Newspaper Page Text
I. SIMON Offer Their Entire a: MADY ipi Gents' Purni AND VARIOUS OTHER A -A GREATLY RED IN ORDER MAKE SPRING A GOOD SEI Cloths, Cassini? OFFERED IN RETAIL BEL I 224 Broj Jan 27 FRUITLAND NURSERIES, ' AUGUSUA, GA, FRUIT TREES, cons-sting of APPLES, PEAR, PEACHES, ?c., Ac. GRAPE VINES, largely CONCORD and CLINTON, with a good Stock of all thc leading old and new varieties. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, mainly WIL SON'S ALBANY. EVERGREENS, FLOWERING SHRUBS, ROSES, DAHLIAS, BEDDING PLANTS of every description ?c , ?fcc. Our Stock of Trees and Plant.? is large and unusually well grown. Prices as low as the leuding Northern Nurse ries ; and plants grown it? and adopted to our ct ?mate. Catalogues mailed free. Address T. J. BERCKMANS, Augusta, Ga. Augusta, Jun 20 3m 4 FRUITS AND__FLOW?RS? SOUTHERN TREES. IF YOU WANT Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot, And other cr uicc grafted and buddsd Fruit Trees: If you desire tho finest Grapes, Figs, Strawberries, &c. If you would beautify and render your Homo attractive with . Roses, Evergreens, Flowers, Shrubs, ?Vc, ?Vc, &C, Send your orders, AT ONCE, to REDMOND ?t HILL, Augusta, Ga. ty Catalogues (applied free. Augusta, Jan 20 2t 4 GUANO! CASH, OR C REDIT FOR APPROVED CITY ACCEPTANCE. .A.S we are constantly receiving GUANO which can bc thippod without tho expense of storage ..nd other expenses, and in or?cr to increase our sales for Cash, to meet heavy payments, we haTo determined to reduce our prices at Savannah and Augusta $5 per ton, for all ORDERS ACCOM PANIED WITH TUE MONEY. Our prices will therefore be uniform, as follows: JPHONIX GUANO. Imported direct to Savannah from Melvean's Island. Price per ton of 2,000 lbs. at Savannah, $?0 Cash, or $62 payable 1st November ; at Au gusta, $55 Cash, or $70 payablo 1st November. Wilcox, Gibbs & Co's. Manipulated Guano. A mixture of PHONIX and PERUVIAN, well {pulverised and nixed under our personal super vision. Price at Savannah, $65 per ton of 2,000 lbs., Cash, oi $80 payable 1st November ,: at Au gusta, $70 Ca.-h, or $S? payable 1st November. Pure No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Direct from Peruvian Agent, ut lowest market pri'.-o nt Savannah und Augusto, for CASU. ?aST-We w.ild advue those who wish to buy GUANO or. tims, to apply at once as drafts mos) bo executed, ead approved, or other satisfactory arrangements effected before shipments are uiadc Orden solicited and promptly filled. Address WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN GUANO No. OG Bay Street, Savnnnnli, or No. 211 Broad St., Augusta. Augusta, Jan 2U Sm 4 To the V?bhc. THE Subscriber is engaged in the BLACK SMITH BUSINESS, in all its branches, al tho Brick Blacksmith Shep in rear of Park Row Un vin? Secured the services of B ?rood WAG O?' BUILDER, I ara prepared to REPAIR ALI WAGONS und BUGGIES sent to my Shop. Al work entrusted to my c:ire will be warranted ti . give satisfaction. Prices reduced to the lowest rates, but term STRICTLY CASH. Mr A. A. Paul, Gunsmith, may Le found a my Sb sp, roady tu work on Gaus, Pistols, ic. JOHN M O LOY. Jun 13 tf 3 To'Consiiinplives. Th* Ber. EDWARD A. WILSON will s-.n (frc* of char.;.:) to all who desire it, th prescription wi'b tho directions for making un Ufin^ the simple remedy by which bo wag cure of a I un ir, afT. ction and that dread disease Consumj lion. His only object ii to benefit the afflicted an he hopes ev. ry sufferer will try this prcscriptioi m it will cost them nothing, and may provo blessing. Please nddros? KKV. EDWARD A. WILSON. No. 1C5 South Second St., Williamsburg, N. Sept 18 Sm 38 Errors ol" Youth. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Ne vous Debility. Prematuro Decay, nnd nil tl effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the ral of suffering humanity, send free to all who nee it, the roeipe nod direction*for makin? tho ?imp remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers ??si inc to profit hy the advertiser's experience can t so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Codar St.. New Tor! May 27 ly 22 INFORMATION. . Information guaranteed tn produce aluxnri.n crowt'i of'b.iir upon a bald head or beardie face, also a recipe for tho removiil of Pim pk Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on thc skin, leaving tl same s -ft, detr, and beautiful, can bo oh tain without charge by addressing THOS. F. CHAPMAN, COEXIST, 823 Broadway, Now York. Sept 18 8m ii 9 & BKO., ad Splendid Stock of E CLOTHING, shing Goods, .RTICLES IN THEIR LINE, T UCED PRICES, ROOM FOR THE TEADE. SECTION OF ?res, Doeskin!, OW WHOLESALE PRICES. . SIMON & BRO., id Street, Augusta, Ga. tf 5 DIRECT FROM IRELAND, OKA DOZEN LADIES' AND GENTLE ?O\J MEN'S LINEN CAMBRIC HEMMED STITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, DIRECT FROM IRELAND, FOR SALE BY THE DOZEN ONLY, AT LESS THAN NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES ! FIFTY PIECES MOST BEAUTIFUL QUALITY IRISH LIXEX. C3^Thcie Goods must bo scon to be apprecia ted. Just received to-day by JAMES A. GRAY & CO., 228 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Jan 20 tf 4 KID GLOVES! ALEXANDER'S BLACK, WHIT -:AND COL ORED KID GLOVES, IN ALL NOS. Just received. JAMES A. GRAY A CO., 22S Dro'id St, Augusta. Jan 20 tf 4 NEW GOODS. BLACK CALICOES, Double purple CALICOES, Small figured CALICOES, Best cotton SHEETINGS, Pillow case COTTON, Single and double SHAWLS, Paper CAMBRIC, WIGGANS, . IRISH LINENS, TOWELLING, WHITE and COLORED JEANS, BALMORALS. Just received and for snls CHEAP at JAMES A. GRAY A CO'S., 22S Broad street. Jan 21 tf 4 LONG CLOTH. Fi IVE CASES LONG CLOTH, various favo rito brands. Just received at JAMES A. GRAY A CO'S., 22* A road St, Augusta. Jan 20 tf 4 ESTABLISHED 1802. CHARLESTON COURIER, DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY, BY A. S. WELLINGTON & CO. Daily Paper, $8.00 per Annum. Tri-Wcckly Paper, 84.00 per Annum. THE COURIER has er.tercd on tho sixty sixth year of its publication. During this long period of its existence, despite the mutation? of fortune and time, it has been liberally sup ported, whilst many of it? conteioporarius have been compelled to succumb to financial necessities. We gratefully accord this e\ ?dence of thc appre ciation of ou. jwn, and tho efforts of our prede cessor?, to make it what it i.?, and hiway? h?i boen, ONE AMONG THE LEADING COM MERCIAL AND NEWS JOURNALS OF THE SOUTH, and will renew our exertions to adi-K its acceptability to the public, ns well as to (?PM it easily within thu reach of all who daj^? e FIRST CLASS CHEAP PAPER. In furtherance of this purposo we now Iou? thc Baili/ and Tri- Weekly Courier to our Sob scribere, at thc rate of eight und four dollars p?i annum respectively. Our purposo is to farnu'j a first class papei upon thc most rcaFonable living prices. Charleston, Jun 20 tf 4 3XToti.ce TlIE BAR, next door to thc Advertise Office, is well supplied with the FINEST LI QUORS, WINES, SEGARS, Ac. Call there fo your HOT WHISKEY PUNCH, MILK PUNCH SHERRY COBBLERS, TOM A JERRY, Ac. Mr. Charlie Gray rill be on band at all time? and will make every exertior. to please hi*, cunio mers. CIIEATHAM A BRO. Jan 14 tf 3 Notice. I HAVE A NICE LOT OF LADIES* WOB STED DRESS GOODS which I will sell t COST FOR CASH. Also, many other article to suit thc times. Cull and examine for yourselves. B. C. BRYAN, Agt. Jan 7 lin 2 Removal ! TlIE Subscriber his removed his STOCK 0 GOODS to tho Storo-Room recently occupied t Mr. John Colgan, next door to T. Root's, wbci he is offering BARGAINS TO CASH CUSTf MERES. no alio takos this occasion to urgo those li debtod to him for Goods purchased sinca Mt 1305, to settle np at once. AU such claims u: p:iid by tho lat February, will be placed in tl Provost Court for collection. I want and mu havo money. J. M. WITT. Jan 7 1m 2 Fresh Arrivals ! THE subscriber is in receipt of a fresh and f stock of Choice SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, CHEES RICE, GOSHEN BUTTER, BACON and LAB NUTS or all kind?, CONFECTIONERIES in variety, TOBACCO, SEGARS, Ac, Ac. OT All for Bile LOW, FOR CASH. 8. H. Af ANGST Jan. 22 tf < JONES & NORRIS, .At'torneys atLaw AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, WILL PRACTICE in tho Courts of thia State and of the United States. Particular attention giren tJ eases in Bank ruptcy. NOT 5 3m*. 45 NEW DRUG STORE ! No. I, Park Row, Edgefield, S. C. THE Subscriber takes pleasure io announcing to the citizons of Edgcficld that ho is now re ceiving and opening a LARGE and VARIED Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, BRUSHES, STATIONERY,; &c.? &c. These Goods were selected in person from the best Houses in the City of New York, and are marked as low ai such Goods can be told In tb ii mark ot. His motto will bo "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," and ? firm adhorenco to tba CASH SYSTBV. tSf'Cxih Cuitomari viii find it to thoir inte rest to trade at the New Drug Store. ?5TDon't otk for credit-not evori for a day -as I am determined to sell for CASH-AND FOR CASH ONLY. : ?S^An inspection of my Stock is earnestly so licited. T. W. CARY7ILE. Jan 7 tf 2 l'?,\!I)nDTiA;TI\r TO OWNERS OF WATER POWER, MILL SEATS, ?c. THE Subscriber would respectfully announco that ho is now proparod to SURVEY, LO CATE and PUT IN OPERATION ANY KIND OF MILLS or MACHINERY, propillod by cither Water or Steam. Added to a lifetimo's experience (lfl years of | which is recorded in this and adjoining Districts,) he has ?in_eo th? war been to thc North inspecting and studying the latest improvements in bis linc: ind bas made his solection in Stenm Engines, Water Wheels, Model Flouring, Grist und Saw Mills. Ile DOW possesses nil thc Latest Improvements worth having, at Maker's prices,-which Im provements he will guarantee to givo s^'isfuction Khen put in operation by himself, or under his ?uporintendenco. Residence, Six miles below Pine House on the Aiken Road. Post Office, Gr.initovillc, S. C. SAM'L. BAKER, Mechanical Engineer and Millwright. Oct 22 tf 43 TARKANSAS LANDS FOE EXCHANGE Foi GURTEEN HUNDRED AND FOR TY (1140) ACRES OF LAND, situated on the Memphis and Little Rock Rail Road, about twenty miles from tb? City of Memphis, will bo exchanged fur Lands in South Carolina, i good location. _??r Address 121, Key BuX, Augusta, Ga. Dec 23 lin 52 FOR SALE, THE PLANTATION forraorly owned hy Capt. R. MERIWETHER. Tho PLAN TATION is situated in Edgefidd District, four ttfilei from Curryton, and about thirteen from I?.'iiiibur?:, S. C. This Plantation contains SIXTEEN HUN DRED AND TWELVE ACRES, and adjoins "rinds of SN ul ucl 'flr.fzen, .fohn Adams, James Uni.ison, Thomas McKie and others. It will be divide! into Tracts io rait purchasers, und will bc sold at private S':lc on very favorable terms. ?SJf-F'-r further particulars, apply to Messrs. GAHY ? GARV, Attorneys, wlm are fully ompow or-d to ?eil, make title?, ?tc. Ac. Jan 11 3m 3 State of South Carolina, EDQEFIKLD DISTRICT, LV EQUITY. A. G. Turner, | Ellen (!. Turner, et al, ' }? Robert A. Turnor, Ex'or., j Amanda Turnor, et al. J BY virtue of an order of thc Court in thu cause, I wiii sell at Edgcficld C. If , on the first Monday in February next, (?t the risk of the former purchaser,) the REAL ESTATE of A. (?. TURNER, dee'd., described in th? pleadings to wit : ONE TRACT OF LAND, containing Thirteen Hundred and Forty Acres, more or ICM, adjoin ing lnnds of B. F. Bandrum und others. On this Tract there ii a Kine Grist and Saw Mid, Gin and Thresher, Dwelling House, ?ind nil necessary outbuildings. Said Mil! and Gio are propelled by Horse Creek, u never falling stream of water. TERMS.-Sold on a rrcdituntil first, with interest from day of sale, except us to Costs of Suit, which must be paid in Cash. Purcha nerz to give Bund with two good sureties and a Mortgage of tho premisos to secure the purchase mosey. IUI?! extra. 1. tr. CARWILE, C.E.E.D. Jaa ll tm ... 4 Blacksmith Shop! THE undamped, haring rented Mr. W. W. Adata*' Blacksmith Shop, prepared to exe cute promptly all wurk in his line. And from an experience of over twenty years in the business lie feels confident of giving entire satisfaction to all for whom it m.ty be hi.-1 pleasure to work. HORSESHOEING, SETTING TIRES, and all kinds of PLANTATION SMITH WORK will bc done to order at tho ^hortest notice, and at prices cheap? th.m elsewhere. By giving ?los? nttcntion to busines.', and a prompt, faithful and workmanlike performance of all work entr?sten lu Vim, he hopos to merit and receivo a liberal share of \ ublic patronage ?&~ All work warranted. TERMS CASH. ROBT. NE3SFIELD, (Col.) Jan. 22 tf 4 " NOTICE. DEP. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 3d DIST. S. C., EDGsnuLD C. H., Jan. 20th, 1SC3. BY Order from tho Collector, I horoby notifj parties that tho tale of tho Stills on tho Iff Monday in January, is hereby revoked, and par ties aro ordered to return said Stills without dc lay to this Office; and I forbid any person tc remove the Stills in roy possession without pro per urdcr*. The money will be refunded. R. W. CANNON, Dop. Col. _ Jan 21_U_4_ Final Notice. THE Er tato of JAMES SHEPPARD, dee'd. must be settled up. Th oso indebted to suit Estate, and who fail to make satisfactory arrango men ts by tho 1 Otb February noxt, will have t pay costs. Parties having demands against sab Estate arc horeby notified to render them in, dui; attested, forthwith. 0. SHEPPARD, Ex'or. Ja i. 22 3t 4 A Executor's Notice. Final Settlement will be mado on tho Est?t _ of STANMORE JOHNSON, dee'd., in th Orninary's Office, on Wednesday, the 22d Apri 1S?8. Those having claims ugainst said Estai will present them by that time, duly nttestot All Indebted to raid Estillo, uro oxpeetud to po up by the 10th February next. M. M. PADGET, Ex'or. Jan 22 3m 4 Wanted, & YOUNG LADY, who is competent to teac J\. the Higher Engli?h Branches ond Musio, take charge of a SMALL SCHOOL. Salary tv buuJred dolla-" and bon"l. Roforonccs require and given. Apply to eithor of tho undorsigoi at Longmir^s, S. C. I JOHN E. LEWIS, J. C. LANIER, J. H. YELDELE. Jan IS 4t S SHERIFF'S SALE. A. W. Youngblood, }*. .Jots. J I r'ors.} .Fa Goo. A. Addison and Benj. Waldo, Ex A. W. Youngblood, vs. V Fi Fa Geo. A. Addison and Bcnj. Waldo, Ex'ora A. W; Youngblood, VB. \FiFa. Geo. A. Addison and Benj. Waldo, Ex' BY virtue of the Writs of Pi Fa in the above stated cases, I will proceed to Bell at Edge field Court House, on the 1st Monday in February next, tho following property belonging to the De fendant, Geo. A. Addison, to wit : THE HOUSE AND LOT in the Villago of Edgofield, the late residence of Geo. A. Addison, containing Ten Acres more or less. Also, the PLANTATION of the ?aid Geo. A. Addison, near Ninety-Six, containing Thirteen Hundred and Seventy-Nine and a half Acres, moro or less, lying in the forks of Ninety-Six and Barn Crocks, and adjoining Lands of It. G. M. Dunovant, J. Einard, H. Leland, T. C. Griffin and others. ?33- Terms Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Jan. ll 4to 3 Sheriffs Sale. j Fi Ira Golding, vs. 5- Fi Fa. Wm. T. Golding. BY Virtue of a Writ of F'i Fa, to me dirocted, in the above stated case, I will proceed to sell at Edgefield Court House, on tho 1st Monday in February next, the following property be longing to the Defendant W. T. Goldiug, vix : Contents of Bar Room, Ten Gallons of Whiskey, Stock of Goods on hand in Store, One Blaok Horse, Ono Blaok Mulo, One Carryall, Four Setts Wagon Harness, One Saddle and Bridle, One Iron Safe, One Bedstead and Mattran In Bar Room, One pair Platform Soales, Two pair Counter Soales, One Store-House and Lot adjoining Jamos B. Sullivan, Counter and Shelves in Geode's Brick Office, One Wardrobe, Two Kegs of Wine, And sundry other articles. Jpd-Terins Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Jan ll . 3t 3 The State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN ORDINARY. B. F. Glanton, and others, Applicants, ] vs. ? Partiti'n J. W. Glanton, and others, Defendants., BY an Order from the Ordinary, I shall proceed to sell at Edgefield Court House, on tho first Monday in February next, for Purtition, tho LANDS belonging to tho ESTATE OF MARY GLANTON) deceased, situated in tho Distrietand State aforesaid, on waters of Turkey Croek, wa ten of Savannah Uiver, containing five hundred and fifty-thrco Acres and bounded by lands of James A. Collins, Estate of D. L. Bussey, dee'd., John M. Clark and others. TERMS-On a credit until the first day of January 18G9. Purchaser to give Bond and good securities, and a Mortgngo to the Ordinary to se cure thc purchoso money. Cost to bo paid in Cash in Specie, and to pay for Titles extra. Pos session to be given on tho 1st January I860, and thc Purchaser will have permission to sow small grain in thc Fall. ISAAC BOLES, S.E.D, Jan'ry 7 4to 3 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDIN?R Y. ll. G. Smith, H. Laman and wife and ? others, Applicants, vs. [ Partiti'n Max. Sallat, Defendant. J BY an Order from tho Ordinary, T shall pro cecd to sell ut Edgefield Court House on thc first Monday in February next, for Partition, tho LANDS belonging tc the ESTATE OF WM. GHAV/idcc'd., consisting of Two Houses and Lots in thc Town of Hamburg, in tho District and State aforesaid, and bounded on thc South by thc Street running parallel with tho Savannah River, and dividing : d Lot? from Charles Hammond's Wirehouse : on tho East by a lotowned by Joseph Uoscman ; on the Norih bj- thc Street dividing said Lots from Herbert's Hotel, and on tho West by a lot owned by George Kramer. TERMS-On a credit until thc first day of Jan uary, 1 st?y. Purch/isirs to give Bond and good securities, and a Morongo to tho Ordinary to se cure the purchase money. Cost to be paid in Cash, in Specie, and to puy for Titles extra. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Jan'ry 7, 4 to 3 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. Ann Cllllnm, Applicant, J. P. Callan, J. H. A. W. William* \ V^lVn and wife, and others, Defendants. J BY an Order from the Ordinary, I shall pro cced to ?ell ?t Edgefield Court House, on the first Monday in February next, fur Paitition. the LANDS of the ESTATE OF WILLIAM CUL LA M. deceased, situated ic tho District find .State aforesaid, containing One Hundred and Seventy Acres, moro or luis, aud bounded by lnj;d.? of J. B. Burton, S. Douirlass, Daniel Ybunce, John Randall, Reuben Lybrand mid others. TERMS-On a rredit until (irrt day ci "January I Si?0. Purchaser lo give Bond with good securi ty and a Mortgage to thc Ordinary tu secure thc purchase money. Costs to Vo paid in Cuih, ir Specie, and to pay for Titles extra. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Jan'ry 7 4tc 3 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. M. C. Timmerman, Applicant, "| vs. > Partiti'n S. J. Tuntnerman and others Dofend'ts J BY an Order from the Ordinary, I shall proceed to soil nt Erigcfielil Court lluuso, on the first Monday in Fcbruarv next, for Partition, tho LANDS of the ESTATE OF ELIJAH TIMMER MAN, deceased, sitimted in tho District nnd State aforesaid, containing Seventy five Acres, more or less, on waters of Sle?py Creek, waters of Big Turkey Creek, and bounding on lands of James Shafer, Elbert Dorn, Estate of F. A. Timmcrman and ot hors. TERMS-On a credit until the first day of January 18C9. Purchaser to give Bond and good securities and a Mortgage to the Ordinary to se cure tho purchise money. Cost to be paid in Cush, in Specie, and to i ay for Titlos extra. I?AAC BOLES, S.E.D. Jan'ry 7 4to 3 Sheriff's Sale. Wilcox, Gibbs ? Co., ] Distrcs Warrant vs. > for L. J. Miles. J Lion on Crop. BY Virtuo of an Execution in tho above stated case, I will proceed to sell at the resider cc of L. J. Miles, the Defendant, on Saturday, thc 1st February, tho following proporty of said Do fondant, to wit : Ton Bushels CORN. .? Forty-two Hundred Pounds FODDER, Twonty-fivc Bushels PEAS, Thirty-fivo Hundred Pounds COTTON in Soed ' ,233r-Terms Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Jan 14 3t 3 Sheriff's Sale. Wilcox, Gibbs 4 Co., "j Distross Warran vs. > for George W. Dorn. J Lien on Crop. BY Virtue of an Execution in tho abovo statei caso, I will proceed to sell at thc rc.-idene of GEO. W. DORN, Defendant, on Monday, th 17th Feb., tho following property of said Dofen dant, to wit : Ono Hundred and Seventy-five Bushols CORN Thrco Thousand Pounds of FODDER, Twenty-fivo Bushels PEAS, Two Stacks PEA VINES, Seventy-five Bushels COTTON SEED. Torms Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Jan 14_3t_3_ Sheriff's Sale. James S. Hughes, ") VB. > For. Attachment R. M. Scurry. J BY Virtue of an Order from Judge Dawkins i tho abovo stated case, I will sell at Edgi II old Court House, on the 1st Mor-'ay in Fobrui ry next, ono TWO HORSE BLGGY, attache na tbo property of tho Defendant, lt. M. Scurry Terms Cash in Curroncy. ISACC BOLES, S. E. D. Jan 18 2t 4 Administrator's Notice ALL persons having any demands against tl Estate ot WM. R. SALTER, dee'd., w present tho samo, properly attested, by or befo Wednesday, the 22d April next, as on that day final settlement will bo mado, in the Ordinary Office, on said Estate. Those indebted to sa Estate will pay up forthwith, or tho Administr tors will be forcod to placo all such claims mit. M. M. PADGET, Ad'or. Jan. 23 Sm 4 Professional Card. Di Ht. R. T. JENNINGS, who has been engaged in the PRACTICE of MEDICINE for tho last two years in Brazoria County, Texas, having returned to South Carolina, offcra his Professional services to tho citizens of Edgefield and vicinity in the Practice of Modicino in its various branches. Office, at Dr. A. G. TEAQUE'S residence, three miles East of Edgefield Village, the benefit of whoso long experience he will havo in all critical cases. And he hopes by assiduous attention to tho duties of his Profession to merit a liberal sharo of public patronage. Jan 14 lui* 3 The Due West Female COLLEGE. OVER ONE HUNDRED NAMES are on our Roll. Thoro is still room. Pupils received at any time. BOARDING, $12,00 a month in Currency, not including Washing and Fuel. TUITION, $20,00, Currency, for Fivo Months. Music (Piano) $24,00 Vocal Music, French and Latin taught free of charge. J. I. BONNER, Pres. Due West, S. C., Jan 14 lm3 I HAVE just received a COMPLETE AS SORTMENT OF GARDEN SEEDS, ONION SETTS, and Adams Extra Early CORN-which will bo sold at the very lowost prices for Cash. TITOS. W. CARWILE, At Sign of Golden Mortar. Jan 13 tf 3 HE Subscriber has received an UNUSUAL LY LARGE AND FULL SUPPLY of Buist's Genuine Garden Seeds, All of which are of tho FIRST QUALITY and WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. Also, in Store, a large supply Choice ONION SETTS and BUTTONS. JST Prices very low. G. L. PENN. Jan 7 tf 2 SPLENDID STOCK -OF NEW GOODS J. A. VANWINKLE, HAS now on hand a SPLENDID and FASH IONABLE Stock of Fino Black Cloth Frock COATS ; " Bacfneti SUITS ; Medium lino Business SUITS ; Common do. do. Fine and Common OVERCOATS ; Fine Black Cassimerc PANTS ; " Fancy do. do. " " Silk Velvet VESTS ; u Black do. do. do. ? " Silk VESTS ; " Fancy do. do. " Black Casiimcre VESTS. MERCHANT TAILORING. Tho Subscriber still continues the MER CHANT TAILORING BUSINESS, and has on hand a splendid Stock of CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, VESTINGS, fine BEAVER, English CORDUROY, and ull kinds of Good?, which trill ba mado to niea.-uro in the MOST FASH IONABLE STYLES. ?ALSO SHIRTS, all kind.? of UNDER GARMENTS, TIES, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, Half HOSE P,i>er and Linen COLLARS, Unir BRUSHES and COMBS, ic, ,tc. jSSTAll Cnod? sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. J, Ai FAXWINKLE, 230 Brond Street, Under Central Hotel, AUGUSTA, GA. Nov ll 3m 16 BOOT AUB SHOE HOUSE ! J. W. APEL, 209 Broad St,, Under Planters Hotel AUGUSTA, GA., HAS just received from New York 150 Casei BOOTS AND SHOES, embracing Every Style and Quality. And all of which ho has marked down to th VERY LOWEST FIGURES. This Stock wa bought direct from the moat reliablo Manufactu rcrs, and is warranted to bo as represented. My old Edgcficlds friends and customers ar urgently rcquestcti to give mo a oall, and loo through my largo and varied Stock. No botte Bargains in the Shoo Trade are to be had in tb city than aro offered at my Store. J. W. APEL. _Augusta, Nov ll _ ? 46 TO MILL OWNERS FRENCH BURR, ES0P?S & C0L0GNI MILL STONES, BOLTING CLOTHS, SMUT MACniNE? AND ALL KINDS OF Mill Furnishing Ware, FOR SALK AT THE LO WEST CASH PRICE, By WM. BRENNER, 107 Broad Strrcet, AUOUSTA, GEORGIA. Augusta, Jan 13 6m3 T W, BACON & BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURERS AND DEALEf IN ALL KINDS OF Saddles, Harness, . Leather, Trunk RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, WOOD II Ail ES, WHIPS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, SHOE FINDINGS, French and American Calf Skii And All Other Kinds of Leather, Ac., ?c., Ac, 169 Broad Street, Under Augusta Hotel, -?.TTC3TXJ?3TA.,1C3PEIO ^39-SADDLES abd HARNESS REPAIR and Made to Order. Augusta, Oct. 7 Cm4 Old Papers ! FOR Salo at this Office a large lot of 0 NEWSPAPERS. For salo In pare?is to pu rc boa ero. AUGUSTA ? No* 15 Washington Street -A-XJGhTJS THE SUBSCRIBER has just received ENGLISH and AMERICAN GARDEN AND Which cannot be surpassed for quality ar ALSO-ONION SETS, Red and KENTUCKY BLUE, ORCHARD and ALSO-The Celebrated Early Good Pennsylvania Gourd Seed and other earlj OCrCountry Merchants and Farmers si ages, from one ounce to a pound, sent by Augusta, Jan 6 QuR OLD AND NEW FRIENDS plied as usual with the best of Groceries and Artie] AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, JOHN M. 278 Oct 22 DEALERS Hf STOVES, GRATES, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PUMPS, &c, Acc., &C, 265 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. invite the attention of tho public to our well selected Stock, embracing several patterns of FIRST CLASS COOKING STOVES, among which will bc found The Olive Branch, Tlie Henry Clay, The Comforter, The Hearthstone, The Housekeeper! THE AUGUSTA COOK, a new and beautiful Stove, manufactured expressly for us to supply the wants of our people. It being lower in price than others, brings it within the reach of many who are unable to get more expensive ones. In addition to our lurge Stock of Cooking Stoves, we have nil sires of HEATING STOVES, GRATES for coal or wood, PORTABLE RA DIATING GRATES, FURNACES, 4c, to. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, of every variety, may always bo found in our Stock. Our facilities for ROOFING and GUTTER ING, or MANUFACTURING TIN and SHEET IRON WARE arc unsurpassed. This depart ment is under tho personal supervision of our Sooior Partner, who is a practical Tinner of 32 years' experience in this City. SCOFIELD, WILLIAMS & CO., 269 Broad ?Street, Augusta, Ga. Oct 22 3m 43 FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PLATT BROTHERS, (FORMERLY C. A. PLATT ? CO.,) 214 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Wi E HAVE an?J are con?tontly receiving Uie best assortment of FURNITURE that has ever been in this market. ROSEWOOD PARLOR SUITS, MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER AND COTTAGE SUITS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, SOFAS, TETE-A-TETE, CENTRE TABLES, SIDEBOADS, EXTENSION TABLES, of all loogths. Wo particularly cnll the attention of purcha ers to our SOLID WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS for Beauty, Durability und Cheapness. Our ITiunufaetiiriiig Department Is still in operation. Special Ordors will bc promptly attended tn. REPAIRS DONE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Upholstering Department. HAIR CLOTH, ENAMELLED CLOTH REPS, TERRY un i i-PRINGS, and all article; uitable for Manu ucturers, which we offer at Low rices. Window Shades. A large Suck of WINDOW SHADES, of eve ry style and pattern, from tho Cheapest to th< Finest, with all the New Style Fixtures. Undertaker's Department, Superintended by a competent man. COFFINS f all Descriptions and Quality. METALK ASES und CASKETS, of the most improvec tylei, furnished ut all hours during the Day o: igbt. UNDERTAKERS cac bc supplied with TRIM IN GS. Augusta, Oct 23 Cm 43 Ye Old Customers TAKE TniS METHOD of announcing I you that I am still at my old stand, where I ai conducting the samo old line of business, whic comprises the usual assortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE & CUTLERY ALSO, Tin TV^are Which I manufacture in all its Stylos and Pa terns. WOOD WARE, large assortment, such as Buckots, Tubs ai Pails. OOKING AND DEATIIV Stoves. Among which are the justly famous Cook Stov DIXIE," "SUMTER," "GOOD SAMAR TAN," "SOUTHERN STATES" and "F1I SIDE." These Stoves aro adapted to Southe ousckocpors, and there should bo one in ove family in order to facilit?t? and make Cooki Call and make a close inspection of the Goc and Prices before you go further. I em not paying $2000 a year for rent aa many others are. Bear this iu mind, these expenses are not to bc added to prices pi you. wm. HILL, HAMBURG, S. C Oct 6 tf 41 Estate Notice. LL persona having claims against the Esl of W. E. MIDDLETON, decU, ore nott present the some to the undersigned with ay, and thoso indebted to said Estate are quested to pay np fortl ?ith. J. T. MIDDLETON, Adm'e Oot ?, 1867 ?ly i SEED STORE. -One Door South of Broad, ITA., GkA.. a SPLENDID STOCK of FRENCH, FIELD SEEDS, id variety in the Southern Market. White CLOVER, LAWN GRASSES, HEARD GRASSES and LUCERNE. Irich and Harrison IRISH POTATOES, t CORN, EGYPTIAN MILLET, &c. applied as low as elsewhere. .Small pack mail free of postage. I C. PEMBLE. j 3m 2 t ? AND CUSTOMERS WILL BE SUP les Used by Planters at the old Stand of ESTES & CLARK. CLARK & SONS, Broad St., Augusta, Ga. _ _Sm43 m mi wm : ? AND WE HAVE A FULL STOCK of the above ? namod STOVES which we propose offering at as low prices as any FIRST CLASS STOVES in the market. These Stoves ha7e the reputation of being the BEST STOVES Used, and are especially adapted to this section of country. We fool confident in recommending them, when out of noarly FIVE HURDRED SOLD DURING TEE PAST TWO TEARS, WE HAVE NOT HEARD OF ONE THAT DID NOT GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION. WE WARRANT ALL STOVES SOLD BY CS, And always famish a COMPLETE SET OF UTENSILS, with PRINTED DIRECTIONS for using them, so that one can change from the old way of Cooking in a Fire Place to the use of the Stove with little or no inconvenience. We always keep on hand ALL the different Styles of COOKING STOVES, RANGES, &c, prepared to please the tastes of any one who may examine our Stock. We havo a large Stock of HEATING STOVES suitable for Churches, School Rooms, Stores, Parlor?, ?kc. We manufacture largely of TIN WARE, which we offer at low prices. Our Stock of PLATED GOODS, PLANISHED and BRITTANIA WARE, WOOD and WILLOW WARE is very full and completo. We would bc pleased to see our friends from EdgeCeld and furrounding country. JONES, SMYTH & CO., 192 Bro nd Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Oct 15_3DJ_42_ D. L. FULLERTON, OPPOSITE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA., DEALER IN COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, &C, Ac, &C. Ano, Agent for the Sale of tho Hydraulic Clothes Washer and the Patent Union Churn. TliE greatest ?rant of tho Southern House Keeper at prcsont ia LABOR, TIME AND MONEY-SAVING INVENTIONS, to facilitate aud promoto Lumo comforts. The first and most ndispcnsablc of these, is thc COOKING STOVE, o procure which lt bas been my cure to ?elect the BEST, and such a? aro most suitable for our market. Tho CHIEF COOK STOVES Are so conRtructe 1 that tho mott perfect baking qualities aro insurod, together with economy in tho uso of fuel, and simplicity and convenience, hieb render thon easily maaaged by any one, howover inexperienced. These advantages have obtained for the Stoves a popularity unparalleled in overy section of the country. These Stoves are kept conitantly on hand, together with the Charter Oak, Civilian and Texana COOK STOVES, All of which are warranted as good operators. We refer to some of tba persons in Edgcfield who aro using tho CHIEF COOK and CHAR TER OAK : Mr. S. NICHOLSON. Rev. L. R. GWALTNEY, Mr. JULIUS DAY, Gov. F. W. PICKERS, Gov. M. L. BONHAM, Mr. E. J. COLEMAN, Dr. J. A. DEVORE. Row D. D. BRUNSON, Mr. J. T. BACON, Mr. M. LEBESCnUETZ, And a host of others. ^SS-Bc sure and call on D. L. FULLERTON opposite Augusta Hotel. No other dealers keep the samo Stoves. Augusta, Dec 24 4m 52 JSOW" SHOP AND NewTools. GEORGIA F0UNBR? AND Machine Works KELLOCK STREET, .i&.ia.srujstct, Georgia. EVERY KIND OF PLANTATION and Mi ning Machinery, Portable and Stationer ateam Engines, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Saga Mills, Horse Power, Agricultural Implemonti Shafting, Pullies, Hangers, Couplings, and al kinds of Iron and Wood Working Machiner built to order on short notice. All kinds of Machinery Promptly repaired, and all kinds of BRASS an IRON CASTINGS furnished. ?ar*GIVE US A TRIAL. HUSE & NEAL. Augusta, Dec 17 3m 61 G. COHEN, (STAND or LATE J. E. MUNGER,) 150 Broad Streel AUGUSTA. QA. Watches, Clocks and Jewell REPAIRED IN THE BEST MANNER, AND WARRANTED. Fine Frenoh and other kinds of CLOCKS, ( gether with a lasge assortment of WATCHE JEWELRY, Ac., of the finest quality, constant on hand, and sold as low as they can be obtain anywhere. SILVERING ?ni GILDING dono promp and satisfactorily. Please giro mo ? oaU. Auguita, Oct 32 3m ii DISSOLUTION. THE firm of GRAY, MUXLARKY A Co. ia this day dissolved by mutual consent Parlies haring any demands against the firm will present them for immediate payment All thos? indebted will please settle at their earliest convenience. Tho books and notes will be found at the old stand, 228 Broad street. JAS. A. OE AY, AUSTIN MULLARKY, JAS. E. MULLARKY. A?OPS?A, GA., January 6, 1868._ Partnership Notice. THE undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership under the style an J firm of MULLAR KY BROTHERS, for the purpose of transacting a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS BUSINESS, at the store lately occupied by I. K AH* ? Co., No. 262- Broad street, where they will be ploased to soe their friends and the public. AUSTIN MULLARKY, JAS. H. MULLARKY. JAXTTARY, 1st, 1898. Co-Partnership Notice. THE undersigned hare formed a Co-Partner ship under the firm name of JAMBS A. GRAY ? CO., for the purpose of transacting the GENERAL DRY GOODS BUSINESS, at the old stand of GRAY, MCJ.LAKK Y ? Co., 228 Broad street, Au gusta, Ga, JAMES A. OKAY, WILLIAM DBLANE, JOHN IREANOR. AuaviTA, GA., January 8, 1868. Come and See MY LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES/ HATS AND CAFS, LADIES' HATS, MISSES' HATS, YANKEE NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WILLOW WARE, WOOD WARE, AND IN FACT, EVERYTHING AND A LIT TLE MORE than is usually kept ia a first class Retail Store. ?SS-Come and see, and judgo for yourselves, and remember that my terms ara STRICTLY CASH. j33f*All orders accompanied with the Cash will be strictly and faithfully filled. G. J. SHEPPARD. Longmires, S. C., tf 42 -A.T COST! T X HE Undersigned has on hand a Tory HAND SOME LOT of j Metallic Cases and Caskets, ! fl'hicb. he is BOW FELLING AT COST, trans portation added. Also, a large and elegant stock of COFFINS of his own manufacture, embracing all styles and sizos, which ho offers at prime colt of material and manufacture SSTParties buyine Cases cr Coffins will hara the use of my HEARSE free of charge. jJO-Terms, strictly Cash. J. M. WITT. June 25 tf 26 NOTICE SUNDAY Iii TEACHERS ! SLINDAY SCHOOLS can be tupplied with Ibo following Books, AT COST, by applying at thc Store of B. C. BRYAH, Edgefield C. H. S. S. Celebration Hymns, New Sunday-School Primer, Infant Class Question Book, Little Lessons for Little People,-Part L Little Lessons for Little People,-Part ll. Brief Catechism of Bible Doctrine. Child's Question Book on the Four Gospo?.'. Part L Child's Question Book on the Four Gospel*. Part II. Quostions on thc Four Gospels,-with Ilarie ny,-fer Bible Classos. The Psalmist The Psalmody. Notes on the Gospels. Mulcoui's Bible Dictionary. Child's Scripture Question Br.ok. Bibles and Testaments. " Kind Words,"-S. S. Paper, monthly, ct $1 fur 10 Copies. Any Books needed by Teachers, or rcli?;ous Books desired by any pursous, will be procured at short notice, and supplied at Cost by the un dersigned. Testaments and Catechisms given to thoso who are not able to buy, when application is made through any S. S. Teacher known to B. C. Bryan, Agent of the Depository. For any information, address L. R. GWALTNEY, Chtur. Ex. Board of Edgefield Associaticn. Nov 20 ti 17 Furniture ! NOW ON HAND and for sale at REDUCED RATES, a good assortment of FTTIRILSriTTTIRE, Which in point of manufacture, finish and price, cannot fail to give satisfaction to purchaser.*. .7^-Furnite.i-e bartered for ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, and good trades giren. J. M. WITT. Juno 25 tf 26 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD. DISTRICT, IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. WHEREAS, Patrick M. Stevens and his wife Martha L. Stevens, have filed their Peti tion in tho Ordinary's Office for the District and State aforesaid, praying that a paper purporting to bo the last Will and Testament of Iverson L. Brooks, dee'd., lato of said District, may he proven in " Due Form of Lite." And it appear ing to my satisfaction that S. Virginia, wife of W. F. Ayor, and M. Josephine, wife of Ashley C. Hood, reside from and beyond tho limits of this State : It is therefore ordered and decreed that tho said parties, together with all and singu lar the heirs and distribu?es of tho said Tverson L. Brooks, decoased, be and appear at thc Court of Ordinary to be held at Edgefield Court House, for Edgefield District, on Monday, tho 30th day of March, 1S6S, to show cause, if any they can, why said paper should not bo proven iu " Doe Form of Law." Given under mr hand and seal, this 30th day of Decombor, A. D., 1S67. W. F. DURISOE, [L. S.] 0. E. D. Jan 1 3m 1 Return Day Approaches. THERE is a large amount due on our Books. We have worked for it-havo waited for it longer than wo expected-but now must have it. Wo hare neither time nor inclination to call on each one indebted, and make a personal appeal, but through this medium we announce to every ono on whom we hare claims that, unless thoy set tle all, or a large proportion of their indebted ness with us by the 1st Monday in February nen, wo will, without discrimination, place all of said claims in an Attorney's hands for collection. SMITH k JOKES. Jun 15 2t 8 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. Sylurs Morso and wife, \ vs. V E. T. Adams, ot al. J BY virtue of an order of the Court in thi? cause, all and singular tho creditors of JAMES T. ADAMS, dee'd., are required to render and prove thoir demands before me by the Fourth Monday in February next, or else be barred of all interest in the deorae to be rendered ia this cause. Z. W. CARWILE, c.a.e.?. Jaa 16, 1868, 5t 4 Save Trouble and Money ALL persons indebted to the late Finn t<t MANGET k HARRISON, are hereby noti fied, that unless they come forward and settle, by th-5 First February, their accounts will be placed in the hands of JOHK L. ADDISOW, Esq., for cb*. Setion. S. H. MANGET. Jan. 22 2t 4