OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, June 27, 1839, Image 3

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i,. DG Fl' Ll I . 1
TiHUtSDAY, J UNE 27, 1d39.
An interview is requested with the wri
ter, who signs himself "Augusta."
The Hon. George MeDuffie, arrived it
Baltimore,on the 18th inst.. and took lodg
ings at the Exeltange lintel.
The Mlacon Telegrapibof the 18th inst
says: "the drought still continnes, and n(
appearance of rain. The Weather las
week was hotter, than ever hefore knowi
in this place, On one or two lays, it
some situations, the thermometer was al
to 100!"
The Memorial of the Officers and Ser
geants of the 8th Brigade or Snuth Caro
lina Militia, on the subject of raising thi
salary ofthe Adjutant and Inspector Gen
eral, is worthy of the attention of our Le
gislature. The service of this Ol'icer i
of the most arduous character, and th<
office necessarily involves considerable ex
penditure of money. Ample remunera
tion should be given.
We have received thepamphlet entitlet
"Hints on Female Education, by Elia
Marks, M. D." sent us by our nttendv
correspondent. It is very sensible an
contains many judiciotus remarks. Tit
teachers of young females throughout ou
country, would be profited by its perusal
The introduction is peculiarly excellent.
The Narrative of Mr. Duan.-Th
extracts from the Narrative of M r. Duant
on the great subject of the Iudepender
Treasury, which we publish to-day, ar
of hiah interest and importance. The au
thor is known to be a gentleman of grea
intellect, and'of incorruptilble inteority.
His memorable opposition to Presidet
Jackson, cannot he forgotten by our read
ers. He nobly disdained to act contrar
to his own sense of right, anl to be a mer
passive servant of Executive will. H
would not be an instrument!& Come' hi
would, he refused) to commit what he emt
sidered -wrong, at the dictation of an
man, however emalted.
Several persons among w' hom are com
laies of our village, have planted til
Mlorus Multicaulis cuttings this season;
We regret to say, that many of the -
tiugs have not come up. The same h
been the case in many other places. Som
individuals in this place, are also engavi
in the culture ofsilk. The most exter
sive cocoonery is that of Nlessrs. G. L
Penn, & Goode, & Dr. R. T. Mims.
These gentlemen from an ounce of egg
have raised 40,000 worms on the nativ
Mulberry. They have all flui-hed spit
tt _g, passed through the chrysalis stat
and have baid about five millions of egg
The time employed in raising this basrg
crop of eggs,wvds not more thtan six week:
We have seen a specimen of the rasw sii
which has been made. It is fitne aut
The~ bugs.-The bugs which have fc
t wo years past, desolated the corn-fields<
ottr District, have dlone great dama~ge
th.. otrt crops itt sotne neighborhomds. I
that section of countty fying otn Big Tot
key Creek, several planters have intforme
us, that they have not made mrore tha
half a crop of oats; others have said, thi
they have made none. During last weel<
we went into the extensive oatfield of.
platnter in that neightborhoodl, and wins
cd otnrselves, the ravages of these insect:
The grain was so mucht injured thtati
matty spots,it wvas scarcely worth reaping
On the ground beneath the shenves, lat
a large quantity of black logs, matny<
which settled on Qur person, greatly toot0
annoyance. Not being-partial to the stud
of entomology, wve shook them off ase spec
dily as possible. We resolved from thr
time, uever to set font into an oat-field1, r
any other field, which they claim as thci
peculiar Domain, uintil they wecre extermtir
ated front the face of thne earth. We are irl
formed. that they are nowv attacking thm
corn-fields of several of otur farmers.
[Heaven send us a safe and speedy delis
Contradictionl.-WeC copy the followin
from the Carolina Gazette:
- a-The Raleigh Standard a week or tw
-s *nee, scattered a'portion of its abuse upo
'the Mladisoniant, by way of charging thm
4jotorious5 Reuben M. Whitney, of hemn
Editor of that paper.
We see from the Star of the 29th ol
the editor had recei vedl letter fromt TPho
Allen, Esq Editor of thme Madisonian,i
which hie denties the charge downmriah
and states that Reubent Whitney wasi
Mississippi, attending to his own privat
. ot withstan~ding the dlenial-that Renhe
is noto, the efficient editor of the' Madist
niatn, it is by no means certatn, that It
neer was.
The Month of June.-This monut it i
s~td, derives its name either from Juniore
the Jtuniors, as dturintg its continluancet, tht
youth among the Romans, beld ant assem
blyl for 'heir recreation, or fron,' Junit
Brttus, whto drove out the Tarquin famil
- ET, a etis etir4c ed r se r
!fany writers say, that June derives it
nne f..a Jo. who was in the Cl:ssi<
Mytholozy, the Queen of gods and men -
The Romans dedicated this month to tha
godles. B ai ley says,the painters rormerli
. represented June in a mantle of dark grasi
-green, having the head adorned wit
a coronet of bets, haag-cobs and maidet
hair, holding in the left hand an angle, it
the right, Canfcer, and onl the arm, a brs
ket of ummer-fruits. Poets and novelis
love to speak of the month of June. Or
nothine do they delight more tW expatinte
than the balmmness of the mornings, tl:
brilliance of the mid-day, and the cal,
ness of the evenings. of this period. 'Tit
indeed a grateful theme.
June is eminenly a poetical month. Na
ture now dons her richest and her gayest
robe of green. She is now in full dress.
The chill winds which lineered throughon
the month of May, have fled afar, and the
gentle breezes breathe upon us. The
temperate fervour of the daly. now inviaor
ates our weakened framesg-new life isin
fused into us-the dull current of our blood.
now makes its rounds more freely.
The pale invalid now walks abroad a
new mati. He no longer dread fhe pier
cing blasts of Winlcr, nor the fickle wea
ther of Spring. lis weaknes-his rack
ine pain are forgotten, and health tiloomw
upon hischeek. te can now wilk forth in.
harmed, and look upon the glorious sun ris<
the brilliant sun-set, & ihe cloudless blue
ofthe heavens. What tr'ansport fills his sonE,
lie feelsgrateful for the return of health
healih, the greatest. earthly hoon whiel
God bestows on men, and which none
prize,suve he who has lost it, and regaine
it. Let him rejoice! Lef him lift up hi
heart in thankfuloess, for rhe bright am
beautiful days of June ! Alas! they ar
fleeing rapidly away! Already the subri
ness of summer has come upon us! Al
realY, has the sun ioured down upon us.
his fiery ardotur! Oh for 'the geutle Souch!
Would iie preserve our bodies in heathi
and vigor? Then away wih excitement
Away with debauch! Let temlieranec
U and cnnness of soul, be our c mpanion
it our families-amid the company of ot.
frwnids and in ourjourneyings o the way
Front our C trrc ,ponde'nt.
COLUMBIA, JU.NE 17, 1839.
e Not long since, I visited a section of* ih
Rail Roat now in constuction, fron thi
point to Branchville. It is the heavies
work of the kind which I have ever seen
fand the fidelity of its execution reflect
e great credit upon the contractors. Tha
whole Road I am informed is under cont
tract, awd there is no doubt that whei
completed, it will be one of fite finest road
~ in the world It is believed, that it wil
be in operation in little more than 1
e twelvenumb, and you may % ithout heci
tation give te idle rumor about its ahau
do~nmaenit, to the wind. it is true that tha
work ni ill cuoi umore thau was anat:cipantedi
Sbut the ex pendiature already of a large suom
the letting out of al the contracets, amih thta
spi-rit oh coterprize tf wich~l outr peopl
.have giv en nio smaalh proof, wilt emsure it
completion. Thbis Road is much eedei
not only by Columabiat, hut by a large por
r lion maf the State. # ith naot the least >er
stonal iaterest int the matter', I' can-say witl
truth, that the public weal demands it.
Conmiais the mtarket, anti must ever b.
so, of thousanids of our people. Thte Con
garee River, (without much of a fleure
has not beena woth much more for ntavig.a
tion during the last several tmon:hs, thai
the Beaver Dam Cteek of your Village
It is tnevetr a good, safe River for Steana
Boats to this point, and butt a litale whill
sice I heard one of the nmst enaterprizinj
citizens of itts TIons n declare, that their in
troductioni was a fatal erro~r.
Dr. Marksa has jaust closed his Femal
r1-Isitute, and 1 am sorry to say foreret
rNo) man ever lived among us, who ha
done sdi much for the cause of Female Ed
ucattion, and I an sure that by the bette
r'sex at least, his searvices will lie loang re
rmembered. Between ten and tweni'
years ago, he mnemoriaslizetd outr Legisla
-tore, andI at temptedl to obtain soa'e actiot
aby which the stamadard of Fen-.ale Edluca
tion should be elevated, but succeeded onlF
so far, as to get a favorable report fr-om the
Commit tee, of which the hameianted Grimke
was Chairmati. The Legislatur-e refuse<
to do any thingt hut with a spirit mad de
votion rarely equalled, he estsalished m~
Institutiona in the vicintity ofthe- To~wnx, a
r a very great expense. and to the presen
r' timie has consecrated his entire energies ('
i this holy purpose. Of the maarner ii
which he has dlischarged his ditties, thtot
sandcs in this. and the contiguous States
Scan bear testimony. I regardl the disc-on
tianuatnce f~ hai, Schuool, as a ruablic c-alai
Lty. I send youa a pamphlet written b:
him, entiti-d "Hiinrs on 14male Educa
.Mr. Bucekinughamn hafjust coactuded
short course of lectaures on Palestinoe a
this place. lie is all. I think, that the pa
pers say ofC him There is one feature it
slistectures, that pleases me very muttch
a lle reprobates in a very decided imaner
the persccutiton of the Jewsa by the ('bri+
tiatns, andt characterizes such condauct ai
at war with that spirit of charity andl for
sbearance, for which the !!reat Atuthor o
ou- religion was to remnar!;mbl.
AmBBVI LW. DIST., S. C. .1une22.
Mr. Editor:-A few days since. I visit-.
ed . field of wheat in the neighborhood of
Cambridge, for the purpose of witnessing
ite depredations of these inects of tie
Seas.m. and to my great sorrow I stv
them a11( the lIrects of theni aso. The'y
have injured wihent somewhat, hut not
greatl%. They increase so rapidly
and spread so overonr firms, thnt we are
t. .'ul that the remainuer of our crops will
snlTer very niich by them. Sinere the
wheat has been cut. I discover that they.
have attneed on-ts, with such renewed
vigor, thnt I do iot hesitate to say, thnt
there will not be more thran lalf crops of
oats gathered in this neilghborhood. There
is a field of oats now in, my view, which
not more than 10 days ao. hade fair for a
vood harvest. But how the scene hisichan
ged! Since that time, there are whole
acre- now lying prostrate; I have been
credibly informed, that the bugs are so
copious in some fields, that a gill might
be collected from one stalk of oits. Now
I do tint sav that any person was so acc
rate as to nieaure therm, but thev are pro'
suied o he thus copious. I aim very fear
ful that if they continue to increase, annd
spread over the corn crops, that there
will be a great failure of' this grain. Ifa
drought should succeed. I see nocl ance for
us, but to substitute half loaves for whole
Oiies. C.
Na.Ew ORLEANS, .atine 12.
Outr advices received on Saturday hy
arrivals from Tampico. Mmanmorns. antid
Vera Cruz. teiem with the darkest forcho
dings for this unfortunite ciruntry. Fr m
every State an Deprtimentu :econtis oh
Irealon an:l atnarcly were pourinlg ill. andl
aniler aggravations that would lar com.
parison with those tra!redies ciormmonlv
acted in old Spain. The Mexi-an Presi
-lential chair is no sinectire at presetii.
Santa Alin wields the iron rod of com.
marnrd with great dexteritV : hat his blorws
tire required to fiall so thick and heav.
ihni there is but feeble hope ir the hero
if Vera Crutz %%ill be able to htld 1111t very
long. Airvady the States orf Guanaumto
.an almsoand San Liis de Potosi have
snccesilly resisted hIis tm13alnates; and at
the latest thales were mrkiari vigorotis er
forts to re-organize at ntirrmy. that seemrred
to indicte ireenl fecall 01 the frcei s til
dier Bustramntte and Ari-in, to prevet tire
trtotal annihilation of Centralism in the in
terior. Prom General Urren the news is
not at all without hope. Ib is strroided
by l!ustarmente and Arisia: and on the
night of the 27h tl. the laonr suceecdel
in surprising ati caturing a smtall fort
ornmanding the eitrane to the river
where lay i triflinr and ill-armed sclhoon.
er, which also I into his inandls wivithor
I resistance, exeept- lint the boravery of a
single French Allicer, with sore'five ora
six of ins crew coul.t dot-The rest of his
dastard <glidsurrendering withot a blow!
The city of Tarnpiro is saO well forrililed y
:he Fedlerailists, thrat Baustnmtente rtoghrt
it utseles~s taa atacrk it withaot more imeanas:
arrd aecordinrgly he dlespateLd n hr:-ia to
Vera Cruzx for hreaivy artillery, homhri, &c.
Ir aorder thrar somne ideat mrieht be faored
reerardhing tire reral staite of the inraior of
.Mexico, we trrsinare the folowinrg itemfs
Ifrom Sanota Ana's (Jhlicial Garzete:
"Oar the 18tih Muyz a le comandaant
genetrl of .Miehoatcan and1 Ganaajunato ad
vised the Mirnisier of War aind Marine.tlhar
Manruel Velez, at the head of 30)0 menr
enmered naid took possession of Uraa mi
on tire 12th., burt after a severe caotest. int
which some ment were killed ota baothr sides,
tire government troops srcceeded in dis
lodIginig thre fronm tire forts.
-Onr the 21st tire citadel uif Gutadalajara
awas bretrayedi by an enrsign of artdllery rmito
the hanrds of Monterreger, Garcia Vargras,
& aoter appular leadlers ofthte pat riots ini tire
dlepartment of Jaisen:. It was iammeadi
arely garrisoned by more thanr 400 Feder
--Ahnrut tire samre time, the sqauaron of
o aperationas in D~urranto rev'olted, anid opren
ly dechlrrerd in favor of IFedeerion.".
TIhe abiove facts, selected fromri a hn.
dredl of a simuilar decscriprtion, are enotrgh
to mrarke it evidlent that even the c:apture
of Tarmpico, is no to dlecidhe tihe cont'est
hretiween the hreiligerent pairties.
Tast UJsrov. STArTs asa MuEstco.-It
hrma. breen a mnarter of mrnehi specular:in,
why thre U. Strates Governmtient have air
deredi so lairge a nnrval force tupont the coast
oif Mexicau, T1he sucecess of the Fretrch
in threir coercive nregoceiations, hras taught
the UI. Stattes, that inr her intercoarse with
that power, tire only ellective argumahent
that can hre uised is force. Thre unwatrran
ted delay of tire Mexicant Goverrrnment to
granlt aar indenity to oaur eitizeans for spol
intionrs, arnd tire prar iriationrs used hv rhat'
prower ini confirminrg ire treaty aof arbritra
tionr, ha~s plraed the U. Stares in tihe posi-.
tion, either to comrpel thie Mexicans to
meet their engagemenrts,or to neknrowle~dgei
threy hrave neither thre p)ower or inclitnation'
to tiefenrd their citizenas fromt pirattical ag
TFhe defear of thre Jfederalists will tenrd
tarconsolidate the party, that hrave beean
tire aruthors of all the ntggressionrs rupoar
forrciener4. Unaless mrenasures are takenr Io,
coimpel themr to respect aus, we tmav look.
for new anda negravated inrsualts.
Tire pa-ific policy of t he Unitedf Startes
hais beenr ecrited to an extent, in the negej
aiiations~ with Mexicon, that has alrendvl
cotmpromrised tire na rtionral hronror in the eyks
aof thea Euiropeian powvers, aind it is now
rime thra we shoulrd week redress at hle
mromah o f our cananrm.-- Bulletin..
Nm;w Oni.: s, Jurne 12.\
A commrrerciahlrhonie in this city., hri~s
kittaly favorred aus wit h thre fnrloawing~ extracd
of a letter~ received ihe othrer dray from thecir
corre~1pondaent rat Vera Crurz;
T 1he Alexienna Gaovernmernt is organri.
-,:.. -man-m arr fGt) me' withr whlir b
to recover the sovereignty of their lost
Protince of Texas, and nppear deter
mined to make a desperate elflrt to ef
rect it."-Ibid
From the Louisiana Adcrrli.cr, of the 13th in
-Capt. Kenny. of the schooner E mhie..
nrrived vesterd:v fron M ttinmornas, sen*
lint on the 4th insf. (two udays previritn
to his departure) 5110 Cuinr tie indi n,
attacked the 1exienn residentq on the
north side of tle river Rio Grande; killed
anout thirty of them and plundered o-'
destroyed every thing they conhl hy tli
hands on.
A tiasseneer on honrd he Emlilem. also
inform its liat Git. Lamiiaq harl taken
possessioni of the chiv ofDiraiigo, the Cap
ital of thr mate of that name. and also the
town of Satillo and was niarching on
Zncnteens, ahoit200 miiles distant from
the former place.
The whole interior was in arms anniner
the unvernitent. and it was supposed that
General Bustanenie would have to guit
his siationi iear T:Impico, !nd proceed to
the interior. Mainmorns wns still in pos
wesqion of the government partv.consisting
of about 1000 men. who, iiistea of rejoi
oein at the denriti of Gen. Mexin. were so
disgiisted with the villainy and cruelty or
Sanita Aoin, 'ht it wos supposed thev
would ol'er their assi-tance to the federal
nrmy in cnse or an attnek, which was dnily
expected. A Mexienn passenger on the
E. laIniel it the, idea of tle acvergnent
party ertertaining even a hope ofever he
ing able to take possesIon of Tainpico.
The President of the U. States will soon
leae W aslington ott a visit to the North
We hope, that wherever he goes. lie may
receivi thait attention ywhich is dle to his
oflice as Chietf Mteistrate of the Nation.
anid to his cbara< ter as a getimiian; and
that no party fcelirizs may he siifred to
intrude into any party deionitrarious of
respect which mav lie extenled towaird<s
hin. As the President, he is erritled to
attention, and a.4 a geniteman, his uniforni
dignity antd propriety of de:.ortmen make
it due that cutriesy and politenlesi shoild
be proipily exhiltied in all intercourse
with him.-AlWrandria Gazette.
The New York Corier. in copying n
letter from iie Richonud Enqnirer, stat
inog that Mr. Stevension has procnred froim
the British (iGoveruinent coiiipensation for
the shaves wrecked on ie Bahamas n3s:
-We are sorry to say we mne donlt tIe
correctness of Ohe initelli gence it prn oids
to co'niniiniente. In Ithe casi of Ihe slaves
wrecked at Bermuida, the British Secre
inry of Sinte poiively refuwer to give the
rteniaimeration req:ire'd by our Miister,
Mr. Stevensoun."
Ban k and Boll Road Dividrnd.-T he
Smbih Westeri Rail Roala k Ins de
dared :i dividend f'.50 cets per share, on
the ist Bank itsiilient, fron the ist Jan.
iiary last, piny;ble .n anld ater the 1st
prox., being at ite"te of8 per ceit PIr
anuium. The Loisville. Cincininati and
Ciarlestoi iR ail Rond Cotinny, havede
claried a dividend of :, ets. per share. liniig
2 per cent on thie( whoe aionunit paid in.
This litter dividenid. we presmiein, i6 from
the profits of the Charleson & 1iamtibur
tond.-Charleston Courier.
The Georgia Rail Road,-A tGieud his
drawn our aiention to the report of it
Chief Engineer of tihe Georginu Rail ((olid.
i t shows ai flourishiine state of. ailiir.. T1hme
oumber ofr paissenigetrs t ravelinig on the
road fromt Maty 1, 1S838,10 May I. 1S39,
were'.!8 001-'amount receivedI'or pa~ssuige
anlone ~66.1.40 97- uount of freinui, ir
voliumiis for UGeircin emierprise.-Sauan
nahl Georgian, 19/h inst.
As it should be.-T hr Beeretary of War
has joined~ the Tempernce Soelety, anid
lhe sems idetermuined toi make every oine
connected wih tiihe Arm "~iiloliow in Is
rootsteps5." By hi- temnperanee orders re
certily i..snied, he has not ioniy f'orbiihilen
the Ca;diets nt We,.t Point to nu s pir iii
ous liquors, but even the hoard of Visiters.
Exam iner.
"Thme si/ken tie tat binds taco cilling Awarts."
On Monday, the 17thu June, by the Rev.
Riciari hi Toidd, .lr. Jgmiies Mceinney,
to .iss Aul hidna sectonid diauttr iif M1r.
Jonat hani Johnasotn, al ~of Ahhtevitle Dist.
lIn Greenville on the ~d inst. biy the Rev.
Mr. Stueppaurd, Mr. Johno Rmitnge of Edge
fieli Distrier, to) Miiss Saraht A. Mi. daugh
ter~ of Bieverly Borum, Esq. otr~reenvilk..
On Tuesday the 28th May, 1839,hby the
Rev. Mr. Gibdlersteev'e, 'ir. Willisoni I.
Bleaztey. of Ahheville istcrict, to Miss
Mairihn, econdt daiuhter of .Mr. Johno Mc
Master, of Charleston. S. C.
Died, at her residence on F'lat reek,1
Limenisier Disitries, on the 9tth inst. Mrs.
CATII EnIN E HIAIL, in the 102d year.
of tier atge. 'The decenised waus born
Rappid~ahammekVirginiian, in Mlarch I7
anid removed to her~ late r sidenuce ont Fhnu
Creek before the Re'voluitioniary WVar; in
early vouth site was a school naute oif tuie
Patriot Gen. Simner anid has breen a wvidow
for tie lass .45 yentis, her hiusban-i' haivinug
died in Colomitia in D~ecembter 1791 whtile
attenidini. to his duties as Repiresenitative
in the State Legislt~uure fromi Linaester!
District. F~or mtore thian 70 yeairs shie has
been a zi'nlotns and cnistanit miember of the
Banptist Chu irh.--1lercusry
Died A t is residence in Gr.'enville Dis
trict oti the 13th itnst. M r. Charnle< itenson.
aged 74 years. The dle'ensetd was ai nni
tive of Carohinie County, Va.. hitt removed
to Sonth Carolina, diil-ing itie tiiiiof ithde
Revolutionary wvar. atid has beein a~ vaina
ble citizen of this District upwards of 30
A,-'URI will be de ive'redt ini ihe
LF'ur Hiansr, this Evasiso.
'Tickets 5 cenlts. at ther Druc Store.
Thuarsdavy. June '17. 1M'J9.
M niinisterial i onfe'ence.
Trhe Ed -,efiell 1ip'ist .iinisterinl Con
ference will meet in this place on Well
nesdav next, at 9 o'clock, A. M. Preach
ing oni Tuesdiny night pre-viiiis. lie
Commcit ee of sevel Oll l1I igion s puiblica
lions ar' regnested to ine at lite s:nie
ltme. W. H..JOHNSON,
('rm of the 'on fernce Comt'ice.
Camup .1elbin'.
111 lE nptist Church ai Gi:gni, lilgeleld
DiIstrict. have appointed n1 Camp-oceet
ing to Colimence with ltheiml, on the Friday be
fore 3d Lord's dav in Amiint next. It is ex
pee-ed, that, enrii',g lhe meeting, the hon.<e now
in iildiig. wirl he dedieated 14) the service of'
(od. 3linitering lretihein are invited to at
tend. * By order of' the Clireh.
J. M.Cl1L'-S Pastor.
June 14th, 18:9.
YDivine periissioin. I vi i preah on
lmoindav 24tlh inst.ai Siloam.-Tinesdays,
at .eilmvsip.-Wednesdty, -it D:insncs.'
Thursday. it iMonrtain Creel.-Fridnv. it
Stephens' Creek.-Saturday.at Gilgal.-'nn
day, at I'Led Ifill.-mondnay, at Anti ci-and
Tuesdav. at Pleasant Grove.
Miinistering and other brethren. who may see
these appmtmUients,will make them pl'ollic.
A ILLI. P. Hill.L.
Junle 3. 189C1
Brought to the Jail
O F this Di:.;rict. a negr man b. the name
oif DAV E. fth is hetw een:'> and 40 ear.
of age. five feet 8 or 9 inchews high. le' says
that he belotgs to a company of men on the
3bcon Rn il Rond, llihh county Gn.; the Cil
lowing are names of' the gentlemeit. viz: Dr.
Winn, Dr. homas. John Thoimas and -aninel
Hunter. The om ner is requn'sted tit coime filr
warl, prove property, pay clhneres and take
him awn.C. J. G LOV Eu, J. E. ).
Junlei27, 18:19 tj" 21
T iiake tolice.
N the :d of.inie. a Ilorse ran nway from
dugeliehl Vi.!age. with a Saddle. lBiidle,
and ndle bu.gs. Tle saifle-hnezs liave sic.
be'- oeid, aid restored. The ho(e I' h:s al;
been f'od. but the sadd:e is still tissiig. It
is expect(d th-11 soiIe person ny have int'tc
the sai(dle oE and titr.-d the 1lorse loose.
'The .:idlle is not mech weorse of' wear. it
has a orciine and girth tm -I won. wii1
Bra - stirrups. Likewise on the smice iight. I
por'ket took was lost. c'nltaining 37 or :-: in
Unniiev of the dillient iks of' thie State; 3:
dollar.s were f-irded ins : piece onf paper. nad '- or
dolillrs were in tie leaves of' the ;io110 Thi
Book is what is c:ecl Prestotn's l'ocuk i Wi 1,1. t.
and tied vith n.bllte string. lie owier's metie
is written on the inside and IIe believes it to be
elatedthe 29th. April. %3t. .\nv person finilin.
inv o' the above iietioined articler. tip'tcn givina
iiformation tic 31aior Thioimta.. Baco:c, of the
santme, Wil' be liherally rewarded.
.1 n. InS. 1:; ) C 20
A bbeviiie La~nd% frw sale.
I 1l.[. ie .-ad irfivisier n a A be ille C.
II. Ito the first lotnldnr in S.ptember
next. 157.; :res of' vnalet~n 6rends, in 2 tracts,
viz: 1000 anres. known s tile Wailerville tract.
lV ng 8 miles ,ouibc of Greenwool. nit. the 31a
this road-this trnet is well improved. a:d in a
high state of' eltivationl. with 50W acres cleared
-there ar' otc it, itn excelle it twi stor' dwei
limr hoise.good Gin-lonse. Barn and Carrinig
hotise. with all oilier c'rer iont itimi.
atndl nu excellent well of' good water in tlhe
The tilier iract cont:iitis 57f' acres. adijoitiing
Newimiarket. within two miles of' the Green
wood Andemii's. It has 100 acres cleared, 40
of which are freh-a good ih'ellinr hoise anttd
Kitchen, with other ont bitildiigi. inl aIn ex
celltnt Spring of ;'iod water within 2110 yards
of tie hose. Terms made known on the day
of sale J.0h.N PARTLOW
Jnute 1st, 1839 rit 19)
The Col mbirn Tele'scope will piliishc thte r
hove 'ill the dav cf saie. antd tior -ilr the nc
cocunt toi thce sicbscriber, at Newmatrkect, Iior jiay
mnent. J. P.
Not ice.
1 order of thce O rdirn'rv. wcll he sohl all
.* E dAgelieldl C. I otn thti first Mondlay itt
. ily 'ext, ole a credit til- thce 2>th of' De'emtc
her nrrxr, Seveni Nnegrecs of the I .staite oif Ed-l
ward Garrett, dleceatsed Notes atid se'crity
reqirced of' pnrchascners.
JA'rES' alhTLER,
unto 0. 1~igent of 1he Ecctor.
I) 'i vir:nte of' soiitry' waitis *f/icrifcins, to
9 me directed, will be seold at ildrfiehld
Coctrt Ilinwe. on the first .\loinday' aird Tttesday
itn Jculy tcext. tihe l'tllowing property. viz:
[B. r Ale [Do. aid. Assicne vs Thcoas A.
Cobbi andii Jameuis Carter, oze lions" acnd Lit
in the teewi. of' flamibuirg, knowi as the prop
c'rty ofi Thecmnrs A. Ccibb.
Meetze & Banktnitght. Assignrers. vs D. G".
Haves. otne tract of lern-l conh'iinte 0144 acres
mtoire or less bunttded lhv Johnc Cront,. (Cary
Snel- rove rcnd Plymiahe l. Fort and others.
Term's Cask.
WV. II. MOSS, S. E. D.
10th Jnoe, 1839 19
T H I Co partersehip of H L.JarreRs& Co.
of Hiamburg, Southc Carolina, was dis-.
solved (in the 1st of .Augus, 1838, by mutttul
consent. All uinsettled busitness of the conicern
wvill be attended to by H. ILjefferi.
Hamburg, May 2H83 LJE1ErS
Nbeg leti"' mostresepectf'ully to info'rc my
.1 friends, and the public genierally, that Mr.
HUMennsYS BoIutw~nZ hass associated himsetf
~vith me, and tat the business 'will hereafter Ihe
Alone ucider the namie of JEFFE RS $r BIOUL.
IW. RE. nndi hope that a cotincuationi of' the.
ihernt patronatge hitherto bestowed. will be
wrecited atnd received.-.
1h-embi'ry. niy 13. 1839 nic 16
/ IN Hf.'l MIIIURG,S. C.
H E Suh.i-cribers heg leave to in form their
frierids, and the pnblic generally. that
th2ev hav'.e ass'ociaited thcemtselves tog ethier in the
*Tuiwn nil HJamurtg, for thte purlipose of' trans
'actincg a general
G3roery andi Commission Business,
;in whinch enitacity they offehr them'isetl'es to the
public. and ho'.". by a strict aitnd close attenticin
to biusiness, to r.-ceive a liliraul chaire of ptatron
nge. Thteir S'tock shiall ever be c'otmpiced of the
most choice atnd we'1 seleicted artictes usually
~ept ine a Grocery andit St'eele Dry Goods lithe.
All Orders, or let'ers5 addnressedt to themn for
~ny articte. or bitn'iness on C'oiinission. shall
snert weithc car~elcn! aitenitiot aini hesenateh.
IHamhnrc. Mayi 13. 1t839 cc lii
.Ilgyprenes W~anted.
O '' or woen lloy'.. finit 14 tce ' yeairs of
n,. w'ho cant rerni nnti wrt' ell, w.ill
Fe shni ns nurendtiret' -at this Oflice.
Abont Brandreth's fills,
.1 HJi 1t E thlA.~J .
IIES. Pils are a Vegetable and U:.iver.
sa Medicine, proved by the exi erie ncet
nt tniisands to be, when properly perse t (I
With. It CERTAIN cure iii every form of'the Ust.y
Usk: Ds..%s:, ull havii.. the same origin, aiid
invariabhl. arise fron the U. iVI RSAL
ROul :111 i isee, iniely, 131P R Y,
or 1IPELUFLCT encnm-tion'o the ULOOD.
It a period ol little more than three years in
the Utei; States, the) hav. restored to a state
Dl nm..u.Lru 1n1 enjoytnett, oi er ON I- HUN
VILU TIl USAND persotis,who-weregiv
an IveN as ii enrab1e by plhysiciai:s of ,he first
rank Ltd standing. .in( in n:It:v ennies when
overy other remedy had been ;esorted to in
hit all cases of Paiti or Weakness, whetlir it
ib ctiroue or recent, whether it he deatheFs
or pain to the side. whethtet it aris. fromn coti-tittu
tional o. trolt smone itinedinie emise, whether it
Ile frot: inoi rnail or (xtertI injury, it will be
:t:rei by liersevering in the use of these Pillp.
Tips great perincii ot *Plik(GINi" in ai-k
ness is beginniting to ie a ppreciated. It is four:4
mtichmllore cotnvenn-u t to take sin ocessioai
lose o hail a dozen Pills. and he always well,
tian to stnd for a Doctor and be bled. blistered,
ind salivated-w% ith the certainly that if von i n
it kiied, yoi are stire to have miontli ot iti.s
:nle weakness, and the only one who is bene
ftied is your Doctor Look at the difference
lietween the appearance of those two persons
tme has beeti treated by your regular prdeti
ioner-see how pale and debilitated he is. see
1ow the shadow of death throws his solitarv
glance flroin his emaciated couttntenantce, s:;)
how lie treimbles in every limb111; his eyes sunk,
his teeth de:troyed-his contstitution pem hapi,
irrei ocably go: e-yet. nst hear how the Due.
or nrrogaes to hinselcredit. Ile xiy, ""ost
inveterate case ot liver coiipklaint"-"nothing
but the twist energetic reiedies .sared hiti."
Energetc easurts! i. e. Meretry and Bleed
in,. rmined his constitttion. better ay. $t'
save lifo. yott lmnst ll poison with that comn
lorter otthe teeth and gums.-M3lICURY
itd positively make a n1aa m1tiserable the rad
retalider of his existeice; this is called curit.
Sntockintg hully!
Lt nt utow look at your "purged" man-tho
ian who has takin Bratldreth's Pil s for Liver
Cotplaitt--he has the firti. elastic tread of
conscious strength, his ciiinntenance is clear
and serene. his eve is hull aniid spat k il with
tile fetliig of mew life- and aniimatioit; he hja
beeni cotttilned a few days to his bed. but he
usId nti but tie Tt'lS BtAsinuaTu PILAs,
.tti4 sootn rose withottt attv ittjuty being ststinin
ed by his cottstitul tif It. lustemtl oflbeing months
mt a we ak state.le will be soim ger after he has
ntire v recoveted tle attack; beeane his bltod
attd finids hava become pnrified. and having
purel away file old and itiptre fhiids, the sol,
ils are thereby retovted. atnd he is tint horta
own by useless particles, bit has renewed his
iill- a~i body holi.
'ihis principle of ptrging with Drandreth's
Pills retnives nothing bn: the useless and de
cayed particles frotm tihe bolV.-tIhe mtorbid itndtt
cor'rnpt humors of the blond ; those humiors
wh1ichl causle' dis, ase-th~er impiede the f inuc
tions of the liver % bei athcv settle upos, that
om.at und which when the'-y settle ttpotn the
muiiscles, produce rheinmatismu; or, oplen thle
nerves p-roduic gt; or. tpon the Iiigs piro
dhive consit tnption; or. upon the intesiiites. cos
tiveness; or, upon the linings of the blood ves
sels, apoplexy and paraiysis. aid all the train ut
disor'ers so ltelancholy to the suferer and al'
who behold theta.
Y-., ptiring these hurnors from the body
i; the trte r tire for all these coniplaitits. and
every other forim of discuse; this is no mere
a-sertion, it is a demons-rable truth, atnd each
day- is extendling itself. tar and wide it is be
coiing knoiwnt. and imore & mtore ntppreciaed.
rhe citre by purgin. may tiore cepend upon
It-. laws which produce sweetness or purity
than may he gr-ierally' iungined. Wlintever
tels to staigtate Will prodttce sickness, be
cause it tends to ptutrebetion. therefore the Ie
cessity ofetnstant exercise is seen.
Vhten const-it exercise cannot lie used
FROM ANY CAUSt, the occasional use of
OrENtis M1 tstcisr. is A BSO)LUTV LY req1uir
ed Thuis thte cosnurrsT of thet Br.oon. the
rot sTAiS or i.rr~: are kern free fromt tltose itn
,iiri:iies whlich would proevet its steadv cnr
rentt tminiisiering health. huhs. '.orbila inor
're preventedl froin becomiing muixed with it.
It is nanre which is thuis assisted thronthm thme
narans.% atnd utkts whtichi she has providled for
i)n.1lnnTrt's Orricas in New York.n-ro
50l B~RO Pt W~AY.187 Hlndsott street. and!270i
Blowery. b,,trren Prince and Hlouston-sts.
.Bewatre of coumnterlists. Drtuggists NEvEr
Otnly p'ae inm Charleston for Brandrethm's
V--getall Untive'rs~t Pills, which is hmy (own of,
lice. mulll openued for tlte exehtsive supply. Do
lnot hiorge't.
One door frutmt neen. is the otnly lacte for thin
trnte Braittlrethi Pills. Price 2l5 cents per bos,
with ftt'il directtns.
Thte- Gtnsuss Brandretih's Pills are sold biy
C. A. DOWD. Edgefield C. H. anid P'AIl
RtOTT & YOUNG, Hiamtburg, S. C.
June 5, 1839 aduf 18
A LARGE~ atmount of ntotcs and'accotintir
dlue to Lorrain Geddings, formerly of'
llutmburg. has beetn placed in the hands of the
subsriber. wvithi the positive direction to snte
upon all stnch of themu. as are not settled on or
before the first Mtondlay itn Jtne inext
J. P. CARIROLL, Jttorney,.
. Tnv 6, 1.438 if ]31
t, Public Notice
Shereby given, that a Petition signed he'
tecitizens at Edg'efield Court House, wvill
be~ presentted to the Hionorable the Senate and
Hlouse of Representatives of the State of Soth
Carolina, at its next session, for tile incorpora
tion of the Village of Edgefield.
May 21, 1843 10
Fresh Family Groceries,
.MONG whic are
Cuba, Laguira. and Rio Coff'ee,
Porte Rico and New Orleans Sugear.
'se Orleans and Cuba MolasseaZ
Hlyson, Imperial and Black.Tea,
Rico.,&c. &c. Forsealeib
April I, 1839. tf 0
$20 Reward.
ST )LFN on. Monday night. the 8th instant'
la the residence of Capt. E. B. Belcher,
a1 Patent Silrer Watch. with a Silk Braid Chlaitn,.
and a Brass Key attached to tt.
WVhostiever will deliver the said W~atch to
the subscriber, and proof sufficient to convi
the hief. shal. receive thoepbove reward.
A pril 17 1839) tf 11
Ff' ROM the subscriber on the
. s.-: 9th of May. a slim sord
93 llorse 7 ot 8 yearsol. about 15
-hanids high. Any person taking
him tip and conveying word to tme, oii Sninda,
riust below Isla nid Ford, shall be pv id for so dor
ing. JOIuN l'AY.

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