OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, March 09, 1864, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1864-03-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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? .,;.," ii.ui ,,|,',.miiiiiiiiiwin ?iimii?iii-iinn
EV ' ^
DUBI802, SEE3E & CO.
SrjS^CRrmONii tn tho ADVERTISER tor
jvnr KITS DOLLARS in advance, .For Six Moi
ADVERTI??ME\T& will bo 1n*r-rte4 nt THE
DuLLAUS }>-.-r S^utra^l > utii.i<<n ?mes or let?) f->r c
luwti >n. Advertisement:! without iiwtrsjttlon? as 'o
n nrv^-r nf iMivi-. ii?fi-rl-vl, will ;>.': published u
r?rWK?aii/1 cher^^? :iecrdi*gly.
V?n iuncin? Can-t'ula'.v!* for any ?H'to <>f I?"1"
. iirj.'I', TWENTY" DOLLARS?.to be paid britte th?
Lvmcemont i? puNlshed.
?^pltusiy ttdtlm, Tribut, s of Respect, or any e?m?
tiicatioa personal jg Hs natara, wWl borated as adi
HayattU .iud chantad aaiitfUtogly.
from our Correspondent.
V NBA? DALTON, ?a.. F?-b. 23, ns'l
?-r jr. SniTo? Tims flUs upon *wift ?nd uoi
lu? wia?{. Whether we be tick OT well, i
ergctia r>r li-"le??, wi?: or fa?li.li; thc starry big
and tlc iuuiij- days ?fldc uwny rn rapid rucc.t si
and Iccroo the tti?n?' memory. When I 3?
yon,a Tetter m Xcvemhj* List, I had no idea ti
?if Adi-cttUcr p?:i. would rest in idlenoss ut
airer W.oni?ue's day. Tut having been sor
what isdi?ne-seJ, and ?-ith?r busy wifual, I ?
thai no promis-, either exprers cr implied, ]
boca broken on my pr.it.
It is luto ia-tbc season to fay nay tbbg ab'
our hasty withdrawal fr >m before Chotinnoo
To an ?u?p-tr'-ii:! observer, it did really seam tl
our boy? having bit tbe iinpuiloat foo a st;
goring blow ia tbe fa^e, determined all of a'si
den to full lack for th:,double purpose of dodgi
tho return blew, and also cf se-ekiag comfort!,
water garters. By the .way, cur cabinj arc I
perfection-the ne jd??s ?Uro-of comfort, wi
compared w'rth thc way wc bad bee? living in I
open air like the bird* and bV&fii -of tho fon
Thu housing (d' thc mes Hai added much to th
health, strength and cflioinnoy. Thom is r.ovo
loo about our lowly dwellings. After titghtft
watts thc stars ?et each upon bli luby tbruu
yoM may atiuuY upon thc hill-top, end ?co t
thousand and ono ligLt' gleaming from the ero?
cd Unctuous, looking for all thc world like so:
large iud beautiful City. Ia ona streit, you b<
th? gladly tuluna jong* nf Zion; hard-by t
j ?jous lasgb ?ad the hutu o? cheerful raices rah
the ear; over tn thai Regiment ; auder, the bi
ar.r bo?siorou?, whooping ai:J yelling Bi If chi
.<ing ? Yankee lattery ; ut.J somehow the EOU
Co" a fliury axe, ?ver in the other Brigadt revii
tho a.-soeuficns uf home. Loit?fi ro'verie,- lr.!
r-m i'<itt??<ii-yott alloy your.elf to wuni
through vast realms of cc wand sweet iinagini-g:
Hat bark! What burst cf harm^y ?? tbst, ?sbi
1 charm? every auditor, and wakes tire swee'.c
echoes of the evenbg ? Il is tlc Nashville l>ai
discoursing eloquent music ft?'>m thc magic r.o'.
. irf tbo "Anvil.'' Entranced, yat listen and f:.r?
fer a moment thit thc land ie deluged with bloi
an 1 tea:?. Tie gay sehne) incident tu a st,?^
peace and pttwpettiy float Ihrougn tba Isiahi::
fiats. Now it is an 0|-era with its grand il-,it
and ??s cuchatitirg Primi Donua ; nul (bon it
w ^ild-.d thaa?re, whore thu legitimato drama gi v
you tbo mojt virid, tiii? yet trjtLful jeprcs-.-n!
. lions of human uuture. and wLcro the i.ri;r
imites and the *oft blushes vi a ihoticand Javli
u:akeflio sPt-ne in, frobt of the foot liglt>, 0!
vast parterre of",.sweetness ar,d beauly. Tl
liiUsic i.-1 Lushed". Thc rte?u cosmacd, "rig
??roks i ntic?tiou lu i-d.'-cli,"-iVtviV y<-u to tl
pt ts ful present, or.d rans? yc-u lo reooilect ta
..?tim visaged wat has ?.<.< yet t-mootliod b
vrriakled fraUt-**
AU tbi. icen sud iflicers fcc'vm ta bo ^lud thi
r.ca. JCH.SSTON U'iiiiuiial' tbe Army i?f Tean^sii
Tbi? relents htao :s a b-?t iu biiu>eil, aud tl
h.-pe, toe eon?dence, ti-e enthnci'ifw iasjired I
his presence, aro the ckm?nts of inviccibili ;
. {tc guarantees of EUCCI??, and we trust, iLe hal
bicjers of pnu-t ! Qoneral- Jo1?Kr?r4?, Jouxsro
hvt the inoit espressivo eouateuacco I cvor Icbob
It is worth a trip from Edgefield to Dultou t
witness tbo soldierly and graceful muuner i
ap, which he Condnett a review. Kot-very l?ng ;?hci
' ? saw this lion .hearted General ?it upoa Lis hon
for Lours, whilst th? veteran* of our army march?
before him ir. serried raukr to thc socad c-f^uai
tial music. So vii?t a number of men in ono bedj
it j? ?aid, had ncvor before been reviewed on thi
conti.-?ont. lt was ft spectavlo te bo remembered
and a man might Jive a hundred years and nero
^ soo another like it. Th? day was lovely.acd au
sjj'cii'us; under foot, there was neither duit U-J
is .t-l ; tho ambiont air \ns mild aud genial witl
herc and there a pearly cloud to diversify thi
horizon. On ri ling with" a ir!an4 to tbe out-skirt;
of the village, it was iufpiriug and ecimating ii
the extreme to sec the men in tkree oolumuu ea?t
pcrbsp? a mili in lcDgtb, ..i:h Myoaets glitter
?ag ia tlc ?ualight, and with the fttuel aeoompa
ciment of dashing horsemen, all nctuated by on?
patriotic resolve, and moved by one masterly will
With the towering mountains for a^back ground
ibis view prciculel a picture grand and \eauti
iud beyond detcription. Oh ! how I sauted tome
of my South Carolina frlonds with mo to gai?,
admire, nnd feel as I did. Emotions Strange, sad
aad bewildering mingled with bopr, pervaded my
whole being ! It was a moment to revivo the im*
pressions of History, Pootry, and Romance. And
yet, on stepping to read the names of the battle
field inscribed tn the flag of tbe 15 Ith Tennessee
ll-, ?iment, ana also to listen to the low sweet mu.
tic uf {ts txctUtor batid, I ha^ponetL^to look bo
hind me and saw hundreds of red fresh gravo
whero the d"ad soldiers had found a Suxl runing
place. Then came to mind in awful signi atc nco,
those impressive words of th? Peet :
"All thc glories of human greatucs?,
Are but pleasing dreams,
And sbndows soon decoying." #
r0ur affairs arc iu a critical condition. But tbiro
csin bo no ruch word ns /ail / Provid?dfi. all do
their duty energetically aud promptly with a Arm
reliance upon tho God of oar fathers. A heavy
. responsibility rests upon the people at home. Tho
Foldiers and their families must be supported.
There's work herculean for the farmers. Tho
army must bs clothed. There's work for the La
dies. And, God blesi them, they hara done their
yart with a will and to the j.urpore. Tbvo ia
complaint (and I tear it is weil fouuded) agaibet
somo of tho Surgeon?. Let public indignation,
like the breath of thc Simoon, wither every Army
Doctor, that mistreat* tho sick soldiers
Tho woather bas leen bitterly c dd, but now
the soft South wind is Hewing, and tbs frogs
hogtu to croak". *By-the-by, b it not a littlo- sin
gular that mankind do their croaking when tho
prjspeot is forbidding aud gloomy, but when ?ll
natur? ii pleasant and bright that then thc fro*s
should begin to utter doleful Tonics?
But I tuutt stop. My timo gwws sWf/rtLilo
my letter grows loo long.
"To each to all, a fair g-,"d u^h;;
And ro>j dreams, -and slumbers light !"
-KX-'~" E'K'
. ^0-The Nasbriile Pres? jays : "The deaths '
of Confederate prisonOrs at Camp JL.rton are at. h
the r.ite of mero than ono hundred a month_'
ninety-tbrco lust December, one Luadrod and '
fourteen during tbo rucceedjng January. This
ia a heavy mortality out of only about twenty. I
eight hundred human beings, j
Siege of Charleston.
The. enemy hive- kept up a 'brisklombard;J
mti'it ?i the c-fy since our last jepoit. The j
number of shells thrown during' .twenty-bur
hours .ending'five o'clock Friday evening weri
ont hundred and eight. , .:. +? < '.
One whit* wotnari, a Mrs. Kennedy, was
s rio!:.;!y Rounded ia the Itg atout three j
o'clock Ilntrsday norning. She was asleep
wbe.? a ?hell entered her (rouse, and in pacing ?
through chattered the- bc&posts, the pieces
striking ker on the le?', fracturing ike bone,
it waa believed th*t amnutation would hz ne
c.-ssary. -. - .>.:;? "-, '.* V .
The mx&S&t* opened for a fhort tim?-1<M
and lilted a lew .shote 1t.Fort irurntcr:
There was no ol?tr charge-ol' importance.
Courier of 5th.
From Fl?^dsS--??#iher C?iifttdeintc
- SA-VANKA ii, March,1. ^
A special dispatch lo the Ilepublican says
that a detachment of two of mir regiments uf
cavalry and some infantry, all under command
*! Col. Anderson, ol' tli? 5-h,Gcorg;a,j?ttack
cti the rnernv ?i C implPTnuegan on TiWday.
. Thrf ca.mp'waa prtAkon, the tnamy badly
ahi^ped and.pursued to wilkin t1 :ec miiea ol'
Jacksonville. - '
Our K*ss was Ecven killed and twcuty-lwo
w'cauded. Eneni>'s loss very heavy.
THE Yicronx t.v FLORHJA.-Ail accounts
from, Florida prove that the victory achieved
by our lbrco? u??er Gen. Finnegan was a de
cisive one. The result, too, is Important, as
it saved th5Stater or the greater portion of
i?, from being overrun, and-the capital tr?t?
falling into thc hands of thc invaders. The
Northern j jurnals had entt-rtahied great ex
pectations of this" expedition, for they suppos
ed tbe Statu defe'e less.. The obstacle pre
sented by our brave troops will i?rely disap
point them.
fSt" Wo call attention to tho"' card of Mig B.
. TOMJ-SINS, to be foend in another column.
Fonding. . .
gee tbc Advertisement af M:-jorZ. W. CAJI WILE.
A Citixen."
This c:t:zen writer a timely article. Tu deny
...ur ?lave, reason .Lie and proper diversion isis
hard-hoarUd aad disgustingabomiuation, bul un
.b?abtedly tbey huYo been disporting themselves
tojlavisbly cf late. Their p.-.rtiss and rc-uniour,
from ali wa hear, arc of almostnigklly occurrence.
Their fea?t.? are said to bo fabulously rich and
lusurb.u?. To attain tbend they of course out
rage t? e SiUcommanJ.acut fearfillyi An Inodoubt
b.-f'TC they get through their /andunyuet, they io
rulenco to the Decalogue generally. -
- Soldier? at Home.
Tl.ii time their name is it-.?-i>m.- Capt. JA us s
?.-rii't-1-i VAN Qu.irtMmas.wr of thc Ifltb, A?i;tant
.burgeon Wji. STft>.'TKKJi; Mr. Jons P. HATES and
."vir. Aiot STts ULOTEK of the 2ud S. C. Caralr}-,
Mr. (?noller, PLANO (.f 2d Regt. "S. C. Artilbry,
.Mr. WILLIAM LOTT, and that brave boy, R?:E?E
NICHOLAS, of the Hih S. C. V., and Mr. Bsx
EoxTWRtGHT ?r.-l LAtrnEMK CoVAH, of
h ; old 7th. who bri::g UH the newe (and il by no
nieaij astonishes ?s) that the Paid good ?nd glarl
.i?t Regiment bas re-enlisted fer the war lo fi man.
Taree cheers r.nd a tig- r fer thc old "tb !
Cur. Holtham.
Our honored Chief Magistrate; Gov. M. L. Bos
HVJI, li?J boon uniong U? far two day? p.*.jt, look.
i :? ircllj hearty, hippy. Well-tried cud tbun utrh
]T-t?v?t?.i cn the battle-acid and in ibo council
ch;.mhcr, gallant raid irr, pure pal riot, inenrrupil.
bl? p-l'titian. Ldgt-f id will always bc glad to
TTetc'-'m? bim-always proud t:> cali him ber son.
An Edgelield natue Identified with
This War..
We moon MILKS. WC wtre happy to me<t a
|,d*y or two ago Mr. OSAHL?S MILE?, ons'of the
original members ef tho old 7tlt, ALBERT, a
yottngtr brother, was the protc-martyr of tbisTio
ble corps-the fir#t r.tcn of the "th killed by
Yankee ballets. And in a few days after, at Sav
age Station, fell NEWTON, II gallant cousin. They
died rioriou.?ly-doing honor to their uamo and
ootAtry. CaARUe ^ivrs us a glowing account of
the ftattis*aud spirit of LOSUSTIIKBT'S Corps.
Monday last was Sale Day in C^nrt Week.
More ppople abroad '.ban wo have seen en any
sale day. in nine month?; came out we ditro ?ay
tr. hejies of being ablu lo pay their State Tax and
save the additional 33 J cents which they will have
to plank down aft?r the 1st April. Tbey didn't
have the chanco however. Jax Collector notoiit.
No Judge, no Srlioit'.r, tu Jury, noCo^rt. Kolb
ing seid. People sauntered cbont and di<cus|ed
the war, t^e cunent-y, the tituation, the project.
Great difplny of ?t .liions and Jacks-the latter
infernally noiry and vociferous ; wished ardently
that a bhell from Gilmore's ''Swamp Angel"
would fome V hiz/iag by and take off their ieud*.
Great many soldit rs in tho crowd ; crutches aud
cuij,tyslc-cvcs on every side. All honor to them.
* Stagger juice " pretty wt ll played out; every
bo?y went home-sober. Very little trading;
small change ??ne up the spout Rainj?h weath
er. Village j-oojile got nothing in the round
world to eat. Wo ad\i?o them to pray, hoping
that through their prayers, they may be fed us
WHS Elijah on the bucks of the Erook Chtrith.
Otherwise they will undoubtedly have to play the
dreary a:.d huimliatmg rule of Nsbuchadaezzar.
Hopeless, hopeless ! for Ibero is ucl even gra? !
Kui: ? Vegetables.
We agnio urge upon our planting friends the
polioj and duty of prep?riug fnr a butintiful crop
of vegetables for their negroes. Them 1? not,
says the Columbus 7V,;i?r, by a large amount,
meat enough in tho Confederacy to allow full
ratioa? to thu army and people, negroes included.
Thc army must be fed, wc all kuow, and the
smoke hottec? of planters mu?t furni.m tho sub
sistonce. TIA meat ratiocs of the negro niu-t be
reduced to,nt Ibast two pounds per weofc. With
plenty of vegetables thie is sufficient, or will do
very well. Without that addition, tho negroes
will suffer. Let every planter, then, put in at
least a half aero iu oollardj tr every ten hands.
If be will manuro tho ground highly, that halt
acre will ba worth to him a thousand dollars or
more. Now is the time to plant them. Don't
mind cold weather. It won't hurt them. In t life o
months from to-day we will receive the thanks of
every mao who adopts this adrico.
Kniil upon Richmond.
Tho Yauaoo Cavalry General Kilpatrick h-.s
bcou n:iditig briskly tu tho ncighboiliood of Rieb- I
mond, but haz eeeompHs?eJ nothing. A battery '
of artillery went cut from tho city and huon :
brought bis manoeuvres ft naught. 'Tis said bo j
t?>ol: ott* from some country rceidejicv near the city ?
(he fitnous Mrs. Patterson Alina, who is under iu
dictaient for trcaim in tho Confed?ralo D.strict ,'
Court. Happy rid-iaooe. On Wodu??day nigit
last, another party of raiders *-M? severely pus
ishc?, their leader, Actiug Gent. I'ablgreti. klUeti, I
and binoty of their mcu captured. So far this j
geling tho Ybnkcos havo emphatically "como to ?
jrief." I
The,JHlitnrys Tax, and Currency "Bills.
COPST^BS^ &djOTrned?gn the 18th of tho past
month.;, i SJ th? MI*.-U?WW5? the ^people of<ibe Ccn*
federsey haye had timbad -ippertunHy \c study
sud iii.mrvi-lhe uri MdiUry, Tax, and.Currency
Bil't-and what is .t$fi?r opinion of the same?.
OnrAwn is, and vre it?'"not singular in this re
spect; that our SenatoV? ?nd Representatives Liv*
dime their work hobiy,rtiiat they have acted like
men ami Sute-rmcn, lh?j|; th?y deserve the.pra?e?
and eonfidviice of tue country. And now if the
pcotdelbve virtue otruugh to carry nut thc meas
ures oont-iinid hi'these ?TtcActs, our euvhtry is
?ufe;- and we doubt noj^that tho peoplejiave tbir*
virtue. Wv now carDsjsHy exhort ad men to a
cheerful and'manly cempjiuues with the l=rs of
thc country. .Submit to tie law every mun must,
hut a hearty and ?calcas co;operation nita the
luws of the ccubjryrJr?l?dd much to tltelr weight
and eflicsey.
The Tax Bill is heavy ; not more so however
than was absolutely occeinary. The military Bill
makes an'entrenched camp of the- Confederacy
as it ought to have dona. . A cheerful submission
on the part sf th* people to theta strong mea.ures
will convince our enemies of the fully of their
caU-ulal?</U3, and show them tant wo aro fearfu?v
in PuiDtt'. in ibis struggle-that" we intend to
sp?.nd tlc !?tt dollar.iiid the last drep of Ui*d
i;i Uriving a brdtid Tjraht out of .our counliy
The lax ii heavy, and if will e: st us something to
pay it; but better so than submit to a base and
ferocious foe, who in hlspbreiuy, bas sworn to
baukrupt our property, d^^ch our . wive?, and
enslave our children. -If^tbcreforo the law re
quires you to go into thc, army, shoulder your
musket cheerfully, Uki* man, and marok-and
may God's protecting hand go with you. Better
m*el th* li ea dish foe upon the battle field and
slay him there. Otherwise yon will soon have
the wolf at your door ; and must then battle with
him .-ingle handed.
Let those who are disposed to despond remem
ber that this is probably the last wnr tsx wc shall
.be called upon to pay. .These mca-ures will put
us In a stronger.position than wc have, yet occu
pied, and whon thc oncmy secs that we arc resolved
and aldo tb carryon this wrr foran indefinite
peri..J, he will be broughHq a state of sanity.
Tho Currcucy Bill wo think has boin wisely
conceived. Wo aro especially pleased with the tax
of 33] per cent, on Treasury notes. It is undoubt
edly the ouly avuilable way of getting rid of a
curroncy that was pressing us to death. This tax
will fall just whore it ought to fall, up;n those
who have, been making mendy during this wnr.
It w?U not touch a soldier or a toldier's family;
and M hile they are defending our properly with
their blood, thc least the citizen can do ls to sup
pert the soldier with hi? mercy. It is sometimes
objected to us a forped loan ;" if so, it is bor
rowed.from those who^are quite abie to lend. But
the troth is that uo one can bu injured by this
tar ; the ?5* cents left after paying the tax, will
he worth as niauh RS tho entire dollar now is. -In
.?titer words sixty six conts after dbe first of April,
will buy ai much cern, er bacon, or homespun,
las a dollar will to.-d.ny. Tho Eleven Dollars paid
the soldier will, after April, be worth something,
and, together with tho provisions furnished hy
tho Boards of Relief, will, we think, furnish a
comfortable support for (be soldier's' family. A*d
it is in reference to tho support 'of the Army, wc
confess, that wo view every suljtct. With the
Aruiy clothed and fed, and their familias takeu
cure of, wc have nothing to fear.
" Apologetic.
Many ?-enticu-tu of our t??vu lure upbraided
us in the most ferocious manner fer suggesting to
the hidic.-; that thoy sheuld reouir tu thc Bee Store
lo be :<1. 1 hese #o nt ism cu flatter them
selves that the teuderr yet awfcl, rite can bc per
fumed ct wu'.i in Edv-eticld as ut the lite Store.
Wo tberurore ranko Ihfl amende kimvr*bte by pub
lishing Lo tho ludios that they ??1 nut go lo lue
Beo Store to be squeezed. Pilch ia lemons !
For the Advertiser.
Thc Army and the People.
, lu every coated of a people for frcodom, thc
struggle, though oftentimes brilliant, is brief, un
ley? conducted by well organised and-discipliaed'
fore?*. Tibe spatmedie o?urt? uf the people rartly
succeed in (renting moro than a temporary ob
struction to an armed force whioh is hurl'.digalnst
its barriers. This tact ?eems well aulhenticMed
by historians and military writers. In a w&rd,
the independence of a country ia won b; its r. rmy
niau*. If this lu trui,ls it nut theulho duty of the
pooplc, if they expect success and desire indepen
dence, to contribute iu ?very possible Vay tc the
SN ti M? tu SM', 'Irenijih, and r.flicivncy pf thfcir armies
iu tho field '! And if this bo their duty, in \, hat
way have the people disuhargod it? Have they
co-operated in placing in the ranks every able
bodied man, who could bc more serviceable in thc
feld, than at Acme ? Have they encouraged their
friends, and relations to seek? tho camp, rather
thau the drtiiJt-the Helmet rathor than thejjsf
tieoat : Have they represented ta the young
men, shrieking from their duly to Ike country,
the disgracoMvkicb txttdohes to thiir name, by cex
doct equivalent to desertion .'^Jlavo they inquired
of the t?.le bodied meu, strolling aVout our street;,
why they arc not in tho Army ? And htvvo they
reported to tho Knrollii.g ot?eer.'?, ail persons sub
ject to conscription, and required him to enroll
thoa forthwith? Wo fear that in general they
have nut done any of the-** things.
Catt your ?yrs along the streets, nnd you will
see rai nf, who ought to be with their brethren iu
thc field, day after dsy>^loafiing away existence,
in e'iumrful and dishonorable idleness. Mon who
have fattened upon the blood of their follow, men,
guily ci joying life in the midst of a community,
whose morality they blnnt and endanger hy asso
ciation. Meu who carry ia their packets tXgvi
certificates of appointments, obtained by the j
bribery and corruption of some degraded creature
who pretends to hive position in the army. Men
who assume to act hy virtus of foryed or pur
chaud appointment*, and who thoald be instantly
arrested as guilty of or insliyatori, to the crime e/|
/?iryery. These ure some of the ease?, which dai
ly mott the popular eye, and which arc as often
unnoticed. Can it be said then that tho pcupU
aro doing their duty ? Can it be said that they
are co-operating with their brethren in the field ?
C'jiMt be said that men in Inte village, have not
actually refined to assist, in sending men into (he
army, who were liable to conscription ?
The Army chould know, who aro its friends,
and tho frieuds of tee country. It should mark
for proscription, thc men who skulk front the servie
of tho country-the men whu have boen making
mtfhey in this wari and refuu to uttiet the milita
ry authorities in placing cuiitcript* in the service,
when applied lo by patriotic and gallant ejjiceri
of thc army. We expect our sabliers under diffi
cu'ties to perform miracles. In the enjoyment of j
good ealing and drinking our enthuria>m and
patriotism U at fever beat. Ia ccmrortable apart
ments and in warm beds wo forget tho ebi ury.
sleeting bivouac ?ajkythe ?oldicrof the Conto dorsey. J
Thc people have high duties to discharge. Tho I
Army is d.dng its part faithfully, earnestly and
successfully. Tho.pcople must act wilh it in the
same spirit, iu order to insure speedy and perma
nent success. WILLIAM TELL.
The Alhnuy papers sajfc. that several of
the Confed?ralo prisoners who reetRtly-^iasscd
through ihat eity^werc barefoot, and wero com
pelled to cross tho river on the leo in that condi
tion. Barbarous. .
- ,J?or the Ad vert Uer. .?> J
MR, EDITOR.-" Ma xv YoTEiis'\b*T?ng kindly |
noniL'Ueil uie for s seet ju tte "?*xt Lrj?islaturc :
the Atlci-iiiscr, in a ?oni? limentiry editorial, ?
ubi-.h I ?luljr* appra.ci*,U, hiu-iug endorsed tbul.j
riojuiuttinn ; and other lr ion ?la hu\ ibgr-ad Jed their '
?olicitationy, ?? therefore' eiiftrtully sceert the !
uomiiiatibu.- Should the people deem me wert hy
and elect,'whatever of ability, whatever of ener
gy I Eisy i>e "po.-serscd of, shall bo devoted to
guarding their rights ind. promoting lt vir inte.
r^its,jiiid so far as V.ee in my-?paire of ae'-iju, \o
upholding and advancing the causo-%f-?ur e?ir
mon country. . .
? ? Vjry respectfully, . ^
L"^ thc Advcrtitrr.
MR. EntTon,-While cUi.r*-District. Tax Col
Icetvrs Lu the Srat'e i.rc ?weivi?g Sbito -TRJ'C? in
March, (as btw always been thc CMlnro,)' thereby
enabling the titi-u?ns-to pay their Taxes btforo
the currency is depreciated, will not thc Tax Col
lector of EJgcGeld givo its cirizene tVe jame op
poitenily. A w^rd to the wise is suiueient.
j, Por the Advertiser. ^.
Tho Edgefiv-lil Village Aid Association grate
fully acknowledge tho following donation? : From
Dr. H. R. Cook, through Editor AJct*ti*tr,. $50;
Mrs. John Rainsford eight pairs of Socks and
four broaches of nice Sewing Thread. Wo hapo
others will fullow lbs good example set by Mrs.
RuinFford, aid send thread to sew with as it is
cn article very much reidcd. Mrs. Ben. Maya
has bad woven for the Afii.ciation a bolt of very
nice flannel, fur which kind and generous set, we
return our mest grateful thanks.
MRS. WM. Goonsu:?, Scc'ry k Treas'r.
For the Advertiser.
Nefrro Parties.
Mn. EriTOB-Tn th?so times of scarcity and
depredations upon meat houses, it is certainly thc
duty of those who remain at home to see toit
that-negro parties are broken up. There is scarce
ly,* week without one or more of those par tic? in
the Village orits vicinity ; ond in most pl?ees they
seem to he conducted without thc presence of
white persons, c r at all evonts of white men, and
\vhilo many white families are destitute of tho
essentials of lifo, these parties arc supplied with
oven the luxuries. Now thc question arises, from
what socrco como these supplies ? My only object
is to call attention to these patties and to hopo
they muy le discontinued in the future, except
whero white men are in attendance. As to these
parties in tho Village, we call tipcn the Town
Council, aud hold them *e2punsible as tho guardi
ans of our people. A CITIZEN.
From lhp. Front.
The Allanta Confederacy ot Wednesday
Tho latest intelligence from tho front of
Dalton reports the enemy fortifying ut Rirg
gold Gap.
Our Cavalry advance is beyond Tunnel!
Uitl. There is nothing stirring on either
Rank, and perfect tranquility reigns at Dalton
and in thc surrounding encampment?.
Thc telegraphic lutes bsve bceH retstab
??shed to /Fui: nell Hill, and thetraius will seen
ruh through to that point-perhaps within thc
next twenty-four hour:?.
The spirit of tho aiiny MU?C the-repulse.of
the enemy at Mill Creek Gap is unexampled
in any provious campaign, for ?onfideuce in
themselves and in 1 heir comtnandcr-in chief.
The men are chen lui and contented, bca!;hy,
full of lire, and eager far an advance over the
border. Shoos bay? been issued to nearly all
the commands, iud tho Army g?:.erai!y lt
supplied with boni for table clothing acd -jocd
At present there is no indications of au
advance movement by cither anny, but stir
ring times may be anticipated in the neigh
borhood of Chattanooga before the s-pring is
Thc rumor that tie enemy is fortify lng
Ringgold Gap is premature. They have
merely thrown up some temporary breast
works orr Taylor's; Ridge.
The Federal loos is ?ow* ascertained to be
rot Issi than tight hundred in killed and
Thomas personally co m tn and ed his trofps
in the late navaiicr. Palmer Qt^vcommaod
ed a corps.
Col. Jackson, of Ibo Yankee cart airy sud
live men were killed at one .firerof.a piece ol
Wheeler's artillery. Col. McCooapa brother
of Gen. McCook, was also killed.
... ? ? *
Latest from the North.
. RICHMOND, March 5.-A flag of trnce boat
arrived at City Point last nightwilh Gu officers
and 800 prisoner*, brought up for exchange.
It ia not yet known what Comm ist ?oner
Uuld's decision will be. Ho proceeded to
City Point ibis morning, ar.d will return to
New York Clea to the Sd inst, inclusive
hare beer*, received.
Kilpatrick was moving on Richmond, witjj
ins;ructions to Jack the rebel capital, and re
lease thc Union prisoners.
A Washington telegram stiys that unofficial
correspondence between Rutler and Ould re
sulted iu declaring the exchange of r.ll priso-.
.ncr? delivered at City Point ?.> the 24th Jan
Grant bas been appointed Lieutenant Gen
The New York Times editorially remarks
that it is quirt evident a ministerial crisis in
England is imminent. Everybody,!* dissatis
fied with the position of iQisign relations, and
the public are becoming very restive.
Gold closed in New .York at DJS I
MAHUIKU, on the '.'th Fen., at tho residence of
John Cogburo, Esq., bj?Rcv. H. T. Bartley, Rrv.
WILLIAM JOHNSON, vf Florida, and Htvs.
SUSAN EDMONDS, of this District.
MAnnisn, at Vaucluse, on ll* ?th inri., bj Rev
D. A Boudie, Mr. SIMKIXS &?DDLEand Miss
MARRIED, at the same time end place, by tbs
same, Mr. JAMES COWAN and Mis* CA CO
-For thc Legislati-fte.
MH. EDITOR :-AS the country at this tinae re
quires the ba*t talent, we-propos? "thc nr.ui?-' of
Gen. R. G. M. DUNOVANT for a; Seat in the
next Legislature. Wo hopo be will not refuse to
giro the State the hoce?t of his Ciiineil.
Feb. 17 - lo - 8
Board of Kein*.
A cull moeting.of thu Board of Relief is hereby
appointed for the Second Monday in .Mareil, 14th
inst. A punctual attendance is mractttly dosircd
ns business of importance must bo traruiccted.
J. H. MIMS, See'ry anti Treas.
Mar. 2 21 1U
For Sale
AGOOD WORK HORSE. Sold for nu /suit,
-the owner having no uso for him. A*j ply
at this oflioc.
Mart) j J 3t ll
For Sale,
AGood WORK HORSE. Terms reasonably .
Apply at this office.
Ma/, i 'lt iQr
FuM Your Money!
[tM Jaie Aol. of Cen gre??, eas Jo so oy and after
Monday n&xt, at the Office of the jComatL-siohcr
iu Equity. -..
All tintci* inuit bo endorsed with the name of
tho person ofter jug lh?m, as none will bc tokeii
without said endorsement.
Z. .W. CAKwILE, Depositary.
Edgrficld S. C., Mar 7", 18C-4. . 4t fl
f OLVX'BiXfS. C , Mu:chl, lS64fl,v'
Th? Tax Correctors of theievernl Districts and
Pariahes of'Als State are hereby notified that, in
conformity with thc following instructions, they
will be required-to make a deduction of thirty
three ?ni one-third per ecu;, on all " Confederate
Treasury notos" bearing date"prior to lit April,
,ls>r''l, received by them from aid after the Tst day
of April n?xt, in payment of faxes due 'to this
Stute. . Tb?y are also required, nfter the 1st of
April next, to send their certificates to this office
of the amount of taxes received by them respect
ive!/ before that dato.
Compt rollor-G ?norah
- COLUMBIA, March 1, 1864.
7J jr? F'XCiUthcy Governor Denham.
Stu: In ropiyto your inquiry as to the kind-of
motoy in which Tax Collectors shall require pay
ment of State.taxes after 1st April next, I answer
that the Tax Ccllector is required ta receive Con
federate Trsn.'ury notes or other current funds,
but, in ray opinion, after th? lat April, Confede
rate Treasury notos being, by Act of the. Con fed?
rete Oor&rcss, reduced in value as currency 33i
per cent., tho:e notes, instead of being received at
1150 cents Lb tho dollar, should he taken at tho
va?uo as currency fixed by law, viz : Cfi? o?nts on
the dollar. .
I sm, very reaped fully, your obedient s-.rvaat,
I. Xt. MAYNE, Attorney-General.
To .htm** A. Clad; E?q., Comptroller-General.'
Sin : You will issue, instructions to the Tax
Crihcturs in conformity with the abovo opinion of
the Attorney-General.
Tax in Kind
ALL Claims for Hauling Tux ic Kind to this
Depot must b's settled hy the end of'the
month, abe they will not bs allowed. Tho order:
aro positivo and peremptory.
I am now shipping ail the Fodder I receive ti
Capt. Gregg's Company. I have thipped*scver?]
Cur loads und Capt. Gregg writes me thai several
et the bales, upon being opened, were found tc
be musty and moulded, and unfit for any purpose.
Planters arc earnestly requested to uso* no watei
in packing, as n very littlo spoils the Fodder, and
it will nut bc rcceiied if it eau bo detected, noi
unless it j? securely baled. I have heretofore re
ceived some insecure packages because I could
turn lt ovor to the Quarter-Master in Augusta foi
Post Horses, but os all hereafter is to bo shipped
it MM?t be Oietl lalr.il.
Depot I, Sec. 5,4th Con. Dist/
Humbiirg, Mar (J, Ut ll
Military Notice.
EncVrrian C. H., Mar. 8th, lRf.4.
COMMISSIONED and Kon-Commi-sionod 05i
uer? and Privates, detailed men in any De
partment whatever, also sick and wounded Sol
diers absent from tho command of Gen. Long
itrect, or the Army of Tonnessee, will report u
me at these Head-Quarter; immediately, prepared
to move elf to their Commands.
Those who fail to report within a reasonable
time will be arrested and tent to their command:
under guard.
By cemmsnd of Geo. John-tun.
L. CHARLTON, Capt. C. S. A.
Mart? 2t ll
KDCE?'IELU C. n., Feb. 25, lif.4.
?.THE Medical Examining Board of the 4tL
. Congressional District will meet for the ex
amination of Conscripts and Soldiers on Fur
lough at tho fullowiug times sud places:
Edgeficld C. H., S-.turd-.iy, 1'iih March.
Newberry, : Monday, 14th "
Abbeville, W pductday,l(kh. "
??mi*:,*, I" ii day, Is th "
Sxingtou, Monday, 21ft "
II. 1. Officers and and soldiers on furlough,
trho ?re able tu traed, must report to a JIu?jiiiat
Exnmir.ing Board for extension. Such extension
c.ianot bc recommended by thc' Medical Board
fur the District. e?
2. Those who are unable to trovel to ? llotpitat
Board muy report to the Medieal Board lor thc
District on tho day* above indicated. '*'
Those who ure physically unable to Uart
home to appear before tho Medical Board for the
District will, previous to thc days appointed, ?etd
up to the Enrolling Officer cf the Distriet tho cor
tificalucf his attending physician, embracing i
full and accurate statement of the cuso-which cer
tificate will be referred by the Enrolling Officer
to thc Medical Beard for their action.
Prtit. Exam. Douri ilk C?ng. Ditt,
MarO - 2t Jl
EortariELO C. H., March lid, 186.1.
Til S nolics of All Conscripts awaiting ?xum
inuatiou uv the Board of Surgeons, and of all
Soldiers erhosv Furloughs havo expired, is called
to thc foregoing Ordors of th s" Pres id eut of thc
Examhiiot; Bi?ard of Surgeons pt the4*.h Con
gressional District.
Lieut, .t H. 0. of Edge.
Mar 9_2t "_ij_
\i? COLUMBIA, S. C., March 5, lSt>4.
throughout die State, who have not remitted
the amounts for sales of CARDS and CLOTH in
fttil, aro hereby requested t i do so before 1st April
next. All amounts received by them after said
date for sa'.es of above, will bo subject tu tho de
duction ul' thirty-three end a third per cent., and
wiil bo so received by this Department.
Bv order ol the Governor. * .
' Lt Col and C. G. S. C.
Mar 9 . 3t. Tl'
g-y All papers In the State will ploa.?e In?ert
three times and send bills ia duplicate, with copy
of adrertistuient attached, tu tim Departui-mt fur
ALL Slaveholders within the limit; of tho Low
er Battalion, 0th Regiment, are hereby sum
moned '<# deliver ons-fuurlh uf their Slaves lia
ble to road duty, at Hamburg, S. C., on Wednes
day, the 23d-day of March ite.xt, ?y 7 o'cluek,
A. M., tor trausportation to Charleston, for Thirty
Days lal?r cn thc fortifications.
Also, all Slaveholders in said Battalion are
her< hy requested to meet at Red Hill, Tuesday
1 ?th Inft., tn elect tn Ovciscer to take ehargo of
their Slaves on the (.'oast.
B. Ti MIMS, Chair.
Mar 9 lt ' ll
ISHALL charge Five Dollars for the services
of my BULL the season for caeh Cow served,
lt can bc disekaeged by a receipt from the head
of any indigent family in the neighborhood sta
ting that they have received that amount in money
or provisions. SAMUEL BROOKS.
Mar 9 2t Jl
Stray Mule.
TR AYE D fri>ra the Subscriber some weeks
" since a light colored hay HORSE MULE,
lour years old, suiill siso,-when last heard front
ho was iu tho neighborhood of Richardsunvillc.
Any information concerning bim will ho thank
fully received and liberally rewarded if roturncd
to me at Augusta, Go.
Angula, Mar 2 " 3t Jj
TUE Ban ks.cf .South Carolina hereby cull the
atUmliun-of all concerned, to the operation
of the Act of the Confederaw^ngi^s^opprored
February 27, 1384, by which ?til Treasury notes
ubove tho d?nomination of ?ve dollars l?t funded
iu four per cent, bondi beforo the Ors: of April,
proximo, will bo thon' subjected to a tax of 33J
per coot., and they horoby -ive no (icc,
1st. That all persons ?nd corporations bari- ?
claims upon them for deposits, Bank balances,
Certificates of Deposit, Checks, Dividends, &>:,
ic., shall present their claims' and receive pay.
mont thereof on or beforo the l'Jth dsy of pareta,
2d. To facilitate;, the operations-of?tb?jr'custo
mers iu funding th*ir Ireosary noleB in-'fouj'p't.r
cent, houds, according to thc jthov? AcT of Con
gress, tb? Banks ?iii continua to recoure the samo
on deposit until the 12th day of Starch,- in.'taut,
and to pay chock? drawn ugainst ibo some, until
tho 19tb idem-both dates inclusive.
JU. After the 19th day of Moxoh, instant, afore
saiih the Bank?, in order to airoid, for their de
positors and others interested, the tax of 23? per
cent., will proceed to fund the Treasury notes
then remaining in their possession in four per
cent, bonds, en account ofj-aud'for tho benefit of
sal-I depositors and others, and thereafter pey all
such claims iu tho said bends.
. ? 4 th; Tho liai, ks will coutioue to receive and
'pay out Treasury notes of ibo denomination ol'
?ve dollars and less, aud will receivo in the same
munuer xs heretofore thc new. i?.-uea to bu made
under this Act. .
Prcs't Commercial Bank of Columbia. .
Fres't Exchango Bank of Columbia.
Pres't Planter's L Mechanic's Bank, Charleston.
Prcs't Bank of Charleston.
Pres't South Western R. R. Bank.
Pres't Planter'sBank of Fairfield,
Pres't Bank of Chester.
J.' G. HENNING, ''.
Pres't Bari- of Georgetown.
Pres't Farmer's and. Exchange Bank.
, Pres't Merchanio's Bank of Chen v.-.
WM. B. SMITH, ...
Pres't TJnwu Bank.
? Pras't Batik of the Stato of S. C., Charleston.
Pres't Branch Bask of S. C. at Columbia.
Prcs't Bank of S. Carolina.
. D. L. MCCAY,
PreS't People's Bank.
Prcs't State Bank.
Pres't Bank of Newberry.
?3?" All papers in -thc Stato publish till the "
19th March und loud bills to thc Bank ofrCharlos
ton In Columbia, S. C.
March ? .-'- 2t ll
27th February, 1861.
S. W. B. DORN, Longmires P. p., haring
executed and hied his Bond in this De
partment ou tko 27tk February, 1S64, in compli
ance with the rcquiaitioas of an Act to amend an
Act entitled rn-Act to suppross the undue distil
lation of Spirituous Liquors ir. this S tate passed
17th December 138:1, is hereby appointed by bia
Excellency, the Governor, an Ageut to Mannfac- *
turo and soil a limited quantity of Alcohol and
Whiskey in Edgefield District to regularly prac
ticing -Physicians and registered Druggists of
said District for Medical purposes. ?
All other persons Distilling in Edgefield Dis
trict are'doingVo in direct viojV.ion of tho Law,
and uro amcnablo to Its penalties.
It is thc duty of all leaders of Patrol to report
ull such persons, and ef all Magistrates to eeizo .
.and suppress their Still*.
By order of thc Governor.
. Lt. Col. & Cotn'y-Gen'i. S..C.
Mar 9 3t ' - ' "
State of South Carolina,
BV W. F. DURISOE, E?q., Ordinary of Edge
field District.
Whereas, Ansel .Devore has applied to me
for Letfors of Adniiuistratien, on all and singular
the goods and chattels, rights and crodi:.' of
Lewis Clark, lato of tho District, aforesaid,
These aro, therefore, to^i'e and admonish all
and singular, the kindred ?iud creditors of thc said
deceased, tu bo ami appear b;fore mc, at our next
Ordinary's Court for the .--aid District, io be holden
at Edgefield Court 'House, on Ibo 11th day of M?ir.
inst;, to show cause, ii' any, why tho said admin
istration should not bc granted.
Given under my bani und ?*eal, thia Int day
of Mar., in the year of our Lord one thousand
eighth un dre J and sixty-four, an.t in tho eighty-'
eighth year of thoTudependeiice of S. Cur-Ilia.
W. F. DUK1S0E, O.F..U.
M;irch :l_ 2te_1?
State of South Carolina.
fil Qk'b?NAh Y.
BTW. F. DUIUSOE, E:-q., Ordinary of EilgO?
field Bistrict; ^
tVbero:as, Cb?rTrs M. May h "applied to me
fr.r Letters of Administration, with tho will an
nexud, <>u all aud singular tho Roods ?ad chat
tels, ri"his and croaks if Lewis May, late'ot'
tho District at'oreiaidj dee'd.
Theso arc, therefore,' to cite and admonish all
and singular, tho kindred and creditors of tho
said deceived, '.a Lc.ai-d appear-before me, at our -
next Ordinary's Court for the ?aid District, to bc.*
bodell at r.dgeSdld C. H.. on the ltthduy cf
Mar. inst., to ?how cause, if any, why tue said
adssjrnistrution eliou'.I iv.-, bc granted.
Given under my hand and seal, this 1st day
af Mur. in the y?ar of our Lord on? thousand
eight hundred and SixtJ-four, aud in theejghty
ei 'htli year of the Indepondeueo of South Care- '
linn. W. F. DURISOE, O.E.D.
Mar. 2 _2lo_. 10
?tate of South Carolina,
BY W. F. DURISOE, Esq., Ordinary of Edge^?
Cold District. ...
Whereas, Henry Ouzt', Sr,, bas applied to mo
for Letters ol* Administration, tu bonit no?, ca all
and singular thc goods and chattels, fights and
credits of Mary Ousts, late of tho District
aforesaid, deo M..
These e.rc, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kiudred and creditors of the
said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our
next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be
boldon at Edgetictd Codrt House, on the 23th day
of Mar. inst., to ?how causo, if any, why tho
said administration should not bc granted.
Givea^pndcr my hand and' soal, this 7th day of
Mar. in tho year of. our Lord one. thousand
oigbt hundred lind "sixty-four, and iu the eigkly.
eighth year of the Independence'Of S. Caron: e.
W. F. DURISOE, o.E.n.
Mar 9 2t_ll
AFINAL Settlement ou the Estate of May
A. Turner, dee'd., will be made iu the Or
dinary's Oflice, on Friday, the 25th March. All
persons interested will thke due notice and gov
ern themselves accordingly.
Mer 9 . 3t _ ll
AFINAL SETTLEMENT on tho Eitate of
Winfrey Whitlock, dee'd., trill bc made in
tho Ordinary's OUiee, on Tucsdny, 7th June, 1 Sdt.
The Heirs of said Estate -n ill take duo notice aud
meet thc Administrator on tba day above men
tioned. GEO. WHITLOCK, Ad'or.
Mar? _3m_ U
AFINAL SETTLEMENT on the Estate of
Elizabeth Whitlock, dee'd., will he made ia
j the Ordiuary'a Ofiiee, on Tuesday,7th June. li>i?4.
j The Heirs of said Estate will t?hs duo notiee a:.<l
I mest tho Administrators at tho limo and place
: above spoeiiiod.
?Mari 3ai ll AoVor*.'

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