Newspaper Page Text
Counting House Calendar for 186$. I np g; ?!3 2 ?ii 1^1 SI HI <\ H\ gi cn gog ?I ?< ? ? Z i x I *^ I ** ? ! S s H o . ?* Z \-< ? 6! 6 ? 12 13 5 19 20 5 26 27 2 S 9:10 - 16 ta 3 23 rs 15 17 ...I II 2 ri 8 ? 14 15 16 21 22,23 28j29j30 4 "of 6 11?12 13 3i 4il lWll 1718 sn * i : 7 S 14 15 18;19|20j21 22 ; 24|25'26'27l28i29 1 2| 3! 4 Si 6 71 9 10 ll 12 13 14 16!17 1S?19,2U 21 .; ,22 23?24I25 26;27;28 II...I li 2! SI 4 ^i 5? 6l 7 Si 9 1013 ?U21S|14 1516 17 IS r5 |l?|20j21[22|23 24,25 26j27 2Sl29?30;31i... ... ... ...I... ...... 1 > zi Sj 4| 5 6i 7? 8 = : 9-10-li:i2?13|14.15 - 16 171S 19:20 21 2. 23 24 25 26!27!2S 29 30 31 ' 4I 11)12 1S?19 25;'26 |29j30 i> 5 ' "6 g. 12,13 p 19 20 :26 27 ~ 3! 4 K,17:1S 24 25 ?31 .. a "? J 3 14 15 31 i? 2! 3:4' 7 S 910 ll 14 15 16 17;1S 21 22 23 24 25 2S 29 30 ... ... ... ...I... 1 2 5? 6i 7 8 9! 12,13 14f15'l6 19 20 21 22 23 26?27?2S?39 30; ........ J 21 9 10 1 fit 17 2 3 4 5! 6 9 10 ll 12 13 16 17.1S,19,20; 21?22?23 24,25 26,27 j 28129 30,...L.I... ... ; ? fi 7 3 9.10 .s ?13:t4;l?!l6 17 20 22 22 23 24 27?2S.29 30!... ...:...| i c 4 5 6 7 S 3 ll 12 13 14 15? ' IS 19 20 21.22:23;24 25?26 27 2S 29 30 31 LL.. iii... J. li 2 3' 4? 5? ?; ?? S 9.10 ll 12'l3ll4 :<il5?16 17,1S!19,20'21 22 23 24 25?26 27 2S 29 30 ... ...I... ..J ... ... 1 2l Si 41 ?; 6i 71 8 9!10!ll'12 S 13 14 15 16.;17|18,19 * ?20.21;22:23:24i25!26 ?27,23,29,301311 NEW DRUG STORE I No. % Park How, EdgeBeld, S. C. Ti HE Subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Edgofield that he is now re ceiving and opening a LARGE and VARIED Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, BRUSHES, STATIONERY,; Ac, &c. These Goods were selected in person from tho best Houses in tho City of New York, and aro marked as low; as such Goods can bo sold in this market His motto will be ? QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," and a ?rm adhcrenco to tho CASH SYSTEM. E3>*Cayh Customers will find it to their inte rest to trade at thc New Drug Store. ZSTDon't ayk for credit-not oven for a day -as I ?rn determined to sell for CA":H-AND FOR CASH ONLY. /73?~An inspection of my Stock is earnestly so licited. I T. Yv\ CARWILE. Jan 5' tf 2 1 HAYE A NICE LOT OF LADIES' WOR STED DRESS GOODS which I will cell at COST FOR CASI!. Also, many othor articlos to suit tbe times. Call and examine for yourselves. B. C. BRYAN, Agt. Jan 1m Removal 2 TnE Subscriber has removed his STOCK OF GOODS to the Store-Room recently occupied by Mr. John Colgan, next door to T. Roof's, where he is offoring BARGAINS TO CASH C?STO MERES. He also takes this occasion to urge those in debted to him for Goods purchased sinco May 1S65, to sottlo up at once. All such claims un paid by thc 1st February, will bo placed in tho Provost Court for collection. I want and mutt have money. J. M. WITT. Jan 7 lm 2 Administrator's Sale. BY Virtue of an Order from Wm. F. Durlsoc, Esq., Ordinary for Sdgcfield District, I will sell on WEDNESDAY, the loth JANUARY, at the lato residenco of SAMUEL BROOKS, dee'd., (in the Village of Edgefield,) ALL THE PER SONAL ESTATE of said deceased, consisting of TWO GOOD MULES, A LOT OF MILCH COWS AND STOCK CATTLE of tho most improved breed, A LOT OF SALTED PORK, ONE TWO HORSE WAGON and HARNESS, ONE ROCKAWAY and HARNESS, CORN, FODDER, SHUCKS, PEAS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, KITCHEN -UTENSILS, Ac, Ac TERMS-Cash in Gold, or its equivalent in United States Legal Tender Note:. No property to be removed, nor tho titles to be changed until the terms of sale aro fully complied with. T. H. CLARK, Adm'or. Dec 31_St 1 ARKANSAS LANDS FOR EXCHANGE F? OURTEEN HUNDRED AND FOR TY (1440) ACRES OF LAND, situated on the Memphis and Little Rock Rail Road, about twenty miles from the City of Memphis, will bo exchanged for Lands in South Carolins, in good location. ^ggrAddress 124, Key Box, Augusta, Ga. Dec 23_lm 52 State ot South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. BY W. F. DURISOE, Esq., Ordinary of Edgo field District. Whereas, Thomas Bladon, has applied to me for Loiters of Administration, on all and singular thc goods and chattels, rights and cred its of James Bladon, late of tho District aforesaid, deceased. Thcso ar?, therefore, to cito and admonish all ard singular, the kindred and creditors of the 8jid deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Ordinary's Court for tho said District, to be holden at Edgefield C. H., on tho 23rd day of Jan. inst., to show cause, if any, why tht said administration shonld not be granted. (j i von under my hand and real, this 9th day of Jan. in tho year of our Lord ono tbouiand eight hundred and sixty-seven and in thoninoty-sccond year of American Independence. W. F. DURISOE, O.E.D. Jan. 13 2t 3 To Consumptives. Tho Ri!\ EDWARD A. WILSON will sond (froe of charge) to all who desire it, the prcscripti'Ti wi'h the directions for making and using the pimple remedy by which ho was cured of alungafi" ctionand that dread disease Consump. tion. His "nly object is to benofit thc afflicted and ho hopes cvtry suffuror will try thin prescription, as it will cor' them nothing, and muy pro\fc s blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg, N. I Sept IS _Sm_33 Errors ot* Yo nt h. A Gontleman who suffered for years from Ner vous Debility, Premature Decay, nnd all th? effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the rc-ipo and directions for making tho simph remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wish' ing to profit by the advertiser's experience can dc so by addrossing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., Now York May 27 _ ly 22 INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produco a luxuriant growth of huir upon a bald hoad or beardie?! face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples Blotehos, Eruptions, etc, on the skin, leaving tht same s-'ft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressing THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Craw, 823 Broadway, Now York. Sept 18_. 8m 38 Notice. DURING my absence from tho State, SI. M PADGETT, Esq., is my authorized Agent und bus my notes and Accounts in his posscmoi All persons indebted to me will please call on bin and settle. TYRE JENNINGS. Jan. 7 2 ta 2 C. H. JUDSON, PresidcBt. ASSISTED BY FOUR PROFESSORS AND THREE FEMALE TEACHERS. THE NEXT SESSION will begin on WED NESDAY, the 12th of February next, and" continue Twenty Weeks. Owing to the scarcity of money the Rates have been reduced as follows : Boarding for 20 woeks, (Currency,) $80,00 Tuition, Higher Eng. Course, " 30,00 M Latin or French, " 20,00 Lossons on Piano Forte or Guitar, " 30,00 Special Vocal Lessons, " 25,00 Drawing and Painting, " 20,00 Singing and Incidentals, " 5,00 Fer further information, apply for lato Cata logU'J. C. H. JUDSON, President. Greenville, Dec 23 3t52 Edgefield Male Academy THE NEXT SESSION of this School wfll commence on MONDAY, the 3d Febrnasf, and continue Five Months. From that date, I shall reduoe my chargos to ! the following : Tuition in the advanced Classes, per Session of Five Months, (Currency,) f $25,00 Taition in the Lower Classes, per Session of. Five Months (Currency,) 20,00 I will, as heretofore, devote my best energies to the moral and mental culture of my pupils. L. R. GWALTNBY. Jan 7 2t 2 Sweet Water Academy. TUE Exercises of this Institution will com mence on the THIRD MONDAY of JANU ARY (20th) under the charge and instruction of Mr. GEO. GALPHIN, as Principal. The Terms (wjjich are moderate and accom modating,) and any other information may be ob tained from thc Principal, or either of the follow ing gentlemen, the Trustees of the Academy, viz : Col. A. P. BUTLER, Rev. J. S. MATHEWS, T. B. REESE, Dr. H. A. SHAT:, W. J. WALKER and W. Q. GARD.SER. Jan 4 24 t 2 "J NEAR LITTLE 6TEVENS' CREHK CHURCH, will commence tho SECOND MONDAY in January, 1S6S. Nothing of an earthly nnture is oqual to educa tion. It is this reflection that makes mc cheerful and persevering under difficulties. And then the people aro always ready to co-operate. Rates of Tuition, in Currency, per Session of Five Months, payable at tbo close of the Session : Primar- Class, $12,00 Medium " 1?,00 Advanced " 20,00 It ha3 so happenod that I have taught a great er number ot girls than boy?, and it may bc" so in the future. An accomplished MUSIC ::EA?H ER will bo present to instruct all who may de sire to tako lessons. Good Board can bo procured in the neighbor hood. E.gKEESE, Principal. Dec 17 4t $1 F. A. BRAHE, At His Old Stand 191 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA., OFFERS AT THE VERT LOWEST PRI CES, to suit tho time?, a larjfc Stock of FINE GOLD A?CD SILVER WATCHES tfnd' CHAINS. FINB JEWELRY, FIRST CLASS DIAMONDS, kpowri as old Mine Stoioi, and a very largo assortment of Sterling SILVER WARE. Also, a large lot of FANCY GOODS. Mr. BRAHE having just returned frjm Eu rope will again pay ptrsnnal attention to thc' REPAIRING of WATCHES and JEWELRY. Augusta, Dec 23 lm 52 PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS reformation has been communi cated to this department, that a bold and outrageous robbery was committed upon the por tons ofthc clerks of J. Sulzbachcr ?k Co., merchants, at Chesnut Hill, in Edgetield District, and that money ind property wa3 forcibly carried away from the said store, in the night time, by at least eight person?, supposed tobe w". -.e, and all ef forts to tnko the said parties having heretofore proved fruitless : Now, know ye, that I, JAMES L. ORR, Gover nor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Stato of South firolina, to the ond that tho said robbers and outlaws may be brought to trial and condign punishment, do hereby offer s reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for tho arrest, with proof to convict tho said parties, and a propor tionate amount of that sum for the arrest and safe delivery of one or more. Given under my band and tho great wal of the Stato, tbis 2d day of January, 1SC8, and [L. s.] in tho ninoty-second year of the iniep%a denee of tho United States. JAMES L. ORR, Governor of S. Cf. E. CAPERS, Secretary of State. Jan. S 2t 2 New Rule for 1868 ! Fi ROM and after this, tho 1st January 1SCS. wo will adhere rigidly to the CASH SYSTEM, and in no instance, or under any cirouinstuncc?, will we allow our Goods to leavo the Store until paid for. Orders for Goods, to receive attention; must bo accompanied with thc Cata. ?^^"Our friends will please remember that we are selling as LOW AS THE LOWEST, bul ONLY FOR CASH. J5?*AU persons indebted to us for Goods pur chased in 1867, and previous, aro notified tba: we expect early settlements. C. A. CHEATHAM A BRO. Jan 1 2t 1 Lost, On the evening of the 21th of Dec. last, betweer August* and my Residence, a PLAIN GOL! WATCH, Single Case with Gold face, and : heavy long GOLD NECK CHAIN attach?e, will tho letters *' J. S. R." marked with a pin on tb> insido of tho ca?e. Number not recolected. Tho finder will bo liberally rowarded by leavin: the samo at Willio Garre t's, Hamburg' S. C., o: at my residence near Cur.yton, S. C. J. S. REYNOLDS. Jan. 7 2l* 2 Boot and Shoe Business For 18681 THE Subscriber returns his warmest thanks ti the people of Edgefield and vicinity for tia generous patronage extended to him during thi past year, and will, by prompt and fait ifni at teation to tho wishes of bis customers, strive ti merit a continuance of their favors. ne will carry on tho BOOT and SHOE BUSI NESS at his old stand, in rear of tho Post Office and is prepared to do all kinds of work in hi line, In tho BEST STYLE and with tho BBS? MATERIAL. ^3r~Prices to correspond with the times. SST Terms, STRICTLY CASn. No wwi will be suffered to loave tho Shop until paid tor. W. D. RAMSY. Jan 1 ti 1 Money Wanted. HE Subscriber wishes all those indebted t him to bear in mind that ho now wants his due -hard-earned dues for work that should hav been paid long, long ago. Those who vespoDd t this appeal promptly will confer a favor on mo those who fail to respond promptly, will most at surcdly have to settle the same with on Office vested with authority to force payment H. PARKER. Jun 7 3t 2 Tax Collector's Notice MY BOOKS aro open and will stand open a this pinje until the 25th inst., fortho Collec ti on of the Quarterly Tax on Sales of Liquor Goods, Wares and Merchandize, for the Quarte ena?ng 31st Deo. 1867. B. ROPER, T. C. E. D. Jan 6 2t 2 Law Blanks. FOR sale at this Office, LAW BLANKS 0 ALL KINDS at tho most reasonable price for Cash. May 1* tf 18 JONES & NORBIS, Attorneys at Law, AND . SOLIC?TOBS IN EQUITY, T^ILL PRACTICE in tho Courts of this Stat? and of tho United States. Particular attention given to casos in Bank ruptcy. Nov 5 3 m* 45 JOHN H. HOLMES, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BOYCH & CO'S. WHARF, Charleston, 8. C* Refer to?Hox. GEO. A. TREXHOLM. ANDREW SIMIMS, Prendont 1st National Bank, Charleston. F. S. HOLMES, Preridont S. C. Mining and Manufacturing Company. Charleston, Dec 17 51 51 JSEEW SHOP AND ISTew Tools. GEORGIA FOUNDRY AND Machine Works, KELLOCK STRBET, Augus5ta, Georgia, EVERY K?ND OF PLANTATION and Mi cisj Machinery, Portekle and Stationery >???u) Ka'gfnet, flaw ?tha SQlls, Sugar Miils, HOT.??: Power, AgfleuVeutd implements, Sbafliudr, Pulli&s, Hangers, tSapliajs, and all da f trou r.ud Wow! WArklag Machinery hvili to order, on ibort no'tiec. AU kinds of Mac?Linery Promptly repaired, und aH kinds of BRASS and ICON CASTINGS furnished. ?->G_V? US A TRIAL. UUSE & NEAL. ?iiinistil Dao 17 3m 51 G. COHEN, (STAND OP LATE J. E. MCKGEB,) i 00 ."Broad Street, AUGUSTA- GA. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry RB PAIRED IN THE BEST MANNER, AND WARRANTED. Fine French and other kinds of CLOCKS, to gether with a lasgo assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, ?o., of tho finest quality, constantly on hand, and sold as low as they can bo obtah ed anywhere. SILVERING and GILDING done promptly and satisfactorily. Plcaso givo me a call. Augusta, Oct 22 3m 43 D. L. FULLERTON, OPPOSITE- A*GEj*T*A. HOTEL, AUCW&T-A-, OA., DEALER IIP COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Ware? &c, ?ki'., ?.Vc. Also, Agent for the Salo of tho Hydraulic Slothes Washer and thc Patent Union Churn. Ti HE groRtost want of tho Southern House Keeper at present is LABOR, TIME AND MONEY-SAVING INVENTIONS, to facilitate and promoto home comforts. The first and most ^dispensable of those, is tho COOKING STOVE, to procure which it has been my caro to select the BEST, and -ach as aro most suitable for our market. The 0HIEF COOK STOVES Arc so constructed that tho mo*t perfect baking ualilics are insurc-1, together with economy in the uso of fuel, and simplicity Mid convenience, which render them easily managed by any one, however inexperienced. These advantages have btained for tho Stoves a popularity unparalleled n every section of tho country. Thcso Stoves aro kept constantly on band, together with tho Charter flak, Civilian and Texana COOK STOVES, ll '.f which nro warranted as good operators. Wu refer to some of the persis in Edgeficld ho are using tho CHIEF COOK and CHAR BR OAK: Mr. S. NICHOLSON. Ruv. I,. It. GWALTNEY, if.r. JULIUS DAY, Hov. F. W. PICKERS, <?<-v M. L. BONHAM, iir. E. J. COLEMAN, ]1r J. A. DEVORE, Kev. U D. BKUNSON, Mr. .1. T. BACON, Mr M. LBBilaCHULTE, ii a beet \ others. ?tW.?* sn?? ant* earl n ?. B.190CLERTON, ?pp?*t<? itri-if H?t?l. IT? Hfam aejtlew keep Hi? ian:* Stoves. A?K??ta, D?? U 4m 52 Ye Old Customers ! TAKE THIS METHOD of announcing to you that I am still at my old stand, where I am conducting the cumo old lino of business, which comprises tho usual assortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE 4 CUTLERY. ALSO, Tin "Ware, Which I manofiKitero ty all ias Styles Pat terns. WOOD WARE, large assortment, soeh as Buckets, Tubs and Pails. COOKING AND HEATING Stoves. Among which are tho justly famous Cook Stoves " DIXIE," "SUMTER," "GOOD SAMARI TAN," "SOUTHERN STATES',' and "FIRE SIDE." These Stoves aro adapted to Southorn Housekeepers, and there should be ono in every family in order to facilitate and make Cooking oasy. Call and make a close inspection of the Goods and Prioes before you go further. I am not paying $2000 a year for rent of Store as many others aro. Bear tbis in mind, os thcpc expenses are not to be added to prices paid by you. TV all. HILL, HAMDURO, S. C. Oct 6 tf 41 Old Papers! FOR Sale at this Office a large lot of OLI NEWSPAPERS. For tale m parcels to eui I?tflfetuu4fe m, MU? k to. DEALERS IN STOVES, GRATES, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PUMPS, Acc., Acc., Acc., 265 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. WE invito tho attention of tho public to our well selected Stock, embracing soveral patterns of FIRST CLASS COOKING STOVES, among which will be found The Olive Branch, The Denry Clay, The Comforter, The Hearthstone, Thc Housekeeper. THE AUGUSTA COOK, a new and beautiful Stove, manufactured expressly for us to Bopply tho wants of our people. It being lower in price than others, brings it within the reach of many who are .unable to get moro expensivo ones. In addition to our large Stock of Cooking Stoves, we have all sizes of HEATING STOVES, GRATES for coal or wood. PORTABLE RA DIATING GRATES, FURNACES, Ac, Ao. nOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, of every variety, may always bo found in our Stock. Our facilities for ROOFING and GUTTER ING, or MANUFACTURING TIN and SHEET IRON WARE are unsurpassed. Thia depart ment is under tho personal supervision of our Senior Parta er, who is a practical Tinner of 32! j years' experience in this City. 6COFIELD, WILLIAMS & CO., 265 Bread Street, Augusta, Ga. Oot 22 3m 43 FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PLATT BROTHERS* (FORMERLY C. A. PLATT A CO.,) 214 Broad Street, Augusta, Cia. WE HAVE and aro constantly receiving thc best assortment of FURNITURE that has evor been in this market. ROSEWOOD PARLOR SUITS, MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER AND COTTAGE SUITS, BUREAUS. BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, SOFAS. TETE-A-TETE, CENTRE TABLES, SIDEBOADS, EXTENSION TABLES, of all lengths. Wo particularly call thc attention of purcha sers to our SOLID WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS for Beauty, Durability and Cheapness. Our Manufacturing Department Is still iu operation. Special Orders will bo promptly attended to. REPAIRS DONE IN ALL ITS BRANCHS*. Upholstering Department. HAIR CLOWI, ENAMELLED CLOTn, RBPS, ?BRAY and SPRINGS, and all articles suitable for Ma?u/actn;crs, wkich we offer at Low Prices. Window Shades. A largo Stock of WINDOW SHADES, of eve ry style and pattern, from thc Cheapest to thc Finest, with all tho New Stylo Fixtures. Undertaker's Department, Superintended by a competent man. COFFINS, of all Descriptions and Quality. METALIC CASES and CASKETS, qi tbe most improved styles, furni.?hed at all hours during tho Day or Sight UNDERTAKERS can bc supplied with TRIM MINGS. Augusta, Oct 23 Cm 43 _t_ ESTABLISHED IN 1845. GUNS, PISTOLS, Cutlery, &c. i HAVE JUST RECEIVED, nnd have in store, a full supply of thc abuve article?, imported direct from thc English manufactories, and offer them at prices to salt tho times, consisting of DOUBLE-BARRELED GUNS, nil qualities and prices. Arning them arc a number of POW ELL'S CELEBRATE!' MAUS, in cases. SINGLE-BARRELED GUNS, Foreign and American. Culls, Remington, and other Repeating PIS TOLS. POCKET KNIVES of Rogers and Weiton h ol m's ranke, a splendid assortment A few dozen Ridgers'best TABLE CUTLERY. SHOT BAGS, POWDER FLASKS, and GAME BAGS. Ely's Waterproof Gun and Pistol CAPS. Ely's GUN WADDING, all qualities. FIXED AMMUNITION for all sized Pistols METALLIC CARTRIDGES forall sized ?un? and Pistols. BLASTING POWDER and SAFETY FUSE. Kentucky, Rille and Sporting POWDER, in kegs and cans. 150 Bags SHOT, all sizes. A fine stock of RIFLES, of my own moko, ol a superior quality. REPAIRING dono in a superior manner and warranted, at iii Broad street fi. U. RODGERS. Augusta, Nov. 5, 3m 40. BACON, LARD, CORN, MOLASSES, ?DC. HnDS. Clear RIBBED SIDES, Hhds. CLEAR SIDES, Casks SUGAR-CURED nAMS, IO 5 5 150 15 10 175 '75 125 Sacks Liverpool SALT. With a FULL ASSORTMENT OF EVERY THING IN THE GROCERY LINE. . . ??H-For sole itt tho lowest figures by A* STEVENS. Augusta, Aug 20 tf 34 Pkg?. LEAF LARD, in barrels, tubi and pails, Hhds. Primo Muscovado MOLASSES, nhds. Cloyod Cuba MOLASSES, Sacks Primo White-bread CORN, Boxes Adamantino CANDLES, I O OW?HB?S OJ WATER POWER, MIL] SEATS, Ac. THU Subscriber would respectfully announc that ho is ndw prcpnred to SURVEY, LO CATE and PUT IN OPERATION ANY KIN] OF MILLS or MACHINERY, propelled b; olthor Watcr or Steam. Addod to a lifctirao's experienco (lfi years o which is recorded in this and adjoining Districts, ho has sinco tho war been to the North inspectin and studying tho latest improvements in his line and has mado bis selection In Steam Enginei Wator Wheels, Model Flouring, Grist and Sal Mills. He now possesses all tho latest Improvement worth having, at Maker's prices,-which Im provemonts ho will guaranteo to givo satjsfactio whon put in operation by himself, or under hi superintendence. Residence, Six miles below Pine Houso on th Aiken Road. Post Offico, Orangeville, S. C. SAM*!/. BAKER, Mechanical Enginoor and Millwright. Oct 22 tf 43 Administrator's Notice ALL Persona having demands against tho Ei tate of SAMUEL BROOKS, dee'd., wi presont them, properly altostod, to tho Undoi signed ; and those who aro in anywise indebte to tho Estato of tho said Samuel Brooks, doe'd will please come forward and fettle. T. H. CLARK, Ad'or. Dee 31 3m l FALL TRADE, 1867. JAS. G. BAILIE & C0.3 HAVING just received their full supplies ol CARPETS of DIRECT IMPORTATION, res pectfully call tho attention of tho citizens of Au gusta and vicinity, to tbair large ai*d beautiful as sortment of English BRUSSELS, in entirely new styles English Vclvot CARPETS'~ Thrc6-ply CARPETS of superior quality, in new patterns Ingrain CARPETS of best quality nnd latest de signs All Wool Dutch, and Jute CARPETS Venotir.u CARPETS, all widths, for Halls and Stairs List and Rag CARPETS Other grados of CARPETS, at very low prices STAIR RODS, all widths required %. large stock of RUGS, of all qualities and prices Velvet MATS and Mosaio MATS, in new patterns Tufted MATS and Worsted Bordered Cocoa MATS Sheepskin MATS and Manilla MATS Plain and fancy best quality Irish Cocoa MATS Chain MATS, of all shapes Felt DRUGGETTS, H yards wide Felt and Woven DRUGGETS, 3 to 4 yards wide English CRUMB CLOTHS, of best quality of all sizes made, with borders Stair OIL CLOTHS, CARPET BINDINGS, Velvet and Brussels HASSOCKS, and CARI ETS made and laid with dispatch. OIL CLOTHS ef the be3t quality, and newest patterns manufac tured, just received in SHEETS of 12 and 18 feet wido Cheaper OIL CLOTHS, 3 to S foet wide 5-4 and 0-4 OIL CLOTH TABLE COVERS 5- 4 and 6-4 TABLE OIL CLOTHS 6- 4 FLANNEL BACK TABLE OIL CLOTHS, in Walnut, Oek, Mahogany and Fancy Colors. OIL CLOTHS measured for and laid. WINDOW SHADES. Wo aro just in receipt of tho largest stock of WINDOW SHADES ever offered by us in this Market, from tho finest to thecheapost, made from 6 to 10 feet long, with all improved fixtures. Buff, Blue, Green and White HOLLANDS, for Shades, all widths. WINDOW SHA DES squared and put up promptly CURTAIN GOODS. REPS and DAMASK, for Curtains DRAPERY TASSELS. CENTRE TASSELS Silk and Worsted and Worsted LOOPS, largo and small, in great variety GIMPS of all colors, for Curtains. LACE CURTAINS of very fino quality LACE CURTAINS of cheaper qualities MUSLINS, for Curtains CORNICES of now and beautiful designs CURTAIN BANDS, PINS and HOOKS BELL CORDS and TASSELS of all kinds Fino Embroidered Cloth Piano COVERS Embossed Piano and Tallo COVERS PICTURE TASSELS, PICTURE CORD and NAILS. WALL PAPERS. A new nnd full STOCK, just roccived in GOLD PAPERS, of beautiful designs, and COLI BORDERS lo match SATIN PAPERS, latest styles, and proper BOR DERS, to match. A largo stock of low priced PAPERS and BOR DERS, to match PAPER SHADES, in a variety of patterns, al vory low prices FIRE PRINTS and BORDERS, to match. To thc abo vc ne wand beautiful stock of GOODS I just opened, wo would call the attention of those in want of any of the above articles enumerated TERMS CASH ON DELIVERY. JAMES G. BAILIE & BRO. 205 Broad S?rce?, AUGUSTA, GA. Augusta, Oct. :3 tf 43 THP S) MB AND Wi E HAVE A FULL STOCK of tho abov nauic.l STOVES which wc propose offering at a low prices as any FIRST CLASS STOVES il the market. Tbcso Stoves have the reputatiun of being th BEST STOVES Used, and ara especially adapted to this .?ei tio of country. Wc feel confident iu rccommendinj them, when out of i.early FIVE HURDRE1 SOLD DURING THE PAST TWO YEARS WE HAVE NOT HEARD OF ONE Tn.VT Dil NOT GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION. WE WARRANT ALL STOVES SOLI CY US, And i-lways furnish a COMPLETE SET 0. UTENSILS, with PRINTED DIRECTIONS f? u/intf them, so that one can chance from tho ol way of Cooking in a Fire Place to tho Ufo of th Store with little ox no inconvenience. . Wo always keep on hand ALL tho differer Styles of COOKING STOVES, RANGES .Si; c., prepared to pleaso thc tastes of any on who may oxaininc our Stock. Wo have, a large Stock of HEATING STOVES suitable fur Churches, School Room Stores, Parlors, Ac. Wo manufacture largely of TIN WARE which we offer at low prices. Our Stock of PLATED GOODS, PLANI8HE and BRITTANIA WARE, WOOD and WILLOI WARE is very full and completo. Wc would bc pleased to seo our friends froi Edgefiold and surrounding country. JONES, SMYTH & CO., 192 ?road Street, AUUUSTA, GA. Oct 15_ Sui _42_ J. M. YOUNGBLOOP WITH EASTERLING& KENNAD"1 130 Broad Street, At thc Old Stand of R. C. & H. II. EASTERLIX -?.TXGrTTST.A., Gr A., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS I PROVISIONS & GROCERIE' Of Every Description. BAGGING, ROPE and PATENT TIE jfor Baling Cotton. Also, we will sell ALL KINDS OF COUNTR PRODUCE, and will fill Cash orders at tho vo; lowest Cash prices. July 25,_ Om 31 "j, W,. BACON & BRO,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURERS AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Saddles, Harness, Leather, Trunks RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, WOOD HAMES, WHIPS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, SHOE FINDINGS, French and American Calf Skin And AU Other Kinds of Leather, ?fcc., ?fcc., ?fcc, 169 Broad Street, Under Augusta notel, ATTC3rTJSTA.,"LC3-EO. ^-SADDLES and HARNESS REPAIRI and Made to Order, Augusta, Oct 7_ 6m41 BAGGING, ROPE, &C 12 225 125 BALES GUNNY BAGGING, COILS ROPE-best brands, KEGS OLD DOMINION NAILS-i sorted sizo?. For salo by A. STEVENS. Augusta, Aug 20_ _ tf 34 Magistrate's Blanks. WE havo on hand n good supply of MAGI TRATE'S BLANKS. May 16 tf 21 224 Fall and VU Griven I. SIMON Nos. 176 and 224 Broad WHOLESALE AND ? LOT FUKNISHI] FOR GENTS, BO1 HAVE RECEIVED their large an YOUTHS' and BOYS wear, which they not only in Edgefield District, but to ? which must be considered by every one i AWAY. You will find when you call at 224 Br< THE LARGEST STOC THE BEST MADE Ul THE MOST FASHION THE CHEAPEST GOC To be Fo-qncl in th HEAVY SUITS, well made up, from $10 to 825 ? Fine Cassimere SUITS, extra sizes ; " Silk Mixed Cassimere SUITS, extra sizes : " Beaver COATS, extra sizes; COATS, PANTS and VESTS, of every grade and style, at I. SIMON & BRO'S. Fine French Cloth Dress COATS ; Fine French Doeskin Dress PANTS ; Fine French Cassimera_PANTS, At I. SIMON & BRO'S. Fine Black Silk VESTS; Fine White Silk VESTS ; French Black Cloth VESTS, At I. SIMON ? BRO'S. A full Stock Gents'FURNISHING GOODS ; Fine Linen Bosom SHIRTS ; Cotton and Woolen UNDER VESTS; Merino and Flannel UNDERVESTS. ;^At I. SIMON ? BRO'S. Wc call special attention to the above eceived, and are selling at ASTONISH! Call when in thc City, and examine ot elsewhere. /J FASHIONABLE i70 and Nov Q iT. 283 Broad Stn AVE NOW ON HAND FOR T ihe largest and most completo Stock o? laving been purchased before thc au van LOW .A.S r erchants and Planters and Plat before purchasing elsewhere. Augusta. Oct 22 To the Boot an? S nth ? OT AMD THE I $9 J Great Reduc WE AHE SELLING ONE OF T. Stocks of LOOTS AND SHOES eve wenty years, and buying strictly fo 35 to 3?5 per Cent Che?pe 227^Call and examine. A trial will price asked. MILES' CELEBRATED LOOTS WOOD'S CELEBRATED BUCCA: note. MIC. CARROLL wishes his ol there is no Shoddy or Paper Stufled Sh< arc warranted. ????k1 "Orders respectfully solicited. Augusta, Nov 4 ] 202 Broad ? BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE J. AV. APEL, 209 Broad St., Under Planters Ilote AUGUSTA, QA., HAS just rcecivod from New York 150 Cns( LOOTS AND SHOES, embracing Every Style and Quality. Ami nil of which ho has marked down to tl VERY LOWEST FIGURES. This Stock w bought direct from tho most reliable Mnnufact rer.-?, and is warranted to l>o ns represented. My old Edgefieldd friends and customers a urgently requested to give mo a call, and lot through my largo and varied' Stock. No bett Bargains in tho Shoo Trado aro to bo had in tl city than arc ofTerod at my Storo. J. Wi APEL. AuRustn, Nov ll _ tf 4C SALES & LIVERY STABLE B Y KER&AtiMN & WISE. Tl HE Undersigned have opened LIVER AND SALES STAHLES on Ellis Strc< in rear of GLOBE nOTEL, AUGUSTA, & to which thoy invito tho attontion of their n mcrous friends. Fino Carriages and Buggies aud Gentle nors< and good and enroful Drivers can at all times furnished. Horsos well fodnnd tho host caro taken of tho Givo us a call. GEO. H. KERNA G HAN, J. MUNROE WISE. Augusta, Oct 7 3m 41 Masonic Notice. THE Next Regular Communication of C( cordia Lodgo. No. 50, A. F. M., will bo hi on Saturday, tho If th Jan. A full attendance desired. Bv order of tho Lodgo. y T. H. CLARK, Sco'ry Deo 18 3t W 1 ' . -xa." 'inter Goods. 224. -o Away ! "IMO., Street, Augusta, Georgia, DETAIL DEALERS IN 1 H 1 Mil ND STG GOODS, FS AND YOUTHS, d splendid stock of Goods for MENS', offer to their Friends and to the Public, ill in the adjoining Districts, at Prices is equivalent to GIVING OUR GOODS )ad Street, K OF GOODS, * GOODS, ABLE GOOD?, >DS, .e Southern States. HATS, a large Stock and the latest styles j Fur and Silk HATS; Boys and Youths' HATS, At I. SIMON & BRO'S. Woolen and Cotton DRAWERS ; Merino and Jeans DRAWERS ; Boys and Youths' DRAWERS, At I. SIMON & BRO'S. Linen and Paper COLLARS : Silk HANDKERCHIEFS ; Linen and Cotton HANDKERCHIEFS : CRAVATS, NECK TIES, BOWS, At I. SIMON & BRO'S. Cloth and Cassimere GLOVES ; Silk and Lisio Thread GLOVES; Woolen and Cotton Half HOSE ; Silk and Lisle Thread Hali ITOSE, At_I. SIMON & BRO'S. BOOTS and SHOES, a splendid Stock; TRUNKS. VALISES, CARPET BAGS ; UMBRELLAS, fcc, kc. At I. SIMON & BRO'S; Stock of Goods, all of which we have just NGLY LOW PRICES. ir Goods and Low Prices be/ore buying M & BRO,,, CLOTHING EMPORIUM, I 221 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. HERR 3et, Augusta, G-a., TIE FALL AND WINTER TRADE f GROCERIES in the City. Our Stock co in Guld, we vre prepared to sell TKTJE LOWEST. Tiers visiting our City would do well to call 3m 43 ? Shoe Buyers of karolina ! -0 LMPI??E OE pipmW0l jtioil in Prices ! [IE LARGEST AND BESTSEDEGTE r opened in this Cjty; An experience r Cash, enables us to sell our Goods from r than aw y oilier Blouse. I convince. Goods freely shown, and one AND SHOES always on hand. Also, sS, and all other Manufacturer's work ol d friends and customers to understand that Des kept in this Establishute't. Our Guodi ROBERT CARROLL, WITH E. F. BLODGETT & CO., Street., Augusta, Ga. ' ^ SPLENDID STOCK -or NE i VT J. A. VANWINKLE, ??.VS now on band a SPLENDID and FASH IOX ALL ti Stock uf Fine Black Cloth Frock COATS ; '.?. Businosa SUITs : Medium Business SUITS; Common do. do. Fine :uni Common OVERCOATS) Fine Black Cassiincro PANTS-; " F:incy do. do. ? Silk Velvet VESTS; " Blnck do. do. do. " " Silk VESTS j " Fnncy do. do. V Blac,!: Cassimere VESTS. MERCHANT TAILORING. Thc Subscriber still continuos, tho MER I CHANT TAILORING BUSINESS, and has oi ' hand a splendid Stock of CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, VESTINGS, uno BEAVER, Englisl CORDUROY, and all kinds of Good?, wbicl w'tU. bo mndo to moas uro in tho MOST FASH ? IONABLE STYLES. -A?LSO SIIIRTS, nil kinds of UNDER GARMENTS TIES, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES. ILtlf HOSP Paper and Linen COLLARS, Hair BRUSHE, and COMBS, ?tc, Ac. prr-AU Goods sold nt tho LOWEST CASI PRICES. J. Ai VANWINKLE, 230 Broad Street, Under Central Hotel, AUGUSTA, GA; Nov ll 3m46 Estate Notice. ALL persons having claims against tho Estai of W. E. MIDDLETON, dee'd., aro notifie to prosont tho smile to th", undersigned withnt delay, nnd those indebted to said Estate are.n nUcstod to pay np forthwith. J. T. MIDDLETON, Adm'or Oct. 9,18C7 *ly 41 Come and See MY LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OE DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, LADIES' HATS, MISSES' HATS, YANKEE NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WILLOW WARE, WOOD WARE, AND IN FACT, EVERYTHING AND A LIT TLE MORE than ia usually sept in a first class Retail Store. . /2S?"*Come and ECO, tnd judge for yourselves, and remember that my terms are STRICTLY CASH. ^3*A11 orders accompanied with the Cash wiU be strictly and faithfully filled. G. J. SHEPPARD. Longmires, S. C., tf 42 NEW FALL AND WINTER From New York and Baltimore ! ? HE Subscribers are now receiving their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which were bought in the best markets in this Country, and which in point of STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE defy competition. READ! HEAD! Our Stock consists in part of Brown and Bleached SHEETING." ; Brown and Bleached SHIRTINGS ; Pillow Ciao LINENS and COTTONS; .,. Cotton and Linen DTA PER ; Brown and Bleached JEANS; French and American MERINOES; Figured and Solid DnLAINES; Beautiful POPLINS and ALPACAS ; LUSTRES and Ornamental TWILLS; Ornamental LUSTRES in variety; Opera and all Wool FLANNELS ; Canton FLANNELS ; CLOAKS, SHAWLS, NUBIAS, SONTAGS, Balmoral and Hoop SKIRTS : COLLARS, .GLOVES, HOSIERY ; Ladies' and Gents' UND ER VESTS ; Ladies'and Misses'HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS and FEATHERS; READY MADE CLOTHING-a large and well selected Stock, from thc cheapest to tho finest ; Doc Skin CASSIM ERE: CASSIMERES and SATINETS ; TWEEDS and Kentucky JEANS ; Bed BLANKETS, Saddle BLANKETS; . Men's and Boys' HATS-all kinds; Ladic, Misses, Men'?, Boys and Children's SHOES, in groat variety ; GROCERIES,-Lir;ce stock and linc variety; HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE; Fino FRENCH BRANDIES : B iker's and Gibson's best WHISKIES : MADEIRA, PORT and SHERRY WINES; California CHAMPAGNES; CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO ; Havana aud American SEUARS ; TRUNKS, VALISES. CARPET BAGS ; ERIDLES, Ac. Ac. Call and examino for yourselves beforo pur chaser eLcwhcrc. You will CERTAINLY SAVE MONEY. Oct Ci Ai CliEATDAW & BRO., No. 3, Park Row. Ti i? Undersigned har on hand a very HAND SOME LOT of Metallic Cases and baskets, Which he is nor: SELLING AT COST, ?ans pornten nd'?ed. Alii, r. large and elegant stock of COFFINS of Lis own manufacture, embracing all styles nnJ sizer, whicMiO offers at prime cc?t of ma'erial and manufacture. tS^Parties buyij;' Cases or Coffins will have thc usc of my HEARSE free of charge. ^3-Terras, strictly Cash. J. M. WITT. June 25 tf 2?? JNTOTIOK mm mm nmm\ CfNDAY SCHOOLS can bo supplied wita tho following Books, AT COST, by applying at tho Stnro of B. C. BIIVAS, Edgcliold C. H. S. S. C?l?bration Hymns, New Sunday-Srhool Primer, Infant C!.is> Question En.,k, Little IiO--son': for Litt!.; Pcf plc,--P;irt T. Littlu Lessons for Little Pop?.-.-Part IL Bric! pateebU?i ot' ??J?O Doctrine. Child's Question Bock on thc Four Go;pc!s. Part I. Child's Question Book on the Four Gospels. Part II. Questions on the Four Goipcls,-with Harmo ny,-for Bible Classes. Thc Psalmist. The Psalmody. Notes on the Gospels. . Mnlcom's Bil'lc Dictionary. 'Child's Soripnire Question Book. Bibles and Testaments. " Kind Wurds,"-S. S. Paper, moniLly, at $1 for 10 Copies. Arv Books needed by Teachers, or religiuu; Books desired Ly any persons, will bc procured at short notice, and suppiicd at Cos: hy thc un dersigned. Testaments and Catechisms given to those who are not able to buy, when application :? raado through any S. S. Teacher km.wn to B. C.Bryan, Agent of tho Depository, por any information, address L. R. GWALTNEY, Chair. Ex. Board of Edgcfi.oid Association. Nov 20 tf 4? Furniture! NOW ON HAND and for sale at REDUCED RATES, a good assortment of Which in point of mar jfacturo, finish and price, cannot tail to g?V? satisfaction to parchases. Furniture bartered for ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, and good trades given. J. M. WITT. June 25 tf 2tl State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. Ty THE COURT OF O lil) IX Ai: Y. WHEREAS, Patrick M. Stevens and Lis wifo Martha L. Stevens, have filed their Peti tion hi the Ordinary's OCiec for tho District and State aforo.aid, praying that a paper purporting to bo thc last Will and Testament of Ivcrson L. Brooks, dee'd., late of said District, may bo proven in " Du? Form of Lnr." And it appear ing to my satisfaction that S. Virginia, wife of W. F. Ayer, and M. .loscphino, wife of Ashley C. Hood, resido from and bcyoud thc limits of this State: It is therefore ordered and deerecd that tho said pnrtios, together with all and singu lar tho heirs and distribu?es, of tho said Ivcrso>i L. Bruoks, deceased, bc and appear nt thc Court of Ordinary to be held at Edgeficld Court HOTISO, for Edgeticld District, on Monday, tho 30th day of March, 18SS, to show cause, it any they can, why said paper should r.ot be proven in " Duo Form of Law." Givnn under my hand and sonl, this 30th day of Decumber, A. D., lSl>7. W. F. DU1USCE, [L. S.l 0. E. D. Jan 1 3m 1 ?. S. Internal Revenue. DEP. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 3D DTST. S. C. January 4th, ISC7. H" WING received another List from tho Col lector for the months of October and No vember, Tux Payers arc hereby notified that I will recoivo their Tax until 1st February, after, which timo the penalty will bo onforecd. Alf -y persons on Moseley's List who Live not paid can now settle. o .R. AV. CANNON, Dep. Col. Jan 7 2t 2 A Estate Notice. LL persops hnving claims against tho Estafo . of THOMAS McKIE, dco'd., aro requested to prevent tho samo, duly attested, at an oarl date. Thopo indebted to said Estate are horeb) notified to fay said indebtedness forthwith. . E. F. McKIE, I , , , T. J. MCKIE, j Admors Jan. 7 .**