OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, April 28, 1909, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1909-04-28/ed-1/seq-8/

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15 Days
Beginning at 8 O'clock, Saturday Morning, May 1st, 1909.
Owing to the peculiar existing^business conditions the manufacturers have manufactured an over production. Unfavorable financial conditions have enabled us to secure merchan
dise at our own price for SPOT CASH: In many cases we only paid 1-3 to 1-2 the regular wholesale price-all of this merchandise will bs in and
To make things really interesting we are going to offer our regular stock at sale prices.
- Merchandise has been sold cheap in Edgefieid before but nothing to even approach this sals in value giving has ever baan hiQiavte? herc-Don't stop to find out if vou neede
t^ESlanything-Just figure if you can afford to go without at the price.
and unpacked by Saturday morning
Ladies ioc 1
6 for 25c
15c Turkish
Ladies ioc
Hose 7 c
Ladies 25c
lisle thread
Hose 12 i-2c
Reg. $1.00
Shirts 73c
For this great sale we offer! Japan Silk, white
five remarkable clothing val-!and c,rean? per yd.
lues-values which we firmly? 32 inch wash Silk
believe have never been ofter-jpincy 75c value, yd.
led in Edgeriekl- J yd w??e bik> Taf.
One let of mens Suits that|fet:i I-25? 1 5? value
[sold up to $5.00-$2.98 iR?g. 35 c Si Ik
Mull per yd.
Following Prices good as fong as the" lots last. Many
will be sold within a few hours
( Conti nu ed )
j: -3 ? ? ?ams ? MWH
?!1 lot 36 in. Cashmere, black, brown, blue and tan. worth 25c Loom a
end price yd 15c. 52inch Mohairs in black, brown, blue, green worth Sf w\
?5C Loom End Price per ydlls.- 1 lo: 43 i nsh wool nov? : ti es and sta- % 'v Ultteinorcs
S pies worth 50 ar.d^Oc all colors teem < : d sale price yd S fe. 25 pieces ?SlvOe PoUsil bottle
S new spring dress dress;^obds, Brilliantines: Mohairs, etc, worth 75c 1
yd at 44c. 1 lot white and cream Jap Silk 75c quality-39c. 10 pcs. | Toilet Soar) 1 Cik?*
Silk mull all n?w. goods worth 35c Loom end price vd 17Jc a- i . l . ' '
1 J. , - . sin box sale price
CALICOES 2c YAKr-;",C00 yards standard print:; will be sold for 9 t i i i ? .
10 minutes every hour at 2c yard until supply is exhausted", be it one 8 tanci;" <J w? te cani
i *~ ...1/. " T Ul EKnr> TM v?l li mir or
One lot of- Men s Suits that
rt? - . <t- bl Mens ip v cc i fp
sold up to $10.00--h'9%6 Panamas at ?j)
One. lot Mens* Suits thatT
sold up to $i 5.00--$7-98
One lot of Mens Suits that
'sold up to $20.00-$n.q8.
Qne lot of Mens Suits that
?sold up to $25.00--$13-98
io cent Ruching
?neck lenarhth at
25 cent Ruching
neck length for
15 pcs Dress Goods
|$i .-25, 1.50 values
For the whole
jpJIUJud family at man
Jufactuhers' outlet prices in
?these lots, are some of the
fc |best shoe bargains that this! $1.25
,eestore has ever offered - WhileJ Shirts 89c
/|\ve clo not quote prices on"
shoes for children, we wantg o
iveg. 15c
60c Mens
Untier w?a?^
day or a week. ' Sales begin 9 a. m., as follows: 9 to H:10 a. m.. 10 Ibric io vtl limit a
to 10:10 a. m., ll to 11:10 a. m., 1 to 1:10 p. m., 2 ta 2:10 p. m., 3 to
3:10 p.m. 10 yards to customer. jApron Gingll.ims
Don't fail to be here Saturday. Come even though you
don(t wanta thing. You'll enjoy the crowds. Arrange to ? , Reo- 12 I-2C
meet your friends. You are all welcome- Scham b^ays yd
35 and 50c childrens straw hats 21c. 20c Mexican straw hats 10c. S''^ l?l ^ni^h
Ladies 50c sailors39c. Ladies 35c sailors 21c. 75c childrens straw gl-Ong Llo*? yd
hats 39c. 3 pieces Blue linen 50c qnality 37Jc. 5 pi eces allover lace
40c quality at 18c yard, Regular 10c white goods 7ic yard. 10 and 3
12ic standard bleach 8Jc yard 10 yard limit. | Lawn
von to be sure and see what
}jf? |the children's department
?Ladies Shoes and Oxfords.
$1.50 values at 98c. $2.00
^pron Ginghams*) IO I f1^" ?-H.ues.ai yoe. V*
1|$ i.69. $3. 00 values $1.98.
Shoes and Oxfords for Men]
$1.50 . values for $1.19.1'
$2.00 values $1.69., $3.001 $1^50 Whi e
Socks ga
Reg. 65c
Overalls 39c
i Lot $3.50.
Silk Waist,
Woman and the Home.
Nothing so helps a woman
through the long weary days of
workas the knowledge that what
she does is appreciated by those she
loves and for whom she toils. Think
of this, husbands and fathers, and
remember that a kind word is al
ways in season. If, on some morning,
the coffee is a shade too brown to
. suit your taste do not scold about it;
and, on every other morning when
it is delicious, say sb. Try this way,
and you will find your coffee, and
\ everything else, to your taste much
oftener; and-besides, you will give
the ones you ought to love best the
sweetest consciousness that they are
doing the work well, and giving
satisfaction to the one, of all others;
they.most desire to please-thus in
spiring them with renewed energy
to strive for the merited reward of
kind, appreciative words. And BO
shall an atmosphsre of peace and
sweet home happiness come to pre
vade the whole house, born and
nurtured into beautiful, fragrant
blossoming by your own kind words
and deeds. Let us all remember, too,
that the higher and happier our home
life, the jmore wisely and better we
may hope to do the work that lies
waiting for us beyond it. A pleas
ant place to come home to" is the
greatest energizer a man can have.
Then let as strive with an earnest
.?nd constant purpose to make and
keep the home cheerful, inviting
ano pleasant.-Leesville News. -
,. Our stock of undertaker's supplies
is always complete. Can supply
cheap and medium price coffins or
raetalic cases. Our hearse responds
promptly to all calls, night or day.
Edgefield Mercantile Co.
James A. Dobey,
Johnston, S. C.
Office over News-?*jnitor Officei
Cotton Seed Meal and
I take this means of notifying
my friends and the public that I
keep a large supply of fresh Cotton
ton Seed Meal and Hulls constantly
on hand and can fill their ord**"* at
reasonable prices. Warehouse near
site of old depot. Your patronage
A. M. Timmermar.
^?r*Office over Post-Office.
Appointments at Trenton
on Wednesdays.
Crown and Bridge Work a Special
Walter C. Maller,
Dental Surgeon,
731 Green St., Augusta, Ga.
Thone 87.
I represent a
strong line of Fire In
surance Companies
and can insure your
Your patronage will
be appreciated.
H. A. Smith.
We invite thc spring shoppers to call and inspect our new
arrivals in
Spring Goods.
All of the newest fabrics and weaves in Dress Goods, and ma
terials suitable for waists. We have not space to describe these
goods in detail but come to see them.
Large stock of Lacas, Embroideries, Ribbons etc.
Full assortment of notions including many late novelties.
Large stock of Ladies' and Misses' oxfords, also full line of
shoes and oxfords for men and boys. Our goods combine style and
durability at moderate paices.
We invite the men and boys to call and inspect our larpro stock of
clothing and hats in the latest styles. Our prices aiv right.
Fertilizers For 1909
The Edgei?eld Mercantile Company tak^s thi
opportunity of thanking the public for the "ibera
patronage received in the past, and offers again to
sell the best fertilizers manufactured for this market.
Germof?rt Fertilizers
Armour's Fertilzers
Royster's Fertilizers
Georgia Chemical Fertilizers
Bowkers's Fertilizers
Navasa Fertilzers
MacMurphy's Fertilizers
Kainit, Cotton Seed Meal, Nitrate of Soda? Top
Dressing, or C?arealites Muriate of Potash, and
and Lee's Agricultural Linio.
For prices call on Mr. R. C 5adgett at his office
Edgefield', S. C. j
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