Newspaper Page Text
PUBLISHED l>V??Y "WEDNESDAY MORNING nt r-? \; ;. *'. - V . "?T?E?S03, KEE3? &CO. S1TBSCII?PTION??..IO. thc ADVERTISER for "no your TEN DOLLIES " in anyones. For,Six. ".mili* FIVE DOLLAR?.' . ADVERTISEMENTS will ho Inserted ?rt FIVE DOLLAR:" per Sature (10 minion lines or le**) fur each insertion. Advertisements without inetrucUoiis as to the nujnber of times. TO be inserted, will bo published until forbid, and charged-accordingly. - Announcing Candidate* for any Office ''I honor or profit TWENTY DC'LCA"R?, to be paid before the an nouncement is published. ObitUBTv notices,'Tributes of Respect, or . any commu nication its nature, v.'ill berated a? adrrr lisomeiits aud charged accardlgcb:. Confederate Co?missioners-f o Proceed to-UoshingtOn. 'RtciiMO.vo, Jan. 28." Senator Heater of? Virginia, deat^fepheus, and Judge .Campbell of Ala bama, Tiave been appointed commissioners'td go to Washington to coffer with the author ises of thc United States Government cm the question^'peace. They will leave to-mor Late from 'Sherman. MicoNyJan. 2j3. Private advices from Savannah state that. Sherm in commenced his march on. South, Carolina on the '17th Last, .with three cd uoins. The maincolurnnjs moving towards Charles ton, talcing nearly all his transportation. Tho other columns, in light marching or der, are marchiug by separate roads' towards Branchville. . -#~- '- * Yankee Gnubout Destroyed. CHARLESTON, 'JilD. 27. The Yankee gunboat Ilia Ch?ny got ae round in the Combahee yesterday. Out batteries opcucd upon her and Get her on fire,; she hurried "to; the waters edge ; all the crew ex cept one Lieut., and" five men escaped ;k the prisoners.were brought to - the city Ui-dny. Thi?y report that the mo-itor sunk off Salli van'alslarid recently -was the P&tapsco, only five out of a crew of 300 were saved, ali the rest were drowned. Nothing' important hom below. Thc True Spirit; RICHMOND, Jan. 27th. The 53d Va. Regt., Picket's Divison, has unanimously adopted a serien of resolutions, declaring their purpose to fight for libero* aad solf^Goveniment as long as the Southern Cohfcd?rac}' can furnish cartridges, and to every dishonorable Offer of peace or submis sion made by the enemy, will reply with the crack of tho riOe and shouts of defiance. .tm lo?t r?solution rends thu*. . Th'.'se are our sentiments, and we cali upon tba people at ""home- and thc-authorities to supgdVt and rai ly around its, and -with God's blessing, we will b*jar the Southern cress through fire and biogd tili euch' star, upon it shall glow aud shine forever in Hie firmament of nations. ? -j-? -j The Peace Coianiissiouers. Tt wili be seen, by ti>o -Richmond telsgrau published this morning, th'ftt Vice Presideni Stephens, the flou. R. M. T. Ilunter, of Va. and Judge Campbell, <.* Alabama, bavo hear .<p?int?d as .C:nnmHsv>i,(vrsv t'V W?^hmgtor ende ivor to i egotiate terms of p? aev ..Vth the Northern authorities. -Vt'iHe ftc President, it ie useless to sp ;a!c; his fame, .r': tdinmantsand judgment are co extensive with American politics-for moro than a quarter ol a century. Mr. Hunter .was for many year? a Senator from -Virginia iii thc old Urion and. as Chairman of theFmane* Committee, ooo of its modi- prominent mon. Ila ls a m&n of emi'Je.aVauiiiii^s and ? Virginian ol thc noblest type. Without being a violent secos H?Odis?.'ho ha* r?w?y? Leun Or thorough advo rate of State Rights and . Southern indepen dice. Judg? Campbell, at ?be opening ol t ho war .wa.? onc*of t'.;e the Justices of-, tho Sum-erne Court. Ile is regarded as the fcrc most Iftwy r in Arnbamn, ?tnot in the wholt Smth. Iiis gemus is "mou-ded in tho cast of a*?Tan?y or "Marshall. In poiitics he ap proximate very chsoly to the standard ol Mr.. Hunter. - . . Thia trip tnay"bo said to comprise i ho three calmest, w;a;st and most conserva: ive intel kc's of our'country.- Wo feel assured that while there will be ho lowering ol" the pi ide of the land, no impulsive obstacles will be thrown in the way of an honorable adjust ment of-existirg difficulties. The very fact of ; President Lincolu;s hav ing recoiro them as Commissioners is clearly a vatt concession on the part of the Norih,eviocing a return of reason which prom ises well fOjT. the future. It. ia beloved , that President Davis ha? " written ah autographic letter to Mr. Lincoln, ia which the Southern argument is delivered. It is .very certain that therr- is no submission or dishonor in that document. At all ovents, there ia to be a, and time alono can develop its issue. While wer are far from advising our people to bo despondent of the result, we would yet cau tion them against undtlo prognostics and il lusory imaginings. Let us po-BCssr.our sou's in patience, hoping'the best, and ready for the worst. Oao good, at least will be ? achieved in the oveiit-pf failure-the -last plank of the timorous aud weak-kneed will bo thrust away; if wo Buccedd in securing all that honor d .? mands, the joy fcyenttia-tinc;.will be ineffable. It is an omen of some sig?ulicauce that the Commission will be inaugurated upon the day of the Xord-the day bf pea ce. Heaven go with it! In the meantim?t-let us- pray and-loaic}.. abating none of that eyerlastiiig vigilance which is tho pri'je of liberty.-Constitution alist. - " T A corrospondeut of' the Rebel etntes, on the authority of "Mr. Trenho?u);ir.bat thc Ag gregate d-bt of th? Confederate Governtficut, including its bonds and noten, is, in round numbers, one billion and a half; or at the.rat io oftwe?tyior One, #75,000 in gold. The bonds arc interest benrirjg properly, nnd are rafe investments so long as the Government < pay the interest on (hem. Seventy five .miltons of dollars in go? therefore, hnj been the eiitire .expenditure of thc- Governmcnf sir?:c*!t3 itn\hgdrat?an. Eut few of the-peo ple nre^&waro.of the' fact that in four years of hi dependence and-expensive war, tho South States have-*t'\n?uded only about <ne third more ort themselves,tba1 lb':;" 'previous ly annually ;-aid into ?ha UniudState? Trea?^ uryi ??ueh is the concludion of i'i^mvs, which never dt-ceiye. JtVers it not for the price of iii j >d wo have paid, i.t would bc almost rs c heap to fight ;hc 'Yankees as- to fraternize with them. " The Lincoln press, is in ovident tribulation from the repertod determination of the Con- ' fedcratcs to employ Africans in our servie:;, i or, aa thoy^phrasei.t, .'for, their (Yankee) j defitruction," bav. l cmi >:at the top of their throat-i that it is cviiJor.ce of denj-.-T.itrrtp. \< I '. b- trmift?? .^f it?c;r.\M by {lia Conledernt'es ' Is o--:-jr-nor"of .d^p*rdnofrY. whntH'S Ile" ai. -L. rd th'-m! !.}' YankficsHp.- evi Icr^p? { T'.iey ?:it: ... hav^- h':?^m'b?Wr?''rs:.>;. ?-s-<. wer-d'i?i. for ?Beydmye-bof-n '-ernploying <?5'eir>'*| fut year*?:; a?u .-J-?me of their lenders Aavr onc-r? ly confessed lhat/'without their aid, they , tx-ulc? not have carried on the war. j THE ADVERTISER. _B_?__?._? *? J AHES T.BACOff, EDITOR. . WEDNESDAY, FEB, 1, 18C5. Thc Advertiser Still Afloat ! Contrary to our expectation?, we are ynt at homo, having been deUilod by- Gov^-MaouATn to continue ot our avocation. The Advertiser therefore will not be suspended fur some timo to coined So send on your " Confed," and have yonr subscriptions renewed. All papers dlscon tinuod at the expiration of lifo- timo fer which thoy haye been paid for. Defaulters, Beware. Read the notice of Capt. H. A. SHAW, Agent ot Impressment.. A squad of Capt. S's. Company is' now in our vicinity .for the purposo of arresting tho slaves of uii dofmiters.-two for one. If thc hands are sent t? Augusta im mediately however, this wiU not be dor ;. Otherwise-verlum sap ! ? Auo' Uer Gleam. An intelligent gentleman in town bas allowed nis to read au intemtiug letter just received by bim from Cbarlestr-?. Tho'writer soys: "I nm satisfied, froth ?ll I '-oe hero,' that there is much inore, behind the-political scenes than we are awuro of. Tho largest inonied mea here are rapid ly shoving off their Exchange?nd Coin, and all nr#on tiptoe of ospeoUiion. Tho French Consul is reported to have told Mr. G. that tho Maximil ian Government Lad boen recognized^ at Rich mond, and intimated that/**in return for this/civ ility, France"1 would very ?oon recognize thc Southern Confederacy." It is comfortable to hear comfortable rumors. Boxes for the 7th Regt. - Mr. WILLIAM F. DimisoE, who is.-and has evei been-ready to spend and bo spent in the service uf our noble soldiers, begs us to make known thal ho is now at liberty to undortako one of hia Good Samaritan ?visit3 {ice say that) to the old 7th Several boxes are a'ready lodged in tho Adver tiser Office, for men o * thin veteran corps, and Mr ?. oniy nw* its a fuller load to start towards tb? Sn (kohat cb"i?; The brave boys of tho 7th coun : rom oilier Tields iliuarrated by their valor, nnc bri:!innt wita .victory ai)d renown, to do new sar vico und win fresh laurels on the soil of their na tiro State-. Our people (Edgoilold and Abbovilb most especially) should opon their hearts ant arms to receive them. Their prayers should at ctnd to Heaven for their'welture, and thoir grati tudo bo ready to.orown them with honor. Don' lot Mr. DDRISOE start withouUi very heavy bur-ion Ectter thuu the Peace Commission ? . Wo mean the arrival of Gen. STEPHEN D. LKE'I C-jrps, Of tho-Wcstora Army, in Augusta. Kb that we would cndomluo tho Pcaeo Commission tor when wc como-to think of tho matter, it ec curd lo eur luiuel idiot nil tho vars which hav taken placo within our rcuioiuhfanco, have bow ecdod abd sott'.cd by Commissioners. To wit tho Crimean V?Tar, tho lat? war botweon tho prc? ont Napoleon and Francis Joseph of Austria, nn< thc wnr, recently closed; between Germany nu Denmark. J-., j-_ l?ichtaond Pupers. Wc ure unfeignedly obliged to WILLUM IV Goona AS, Esq., of the 1-lth Regt. S. Cn Y., for full bitblt'ol' Richmond paper.-", of as lata dat aa thc 2?l!t ult . i 1 j iicu. Butler, and bis Veterans. '-"???.-.h.-AS- L'LTLL:t..\}it.'i two Brijradasvof/hi ntblo Dividion, arrived in Columbia teudays agi Ho has tiu-Jor hut ouininuud tere? BrigaJesj Ger YOV.NC'.S, (?on. B cutis q's, and that ol tue Int Gen. DUNOYAST. Of thc.=o three, Gea. DEAELVS' is loft, ?uTirgin?a. Wo hear that tho two Brig adt e which have oome on, havo been ortlorod i Midway; thc first station this sile of Brar.obwil ! ? -ou tho ?. C. Railroad. Gen* BUTLER an his Bien are lietou? nocunlomed to victory; an fully ?ettii'uiiued U, at thoir wholo diity toward the deiiverarics of :he Suath. All South Carolin ii jubilant with hope at their arrival, Nutio Gen. li'* appeal Lr horses, publi hud in .mollie column. The Weather. Tho weather for ii week past ba* heon in ever way worthy of Spitzbergen or Nova Zambia o thc North Pole or Dante's Hell, or '.ny other on of the coldest places in <ht? world, or under th world. Ice, a furlong in depth, cia bo seen an; and everywhere; boiling .pitch, frocnes in th twinkling of an oye. Giia.-tly shudders run ;i? und dorm the veins in the most unbridled mar.nei Teeth chatter and imite together wofully fron morning until night-and nil through tho night Iciness seems to fall down from the very skie above us, like thc hand of a dead man laid upoi thc spim. Whow 1 it is so shockingly and abomi naVy col 1, that wc cant hoip piling on tho ngon; a litilo. Xhc Kose-col?red Bag. Who ts the fair and fjciondly o:io, that sent us hy mail, some timo about New Year, a fairy rose colored Tobacco Bag ? So beautiful a thiug wi have never seen 1 By a strange oontretemps, \ only fell<nto our hnnds a fow days ago.- if w< had L. gold nigger with diamond eyes, we woult ? certainly make it over to this lovely and nnony j mons friend, in fcc simple-to nor and hor heir i and assigns.forever. Or if she prefarrod our hear or head or hand, or anything that is ours, i should bu equally at her service. J% do not ?moke, but we will koep this Hjoi Aost religiously ; and draw from it ever and anox I bidin?riies, tlrsatus and fancies-all rose-colorct j of course, i Cong ess growing Vigorous. Congress, in.bor,, I.ranche-, bas by ovorwhelm ipg votes, eroat? tl tho otpco of Comni..ndor-in CM vf ' f ?n the C:.;.:Vdeta g armies. Tho Prual doBf hus .-1 II-.- Lb Ht:., and it is now a lajr. W< Bliiill nov." '.>.-. e i hew and bettor order of things N.-?p- niaient i .ie yoi been tundo to fill tht "new , Dice. .. -'--????.? ? Mr. Foote of Teunesee. Tim ?abltme and glowing goniu?, not being j able to keep within " tho naming bounds of r pau .j aud timo,'' was lately at rested while making bis i way to Abruham'tt bosom. Or in other and plaitio: I words, Mr. JiBsnr.S. -J7OOTE, Representativo tn ' Congress from TeDnrs;oo, creamer and faulilsr.dor I generally, wa? lately arrested wbilo making his way Into the Yajfkse liaos, ?and brought back to : Richufondi What he was goiog tLithcr for, thus I clandestinely, no ouo knows. Upon hie rc-up ! pCarancc in Congrc?.', he defied that body and \ insulted ft to its face. Ho also mado a violent and most intemperate or.slavtghtupon tho Govorn ^ornment in ali its depaidments. Thcro was much ad over it, and groat efforts wore mado to elpel him permanently. A minority however, auffieiont to keep him in his momborship, thought it ? case only fur cm-iu-e. So Mr. FOOTE W\S only c?n btiroil. ' fpS" (len. Brown, has is?ucd a proclamai iou eonye^iiyg the Gnucral, Assembly r-t Marron on the lith V*Uri'-jy i'-':A<. f?r Mic parp?se t.\ .;o?n??. iiiii.? "$re Vti'.' 'vh i^bsbifli* ai tt.j.l.jr.: r-'--' .*3&- -fe tSt.o" ia 'i' ? ? ;?" ! p :?].'. '.-iU'ji -y, Bl.;tr bal ffe?? ?tn 'i. .?:- .. '.<.;.? ;<. <., *r\v* . ec?uuet to Washington lor i>-:^i Cvunalssions from Davis. Con,. *? "rs, Armistices^ Peace Negotiations. . . Tho very atmosphere is.thick and] heavy/with , romera of negotiations, nru??Kticcs>j>??c?. BLAIH and SISCLBTON aro,, or hare beeD,, in Riohmond, for tho purpose Qf attempting to set on foot nego tiations 'between the Math and North. This is undeniably the trutb.r"tbe tale of l?iVAiR coming to P.ichmond to recover title deeds and other pa pers is ali look. Ho went there with the advice and consent of Liucoln ?nd his cshiuet-end with a view of ?per??iag negotiations and .-seducing the. South into some compromiso. And indeed the latest despatches from Richmond ?W?rm us that throe Commissioners to treat.for peace, haye ac tually been appointed-ly the Confederate Gov ernment-and that they have already proceeded to Washington oa their errand. In Washington thpy arc to meet and confer with thVeo others ap pointed by-the Lincoln Government. Ncr ii there anything strange in all liri?. The only strange thing about tho matter iaithat burowa people should eu immediately run mad with hope ^and expectation. We believe' 7oHly that nine rtenths of our population already- oonsidcr the war at an end. A monster oomstission dc hma ti?? inquirtado ought to be sued otft immediately, against nil auch-willingly deluded.-peoplo. And , it is true that tholwar may bo near" its -end, and peace neaf at h and . and - a ll this onay, come out of these inaipicnt-attempts-at negotiation. But how it is to com* wo cannot for th? lif? of us iee' that is', how it is to uomu wltb^anjr, honor or ad vantage to us. Are wo not fighting for indepen dence; and have wo-not. sworn not_,tn stop Bhort of independence T Docs any santman bolieve for a memont that the Yaukecs are going to acknowl edge our independence and separate nationality, or even admit -ns to reunion with thom without .. .giving up our ?laves?- Wc hare'.not .brought ! thom to this point yet; nor, thank God! have they brought tis to tho point of dpsiring reunion ; with them. Reunion with . Yankecdom ! foul oflspring of whining cant and puritanical bigotry, bloated pride and intensified hypocrisy, lawless itmbttion and all-absorbing selfishness, unbounded . cupidity and unrivaled mendacity, unblushing perfidy and shameless meanness I. j. God grant/hat I peace and honor may come to ns out of these negotiations; but iou? they are to ccmo we must again a?y we cannot see. Union-with Yankees ls , faithlessness, persecution, contention, and despo : tism. Independence alono is peace und liberty. Columbia and thc Bazaar. Two weeka ago" wo left our forlorn old den in ? t-h' > forlorn old town, and went ?a s tour of sight seeing to tho great city of tho -South Carolina' Legislature, What wo saw ia Columbia und rhat u ire saw at tho Buzaar is now quito ah old story t lecidedly overblown; novortheleks we aUejupt a, ; very slight sketch. " . We found Columbia a foarful whirlpool of hu 0 man boin33-soldiers, refugees, uboriginoB. Evory n hous?, hut,, and hovel, is crammed. Wo discovered that mo3t of those poople liro very scantily as regards food* fire and raiment j ^et they all lock . (or .seem to) well, hearty, happy:' Prices of pro II visions aro pitiably an i ruthlessly high. Wood ?3 $100 a load. Speculators and extortioners are rife and rampant, buying all they oan as low as possible and selling it for just as mach as tho '. necessities of tho people aili ?oreo them to give; u and making thc people believe .thero. is no more e iii tho world earc what they hav* on band. Yet wo saw no evidence of want "or wretchedness. Dare say however, many people are praying that D:ath may come along with hit> scythe- and reap .1 .?icm-sr^-y-nt'.t-.of lbj), midsX.j^-.'hcir tr ?bles. '' Hordes of men are engaged in the liquor traffic, '' and injuring tho cause of their master, tho Devil, e by gelling too high. Liquor hoing ono of his * Majesty's best recruiting agont?, should be sold " cheaper than anything elso. 0 Every imaginable specimen -of humanity can e be seen un tho street?-and ia any number, d 'jovernor<< of auvcreign Stntus, Adjutant ned Tn d spector Generals, Stute officials of every grado, s Generals, Lieut-Generals, Major-Geaerals, Brigv 0 diet*, Colonels, Majura, Captains, Lieutenants, '. Sergeants, Corporals, Privates, of tho Provisional r Army-tad Stan' ofScors and myrmidons generally. Quartermasters, Comaiissarie.i, Enrolling Officers, with their myrnidoss. City Fathers, highly re y spoctable old gentlemen beyond the conscript j. agc. AuetioueorF, who sell nigger?, furniture and " oli clothes. Eiiger-cyod, buu,vuo<ed, money e adoring Jews, sumptuous in stud*, chains and y haberdashery. Striplings from the Military Academy, striplings from the schools, striplings from the alleys. Ladies of all styles, sises and eom - plesions-fair and unfair, built in the style of a Daniel Lamborr, and after tho fashion of a wrought-iron skeleton. Some of them paint s their faces shamelessly; carmine blushes flume a on very many checks. Ministers of the gospel, old and shuffling, young and spruce'. Lawyers and y Judges, whoso occupation is well nigh gone. Editors, Printers, Newsboys, free from war's wild alarms. Innumerable gamblers, flashy, floreo and flagrant. > If-Columbia is a whirlpool, the Bazaar was a - terrific maelstrom. Imagine gaudy and beautiful & booths arranged?jrouad thc Representativo Unll t and Sonate Chamber, and oountless throngs of a iho abprc mentioned human beings pushing, 1 wriggling, twitting, writhing, stamping and traru - p'.ingin tho op&n spaces ; and you have a picture I of thc Bazaar. The arrangements were superbly t beautiful, tho bcoths magnificent and picturesque, t as any in Constantinople or St. Petersburg, the artlclos rich, rare, tasteful, and endless in variety, ' tho viands dainty, luxurious, and fearfully tempt *? ing. " Tho tendeueei (\rily sellers ia Vanity Fair!) 1 wore charming 1 i ttl 0 eaps upon their beads, while jaunty littlo aprons 'flowed and'fluttered over their middle man. Thoir eepiejlcrie, their ehieei ner?e woro hv>'t charming. Thoy looked as if they wer o' made only to lovo >:nd be loved-and tu lure thc monuy oat -et mons' p'iokots. If yuu sa* a lady with a littlo cap or diamond shapod pioee of 9 laco on hor head, she was an adorablo and wily ' vendeuse; if you saw enc without this badge, she was an u&oQcial member of the wriggling and wrilhiog uudience. Thc show was kept up for four nights and three days. The only thing want ing was music. Thc managers committed the ' grossly utilitarian indiscretion of having no | music. The wholo thing notwithstanding, was a triu pliant and brilliant success. We could not ?learn-tho ernennt realized. Two or three of the Lady 'Tanagers told us they reasonably expectod to rcaiizt $150,000. A very bandsomo sum for nur*nick and captivo soldiors. Long livo-and long bo remombercd-tho noble,'patriotic, ?nd loving women wno originated and carried out tho great Bazaar ! ?Noble old Virginin. Speaking for the " old Dominion," the Rich mond Dispatch, without vaia toasting, exhibits the epirit of the old " mother State," which ii no less true than creditable : , " Reverses in tho fiold, the , daughter of hor young men, the affliction oarriod heme to nearly overy family within her borders, the loss of pro- 1 porty, tho desolation of wholo districts, tho fury j of a jra* unparalleled in dimensions and ferocity, . j have produced in ber no chinga or shadow of ! tnrr-:.-^. fihr. thir.ks-n?; mou- i?r giving up .the J day tftfi . flejfiat :h:-ti /<?? .!-.t?: tue day aflor a j . <. r ;.?'.?-.? ?cttrtt. entertain thc j ??!ftC .-*)it:r.i?-.t.5 ..?;:! re?.f'-r',."'. j 5 SSS1 X-'-'* -?' ?i.-.y--.. riplyfhg & thc arfcfntVirs ' i I wiitin a ruan ..oks you io tutu a drink, ls said lo ! ? j bu " answering a fool according to his frlly." J A fantastic Trick. . . On Jest Monday week?fie South Car-dlDa^deli tuon in Congress waited in a body upon th resident of _?he Confederate Statei, ?nd preftnl I a r,??,u*!t which hnd beea forwarded to thei y (Jov. MAGRATH, to appoint Gen. JOSEPH I onwrosr to th<s ci- ntmnnd of the troope- m th: ?p?rtiucnt. The Presi'Teat make Ol npointmcDt a?? desired. Thl? ii-or loems like 03 of those '. fantastic tricks" that "make tl Brei? weep"-?ad not only argel?, but a ra nm''? of honeit men and werne? of the Cci :derate pcm^ljc? Verily, the President'isja rearing out the patienee (long-suffering it hs low become) of bis most fanatical admirers, ac apfdly" impairing that absolute trust inn eon! i?nee necessary to the nnity" of effort essentit o success. In the meantime the shelf on Wh'k he gallant, able, and ill-treated Gen.'Jer?xsTO tas been laid,.bai proved to bim o nlohe of fa'm Kui in the meantime also, mere than on? of ot tr mies axe commanded by ?tay: Napoleon, i lomebody else just es capable pf judging, sait Better an army of stags commanded by a lio ;han an army of lions-commanded hy a stag. For the Advertiser." Tho following contributions have been reeeiv? at the Soldiers* Home during two weeks endii Januaxy Suth : " . ' Mrs Elbert DoToro; i pair wool'soeka. Mrs Jai Hetcher, 1 bushel meal. Mrs Jes Raintford, 2 jugs milk. Dr E &Mims,-l load wood. . ! Mr TN Lundy, 1 load wood. EA-GOV Picken I, 1 lotti wood. Roy L R Gwaltney, 1 load wood. Mrs J ABlamd, half bushel peas. Mr3 J M Lanior, Tskoulder pork, 3 doa eggs, lbs butter. Mrs S., l peck salt, .. .Mrs L A Bartley, $5,fl? ; Dr G Herd, $?*. Mas. LE WIS JONES, Pres. S. TLjL Mas. ELBITRT BLAKD, Seo'ry A Treas'r. . . 'For the Advertiser. - Dear Advertiitr*- For the information Oft friends'of Companies Cind K, 19ffa S..C. Rei ment, I send you a list of Casualties in thc Companioi in the late battles in Tennessee : "" Capt. J. B. Cauri nty Commanding. .At Franklin,^Tenn., Nov. Seth.-Nb caanalti in Compcuy C. Wounded in Co. K : Serges Glaze, severe, left ia hands of en cm j ; Co rpo: Haney, since doad; Private Sam Ernies, sev? in arm; Wm. Gowans, severe,' left in hands -the enemy. Near Nashville, Tenn., Dee. 16th.-Oap ts J. B. Courtney slight in thigh. Casualties in C C: Sergt. Adams, hip, sevore; Bergt Wren, thigh ; Elenburg in arm, left in hands of enem Privates Motes and Roberson missing.-Casa: ties in po. K : Allen Busbee, supposed kiOe EriVatOS Levi Koon and Juck Orees mining. Very jesptctfully, " J. B. COURTNEY, Capt -4- -*- - Te the Citizens of South Carolina. I will require 1,500 or 2,000 horses to i mount, my command. Will it be taxing ti patriotism and resources-of the peopl? South Carolina too much to ask them to a their horses to my men at prices which s< "dieri can afford to give ? It may be to th< inturcat to do so. Oar patriotic Govern has given -his earnest co-operation in tl matter. Capt. R. Watdr A. Q. M., will . repte** the division in Columbia, S. C., acting concert with Col. C F. Hampton, and w i take charge of all. horse- contributed, BJ dispose of those offered for sale at fair pria We have a considerable number Zf go horses at the recruiting camp at Lan?ante They nre available for farming purposes, b have been rendered Ainfit for public servi by th? hardships of tbepastcainpaig... Tbs wc would be glad to exchange for serviceal ct valry horses, so that the agricultural int? est of t'.ic country will not be injured by t great a draft upon tho animals necessary carry it mi. W*? have requested to be transferred South C?ro?ua and Georgia to assist in tl defence of our States in lins the firme greatest danger. It ia indi-pensuble, in ord that we may render gtiod service, that wer I efficiently mounted. If titian accomplish: promptly, wo can promise at least flffectual to cripple tke enemy's cavalry. Better- w it be for our peuple to como forward no with a part of their horses, and thus sctu the reit from tho raiding parties of thc enem M. C. BUTLER, Major-General. Official : II. B.' MCCI.Ki.i.Att, A. A. G. --,.???? . ? Tax CABINET I?BKOOI.IO:-Mr. James . Seddon, says tho Richmond Dispatch, h resigned the Portfolio of \V?r. We luve n been able to learn that his sucessor has be? appointed, though several prominent geatl men are spoken af as likely to be appointe Among these arc General Braxton Brag General Breckin ridge, and Senator Hill, Georgia. There is a report that the plat had been offered to General Breckenridge, bi that he decided not to accept' unless bo wt allowed to se ie ct his' Commissary Genera It is understood that Mr. Seddon was indu ed to. resign hy action taken by the Virgin Congressional delegation. . These gpntleme it appears, sent into the President an officii announcement that they had lost confident in all the members of tho Cabinet exeej Mr. Tronholm, and asked /or a chaago. M Seddon being informed of this action, imsai diately seat in his resisnauoB. - ? ? ? t ??T The Marie t: a Hotel at Marietta, waa di stroyed by fire on th? aight of the 39th. Sn] posed to be accidental. fS3~ All quiet at Wilmington on the 28th. ?S- Bomething orer four thousand balea < cotton were deetroyed hy frein the town of Wi mibgton on the 28th.- And a ear load of ??ttq on the Wilmington k Weldon Railroad wi burned on the same day. ?S" Major-Gen. Forrest sends from Orisah the report that grcattxeitemantprevails iu Mee phis on account of recognition rumors. t3T The English Premier had notified Lit ooln that he would reeognise the Confedera; States after the fourth of March, as he is th President only of tho States which voted for hin The English Government has ordered the seizur of all the American vessels at Nassau. _j22r*Mrs. Robert H. Davis was recently mut dered at Mobley Pond, Ga., by a negro woman Tho instrument used was a hatehot. Tho mur deross confessed tho crime and wi s instantly executed. fiSS- A large and enthusiastic mooting has beet held in Nownan, Ga., and adopted ro?oration, condemnatory of tho peace meeting in Savannah Jonvenod by Mayor Arnold. ??r- Tho Northern papers report th? ?onfede rate loss at tho fall of Fort Fisher-in killed and mounded, about five, hundred. ' g&* Thomas in his official roper? says Hood ost seventy-two'guns, five thousand small arms, Uso nineteen gonerals, about four thousand in tilled and woundod and about oloven taTonsand intoners, half of whom are wounded. ?SF" A draft how going on in Washington ii oaduotcd in secrocy, so that thoa? whose names ro drawn shall have no chance to run awhy. It > intimated that the enrollment law may bo so .mended aa to make this mode of drafting tho general prictiee. Chamcterstic of the Man,. x Maj. Gen. I). H. Hil), jn command o? the District of At:go3ta^baa issued the.follovnng orderto the citizens pt Augusta. All noh-Cotnbatanter are* respectfully re .eqnested to leave the City immediately. If their removal be delayed until the omergency shill arrive).no Railroad facilities can be al lowcd'Hhctn. J?t^he class of noncornb?ta?ts, are included all ybung--g??t?em?n who have ,no relreh IbriTie trenches. These are exEbr ted^to leave ai once- under escort of- tho old ladies. ' ^ .*' The alarm signal will be given Jby theJSr ing of fh reo guns and the" rap: d and continu-, ous; ringing of the City Bell. The*.-Locai troojps undef the 'command' of Brig. Gen. W. M. Browne will rendezvous* . at the Powder Works Red Tower and Gov. Shoe Shops. The two companies of Railroad emptoyees will assemble at their respective depots. The Officers if the Quartermaster's Dept' will-see that tiiefr employees assemble rapid ly, and they themselves will report to Gen. Browne foYduty with their Division. Thc Officers of the Commissary. Depti will, in like mahbessee that ' their employees are rapidly formed and will inv person report to Ge"n?'Browile for duty.with^their Brigade. Dr.~J; C. Logan,'Chiet Surgeon- Post will promptly send all the convalescents to~Cify Hell ander charge of Officers/there to report to Maj.-Samue? Cramp. AU OOcersin transita will report tb Brig. Gem Fry, end all men to the Provost Mar shal; Maj. GeufSmlth's Divinion will be assem bled ander arms,'bat held ia reserve to sup port the Confederate Troops posted on both sides of the River,- at 'whatever point' they may need assistance. The Provost Marshal will aeelhatill-pbicei of business and amusement are closed," and that all-men under fifty not physically disa bled'tafee their places in the ranks. " 'X' flf'V .?. . ' . -i-?-??-?-.?-r FROH XHEJFROXT.-There was some litth flatter in the streets of oar city' ?o day, occa sioned by the'preseace of two Yankee gun .boat* at Sister's Ferry, one> hundred milei below tliis on the Savannah river. , It is alac reported that some enterprising' Federals bac motedout on. the road to this city. Thesi are evidently foraging parlies, sent out to ge' ric?, and no apprehension need be felt, by ob I dyspeptic citizens.-Constitutionalist 29th. I * FORREST'S IXBOII ITABHI EXSROT.-Maney' division, formerly Cheatham's, waa sent b Forrest, we are toW, tb replace Bate's divi sion at Murfreesboro. When Hood fell bael from Nashville, the troops at Murfreesbori verein great danger of being cut off; bu Forrest, with that indomitable energy wbicl ?fearacteristic of the man, pressed, ever7 thing rideable within his reach,- and brough off safely his own and Marcy's command ind joined Heod'aarmy, ai Columbia. Tb< majority of Maney's men were riding beb i ni Forrest's bold troopers-some rode mulcs and many oren. 'Twassaidto havo been j niostludicrousi cavalcade, aa it marched th rougl Colombia. Nobody else save Forrest coull hare payed the menin that expeditions styl? yy At Island No. -te, sb ere Memphis, a ban of guerillas recently boardedahe" steper "M.?>rp ing Sur, anehored ba th? utream, raniacked th boat, earried the pt?oaers on ebor? and then ap plied the torch to the vessel and Ker two b?rgei all of wbi?b were soon entirely destroyed. ' HYMENEAL. " ? M AEEiHD, on the 17th Jaawary, by Rev. Vf. ? ? j dark, Mr; WALTER D. SPANl^'CcC ?C?~2 Rag't. S. C. Artillery, and Miss VIRGINIA 1 MAYNARD, of thia District. OBITUARY. Another ef South Carolina's loni ?re lum bo ra with the already long Hit of noble dead, wkos blood orieth from tbegroand.for vengeance again? the enemies of our country,- and widens . th? gui whieh lies between ai and reeonitruetioa un disgraee. PHILIP M. THURMOND departed this lif Nov. 3Uth 1861, in the 27th year of bil age. Ver; soon after the commencement ef hostilities. h responded te the call of his ec JV try lind marche off to meet the enemy, hat io consequence a physical disability soon retimed home; notion] to enjoy its pleasure however, before another cai was made, to which he again responded, eulin tin, under the banner of the 24th Regt. S. C. V., Cc I. He faithfully and honorably served until th battle at Jackson, Mi?f., in which hu. receives 1 painful wound in one leg, from which he l?fferei severely. From thence he waa taker, te the Hos pi til where heat length recovered from, hil woum and, alto frons-hil general debility, became itran ger and moro vigorous-than ever, loon rejoinei hi? i-m m and, and was ever fon cd it his. poi However great -the danger,-until th? battle o franklin, l ean., in which hu bravely faced th enemy's breastwork! ia the very midst of tb ?tornas of leaden hail, and wits dreadfully maa gled, yielding' his life with imperishable hozfo upon the altar of his country. * His remains now rest beneath thc soil of Tenn, and be, though dead, yet speaketh, and calls upon ai all for Y eng en ce, and redoubled vigilance am energy in freedom*** cause for which he nobl; fuwirht and died. < He has left ? w i fe, two children, a mo thar brothers and silters, together with niaay relative a?d fricad? to noLrn their lon. ..' But why ?boald we mourn departed friends Or shake at deathi alarms ? 'Tis hut the veiee that Jesus scads, To .flail them toni? ami," Tor PSILIP wai not only a soldier in ?daf?nco e hil oountry, but#like hi? illastrions*and immorta namesake, PniLir the Evangelist, wai also 1 soldier of the ero?i ; aa humble follower of th? Captain of their lalvatioafor the laat ten years -during which tia*, he gave sufficient proof of hi heavenly sailing by hil exemplary life and pioui and Godly conversation ; and also In his letton to hi? wife were macy very encouraging exprei lioni, too numerom to mention in this brief no .tice, giving evidonse of Hil preparation for deati and resign at ion -to the -will of God. ' For said hi to his wife, "sorrow-not for. me if I should bi killed or fie, for I hare resigned my self into tai bandi of jay heavenly Father, and should reit ii heaven. Bray for ai" and for yourself, that wt may meet agaiu in peace. Raia? up my cbUdrei .tolove Qed* Therefore, cheer up relatives and .friends, and ?specially the bereaved widow, and dear little children. Thy husband and father thal) liva again. " Fer if we believe .that Jesus died and rose again, ?vea so them that sleep in Jeiui, will God bring with bini." We tender to yon oui heartfelt condolence ia this your great trial, and earnestly commend you to the:word of hil Hh grace, that yon may draw comfort from the pre cious promises uf Him, who bas promised to b? a husband te th? widow and a father to the luth eries?. Vf. L. H. Springfield Academy. MISS E. JOHNS?N-will resume the exercises of this School on the 2d. Monday (12th) February 1865. Great ears will he bestowed up on pupils committed to ' her oharge. Terms $50,00 per Session of Twenty weeks, payable At the cloRO'of eaoh Seuion. Feh 1 ' Si* ' _ 6 Notice. ALL portons haring si aim 9 against th?; 1st at? of Jamel Boyd, dee'd.. ?re requested te hand them to the undersigned, duly att?it?jl. X. B. REESE, Ad'or. San 31 -4? 6 Lost or Stolen AFOUR per cent. Certificate, No. 188,. fer $301, drawn by 1. VJ. Carwtle, Depositary, in favor of 8. E. Freeland, and dated March 15th, 1864. All persons are cautioned against trading for the eaid Certificate. Application will be made at the expiration of six weeks from th ii date for iti renewal. J. M\ C. FREELAND. Jan SI '? a EnroUipig Office, EDGEFIELD, 3. C., Jan. 30fh, J8?5. Iv I^M'eordl?B^'with'-'Sfdvn received at thia . Office from. Maj. C. D. Msuos, Commandant of Conacripis for thia State at Columbia, S. Q,, . all memberi of tb? Supporting -Foree of rb la Dis trie t are hereby etrietly. ordered to report ia penes, at thia Office on Tuesday nest, tb? fth February, mounted ?nd ej2moV.*ad, fall^pre pared to go xa?iC?iJp*at tait plae*. If. They will bring wit'a: them -cooking - atea - ?iii, Bidding, ?o., and every-thing that can afford them the greatest poasible ?orafort conaistent with the duties to ne perfbraecK -. :.*?'" r . r. J. .MOSES, Jr., :.. Lieut, t Enrolling OScorv Jan 31' lt Importent Notice. BNROLL?XG OFFICE, BaasraiD, 8; Q~n Jan. S0?/1865. IBT virtue of an arrangement mad* between . the undersigned and Maj. 8. 8, Tompkini, Agent for the Tax in Kind, at Hambafg. 8.. .C., persons in this District,whO'liva toe'ar this Vil lage, and who have not yet dtlirered their Taxin Elad, are hereby notified that thor can doliver tbo same at this Office, whore they will be fnraUbed, wftb proper reeeipte therefor.- - , .IL AU persons included in aboye paragraph are earnestly requeited to bring forward their Tax ia Kind's* soon aa possible, a? it ll much |,n?idoi. - P. J. MSOSES/Ja., Lieut. 1-Enrolling Officer. Jan 81 St -6 Enrolling-Office, BD.GEFMLD, 87C.?Jany?Otbj 18W. ITHE mep'named below safe hereby " strictly . ordered to report in person, at ibis ?mee, on Monday next,the 6th February: : Albert F. Allison, Willam Pv Trotter," Hill Aebill, V? . -John m Shiland, ? ? Joshua B^Cartledge, ?Jes. A.-Koon,- vr A. B. Watson, Gao. M, Etheridge, , Obodiah-Morrie, Freeman B. Thomai, ' Henry Moore, Joseph Jtominiek. M F. J. MOSES, Jr* Lieut. * Enrolling Officer. jan si J--e ar " ? . Enrolling Office, EDGEFIELD, 8. A,^Jaa. 30th, 186S.'' I T ALL Chief? of the variou? Squad? of th? j JU Supporting Force of, this .Dittriet, together with the different members thereof,, who did i not eemply with the-^f??rrW?tly^ Issued from this Office to report to Capt. A. P. \fest,, at LexiBg ton C. H., are hereby strictly' ordered to" report in person at this Office immediately .upon receipt of this order, and give their rearons for the ; ?id disobedience of orders. " IL Should* there be a the above erder on the -part"of any. pf, the. persons above referred te, they are hereby "aotiCed thefl positive orders will be at once i ssa ed for .their arrest and forwarding to this Office unHerguard. . - J: MOSES,-Jr., .' Lieut. 4KnrollingOf?o?r. Jaa 81 lt v - 0 Sheriffs Office, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, SO tb, 18?5. IIN acoordanoe with.the provisions of an Aol . (passed by the BegUlatwre of ibis Stat? ot its recent annual, Seision,) entitled An- Act to . repeal all Acts . and part s of- Acts heretofore passed hy the Legislature of this State, oh the ibbject of famishing Slav? Xaoer on thc Co?it, ?e." it is hereby ordered, .lat, That the several-Cemmisiloncrs of Roads in Edgefteld District do band An to the under signed, within fifteen day? frcm the date of.this order, completo lists of all owners: of road banda within the respective jarisdietionsVofthe sall Co nita i ?sion en,-said li? ta to exhibit plaialy and el ?? ri j the ? umber of road bm d? in the poises ?iuc of each, owner-lear ic g , out of such lista, how?Ter,all s uga owners ea have Jrnt -one road htiJ, . " IL All Coarjussioaera of Bo*J? abor? referred to tfho do not comply with vii aberre order, ara hecoljraotified that it tw> the Uv ty bf the un dersigned to report'theta fer said dlubedieace to the Aj?t of the State, and that the asid report will beHsde promut!y end impartially. . " * Vf IL LIA il SPIRES, Sheriff, . Jan Si . : j* fl - - - . ? ? IM. Head-Quarters, CHEROKEE PONDS, Jan. 80, l?e?. ALL penosa ia thia District,'?ubject to the late call for labor oa tl.? Fortificatiuns of Augusta, Ga., who hare not reputed their bandi, ?rill do ga without delay at thia place, or *.a?y will in every ease be compelled to furnish double the number of bat J? preTiouaij jailed for, and that wiihout pey. H. A. riilAW, Capt. And Agent ef lapressatent fur Edge. Dist. Jan 31 lt- 'fl Soldiers' Board of Relief. OFFICE OF STATE AUDITOR, . ? COL?KIIA, 23d"J?nuaryr 1865. THE following order ia published for tho infor mation of all eoDoerned : The immediate and important duties imposed by the Oeneral Assembly "upoc tb? Soldiers' Boards of Relief .oannot he efioibntly-discbarged ? ithout prompt and en?rgetie?o|loa on the part of ???A w??i?V of the said Boards. Thia action is earaeatly invoked in view of the friou? oonse-"r . quenona which, ia the proaent condition of affairs, must eneus.frcm delay or inattention in carrying out the provisions of the Act for tho relief of the families of'our seldiera for the present \ear. JAMES TUPPER, , . Auditor of S. C. Fehl - . " ? ' f - State/of South QaroliEa; EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, CortTjiiaia, Jan. 28, 13Ce. . GENE VA L ORDERS. ITHE Member* of the', ratioua '.'Soldier*' - e Boards of Relief"'ia the State, appointe* - under aa Aetof. the General. Asiembly, entitled en "Aei to .provide for the-relief of tb? familia* of th?'seldiers, sailors and marines in the cerrioe of thia State sad tho Confederate States," poised Deaember Sad, lSei, and their respect ?Te Seeier taaiea and Treaaurera who are liable J? isdltUa i ?r i is e, are hereby detailed for the "apoejal 'duties te w hieb they hu TO been appointed, sad will not be required'to report for militia ?errice, ?Liker within or without their Dutrie ta, na til further or den. ' Ry the Governor. * Ar G. MAGRATH. Official: A. C. GaaMUQToayAdji and Itiipeet or OeneTal. S Fehl _ lt - ' ? ?f Dick Oheatham W'ILL stand the Spring Season 0f 1865 at One Hundred Dollars the season. He will be at Xdgefield C. H. Mondays, Tues days, "Wednesdays and Ihoi?4aj?,--the remaia dec of the weak atllarmpn Gallajan's. Ha will - begin the season-1st February and end -it 20th June. He will ramaia at H. Gallnaan's daring , the m oath of February, after which time he will A be alternately at'Vdgefiold C. H. and H. Gall- . ' man's. By apeoiyl ?ontract with my Agonty Jas. M. Harrison, or myself, mares will Ve inaured with foal for Two Hundred Dollars. Th? money will be considered due at thc end of the'seaaoa. THO. G. BACON. Jan 31_ SOt . ? < . Importantl??tlce. AFINAL SETTLEMENT on tire "SafcU ?f ;.E. R. MCDANIEL, deVd., will be madala the Ordinary'? Office, on Wednesday, the Sib ef February next. All parsons having claims against said Estate will present th? .ama by that tim?; and those indebted are re que* tod to fay up forth with. Those Who fail te pay hy tiat dtte, ara totifled that th* privilege of paying in Confede rate money wilt .be debarred them. ARTIMUS. HOLSON,) . r. B. F. GLANTON, 'j A* ora F'b1 - ' 3t 6 , Notice. j CITRATED from the Govei^n't Lot at?dgefield ; ? Cs H., tn the night of 1st December, one ? hfotrn bay MARE MULB, UJ hands high and I ll yeera old. The said Male was iaat seen la the ! neighborhood of Mn. Richardson's, near Char ; pell's Ferry. Any information, that will loa-1 to ' its recovery will be thankfully received. * J. S. C OL SS, Cep t. ? Imp.- Tram?. Columbia, J?a 3B . ? t