OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, May 06, 1863, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1863-05-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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Two DOLLARS por ; oar if paid in advanc?-Tw
POLLARS and F/inr CKSTS if not paid within six]
mouths-and THREE DOLLARS if not paid befo
the oxpiration of thu year.
All advertisements will be inserted at Two Dor.
i.\n per Square CASH (10 Minion lines or lef?
f-?r tho nr.?t insertion, and Osr. DOLLAR ferS
oaoh puhpoqaont insertion. I
Xnnonncin:* a Candidate (not inserted until paid
for,) Ten Dollars: jj
All communication* "f a perronal character,*
Obituary NoticeaJReportai R?."oluriont: or Pru-?
ceedin-? of any S"oit-iy, Association ..r. Corponi-?
lion, will bo char^rd ?ia advertisements.
From the Southern Guardian.
Educational Association of tlie-.Confed-'
crate States.
T" ike Ti achers und Friemls of Education in
the Confjtlerni'. SUdes of America :
We have been appointed to make to you
thu following statement :
in accordance with a call ig'iied by tho
Stitt* Educational AAs'^ciatkm of North Gar
?dina, a bighlv respectable meetin? of teachers
?.id frionl-i ot' education met in C-lumhiu,
S nth Carolina, on Tuesday the 28th ol Ap?\
S x Stntas were represented in thc meeting
a!i*?ut sevonty deleg'tpp. and a permanent
N' ttiunal Association wa- organized, having]
lu* itj> object t'ie pr ?motio"?of thegrest cause
of education in the Confederate States.
One of the m st important subjects before,
tbe in??-jt<nc w?s the supply of imitable tex1
hooks for our sr*b M?1S. and it was ascertain?..Ij
that many works are in course of preparan -rt
..y citi/. 'ti> id our country, and that a numb rj
of elemmitiirv b. ok* have already been ? u?
lish< d. and ar? in great demand. The Ass > j
cation doomed it of vital .imp?t tance to eu-]
couroge. bv ali means cn'si-tent with its1
charader andobjrc', such useful and patriotic!
enterprises, and p!edg"d its members to the
us? or Riitne works in pr?f?rence to auy otb j
cr* of eq-ia! tnerit.
To w iden aud strengthen the influence of|
. t'?e Ass<vc?Rtion it "vas recommended to form
State Societies with similar obj?ctn,-in <-nfi\>
. State of the Confi-derapy ; rftid a ?esobitio'i
was passed urging<> ? the authorities of tho
several States the importance of St iles stems
ot public schools, and the appointment ol u
superintend* nt in ouch.
lt was also recommended that effort ht
made to educate for teachers' worthy young
men disabled by the war from manual labor
und means were adopt ed for the dissemination
o' the views of the Association ou various sub
jects connected with the purposes of its or
ganizat?on. Jt is believed that if the hearty
co-operation of the teachers and friends ni
education'it.< all parts of the Confederacy.,in
carrying o* t the objects of these movements
eau be i-ecureu, au immense amount of good
can be accomplished. Our Association way
profoundly impressed with the belief thai
now is the time to work ; and that whatev-r
is demanded by ?|ie wants of the country,
should be uuderXken at once, and wit hun
waiting for better times. Better times, by
the blessing of God, are to be expected only
from the dilligent exertion of all class?s in
their appropriate spheres tor the public.wei
farr- ; and after those who labor in religious
things, no portion of. the community can ac
complish more for national development than
We need cot suggest to you tho great ad
vantages tn our work of mutual counsel andj
c?? operation. By coming together in Nation j
al and State Associations the teachers and
friends of education gain* important informa
tion ol each otner and learn the wants and
p-ogrcss of different sections ; they animate
and encourage ono another to greater efforts,
ivhile by this means injurious prejudices are
?vorn away, a national/and' catholic.spirit is
fostered, and the educational forces of the
country are so unitedand directed as greatly
to enhance their iniluence and io secure that
nspect and consideration which they de
In the name of our National Association
we invite your attention uo the above state
ment and suggestions, and we venture to ex
press the hope that you will heartily aid iu
;a*omoting tue usefulness of the movements
now S J conspicuously inaugurated iu our be
loved country.
The next meeting of the Association will
take place in Atlanta, Georgia, on the first
Wednesday in September next, and in the
meantime you are invited freely to coromuttb
cate with those pf us who reside iu your res
pec: ive Slates and thus to enable us, if you
cannot attend this meeting, to report your
views in regard to the subjects herein em
Lrace 1.
C. II. WILEY, Greensboro, N. C.,
T. J. WELLS, Walterboru, S. C.,
J.STODDAKD. Savannah. Ga.
W. T. DAVIS, Petersburg, Va.
J NO. M. PB ATT, Tuscaloosa, Ala.,
t?. Ii. STRATTON, Jackson, La.
Trota North Cu roi nu..
GoLosuotto', April ?%
Three or four companies of the 5?th North
Carolina Were attacked yesterday at Gum
Swamp, nine miles below Kinston, by some
six or eight ibouaauil Yankees. Our boys
tought them ove? two hours with the eon
8tancy and determination of ?/tttoraijs and on
ly' retired from their breastworks when flank
ed and overpowered by numbers. Our 'oas
is estimated at about forty k?Uf?!, wounded"
and missing. Among tho killed is the brave
Lieut. Lutterloh, of Fayetteville, of Captain
Lockhart's company, w?o died this morning
o/ his wounds. The Yankees were expected
to continue their advance this morning, but
evidently have not done so. Gen. Hill will
give them i proper welcome when th y come.
Adjournment of Congress.
RlCHMOVD, May \.
Ongres' adjourned sine die last night,
.passing the act relative to the Congres ional
election in Tennessee.
AU bills, the passage of which have hereto
fore been reported by telegraph, have been
approved aud-signed by the President, excepl
the acts r dative toji stnff, and thp act for
the conscription'of Marylanders, whieb vere
i?ot sighed. ....
TUE ARMY.-An intelligent young officer
it. the.old Stonewall brigade says, :n a private
letter; I have never seen ibis army so devoted
to the canso as now. Originally, much en
thusiasm was mingled with our patriotism, *ti^
many mistook love of adventuri for love o'
country ; but the transient passions have long
? nice subsid? d, and the pure flame of deyotioti
jo our country, liberty and honor, burns bright
ly upo i alnKtt every heart.
gAUmxc EACH Ol HER.--The gallant
rbar les tonics have a way peculiar to thetn
Ktlves of d?hg thing*.. They even fired a sa
lute at Suinter as .the Yankee fleet wus steam
ing up to attack ibern- V'hither it was done
in compliment to the enemy's p"u?jf*. or in de
fiance of him, it wa< ? qiialJy original ?nd
chivalrous. They hailed the approach of the
f?e, too, with cheers, and flung out the battle
Hag to the air of Dixie. The prospect of a
light seems to have inspired the brave garri
son with the liveliest emotions of pleasure,
and they done their work u most excellently
irell"-Missifisi ppian.
Frrtm the Chronicle dr Sentinel.
The Rappahaunock.
Fmra Riclrnond pa: ors wo ure enabled to coni--i
pretend iutnlliirjb'v thc si'ua'ion vf affa?rs ou tho .
Happah.niiock. It iivoqiteitiouable that tbojg
enemy's advance ha? been mada'under the laistit'-??
prehension that a very large portion of our IroopsS
hvl boen withdrawn from Frtdericksburg. Ilejj
ha? probably lea rod by this-.time how many men i
vto have there. A c"rrecpoudont of ;he PhilatleU-?
pbi:? Pres? writes : g
" From quarter- entitled to credit, lt is stated^
that only a picket guard, ha? been left behind, aod^
Ithe statement is generally credited:"
Th? same writer says that Gen, Stenern an's ad
3 " Wa? nteroly to nscartain th'i locality of tbe^
amain body of the reli?is, and to discover whoiheri
| iuy oonsblerabia force ha? been seit tn the She-^
g:mii Joab Volley. As a part of the programme,9
?2 he destruction of the railro:ul communion ti-n 3
1'vith Lynchbur * and othur -Virginia localities was,!'
Jn'so embraced " - .
A plan was arranged for the night of thu Kith j
>r April, when the infantry, properly supported!
$ vere to have crossed the Rupptthannock at the J
samen int crossedb/Burnside in Decomher, whileg
Stevenson with his cavalry and li rht artillery jj
were operating in another direction : but heavy.-.
rai?? prevented its execution.
The erna'ing on the night of the 2Stb of Apriljj
lust, and thc skirmish tba? folio wed, were in thisp
wise : ft
?' Under cover of "a dense fog, the enemy succeed-]!
>:d in 1 lyi? j down 'wo of their pontoon bridges*
over which th"V cro.-sod a force, variously estitna-i
ti dat from 5,0(10 to l?.Uti?. At tho time of thoj
?eritash^K the 13th Georgia regiutoot were on pickety
nit the mou h ol Deep Run, and u brisk tight en-L'
Q'Ue-l. Which las ed fruin daylight until ll) o'clock.V
Sat which time the G-jorgiaus were relieved by the?
?t'>th Louisiana .regiment. Our picket force bjdb
jjfallan -back from the river to the road funning?
Sparallel wittr the Rappanannock.
9 The mouth of Deep Hun, at which this crogslngi
jSwn^Vifentod, is about ono and a half miles belowj
Bprederieksburg. and is the same point at wbichj
elthat portion of the enemy's forces enisse 1 that!
3"iig'ig< d the right, wing of our army in the battle]
?of tb-; I trli of Decomher. The lan 1 on this side!
gin the iaiucdhve vicinity of the river is a level
Ephdu ol nearly iw<i tnile> in width, ?cross.which
g|tlie enemy niUat advance lu attack our position oaj
fij'hc hills in thu neighborhood of Hamilton's Cross
Sin*. It was as they advanced over this plain in
g December that they suffered such terrible'loss.
9. The impressi >n prevails that tho enemy's nd
Hvanoo ls directed immediately against CorJons
B The Enquirer states that an aid of ono nf tho
I Yankee generals waa captured on the previous
joight, together with a correspondent of tho New!
?York VV.-rid who was in company with him, andj
suspects from the silence of its own correspondent^'
there, that there has been " a sort of involuntary
swop." . m
The Examiner says : Wo entertain firm confi
dence in the army now on the billi around Frcd-j
cricksburg. The army is the best the Confedera
cy po.-sesaes. It occupii s a position of extraordi-j
miry strength. There is no point from PortRoy-|
il to Culpepper at which it would not fight the]
soeuty with advantages which could only be over-:
ci ure by superior troieys, in superior numbers, af
ter au euormotisloss of lifo. But the Confederate
nay will, with these advantages, engage inferior
troups : and if resolutely and ably handled, as itj
will be, the contest cub scarcely end in anything
oise than another sanguinary defeat of tho Fed
eral forces.
Later from Virginia.
Letters from Hamilton's Crossing state
that a conflict occurred yesterday afternoon
m the vicinity of Chancellor vide, between
a brigade of Gen. Lee's army and 'the ad
vance column of Yanketf???,w^^^ulu?g in
'riving ihofptSkr^^Z? several miles with
\Ve have nothing definite of to-day's ope
rations.- All accounts from above are of a
cheering character as to tbe spirit of our army'
and the position of our main forces.
About one thousand Yankees entered Lou
Na Court House at three o'clock this morning
u"d have sines torn up the Central Railroad
track for a distance of. four miles in this di
rection. The tmins aro all sale, "and the ar
[f my stores also, the latter having beea reuiov
d some days ago.
This raid will prove fruitless to the enemy.J
except thc injury to the track, which caa ba
repaired in a short time.
Front Grund Gulf.
JACKSON', May 1.
The enemy again advauced and fighting
began at Grand Gulf this morning' at one
'clock. We fought till the enemy was re
pulsed. The battle was renewed at eight
o'clock. The enemy took Wade's battery,
which was retaken this evening.
The enemy were driven one mile from the
battle field.
Thc firing has ceased. The loss is heavy
on both sides. Gen. Boneu's horse was struck
fuur times in a charge ou the enemy.
Thc Kopmy Repulsed at .Honiton.
Tut,LAHOMA May, 1.
Forrest met the enemy i.eax frankliu yes-)
terduy, and repulsed him in a hand to bandi
fight. The e erny is now in full retreat, with!
Forrest in hot pursuit. All quiet in front.
FROM WASHINGTON-We have seen a gen
tleman who was in Washington city last week,
but his observations, as given to us, are but aj
repetition <>f the stories and rumors we have
had hcfoi?.
The feeling in Washinguiu js sjid to be
,very despondent, and the people there ,-'J b ..
Cinring very much dissatisfied with t ? Ad?
ministration. Seward ins so often failed to
c-.:rr.<>-to his promises" that the assurances giv
en out ol pulverizing-that it the Washing-j
ton phrav<?-?he rebellion" have very little
t-ffect. iinde.r the siffl?t at Charleston and
the inaction of t'ua. army at FredericksburgJ
the people haye becorae.dispiriied., anddesrn>i.
of any MI bilant jal resets from'the present
eijimt at Washington, j
A large military force is still re'ained at
Washington for its defence, numbering in all
about twenty to tweuty-five thousand men.
The forces concentrated south of the Potomac
for the defence of Washington are under com
mand of Gen. Abercrombie. General Casey
retains Iii? position a* commander and organ
izer of the provisional brigades, with head
quarters in Waahington. Both ait linder
Gen. Heintzelman, of New York.
The fears for the safety of Washington were
eing revived, and there was an apprehension
penly expressed of the rebel army getting
Washington this summer.
Gea. Joseph E. Johnston.
Never did great military genii;.? bfivo grand
field for display, or deeper stake to contpnd
for, or stronger inducement to effort and suc
cess, than tho great man who stands at the
lrp in the army of Tennessee. The coun
try feeds tbe liveliest interest-not unmingled
th arvicty-in tbe great battle now immi
nent in that department. Our people fee] at
the saue time, confidence, and bone in the
result. With such' an army--with Johus*o*j
plan-with liragi to execute-with jchoi?c
position-with God on our side, the coun
try has rested in hope, lt U lt?G duty of thc
Government to furnish all thc required mean?,
nd numbers, to insure success, if that be
racticable. May thc result be such as to
place the nam* of Johnston in history side
ky K?/I? '.yith the illustrious Leo, and the array
.?f T\t!oi*ft>se/i wjth the army of Yirgiuia. One
great .victory lhere, and wc move North 1
Onco mora uuto thc brea^n, dear friends, onco
Or pilo tho wall up witu our English deadf
WEDNESDAY, itt AV 8, 18G3.
Tie Death of Col. Arthur Simians..
DIED a* Hs residence near thia Villago, on the
Jnieht ?f */9'h April, of disease sf tho heart, Col.
ARTHUR S1MKINS, in tho Ibth year of his
A sad, sad ditty indeed is it for ns to chronicle
{themelancholy eventthat our beloved friend, and
? Edi tor, aud partner in business is no more ! Fur
[many years his genial spirit, his high-toned and
I'courteous bearing, Lis evcr.-teinp?rcd disposition,*
his geuurous and kind nature-yen, the very lovei?
of bis her: as it were-has gladdened and mudcj?
ijple>u.*.nt our loug sojourn together. Ami now loi-.
Shave those atfcelioL-ule Lius so. uneapictecily broken^
jfaeunaer-to be forc-d to give up to Death-stern,g
Icold, relentless Death-so go? d a man, so dear a?j
ifriend, casts a dark cloud of sorrow o'er our soulj*
"that time alone can efface.
!!From being in full hool th, ho was suddenly g
stricken down in thc vigor of manhood, and in|3
the midst of distinguished usefulness. E
He was the second son of Col. EumuD SiJtKlX8,j|
who was so long beloved by this community. Hod
^graduated a> tho South Carolina College in lS39,pj
?Jjiind was an accomplished Latin scholar. He bas?
?been for niany^yeurs Editor of this paper, andi
acquired a high reputation in making tho Adccrti.ty
>"/. uno of the first papers in the State. He repre-jg
tscntcd the District in' tho nouse of Representa-gj
Stives, and was for seroral terms its Commissioner?
?"in' Equity. At tho timo of his dem h bc was onrjg
Senator and filled a Urge space in nbc respecand J
admiration of the people. Ho was full of life?
5and captivating powers of entertainment K
There was nothing in-Poetry, or Sung, or Music,*
of which he was not master. A rare man with J
rare accomplishments, ho was the soul of Society.-?,
S He formed the link that conni ct? d the presents
[generation with the BACONS, IhaWiivKlNSKS, tbo?
JCTLERS, the BROOKES*anti GLASCC-CKS, who castj
such a brillian
field" that once
hospitality in days that are gone.
Peace be to thy ashes,"warm"and -right man of^
Genius! Many a tear will be dropped over thy3
tomb, while thc whole community will feel sad-)
ness and sorrow from fhe loss of that glowing^
light which bas been so suddenly extinguished ina
their midst
Under the sad circumstances by which we are?
surrounded we cannot say moro at present of ourj
late worthy sud talented Editor and associate!
Nur is it'nocotsary. A friend has promised us ag
tributo in ea-?rimo to tho memory of the deceased?
for the nest issue of our p.apcr, which we know
will be eagerly read by the many admirers of Col.
S. and the numerous readers of bis classic and
brilliant editorials.
it and genial light over "Old Edge-S
:e made it so famous for wit andj
The 14th S. C. Volunteers.
Wc have been requested to announce that Mr.
JOHN WHITTLE, a member of the 14th S. C. V.,
who.bas been at homo on sick furlough, will re
turn to his Regiment on Monday next, and will:
bs pleased to take charge of any Jette:: or package,
friends at home may wish to send to members of
th? 14th Regiment.
A Correction.
We stated In Mr. John T. Nicholson's notice
last week that a certain Noto bo was due Capt J
P. Lowry was dated Dec. 1 S?U, which uhould have|
road Dec. I860. The advertisement now stands
corrected in another column.
Tile >SuTu1rTj>rni?aVe i?Vut~bf~fh
At this time we are unable to say s
relation to tho Editorial mauagemunt o
per hereafter. Asa mutter of course wc will dn|
the best wo can in the premises-and, without'
further misfortune befall us hopo to continue the
Advert itf.r one of the permanent ins'ituiions of|
the District, Help us, good friends, in our ef
forts, for now, if ever, wo need your assistance
and kind words of encouragement.
QA Good Chance to Invest Profitably.
The entire outfit of the B?rry Bitpa'.ch, incl-i
ding press, type, Ac, all nearly new, will be sold
ata ?\ryain. Buy while you can. Apply to Gil
bert ik Darr, Sumter, S. C.
Soldiers at Home.
On salo-dny we had the pleasuro of agoin meet
ing several of our soldier-friends. Capt B. F.
LOVELACE, tho acceptible and popular Quarter
master of the 7th S. C. V., was here for tho first
time in two yoars, lookiug as fresh and vigorou.?
as ever. Capt. WEVEH and Dr. MUSK ol* the 24th,
Lieut. BURT, of the 22d, Lieut COURTNEY, of lbw
19th, and Lieut. WARDLAW, from Fort Moultrie,
wore all in town, woll and hearty and hopeful.
They bring g*od news from their sevtral coni-l
[monds, representing fur boys in good trim.and"
?fine health. A pleasant time to them during their
[brief respite from their arduous labors.
Lt. Col. JOHN C. SIMKINS was nlso in town,
ja melancholy oocasion brought him here. Ho re
Sports "all well" on Sullivan's Island, thc head
quarters of his Regiment p
-? -?- ?-it
Crop Prospects.
The prospects now of a good crop year in this!
! District ia quite promising. From all directions!
I^o boar tho most gratifying intelligence as to[
jwheat and (/ats, and a large yield is anticipated.
{Corn is also looking well, although small. Tha?
twoathor and sea-ons so fur are favorable to the!
?[growing crops, and wc nil arc elated with tho?
tidoa of provisions in abundanco after a while.
We are ?***ovtly obliged to Mrs. D. W. C. for al
largo bowl of luscious* strawberries, tho first of j
?ho season, for which she will please accept our
warmest thanks. Favors like this are al wa-:!
highly appreciated in this ofaco.
By reforence to our advertising columns^
it will be aeon that Bick Cheatkam'e apring sea
son has Leen extended to the 1st July nest.
. Let it be Remedied.
We rogret to notice of late that several cqueB-]
Striani of our vicinity aro in tho habit of tying
"their horses to tho spreading brunched of the
^beautiful trees in our Purk-the pride of the Vil
Hago, and the admiration of every one. It would
.be a great pity to have those trees mutilated and
jjrobbod of their beauty through the thoughtless
'reis of thoso who would bo far from doing ought
s to top iojmy ?if a "singlo bough." We hope
,thoso in authority wilt sob io u Jjiut tho. law hith
jerto enacted by Council in relation to tho protec
Hion of the Park will bo rigidly adhered to in fu-j
To Correspondents,
parsons writing to us on business counoctotlj
?with the Otiiuo, jfill ploose address their favors to]
Hbo " ?dy:j/eld Adteril?trjl
"$* Mr. A. WHAT, cf Jliimhnrg, has i '.ill on hand a'
.^fow tons Guauo. This fortiliaor M.,1 bo use)} ad-!
vantugoously on tho growing crops, und we would!
?'advlso thoso whoso lands aro thin to try an appll-'
^cation of this excellent manure. (
?-?T-Mr. John S. Riggs sold in Charleston on]
TJiLrsday 24 nogrocs, including au unusual nuin-j
ber of children, at 40 average of $1,468 each. I
Praiseworthy Liberality. f)
It affords us real pleasure to so frequently ??n
record tho many charitable contributions by our**
pnrtrieticf citiiens'tawardif tbe sustenance of i besa ?j
who, ?t the ruling oxoiVhant prices, oro unable^
lo sustain themselves. Among tbe mind er whoS^
have con!r'.but*d liberally to soldiers families in?S,,
this vicinity mme have h;?n nure generous than?ii
Mr. Wat. GRK?O, of Granitcvillo. Beside? Pnb.riP?
stantial aid heretofore givrn. he bas lntely dis-'?j
tributed, through Mr. Jis. M. HIRRJHON, srmoja
five thousand yards of cleth at about half his%\\
regular price*. This donation was just in tbogjh
nick of time, and the recipients feel greatly in-Tt
debted to Mr. G. Long may he feel ublo and?2 =
willing to render such munificent and praisowor-iSj
thy assistance to the families of our brave soldiers^!"
in the field.
! A kind gentleman of this Village, whose nanto'g^
we are m.tat liberty to mention, lins lately placed Jj
in tbe hands of Mr. W. F. DUIUSOE, for destitute i?c
I ri*f
families. Fifty Bushels Meal-a timely and mortui'
acceptable gift,
j Mr. Wu. GRKGO, jr., of Vancluee, has also mani-j?t
{fested bis interest in the needy families of this'll
?communited hy presenting ta Mrs. LKWIS JoxtS.??"
jPrcs'nlent of the Soutbtrn Sisters' Aid Society.?t
.One Thouaaud Dollars to'be appropriated for tlieir?yr
: relief.
Our Demi iu Mnryland.
" Tho following is a list of the South Carolina?
soldiers who died in ac! ian or from disease during j
tho Maryland enmpaipnj and were buried in erg'
jnrnr Frederick City, Md.? Relatives and friends!
jdesiring information as lo thc removal of remains
[should address W. G.: Harrison, Baltimore, or
Lewis Crugcr, Eiq., Richmond ;
No Jietfimeut* Namel.-F. M. Tuck, Joseph
Hampton Legion.-Joljeph Budd, Company K;j
A. V. Keuncrly.
Fint -Solomon Tehyfille, Company E.
Second.-D. M. Kirkland. Ci mpaDy G. fi
Thiid.-A. C. Griffin^Company b; Jos. Stew
art, Company E.
Sixth-Jut. H. Hicklo.
Seceuth-Jobn Sielfxi Company F; Thoa. J.
Kounbue, Company K ; <A. M. Padgett.
Fourteeth-Richard Sad tb. Company E.
J FifteenOt-Ambrose ?Runtun, Company G ; J.
IA. Bowers, Company I.!
'j Seventeenth-JubuMyrick; A. D. Collins, Com
[|pany H.
j Eighteenth-J. C. Young/Gompany A.
j Twenty Second-Lieut Cob J. T. Watkins ; W.
JP. Hambly, Comps ny C; if. Earleds, Company
jb'; Lieut. E. M. Penn;'John R. Mason, Compa
ny K.
Thc friendship pf Great Britain.
The Atlanta Ai/e??iyeii?crspenks lightly of Eng
land's friendship, and in -expressing bis views
(with which w? fully cofneide,) says :
"Lord John Russell, n the 21.it of March suid ;
3" It would be a failure if fricndihip on our part
if at this moment wo w<re to interpose and recng
niie tho Southern Sti es." Tho friend*hip of
England ! .Who bas cv ir enjeyed ill Who ever
will ? What nation, ir] at people, bas it not ty
rannised over when it fa .d tho power to do so ? Its
friendship now for th? .Lincoln Government is
tdl humbug, though tbe North may trumpet forth
tho sentiment uttered ,.y tho wonk British Prc
jjmier to bolster up its iespou'dent peoplo. Pre
suming now that the Kurth is thc stronger in thc
\ war being waged nponj thc South, Lord Russell
talks of England's frandship for it. Let "a
Cubango come o'er the spirit of his dream," and bc
[J would talk of friendship fur tho South, just na
glibly ! Away with allsucb friendship ! Palsc
|hcnrtcd, hollow-hearted England, tho time will
como when your friendship will not bo needed ot
thc'South. True, i?lty South, your friendship is
Vuc^r..ch,aS?V^-J??trV?B? uc>u ^-C' T.'^-.lc
for a long series of yeura the North has been ita
raeancft rival and its bitterest reviler, the South
poured wealth into ber hp', und would havo sus
tained ber indus ry. Woknuw her noir, and than!
God thut we do ! Let ber friendship be bestowed
upon thc puritan North, wc vant none of it."
For tho Adretiscr.
The Southern Sistors' Aid Society arc pleased
to acknowledge the receipt ol $50 from a Friend
Mrs R. H. Milts, Sec.
Items of General Interest.
$S?f Thc Prosidcnt of the Jercbants and Plan
ters Bank has offered a rowan of $10,000 for the
detection of the thief who nbbed the Central
Railroad car of A largo amomt of money a few
nights ago.-So says a Savunah exchange.
??f The N. Y. Herald of ho 29ih says: " The
Sumtor which latoly escaped rom Gibraltar, will
sail from Liverpool next weol armed and equip
ped asa Confederate privtUtr, or probably asHJ
one of the cotton ships in ttuiomploy of tho Er-gjl
langer Loan scheme.
^5*- It is roportod that aftr Mr. Emmet Dick
son wa8shotby Fordo, in Ricbnond, Ya., his body
was robbed of $500
^Sfy* Hon. George W. Raniclph, late Secretary
of War, is a candidate for fti Senate of Virginia
He was solicited to run for Ongress agninst Mr
Lyons, but declined.
?^T" The editor of the folumbia Carolinian
hos lately been indulging in/r?en peas and *0?ic
berrie* to a limited extent.
TjSr** Yank ""i papers TO .naking a great todo
ove- .bo "bretfd riots' in Atlanta, Salisbury,
and jwbere, and confnd that if they can keep
our ports closod for sf months longer that tho
" rebels" will lie starsd out, and consequently
the war will bo closed. What a dolusion !
f?gr Tho CharlotteDemocror states that flour
has fallen ia that maiet from $50 to $30.
? ?S** 149G bales obotton arrived from Liver
Spool at Huston on Fday last, and oh the same
day 2,920 balos arritl from same pori at New
j?3T We learn frortho Chronicle & Sentinel
that prices in Augus of tho necessaries of life
aro rather on tho draward tendency. A few
day? sinco flour was sang there at $35 per bbl. ;
jtbacon,' 67? ?ts por joui, rice, 10 cts per pound ;
oud other things in prortion. Lot 'em tumble.
?Sj- The famine itlrelaud is said to he as
suming a fearful aspet
Jgr* Tho Columbusiro Arms Manufacturing
Company are now makg repeating pistols of-the
jbest pattern. In a sha tine they will bo ready
to fill orders.
fry The druggists tv Apothecaries cf the
Confodcrato Stoics-theytfrs of practicnl medi
cine, as they have been cali-will meet in Con
vention at Augusta, Gai dhe 6th May.
It is stated that th?onfederate Govern
ment has about 250,000 btols of corn storod in
Middle nnd Southwestern trgia. Thc moro the
bntter if it ia properly curebr,
?vru??- r-r> r- ?? ".rT"'"wu*?dn
sive of an attack upon W.ington City by foote),,,
Confederates. ?ht
?y Tho steamer Eugon'whicb ran tho block-lp-''
ado into Mobile on Saturdsreek, is said to havo^?
({brought 2,000 kegs of powtfor the government.??to
Tho thrce's'tenmcrs whicrrived at Wilming-w
^ton last week were heavily en with vory valan-W
? )de oidntnip stores and ty supplies. Thoa
jj! blockader's 'made"?espo/aic t'tq to capture thcm,^siil
|w ?wi ls:
3 p&- Within tbe Inst wei snys the Salisbury R " (
?Watubman of tho 27th, Horns fallen from $45 ?js I
clo $25 per barrel. Tho Warnen culls on Gov.
p Vance to renew thc embargy the expiration of.3
I tho current thirty days. Vpresumo the Gov-j
worner will do thia.
THE WHEAT CHOP.-Paper? from every di-jj
?dion givo the strongest assurance of an ?1
Imndaiit crop of wheat. So far, no caratti fur *
yjury hus buen developed, and it ba? so fan'
dvanccd that there ie lio reason to anticipate:
ny. Other kit,da of grain prosent. an equally^
attcrirR appcorance. Speculators in flour?
?ny look out for a furn bio in price?. Tim/
j-ccrning crop will be too large for their^
#sy- Tho Southern Baptist Biennial Convtn
?on will meet in Augusta on Friday next. A]
irge number of delegates will probably he in at
DIED, on the 13th April, after but a few daysj
ilness, Mr. WILLIAM TON EY, iu the 56th yearf
f his ugo.
The fall of such a man is well calculatod tu
?st gio? m und sorrow over tb? hearts ?f hist
liends-and acquaintances, and iu the famHy ol?
he deceased au ?ching void has been created^
hatean novar be obliterated. Mr. T. was a gen
lcm an in tho true, acceptation.of the term. Hi.*!
lurity of heart, his benevolence, his neighborlyJ
?ta of kindness, his genial disposition, and his
' pure and undefiled" religious principles served
0 endear to bim many sincere friends and admi
?iTi who deeply deplore his loss. But around tho
ire-side of bis own hitborto happy hume willj
igonizing dear ones long, long mourn 'for the ab
ont husband and father. Io his own family cir
ilo his virtues shone thc brightest and there bis
ittuchmeuU wcro reciprocated and mutual love
ind confidence prevailed nmong tho inmates of
bat now distressed family. May the Father of
Mercy regard them in tenderness, and comfort
hem in their troubles.
The deceased had beon for a number of years
me of the deaoous of the Baptist Church ut
Philipi, and waa-regarded as imo of the pillows
if that Church. But his was an unobtrusive piety,
nhich shono brightest in tho privacy of his own
ioved home. There it seemed but as " sweetness
to the flower"-thero likea centre of hallowed
light, it shed its peaceful rays on all around. But
now, alas! the devoted husband, thc kind father,
ibe good master ?leeps his last sleep. Beyond
th? dark waters, where there is eternal life, and
lunshine and happiness mny wo all meet thee
igain and dwell together forever.
Tribute of Respect
PADGET, Corp jral in th J " S d<'du Riflemen,"
known as Company M, 7?.h S. C. Regiment, who
iled at Fredrick City, Md., on tho 3rd January,
1 sr,3, of a wound received iu the battle of Sharps
burg, Md., ou the 17th September, 1SC2.
Corporal A. M. PADGET wac a son of M.. MV
PAOQET, Esq., Edgefield District S. C. De wai
born on the 4th of March, 1844. De having dis
played a decided taste for letters and learning his
father had given him every opportunity to indulge
bis literary tastes, and acquire the knowledge he
hr-ped to possess. At the early age of IS we lind
him at Dickenson College, I'?.; an I isled ns i t were
in the raco for knowledge und collogiate distinc
Lion, He remained there until his native State
left the odious Union, He ihen come home and
intered Wolf ord College, at Spartanburg, S. C.,
where he remained until about tho 1st of May,
1SC1, when tho nntural patriotic impulses of the
gallant school-boy lcd him to lay aside hooks, for
sake the classics, and oller his services to bb
:ountry. He joined Captain, now Col. J. WAL
KER'S (of the Palmetto Sharpshooters) Company.
Th e.??partan Rifle?" and come to Virginia, in
tho 5th S. C. Regt., then under the command of
Colonel, now Cen. M. JENKINS. With that Regi
ment he served faithfully and efficiently until Hie
urbanization of Company M, iu the 7th, as a re
unlisiod Company. He being ono among the fir.-t
io re-onlist, bad the right to join the Company of
his choice, consequently he joined the ??'aluda Hi
ftemem, to bc with bis neighbors and schoolmates.
From the day he entered tho Company his ^Jflcem
and comrade* marked him as the prompt, intelli
gent and efficient soldier. Ho was every where
recognized as a consummate gentleman, and ali
who made his acquaintance valued his friendship
and held him in high esteem. He lent tone aud
dignity le the posh ion of a private by his quiet,
unobtrusive, 'noble deportment under all circum
stances. Admired and flattered by his officers,
yet ue was ever ibV-sinne ne ole, unassuming brave
By his promptness and application to his duties
and by his bravery on the battle-field he won thc
approbation nnd entire confidence of bis Company
ufiicurs, and although his native delicacy of feel
ing und fear uf self-laudation would have ever
prevented him from asking for any position, he
was made a Corporal. Upon being told of bia
ippointmcntbo blushingly accepted it, eayiug, "I
hope I may ever be able to do my duty in a man
ier satisfactory to you and credit to myself."
Noble hoy! Gallant Soldier! Most nobly did he
lo h;s duty without faltering-without fear. At
ibo battle of isharpaburg he fought with coolness
iud gallantry never excelled by any Kn'njhl of
tncient times.
In advance of his Company, and directly in
front of the enemy's death-dealing batteries he
itood in defiant attitudo, ever and anon sondiuir
leath's darts into the ranks of the artillerymen
vith his trusty rifle. His bonring on that blosdy
ield stamped bim tho immortal hero, if his former
ictions bad failed to do so.
But not thou and there did ho receive the wound
hat proved mortal, and deprived his Company
md his country of one of their bravest soldiers,
ind his parents of their best beloved-their oldest
lorn. 'Twas after tho fiorco charge was over, and
ilrcding, mangled forms of dead and dying strew
:d thc ground, far and near, that tho cruel shot
lid its work.
'Tis said the tr .'ly bravo are always self-sacri
icing, generous und kind. Such indeed was the1
ase with him. Ar or bo bad been ordered to!
cave the field ho carno across a wounded comrade!
till in rango of the guns of the enemy and inj
;rent danger. Forgetting self and all relfish feei
ng, ho determined to save his bleeding comrade]
ven though he might perish. Ho accomplished!
is mission of kindness-his friend is safe, but he. |
las ! is no more. Ile caught his death by hi
leroic devotion to a; friend in distress. Having
cen wounded it was impossible to got him over
hb River before our army fell back into Virginia,
nnsequen'iy he, with: many others, were left iu
lory land.
After much suffering he died, and now his body
eposes inMount Olivet Cemetery, Fredrick City,
Id., nhilc his pure spirit is rejoicing with ?ngela
i Heaven. Thoa it is our ni Mest and best men
re offered up as sacrifices upon tho altar of our
ountry. Tbougbmany have fallen in this strug
|H for liberty and all that makes life dear, none
aro fnllcn moro gloriously than he. A martyr's
roath of immortal honor is his. Would that wc
unid wcavo a chaplet worthy of bim now that
c lies cold in his martial glory.
May Heaven catbfort'hia bereaved parents. We
empathize with tnera In their deep sorrow.1 They
louki bo comforted to know that he died Uko afi
hristisn hero, worthy of tho great cause in which!!
0 was engaged. With us, his surviving friends,
io sacrifice of such noble souls, while it afflicts
s suroly, can have no other effect than to alienate
ir affections towards thc invaders and sow deep
1 our bosoms an undying hntrod, which will be
'membered when each opportunity fur revenge
lera jtj .-elf, nnd thu clash of'arms and din ol
stile invites us to thc banque! of \>)"oi) prop: reilK
v Lincoln and his fiendish Cabinet for the braver
efenders of our homes lo pour out, ns a sort ol?
macea fur all our heurt-burning and desires fort
?vengo in this our strugele for National Liberty/
DIED, at the lciidcnco of her daughter, Mrs.
is. BEAN, on tho 25th ult, Mrs. PE RM EL TA
DNEY, relict of that meek and pious servant]
God, Rev. M. M. AHNET, in the 49th year o
ir age.
Of a meek and lowly disposition, consistent in
1 the relations of life, she has passed away
er lingering illness of several month's duration
is borne with unexampled fortitude and trust in
r Maker.
She had been permitted to raise her only cbil
en, four daughters, who proved to bo loving and
tit ul children to their widowed mother. Sh
a many triait:, among which was to soo two of{
r youthful daughters, left widows through (he
?ssiludcs of tho prosout oruu! war. But God
alt gently with her through all, and ibo wont
wn through the dark and troubled Jordan and
tho silent vale of death trusting in Him.
Sho is now with him who sittetb on tho great
hito Throno, away from the trouble and toil and
if? of earth. She dwcllolh whoro all is peuce
Uer remains wcro interred at Antioch by the
e of her lumontcd husband, ncr funeral ser
in was preached by Kov. D D. BRONSON from
! 65 th versa, cf tin 7 5th Chap., 1st Corinthians,
)h Doa'th' wboro is thy stjng I 0jj grave whero
thy victory.''
" Sister, thou art pone before us,
And thy saintly soul ii flown
Where taara are wiped from every oyo
And sorrow is unknown." H<
Rose Cottage, 8. A. L. fi1
Oin cia 1 Dispatch front Gen* i-ee.
HICIIMUKD, Mar 4.-The following dispatch ha
just been received:
i Mi r.rortP. May 4.
ITo Pr?sident Davis?
?j Yesterdiiy Gen. Jackson penetrated to the ree
. of tho enemy and drove him from all his positions
1 from the wilderness to within^ one mile ' of Chan
?'eellorsvillo. Ile was engaged at the same timo in
?front by two .of Longstreet's divisions. This
?morning tho battle was renewed. He was dis
jllodged from all bis positions around Chancellor
?ville aud driven back towards the Rappahauaock
over which ho is now retreating.
Many prisoners were taken, and the tnemy'
loss in idled and wounded is large.
Wo have again to thank Almighty God for a
great Victory.
I. T regret to state that Gen. Paxton was kided
Gen. Jackson severely, and Gees. Heath and A
P. .Hill slightly wounded,
j]- (Signed*; . R. E. Laa,
Gen. Coin'dg.
_ '
Latest News from Yirginia.
RIC;IYO??D, May 3d.-The Yankee cavalry,
which mode a raid.on the Centrtl Railroad, pro
coeded to the Fredcricksburg railroad to-day, and
tore up the track at Ashland It is also reported
chat the ambulance train on the way to Richmond
was captured by the Yankees. No train has ar
rived from above to-day. No late accounts have'
been received of -operations in Spottrylvania
county. Tho latottt reports indicate that the Yan
kee cavalry have crossed the Central Railroad in
the vicinity of Hanover 'Court House, east of
RICHMOND, May 3rd.-No train has arrived
from above to-day. Nothing definite h-.rn beon
received from to-day's operations ia Spott?vivs,
oin. It is understood that tho authorities have
further news, but the Secretary of War is too
closely engaged, and no authority is accessible at
;. resent to approve dispatches. I will try again
before tho ellice closes.
Up to fifteen minutes past 9 this morning no
news had been received from Fredcricksburg at
tho War Department '
RICH MOM ?, May 4th.-Some excitement bas been
occasioned hero this morning by a report, brought
by couricH, that the Yankee cavalry wko were at
Ashland on yesterday are at Hungary Station
this morning, within eight miles of the city. Their?
force is estimated at between two aud three thou
sand. It is expected they will be eaptured or
dispersed before noon.
A dispatch from Gordonsville, received at thc
War Department, says that* Dr. Woodfolk, who
eft Chancellorsville at three o'clock, P. M., on
yesterday, reporta that tho fight was still going OD*
at FrederickBburg. Gen. Jackson occupies all the
fords except Fly's, and his forces have taken
?OOO prisouers, and more were coming in. Our,
moil aro in good condition. No onemy in Cu!
pepper. - .
Latest from Virginia.
RtcnuoND, May 4-4, P. M.-Nothing received
from the seat of war since Gen. Loo's official dis
The Yankee cavalry have cleared out in the di
reelibo of tho Pamunkcy river. The railroad will
be repaired in a short time.
_Good Reports ; fire m. Forrest..
"Cu?TTAXooaa, Muy 2.
A special despatch dutcd at Decatur, Ala., Muy J
2d, says that Forrest is doing a glorious work.
Ile bus been fighting since Thursday. The lastj
fight was thirty miles from here.
He captured a large number of prisoners. Hi
jhas 17U0 Yankees cat off in the mountains. It 1.1
H thought be bas captured them. Tho Yankees hare
\ evacuated Tuscumbia.
Rome Safe.
There was a rumor iu Augusta on Monday that
a Yankee cavalry force bad made a raid into
Romo, Ga.' But from the following dispatch to ai
gentleman in Augusta we learn that it was an
error :
ATLASTA, May 4th.-Romo is safe. The whole
Yankee force of 1600 bas been captured by For
From thc Const.
Some honTy firing was heard in our city Satur
day afternoon, believed to bc from tho Yankees?
on Folly ia.'and, shelling a portion of Battery!
Island. It is reported that tho enemy's force on!
Folly Island has.been increased, und that quite af
large number of tents-some say ovor 500-are'
observable. It was also reported that the Yan
kees have erected .. battery on the Island.-CAar,|
Courier, Alh.
Imboden's Success in Northwestern
RICHMOND, April 30.-Tho report of Im'ioden's
success over tho enemy at-Beverly, in Non h west
ern Virginia, is officially confirmed. He drove J
them fr ? m the town and destroyed or captured al
large amount of stores abd a number of prison-*'
ors! Our loss is alight. - .'
Front North Alabama.
JACKSON, MisV.', May 2.-A dispatch from Wood-I
ville states' that the enemy is advancing on that;
point from above and below.
The citizens aro organizing, and will make tho*
best defence possible.
[Woodville is in-Jackson county, North Ala
bama, ab. ut 20 miles Southwest of, Huntsville.
Northern and European News.
K icu v OMI, Muy'3.-Ni ribero dates to tb a flrst)C \
of May have been received.
A rebel force appeared at Morgantown, Vs.,
near the Pennsylvania line, creating a general
?carce all along the border, from" Harper's Ferry
to Wheeling.
There was a rum dr t urren t in Nashville that
Breckinridge had Ville 1 Bragg on account of toe
utter ordering thc execution of Kentucky soldiers.
The steam-hip Anglo Saxon left Liverpool on
the 16th April with 360 passengers and 84 ero
She was wrecked near Cape Race on the 27th, io
a dense fog, and only 78 persons escaped
Tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was toro up
[twelve miles west of Oakland, Ai which placo the
bridged is burood.
I The Wheeling papers of Thursday state that
both Uniootown and Fairmont are in possession
of the rebels.
Tho specie in the Whoo ing banks has boen sent
to Pittsburg,
. Gol. Ellet ba? destroyed every grist and saw
mill and distillery along tho Tennessee river.
Tho towns of Hamburg and Eastport have ciao^ /
boen destroyod. tjj,.
Tho Daily News says .nero can be no doubly
that tho irritation be'.aeen England and the Cai-; "
ted States is gradually increasing.
Rags ! Rags !
We want Rugs-Cotton Rags-Linen Rags-1
dean Rags, and if wo can ?et a plenty of Kag? ^
bc can keep the Adcerlincr afloat until-the war 1
iuds. Bring on your Rags and help us to keep f
:he Advertiser ono of lue oxod institutions of theav^
FATB-OT A DES?RT?B-T^eTennessee ?oi
lier who deserted from his regime* 1ft ryickj
nirg sorri** iirnVairfce^ wa* ."rfterwardy^horjg
)y_,the Yankees. He reported. Ux?t".all-Our
mos b?d boen-aent op to the Yazooyand that
l'nakeT guns bad been placed itrtbtir "Btead,
whereupon Gen. Grant sent down the Lan
saster anil Switzerland. Grant, finding him
?elf deceived, ordered tho renegado ITennes- '
iee.m to be strung i:p, which was immediate
7 done, vf
: Ono night last week a soldier ina Pennsyl
vania regiment, while on picket, complained
\Tfpelirig ill. The Surgeon'of' the regiment
?vas called, when there was some whispering
nstitutcd. The sick soldier was, a woman
nCet?ide, of course. The result of the Sur
le?n V work was the delivery of a fine boy.
Sch. Josh Owen named the child Picket Fal
mouth Ellsworth.
?3T" There, WM a collision of trains at Halifax
station, on the Wiltuingpin and Weldon Railroad,
sn the 2? 'mut. Ono soldier waa killed and throe
>r four wounded.
Religious Notice,
The fifth Sabbath Union Meeting of the Fourth
Division, of the Edgefield Baptist Association,
trill convene with thcBigStophena' Creek Church,
on Friday before the fifth Sabbath In May (hut,)
et 10 o'clock, A. M.
Introductory Sermon by Bee. W. B. SHAW.
Bro. J. P. M a ALISO, Alternate. .
Charily Sermon by Bro. 8. P. G ?T?K t.' Bro.
J. MATHIS, Alternate.
Essayint-Bro. W. B. SHAW.
Subject*'/mr d?cu**ion.-Tit. The du ty of Chris
tians to avert civil war. A. J. MATHIS, introduc
tory speaker. " .
J 2nd. Ia it right to spend the whole, or only a
portion of Thankigiving day io failing and pray
er. W. B. SHAW introductory speak or.
J. S. MATiiBWt, Mod'r.
E. M. SwBAEnroEvClk.
For the Advertiser.
Th? friend! of JACOB HUIET her.by announce
bim a candidate fur Toa Collector for Edgeflsld
District at the next election.
He waa among the first to volunteer in- defence
of iho Confederacy, in Capt Dassr's Co. jo tho
7tb S. C. Hogt., when the cull wua made for Yoi.
un teer.?, and served until tho term expired for
which they were called. Before tbe expiration of
their time of service und before the passage of
the Conscri. t law, be re-volunteered for the yeera
or the war in Capt. GCCGANS Company, attaching
themselves again to the 7th Regiment, at the re
organization, lie remained with bis Company
until the battle cf Sbarpsburg* where he waa
wounded in tho right arm, and bud to kavo it
amputated above the elbow. Aa aoon aa able to
return borne, be sought and obtained a discharge
before bis arm was well, prefering not to draw pay
from tho Govern mont when no longer able to do
it service in the army. We, his friends and neigh
bora, urge the favorable consideration of his
claims to tbe Voters of the District
May 5 lt* - 18
State pf South Carolina,
COLUMBIA. S. C., Aprill 30, 1863.
IN answer to tho many inquiries addressed to
tbe Adjutant and Iti*pector General rolative to
'tue provisii-us of the Act of tho General Assem
bly entitled * An Act for the better organization
of the Militia aud for other purposes," passed at
its lute aa?aton, it is hereby made knowu that,
[according to tba construction of said acUs udopt
jed ul this office, persons only between tko ages of
eighteen and fifty years are now liable to ordina
ry militia duty, which duty they ure required to
?perform under the command of the militia officer*
[without regard to lb? organiialion uf companies
formed for active ttrviee, in accordance with Gen
eral Orders No. ll issued from this oflico, and
that the Patrol Laws have in no wis* baeu altered
by the recent acts loncbing the militia.
Adjutant and Inspector General South Candie a.
May 0 lt 18
FEW' tons of Buker k Jarvis Island GUANO
m. remains on hand. Price $45 per ton. This
lortilixcr cun be applied with advautage to crops
at any period of their growth. Apply early to
! . ? - A WRAY.
ITamburg, May 5 2t _18'
ALL persons ure cautioned against trading for
a Note given by ute to Jntnea V. Lowry,
AUiu'or, of the Estate of Conrad Lowry, doceased,
for Fivo Thousand Dullars, dated sometime in
Dee. 1??0. As I have uifered, ia the prepuce of
witnesses, to pay the Note in gcuuine Confederate
money and Mr. Lowry refused it, I consider th*
debt pRtd, and will nat pay it unless compelled by
law. : .-.J-?JiN T. NICHOLSON.
April 29, St*.. ... . . Vi
rn E Board of Commissioners of Roads for tho
Upper Battalion, 1 th Regiment, will-meet at
he i'ine Hons* on Monday the 1 Ith day of May
nst. All defaulters that have refused or neglected
0 send their hands to the Cou?t at .the. last onll
br bands, will appear before the Board to ahow
lause for said d-fault. ? ? *
By order of the Board.
A. JONES, Chairmae.
May 5, . v !ltN : tn 18
_i_i-:-1-? ' ?
rflE Board of do ra mission era of Roads for tho
Upper Battalion, 9th Regiment, will'iccef 'at
?berty Hill OD Monday the 11th day of May
Dst. All defaulters that have refused or neglect*
d to send their bands to tbe Coast at the last call
ur bauds, will, appear before tbe Board to show
ause for said default
By order of tho Board.
W. B. DORN, Chairman.
May?, H 18
rVCK CH BATH AU will stead tho ensu
U lng SPRING SEASON at Edgefield C. H.
n Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thora,
ays,-at Harmon Gallmao'e the remainder of
ie week. Ha will com -nonce bia Saasen first of
'ebroary and ?nd the 1st day of July. He will
:main at his Stable until first of March-after
inf time ho will alternate.
Twenty-Dvo Dollar, will bo charged for th?
. aion. I do not desire bim to go to more than
iventy-five Mares.
His pedigreo is known to the breeders in Edge
?ld. THOS. G. BACON.
May ? 2m 18
^miuistr^torto ?Notipe.
1 LL person having' any demands against the
W. Estate of John A. Crowder, deceased, are
quested to present them te the subscriber on or
lora the 29th July next as on that day a f nal
triement will ba mada in the Ordinary'a Ofibie.
Iso, all persons indebtod to said Batata aro so
tit'ed to pay un by that time. . t
May 5 ?m ,?a||[^
? Sags Wwted,^?>
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