OCR Interpretation

The Abbeville press and banner. [volume] (Abbeville, S.C.) 1869-1924, January 05, 1920, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026853/1920-01-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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I We do n
I I We seek
J I to have y
I not only i
I vice, pers
jr." * . ' B
f Acts as truste
> dian, etc. We c<
tions are referr<
I Wishing yc
/>? g==
' 1
/ F- E- Harr'son>1
VVV VV WW vv vvv<
V x '
Miss Linnie Beauford gave th<
young folks a turkey dinner las
Friday, Dec. 26, 1919, those presen
'were Misses Lucy Palmer, Virginii
Bosler, Lila Morrison, Eva am
Estelle Finlay, Bessie Erwin, Mar
and Annie Kay, Messrs. W. E. Bur
dette, Mack Wright, George M?rr'i
son, Clarence and Roy Kay. The da:
was much enjoyed by all.
T7>?? r>i?? r^oc:,
ivusseti ?jUIUi;u, Viaia anu i/w\
Simp on spent Monday with 'Mi
Elizabeth Sharpe.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morrison an
children, of Columbia, visited Mr. V.
E. Morrison and family during 1h<
holidays. .
Mr. Clarence Kay visifed relativ
in T?r>]to"> Fri 'ay night andSaturiay
Miss Virginia Bosler, of Warr^
to.i, .spei: a few days last week wi''
Mils Lucy Palmer.
Mr. and Mr3. John Morrison, c
Columbia, visited relatives hrr
x -Xmas.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kay ha.i ;
tncir guests i^nn imas uay, iv?v
D. Corbett an 1 little daughter, Marare^
tin ! Mr . J. B. Shame.
Mr r:i Mr . J. R Haddon. an
children, vi-i ed relatives in War
Shoah fron Tuesday until Satur
The yo t t people enjoye'l :
drnc a- ".Ir. Joe Ashley's Frida;
. Mr. D E Haddon *i3 visiting ro
la v i '7 rt 'his writing.
Mr n Mr-. C. C. Kav, and chi1
tlr->->. Sunday at Mr. M. P
T" TT Sharpe spent Wedne:.
dr ." Hill Morri on.
E. J. Bo ts are vi i'
in Ninety-Six.
'ron rnl Miss TV1'
sp Yir;:!oy until Sa'-ir
'o^hr"i spent T"'N
da r?. Kry' i.
Hf" '? Kay. rcl\
" M. B. Kay and Mis:
L<" vri !av witli Mr. r.n
W F Harris an
lit'lo ron. of Greenwood, snent the
\vc ' c:; ' with relatives.
l~" ;vr' 31 rs. J. B. Richardson
? 1 i?
ot beg the tavor c
no business on an
our account, indee
through the interes
onal interest, and
es, receivers, executor, administra
joperate with attorneys when trus
sd to us by them.
>u all Health, Happin
I C. Swelenberg, Ass'i Cashier
, , , ,, ivussia. It wa
w and chiluren, Mr. and Mrj. jL.rne.ii.
k Gordon and Mrs. H. P. Prince and f'Ct"''ed "V
* little daughter, Evelyn, of Antreville, 6 asis 0 111
w spent Tuesday at Mr. M. B. Kay s. af C?Penha^
* Messrs. Car.ion and Jessie Richey '' ^ j"0?1 ,*
,, spent Tuesday night with their si.- *eaC in? *r'e
* . T tt jj other sources.
Jter, Mrs. James Haddon. ? _
Misj Kathleen Hammond, of Rod" ^ C*als w0
Hill, . C., is visiting at the^home of c^ar^s
! Mr. F. S. Palmer. sympathetic t
Misses Lizzie and Willie Able w
visited Miss Lila Morrison Sunday. ?-ican ministe
. i. :k Vcr: M.ifor.. i vi itinrr , .
- ? Legal l
I- Bcllc B?J,i' , Title, lo Re,I
III", -r. Mr an! Mrs. R?, Ettate .
, Tom Able and daughters spent .
hrimas day wi h Mr and Mrs.
Jc * 'i e.
Quite a crowd enjoyed the c'ance COMMISSIOP
r .1' an _ Mr . Frank I aimer's on READY
M nr!ry night and alco a4: Mr and
Mr . James Ha Idon's Tuesday ni^h* Washington
V- ~ ;pcnt ine-.day arrangements
, r;"-b' and Thur^c'ay wi'h Mi s Tolly wage*? nnd pr;
Carlisle. cord industry.
' Linni".-' ~lara an ! Tcne strike se'.tlem'
r? 171..: > ?;A,_ -,T! inifinl
*? uiur r i ;:y 'viwi iui> t? > ? **-* ?c
, Mary anrl An-i- *'ry ?ion of three
*" "r'iin "Iad:'on ani Miss Lila Wilson.
T-r...r: .. ... ..i v? Y' - ' E-tnM:
Mr. Joe Able. The mambe
Ti 'lo Ilat'io T co Kay n sp^n 'ing Henry M. Ro
;> '-iv Vv: ;i Mr ?I ^al., represen
?<J' Sn io "oiler p~|^~v''ainr'' r br^ndt Peal,
ce b"r ff'on -i .it r "'oo'* y John P. Wh'.te
Tu~" Vy n)>bt !ished semi-pe
Mr an-'! ' ; r. P MMal-ri in trie Depart
'r~n. M1* as ' ^.1 r * P S " TT- nd were und
hr"'h an*1 bnvy pent 7"~'nrtc? ;-v r' e:l the mattei
Mr Tim i May
M" an-' Mr*. T.po'iar! ^rll^r an''i While the i
?rn of Hnn on. vH'"1 . in<? to take vi
l'pr" 'a~* \vn"' i -t.-ike, Direct(
- - ... [Tines, who h;
'! \PGOOD FIN'SHES rationing, mot
term as mini^tf-p -trictions rut
strike?that r
Wa~hing'.on. Dec. 29.?Norman bituminous
T"r)""pr<fl is no longer American min- e \,.l issued an
i-ter to Denmark.^t was said today at overseas movi
, . ' ? slate department. Officials ex- mount equal
n! ned that the senate had failed to luar.tity expo
jcon^'-m hi* nomination before the hipped from
eirl of the special session on Novem- Newport New:
iv? - 10, and that since he was not *2 to be pic
s given a recess appointment by Presi- ports as soon
* nt Wil-on his commission automati- can be workei
cal'y expired on that date. at ports will
Mr. Ilapgood, who returned from through railro
rnnonlinn-nn covo^fll Hsurc norn Wf?c in W.ItPOlKl^n
! con'erence today with Secretary Lan- Increa
, ?ing discussing the situation in Soviet The relaxal
)f your account
y basis other tl
id, but we try
>t payments, bi
business friends
Ltor, guar- Make
it transac- Indivi
We ha
? ^ *
ess and Prosperity
years to follow
4 H h
is said that the situation
;he former minister on t'nEt "P0**"0" *
(formation reaching him me3 saI ' "lrou?^1'
?, did not differ materidescribed
in dispatches ? . 6 ^ne'5 to tnj
department through Uat."0n the EaSte
scribed as especially
uld not discuss reported Power to Fi
Hr. Hapgood had been Under the strike
oward the Soviet au- afrreed to by the mil
! he was acting as Am- it is expected that tl
ir in the Danish capital, participate in spit<
or ail kind* for sale. ' KBESB^^99
Estate, Morttyar;e< of i
i'c. ?3
e Press sad Banner. PJ J
, JL>ec. 29.?Preliminary cl jg rwi
for the investigation of 0 |'lHQ|
ices in the bituminou3 El 31 |
as provided in the coal IS x ~--i j 1
ent, were m~de at the
? today of the commis- * \>?fes=-appointed
by President
sh Heidqaurters. Hg _
rs of the commission? fig \(&$J
hinson, of Pasadena, H
ting the public; Rem- R3
for the operators, and Ijfcj*
, for the miners?estab- Egg rnrn
irmanent headquarters rag I
ment of Labor building H IjURJ
2rstood to have discuss- I
r nf n^trnnimtion. Uf ?
Export Coal.
commission was prcpar- S?
ip the questions of the , '
)r General of Railroads El ?
B*s vd iiiCI 3 SI
as hrtd charge of coal b| ?aentificai
,, , ? , Cj cigarettes;
lifted the last of the re- E| cigarettes)
into effect during the .El covered cn
ommend t
irohibiiing exportation B9 o ro/Scctu,
coal. The director gen- ,'jj
order under which the jS
jment of coal up to an OT
to 50 per cent of the |y
rieo in uciooer may u? g?
ports of Biltimore and Kf
5. Similar arrangements W
iccil in effect at other 5 >
as the necessary detaiis ?-1
J out. Dumping of coal
be regulated, however,
. S"ad
embargoes on tideed
. - . M
sea rroauction. j WA
tion of restrictions a
?the favor, if
lan reciprocity
to pay you fo
it through rea
hip as well.
this company your executo
duals may die or make mis
,ve specially trained officer
j during Nineteei
Miss Fannie J. DuPri
Biliiil ' ,
fas possible, Mr. made to it by the opera
steadily increased ion> the President's coa
from the return ,as p0Wer to fix wages
ir jo Aii'j . conditions in the mines,
rn fields Vas de- coai t0 public, if il
j good, y j unanimous. The return c
x Wage*. to work has been with
settlement plan standing that the comir
tiers and in which Have full powers to adju
operators will ther if it finds further
i of objections Tied.
trsift DoMESpg\ and mellowness
?never tasted sui
nated and there
unpleasant cig?
pleasant cigaret
e* sold everywhere in CamelS aTe maO
ly *eaimipack?**, ono Turkish and cho
or ten package* (200
in <1 ilaasine-paper. SmOOth and milt
rton. We strongly reo
his carton for the home bOQV and certa
pply or when you travel.
generous measu
blend to either ki
k Give C
\ compai
\ the wc
.. J ' Haft
.m? l\ ho
'y c*
m y R-J
any, is mutual, m i
. We are glad I J
t it in return, M
1 banking ser- I I
takes* .-U
handling this department |H
m? I . I#lPBI
l-Twenty and the 19
' '';Bn6
CalverLThomson, Cashier
illllHI'llllllnllHl IIIIHIIHllHllllllllll.il, II pin
I commission
and working A-n extra teachers examination
and prices of will be held in the Abbeville CountyBzH
ts decision in -our: House on Saturday, January H
>f the miners 10th, 1920. All who wish to teachHj^g
the under- and draw public funds will pleAflejHfiH
tission is to -come on said date. flaSififl
st scales fur- Examination to begin at 9 a. m. I R
increase jus- W. J. Evans*
Co. Supt. of Ed. HSk|
53 lUii S8 fcS hHMJD
^99 ? _r"W HiS Mtnu
|pi| GET Mn^flv & a foS9mB ^r: BHHn
i You On Quality! B j^H?
t of Camels will be very great ' ^ gHBHm
freshing flavor and fragrance Eg
is so enticingly different. You |3HHH
:h a cigarette! Bite is elimi-/ B
: is a cheerful absence of any - saffl^jP
iretty after-taste or any unty
odor I SBEBH8
le of an expert blend of choi?^ g^SpSj
lice Domestic tobaccos and are
j, but have that desirable fullinlv
hand nnt Rntisfflptinn in b? ^^SBSBhmI
re. You will prefer this Camel . MKhKm
ind of tobacco smoked straight! H MMMBjaS
'amels the stiffest trj'out, then rf MmM
e them with any cigarette in La
>rld At anv nrice for aualilv. laaBBBMB
? j i ~i l j HnnnHn
/or, satisfaction. No matter
iv liberally you smoke H wSSnBS
i me Is they will not tire
ur tii6te! g
. REVN0LD3 T'^ \CCO CO. ?888818
WiiiS.on-5aie;:j, l\. C. IffiWKIfmffiffl
- ^^IHHI

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