OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 30, 1842, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1842-11-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
B cia, 1 will proceed to sell at Edge
feld Court House, on the frat Monday
and Tuesday of December next. the fol
lowing property :
L. H. Munday, v,. James Mlorres jr,
George Sybert, vs. the same. Brannon
& Muonday. vs. the same. Penn & Bran
non, vs. the same. John Hearst, for
Brannon & Munday, vs. James Morris, Jr.
and E. G. Robertsoo. Abner Pcrriu, for
Penn & Brannon vs. James M1orr, Jr.
George Henderson and William B. Dornt,
four hundred and thirty acres or land,
more or less, known as the mill tract, ad
joining Snuel Lassiter and others, also
one other tract, known as the Lyon tract.
containing two hundred and thirty nine
acres more or less, adjoining Daniel Roun
tree and others, also three negroes, Jam,
Betty and Matilda, two horses, and one
wagon, the property of James Monisjr.
William U. Dorn. for A. Burt. vs. Ab
ner White and Wilham B. White. the
tract of land, where Abner White lives.
containing two hundred acres more or less,
adjoining oka 11111 aed otheri.
Eliaden Peck, vs. Mildred Rcrry, the
tract of laud whero defendant lives, con
tainin; two hundreI acres more or less,
aljoinmag lands of Sarah Aiton, Jatucs
Sheppatel and othcrs.
Georgo latrott, vs. Rudolph Carter
Elizabetha Carter and Julius Howard, two
ihousand acres of lan more or less, ad
jining W. S. Howard, John Wise and
others, the property of R. Carter.
L. Ui. Mundy. vs. Beterly Burton,
four hutndred and foir acres of laind more
or less. adjuioiig Wilt. 11. Yeldell, L. H.
Munly niad others.
Commissioner in Equity, vs. Abramn
Pond, three bundred acres of land. tiore or
less, atljoining Thomas Morris, John Day
anl others.
James Ruhenson for G. L. & E. Penn
& Co., v Sanmiirl Smith, one traet of
laud near Uilgal Churh, coutuiung one
hundred acres more or less.
Parks & Barker, vs. Kindred H areley,
one hundred and fifty acres of Ined nore
kss, adjuiuing Shruley Cookliawiol others.
Joseph Woods. vs. Ann Hill. A dt'rx.
Mary Carroll, vs. the sanie. noe itouse
and lot in the Tuwn or Hamburg. on Cen
tre SIreel, occupied at present ty 11. L.
Jeffers, al-o one other house and l.a. in
said Town, lying on Centre Street % bere
defendant lives.
J. L. Pearson. vs. George Garner, one
hundred aud seventy-five acre, of land,
more or less. adjoinitig lands of John Rodg
era and other,.
Montgomery & Fisher. no-innee, vs.
Edmund Atcheson, the tract land. % here
defendant lives, containing five hundred
acres more or less.
Cadaway Clark, vs. Isaac [Jarring, one
hundred a-d fifty acres of laud more or
less. adjoining John Inlow and others.
A. P. Jones, for R. Y. Jones. vs. A. T.
fledges qud W. W. Icor, one tracto fland.
belonging to W. W. loor. lying on Log
Creek, Adjoining land of Mrs. lour. and
John Amaker, vs. John Carpenter, Jas.
the same, wae negro .grl
-A. Ctaming, vs. Thomas Oliver. the
traei of nd contaimllog t wo hundred acres
enore or less, adjoining James Golf and
BlandCatlin, & Co.. vs. Georyt Whit
lock. 4. Bland vs. the same to. horses.
J. S. & S. C. Smyley, vs. Thaomms B,
Harvey. John S.'Smyley, Executcr, vs.
the saute, four negroes. J ames, R achel,
Edmund. and George.
Ramaey.Rhodes, & Co.. vs. Jose-ph Pat
lerson, one0 bay inare.
R. B. & J. D. Bankenight, v. Oratio
1aney. two hundred and twent:y firo
acres. of lanid.
Terms Cash.
S. CHlRISTIE, s, e. p.
November II. 1-'4 .1 41 I
State of South 'a rolina.
Abner Peirin fur '
Penn & Brannon,I
James Meerris. Jr.f
Geo. Henderson,
anid W. B. Dorn.)
WIILL BiE SOLD at th-- bourne of
V J ames Morris, Jr., onm Wcednaeday,
the 7th dny of Deeumtu-r uext. the follow
ing property, viz: onte carryteon. loi ebain,
four oxen, one set blacksmith tools, one
lot lumber, supposed to be bix or seven
hundred (des, one stack of oats, seven
stacks of foxdder, one lot of corn, bed and
furniture, wheel bairro w. w heat famn, grind
etone, plantation touls, fiour head ofcastle.
stoft of hog, one black hor.e. one bay
horse. Terms casch.
Nov. 16, 18I12, [$3 00) 3t 42l
State of South ('arolina, .
Commissioner in Equnity, Foreclosure of I
Lewis Ellaey. Mrgge
THE Mortgaged premises containing
..six hundred and forty (640) acres
more or less, situate in EdgeIild District, i
and 'adjoining lands of Johtn Tarrence t
Thomas Lamar, and John Carter. acoord-b
ing to the original grant, havin: been sold fi
on the first Monday in August last, one d
fourth for cash, and the balance on a cred
it of three months, and the purchaser hav- ~
in failed toeomply with the terms of tale;
I sall offer the same premises to the high- d
est bidder on the first Monday in Deco.
her nest, for cash, at the ris~k of the former
510S. CHRISTIE. s. K. D,
November 11. 1842 (33 871 d 41 -
T HI E btore adjoining snrs. Frazier &
Addieom,. it :s well fitted up for a, Dry'
Goods, Clothing or Shoe store. Iugniru of I
ROOK & Jon PWrmw
O)FEverydescriptionoexecuted with
netesnddespateb~at the Office
ofte a.s=-=L..u=vba==ra=
State of' South I arolita.
enan & Urannon, Foreclosure of Mort
arah Addison, gage.
BY an order from the Court of Com.
Mn Pleas, in the above stated case,
I shall proceed to sellut Edgetield Court
[louse on the first Monday in December
3ext, the Iilloni ing propwy to wit: The
ract of land it here on the defendant livs.,
:ontainng two hundred anti sixteen acres
minre or tess, adjoininog lands of Wiley
Ilarribon, A. Perrin and others. Terms
s it Months credit, titles signed but not de
livered, and if not paid to be resold for
Cash. Cost in Coah.
S. CHRISTIE, %. x. n.
November, 11, 1842 (12 93) d 41
State of South Carolina,
1. L. & E. Penn, & Co.
vs. Foreclosure
Abner White & John of Mortgage.
White. J
B Y an order from the Court of Com
mon Pleas. in the above stated case,
I shall proceed to sell at Edgefiell Court
House, otn the first Monday in December
ext, the fllowitna property to wit: two
undred acres uf land more or less. on the
waters of Turkey Creek. adjdining lands
if R. T. Nimn, Isaac Bell, Wiley Cour
ev, Dainiel Brunson, and John ll,
witerson Abner White lives. Terms six
Months credit, title4 signed but not deliv
ered., nud! it not paid to be resold for Cash.
Cost in Casih.
S. CHRISTIE, s. c. D.
No% enber 11, 1842 (02 93) d 41
State of South Carolina.
Ramey, Rhodes, & Co.
Jnoeph Panerson. Fi. Fa.
W ILL BE SOLD in the above stated
easte, at the house of defendant, on
Saturdaly the third day of December next,
oine lot of Corn. about frty bushels, one
lot 1-f Shucks aond Fodder.
Tetams Cash.
S. CHRISTIE. s. g. a.
Nov. 15. 1842 (81 51) e 42
State of South Carolina.
Susun C. Mitchell, Dellfar-Par
M ichael Barr, and others. tsn.
N OTICE is1hereby given that by vir
i tuo of an order from the Court of
Chancery, I shall offer for sale to the
higaest bidder, at Edgelield Court House
nO the first Monday in December next, the
real estate of Green B. ritchell, deceased,
consisting of the following tracts of land
viz: The Ilomestead, situate in &he Dis
rict and State aforesaid, on West Creek,
said to contain three hundred and tea
acres more or less, and bounded by lands
f Joel inabait, and Captain Jacob Long;
be stone tracasituate in the District and
State aforesaid on Clapboard Creek, wa
ters of Cloud's Creek, said to contain three
headred and eighty five acres more or
leus, ad bonded bytda ef9.Samuel
isrs.Matidas TSmIwTma __arrs
Wai others; and tb laa;sateM in
LexiatooDitric i he Stath ai esaid,
aid to conain swo hundred acres ses
ar lees, beimg part of a tracsuf 689 acres
granted to Abramt Taylor, and bonded
sy lands granted to George Fikes and oth
rs; said tracts to he sold separately, on a
:redit of one and two years, exeegn the
:osts, which must be paid in casa; the
urhasers to give bond and personal a.
:urity and morenagesof the premises, pos
ession to be given on the first day of Jan.
tary next.
J. TER RY, c. a. a. a.
Tomr'rs, O1ice, (66 75) d 41
Nov. il, 1841.
State of South Carolina.
Ordinary of Edgefield District.
Whereas, John Roebell, for self or nom
nee, bath ap.plied to me for Letters of Ad
ninistrationu on all and singular the goods
md chtattehs, rights and credits of Eliza
reth Rochiell, Late of the District aforesaid,
These are, therefore, to cite and admon
sh all and sinsgular, the kindred andcredli
ors of the said deceased, to be and! appear
teore me. at our next Ordinary's Court for
he sait! District to be bokien at Edgelield
.ourt House on the 5tht December 1842,
o show cause, if any, why thte saidl Ad.
ninistration, should not be granted.
Given under nay hand! anda seal thtis 21st
lay of Novetmber, one thouteand eight hun
Ired attd forty tso.o and in the sixty-seventhb
car of Awmerican lude ndence.
0. TOrVLES, o. z. n
Nov.!23. 1842. *2 124 I. 43
tate of Sothl Carolina.
LOrdintary of Edgefield District.
Whereas, Joseph Crafton, bath ap
lied to tne for Letters of A'lministratiun
in all and singular the goode and chattels,
ights and credits Thomas S. Crafton, late
if te District aforeaid, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite andI admon
sh all and singular, the kindred and credi
ra of the said deceased, to be and appear
efore me, at our next Ordinary's Court
ir the said District to be holden at Edge.
eld Court House on the 5th Decem'>er
842, to shtow cause if any, a by the
mid Administration shtould not he granted.
Given under my hand and seal this 21st
y of Nov. one thousand sight hundred
d forty-two, and in the sixty-sevenah
ear of Amaericatn Independence.
0. TOWLES, n.E. D.
Nov. 23, 1842. [$2 124] 2t 43
PPLICATION will be made to, that Legia
A~lature of ti State at its next eanon, that
dll tbe right and title of th State, to alt the es
ate, real and personal, whereof thse late Col.
Christian Breithatupt, or Gertrude Jacobu. has
itd, wats seized or possessed at the time of
is or her deatth. and partictularly certaits lots ina
ec Town of Hlama i .supposed to beescheat
sd, may be vested in nsiu Gregory, and Su-.
an a natural daughter of said Chuisuast, one o
Henry D
Edgelield village nr
taut he has comnienced 0'
Gentlener and Ladies BOU OES.
opposite the Planters H bisbav
ing been brought up to feels
etisficd, that he wil bi agii ' who
may rnze him ==:iurecta. work
hall well made, and war n [ to rip.
All work done at Augusta
N. D.All kinds ofmendi ecet
ed with neatnessarid
Oct 5 36
.Vessr. Wever Mr,
t and thecitisensof the ad.
joining districts, that they have d the
in all it varieties, at
Having grocred cl and
-o m aterials, they are that all
ariclesuannfactoredauheir a Shall
be equal, in segard to work prices.
to any that can be proenred amburg
or A a . Ihey thereioire' rchat*
and s to give then a can' to their
sutplyingthemselves else
All orderlithankfiily netual
ly atteneded to,
Oct 5 . . 35
NEW --
Tailoring t
TIH E Subscribe' respect
fully to inform his - the citi.
zens of Edgerfield Di that he
has coummienced the b
MerchantT g,
in the store opposite H & Bader.
and next door to Mear. - r&Meip.
where he may be found a[wa for busi
lie had just received , a gen
eral asorinent of GOO genle
men's wear, which he up at the
shortest noticat. Havig, ed in the
busienes for a uaber if ad having
ude arrangemnents to fash
ions for gen:lemen's cl i spare no
paine in H-i endeavors to esstomerv,
and hopes to receive l ' . in re
tun. . AN.
E e-Seld C. H.,Or. mtf 316
The limited n J. 0
D. FOR oR Hambu. . zoo 31.
Nxw'ro or Augusta. Ga. by the
articles of its formation October
1843. biut hy matual ce deter
mine to limit sconti t day o
February next. Y
L .O.,
Uamburg,S. ., t 37
IN consequence of bove, it
becomes neemmyl -ont.
standing account d bsi1ut of
January nest. Al to me by
n or o lwiE er this an
ill'0 iand Anal~ nt seithen
__ f.I nable notice
Bataarg O.tf 37
0. BFORD wil 'awheretofore
J to oerforue b seassortment
of DRY GOODS lb -' Safords. He
bam now onhand the e stock o
r variety thatbhe bas pleamnre
too r orl sae. -
Hamburg, S. C., Oct. tf 37
Water Proof W(ehouse,
T311E Subscriber b e n ly inform his
3.friende, anid the 1abi~she continuer
Warehouse & (~uIssIon
at his former stand, know-S.cr.Water Pro
Warehouse. -
Detached as it is' from ot5'ldings, its lo
cation render. ii nearlya s~e fronm fire, a.
if it was fire proof. ie Sits two wings
haic been elevated above dilgawaler mark
of the great freshet of &SIOand each of
these divisions nr the bnd gwihllstore from
li500 to 18300 halva Cottan.
Both of these are deu' -d~ be exclusively
set a part for the Cotton '(h~ ranid Cnn-e
try Merchaints, who will l doceteure.d fromi
the possibility of loss andd Do1~ m fr.sha-i
lie avail. hieiselrfu he prst occasmion to
return his thanke to his friends'and patrn, ror
their liberal support during ti'asteassn. H~e
solicits Irome them, and the3:nbli generally. a
continnance'of this confidenes, and assure.
them, that in returne fur theor patronage, be will
exert his best rersonal eferts ge~mote anid
prutect their interests commis~ed tea'hie charge.
In addition to this assauancde ylidges biun.
s,-If be will in no case paeea bale of Cot
ton, directly or indirecty.d4 .
lie -vill attead to the.an 'shipping or
Cotton, the receivigaand aduof Goods
or any other business uuljtransacted by a
Conalsion MerchanL, G .LE
Hamburg. August 4, 1842. Gui 28
Factor& Cnnosssionl
I beg leave to inform mey fuiepc .and the
puboi cgeneerlly, that I stuD' C tnane thei
Commission Busind .
at my old estand, and having deelhibl lng in
Cotton or Merebandise on ty . 1.1
hope to bethemore ableto gves nn
buying and selling for otes nS mdsn
o theconniry ; Selinag or '
Cotton, Flour, &C
sad Buying GRLOCERJE$ for and
Baiter myself that.I cnmorp. na 4 e
the esmall commsson charged oir oh
eit a continuance ofthast hi hith
erto bestowed, b'r which Iao y sin
cere tanekM a
Hamburg, AugustG, 1 '
P. S. Planter. conniti their
Pruduce, os the buying to . mUy
eharge, can be saved the eze1wp "b
Market, by sainhig directe,7 beW~
strictly attended to; all Mere AI~ ne
so me. will be taken care of lt. a Wypo6
session, and forwarded with
New Fall and Winter Goods,
I -.1E ..be, rabes in-.::d leav to int. r:i hia
Iriende sad ele publc Geneor-aly, 1t1: 1e,
will be :iceiving sin a-se k II
colsiiing ofalmtopt e--%ery atticle tihnt iso wnYTIl
kept in Ui miaket.
A -good sugq..y Enguslti and .Imetican
Prinls, Aeniuckji Jus. Flaniel,.
Saltinets. Csimeeres. Loth.
Vestinpj. -c
Also a good supty of Brown iI.mespuns.
Blanket. Aersap. and I.iastye. 1,11bd.
Cups. .lhots, .atelery. flardu-are.
Also a good sppI:% .- Sl'(GAIR aniil 'I IFFIT.
All uf which will le eflerred to cutimi r. at
los prices to corrispiand rih i.e hard times. I
only niek all too r.ll ind eiamene- ir thieiselv'es
I feel thankfu I for least Iavi-r. anl hope by strit
attenUn to Lusners its 11101dier, a cont11in.inere.
E. B I I'S 1' 1-.Y.
Edgefiell C. II. 4k!e. I I ti ,
For sniae.
T IIE Subcriler offere Itr sal.- the well
know i n [facire in Aikei frotingt oi, talw
Rail Itond. andes knowns as .IAfIell'S li14
TEL. The heni-.- has tee-ni kept as a Pucbli'
House for aei ral ye-ar. and contain. 410 roomc
double and single. the gre-ater lortions of thein
with fire places. Upon ite presiceeu ate like
wis.e all nece.-wory euti! bulldiege-i. kucleec. ne
gro houses and -iabliig lor 1i00 hr--e. m tle
yard ic anl excellen-ct well of %%iter.
Terms one third ia- I. the b1:la.ce on a credit
of one and two vears.
Also-lForly ur lilfv inaiiproved I.eete. Icacl.
soncely isitated. i ithlin the curporate iuitis fit
Aiken. Apply tee
JOH N .MARSil. .fiken.
Dec 9 if 4.
rplilE S Icrribers se.p-cteil. iuifeerm
Uthe ILiadie.. of hsi- vIcimrrty. anid the pubble
geenerally. that they liar- jut r-eeveel 6m
New York. a new aned well -eleeed aw:art
ment if
F.-LI..l N) i rITER GOOD.%
.-D T1 :1'.I1MING S
of the Iatent ety!e. eromicting ie p.art- of i!kLo.
Satin.ih 1. .11-ci . G liove.'. .11hi. I I.e-mry
Scare. -ancy Swal-;. CanibI lai-aouercie I-.
Velvet. W hnle . erl,. 4eoch-e ItI e--.
Pint... NeedIlet. Perfmeiury eof vairwitn kli.ii
aied uana) other artic!s ;ee :i iier.-.ni t, ui a -
A linse as.-ootiment ol Lxe:ihri Jreli. TF.
cal. and ;tlzaw ilinI ' ,. Fi me- cI :1ie14 .Imet.
can Fliwe-rs. I-ashionable ei I lat aiae: tc
or MR S. F.112. DOW D
%ill esuperinteid the etabb-luent. whose
Integ experience ins t eie. I a nact.- leer
famailiar with all ite branclie. All wmo I, will
be exe-ceted woinceatties.- midae dc.paltch. .ie
in a style not inferior ti aniy cniilar es-a-lo -I
lihnent, in Charh..oa er Angu-ra.
Order. fromc the ceuntry. ate respectfully
October 10. - 1f '17
1 Vrd it) the Pulic.
HE Amount of hifly and nit-utal
TL cisery arising fromi a e;Iec of
small comtplainits i6 iuealc-ululfe, and it is
therefore of tie uItmeie imsaportacice that ac
strict at-entiou to tice leantt and uost iri.
ffing bodily infirmiti-s should be iad ; fur
diseases of the hudy invariably affect time
mind. Dr. M Jat'sYegeriele Life Me di
cine. in every atuaore where they have
been thoroughly used, have Triumphed
over Disease in almost all its divercied
forms. The alutary effecs o the Life
Medicinaes have, itn fuec, beeln su univecred-I
ly experaieced. that ice the aheort spacCee of
five years. they haave bec-ome fully cSIUah
lished a-ie maost easy, usafe ancd peerlert
mode of treatment evetr eiffe-red to the
It is unneacer-sary. here, t'or IDr..Muuffet
to recaplttUlate all t he rcueitns n' hien hcave
indiuced caim I.' arrio- t! teis ctinclionl.
It c, -.ufllie-at fel'o im tea say, that ti. he-.
itercatedi testrtmn oaf hi-c telloc ciaze-nc
wh hve b'~leenc inaduedm to uase thet l.:le.
one wthoci nute I elae-sed tie 'all nit hi,
Dj'tlo:e. *e75 Broeadw m ay. I ih, the-re- onr
priafleredt Iby e-i padns , th'cI ?!- ret aipt ai
per-us. - f I we~ hei c ha une-t himi more
pleasure theai' a!l the weala f the 1; E:i-t
could couler.
ThIe reaade.r mae not pC lttlp- heam n-are
hat the mrimt - f .tilLal'. 1.l.\ hee, le ii
w~-a-. the r. -.uh of1 a peritriactoLi and pamulaii
\\ lien taketn ll .II r. St. wmac :t proi,perus
ud tlci..ingaea mii~eh.act ini tucr I.-ner arten
eaf the city eof *\. m' York. mat icng coni
suIte-- lme nd c eph.',i-da ale iaotieri iiiu Cmoe-,t
,kil: Ilnita by cii-. Ihe-, after mths onfc suif
feniug. w as pevtadted uponc tec try (atto i me.h
Cani whlich I ise nowc ell'eredi te thec peublic.
The eT-Iect of the Life 3heelim-cine ina his
nat Iici,,.- wu-i af ;ny-ralc-m, d in the haiteory
of mcedcal e pmiienace; andie he ci d iaete -
v deternca c' ->mtiake knownml to :he m cwrId
ii~tae-dicinice m.. u aic hunt cly eda ii
w ife, but bmia hai~essth~. Thle iuiijform
sucs a tieb hae ,wsee :0c, ed tel ir a- e
iniustraatieon ine eve-ry insetacee w-e-re a fair
trial hiasc beet givemn item, ha, lbeena une-i
ted by) thoeu-,andsli acnd icie,:.-teii~ pro-ves
their erid-rmue lie-ri .
Thce Life .Vledicinues can, lhe taken wimithc
cefets~ by- peir.,os eof aage; and them t.erlIe,
the itnfrmt. thei na-ervou, aecde thIe dehcage,
are -,tr.-nigchelied byv their- iaperctiona b--.
caue bey thmeir promlap1 atml prer cjer atain
upont the secret lins eof the sy)-cema. undci
their nim~jtilaeea 't t n, antd purificationg eaf
te bleoodl the-y clear the vyste-li eefall bade
humor. qma e' :c1l u eniri a-aitoil ity, acid
inlamriably perecd ace ,.ined hmetth.
jemr Sale by
C. A. S E iGS. Ag-ent.
Neat 9. Isle tf 41
V incenut U. Coghuarn, .\pphetu.
Joeph Park-r & eathers. IDefena'tce(
IT -Iappealrmcta to m yc catisfactioni lhat Jo)Migh
P'arkera. hienctnini P'arker. Wlhamta Parker.
liezekiahm larnces, T'a.-y andce wile Ta
cy, tesie withoeumt thai litcits oef thi.. State. It ce
therefore order-ed. that they eola pei pair andie oe
ject toa thcset' dii'in e ale eef a ta-ae t flande de
vied to the atbove manncede pcerenic lby Wilhuam
Roheetsam dec'dI.. etcn'r behore the twentty-cemch
day ol D~ecembier tee-t. eer theiar cinentt tee thei
ane will lbe encteredl ofC r-ecusd.
Gcwe. undere may htand. at imy oflice. this 4Ith
day of 0.:tobei. lS-I'..
n..:ha-c -tn
Exe: alor's Alorte.
A I.I. .:rmn.w :sw:ehted it- lt! s tuto of* Wml.
.J. Gloser dcceased. are re--ireted it?
c'.ane forwarl aid e:tle Willb Capt. G. Horl.
wii voiill Iaten an1d Acrolilut. age fiepl'o..
ill!ed fur celeslilm. i htae ta.in delnand,
.1g:nl1 the- aid t.tate. arc rtque.-med t) hiaid
theml ml. letal ~esled
GIIAN1.ES J. G LOVER, Erecaor.
(! The f1irad, oil' the esabolishlmtuems! are in
AImed, da Ihat will Ile conduclud ats lmerily.
mtil tir irst dai afifauiay nept. uiler the
the spijeriistetidance of Capt. litrd. Alho; re.
turn. tioe ie oit) the ci'e 'tlm' rA of tle* o 'tals.lh
tzut for iheir pai. tavits, al ,. i Ucits a conil
iance Th i.- it presenl; till ha11.df. aa-l .widl
Ite' kept. a choice assortntjit ijf Grocete..
Nov.2 tr 40
T fiE co-paritierhip heretforireexiting fon.
.der fihe firmn of Sce1VwrI.N A .\ .11.i I,
this dlay i--olved by mutual conipent. All in.
-e!'red iiniemss ol the tirmn will Ioo adju.,tedI byv
C. A. .\Weigs.
C. A. .1EIGs.
Oct. 1. 1842 t .
A L. per-mintn indebted [Ollie subscriber. cilh
A er by nt'e or open account, are regnest
- i to mek.- iayment on or belure thi l hill, of
Docensber neXr. otherwise they will lie placed
mbi Ilse hndof an otlicer rihr coill-clim. A, I
-,lmI forred is linat Ie lm'okehy. to liqiidate arInnIIlt.4
hih iarts an odi ngai.- me. I hipe Ithone
inidtbted to tw- will come forw ard.
iccl 5 tf 3
Brought to the Jail
F fil Disti iet, a negro man ii ho i,4a
0 hi-4 uame ies NED, and helangs p'io
%% aiiin;iton T13 hit,r. Il' Coiilia. .. C.
and r 'na..y fromn a platatiiin f milet,
frIl New berry C [I.. he is abot 4.5veur,
onit'-ge. 5 leet, 8 itche, hi:th. dark cratlple'.
Ioin. Near over Ihe lefi eve. and bi* little in
-er o teit- right hand storter Ibai the one
o) 'he IefI.
The owner is requesited to cnme for.
ward. prove property, pay char;;es, and
(. II. GOOD3I AN. .. i: n.
N. 2. 1P12. if -10
7 . v. onh r--opectilll inrat our friend,
:ad thie pubbeil generlly th.1a% 0 t* we aVe
.n-t ree..n..-d .. %%ell .wlvcte-1 stfjck got
Co> M , ('assimeres, o. nd
V L T W1tiM,
tge. lher na'. Itl .ll #)t,. I urticle.- In i .1lerclia t
Tailoring L.int, which n e ulffr at pt ice a to P-11.t
[tie 1n111s.
Oct. 1. P4C2.
I.N THL: O1./. PLI'.ts.
11. J. fHyanl,
s. -Delt, Foreign -iAcmratu.
I.. B. Pixlev .
M. i E Plai.till ha % II iit day filed his de
claraltI i my olhce. aid ile denldat
ha'. iw:, Ito wif'e or alttoriley,kiiown to be ni i6.
ins *,he Slate,o4 whusi a ciy oyfithe -,ame. will
a rule to plead. ennlld lle Per-d: I t is prdered.
that the defeidun plead to the said declaration
wvithin a )eat and a day or final and abaolute
udgmenl will be givent aaillt liii.
(;EO. POPE, C C. .
Clerk's Offe. Dec. 16.N4J c. aqe 47
Isitate ol South ( arolina,
William Si1th1.
VA. Tretpass, Attachment.
11 l Phlalitiff ha' og fled bio dechlaationl
Ill lmy ..tliCe! alglint thi'e said def'endant:
Ordered 11hat the de6-el.danlt dii aipear and
plea':d thlereto withint a yi ur ando a day l're'tu thle
Vtlll be JIwa:rded~ atgainsit himi,
Je ilIN P" iA'(.l'l.N iIN. C. C. P.
Clerha'a )ilice. -:.hi .l pr. Iie42.
-'tate of .'011th Carolilla
A KIll-:V I L I.ll l'i~titTl.
I N lE i'0 1I.I(JN PI.E.'.
W.E.Wu n . l~a'x. 5
75 iI li. Phll)lam tlllvn I;ledi halt' de'.!ara:iona
i'd thait r h.- emod def'en'ld.lnt dta .:'I' p :pet an plen
Ch-.1rk':,: 14 Otic.li.etit
'ept. 2$ ly a
(a'.]I:| ltea '. FCo. ? )Cli.tuuH)il IL\'i..
I .II: l, .-.1 I F Ilal. ll l'.4 I:l heirT
01 da\ Tal' i o i 'a i.\l .\'! O.\ Ptal. 5 I 1 a
r-":i ' ,l : ly rll h p lu':ur a i f .- 1114 a~s.t
yer o3 :11 i..m itti'- a l.:thi, llg th a '. ih- l thei
knownto 6 L.ffl hm ct. a 5 tate1. ln 1hma o
pytf,.m defla aSo.wh a rnleot ahieLn
lI- elra: ti il Ill're. thal,' th:aid lit lefcnd
ia.re dI pul e"If'iltjlad to the .'iddclr tion.w tie".
yearitmn ayfo theii1 ii'1 11 puba clay of r r
a rdsetdgist!l hun. lca.'naaii~ hl,
GEO. PiOPi. C. c. r.
Otho rks f, Oc. (8 182 & ly 5 47
W01m. .4. t'ill.De.
- 11IElI P el iil'hl:i'ving ('t i' dca fildii
Declaration' s~il my aaotlltIce.iadhe 'aefend
''~iti te ltiat of nhanc. p ofdee th ae
waiea rucle' to pleadould hpe~zz' hlrvedl it il r
'aratilon aithin atear do al tayho nalm asd
abotue. julewia'oljdgemtitwill begvnant. him
GN. ' EO. POPE.)N c. (c. r.
Cerk'at m'lice.Sp ..I.2
.soht. Do5saId
I1l7eIsale, S Is, lad 1l -alers in
Botots. irocs. and Leatser.
AND Ar.t. AnrMc:.0A eS:o r. 1 uA aW sa
I 1.l M 3U W , sG. .
Ii, i suh-er twra bn e e,-abli-.hef tben
h at f lamsburg, widl 'urnish allarticles
im their Iine. a.. e bien, i as b ,Pot at a ny other
print. at! ur:n.gmnst rGs rUus bing wits
ii:itmIfac tsanmr. direct.
limb;:.t.s. ~.'>.1-42. lawIm 41
Stte of South Carolina.
Decieration in Debt.
John Sery. reg Atachatcat.
r "I l'laintilr'having thiis day led his
a de-larationt in thin case. .t mny office, and
thedeldanildiit havim: no wieur attorney,knows
1t be within thi-s state. oil wnoumz a coPy of said
delclaratulim.. " tilh a rile to plead can be served.
It I, order. l, that tIhe %aid def endant do plead
to tihe ?.sid dedr-. witimin a year and a
day frnes te lpubesationi o this order, or final
ani absolute judgmeit will be awarded against
GEO. P1OPl, c. c. ?.
(erk's Office, rdgefield C. Ii. Feb. 25. 1642.
.Ma r _ _ly 5
o t:site of *'outih Carolina.
W su: r curry
i - Dcdaraton in .Inmpsit.
Jht Scirry.
Illn. 11. orelIna.an -
fo.r d ti# 4Ae 1
Wt. rtry. *Dcearatton in Dct.
Jilin ntary.
3 11I. pintaii ntaving thn day filed their
dteclarnet"'.nI I the above stated cases, in
M) oltire. si V-m deelinda hatring no wife or
altos to:e. kLowi to be within this state. on
whon a cop y J* -aid leetarations. with a rule
to pllea.t thaI is he wred. It Is ordered that the
siaid dekisdanot d to plead to ele said declaruti.us
within - .%ear and d:iy from the publication or
this order. or final anud aisoluto judgment wil
be a k41ded against htt.
GEU. POPE. c. c.P.
Ccerk's O05<c. w
t.1 IbAlayV. I t4- ly Is
-: si sI LI lIlwi'RICT.
Wiley \ldtio. F-oreign AuacAwent.
f f 111K Pslasintiff ha. ing this day filed his do
3 e arstsma io iny eice. and the defendant
h1:s ing as. *:- or atsornev, known to be with
the-tin .aire. Ii whom a copy of the same, wilda
I i II ph-si l bie nerved. It isn ordered,
that ie et.! int plead to [be said declaration
within a year mi -I day. or linal and absoluto
nidgmnt uiil be ::ivena:aait ifs.
GEW. POPE. c. c. P.
lhrLs. Off.er. D- c. 15. 141. c. aqe 47
Snitt. of .'"tmUti ( arolina.
A tn-n Mlohl.-y, Declaration in At
'b. tachme.
L. B. P"iWry.
WA IfEREAS fhie Plaintiffin the above
stated case, has this day filed his .
Declaration agaisnt gfeadua, 'wbh
absent from and with I
dtute. an it is said. having i er wife sor
at torney. koown'within the same, on whew
a copy if the Declaration with a rule to
Pirend thereto, might lhe served: Ordered
uhuatthae Defendatnt Plead iotthe said Dee
he4ratti:i. w:tian nt year attd a day, f'rom the
kelae ths~erct, otiTserwise final and absolute
ja..:msis.t a ii . be' nr.Ied agatinsi him.
G lEORt;1: POP'E, c. c. r
t'lerL,'s tOllier age 44
N'o. 'l. hill.
*t.d e ot f .111 ('urolina.
\l'lfEWi.LE bJIsTRICT.
I.\ 'TillE: LO.II .N P*LE AS.
Tr.astmsi &~s Jone's,
r - 111l-' l'Ilaiint ii tIthe cawe, having filed bis
d--chnaat~it n my utle', and the Defen
dan st, has. inember wiles.nio: attorneys, on
a biomt ; .a p of Ntid declaruaton.with a rule
'; pleadl51s h.5,,. migh lt be .erved: Urdered,
I, ;. ,.s.1 liendsj. ato appear and plead
m asw. ..s IJehatisn, ithim a year and a day
truss. : i <h-te. otonis ao r. ,or linal amid absolute
julms: wd aalis heawar'Ih-l agawiat themn.
(1lr.'s 4Jtir fih-. 16;. l.41. uge 47
taeof South Carolina.
I .I TflE CU.IIU.y '% PLE AS.
S :e wairt;& C uat. Declaration
Is. Ont .Attachmn,
.libi .scurry. ) Asupsit.
isatt & Johlntatoti, Decdaration
i. on Attachameat,
Johnei .srry. Drbt,
"A 11E plasintitri ha'. tg titday Iiledtheirde-.
eiaranitt m~m sm iy ulice. amid the defendant
ha'. m;: noj a i- or attornemy knowns to be within
the. -stt. isn w ioun a copy of' time same, with a
ii.:': to' leol. coei be .er' ed. It is ordered,
t~saa the ..defendssant plend to tihe said declaration,
w.'itlin;, a .cr~s -uii a day. m'r finalt atnd absoluto
itdZ55e.i '' he gie sat inhi.
G EO. POP'E, c. c. r.
E~dgjriurldl C. Ii.
ter/. ' .f.Ia are 10
'itatte 1 Z30ll ti Carolina.
Iy T~PIL? L'CU.1U. 1 kL E.AS.
I.e 'ai(i.ulbreas:h. Declaration .in As
rs. sunpsat.
J~lon tenrry. l'orevig.i Atcnhcn-a.
-amue tl .1. C~~ha p y i| D~eclaratio~n in As.
cs. suospsat.
.ohn sentsry. I)'oruiatn Attachmenrt.
11EI plaitiffs hsa' iin;: thsday tiled thteir de
.1 clarationta in. sib' abol e cases. its my office,
andl thi dei:damt hs' in:: no 'Sife or attorney,
kn tio'. is inss.aithm t~mtin to. otn whom a co
py, of~ ,ai debain wivth a rule tom lelad, can
hea w.r' eti. It sa oradererd. ilhne time said defen
dasm m o e:sl tu thme s:id deelnrtiom. w.ithin a
Sear nd -i aytfro th ulicrattinn of'this or
G;'.0. POPE, c. C. ?.
a .\l v. t-i'.. i ly 18
Tj 'hi i'.rm ofr~ ,,njemo.. .il:1 & Azoaa
.3 *s. n a, di-Mcut ont the I -t of'Sepstm
Iher la-t: thle bssizien. of' Stae conscro willbhe
..ettied by~ Ils'' oo & .\.' tr~tss who continuc
buisms,:'.t thme wmie place.
et l- 2.Of E

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