back of the box is the cutter i
proper, consisting of a lever and the i
knife blades. The latter are suspended
from the lever dircctly over ;
the place designated for the pie, and
are arranged to divide the pic into
six or more nieces at one operation
of the lever. Families containing 1
many children would find this novel 1
pie cutter invaluable. As the pie
would be divided into pieces of ex- s
actly equal size, there would be no
possibility of showing partiality, and
petty quarrels over who was to got
the biggest piece would be eliminated.
A Judge's Sharp Tongue.
Many .nint sayings of Lord
Young, a famous Scotch lawyer who
has just died, are being recalled by
the English press. Once a iittle advocate
~>ho was slightly misshapen
.heckled tht great lawyer beyond j
what his patience would stand, ani
finally pinnod him on the exact meaning
of a mark of interrogation. "I
would called it," said Lord Young,
fixing his eyeglass in his eye, ' a little
crooked thing tha? asks questions."
It -as not long ago that, looking
across the table at a public dinner
at the over-rubicund cheeks and fishy
eyes of his opposite neighbor, he inquired
who the owner of the vinous
countenance mig'.it be and was told
he was the president of a water
trust. "Aye," said Lord Young, "well,
he looks like a man that could be
trusted with any amount of water!" <
Some one told Lord Young that the 1
House of Lords had on appeal affirmed
a decision of his. "It may t
be right, after all," was his lordship's 1
reply.?Bellman. * i
. ; ' ' ^ . .
'> v/-r- wVJ'TW.
' . . - ! ; - v
To Make Pencil Sharpener.
How can I make a simple pencil
point sharpener??-B. K. I
Take a paper dip, A, and a piece
of emery cloth, B. Fold the edges 1
over as shown. The pencil point is c
r w-xQr
Pencil Sharpener in Use.
_ C
placed in the crevice and moved up (
and down, resulting in a point as fine t
as may be desired. If the pencil Is c
revolved between the fingers while s
sharpening a round point will be the :
result.?Technical World Magazine. 1
It has been calculated that the ' 1
rost of a muddy day in London is 11
something like $25,00') n
ic Reptile. !
Too Hasty.
Governor Harris, of Ohio, said in ,
in after dinner speech in Columbus: ,
'"This matter is a serious matter, J
ind it must be taken seriously. Haste j
s a bad thing. ' It surely always .
:auscs error. v .
"I used to know a manufacturer. (
KEe was a good, honest man, but rath?r
strict, rather clo.se. Furthermore, (
le was Inclined to be a little hasty.
'"He had instituted in his mill a l
system of finos?fines for lateness, t ^
">noo fnr snoilprt I
ivork, and so on.
"VVeli, in the rush season, happen- ,
ng to awake one morning very early, J
le wer.. to the mill a little after,
starting time. As he got out of his (
lutomobile he saw a pale, haggard, ^
lollow-eyed man walk wearily
hrough the gate.
" 'Aha, Joe Harris,' he shouted an- [
irilv, "ten minutes late, eh? Well,
=> (
you're fined fifteen cents. Not a word (
low. That's Ihe rule.'
" 'Take you're time, bo3s,' Harris
inswered. '1 ain't knocked off from J
resterday, yet.' "?Washington Star.
Tlu> Happy Reign.
Happy, it has been said, is the people
that has no history. Yet mors
iappy the kings who are in the same
:ase. Recently Oscar II. of Swedea
risited a Stockholm school. He quesioned
a pupil, the best of the class,
hoy had lold the King.
"Mv little friend." said Oscar, "tell I
no sonic remarkable fact of ray ^
The child reflected, hesitated, T.-as
;reatly puzzled, then broke into sobs.
"Why do you cry?'' said the King ,
sently. :
"It is?it is, tire, be-cause I do not
know any remarkable fact?of >\,ui
"No more do I," responded the de- '
scendant of Bernadotte.?Le Cri de
Too Late! i
(VtrAi IllA
f w, ;
// \ \ \ I \
1/ p/j
^ :
The Needy One?"I say, old chap. ]
:ould you lend me five for a day or j
The Other One?"My dear ftLow, i
:he five I lend is out at present, and t
I've several names down for it when
t comes back."?From the Tatler. {
1 r
?W. Burnham. r
__ 0
Proof of Character.
A laborer was charged with a
jetty offence.
"Have you any one in court who
Mil vouch for your good character?" ?
jueried the Judge.
'"Yes, sir; there is the chief con- *
stable yonder," was the reply. The 11
:hief constable was amazed. a
"Why, your honor, 1 don't jven ^
{now the man," protested he. 5
"Now, sir," broke in the accused, S
'1 have lived in the borough for a
learly twenty years, and if the chief .il
nonstable doesn't know me yer. isn't f p
hat a character for you?"?Tit-Bits, j
Permanent and Movable Lawn Seats.
While the movable lawn seat hrd p
some advantage, because it can b-i *
,'aslly carricd l'rom place to place, ta ? aj
roe seat has a look of permanency; a
jf really being a part of a sen era I
ichenie to give ihe place 'he appear* ?
ir.ee of genuine and < <?utii?;;i:tcom,. ,
ort, which the other do--s not have. _
fho movable lawn seat, too often ol
rail construction, naturally suggests
.he artificial aud the transitory pleas* j
|| Good Roads. |f
" '
E/fcct on Tax Rates.
Some otherwise well informed men
seem to imagine that it would be absurd
to hope that an outlay of $5000
to $10,000 per mile to make roads
3ry and hard and durable could reluce
the rate of taxation, even iu
Li?ckly peoled districts.
As a single fact is very often more
convincing, to some people, than any
amount of reasoning from theory,
we cite the case of Mercer County,
S'ew Jersey, pioneer fti road improvement
in the State, which was first to
use State funds to pay part of the
:ost of a thorough betterment of its
public highways. This use of public
moneys was earnestly opposed by
many who, arguing from theory
ilone, without doubt quite honestly
believed that farmers along the roads
so improved would have to mortgage
:heir lands to get money to pay their
ncreased road taxes.
Such fears were expressed in one
small township of Mercer County two
)r three years ago. The annual road
;ax of that township had been $1800,
- - -3 Tiro a
auu 1UD I uaud uu vruitn Luat ouui w ?a
spent for yearly repairs were sadly in
seed of Improvement. Since a numser
of miles in that township were
mproved properly its yearly appropriation
for road repairs has been
anly 5600. He.re is an apparent reSuction
of 66.67 per cent, in road
This is a direct and clear result of
making good county roads. A like
result, with other benefits, has been
seen in other States; as where in one
:ase betterment of a road leading to
i county seat brought new manufactories
and people to work iu them.
Others came to serve these, merchants
increased their orders to meet
the larger demand, new dwellings
were put up to shelter the additional
population, and property rose in renting
and in selling values, and consequently
in assessment value also. As
there were more people to share the
taxation the part eacn had to pay was
less than it was under the old conditions.
In effect there was a reduction
of the rate of taxation, accompanying
ill the other benefits that camc from
the improvement of the highways.
In the report of the Commissionei
at Public Koacs or New jersey, ior
1904, it is said that the population
of New Jersey has grown more rapidly
in the last three census periods
than had that ot any State east of
the Mississippi. Its increase between
1890 and 1900 was, in round numbers,
over thirty per ceut., or 439,000.
rvhich exceeded that of most of the
Western States.
Its valuation of taxable property
increased $55,502,072.70 in the year
11)03, and $47,186,SSI in 1904, not
including the valuation of railroad
and of canal properties. Much of
this increase in population and in
wealth is. justly ascribed to the improvement
of hundreds of miles o 1
her public roads. "Many persons, attracted
by our improved highways,'
says the report, "'and by the pleasure
or traveling over tncm in auiomomies
and other vehicles, are transformed
from visitors into home seekers and
buyers, thus adding to our wealth
and population."
Aside from all the gains the farmer
sets from the cutting down of steep ,
grades, the filling of hollows, the pre- J
venticn of mud and the heavy, losses j
resulting from hauling his products |
through or over these, there comes an
actual increase in the price for which
he can sell these products on the
farm, and the land itself, should ha
wish to sell. Inquiries made in States
along the line of the Southern Railway
are said to have elicited statements
of such rise equal to $5 to $25
per acre. Practically a like increase
was observed in Wisconsin, where.
Professor W. 0. Hotchkiss, State
Geologist, has ?.?.id: "The average
I'alue of ihis time saved wa3 estimated
by the farmers at 34 2 for the
heavy teams and 336 for light driv*
ng?a total of $78 for each farmer.'
At six per cent, per annum this $78
would pay interest on $1300, and
:hat would equal $11.11 per acre for
L17 acres, which the census of 1900
;ave as tho average acreage of Wisconsin
These deductions are from known
'acts, and do not rest on hypothetical
jases. nor are they unreasonable in
J n v ivnv iVn hr.rni muv r?r>rno from
luotiug Proftssor Hotrhkiss further
)n the subject. He said:
"When you remember that Wisconsin
has 170,000 farms, you can ap>reciate
that this loss each year, ac'ording
to the estimates of the farm:rs
themselves, totals the enormous
ium of $13,000,000?over $200 lor
jvery mile of road in the State.
>Vhen, in addition to this, it is renemberud
that half the present road
ax of $2,000,000 Is wasted?again
>n the estimates of the farmers;?a
airly correct idea is obtained of what
rVisconsin's poor roads are costing
he people in cash. * * * * The
luestion was asked as to what the
ncreasj in value per acre of their
arms would be if they had good
oads to town. The average of the
eplies was $8 per acre. This estinate
seems to be a very reasonable
me."?Good Roads Magazine.
Frogress in Ontario, Canada.
About 3000 miles of highways have
ieen improved since the establish- i
aent of the Good lloads Act in Hie
'rovincs of Ontario. The depart- ,
aent was organized ten years ago, |
nd during that time the townships |
fnr avnon/litlil'US (in mails !
V C 1 aiocu i s w w.. .
10,500,000, in addition to connty
rants i^id exclusive of cities, towns
nd \illages. Fourteen counties have
dopted the county systems.?liood
loads Magazine.
The Highest Hog.
Several years ago a rivalrj in Hie
roduction of large hogs sprang up
mong the farmers in Kansas. A
[gn that seldom failed to attract the
t lent ion of nasser.^-hy read:
"Any one wishing to see the I;igcsi
hog In Kaunas call at my farm
rul inquire for nie. SILAS liOU'L'.'1
-From Judge's Library.
There is $215,000 invested every
ay in New York city apartment
Mob Batters Its Way Into Jail at
Cumberland, Md.
Members of His Own Race Help in
the Lynching of Williams Burns,
Colored Shot and Kicked to
Cumberland, Md.?William Burns,
e negro, who shot Policeman August
Baker, causing his death, was taken
from jail here by an infuriated mob
and kicked and shot to death.
A.s there has never before b*en a
lynching here the authorities paid no
attention to threats of lynching in
this case, and when a mob of fifty
men approached the Jail early they
found only one deputy sheriff. Adam
Hendley. to oppose thorn. When he
refused to give up the keys they battered
the door in with a telegraph
Burns shot the policeman to prevent
being arrested, and the latter's
death was followed by threats against
the negro, these coming as much
from those of his own race as from
the whites.
When the mob broke into the jail
otker negroes than Burns, who were
in neighboring cells, were careful to
guide the lynchers to that of Burns,
and here again the battering ram was
used. The lynchers found their victim
crouched behind his cot, and seizing
him by the feet dragged him up
and dowH stairs and into the street,
where within a few yards of the entrance
to the jail he was killed.
The Rev. W. Cleveland Hicks, au
Episcopal clergyman, did his best to
save the negro, and afterward protected
the body until the arrival on
the scene of Judge" A. Hunter Boyd
and the police. Judge Boyd called
upon the crowd to disperse and was
promptly obeyed. The body was removed
to an undertaking establishment,
and 10,000 persons are estimated
to have viewed it.
Four Workmen Dead and Twenty Dying
"When 5000 Tons Explode.
| Butler, Fa.?An explosion caused
by the upsetting of the metal pot. in
the No. 1 cupola of the Standard Steel
! Company here resulted in jthe death
of four men, fatally injuring twenty
and seriously injuring ten others.
Almost all the men were foreigners.
The large wheel plant, 150 by 100
feet, was demolished, causing a loss
estimated at $100,000.
The condition of the thirty men
injured is pitiable. Although still
alive, the features of most of them
are mutilated beyond recognition,
j The hot metal was showered over
I them, causing horrible injuries.
, Arms, fingers and ears were torn off,
while many of the men lost their
[ eyes. At midnight the physicians acI
tending the injured said at least
twenty would die.
I Buildings in the city, from the
I force of the explosion, shivered as if
i shaken by an earthquake, and thousands
rushed from their homes panic
I stricken.
! Jury Finds Doctor and Wife Didn't
Poison the First Husband.
[ Raleigh, N. C.?Dr. and Mrs. Daffld
I Rowland were acquitted of the charge
I J > T-? 1 I
| 01 muraenug xviro. nuwiuuu ? mot
i husband, Charles R. Strange. The
[ jury in the Superior Court had heed
given the case at midnight, and was
out nearly ten hours.
The crowd at court cheered the
verdict. The couple were driven to
Rowland's office, where another demonstration
took place. Frieuds
i crowded in to congratulate them, and
! a wagonload of flowers wa3 sent in
The doctor will resume his practice.
The prosecution was brought about
tersely by the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers. When Charles R.
Strange, C member, died suddenly, his
fellow-workers declared his wife and
Dr. Rowland had been meeting clandestinely
and wished to get rid of
Strange so a3 to marry.
Gain Shown by Ohio Railroads Dc?
spite Two-Cent Fare Law.
Columbus, Ohio.?The reports of
thirty-nine railroads operating in
Ohio, just submitted to the State
Hallway Commission, show that the
two-cent passenger fare law has in
the main operated to the railroads'
The reports for the fiscal year endA
r\r\ Tnno OA 1 O A7 oli aw on q aoro
Hate net gain on passenger receipts
for these roads of $1,3C2,2S2, compared
with earnings for 1906, which
year included three months' operation
under the two-cent fare.
Only ten of the thirty-nine lines reporting
show a decrease in passenger
earnings, aud this aggregates only
Mrs. Mary J- Holmes Dead.
Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, well known
authoress and contributor to many
magazines, died at hen home in Brockport,
Monroe County, N. Y. Mrs.
Holmes had been visiting near her
birthplace, at Brookfield, Mass., and
was taken ill at Albany on her way
Small Hills Scarce.
In spite of all the efforts which
have been made by the Treasury Department
to inoreasfi the supply of
..MA 1 I 11? 4 Vi rlAivinn <1 t'nt" en c?K AH V.
MIliUI UIIJD, UlC uciiiaiiu ivi ^uvii vu4 - j
rency is again urgent.
Advance in Mackerel.
Advice from Gloucester. Mass.. reported
a sale of new pack sait mackerel
there at $2-1 per barrel for uiHi 100
count fish. This figure, it is >aid,
represents a rise of 31 per barrel. ;
Foreign Vessels Carry Coal.
At(orney-Cienoral Bonaparte decided
that foreign vessels can be employed
in carrying coal to the Pacific
roi the battleship fleet.
Higher Wages Demanded.
Seventy thousand employes of tiio
Northwestern and State Railways in
Austria have begun a passive resistance
strike for higher wages. '
Tablet to Grant.
A memorial tablet was unveil-, d at
the birthplace of President Grant in
Voiut Pleasant, Oblo.
fcs: . - Wio _ -2
???<?m'i mini?? %
Brief News
The Bishop of London told the
Brotherhood of St. Andrew that President
Roosevelt is "absolutely
The Navy Department has no plana
for the battleship cruise further than
the visit to the Pacific coast, including
Every discoverable defect in ihe
battleships will be remedied before
the fleet starts for the Pacific.
"Shimos.-?," a high explosive usfcd
by the Japanese navy in the war with
Russia, has been mado a subject of
study by the Navy Department.
The old fighting frigate Constitution
will be anchored in the Potomac
River in plain xiew from the White
United States war and naval ofi:
cials pointed out the importance as a
naval base of Pratas Island, near the
Philippines, over which the Japanese
flag has been hoisted.
State Department officials believe
that the anti-Asiatic rioting in British
Columbia will convince the Japanese
Government that it must inevitably
consent to an exclusion treaty.
Porto Rican forest reserves have
been invaded by thieves, who have
sold 5100,000 worth of lumber.
Havana's courts indicted seven
men for conspiring for a revolt in
Census takers began work in Cuba,
and their work will reveal a much
larger population than has heretofore
been credited to the island.
Governor Magoon was told that
Spaniards in Cuba were anxious for
the right to become citizens of the
United States.
Uncertainty as to when United
State9 protection will be withdrawn
from Cuba is causing commercial
stagnation on the island.
Governor Solf, of German Samoa,
will purchase the former home of
Robert Louis Stevenson, at Vailima,
for a government residence.
Women of the Episcopal Church
presented $222,000 to the Board of
Missions at the triennial convention
of the church.
The fiftieth festival'of the Worcester
County Musical Association closed
at Worcester, Mass.
On suspicion that he is the man
who burned a child to death near
Oquawna, Hi., Jt1 ranit vv imams, * wiored
tramp, was arrested at Monmouth,
111. Governor
B. B. Comer has sold hla
plantations in Alabama, consisting of
18,000 acres, to Booker T. Washington.
who, it is said, will establish negro
colonies on the land.
G. L. Peabody, well known in Boston
as a financier, filed a suit for dt?
vorce against hiswife in Salem, Mass
Mrs. Sallie Waples Ponder, widow
of James Ponder, a former Governoi
of Delaware, died at Milton, Del.,
aged seventy-three.
Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, at Newport,
R. I., announced the engagement
of her daughter, Miss Gladys
Vanderbilt, to Count Ladislas Szechenyi,
of Hungary.
The National Wholesale Druggists
Association, in convention at Denver
elected Edgar D. Taylor, of Richmond,
Va., president.
President Roosevelt in a speech at
St. Louis asked for a greater navy..
and said the Atlantic neet woujq oe
brought back from the Pacific.
James M. Barr, director-general oi
the Jamestown Exposition, has re<
signed. J
Mae C. Wood has again brought
suit in New York City against Sena?
tor T. C. Piatt, this time for absolute
The Bishop of London delivered a
sermon against "The New Theology'
at the Protestant Episcopal Convention
in Richmond, Va.
i Southern Methodist laymen in conference
at Knoxville decided to or?
ganize a militant body of 10,000 la?
members of that denomination.
A. J. Whiteman, ex-Mayor of Duluth,
and convicted forger, was declared
Fines aggregating Sl.SdO.OOO were
imposed on the Gulf Compress Com?
pany by a Mississippi court and it was
ordered to wind up its affairs and
leave the State.
? * - ? ? ttr. n_ TT
Kear-Aamirai .tonn u. wamer, u
S. N.f retired, died suddenly of liearf
disease at York Beach, Me.
The Chicago City Railway has paid
over $278,218 as fifty-five per cent, of
Its net profit to the city.
Bills aggregating ?23,000 were
presented to New York City alienists
engaged by District Attorney Jerome
in the Thaw trial.
Abu-el-Aziz has been warmly wel*
coined by the inhabitants of Rabat.
The divorce decree granted in
Paris to Mine. Anna Gould from
Count Boni de Castellane was mad<?
The Royal Swedish Yacht Club has
sent an inquiry to the New York
Yacht Club regarding a challenge for
the America's Cup.
The movement for periodic meetings
of the peace conference at The
Hague failed, and the right of convocation
will remain with the Russian
Bosero destroyed a Catholic mission
and the China Inland Mission at
Kauchowfu, killing a French priest
but all Americans escaped without
M. Tazi, Moorish envoy In Paris,
iliot ihu <inlfan cofks to co-QDer*
ate with France and gives suggestions
for organizing the international police.
Chinese officials are resisting the
Japanese demands regarding Manch
The Japanese object to negotiations
with Canada looking to a limitation
of Japanese immigration.
Cholera has spread to twelve Russian
provinces. Thousands of persons
have died and the scourge in
certain sections is said to be beyond
At San Jose, Costa Rica, on account
of the bubonic plague Quarantine reg*
u kit ions are enforced against Sau
President Cabrera, of Guatemala,
announced his intention to send a
delegate to the Central American
)eaee conference at Washington.
One death from plague has been
eported on an Italian staamer which
reached Marseilles Jrem porta in.
&.sia Mfaort
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