OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, June 19, 1861, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1861-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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For the Adver.tiser.
Demoustration at Beech Island.
Mat. Entrott:-A ceremony of unusual oc.:urencc
in our <quiet neighborhood, drew toge:Ler, on last
Saturday, r uite :t number of citizens -end visitor:.
This wad a presentatio-n. by the lidies of lBeee
Island, of a flag to the "E ill -''11 r".'
By previous arri.argtaeat W. II. kt :i'tr 'is, As..
wn" appointed to deliver the fla:; :and U..te nat
address to the Company. Capt. A. .. 1l-.mos
received the colors and reSpeonded to Mr. Ai K':
SoN. Ho then passed them over to Mr. Ronaete
LA ten, the ensign of the comp:ny, who also "'ade
a few pointed remarks, pledging lhjtuelf and the
troop never to te the flag degraded while a :,;n
gle member rem:tined to defeml it.
I refr.ein fro:. ny complimentary tt'iie of
the addresses of the fir-t two' gentleu.:n, a-:pies
are herewith transtittrd ,o that the pib:lli. t"tn
judge of their merits. It but ;Lut he..weveor t
r.ar that r, far as ty infnrmatir"n 40, they gnvr
entire atisfse'tion.
A pl:a:t f thie ald tronf.f f "/.'1l r'Iasv're,"
an'l al-o the " l;o-el,'n, Ji'.o. -t" -"rtm Aug ta
were presentt. t:,l added nt.!h t'. the interest '!
the e.casion.
After the prerntation wa- over, all the assem
blage,-soldiers and civilians, repaired to the Beerb
!-and Agricultural Club Ilouse, where armple prep
arutions were nale for the entertetinmetnt oi a1.
The afternoon was cpent in dancing, amacutt or
target shooting and pattiotte speeeh-inking. L'
this last mentioned part of the-programmtie, ren
tributiuns were made by ex-Senator jtAYsaos7o,
Cant. SvovA t.i. of the "" /llehmwle /I/a'r ;" and
Calet. IIltHuo'No, Lieut. W1u.tt.Ev uni Mr. PAt't.
JII.uaInto of the " Edyfieo/'I /Iyer-." Col. T.
Cf. LAMat.R :u-o made an addlre~s, giving an inter
esting account of the boImhar.tnetnt of Fort Sulu.
ter, and other matter' counected with the late
-irring times in Charleston-il all which he We&L
an active participant.
In due time the godly coipatlilfny quietly die
persed, all happy in the ent.itytuent of a day pleas
antly spVte. \-ery It eeetfuly.
Beeh I-land. 9. C.. May le-th 'cI.
C.APT. LAMutoSt :--.\ most honeraLbleand agree
able duty 1a.: been assigned me' to dtay. I an:
reque ,te.a by the ladies of Ireeci I4an a.d vi
einity to presentt. ,o you. in tl"-r hebta!f, and
thrent.h you, to the Co:pau'y under . our coin
inand. this bcautiful stand of t7lo.er= its ai token ^
their high appreeiati.u of th.- spirit art alacrity
you have (di:Tlayt in tttitiipa ing the rail o:
our beloved State. In "r.iUnarty ttnes of l'e!a
and uuiet. the interest tianibttel eonl a1n. eeanw-dion
liko thits . but temtpo.riiry. :nd ..mat-rily paye.
awa- with the e-.remnn-ely ~1."t p.aga:nt it rt-::!t=.
lsat, Sir, civil war h.: upo. Is. The smlll spot
which thirty yeari ego ":tto.i u,: '.er puelitita!
h.>rir:en, antd o ii.( er1:"'o -^ e-'!nt(' 'f
which we were t:: w:e'd 'y tur far seeing andl
philosop'hic ltte in.In (..t 'Chas . 7-1 radt:
atlly and ,lotwly gru:: Ing and inraigit: -dui
by the abesorptieln of other aingry limetS 0i.1.
'etulmnaicting a few uionthl : iLe, it has 1-:rst upton
1 in all the horrors of crue! and tnreleutiig flr .
tarnal wnr. The Chief Exe-:.u:ive of a prortion o
our once igtg y and prosperemls country- ti
,wretch whit *ALe. his ::aitnee.' to hi- -e-tuntry
ruiu".'--in ll e-::lw'i-i-:t: " of .'!-ttiia '-ith hi;
legal ate c-Oa titter ut.l udt i-t-r, and ed on
bv a fun:tticimlit that i- tiend th aut:i a er r that
is de vilish, h.. is. lied hi.- not in1:ident de nfa
tof the ree, Sovereig.I aid t::. :lt-t ,t'_.On
of North Anierie'a, Traeite-l :.:d 1Me ei-.. ttnd in
vokes thet rtrtong n;tim l of i-o r to .': ntah u.<s u nt.
An~d fur what ?Sinitply 1ect-u-e lit tne'. :"' Pa'
triots, and a-i Chritstian<~ we* ha.. t'n9l up1 ill la-r
maie.stv tot proteet ...ur futuiiie --at.d o.ur tire-l:!.
fromn saeraligeous etteerei:aientt, nnid 17l2'end our -
right to an instittion givena 't. us tand. cheri.-hed~i
feor us, by the itand of the t.'r-a tend jnncipOotl't.t
Giver of all tmod.
It is enltirely unnee':S.<ry \for meC te detail0 t..
you the wrotngs andl grievana-'s: we l:ce.- enduredt
at the hanud of unscrupttluu.~ !-dw.:r. Thley nile
patent to the world. 'Tir en~O.j for y-u to kno'w
thamt South Careolin'a. jfte'r a'.~ing -ma.:1!'- .-c.ry
etlort in hier 1olver conlsi'tentt witht hr hou r as
a Sorereignl to re'irees tboe-. greirate-75, hat. .-een -
proper tot diarnpt tihe ie., that beurid her- int :e
Coenfedera--y. with het' .ister .-v-vri ;ns. :'d :l o fal
back eon her re'serlvedl tights. h-n1'wing thalt her
maight 'onli1ted in h::r right, '-it' ia. lit his't. when1
nio othe~r resonre-e was- l-ft b".r. hu,;,'ly Ilung: h:-r
b.iner to thle ber'e"111. utid iad her appeatl to the
a1.,d ,f 1;attle'. 'Tie sacre-.t .itsti-..e or our e uL51
will fore for that appiel a hearty :t:n.:'I from
everv civilis-e'l nli-tt- (tudesI Itle 51unI.
that ev~ery Sonl . f er'5sh.-lul he e~.t hi ' l"'-t., redy'l
to d1o hi- whole duty,. I nl.W -e before nle nto raer
el e.arv hiirtit:gM, nlghtite: 1. r the'ir d~aily
.i-e aiboult tol 1t.t e a.I the l~lea ues :ttc' corn1!fort:
..' a homne m de ha:1py 1l'y." tth.e --ii -ic
chil rr.in an fr ;ent." tle tatndurc the I b:rdshi
and blre Cthe dinia~r9 o? it $'*>hi' lit.'. In
humtanal probabcility J oi witilet bea ideA onin 01 1.--l
weeks to leav- -ili thetSet~ a tllm:t: ::Ud eritlegte
inl ttrife, h!uody .trifo. Andt theoa sir, the atl
pted p ir:.ig -the lliirlh---thet beI-i',e-:he bigle
cault tn' aruna'-the r..ar of a rtil' r.1 ---tie dinl 71711
dust anid tumt~ult tef cet:. lin; :eaollrln. mnd highi
above all. thi' pri'eev--s .it 0! n.,blI ittlment.
waiving eu its' fair foids yonr ehaunae: -, " 1:Ler
ty we, 1lov. .1luticel we ight for" t.roll y un'-i de-.
liaintly as yoCu hecar it onl tee vi~et'r----:ell thes.: cir
,'umstlaces conl,ire ti rendert1 this iln ,-cut'tin ief
thle mosl~t intenIse tnd thirilling: rit'rt. Nat) tde
od GoIl V.-: avert thre- eatlmay.,?it if .le willh
it othteraise rest tassutred. .,tr. tihat i1i- e fair haiies
will return from ihe wentirlt unzutli.-d byv a .snir'.
Iuto vautr h..ndlS I .. 1,te..' ;:. t-'.ir'et cl, el. eaeit
tiftul. ba::tthui l-,--'r e''l :u t '' ulrity. and
\'irtue t., lravery. Itl t's it -~$tee I 10''4 l"e
in charge eel at nahi;.c ar0 :1 ;:tire Inad. i-'aere .--1
G > where hin--r n'-Ld gl..ry aunait :het-:.
Si-P LY Al-F CA PT. II.4.M.\N It'.
.... t w eu a iijr retturane' v!e'r.et it--i he ".Ir.-t
the j,-!d ef bttle. ae~'h i 4e-tont..t'Itdn :th
on tht:- part ef t i.:t! altitiO:I Indhi"<~t~ won t'i"ve
.ati' edI *ur7 hi't.:h-t and to.:t :r t-tee'!. -n -i
whe',c:e ee ..r.-b -i'I-!'te I-ti" a t t * ,
- - .. -. -a. t n g , t .. .iu
ii' :' .' n -- .r.' h-' u "wn e. r 'Iny
Ia t. N-., tir. .it 7 not - r rut, n--iel 'hydle "t
.d.,r tls we -are thie re-e-iie':lr I' ;ls t-;-et futl
it is .Ine toe tr- a~::d' estlues t'o .-tny thte! w
not feel t'sat we have d..e'i' apythinri, os y-t, to
cmn rte d It :' -'tine e: 1'tautye antd virtw: to -
lbri:Te :'' 'i~:.u. :.y -e: nt intelIrJti:-'a modeest
try -amt-> erve M. -- --it'n? ien rni ta- t-. cee'n
enemty ..at 7t 1. i 'f ,Ellod at111 e'ntnt.::', it si.a't
tight andi head if h'nttti ro ahtar eour-h-;e all .al
.e:ly a5 t, proeve t-> itY.-er"V-et the.--hte
'e im ence rcte.:e ill t. t .::,- e:.t be-: ti- :.ih . d.
aid th..t te-tr-d trr.-t ph ---l ita :ur he-t.- he
!c. alt !l.eu.eil'id Go-'
P ertcat mtt tee aid- ih..t tie--e ar.: aee.-ld.enry 4i:1.
W .: :.e tI-m tie., !r..t ..*etiot.ieer ihl r .ll'!e uutlteet
atnd' preos;:er,.1e1s *.-ie malsniling~ teir lr-e:
tvewl-l pulrl.e oft invaldiliI an jni~o ing ,
S.aut--the Souithl for no eothe'r puri'tor than "e'
dAi:te.---fe.r i i:: dee::ee eof e-;'ry thing that -.se
haid dear, andl~ ftx the dlefewise eef en-':y thiox tht
.ke:, life va:aWrl. In ta ;:h a t:eux, ttay we
twt ho.pm. that the G re-at ud -of ei tattles 1'ili b~e
wtth us. May we tnot hoe th:t Ii.. will esposeeel
our e aase, andt buri 1-ack ee ima:'en..e ino-i. tof
?Jst kie.w, unii OtmI our artute., no sm: g.-en
n and triumnphant, sucess.
upon the fair donors to whoe kind partiality you
ar. indehtesl for this tiaken of their apprecaction
if your condta', and remember, that if ever in
the course if events you should bo called to bear
Lis banner, and fight under its folds, that it will
bo watched with the most intenseinterr'et by ther-e
air and noble ladies. Ilemember that if under
,:aV CnirtcLstancei it i' allowed to trail in the
lnst. wh.n you return homite these :gener<-u5 atri
on tiding !a-liu willrc--eive you with uortification
iand chagrin. with .liihevelle'l hair ard avertei
races and head- cast d'awn, ar.' with hands rung
in nyony f'.r your lisgrace. On the othear hand,
remeitber, tus't if you shall hear it proudly aloft
td brie, it untnllied from the coiadliet, its pare
fIds uniy marred by the blood of its defenlers,
bon on your return to your homes you will 1.e
-ereitd by thema with heals crect and hauds Ax
-.noled to crown your bruws with the victor's
Breath, an1 best.aw vin y their nyeete't smiles
F.r the Advertier.
Ma. ':nrcr :-W l yrut allow ue o. .ill atten
ion to a matter of great imapeirtuace, v- I'oneeile I
t to be, in the pre'eut crisia of all'aire. 1 lcnppoe
.hat in the hi-tory tif manatern t;aa' there baa
ae or been a monrte fraompt and enthusiasti-' roe
:4u to a call up-.n the people to, dliea:<l and
nuinlain the . di! nid thu rights of a ucntry than
5" irwit'ie'I. :n :ha Confledrate States
rithin the latit .wo :nontlh. Ohal ind youtng, rich
tnd p..or. .lavehbolers and non-lavel lda'rs, are
., he founti in the rank: ant file of our armiee,
utal the cry is Gtill they come; And nultitwles
nar.' would c'm.to if they were uliwed to du .co.
laut is it not t.. be .- real that in the arlor o:
atriutismt, many in joining the army to marh to
',u br.ler hate aA er:okedl the vast interest.
;ia-h reoauire pr:,tea'tion at home': Anal daes nut
-h'tnghtftul rega::nd fair :houe intirmac . deiand I
ilet thet drain upon :!:e ^ountry, :-..:ne parts of it
it wost. shoul. he stopped y Surely there ,.: a
nuetih g;l.rv and pn:iati tm i: ta king cart of the
..tma.' anl. chi'lre, : nil .ar'a id ng f--r thi' main
euacte of t':e at:y. as there i gi.g oif to
he wsars. Thii s.'ri .- .t,ayat lar . th.: tcr.mance at
a. - tented feN," baut it is net l'qs it:portant
hat the .ities of i railitary camupaign. It wa
ilaw "f an aitieta lrwarrior. that, as his part i.
nat g.eth unwrn t.- the batt!a :n chanl his part
,e th.it tarrie:h by the statf.
Thee rema rk= I think will particularly apply
n .lgeti'ld Iietiir. It has cent of. some ten (it
wb-ie e...npa:nia's, att.i it is high ti:a, to --'m iddtr
h-- i rnpri..:y n r.etnin'r:: tho.1: wha are I-ft. iand
rgiani:i..; them into a- I .--:e huaird" to proteta
taimte intera":t- a:ii p-r-.ile the mear. far austaina
.a- tha'.a i :a'tivc cr iee of the tuntry.
lior :he A dver:i tr.
Soutiern Euterprim.
The preien't e.nil: i-.n :t:d pirl:Cit' if the
imbll a' iaf:Sirs of the eon-ir e tare the lI.em:: ".f re.
a:rt in v-n rv ='e'ti'n. '.1 ie iat.- .f the tit.:
are ide.i sar tuin;:. Where ::re we tr ading and
r. h:t it ---tr de-,tiny. lies bey.id tue uiity future
We te:d.::!! lope th:st aGod .'ay . arder .d iver
u': le : thi.wer again -t ut that they tm.iy retreni
.i .e their flly l efore it is to,. late. The Sout.
is not ca..aandiig .r " autulitic. The South ha.
'een ...qily and.1 l:neftlly r.uged anal imp' rild
tliira lby the Nrtl. The South boll wit tra el
Ihierse.lf jitiv :p1 ta. the preecnt time. :ai she ha
aftenaut a-.mncy Narth that clld hat:n le c
,eat better at homte The amt: ha-hindly ad
tuplid!y netee'a ha i h.'1' own literary instittraata al"
very kina. We have takaan their new-.-aper:i
t:., atnd enriihe.l the Nort h in a tha::santad way- I
hat we shantuhl niot have:a dl'-*. Let. uts ;-reifit by
acal ri ja-rtin in ftuare'. andai taio: t'. our inatere:-t.
ft theai Sunatl he trute t'a heorself'. It is inatunish-i
iug -.hat'.> "uanyi .-tualenits w enat N arch in.-t a inte'r
aat:te!ctuira-', .iuat ait the' tiia:: a ath~c:iiant anad
:n,'aaent p.ry clahnai--l alathe am.iry in the Free,
4ata . atad ehteeai I. esid L''aa*tt l.urly let'in-il,
.i .* e a-Yfl at ta-rna:ii' el to :se-t the pasrt af n~ ty
ruatan ,i ; jpi,-laaanyar the white indenl.annal nt
ace wia:, h::ve nver eaa:aa.:nted to atcknowla-eg
the ipiitya~ ofth race. In-ehtraianu
trying rne.w i very i te~e s..l n
a.a.a~ to ':petaai every cent Souiath that caiia bie
--peut ba-:e . ea-k at E.n:a.'i ,'--tea:: t 1na'e
~. it a-aprtin Sonatha rna ia..,: anal aaLy--rs. Whly
h-: a ---> ti tate works ::at...apa -I in :he Sototh
-aitered tot 'eb'l~ ta . r it'aleni--' : l'anase or pieu
ei:ii y9. 'ah ?ar money .Nar:h :Lor p:.peor.- ntu
l A i .4 and i.i all t he .tnthirni .%teO. Ne. r
uy a "aist.r a'tate is die naar an f.ar-f. mted
.aunria'rna Fid ---Le!' a-;. a.--. Ta ii ahlarst pa itd
iio C 1.i G.':-.t:n. ini gi;;na, all! ,evaau this
p per ine year. It will .aeak t..r iteM*1. As yoau
i.-ati it. it is plam t.. thitak it i. :t kuathern pat
per.v.andl the aawaneoa .'aet f'r ita wii! Pa o buiy
antild fior ITiienlaa a rinnta.
I NDI-:Pha-:Niut: NT t'Altiil.N.A.
Whtr.at is aeltit. itt this :iarkat a7. 1 *1.
fr VWhite.:. ada ia tendaent'y sei'ttS to b~e .till
diownawacrd. owing to thue ioanien'ase'jm prdact ionf
: tmda t hae absecet ofl eut hats faor it :tuatd lurta.
T ha.r.. ise ao lie-ai Wh'leat ita thte'maarke-t. bait a
ihreviiI be~ a -till Iurther redaei'onat in: price
us emnated wi h th.at of wI.
Fli: r ha: :d alo dleiciud itn priaca, rtnd ai t.
tatniions ofi Whieat re'aede,. So wall t ho-e'ol
Flaur ah, propol~rtion. Daoublea l'>tra is ntow
.llitag tm gotntity at 't9' 'Q 1bl., awl Super
lGte tat .n pear bbt. (II icoiure, sttnili-:a-tnti
ties are a sihitad hiaher.-Ana:t aConti-I'IU
litio ni t, Il'ithI itnt.
I":a.orn t. --The maarke't i's well suppalid. The
dem tand,lowvear, li:t.; bi:-.ati very. limited, iad
t he sal.c-, hitave a'.,tabi~a iheud a heavyn~ raduti t.
Thet opeaaning prtices ranied frocta $7 toi .9
fo.r gao d metrantalr. Iar mdai. baut thea cloa ting
i::.res,. wereatnai tat t& .a 1-r h al.-Chatr!.-son
rTm: Ptt~ rni o lhmt : n:Nmr.--Pr'ui'aIa'n f 1
is'td, unceremotittniuy andia unexpaected Iy,
uvei.. I~a~ Col.a I' ane.nL' e.:mntthalt w a euga
'na: usaa.ail alternoonaaa del'a , an c,0mpaniesa.
w l-ni thec i'res~idt a.peared oan the "ia tdc.
tn aimaa:..datelv formetud in linea, and a uaindewet.t
ai erya i redi a' le ita ct'tin im l'r ient
a.- ' nl r aaLn;a. wthai-hl hi b::: dtien.lissed
artua rii. andia wet. 'rvry ( le tre . natijg
thei cola. . ai e'dest for sup~pert h: i b tupti
tat ha .:-m . amttat wIth- v:nderfn!a 'arottp ltitude
IPre-a idim. They~ at na wed thel'reIa ' sket
- atn''at'o iot f ut comanites. lma rig twith thei'
p atei:'m andal st:,adinaess of v'eterants, acom
itltda by thair regtininataI band. Thue Praesi-a
adenat 'tena :adres-ed the reugcmentt in ebliuent
my ic Iecitoustla at~nga , wh ch called fortha
thea maost t'aptiuroua a}pplause.--Ri'hmo.1d I :..
I /nen'.!na lat'l; ha.' tha.'a -.ti~dea nc .t su a
pa trdoni for i an-m in t'ie 'tat hala Paniten'tia
a iile atacni i.wanilt hi Ofi itr inI'i. niL Lena.t
olne af I'ahe I.itedal5. is eal of t\mer'ica, the pio'
r the. ('hi f i-N tiivaa aif tha:tt tatiaam is
tia:irtnr'gaini adl y 'i L.- (io-n n t~'t a'? thais
JL:-r W t y:-ro sia (;a.--Thae lithtichmo I E.
';ainer~j bhiavea it wauld beC best to let Wiaiib-h
a,a I a ot a i diri-ct attentlin~ to Cincinnamnttti
an the biord, t. By occupaiyingthelii Kentuck!y
- as ap:,iit-t' nnat'ait, it. saysp, ther city
aan'd l .1-hd itn at-la.
rTe News a ley Bok gie list of twety
mtal dencaainntee Mr. Iintcolti'-wair policy, taind'
lne-iar thlat Na rilhernt tmen abould!' tnot enali-t
a: that at-cm:, uof saahjutgataionf. The La n gt Waak
ainks t hat threeCa j'unat'aals tiandIh Thai public son-a
timet whati t haer repre'aaentaah . i b' the~ n::.-a
'Itns of ai por.'erthl pee paattyh a wha:hT muisit
r-- i'atg delap L~ it-we-l int the Norh -
pp-t;.v. Uraaic, a .f Jeoari, has i1-+te-i :m
co at..':! t-, the li;..:riaiiy' a- tae Ieailh- c~f
thatt S':ate ta he'w'aaaf th de fiariia i 'a thi du
tar, .anteta-ar-.l. Ele ala :'a ' - a .teri' a~ t
redaublae the'ir aeueriaa far tl.e prt.ah~tt ti-a-a of .1i
1ho supplies of prov'isi..ns neceeuary to suppaort
.... -..Oi.l .at m laP . 5n r ar'mI~e i the Bold.
Froim Richmond.
Itr"i~t".x'. Stne l17.-Pas-engere have jueL ar
rived hiere, who crossed at t 1:rper':' Furry, Sunday
forenoon. The.y s&aate that the Confederate tr".ps
ev:aeuate'i the Ft-;ry. i.lew{ up the '.rtifi'atioflP,
hnrnt the bridge.
The ueppr~intmreit- foir he Sovpfltii AI1,itna
Regimet'nt, arc 31,' fnitde
Thor~. P. Irby, Ma:jor.
.T.thn Tyle.r, jr.. Miajor of Infaentry.
Chi, 3f C'.rk in the War Departmnent.
It is bt~lieyr.l tint sen. Mlagrudler will be bre.
voted fa'r geutrr. 'n~Itu't "r the ight at ButLel.
Mr. )hauni', :" the Mientgr"utery '.':yedc~o1ta.r
has just retutrnedl rorn P.e:i:d. He fully rnTrri:
the xupurt'ed d'ctterp t::. the Fedora!>:, and their
)tF.Wl Qmt i. , June 1"..--(, ivernor Jr~vk:era
will waI~ke hid' firrt stand a Il onnev ill. Mo.
Hutnirr aire crrent that the Mitisouri S$ttt
oeentiren will he Balled toegetheer kume'diett'ly.
Thu State *rreatrci after it ltri.f arr e t hce4 I..*t'l
Mazjo.r liont M'.tul:+"oh it rt~prrtel tat Fort
Smith. with ten th'it'neln tr!ity~t. Hi= aIF" va'
po)rted in Jtent.'n t:mityt. :1san . with tive
Twelve llliu'1i.' rrin. audt tire -tarittie'd w-iv
twit hilts nxar':i ti' St. 1.,"t!1
Two thteatil State temp t?
Tihe -ti:em'iurita have full tiwi. en both sridt.
of the iii'-.sari riser, tromi l'einet iiie, and atre'
well prortt ee for it fight.
A i'kirmiih isi reported w~ haing oi'curred near
[,d'neuretiee. in whitch the Feidtrali~t- gotworted.
k'e~t'rai trietp.- 're tet('%'it e'e ,"!t tro:tii tiffi'.t
The j"att i.'i " are hurnir.; the r:.ilrnoid bridget.
Igrn..rti'"1 '.'.lii'I1 hits atedre'se't the Federal
'hllitr' at Cairni. Its. te-llI then that theyV .ail
be the l'.a~ier= -if the great Wti.tert army, andi
that they will ere long haty' ane er'portt~wity toa
meet the Cot,if:it'rate t:.en':i.
Military Move nttt in Ketltky.
Lortsvzt c:, June 1:.-.t ie r"pr?'d thait Uuo".
1guffih ort"rz n!, Ta.n.e'tct:-n t;. r.::tt.y the
Kenuckiy i1:tr.tbt un the Mi s .ijl'li. It isit~
r.aztt'r".l thlt it '4tiieUh rrt of the V andre't heet:
r.tr" . ! . lC1:?
arresited ld nei antc.l in j.ii 'r Fl a!.'itl butte~r,
p:ck':d in -:e ictm Ir"- sn"i .
M~oore Yet"derutl Trnoop W~anted.
t",r T::1 yev Fe"iei'tI 1etitent", te ;ae uvi" i
f 2l.: " Ftitl: t 2 )ei~',.v, ftti r eit . Rt.:' -i"l fuee!r
,t ('e :Zsn ;*I'*, t.: 11: t~ . :ti iset.
J1.vr:.ec.1,,w:, M! ., .Tuine I ..-Yive iie.r.'lrird
troe.P+, i'mt still !loft ::t 11sra~ir', lFerry.
Tile S utern 'i.L et"s itie a." .in *i."2e. r Wii.
The $it!. r::A . h.-te 1"U-i:tl ?,Y! t' 1 7^1!:
ton of the Pacauion o Harper's Ferry is strong
ly dol.ted i..r'; hot the prabilbaiice, in mj
judgment. favor it: truth.
reatt Bethel has been partially evacuated, bu
can he re-'"enpied in force at sha:rt notice. The
Punthern picvket guard extend to Newmarket
bridge. At Yiorkte'wn there nre large belies c
eavalry: al', h":tteri.s 1etwean ni ktr.wn at,
. reat Bethe'.
Winthror was sht !.v n L.iariana retleman.
The bridg.: at larplar's Ferty was burned thi,
morning between 5 antud 6 o'elock. it it reported
that all the truoop have he..n iti -tratwn from the
Mar.IUsand -is-.re. Eight .:nr load. of provisions
hlave L."en d"tri'y-i '" prever.t their falling inta
the hand= of Lt ineolnitee. The bridlge at Shep.
htert-:.wn :.:, a +'-... l-*rr.c"--- Chat r.t", Me:
.liiitary Mon ment.- in Uiriscaii.
S-T. L~ cis, Jrane 15.- IMr nr'tI.- Regimeant h~as
gene West Cu the Pacide Railroa.i.
The Illn.d.' tulnteer, havc enterad .fi:ouri at
H annibal.
Overnor Ja.:)k sn, with ears an. lwt",motives
i= going We-t from d eifer r. City, burntng ridge
nat ha guez.
It Is said that a large number "f C. nfederate
troops in Arkansas and Nortern Tea s, areready
to move at Jackau. : inritationa.
Tieker, of thi' lte"! ./ao:.m,/, ha:' bean arresteel
at llermatn.
The steamor l.outieia:nz1, the third of the inrad
ing fleet here, will take nn Rorstine't' Regiment.
-1 ia reported by the vilunt-iers who came
I t. on Saturday, enys the fihestar St'oaduad , that
Col. Rion, 6th Regiment .S. C. \.. has retigned,
and his resigtatiar, aro-epte.l by the Governor.
Dulle ruddenly, of a congestive chill, rn the
28th May, Mrs. REBECCA RIDSON' wife of
WIuLI.tAMt .::.' , in the 19th year of ht. .ge.
She tunited herrse!t t. thu Baptist Church at
I Rocky Creek in f .54', and ha s e--r sin'e deported
herself in a Christian'like aua::ner. She was a
dutiful child, a go'od wife, and an affectionate
nother. In a word, she was beloved by ai who
knew her. Her kindner. will be gra:efuily to
menbered while lilf i:,nls. She lease a disconso.
late hushand, an infant chill, an aged mother,
a sister and four i..rothers to iuutrn their lo..
"lint they :neurn not as those without hope."
"Long. long thy infltence will be felt
By all w- ho knew thee here:
It will .oothe r. bind th. troken Seart,
And wipe away the teir;
For thou wert pure and free from sic
As noral one can he:
We will not. we cannot wish thee back
Front thy eternity." A FRta.
Religious Noeice.
The nr-.t -:attiag of the F:lyrird Bible So
riety: wi;l h:" Geld with the tidge Spring Church,
e,:...nenning on Friday hef..re the .th Sabbath in
Ju'e, at 1t ,.'clek, A. M.
Rev, W. L. C--nY i 1 aointe'l to preach oh
Friday ; R:v. P. 1). Be'rsausa, on Saturday, and
Re:. L. R. t'rA1.t. , n thoe Sabbia.h.
.I. R. G W A LTNEY, Sec'y.
: Wt. are authorired by anny friends of Col.
S. HARRISON to announce him, a cnndidate fot
re.election to the :11ee of Cle-k of the Court fut
April 17 if 15
,$r The frienle of .ACTISON COVAR an
a ounce him a Candidate for Clerk of the Court o
E.legfieli ristrict. at the next election.
April 2". . 186 16 atf
Call in and Settle!
Tie S::.eritioan liet for the aid of' the Erige.
riela! lIb'ore. we lin--e left with Mr. D. 1R. Dlout.
soc, at the .l-reerr fttee: and huape thoase a hr
have nout a~a yet j'zid the-ir subscaripations will enl
in and yettlet. fOthers witig to ctotribute to out
Copatny fundl wiH leasec leave the sume *it1
Mr. Dit atstw.
A RRAN JEM EN TS hadl br-en innde tap e'a
thep exervises of this in.-atitutiaon th,: 3.resetnI
Sewinmn, with an Examtiation of the Ptupiln', Hz
aadire--a hy JA~mas 'T:i'ran. Eeg., of Charleston
ndI a Cuncert oft Voead ai inatruunen.tal Murie
Jn ennasequene oaf Mr. JI.A"of' lteaving tot
Virginia, and sic-kits-se in the P'rincipatl's ftamily
therte will be no .Addrer., atnd tno afncert. Tih
disalappoitve::t r regretted orn tupany actcotun
but iv unraidable utler the circumstanceos. 'rherc
will be,. however, tan ENAM INATiItN OF TilF
PI'IILS. crou~tueni-inag ian M1ondany, the 2Ith inet.
n~le, tanig four d::. . The Exe-rcises will
co cten-eeub dy~ at -A. 31., anad close at
Thea Pattraon of the S.-hoopul are solicited to at.
jiertI at ay hiur. ntnd see fur thettaselree whal
.lunre l-' tI 24
- To the Ladies !
I HAVE a CHOICE Loat a-f Flouniced and
UDouble Skirt Muslinsa and Jiaregea
wi:h I will -eI tat c'esat r.t r ~b
i;. C. BIIYAN.
June F8.'t -
Fine Family lour-New W heate
UTreceived a lot .. il liCE fLOt'lR fromt
e, New Whuat. Atph '5:a. 1. C'. ]lRYAN.
June is - :2
Saluda Bangers,
I 0I'-:ra' hen"-'. arderad ti) appear at 3io.'1
Wi'llin:g for dri!l unintre-:it'iutan at 10 a'clok,
'pre thei Comernto. By 'arder if
A. P'. WEST, lst Lie-ut.
B3. BotSIP:II. 'P. M.
June I19 It'J
-Post Ofice Notice.
W.Tl'E p 071.V'.l or th ~a; im btion
of t'i': coanitlint .t .' rett eaceh, soil the test of
the Envelopre; liut nr a ntn.!ter vaf ctorre thea
earn-t 1:e uwlr itt :y ,ther Pnut Othe.
Jt'.e t ; '!t
1TI E under~ieed winldl reulpeatfutlly inforn
Ithe cii-n if Edlgetield,. thast he has left hai
bu-ne ih Ar. Leni., Jones., who will receint
anal foarwaarai ton hurba:..in.n any orblry for IRON
S LABri ., a~hichl will receive attation.
Hei would ailso. sitt that persona cpan paty anti
deainandaua toi M1r. Jaone-. in myu favour hatving aj
p..::e- iin my A ae. t - eive thenm.
'4. P'1-LLEN.
E:4gtfidC. IH., June i i, Leal. 3t*24
Administrator's Sale.
BY'~ Virtue of' tan order friom W1. F. D)urisoe', 0t:
ainary, I will pree toa ill at tl.u lati
resdence of .IA ME~S E. [SLA CK. dler'di., oni FR l
DAYn, thme 5'tha .July nt.i the foll,,wing pensonal
ler *,,rty ' aai' daecenedi.. vi::
Eight Negroes,
One Yaokn oi'f Ox" onte 0x-('art, Twon Ucraes,
Stoiak of Ha~,, Eight he::d of' Cattle, the growinaI
(rp tof Carn. II,:io-hebt indl Kitehe-n 1'urnitu:r
Tll'.1i.v.- 4u a cre'dit of t welve mnrthsn wid~
i'arrt fraat: .it... t w ith In oale atnd tapplriaved ipa1
rt. Linit ofi priaoperty 1o ebaataged untill te-rn:'
iif e.l- nar.. rao -- ied w-ith, anad if re--,"!d at fit.
. archra-'s :.~
Fino Flour.
J ''''' II'ED 25 BllItiSl A No.
F11FI.Ol' II. ha nrre' la f1:t1tal Quanrt.1
May ! if17
J :anl.d thmi P e pro.ry atte&tCd, imm-:di
T ilE Subscriber having the entire ent.tril:en"
full management of the h otel at thes a"el!
known and POPULAR SPRlNGS, takes pless
ire in informing the ' ravelling Public, that it
wi.i he opened far the ucomnodhi'itn -f 'isi
turA n thet _'th J.,.tt
The Hotel is being rennvated thrughnat. anni
Pxlerieniied Cooks attnd tentive Wniter, are n:
gagel. Every eXrrfion will he m.ielr tI rnn-tr
the elalhiishneit agreeable is 'atrn:t', itd Y
home to all Visiftr'.
The friend.i of the lotet re rs.'uredt to y!iv
early r.itice of their inten-ded visit.., itn ..rder t
have their ltRna realy I'n their :rrivai.
Coniibea wll u it, r:-adtnes., at the Railroui
Depot in Greenville. fI- itrry Diin.ers to the
la'teil. The bar.: :r..:: ti, I lnr.t t., the fltel :.
I one di1nc.
C hick's pr'sae, Jrr 1U at M
1Men anti Buys lroui 14 3 ear. uand upward..
To such steady eimploiynt t and good wages will
be giran if eppliration be made imnmedhately.
The Company are now manufea"tering. in addii
tion to their former i.-rv Sl -stings and .%irt
ings, many artiiles of BROWN 0,t0tLS to SupplyI
the plt.e of Northern articles f Mitilar at3, .
such n,- light Brown Shirti;;, I.A. 7-4 and .H
inch, besidesa Heavy IDriile for labs;uring men's
Clthing.. Appily to JAR. MANTGOMERY,
Gr:tniteville,-June IA20 2.t
WILIE abse-nt S. H. GIRIFFIN, E"-,.. w.ill
W hata charge of a'! prmftesiter.R! burinte
heretuiore entritstel to me.
M. C. B f.T I.-'R .
.Jnne f. :;t ?
uthorwed to trasa all imy busiinesp.
Jt 22 ,t"
HAVE appifntet A. .TEV ENS, of Augusta.
my A ment for be !ile nif my Pure North Car
.iina WJIISKi'Y. Al! who w: h to get a choi:V
atr:i":"', waiti n do ;rell t. 'all ani exiimnr Q it.
Charlbttr, N. C., May 2". 181. .23
UVhlislkey 1
S EVEN CASKS of Puro North Carolln
MN ntain-Di.tilled WHISKEY-a very choice
rtic -jutst reer-ived and for etale by
Augusta, June 10 3m 23
30 Barrels Extra Fatuily FLOUR, to arrive,
in .eentsignment, and far iale by
Augusta, June 10 u
Blacksmithing !
H AVINO .een thrnwn out of employment by
the hardness if the tines, and wiashing to
sutiprt mayself ani family by my labour. I have
secured Mr. (oode-s Brick Shop where I propose
to d.. all kinds of BLACKSMITH ING, particu
larly repairing Buggies ind Carriages, (in Iron)
with Pliintation wnrk, Hrie shoeing, Ac. All
work brnught to the Shop will lie promptly at
tended to. .1OJIN MiALOY.
Juice 10 if 23
Eight Valuable Negroes
Jaatnes L. Cilenum ')
rP. 1! jot.p
Thomas Dtun-gan. )1
BY' Virtnin f a Moirigaege, as' aboave ietated, I
I will Fell at ;eatlie e~ufery en thU first
Mondaelay in .July nvxtf, at Ei!gelieldl Court Hlaua,
a lre *::rna:'ly req'uestedl :, bave their premui~as
thoir.ughily searelata feir sueb i lrib; ia a rrlr Pc
mbadbi inor uruee oit it prov linasbt a.nl by the t i ta
ernior. Pr irder of Ceubnil.
W. W. AD.\MS,
r !--k iof Town Counil.
Juxne 1. *f2
Southern in.Every thing.
PAETMEDICINES at Cost. I want tea
get rid aof theu--dlin't waint toa see a Ytahee or his
Pill1a this fide oif iisobn .& Dixeani Line ;anytmore.
Hambu:~rg, JUne .l-1 22
The E le gan t Steameri
W ILL LEAVE SAVANNAH itnery Tneatdny
and Satturd.iv at 3 o'inek , P. J.. .:anneet
ing closely at renamliena with the; gteaaaner Ex.
ee, for Pilatku nad~' ,:,i.r uiand;ng~s ui the St.
.ih '5 itivjr.
By this R,.,a p sungen. Mr the St. Jiih:o
River avoid the uiaph. esatntness a-f -aG oaa'.or
ei,. iu t.ea dr;.ij,- .j :8. .Joi...'s h'a.
Page ft bit iarnnahtl~ to Pi~u tha. $S.(f..
A. H. CbaLE.
t.e't ;il .--- - .
For Sale,
4.NE1. Will he solde luw if applied foir soon.
S. E. BOWERS, Agt.
State of South Garolina,
liindson & Cngghurn, for the
tuoi of L. Rt. Coigbuare, Fr ~~
Jameis M1. Hudleo.
73IIE Platintilfs in the abotve stated case, having
Ithis day filed their Deelaration in my Office,
and the Defendant having neither wife nor Attar
ney kutiwn in reside within the litmitnaof this
State. on whomf einpli of anidi llelaratioan with
rulee to pend aen n lhe aervedi, hn moitioan oif . L.
Adieain. lainatiiff' Atftorney, (iuOrdrei that the
aiid Daifenadant appeiar atnd palendi to .saaid Pelara
tioni withbin a venr iande a day fromt the dlna heraeof,a
or final and absolute .indigment will be given
again:.t him.
S. HlAR RTSON, cc.
Clerk's iie, Jne 1, 11U. '19
'Trcie atnid far .-ule :et thes lOW E~T
10 "l 5JHOU~LERS;
3 " PLAIN llAMS;
Ai-A Fuill Se~j-piy wrill lie ke~pt throiugh thhn
Hlralaburg, May 27. tf 2i
A LL ordlers ansp.j:nid by Ihi C~tuH wili r...
ririe pr.tupt htten:.i'.n. All thebrJ tlakar
or indi'anitely paaspaataed.
Soldiers' Shirts.
TiiT receiveda Fiftceen hundaareeai yard.s Iarek
QP Iire'y 1.-obrgia n~de f~ LA N N Lh, ani ex-u lh'nt
barth lb i foar Stdimi ?n~natnar Flainra.
Aaugusta, ".Iny 27 l' i
I :.t... .fi . WV. Lanatnan. a!-.a'd., ,.r - reia ~t
toa~ etme .orwiard itnaediaaiely f- r settleteent ; anda4
thsee having~ demnands againsbit the caine wi~Ill rit
.....& th.... W. Mt. LAEDRUM. Ad~n'or.'
NE'W* AND BE.AUTf FU'L[ G, 00Dc'
-8 -R
t _ 4 r f ,
1 ' :1 /: :! !"; i: "(11: "SJ 1' ':r i"%f C2 i!"ti f . ?" "' Af./ S. w . t l%' II'te! j. "t ''."." \'M
Dt' tao LATEST naid tt)51' VASE110,vABLE GOODS filr SPR&IING, ANI
9U.NUMEN TRADF. Our apuiou-i Stare k Tilled as n-vin!
Boo w;rg t., ;?;o Dry r:-ods ::re; Bala our o5t?7,mers will . r.:. ths
So engter]l J'inkei't for. atv i of whic.h but, iittie is it, th! rTi1Lt-kt~:. We .i "it~u~e i
Ourt stu .ks ii. DRiY G(l'OT)S crt~i-t5 (if
Browin Hum Nitt 'Jw1igo ?.:rD Vie D.~rills
Whrileirting q~;jc ,Csmrq
T~Hick) . c. rjil 'tt'u141 ts. I !A(IJ) t
Iri.j4 'rT J ~;PA~ ,~ :c r,' ('leeks' ~ ~ t Mi
inot Raising te' Price r AyAtce
li t t~kfN we are twAIIO.Xm~ STLE. nd the KOWNLO VAIP MU,
Not aisig th riceW~ of iAny Article
No.T. 172, Broad St., Atu utar tea.;
.1ia .: .' a..* '.?'t fatr 4sh; I i i i.E ! " ri
..Y, i.".3 k_"it. . . . , .4 't'. '".. 1I " }1-: N.('
'.r..k},:tIt lf: " . "", W 34 %i1
1;..'.:r r. 'a'y " '','"a* 1 "a r J* is }"/ F Ly
%1". a~~t l : ";, jib :, ,,. . aa"p . a..., 1h*. i- t !""
* ...ra t.. ra et :P rI"t,' i i 1C 1
J . iat .. l aL. ,..:, t.*.In :r 1a . a.d'
:. t. l', a. "" - .. .-" l iar ' .. a t .1 ,, "* :~
a pa..I! i ":at f r ": ;.rJ.1 "
. a.I .." . .: ' ' . x .,1 1 ' "z . its "? 1 . v1. t"
1 ".j 1t.:.r..r.-; :a.r; }i1' aL).a. aaa. I. ia
a i :1 10I.1 i ' :; "":i; ."c ! f t a I 1"'. ? ' f 'e
.I! a 'i :t ? ::'.. n:'' jr ,t": a..a '. jt . , '"a:.:
IS hr 1.a'a~ a ',i i.. 1' i!'.1 ta.11 I r i" . a' . e :'a
rh r a ",,! 11 .;bj . :' " v '
*! ..aaat. 91r: in :'.rt , s
Z'Ma ! : i : t . n./"f . ;. i" "t : .l , "
State of' South Cai'olIu&j,
. :. 1: 17) Y
* a' " '' Er." :k .(' : .a
ita :~:. L'' .'?af~r ^: g'd''a. at" .h+
....... ' ..... :!: 'I....:i:" r..(
1::,11 a url S.;] ..!, t:'j Ia . . 'i 1 '/,!. ' _
IT It 'Ala:1 ;:i". ;ra :.' : :? la ata.a :r + t'rr al% a.~~i~ .
! a :aa, 'rr :t t1~,~ !'.:.t. a' .:. I". taa _t. .
ai. r va i t : ..". :": h t.I"" .
Z. WI. C'.1"a
a C''aaa'a'rr.?.:' .. ',.r..1.." .
Wagon and Blacksmith
sI- op.
l~a'wlavru byv praraipa r.Ri"asa: !.. u.,i~
-e. laain:,, t" rati VC aa !laairrl .'u pjt " '. n'.rc.t
11.: ba . :} .,-1,S' I: _i .!lo It- 1 .. 1 _ IlaJa~j~ a

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