OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, May 12, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1897-05-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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"!?e reasons in aoirole." "Ah! that
accounts for his arguments never com
ing to an end. "-India uaoplis Journal.
"Xs yonr baby intelligent?" "Intel
ligent? Why, say, if she wasn't she'd
never be able to understand the lan
guage my wife talks to he.-. "-Boston
Wableigu-Bicycling will never be
popular in South Africa. Crosscut
Why not? Wableigh-Beeause they
have so much trouble with their bad
Rhodes.-New York Press.
MTS. Gray-Isn't that lovely? How
much did you pay for it? Mrs. Greene
-Two and a half a yard. Mrs. Gray
What an odd price. You are sure it
wasn't $2.48 or $2.51?-Boston Tran
Weary Walker-Say, I'm a-goin' ter
strangle meself to death! Dusty Rhodes
(in amazement)-What fer? Weary
Walker-Jnst listen what i? says in dis
paper: "Every time we breathe 100
muscles of our body are set to work. "
Puck. _
Horrid Torture.
Thia ls ofteu felt In every Joint and muscle of
the body by turns, by people who, experiencing
tho earnest twin? ej of rheumatism, neglect to
arrest the malady, as they may easily do, with
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a professionally
authenticated remedy for the agonizing com
plaint. -Recollect that rheumatism unchecked
? often lasts a UfeUme, or abruptly terminates lt
when .he malady attacks the heart. The Bit
ters also remedies chills and fever, dyspepsia
and Uver complaint.
It makes the old boss sheep smile when he j
sees lamb chops on a restaurant blU of fare.
Xo-To-Bae for Fifty Cents.
Over 400.C00 cured. Why not let No-To-Bac
regulate or remove your desire for tobacco?
Saves money, makes health and manhood.
Cure guaranteed. 50 cents and $1.00, at all
druggists. _
Just walt till about August when the sun asks
lt lt ls hot enough for you.
Life Isn't Worth living
to one who suffers the maddening agonr of
Eczema, Tetter and snch Irritating, itching skin
diseases. Every roughness of the skin f re m a
simple chap to Tetter and Ringworm eve:a of
long standing 3s completely, quickly and surely
cured oy Tetterine. Is comfort worth 50 cent* j
io your lliat's the price of Tetterine ct drug
stores, or by mail for price in stamps from J. T. |
Shup'alne, Savannah, Ga.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CBBNET & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Che
ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per
fectly honorable In aU business transactions
and financially able to carr}* out any obligation
made by their finn.
WIST Jfc TBCAX, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo,
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure?ls taken Internally, act
ing directly upon tho blood and mucous sur-,
tacos of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold
ty all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are Ute best.
CASCARBTS stimulate Uver. kidneys ind
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe; 10c.
Chronic Diseases Successfully Treat*?] or
Money Returned.
Cancers permanently removed, "roots trod
all," in 10 days, for $10.00. AU oUier chiral?-, k
diseases treated for 45.00 ] ir month. No qua? jcs. j
No humbugs. Fifteen years' experience In :hi? I
city. Absolute guarantee. Send money with
full description of case to DR. O. HENLRV J
SNIPER. Office and Dispensary, 5 to ? North
Boulevard, ATLANTA, GA. J
WBKN bilious or costive, eat a Casearet,
candy cathartic; iure guaranteed; 10c., ?c.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children I
teething, softens the gums, reduces lnflamma- :
Men, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. :
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous- j|
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great.
Nerve Beatorer. 82 trial bottle and treatise free. I
DB. R. H. KLINE, Ltd., 831 Arch St., Phlla., Pa. {
I cannot speak too highly of Piso'8 Cure for J|
Consumption.-Mrs. FRANK MOBBS, 215 W. ?Sd ;
St.. New York, Oct.?, ISM.
JUST try a iOc. box of Cascarela, the finest
liver and bowel r gulotor ever made.
Such a medicine you need at ono? to remove
tue impurities which -have accumulated in
your blood during winter. Such a medicine tn
' Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefore take Hoed'*
Sarsaparilla uow. It will do you wonderful
food. It will purify yen? blood, give you au
appetite, and cure all humors.
Hood's Sarsaparilla {
Is sold by all druggists. Price $1, six for ft?.
)M B?llt? nre prompt, efficient nm
S rlllS easy ic effect. Scents.
at the Sun
???f ^
For Men Only- )
Diabetes, Bright's Disease and all chronic af
fection? of the geni to-urinary system are cured
They not only cure but Invigorate and re- j
.tore. 1 box $1.00,3 boxes $?.50, by mall. Ad- ;
310 Norcross Rld'g., Atlanta, Ga. LAMAR
* RANKIN DRUG CO., Wholesale Agents.
Augns'a, f>a. Actual business. Notext V
boo?>. it?ort tim?. Cheap board- Send for catalogua.
M DC DU {MC Opium and Whisky Habit
III U li i ll ? H L,cured at home. Never fails.
Monarch Home Cure Co., Nsw ALBANY, IND.
Best. Re
There are two kinds of aa
rest. Tho trouble is they lo
dress like the best who's to tel
ls known by its fruit" That
And the taller the tree the d<
test. What's the root,-tho rei
one with the deepest root is A;
fruit ; that, too, is Ayer's. A;
half a century of corea ; a recoi
culminating in tho medal of tl
ac -ltting Ayer's Sarsaparilla as
the rest That was greater hon
Sarsaparilla admitted as an ?xiii
want to get tho best sarsapari
Infallible rnlo : Ask for the b
for Ayer's and you 11 get tho b
Valuable Hints for Renovating Old ut?
Soiled Articles.
An efficient and economical house
wife will always welcome suggestions
in matters of cleanliness and renova
tion. To begin with the best cleanser
of hair brushes is spirits of ammonia
and warm water. Take a tablespoonful
of ammonia to a quart of water, dip
the bristles up and down in the water
but without wetting the back of the
brush, and rinse in clean warm water,
then shah'* well and dry in the air,
but not in ; We sun. Soap and soda
soften the bristles and will turn an
iYory-backed brush yellow, so in the
case of the latter the following treat
ment is recommended: Rub plenty of
flour well in, wrap up in. parer and
leave all night, give a good shaking
and remove the remaining flour by
blowing the brush. All brushes and
combs should be kept in the dressing
case, or in a bag so as to keep them as
much as possible from the dust. Ivory
that has become yellow from age or
usage may be whitened by a good rub
bing with fine sand paper or moist pow
dered pumice stone.
Tortoise shell combs or ornaments
that have lost their polish may be
renovated by rubbing them with finely
powdered rotten stone mixed with ?.
little olive oil. The rotten stone shoui?
he sifted through a piece of fine muslim
before mixing it with the oil. When
all marks are removed polish again
with a piece of very soft chamois
leathor and a little jeweler's rouge.
Dust may be removed from velvet
much more thoroughly and expeditious
ly by rubbing with a piece of crape
rather than by using a brush, although
it be a soft one.
Glass Which has become dull, may be
broug;ht back to its original brightness
by washing with diluted hydrochloric
I acid and afterward rubbing with moist
chalk or whiting.
Marble may be cleaned with common
dry salt, which requires no prepara
tion, but may be rubbed directly in the
soiled surface, leaving the L.arbl9 beau
j tifully clean. Alabaster may he washed
; with soapsuds. If stained, whitewash
: thc stains and let it remain for several
hours, then clean it off. Take the
finest quality of ground pumice stone
and mix it with verjuice; let it stand
two hours, then take a sponge and rub
the alabaster with the mixture. Wash
it with a linen cloth and fresh water,
and dry it with clean linen rags.
To clean brass and copper a mixture
of oil and rotten stone applied with a
piece of leather and then rubbed bright
with clean chamois skin will give a
beautiful polish. Furniture to be pol
ished should be washed with soap and
water, little by little, "and each little
quickly dried. Afterward the cream
should be applied. Here are two good
recipes. Boil thoroughly in a gallon
of water one pound of beeswax, four
; ounces of soft soap and two ounces of
pearl ash; the second, which should
be made at least a day before it is used,
is compounded by melting together at
i a gentle heat eight parts of white wax,
I two of resin, ar.d half a pint of turpen
tine. Pour into a jar, shake it well,
( and add six parts of rectified oil of tur
; pentiue.
A careful housekeeper is frequently
troubled by the tannin stains in fine
china teacups. They may usually be
removed by rubbing them with a little
whiting on flannel. Salt will have the
same effect, but it sometimes scratches
very fine ware.
To clean wall paper use bread about j
a day old. If the paper is only dusty,
flick and rub it with a soft yarn mop.
If it is marked with grease, hold ? piece
of blotting paper over the spot with a
hot flat irer. for a few moments.
Rubbing silver or plated eggspoons
with a little liquid ammonia and salt
*il>4>efuove the discoloration caused by
"fhe sulphur "in the egg. The very best
way to clean mirrors and windows Is
to rub them with a paste of whiting
and water. When this dries polish
with chamois skin and remove the
powder. A little alcohol in cold water
also gives a brilliant polish. Soapsuds
should never be used.
When grease hss been spilt upon
matting, apply powered French chalk
and benzine. Cover the grease with
the chalk and sprinkle lightly with the
benzine. When the latter has evap
orated, brush off the chalk, and the
spot will also vanish. When grease
is spilt on wooden flooring, cold water
should immediately be poured over it.
This hardens it so that t can easily be
scraped away, otherwise it sinks in and
repeated scrubbing will not get rid of
Trinidad's Pitch Lake.
A remarkable phenomenon in the
island of Trinidad is the "Pitch lake,"
situated at La Brea, about sixteen
miles from the Port of Spain, the cap
ital of the island. It is about one and
a half miles in circumference and ele
vated eighty feet above the level of the
sea. The water is covered almost en
tirely with a stratum of asphaltum,
traversed hy fissures and crevices fill
ed with water. The pitch at the sides
is perfectly hard and cold, but as one
walks toward the middle the heat grad
ually increase and the pitch becomes
softer and soi ter. At last it is seen
boiling up in a liquid state and the
air is strongly impregnated with bitu
men and sulphur. During the rainy
season it is possible to walk over near
ly the whole lake, but in the hot
weather a great part cannot be ap
proached. The pitch is much used up
in the island for roads, pavements and
roofs, and is exported to the United
States and Canada.-Exchange.
"Do you think those campaign
speakers believe half of what they
"Oh, no; they're not so different
from other people."-Chicago Journal.
:st. Test
rsaparilla: The best-and the
ok alike. Auw when the rest
3 them apart? Well, "the tree
's an old test and a safe one.
.epcr the root That's another
cord of these sarsaparillas ? The
jet's. The one with the richest
?-er's Sarsaparilla has a record of
.d of many medals and awards
ie Chicago World's Fair, which,
the best-shut its doors against
or than the medal, to be tho only
ibit nt the World's Fair. If you
lia of your druggist* here's an
cst and you'll get Ayer'e, Ask
HE wedding had
passed off exceed
ingly well, and
everybody was
satisfied, especial
ly with the fact
of its being over.
It had taken
place at the old
fashioned early
Lour, so that the bride and bride
groom and all tho guests might be
gono I Wore evening, and Mra. Wal
lace, the bride's grandmother, might
have time to settle down again before
bedtime. She was a very vigorous and
pluoky old lady, but ehe admitted
that at four-soore years it is well to
keep to regular hours.
lt was evening now. Mrs. Wallace
had retired to her dressing room, and
thc whole house had resumed its
wouted aspect.
At the drawing-room window stood
Christy Wallace, looking oat at the
lingering sauset, and meditating on
the fact that no one wai so thankful
that the wadding was over as herself,
an J that for all her thankfulness lifo
promised to be a little uninteresting
]ust for the present. Blanche had been
thero so long, that though the cousins
ha I bj no msaus been all-in-all ta one
auother, they had made part of oach
other's existence ; au I as for Harold,
he had been at Tao House all his lifo
long, and had run in and ont of Mrs.
Wallace's house as if it had been his
Thero had been a lime, before end
after Blanche arrived upon the scene,
when Harold hud come in and out as
Christy's acknowledged, if not ac
cepted, lover. Then Blanche's livelier
ways attracted him, and nobody bad
much accouut of Christy's prior claim.
Mrs. Wallace even had said little, and
though fche had devised a multiplicity
of errauds and occupations for her
elder grandchild, she had refrained
from petting, or any words of com
passion-a form of consideration for
which Christy very heartily thanked
Christy was thinking of all this as
sho leaned against the window, and
could not be sorry that the strain of
the lover's presenoe was removed.
Blanche had behaved very well all
through, been ve-y affectionate and
cousinly, but there was the faintest
suspicion of kindly condescension in
her treatment of the girl whom sho.
had supplanted. As for Harold, his
bluff good fellowship had been a daily
trial. They were gone, but the re
moval of her cross mode Christy feel
as if lifo would consist of nothing to
do for some to come.
She looked np the hill to where the
chimneys of The House showed be
tween the trees, and wondered if Mr.
John Tras experiencing anything like
ber o*n feelings now that Harold was
gone and he had the place to himself.
She wondered, too, if now they would
allow him the uso of his surname, or
if he was to bc Mr. John to the end
of the chapter..
Ho had gamed the name during his
uncle's life, and after Mr. Turton's
death, Harold, Mr. Jobu'shalf-brother,
had carried so much the more impos
ing presence that the squire still re
mained in the background as Mr.
John. Ile was quiet and studious, and
if he had any love for socioty he re
pressed it, partly from his disinclina
tion to be outshone by his younger
brother, partly from his desire to
amend, if possible, the fallen fortunes
of his little estate. It was known
that his unole had been ambitious that
he should marry money, but Mr. John
appeared to prefer to save his money
by strict economy. If he had ever
paid court to anybody, he and that
person were the only ones that knew il.
Harold also would have been pleased
to see him marry money, though he
was generous to him, and though
Harold had a sufficient fortune of his
Harold had been much the bigger
man at Tho House, and Christy half
smiled at the thought of Mr. John be
ing forced by circumstances to take
his own place.
The sun was going down now, the
garden lay in a shadow, though the
bright rays still shone on Mr. John's
chimneys, and on the roses that clus
tered over Christy's window. Sud
denly there was a step on the turf,
and some one came leisurely around
the corner of the house.
"May I come in, Miss Wallace? It
is lonely np at the house."
lt was Mr. John himself, and she
hastened to admit him. "I was
thinking of you," she said, "and
wondering if we were to take to calling
you by your rightful name now that
there is only one of you."
"There bas been only one of me
all my life long, I think, and that ono
has been Mr. John. It would be dif
ficult to turn it into anything else,
Miss Wallaoe."
"Not more difficult, I should think,
than yon found it to change me from
Christy to Miss Wallace," she said,
with a little smile.
"That happened, and had to hap
pen, when you grew up," he replied,
with a faint flush rising to his face.
"When are you going to grow np,
then, Mr. John? I was rather slow
at it if it only happened five years
ago, but you are even more dilatory,"
said Christy, talking for the sake of
"What do people do when they
grow np? Got married, like Harold
and Blanche? Well, I admit that we
have let onr juniors get the start of us
in that. I hope they will have a
happy .life," he ended, dreamily.
"They expect it, and they are light
hearted people. Blanche is not often
out of spirits."
Then the two lapsed into silence,
and eat gazing out over the landscape.
They were both thinking of Blanehe
and Harold, and of themselves as well.
Tho snr set, and tho summer twi
light had it all its own way in garden
and wood and meadow, and hero, in
Christy's drawing-room, too, where
the silent figures sat by the window
and meditated.
Christy stirred herself with a bit of,
a laugh, M a thrmb ia the acacias !
broke into sudden cry. "I am keep
ing you here all in the dark," she said,
and would have riten to ring for
"Not yet," besought Mr. John. "I
came up here with a distinct purpose
to-night, but I do not know how to
set about it. I am a shy, awkward
man. Will you forgive me if I make
a blunder?"
"Surely," answered Christy, in be
" I want to Bhow you a letter you
once wrote me," and he selected a
note from bis pocketbook and handed
it to her. "Do you remember it?"
Christy opened itaud read it by the
waning daylight. He watched her as
she- leane 1 to the window, thinking
what a dainty, delicate hand she had:
Dear Mr. Jolin-I nm sorry yo? asked me,
Lu.;.m-,' it is impossible. Grau drouin ma
could not span mu. Harold will explain it
to you. Yours faithfull}',
She hiuded it back to him.
"I remember it very well, but it is
a long time ago. 1 thought it must
have offended you somehow, for it was
then that I suddenly grow up."
"It is possible for a man to be hurl
without being offended. The note
hurt me, but something wa9 said yes
terday which made mo think there had
been a mistake. Will you tell rue
what it wa? that I asked, aud you
found impossible?"
Christy began to feel nervous ; there
was something almost portentous in
the extrema quiet of his sp333h. His
face looked pale through the gather
ing gloom.
"it was a message .that Harold
brought from you. You asked me to
ride with you to Bolton's Cove the
next day, and I could not go partly
became granuy did not think it proper
for mo to ride with you alone, and
partly because the servants were going
to a confirmation, and Jones had to
take my horse to drive them. Harold
said ho could explain all tbat in words
better than I could in writing. I was
vexed, because I wanted to go to Bol
ton's Cove. You see, I remember it
all very well."
"Excellently well," he answered,
with a curious intonation. "Perhaps
you will be surprised to hear that I
never did ask you to go to Bolton's
Cove, and that I sent you no message
on that day."
"I don't understand."
"No," he answered, his hands mov
ing restlessly, in curious oontrast to
Christy's, which lay immovable in her
l*p. "It seems that I had two friends
just then zribre anxious; for my pen
nant welfare than cay present happi
ness. I was writing a lotter of some
importance to myself when my nncle
called me away. I loft my desk un
locked, not supposing that anyone
would be likely to search into my pri
vate affairs, but it proved that I was
too trustful. Harold examined my
letter, and reported upon it to my
nicle, and, as the result, my letter
was suppressed, and a message devised
for Harold to carry in its place. I have
a copy of that letter. Let me light a
candle; I should like you to read it."
Christy sat white and silent in her
shimmering wedding dress, ghostlike
in the faint light from the window;
scarcely less so in the little yellow
gloam of tho caudle. Not a pose or a
motion of hers escaped Mr. John that
She was rather frightened now,
when he set tho candle down on the
shelf beside her and handed her this sec
ond letter. The paper trembled in her
hand, and sho bene her head nervously
over it. As she read she trembled moro
and more, for this was a plain and
simple proposal of marriage from a
man to whom sho had never dared to
lift her eyes from that point of view,
and tho very simplicity of ic was so
like the writer tbat it was like having
his very words breathed into her ears.
It was written tivo years ago, and he
was standing over her now as she read
To him the time seemed endless, as
sbe sat with bent head considering
tboso brief words. But it was more
than tho words that detained her; it
was the shock of the whole thing and
tho difficulty of realizing its meaning.
She moved at last, and he took back
tho letter.
"Tho explanation that Harold gave
me waa that yon preferred him to me,"
ho said, with the same forced quietude
of his former speeches. "If I sent the
letter to you now what answer would
you give me?"
"Mr. John!" spoke Christy in star
tled tones.
"If you said 'John,' it would be all
the answer I would ask for," he an
Christy half rose. She thought she
would feel safer on her feet, and at
that moment the door opened.
"The mistross wants you in her room
at once, Miss Christy, and shall I bring
in the lamp?"
Christy went up swiftly to her grand
mother-a little shocked at having for
gotten her for so long, and a good deal
relieved at having gained time before
giving her answer.
Mrs. Wallace was sitting in ber chair
by the window, from which she might
have seen Mr. John's approach to the
"So John Tur ton's here," she said,
in her quiok, sharp way. "What's he
come for, ' Christy ? What's he come
Christy's wits were hardly sufficient
ly collected for her to give an immedi
ately intelligible answer.
"Never min i," said the old lady,
nodding cheerfully, "wo all know that
he has not come to Bee if his brother
is "left behind by mistake. Now, look
here, Cbristy, John Turton is here to
propose to yon, and you are a fool ii
you say no. He's no fool and he's
worth a dozen of his brothers. Har
old was good enough for Blanche, but
he was not good enough for you, and
I was not vexed when he threw yon
over for her. You take John ; be's tho
man for you," and the old lady nod
ded more aud moro vigorously in ap
"But, granny-n begflft Christy, ftp?-'
"Tat, tat I Never mind gran
There, yea don't want to be vex
yourself with tho notion that I ci
do without you-I can manage, I
manage! You do as I bid you.
down and drop a pretty oourtesy )
Bay, 'If yonpleapo, Mr. John.' Th
the thing, and there is no Harolc
come between you this time. Sc
old women aren't BO blind as tl
look, my dear. Come here, Christ
seeing how her grandchild st?
irresolute, with faoo working and e
suspiciously misty. "Bend down i
kiss your granny. You have bee
good child to me, and a comfort e
6ince I had you, and I want to see ]
happily settled. John's the man
you. Go down to him, and to-mori
yon* can send him up to me ; I dc
want to nee him to-night."
Bnt Christy lingered, kneeling
her grandmother, really crying soft
overoome by the tenderness from si
an unexpected source, coming on
top of 60 many disquieting things.
Mrs. Wallace did not allow her
cry long.
..That's enough, Christy!" she B
briskly. .'Cheer up nul get abi
your business. You are keeping 1
man waiting. "
So Christy had to go down. I
John, listening with the ears of
anxious lover, heard every footfall
the stairs; heard uncertain steps co
across the hall, uncertain fingers 1
on the door-handle. His heart b
as irregularly as her feet moved.
His eyes sought hers as ehe entei
-eagerly, anxiously. "What has M
Wallace said to you?"
.'She said that John Turton h
come to proDoso to me, and 1 wa
fool if I said no. Oh, John I" she sa
in a voice thf.t was smothered in j
embrace, "if I was not good enou
for Harold-'"
"Let Harold be; he has done
harm -enough already, Christy,"
said, with his voice tremulous witl
tnnltitnde of feelings. "Iampromot
to be John, and I feel that I am gro
ing up 1"
"John," she repeated, still mu
smothered, ' 'I-I suppose they w
naturally say Mr. and Mrs. Tur tc
won't they? ' We shall both be gro
up. then. "-The Home Queen.
. _
No sin is so little that it may n
become the soul's master.
? Looking a difficulty square in tl
face will often kill it dead.
No prayer meeting was ever kill
by the prayers being too short.
To close our hearts against a broth
is to shut heaven against ourselves.
The world has learned more fro
ita poor than it has from its kings.
The man who robs another of h
right lose? most by the transaction.
' Beware of the sin whose only di
fense is that it is highly respectabl
A poor man with a sunny spirit wi
get more out of life than a wealtL
.r When lovo gives it enriches itsel
but what covetousness keeps it tak
from itself.
Boil down many a man's religic
and it will be found to have been not]
ing but froth.
Love is dead when the husband b(
gins to grudge the money it takes t
support his wife.
It is not what we have, but what \*
do with what we have, that proves or
fitness for promotion.
There.must be a constant dying ti
a lower life if we would know what i
mens to enjoy a higher one.
The mau who spends his timo i
counting hypocrites generally make
a miscount by not putting himself a
the head of the list.
There is some blessing in bein
rich and strong and gifted, but ther
is more in being none of these, an
yet doing b9t ;er than they.
When the preaching is against sin
that are not known this side of Chino
and no other, the devil wiil help th
preacher to gol a congregation.
Go forth with a omile on your face
and you will return believing tha
most people aro good natured. Wea
a frown and you will find plenty o
quarrelsome people.-Barn's Horn.
Diseases of (jems.
. Preoious stones are subject to vari
ons maladies much the 6ame as ord!
nary human beings. Many of th
maladies of gems are incurable am
often prove fatal as far as the beaut]
of the stone is concerned. One of ta:
commonest infirmities of preciou!
stones is their disposition to chang?
color. The emerald, the sapphire ant
the ruby are commonly supposed tc
have absolutely permanent colors,
and yet it has boen found by recent
experiment in Paris that long expos
ure to light causes them to fade per
In the garnet and the topaz thc
change ia often comparatively rapid.
This fading is accompanied in rubiee
and garnets by a oloudy, dull appear
ance. Tho habit which some gems
have of cracking unexpectedly and
with?ut any apparent cause seems to
be incurable. Opals aro considered
the most "unlucky" of all gems. They
often become so sensitive that the
heat encountered by the wearer sitting
close to a fire will destroy them.
The lustre of an opal is due to myr
iads of minute cracks in the bodv of
the stone, the edges of which reflect
the light at different angles, produc
ing its characteristic prismatic colors.
Any one of those myriad of cracks
may cause the gam to split.
The misfortunes of pearls are almost
too numerous to be classified. Since
the pearls consist entirely of carbon
ate of lime, they are exceedingly sen
sitive to all sorts of reactions. Thrown
into a fire at an ordinary red heat
they are instantly converted into a
mere pinch ot lime dust, and if aoci
dently touched with any corroding
acid are ruined. They are easily
cracked or broken, and orten lose
their lustre merely by being handled.
The acid contained in the perspiration
of the skin has also been known tc
destroy them.-New York World.
Diet far the Pet Dog.
The best menu for a pet dog con
sists of bread and milk, oatmeal boiled
in broth, vegetables mixed with gravy
(cabbage or greens of some kind,
flavored with gravy, should be given
two or three times a week in place ol
the grass which he would cat if he
could get it), b iscuit3 and puppy oakes
and an occasional bone, without
meat, for the benefit of his teeth,
which will otherwise become loose
from want of uso ; water to any extent
and an occasioaul pinch of powdered
sulphur, especially in warm weather,
by the way of u condiment.
Flowers in Bedrooms.
Never keep growing flowers in a
bedroom. They draw from tho air the
very gases which nature demands for
a human being while in sleep. In
this respect hu f a dozen out or grow
ing roses would tak3 more vital gases
away from a Bleeper than another
toonpast io tho same apartment,
Sunny Harbor or Stormy Sea?
Sometimes I wonder which is best for me
Tho sunny hart or or the stormy sea.
How may tho soul woo rest, yet grow mon
bru ve;
"Woo culm, yet battle with oach warring
Win love, yet not forget the loveless kind;
Wm heaven itself, yet bear the world ix
-Ella Giles Ruddy, in the Century.,
The Old, Old Friends.
Tho old, old home!
Some ohnnged; somo buried; some gone out
of sUht;
Some enemies, and ia tho world's swir
No time to make amends
The old, old frlonds!
Where aro they? Three aro lying in one
And ono from tho far-off world, on the dallj
No loving message sends.
The old, dear fronds!
One passes d tily: and ono wears a mask;
Another, ?ons otranged, cares not to ask
Where causeless anger ends.
Tho dear old frlonds!
So many an I BO foa I In days of youth!
Alas that Faith eau he divorced from Truth,
When love ia severance ends!
Tho oi l. old friends!
They hov>r round mo still in evening shades;
Surely they will return when sunlight faded,
And life on God depends.
The Good Time ls the Present Timo.
Tho good time comln?! "tts tho theme
Or-nviny a bard's propho.ii thought;
Th ? good time eo:nlug long foretold
Has cj;ne with brighten pronise fraught.
Who hoods lt not but idly stan ls,
And hopi?s and waio, shall some time weep
O'er slighted days and squandered years,
For he who plants not shall not reap.
0. workman by tho forge and Aro,
0, patient toiler In tho fluid,
Thu good tlTi". if you use lt well,
To you life's full reward shall yield.
If for a bettor timo we wait
Its dawning we any n !ver soo,
Au t disappointment, trrlof and pala
Our portion ia this life shall be.
Walt not! bohol I tho day ?hat is
With opportunity is prime,
Tis wi?e to us J it while we may
The good time is tho present timo.
-Caleb Dunn, in the Ledger.
"But Yet a Woman."
So raro she is, so fair she is,
I'm happy only where she is.
To seo a be luty gleam of her,
Then when away to dream of her,
Makes evin absence a delight,
Illumined by reflected light.
Ro sweot she is, so dear sho ls,
Mv heart leaps up when near she is.
Hcrvok'o with feeling tremulous,
Makes every song bird emulous;
And whoa it speaks to me I know
But only this-I love her so!
So goo I sho is. so nure she is,
Of woman's best Tm sure she is;
And love has opened the door to me,
So what nan life give more to me?
No merit lu myself I seo,
Yet her 0>ar hand has lifted me.
-George Birdseye, In the Boston Transcript,
Sorrow and Song.
Weep uot over poet's wrong,
Mourn not his mischances
Sorrow ls i he source ot song
And of gentle landes.
Rills o'er rocket beds are borne
Ere they gush in whiteners;
Pebbles are wave-chafed and worn,
Ero they show their brightuess.
Swoetest gleam the morning flowers
When in tears they waken;
Earth enjoys refreshing showers
When the boughs are shaken.
Ceylon's glistening pearls ore sought
Ia Its deepest wator>;
From its deepest m lues aro brought
Gems for beauty's daughters.
Through the rent au I shlvored rock
Limpid w.itor broaketh;
'Tis but when the chords aro struck
That their music waketh.
Flowers by heedless footstops prest
AU their sweets surrender;
Gol i must brook the llery test;
Ero it shows its splendor.
When tho twilight, cold and damp,
Gloom und silence bringeth,
Then the glow-worm lights its lamp,
And ibo bulbul singeth.
Stars come lort li when night her shroud
Brawn, as daylight fainieth;
Only on tho tearful cloud
God his rrflnbjw paintotb.
Weep not then o'er poet's wrong,
Moura not his mischances
Sorrow is the source of song,
Aua of gentle fancies.
-Homo Queen.
Alter Death.
When I am dead,
The grass around mo will grow just as green
And flowers as brightly bloom above my
As those which ah these summors I have
When I am dead.
When I am dead,
Upon my grave the soft, slow raia will fall,
And wash tho flowers strewa o'er my lowly
And night will settle down, my funeral pall,
When I am dead.
When I am dead,
And will one come to weep and weep again,
Wuen low thesuu has tinged the sky with
Choosing for life's song, one sad, minor
When I am dead?
Or, when Fm dead,
Will this heart always hold aud keep me
And with my memory fond be comforted,
Singing with hope that last, loa,', sad adieu,
Whoa 1 am dead?
I cannot tell
How this will be of me. but still I know,
Tho autumn leav s will fall abo v.) my head,
And o'er my grave tho sad, south winds will
When I am dead.
-May Wilson Todd, In Houston Post.
Bismarck's Love for Children.
It is impossible ever to have been
within the Bismarck family cirole
without seeing proof that the Iron
Chancellor is not ali of iron, says the
Ladies/ Home Journal. I have seen
him with his own children-now tall
men and women-and with other
children. His affeotion for his own
needs no testimony ; he has always
shown it. His affection and pride in
his eldest son and successor, Count
Herbert, are part of his nature. I
have seen Prince Bismarck also with
troops of children who came to
Frederiohsruhe to visit him. His
manner to them was oharming, his
outstretched haud upon the heads of
those nearest to him, the kindly
caress, the sympathetic greeting
these are so many traits of personal
character and of a true gentleness of
nature which the outside world, think
ing only of his lifo of storm and
stress, might not expeot to find. But
there they are.
Fait li I ul Domestics.
Housewives in Norway and Sweden
have started a scheme to encourage ser
vunts to remain in their places. Mis
tresses pay into a general fund what
ever they can afford for every servant
that has remained with them for twelve
months. Tho money is registered in
tho servant's namo, so that when age
overtakes her, and 6he can no longer
work, she has a comfortable annuity to
fall back on,-Philadelphia Ledger,
The Kew Telephone Girl
She was a new girl at the central
telephone exchange.
Her previous experience in.this big
and busy world had been behind the
counter at Chintz & Chally's.
Nevertheless, she was a pleasanl
spoken young lady,and amiability was
written all over her nature.
She had adopted as her motto the
touching sentence, "We strive to
please,"and she honestly tried to live
up to it.
There was a ring at the bell.
She applied her ear to the instru
ment and asked sweetly:
"What number, please?"
"Let me have No. 474."
"I am sorry that No. 474 is busy
now," she replied. "You can have
No. 473 or No. 475 if you wish."
The individual at the other end of
the wire hung up his receiver and used
language which plainly showed that
all efforts to please do not necessarily
succeed.-Harper's Bazar.
Mrs. Grogan-Ph wat happened your j
mau Dinny he's in th* harspital?
Mrs. Doogan-Business revurses,
Hrs. Grogan..
Mrs. Grogan-Share, I fought he ?
had stiddy wurruk 'ilin' the shaftin' in
the power house?
Mrs. Doogan-He had, 'til the shaft
in' caught in his overalls and the re- ;
vurses came t'ick an' fasht, sorra th'
day.-New York Sun.
Of a Tonnie Lady of GM port, Kew York,
(rom Anaemia.
From Vie Courier, B?falo, AT. T.
MIBS Lulu Stevens, daughter of George
Slovens, the well-kuown blacksmith, of Gas
port, Niagara, County, New York, han sur*
prised her neighbors considerably, by not
dying five months ago, whoa the physicians
said she could not live.
This was quite a remarkable case. Th?
young woman, who is very well known, on
account of her musical ability, had bern a
very healthy girl, until about one year ago,
when she began to fail, and gr?*w so palo
and apparently bloodless and so weak that
after a few months she was given up to die.
Last winter a physician wno was a visitor
at Gasport met Miss Stevens, and seeing her
emaciated condition, nnd bearing from the
local doctors that the disease was ana. ada.
prevailed on the girl's mother to make her
try Dr. Williams'Pink Pills. Directly she
commenced the treatment she began to
mead, and now sine? February, when she
decided to take them, she has become well
and strong and tho picture of good h^a tb.
The mother of the girl, Mrs. Stevens, says:
"Every one In Gasport knows that P nk
Pills cured Lulu, aud I feel very thankful
that we heard of them in time to save my
child's life."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ?ontaln, In a con
densed form, nil the elements necessary to
give new life and richness to the blood and
restore shattered nerve.'. They are also a
specific for troubles pecul ar to females,
such as suppressions, irregularities mid all
forms of weakness. They build up the blood,
and restore the glow of nenlth to palo end
Ballow cheeks. In men they affect a radical
cure in all cases arising iro n mental worry,
overwork or excesses of whatever nature.
Pink Pills aro .sold in boxes (never in loose
bulk) at 50 cents a box or SKI boxes for
$2.50, and may be bad of al! druggies, or
direct by mail from Dr. Will ams' Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
A mother who is in good physical condition transmits |
to her children thc blessings of a good constitution.
Thc child fairly drinks in health from its mother's 1
robust constitution before birth, and from a healthy
mother's milk after.
Is not that an incentive to prepare for a healthy
Do you know thc meaning of what
is popularly called those "long
ings,"' or cravings, which beset so
many women during pregnancy?
There is something lacking in tho
mother's blood. Nature cries out
and will bc .satisfied at all hazards.
One woman wants sour things,
another wants sweets, another
wants salt things, and so on.
The real need all the time is to
enrich the blood so as to supply
nourishment for another life, and
to build up the entire generative
system, so that the birth may he
possible and successful.
If expectant mothers would fort
ify themselves with Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, which
for twenty years has sustained
thousands of women in this condition, there would be fewer disappointments
at birth, aud they would not experience those annoying " longings."
In the following letter to Mrs. Pfnkham, Mrs. Whitney demonstrates the
power of thc Compound in such cases. She says:
From thc time I was sixteen year.-; old till I was twenty-three, I was
troubled with weakness of thc kidneys and terrible pains when my monthly
periods came on. I made up ny mind to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and was soon relieved. After I was married, thc doctor said I
would never be able to go my full time and have a living child, as I was
constitutionally weak. I had lost a baby at seven months and a half. The
next time I commenced at once and continued to take your Compound through
the period of pregnancy, and I said th.^n. if I went my full time and the baby
lived to bo three months old. I should send a letter to you. My baby is now
seven months old and is as healthy and hearty as one could wish.
" I am so thankful that I used your medicine, for it gave me thc robust
health to transmit to my child. I cannot express my gratitude to you; I
never expected such a blessing. Praise God for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Conn. ind may others who are suffering do as I did and find relief, and
may mu ; homes be brightened as mine has been."-MBS. L. Z. WHITNEY, 5
Georre St., JBrSomeryiile, Mass.
25* 50*
TIT'PT V f niDHKIUJPn to coro any easeof constipation, faicmts ar* Ute Ideal Lasa
?D?UbUlljbl UliAR?luLEjU tire, never rrip or (tripe, hut ?-anuo easy natural resalta. Sam'
_ rrip or gripe.
pie and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO.. Chicago. Montreal. f an._. orNew fork^
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For Sale by Paint Dealers Everywhere.
DOCTOS-"One layer of rn rp A Tint Card showoff ? desirable tints, also Alabastine
I ll LL Sonrenir Rock sent free to any onementlonlne t hm paper.
ALABANTIXE CO., Grand Rapids, .Mich.
. paper 1? bad enough, yo-.'lave
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Pamphlet, "Sngeestions for Exterior Decoration," Sainplo Card and De?c;-iptlTe Price List free by mall.
Asbestos Rooflnir, Ituilriing Felt, Steam Packin?, Moiler Covering*, Fire-Proof Faint?, Etc
AabeittOM Non-Conducting and Electrical Insulating Materials.
87 Milden Lan?. New York.
CHICAGO: 340 k 343 Randolph St. PHILADELPHIA: 170 & 173 North 4th St. BOSTON: 77 k 79 Tearl St,
Hollers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins, Cottou
Presses, (?rain Separators.
Chisel Tooth and Solid Saw?. Saw Teeth. In- |
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u full line of Brnw iioort?.
W Send fur Catalogue nnd Priers.
Avery & McMillan
Nos. 51 & S3 S. Forsyth St., ATLANTA, GA.
For ll ye.irs this
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bas <li.-tMiK-cd ?ll
Indorsed by over
1 Ono OOO wearer? aa
tho best In ?tyle, (lt
mid durability ot
iiny ?hoe ever offer
ed nt 93.OO.
lt is uindo In all
Hie latent S11APE3
mid ?tyle? and ot
ov?ry variety of
One dealer in a
town priven exclus
ive mle ond adver>
tined in local paper
on receipt ot reason
able order. Write
for catalogue to
\v. I. IMiri;i.,\s,
KrooLloti, Mass.
is a vigorous feeder and re
sponds well to liberal fertiliza
tion. On corn lands the yield
increases and the soil improves
if properly treated with fer
tilizers containing not under
7% actual
<y Cast every day; xcorh ISO hands.
Ibe. Bogt ti.nuiaw.
Shipped to anybody. Send no |
money, but encloee stamp to
C.BMlldaUd Wk.lnal*8.C.?liS. ( ll.Un *!,n*pt. fSCakaf?
A- _ M fi C ll TC We ene scent in this Cutrnty
L/Arn O fl I fl** * " ' ?o sell to lamOies. Best paring
I V J I /Tkil I _ " article on earih. We rav all expeme. Address
A trial of this plan costs but
little and is sure to lead to
profitable culture.
AU about Potash-the results of it? use by actual ex
periment on the best farms in the United States-ii j
told in a little book which we publish and ?iii giadly j
?Mil (Tte 10 my farmer in America who w;/. write for it
S3 Narnu ?II,4VJW Vera,
GLYZA CIJE.1I. CU., \* uabiugton, ll. C.
Yourown tcrtnx, write nie. I handle nothing bnt bar
Kain?;, and can locate von in any ceitnty in tie State.
ItOUERT C. (A IC.H AN, . Aitatiu. Texas.
?/> prSO:5>'CW.E':FOR ...

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