OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, September 27, 1848, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1848-09-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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H \VE commenced operations in tl-eir
Cotton Factory and are desirous of ou
taintn% the services of about Three hIunrtred
additional While Operatives principally Girls,
above the age oflourte'en; and also Thirty Ma
trons to take charge of their Boardling Ilouses.
As the company intend to establish and
maintain a most cxenl:ary statt: or morals in
the place, any young lady whose circumstant
ces require that she should I-,or for a stp
port. m"y engage as a weaver, rpimer. &c.,
at lucrative wages, and with the most perf-ct
assurance that they will not lose caste by such
employment, and a temporary residence at
Graniteville. No personr wir tie received ins
to the service of the Company. who cannot
bring the best testimoials as to their moral
chatacter. and noue will be permitted to re
main in the place ea ho do not amtain such
Two Churches are elected. School houses
will be provided, so that all mnay ohtaint ei:hcr
a plain or classical education. All fmilies in
the employ of the Company, as well as resi
dents of the place, will be reqired to keep
constantly at school all children under the age
of thirieen.
Neat and comfortable Boarding h[ouses will
be furnished at a low rent; t also g od dwelling
honses to families who can supply four ef,'c.
five hands from their own domestic circle, or
who will take that number as lJoarders. The
rate of Boarding will be low and will he fixed
by the Company. The above named Ionuses,
therefore must not be regarded as sources for
mnaking money, but as affoiding excellet situ
ations for widow ladies who are in imdigent
circumstances, and who have children to rear
and educate. such having the advamntage of
competent instructors free ofcharge. Instances
have occurred in which fatuities l:ve availed
themselves ofsimilar circumnstances. to prtcure
the rudiments ofleducation for their boys. while
through the indutry of their sisters they n ere
afterwards enabled to obtain a collegiate edn
cation, thus fitting them for occupying the
highest positiom in insociety.
It is the object of the Company to benefit
the State by giving employment to the deserv..
ing poor. but, it is also a primary ob ject to olsu
ain interest for the capital expended in these
work-. they will- not permit their houses to be
occupied by any who cannot or will not en
der-themselves useful. They wish it to be
distinctly understr.od, that Grantiteville is niot a
place of refuge for those who are itcapacita
ted from any cause, for obtaining their living
by industry.
The) would also state, tlat the Matrons al'
luded to must be siuch persons, as from their
education and standing will exert a proper in
fluence in the mental and moral culture of the
females under their care.
it is hoped and earnestly reqested, tha all
who feel an interest in the progress of mnann
factutres in our State, in the welfare of the
p-Jor, and such as have a knowledge of this
institution and the persons'who are- ent;aged
;intthis enterprise, will ne their best efforts to
circulate the contents of this circular ; that the
ni'ids of all, who ought to engage with us. may
he directed'to Graniteville, where a comforta
ble htome, and tho menas of educating their
-children may be secured.
All eintouniications on the subject "tist.,e
addressed'to - GEORGE KELLY,'
Agent at Graniteville.
e6w 33
4t .. l1'Q1 TYt:
. Bill for foreclosure
to6lii fl,lh Ord uia.ryand and sale.
AYashington Strom.
1TICE is hereby given. that i virttie of
* time decree, of the 'Court ini this case I
a1l.seli. at. Ed4bleld'CaiRrt' Houae. oin tIhe
4>.st. Mdfiday-inOctobey next. One tract of
1ahoiaiog five hutidred and tmweaty-three
acres more or less situate in the District amnd
State aroresaid. on the Martitownm and Scott
Rnadu, amnd Gumnnell's Creek. bounded by
lands of Lee Holstein. Dlavid Quarles, Daniel
Vre-cott, Heniry Waldrum and M,rs. WVhitaker.
Terms of sale cash.
S. S. TOMPKINS. c. E.. E. D.
Conmmissioner's Office, Sept. 5th, 1848.
Sept.6U______ 4t 33
Jacob Pow )Bil for Parhition of
vs. the Estate of John
Philip Pow amid others. )Pow, deceased.
LIT appearintg to my sati<fimetiona, tha:t Johni
Stn,-kman amnd Rebecca his wife Jihnm
Reynolds and Anti his wife. WVilFami Spami.
Phmilip Spamnn, William Edwards, Shmel
hmerd and Sally his wife, late Sally Edwards.
amid Lewis Edwards, so:me ot the D)efedants
in this cause, are without time linits .if this
State; Ordered that the Defenmd:mumts above.,
named. do apapear in thmis IHonorabile Conrt.
amid plead, aiswer om detuanr :o the smd Bill.
within three months from the publlicationm of
this order. or mIhe staid Bi, wmll be tamken pro
confesso ngainst the m.
S. S TO.i PKINS. c. F.. r.. 0.
Commissionei's Office,. Jauly 1th, 188.
Jumly i2 3im 25
Sam'l Hamrris and
'Wm. Harris. Alppts.5
vs Summons inm
Jaread Ilarris, and %Partition.
Wmi 'Wortingtoni &
'Wife '6lartha.
I T appeamring tam my satisf.metion that Jared
Harris and William WVorthmington amid wmli
litariham..'lietributere in thie ablove sitated case
y, jis n t hoathe mimilums ofibmis tate. ii is thuer..
fire ordered thmat they do apIpear aind obiject to
the sale amid divisiona of the reail estate of Green
Ilarris deceased,. oni or b.efore the first .ilonmday
. 1mm December naext, or their cmonsenat will be en
tered of recomrd. Given muder my hmad at amy
office the 8th day ofAiuiust WNS.
JOH-N tiILL, oRaD.
Aug 9 3m 29
T JLED before tme. by Blenjamnin Muarrell.
..living atboutt five miiles frm Edgeliekid.
C. Hi., oane sorrel horse. with whiite toire (le-fl)
leg, abomut 6 years oldl. with a saddle anmd bridle
on. Appraised at $40.
July 21st. 1848. 4mm 27
Elinmgtonm Clark.,
A ppt, vs.' Summons in Partition.
Philip Clark amid
others DeffDs.
Ti appemr ng to nmy satisfaction that Phiil
lip Clark, Jesse Clark. Jesse Wallace,
and wvife Francis. Wesley Rimmnels, anid
wife Elizabeth. defe'ndantts in this cass., reside
without time limits of this State, it is there
fore ordered, that ihey do appear amid object to
- the division or sate of thme R eal Esmale of Etiz
beth CImark deceased. on or befomre the first
Monday ini Octuober next. or their coansent to
the same will be entered of record.
JOHN HILL, n. c. D.
July 12 19e 9
BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Pa.
cins to me directed, I will proceed to
sell at Edgefield Court House, on the first
Mondav and Tuesday following in Octo
ber next, the following property ia' the
following cases, viz:
P- H. Ash vs. Joseph Ferguson. the
tract of land where the defendant lives.
adjoining lands of Richard Worthington,
James Stew%art and others
A. Brown & Co.vs. W. P. Delph, Chas.
Lamar, for another. vs. the same, one lot
in the town of Hlamhurg. known in the plan
of said towa as lot No. SI. frontin on Me
elianc street 80 feet, and running back 120. ;
George McKee vs.. Elbert Dobey, Joel
Riper jr. and John Harrison, the tract of
land where Elbert Dobey lived- at the I
time of his death, containing four hundred
acres more or less, adjoining lands of a
John Dohey, Joel RWper and others. i
V T. West for Miller, Ripley & Co. p
vs. James F Burton. the tract of ind I
where the defendant lives, containing ihree
hundred acres more or less, adjoining
lands of Batt Howard and others.
Wyatt Holmes vs. C. W. Cochran, the
tract of land where lhe defendant lives,
containing three hundred acres more or
less. adjoining lands of .Mrs. Mary Carroll,
A Killcrease and others.
Thurman E. [Heit. vs. Martha Hett,
two negro men. [Jall and Dave.
John G. Burton vs. A. G. Leek, 'T. J. b
Dyson vs. A. G. Leek and others vs. the
same. one carriage.
II. [1. 11111, vs Bryan Dean, the tract
of land where the defendant lives, contain
ing six hundred and seventy five acres,
more or less, adjoining lals of Benjamin
Stevens and Robert Bryan.
W. S. Cuthran vs G. W. Christian and
Washinginn Freeman the tract of land
where the delendat Freeman lives. con
taining twenty acres more or less, adjoin.
ing lands of A. T. Traylor, Peter Quat
lebum and others.
Abram Jones vs John Rinehart, admin
isirator of Win. M. Stone, a tract of land
containing one hundred a:id sixty acres
more or less. adjoining M. Petenbaugh,
Jesse Derrick and Uriah Inabnct.
G. W. Pres!ey vs William B. Brannon
and G. L. & E. Penn, one lot of lati at
Liberty Hill, containing one half acre, ad
joining Washington Freeman and others.
Smith & Griggs vs Datling D. Pin
kett. B. F. Gowdy vs the same. Lawrence
Myers & Co is tne same, the sawe vs
the sair.e, the following lots in the Town
of llamburg, known, in the plan of sauid
Town as lots nomters 199. 200, 201. 202
203 and 204, having fifty feet front hy-one
hundred and ninety-six feet deep, hounded t
North by Tiliman street, East by Snow.
den streets, South by Cobb street, West
by Bradherry street.
Jos. N. Bailey vs. Abijah Abney, one wagon
4 mules and one horse.
Watson Johnston & Co. vs. Geo. Watkins.
Jr., 4 negroes, viz. Martha, Lotty and her two
children Kizzy and Frank. ,
Terms of sale epsh.
S. CHRIST[E,.J.. E. D.
Sept 8 4te 34
Thomnas hicCarty abid.gife:...
Patsey ad others,.Applicants. Sumnmons
Vs. . sU
Polly Stewart and others, Part itton.
Defendants. J
I T appearitng-to my satisfaction, th at Thomas
IStewart, William Thompson, Thomas;
Thmpson, Alexander Thompson, Narcilla
Thompson. Nelly Thotmpson. Pollev Thoimp
son. andI Tabithat Thiampson, Distriutees in
the Real Estate of Alexander Stewart deceased.
live withont the Ii.' its of thid State. Ii is
threfore ordered, that they don appear in the
C.ourt of Ordinary for the District atoresaid, I
and objoe.t to the Sale or Divisiotn or the Real
Estate aforesaid, on or before the fourth day or I
December next, or their conisenit wtil be I
entered of Reemdn'.
Given tinder my h:tnd at my Oflice, ihis dlay
the 28th Augutst, 1848
Aug 30 3mo 32 .
\ Mary Langley and others, BilfrPtton I,
?s. Bi/ frPriin
.heob Langlev and others g
NOTIICE. is hereby given. that by virtue of c
the decree of the Court of Equity in this g
as, I shall sell at Edgefield. C. II.. ion the first
.dav in October next, the following tracts
f hind belonging to the Esiate of H enry Lang
ay eceaseid. viz:
The Matthew Rihodes' tract. containinz two a
madred acres, more or tess. situated in the
)istrit and State af.oresaid, 00 CuizTietowni
treek, and adjomning hands of te Estate ofr
Jni A~,dersoni deceased. .lthn E Ilarrison &
Sarah Langley.C
The Bill Langley tract, contaimmg two' hun-i.
rn acres moore or les.,, and adjining lands of
.. Deorm Alfred Hell. Jamie Rodgers andk
oInt E. liarrison,*and the atbove tract described "
as the 1M tthe w Rhiode. tract.
Them Reedy Creek tract, containing two bun
dred and five acres more or less. and adjoinng Ii
binds of Ihugh Mosely. James Chieatham,. Star "
i- Burnett andi Wilsoni C. Robertson. II
The abiove lands will be sold on a credit oft i
mne and two years. with interest fromi the day c
of sale, except for somuich aswihl pay theccost,.
i be paid in cash The purchase.moneya
o he secured by bond wvith cond seentiesP
S. S. TOMPKINS. c. F. . . i
Commissioner's Office. Sept. 5th, 184R .
Sept. 6 4t 33 h
r H E Stubscriber has just received a splen
Idid Stock ofS >ringz and Sunmmer Goods. 11
For Ladies' ware, a flne lot of a
M,ushuns. Barages and Cingharns, s1
Fine Mdantles andl Shawls, V
Boannets and Bonne t Ribibons,
WVorkied Collars sond Muslin Trimings,
Black and White Lace Veils,
For Gen-lenmen's wear,
A fine Stock of Boots and Shoes, of all
.' kihde,
Leghorm,Panamna, Palm, Silk and Bayer 5t
Hardware, Cutleryv and Crockery, h
A good assortment of Groceries, snch as t
Stugar, Ci,ffee. Mnlasses and Rice, I
Fresh C HEESE,. SI
With maniy articles ton tedions, to mention. et
l ol which 'will be sold very cheap for Cash, e,
ir on time, to panctualI ettstome5rs.
B. C. BEVAN. a
A pril 1I i 12
For Sale or Reni, ' e
lHF E 11U$E. and LOT foirmerly ocen-i.
pied by S. S. Tompkins. Esq. A pply al
o ~ S F. GOODE,
April 4 ft 11
-Dr. Townsends A
S A I S A. P AR1 A
- - pre
WoNDER AND BLEaetfnO Tl -AG rue
!his Extract is put up in Quart Boutes: it is inc
six times cheaper. pleasanter, aid swarranted no
superior to any sold. It cures ,otlout vo mi,. in
ang. purging, sickening or-deblitating th $',
The great beanty and superiority of this Sar- am
sparilla over all other niedicinas-s.ehat while np
eradicates the d'isense, it invigoratei the body. fro
I is one of the very best Ti
sver known, it not only purifies the- whole
ystem and strengthesi the person, hut it cre
tes new. pure and rch blood : a power posses
ed by no other medicine. ~ And in'tliiAihes the
rand secret of its wonderful sucdess. It has in
erfornied within the last five years, tnsuie than n
00.000 cures of severe cases nrIdiae; at "I
east 15.000 were considered incuraie% It has a
aved the lives of more than 5,000 children du
inn the two piast seasons........ ...a
0.000 cases of General Debili yjani want pri
of Nervous Energy. . .. sut
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla iisvigbrettes the ye
whole system permanently. Toi.thase who wV
Ive lost their iuscular energy by the effects of
nedici a ir indiscretion committedibt,yonth, or
he excessive indulgence nt the pbions. and
rought on a generil physical prostration of the
ervons system, l+issitude, want uyf ioibitn.
sintinr sensations, premature'dec+y and de- ar
line, haste- ing towards that fatal disease.- 'oti- wvi
ninptlnn. can he entirely restored by-this plen- '"
ant remedy. This Sarsaparilla i. farsuperior lil"
D any to
Invigorating Cordial, an
As it renews aid irvi_orates the system. w
ir es activity to the limbs. aid streuith to the ,
nnscular system, in a most extraoidinary de. to
ree-. far
Consumption Cured.; C
sleanse and Strengthen. Consamption can
be cured. Bronchitis. Consumption' Liver nio
Complaint. Colds, Catarrh, Cou I* , A4thna, sull
Spitting of Blood, Sorene i ihe Chest. yei
Ilertic Flush, Night Sweats, "D.fficlt or act
Proliise Exipectorati.-i. Pain intf :ide, &c.
have been and can be cured. cot
Sjitling Blood pro
New York, Apri28;1849. w,
Dr. Townsend-I verily believe?that'your sut
iarsaparilla has been the means. throngt ,Pruv I
dence, of snving niy life. I have; for several am
-ears had a bad cough. It became worse and a
vorse. At last .it raised. large giantitie-a of
lond, had night Swe+tts, and vasjreatly de- ia
ilitated and reduced. nad did. hotexpect to it i
ive. I have only used your Sarsapiilla.a short wii
ime. and there has a wonderful chinge been the
vrought in me. I am now able to agalk ill over hat
lie city. I raise no blood, and my smiugh lies an,
el me. You can well imagine thatfa thank- dei
ul for these resuls. -Y.'ur-obedie .iervant,- mn
WVM. RUSSELL. 65 Ca. eyine.st.
Rheumatisi. itt
This is only ine of iore tlinnf rhouiand set
ases of Rheumatism that Dr. niow and' ce
arsaparilla las cured. .The nu tere aid nc
hrontc cases are. wieklyseadi vi ex
raordinary virtnes..
James Cummiings, Esq. one of t iepsisItants
n the Lunatic Asylum, iackwelr , e.1s si
lie gentleman spoken of-in-ttei6 ing eter on
Blackwell's Iihnd, Se t -14,.1847.- ye
Dr. Townsend-Dear Sir: havessuffered of,
erribly for nine years with the Rheumstisth;
onsiderable of.the:tinmo l,could at&e e'asep
r walk. I had tihe .uminst dares stng pamrs l
ad my limb's were.'teiribly.di;n.I;.k, ~
sed foutr bottles of your liars parilit, and
itey have ds:.nsi ine ,nnre-tian~ ne thiotimnd (
nllisrs worth of good. I am-so rtech hetter.
ideed. [in entirely relievid:- Tou are as hib
rry to use this for the benefit ofT the afflicted r
Yosura, respctfuslly.
Fils ! Fits ! Fits! bu.
Dr. TIownseuzd. nost hiavinig itsr his Sara- his
arilla in cases of Fits. oif'course neiver recom- nas.
ended it. anid wais surprise; to receive she foi- Ga
iwing froim an initelligent anid respectable Far- rias
iet in Wesschstser County;: the
Fosrdhuam, August 13, 1847. fris
Dr. Townsend-Deaa Sir: I have a little
irl seveni years of age. who has been several ari
ears;aflHicted with Fits; we tried almnost everv. wie
inug f or her. hut without success; at last, al. I
isnghi we* could find iio reco'mmendantion inp
ur circuilars for enises like hers, we thonght.n, tiu
'1e was ini very delicate health,-we wvou give
er somess of1 yosir Sorsapaiilla. and are very
ld we did. for it not only restored hecr ssrength .
it she has hsad iio returni of thin Fits, to our u."E
rent pletassure anid surprise. She is fast lie- fur
>minc rugged isnd hearty. ror wvhich we feel car
raisfutl Yours. Respiectinslly, the
JOH N BI'TLER, Jr. hii
Femalde Medicine, of
Dr. Townses d's Marsaparilla is a sovereign
lid speedy cure for Inicipienit t'sinsuimptions,
atrren,ae-s. Prnlupsius Uteii, or Falling of the
/omb. Costiveness, Pilts. Leticorrhma. ut
i tes. iobsiructedl or d'filnhlsMentruntionii
,continence of Urinie, or invn!usntarily slits. J5
nirge theroof. unad (or the aeneral prostraiiion
:te systemi-nil mattes wilether the rsuil of
liberent cause or causeis, prodiuced by irregti
rtv, iness or accident. Nothing can be
or'e surprising thani its invigorating effes 00(n i
e human frani' Persoins all weakntess anidke
situde, fromn takinug it. at since beicome re. AU
lst andI full of eniergy under its influence. Ii
amediately counteracts the nervelessnuess of
e female frame, which is the great cause t im
arrenniess. it will niot be expected of its,, in libe
ies of so dlelicte a stature, to exhibhit cci tifi' yen
tes of enireus perfoirmed, bitt we can nasutre the fav
ilicted, that hundreds of cases (save beeni r"
rted to us. Thousands of cases whiere lasni
es have been without children, alter tusinug a G
w bottles ofC this invaluable medicine. have
est blessed with fine, healthy offsprinig'm
Opinions of Phy,sicians. fore
Dr Townsenud is a moss daily receiving ordlers usu
om Physiciants in dliff-trenus parts of she Uniont. lIal
This is to certify that we, the undseruigned,. She
hysicianis of the City of Albany. have in niu- I
erous cases prescribed Dr. Trownsend's Sar- nmis
parIla, and believe it to be one of the most
du uble preparations in the market. whi
H. p. PULING, Mt. D- bem
J. WIL80N. M D- bur
hR. B BRI(.tGS M. D.
Owing to the great succae antI immense
Is of Dr. Townsend's Sausaparilla, a num
ir of men who were formerly. our agents,
tve commenced making :-arsapariIa Ex
acts, Ehixirs, Bitters, Exiracts of Yellowv
ock, &c. They generally put it Up in the
me shaped bottles; ated aome of them have
ri and copied our'adverti.ements. they are
d '.orthless imitations, and should be
o ded. .T
Pr neipul flie, 126 Faltoan. Street, Sun and
ildmig, Ne,v York.-And also by the prsa (
pal Drnugguets and Merchants generally Wia
roughout the United State., West Idse
id the Canadas. 4lea
Foir Sale by R. S. JiOBERTS.
Edgefield C. II, Sept 20 ly 35
dvantageous Proposal of
H H E Subscriber wishes to f rn; a Part.
-.nersnip on the folluwing principles,
mising that his business. it aided by suitable
ilities, would and will realize liomi $5001)
t1000 profit annual,y, on the basis of snall
fits and quick returns. Toaccomphsh this,
100 Nould be reqimsite. to buy goods on
ternms. nd the- profit would I.e ce tain and
rensing antnually. TIherefore, as few ran
Sadvance the above atnontit. alone and
tided, he proposes to raise it on Shares of
00 each. one.fi urth to be paid in cash. sany
I) n each share, pavable 1s: to 15th Oct.,
J three tourths or $150 on each share an
proved note at 6 months. with interest
in date, payable at the Batik of Hamtuberg.
e average stock kept on hand is $10,000
f5 Shares at $2110 is $5100
R S. Roberts' Share is $5000.-$10 000
l'ho profits to be divided in the above ratio.
$25011 to be divided amongst the 25 Shares
1 $2' 00 to-be said R. S. Roberts' Shl..re. or
that ratio. accordimg as it is reiIzel, less or
.re ; hatt as at is m.stimned and1 guaranteed by
it R S Roaberts that the mtiumm or lhast
aunt of prqit that can be reali:ed is $4000
rilly, each partner owuig tine aaare it
00 is permitted to draw out. in gouds at cash
ces. $-.0. during the year. at any period
hing lue or her cunveiectce; and if the
irs pre-fits exceed $4000. then the balance
I be pai,d in ca.h e'atch and every 15th Oct.
f $61,0 ate realized, $120 a ci share.
(00 " 16) "
10000 2110
r good times this may be the case easily.
['he parttteship to endure 5 yeara nd then
the enl at that period, i-nch partner may
hdraw his $20t). givitia 3 itnntis ntice of
et;oni to that effect, or lie is it nv time at
srty to sell out ii share naking the fr.;t fi:r
he Company.
ioe Buine,-si is condaeted entirely fir cash
J the Stock will be kept insured. Parties
hig o iranil themselves of the abe+ve. will
*ome special partners and be only miterested
the extent of their mtvest:mrnt w ithout and
thcr responsibdity. aetig the same as by
I'he business as heretofore to lie entirely
rIer the contrnl and anmanagement of the
:scriber. A meetmng to be held tnce each
ir to receive his report and inspect his
ro commence Ist Octseber if subscriptions
nilete by that time if not on 15th October
rhose who wish half, whole, or more shares.
I please apply by letter or personally to the
f h:alf shares are subscribed, one half the
onnt will be r. quir,:d in cash. the balance in
mtontlis endorsed note.
Besides the agencies which I hold, any Stuck
y reach fregaently $1200) to $14000. and
a not much r-hort of it now; t:+erefire thewe
i be i perpetual gutranetee of safety t.
se who choose to ihvest as above, in the
ideonie stock cotstantly k"-pt by inc. To
y who are nuacqaiatnted with me ,inl would
tite to make an investmeut. references of the
st undeniable charaeter will be giveu.
Lnder the above arrangement Planters and
tera would get theirgo.ds ten- per cent
!aper at least, and an many instances 25 per
it cheaper.
P. . Parties investing may have a ining
:unt of. Two Hundred Dollars or Two
mdred and Fifiy D,dlars each year at :';ash
onpices,.and:Eightty :Dollars at least, or
re,-f, more is inade, will be credited then at
eidof eachyear. and they. annually paying
thr balance,. will comence..anew.ftmother
rlyiaccount, thus saving to them one-third
tie costor gooda if bonght on credit.
Spply. personally or by letter to
Igefild C. .So. Ca.
sept 13th,t 34
P H E Suhscriber hatvinig re'turned froom
L exico atand aintig resumiaed tIhe GRO
lY & COTTON BU-INES8 ina flam
eg, hast takenm the stanid lately occumpied by3
U. Ctnntinthia, seconud oormr below J. J.
waid. Esq. inatenda to keep itt aimd a goad
ortmnent ol all the amrticles uisually kept in a
acery Store: amid hiavinag made suach ar
gnnts na eatables hmiim tam fuarnisht Goods at
loest market prices, confidently invites his
ns to give im a call.
ill orders aitten.led to wi.. strict attentionm.
I goods pnat aup in a style anad att praces that
1i lie atatisfaictotry tat puirch-.sers.
ntending to bae regnlairly in rthe market for
dame., the highest nairket crices will at at:
et be paid for Cottomnad Flannr.
E'he tandersigned take tisi methond aofritaurt
thanks to theiir old frienada andit cusetomeras
p-t faivors. atal tat inafarm them that thecy
be fidi danrinig thme appromacmm seasona. alt
Store of C. W. 81)h.'s. where they ndilbe
tpy to see old cuistoimers.
i orderat fratmu our fraonds, directed to either
I, will mneet witha prinplt tatetton
lambrg. Aug 16 2mo 30
*sV liE T CII.?1 & C O,
HA.\l BU RG, S. C.
AVE re..mave iltir stock of Dry Gt.ods
to tIhe Store tnnmer the Aanmrican h Hotl,
e Hibbards) wh,-ere it is their purpose to
p a ll asaitrtment ofai
orienan. .renchi and Ernglsh
Ve woul aal'e this oppaortumnity to return mar
iks to ont numaeroums rrienmds for the very
ral patroage betowed on ats for time la,st six
as. and wonid solicit a cotiiniance tof thmeir
V e wouldm alsio invite all personms buyin:t Dry
ids itt Hambuaarg, who are ntot already oat
luarge list of subsmcribmera to girc us a trial.
tar stocak will conasitt tafa atmch larger and
-e general assortmnent thiaa we htave hereto'
k pt. We shiall also continne to keep atar
al iartmaenit ol Carpetimag. (Oii Cltah Floor
titing. Bonnieus, atnd Laidies amid Childretas
.-Jaast received a faull assortment air all
mhers oii arenuinie
DIsicla Doltihag Clothas.
h togeher with nil articles inotir hate wvil
tld as low as they canm be procured ina Ham-m
gor Atugaista.
Iambrg. S. C. Ang. 7-Il tf 29
Domsestic l4oods.
New Boot and Shoe
V HERE Genttlemen's Boots -indi Shoes
are miade i' a mtost superioar style of fit
entlaiem wanting coark soled. double soled.
er promof, walkang, dress, patent li-niher.
a fine paamp sailed BOIOTS, needl but
re thir orders withm the subcriber.
...cl. 1 tr 6
IN recommnendiig these Pills to the ptiWic
the propitetor 'oes not wish to make an
unnecessary or tedious perunabdilation, hid
witn full directions and i few imnportant re
mtuks. lie will leave the medicine to nptak-fu
itself. feeling confident that its merits are sncl
as wil iot fail to brinr it nit'. et rneral use'; in
deed, he is so sangtie+ of the effivncy of thosi
Pills. he does not besitate to guarantee n cur<
in the most aguravated cases.
A speedy and permanent cure for F vust &
AGU: and IntermiLtent Fevers.
By loll wing the directions c osely while ta
king this preparatinn, its super'ority over Ii
ordinary Tonic Mlixiures, Pills, dc. will bi
readily i-covirred.
Beiig purely vegetable, free from all foreigi
delmterions or mineral preparations, these pill
may be taken w;ith the utmost safnty iter al
most any c.rcum.stances. They strengthen th
stomach. imvigornte the systeni. and entirel:
prevent that langor and prmst(iion of strengl
whi-"h always attend this disense
They also pissess a decided superiority ov
er quinine, ptus.iate of Iron, Arsenic. Bonesel
ind the nsmerous other preparation ustiualli
1 employed in the cre of F1VE & AGUE
in being gently apperien:, by this means car
rying themselves off throu.in the in.dium o
the bowrls after they have spet thr-ir medici
nal powers in the stonach thus preve"ntitr
the accunulation of those nnpletsant symptonsl
that albno't iniversaily follow the applicatiot
of the ahoresaid medicines. which constrini; the
bowel", prodice cnig"esiion l the liver. nn<
remain in the system to hrnod diseases mors
danigeruns than those they are employed t<
Ilence it is said that those remedies in tit
majority ofinstanres only serve to suppres
the di.-ease for a short period. while the dis
ease still in his system is brooding new evils
aud soon developes itself' in a more dangerom:
forin than at first ; thne the necessity of a ned
icine possessin-- the qn-dities of Dr. JAM:YN'.'
AGUE PILL$, that caii he applied withoui
fear of experiencing those evil eirects befPr
alluded to. and with a full confi.le.tce of receiv
ing a speedy and radlical rre.
H. J. ilostirk Esq. Drayton. Georgin, says
Nov 18. 1846i-Dr D. J1vne. l)eur .ir; 11)
sales of your prenarnion have exceeded im
expeeitatins Y.iur KTprctroranl. Verijuge
Carmninarice Balsam. and I'ecer Ague Pills. i
sell well, scon n., wh:ch I sun tow ont of.
want an immediate supply of all the abov
unmed Medicines. more particularly a larg
supply of the l.xpeetorasnt and Agne Pills -
We have yet tmonr is a good iany lon
standing cases of Chills and Fevers, in whicl
ytnr Agne pills have never failed to cnre -
Your Alteritive is just beginning to I,
known here and appreeiated. If1 1 had hmu
eninth of your Fever and Asne Pills I coul
have soll inmre than a hntudred dollars worth
ofthem Yours &c. H J. BOSTIGK.
Mleasta. J & H. Moore. Lisbon. Ill says.
Oct 31. 1846; Your Agne Pills 'e about gone
and have given univerral satistitction.
Wm. Bell Eq 'Waltw Grove, Alabamn
says: Nov. 9th. 1846; I have sold all vour A
.gne Pills aid Tonic Vernifuge They an
doing wonders here. I ant sorry you did sn
send ite more of them
Fir sale by .R. S. ROBERTS
Only Agent in this place for the sale of Dr
Jayne's celebrated Fatily Medinirne.
Anstr 16 :im 3
HE well tried' iid .generally. nppisvet
aid Summer Complaint.of. bliinr.
From the late npE; Holn i osite gs
Brazns'San Jng:ro jily 24. I846.-LDtWooc
rufi--Cowe an apology for. nt:acknwledgin,
before t c receipt of a Irox ofyouri .Dyseteri
Cordial. 'which your had te kindness tr. seni
me.whrie in Columbps, folr the, ane oy "orini
I have fond it' 'mtost saluable niedicine, atc
only regret that I have riot a' supply ofli it.
Wherever any mien hirve followed directionsr
they have irjvarinbly found relief. We havy
suffered atnd are sufferin.g much from D)yser
tery. nenzaine.e1 by the wretched w-it.'r we havy
to udrnk. bitt your Cordial is re'stnorng all 1
their wointeid health arid vigor. WVith my sin
cere thanks fur your kindness, and best wishei
lior your success. I am your oberdient eerv't.
Isaac HoL.atFs,
Captain Macont Guards
Georgetown. Tiandoilh Co Gee.. Ji ire I 3th
1846 -Dr WVoodruff'. Sir-he- demuanud foi
yoi r D)ysernter'y Cordial is s-. great, that
fonr yoneuo send by the statge. on Tunesday
fordznbottles. General Shorter's oversee
informned mie rte other day that Ire hard used i
itn somte fiv enases with entire surcess. In faci
every person I aye sold it to is very muec
pilease'd It cert ificate" tire ol arty use to yon
I cart aet arty nirmbter for you
Very Respect fully D.0)lOlt R IS.
For sale: by R. S ROBE TPS.
Ane h6 Gir 30)
, ND tIre cerraint prnrrsuor of muaniy danger
.1 oti lisenrses. rf allowed to remtaim long
ini tIre humatnu sy<tem ini great nitmhers'
Thesusandts iof children die niunurntily fromr
Wontos Thse season is uw rlose at titn:id
when they becomte mrost troublesomte to chtil
Da. WVoonnorr's Wona Sr:circ is ai safe
rmedy for ev.,rmns. Try it. It is as good as
rte best.narri cheaip as the chieaprest..
Mr. Joseph Shrippy of MuIrscogee ca. Ga,
says it brought away 200 worims from a negr
chtild blongintg to hint, rm a shrr tiime.
Mr. Johin L Litile of Whlievilh-'. Ga. says I
ite it in otne ense, and brought away fifry
witrms. In anrither case it cured hiis niegro:
woman of Tenin er Tape worm.
M r. Tihomus Boyd, of' Coweta en. Ga. sayr
Ire gave it ut a negro buy who -was in bad~
health :it brought niway immtediatelty thirty.six
Sormts. He was sooni well, annd remains so u
to thi" time.
Grrffini. Pike co. Ga. July. 1848 -Mlr. Wood'
rutl--Plense iarwtird immiediately three dozer
of yourr W.orms Specific withuat delay
Rlespecthinly, Jonas (. lira.L'& C~o.
Tidhout Co. Ga. Dec 12. 1845 D)r WVood
rfl-I htave recently tiade traul of veur Wurm
S1pet'ific in a bad ease, with thre hnippiest efl'ee't
I think imore of ii thaur ever. ami blieve it will
doc ini tnery tine cases in ite hiratdred.
J. E, RoPER. ti. D.
For sale by R. S. ROiBERTlS.
Anrg2 63m 29
Physcaa'n imud Aurg'eon,
B EGS leave to offe'r Iris professionni servi'
ces tro the citizense of h:dge'fielrl arnd v'icini
ty arnd respectfouy tor solicit a share ofl the'it
Douctor C.'s past snt.cr'ss in the ureahateent of
diseases of ment, wvomreun and :-hitren, encouir,
age. bims thus to ask the suppitrt utl' an ernlighit
ened comminririty
, V. Mlott. M.. D., Newv York City.
A. Clark. Ms. D.. ""
R. G. Frary. P.. D). Hundson, N, Y,
G Kimbrlalt. Mu. D., Lowell, Masrs.
H. H. Child. M. D.. Pitusfieldr.'Mass.
N 1B.-Prompt atientirit givemn to calls left
my residhence, the housie fornierly ocen ied by
S. S. Tmopkmns, Es'q., by night or day, or at
tire Post Ollce by day. ~ J. V. C.
iaJ t f 17
Jlnanacs s flnawne*i
D R. D, JAI NE would hereby inflirdi the
. public that he publishes anmnalif for gra
tuitons distribution, by himself dnd all his
t Agents, an Alnanac, called
The calcul,ttiuns for this Almanac are mdo
wth r reat c:te ind accuracy and for Rve.df,
terentt Latituettsand Langituder,soastoi a
them equally useiti tsd .1 Ciafgndar in .eer'
pa rt of tho United Statea and.. Britis Nort ,
Amuerien. They are printed ott godd paptit
and with handsome new type, and are ueq 'y
bound. and besides being the neatest and-most.
accurate Calender prrnted in the United-States,
they conv,in a large amount of valuable'iofor
mnation. suited to the wants of all, gnd..of thai
kind too, which canr.ot be found in books'- -
His Gaialogue of Diseases, with remarkisd
directions ir their removat is really invaluable,
and mnake thems welcosne visiters in everyhone
they enter. Every family should possesaa
tenet one of these An'nuals. His Almanac -r,
1849 i- now ready for di-tribution,-of.whiek.hs.
designs to publish at leanst Two Milions,_4ndlit.
order that every family .n the United States.
and 13sitish Aimerica. may be furnished with-s
copy. he hert-by invites
f to forward their orders to R. S. ROSRT$,,.
E,fgefield C. H . as early as possible and"they_
shball be sup eedgratuitou.lg with as tmany cop
ies as they may deem necessary to supply.their
various customers. They ase also invited a$.
the same time, to send a.copy of their." Busi
I ness Card." which will tie printed and placed i
on the cover of the. Almanacs sent them.
They are also reqested to give all iecesary
directions how the Almanacs should$ b.'for-,
warded tothem. By law they cannot h. seit,,
by nail unless the postage is first paid on tlietu>
Orders (poit paid,) directed tc R.D.
JAYN E. Philadelphia, or to R-S. ROBERT8'
Ferfield C. H.. will meet with prompt'itten
07 FAMILIES can obtain these Aliaaia 4
Grates of R. S. ROBERTa, Agentfocb
Dr. LU JAYNE'S Family Medicines.. '
Sept20 .f - -
Dr. Jayne's ?on c 't
Iuge. -
li E toast plea,ant as well as the
certain remety forr Worms; wii is
perfectly sale, and so pleasant that;clidred
will nut refuse to take it. It effectuall dd. e
strvs Worms, neutralizeei acidityor. surneui
of the stonach. increases afppetite; and acts,s
a g'neral and permanent tonic,.atd.is tJbe
fore exceedingly beneficial in .intermrusittnot
remittent fevers. indigestion. &c., apsd.isa r
tain and pernitnen cure for Fivsrad,Aoux
It not only .destroys Wotms. aidsuvigortrsF
the whole systiem. bit it dtiolves th upera
hundaint s!ine or mucous as, prevalent iif
,,tomeiaeiu a,id howel' of 'children.mire espe
cially of those ,in bad, health. , This. mucous -i
tormn+ the bed, or test. in which v;rni1 arr
dace their young;- and by remo' n .
impossible tor them to reinst iii tho{ .'
It. is harmless' in its i'et 'nit' ii.t
tem. and the healtilofthe.: patien,pAa s
improved hv. its usee, .ven, wben. :vpts
are ditsvereil' Nuoierois, certifijhe itt';
i'efulucss have beanti received which. tle o
prietor does' ni.eotiidr"n,+essa'rv o publ.b
In fact Isy is iiailyreceipt of lettersof'oir
rnendation from. iaro.s, parts of'+he cOHiiryn
notily.ina d jts.a e1:
va(nable asp t js.g
n astei rli -oustrneai
msnmintered ;hite?in , a..
Tainihreej)is. s4, t a4ry s at a
da'v.she 'iscare d n sse aut,
seven large-worat .
Mr..ai A. Lenti,.ol-Penn. T~ownshipSavs
InIi~stits,i oi this ~ity.~ . ?e it oine of~i?
'children; antdsava'that a lir 'the ustb o~
br,mn"ht away about 6Gly worms at.once, y
andis six incesl ong. -
M r. Fe'rdinansd WoodrutP used t'wo.bottls
of thin Vermnifugce fort Dyspepsia. 'an'd in the
-conrse of two wer'les dischare upwards. c
thirty pieces of ,Tape wisrm, and was:thely
piertectly c.nired. esy
Anosther genstlemari of this city had it ad
miinistered to Isis liutle daughter, abiout; three
yen old, when sIhe had a number of 'dischar
gen fro ler bowels comsposed entirely cif lita
tIe white thread worms. lHe said thay caIme
asway from tier, nest sinly by hsundred,,butimnay
truly say, by thontsansd. nepiaratelyind in solid "
halls as large as hiickory sims, composed en
sirely otf deadl worms."
For sale by R. S. Roberts, nuly Agerit ina
thsis pl.ce for tthe sale of' Dr. Jayne's celebra
ted Famuity Medicine.
July 26 Om 2y
A gu eas Di.<ideratuns in Medicine.
The Vegetable Restorative
Dyspepsia. Licer Complaint. Colic, Headache,
E nlargement of thse .'pleen, Costiveness,
Acidity of the Stomach. *
and all diseases arissmg from a derangement of
the Biliairy Organss. CAN [SE CURED with a
great degree of certninsty.woWtout Calosiel, Bus
Pill, or Pills uf ansy kined, Salts ior Oil;,
SiI HIS. Mledicine is agreeable to takce, and
..operates without griping or debihatating.
Persons who have long~ been compelled to talge
Pis, Otls,or Salts, will find this apleasan't and
highly valttsable sisbstituste.
(D A smasll quantsity of this Medicinetaken
daily. genuerally regurlates the bowels int short
tiine. . . -
This is to certify. thsat I was attacked lin
snatchi, 1l45, with Dyspepsia or Indigeutsn, of
a very had chiarascter. Mly case was treated by -
r:ca /hysicians in 8t. Louis. M issouri. 8 weeks;
thsen by as--th'*r in Wisconsin fsor three months;t
then'h'y snother im the interior of Louisiana
then, by nsevetral physiciains in the Hospital of
INe'w Orsl'-nns. thr..e months, but toathoug deri
ning any real benef/t from all *he remedies pre-.
iscrihed for mse. sittunsately.junt at this june..
tnre, and whets my condition was mobt
d seplor.able, I obined a bistile of the 'Vegea,
ble li'estorative or Liquid Catharthc,".by the use
Iof which I si n counnnuenced improving,- and.
h'or the.first Sems in fourteen monthas began to,
have reg'.lar and natural dischiarges fiom.ihy
bowels. anid soon began so feel like .becoming,
nound anid hseilhy onice mnore-for: all of t. hich.
[snm indebted uinder the blessing of Go'd,.to,
the above medicine. .JOHN MAR.
Columbus. May 3, 1847.
For sale by Rt. S. ROBERT S.
Anig 22 6m 3)
Mi L~t ofafers for sale
4-4 & 7-lil heavy Sheetings and
Shitriiis:: from thaut Factory. These good.sue
retusrkatble tor weight anid finish, and will gv
good satisfactioin to the buyer,
varions styles of Browni & Bleiched Goui,
Oasnahsssrge. Prints,. &c.
Pasrtie:Ilar attenitson will be.givettto.the sale -of ,.
Southlern Mannsfaeturedl Goods-con sigtiinenta
of which are respectfutlly solicited, and'uposa
wvhich advances will be made if dlesired.
C"haresnton, Aneg lath, 1A A t AR

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