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THE EDGEFIELD ADVERTISER IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY W. F. DURIS OE & SON, Proprietors. Two DOLLARS per year, if paid in advance-Two DOLLARS and Fzrry CENTs if not paid within six months-and TuREs DOLLARS if not paid before the expiration of the year. All subscriptions not distinct ly limited at the time of subscribing, %,ill be consider ed as made for an indefinite period, and will be con tinued until all arrearages are paid, or at the option of the Publisher. Subscriptions from other States must INVARIABLY be accompanied with the cash or refer cnce to some one known to us. A DVERTISEMENTS will be conspicuously inserted at 75 cents per Square (12 lines or less) for the first in sertion, and 371 cents for each subsequent insertion. When only published Monthly or Quarterly $1 per square will be charged. All Advertisements not having the desired number of insertions marked on the mar gin, will be continued until forbid and charged ac cordingly. Those desiring to advertise by the year can dosoon liberal terms-it being distinctly understood that con tracts for yearly advertising are confined to the imme diate, legitimate business of the firm or individual contracting. Transient Advertisements must be paid for in advance. For announcing a Candidate, Three Dollars, is ADvANCE. For Advertising Estrays Tolled, Two Dollars, to be paid by the Mlagistrate advertising. DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION From the Lexington Telegraph we take the following in reference to the fire of Friday, the I 9th inst. The loss on that day. in Lexington District- alone, is estimated at $150,000. and Over. We learn, that our citizens in the neighbor hood of Beaverdam creek and Rocky creek, cov ering a scope of country above the village of about 10 or 11 miles suffered severely-matnv of whom lost even their clothing. The whole of their houses, corn, fodder, provisions and cat tie were destroyed. Great indeed is the calami ty, and much distress and Rutfering will be the result. At is impossible for us to give a minute descriptinn (it the losses of each person, but we subjoin a list of a portion of those who have been the greatest sufferers: Mr. F. 'W. Green's barn, mill and machine shop; Mrs Catharine Boozer's thresher, barn and stables; Mr. Joseph Lown's out-buildings; Mr. Long's mill, dwelling, &c.; Mr. Joseph Leaphliari's out-buildings, horses and mules; Mrs. Sopha Leaphart's out-buildings; Mrs. Haltiwan ger's dwelling and out-buildings; Mr. Henry Hendrix's thresher, &c.; Mrs. Snelgrove's dwel ling. &c.; Mr. S. Johnson's barn, negro houses and fences; Allen Ballentine's dwelling house, barns and stables; Mrs. M. Dreher's out-houses and fences-Mrs. D. herself cattglt fire. and would have been burned .to death, had it not been for the timely assistance of Mr. Joshua Kyser-Mr. John Vansant's dwelling house, kitchen barns, stables and fences; Isaac Van sant's fences, negro houses and barns, with a large quantity of corn and fodder; Mr. Joel Keisler lost every thing, together with his cloth ine-fences, barns, dwellitig houses, &c.; Mr. N. Coleman's barns, out houses and fences; Isa ialt Vansant's fences: John Keisler's dwelling, barns, corn, fodder; Jacob Keisler's fences, barns and out houses; Ezra Snelgrove's dwelling house, kitchen, stables, barns and provisions; David Harman's fences and some out houses; Lewis L. Culler. near Sandy Run, lost dwelling house, kitchen and every building, together with hogs and cattle; Jrving Hay's dwelling house, and all the buildings on his place; Win. Sis .zink's barns, kitchen, stables and provisions; .t. T. Lorick, Barns, stables, &c. This has been trtely a deplorable catastrophe -tarvation and want is the inevitable fate of anany, unless immediate relief be rendered. It .ealls loudly for the sympathies and liberality of our fellow citizens throughout the State; and we would earnestly appeal to them in behalf of the people of our District, who are now desti tute, homeless and in want. WE find the followiung extract of a letter in the Augtusta Constitntionalist. It relates to sitmilar disatsters, as recorded above, in our owtn District. " BEdc IsL.ND, S. C. March 9. 4 lIt. EDITOR: I write to inform you of one of tihe most disastrous tires that has ever occur red in the country-It-originate~'by the care lessiess of a woman, by the name of Griffin, burting some ashes in or near her enclosure. O't the fiery element rushes, destroying every thmig in its patth; first it reaches the residence of Sir. Willimam Wilson, destroying his d welling, mnt-honse, barns, sttbles, &c., not saving otte dollar's wonthI; next it reaches the residence of Sir. A. N. Dicks, destroying his barn and stables with their contents, a::d by considerable exer tion of neighbors, both male and female, his dwellitng was saved, with the loss of all his fen eitng. Sir. WVilliamu Wilson lost every panel of his feticing. Next it reacbes an old woman by the tame of E. Glover, destroying all site had, dwelling, &c.; she is very poor. Mr. R. J. ihankitnsor.'s barn and kitchen caught on tire, also htis pailings, btt were saved by considerable exertions; it has destroyed nearly all the fencing around his entire plantation. Mr. Th'los. Nelson lost all of his fetncing. and catme very near lositng his d welling. Mr. SM. M. 11il, the greater por tiotn of his fettcing. Mr. Simnkins lost fetncing, Mr. lardin, fetncing; Mr. Westbrook, fencing; SMr. D. E. Wright lost fencing, and it was with cor.sideraie exertiont that his residence could be saved; also Mrs. M. Hlankinson's and my ownt. Mr. Aaron A. Clarke lost his kitchen the same day. "I have tmerely given you :tn outline. No otne can form any idea of its extent, unless they have setn one of the Ilarge western prairies on hire T'.e* extent of tihe damage is not known Si., .-, 9 ,,'eioek p. mn.. having j-ust returned :r..m .. fire. It is still burnitng in the pineI wood-. :ad timre is no stopping it.I -- uns, very respectfully. A. r. B. Ii-'aE IN ABBSEvtL.E DIsTRICT.--The annexed extract of a letter dated Greetnwood, (S. C.) March 12, addressed to a gentleman in Colum hia. and pub isd ed in the Carolinian, communi caies untwelcome intelligenco in reference to losse.s thi .t have beeni sustained by fire in that nighLorhood: cMmrt1218. a G RE ENWOOD, S . ac 2 85 -* * * Many of my neighbors sufferred we riotmly hy fire ton Friday last. Robert And er sn's plantatiotn house, wvhere the family was re siding, two out buildings, and nearly all their contenats, were consumed. James Fooshe, near Ninety-six D)epot, lost his stables, corn crib, and all his corn, and a great deal of fence. About onte hundred cords of railroad wood at the satme place was coinsumied, and the railroad slightly injtried. I hear of no part of the country that has not suffered latrgely by the burning of fen cesl." THE fire in Barnwell District.--The Barnwell Sntinel of the 10th inst., says :-We regret to learn that a fire broke out yesterday about 11 o'clock, A. M. Ott the plantation of Mr. Wood, near this place. It extended with irresistible fury over his large plantation, and it was with gre .t difficulty that his dwellintg was saved from the devouring flames. in its rapid flight, it reached the plantation of Hon. J. Duncan Allen, and his residence, tostether with his magnificent firniture, was entirely destroyed. lie also lost a splendid carriage, and a large quantity of pro. visions. IT is seldom that we are called upotn to record such fearful destruction. THE Newberry Sentmzel furnishes the follow. ing.-In this Dist'rict, Mr. Stewart, Chapman, Boozer, and Rikard, together with many others, have suffered severely by the burning of fencing and in some instattces of houses. Accounts como to us from all parts of the district, and we cannot, so general has it been, given but a meagre account of its devastation and hatvoc. WE regret to .learn Says the Lexington Telegruph that the Dwelling and out buildings of Col. Thos. B3. Clarksoo, of Richland District, situaed on his plantatiotn called Middleberg, on the WVateree IRiver, near Clarkson's Turn Out, was destroyed 'by fire, ott Friday last, the flames communicating from the adjacent woods, which have been for some days on fire. The Dwelling and outbuiLinugs were uninsured, and loss esti ated at from seven to eight thousand dollars. We regret to state, also, that Col. J. J. Chap pel1. of Richland District, lost a negro woman by thte fire; and 3Jr. Wright Denley, of the ,..... .srict.. h..d a negro c hildi burn t to death. FIRE IN GREENVILLE DISTRICT.-W e regret to learn that the well known house, of -Mr. Davis Hodges, about twenty-four miles from Green ville C. H., on the Asheville road, was destroygi by fire on Friday last. The woods in the vicini ty were on fire, but whether the house was burn ed by fire from the woods or a spark from the chimney, we are not accurately informed. At the same time the residence of Mr. 1. Dickey, near Mr. Hodges, was also burned. Mr. Hod ges loss, we have heard estimated at six or eight thousand dollars. We understand most of his furniture was saved, Mr. Dicky's loss we have not heard stated. Mr. Hodges loss is also a loss to the travel ling community, to whom his housQ was so fa vorably known as a pleasant resting place. Greenville Mountaineer. VE learn from the Winnsboro' Register, that a fire occurred in that town on Friday last, which destroyed the dwelling and out buildings, belonging to Maj. James Elit'tt. Dr.ATIf FRoM: TinE SToits.-We regret to learn that a young lady, a daughter of Mr. J. Mabrey, living in the neighborhood of Feaster ville, was struck on Friday last by the limb of a falling tree, and on Saturday died from the effects. This is- one of the most melancholy incidents that we have yet heard in connection with that long to be remembered day.-Winns boro Register. ARTHUR SIMKINS, EDITOR. EDGEFIELD, S. C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1855. Read and take warning ! WE are non% sending our accounts to all who are indebted to us fur subscription to the Advertiscr, residing out of the limits of this State, with the earnest hope that all who may receive si id notice of their indebtedness, will remit the amount as soon as possible. tif" Those who do not comply with the abcve request by the firat day of April next, will POSI TIVELY be placed upon our " Black List," for publication as a warning to other Publishers, and their names immediately erased from our subserip. tion books. " We are in earnest, gentlemen-send oil your dimes promptly and don't compel us to deal harshly with you. -Retusrned. WE are delighted to see our venerable and beloved Senator, Judge BUTLEit, again at home in his usual fine health. Our representativg Col. BRooxs, has also (as we learn) reached his residence in the upper part of the District. We wish for both Senator and Representative a pleasant vacation. Business Notices. WE beg leave to call public attention to some of our home advertisers. There is, first, M. Ln.EscnUILz, who keeps at No. 2, Park Row, one of the best Clothing Stores in the State. He has just received a highly fashionable lot of Goods for the season, made up with unusual care. The fact is, LEDscHULTz is a man of taste; and our community may consider themselves form. nate in having amongst them one wI o twill keep up nith the times. RoBEaT H. SULLIvAN also advertises the receptirn of new goods. The SULLITvANS have been in Edge field for years, and their reputation, as men of busi ness and probity, is well established.-J. B. has now retired from the business; but Boa still stands at the old post, and the people of Edgefield couldn't do a better thing, in the mercantile way, than patronise his bran new establishment. So much for home folks. Now for one or two alln sions to our out-side customers. There's the firm of D.twsos &SiINNEt, Augusta, Ga. They keep on the Corner next adjoining the Gobe Hotel. Trhat'.< chere they keep. But u-hat they keep, it would he entirely too eious to mention. Suffice it to say that they keep everything in line. DAwsox & SKINNEa's is the best Family Gro cery Swge we know of at this time. Let us furthermore call the reader's attention to the advertisement of Messrs. HIics3ItN; WVEstco-r- & Co., Dry Goodls 3Merchants, also of Atugusta. They are new patrons of ours, but well known itt Augusta s ranking high among thteir compeers. Graduated. . Wr. notice among the graduates of the Savantnah edical College for ithe past winter, the name of 3Mr. ois C. WV. Kr'.YN.aILv, of Edlgelield District. Elegant. Ma. Eowts SruEts, our thought ful and generous Saluda friend, has our profoundest thanks for those superb, sugar-cured htamns. We have triet one al ready, and they are " de-li-cm-eus." That Singing Ctasa. WEst were much pleased the other evening to hear the admirable performances of thme singittg dlass now uder training in our village. They evidenced capa city on the part of thme scholars and ability ott the part of Mr. InvuNG, the teacher. One of the alto voices and several of the sopranos promise finely. Tihe class is tot yet as strong as it shmoutd be. Bitt, altogether the class has certainly progressed rapidly. The Court. NEvEn have we had in Edgefield a more quiet, or derly, genteel session of the Court of Comnmon leas than the one just past. If there was thte first scratcht it the way of a ftghtt, wv: are not engnisatnt of it. This is a .circumstance which the " oldest inhabitant" says is unprecedented in the history of Edge field. Whether this be owing to the improving temtperance of the day, or to the hardness of the times, renmains to be decided. The business of thme Court. tunder the skilful surveil lance of his Honor, Judge Gt.ovEtt, was carried ont smoothly antd in a nmanner sat-isfactory to all concern ed as it cottld we.ll be. Among the foreign counsel presens during the 1erm we observed AsoaEwv J. MIILLER Esq. of Augusta, and Hon. A. BrT, of Abbeville. Our docket was a very large one andl many cases were er necessitate positponed. Becautifutl Weather. WE have now prevailing most lovely Spring weath er. The birtds are chirping merrily, the blossoms are opening gaily, the zephtyrs are whispering softly, and all nature is " redolent of joy and youth." Farmers are full of business-stirring, healthful, delighitfuj business. 31en and women every where are feeling the sap rise in their systems. From the plowboy's whistle tip to the very music of thme spheres, every thing tells a tale of hiarmnony and ecstasy. Glahmdscme Spring ! we welcome thee, and all thy "rosy-bosomn'd Hours !" Thou art dear alIke to age and to youth, to the free and the enslaved; to health andl to disease ; for thou bringest healing and delight upon thy " dew bespangledl wings." Who does not admire thy vermieil cheeki Who does not yield to the spell of thy genial inauences ? And who cant fail to go int thought be yond thy lovely attributes, and thank Hint who directs thy comitng and endows thee with all thy radiant chtarms! Qtteer Comsfort. WE heard from a frietnd this eveining, says the " Knickerbocker" editor, a bit of ' consolation' tender ed to a culprit who had been found guilty of the high eat crime known to the law, which struck us as about the most impotent and indefinite thtat cotuld well be offered him. Hie had just been convicted of wilful murder ; and when asked if he had anything to ad vance against his immediate sentence so death, lie burst into a flood of tears, atid in incoherent, agoni zing words, besought the mercy of the Court. The sympathy of all present, including the Court, was ex cited by his anguish; but he wvas sentenied to be hanged, notwithistanidinig, at an early day nanmed. While lie was exlthiimg a perfect paroxysm of grief,jthis counsel also began to weep; and putting his hand on his shoulder, said : " Bear up, my dear fellow, bear up! They've sentenced you to be hung, to be stire, and you'll be hung, without doubt ; but it tiiLl be the worst day they ever saw !" How the counsel arrived at this inference, or what there in it especially cheer ing to the prisoner, didn't exactly appear to the satis faction of our friend ; but vague as it was, it dried the murlerer's tears, and he was carried to his cell in a cmpaativeyalenim state. Political. WE have nothing political to say this week, except that Congress has idjourned, and Sebastopol Is not yet taken and the acquisition of Cuba according to the predictions of certain fillibusters is no go, and Mr Oaa's speech on the French Spoliation bill has met with large acceptance throughout the State of South Carolina, and the Know Nothings seems to be running out, and there is just now a temporary calm in the sea of Federal Politics, and some say that the waves will rise again towards Fall to the serious endanger ing of the Ship of State, and Northern Freesoilers are striving to swell the number of their party in Kansas into a majority (which nobody believes they can do,) and President PiEncE is receiving a "Well donegood and faithful" from the country at large an account of his two celebrated vetoes of the past session of Con gress, and (shocking, shocking, shocking,) the distin guished Czar, the Emperor of all the Russians is said to be dead; and if there is any thing else of note, we do not recall it at this moment. Condensed Items. gg WE have received the " Atlanta Republi can," edited and published by K. SMrn. The " Repudican" appears to be a very interesting sheet, and we cheerfully place it on our exchange list. IT BILL POOLE, the noted Pugilist of N:W York, died on the 8th, in consequence of the wounds received in the late row, which has excited so much attention. A tremendous demonstration occurred at his funeral, in New York, on Sunday. He was a member of the Order of United Americans. There were over 100 carriages and upwards of eighty thous I and spectators in the procession. gg GREEN PEAS were enjoyce at the Mills House," Charleston, on Friday last. Tim Senate of Massachusetts have passed, in in concurrence with the House, an order directing the committee on constitutional amendmer.ts to report an amendment prohibiting Catholics from holding office in that Commonwealth. The order was amended by inserting Roman before Catholic. i ?" TE School moneys for the State of New York for the year 1854, amounted to $1,109,621,00. C7 TEa are eighty Know Nothing Councils in New Jersey, averaging about one hundred members each. Each member pays an iniation fee of 80 cents, of which but 30 cents is retained by the Coun cils, the balance going to the Treasury of the Grand Council. Ig* TnE snow drifts down at Plymouth, says the Boston Post, of the 13th inst., are eight or ten feet leep. t? Titi E Pittsburg Gazette tates that there is a regular organised association of blacks in that city, bound to;;ether by the most solemn oaths, and meeting in secret. whose object is the abduction of colored servants, travelling with their masters, who are sup. r osed to be slaves. I ' TuE Ashville Ncews entertains no doubt but that $1,500,000 can be raised in the counties of Hen. derson. Buncombe and Madison to aid in the* con struction of the French Broad Rail Road. It is pro posel to hold a convention at Asheville early in tI-e spring to consider the subject. t'TniE Rev. 31r. Gai.vrs, editor of the Nashville Baptist, who was upon a collecting tour in Missouri, nearly opposite Hickman, Kentucky, was found a few days ago ntirdereth on the road side. r~' BETWEEN the 25th of December r.nd the 13th of January thirteen vessels sailed from Rio, with 61, 856 bags of coffee for the United States, of which about 13,000 bags were fur Baltimore. ' A FEW days ag6 quite a curiosity was broiight up from the bottom of the artesian well in Livings ten, Ala. At a distance of 335 feet below the surface, an over 300 feet in the rock, an egg was found, com pletely petrified, and perfect in shape, save where the augur had defaced it a little. gg"' Is Russia, Herkimer county, New York, a short time since, two boys, 12 or 14 years old, had a quarrel, when one went into the honse and asked his i mother to hand him a pistol from a shelf, which she didl, and he shot the other hoy through the head, kill' ing him instantly. gg Goy. WIasoN has issued a proclamatien, set ting apart Saturday, the 7th A pril, as a day of hiu miiation and prayer, to be obse rved by thec people of Alabama. I ?' Tn FE E nas a heavy snow stornm on the Cape Friday nigh;, and the cars from Boston for Barntstable, Satturday afternoon, could procetd nit further thiar .3idleborn on account of the deep snow. g-g? W. ',i Ifoussau., Esq., has beetn electeil Seriff, and E. P. J..smcE, Esq. Ordinary of Newberry District. f,% TimE sword of GecneraI J~icKsoN, usedl at Newt Orleans, recently passed through Chattanooga, Ten nessee, en route for the National archives at Wash ington. It was broken in two pieces. DEATH OF THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA, Intelligence of this stairLing and highly im portantt event. r,.ehed our city y'esterday, by) telegraph, and created here, as it mus;t throtigh. Ott Christe~ndomn, whmereve.r the news travels,a motst exci;ting interest. Speentl~hlinn was5 imme-it diately rife, a;s to the piolitical atnd commeiirciail events thait mayt grow out of it. 'rTe despatch stales tat strong hopes arte entertaineid of peace .; but it also sttes that eottont is dtull asnd tunehuinge.d. Wie catution the impulsive not to inidulge too redily it; thte sanguinie hopes of. a speedy pece, and an immiediaite commercial imtprovemnent. Tbct Iatter mutst follow the fortne.r ;tttd the fiormter is by no means certaitn. TIht the death of t Russiani Czar maty ditminitli the obstacles to peace cannot be dotibted; and if the English ad French, the former especiatlhy, are as sicki of thei war as they sent to be, antd 'eertainlI ought to be, they may pocket some o'f their p~ride', submit to the mnortificaitions they hatve benl subjected to ini the fatilutre of their arms Iantd their policy, and oIyer toi agree upon reatson-. able ternms of peace. 'They will not. find Rus siatn Goverunment very exacting. But if the Allies presume upon this misforthune to thet roy:;l House of' Russiat, antd becoime inore arro. gauL in; their dema;nds, they will probaibly find tey have to deail willh those cotmposed of as stern .tuff as the Emperor Nichohtis himself' e hais left several1 grownt sonis, aill fighting tmen, and two of thenm otlieers who have taiken ani active part itn the campaign; in the Crimea. Thle) are probably imbued with atll their tither's spirit atd pride, bothI for, their nation and their famtily, and will feel little disposition; to lower eithier before the arrogance of the allied powers. 'Thei poiey ,of Nichtolais was dynastic, not personal. The aim;s of Rtussia ha:ve beetn steadfatstly the same for one hundred and fifty yeats, and will not now be lightly reversed or abatndonmed. Still, Russia will be glad to make peace or fair terms, and the Allies may avail thetmselvs o~ the pietext tnow tif'orded to come docwn to such terms as they have hitherto scortned, atnd to reliniquish demands which they, perhaps, re gret now having insisted upon so imperiously. Peaice, of which we hauve hit herto not beer sauguine, maty now result from this mtomlenitous death. T1he Conference at Viennat is aissemnbled under auspices retidered favora'ble thereby for peace. Butt there will be, at all events, a deco rous sort of delay in coming to terms, and per iaps much time wausted in prelimninatry discuis. siots and negotiatrions. This delay will be less to be regretted if acecomnpatnied by a suspen~sion of hostilities. H-ow sooni after a pee will it be, before the allies turnl theitr attention tot afimrs on this con. itnett, and combine to check the growing powet of this country ? Comm;ercially and pecuniatril3 te early termination of time Eturopeati war will benefit us-at least will benefit thes Sonthierr people. But taking it political view, it nmay be better for our permanent interests, that British' rrms and diplomacy should be fully occupied fo; a yatr or two longer on the eatstern side of the Alattie. At tall events, let this war end when and hiow it may, the success of British arms~ amid policy can rarely be0 a sourco of conigrattuhation to thec Naw POS-r OFFImC.-A new post oflice hiii been estab'ished at Hodges Depot, att the june. ion of the Abbevillo branich of the Greenville ad Columbiat Railroad, and C. M. Pelot, esq., appoited postmaster. Th le oflice is c.alled Hodges' and is about eight miles above Green. wood ,seven miles below Donaldsville and two ...ih.. fr...,0,l Crolinitton FOR THE ADvIIaT15s*R. TO THE ABSENT' A aIRD hath flown from my wildwood dell, lMid the orange groves it hath gone to dwell i Its sweet glad notes are hushed at eve, And a saddened spell doth the memory leave. Our hearts are seared, for the brightest here The ligh t of the home through the fleeting year Was our summer child, the cherished one, Who erst to another's heart hath gone. 'Twas in early May when the flowers were young That the forrest choir her advent sung; She was sent to gladden our youthf home As the moonbeams silver the ocean foam. As an orphan habe, to the eldest born In its infant helplessness doth turn, So she turned to me in her trusting love My early wifehood's household dove. We'll miss her long from her greenwood home When the sweet south wind o'er the flourets roam; Or the summer hearts woo a quiet spell The dear low voice which we loved so well. May the golden glow, which virtue owns, Oer-span her brow, and the treasured tones By love's bright quivering lyre spun Embalm the life that just begun. And when the hallowed tie is riven, May Angels guide my bird to Heaven; And her unfettered wing be plumed Where every darling ti; 's resumed. ROSE COTTAGE. Arrival of the Steamer Facific. TEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. NEW YORK, MARCA 14, 1855. The steamer Pacific has arrived, bringing Liverpool dates of February 27. The Union had arrived out, but the Africa had not at tie time the Pacific sailed. Messrs. Gladstone, Herbert, and. Graham had resigned their positions in the English Ministry, owing to the passage of Roebuck's motion of inquiring into the management of the war. The Cabinet had been remodeled. Thero was noth. ing new from Sebastopol. It was reported that Lord Raglan had re.sign ed, and Lord Lucan been recalled. The Vienna Conference will be opened in a few days, and all parties express a desire for peace. Rumor gives Lord Elgin a seat in the cabinet, and Earl Carlisle the Viceroyslhip of Ireland. The nw Chancellor of the Exchequer is Mr. Lewis, an untried main. In matters relating to the war the members of the Government express the hope that pend ing negotiations may lead to an honorable peace, though warlike measures continue to be prose cuted throughout Europe. Louis Napoleon seems determined to proceed to the Cirmen, notwithstanding England and Austria's advice that he should remaina at home. Russia has declared ivar against Sardinia. It, is reported, though not conirmned, that Tuscany has joined the Western powers. Na. ples has not. It is officially announced by the allies that on the 17th Gen. Liprandi, with 40,000 Russians and 70 guns, attacked the Turks under Omer Pasha at Eupatoria. The battle histed four hours, whean the Russians were compelled to retire with the loss of 400 men. Lord Raglan, it is reported, will resign. In conisequence of the severe winter in Eng land, great distress existed among the laboring population, and many riots of a serious nature had taken place in Liverpool and London. A favorable change in the weather, however, had taketn place, and ships were coming in rapidly. This will, in a measure, reduce the discontent, by giving employment to the disall'eeted. Joseph Hume, it is stated, is dead. LtvEnl'ooL, Febuary 27, 18.55. Thme sales of cotton durinig the lanst teln days have been 61.900 bala~t -8&. declinie. Hiol-. ders were anxious to realine. Fair Orleans 5bd.; middlinag 4id. S3ales to specuhators 2,000 nmi to exporters 1,000 bales. Bireadstuti's were lower. Canal flour 40s. Ohio 43s. Cortn 43 a 44 . 3Money amket unchiainged. Four Days Later News, ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER AFRICA. DEAtTH OF THE CZAR 0OF RUSSI.. Cor.uclam, Mlarch 17, The steamer Africa arrived :at Ilalifamx on thle 15th inst, withm Liverpooh-dates to the 3d inst. It hmad been oflicially announced in both haou se's of Parliament tha't the Czar of Russi~a lied on Friday, 23d February, of apoplexy. Th'lis land catused great excitem~ent, and thiere were strong hopes of peace. Liv EntPon, MIrxKE T, March 3. Brown & Shipley quotle Cotton, daull and un ehianged. Mlidadling slightly lower. TJhe sales of the week :are 86,500 bals, of whlich, 1000 wema to sp'ecubitors and 3,500 to exports. Teewas :mn active specculattive. demand. Fair Orleans was qtuote~d at. Sid,.Sliddling 5 l-16d.; Fair Uplands 54d. Middling 4-id. Butyers de mnmd a redauctioni. Dennaistotin says the imports of the week Iwere 200.000 bales: and prices wvere ensier. Maiddlinug tone sixteenth lower. Fair Orleans 5 6-Sd ; Mliddlinag Uphamds 4 7.8d. Sales Friday 6000 bales, thae market closwing aunchiage. Stock 528,000 bales, includitag 310,000 bahes of American. Money was easier. The Banik expected to reduce t'he rates of interest immediately. Breadstuffs are tunchaniged, except earn which hiad declined 6d. to Is. Catnal Flour 40s.; Ohio 43.; provisions uncmhanged. Coinsols hadl advanmced to 914. American securities were better. Advices fromn Manchester were more favora ble. TIhere was nothinig new fronm Sevastopal. The Vienna correspondent of the Londoan TIimnes says, that thae draft for a general treaty han been prepared, securing thae integrity of' Tturkey, preveatting future enermiahmentls :andl gauaranteeiag the rights of Christians in ITm-key. I hais will be presenited at the Vienna Conference. Russia was still makinig immtense warlike pre Thecre was no reason to doubt the dealh of thu Czar. It was kntown Ott Friday, that thu physicianas land givent haim up, whaieb caused the funads to :advance. Lord Clarendon annourced thie fact in, thle house of Lords, and Lord Paimerston in the liouse of Commnons. No details were known, but it wats surmised that lie was poisoned ; but muost probably he died of pulmonary nappophexy. Pruissia seems inclined more favorably tow ards thec allies. TE SUFFEINGS IN THtE CRlI.tE.-The allied soldiers in the Crimea haive been congratulatiing themaselves on the termination of inter, whlen their sutlferings, they hope, will cease. But, fromn all neounats there will only be a change from one form of suffering to another, for as soon as the wairm weather and thme spring rains commnenee, the atnimal decomposition from the mnltitudes of dead bodies of men and hoarsesa lying tunburied will spread pestilence through the camnp, which will depopulate it faster thani sickness is now doing. A French ofieer of rank sasys since Ilhe first landing of the troops ini Tatrkey 80,000 mean and 40,000 horses have perished. Vast numbers of botha now lie in masses, or scattered over the earthl as they fell, it being impossible to inter them in the present state of the weather there, and they present ta spectaele that is disgustingly horrid. Theare they will remain to be consumed by carrionteat.. ers or to patrify on the return of mile weathaer. A MoR~loN PAPER.--Thoa normonts have com. menced, in New York, the putblication of a paper, called the Mormon, devoted to the spread of their principles. It defends polygamy as an or dinance from God, the Christian world having beeni laboring under a delusion on this subject foer overt eighteen hundred years. Mahomme danismi is in danger of extinction on thte Easternt Continet. It would be a little dangerous if it shuld spring up in full force on the Western Co- mentn. THE NEW BOUNTY LMD LAW. The Commissioner of Pensiotis hits issued the following instructions for carrying into effect the Bounty Land law: " Where the service has been rendered by a substitute, he is the person entitled to the ben. efit of this act, and not his employer. " In the event of the death of any person who, if living, would be entitled to a certificate or warrant as aforesaid, leaving a widow, or if no widow, a minor child or children, such widow, or if no widow, such minor child or children, is entitled to a certificate or warrant for the same quantity of land such deceased persons would be entitled to receive under the provisions of said act, if now living. " A subsequent marringe will not impair the right of any such widow to such warrant if she be a widow at the time of her application. Per sons within the age of twenty-one years on the 3d day of March, 1855, are deemed minors with in the intent and meaning of said act. "'To obtain the benefits of this let, the claim ant must make a declaration, under oath, sub. stantially, according to the forms hereto annex ed. The signature of the applicant must be at tested, and his or her personal identity establish ed by the aflidavits of two witnesses, whose residences must be given, and whose credibility must be sustained by the certificate of the mag istrato before whom the application Is verified. " No certificates will be deemed sufficient in any ese unless the facts are certified to be within the personal knowledge of the magistrate or other officer who shall sign the certificate, or the names and residence of the witnesses by whom the facts are established be given, or their allidavits, properly authenticated, be appended to the certificate. " The official character and signature of the magistrate who may administer the oath must be certified by the clerk of the proper court of record of his county, under the seal of his court. Whenever the certificate of the officer who authenticates the signature of the magistrate is not written on the same sheet of paper which certificate must be attached to said paper by a piece of tape or ribbon, the ends of which must pass under the official seal, so as to prevent any paper from being improperly attached to the certificate. "Applications in behalf of minors should be made in their names by their guardian or next friend. Where there are several minors entitled to the same gratuity, one may make the decla ration. The warrant will be issued to all joint ly. In addition to proof of service, as in other cases, the mindr must prove the death of his father, that no widows survives him and that he and those lie represents are the only minor chil dren of the deceased. "If a party die before the issue of a warrant to which he would be entitled, if living, the right to said warrant dies with him. In such case the warrant becomes void, and should be cancelled, and the party next entitled in right of the service claimed should make an application; and if there be no such party, the grant lapses under the limitation (if the beneficiaries to the bounty. If the claimant die after the issue of the warrant, the title thereto vests in his heirs at law in th same manne'r as re:l estate in the place of the domicile of the deceased, and car only b.j as signed or loeated by said heirs. Applications made by Indians must be au thenticated according to the. regulations to be prescribed by the commissioner of indian afliirs. th Accompanying tihe above instructions are the necessary forms of declaration, together with an official copy of the law. CALIFORNIA MATTERS. The Charleston Courier has beetn favored with the subjoined extract f:-om a letter dated Napa City, California, the 13th ultimno: "We have had the coldest winter this year ever known' in California since the change of flag, mid very little rain has fallen ; comparative ly, however, thus fir there has been a sificiency for tihe farmers, and should this sensor hold out as it has commenced, the result will be very fine grain crop,. To give you a sample of the weatther at present, I amn writing in a room waih two doors amnd a window, these are all opetn, and I tind it very comtfortable. " There is no loenl news of any interest going about at present ; the country seems as a general thn ueexcept that Jtndge Lyoch seems to be acquiritng inore extenaded jurisdiction. I think that during the past mnotth throughout the State there were some nitne cases of hanging un dcr the Ameriennt system. This statte ot things is itndeed deplorable, but in some cases seems to he unavoidable. This count ry is itnfested with a set of~ reckless, Godless, gra..less and good for nothing metn, tuo indolent to word or pursue atny legitimate craft or business. The result is that thtey game, steal and swindle, and in some parts of the country w'here the law oif the land has proved inef~eetual or fntled to reach these fellows, the people hatve thought to adltmiistet justice by this sumtmary tmethod of punishment. I cannot, of course, justify their course, but tink that condemnation otught tnot to be bes towed without reflection. "Business is very dull here still ; aproperty has de preciated in value a gooid deal, consequent. ly everything is dull; however, I don't thmink thamt the indication is agaitnst the prosperity of thte country ats many argtne. The facet of thte matter is, thatfor the last live or six years the resources of this country han~ve been envelo ed most rapid ly, anid so far as its advamntages are concrend it ratks with most of the older States. Now, what we want is population ; the population of the en tire State is not more than that of' the city of Phlilatdelphiat, consequment ly lab'or is very high and entirely c:mntrols eapital. P'eople are now becoming alive to the importancte of this fact. Business in all its depatrtmecnts htas beetn overdone ton much, and it will probably take two yeamrs for the country to recover,,after wicth we will, in my opinion, again see a similar de gree of prosperity as existed some years past." From thme South Carolinian. PosT t ETIures.--'The circular of the P'ost mster Getneral, issued on the 9th of Marcb, says: "From and amfter thme first day of April prepavment otn letters is [will be] required." Persons, therefore, who write letters in their own behalf atnd expect answers, which benetit themselves alone, ought to imitate, it seemus, the cutmnwprevailing in Europe, which consists in enclosing, on such occasions, stamped envel opw, addressed to th'e writers themselves. IThere are some people who think it abnoost tmenn thus to indicate that thme writer desires to satve his correspondent the expednse of three centts. We believe this is erroneotus. WVe know a catse where :t courtier told Queen Victoria that she owed hitm a shilling from the previous night's whist playing, and she ordered it to be paid. In olden times it was considered impolite by some persons to pre-pay any let ter; but we are less formal. It is now hek'd "hy3 the best authorties" to beo truly civil to see till trilling debts squared. Would it were considered civil, too, to pay all large debts! \Ve would beg editors to copy thmis now chap ter of " mittor morals." LETTER BAG. GENERtAL QUiAN.-LThe Washington cor respondetnt 6f the New York Journal of Coin ierce states that Gen. Quitman, being advised ot the revolutiotiary proceedittgs in Cuba, and entertainitig the opinion that the revolution would be successful, catme on to WVashmigtoni, expecting to finmd Congress and the admstra tion all itn a blaze about Cuba. He took it for granted, it is said, thtat the President would re conise the popular movement in Cuba, and reommend to Congress the repeal of the neu trlity laws. He was disappointed in his expec. tatins of 'lhe President and Cabinet and Con gress. H-ad thme tieutrality law been repealed, says the correspondetnt, General Quitman would have put himself at the head of a very formida ble forcn in th is country, perhaps fifteen thotu sand taco, well armed and equipped-a force armed wvith Sharp's rifles-and a force that would go, not to be beaten, btt to conquer. But this game is up. The fleets of England and France are postea Iup around Cuba, ready to aid in crushing insur. lrection or repelling invasion. We have the "naih Ied powers" at our own doors. gg Tutsy htave already begun to make mapki ugar in some of the intcrior towns of Massachtusettu, the trees yielding t'neir " liquid sweetness" more and ...r --r...y ach day as the season advances. ROlM WABHfGTOW. WASHINGTON, March 1855. I have learned from the Russian embassy here that no expectations are entertained at St. Petersburg of peace being concluded in the course of the ensuing summer. The hopes de rived from the Vienna conference have, there. fore, a slender foundation. I understand that there are upwards of 300,000 Russian troops in the Crimea, between Sebastopul and Perekop, and 40,000 at the other side of the isthmus, within a short distance of it. The Russian gov ernment will never make peace unless the prin. ciple demands urged by Menschikoti'at Constan tinople are agreed upon, and the Greek Church placed in all respect upon the sane footing as the Latin. There is one condition, if it be insisted upon by the allies, upon which Russia wiil remnain firm, and that is with regard to the reduction of her navy. She will increase rather than dimin ish the amount of her naval force. With regard to the abandonment of Sebastopol, from what I can learn, no great obstacles will be offered to such a stipulation-that is provided that Russiv be properly indemnified for the sacrifice. Hei readiness to concede this point is explained by the fact that the Emperor has fur a long time past entertained the project of fortifying Kaffi or Theodosia, which lies directly across the pen. Insula, towards the south, and is Intended to be the terminus of the Mpscow Railroad. The fortifications to be erected here will be stronger than those of Sebastopol, and will in other res. pects be more reliable from their contiguity to the Cireassian coast. From what I have heard at the embassy, there is no doubt as to the fact of the President's hav. ing received an autograph letter from the Czar. The letter did not, it is true, contain any poli.ti. cal information; it was merely of a complimen. tary character, and gave expression to the friend. ly feelings entertained by the Emperor toward, this country. It confirmed, however, the report of important disclosures having-been madt through the Russian embassy to our govern. ment. All the former accounts of the impor. tance of these disclosures are substantially cor. rec!, and may now be positively aflirmed.-New York Herald THE CoST OF THE WAR.-The English Gov. ernment contemplates having engaged in the.w during the opening year, no less than 263,591 men of aji ranks in both services, land and sea, and that the sum necessary to support and ren der efficient this body of men and the ships to be manned by them, for a single year, will be more than one hundred and thirty-eight millions of dollars. HY1UEDNIAL, MLIAnipED, on Tuesday evening, the 6th of March, by the Rev. Jas. Peterson, Mr. Wm. C. LINDSEI of Newberry, and Miss CAROLINA VIRGINIA, daugh ter of Mr. 1. H. Mayson, of Edgefield District. (IIENRY MAsoN's daughter married! Verily, wi growing old. It seens but a few years since thi parents were wed. And no'w here's a daughtei wed. Thank you, dear girl, for the inemento seni us in the shape of a good pound-eake. Bliss b< thine ever !)-ED. OBITUARY. Dieu, on the morning of Mar Ist at her residence Graniteville, M ARY A., wife of Capt. EUGEN B 13SLL, aged 19 years and 2 months. In her protracted sufferings she found cocnsolatio, from that religion she had embraced in health, an though the ties of earthly luve were strong-ant aware that they were to be severed, yet she mur mnured not, but was resigned to leave husband an< babe to the care of that God, who had nunibere< her days ont earth. N.ltav thou haist pasmed awal from our sight, but the power of mentory-eve faith ful -is stilIleft -as. " Thou art gone to the grave-but 'twere wrong < deplore thee, When God was thy ransom, thy guardian and guille Ile gave thee, and took thee, and soon will bestov thee, Where death htach n' sting, sintc the Saviour heati died." EIBEA OT The Unionville Journal will please cory. CO0MMDIER CIA L. -Correspondence of the Advertiser. HIAMSBU[RG, March 1ith. CoTr-Os.-The demand continties to be good. very, full prices. Bouth sales anid receipts, hav been lhght this week. We renew our last figures 6j to 8i cts. WVe aero just in receipt otf very important advice from Europe, both politically and comnmercially The Emperor of Russia died on thle 23d Februar: of Apoplexy. Great excitement was produer i the British Parliamnent on the receipt or the intelli genee. What dec will be produced on this sid remains to be seen. I). Subscription Receipts, The fo'llowinug perSonis have paid up tot the timo Iafixed to their na:ttL Wnm. W. Wallace, to 7th M.trebt '56. Jolt Gt(ulledlge, to 5tJt Mlarch '56. C. 11. Good win, to a tb Maur '56. R ev. Wesley Hodie, to) 1st A ug '5. James Vaughtn, to 2.1 February '5t. Calvin Vaughmn, to 2d Star '56. E. 11. Chamaberlaini, to 7th Feb '56. Mrs. S Iarthta Swearengini. to 16it .Jan '56. E. M. Swvearengint, to i8th Mtar '56. C. Corley, to, 6th March '55k II. Croaker, to 15th Jan '55. I. 11. Satcher;''to 6th Marcha '56. Vastin A ustini. to 7th Mlarch '56. Luke Culbreathi. to 8th Feb '56. Jesse Stnitht, to 6th Mharebt '561. A. Viniseent, to 6th .Marcht '56. L. P. Rutland, to luth Mtar '56. Jamies Tiollnd, to 13th Jatnuary '56. E. W. Rutlatnd, to 20th Feb '56. W. S. Iloward, to 4th Mar '56l. Mark Corley, to 9ith Jan '56. Col. G. Cheathuan, to 25th lDec '55. Win. Strom, to 12th Feb '51. S. M. JDean, to 3d Feb '55. Elias MceCartey, to 12th Feb '56. T1. 11I. Marshal & Stat, to 9th Nov. '55 R. P. liarrison, to 6ith Feb b56 F. O'Connotar, to 19th Feb '56 Dr. E. Anadrewvs, to 8ith Feb '56. F. W. A ndrews, to 7th Nov '55. Johln Doby, Esq., to F~th Feb '6 .uius Bledsoe, to 16th Jan '56. Tomatas Ellis, to 161th Nov.'5 Maj. W. A. Turnier, to Sth Feb'56. A. WV. Warren. to 7th Sept '55 Thos. L. Brooks, to 7th March '56. Wma. M1. Rotten, to 7th Marm '56. Thos. J1. Davis. to 8th Dec '55. Sanmuel Clark, to 8th Feb '55. Joseph Merriwether. to 5th .June '55s. W. M. Raborn, to 16th March '55. Mrs. Susan Garrett, to l14th Dee '55. StpenLnge, to 7th Mar '56, . Rambo, to 11th Mar '56. James B. Jlorn, to 15th Nov '56. Johna Saulter, to 7tha Mar '55. Dr. John1 Lark, to 25th May '55. Wade Barrenton, to Sth Dee '55. W. B. Saunders, to 20th Dec '55. Lucius hlalt, to 28th Dec '55. M. Samuel, to 4th May '55. Mrs. M. E. Iloltingsworth, to 8th Feb '56. Dr. Devlin, to 14th March '56. J. 11. White, to 4Ith Mar '56. Johnt Nixon,. to 9th Feb '56. W. A. Odomn, to 13th .Juhy '55. R. L. Wash, to 1st Jan '55. Hatwell J. Wash, to 9th Nov '5. H. T. Jennings, to' 18th Mar '55. Josiah King, to 5th June '55. C. L. Blatir, to 14th A ug '55. P. M1. Finley, to 14th Mar '51b. Dr. G. W. Mitchell, to 4th May '55. Jas. M. Perrin, Esq., to 10th May '56. John A. Calhoun, Esq., to 21st Aug 55.. Painter to Hire. A FIRST rate Negro PAINTER to hire by th day, matlh, or year. A pply to the Subnqfi br at Idgefield C. 11L S. F. GOOD)E. 'Mar21' if 10 1Votice Z F any ono should desire to have their paper .copied in a neat and legible handl, a person- ma: bc fo~nd to do it fur thtem, by applicatiops at thi Ofiie. Bounty Land, JOSE PH ABNEY, .ESQ., will attend to all applications that may be made through him, for ADDITIONAL BOUNTY LAND, by those t*ho served in the Florida War, or any War since 1790. rt 21tf 10 Bounty Land Claims, T1li. Undersigned will attend to the prosecution I of Claims under the recent Act of Congress granting One hundred and sixty acres of Land to all Officers, Soldiers, Seamen, Indians, &c., wh5 served in any of the Wars in which the United States has been engaged since 1790. Revolutionary Soldiers and their widows are also entitled. 07 Any Claimant desirous or obtaining orma tion will please address the Undersigned. THOMAS P. MORGAN. Washington City, D. C., Mar 17, 1855. References: 4' Ilon A. P. BtZI i Hon. L. M. Karr, " P. S. BaooMt. W. P. BUTLER, Esq. " W. W. Boyce. I rJ The Newberry Sentinel, Laurenivillu Herald Independent Press and Lexingtoon Telegraph wil please copy one month and'send their bills to thiu olice immediately. Mlar 21 tf 10 CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST fTHE Subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens of Edgefield. and community In general that he' is now receiving at his Store, next door to W. P. BUTLER, a- LARGE and SPLENDID ASSORT MENT of the most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHIIN Embracing all articles usually kept for the ouof GENTL1EMEN, YOUTHS AND CIII.DREN. To the lovers as fashion he would state that lie has purchased -. full supply of the latest style of SHANGHAE COATS. This style gives a longer skirt, with but little varia tion in the waist however, as my motto is never to be in the extreme. I always make my purchases to suit as nearly as possible the refined tastes of my customers. i Arso, A F1 %Z AssORWTNT O, Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Hosiery, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Trunks, VALISES, &c. M. LEBIESCHULTZ. Mar 21 tf 10 NEW STORE---NEW GOODS! T IHE Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has just opened a NEW and WELL SELECTED Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, Recently purchased in New York at LOW PRI CES, and will be sold at SMALL PROFITS. 0 Call and s.xamine. R. H. SULLIVAN. Edgerield C. H., Mar 21 - tf 10 Co-Partnership, JOlIN M. WITT and W. S. PALMER have this day formed a Co-Partnership under the name and style of Wrrr & PALxzER, for the pur pose of carrying on the Carpenters Business, in all its various branches, and in the latest styles. .ohn M. Witt will carry on the Shop Business as formerly, while W. S. Palmer will give strict and individual attention to the out door' business. Ile can give reference, if required, of his bei g a Workman and Architect. 0 Architectural Plans for building the most modern style of Cottages, Dwellings, &c., can be obtained. on rcasoableterms, by application to W. S. Palmer. JOHN M. WITT. W. S. PALMER. Edgerield C. H., Mar 21 tf 10 DA WSON & SKINNER, AUGUSTA, GA. Dealers in IFINE WINES AND LIQUORS, Teas, Sugar and Coffee, PICKLES, PROVISIONS, A na lur~oiTERs of HA AVANNA SEGARS, A ugusta, Ga., Mar 20 3m 10 Fine Brandy. I IAVE on Consignment and for f t sale' wo Quarter Cask of fine Im porte BR ANDYwhich I will sell low for cash. ThislBraundy is of excellent quality and will suit the taste of the most fautidious. S. E. BOWERS, Agent. LIanamburg. Mar 20 tf 10 Public Sale. 10 IL be sold on Monday, the 26th inst., at the VYlate residence of Mrs. ELIZ. TOOD, dee'd., near Camnbridge, the following property, to wit: Twenty Likely Negroes, Stock of every description, Corn, Fodder. Wheat,3 Oats ; a lot of tine iaicon aiid Lard ; Plantation Tra'Is, llousehold a'nd Kitchen Furiiiture; also, a fine Cairriage, Wagon and Ox Cart. rRS.-AII on a credit till the first of January next, with interest from date. F"urthier terms made known on, thic day of sale.\ .l'AMES McCRA'GKAN, ? Ex'or P. 11. EDDIN'S, Mar1 elIt 10 Wagons, Mules, &c. 'lIE Hamburg and Edgefield Plank Road Comn .Lpanay intending to ebi s,: their Mill operations, will sell at public sale, at Edgeld Court House, on sale day in A pril next, 20 head of Mules and Horses, S Wagoas, S CARRYLOGS, HA RNESS, SADDLES, &e. Treaus.--On a eredit until 1st November next, with interest fro'm danyof sale. Notes with approved security will be required. U. A . K ENR IUK, President. Mar 21 2t 10 Notice! I F RICII A RD GIISON, or his legal rep'resen'ta tives will make :application to WV. H. A Tkrusox, Esq., in this place, they may discover something to their advantage. Said Richard Gibson was a so! dier in the war of 1812, in the Artillery, and was a resident of this District in 1818. Mar 11 tf 10 Lost, O~N Satur lay h:pt, betiveen Edgelleld C. H. and IedJ Ie lill a al~l ,ppelfage of Notes and Ac cunts belonginig to the'lEtale of' Warren F. Winn, de'd., placed in my hands f95 collectioe. A suitable reward will be pad ' tiseir delivery. at the"o A dvertiser Ofaioe," or to Subscriber. J. B. TALBERT. Mar 21 . 2t 9 BETWEEN Edgefield C. H. and Mrs Nicholson, or at the Village, en Thurs day the 15th, a Red Leather PORT MON EY, containing one hundred and thirty-five ($1 35) Dollars, in twenty and five dollar bill. Any one findIng the same and returning it with its contents to the Subscriber or at this Oflice, will' bd suit bly rewarded. JOHN S. WILLIAMS.' Mar 21 *2t Strayed or StoleR F ROM the Subscriber's plantation, in Barnwell District, on the 8th March instant, a small SORRELL HORSE, with a white spot in hiL forehead, and somewhat rubbed by the geer. Any information coneerning said horse thankfully received, and a suitable reward given'for his recove ry. A ddress E~itohen's Mill, Orangeburg District, S. C. ' SA'MPSO.. CORLET. Mar 21 s M t 10. TD tlie Ladies. M IS E. W. hA MILTON, takes. is~ method of informing the Ladlies of Edgefield Yillage an4 vicinity, thiat she has com menced the Milhinpry azgd Drzus-Making& Business, at th9 Store formnerly occupied by Mrs..BaowN.