OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, June 14, 1838, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Mr. Editor, trok tII~ AOY RTiSER.1
It is the practice of some Editors, who
are jbint publishers ofa newspaper, to ap
lpdthOir names to the articles written by
each. 'In a remote part of our country
there is a paper called " The Stars and
Stripes of the Union," edited by Messrs.
Sawney & Pdt. I extract the ibllowing
articles :
Foreign Kews.--It is whispered in the
fashionable circles, says the L~onlon Age,
that a hole WisS seen in the right silk stock
ing, of her (Majesty, at a late ball. Some
malicious persons say that ihe rent was
caused by the great size of the Rloyal foot,
which refused to be cramped in t :'narrow
a space. San ney.
Domestic Neu's.-Oiir Washington Cor
- respondent ilorm its tt :tt ;a late cron ded
levee, Mr. Van Biren's wig fell oil, andt left
.his bald pate exposed to the gaze of the
langhing assembly. Pat.
Awful Conflagration.-The Maine Wes
leyan Journal says, that the winged light
ling from heaven, on the 10th iltimo, fell
upon farmer Iliggin's fodder-stack, and
consumed it to ashes. The children gather
ed them up and scattered thema to the cour
winds. Sawney.
Devastation of Crofps.-The Edgefald
Advertiser says, that in some parts of South
Carolina, that land of heroes, patriots, and
'Nultifiers, a black chinch recently attacked
the colewerts, and potato-vines, ati utado
at hearty meal. The old women are in great
trouble. ljit.
Inlependence.-We sa% it boldly in the
face of day, that the Editor of the Rag
Biank Banner, is no better than lie should
be. Sawney.
Iighly Jimtportant.-A Paris Editor says,
that 31r. Woodbtug and Mlr. Vandal, as the
French style these gentieten, are dismiss
ed from the Cabinet ofrMonsieur Van liren.
Final Notice to Subscribers.-Wo call
on our patrons to pay fir our paper, or they
will beo charged withont exception. ( } cents
nore on their subscription, at the ctd of the
year. Sawney & l'at.
[ron -rE Anvan-risEa.]
Specimens of a Alodert Dictionary.
EVEaRY IloD-Ourselves and those of
onr clique.
ios esTr-The worst policy in a cotr
rupt society.
in hue, ever changing according to the in
terest of the holder.
BEAuT.-The dream of mioon-strueh
poets, and the idol of beardless and grey
bearded boys only. Q.
Domestic News.
At tempt at lnsyrrection in the District
of Colu ibia.
1.%sntxcroe, May 30.
The Mayor of Washingtou has received
a cotntunicatiou fiom the Mavor ofGeorge
town, disclosing stte facts which render it
proltble,that the eagrues in this district,
aided ly sote from a distance, contemapla
- te I a grat abohlition tiovetent, by seizing
arsenal, firing the three citiesof the dis
..,.,w lo- gr l aniiIi~ agi~.
* .uttnonia biita ioo petitions.
* JntflC its have tnkalpplaiee..
C'or.pondence Char. Mer.
Tr.n thbe Ch.rkson er.-ury,
Fmra.-A hlil beluine:2 o'clock og S: i
urdaty aternoun laist, at fite biroke biot n lie
premi ses of bi r. .1 ahn Mlay, cabint mallker
No. 69 Qtteei-st reet, in a two andia a half
story wotbdent unilditim tused a<~ a n orkshop'j.
It oirig'inatted ott the seondl floor, . amlt is.
occupant. when the0 smkeo wats lirst pecrceiv
ed discovered that th~e roott weas on fire
- tnear the cliimnpace~~t. TLhte whole hnild
itg int a fewv mmunates waIs envelobped in
- ltamaes. VThe kitenj of M~lr. Cotidy. anex
door, sbOn anght and was pairt ly destroyedl
Ibut ithe timeily atrrivah of thte enginies 'atnd
lhe entergy uand ellicietncy whhil which athey
were plied, pre~vemted the fire from (xtent
ding futrther thian the sa )btiildintgs above
. Mr. Mazy's two and at half story wandena
kitchen i athit a few li-t of the burntiit
'nilding, n its bilown tap. n~ hiehpr glvete2l
Li stible dwnellinags otn the tront oIf Q ueen
a e; and indeed all aironnad. Ii ad thle
* ''~~- occurred at tmidntighat, the des rauct ion
f oPerty wtontid have been aimmetnse.
t'he workmen were aluenat at the time,
ing just ,initted the shop11 iand goneit to
-naier; they left a ire in the ehuitmey, over
which they wvere tmolting glue, and it is
poe hat the wind comtin~g dowlin thiro'
he iLue ofthe chitmney, scattered the sparks
and einders amtong the shavings tear thet
haem th, which cotmmunicated to the floorin.'
befoure any assistance contid be p~roenirted.
F'ive coltred wvorktmeni whotr were ini th~e
hoip at work dutring the dhay, hlave been nr~
ePm ihby the pioiee atid are. now audcrgoiing
t e xitaiiation.
ilMay ni us insuared ini the :\tngntat int
ah ee atd Trns~t Cimpany~tfl, for A.l(000 (bi
-. .k in tradelt-$2,500 of tbis ainont
-c :e lnates as dlestroayed.
r'r nn the Charkeston Courier, June 7.
'I'.a . r TTMrr To) Fitn E Tn i Cr'r v
--I eeni 8 andh 9 o'clock on l'Tuesday
at... attempt wats made to fire tile resi
em-:Mr., Atndrew Moll-eta, on1 the Weet
It- N Meetmabt street, atnd tnenrly opposite
y t e ular C harebt, byv t hrowmi a roill or
*a.* -vmeh lort iiunatd y tell betweeti the
mly-n (tit blns~e. antd rm' ini the -ti Ier,
lite tiie, di.eov'er,-dl athe comtibus-.
h-ner, antd exiitignlhed lie lire.
- tit n mre dtturitig a tttmp1t wva
W~edneisd .iy~ moitring, bettweeni 9
'ctek at al zt premui--'s t-en t
id by .1. C abler, at a residlencet aitit cabai
t d O ' c s h o , mCMe e t i a ( l t ' t i d
ii : o r N o% r t h o f t i h e C r n r C h a
~~ n PrS nndoer the pizazz~a, faicing~ the
h, I * icht was fourtuniately dhistcoi~
a on - p ! extin ghihbed. Ail the. dotmes -
ei' onib re es havet bieti arre.edtandat~
In both the cases abovo mentioned, it
is clearly evident that they were designed,
nud the nes of those well acquainted with
the premnises.
I'rom the Char.e stun .lercury, June 8.
F'Len-riI-:n A'r-ri:-:r-s -r'to FnR.Ti: CI-Y.
--11etween the hour)1s of 101 and I I o'eclc
vesterIay forenoon, the stable otahed to
air. Iobert Vill's slwellisng, ini Meetini-bt.
opposit the Circular (hurel, was discov
ered In be on lire. Simssoe was first see,
issuing from the lilt, w here the' lire must
have been Ibrown nttong the 1nky. 'Ihe
prompt alssistance of tile firemen soon put
it (nt. 'T'hree negroes who were onl the
iret3ia's at the title, were apprehended
for exannation-we have not learned the
.'1NoTt-a.--T'J'he firemen had careely
puil up their engines, when another ularin
was rgised, ande hliuldred nt ere seen rulslhin3.r
aloni the sIreets, flunk oi(e sceni ofeonltl
.gration to another. The fire was ftund to
proceed fromt he dttelling of lir. J1o. as
sot, Watch M;ker, Qutceen-street, who hal
just sat down to dit:icr. when the people
rushed in, and Cave the alara. Oit an in
spection of the garret or leeft wlesre the
smoke, a ppeared, a chamtily ofeomhssible
materias were discovered half urnI-tied I,: und
evislentlv placed there ht a short tile' pre
viots. In this, as in other cases, tile blacks
were arrested, and placed in custody for cx
nallina tioru.
I'rom Mlec Cusrile 1'ineeer, Mauy ? .
O l1i t i ",0N . 25.
Iht:ua-G o.uirrens, E-ASTa ns lyt,n-,v
Cherokee Agency. Ten n., atsy -27, 1-:.
ljor Ge-eral Seott.o theUtited State:'
Armiy, anininntes to the troope n'setnbled
amd issembling in ihis country. that, "ith
them. he has been charged by the resi ent
to eause the Cherokee Indianns yet remain
ing in North Carolina, Georgia, 'I'e-tiensee,
nad Alabama, to remove to he Vest, ac
cording to the 'T'reaty of 1:35.
'llThe Cherokensa., by the advantecs which
they have made in christianity & civiliza
tion1 are hv far the umist interest ing tribe of
indianis in the territorial limits ofihe United
S tates. - t the 15,000 t 't hose people l ho
are now to be removed-(and i the time
within which a voluntary emigration was
stipulated, will expire on the 23d inst.-)
it is understood that about liimr-fifths are
opposed, or have become aver-e to a dis
tant cimigratin; insd alth' 10n1' nre in ac
tual hostilities with the United States, or
threaten a resistance by arrns, vet the trops
will probably he obliged to cover the whole
country they inhabit, in order to make
pri3utiers and to march or to tranIsport the
prisoners, by fam n ilis, eitler to this plac e,
t, Ios' Landinig (3r ('titer's Lanedin,.
where thev are finally delivered over to the
Superitnteridamu oif CherekeLe Eimigralion.
At 1-STA, .Tune 2.
Tette frot the Chero!rc Couret r.-T roi
an anthttentic sonree we phaen hefore otur
renders the following intiu-mtien. respa
tiang tho proceedings of (yen. Scott in tie
Cherokee Country. This inform:tion is
milore favoralIe than cohul have I.cen es
peelted ; bu we have to lean )what efreli
the extraordinary moverilent atr Washingtons,
Sill prodce in the mindls of the Cherokee
Indians, atd what eoirse Gen. Scott will
ti el himselflhotd to pursue. in regarnl to the
instructitns which tist have reached hin
by this time.
On thewGllh of L . - .:
i-or@1"Ootiitienee Ito oprition if
gathering the Indlians wisuiu the stute of
Georgia. In compliCance with this order,
iipward.. of :2t) lindiims were as:emhled at
ebeo:a at 10 i'ghet-k, A. ll., cti he 27th.
The s:te Cnumlber er -e :s.*ibled at a post
near Cailile 1 t neon;i U a~lCt thle Sixes',
on the moierinig ef thes 2Niht and 5li))a,
nciiI it is p).eb::le that upwardsCi! of' -.0:t1t
we~ir-e-:seb-d :33t Ihoei lphne(es hv the night
s he t rotiy-i-sei m*ed reinetan to1 leav, e thic ir'
oblserv-ed, hiowe-ver,- thait buiit vsery few~ vo3nne
itinen, oir wario3r<, wer.' amstli thosei b:rntt1
im. Geti. ;-eian hads givetn rde to ,--ml the
Indsliitt in:,lhiately- to3 5he ai*enev\ mi I'n
lionni's, ((unmer's Liodi 3:;.-Cont'ution',
Deca .Ar.-l Itve ju!sit't ar3ri ved li tiI
I-lace! fromi a tour of thr-es daiys with Ii
troops)1 belo(w Iiwre, andsu as I haeve juis timset
enough bef -ore te mtail clost.es for y.osir plate
to3 givei you1 a3 brief CiCcountH of th ierore-ss
ande sucess~(1 i ote troop3s int thle arrest and1
collectinig toiget her ihri emiiraition to I le
wiesi , tw he lLroike 1 ldiats stow r-eininling
m( the toulntry, I have thoughL~It it miight ntol
only bie initere-sting to yourtiself, liut als-o toj
your renders generally, if 3Son cani get it in
your Satuirdaey's papt~er.
On Mondiayl hast, atccording 13) lhe ordhers
otf ( en. S1cott. i he troopi~s in I he conniiiueLs of
Ch~erokee. F'orsvih, GJilmoer, andel l.tmkitni,
mtadle a1 Ssimutltaneout mollve uipoin the Chier
okees, and3( I ami hihIl~y ptlsed it infm-mst
3(3n t hat the~y havt e sn eeeededl b~eondi te
cverty Cheroee, 33m, womantli nitol chiM iti
all mointiniig to) ahbout 15 or lItit)h, w ith
liie I or* no treeubtle whateve'r. Tjhe tithe
coinni es otf the C heroker countltry I lave'*(
not heard3 fromsi. Th'le ChIerokees ar iall11
seenred in3 the Forts ait thte dIilli-rent po:,3.s
in the coutrev, whe tC(3( hey' will rini~ 5t.
1il furt her ord ers frotmI etead-Qoirter-s.
G reat praise iish ilh(ie tthe fis iis an idlers
genrl ly. 3o falr nt least a-s their conidnhet
entme wi thim my obiservalioni, fore ind~ie
Itnzd limmne m nner it whuich thIey havt e
itrete sts' Chlerokees. Tlhev ate petmit..
-s 0e (to ceet all1 thelir mioven'ableierty
andts sell ii toi the hiet advan~ttage: atnd I anis
tr ully chad so see iteir whtite neighibors coeeit
int und~ Paiy thiemt lhe full valuie ofC jt. 11lany
<-I'f te (IChrokee-,s s- shibiitedc ai cotii(sse ,
fielin~p' n ils m tthers of' themi, nite pariei
tilarly the' youngtser pil ot. seesm Io bes ini
Igh splrite aill, hoeiuvs-r, have eigttifies
tts'ir' w illiigne-ss ttremove 3o the west.
3'he are, howi' even, behottutrino undtcer a ede
Ines ve hispes. It is btelievedl lby someii oft the
miost ilb hgeigt lutes iam~ong5~ hiemi, int
110ss wiill meet t hemt at lhe A geev.~~ n1o3(
re lievo themi andI sendis themi lack to their
hsomes. Theys- state. nnd( so heel ieve', 5hl
lio5s ha-s em-ed a cha0Inge in lihe trenay of0
1S35, by ~i whih they havet Itt-n ap1t-a-a tn-i s
Such in formation hias been extensivelv 4
emiiite(i anmong then as coin'fg' fr
Rtoss, andi nmany it thenm reliionsiy be'iioV
t. ~ The Checrokeo dillienhly isi wiw cotu
tidtered by tie people of this country at tt'
-n(1. No hosility whatever can neow m
ippjrehendet Fron then, tiuless it naylidb
if North Carolinaa.
('nI:-l:svlLLa. C. II. June 1.
hir lftn days or two weeks panst, thei
venther has been unlsnally cool for theltin 110
if year. Ont Friday last, soie parts ofthis j
I)istrict were visited by a showe"r of hail."
ilternaixedi with snowv. 'Iwo or three mnorn
fi. last Week We had considurable lrost
11 sintie sitallitions suttiicientt to injutre ve.e
atioti. Now, the neather is inoro niild, 9
>ft the nights and morniigs are v: t coltd. 1
Tile crtops inl this neigihborhoodt ar: fiml- "
irovinug a lintle, but still very harkward.-I
I\hIe:at -enerally, looks well, and proniises -
I god ihil.-3louniaiuc r.
Glorious P'rosprets for Good/ Cros.-W
ire infotniied by persons fronm varitnls parts
>1 the contniry, that there never has beeni a
noire beauifuilil prospect ir i1 full crop of <:;
riin in hii seeijon of country, than nlow
eists. Ii the hle:1 st should iulfil the pre
c1:1 expecation, it n% ill naake Ih hearts ill
h loainers of id Fredrick rejoice again, t
-'rdrik (l a.;j Ilcrald. f
(Yayr Meet"l !ng.-A great meeting wafs D
n hi nfit N. Vork ton the "21th ult., at which
V.rpln:icik piesided, ,,i.,t!d by 100y I
re-lreide nts aitl 11 secretaries. An ad
Ire ande resolutiouns were :adopted, norni-i
aoting 111r. ('lay liar. fthe ('residenc'y, but re
ilrring ilte niatter to the National Whig I
onventtiont. in be held at liarrisburg, P'enn. f
it I )ecentser I l9. 1
'l'he N. York 'Tifties has hoisteI the hano- c
ter of Alr. Clay lr lie l'residency, %n it 31r- t
l'allzuiadge as Vice Preide'n t.
C 3utrl.,ton. Ml r.
On ilss.--The rintor bune \i",lington 1
113W is, that Alir. Biiinhaaini: is il go ilto the
state )epartment, nd .1'.r. Frsvti, lie i
)reent head, to succeed Mir.. evens-m :s i
1linister to lznglaisd.-f'atiriot.
I-:rmni it :iin y . Ira, ' Iy ,,* ::1.
FRtOM1 Till. NS)ill:ltN\ 1.'ati1i:t
During Oulragt .---A f expres, fromti
Wiaturlownfl reahted this city ye~terday af
crnoou, brinigine despatches to -Gov. l ary, I
runs the istrict Attorney, Alarshal, &c.
it I hat plare : by tn hicb n e regret to learn
hat a mloot extraordinary outrage wts comn
nittil tnitlian the Aleriean waters, early
i l'inrsday morning. The British stenn
.oat Sir Robert l'oel lying to ltot 7 miles
Fro:i 1rench Creek, on the river St l.aw
fence, Was forcibly seized! by a botdy of
frnlled mnen, suapposed it) be Canadian're
Enges -t oil lire, aInd eniarely consuined.
i-rom th: Ruston elcr. Journuli May ;1 .
Steaier Xt-w E ngand Sun k.--T his
iuorning at I o'clock, the steam boat New
R.llanld, n hick be-t dhis city. last evenin.,
t 7. o'tlock, fr Rath arid Gardiii'n, wa.
'tn iuno by sehr. Curlew, aid souk in thout .1
mall' ail atinor.
The accident oceurrcl about ten miles oilT
loons Isand Light. Nearly all the pas -
Iners snceeteed in getting ,o hioarI the A
tehoorer,saye two woj -ru*,edi ;i'
've-tnawu ittnedStandi.,h, of Prid -t.,. j
who was killed in getting on board the
ichoorer.-Brigg's L'ulletin. 1
.)estrurtice fire in \untacl:<t.-'i--e loi
(A's ing-, letter, givinu anre, hof ati l d1
rn ov iral ;ian~tne, was: recehived iin
rwhieb~ io brte ontciiig tt J . .si's mmt
iatlflC il ea ier densolished abou1 'N is Jiitt
ns-aanng withr were te ropen i,.
hieitlhige il Bri candes inifac th richl
.i'ene on ie rialer onItes-a boaii it-- btiber
inrastbe of ithie ailding--it Threiii seit
liogof the ~twn wa< tvery Oret.i' i'. h.,
s'anntiIil etle c etainsieii---hil it is 'lo-r
diiyIl ithu ig tat ie annt fIt. br o r~
breeilo br hullmiiidr touande dtliir-, ~ i:
-x pec -a patof the ti piitropr y I was'i~t in eid.t'!
l'he eic nesy i tire ytu intes lru n. r-t
ii'om ihe N.) git. .1 trir c l' oer c. ill) is
h ..\'- i T.l rai ti).1 il l Na Ii A y)1 g~o ves,
l l to t itu r;-:o il- I oi-: co-r.i t'lc
Ag.( 'reb 'ily tnhatia h'een laiict'iat,
het pt ofiens iAgauit vret cu- mit Ihs wchole
.hore o theI riversaperthiie stol t lins
tlyr< itt-hs ten ere andi' arlly putii
it aite b tockade.hv sth i-'e c i'pm
nir.: Tilevenstook7 Iiiicei1n te, :ldo
\prl.s~t Th'i1. koldeoftefc
in-ngth c.r.V'eniitizesocieo A~t vrae, was:
b rute medin( lo a( notic ;'hich~te nt
imitrdltit the' oin-reil. liom a3t 8u1 o'lock
ntel morn5ing o sphe-i i'l.
" k
Lt (ii our river to talse a rise, and i
to to the secwl row of wharves
apmnenced Jailing.
CuIaI.IalroN, June G
. -The uturket fior a lev dayc
as heen very ,tilI, and in th ti finei
- sligh t advactie ha. been paid.
this article remaini as Ins' tiuo
but traniactioJn ijnite light.
- unam.i.-".... ..
?.r: Cosminut, tith ,June, 19!Nl~.S
;a E.rce-llentt PIERCE u. HUT
s.Iq. Govrirnor and Commander
lief in and or' r the State aforesaid.
+1ERE' AS on the 2ith of October,
1837, it Proebiintion was issuedi by
Cpartment, ollerinlg a reward of .20i
a. iapprehension andt delivery ofI.\ CK,
man si lave, the property of George
lilly, charged wihl. innreler of Wa.
1, and n Liebh said Jack has escaped
ed frome ja--tice'
.W'her, :L it w:7; mae:ir kiowtn to this
ment, by h-neiri* from Iis t .-eelu-ncy
i e oVernro * of lienunky , dated 7th o1
i 18 hnr, the said nei re', .ack,
vejksix weekpvs p to tlie d:ite of said
'ttiei had been apprehended. nd n a then
ontli d ini the Jail at FI'riikl'ort, as as fi
ivd't'rom2 justice, oi nieount of said nmrz.
or, and as such would be delivered to uny
gent clothed with a proper demtand froai
his.Departient: And whiers, in conse
uebcc of the nlfresaid iiformnation h-on)1
lis Excellency the (iovernor of' Kentuekv,
I (letaud. in due and tlegaf ,ri, w;a mcacui-,
earing date the 17th of A pril last, reqcuir
rmi tie (overnori o' Keut tck v to sur reideI
hg body of the said Jack to ite agenIt ihere
n named, to the cud that he Iight be
irotght to this State and tried Gor tie said
rime: .1tn:1 wherens it appears ihat before
he arrival of the igent Iriem this State it
entnclkv, c nith the demand atfores:id, a
In1 calling his Hname IIANeu: nppeared
it the jail in Frakibri . Kentuc;y, with a
inoer of nttorney !'oin (corgeM cAleilly
he owner o'said Jack, and demanded hii:
i-om the jailor as a rnnaway slave of sad
blc filly's, to whom tih s:il jailor deliver
dA nim: And that the -said liaicnck, ai a
tog of said Allilly, af'terwadls -,111 ,.ai,
seg ' Jack to a Air. Mundy. residinig is
)wgg county, Kentucky, who ngan ,,d
ttlRAnid reln-ed to inform the ageiu of thii
3de to whamoi sol l,or wvhere' he was ear: ied
14 it is further stated so This Iepr;:i'imni
hiqthe tiegro's me, on the last sn-al, wn:,
t d Iron Jack to I1w.
.W KNOW YE, That to the inten
tlstice may Ie done. acd the said Jac-lk
i ,dros, and nhettos brought to contig
I shi ient for the erime ai foresaid, I i.
l it lfefr a reward of 1":l'1' 11UN
1 O) )LLAlS. in addition to the re
'"red in my foter proclamation
lth October, 18:37, for the a pprehen
t d di1divcry of the negro Jick into aims
il lrin this State: rad- hail Ithat :inomi
or. ixh,:inflornation a;ainist nt ' pern o
-'rsou$ w'lio have lieo guilty of Iiarbrioring
ilin or as-isting the said .lack. as u i
ive; iconviction in a court of Justice.
A-d Its iirther prociimed an md
tnOW!Q0 that thle iinfurmn, oni his app' :w
n" qau dgiving~ evidence on the trxiail oh snelI
wtrsonl or perstons chi arged w it lithe csi rie o
or boring, ii ling, ori aisstiin the:~ said Jac!m:
ii escaipi- romi ju.s tce, s:dl Irimin f reem o
iiid discharge"~md frtomtfu. In iroiseemiiion 0
'nal prnoce'edlings arzinlstInsell, for ior ma
'eounni of any omtter oir thintg lit mias
mvoy done ini relation to lhe esenipe of sai'
In ts5t imonyt whereof I havi~
hereimt ii iert my'. hnd ant.
L..aease the seral of' the Satian
1~ 't he alix ,eIdii'. Gth doi
of' June, A. 1). IS8 .
By olrer.
I. II. SANON, Secre'tary of State.
.PROC1. ~ f 1TO9
STAXTEOF SOUTru C \111.1N.\.
Ksq., Governor und11 Comn;uander -in-elidei
in' and ovier tun: State afmoreaiad.
Ii1REAS itnfo rmna tion hias breen r
cV eived by this diepartmen'ut that
tino-e atroeious 'mutrdler' was commii ned ii
he )istrict.'.of Ornn;;ehiti on lie iGrh dns
('f1 any'ilst, abomt ilark, in lie bodly oulon: i
loN.' i-'i, whviile "itim.' by the hire in hi,
m ii hons' , w.ho n a ;t~ and i it thaire who
andl by rtime person as ye'ttunkn ow-.-xi
NOR KNOW' YI', 'Ilihrt to the inteni
ite trator iof thisn hoid craime mov, ~ hei brioig
ui legalitunishmiient : I do lt'-rehr ti-r:
en ird of TWtO IIUNDR~ EI) IDOLI.All.n
u anly, personl ir per'sons who will give im
.rmatiin against the perpetrator of' thie suit
tnrder, so that the of'end er. his niders, 11m1
hiet tors tmay be apprehended rind stiffer tl6,
ennlly mif the Iaw for the said c'rime.
Antd it iR hereby fuirtheri proclaimed ram
une' k nown, that the inilormairnt, on his nip
erm i- nd 11( giv.ilg ev idence on lie tiasl o
lbe sni murnderer, hik iad'rs, anid n!iabms
hall stand free and di'chiargedm of' ind ('rwn
nty proseen'm ion or tegatl ~ pretdinog 21.
utsefio'o Oil Iecot'Oi~ olie sidm tmnr
G iven under~i imy harnid nnid thi
----ealt oftthe St'itie,tt Cohinet
1'3. ISEII ' R.
T I '.Public are* iiirel,v ctitiunlco a.
Jg ai,,it recttav ug a note1 tlrtaii i 1 IYe
3o'li L. IboJokts. payable to Dhaniel i lu3t lot
tilt' snita of 001. dollzars, miadeo :!bout thet 1711
ofl M~arch,. titul paya~tble rile Ist of JuryI.
Saniele wlli n)0t le ptiiel (il presco ai t1113
;r-: theao co nsideation.aat~ for wichel thle naote a as
l Vl: oN I., BR11OUES.
Thern oiooo..c Advoerise Lit; rejeldt
11111 l.ill thie above othir.ee l jtitta~l ghavt
A hj i ier .-"t 33 olt I t ig ts~ i (',ot. 1 1. o r t. ea I
jug (% .t o ; t::: u iin lit haui,iler on ar
lIy i11 re~ocof tle i~t-~I \are hlat. l,;tv
jog tny1 :t",'(- otr, ~; p, lit is 01 Jai l Coh.
*te a; ill tis. 1711Pf~ year. 3111 icks , o i i n;;a
in!tinea o thair frIoe c loan g th, wil h ilita -
(Wtll readd ll persIa t ary ini hid aIca
11)1go an delingr 01tara.ii1 tt i
ltvs iat 1s: 19~' d ~ d
ontt*. han :14 gel at naltutaf-seson.ale
:1 good :i .1 tlin of (311s and L dies
Grit's.3 ..tle tip ita oa syeta le ,t
11:;i -,s ta o :1. 1 tl\ V t, ' t arna1 a fn c 1 'l
I :aata!i.i \ alll liitta.1 .~avt
I!t ;.o:-. ' itoyt an lSuimiinao-lajo.R.
Nlo. :t :"o: !1 a-'.'r t,a-kono cldlntrt L ne
I~ :olcia lti i S c r iaol fcy Plint.
lian Bla;. Vat t~l-l ikIov
oewI % 4 . Iiii lw:aco, Collar ol.
Iutpiit prcka a in t., (l'liua ri nd~ vc..ik.
:acs (. tt-: atI SicotB lks. Caju ua
La ie iprir lckcloet& w it.i
(;a~a~ lo- '"ja z;: taiac
Ill! i \, ti':it i 113 l e I:sl e itclk e10ao
t;1::-k l an aI iate l 'id ra l~cr it vis.11 iIat
tA onaor:-.. i itl Bonet Capl aoI n toe
! neataae i a. (o..tfi
fl 1iI" lin . ,e:iieaau ' ara,. hno he it a-t'
In O01lion to j33 erittiI itoo nat. '-nod
'-ib l h 03, ltitan itet tie tar taelrailaan l i icts
ta > itautri t, Irhu t hey: % ill s~3)ill on ac
rusistaf rcspee ,tltr:iiy. S itiof 18oao
J3telt;l C .as Jiaad A and 'IInj
ia h 11 t .lea : !t"l tcrllleuinau~i
I I arnIraetha of at Et'ah tInd (tlra~ai
i i -.lti iaetat, :t i o~ttO nxic o n willfo
Ilies tolf repetablit. r . S i-r si'.of a. 315
*ttuilatl lo :al h.!as ha severalat I year,. ex
pltllaa:Z t'as~ a:1 Teacher.l ard and la uiiar
oi-orocatal t s1 termo~s t.('altrIi.
941 lI : '-t!-.e~l,r ttu fo r i-h~l l ll itc
IiI4. f I' iniE1Vi4 I~ illirIt', and1( Corps will
jtrnefrreview 2 ai Erll (ill ait t1he resj~ec
tii .eI iO4'4.4 i.l f9:.l2Iu olo'vj~ri. viz:
Thrae furt 0:2 ime o I 2i:tIry at%%l
li12 II0t1' o: S;zttrdav the 2J. El of' J ugC iii
J 'f'le~ :3rd {~:( ir''tl of Cava.lrya', at liaun
Ii,('11 I ig'. Oi" l ulls--, til 'it-Ila the 21kn ,11
Tfi.he I ol Re;I 1444':I! 1,I :;' titry :i: ihcy'z,
04:1 2" :;trJ!2i it::1 :;u2tt 4:1 .1 221:.
T h i t!: 1i: : ;1 i of I21t:1i4?'r' at the Old
. Welk oi ''r.w!a.' the1 3rd Eof Ju11,'li ext.
'1 I11 th lU(12i a aett of Infantry t Lowe's,
fil''tt* 2ii Il' :aE'i1 aa '. air\.l"; .~c
''t 1:2.2 !i l t'; i t 4,1 :fat ,arv at ilicli.
Thie $:ha I e(';intt~nu of' likiiitrv :;t Mtor
row's old1 fild.c oni Sazturday the I itlt of
TIhe G~illa~ 11?irnc:1 of Inazntry at Lomnax',
4111'l'1IeSda1ytv 4 fi Mill of S al'..
'I'lic'11t Regi i e)nt o)f Intau try at loytl's,
0on TIhuirsda~y theC 19'th July~.
Thelu "11 ;t [1 ca' 11U'4t ol ' Iliiv at ParF1'3
ol14 f'iel. 441n Saarl'421 the -list of J uly.
Th'le 10ua11 R sint Eof' Cava.'lry' at Bel
fast, on3 T'I.1tl 1110,2'401I oh'Jutly.
TIhe :3s, h RI 41211, t (I'l I ot:t:t ry att Kel
ler', old4 ia(4 444ili I'hii EI;I the '2il, Eol Jul i.
44 Ie::ha C( .~'inen oal Iniiat ry ait Lug's,
(4:: Sa:t irnlly the 2Nallso (E l..
try~ at1 'Wilishoro', on4 Tuesday the Slat of
'11."' (;it Irginccnt of' Cavalry at oges
022 '114r~E!1I. I IkE'! 411of A iigiit neIxt.
'1'11;: !)tjil i 22E 7ila Regiment of' lInfut
ry ati ('e; r~e.r jils, on a ~turd1ay the 4th of
'Flu' :: 111 1'r"2i~n1 o'f' Intfanttry at York -
viletil 'i'iit -';:t, the 7t12 of .' ugutst.
I ''I' ;: .1It ICS ''.,~n a of cd if'atry at TEbc
ll''Y.'lr, (34 Ii 2i'.liy mit I9E1 11 o'A i4:l2!t.
'Flie 33, Ii 1 .*Li nrt:n of' Inf'aintry at JUnion
C. II EE2t'. 2341 .(EP:ila the 3:thi of1 A igtist.
The4 -15th 11 cgiti2t of' I nfantry at the
foirm lfactor(-, ona %Vedmesday the 15th of
The2( :i(.zh Ti "!!iitiCnt oif Isnfatry ait Tim
121441) ol fIE ield, 04n Satur4daiy fihe 113111 of'
'file :37th Ileiie(nt EEC 1ifalntrv', at Vsil
ki's old field, oil 'I'ue'~d:y lie 2 I.t of'
'ThIe !;il I1ecri:Ileft Eof' (':i'.alr". at C:f'nevs
old likll. o442 'I'Iina,'+iv. die 2 : :,:I of' Auhgust.
Th l i I tRu'i a12':11 El' luI u a414'lt I!.ru -
ti~i4'2, 444 : "'14 t '1'3, rle' 1st of1 Stt. nest.
't'he 3rd Le eriaain't ou' I fiaf;u'ry ;it'loe
old4 stor'e, o') 'I 44 '411' the( .lt of' .'~etc er.
- 't'he 1I I~, 1 2:44 0 of Caval~ry at P'iens
- jil(, 4o41 '1 Iii r'"ay til't- lii of SeI.tri(ihlbr.
''( 5th Ii 1' 4124 44 Ed I 1f';42t2y at Iu
te';=, tina S.2 tE24'If the Silt EEf Septemrber.
he 2nd R'""inln of444 ItE:: Itry at hall's.
on2 TuC'eday tilt' I 1 ill Septemb'22er.
Theln "1'2 id I Jt.giman 4 ill' CIatry at M in
io)2, o)n lii'~~ thle 1;il1 421 Se.pi(1irh)r.
'Fie "101I i,.: ri ;:eat of I 44 itrv at Ver
remits'-, till :" 42Iiuril; the ilf.' l of Ii-i "('pt'nh'r.
1 Ilriw:ade will "I-5IP4il'1:' I;)r ir:.2lhI1,a aent -
n ear Soci.'iv I lilI. 4)22 ?:ltna the Ist of
October n:ext ; to irimaitn Luicainped sic
Thle 29.t11 llegimniit oft Inftlntry wit'll pa
rad4e fur r'eview atntI driil It 72 I):uin gt41I1 C.
Jl4?.(', o44 7lodoi }"i: tile' 'h Eof ()4.'oler.
T 'he Wizll I~E'gianlcnt or Iii':. airy at1 flen

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