OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, January 02, 1856, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1856-01-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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EEEFlEI." 3 NC ixE "k,
A )
Fl itMft#R
s.4ana the attt..p
tion of the Ctizens E IStue t is
-7 ~ikni 4 M 6H P)
Whieb is now ilt sucoeful and complete operation,
41Wa. sis' slicitA1 Au examnisation 'f its
- Where he has on -hand.an extenive variety of beaU
.t41= eWtrioinshed FU RNITU R,- o1ai.iog4f
bis~hogany, We7it, Rousewood, Mapleund'Rise
* .wEEav~el~3llSdmN--2
aubboard Salesi.
Wardrobes of various Qualities,
(tine vtiety.)
hSh, Bindi,. Pawe 'Doors.. , &c.
ltavfl stired. the services of tie -nost cowpo.:
.tent workmlen I do. nt hesitate to say that 4 can vz
i bi 'as fine and good wprk as will bi fuupd- else
fCEPAi1ING neatly and promptly attended to.
( I will ell the above articles on as rea-onable i
4-mn 5 mhWalw .Tli~s vWhojag Cas
fhtdhbir Fui itu:Vin h ugusta or Chaleston will
ntuo findn-v4 differettce in our cnh charg.s.
g ' al and inispect the above Furniture before
tradip elfewhere. -
VAseld (.1 , Spt 5 tt 34
rL respectfully announce to the Ladiks and'Gen
*ueen ot' Edgelield, that they are now prepared to
execute in the line of their Profession, and 'inthe
VERY HEO STYUr the-- -
Of all who may fav4r them-with their atronage.
Thdy would be imapy to cxhibit'to'thecitii7en
of the-Tuwn and surrounding country specimens of
Daguerreotypek iecent!y taken by tlhem, whih
lave met with unive-sil indiration. Call it their
Itoom in the Carolina Ilotel, aund satisry yourself.
'Oti'objet wifl bie to gife entire satisfaction, and
no pains will be spared to seure tliis result.
ige6iha'D.1-9 '' . f 49
HE Subscriber respeetfully calls -the attention
of all who are indebted to him', either by Note
or Acedunt,.to come forward and settle the same in
Janiary next, aib stands in need of money. This
follows in a efon. ist ne of hie business being trans
acted upon a (h' ysten. aim wai.iripssible under
some circunstanceI to .v id. crediting NoniCeof my
eustoiner. bt'I tnnot get .lotig in mIy litne of bu
siness without CiUh. There'fore I hope all indebted
will case foirwiard and settle up prominutly.
Dec 19-. tf 45
T11iE Co-Partnership -existing~ under the Firm
of LAtK& BbCKMIASTEIl, was dihsolved
by mutual consent mi the 10ith D~eember 1555.
Eithter''of the Partners will use the nanme of the
Firtn in lhiidation. The accoitts and noutes will,
be kept at the Store of J1. C. I ark, thle samte as tie
cupicil by us. We part!cu!atly reqjuest our cus
toshers and friends to call and clese up their open
accounts by Notes cr Ca-h.
*.1AS. C.TL.\ K,
Hamburg, Deenber 10, 185.hs
THlE Unzdersignedl havin~g pilr
hased of E. .1. lunekmaster his
interest in 'the 5emn of Lark & fluckmiaster, takes e
this method' of info'rmaing his friends and etomers
sbat~he will coniitue the businieat.t t he ksiae aund
as heretofore, where hte will he ph-a .l to~ see them. I
I intend keeping a large ;;tteek of all kinds of Goods
In the Grocery Line,
Sell as cheap as can bie affirdeJ, nn4 will pay the
htighest market price fur Cotton. F~lour. Unaciz. kc. I
Hlamburgt, Dec10, 1855. 6t 50 )
Bethany Academy.
H E exercises of this lunstituon~ will -be 're
sunmed on the Fourth Nodtuday of .latnuaryI
meder. the superintenidance and 'im-truction of Mr.
G. GA LPHIIN, atided by enmpetent Assistants.
-:AMl necessary~rejsni'rs and additions. to the~ huikling
will be completed by the openiing of the Schmool.
EATES OF TUITION, &c., the same as'for
the last twelve years, are as follows:
Yur Elementary Depuartment. Class 1st. embracing
Ortheography,.Ratding. Writing~ and4 Child's Ge
ographyr, per Seasida, of .1 weeks.......9 (00
For Elenmentary Depar't Class2nd. im-luding abover
and Arithmetic & Mitchell's Geography, per Ses
..sionof 20. weeks............ .....800
For intermediate Department, -including above, and.
History and English Grammar...$105 00
For higher Department, so much of above as may]
be considered necessary, with Natural Philosophy,
Chemistry and Mathaematical.Sceeces, per Ses
sion of 20 -weeks d.---. -........1200|
Claicaiel Departmet cmiaeirig lif thi studies a.
eessry to-satify thie student for admilssion'int(
Sophomore Class, S. C. College, pr Ses. $15 00)
Studeans ht? ebargeJ -from Miniosof &ntrnde-to
end of S$ession.- No deduetiotn for absence .unless I
canutd by sickness of two weeks dluration ; and
when deduction.is expected the P'rinepu tast, be .
nozifle4 at the time.
There will be an additional Twenty Cents per.
Sebolar4 per Session, to meet the incidental expen
eeof the School. W. H ARR ISON, CumaI.
D~ec 26 .'- ; 8: 50t
-7 Elton Acadeiny.
T liE Trustees of Elton AKendeniy take great
pinasure 'ii~ announcing that they -have se
eared ,lm servicsof lifr. PATR ICK 11. A D AMS,
a g'aiate of the- Soth' Carolinam College, as their
Teachevr'for the year 1856.' The exercises of the
Aciidemy will be resumed on the first Monday in
January niext. .. .
The IRates of Tuition are as follows :
For Latin, Greek and the higher branches of Math
*ematics, Phdlosophy, Chedstry, &,e., per Session
of 54. months,..............1800
For English -Branches, including -End~tish Gram
mar, Geography, A rithmetic, &c., pr See. S12 00i
This Academy is situated in a. healthy Jan-t of the
Distriet, askd is emoved front scenes oftdissiaiations. I
The Trsteesfdpl to hesitation in recommsending
their Academy as worthy, in every respect, of a
Ptberal share of patronage.
-W 'Good Board eani be obtained convenient to
ghe Academy at :about $8 pecr .nionth, includinag
ysashing and Iit.
* Dec 26 5t 5 0
: ale of Law Books.
T lIE Sule of the Laiw llooks and Oficee Furni
ture of the late N. L.. Griffin is postponed to
,Tuedaythe 8th Jatmey nlext.
-- 1. L. JIUNHA M, Admn'or.
Dec26 e... 2t . .50
*- Notice.
THER Esarcises of 'Mr. LOG UE'S SCHOOL
will be resumed on the first Monidaty in Janni
* ~Notice. .
T HIE Exercises of' Mrs. McCLINTOCK'S
SCHOOL, will be resumed oin Mondaty the
7th Januaty 1886.
D~ec 26 - r50
Boarding IMouseti.* -
E.. ber a acononodmate twelve or t
Edgeileld Schools. Ilis dwellinmg is convenienit .toi
all the sudos in the Village. Termis as nmolerate v
asendld be expected. L. S. JOIINsON.
Dec 19 IC ' t 49j
1rhf 1 tate of bouthkCz.tolina,
N obedience to the writ of E!eetion issued by
L, the Hnuorbl1.'F.W. AL~rroni President af
he Sehate,-onIfie 1'Mth-day of Deeniber instant,
ou, and each of you, ire hereby required, atter
li aiertennt, and with striot regard to all the
rovisions of the Constitution and Laws of the said
tate. touching yourduty'in such ee, to bold an
lection fur 4 member of the Senate.for the Ejection
)istriet aforesaia. to serve for th rfmainder of the
rm for which TILUMAt f'WA:T8Ol; lately'the
lie sittjn *lt%' M's elntcd' to se've:'.The
,5afgboimsd MIlA vk6o4: platbs of edtion
ejtteuistVyt en-: the--SEr.CON D) MON
)AY in January next and -the day following, by
he various sets of Managers for those places re
peetively..: The .Managers for all' .the places of
letiya aforesaid to.meet at Edgefield. Court House
nth' Wednesday after,, count the vote and de
lare thewlection.
- ENJ. WALDO, Cana., pro ten,
Board of Managers of Election.
Dec 19, 1T !8t 49
OTICE Is hereby glena that an ELECTION
Nwilrel held-on the SECOND MON1MA in
Iannary next, to 11 bc.vaenfeies about to occur in
he Oties of.CLER1, 0.JUDLNARY and SHER
FF, for Edgefleld District.
The .ouls will be ppenedfor QXE DAY ONLY.
The Mignagers . wiil auegt. at. -Edgefield Court
loure..on.the, Wg0neday following, count out the
otes saa declare th'eEledtioh.
TILOS. G. BACON, c. z. D.
Nov-10, 1855. 3m -44
Greenvile, S. C.
'1IS I'stitution wll commence its e t Annual
- Term oi Wednesday, the sixth day of Feb
uary' nexL
- Theological Departmant.
Professor of- Systemati --and Polemic Theology,
-and.Ecclesiastical History.
Profesor of Sacrea Rhetorii and Pastoral Duties.
Collegiate Department.
Professor of Ancient Language# and Literature.
Profeqo f,Mathematics and Mechanica Phi
Professor of Natural Philesophy ana Chemi.4try.
Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philophy,
Logic and Rhetoric.
Academic Department.
Teacher of Modern Languages.
-Principal - -
Tutor in Ancient Languages.
Tutor in Mathematics.
English Assistant.
Annual Dzpenses.
Payable Semi A nnually in Advance.
'iion in, Englisha and Mtathentaical Course SS0 00
ulin in CheLsical anid Philosophical Course 42 00
edental Exp'enses.............. ...-..-2 00
ui................---------.---- 42 00
eidental. E~xianse-- . ...-.-..-.---.--. 2 021
Le.,s ihani send-atmUIal paiymfenits are not received.
Th'le T1re.'aIsurer.will attend at thec University on
c first tharee days of' the Term, to receive the first
m~:.iiiual ravein~ t. No Student can enter until
e produees the Traeasurer's certifiente of paaymienit.
Suh'nta entering upon scholarshiips.mutst prod ue
'rtiastes froma the uwner of the scholarship.
Joard is not furuished in the University., It
m be obtaie in lsriv~ate (muaalies, at prices varyimg
'out $10 to $1:3 peri month..
The A nnual Comm~eneenet will take place the
aat Thursday in July.
There will be one reguliar Vacatioin, beginning the
aiddle of Nov'emaber and ending the first Wednes
sy iln FedrUatry.
There wilf also be a Vacationi of two weeks im
tediattv ruceeding the Commencemnent in .ll.
A nv 1'urthter intformation, or a copy of the Ci
ue for 18->5, co.,taining' List of Students, (2.28.)
ein of University lUildings, Course of Study,
ules of Dasciplinie, &e-, enin be procured on appli
ation) to
C. J; ELFORD, Treasurer,
Greenville, S. C.
Dc I8.S St .. 49.
Iostering, Matti'eBs Making,
&c., &c.
.en'g to' thec citizens of Edgelield aind the public
rrally, that lhe .has opened a Shop directly West
f the Planters' hotel, two doors below Mr. B. C.
ra's Store, where hec is prepared to make
at tresses of every Variety,
..AND'RE.PAR d&iGUS1110Y.
:., after' the best akad latest styles and-on the mo'st
-He i-espectfuolly solicit a share of the patronage
*f the trading pnblic. Call and examine my work.
.will recuinunend itself.
I37 All business intlhe above line done promptly
ud neatly finished. H1. MARTIN.
DeoS 5i f 47
Furn iture Establishment.
rIE'Nubseriber has just started, In eonnexion
Awith the above business, a
rhere-he is prepared to do all kinids of work en
rusted to his care with perfeot satisfaction- to his
'ustomers, and at prices heretofore unknown in
I will make to order, aind of the very best material,
Tables,, Desks,&c
will also make to order, and at the shortest notice,
)f every variety, and in the best style.
ITOl Furniture- repaided handsomely and
A share of publie patronage is respectfully soli
ited. M,. A. MARKERT.
D )ec 19 tf - 49
1Notice Obligatory.
LL pez'sons in any wIse .indebted to the Sub
t. seibets arc edirneatly requested 'to conme forward
nd settle, as I am compelled to pay my debats, and
hat speedily. When I say compelled, I mnean that
art at the extreme point of the law made and pro
ided in such eases, and without relief, any -iehool
o knows the result. G. HORD.
De19 .tf _ ___ 49_
For Sale,
FIRST PATE Cook,. Waher and Ironer, of
ooqualities. Terms easy. A pply Immiedi
tely at this Office.
De) 2G 3t 49
Brushes, Brushes!
FN Store a fine variety of Paint, Varnish, Gra
iag Blenders, Tunners, Whitewash, Crumb,
)ustig and Hair Brushes and Comibs-Flesh
iruses and Iltair Gloves-Nail, Tooth and Shaving
~rushs, &c. For sale by
A. G. & T. J. TEAGUE, D'ruggists.
M May 3 _ tf _______19
Last Call!
)ERSONS indebted to the Undersigned will
..take this as the last Notice. I have waited pa
ently for twelve mionthis, aind on some much fonager
,aow I spust say, that I. want the money. Those
ro do aoj.pay up by the (Ith. day of February next,
ill havto paty for their delay
I...e .ii t 50
B Virtue of Sundry writs of F,. Fa., to me i
Brceted i ail proceed to sell on the first
Monday in January next, sit Edgefield C. 1I., the
following property, in the following cases, viz:
S. and J. Sanpso vs .P. C. Goddard: A. W.
Dozier vs The Same, One-Negro Girl Rachel.
N.-L. Lipscomb vs R. C. Griffin; Vnrions other
Phaititilf.vs. The Same, Six Negroes, viz: Charles,
Peter. Dennis, Margaret and her two children Eliza
and Sarahann. I will also sell, in the above stated
case, on Friday the 4th day of January, at the resi
dence of the Deendant, Dr. R. C. Griffin. the
Stock of Cattle, reg. Cotton, Cotton Seed, Corn,
Fodder, Shucks, Potaloes, tine Cart, Plow Gear,
one Saddle amn firidle, ine Cirritge and Harnetis,
one Cutting Knife, (ite Pidati,. lousehold and Kitoh
en Furniture, one Lot of Nfedicinesi and ledical
Furniture, Medical and Miscellane'ui LNmry, Su
gar, Flour. Hacon, &c.
Lather Roll vs. Allen Franklin -,A. JaRambo vs.
The Same; Other Plaintifh Vs The Same, Two
Negroes, vit: Lem and Margaret.
.. Jordan vs Ransom Jordan, Trho interestpf.the
Defendant Ransom Jordan, in One Tract'of Land
containing Five 1tundred and seventy (570) seres,
more or less, bounded by lands of Amos Landrum,
B. W. Hatcher, Dr. John Landrum and Samusel
Posen .
.W. Stokes vs. Samuel C. Scott; Other Plain
tiffs vaThe Same, The interest of the Defendant
In One-Tract of - Land containing twelve hundred
(1200) acre;r, more or less, adjoining kinds of F. W.
Burt, .lames Ilammond and others.
J. A. Talbert vs Thomas K- Collier, One Tneet
of Land containing three hundred and fifty (350).
acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Jas. Black
well, Charles Freeman and others.
Elijah Watson, bearer, vs, John-Autry; The.
Same vs John Autry and Mary .Antryl Other
Plaintiffs vs The Sane, The Tract of Land where
the Defendant Mary .Autry lives, containing two
hundred and fifty . (250) acres, nore or leas, ad
joining lands of B. T. Boatwright, Mrs. Elizabeth
Bush and others.
Wm. H1. Norris vs E. M. Corder and M. Corder,
One Tract of Lind containing Fifty (50) acres,
nore or less, adjoIning lands of Thomas S. Bates,
W. Padgett and 'athers. Also, one Negro man
Dick, the property of E. M. Corder.
Wmn. -. Norris vs: Joel F. Warren, One Tract
of Land containing One Hundred and Fifty (150)
acres, more or less, adjoining lands uf'M.B. Whit
tIe, A. M.Marren and.others.
Olarl & Tiitsptt -vs TIllmari A. Walker; Samu
uel A gner vs The sane, One N ro girl Sarah.
Win. Rawl vs Jessee Scliumper ;The Same vs
The Same, One Tract pf Laud containing Two
Hundred (200) acres, more or less, adjoinin 'lanid
of Win. Bouknight, Wiley Schumpert and others.
Moses Harris vs James Morris, One Tract: of
Land containing twp hundred and forty (240)aeres,
more or less, adjoining lands of B.. W. Hatcher,
Chesley Wise and others.
'Richird Gregory ads. Daniel Posey,. One Tract
of Land contaiing five hundred (500) aeres, more
or less, adjoining lands of W. L. Coleman, B. M.
Posey and others.
-S. S. Boyce vs Joseph Patterson; The Same vs.
The Same; The Tract of Land where the Defen
dant resides containing three (3) acres, more or less,
adjoining.lands of Win. F. Durisoce, F. W. Pickens
and others.
John L Harmon vs Francis Ann Tlarrison, One
Tract of Land containing two hundred and sixty
nine -(269) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of
James H. Griffin. Benj. Bettis and others.
Al. Frazier vs S. P. Tompkins; Colgan & Legg
for another, vs.The Same, Four Mules.
John M. Clark vs John C. Thomas and Thomas
0. Burnett, One Tract of Land containing one hun
dred and nine (109) acres, more or less, adjoining
lands of Tandy Buckhlalter, Thomas Morgan and
others-the property of Thomas C. Burnett.
S. C. Strom, .Admn'or., vs William strom and
John B. GriffiN ; Samuel Wilams vsTh sae
.J. B. Taliy, -Adtn'or., vs .Jamems Wood, David
Quarles and WVilliami Strom. ur., One Traict of Land
cotainng four hundred and sixty-two (469) acres,
more or less, adljoining-lands of Daniiel Prescott,
Williami Prescott and others-the property of Win.
Strom,, ar.
R. at . Scurry, Ada m'or., vs Cetarge Sadldler; Wil
lam Daniel vs The samte; Other PIlaintiffs vs Th~e
sane, One Tract of Lamnd containing onie hundred
im tiftv (150) acres. mozfe or lessJ, adjoining lands
of Iliram .May and others.
lDavid Seigler and Willam Seigler, Ex'ors. vs
W. Ftreemn,m John C. Coursey :anda Wiley Tinm
merman, One Tract of l.an~d containing two hun
dred acres, more or less, adjoining lands of George
Sha,.pard and others-thme paroperty of thme Defein
eant .lohn C. Coursey.
James P. Carroll v' Wmn. UT. Goode and Martha
. Kimbrel, One Tract (of L~md cntainig oney
hundred (I00) acres, more or less, ;ajo.ining lands
of the south Carolina Paper 31anufatcturing~ Com
pay and others.
Uriah Mars, bearer, vs James Stewart anad Chris
toher Weatherincton ; ,lohn Quattlebum,T. C., vs
Christoper Weatherinigtaon; .lamnes Sheppmard vs
The seame ; Othmer P'laitiffs vs The same, Onme Tract
of Land containing five hundred (5010) acres, amore
or less, adjoining lands of h enry Quattlebumn, Geo.
arner, Joehn Sauniders and othera.. Also, eleven
Negroes, viz: Lucy,- Jinmmy, Sally, Emma, Judy
and her six children.
-Jamnes-A. Talbert vs George Banks; Thec same
s Geo Banks and Francis Owensby, One Tract of
Land containing one hundred and twenty-five (125)
acres, more or less, adjoiinig hinds of iD. P. Self,
Jane Furkins and others..
Dc11 4t 48
Sheriffs Sale.
D. P. & J. P. , 'Applicants, Sumn.
Jefferon Sturkey-and wife Lucy and -~ Parlition.
others, gefendants.
B y virtue of an order from HI. T. Wright, ordi
nary of Edgefield District, in the above stated
ase, 1 shall proceed to sell on the first Monday in
January next at Edgefiled Court Hlouse, the Real
Estate of Mary Self, dec., consisting of One Tract of
Land containing Eighty (80) acres, more criles.,.
situated-in the District of Edgefield, on the waters
of Stevens' Creek, bounded by lands of John P.
Self, Sterling Freeman and WillInam White.
Taxs-A credit of twelve months, purchasers
giving bond with two good securities andl a Morgge
of the premises to the ordinaty to secure the purchase
money. Costs to be paid in cash.
*. JONES, sL.a.
Dec 10, ~4t ' . 48
Sherifis Sale..
Elizabeth Davis, A pplicant, )Summon.
"s. ) n .
David Asline and wife and others. )Partition.
Y virtue of an order from II. T. Wright, Ordi
.9nary of Edgeleld District, in th~e above stated
case, I ahalt proceed to sell on the first Monday in
January next, at Edgefield C. II., the real Estate of
Sarah Wagner, doe., consisting of One Tract of
Land containing Eighty (8O) acres, more or less.
Situated in the District aforesaid, bounded by land.
of Dr. E. Andrews, Joshua llarris, and Lewis
Taas-A oredit of twelve months, purchaser
givin~bond with two good securities and aimortgag
of the premises to the ordinary to secure the par:
hue money. Costa to be paid in cash.
LE WIS JONES, 5. 5. D.
Dec 10 .41 48 . d
Galvanic Batteries kNagneto Electric
JUST received, and for sale by
tFA. G. & T. J. TE AGUE, Druggists.
May 23 .tf 19
edicine Chests and Travelling Oases,
ON hand a few very fine family Medicine Chests
and Travelling Cases.. or-sale by
.A. G. & T.- J. TEAGUE, Druggists.
May 23 - if. 19
A LL Persons indebted to me by Note or Ace
count are requested to call and settle them on
or before the first January next, as I shall place all
unpaid accounts after that date in the hands of an
Officer. Mly business for the future will be con
ducted on the Cash~ principle entireLy--and all work
left with mae must be' paid for on delivery, ais I pre
l.deing no business at all ip preference to a Credit
busiss'. ss . A. GKRA Y.
Dec 19 . -. 4t . 49
A LPersons indebted to the Estaite of Jol n C.
Allen, dee'd.,are regnteated to settle up promppph
ly, anal those having demanids arc hereby notifiad to
rder thema in immediately.
W. . SMYLY, Adm'-.
S-Adnisat ae
Of Valuable Negroes.
WILL be sold at public outcry in the Town o
iHamburg, on Thursday the 3d day of Jan
nary next, the persotal Estate of Win. U. Adams
dee'd., consisting of
Eight or Ten Likely Negroes,
Among whom are four extra prime likely fellows
and four likely women.
Persons desiring to purchase such negroes car
obtain any information they desire of their qualitics
and character front the Subscriber, or from Mr. A.
J. Riambo.
Tzams .oFrSAIS.-A credit of twelve months with
inte*essroai date. Purchasers giving note with
twor 'moro aproaved a - -
_N Admfor
Dec 10
Negroes for Sale,
T consent of parties I will sel at Edgefleld e.
II., on the first Monday in .lanuary next the
filowing negro slaves : Lark, Maria and Lewis
Dennis, Ann, Lee, Minty, Peter, Pies, Arthur and
Said negroes will be sol8 on a credit of Twelve
months with interest from day of Sale. Purchasers
to give notes with two. good sureties,.to secure .th
purehas. money. S. B R FF'N A ls
Dese.8 5* . 4fl
Administrator's SaIe.
W E will proceed ) sellat Edgield
VY e' trdW Mon~ar isi *;siwe m'u
Tiet Of Laid oUd as n6
Beloni iie Eaile 1isf John IIaieher, dee'.
containing One hundred and ninety-nine acre., ad.
joiniig lands of the Est'ste oftheisid Jobn -Iuebier
decdased. -.
Triso-On a credit of twele months. Porche
sers giving note with'ample seearity. .
Ad orswithiv Will annexe.
Dec.'s ~ -* 7
State of South Carolina
Ann.Griflini ;Pl ie
Stanmore B'Gdff-ia, .a
B Y Virtue of-anorder of the Court of Eqstiey p
this ease, I - will -proceid to -sell. at- dgetiefd
Cdrt House; on the first Mond4 in January next
that well knowtk Real Estae bf .he late -- L
Griffin;known as-the Darby Lands :It will-i
offered in two parcels as follows: - I
First,, TheBome- Tract, contaftiing one thosand
acres, more or less, and lbdjoining lands of P: R
Blalock, Samuel- Marsh, Amon Lindsay-, Behjam
Hatcher and-others. . - - - -
Second, The Mill Tract containing- six hundred
acres, more or less, and adjoining the former Tral
as also lands of Alfred ltghes, : S.'Boyce, L. S
Johnson, Amon Lindsay and others.
Upon the first of these Tracts there iione o
the most beautiful residences in the District, on a
high and commanding position, and -in a-perfeotl)
healthy locality. It is just four miles below Edge
field C. H., aind immediately on 'the Plank -Read
leading to - Hamburg. The: -Traet; by.'*hich it is
surrounded embraces a considtrablq amount, o
fresh land and is altogether, in good cotidition.fop
farming purposes. iere is the best chance we knou
for any one desirous of purchasing a comfortabk
home.- -- .
The mill tract has also a good house upon it, aid
other necessary fixtures.
Purchasers should watch this sulo.
:Teaus-Ono and two years credit, except costs
to be paid in cash. Purchasers to give bond witl
dequate sureties to secure the purchase money.
A. SIMKINS, c. g4.1. D.
Dee19, 1855. At 48 .
State of South Carolina.
Exparte .. .)
Absalom T. Hodges, and his wirc Petition.
J1ulia, and Johun H. Hughes. )
NOT[CE is hereby given that the Tract of Land.
iupon which the petitioners, Absalom T. Hod
ges and wile now resides; in Edgefield District, will
be sold by order of the Court -of Equity, on th<
first Mtoniday in January 1856, either by the Corn
misioner in Equity or by the Trustee, J.. 1
H ughes-thie sale being made for the benefit of. thc
parties in interest.
Tus.--A credit of twelve months from day o1
sale, the purchase muney. to be .secured bty bond
with ample personal surety. Costs to be paid it
ash. A. SIMKINS, c.a i..
Dec 12, 4te 49
State of South Carolina,
Elizabeth Prince, - . --
surah Jeter and Bu -for seeout
KaneyTurner, aqie a iistffuri
Martha Turner. Jbtin
B Y Virtue of an order fro.n Chancellor Ward
Llaw in this cause, I will sell at Edgefleld-C.
Ii., on the flist Monday In January next, the rol
lowing real estate of.lohn E. Turner, de'd,.to wit
A Tract of Land containing two, hundred and
twenty acres, more or less, situate in Edgefleld-Dis.
trit, lying on Big Stevens' 'Creek, anid ridjoining
Lands of Alexander Sharpton, William N~ewsoni
and Terril Goff.
1 will also sell at the late residence of. the said
John E. Turner, dee'd., on the Thursday succeding
the sale-dny in January l858, the personal-property
of the said deceased, among which there is onc
negro woman. - . - T. *~
This property, realty aid persotnalty, will be sold
on a credit of twelve nmonths,(romn day of sale..ex
ept as to so much as may be required to defray jha
costs of this suit which must be-paid in cash. Pe
chase money to be secured by Bonds.or Notes with
adequate sureties. Titles,to t#e 'a d tAge'dollaru,
to e ptaid for extra of tlie pur'dhhe - otdey
Nov 27,1855. 6t - 46
State of South Carolina.
John J..Seott and others, Bl e atn
Samuel C. Scott and others.
B Y Virtue of an order from Chancellor-Ward
law in this cause, I will sell at Edfiefield C
H., on the first Monday in January next, the follow
ing negro slaves, to wit : Polly and her four chil
dren Marshal, Stanfleld, Jim and Hampton.'
These negroes will be sold.on-a credit of-twelve
months from day of aale,with Interest front day of salh
except as to dosts which imist be p-aidditionsli. Par.
chase money to be secured biy Bonds .with. ampli
personal sureties. A. SIMKINS, o:n.x.n.
Nov 27 6-46
Gum Elastic Hot Water Bags -and
HOPTL CUSliIONS-fdr sale-by,
A.G. a T. J. TEAGUE, Druggists.
May 23 ~ ' t 19'
'THERE will be an Eleotion at Edgetield Villagi
on Monday the 14th January 1856, for Inten
dant and Wardens for the Town of Edge6eld fo
the year 1856.
Messrs. S. F. Goode, E. J. Mimis and Robt. H
Sullivan, Managers.-- ..
SA MtUEL BROOKS, Intendant.
Dee 19 - 3 49'
The Last Dun?
ONCE more appeal to those that . are- indebtet
Lfor money, and should y-ou fail to pay me by fi
15th day of February neat, you cannot settle will
mu after that time,-as - wIll-on that day, withou
distinction, turn over my nots and .aocounts to.ba
proper officers for collection.
..M. 'W. CLARY.
Dec 26 8t 50
LLPersona indebted to the Estate of Co1.11
-B. Bouknight, deo'd., are earnestly requeste'
to make immediate payment. All persons havine
denands against the estate, will present them pro
perly attested.
De 19 1y - A
Oorn lieal and Romniny
A W S for salo at the Subscr.iber'u'residenet
IDec206 Om 50
Physicians' Bu gy Tnks and Popjg
~EDCNE CASES-for sale bay :
1.a3A. G. & T. J. TlEAtiUE, Dguggists.
&qci". beof . - istitutiops wil beje
A,,A9E L. LEZLUEY will
act as Principuki:the ja! &ODepartmeat.
T FTee -le School..with-.the Primary Deparr
mentof Aa Male Aeadeasy, will be -condseted; by
Mr. A. P. BUTLER,aasisted by L.the. learned- and
highly. oeumnplished. jlim A. .E..ARTIUR, and
othqr-comgetett Teachers.
36tes of4 ition pe esosion.
Frat I Pri D teW ,. .. DO
ACV, a-i a.teraturo.
~ -
4eaubhp kubroidery. Needle' work1'Ae., uanat
.rates. - '
:AWee Schohistio edrhwill' be divided into-so See
sions of 45 neofths"ngi. Pupils willvbetharged
from th d-in .oi.enring toihf roftheession.
'Tuition in Advamee; - -
Goo-lBud ca be hadUn si -Villegoa-from
S.. '.~GET.EN
- - 8. W. G UARDN!4El ; -
- . . UT
W. A. SHAW., -
-De-5 - 47
Spaabu 'femle ,ollege.
REV. SAMUEL B. JOW , Protesor of
M'at1niiii and NiWiral S6leno,
.'Wroffssor'of Ancient Lailguages..
MI 11(S'' iBE P'AINE, Modern. Languages
ha I tit hi Eng1lsli dep~m~ment.
; . WILIAN SCHERZElk, 'Professor of
Parmar DzrAit-rsax-r.
-Rehding, Writing,.Arithmotio, English Gramiar
and-Gography.-- - -
- . . CiuOIArs COVnsu.' -
----Firt-CaN:glist 'drra'hia (revIewed.)
Arithmetic, (continuedj) Geography. (witf Maps,
cosinued.) YBillei t' iiory, Engib Coo
Rheoi iTIeC anposiagonu (utisp,) Bota
ny, A gra, 1listory; (continied,)?atin,.(omnmen
JuX1Ri ss.
History, (nti" e Latin, (apntntued ) Gome
s~p).T:.. ..' y. -Me )
- . ,Sumos C.assl
Trigooraetty, (withits applications.) Latin, (eon
tinned,) French, Astronomy, Meutal Philosophy,
Evidences of Chritianity. -
instruction in En glish Compoasiton and Analysis,
continued thrdaguit wgule c&mtse.
Turriox F998 AND INCJaIDETA'LEx8s.
"'onfor.College courve.-proper, enthrgmcing all
the stiidies amumerted.per' Term ofEone scholaatte
year, payabhr half yearly: id advanc...$. $40 00
N.Mua ExmA, Pot Tguxadel o ss a.
%Ofr TIaM'.. .....' ......'..... ;' 4 00
- -- u tr. .......................... 25- 00
Use of -Piano,. ..... 300
Contin t---*.'.''' ' . 2 00
Primary V17partmt,-per Term ofruneyear, paya
be boe,... .........., 20 00
'Boardan the Cnipus, under the directon otihe
0fiets of 'the-lnistitutioni, pdf month, ld61adings11
expenses ofLights, Fuel, .W ashlng, &c.=, .312 .00
paable at the end of each ha lf year.
.'Text Biotk can be furnidhed, if <desirable, at cost
pries. - --.
57 The above itseludes all charges. 'No .other
fees.oidiniar'y or-extraordinary, will be charged for
any or all-the brandhes enumerated.
This Iustitution went into operatiun n the fourtha
Wednesday in .UG UgT last, und will end itajirst
Ter.iblluri W dfesdys in:DEC1IMBWR
Non-resident Pupils. will be required. to 'busardi 1ou
he Campus, except in a special elass of eases provi
ddl for by a resolution~ of the Board.
*Presidlent of the Board of Trustees.
.- ~ l - 2ri - 42
Female C olle gi ate Institute,
T SInstitution will be open for the reception of
Pupils oan the first - Monday in danuary next,
and clkse the last day, in September, making one
long Term of Nine Mlobths. The Faculty will
cosit of
Paorssoa o'r Navukaa Scazxos -aN MATnEMAT
Rv-T. E.-WANNAMAKERI, A. M.,PaoForssos
or MOaRA ParrLo5Ofli, EvZDEN4CE 01 Onts
*TIaNrrI. AND BetaLs LwTrazs. -
Ms. E, LEGERI, PaoFassoa OF MUsiC AND MoD
-l Ea -LAtGUA Gn E.
MasMA RY E. SNE~AD, IzsraUCmazas ix PArLvr
.The.Board of TLrustees have secured the services
of. a Facuhty composed of worthy ilaster Masons,
eminent for puri:y of character, and high literary
attainments, whosa ,every effort will be to educate
young ladies so as Ii, adorn any sphere in life.
Our new Mlaaonie.buildinig will be .completed by
the opei:Ing of the 'Teirm; amid the Boiird intend
feraishing it with every appurtenance necsudry~to
the acquisition of an education'of the highest order.
As they liave determined that this. Institution shall
be weond to none, so they confidently . expect the
enouragement and patronage of an enlightened
Fbr any information necessary, we refer to our
Circular, or to any niember of the Committee, or
President of the Facilty. '
-......J. K. VANCE,
B. Z. H ERNDON, Committe.
F.. F. GARY.)
Coesbury,.Oct 20, . 0t , 41
ohnson Female University.
Eemabersof thei Zaculty. -
Ruy. W. B. JOHNSON, CmwscexLtou.
Rav. J..8COTT'.MWlRAu -
Mas. lifARY E. D'ANIE;
CAL. DEPsaTMENT, .-- '- ..
Miss CYNTR1IAWc. FIitR, TuTaxss.
I1E heve Inistitution 'has becu' in opcralinfor
eialit years ; fair the 4lrst flde as a Seinairy,
and for the thiree last as a Uniiversity,' established
uinder a Legislative' Charter granted ln i8%2. . Its
ineras and continued prosperity for a number of
jokes Luthe best eviden'ce that it merits jinblie pat
Th sde Profesorp and Teachers,'who liave
been identified wiithe Institution from it. beginnng
wll continue next year.
The Session for. !856-will open on the first'Wed
neday in February. *
Board, inclu'ding fuel,:lightu, &e.,.from 58to SIO
per month..
For further particulars we invite especial-attention
to our Catalogues. -.. ---..'
17 Fo'r Catalogues or othter information address
Rev. g. Scott Murray or any member of the Faculty.
Auderson, Dec 18, . Im .45
ILgad for Sale,
HEl.subsetiberil offer, for sale at Edlgeleld
I Court lIouso, to the highest bidder,.on the
fist Monday in January next, his Plantation,-situ
ate in Edgefield District, on Little Saluda River,
containing -. .. :f - . -n
Two BRndredynd ageestpSix Acrei,
More or less,-and adjoiningl4zxds of Th'ornton Ode.
man, Josiah Etheridge, and others. . .
There are 50 acres of prine Bottom Land, be.
longinggt-the .Tract. Also some 301 acres of land
recently cleared a'nd fenced.
Upon the premises are good out-buildings, among
them a Barn, a Stable, a Smoke Housqe, a Kitehen
and sunndy Negra ouses. -.-The healthfnlness ol
the plantatio is unexceptionable, and among itt
other recommendationls is to be iuelnded gL Well~oi
exllent water, stlpprior (p .an~y in that viginity.
The property will be 'sold on a .Medit of Twelyt
Months with interest from the day of sale.
No. 15, 1855, 7t 45
CHESLEY McGE~E respectfully infoarms thi
.itizens of Edgefield Distriut, that he will de
all work in hisline, such as D)igging nnd Cleanid4
Wells, Blasting Rock; &c., with -promnptnmes anel
dspath. His address is Ge-rmtanville P. 0., S. c
n.,c l tf.1
ECAEY 0 . -
11 . RIGHTs
.I~-gr J.E0 T7 -Sr.
. B',,W 1LTTLEer -
ItS.nA bY & KENN~ERLY will practiee
M ogeherd o theid aed nel&b
bo4jng elsy eri bs ltd a d6 x
CbFJCK over hiesara.CA1mou3JL.
& BEA'S TardwareStoi-e,Broad
street, Augusta, Ga.
Alloperations pertaining to Dentistry will fei-t
tended to-with promptness, and to th' inifreikhtl
faction of all who may favor him with their patonge.
0- Gold. Plate and~Wire, Claip Metaf, Solder,
&e., furtilaned to Dentists for Cash.
Augusta, May I ly - 1
WITH a view ofclosing out'my,Stock of Goo4
I will-aft-r this date sell the entire Stock at
- New York Cost for Cash.
the Ladies, I would may I have many desirable
33 1 9 A4-32
Such a,Bisck apd Polored SILKS,,BARGEES
'gg All Persins indebt'ed 'to nae si
mgeqpeite ozniko paymeiLt
rIfEyublic are. respee.tfaly informed. that this
..Hotel'bas ondergvne a thorouiirk repair, 'And
has- pei refitted in'tIe BEST STYLE, regird
le ,' oi . eip nse, a d "was- opened on the First ol
Octulder; foirthT reeepton. of Boardersandet 0 rp
datioir'6f TH.inaleht eustomer A
' -The'best accommodation' is-ara2ntlrd : those
who will favoi rhe'Propriktor with thii patronage;
and t i irsieilnnt -wil -be 'i' 6:uniommand
for the House, the reputationr itbo Slways maintain
ed, as the Best Hotel In Haunbwrg.
The- PIoPietor assres the publio -tbt no pains
shall be spired on the part of the ManagcmA-Et to
firnish the Table with the best -viands- the Market
of Augustaand Hamburg aff'ri.
Families visitiug6'dwiTow'si~tesoficited to give us
a trial, as oarbest exertions shall be devoted to ad
minister to their entire comfort. ---
THlE STABLES belonging to the -Hotel will be
under the mnagement of an exigrienced Ostler,
and the best of care will bo taken of hlorses and
Vehiee left to his oharge.''
Hambuirg, October 2, -- tf 38
T1118ll popular nd well known Hotel, the enroat
.. centrally situated in this city-is now open
for reception or Customers. The undersigned was
fr a nunmber of years, the proprietor -of the Globe,
nd flatters himself that he has still the ability and
dipoition to aford1 to his patrons the arqommnoda
tion of ybre. lie will take this occa'.ion tod'say that
h'e has'secured the' services of M; J. V. CLARK;
a his assistant, and will guarantee to the travelling
public, who mnayspatronise his house,- the best Fare
that can be furnished in tire Augusta, Savannah,
Chaleston and Northern markets. The- United
States is now open under his management-and sa
pevsin and all he aslis-of new or old eustonters
is a call, if they' are not satisfled ho will'ttot edmn
Board t41,58 per day.
Nov. 21, 1855. -"45 - ' 4mf
T H Efl Undorsigned returns his siooere thanks to
Ihis frieni'e fr their patronage'wlile loicated in
Hamburg, and hereby informs thema that he-con be
foujl (after 1st September next,) -at the Hiouse of
WARD, BURCH ARD) & CO., opposite the.Ma
sonic Hall, Augusta, Ga., where he would be happy
to seeand serve -thema,-and where' e - FULL and
Complete Stock of Dry Go ods,
an always be found, which will .be sold as LOW
s fromt any House in the City.
Hamburg. Aug 13, .-' !' t-'.31
. Of 4eiTin Maan@Wys
N'Al-)x; '. T. i1 i . E 1 AN Y'A R1''
TE Subscriber' would respectfuly-lifo*~*e
ciL etzens of Edgefield and: th e urreniding D
tricts, that he has vreoved to' his -residence, wvhe%
e- haa recntly erected a large -and co*,modiouh
Shop, and is now pr'epared-to earryon the
INAL 118 B3RANCIHES, such aiJtanufhuitu
ring Tin Ware for 19erobants, RtOOFINqG, GUT
TRJSG, and al 'manner of'-JOB WORK.
Alays on hand a general asaortment of
CT Merchnuts supplied at shortst notice and-on
the most reasonable terms. Orders solicited.
0. L. REFO.~
Notice - - .
8 Hereby given to all concerned, that a flia1'iset
tleent yiU be madp gn the .V~state. o[.Daniel
Smith,dera,,ln'the Ordinary's Offie-atEdgefield
. ., on the 4th' Monday in 'January next. All
persons indebted'will please make payment by the
above time, and-tbiose having demands willspresent
them by the same time. --- -
*C. SMITH. -
Ot28, 18S - 3.- 49
TH AT BEA UTIFAL Farmen r Planta
-.Lten of OAK and HICKORY AAND
belonging to Win. A. Harris, adjoilig the Viage
of Edgefeld and the Lands of Col. F. W. Piekens,
James Sheppard and others, will-be sold at Edge
field C. II., on the 1st Monday in Janua.ry next.
Th Tract contains.
Five Hundred' k Eighty-Three Aores
-One half Woodland.
lTh plae has on it all of the 1hulldingsneccssary
to a well arranged Plantation. The entire Lands
are enlosed with. a good, fene
Terms, Three onsaind ($3,0b?)) Dollars cash,.
nd the ballan' d'a credit of'twelve months. with
interest frorp date of sale, with approved security.
ST Good ind warranted titles will be glven.
Nov 14 -'8: 44.
rFIE Subscriber most respect
fully informs his friends that.
he is still at the sameo old' Stand,
and makes to order, ...
B o ots anidS h oe s
Also, on harnd, a very fine assortmnent of
)ress, D)oub!e Soleji .Wayr ?roof and Quilted
Bottom BOOTS;'
'-And, as usual, a variety of those FINE PUMP
OOTS, so much and so- justly-admiired.-.
All of whicht, in'-futua, 'he will sell at the Low
et Prices for CASH and CASS-. ONLY.
lie will strictly adhere to this rule in every instance,
and ernestly trusts that NONE will expect him to
depart from it. WM. McEVOY.
T tsease4 'AeueP with the
privat mil Dili -dg14 ~ y net
If not S14.1 L4. il.at ew-, 1 will - UJDJ
,n the &M-ri*&l N-. - - "
- THIE 'tOY1TR AT.&,dMIu -
fred-au-M te dk eem
'd1'tai ill Imt it'itW1atuiUPds~th~ e-96
the S atW l ek A p i YMfly f4T&
hrivise * R eA* or
t ROUA 1 1 stiratghe Wesigra 4de'-f
SaleI l- Plaitatiti in A bheerille i):str~&.cu
One hundrut n ifiy a clea rede h dred f
helsaDneeein te -at ' nouit- s eiv']
thog eC(jodD
VeOU58?Y4NI 1UIJ14VS C aits
Iuentst~m~smI J9 iW~ r w t s
hundretd Yrs'affii sMit 4at
Ljisht flilih utubJa~.;
Villi. -Uelli IS"' I -o fl a ,it A
- 'yi. . h____
'r - vn
ny i th- .PTD n,ti , -E i
hndred yards'f' e1 . 0o#,M th itr gorto
Teerr itlli1"ntat1 Abitlhilg ifne with at
brink, bu v ilid w6risua. Ondq toe lbiIuy g tl
er essar ubu - i int ''9ss
the eplateD .- L ey E lal W asg
'orIndeoe Stit n rum r Stir.a enta hi t
trwt bnut , IV
rce Stvere. Oa Owellin e Iof
koVered wta d.. On. th I .,.il. g
The 19 T .
Rh C UbI# bni:**0WVSeI * er
)wcngei Ainngtb. As e k iO
be Iaaerliturlec- sirgjc sihash ri' it ka4o
TE&Tes~l C, Wai i mstu LAnkj #i1euel,0
Struts, rUnig th r es
Lot iJaimQra4Iakto.lQ ds
ered and pne. ...- ns o ;, ar,
Thec th&Wi 6t W~uy I, L -
4giernis;-d afrch 1 l r
a or negr. . 11. A i
uI -burg|O(.1Ip Jr S
T i. w ell an his busili s, aw.
VA a t Aa tlA, -ML AtMVeW
ndte.TI ey td .9Inc dlis 4deZii - jr.stf
k igged C. . , jonin lan g f imidin sailit
t.~W da m r fa . hre, .4 4. , , . , iyi
'e E es tor, tt bu tis s-and uk d, ofI
eshih r4aireid bot :e bhltoj aerea1
Tis i e tjt h ,~~~st h , ..nee
-TryuUsli: , ~g o . er"
lodate'or tor'ifyi h J!d?'
' ,efr tge. et:a or th 'saik.tef f W EE
Valuabptle a~s ns ibra
~unah ii e.g eno"une a04 - '
r lered land, oes a'trWl,'w% s flust uali.
y iogrudas.dpaw ailrhedJ'retak
he balance of tlW. eeared~iand assf
ultivats Tiepybw hpartel spe.Apste
. ahe-premi'e zhe -all ar
I: is as he sty ahts*, me~ li
et 8 neighborfsJcsd as emi:y.p fee~djM e.I0w
- : y , A bo---. . - ' .-- r
ne other Trn-- reent,ilh FIVE R&INIAHED
SND TWENTY ACRES. Iyh@ n~eiarte'3e
gth-o -eteverdamW .in 'Fuske ere:ehe~ Ou,
tth -premins are ,a1 .niesay. sIasitk~*y with
several good aitiatts.. Tkhe pinee twhs%',Mtted
in a fine neighbor..odl, tand nell a&*4eoa asal
Tho above lacseea ~ncnidtn
r any infonisbt n gi&wet5 .Ml~fIsE )eid salx eri
her 9 ~gerG .Yo'-'t UW' -S
Oct2 2 - - Si4 a 3- 8
aLin fgr|aee
K offmforknl.'hi AA L U .i~~~ A
y na ouSaluda-enivey.'ain
Rfwhchthere i. frinrk-.~ nii e ito
a ets ade4celOk~a le - ~rute. ~ ,~
ouse Trand ala l ttlr
t Spjjl@f leye rIing ir
Swi ther ' in frm'e. yovet
wirestof fine n ~.uw-,alg hmb Nvtd
loisean. all nee: farn elnaad dins'. 1utali
8,;ngee omsbevoer abling wad a d t
rt An per.. isng,-t aei~g ndcon
,tainigeauthree a a.howin
S Oct2 J. W~. TA5IS
fD. Ges.an's3 fee front anw 0 egll otaen
k ed by-m elowin oet ab e thi d O ti'godne.. .
'H TANOYA R adLT njiig a7 eon
.inin protre itaaatherebyg ~tp~ ~~
hN r LOTon in naur 8laJlj d
d by deiven them'i b ths hovetq Ii..,~
reded2. LU. W. 48RA~e
inal ettmn will b e 3ade.tei tler oths
andyt cOuntew atgee!% C..JL,.'4UnoW'I.e
v Als;~ae layat d t hoitaif s han ohln.'
r aacu ney 'pyh M .bW. . C. M r .
No v27r l re . .4

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