OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, January 12, 1842, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1842-01-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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By the Muit*ifle Paper we reev
ed infgmation of the sudden death of the lute
Teasurer of Georgia, Col. ThoMas llayn,-s. on
the morning of the 3rd inst. by appoplezy, in
the ftly..ixth year of his age. The Federal
Union of the 4th inst. contains the followingbrief
inkh of time or ices of this valuable ofirer and
god citien. whos loss will be severely felt
by o ist State.
- Col. Ilaynes was a Virginian by birth,
but bas resided in this State from his child
hood.--Endowed by nature with a power
ful mind and with snanners suited to the
democratic principles he hits ever chertsh
ed: few men have exerted more imflucnce
on the public mind than le.-His zeal and
activity as a ncutbor of the Legislature, to
which be was for mauy years returned from
Hancock county, and his services as Trea
surer of the State in which ofice ho died,
bear testimony of the confideuc-: tho peo
ple reposed in him. For several years past
the Standarl of Union has owed to his ge
nius the lacy and soul stirring articles
wbicb became the common property of
Democratic papers in all parts of the State.
Their powerful influence are ackuowledg
ed by all; but this Clarion which has so
eften called to the polls the Democracy of
Georgia is to be heard no more.
Bw&k Ocers Defeiery.-It has been discov
ered that there is a deficiency in thil accounts of
the Tellers of the Commercial Bank of New
Orleans, of upwards of $26.000.
Penoners.-The niumber of U. S. Pension
ers, who have died during the last year amounts
to M2.
Upper Crust.-" [low glad I am," said Mss
C., "that the tickets to this concert are sat high
-one dollar each. 0, we slil have a select
You don't say so. Poor thing-Basde up and
The A B C. for Storkrpers.
Come A. B, C, D E. F. G!
And pay your bill of bonesty;
Both for the old year asnd the new,
'Ten there's a happy year to you.
H,1, K, L M. N.O!
We wan't out money don't be slow;
Pray do not let us ask again.
Or spend our time and ink in vain,
P, 0, R., S, T. 1'. V !
Our casl we woald be glad to see;
Or if ourjust denands % ou'll pasy.
We wish you well another day.
W. X. Y. Z. and all the rest.
Come forward now, and do your best,
Come pay the settlement you owe,
We'll happy be, and wish you so.
J. A. V.
From the PLough Buy.
cuittoes rio.
Mr. Editor-Among tho many rcaks of un
ture which are to be fountd is this world, ote
came within my observation a rew days since.
which I think well worth a notice.
It was a fiste healthy Pig, about sit montthls
.ald.with twj wcll forted feet on one le.-. Both
feet came out below the lower joint oil the leg,
and although one of theim, when the leg wa,
raihed, had tle appearance of being a uelrss
was borne upon this leg. botth feet appesare'd
nauaadit mighst bo ssnpp1osed that they 'i rre
placed there for somse higher and nobler psur
pose, thain a mere curiosity. Thtia amnnsa maay
be scen at the pltantationa of Mar. llenrsy Wal
drom, abuvi ie r~ hnillage.
lintuvao, S. C,, Just. 3, l81:
Mr. Editor.--I take plea-sure ina ::sn
you thte result of mty first valo of ton an . -: -
in Hamburg. S. C.. tvhichs took pir ''
the 30thsthim:,. You will pslease i.
bt .1 . hwi. cat :. t'o-n -:toi tM~5N
- I6 ',. ov t1.4 ".'.
. i s0 by 1a54 ''.n
--159 50 byv194 '' 74'
,.zs :5 by 19514'"
-. 15 40)4 by 15. ' '60
-a 154 :574 by 10- " 2
.. in & l5A .174 by 190.O "lS
Total arnaom:t N ;7'
The terms of~ sale were, onetr haslt' ..,
the other half, six asoth:. ere-'lt.
The sale was well attentd'a. n'soiita
standing she unfavoarable wveaticr :,' the
time, and there was a f.sir ces'tl:Ian
among tho bidders. Is canntsot be su r
wise, than to socak favorably of' llan -
borg; and it is gratifying to me,'~ ihmt thse
tract of laud cont aiuinsg 330 acrev, was val
ned by commtissioners ujppmntted by the
Court of Equity. in Juno IHel, at $7,000t.
of which the above lots are part, say ahonat
three acres, brought snore mosney ilhan thec
whole tract was worth us :het commrensce
met of my building thse town.
I do not say thsat every thsree acs or
every lot will bring thae saanc amounst, bo
cause these are valutable lots; but thecre
are oslhers egually so; all these lots are va
cant, except two, on which thecre i-, a sta
The next sate will take pslace ott thec
26ths of thtis mouth, of whssch lfurthecr inalor
umations will he givent. Thiero are 70 lois
remaining unssold besides other property in
real estate.
Yours, very respeciftally,
" The silken tie thAs bauds taco siin hearts."
.\l A R R I E D.
On the 6ab ukt. by sa.- R,-v. Willtama P. liall.
Mr. G. F. R~u--ros, to Miss Fa.iscujs, eldest
daughter of William Atndrews, all of tbis dia
On dhe 22d alt., by ste Rev.8S. Kinaley, Mr.
JAxVas Ranstosj.ru of Greenville D~istrici, to
Mitss Cusas.ora Bazsaa, of Edgefiel, S. V.
Died, on time 6th nlt, of Scarlet Pever. ins the
34th year of his age. Ifomasar A inxasots. son of
Col. Wm. 1l. anid Sarah II. Moss of itesdis
Tis wass thte secosnd visitaitiont of the nmes
,....., rf...,,h to this atlliete:d famutly. e,:d
what pan-A o' g rief an. d what tears or u't row
weren spare. tm n by tihe ni-t it'emetdiately
previout demtth i'at 'anmiable and iovely dauigh
ter, wete now miat irom their disconsuuml-mae bo
soms. ii the I. r emitetineft of nit uflecoaoiate
and oblient Km. Ao.1 though in the lamanxatue
ofJacobi they m.itnit have -maid " Jorph is not 'iL
Si-ee is not. and ye will take Benjamnu away :
they werc enabled with Christian fortitude to
say ; ''The Lord gav.- and the Lord hath 'in
ken away. blessed be the name of the Lord."
Their imnortal spirits have gone to lilm, who
gave them, and the sure consolation for the
doating parents lowm. is their eternal gain.
0:7The f-iends of Shubel
ATTAW.A Y. anmoaanee himt a acandidate for
the Office of Tax Collector, of* Edgelield Dis
Jan. 5 tf 49
A N APPRENTICE to the Piinti"g b"o'
noms. A boy front 13 ta 15 1 eawr of' age.
who can read anid write, of good u ror.ab
Apply at thi.: Ofice.
Jail. 12. It"2
Wanted to Hire.
A NEG t MAN. aboumt 45 or A yar-i of
age. to w% ork ont it .mill laram InI tihe act or
ty of the Village. Y:ige< ,amml imontibly or
qarterly if required. Apply at this Office.
Jans. 12.14.
.VING. pujrciaad of .1exarm. Bryan &
H linor. tieir .-tii .tck of Gosods in tIhe
MercAault Tailorian ltniness, in thI.t place.
we wolid take, tii methoal of infornit.g gair
frienda mad tih piblic :-..nerally. th~at they canl
be 'urnihed :at the old ad ;r Bryan &~t; 311
nor. with Clothling. oil a1- gaaol terumi. amid ot
iniferior itt l nalia, to any- mimilar establihmenlt!t
-t the Sout mern country. We intend to keep
10 hantil at ali ttunes. a good stiock of
English & French Cloths,
and CAsatnnmai.s. elected in It- New Yaark
and Philadelphia 1Market?. t'gemther w ith all
other artieles 1tm omm1 lie; andi. to thase who it
vor tin with their patrionage in thia lit-siies we
would smy thatt every exetiaon fan our part shall
be ued to give periect -airactfin.
Jaumarv 1. Ia12. if 54)
Fair Notice.
I EARNESTYI ---quest aill ltia.-a tidaelted
tam me -.o Notei aed penia Acc oiunt. dme up
to tie- firmt of Januar.. IN-2. to coime lorward
aid liquidate tihema witmjt do lay. I owe mat,.
ner that must IN. paid ptmatminptly. and conse
qiutlv on..t collect; thio. gf mymv eaioniers
4witaIniebt due noine. e maiei abl. tie. are
herlay nt-tiflci that lomger indulgence caint
be0gs u
EV. U. I'1.SI'Y.
Jail M0if
F.11t1.ER*-' 110TEL.
FltnaUmIELn C. 11., S. C.
HE .UBSCRIBFR laving rentid.! tie
T eatablishment frmirlv occupied by 31r.
A. U. Additson. has titled it mmi for the ae.-i
inaition of transient aid perumecnt I.arders.
Time Hotel io near tie Cousrtlou.e, in avery
pak'sanit siignation. aId lie flatter" himi..elf 1hat
Iis tabl will tn ra compoar.on with any aa thi.
section of the couttry. Good stabliw atdI at
toutive Kervaute pre Jlrmvided, and in acjLin ery
thing that cal le dime on him part to renler
travelle.r and boarders comfirtable. nIll bn
;attended to.
IlA im ptaire l to miacamintimaa.ite twit ar more
f tammnh ,a mm mi h imad. ama timnm time- yeli I. amon mm
metl aimm good Macitt ol imia 'Iilli a. :am ta
ee, n ill imma it a ala-i~rabh' --mmamaa e - e dea~..e
IIiis chamres am all instaance wm all hem imada' tmao
c -orrsimmid wmith inw timm.'.
jamnariy 5, 1-12. :50 mmt
a..p.r ... mm.bi..' a. .a.- a e-- . m o a
a 1. :t i'm m'\V 1.1:5.
- . o.'.L .
.\. mm'e n . . r
ti aaam. i --
n:...~y .i : a.I
Ai.n :.' n -ah ne'.m: - '. - a''2
II ly 'a alh mm
lium c-r. Co :l' .\-'
i. ~ataamm& . . 1-- -. ... |'
Itm ata aammaa' .aa..c,. ~. :a th rla
llm,.Iiy.Ia.m u ..:I \
imitt. A at,, - mtm am. Aiim.-ehn
Umrd, l~dreal m . a.h . . n : -a
l~aimat~am.1.lm-Ia . eJ 0 . I oo
Uo.\aeG all.Iale-. .1 W
:C.\let-laend. Allen
lar~k. A m 2 Mcaalina. NblJ
Cola, Eldre . ( Mt ..t. AS Dr
1'ir cr..n . W V dh m l.a. elna I
Cla-. ' A m tad Nidoeh. Jobles
Cmi. \.a31 U~id
(alya~m 4 aac (gdale. P 8m niaDr 2
(anver. ''m a;mThouI E.
G Per'rl & olo
G minacoc& 'a.dmend A'wel, h n W
Gre...ham, .. I.
G mren i. \aucya . 4 a tt, .I1'e
unb~me<. " a W
l~mi. ClatlaLi Wliaama.
S i ynold- J t
JomnoiStaumra Ademc. Jonto
..,l. AIIL P.
Jan 12 1-2 .i. .ry 0J3me
I - . .w&::.. . E. Ac
Hry te del i t'o zeoa-l ai
ilathi . Lc i~e do;c.k ma. rc Ma ry
llyua ann Ms1
Sherill's Sales.
BY Virtue of stndry wvrits of Fier
Facias. I shall proceed to sell at
Edgefield Court lou.e. on the first lon
day and Tuesday in February next, the
follon ing property:
Sebron Joues, bearer. vs. River- Gur
ter & Henry Sawyer. 2M0 acres of land,
more or less, adjoiuing Mrs. Iloiten, and
Cothran & Rushton, vs Jefferson A.
Dery & aliIled llerry, th. tract of iid
whete the d,;fendant .ilidred Berry lives,
adjoiniu lauds of Josiah Duncau, aud
Wm. Garrot;. senr. vs. George Delaugh -
ter, 1U0 acres of land. inture or less. on
lloru's creek, on which is a valuable Grist
.lill, adjoining Wi. Culclazier,aid others;
alsn. one other tract conttaning fifty acres,
inre or less, on Turkey creek, on which is
a valuable Griit Mill, adjoining Wesley
Cochtun a.0d John Wash.
Thomas Garrott, %s. John Gof, the tract
of land where Joln GuI's widow lives, aud
tie grnv Mare.
D~aniel flrwoiio, vs. Win. W. Coursey,
Talh'it Cheatham, and John A. White,
the tract of land whereon Talbert Cheat
ham lived in the year 1841; also, the tract
of land where John A. Whiie lives.
John 11. Gray, vs. Talbert Cheatham,
ho tract of land where defendaut lived the
year 1841.
Whit. Brooks, vs. Rudolph Carter, and
-lizabeth Carter, rieo thousatid acres of
land, more :,r less. adjoining lands of John
Wi,4e, Wmn. Howard, and o:hers.
Villiii \V. loor, vs. Alfred lolley, one
lhousand acres of land, more or less, ad
joining Wade Glover, and others.
Sarah C. loor, vs. the same, the above
desribed propcriy.
Waits, Cook, '& Co. vs. A. G. Leake,
one thousand acres or laud. more or less,
adjoining J. W. Coletnanj and other.
J. P. Watts. vs. the same, the above
described property.
Comnise-ioner'in -'qtity, vs. Nathan
McCarty. Siauel l'adget, and Sampson
Cates. 210 aerc e f land. more or les,. ad
joining A. J. Padgut,"and others.
Commisioner in liqity. vs. Lewis Pad
get, Jordat Feaster, and John Eidson, One
hundred and'--iov acres of land. more or
less. adjoining A. J. Padge'. and others.
Thamaa,,aS %%. 3lalonte & Je.ie H1. Garry.
v. Alfred luolley & Wise l1loey. '201tH)
icres ofland, nit re or les, adjoinling W ade
Glover. and others.
W. &. S. Atiaway, v%. Mary liley. 204)
acres of l;id, more ;r less, adjoiin;;a Juhi
L'oictan. andae others.
George l'arrott. ag't, vsa. limund Acher
onaI, two htudred ac-res4 of land, more or
less. adjoiting Johl Ucason, and others.
ent & Birannon, %-. Reverly liarion.
rour acres ,of lanel, Uadjoining IDr. \tki:uun,
and Jhin lai,.kev. awl others.
Thiomn G. Dickson & Co. vs. Jul
muchet & S. C. Terry, '_' acre-, (of landI,
nore or lh-....%nheremn i"Iha n lloyd a*'"
ives, levied on as the property oif S. C.
'onn & lBrainotn. v;. Jom.eph I. Smith,
eveu aretts ad land. more or less, adjuuing
ames Itarker, and ot hers.
Penn & liranon, vs. Beverly Burton,
1115 acres of land, lyin;; on the north side
f [lthe rad leadiag fron Liberly Hill, to
iohii Andersonii', iidjoaifng lands or L. 1,7
uindy, and ither.
Term, Cab.
State~ ot' South1 Ca roliatt,
.i ; il-: Ii .) lDIST~ Is ( UT.
SIL~ liL' 601.l) .at thae hion..e of IDe
TV~an~t in ih.- :abise *e ,,. lin Tuesa~.day
t e .ah m-i. athe iiolh. l t mg roperty, ut.l. 08ne
ot .I'isra anad l'iodde.r; onegt b.t o.f 4.otton;
II'.. a i..i ;te ai I.,h. luic lJ taj.
Tearm ia a:.h. ra.h.
IS. limi. IST-'E. . . .:. av.
.:an 1a.181. (6t1 0i h..e I,
a:0 I . . -'m ll ..a aa.i TaC IC.ia-.
tI.i luate.t ol' tP netae.g'ia
i3Yno--eri the Ctn:art of lisuea.. Clom
} i ..sei ii in l' i. s I s l rsw ae , to a, it the
on ttitteburg o \eth ia the ~uh i:,
h idi.nwI utl-.t.: N.. I-.& n o enr
. ; ' ml l; tn in.,ead10 o nso
ent 'e-tee. - oil No. iri in. ,ae ll iia tho
iir v liin ohIu,e :.-dby.a.ar.~. ia tl ihty mas , Sho
Weulae ; day . .\ e 2 Ii r nti.. ed .id-ey &
L'unning.,mtee. nod Ia t Grceirv. Theliabovsteero
t No 14,.d ha :s: edt oftwe unksth<ei
.e- A e im uaitelvse th tte pur - n
chaie. to thie lxiianal llamhm::.l s. c.ur-y
-haser o pa~y for .dl papers cesay in h
C otiljt in eefn . tte
S. IiISTI:. s. r:. ma.
an9. l~ . t 1 :4 ) ':t 90
L:VG 1-'11.1.1) lIISTiRICT.
I:a1h.t clutchatrn Cashiere~lta
ig . S1. lbran. l.Ic
B Y anorgd uaarn h Cut'omo
I'lea au, ;r~i wg pne to a' .mf-esei taa he~
Kn n aofp l iar int the athirt rese o
utea theim On' h in-a., ahe faroll.oing
propertya~. i/-a:io. s33,nd thait e seed on.
Cok-teeast j,and 15a0 f. or Tmantret;a
tlt N .- tnu-' 1, hem;;.-da'feet n hC oiok-s te
de- A reditJo twe lmoh. c he pur-.ma
State Q1 South Cauronnia.
Susan Long,etal, vs.
Vaihti FerroW, and Amon Partition.
~indsey, F&luor.
WOTICE;IS ll.itERBY GIVFN. that by
virtue ifan order frow Chancellor John
ston, I ball ir for sale to,the highest bidder,
at FAdgefeki .ourt House. on th first loniday
in February next. tie e eal estate( of Benjamin
Lindsey, deceaeed, consisting of two tracts of
land as follo*f, viz. one tract whereon the de
ceased resided, situate in E::eiield District, on
the waters of Shaw'st Creek. containing three
hundred Bcro (M0)nore or les, and bounded
by Robert Kennly. Ilarmnon Gallanaal. and others;
and the other tract cantaining three hundred
arres, more orlesi. situate in the District afore
Paid, on the waters of Shaw's Creek. and boun
ded by lands of Harmon Gallina n. Thon.-ta De
loach, and B: W. hatcher. Said trnatsofland I
to be vold separtately. on a credit of line year,
except for sw much as may be necew-ary to pay
the costs, which must be paid ii cai, purcha
smirs to give their houds and peisonal security,
and a mortgage ofthe prenis-s.
j. T,.itRY, c. x:. ..
CouaissioNer's Ofare, Edgefield. Jan. 10. 1 .42.
Jan.10 -($4H) d 50
BrOuight to the Jail
OF thIs District, a negro man by the name of
HARIMY. 35 or 441 years f age. about 6
feet high, dark complexism. scarl over the left
eye. high forehead. lie SayN ao belongs to
31r. Weeks.
The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges & take him away,
C. 11. GOODMAN. J. r. D.
Jan. 11. 1842. tf 50
Brougfht to the Jail
O F this Dist ie. a negro boy, by the "ate of
DAVID. about 5 feet I inch high, light
complexion, one faont tooth 4111t. Ile says [fhat
lie belongs to Mrs. Elnure, of Ciloiluuia, S. C.
The owner is requeted to come forwarl
prove property,pay ch:rge. aid take hii. away,
C. 11. GJODMAN, j. r. ti
Jan ii. tlf 5i
Brought to the Jail
OF thi-.District. n negro boy, Iy the
name of EPIIRAIJ. about 5 feet 6
inches i high. bright Coiplexion, !etweeni
:7 and 30years of age, lie says ie be
longs to Mrs. El-iore, of Colunabia S. C.
The owuer is reque-stedc to come forward,
prove property, pay charges and take him
away C. 11. GOOD3AN, J. :. D.
Jan I1, f 50
Brought to the Jail
F this District, a negro inau by the
0 nte of CLarr, abiout 5 fcett. -1 inclies
high, dark cuuoplexion, between Z.5 and .10
years of age. lie -ays le helongs to Mis.
El imore, of Columbia, S. C.
The owner is reqluested to coune forward.
prove property, pay cLarges and take hint
a way,
C. II. GOODMAN, j. :. 0.
Jan, If, tif 5.)
Brouglat to the Jail
O F this iDeisrict a nae4gro an. who call.
ahimself ISA AC. aitonit *i or 27 yetrs cl
Sage, dark coniplexin. sc.ron his lirehead. anud
tabout 5 feet 8 miches ah. Says ho twlugi to
rs. Sarah Iarlin. 4X Uion Lrtnct, S. C.
The owner i.-i repinested tc, caomeit forward.
prove propirty, pay cha:ges & take his awal~y.
. C. fl. GOODMAN, J. F. ".
Jan 5 . If 49
A$llast to lte Jail
F lhis District. a iegrs' ausin who sav hi,
naine iS Jo.e-ph- Iland th:t er b,-1-. to
JLhn Perrin on. of .llackel-l:mil. S '.. af
light comaplexaon. lair::e wiskera frua car to
ear..'s feet; siiaches hii~li
The. owner is ree,.tsed lo ento.' ifrwar.
prve property payv chiarges iad ttia' him n.
C. 11. GU00i0.\A.1. .. is .
M il. JO)llN\ DAY h'al. a ppoainted' Mr Stuh
lliter. his% 'Agenit dur sis labn~sece
roma thme St, te.
Jan 5 h4
ff )s. N II ~ 1.1 ha-apro.1~iite'd 3ir. Wigr.
*Jl1.oiley. has Agenit dianna his abesecea froma
- '-asl f8'aned.
Tereuns indte tta a nc lby No~te ar aopeni
'Accunit, to come'iiit forard ansd paas laumi. a he
ini Cr#'at wanSlt ofI .'Iloary!. lai.Jah iaila~rosa ..lh.a~.
J5m 5 il 4)t -i~'.05~
Mrs, E. IM. Dowd, Agent.
H.\a' remi aed her ,-t,,ak of .\llh.t.Il2V
4.;' lIt", to uhe' Storet oppio.,iie .\,es-r..
ha:d & hcailer', anda nex*t dooar tio3 ~.\ a'r
Se. ainon & 3lci::- whesr--alhe will bha p Is i to' a
wit lapen her triendls :ml1 Iiormair cmg,,tome--~ at
aall. she returns hear thaiaii~ for pea--t t. aora.
TPEALI:R. .%urgeon Ikhnucsl, w'tmbi
e J rexpectfully informa lhi. frienoda, aria the
pube~ generally. that he ia prepnred tai :aad
to aill huuianess in his, praofessin. aancha a, l-'chncg.
Plg.in-- Cleasing, anid E'xtractinig T El.T' II.
lIe i' a~i prepared itolcnsert, pactial ci lul
a.tts of incorruptibile Teth, on Pit ota. 'er Gold
Plate, 01n the most scieiatificeJ prinaciplets.
Those desir-ou,, ol hais profewi.nal services.
will be waited on by addresiiag lain. at Laiig
mares P. O., Edgetield Distnect, S. C.
Jan 5 if 49
Strayed or Stolen.
O N Tuesday' night thce -i 1st uilt., frcanm leze
kiah Srtu's tstable, a grey 3IAlUE. lhe-.
twenu 8 and 9 years old. bew ween 14 andc i5
hands hig~h. laer back has bectn injiired biy thae
scadlue., noe other marks cteollcted. Aca' paer
son wh'lo has takecn til ucalidware, or cani gave
ainy inlormsationi of her io chensc ~riber. Iliving~
cutsTurkey creek, so that he gets her staa will
be suitably rewsardced.
Jan 5hb .19
A .1, persona iindebttecl io Charles A D~owad.
- alaecased,. are ur::ently regejiaste'd tat maake'
itoeiaate paymnent, ;as thia atl'aira of his e..taie
:ar in taucha a 'situatioan a.. to rcctaer iidalgenea:
ipoihtei. .aad whsichI imuat not hec ax pcer te'l.
. 1,.. all persaoin having ,lemiandlt atgiai-t qaud
.ateu wvill presen~t ithem praplyII antd law folly
attetsted. WV.I IR .NSON. Adlm'r.
Deac. 14 if .1(
To Rent.
F IR She etintag year, the llOUSE for
mierly acisplied' Icy C. A. Dowed, as a
Stre linea. A good Ifonase anid ai good .tarnd
ur thae 3lecrcantil'e Huiess. l'or pattretlars
aply to tbc subsciber,
n.... n ,' 1
FALL TER3, 1841.
T is Ordered that a Court of Cotimonl
Plenas and General Sciions. for the
Trial of the Casesi not dispocd of at this
Term, be held at Edgelield Court louse,
on the third Modav in January nlext.
Presiding Judge.
G.ono: Porr, c. c. c. & u. a.
Nov. 5, 1841 j41
H AV N G di.p osd o f nir S iock o frG o os -
to Aesa.r*. G;OODF. & L.VON the tirnI
or BRYAN & 311N01. i. this day dium-olved,
except so Itaucl as reluats to s itfeg tlhe hu.i
neo off the concern. Ail thiosi- indebited lo us.
are infmed ilthat toeir Note- and Aru:inisitA will
be ou'lind at the stoire off lle,.sts. lim.J & iiut
lesr. which muntiS hiestled -liv lt first day of
Felbriuary next. to enable us lip clse fhe lnsi- 1
nes of the conceri. Aflerwhich imethey wiall
be polaced in the hand.iimlnn Attorney.
UItYAN & 3lINOlt.
Jar .; ii 49
T11E SUBSCRIBEt %ail proceed.i to seWll
at his reidence nenr Lither I fIill n
Timratodav lite 27th inst. twelve or ihirtren lke
ly NEGROES. a valuable tract (of LAND,
kinown as the Wsluhorn tract. conitainsinmg Four
hunalred and Five acresi, Thirty ir Forty le-l
of CATTI. . 11(0GS. $11 tt'. liecold
anid kitchen FL'RtN IT U RK. & c. A c., na ere-a
dit uatil tlhe fir day of Janiuary next. Pur.
elanrrs required to :ive ites vih a pi;riived
ieceritv. UEYEI-Y ItICTON.
Jan. 5, 142. 4t' 49
Execut.or's Sale.
iTILL BE StiLl) ns Malonday lthe 2th
imit.. sit the late! residiec of'Col. John
Key. dec'd.. ont t credit of'one )ear. all thi real
estate ofmaid do-caeu'it. (not *pecifiajlly deavi-.ed
ly hiis last will nad ty-eitailnt.) culsa.tingl of oea
tract ol' land. coitruiinsg ahoit
2000 .ICRES,
which will be d1 ided into two or more tracts.
The said land lays on Tusrkey Creek, a lortiom
off which is 'ow grour.. ie .1 high state ofcul.
tiviatios. Also
25 likely young Negroes,
Horses. 3ules, logs. Caile and Slheet., sld a
manastity 1of Cotis, Coons, Fodder and ).it4.
Vaggons anad Carts. PItsstation. [lacksath.
isi Shesemakers Toois, and ia variety uS oilter
rirticle. &c-. &c. P'sschia'.ers to give nsutes
wvitlh tt u approved 'iuenmrities.
JAMES T03IKINS, Erceutar.
Jan.' C 49
Edgefiied Malc Academy.
i1 TL'l'susters of this lustitution have the
pleasaore tit inltirns thea. publi. that the'y
I:a.'e eigap-d the services at Mr. ZAtciiX D.
Coi ri:t.s. lIor the enisuinslr year. who will opem
She Sclhoiil n tIme first .iluiday isa January.
31r. Cottrell comnes well recmmdend d. ias a I
Teachier of isperienmace anl aihcilty. This ter rns
dutioii will be- lstesameitt.' as ]at %e.1. vIZ.
5'LX qft.
Fir the Clad-ieil Depa tme'nt, ichisd.
ing the hliger bramchi, of .\l.thaema
tisu. - - - - $10 0)
Fo time Engli.l Department. inchitlsdinag
'nglisla Grammar. Geozgrahli . e&c., 7 i n
For Hending. %% r-tiss. ntil Ari-hmtic. 5 001
'The rriisve, aa' th pIbee .hlet poarictia C
!r att, lest w'ill be pnllit to tie moral depourt
llel't of the pupile entil hi insis laattiuitin.
r. 11. W \s It 1)LA W.
J NO. LIPSCO . Trustes.
Dec. 29 48 I
Til t: l'U llLIC. that we an lmnger bavt
Itly viiee in the maagement oftie Greeiwood
imtiirton a n'sitmd tlwing idbarredl friomi atay par
iction am stteu Seit, aI thei fe''male ansd .1 sle
S'.igh..h )epa:rtmentaa.. by tiie miannier ian which,
iie 'ImTie'hrsi e'flhia-.- I iep~~iatent ii" e'reotcted.
(whiche took plaie usmider carenm..ae:anc. .. at tir'
bid immr paitreemmig Ihae -.a::m'.'s we hiar e'rmng-ng .
id .ilr. S. Tlrowblriidg.: tie ceitumsa ana Fsanlh~h
Schoiol isa ithmu pime. Th'le $e'hool will rcam-'
m~'e' ian the irt .Miledv mm Jannm.erv. anal twc
evermml a the 'eaim meleshs. Rate's eat 'Tuitiimn.
&e'.. thatt lae gernested has Schooiel the ;ere-enat
tealr. .\1r.'IT. hie heen 'egi'ed as Teachie'r
iring tharaei out aof th ...~'~ e igtg-rs since She
Schmools - ' ere itstaiised. l'iir hIis ah~lfia'- '
loen-i.itand pe'rnar tila'nt tier iamparunseg knouw-'
ledlge: we trefer to his tirriuer puaaon. aand toc
t' . l lc t i sami'iie. Ahlw lh.: aiso a . lucig a. s i'i .e
.mreans ;anid Sthlosn. F-. \V '.elalin, i';;e
ik Id.
J~mb. I.m na.\.
JiaelIN .\eLI'.LLAN.
4i rera'taioid. I).-.27 U' 48
tiouast Essoa Ac:mldcasy.
1 hI. I' h-er.sr,.-i.e.e ple'a-ire in annon or-~l
oug a., the 1unet'i. Shkit .\r. Jrn. v~
nt di..L.. ebiar-ie-o .ijnu l'no leaa ademyiia thef'
\'e eh..-ma :S nnsce'- ary i, 'ay% ra'y tisa tg
itah rei'rds lee .\r. Knaoa'., gjeiihtia.eiena he Ii
a. wv..l knownt aarmdeitferenus p9: : eatheal Ste..e a.
aa e'1rirwci'd .mmd .i,,nr al Te''acheur. 'The.
Ae.nla.mv a. iae'ar I :all--m~am's -' llo:ai-. an a :mw-'
rs hie-mIla h.m teial it counitry', enlitr, !y removeda'
freami plc es eat d~i-satani
4oo *uei nIiaringa can li he l.Stanede en the nei;;h
borlhood. 1. i'E-\eIAA N
J. C. RE.\l)Y.
Jan. ". 1"42. e 49
Mount Willing Academy.
y -'~111'E ti.lei at ttma'a laa'tmrits wail tbe
U. p.ed. on Sth"tia st .lamiday ina Jantn :ary
eet. esider thme direciin mf .\r. Jemlam l-. John-'
aitmon. whaoset long exl'i-eriene in Teaalin~ig and1
corre'ct deprtntat we troat will entitle the in
sttlutin to as large ulaure ief puhhalc coaaiderice.
Tsuatst os ret rao':
Reaudinag, Wriing. and .\ritharmtc, pe'r
gnarter of 12 weektsa. $3 00
P.gish Grsamer, Geograpehy. 4 00
l'hilmsplhy. Chem'iatry, Lmtian and Greek
Lanages , 6 00
Strvey ingt0
Te bce paaiid isn advanci'e.
Gaucol Sieard muay bie aibt.ine'd fhom SG to $8
per mon~tha.
J. B. S3l'l~Il. 'c,,imn.
[I.. R. W1i.stiN. T.nsuurr,
A. S13.\N5.
11. C. El ER I.' NGa,
A. S. DS)ZI FlH.
Dec'2 ati -17
I \YlNG udispaid eel mcy enttire a.to--k :aaI
IImat-:i 't ml thae I ottonl Ghm .lnkmtg. .
31 r. Jaemes [iseatn righ'ii. at It utlmbia 5 4..
'ad bing lniiii, te los my0 a ll uasima. I
I anl~llI queLst at l thu-.et inseb'ted tmi mit to co'ttr"
forwald and mlakelt irnmei't'et settlemenl'thI bem
the irst rm'tara nlday ina theair ronnaty or district,
act lunger iamalgm'nce canntoit he gai'ea.
II. Otpi is authlorizedi to act ats smy A get, at
my old stattl Onl hjrand-street.
.~t'~tai (.a. I""d W 31M. JON ES.
in.maGa.I.e-9 t .it
Sheriff's Sales.
Of Valuable Town Lots.
Thmas liarris-ve vs. Ileury Shultz.
A. iurt v,. the batme.
N. L. Grillin, vs. the same.
0lver Situpson, vs. she astme.
Il. A.-Archisoion v. saie &,Lyddal Bacon,
Mtarshall Ileadly vs. same & same.
A. G. Nagle for wife vs. saei.
A. G. Nagel vs. same.
hlie Executors of T. G. Lamar vs. same.
lohin S. Jeter, vs. same,
John 11. Covington. vs. saine.
3. F Gonedy, T. C., Vs. samc.
S5IEia vs. Samie,
Trhe State vs. fame.
B Y the written consent ix all parties. I
will oiler ror sale nuder the respec
iive writs or Fieri Fairas, in the abovo
Itated cases, on Wednesday the 1ith day
if January next. iu the to%% n of lamburg.
lie follow in! lots, parcela,. and sectious of
land. lesied upon as the propercy of the
lefeidat lenry Shuliz. tillsitinted5 with
n lie said lot% ii or %A ithin iit corplorait
imiits, viz: Lots no1. 1I6, 164, 163, IGG,
(17, 168, accordin;; to the plat of the snail
own, contuoritig a ilock of rts tiear or
pposite the Rail Road Deposfitory otn
Ooviqgion street. having 0 feet rroni and
92 rert depth. Nos. 1W9. 170, 171. 172,
173, 174, according to "id plan, constibu
ing a block of lots whlaeremn the Powder
Magazine now staud-. on Covinglon street.
iavmg; same front atnd depsth as the alove
mientiunel hts. Nos. 345, :A4. 343. 342,
141. constitutling a block of lots oi Co% ing
on sirecl, with sam. (rout and depotl.
.Nos. 346, 347. :W, @3-49, .'>. constiluling
I block oh lits betwa ee.U the last mentioned
>lock. una the old old from :he lridge to
b1e hill at the f6e)t if the Park ; ame frovnt
sud depthi. Nos.310, :31J. on the ditch it
he foOL of the laill, same riont ati deptt.
Nos. 293. 294. on the sitch at the lhot oft
lie Park, opposite a ,piin, lietween Cetl
re .ireot aud Le old rMId, saue ft rut anJ
Nos. 2-92. 291, 290, 269, :!M, cowunstiu
ng a block of lits on the left of Centre
strcet. ulpon enteriig ihe town. and at the
nouth of said street having 50 fect front
m Centre .trecet and 3M0 fee deptlh. No.
171, 371, 372. :573, :17-1. :3, 376, 377.
175, 379. 3W0.381. 382, situale below the
old road i.:tuading from the 1iridge to ihn
Jill. having 50 feet front on said road and
unuing back to) the Rail Road.
Nos. Wt, 94, 83. to Mechanic's street, on
Ite Lelih tract of land, having! .50 feel front
m1 19; feet depth. Nov. 265. 261. 267.
!68, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273. 274.275. 276,
[77. coustiltuting a block of lots on Itoler
ou street. having 50 feet frout, and 200
'cet dept h.
Noes. IS). 204, 203, 200, 219. 217, and
!9, 245, and 40. with a fraction attached
0 each of the three last, according to the
>lan of said ton n.
Lot No. 353, on and] below the old road
'ron the Bridge to the Hill, where the
litch crose, said rond, having GS feet front
mn the roud running back to ite Itail Road.
Visit tall the interest of Mr. Shubtz itt the
.guare of 150 feet or la.nd, on which the
rebyteriau church in i lamburg Aands.
Oue sect ion for land coitni;ng 1 i acres
note or less, adjoining lnd. occupied by
lenr) Spires, on the right of the road on
uteraint Ilamihurg, by Centre sireet. One
ction of land contuininag 14 acres oirn
)r les. adjoining tile 1111 and lands on
% ich i r. ShIIUtz resides cominigi down to
hr ecar the mouth of -enttre 61reet on thu
eft, upon)1 enterit', welid ~t~ I~s (i; thiit sec
io anmost eli~shh l..e.aeh-a fjr a Ware
m'ne eun lie had.
tnow n as the Toa tt II ;sl, in Ihe cen::re of~
blarker street. froting Csentre. Street, w itlh
he land attached, 40 biy t0 lect.
A lso, th highaly beatutitulI antd ciommane -
uc place where .'i1r. .hultz res5ides3,ei
ireing tihe lIIill.ParIUk. & pileasure griud. d
it iached. in n! ! teon i'ii l beween Mt and
0(K nere.i of landli. Tins pliae w ii bt
oldl either in a btodiy or itn raperate lsts.
The sale will conliinu(e fromx siay to ay
dll the w. hlie, if necessary, is diusposed cit.
State of South Carolinia.
Os'er Miipoie, l'J,rIosure of treu
ienry iShltz. .lut
I' t.ie herliy phe2i thtt by ituhae~ of
l'own. ot Ii :m.nur:: I'n Wui.h'ed.y tthe 2tiah day
, J.inni.iry ,t. (hei.,: ee to tie conieitinedt nom.
l.,v tis .Lv unaiil the wtiso of thte muoltagedI
p mi-o-e .are ,.ld.) :ta lo w u ng11 lots atnet.sads
iintht eeow n of( Ilambur; ?and it,' scejntv. se.
,i..n.n to Ileery ~tSiioh. Iio tei uc'e iw
ituii tgage;,in I'. or ..fthne 'ai.t I ).,ver .timpson~t.
ir.. l.es:, kown1 tinl thelin' 1of . :.id Tlown na
It;0. ls61. andi lti.2. hounitded Noirthi by Cobit
r-er Street. Wes by Coo'k ,street ,intmbacing
thse w..hole twov~ sqiua:rs w.iihm tiat biosudary
accrdng tso the piani if thne T1own, with the'
excep!ltiont of aun alley s tof,(-.tanid nl sqear of
ltt0 teet cnvey'ed to thei Pre..byterian Church;
nd aso all that pa~rci I ft land situato, and het
otg in thne ~rTown of L'ppier Ihembmitg." bn
motre pirsspetly, in the. vsesnnts ..f hIlambusrg, em-n
lerarat igir. Shutltz'Fort andpleka~.regnrsods.
contanungll *aghsts acre's tmnore sir lee. w.iith thie
ecptionl orf thre~e Sac.. solds teo. Jo-epth J. le
nie. ami a11 halt oer,- iuild to lt:iiard Leatbhock.
andIbntunded-s sit the No~rth hii l..wi sof John B.
(7vigon. Fa't tiy landt .isi ii Foilt .~South by
a ditch att lihe foot otfzls the il. runinag f..m. thte
lindre. llsiad tn the timegh tr:, ci hu:. and., West
iv the line div img the' Li:igh andi F'air tracts.
'i'he l.sets will Ise ,stlhl ~.s pa.esly
Theis Tseii., i ofi .,ele l b.e I '-hl tssr one halt
:se 1nrehsa-. mniey. for thtte other hlfI a credit
1,rr.o- r~seait aned mosilteige of the~ prom. es
ts .4-eure tilw puirch~a-i mneyis.
J. TFLlitY,. c. F:. r. 0.
Isligelsi. J-ll. :. l"i2. 'ni; 0 3t -19
1.1. peir-, tntebtie to ther estaete sif Woil
ham 1151 . Johnesun. desceased, hate' oft this di.
-ict, are regne--ted~i to ms.ko paymient, and those
hmaving any cin,. against sai stats- are also
regnesteds "to piresent themti toS thse subtenber with
in thw aimoi presenbed by law, duly attested a
te law dirre'ts.
l..WVilNCE s JOffNSON.
nee al t . lut'

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