OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, April 19, 1865, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1865-04-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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SUBSCRIPTIONS t.? Hie AI)VKUfjSKi: for ono
y<-::r T W K N T V- DOLLA 1 fe in a?Vaacc; EorSix Mouths
ADVEttTlSRME?TS ?ill V InsWt.'.? nt TEX
DOLLARS pat Square (IO minion lines or Irr*-) for each
Insertion. Advej-tiscmenla without Instructions tts la tbi
number,of times to be inserted, will be published until
forbid, and charged accordingly.
Aunouacing Candidates for any ?Mce of honor or
pro?l, TW?NTV DOLLA US, to be paid before Ibo an
nouncement is published.
obituary notices,Tributes of Respect, or any commu
nication personal in ii? nature, will be*rated sandver
iseincnti and charged accordingly.
Special Corrc?pondcuca of the South Carolinian.
The Fall ol' Richmond.
DAXVILI.I:, Va., April :">, 16.65.
Richmond and Petersburg have fallen-: but
they have gone down in a blaze of glory, and
with a record unstained by ene blot of shame.
Ail that the enemy bas gained, has been pur
chased at a terrible price in blood, while our
own army, although suffering severely, ?astil)
str-T.iT. intact, arid ready for its future work.
Of :tbc events of thc last five days I-can
give you Lut a cursory view, aud even tbis is
. obscured by the yet fresh smoke o' battle. -
(?runt commenced bis grand movement as
carly as Tuesday, thc 'JStb. It was not un
anticipated. Our only doubt was- as lo the
exact point at which'he would make his main
or decisive demonstration. He felt our lines
at dille-ron t localities along thsircntirc length.
Uenoo Gen. Lee was compelled so to distrib
ute bis forces ns to be prepared to repel the
principal assault with tbeb-ast possible delay.
On the Tuesday in qnostion tb* enemy ad
\ anted on the soulb side to within o::C mile
. !'ue Boydkiu plank road, threw up en
t nchmcnts and built a large fort in the vi
? '?rity of the Lewis house. Ourin^tbe right,
ll skirmishers pushed forward a few hundred
i rd -i further. Wednesday, wc fought this
column with varying tuccess, nndnightdrcop
adena drawn battle. At Hatcher's Pun.
i ig the afternoon, t?tere*was also heavy
ting, in which the enemy lost heavily.
" tiujsdiy heavy skirmishing anti movement
'4*}rV?p5. Friday the eflbrtswere resumed
?iif? 'with greater determination, 'i'lie Fed
t ral cavalry swept around our works towards
the railroadsr.but were mot by Gen. l i:/. Lt-e
and repulsed. The Yankee infantry, upwards
of forty th'.iiSnn'.i strong, were maasca near
?'urgesV Mill, and ber-* battle waa joibed n
c truest, Of als results 1 know, notbiu--; defi
nite, ??ave that thc enemy gained uo snbslnn
liai advantage, and ?uilVred greatly, \V*,eap
tnrcd between four and >ix bm divd prisoner?.
OrfSaturdaj and Su?day, th?ltgb'liuji was
feat ful-the shocks of conflict ino-t terrible
of the war, and the CsMiakics ?;i both .).}>:<
immense. Our*.entrenchment*:, in many pla
ces, were held by a thin line only, hut this
stood nobly to its por-t, throughout Saturday
On Sunday, however. Giant resumed his old
vocation of :; Bulcher." Finding that lie
could make little or no impression iii thc or
dinary way, bc massed his troops several co l
umns deep against a portion of th linc on
thc right,-aud then driving them relentlessly
forward succeeded at last after frightful sacri
fice of life in obtaining possession of a sec
tion of lue works. It was not in the power
of any men, however brave, to have with
stood these desperate assault/ without greater
support. Longstreet had not vet come up,
although hurrying from another part- of the
field. Meanwhile the Federals were rolling
*. forward and recoiling like waves-those be
hind impelling tbi.::e before-until a lodg
ment was effected, tin-work-inounted, a fian?;
lng position aud enfilado lire secured, and the
. ?attie substantially won.
Our grape and canister nv.w d thc?enomj
down by hundreds, ?mr rides >> i i with uner
ring precision, and the ground was literally
carpeted willi the dead and wounded, hut
"dicer physical bruto forer? proved at last su
perior lo everything eise, an?! she defences
were taken.
\\\t know nothing yr; of the military move
ments ol the day in detail. But every state
ment that reaches-ns confirms the fact that
our oflicers and soldier?! fought Hire heroes.
(?oa. A. P. Hill is said to have boen killed
ur mortally wounded. Ho was imssing through
. the woods and came mien two Yankees, whose
surrender lie demanded, but instr-ad of yield
ing one of them drew si j lit p.r.d shot him
through thc body. Whether he was killed
outright or DOI ive don't k-.-.>--.\ !? ia thought
by some thal ho is in 1 bo .mn'.- ol the eiteiuy
and probably .slii! alive, ("en. Gordon is re
ported mortally wounded. IL*Wasoceof the
lions of the .lav. Gen. Picket is said to have
been killed. These icports may all prove
premature' and i recommend that they bo rc
ceived with caution. Our lotnl :.:3>.o.s are
estimated at from eight to' fifteen thousand,
of *iy'iom a considerable pori ion are palm
ers. '! hat of the cuetuycan only be guessed
at, but (-Ulcers who were engaged :.t tile
front and saw* something of the slaughter,
.state that it (?annnt Le los? iban from f.,rlv to
fifty thousand.
ri!f*M ?tvr i:; Rlt'inioxp,
On Ibo ree. p'.ibti of Ihc rifWS, beg jars nil
description. While preparatiuas fur ?.n evac
uation had 1-ccn in prom-,.:; several weeks,
thc suddenness of'thu inoveinvnc tock evcrv
one by surprise. The President was iii
church-: officials were resting in eouipii acive
tpafet, waiting the disp'atc.l? ? of General Lee:
citizens were cordi-'..-:-.! M .! l??pefuj. .Nuca- j
'anticipated d:.-;-'.-t?T. When, however, lise j
. th was foreshadowed, such hurrying to and
... such gathering bf-goods, disposUion ol j
i ii'.-c's, and endeavors tb reave the ci tv. U.?H
:....': p?ike'l?as bari i!0"para!!elduring:??fe.v/ar. j
j be streets were thronged ' y an excited ii: p. ',
iilacc. The department*' were ?live ?r-iib j
Kwariios 'if 'liieiuis packin;- and rom')vin"the ?
:r:">|?:: record?*. The icreh wi s /rely applied !
by-order of the GoycFmnent; to -all species bf
public prop Tty. T-ifi;>Uintes ile pa-j
triofcc own rs .-ti-i fi iv I ? their own promis .??.
.Libby's pri-on/tcba-eo vv/.tbo?'ses abd flour
miils; wboSu acif -; V:r;;in!-? w?-.-;:." con;- :
.miffs-ny alores :n.?l *.t tiding;;; ?be LtlibrTili.rv
and Ats.::--!, in ! I't : iffa'iiig* Uiat ce? iii
"alf?i-d ?? ' m "tefl to tbs i'siuk. :.- array, ur h- '?
fit? pill igt aaa give"- U--ia? ??.iiUe<?. '?,..;. g
'St?ijtefiviiigi '?? mi?iy ol . i.? . torea vete? br??
keii op.ii,-tu l r i <!.. i..,;' '.'.? r.v : Tite?fa.: .nnd
others ?Tro ?Ju- iwnpj'iu ii '!:.-'.; "^rahdnecdy.
\> i' iv S?II.I . ; .:T.t.. aud .-uiimv ive-rt! ecii
ii'g above and a:*o?i:;d Iho-Kaurb'b.'ial jri?.? in
cv?rj directio:.j and 1 rvealletl ami i dj?; 'v.r.i
itig bombs, the vu-li ?nd i- aro! ebullagraliou, ;
fh-3 iubvemeiit tif train.*, and a thousand Other j
im iden ts of tho hour, t!r? siege of'Sebastopol ;
in tilt; Crimea. Our Malakolf h j 1 lallen, ?ur ]
itob?o fl jet o!'g:i:ib*,i:i'-: were either 1 unk or :
blo'-vti up^as un that mem-frablc occaainu and
our rhen might LaVc been sttcnj wltl?lic .' ..
rid i'ght of their bur?riug cij>i;n! (jbaim :..
on Jheir faces, r.-tiyatiag sfoa ly frotrrtlic place!
'['ike it all in all. it wa- city uV the most f, ar--'
fal -i.;?.ts I huye ty?r c?nterapJii!r...l. itn
sia'io:! '-?ti scarcely fill the picture.
Un Monday, t.p to tit** l our of r.-.y d?pnrl
t rt. the excitemt-tit, s'ill con'liinicd ?arri
work of <i: str?ction pr?^roflsed. TK*C su; erl?
lailroad bridgfi acrbss thc -l.inicj was I urned
and other similar..stiucttirw-ab-.ve-\,,,\:..'
it. Little railroad rolling stock, ?f any re-1
mained. TJ?3 last tr\\:\ left Monday morning.
At v.-'nat hour the c-tlbiriy fettered f am not
tiuw jiifot-med. Imr tts t lui r advance was,
mihtn t?V??n niil?-, ? presume a e^Innan mkt,,<
have marched up during theday.' Au ofticc
who (scaned from Richmond in a canoe, say?
that when Kc Jeir, a Tinline officer was ad
dressing a crowd from the Washington mon
So fer as wu have advices, they fcbow good
spirits still prevail'ing in the army and a gen
eral determination not to succumb to the tem
porary d?l i cul ti es by whieh s hey have been
enshrouded. People are generally beginning
to- regard the event as one necessary to our
lina! success. We ho ?ie for the bot.
Cym.. K.
Editor Sick.
We aro furry to announce thnt onr Editor is eo
indisposed as to he unable to be at his post this
j wee!:; heuee our lad; of editorial matter.
; ?I&J* Governor Brown, of Ceorgi.i, Iras ordered
j Maj. (Jen. t;. \V, Smith to assemble thc Militia of
; that State ut Columbus immediately, to meet the
! movements of the enemy who seem to threaten
' Columbus ane! other points of Georgia.
At ?lome.
The many friend.- of Col. THOMAS L. SHAW
! and Capt. Bi rt s DEAS, of thu I Otu S. C. Regi
ment, and Mr. Mi (.TOS MILES, of tho 24th S. C.
j Regiment, will bo pleased lo know that these
gil'.aat soldiers, wounded and captured at Frank
lin, Tenn., have arrived at homo, and aro all do
ing well. A warm wcleouia aud a ploasant so
journ to ye gentlemen.
, -a -
The Concerts, Lecture,&c.
TI19 concerts und lecture ot last Thursday nnd
Friday evenings were eminently successful, and
highly creditable to nil concerned. The singing
of the young ludios, sweet-toned, dear and dis
tinct, was never surpassed by amctcurs, and was
listened to by thc audience with, much pleasure
and great satisfaction. Col. HAVRE'S well-writ
ten und beautiful lecture exhibited a high order
of intellect, and won tho admiration of all who
heard it. But thc Elhiopeant "brought down tho
house" ou every occasion. Their funny sayings,
inimical singing, playing and dancing kopt every
l-ody in a continual roar. In fact everything
passed oh" well, and to tho catiro satisfaction of
thc public. These entertainments too wcro also
successful iu a pecuniary point of view, near
$3,000 being thc nett proceeds of the two eve
li!' gs. TLis ?uiouul bus beca turned over to the
la hes of thc Soldiers' Homo."
j Thc Editor, il uulo lo resume bis post, will
; give a more extended notieo o? these entertain
men:.- in ?ur next iisuj.
Other Ettterlttiniiicnts.
It having been found impracticable for those
who so acceptably lent their cid in ike delightful
entertainments of Thursday ?iud Friday evening?
last lu viTecl their"departure from ibis place, we
have inc gratification of acquainting our readers'
That, with au entire change of programme, simi
lar cnicrtaicmcuts, and in aid cf thc same g"ud
object, will bc given at thc same place ou Monday
and Tuosday evenings next. Anticipating with
certainly a-; much, if not moro of real fun and
enjoyment than was'experienced in attending the
lait:cntertainmentf, we bospeak ur.d predict for
our talented mnaiei&l friends on tb. ir reappear
ance ricxt week, nothing less than a suffocating
?&~ In a letter fruin Petersburg, dated the
26th uh., wc arc informed tkat J. M. COLLEH,
CO. l>. 1 lib Regiment, war severely wounded that
day i:: thc breastworks by a stray ball.
--- . * --j?-- .- --
ist Rest. S. C. State Troops.
Tiiir cfVicui Regiment of the first class S:s*e
Mi'ilia. tinder command of Cel. J. B. Raima, baa
been rtUhand?d. The r.iher Regiments of the
Gr?t class militia, Lave abo been disbanded, and
the boys only are lo be continued in service. Thc
j older members of thr?e Regiments, ?re very pro
perly to remain at home, but could not these men
bo R?Ihdrawn wi'inuit materially effecting tiiec.t
??t?'g organisations ? Tf sn ii would save !:?<
little unni?3"a?!pc to ibo yonngi r . embers M ;;. .
?JiliV. >-nt I'cgimouts, whilst, in many instanced,
it would be M pleasure to them to serve under
their present officers.
We have been pleased to see* in our midst for
j the last wok or s<>, Col. GaiFFl.V, mid many of
i his line looking a:id merry boys. They have had |
! a har I aud a rough time journeying from the j
! eo.i .' below Charleston to middle N-itth Carolina,
I but being bard as lightwood kn?ts. tliov have
? returned-nome again unseat lie<i.
; .? -*~ ?-- j
? Another ('allant Soldier ("one.
1 Wc ragrel lo lim ru t!iai Scrgt. MAK/AI:-) linn- j
j ros; a member or the 22d S. il. Regiment, w.?s j
j killed in ::n engagement with the enemy near j
; Peicraburg, Va., on thc 2.'ih Mareil last, l-'or .
\ over four long and weary yean Ind ike brave
i young l?cKTOji been gillaiuly battling in the i
j ea use of Southern righi-?, and creditably- yea. I
; nobly-dM ho ever discharge the duties ?d' a sol- j
; dieri Idea-.. V. ii.tifi Di:nis?R, nf ibo I Hu Peg... 1
j ii. :. lefter lo Lis fi liter, ds'i-d nvir ?Vtfrsburgj J
i on the 'J'*?:?>. makes ibo following mention ,.? ?
; Kcp.K.x'a death: ' j
*. 1 learned ibis morning ?f j/.?.ir?l Harton
j tv?- killed yester??j mar Petersburg, three or |
; f'j':r miles lo the left of where McGowan's IJrirx
u le i-f ;{.!!leno1. I Coull! ui-f learn the partieu-j
burs -.i' bis death, muru limn he was shot through j
, ?he bead and fell dead nu ike liattle-ileld. Iii.- !
Brigade was charging a t"rt:-t lb.- limo, un i, us j
I have. often Ise.rd him complimented by thu
officers sud men of }ds [S?gim int for gallantry, i ?
do not dm.bf that he was in thc li ont rank cheer- i
?.jg lui comrades nn. I siwiiini ot;!y a week ago '
?ind he was wcM and hearty, cheerful aud hopeful ;
-talking about homo. Should this bethe first j
news of bis death ibtt you receive, bieak it .
gea!lt to li;- mother. I trust b?i oaly died io ?ive :
again.4 ' !
Vea, " break it gently to hi's mol ber." ?or ber j
warra kenrteil snldicr-boj p r essed m itty endear- !
lng tics-that rendered him very near and dear j
in thc ar. ! aoaction i f har ? Mowed heart,
l i: h>r gently .'bat !,.-. u gone '-gone from earth i
?'":..- n !-," .;.? fr ?i;-- many 'rials ol the j
. ihli':'; v.-11 ;.- lifo ;.. ii happy ao<| po'rfcul rust :u :
th': : .i|.:r world :'. ? . : tell lier ?il this, audi
tali ii ;' ?..-o tv uivei ki-n lhere.
Sv-^t. I'citTox ftl! only four du,y_i before com- .
pletii . h-- "tri year. ; in ; like ibo immortal I
Marcus J. Clarke, t<f Tirntaoky, recently vu ia- !
btitn?n'y it-ujrSercd l y the Va:.kees, ao full ;-bo
feie he retched !, s mushoud. ::t?,? yet had i>->en <
a utan to his e<.?.n.-.-y." tireen bo '!.<: turf n'jorc j
limo, bravo boy : ftvtr bright :.;..: nlcs?*n&*will
bu thy ic- Mtiry i
- - .? .*>- ?- - i
? ~X Tl. : re;? ile'; hue, says Ike Columbus !
En i aire,-, thal General i'orresi U..* ascertained
thal ?he V..r.ke:-s litety operating against Span
ish F"rt bavo discontinued ike attack a;.d arc .
leaving Ai ahn ma, and i: ?J suppose i tba; thoy i
arc teing font to t::o reinforcrmont of Sherman j
?o X n-li Carolina. It ta also stated that (?en. j
Forres! hn? advices fiom -iashvlllo as lalo r.s ten i
days :ig-"s and thal ?he Yankee." Ibero were then j
greatly ext ??c I n:>.\ , \ n ine:!, f--.r iome raiis'e hot
defir.i;< ly known.
- * -5- * -
y?J- Jame." Gordon Dennett has refused to
nccpt the position nf Minister lo Prance fi r Ibo
reason thal bo can du more ut. hom... to work out
Ibo salvation of thc t-cutitrj. than in any other '
.~3rf3dtv'i!.>rc?d. j
Thc Late Haid in Sumter.
Painful and confused rcpoirjb have reached us
siocc our lat! issue respecting^ raid hy Foster's
ntgro troops in the district ofSuinter. One re
port stated that the town of Sumter had heen
burned on Sunday,-2d iust.,'and 'hat the raiders
were making their way towards Camden. Anoth
er report stated that nothing but the Commissary
Stores had been burned in jointer, and thc raid
er.", making their way to Co^timbin, had been met
IS miles from that placo by our forces, when
they were repulsed and driven back. "These anil
similar report; haye been circulating during tho
post week concerning tho operations of Paster's
raider.-, but as they tire contradictory, we must
leave our readers to form from them their OWP. con
Salisbury He-captured.
On Friday but wo learned that the enemy oc
cupied Salisbury, N. C. on Wednesday night,
April ll, by a force supposed' to be a portion of
Stoneman's and Thomas' Mounted Infantry from
East Tennessee. In Monday's Augusta papers
however wc see that the place bas been recap
tured by our forces.
-? !? -?
Another Raid.
The Chronicle & Sentinel ol' Snnday says : " It
is rumored that a small raiding party of Federals
has bein seen on the Congarec below Kingsville."
An Unfortunat? Affray.
On Thursday last, Messrs. j.M. RILEY, ALOSZO
HARRIS and SIM. TIMJIEBMAN, of thc Supporting
Force of this District, wore ordorod to arrest and
bring to this place, a conscript by tho name of
BERRY IIor.NC, who it appears had been evading
military service for a long while. On attempting
to arrest HORNE, bc made fight, wo understand,
with a weeding hoc, and whilst HORNE was in tho
act of striking Mr. RILEY, tho latter discharged
both barrels of his gun into the body of the
former, killing him instantly. From all the in
formation wo eau obtain in tho premises it was
clenrly a caso of justifiable ihomicide, n~d is so
rogarded by all good citizens acquainted with the
,-?. ?
From Richmond.
A gentleman arriving in Augusta furnished iho
Conttitutionaliit thc following :
Thc warehouses cootrdning tho cotton and to
bacco were burned.
Thc iron clads and magazines were exploded.
Oar anny was glad to get rid of the monotonous
life of tue trenches, and hos been amazingly bet
tered ia spirit by. tbc change. Lee has still a
largo and formidable host, and Old Abo will ere
long Stand aghast at tho "life in the Old Lund
Gen. A. P Dill was mortally wounded and
died on Sunday. Hie body was recovered.
- . i ? i aa? i ?->
To.tue Friends ol'Soldiers in General
J. E. Johnston's Army. a
A regular postmaster having been appointed to
servo in this m my thc bettor to facilitate thc de
livery < f mails, parties writing to officers or sol
diers of this command will bc particular to give
aa address, thc Company, R?giment, Brigade or
st.tff on which they may be serving, nnd say
" Johnston's Army" ?? destination.
???r Let ail those who think the President is
getting ready to surrender stand up as long as he
will, and they will yet seo tho Confederacy freo
and independent.
ggf " Tlc Southern Christian Advocate"-a
mott excellent religious new.'papcr,-?dias been
removed from Augusta to Macon, Qa.
-- - -* . -
Havana dales ot March il, "say that Maxi
milian will recognise the Southern Confederacy
immediately, ami open to them tho port cf Tam
pico or some other port in which to carry theil'
prises ?or adjudication and sale. Thc non-recog
nition by thc Washington administration of the
Mexican Empire has produced unpleasant feel
ings on the part of Maxiinillian toward? the
United State?.
For . 0 Advertiser.
The following contributions arc acknowledged
for the week ending April I7lh.
Gov. Pickcns, 1 load wood ;
Mrs. Jas. Griffin, 23 lbs flour, I ?usb. peas.
Lieut F. J. Moses, S.'.l*.
We tcudcr tho sincere thanks of the Associa
tion to the Ladies and Gentlemen, who so kindly
assisted in the entertainments recently giren for
thc benefit of thc " Hume."
Mas. LEWIS JONES, Prea't. S. II. A.
Mr?. EI.BEI?T BLAND, Soc'ry oud Treas.
-- ? --o- ? -
F .i- thc AdvcM'.-.T.
Not i ri'.
Th craft* ?i bc a meeting of tho Committee on
the Education of Soldiers' Orphans, at E.lgcfield
C. H.. on Saturday the L".'fh of April.
Tba members of lina Committee aro invited to
ut'cr.d, and to remain during tba following Sab
bath. ?
L. ll. GWALTNEY. Chair.
_ .. ... _ ,. -
Northern News.
A dispatch from (j raul, dated Ajiril 1, =fiy.s
Sheridan rm that day carried every thing he
fore liim. ami had capture.] three brigades nf
infantry, t> wagon train, and several bat f cries
nf artillwj.. The prisoners captured by Sher
idan cai that day (-irani, says amount lu seve
ral lilOUS.iiul.
Hincoln telegraphs to Stanton from City
Point) under date of April li", that up lo that
date Gian; bad captured twelve thousand pri
sor.ers and !i:iy pieces of artillery. J[c also
says in thc same dispatch that Foster's divi
sion had Ruptured au important fort with its.
cutir? garrison.
A Northern dispatch from Lincoln, under
date of April 2. from City Point, states iliat
every thing bad beeu carried on the left. On
thai day Petersburg was closely invested.
Petersburg wa; occupied by" the Yankee ?
forces on Sunday night. In the fight before
that place on Sunday, in one section, the Yan
kee paper-, sty, ihvy captured over three
thousand vvi.-oiitM'.T.
A dispatch from Gen. Grant's beadquar
ivis dated April Sd, states that he bad carri
ed everything Ijeforc him after three days
bard lighting. Ho occupied Richmond on
Munda-, morning. April i?d, at a quarter past '
eight o'cluckj i
Acciiivliii;.' lo dispatches there was great rc- :
joicingat th? North over Grant's victory.
A Washington di-pateh says ''ibe war is
over: the programme of Grant anticipates all
possible movoinci.'ls of the Confed?ralos; their
rctrea is cut off at all points; Grant, Sber
uiSkt. Thomas, aiicl Hancock, aro closing
around nil thc fragments of tho Canfcdcrato
In NCT York there was a continuous fir
ing of salutes. Lu Philadelphia there was a
Ia ria' procession atv' ?biliar demonstrations. 1
In Balumcra ti:-.' Mayor caused all thc hells !
io bo rung. I? Cincinnati there was a gene
ral suspension of business during thc day, and |
r>. grant! display nf fireworks in the evening. 1
?.y Latest English dales represent" that dc- j
bates in both Houses ?d' Parliament, agitating !
tho quoslion of tho poiirj cf tho defences of
Canad.i, nod Ibo probabilities of a war with
America. Tito excitement.on 1 lie subject is in
creasing. Thc nation is rapidly placing ou a
(rood ivar footing tho army ?nd navy.
The bought of felicity is riding on n singe
coach between two pretty girls, and having but
ona rad of owof-t gum for I lie three.
Por the Advertiser.
How to Achieve Southern Iudepen
dence, and perpetuate thc Insti
tution of Slavery.
By tl:i.- time it must be Apparent to the n
casual observer that speedy reform is absolul
neccssnry for tho achievement of Southern In
pendence. Reform should commence forth tv
Dot only, as has been properly suggested, in
Quartermasters, but in every other departmcn
the Government, until every able-bodied ni
within the proper age is sent to tho front, ;
their places filled by disabled soldiers, and
men. Let this be dono, and let., fur a time,
faeorile?tm cease, and every boy and man, fi
IC to $0 years of ago, bc put into thc field. "?
I go still further if necessary, and take all u]
00 years of ago ; for their aro many able-bod
men of that nge who have figured largely in p
lie assembly, and resolved from time to time, t
"We will never give up the contest until wo g
our Independence." who have never smelt |
powder, but Ho up in foather beds and hal!
" Huzza Boys !" Let this be done with as li
delay ai possible, and I venture to say, alt TOI
it is boping ugaint hope, that our Independe
may bo secured without tho aid of negro soldi'
The great blunder of thc Confederate Congi
is, and has becu, in making too many Bomb pro
Why should members of the Legislature, for
stance, bo exempt from Confederate servi
Ibero is no good reason for It;, and cortainly
justice in it. Justice demands that they sho
be in service, for all of them were acknowlod?
Secessionists, and many of them members of
Convention that voted South Caralina ont of
Union. It seems to me, the time has como-wi
tho more strategy a man can uso to keep oui
the army, tho more ho is respected by th? cc
munity, and thc higher the estimation in which
ia held by tho citizens generally. This abo
not be sn. I do not profess to bo a military m
but I flo not understand how it is, when we ni
all tho troops in tho sen ico lo oppose the onwi
march i?f Gen. SugBVAX, lhat. whole Brigades
Cavalry an: penuirtcd to remain idle for weeks
yea. mouth.-', al a time, without doing any thi
for the ?rood of ibo country. I hare said if evi
able-bodied man be pur immediately in thc s
vice, il mean active service,) wo may possil
rccuro our Independence without the aid of nc)
soldiers. By this remark, I do not wish to
understood as being opposed tu arming the i
grots ; so far from it, after we have made a f
Hnd fair trial with thc whitb population, I ara
fav>r of arming two hundred thousand, or ev
live hundrod thousand if necessary, and sendi
them to tlie iron:. Nor di T c o:..; lor it at ;
necessary to ofiV them their froedom aa a rewa
for their faithful services, as I am satisfied th
will fight as well for us, without such an offer,
they will with it. - Hundreds and thousands
negroes, both in Georgia and South Carolii
have evinced their inflexible fidelity to their ow
era by refusing to follow imperious Sherman
his desolating march through thess States ; ai
hundreds of others have displayed no little w
dom by forsaking tho cunning Yankees, and i
turning to their comfortable humes again.
The institution of slavery is now passing throuj
a fiery ordeal, but it is like good brass; thc rac
it is scoured by Northern fanatics and Southe
traitors, the ??righter it shines.
But wc uro told there are men of position ai
standing in the Confederate Stale?,-yea,
South Carolina,-who aro in favor of abolishii
slavery. All such are -wolves in sheep's clothin
and nothing moro nor less than traitors to th?
country. The proper authorities will no dou
take tho earliest opportunity to expel? all sui
from Southern soil, to a mere congenial clim
where they can freely mingle with their kindr
spirits of abolitiunism, who have long sinco d
nounecd tho word of Uo? as a oovenont fcith Ile
and a league with death.
We have tho best soldiers in the world, and v
have had fighting enough tu have gaiued our fi
dependence a dozen times over, but Ibo en?
I not yet- If wc fail to establish *ur Iudepci
j ?lenco upon a firm foundation, I venture to say
j will be more for tho want of Statesmanship, au
j on account of thc influence ut traills, opcupyin
! ?ioh plecas, than from any other cause. Thei
?3 no dillieulty in proving that men of nos tia
and standing have boon thc greatest traitors o
record and will give an instance ur two. .Tudu
Iscariot was certainly a man uf position, fur h
was one of thc twelve Apostles, and he betray?;
the Saciuor intu the bands uf hi.-i cueiuies for 1!
pieces of silver. How much Yaukeo gold mn
have boen sent to thu Confederate States as
j reward fur treasoo, we af course have no mean
: r.f ascertaining! Benedict Arnold was a mun ?.
j position und standing, for bc was a Major Genera
j in thu American Army, and nt ono time had tb
; confidence of the Fat! r of his country : and i
j is well knowu that Arnold was a traitor ta bli
' countrv. In the last war between Great Briti n
j and thc United States, Wiili.ni Hall, of Massa
! cliusetle, a mun of position and standing, wai
a prominent oliieer in the American Army, aut
i h;- tuo proved to be a trait-.T. Many other Instance!
j might bc adduced, but thcia are sufficient to cs
i tablish '?or position, that men of standing one
position havo olten bern ihc greatest traitors thal
j cv or lived.
' AH true Christians in every agc, and of even
denomination, admit Ihn) thc Bible should bc tLe
: mau of our council ; arni slavery is nut only lol?
j cr.i!ed, but even sanctioned by bulb the old and
' new Testament. But we are told if ?lavery is
: abolished, it will always c.\i.-.t in some form. Now
?rc nir.iiiiai; th .t lim present f.?rm of slavoryti
thu vet y .?-i-t lilil?, can pus.-i-dv bo devised: for
I both lutero*! and humanity will prompt owners
lo toed .i II J clothe ar.d otherwise -are fur the com
fort of thetr (laves; and when snperanated they
v/ill su-i ori *bt-m io tho end ?'f Ufa. Tu our
m.il't, it lu. -vor ii?-cii a . iro.ig philanthropy that
w ubi enslave :he white niau :'.,r the freed m of
the negro.
Now t-> nrhieve Sonth Independence und per?
I i tuatc lue institution ijwvery, every tn.n alni
every .vionan i?i the CoiiFederney must do thi.-ir
<luiy : and do >' ..t once. All mast not ia earned.
Let their bo no drones. Keniciui>er ibo many ia
Qtmitoryspeeches you have ma-' . and your, a
triolic Kcjolres, that ia? intend tu fight il out.
Kow is thu time, chow your faith by your works.
And stand tu your post ; fur it Ls nut to bo dis
guised, that if you fly ut thc approach of your
enemy, all is lott. And if we are to bo subjuga
ted, wo be to these Confederate States ! Better
for us. had it been, that the child, .Secession had
never been born. NINETY SIX.
coction of the leaves of commun cammomile
will deslry all species of insect, and nothing
contributes so much to ibo health of a garden
aa a number of camomile planta dispersed j
through il. Nb greenhouse or ' ftthouse j
should ever be without it, in a green or dried
state ; either the sta'ks or the Howers will
answer, lt is a Jugular fact that, il* a plant
is drooping and appearcntly dying, in nine
cases out of ten it will recover if you plant
camomile near it.
Mill Notice.
?AM now ready to GRIND AV ll li A T OR ;
CORN at my MILLS on Big Stephens' Creek.
Any person fcarlne to erasa the Bridge nerd not
do so. Tring your Wheat or Guru to tho Bridgo
and I will r-arrv it across and back.
Apr.7 .it* 17
? y i j - -. n g - ' ;
.' The Alabama Situation.
The Columbus Sun, of the 12th, bas the
following telegram :
MONTGOMERY, April ll_Our forces evac
uated Montgomery last night. The Federals
are expected, to copy it to day. Some fight
ing yesterda}', Lc!ow Beuton, m which oui
forces were driven back.
The last accounts from thc Alabama raid
ers, according to the Macon Telegraph, is
I hat thc enemy was at Line Creek coming to
wards Columbus, but whether this move
ment was an advance on the city, or whether
rhey were following up our forces wis not
Gen. Cobb is in Colutrrbus. The defenses
of the city will be put in the bent possible con
dition to make a successful resistance, and not
a doubt is entertained of our ability to repel
the enemy and bold it.
Tho Columbus Sun says : Our people are
not exhibiting much alarm, and general con
fidence is felt that Columbus can and will bc
imccessfully defended.
A large number of refugees have arrived in
Columbus from Montgomery.
Gen. Forrest, when last heard from, wu3
twelve miles from Selma. It was thought he
r/ould cross the riverand pursue the Yankees.
The Yankee force is composed entirely ol
oavalry and mounted infantry, with some ar
Among the refugees who have arrived- in
Columbus aro Gov. Watts and other officers
of the State Government of Alabama. They
are deeply cbagrained at the capture of their
" capitol by i ix thousand Yankees, but feel
conscious that they did all that was in their
power to prevent it. The Governor has pro
ceeded to Eufaula.
A dispatch from Talladega, dated April
7th, states that a division of Yankees from
Elyton are at Montevallo; a portion of them
aro also at Selby Springs. Scouts reporto
body oft'ie enemy at Ashville, takingstock, ?fcc
It is stated that there were about eight)
thousand balee of cotton in Montgomery in
the warehouses This was burned Tuesday
evening. There was a large quantity of cot
ton scattered through the streets, whether
this was burned also is not known. If it was
a large part of the city must also have suffer
ed a similar fate from its close proximity tc
combus' ?ble material.
Montgomery was evacuated in great con
fusion. Liquor was used freely. All com
missary stores were distributed to the people
lt is feared that much private property bai
been de-troyed.
Du:n, at the rcsidccce of her Father, Mi
SAMUEL STKVK.SS. on tho 3rd April, Mr.?. MAT
TIE E. M0BLEV, consort of Dr. S. G. MOHLKV,
in tho 27th yoar of her uga.
Again tho monster death has been in our circle,
and lotuoved from our midat one who possessed
all the lu, clines, of her sex. She was the em
blem of purity, tho embodiment of holiness, and
it was her oonstunt desire to do tho will of ber
Heavenly Father. Oh ! bow sad to think- that
death laid his icy fing? r upon this sweet creature
who docomted thc domestic circle with the flowers
of affection, and adorned tho profession she made
by a well ordered life, and a Godly conversation.
Cruel Death ! How coutd'st thou deprive society
of such an ornament.
Ia curly lifo, .-he connected herself with the
Baptist Church, at Mountain Crock- She after
wards removed hor membership, and united her
self with-tho Olive Branch Church. Her plaoo
at Church was always filled', and no* she is gone,
muny will iii ?ss her sweet smiles und pious de
portment. I knew her well, und I may s:iy I
know her always. Wo were at school togother,
:uid ob, how happy wo were. We dimed tho hills,
and chased thc butterflies; in fact, wo woro as
...ac, ?uni nothing could separate us. I will mist
her nully, uud time cm nuver obliterate from thc
dial of my suul tko image of he- dear self. My
.yea fill with tears even now while I um aiicmpc
ing to pen this simple tribute to thc memory of
her wiiom 1 so dearly loved. I will often revert
to the past, and eal] to mind the moro iliac happy
moments which wc have spent in each other's
.oeioty. I wish sho was with me now; hut why
express this wish, whon I know, that dear MAT
TIE is better off. She was too pure for this world,
-her.ee God tonk her to himself, and gave lier
f?r uer comp minns, tko angels that surround His
throne, and for her portion, a crown whoso beauty
and brightness, ?hall last, whoa " monarchs' uud
Victors' gems shall blent in evin mon dus/."
Dear MATTI K is gone ! ifho ii now in bon vea
with the dear dop.ir.lcd ones who have gone be
lorc. A few weeks r.go, ?be burled ker last sur
viving child, and no doubt the departure of his
dear little treasure of her heart hastened her own
death. They are now together in the Paridise nf
"God. Imagine, kind re ider, ihe happy masting,
irhich took pince between them in tho better
world. A week before ht-r death she suffered in
tensely. No heart cen conceive of her suffering*.
A ?lay er two before her spirit took ?is flight tu
tho eternal world, sho was insensible. She was
denied the power of speech. Wo have every
reason te believe, that sh? is mw enjoying that
Best which God has prepared fair those who love
bim. Through out her whola B;oii'ic?s sho dis
closed Christian fortitude mid resign ht ion.
As n wife, she b-id no superior? ?- 1-e loved ber
hiHbsnd with an undying affection; HS a mother,
kind,loving, and obliging; aaa daughter, shu
was gentle, affectionate, and dutiful: a? a fi hud.
sho was constant, sincere, and unsophisticated :
a- a'ChrUthtn abo iras humble, piou?, Godly, and
heitVMuly-uiiiidcd ; as n ti.-trr. she waa rich in
l?vo, and infiuite in good work*.. Sha ha* gnu?
tu her reward.
Ju ber demite, carib hus last, ?iud heaven gained ;
a priceless jewel. Weep not for her, afflicted
ones, for she has gone to that House. M not ttiade i
with band.-, eternal io the heavens.''
She leiivos a husband, aud a torse circlo of
relatives aud friends lo mourn their loss. May ;
God bless ike bereaved ou?-, and bind up their :
broken'hearts, and pour into thsir wounded i
spirits. Gio oil of his consolation.
Dearest MATTIE, thou art harpy
In thc realms, of bliss and light;
Where no psin cnn make th?-e weary,
And no sickness dim thy sight.
WILLIAM L. CLAXTON, of this District, a j
member of Co. B, Cth S. C. Cavalry, wa.? wound- ,
ed nt Trev'dlian Station, Va., tm tho ll Ik June,
I Sol, which forced tho amputation of his arm, I
and was then sent to Hospital at Danville, Va.. -
where he died from thc effects ot-his wound ou
ihe I I'h July following, aged .'vf years and livo
Thus ended the bright and glorious csreer of a '
gallant soldier, and un esteemed ??nd useful ,-iii
zcu. lu llciiveii re.?t his soul, and long live his
memory. H.
Amiss tho many brave boys that have iliad in '
this ennfl war, waged by an unscrupulous loe, is ,
included WILLIAM A Lo NZ \ i?u vt JASPKU H. ?
?Kt.Dwi.t., of Ulis Stdio and J'htrn-t.
The sulijocl of luis notice wa- fii.-ecn years of :
uge tba *d day of Feb. lsr,?. llu loft home for j
ibo anny tue 5th of A-Ttl following, and was j
staiioued on Jamo''* Island, ue-r Charleston,
until the spring of TH!.".; *iien went with his
comm.iud, the 24th liegt. S. C. V., Gen. GISTS .
Brigade to N. Georgia, i ben connected with the
Army of Tennessee, then under Usn. Walker. H<. i
went through tho campaign of Mississippi and j
was in many bard-lought battles. He tl..?n re- i
turned with his command to North Georgia, and '
wai in all tho battles fought in that section until
tho 20th July 1S64, when in un engigetneht near ?
Peach Trco Creek, he receive I a slight wound in
thc side, but was able' on the 22d lo bc in the ?
charge when General Walker was killed, but rc
ccivod no damage in that baltic : but on the 27th,
whilst himself and others of his companions iii !
arms, wore sitting together cheerfully conversing, j
the fatal missile sped its way passing through tho j
lungs ?nd heart (it wa? supposed) of this much
ostccraediind high toned young man.
A friend of his, who sat near him when ho w*3 I ,
killed, states that no.cnemy was in sight, and tho (
ball that slruck him wis u stray missile. ' Truly; ' j
ii t was stated by this friend, "the ways of Provi- ' ]
deuce are inscrutable and yet full of morey ;" ]
and though to our limited vision "clouds and j j
darkness ure round about, him, righteousness and ,
judgment uro the. habitations of his throne.'' This ; ,
friend who bad been with him and shared in the ?
toils and privations of a soldier's life, and h id nu '
opportunity of testing his alerting w-rib, ?ar*:
" Corporal YKLIIKI.I. was one of thc m >st popular
young men iu our Company. In fact, we alt loved
him; and I do not believe hu had un enemy in J
bis Regiment. In addition lp this, he was a imo \
soldier, und the model of a gontloman, an unscl- I I
(l*h patriot, ntid a martyr in a just c?u?e. Young
as he WAS his narrie ?s historic and inimnrtil. His
reputation immaculate, and his.* spirit, is- now in
tho mansions <>f blessedness. Who cati'ex peet to
achieve and realize more than this even in the
course of a lon? and well-spent life time?"
WILLIAM was in his raising ti dutifuland obedi
ent son, loved by all that knew bim ; and though
wc shall see his faco no ra<?re on earth, nngels
watch his dust, until s Power ?uproiao (hali ruiso
it all glorious and immortal.
May thc habitual sentiments of our hearts bo
" tho Lord gave,'and the. Lord has token away,
blc.-so 1 he rh-; name of the Lord."
- . J. T.
State of South Carolina.
SPARTANBCRG, 8th April, 1865.
ITHE organization of STATE TROOPS, 1st
. Class Militia, heretofore oxisting, is hereby
disbanded*. All persons between tho aces of Itt
and 17. liable to duty in that Class of the Militia,
will immediately allombie at Greenville, at which
timo und place the whole commaad will be re
2. Thc orders of the 3d*April, 1SC5, (No. 3) by
which the whole command was derailed for twen
ty days, are herebr couBtermsnded. The troops
will assemble with all possible expedition at
Greenville as hereinbefore directed.
3. Thc absolute necessity which now exists for
the continued service of these troops .will not
permit their ubsenceat this tim? invite* the threat
ened approach of the e.xemy, and take* from the
Stale ail itt means of defence.
.t. The Colonels commanding thc Regiments of
Militia in this State aro specially chaTged with
the promulgation.of this order, and it? enforce
ment by sending to Greenville all thoso of the 1st
Class Militia tinbin to duty. Q
5. The Quartcr-Mastor General will : provide,
without delay, for the transportation of these
troops to Greenville.
C. The arms and ammunition belonging to the
organization of these State Troops wilt be taken
to Greenville and there re-issued to tho mon who
constitute the command.
7. Thc Colonels commanding the Regiments of
Militia in this State, will, at tho expiration of
y?ee d'<y* from the receipt of this order, make a
repon of its execution.
8. At their arrivai in'Grconvillc the troops will
j report to '.'apt. Ti P. Thomas, who will nrsign to
I them their proper position, and prepare them fer
tho re-organilation of the comer.aud. " . :
Dy ordor &f the Governor.
G. A. FOLLi:;, A. A. Gcn'I.
Quartermaster's Department,
APIUL Uth, 18G5.
Colonels commanding are authorized to issno
transportation to troops to be assembled under
orders No. lt) of his Excellency tho Governor.
Q. M. Goa'l.S. CV
EncariEin C. II., April I7tb, 1805.
COLONELS of the 9th and 10th Regiments,
and Capt. A. JONES of the 7th S. C. Regiment
of Militia, will obsorvo and carry into effect tho
above orders.
Lieut Col. & A. D. C.
Apr 18 It 17
Detachment Holler's Cavalry Brigade,
CHARLOT .-s, N. C., March 22, lS6ft.
ALL Absonloeft-|rom Butler's Cavalry Brigade
are hereby ^pfuired to report to mo at Ches
terville, S. C., or to Capt. Mciver, at Cberaw, S.
C., without delay.
Tu such as report promptly, the clemency of
fered iu thc recent order frota Gen. Lee, will bo
extended. Thoso who do no! avail themselves of
this last opportunity, may expect the cxtrcmcrt
penalty of ?he military law. This order will re
maiu in loree fir twenty days from this date.
By order: B. II. RUTLEDGE,
Colono] Cutntaandiug.
Otliei-tl :
V. J. MOSES, Lieut. .'. E. 0.
Apr IS lt 17
Central Association.
APRIL ?nt, IS65.
NOTICE is heroby given I hot M ?c-rs. PRICE
and I'fCKLE h.ive btu detailed by tina
Association lo co-opcr. io with the ('.mi.nineo fur
supplying Food tu the p?or!e ? i> Cellini-ia. and
with tin: Committee nt Newberry having in ch ir^e
the Soldier.-' Wayside at that place. Th? citizens
of the upper I'isiricts are earnestly requested to
bid them m their benevolent labors.
fiOrl beg ol* th-; Ladies throughout the Stets
to renew their effort* throu h their A.y.ociation*
in getting u;i supplies of CLOTHING for iba
Soldiers. Al. LABOR DE,
Chat rm-in Central Association.
Apr 13 If 17
Tax in Kind.
Sr... No. DKPOT NO. 6, 4m Cose. Disr. S. C.,
AIXK.N. S C., April 15tb, IS'?5.
PRODUCERS wi 1 take t: ?t?ee that I ?.:ii mw
reidy I" receive the 'J'?the of Esthnatr*.
form* N-?. i .i 2, and that i; inns* he doliver-vi
before the 1 jii ?I May nest, ur they wit! !?c hi ..
liable to forfcit'five. times tho estimated valu: tn
defaul: o! navmont iu Kind.
Agent Depot No. 6, S-.c. 5.
Apr I? 2t 17
PtOM thc Subscriber cn the night of tin? ftd
iu-t.. n l.-.rge Cbestiut Sorrel HORSE,
ld axe free,-nmoe generally hangs on both sides
his nook,-lind on ?.no shoe en u fora foot, and a
sore un thc riiiht should? r: walk- wide behind
an I paces slowly under the saddle. Information
gladly received and liberally rewarded.
Lexington, S. C., Apr lb 2t? 17
BY order of Capt J. F. Riley, A. C. S., I am
instructed to notify all persons who have
received du.- bilis Of me in payment of Bond
Beef or Bacon d divered nt this place, to return
Ul? same to me by tho lit Monday in May, in
utder to have the amount delivered credited "ii
their rospcc.'b . Bonds.
I will continue to reeeivo Tax and Bond Bacon,
but will not receive ?nj ciore Bond Beef.
Purchasing & Impressing Agent.
Apr 17 2t? " ' 1.7
?WII.L pay ii SALT for
50 Bushels Corn ;
2000 Lbs. F.dder ;
One good Milch Cow with young oalf.
10 Mlio Post, Aiken Road to Edgcfield.
Aiken, April 2t? 17
State of South Carolina,
IN EQUI rr. -
Eldridge Asbill, et al. "I
M > Partition.
Wm. Powell, ot ux. et al. J
BY virtue of an order of tho Court in this case,
I will proceed to sell on Monday, 2nd day of
May next, nt Edgcfield C. lt., the Real Estate
(escribed in the pleadings, eontaiuing One hun
Ircd and sixty iloO) acre.', moro nr less, ndjoin
ng lands of Wm. Powell, Nathaniel Burton,
>.vi Thrailkill, et. ni.
Sold on a credit nf 12 months with interest
rom day of sale. Puroh isers to give Bond with
it least two good sureties to secure the purchase
noney, and pay for titles Extra.
Z. W. CAB WILE. c.n.Kw..
April 10, 1S65. 3to 17
For Sale,
r-aNE CAVALRY SADDLE. Also, one hrge
pair SADDLE BAGS. Call soon, or you
ooso a barga'ur. ?. L. PENN.
Apr IS 2t 17

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